
mrcognitive_sevis , when you have the chance before leaving . i would like to ask one last question , please ?00:00
alidSevis: It doesn't have any configs with respect to volume for me.00:00
SevisMrcognitive_: I may not be going for another hour or two - feel free to ask whenever :)00:01
mrcognitive_sweet !00:01
SevisAlid: Scroll down ;)00:01
SevisAlid: Hmm... Dunno, actually. Let me see a little more.00:02
mrcognitive_i think this question maybe very simple . i have currently found wireshark in my programs and added it . i think i am using a wifi considering i am connected to linksys and all .when i try to do a capture of packets it asks for a specific capture comand but when i go to the capture comands there are no options .00:03
alidSevis: Aha! I found it in in System Settings > Keyboard and Mouse > Global Keyboard Shortcuts.00:03
SevisAlid: Aha, hopes that fixes it :)00:04
SevisMrcognitive: I've never used wireshark, nor ever tried to capture packets.00:04
alidSevis: Yeah, exactly! I changed the shortcuts to Master, and it fixed all the problems! Thank you very much! :-*00:05
mrcognitive_same here , i am trying out all the programs to get a better feel for this new OS . just wanted to know what it could do00:05
SevisErm... It could capture packets.00:07
SevisBasically, when you contact the internet, you send packets of information. That program seems to be used to get those packets and display them.00:08
SevisThere's quite many uses, but most are pretty malicious.00:09
SevisCan't say much more, really - only ones I can come up with on the spot are bugtracking and password stealing.00:12
mrcognitive_no , no , no . i am not trying to do anything that hasty00:12
SevisPersonally, unless I had a strong need for it, I wouldn't delve into all that stuff.00:13
mrcognitive_alright , at the moment i have like no internet security . i have done research and have come across that ubuntu needs no firewalls do to the fact of how it operates00:14
SevisNo-no, that's very wrong.00:15
oobeyay kde 4.3 is out and it installed real easy with no bugs and no hitches00:15
mrcognitive_really ?00:15
Fanfaremrcognitive_: linux is just like any other OS . it needs a human that thinks about security...00:15
SevisUbuntu needs no anti-virus, due to the lack of risk of infection.00:16
SevisHowever, staying without a firewall may not be a great idea. Are you behind a router?00:16
mrcognitive_not on this computer , i use it for school and ect00:16
SevisA router generally has a built-in firewall.00:17
humhaOla moçada hello everyon00:17
SevisSorry, no, that's sorta wrong - but, in any case, a router will make a firewall (mostly) unnecessary.00:18
mrcognitive_well , ubuntu has firestarter i know but is it any good . and how come some tech dude told me having a firewall with this system was pointless ?00:18
SevisHullo, Humha00:19
SevisMrcognitive_, there are some risks of absolutely no firewall. Less than with a Windows machine, but in the end, ddos is ddos.00:19
mrcognitive_sevis , you how windows has certain commands such as ipconfig ...ect...ect why do they not work in ubuntu ?00:20
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SevisMrcognitive_, because Ubuntu is a principally different system.00:21
mrcognitive_i am trying access my list of drives but i can not figure out how to do so00:21
SevisErrr... List of drives. Very good question.00:21
SevisOne second, checking if I remember correctly.00:21
humhaAlgum usuario no Portugues,00:21
Fanfaremrcognitive_: its ifconfig in linux00:21
Sevismrcognitive_: 'sudo fdisk -l'00:22
mrcognitive_thanks , fanfare00:22
richie_Hi, can anyone tell me how to remove things from the Dolphin "Open With >" contextual menu? Thank you!00:22
SevisAnd yes, it is indeed ifconfig, but it's not quite the same.00:22
mrcognitive_thanks sevis00:22
humhaNão estou conseguindo rodaar filmes em dvd. Que faço?00:24
SevisHumha, I'm pretty sure this channel is English-only. Please ask questions in English.00:25
Fanfarerichie_: u mean the list of apps to open a file with?00:25
mrcognitive_sevis , is warcraft capable of running on , ubuntu ?00:26
humhaOk. Thank you.00:26
Sevismrcognitive_: Which Warcraft?00:26
mrcognitive_3 and wow ?00:26
richie_I do, fanfare, yeah. I installed some stuff through wine, and now it keeps wanting to open my Python scripts with notepad... No thanks!00:27
Fanfaremrcognitive_: i used to run WOW via wine months ago...00:27
SevisOne second.00:27
richie_mrcognitive_: I still run WoW now - and get much better FPS on Ubuntu00:27
SevisWarcraft 3: TFT is gold.00:27
mrcognitive_<<<<< noob with computers , sevis .00:28
Fanfarerichie_: hm, rightklick file select propertys, click on the tiny icon right to Typ:00:28
SevisSo is WoW.00:28
SevisMrcognitive_: You need to 'sudo apt-get install wine', then run winecfg, then you have a chance of getting it to run.00:29
richie_Fanfare, I could kiss you.  But I won't coz I smell. Thank you!00:29
mrcognitive_i have wine already installed , thats why i asked you the question about imvu before00:29
pascal_hey :)00:30
SevisNever heard of IMVU, sorry. I think WoWWiki has a tutorial for installing WoW on Wine.00:30
SevisGreets, Pascal_00:30
pascal_http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers  < which of this cards would you recommend ? :)00:30
pascal_usb or pcmcia :D00:31
mrcognitive_sevis for wine , what resolution are you using ?00:32
Sevismrcognitive_: I'm not running WoW under wine at the moment. At the moment, my old motherboard died, so I'm on my netbook.00:33
Sevis(and never ran under wine, always used XP for it)00:33
mrcognitive_my problem with wine is that when i am using a game that is mainly windows based , it does not show the picture00:33
Sevispascal_ looking00:33
richie_mrcognitive_: IIRC the best way to install WoW is either from CD/Setup file (use wine setup.exe or whatever) or if you can access your windows partition, you can just use 'wine WoW.exe' or 'wine launcher.exe' i think it is00:33
mrcognitive_see , i had xp home but i reset my cpu and lost it so i switched to ubuntu00:34
richie_not a problem, mrcognitive_, you can install and patch exactly like you did on windows! if you put the CD in, it might even autorun the same as XP!00:35
mrcognitive_you mean the factory disk ?00:35
Sevismrcognitive_: Wouldn't advise confusing CPU and computer. What you reset was your hard drive :)00:36
richie_OK, next question... I love Kate (the text editor, obviously) but she annoys me by opening every file in a new session! How do I make it so that files I double click appear in my already existing Kat session?00:36
mrcognitive_yeah .... i tried to eliminate some un needed programs and bombed the whole computer clean00:37
richie_Yeah, the factory disk - all 5 or one DVD00:37
mrcognitive_dont have it ..... is it possible to download my home version without it ?00:38
SevisRichie_: Kate -> Configure Kate -> Sessions -> Behaviour on Application Startup -> Load Last-used session?00:38
mrcognitive_when i bought the cpu while back everything was as is00:38
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richie_Nope, still opens a new session :(00:39
SevisSorry, Richie_, can't really help you then.00:40
richie_No probs, Sevis, I'm trawling the documentation. I've just had an idea...00:41
SevisAh, wait a sec, just realised.00:41
SevisOpen with the -u option00:41
SevisRight click -> Open with -> Other -> 'kate -u' -> remember settings.00:42
richie_Nice one, thank you! We're halfway there now, though, since it opens in the same window, but pops up an error message "KDEInit could not launch /usr/bin/kate"00:45
SevisWorks fine for me from terminal O.o Test that?00:47
richie_Yup, works fine from the terminal for me, too - it's just through Dolphin (Man, I hate dolphin. First moving stuff to trash takes a week and/or fails, now this!)00:50
amason_richie_: moving to trash in 4.3 is quick00:50
amason_richie_: also you don't have to use dolphin00:51
amason_you can still use konq00:51
SevisRichie_: Check the run in terminal thing?00:51
richie_Sevis: I checked, works fine from there00:51
SevisRechie_: I mean in the Run As -> Other check the "run in terminal" option?00:52
richie_amason_: How can I check what version KDE version I'm on?00:52
SevisRichie: 'kde4-config -v'00:53
richie_When I try run in terminal and go to open the second file, I get "KDEInit could not launch konsole"! 0.o indeed...00:55
SevisAre you sure you've not got some very serious issues with KDEInit?00:55
richie_I'm on KDE 4.2.2... can I apt-get an upgrade and see if that fixes all of my dolphin related issues?00:56
richie_And I might have, how do you fix KDEInit?00:56
SevisNo idea.00:57
amason_richie_: sounds like something has hosed on your system.00:58
richie_Ha haa! No worries, Sevis, I appreciate your help anyway!00:58
SevisIndeed. Richie_, you're very welcome, but I advise you do a very full checkup.00:58
richie_Ok... let's play a little game. What would you do if you were me?00:58
SevisThings with init failing, even just KDEInit, generally end bad.00:59
