
Seeker`anyone around?03:12
Seeker`take a look at -ot 30 mins ago03:12
bazhangnot in there03:13
Seeker`04:45 ish03:15
Seeker`o4o or not?03:16
bazhangsneaky-jesus was pushing it in #ubuntu as well03:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Evet said: ubottu: why does is always rain on me?04:29
bazhangfound a factoid link that has something about 'release colony 3' (!irda)04:31
bazhangglad my spanish is not good04:42
jussi01Remider Everyone! IRCC meeting in ~50mins in #ubuntu-meeting! | Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda | Issues Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal07:13
jussi01!ops | IRCC meeting in 5 mins, in #ubuntu-meeting07:55
ubottuIRCC meeting in 5 mins, in #ubuntu-meeting: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:55
ubottujussi01 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (IRCC meeting in 5 mins, in #ubuntu-meeting)07:55
naliothfilthy spammer  :P07:56
Flanneloh shucks, I missed it.08:42
Piciits still happening08:42
naliothFlannel: mised what?08:42
bazhangstill going on08:42
FlannelPici: How far along are we? worth taking a peek? or should I just catch up with logs later?08:42
naliothFlannel: stay out!  :D08:43
Flannelnalioth: sowwy!08:43
naliothFlannel: we've just started, come on if you're coming08:44
elkywhat the heck is -ot talking about?09:30
ikoniathey seemed very responsive, so no problem09:33
topylidrderek likes to talk about salvia when he's run out of actually illegal drugs09:39
topyliikonia: also, hateball never responded to my query09:39
FlannelHe also likes to talk for the sake of hearing himself talk, for that matter.09:40
elkyhe also likes quoting objectionable lyrics, then saying 'i'm just quoting lyrics' when frowned at.09:48
Flannelquoting lyrics magically makes it better?09:49
elkyFlannel, the age old 'pop culture' excuse09:51
elkythe one that comes out regarding "$thing nazi". apparently seinfeld made that ok with "soup nazi"09:52
topylisalvia discussion is back09:58
topyliapparently it's now even more awesome since some state is actually calling it a drugt09:59
bazhanglobf seems really familiar ; comes in channel with hey <expletive> and then just continues on.09:59
bazhangnow asking in PM what my issue is10:00
bazhang<expletive> is a friendly greeting where he comes from10:00
topyliask him to cosider where he's coming *to* instead of where he comes *from*. valuable advice in real life as well :)10:03
bazhangtopyli, true :)10:03
bazhang<lobf> honestly, i thought there would be something interesting to draw from the open-source software crowd for my LSD trip10:03
topylioh dear10:04
jussi01!logs | Seeker`11:20
ubottuSeeker`: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:20
ubottuIn ubottu, juan_ said: bot is robot or what? my lenguage is spanish13:32
ubottuIn ubottu, juan_ said: but for me is kde and is good only a linux totally in kde or in Gnome organization or boths13:33
Mamarokgah, he wanted to be PMd earlier in #k13:35
ubottuoldude67 called the ops in #ubuntu (HACKER10011)13:37
oldude67hey there is a hacker in #ubuntu and hes flooding the channel and is offtopic help13:38
bazhangaaron11 aaronvarghese 'remote me' pest guy13:40
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
bazhang!idle | Bacta15:31
ubottuBacta: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.15:31
Mamarokgah, he does it again and again15:32
geniiInteresting. Topic of channel #apt : [Topic for #apt is "ubuntu sucks | http://wiki.linuxmerida.org"]    Which is in Spanish but seems to be Debian ppl that have it in for us. Is this an offical channel?18:41
topylii doubt debian would endorse that18:48
topylithe wiki is empty18:54
topylithere is the front page saying "here we collect simple tips and howtos about debian" or something like that, but there is nothing18:55
topyligenii: btw what is the status of #debian itself on freenode to begin with? shouldn't their official channels be on oftc anyway?19:00
geniitopyli: I'm not sure. I don't hang out much in #freenode or #freenode-irc or whatever channels might be enlightening19:01
topylisame problem19:02
jussi01Its not in our namespace, so as a first reaction, not much we can do. let me chek tho19:03
FlannelYeah, debian's officially on oftc last I heard.19:24
nalioth"officially" but not much in "reality"19:58
jussi01nalioth: am I correct in my statement before?20:01
ubottumac_v called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:05
