
MDC2hi guys! how you like this; http://www.mejlamej.nu/spinner-startup.png ?00:23
=== darkmatter2 is now known as darkmatter
raozuzuMDC2: nice! :D02:18
dashuaHas anyone done any work on that WillieIbex theme from Intrepid?04:03
dashuaI remember MacSlow saying something of possibly making that become a reality, but all of the attempts were not very pretty.04:04
mac_vdashua: i remember the theme faintly , link pls :) , i think MacSlow now has is hands full with notify-osd04:14
mac_vnevermind... i have the theme installed ;p i guess i didnt use it...04:15
dashuaThat's the mockup04:17
dashuaAlthough, it did not appear as pretty as the mockup for usability for some reason04:17
mac_vyeah... the menu rounded edges aernt implemented04:19
dashuaThere it is.04:21
dashuaAh, it was a gdm04:22
mac_vdashua: hehe , now in Karmic there can be no theming of gdm ;p04:24
dashuaI can't even get the new login window configuration to work.  Keeps crashing on me =/04:25
mac_vthe funny thing is , i have autologin set , so if i log out , i get re-logged in immediately, with no time delay..! ;p04:27
dashuaHave to love unstable releases.04:28
dashuaI feel better though that things are breaking which is usually a good sign of new things04:28
dashuaJaunty was quite stable from A204:29
dashuaKarmic is starting to break :)04:29
mac_vdashua: i think mat_t is working on a gdm theme almost similar to macslow's04:29
dashuaOh nice.  I do recall him asking about fading with Compiz04:30
mac_vi saw the mockup somewhere... i just cant find it again!04:30
dashuaSo, that will be nice04:30
dashuaI'm messing around with the window resize papercut, no real progress yet.04:31
dashuamac_v, Anything going on with Breathe or did efforts shift to Humanity?04:33
mac_vdashua: i think the real solution to that would be to add *invisible* border when the user moves from inside the window to the border , so that the handles grabs the handle04:33
dashuaI'm trying that now04:34
dashuaNot looking too good yet =/04:34
mac_vdashua: breathe is stuck , seb & cory are busy , so...04:34
dashuaAh, I see.04:35
mac_vi dont think humanity and breathe have any connection? or do they?04:35
dashuaNot sure.04:35
dashuaPretty damn sexxy set though.04:36
dashuaI'm really starting to dig it.04:36
mac_vi like the colors dan has used for the icons , they are so creamy/fluffy04:37
dashuaYeah, the battery icons for g-p-m are pretty sick.04:38
mac_vyou mean the grey or the colored ones?04:40
dashuaThe grey ones for full battery then to the colors04:40
dashuaVery dimensional04:40
mac_vdashua: mat_t's face browser was here > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot#Suggestion%20Two , but seems the link is now edited04:41
mac_vyeah... the battery colors , i didnt like very much... they seems out of humanity's color palatte04:42
dashuaI just noticed them on my netbook and they looked pretty good.04:42
dashuaMy other laptop is always plugged in so I never see the icons in action.04:43
mac_vme too ;p04:43
dashuaThey didn't seem that out of place04:43
mac_vthe blue was too loud , the rest of the colors are milder...04:44
dashuanm-applet is hard to see04:45
mac_vthe bars are difficult to differentiate04:45
dashuaI filed a bug on it.04:46
mac_vdashua: comments > http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/indicator24.svg04:46
dashuaLooks ok on a lighter theme.04:46
dashuaLooks good.  Is that for the drawer applet?04:47
mac_vhehe... actually i was trying to make an inbox :(04:47
mac_vi think he should just have the bars *only* for the signals04:48
dashuaAh yeah.  It could server a dual purpose ;)04:48
dashuaThe blue looked ok, now this is difficult to see04:49
mac_vthats canonical.... they want only monochrome for the panel04:49
mac_vdashua: does the inbox fit humanity? do you see any difference in style?04:50
mac_vfrom the panel icons04:50
dashuaNo, it actually fits pretty nice04:50
dashuaHe's using a light gradient for the greys it seems04:51
mac_vDaniel liked too.... just have to some how force sabdfl to use it insted of the envelope for the indicator applet!04:51
dashuaOh, he didn't like it?04:51
mac_vhavent shown him yet04:52
mac_vdashua: design team> One of the things we found in usability testing is that folks would go there for their mail even when it wasn't running."" this was with the icon displayed or without the icon? last i heard from him , they are going along with the envelope since no one came up with a better icon for the indicator applet ! that was on friday... lets see what happens on monday ;p04:55
dashuaOh cool.  Do you have an indicator new icon as well.  I will test it out.04:56
mac_vdashua: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/indicator-messages-new.svg04:57
dashuaCool. Thx :)04:58
mac_vdashua: anything you notice wrong with the messages-new icon?04:59
dashuaWow.  Looks good mate.05:00
mac_vthe glow idea, within the inbox was kwwii's ;p05:00
mac_v\o/ ,actually i'm unable to view my icon perfectly due to > Bug #410254 , i use vertical panels!05:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410254 in indicator-applet "Indicator applet icon Padding not equal , for vertical panels" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41025405:03
dashuaOh damn.05:04
dashuamac_v, Nite mate.  See you tomorrow.05:11
mac_vsure... bye :)05:11
mac_vmat_t: hi... i expected a reply exactly to the word... you didnt dissapoint ;p   it was such a thrill watching th progressbar zoom across :p17:12