SevisErm. First of all, I'd probably reboot.00:59
richie_See, even reboot doesn't work sometimes...00:59
amason_Sevis: can just drop back run levels00:59
SevisIf that succeeds, you at least know you can reboot.00:59
SevisIf it doesn't, it generally yells the problem in your face.01:00
richie_it hangs after I click the "Restart" button01:00
Sevis(and then fails to the end)01:00
SevisErm.... Richie_, I suggest you move away to a more terminal-based style.01:00
SevisDoes 'sudo reboot' work?01:00
richie_Yeah, I've gotton very lazy with all the flashy stuff in KDE :)01:01
richie_I'll try a sudo reboot and report back in a little while01:01
richie_Bye bye01:01
_gtt_i usually used "sudo shutdown -r now"01:01
SevisHave you got a second station to come online from?01:01
Sevis_gtt_, I'm a very lazy person ;)01:02
_gtt_"sudo shutdown -P now" for power01:02
richie_I have an XP laptop with no IRC... That can be fixed I suppose - will try that during the reboot01:02
_gtt_i really love X11 forwarding... so I'd just use my windows box to open konversation.01:04
SevisHopefully, it'll all work...01:04
SevisHehe, _gtt_, we're talking about if his box dies.01:04
iamhermanis it worth all the effort to get mIRC for Ubuntu?01:04
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SevisIamherman: No... Probably not.01:05
wangyuanhow can I reboot my GUI?01:05
SevisIf that fails, first 'sudo dontzap -e'01:06
Sevissorry, -d01:06
iamhermanbut I'm using Konversation (and I just deleted xChat) and neither is very good. ... for example, If I /list channels I can't cancel it so I'm forced to wait forever or close the program.. hoping mIRC is more user friendly01:07
richieOK, so... given that i just shutdown 3 times quicker that when I use KDE buttons, my KDEInit seems to be borked, and all the other weird stuff that keeps happening I have come to a conclusion01:08
richieKDE hates me and I should go back to blackbox01:09
oemrichie i proof blackbox and i prefer fluxbox01:10
SevisYou can generally reinstall a linux system keeping it on :) I remember when I accidentally did 'sudo apt-get purge linux* -y'...01:10
oembut, is difficult put all as kde01:10
SevisYou could reinstall KDE. Can't really think of a more subtle way to fix  this. Google first.01:10
richieSuppose I get a nice new version that way, yoo01:10
amason_you can just remove the kde packages01:11
oemhow is possible install kde 3 on kde 401:11
amason_oem: what do you mean kde3 on kde4 ?01:11
SevisYou need a special repositry.01:11
iamhermancan someone ping me01:11
Sevisiamherman... Why? O.o01:11
oemi install intrepid, but i want put kde301:11
SevisYou're automatically pinging the IRC server.01:12
SevisOEM, there's a repositry set up somewhere.01:12
oemwell, i seek it, thanks01:12
richiesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall01:15
richieanyone want to recommend i don't do that?01:15
SevisI recommend you get out of X before you do that.01:16
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richie_2that would be a good start...01:17
SevisOh, and personally, I'd halt kdm, too.01:17
Sevisthat's 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop'01:18
richie_2OK, done and done01:19
SevisWell... Go ahead?01:19
richie_2Reading between the lines I can't help but sense you might think this is a silly idea...01:20
SevisNot really.01:20
SevisIt's a brutal idea.01:21
SevisBut it's unlikely to kill (all of) your data, perhaps it'll reset your wallpaper and view settings, but not much more.01:21
richie_2Meh, so be it. Is it going to wipe ~01:22
SevisNo, shouldn't.01:22
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richie_2Then I'll not cry01:22
SevisPersonally, I keep all my data on a separate disk, then use binds to get them into ~/01:23
richie_2binds? like ln -s?01:23
SevisNo, in fstab01:24
richie_2Ah, ok01:24
richie_2That's clever!01:25
SevisHehe, thanks. It's a little more transparent than links.01:26
richie_2now, if i do this reinstall will i get the same version? or should i --purge remove then install?01:28
oemwhat's is  the dsl navigator01:28
SevisErrr... Could be a config error.01:29
SevisIf you don't midn losing your config, go ahead and purge.01:29
SevisOem - no idea, sorry.01:29
richie_2Cool, lets see how this goes...01:29
* Sevis gives a nervous chuckle.01:30
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richie_2yeah, so i dont think it was kubuntu-desktop i should have purged; 49.2kB disk space freed01:32
SevisErrr... One second.01:32
richie_2that's going next01:33
richie_2this is fun01:33
richie_2it's like spring cleaning01:33
SevisErm, Richie_2, I know that purging one thing after another is good.01:34
SevisNo, Oem, kde3-desktop is obsolete01:34
SevisBut please don't do things like 'sudo apt-get purge kde* -y'01:34
SevisActually, that would pretty much clear off what's left of kde...01:34
richie_2you do realise that's like saying please don't walk on the grass, or please don't think about a big pink elephant01:35
richie_2Why not go for it? Worst case scenario, I wake up tomorrow wishing I had backed up more frequently (or ever)01:36
pikohncan someone tell me how to get xbmc to display in full screen when you have two monitors?01:36
SevisHow many physical hard drives do you have?01:36
Sevispikohn - dunno, sorry.01:36
richie_22 in this box, 3 laptops, one 180Gb portable... and a 30Gb MP3 player :)01:36
SevisThrow everything except your system somewhere.01:37
richie_2Like, out of the window?01:37
SevisLike... To a hard drive.01:38
SevisThen disconnecting that (while the computer is off, of course).01:38
SevisGenerally, making sure that the only thing you have on the machine is the system itself.01:39
kub1How do I quickly get all/most of the documentation files for KDE aps installed?01:40
richie_2probably have enough space on the spare in here... if i can find it in terminal!01:40
Sevisman man01:40
NoviceAccidently deleted system tray how do I get it back?01:42
SevisNovice, sorry, I was sure you had fixed that.01:43
Watson516does anyone here use dual monitors with kubuntu?01:43
SevisHave you done 'mkdir ~/Desktop/test'01:43
NoviceSevis: just took a break01:43
SevisHeh, no problem, I'm willing to go on.01:44
SevisWatson516 - yes, but it runs without a problem.01:44
Watson516Sevis: ok, any ideas how I would go about extending mine instead of mirror?01:45
SevisWatson516 - oh, wait, sorry, it doesn't run perfectly, just realised :\ Indeed, shows the same thing on both monitors?01:45
Watson516Sevis: yea, it works just fine on Ubuntu but I can't seem to get it working on Kubuntu01:46
NoviceSevis: what exactly does that do?01:46
SevisWatson516: Yep, I've been trying to fix that... No idea, sorry.01:46
SevisNovice: That makes a file on your desktop called "test"01:47
NoviceSevis: what does it test?01:47
SevisThat's just the name :)01:47
SevisDoes it show up on your desktop?01:49
NoviceSevis: how do i get to terminal again?01:49
SevisCtrl+Alt+F7 gets you back to X.01:50
* richie_2 is waving goodbye to lots of things... just waiting for "Removing girlfriend... Removing life..."01:50
richie_2now, which package do I need to install? kde4?01:51
NoviceSevis: ok did that and it put test folder on desktop01:52
SevisRichie_2 try kdebase01:53
richie_2Note to self... autoremove after purge kde* was not a good thing.01:53
SevisOuch, Richie... Ouch.01:53
richie_2yeah, lots of pretty things disappeared01:53
NoviceSevis: yes01:53
SevisLet me check a few more settings, please.01:54
NoviceSevis: have test folder on desktop now01:54
NoviceSevis: kk01:54
SevisAh! Novice, I know!01:54
SevisDesktop Settings -> Desktop Activity -> Type: Desktop01:55
richie_2Still installed 4.2.2... boooo01:56
SevisThen right-click and unlock widgets.01:56
SevisRichie, of course O.o01:56
Sevis4.2.2 is fine.01:56
SevisYour KDEInit seemed to have been slowly dying.01:56
NoviceSevis: how do i get to desktop settings01:56
richie_2Aren't we all01:56
SevisRight-click, then, sorry, Appearance Settings.01:57
SevisI'm perfectly fine.01:57
SevisJust need to get more tea every time my cup runs out.01:57
richie_2OK, so I tried startx, which gave me blackbox. startkde gave me "not installed, get kdebase-workspace-bin". I did, tried startkde again, and now? $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server01:59
SevisDid you turn KDM back on?01:59
richie_2ah ha, 2 secs01:59
richie_2kdm not installed. will just get it02:00
NoviceSevis: have something called appearence but not appearance settings?02:00
SevisNovice - try that, what does it show?02:01
richie_2KDM is back, aaaaand...02:01
SevisI predict it won't work.02:01
NoviceSevis: nothing called desktop activity02:02
richie_2you predict wrong!02:02
richie_2Not only worked BUT... my awesome boston bruins wallpaper is still there!02:03
SevisOh? Sweet O.o02:03
SevisNovice... Errr...02:03
SevisAre you /sure/ there is nothing called appearance settings?02:04
SevisNo matter where you look?02:04
SevisShould be second from the bottom.02:04
NoviceSevis: your loosing me you have the same system as me were are you coming up with theese unknown commands?02:05
