
mhall119|workI have questions about tasksel, can anyone here help?18:56
alkisg!ask | mhall119|work19:06
ubottumhall119|work: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:06
mhall119|worksorry, didn't want to write a long post about what I need if nobody knew anything about it19:08
mhall119|workI'm working on making a Qimo alternate cd19:09
mhall119|workI see that the Xubuntu alt cd preseed is tasksel-ing xubuntu-desktop19:09
mhall119|workI want to make a qimo-desktop task so I can do the same19:09
mhall119|workwhat is involved in doig that19:09
mhall119|workI saw that all the xubuntu-desktop packages have "Task: xubuntu-desktop" in their control file, is that all that's necessary?19:10
alkisgUntil someone that knows about tasks answers, you could have a look at /usr/share/tasksel/ubuntu-tasks.desc. I think that making such a task desciption file would be easier than adding the tasks to the packages...19:18
mhall119|workyeah, I saw that19:21
mhall119|worknot sure if the alt cd installer uses that list or not19:21
mhall119|workI didn't see it in the alt-cd filesystem anyway19:22
mhall119|workmaybe it's in initrd somewhere though19:22
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