
neversfeldeScottK: sorry, I couldn't ping you yesterday because of that backport request00:03
ScottKNo problem.  What bug was it?00:03
neversfeldeScottK: something about kontrolpack, I wrote it for Harald. one moment00:05
neversfeldeScottK: it was bug 40996600:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409966 in jaunty-backports "please backport kontrolpack 2.0.2-0ubuntu1 from karmic to jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40996600:07
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ScottKneversfelde: Acked.00:08
neversfeldeScottK: thank you00:09
ScottKNo problem.00:09
claydohIs it possible to build a kde3-based package (kmymoney2) and have the documentation/help be visible in the kde help center?00:24
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* seele is back!02:14
seele(have been for about an hour.. but had to hear about the crazy bachelor party)02:14
seeleapparently his friend made and got into some trouble02:15
macoi suspected most soon-to-be-wives wouldnt want to hear about their soon-to-be-husband's bachelor party02:15
seeleunfortunately he was also the driver so they had to keep tabs on him02:15
seeleah, i dunno.. he had a good time except for babysitting his friend02:15
seeleugh.. need dinner.. back again later02:16
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EagleScreenI think the touchpad is extremely sensitive in Kubuntu, sometimes it interpretes a mouse click when I want to drag the pointer, in Ubuntu (Gnome) this does not happen. Do you think this is good for papercut?03:57
ScottKNot particularly.03:59
EagleScreenthen any solution to control/configure this in Kubuntu?03:59
ScottKIsn't there a KControl for that?04:01
EagleScreeni think not04:02
EagleScreenat leats i haven't find it04:02
EagleScreenat least, I haven't found it04:03
ScottKNope.  Just acceleration and stuff.  Not touch sensitivity.04:09
EagleScreeni am going to try with gsynaptics04:11
macoer i doubt gsynaptics will work04:22
macoi heard recently that shmconfig was gone04:22
_SimeI'm about to go on vacation guys.. (2.5 weeks).05:51
ScottK_Sime: Enjoy.05:53
_Simegotta go05:55
micmordhow can I put karmic-netbook.iso on a usb key? usb-creator hangs hal.10:08
Riddellmicmord: use usb creator from jaunty or wait for the karmic one to be fixed10:10
micmordusb-creator on karmic is a mess10:14
davmor2micmord: try imagewriter10:25
davmor2micmord: it might suffer from the same issue but hopefully not10:25
davmor2micmord: sorry it only covers .img files10:27
a|wen-dtumicmord, there is a wiki article about it with a link to a shell-script iso-stick.sh that has worked well for me until now (though it needs a small fix to work in jaunty)10:52
micmordallee-k: found it, thanks https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:56
micmorda|wen-dtu: sorry, bad typo10:57
a|wen-dtumicmord, exactly that one10:58
* micmord trying UNetbootin11:03
* micmord trying karmic-netbook-i386.iso :-)11:13
Riddellmicmord: let me know if it boots up11:21
Riddellhi smarter11:21
micmordRiddell: it works11:21
micmordRiddell: but it's seems a regular kubuntu :-P11:22
smarterwith smaller fonts :p11:23
smarterif you want real different stuff, try plasma-netbook11:23
* micmord trying it on a asus eeepc 90111:23
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dpmRiddell: hi, I'm trying to use an additional bug tag for all translation bugs in Kubuntu. Is there an already defined one I could reuse? 'kubuntu-bug', 'kubuntu' or something similar?13:44
Riddelldpm: I don't think we have one currently14:17
Riddellagateau: do we have an irc talk to do today?14:20
agateauRiddell: ?14:20
Riddellagateau: no it's ages away, for some reason I thought it was today14:23
agateauRiddell: oh you were thinking about UDW?14:23
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allee-kRiddell: will there ever be 8.04.3 kubuntu isos?14:32
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Trouble-Does the weather wallpaper in KDE 4.3 work for anyone? It simply doesn't do anything other than display the default Air wallpaper for me on two different network connected machines. The Weather Forecast and LCD Weather Station widgets work fine.15:07
a|wen-dtuallee-k: i'm pretty sure, no ... as kubuntu 8.04 goes EOL this october15:09
seeleRiddell: you know after all that, i went and invited you as a friend on opendesktop and you STILL havent accepted me!15:17
Riddellseele: well, that would take effort :)15:43
seelei see how it is15:44
* seele cries15:44
bmungerwonder when akregator will get fixed15:47