SevisThese aren't commands... Just options in the drop-down menu.02:06
NoviceSevis: is no appearance settings02:06
SevisI have kubuntu 9.04, KDE 4.2.202:06
NoviceSevis: there is system settings/appearance02:06
NoviceSevis: yes that exactly what i have02:06
SevisYou don't need to be in System Settings02:07
SevisJust go to your desktop, please.02:07
NoviceSevis: lol thats all i have is a desktop02:07
SevisEhm, let me see, please...02:09
jp1hello, could someone help me get my sound working?02:09
jp1hp dv6500t02:09
SevisDrat. I think I've been quite a fool.02:10
Novicejp1: sound on the internet or system sounds not working?02:10
trapahello i speack french02:10
jp1system sounds not working.02:10
trapasome one speck french here?02:10
jp1It is alsa problem I'm sure..I just can't get it fixed02:10
rafael!fr | trapa02:10
ubottutrapa: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr02:10
SevisErm. Okay, 'killall plasma' isn't what I'm supposed to do.02:11
trapathank you02:11
SevisNovice: What happens when you press alt+F2?02:11
Novicejp1: do you hear kubuntu when system boots?>02:12
NoviceSevis: nothing02:12
jp1I used to, now since I used the "fix" I found on google I get nothing.02:12
jp1I did have limited sound, basically just the kubuntu sound, now there is nothing.02:13
SevisNovice, care to repeat what options you have when you right-click again?02:14
jp1I used an alsa_1 and alsa_2 scripts...those didn't work. So I installed alsa 1.0.19 from ppa repository02:15
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jp1is this the right place to ask about this?02:18
SevisYes, sorry Jp1, I'll try to solve your problem asap.02:18
NoviceSevis: create new/paste clipboard contents/icons/ refresh desktop/apperance settings and folder view settings02:18
jp1Thank you.02:19
* Sevis points at Appearance Settings02:19
DrSciencequick question: How to get audio working on Acer Aspire 5315 LT?02:20
SevisPress that, please, Novice02:21
SevisDrScience, welcome to #kubuntu. Thank you for submitting your query, you shall be helped as soon as possible.02:21
DrSciencethank you guys!02:21
NoviceSevis: OK02:22
SevisDo you now see Desktop Activity, with the drop-down set to FOlder View? Change that to "Desktop", please.02:23
NoviceSevis: OK02:23
NoviceSevis: YES02:23
SevisThen Apply and Ok, then right-click on your desktop.02:24
NoviceSevis: dang your genious02:24
NoviceSevis: thnx so much i knew it had to be something simple02:25
SevisNot a problem.02:26
SevisJp1, your problem, please? :)02:26
jp1I can't get my sound driver working02:26
DrScienceI am also waiting for help on my sound for Acer Aspire 531502:27
jp1It had limited functionality until I used some guides from google. now I get nothing02:27
SevisDrScience - Jp1 has been waiting for a while. I suggest you read up, though, it may work for both of you.02:27
jp1I have installed version 1.0.1902:29
SevisWell, my experience with alsa is that it needs a tonne of packages, and then it suddenly works.02:29
SevisThis seems to be an automated test: 'wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh'02:30
jp1I also added this to the end of alsa-base.conf02:30
jp1options snd-hda-intel model=3stack02:30
jp1running it now.02:31
SevisLatest stable release is 1.0.2002:31
Sevisjp1 - what does 'esd' return?02:32
jp1I: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.02:32
jp1I: caps.c: Dropping root privileges.02:32
jp1I: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.02:32
SevisYou have a soundcard installed, I can see that.02:32
SevisHowever, it doesn't look like it's being recognised.02:33
SevisThis seems to be a long-fixed issue...02:34
jp1It was recognizing it before..but sound wasn't working then either. I think it showed as a??28602:34
jp1or a??26802:34
SevisErrr... You had some sound?02:34
jp1it was just the kubuntu log in sound..nothing else worked..now however I have nothing.02:35
SevisEven just that was quite a bit.02:35
SevisI suggest you rollback, then test what exactly fails.02:35
SevisAs far as I remember, the log in sound is a .wav02:35
jp1How can I rollback?02:36
jp1I used an alsa script to update.02:36
SevisIt may very well be you had codec and pulseaudio problems, and you were simply fixing the wrong thing.02:36
SevisHm... One second.02:36
SevisA simple purge of alsa, and then a reinstall could do the trick.02:37
Sevis'sudo apt-get purge alsa && sudo apt-get install alsa'02:37
SevisNot quite certain, though.02:37
SevisBe right back...02:37
jp1ok, I'm purging it now.02:38
SevisOkay, back, please tell me the result once it's done.02:41
jp1It has finished and I also followed the directions from the link you posted. So I have added the patched drivers and the line in alsa-base.conf02:42
jp1No change as of yet..not sure if I need a reboot or something though.02:43
Sevis(just a note - I'm eating dinner as we talk, so may be slow to answer)02:43
SevisYeah, go ahead and reboot, please.02:43
jp1ok, thanks. I'll be right back.02:43
jp1Hello again.02:46
SevisWorking any better now?02:47
jp1It still isn't working. It looks the same.02:47
jp1HDA Intel is gray02:47
jp1Pulseaudio shows up, but no sound when I test.02:47
SevisEr... Please try without that extra instruction I posted.02:47
SevisSeeing as it's pretty old, it could very well be included by default.02:47
jp1so just purge and reinstall?02:48
jp1ALC 268 Analog is the card info also..02:48
SevisYeah. Sorry for not mentioning to not do that instruction last time.02:48
SevisIt's pretty clearly a config problem, I would say, so I'm hoping it'll autodetect.02:49
jp1It is only purging alsa-base...is that OK?02:49
SevisErr... Probably?02:49
jp1Ok, should I reboot again?02:50
SevisIs a good idea, yes.02:50
nositelicenseif you are to reboot systray will ...02:51
SevisHm? You mean that just restarting X would be enough?02:52
SevisPerhaps, likely enough.02:52
nositelicensedunno I did not hear anything other than restart02:52
SevisAlsa config issues.02:53
nositelicenseshould not require a restart02:53
jp1Ok, it still seems to be the same.02:54
SevisEhm. O.o02:54
jp1It keeps asking to remove HDA Intel on reboot.02:54
SevisI'm going to go keep reading up on it. I don't quite see what the problem could be, if it autodetected on first install.02:54
SevisQuick summary of the situation - Jp1 installed Kubuntu, sound worked minimally, he did something to alsa, it stopped working completely.02:55
jp1The HDA Intel was functional after first install..since I ran the alsa scripts though it has been non functional.02:55
jp1I used a script that was meant to update to the latest version I believe.02:56
nositelicenseuse sysnaptic to completely remove reboot reinstall  :/02:56
jp1scripts found here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4298894&postcount=2402:56
SevisYeah, maybe an extra reboot between purging and installing would do it... Hm02:57
* nositelicense shugs02:58
jp1trying to find all packages to remove.02:59
Sevis'sudo apt-get purge alsa*'02:59
SevisUse at very much your own risk.02:59
jp1E: Couldn't find package alsa-info.sh03:00
SevisOf course.03:01
Sevisrm ./alsa-info.sh first03:01
jp1removing 415mb...hopefully this will help.03:02
jp1I think it might be removing kde though, now that I look at it.03:02
nositelicenseit should03:02
* Sevis reminds himself that -s is to be used.03:03
jp1too late...can I fix it?03:03
jp1sudo apt-get install kde...475mb03:04
Sevis"Note, selecting kernel-internals-guide for regex 'alsa*'"03:04
jp1more than got removed..lol03:04
SevisThis is just one line of what my simulation showed.03:04
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jp1That isn't doing anything. Do it in konsole?03:05
pikohnanyone know if vdpau is enabled automatically03:06
SevisErrr... Where did you type the command I gave you?03:06
jp1it has already long since completed though.03:07
jp1kde is half way reinstalled now.03:07
SevisJp1, save your data.03:07
jp1It's a new install anyway...no big deal.03:08
brandon_cannot get firefox to work on jaunty any advice?03:08
jp1I suppose worse case is I have to reinstall.03:08
SevisJP1, sorry, but that seems to be quite likely. It can often be easier than fixing up a mess.03:09
jp1Ok, well if this doesn't work I will just reinstall. Thanks for the help.03:09
jp1I might be back to try and get it from the limited functionality I get on install to actually working properly though.03:10
SevisDid you install kubuntu-restricted-extras?03:10
jp1I did apt-get install kde03:11
GSF1200Susing a laptop as a router/tether to a desktop is such a pain03:11
jp1I'm guessing I didn't do restricted-extras on initial install if that is what you mean.03:11
GSF1200Sis there any easy tools for sharing a connection? because shorewall/iptables/dnsmasq/ipmasq is kicking my ***03:11
SevisThat's the problem, then, Jp1 - without that, you can't play MP3s.03:12
jp1I'm going to try  quick reboot. Thanks. I'll install that package as well.03:12
pikohnanyone know if vdpau is enabled automatically??03:13