mac_vmat_t: about the vertical battery icons... any desicions?17:22
mat_tthrobber works well if there's less than 10s of looking at it - if the boot speed is consistent, the throbber actually becomes a progress indication17:23
mat_tmac_v: sorry didn't have time to look yet - thanks for reminding me17:23
mat_twill look right now17:23
mac_vno probs :)17:23
mat_tmac_v: looks good ? the only thing I'm not sure about is the little lightning17:46
mac_vmat_t: as in? you want it bigger?17:47
mat_tmac_v: looks a bit flat, doesn't inherit the shading17:47
mat_tI think the size is fine17:47
mat_tIt looks a bit superimposed though, doesn't feel like the part of the battery17:48
mac_vmat_t: shading , in the flash creates problems when mainting the color for the progress , ie in the 40% 60%17:48
mac_voh that... o17:48
mat_tyeah I can imagine it being tricky17:48
mac_vmat_t: my idea was to have it superimposed... your want it etched in?17:49
mat_tIs there any other way we can indicate charging?17:49
mac_vcharging , we could add this plug in the side> notification-power-disconnected.svg < a small plug17:51
mac_vmat_t: we could keep the battery off-center and add the plug17:52
* mac_v looks back at the converstaion and notices a *lot* of typos!17:56
mac_vagain! conversation*17:57
mat_tmac_v: nah, I'd rather keep the battery central18:14
mac_vmat_t: so, you want an etched-in flash?18:14
mat_tmaybe we could try making the inside of the battery glow when it's charging?18:15
* mat_t is thinking out of da box18:15
mac_vglow using monochrome colors? and how well would it convey the idea of charging?18:16
* mac_v turns to google for ideas ;p18:17
MDC2andreasn, i've got a question about using icons; metacity and the taskbars window menu (min, max, close) - should these keep their icons even it shouldn't according to the design guides...?18:21
andreasnMDC2, you should probably ask mpt about that, he18:22
andreasn's the guidelines guy18:22
andreasnhe's in #ubuntu-desktop18:22
MDC2ah, thanks18:22
mac_vMDC2: 0.o from the title bars!18:22
MDC2mac_v, ?18:22
FLOZzHello all  _o/18:23
mac_vMDC2: removing the icons , from the title bars?18:23
MDC2mac_v, why would you like to do that? or.. what?18:23
andreasnI'm also quite jetlagged, so I should not be trusted with any kind of questions about anything that requires thinking :)18:23
MDC2hehe.. nice - where've you been?18:23
andreasnI used to be in Gothenburg, where I live18:24
mac_vMDC2: oh... i misread... you meant window menu... ah ...18:24
andreasnand now I'm in Vancouver18:24
MDC2andreasn, did you get some sun? been sunny here for a few days (linköping)18:25
* mac_v likes icons *every* where ;p18:26
MDC2mac_v, but now they're gone.. forever and ever ;-)18:26
mac_vMDC2:  i just turn them on in gconf ... ;p , thats what i love about open source , you can always hack it :)18:27
MDC2mac_v, let's see how many developers who will care about setting icons in menus and stuff now when they're gone by default..18:28
MDC2mac_v, but it's opensource as you said :-)18:29
andreasnMDC2, oh, you're located in Linköping, cool. Weather in Gothenburg seems to be roughly the same (rainy)18:29
andreasnbut it was quite nice in Gothenburg when I left18:29
MDC2andreasn, yep mostly rainy in gothenburg, rainy last time I was there as well ;)18:31
andreasnwas it windy then as well?18:32
andreasnit usually is18:32
andreasnso umbrellas is a nono18:33
MDC2andreasn, were at liseberg with some friends and quite windy up in the air :)18:33
MDC2any suggestion for bugs to work on today?18:35
MDC2preferable nautilus or libwnck18:36
MDC2fixed http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384435 yesterday and the result; http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=140285&action=view - better then before?18:37
ubottuGnome bug 384435 in tasklist "Spinner in window list when window is loading." [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]18:38
dashuamac_v, I just noticed a similar outbox icon on my Pre except it has a star in the box.19:03
dashuaI like it.19:03
mac_vhates dashua boasting about his PRE ;p19:04
dashuaJust noticed it today.19:04
dashuamac_v, What is this new throbber you were speaking of?  Boot animation?19:05
mac_vdashua: yeah... they are using the boot animation , but i prefer the progress bar19:08
mac_v*using the throbber for the boot19:08
dashuaAh, is that uploaded yet or still in testing?19:09
mac_vdashua: > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo19:10
MDC2mac_v, very "glowy" menu items19:10
mac_vMDC2: not my idea ;p19:11
MDC2pretty nice, but I don't like the background color19:11
MDC2a color with more "color" - something that made you feel happy would be nice :)19:11
MDC2mac_v, otherwise really nice!19:12
mac_vMDC2: i too dont like the background color... > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2009-August/011206.html you can follow this thread19:15
MDC2mac_v, great! keep up bothering them :)19:17
mac_vMDC2: they dont bother that easy , and i dont have so much patience ,to make them ;p19:18
MDC2mac_v, but please no more f*g brown/orange/bla.. ;-)19:19
thorwilyeah, more purple and lime, please!!19:20
mac_vlmao... +1 for brevity19:20
MDC2"Iteration 1" is the best of the iterations.. i like greenish and blueish :)19:21
MDC2but definitly not "Iteration 2) - its awful ;)19:22

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