macobmunger: does your kaddressbook work?16:05
macoyour akregator's broken, but mine works. my kaddressbook lost my entire address book last week.16:05
maco(all 3 of 'em!)16:06
bmungerit appears to work, i dont use it though16:07
bmungeri dont understand how akregator can work for others if it is broken on two different machines running up to date karmic16:07
ScottKTry creating a new user and see if it works for that user.16:17
Riddellseele: we're friends!16:17
macohmm i wonder if ext4 is why my addressbook got lost...16:40
valgaav@maco : depends on the kernel version ... with 2.6.30  ext4 is very stable for me, but with 2.6.28 is had issues.17:02
macovalgaav: im on 2.6.3117:10
macoand i know its supposed to be stable, but its the only reason i can think of for akonadi to lose my address books17:11
valgaavdunno then, no such problems on 2.6.30 for me , but maybe there is some regresion in 2.6.3117:12
ghostcubehmm is there any decision about the lm sensors merge with debian unstable ?17:34
ghostcubei cant find the merged deb files17:34
Riddellwhat's the question?17:36
Riddellrgreening: did you see kwwii did the usb-creator icon?17:37
rgreeningI saw a commit to the package but haven't seen the icon yet17:37
rgreeningRiddell: looks cool17:40
rgreeningjust update my branch17:40
rgreeningI just updated... I mean17:40
RiddellScottK: do you know iaf kubuntu-netbook is built from universe?18:55
ScottKRiddell: It's not currently.18:55
ScottKRiddell: I don't think plasma-netbook works well enough to go on the ISO yet anyway.18:55
djsiegel2seele: ping18:55
djsiegel2seele: can I milestone any paperkuts?18:56
seeledjsiegel2: anything in progress or better18:56
djsiegel2I am writing some blog posts and would be happy to mention some kubuntu ones18:56
seelei think there were a few we released fixes for18:56
seelemaco did a lot of work for the abort label one18:56
djsiegel2is that one r4?18:57
macobug 399155 maybe?18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399155 in kdebase "Non-Konqueror browser in KDE results in bouncing icons for both browsers" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39915518:57
macook that was one of 'em18:57
Riddellryanakca__: have you seen the "Kubuntu upgrade process " thread on kubuntu-devel?  could you do what it asks?18:58
macoi forget the abort bug #18:58
ryanakca__Riddell: in regards to the GPG keys? That's what I'm doing ATM...18:58
ryanakca__Riddell: see http://www.kubuntu.org/faq/PPA-keys19:00
ryanakca__I'll update the articles with the two commands and a link to that page for people who would rather do it graphically.19:00
ryanakca__Riddell: or should I add both the CLI and the graphical options to the page and just link to it from the articles?19:01
djsiegel2seele: http://edge.launchpad.net/~papercutters please join19:12
djsiegel2seele: once you join, you should be able to milestone papercuts19:16
djsiegel2please arrange them as you see fit19:16
seeledjsiegel2: need approved19:24
macoseele: he delegated someone to approve you19:31
seelemaco: i see i'm approved now, cool19:31
seeleis Artemis_Fowl fixing kgrubeditor for karmic?19:33
seelestill not sure how to set milestone19:35
macoseele: clcik the down arrow to the left of where it says it affects HundredPaperCuts then there should be Status/Importance/Milestone drop downs19:39
seelemaco: ah hah.. thanks19:41
macoi think 5 just ended last week19:42
macodj's blogging about those and the "here's what 6 will be" since they get more attention AFTER he blogs that theyve missed their milestone date19:42
macothe hope being if he blogs before the milestone date, they get done on time19:43
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davmor2ScottK: I'll be playing with UNR and KNR tomorrow mostly anything special to keep an eye out for?19:59
ScottKdavmor2: wubi didn't work at all for Alpha 3.  That should be fixed and needs testing.20:00
ScottKdavmor2: Also OEM mode never got tested for Alpha 3, so that's worth a close look.20:00
macodavmor2: knE!20:02
ScottKmaco: Yes.  Good point.20:02
davmor2ScottK: Meh I'm loathed to spend the 3 1/2 hours installing windows and then another 6hours updating it just to try wubi :)  But hey I might try a usb install of clonezilla after to save that hassle again20:04
ScottKdavmor2: Someone needs to test it and my Windows install died in Alpha 3 testing.20:05
davmor2maco: What, what? You've decide on a final name for it then20:05
ScottKdavmor2: That's been the name all along.20:05
macoits always been edition, not remix20:05