hackerxanyone know how to activate blue tooth in kde?03:13
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thehackermerhaba lan salaklar duymuyormusunuz03:28
WebbBi installed ubuntu gnome and then add'd kde4 onjn top of it  but when im running in kde  and i open system monnitor  it says im running gnome 2.2603:31
WebbBshouldnt it say kde4 not gnome03:31
SevisDoes it look like gnome, or KDE?03:32
WebbBkde i picked kde in sessions but in system monitor it says gnome03:32
WebbBunder kernal linux it says gnome03:33
WebbBoh  i think i figured it out  i had opened the gnome system monitor  thats why it said gnome03:34
WebbBi didnt think it would matter03:34
WebbBi was starting to wonder because when i install gnome then kde on top i always wondered if gnome was still running in the background03:35
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WebbBwhats a good theme manager for kde403:39
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DragnslcrWebbB- no, Gnome isn't running in the background. KDE can run GTK programs (Gnome can run KDE programs too)03:41
crwebWebbB: at the end of the day when looking at the big picture, both are actually x11 applications.03:53
WebbBgood point03:54
crwebthough, one's toolkit rocks my world a little more than the other ;)03:54
WebbBin the appearence window  whats the differance between folder view and desktop03:56
crwebWebbB: one of them actually displays the contents of a folder on the desktop like a classic desktop03:56
crwebWebbB: the other doesn't.  both will let you make other folder view widgets03:57
ipwnujoin #linhes04:00
WebbBi keep getting this everyonce and a while anyone have a idea why04:05
WebbBThe application Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).04:05
asobiwhere do i find the xchat folder?04:33
wuzeifind -iname *xchat* /04:34
wuzeiasobi: find -iname *xchat* /04:34
asobifrom konsole?04:34
oobeasobi, ~/.xchat204:44
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asobiyea, found it in home04:46
zorael_Are dead keys working for anyone in Jaunty? Alternatively Jaunty + 4.3. (like ^´`¨~)05:07
amason_is knetworkmanager in karmic allowing people to connect to WPA2 networks ?05:09
corinthHow do I get Kopete to spill long items like url links onto a new line instead of adding a vertical scroll bar?05:18
jp1I was here earlier having sound problems. Is anyone available to help?05:38
iloveyoujp1: did you unmute things and install that package, etc?05:42
jp1I have limited sound now.05:42
jp1Nothing in games/video/etc.. but kde has some sounds.05:43
iloveyoujp1: I fixed my sound problems by rearranging things in system settings > multimedia > audio output05:43
jp1rearranging how?05:44
iloveyoujp1: I suspect it may be to do with kde trying to use one backend, games/video trying to use another, and the backends trying to compete over exclusive access to the sound card. But I'm not really sure.05:44
jp1PulseAudio does not work for me..it falls back on HDA Intel05:45
iloveyoujp1: did you install the required packages for pulseaudio? or try restarting?05:46
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jp1It looks to be installed..let me check.05:47
jp1apparently it wasn't. rebooting now.05:48
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dhuvhello all05:57
dhuvI was wondering if anyone is aware of the problem in Digikam where the thumbnails do not show, (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/305332)05:57
dhuvif anyone knows of a workaround05:57
nacho__how do i kill compiz? i dont know how does it apear at ps aux06:55
chal`awayhow can i make my computer's screen saver not go dark so quickly? ubuntu 9.0407:23
jeka_Всем привет! :)07:53
jeka_Я второй день юзаю Linux...хочу новый KDE поставить07:54
jeka_есть только одна прблема - сеть неработает =( ADSL не могу настроить07:55
jeka_согласен. сейчу через Ubuntu выхожу в сеть и обновы качаю для KDE. вообщ много лет отдал Windows, но Linux оказался куда более стабильным и дружелюбным. тока жалко что игры под него проблематично запустить. Но дерекс вроде поставил.07:59
chal`awayhi jeka_ (i speak english)07:59
jeka_50 на 50 % =)08:00
jeka_hi ChaosR - yes 50% ))08:03
yogaI want to install the kde 4.3, How the relase say to do a full upgrade, how?08:04
jeka_yoga_It is necessary to add repezatoree the new.08:06
Mamarokyoga: see the topic :)08:06
jeka_"yoga" - deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main08:06
jeka_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main08:06
Mamarokand don't forget to add the gpg key for the PPA repository08:07
jeka_=)) http://kde.ru/content/kde-43-dostupen-dlya-polzovatelei-kubuntu08:07
jeka_and http://kde.org/download/#v4.308:08
yogajeka_: after I add there repository, what is the command to do the full upgrade?08:09
Mamarokjeka_: please keep it english here, also the links :)08:09
Mamarokyoga: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or sudo aptitude full-upgrade08:10
Mamarokyoga but you need to update first08:10
jeka_Mamarok http://kde.org/download/#v4.308:10
Mamarokjeka_: no need to give it to me, I wrote the topic :)08:10
jeka_Mamarok aaaa )))08:11
Mamarokjeka_: you do know that there is a channel for russian, do you?08:11
Mamarokas this channel is for English only08:12
LetharionI installed kubuntu-desktop. I log out, get a kdm prompt instead of gdm, I log in, and I get back to kdm. Nothing that looks like an error in Xorg logs. I get back in by running startx from cli, gets me into gnome. Not sure how to proceed.08:13
jeka_Mamarok Yes I know :)08:13
Mamarokok :)08:14
MamarokLetharion: did you install the kubuntu-desktop package?08:14
Mamarokand did you use KDE previously on that computer?08:15
Mamarokhm, try erasing ~/.kde/ and try again08:15
Letharion(Yes, but not with this install)08:15
Lethariontry again as in "log in again", or "install again"08:15
jeka_Mamarok ==> Я из Казахстана :)08:16
MamarokLetharion: and running startx from cli will open Gnome because it is set to default08:16
Mamarokjeka_: English, please! I will not say it again!08:16
jeka_Mamarok ==>I from Kazakhstan:)08:16
Mamarokjeka_: also, this is a support channel only, for discussions there is #kubuntu-offtopic08:16
LetharionMamarok: I'm glad it does, or I'd be stuck without a GUI08:17
MamarokLetharion: once you are in kdm, you need to change the session you want to start (one of the buttons at the bottom)08:17
Mamarokwell, to KDE if you want KDE :)08:18
LetharionOh, I would assume that it was, coming from kdm. I'll try in a minute.08:18
jeka_Mamarok ==>I have understood already =) If the network there earns from ASDL - I from will write there, for now only Ubuntu. The modem at me "ZyXEL Prestige 600 series".08:20
Mamarokjeka_: was that a question?08:20
LetharionFor the record, it worked :) Maybe it was just that I hadn't selected a session in the first place?08:21
MamarokLetharion: exactly, as your default session was not set yet :)08:22
Mamarokor set to Gnome08:22
MamarokLetharion: for KDE 4.3 see the topic08:22
Mamarokas kubuntu comes with 4.2.2 by default08:22
LetharionDoh. Might be nice of kdm to let me know that, instead of kicking me back to login with 0 information.08:23
MamarokLetharion: indeed08:23
jeka_Mamarok ==> It was my problem :( Ubuntu the network has defined, and I have simply created ADSL connection. In Kubuntu - the network is not defined.08:23
LetharionMamarok: U use 4.3? I found 4.2.4 less bugged at my other computer (Not kubuntu)08:23
MamarokLetharion: but you are the first to mention it here AFAIK08:23
MamarokLetharion: yes, it has been released about a week ago and is really good!08:24
LetharionOh well.08:24
LetharionMamarok: I think it looks pretty, with the new plasma theme, but I started having graphic glitches. Might wait a month for a 4.3.1 :)08:24
MamarokLetharion: did you already install it? If you only just installed the kubuntu-desktop you have 4.2.208:25
LetharionIf I have a java-packaging question, which channel would be appropriate?08:26
Mamarokand 4.3 is far less bugged than 4.2.x08:26
LetharionMamarok: I did on another (non-ubuntu) computer08:26
jeka_Letharion ==> Yes in general the remarkable interface! "Vista" even nearby did not stand!08:26
Letharionjeka: Yeah; i like it :)08:26
MamarokLetharion: I don't know, maybe #java? or is it a packaging problem in Ubuntu?08:26
Mamarok!motu | Letharion08:27
ubottuLetharion: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU08:27
jeka_Letharion And I about that!:)) even the girl remains aside. (Joke):)08:28
Mamarokthat would be the packaging introduction for Ubuntu (and its derivatives)08:28
LetharionNot so much a problem as a question. I have installed a certain package but still don't find the library that I expect to show up08:28
Mamarokguys, pleas, discussion goes to #kubuntu-offtopic, this is support only here08:28
Mamarokjeka_: I already told you previously08:28
LetharionMamarok: Thanks, I'll have a look08:29
MamarokLetharion: did you check with aptitude search libraryname?08:29
LetharionNot until now that you asked me. No answer. in-casesensitivity option?08:30
