
loolkblin: Sure09:00
loolkblin: What kind of issues do you so?09:01
lool*see damn09:01
loolkblin: Basically we wont spend time tolling a supported kernel at this time (we welcome community contributions there) but we're happy to help fixing userspace bugs09:01
lool(It's hard to type on Monday morning it seems)09:02
kblinlool: morning09:39
kblinlool: I'm observing some issues with using a setup like beagle -> usb hub -> hdd + ethernet09:40
ograpowered hub ?09:41
kblinlool: the fun part is that this only seems to happen if I try to pull from the usb drive over the network with scp or smb or the like09:41
kblinand a powered usb drive, for that matter09:41
ograand the board has its own power ? or is it powered from the hub ?09:42
kblinthe board is powered from the hub, as is the ethernet controller09:42
ogrado you have a 5V power supply you could attach to the board to see if it goes away ?09:43
kblinthis might be a kernel issue, as I've been unable to reproduce the issue on angstrom with a 2.6.28 kernel09:43
kblinat least with the C3 board I tested. I couldn't get angstrom to boot on the b609:44
ograwhat kernel do you use then ? (we have no officially supported beagle kernel in ubuntu)09:44
kblinyeah, I'm aware of that. that's why I asked about helping to get the damn thing supported..09:45
kblinI'm using one of the rcn-ee.com kernels recommended by the eLinux wiki09:46
ograi have a revB only, but never had issues ... i'm using a 5V supply on the board, powered hub and separately powered disk ... and the kernels from http://www.rcn-ee.com/deb/kernel/beagle/karmic/09:47
kblinI'm running jaunty, for what it's worth09:48
ograi ran jaunty before09:48
kblinI can try and get hold of a separate power supply for the box and see if that fixes it09:49
loolkblin: It sounds kernel related09:52
ograi think lool saw some issues that seemed to be power related as well09:52
* ogra shuts up :)09:52
kblinwell, what tripped me up was that I didn't see any issues running the angstrom demo image with a 2.6.28 kernel09:53
kblinI couldn't test with the 2.6.29 kernel for angstrom as the OTG port is broken for that09:53
kblinso I can't really compare kernels09:53
kblinhm, I guess I can supply power from a PC usb port as a first test09:56
loolkblin: Note that their kernel is patched10:15
kblinlool: yeah, I figured11:12
kblinlool: yet another reason to try and get my hardware supported by my distro :)11:13
loolomap is going to be harder11:13
kblinlool: what's the problem with omap?11:32
kblinapart that all the TI folks seem to be happy using angstrom for it?11:32
loolkblin: Its a very different tree11:35
loolSo it's nothing trivially mergeable in Ubuntu's kernel tree11:35
ograand not trivially maintainable afterwards either11:36
kblinI see11:37
john39091Sorry, wrong window19:20
manic12has anyone ever run the program "motion" on an arm?19:29
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