ScottKSome people just assume that because Ubuntu can't manage to get all their stuff into the archive for a first release, Kubuntu won't either.20:05
ScottKAdmittedly our job is much easier for coming after them.20:06
macohaha a fedora user was trying to help an ubuntu user switch from ubuntu to kubuntu but didnt know about metapackages so went to #fedora and asked what the ubuntu version of "yum groupinstall" is20:23
slacker_nlagainst which component should I log logout/shutdown/reboot issues?20:27
macothey said no ubuntu questions allowed and helper said #ubuntu was being unhelpful20:27
macoim guessing most people in #ubuntu dont know yum well enough to know groupinstall20:27
ghostcubeyum yum -_-20:28
slacker_nltbh, i never played with yum..20:28
maconixternal_: why is #ubuntu-us-il empty? i was about to point the new ubu->kubu conver there20:33
ghostcubeanyone knows about this here and if there are already compiled packages available cause the ppa hasent them anymore https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors-3/+bug/38903120:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389031 in lm-sensors-3 "Please merge lm-sensors-3_3.1.0-2 (main) from debian/unstable (dup-of: 336418)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336418 in lm-sensors-3 "please merge lm-sensors 3.1.1-2 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:33
macoi only know groupinstall because i did system engineering last year on centos stuff20:33
ScottKmaco: I'd send them to #kubuntu.  They are generally helpful there.20:38
macoyeah i told him that for future reference, but im helping him pm right now20:38
macokubuntu packages are almost done downloading20:38
macoi thought telling him about the IRL loco might be good too though20:39
nixternal_maco: it is supposed to forward them to #ubuntu-chicago20:44
maconixternal_: yeah apparently its  not -us-il, its -illinois20:45
ScottKSo apparently not all roads lead to Chicago.20:51
nixternal_guess not20:51
nixternal_damn that route 6620:51
slacker_nlno one can tell me which kde component is responsible for the login/logout/shutdown options?20:52
ScottKslacker_nl: What's the issue (it kind of depends)?20:56
slacker_nlScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/410466 < want to create this bug upstream as well20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410466 in ubuntu "[karmic] Unable to logout/reboot/shutdown from within KDE" [Undecided,New]20:56
ScottKslacker_nl: OK.  Gave it my best shot.20:58
slacker_nlfound out the component based on the kde bugtracker21:01
slacker_nlas a normal user I cannot create a link against kde bug tracker or can i?21:02
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macoslacker_nl: sure. click "also affects project" ... i think...21:07
macothen give it the link to bugs.kde.org21:07
slacker_nlit then asks for a project21:09
slacker_nlbut it now has something at bug watcher, with a link and I placed a comment with a link to kde21:09
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larsiviis there something kde in karmic that is able to connect to wireless?21:35
macoi think most of us are using /etc/network/interfaces21:36
ghostcubeyeah cause network manager isnt really the best :D21:37
macosince the plasmoid nm thingy was fail on wpa2 in jaunty and is equally fail on wpa and wep in karmic21:37
larsivithe plasmoid worked great for wpa2 for me in jaunty21:38
valgaavwicd is another option , non kdeish though21:39
larsiviknetworkmanager doesn't do anything useful upon clicking the ssid, but I wonder if I got the kd3 version (?)21:40
ScottKlarsivi: KDE3 one is broken too.21:44
* ScottK uses ifup/ifdown.21:44
* Lure is not happy with firefox 3.5 again pulling in half of gnome ;-(22:13
UnksiLure: use --no-install-recommends when installing it22:14
LureUnksi: I did, but it is not what I want to do22:14
LureUnksi: for firefox 3.0 this was fixed (I think ubufox depended on gnome)22:14
LureScottK: remind me: is it possible to grab source package that is stuck in debian NEW queue?22:29
* Lure does not find it now...22:30
a|wenLure: nope22:36
Lurea|wen: :-(22:46
Lurefabo: do you have http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/akonadi-googledata_1.0-1.html somewhere, so that I can test it in Ubuntu?22:46
RiddellI had a request to package Dooble if anyone wants to take it on, bug 39857523:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398575 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Dooble Web Browser" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39857523:24

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