Mamarokelse google for the library, it should tell you where it is08:31
Mamarokwhat library is it?08:31
jeka_Mamarok ==> I already have understood it also to you have explained, even named a problem in Kubuntu, instead of in Ubuntu. =) Has written on английски that in принцепи it is not difficult for me.)) I something to you disturb???? P.S: the novice user.08:32
MamarokLetharion: try sudo apt-get install libmysql-java :)08:32
LetharionMamarok: Yeah, I have installed it with synaptic, and apt-get agrees that it's installed, but the java-program I'm trying to run can't seem to find it.08:34
Mamarokjeka_: the problem is that it makes it difficult to distinguish support related lines from discussion, sometimes there is a lot going on here, so there is no room for discussion08:34
MamarokLetharion: both installed with apt-get?08:34
MamarokLetharion: could be a path problem08:34
LetharionMamarok: No, one is my own :)08:34
Mamarokwell, then check your PATH settings :)08:34
LetharionMamarok: Could definitely be08:34
rsynchi, how I can enable kdm remote control?08:35
Mamarokrsync: I don't know, sorry08:35
Mamaroka remote control for KDM?08:36
Mamarokor accessing the desktop remotely?08:36
Letharionrsync: Elaborate on what you want to do. There's NX-server which allows graphic login through kdm08:36
rsyncMamarok: yes, if we're seeing login window we could choose another with ip-address. but, I seems it disabled on my host and I can't communicate with neighbor pc08:39
Jack8899I Want to encrypt my System. I already tried the whole precedure on a virtual machine and ther alternate CD. But because I have two harddisks the cryptsetup at boot wants me to twice put in the password. Is there a way to only use one pw for both disks?08:40
jeka_Here somebody on русски understands? I apologise in advance.08:40
Mamarokjeka_: you should ask in a russian speaking channel:08:41
rsyncLetharion: ok, if it's allowed, it must be customized somewhere08:41
Mamarok!ru | jeka_08:41
ubottujeka_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:41
MamarokI don't understand what you mean, sorry08:41
Letharionrsync: Not sure I get it, sorry08:42
Letharionrsync: Or rather, I'm quite sure I don't get it.08:42
LetharionAre my "other partitions" automounted somewhere? Or how can I otherwise list them? I tried fdisk -l, which didn't return anything.08:43
rsyncLetharion: switch user-> start new session -> menu -> remote login put here the ip addres08:43
Letharion1rsync: I had a "secure remote connection" option, but I'm not sure how it works.08:46
Letharion1Except the obvious that remote login must be enabled on the remote side08:46
rsyncLetharion1: where its?08:47
Letharionrsync: Well, I'd assume that you need the sshd running, other than that, I'm not sure. X is normally executed as root, which makes it quite sensitive to allow remote login to it.08:48
matt2154Can anyone tell me where to find the "URW Bookman L" font file?  It appears in OOo and Inkscape.08:51
rsyncLetharion: no, it use xdmcp protocol so as to communicate08:51
LetharionSo what you want is to run a X client on one machine, and connect to an X server on another?08:54
LetharionThe only way I've done that is with an NX-server.08:54
rsyncyes via kdm08:54
raphinkthere's at least 3 ways to do what you're trying to do08:56
raphinkwell more08:56
raphinkXDMCP is one08:56
raphinknot encrypted, very heavy on the network, but easy to use (just use remote login in KDM)08:56
raphinkNX/nomachine is another one, much faster, encrypted through SSH (optionally), but harder to set up08:57
raphinkyou can also use ssh with the -X flag which exports the X session (provided the server conf allows it)08:57
raphinkand then launch your programs in the console, and they will be exported localy08:57
raphinkit's even slower than using XDMCP, but it's very easy to use, and it's secured through SSH08:57
LetharionHow can I list all partitions on my computer?08:58
raphinkLetharion: mount08:58
raphinkLetharion: or df -h if you want usage info08:58
rsyncbut easy to use - yes08:58
raphinkand then there's VNC08:58
raphinkslower than NX, less secure, and not easier to configure ;)08:58
rsyncI want to use it xdmcp, because I want touse it not too much08:58
Letharionraphink: I'm trying to find the device-name of an un-mounted part so I can mount it08:58
raphinkLetharion: df08:59
raphinkan un-mounted part sorry08:59
raphinkLetharion: look for it in /etc/fstab08:59
rsyncI know about any other vnc and so on, but want use it08:59
rsyncwhere enable it?08:59
raphinkyou have to install a vnc server09:00
Letharionraphink: Not there either. How come I can't list with "fdisk -l"09:00
raphinkbut honestly, setting up NX is not harder and it's much better09:00
raphinkLetharion: wait, what do you want exactly?09:00
rsyncI want not istalling anymore09:01
Letharionraphink: I want a list of all harddrives, partitions, and preferably their filesystems, so I can mount a part from my other linux install and copy files-09:01
rsyncbecause i want use it into my home net09:01
raphinkLetharion: you can see a list of all partitions in /proc/partitions09:02
raphinkcat /proc/partitions09:02
raphinkLetharion: for fdisk -l, you need to be root09:02
raphinksudo fdisk -l09:02
raphinkrsync: I don't understand09:02
Letharionraphink: Doh, ofc, it was that easy. sudo made it work as I wanted.09:02
raphinksudo make me a sandwich09:03
rsyncbut still not work09:05
LetharionI manually installed a package that wasn't found with apt. How do I add it to the path so I don't need to provide full path09:05
yoga`What are the development packages for kde4? I tried to compile kchmviewer, but missing a file.09:19
alfonshi there anyone09:32
mulder_Hello All.09:40
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Guest30233I click on Software Updates in KPackageKit to update, but an error message comes up saying: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus) - not sure what this is. Please help a newcomer.09:42
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giellamoHi All10:44
Guest61818how are you doing this morning?10:45
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richieHello. Anyone know how to restore KDE file associations to their defaults? I broke them :(11:12
Mamarokrichie: how did you do that?11:13
Mamarokyou can't have broken all of them11:13
richie'Accidently' installed the windows version of Python through wine, and know anything that's a text file (.txt, .ini, .py, .html etc) thinks it's a Python file. It's playing havok with kwrite/kate/wine notepad11:15
Mamarokok, system settins -> advanced tab -> file associations, then set to defaults11:15
Mamaroksettings* even11:15
richiehmmm... defaults button is grayed out, even when I sudo systemsettings11:18
Mamarokrichie: is the "Remove" button activated?11:19
Mamarokthen click on that11:19
richieremove is grayed out too... very odd11:20
SevisSame here.11:20
richiecan only click add or help11:20
SevisExcept mine isn't broken... Let me see.11:20
richieand you're all the help i need11:21
SevisSystem Settings -> Default Applications, correct?11:21
homyHm. With me, the Defaults and Reset buttons in the File associatios are also greyed out.11:24
richieSevis: Default Applications is the same11:25
richieI want my Defaults button now!11:25
SevisSo is Help, over here ^^11:25
richieKDE hates me11:28
richieIt's refusing to let me restore my file associations11:28
SevisI'd suggest doing it by hand.11:29
homyrichie: reinstall kubuntu!11:30
homythen they will be at their defaults.11:30
richieDid that last night, homy! And normally I'd agree with Sevis. But it's the principle of the thing, now. KDE is tempting me with buttons I can't use! I want to use them!11:30
homyNo honestly, where are the file associations saved? That has to be a text file somewhere you can replace.11:31
SevisRichie, I actually think you'd prefer not to press that Defaults button.11:31
SevisIf it completely resets associations, it may clear ALL your custom ones.11:31
richieIs that opening up a whole world of pain, Sevis? Do I even have custom ones?! Tell you what, see if we can find how to get that button activated, and I *might* not click it ;)11:32
raphinkhomy: in mimeapps.list11:33
SevisOh? Well... I have the feeling it may remove everything...11:33
SevisThanks, Raphink11:33
raphinkas in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list does it11:33
raphinkyep, exactly11:34
homyOk, so if somebody having default file associations would be willing to share his ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list, the problems seems to be solved-.11:34
SevisThere's no need for that.11:34
homy(Well, not the problem with the buttons greyed out...)11:34
raphinkhomy: if you want defaults, you'd have to remove this file11:34
SevisIt only has custom associations.11:34
raphinkthe system defaults are not stored there11:35
richieWhy thank you, raphink!11:36
* richie is deleting ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list11:36
raphinkI see homy ask a question and it's Sevis and richie that thank for the answer11:36