jussi01Flannel: quick fingers today...20:07
naliothnot in our namespace20:07
ubottuIn ubottu, rage2people said: crunchbang is a Ubuntu derrivate using openbox as his standard window manager20:08
ubottuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:13
erUSULsomeone in #ubuntu said the first link is broken22:14
erUSULand indeed it is22:14
ikoniaoh dear so it is22:14
ikoniaI'll sort it22:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:14
ubottuIn ubottu, ikonia said: !memory is some helpful links on memory mangagment include http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:18
ikoniaughhh stupid bot permissions22:18
ikoniaerUSUL: thank you I'll update that as soon as I grab someone to fix the permissions for me22:18
Flannel!no, memory is <reply> Some helpful links on memory mangagment include http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:18
ubottuI'll remember that Flannel22:18
erUSULno problem ;)22:18
ubottuSome helpful links on memory mangagment include http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:19
ikoniathank you22:19
ikoniaerUSUL: I'll read through the links you've suggested too22:19
erUSULor this http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=17541922:19
ikoniaI'll have a poke for something ubuntu specific too22:19
erUSULit is the source of one of the first i posted22:19
ikoniamost of them seem quite valid/worthwhile22:25
erUSULikonia: most people would be satisfied with the "It is used for disk cache or/and free ram is wasted ram"22:26
ikoniaerUSUL: yes, but it's nice to provide a little more meat on the bones22:26
erUSULikonia: ok ;P22:28
ikoniaerUSUL: good links though, thank you22:28
erUSULno problem just a few seconds googling :)22:28
ikoniaseem pretty solid as I'm reading through them,22:29
Flannelmagical_walrus: How can we help you today?22:49
magical_walrusI just wanted to go to #ubuntu22:49
magical_walrusWhy am I forwarded here?22:49
Flannelyou have inappropriate messages in your quit/part message.22:50
Flanneler, quit, I suppose.22:50
magical_walrusThat must have been from when I was on a different client22:51
magical_walrusI had a joke in my quit message22:51
FlannelNo, that's not a joke.22:51
magical_walrusI'm sorry?22:51
FlannelYour quit message contained nothing that would classify as a joke.22:52
magical_walrusIt was "Get Colloquy! http://mobile.colloquy.com.on.nimp.org"22:53
naliothmagical_walrus: please don't do that22:53
magical_walrusI didn't know that wasn't tolerable22:53
magical_walrusI'll change it22:53
naliothmagical_walrus: DOS attacks are a federal felony in the USA22:53
naliothyou think federal felonies are 'funny' ?22:53
magical_walrusHow is that a DOS attack?22:54
magical_walrusIt's a shock site..22:54
naliothmagical_walrus: it denies users the services of their computer22:54
magical_walrusI didn't know that.22:54
magical_walrusWell, I mean, I didn't know it qualified as a DOS attack.22:55
magical_walrusI apologize.22:55
FlannelRegardless of what you classify that as, how do you even fathom that inappropriate content, including racism and a whole slew of other things would be tolerable?22:56
topylihmm i just checked it out. it's no joke that's for sure22:56
magical_walrusWell, I didn't know my client would use the quit message globally, instead of just the IRC it set it for.22:57
magical_walrusI go on a different IRC and it was something we found funny, and everyone knew not to click it. I didn't realize it would do that when I went on this IRC.22:57
topylioh so you think there are irc services that do appreciate that?22:58
naliothnot everyone "knows not to click it"22:58
magical_walrusAt least one, yes. I'm trying to apologize, you must understand that I meant to keep that on the other IRC I go on.22:58
magical_walrusI changed my quit message to " ". May I have access to #ubuntu please?23:05
Flannelmagical_walrus: You understand why we have a problem with the previous one, right?23:07
FlannelAlright, before I do, please take a gander at our IRC Guidelines, and the Code of Conduct, just so we won't have any run-ins in the future: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct23:08
magical_walrusOk, I've reviewed both.23:14
Flannelany questions about them?23:14
FlannelAlright.  I've removed the bans, have a nice day.23:15
magical_walrusThank you.23:15
FlannelPhuckYiu, eh?23:45

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