raphinkI'm not sure who needed that in the first place ;)11:36
homyoh! Where are the default associations saved then? I can see loads of .desktop files in /usr/share/mime/, but they don't seem to contain any applications?11:39
homyraphink: ok, I'll thank you too, as it also solved my problem of reverting file associations to their defaults.11:39
raphinkah, good that it solved your issue11:40
raphinkI don't know where the defaults are stored really11:40
richieJust cleaned out ~./local/share/mime and ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list... and all my problems have gone! raphink, you're a genius.11:40
SevisYou deleted all the .desktop files in ~/.local/share/mime ?11:40
raphinkno, that wouldn't be fair... I just happened to write a script some time ago that needed to recognize some mime that the system did not know, so I had to search that for a few hours11:41
richieOnly the ones I knew were causing probelms, Sevis11:41
SevisAh, okay then, you worried me there :P11:41
raphinkrichie: I don't think there are defaults for the sytem actually11:43
raphinkeach program declares which mime types they support11:43
raphinkin their .desktop11:43
raphinkgrep MimeType /usr/share/applications/kde4/gwenview.desktop11:43
raphinkthen KDE just takes them in whatever order11:43
richiecool - you live and learn!11:43
raphinkunless you specified defaults in your ~/.local/share/mime11:43
homywhatever oder -> random?11:43
raphinkhomy: no idea, maybe alphabetical ;)11:44
raphinkI don't think the KDE dev would have a random algorithm for that ;)11:44
homymaybe sorted by ascending inodes.11:44
raphinkwhen I open an image, I have11:45
raphinkgwenview -> Opera -> Gimp -> Mozilla -> Firefox -> showFoto -> Arora -> Okular -> Minefield11:45
raphinkthere doesn't seem to be an obvious logic in the order11:45
raphinkmaybe order of installation...11:46
raphinkI _think_ the system builds a mime.cache database when new programs are installed11:46
homyUhm, I have GwenView Kolourpaint Gimp Okular Shiretoko11:46
raphinkso we have the same order11:47
raphinkfor the programs we have in common that is11:47
homyhow can I write something beginning with /?11:47
homyI get "Unknown command." :)11:48
raphinkwhat are you trying to do ?11:48
homywrite something beginning with / in irc11:49
raphinkput a space before it11:49
homy /usr/bin/update-mime-database, that is11:50
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raphinkwell /usr/bin/update-mime-database.real is the real program that does it11:51
raphinkupdate-mime-database is a dpkg hook11:51
homyah, ok.11:52
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aceCan someone help? I installed Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 3641wxmi laptop and I'm not getting any sound. I do get sound out of headphones but not internal speakers12:20
resnowhen virtualizing windows, can windows use devices linux does not have working drivers for?12:27
SevisResno - only in some very rare cases.12:30
resnoSevis: i would like to be able to use a tuner card that i have windows drivers for and linux doesnt have.12:31
SevisSorry, no idea how you'd be doing that.12:32
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liituI really need some help with this! I have a compaq 6715s laptop with ATI x1250 Graphics Card, and today when i turned the computer on, when i'm about to login the screen just gets blurry and I cant see or do anything13:41
ace I'm trying to load Ubuntu 9.04 on an HP laptop that has Vista. I'm trying to install side by side but when it comes to the partition manager it doesn't give the option. It only has use entire disk, this will delete Vista partition.. Is there any other way to make it run side by side?13:41
thisismyname@ace shure there is a way13:43
thisismynametry the "expert" installation, or manual partition...13:43
thisismynameu can identify the vista partition by looking @ the filesystem...13:44
SevisAce, try making your Vista partition smaller beforehand.13:52
acesevis: Ok13:54
acethisismyname: I will try that13:55
epqrHi im converting a file with terminal14:08
epqrwhen it's like this picture does that mean it's working ?14:08
epqrlike is it still working on converting if it's like that14:10
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raphinkepqr: it means it's doing something14:13
raphinkepqr: whenever you get the prompt again (the $), it means it's finished14:14
raphinkand if it says nothing, it means it worked14:14
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epqrOk, thank you :)14:14
khaije|amaltanyone else's amarok song tags borked in kde 4.3 ?14:14
Parfetdoes anyone know what it means when i try to connect to a wifi hotspot and get this back from dmesg?  :: [  603.855329] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3) ::14:39
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BluesKajheyas all14:46
=== theseus is now known as theseus2
theseus2Can anybody help me? My Strigi search doesn't work. Strigi and Nepomuk in systemsettings are activated but ther are no results under "nepomuksearch:/ " in dolphin. Also the hastag search doesnt work with Alt + F214:52
shadeslayertheseus2: thyre broken afaik14:53
theseus2oh! Good to know. Thanks shadeslayer14:54
shadeslayertheseus2: no probs14:55
epqrM y mouse wheel is way to sensitive and it scrolls way too fast14:59
epqreven after i chagne the mouse settings in systems settings14:59
epqrI set the lines to scroll to 1, but its still way way to fasst.15:00
CaliostroHello, guys15:04
CaliostroI've a native bug with kubuntu :)15:05
CaliostroThe point is that when plasma is trying to open some files (wallpapers, widgets, etc) on my local computer there's no files in browser. But dolphin has access to FS. Where could be the problem?15:08
CaliostroAnd when I'm opening plasma browser from "Desktop settings" it takes about two minutes before browser appears.15:10
CaliostroAny thoughts?15:11
CaliostroHi, ajavid15:15
ajavidI installed from cd, and then aptitude full-upgrade15:15
ajavidhowever I do not have kde4.315:15
ajavidwhat must I do?15:15
shadeslayerajavid: see the topic15:15
ajavidhmm, read topic for one15:15
ajavidshadeslayer, already there15:15
shadeslayerajavid: ok then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:15
ajavidwhich repository should I add, hang on15:15
ajavidI click link and it opens in kate15:16
CaliostroHmm, I've KDE 4.3. It's strange :)15:16
ajavidis this a bug? (I just intalled kubuntu)15:16
ajaviddeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main15:17
ajavidi got it, thanks15:17
shadeslayerajavid: after adding that line,you need to sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:17
ajavidwhat is the repo for ww32codecs and such? do you know off hand or do I have to go through 3 websites to find the url (medibuntu to wiki to blah)15:17
ajavidshadeslayer, got ya15:18
shadeslayerajavid: install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:18
CaliostroI've 4.2 a few days ago and I didn't do upgrade )15:18
CaliostroDoes anyone has ideas how to solve my problem?15:18
ajavidargh, now ih ave to use gui's to update my key?15:19
shadeslayerCaliostro: do you want KDE 4.3?15:19
Caliostro(with plasma)15:19
shadeslayerajavid: not necessary15:19
CaliostroThe point is that when plasma is trying to open some files (wallpapers, widgets, etc) on my local computer there's no files in browser. But dolphin has access to FS. Where could be the problem?15:19
Caliostroshadeslayer, I already have KDE 4.3 but it works with bugs :)15:19
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
shadeslayerajavid: hold on15:19
ajavidholding on15:20
ajavidalso when you get back15:20
ajavidI'd like x86 with PAE, which kernel should I install?15:20
ajavidI can't find a bigmem kernel15:20
* ajavid has 8gb ram but don't want amd6415:21
ajavidplease advise15:21
Caliostro :)15:21
ajavidCaliostro, how is your hand?15:22
shadeslayerajavid: no idea on that..15:22
ajavid8min till 400~ish mb is downloaded15:22
Caliostroajavid, sorry for my english, but I don't understand.15:23
shadeslayerajavid: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8AC93F7A : in a termina15:23
ajavidshadeslayer, thank you very much15:24
ajavidCaliostro, where is your nickname come from?15:24
CaliostroOh, it's from dark places of my mind ;)15:25
CaliostroSo, am I the one with such a big bug in kubuntu?15:26
ajavidFor 32-bit systems the Server Edition is configured to use PAE which allows addressing up to 64GB of memory while the Desktop Edition is configured for 4GB.15:29
ajavidI need the server kernel it seems15:29
ajavidit seems the server kernel has more stuff than I want15:29
ajavidI'm not sure how do these things make a diff?15:29
ajavidthe features on this page compared to the desktop edition15:29
Caliostroajavid, good luck with server edition and those stuff ;)15:30
ajavidor should I rebuild the desktop kernel and enable  bigmem ?15:30
ajavidCaliostro, afaik, Caliostro was the guy who had a sword for a hand15:30
ajavidhe was Spawn's trainer :)15:30
ajavidnm, it was cogliostro15:31
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CaliostroOh, I saw that page )15:34
CaliostroI think I can can hold a sword, but now more effectively are guns :)15:35
Caliostrorifles, submachine guns, cannons )))15:38
ajavida cannon? you can hold a cannon?15:41
CaliostroAlso I can hold many different stuff with console of crane in my hand ;)15:46
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ajavidim back16:00
ajavidhow do I make konqueror the default file manager16:00
ajavidI do not like dolphin16:00
ajavidsystem settings - file asco.16:01
ajavidI moved konqueor up in order for inode directory16:01
canensince sometime last week openoffice stopped working. anyone else having a similar issue?16:04
Caliostroajavid, System Settings -> Default applications (something like it)16:11
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Caliostroajavid, you are welcome ;)16:19
jack8899I am trying to install kubuntu 9.04 x64,but after installation with thealternae cdand rebooting thePC won't boot, it says I shall put in the boot device.16:26
jack8899it seems the computer doesnt recognize the installed kubuntu16:28
=== jipang_menjerit is now known as jipang-menjerit
=== jipang-menjerit is now known as jipang_menjerit
kekekehi, im running the latest version of ubuntu server and was wondering how i could go about installing kubuntu... i'm trying apt-get install kubuntu-desktop however i get the message 'couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop'. can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?16:39
genii-aroundkekeke: Did you do first: sudo apt-get update16:39
kekekethanks genii-around, doing it right now16:40
kekekenow i get16:40
kekekeE: Broken packages16:40
kekekesorry i'll paste it16:41
kekeke2 sec16:41
kekekedo i have to install each of those dependancies individually?16:42
=== fusion44_ is now known as fusion44
yovanHi everybody16:49
yovani have a question  : katapult no longer exists on kubuntu jaunty?16:50
yovanThe 9.04 has no katapult??? Is there any program laucher like that in this last version16:51
phhkrunner isn't enough for you ?16:51
phhit's less eye-candy, but way more usable16:51
yovanit has shortcuts...keybord shortcts16:52
phhwhat sort of shortcuts ?16:52
yovanfor lauching an application16:52
phhyeah... as alt-f2 you mean ?16:52
yovani haven't used it before16:53
yovanso the alt F2 is krunner16:53
phhit has always been the default shortcut for krunner and its ancestors16:53
oem. |16:53
phhI think even other DE uses the same shortcuts16:54
yovanthanks man  i hoped to find something like katapult16:55
phhand it's even better.16:55
yovancaused you didn't have to completely know the whole apps name16:55
phhwell you could have looked at default global shortcuts16:56
kekekecan someone help me out, i'm trying to install kubuntu and i'm getting these errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/250892/16:56
kekekedo i have to install those dependancies individually?16:56
yovanThanks for your help phh16:56
phhkekeke: you're not running stable ubuntu, are you ?16:56
kekekephh nope16:58
kekekeis that a problem?16:58
phhkekeke: well... the packages are marked as broken16:58
phhso as long as they are marked so, you won't be able to install it automaticly16:58
phhmaybe individual install may work16:58
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kekekehm kk16:58
admin7i have a bizarre display issue in ubuntu. anyone willing to take a crack at it?17:02
ruloanyone can help me?17:04
admin7with what17:04
ruloi am searching a spanich channel for konversation17:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:05
admin7i am serching for why my display has 2 pixelated lines going horizontally down the screen?17:06
rulopero hay canales españoles no?17:06
fcambria_ahí tenés un canal de Ubuntu en castellano17:07
Mamarok!es | fcambria_17:08
ubottufcambria_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:08
rulodonde se puede ver la lista de canales existentes?17:08
Mamarokrulo: English, please!17:09
rulook sorry17:09
Mamarokrulo: you can check here for most of the channels, but I don't know if this list is up to date: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels17:10
rulowhere is the channel list?17:10
Mamarok!list | rulo17:11
ubotturulo: This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:11
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rulothanks mamarok17:14
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:16
=== fredim is now known as fcorleone
alinuxhi I am using kontakt however I want to minimize it on close to the icons in the tray bar and not keep it in the task bar is this possible ?17:23
epqrMy mouse scrolls too fast17:27
epqrand it doesn't cahgne by editing the mouse settings in system settings17:28
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
Parfetanyone know where to get the development packages under kubuntu? in my docs for the app i'm trying to compile, it suggests 'foo-dev' or 'foo-devel'... i find no such thing...17:38
Parfetor is there an easy way to wrap a tarball into a .deb installer?17:39
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EagleScreenParf: what are u trying to compile?17:46
Parfprogram a friend recommended for netstumbling, kismet17:47
Parfthe config ends with : configure: error: Neither uclibc uClibc++ or standard gcc stdc++ libraries found.17:48
ravhello. i updated to intrepid and now i have something called akonadi, and it's preventing from syncing my PDA17:49
ravit says i need an akonadi collection. how do i create one?17:49
* rulo he marchado a trabajar: Gone away for now17:50
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away
EagleScreenParf: did you install build-essential?17:51
Parfno idea, but i can try it17:51
epqrIm gonna ask again17:52
EagleScreenrav Kubuntu intrepid is as bad as Hell17:52
epqrmy mouse scrolls too fast17:52
epqrand the settings in system settings doesnt fix it17:52
ravEagleScreen: is jaunty any better?17:52
EagleScreenyes rav, a lot17:53
ravEagleScreen: if i just replace jaunty for intrepid in sources.list and update, will that do it?17:54
EagleScreenyes rav, but there is a suposed better way17:54
EagleScreenrav, run kdesudo update-notifier-kde -d17:54
ravEagleScreen: thanks, upgrading now17:56
=== mike is now known as pikohn
shadeslayerwhats the package name for glib dev packages?18:01
shadeslayerfound it!18:02
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trampelepqr;  this sounds nuts, but have you tried unplugging the (usb) mouse plug and plugging it back in?18:11
=== MetaBaron is now known as Nexus6
pteague_workwhat package do i need in order to set up font size & such?  i know it used to be kcontrol18:47
epqrIM on kde 4.3 and i have this temprature montioring applet, but it doesn show anything18:48
epqris there somethings i have to isntall to make it work ?18:48
Freddy2why some scripts that i launch at rc2.d/rc3.d/rc5.d are not running after booting while other do?18:55
SevisFreddy - are you sure they don't complete?18:56
Freddy2for example i've tested with one having a loop forever in the background, but nothing happens.. if i run it manually (with sudo) after booting then it remains there forever18:56
SevisWhat is the script supposed to do?18:56
Freddy2it launches djbdns in a loop, trying to be a respawn-like launcher18:57
SevisDoes it run at least once?18:57
Freddy2other scripts do, and i can try to echo something to check it, but it should18:57
Freddy2(other similar scripts, same directory...)18:58
SevisTry echoing something, please, to see if it has at least one itteration.18:58
theadminKGPG keeps crashing after sending key to a keyserver. What the?19:00
SevisFreddy2, where do you put scripts when you want them to run on every boot, again?19:03
theadminSevis: /home/yourname/.autostart19:04
Freddy2this script is launched from /etc/rcX.d/S99another, where it calls /path/to/theOtherScript &19:04
Freddy2i can see "p3" at output, but nor p4 neither any process running19:05
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Freddy2the while condition is a stupid one, i know hehe19:06
trampelFreddy2: how does the while loop ever break to do the "p4"?  (i'm probably missing something obvious)19:08
Freddy2it musn't, but then the inside process should be running (djbdns), and it doesn't19:09
trampelFreddy2: then your problem is narrowed.  isn't it?19:09
Freddy2it does19:09
pteague_workanybody know what package i need to install in order to change font sizes?19:10
Freddy2i'm starting to think about parent's death to cause script process death too19:10
Freddy2afaik children should become a new son from init, but..19:10
Freddy2*children/child process19:11
Freddy2let me try somehting19:13
Freddy2well, the "Starting" echo just appears once (i've redirected to the output file too)19:17
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szenekПривет всем!! кто поможет с монитором??19:39
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ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:41
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Freddy2well, it finally works hehe19:54
Freddy2it seems you can not launch the script directly.. it works fine calling it from start-stop-daemon19:55
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=== driftwood is now known as driftwood_
SpecialistI just upgraded my Jaunty installation to KDE 4.3 and Kontakt seems to no longer remember my shortcut customizations. Does somebody know in which config file KMail / Kontact store those customizations?20:26
noquinhomay i have another program to replace amsn? its not working20:28
SevisNoquinho: Kopete, Pidgin20:28
noquinhobut what happens with my contacts from msn ?20:28
noquinhomay i talk with video ?20:29
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Guest10896Hola a todos!!!!!!!!20:31
SevisNo, Noquinho. No video or audiochat, but you'll have the contacts.20:33
zayxdoes anyone know what the command kde 4.3 issues for a reboot/shutdown is?20:39
Picizayx: sudo reboot or sudo poweroff20:40
noquinhohow do i unistall pulse audio ?20:41
zayxPici: no i mean the command issued when selecting reboot/shutdown from the kmenu which saves sessions and all20:42
bdgrauenoquinho: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio20:42
zayxi wish it were as simple as reboot/halt20:42
Picizayx: I'm sorry, I don't know. I don't actually use KDE myself.20:43
zayxoh lol ok then20:43
trampelzayx: what does running "locate shutdown | egrep -i 'kubun|kde'" return on your machine ..maybe?20:45
zayxtrampel: hmm that led to two possabilities i hadnt thought about20:46
zayxbrb if it works20:46
zayxlol ok so kdeinit4_shutdown logged me out and segfaulted ksmserver20:48
zayxnot exactly what i was going for but still getting somewhere20:49
zayxto be specific the problem im having is that when i select reboot/shutdown/logout from the kmenu it closes opera and then sits at the desktop while failing to reboot/shutdown/logout20:51
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trampelzayx: this is among 'the old knowledge' but are you running an ATI video card?20:54
zayxyes but it also happens on an nvidia desktop i have20:55
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zayxtrampel: this is driving me crazy because there is no way i can easily track down what its failing to do20:58
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jimmy51_homei'm trying to use kmail for the first time.  i've got it setup using IMAP.  it seems to be SUPER slow.  it just alerted me that i have a new message, but it's taking over 3 minutes to let me view the message.  I can see the subject, but clicking on it does nothing.20:59
jimmy51_homei checked using webmail, it's it's a 5 sentence email.  is this common?21:00
trampelzayx:  my burnt and frayed memory recalls that there were two approaches to this problem.  one involving adjusting 'atieventsd' and the other some nasty acpi option.  i can't hold out much hope for either being your problem ...i'm sorry.21:01
zayxtrampel: well i do get an error on init for acpi so it is a possability21:02
trampelzayx: oh... and there was something about samba getting in an endless loop.21:02
trampel...i gotta keep better notes...21:02
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zayxwell i think whats left to do is check if a nightly live image will reboot properly and if so install :/21:04
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zayxubuntus got me going all -.- lately21:05
zayxtrampel: thanks for the help anyways though21:06
eggy_Hello, using kubuntu jaunty the python-qscintilla2 package is broken again21:10
eggy_How do I fix this? I can't use any python qscintilla applications this way21:10
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eggy_I'm getting incredably annoyed with the retarded maintainer of this package, this is like the third time I experience it breaking21:12
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eggy_After a reinstall of a different version it seems to work, thanks21:19
krosonhi people21:20
krosonive just upgraded my Oo installation to 3.1 from 3.01 that came by default21:20
krosonin kubuntu 9.0421:20
krosonbut ive noticed that i lost the openoffice.org-kde packages, giving the software a little uglier look21:20
krosonis there any packages that makes it look better, GTK or QT?21:21
trampelkroson: what specifically has what sort of uglier look?21:24
krosonall the openoffice packages, they have a different look, not the Qt integrated that they had before21:25
krosonthe windows themselves21:25
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trampelkroson: does putting the line "export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=kde" in your .bashrc help or change anything? (and obviously logging out and back in or some-such)21:30
marcreichelthi there21:38
marcreicheltdoes anybody know where I can modify the startup order of the Kicker applets (KDE 3.5.10, Kubuntu 8.04)?21:39
marcreicheltmy goal is to get the knetworkmanager to start before all other applets so that the internet connection is ready before the other applets start21:40
Third3yeEy folks. I'm having a bit of trouble. Everytime I boot ubuntu or the livecd (I managed to install using the alternative install cd) it freezes. At first I thought it was X but turns it it's a "kernel panic" (I think (it had a lot of strange non explanatory debug info and an "end trace ac09j2ndsomething")22:02
Third3yeA question better suited for #ubuntu?22:04
SevisThird3ye, are you installing Ubuntu or Kubuntu?22:06
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macoSevis: kubuntu. he saidi n #ubuntu that he can only see the kernel panic message if he turns off kdm22:10
SevisAha, okay, thanks.22:11
ajavidI installed firefox3.-5 package and I got a Shiretoko22:19
ajavidwhat gives?22:19
ajavidits only 3.5.2 and not 3.5.3 and its not called firefox22:19
ajavidits called preview browser in kde menu22:19
chal`awayajavid, just wait patiently and perhaps try google while you wait.22:22
BluesKajajavid, all the above you just said is true , so what's your question22:23
stetzenHello! Sorry for the question... But does ayone use mplayer under KDE4? I have some problems with sound if KDE4 app and mplayer are producing sound together...22:24
BluesKajff i3.5 and 3.6 aren't fully dev'd yet22:24
da1l6stetzen: works fine for me (tested juk + smplayer). What audio output does mplayer use?22:26
da1l6same here22:27
da1l6can you describe the problem in a little more detail?22:27
da1l6stetzen: i am using kde 4.3 here, btw.22:29
stetzenKDE media configured to use analod sound card. When I'm trying to play a file with mplayer, I'm getting following: http://pastebin.com/m7be810cc22:30
stetzenYes, KDE 4.3 here as well22:30
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da1l6stetzen: sounds like the sound device is blocked. does KDE use alsa or OSS?22:32
stetzenIt should be alsa. The top device in the list in sound settings is HDA Intel (Analog). Is there a way to check specifically, is it alsa or OSS22:33
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=== root is now known as Guest7202
da1l6the tooltip on that item should at least list the order of configurations it tries.22:35
=== z is now known as pisecx
da1l6you could try moving the hw0,0 entry to the top of the list. (warning: i am now guessing here)22:37
=== ubuntu is now known as i00nsu
stetzenThe top item in the tooltip is ALSA, the second one is alsa as well.  And there is no entry for hw0,0 neither in the tooltop nor in the list of devices22:40
i00nsuhi all22:40
da1l6stetzen, sorry i am out of ideas22:40
stetzenOK than... Thanks!22:41
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
yogaI try to install the renewly release KDE 4.3.  When I sudo apt-get upgrade, it says that some packages are keep back such as kdebase-workspace kdm etc.  Is that ok?  How do I upgrade to KDE 4.3?22:54
SevisYoga - tried dist-upgrade ?22:55
ravhello. how do you configure an akonadi collection on jaunty?22:58
ravcan akonadi be removed?23:17
phhi'd say no.23:17
phhraindog: you've got problems with it ?23:17
ravphh: so i can't get PIM without akonadi?23:18
phhIt's heavily linked mmm23:19
phhit should be able to work without it, but i don't thing packages are able to work without it23:19
ravphh: but it doesn't work. i get 'Unknown error: could not create collection'23:19
raindogphh:  regarding?23:20
phhraindog: ?23:20
phhrav: you made an upgrade from 4.2 ?23:20
phhmaybe try the goold old rm -Rf ~/.config/akonadi23:20
ravphh: just upgraded to jaunty23:20
phhthat's weir23:21
phhwell try the rm -Rf first anyway23:21
ravphh: and then?23:21
raindogphh:  you asked me "you've got problems with it?"  perhaps an autocompete error?23:21
phhraindog: erf sorry ...23:21
raindogphh:  No problem.  :)23:22
phhrav: logout/login23:22
ravi shall return23:24
Planetaryahh, kpackagekit isnt working for me. where is adapt or synaptic?23:48

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