
=== MTeck is now known as MT-
=== MT- is now known as MTeck
=== jMyles is now known as ausimage42721
=== ausimage42721 is now known as jMyles
amitkrtg: will these changes that you threaten to push to master break a rebase?14:19
rtgamitk, rebase to a topic branch? not if you _completely_ remove the topic branch debian directory first.14:20
* amitk will try it out once the change is made...14:21
rtgamitk, you're gonna have to change the rebase script in the fsl topic branch14:21
amitkI will14:21
amitkand then push it to master for the next poor soul who has to start a new branch14:22
rtgamitk, agreed14:22
rtgwe'll get it figured out eventually14:22
pgraneranyone else seeing us.archive.u.c being awfully slow today?14:30
apwamitk, i recon the rebase script should by default pull in the contents of the scripts/misc directory from master by default14:31
apwpgraner, where are you timezone wise?  its always slow from here14:31
pgranerapw: back in EST (NC)14:32
pgranerapw: I'm getting a steady 41.8kB/s 14:32
apwthats utterly shite :)14:32
pgranerapw: yea now you see why I'm asking about the apt-cacher-ng thing14:33
apwdoes it belong to us?14:33
ogrartg, for the upgrade issue from linux-imx51 you simply need to add: Conflicts: linux-imx51 and Replaces: linux-imx51 to the linux-babbage debian/control file 14:33
pgranerapw: my rsync script stopped running while I was gone so I'm a week out of date :-(14:33
apwyeeks life is over14:34
rtgogra, send a patch to the mailing list so I don't forget14:34
pgranerapw: so I'm reworking my setup ....14:34
pgranerapw: the only thing I'll need to rsync are the daily ISO bits14:34
apwyeah same here, iso's get syned apt-cacher for the rest14:35
rtgNg, ? whats up with '--help' in all the channels?14:36
ograus.archive.u.c has dailies ? 14:36
* ogra thought they would not be mirrored from cdimage.u.c14:36
pgranerogra: no, just talking about how we do it14:36
Ngrtg: shockingly poor use of irssi's /foreach :(14:36
rtgNg, ah, I have that problem some days too :)14:36
ograpgraner, ah, i thought it was related to your question about us.a.u.c14:37
pgranerNg: and here I thought you had so deep insight to the slow us.archive discussion :-(14:37
pgranerrtg: I got an email from someone complaining that we dropped the DSDT patch14:46
rtgpgraner, we didn't drop it, I just never forward ported it.14:47
pgranerrtg: ok, at this point its the same difference14:47
pgranerrtg: IIRC we decided at the sprint that we would not fwd port it, correct?14:47
rtgmjg59, do you think the DSDT patch is still worth it? I consider it a bit dangerous since you can brick your BIOS with it.14:48
mjg59rtg: I'd be surprised if you can brick the BIOS14:49
mjg59It's certainly possible to damage the hardware by breaking thermal control, though14:49
* cking concurs with mjg5914:49
mjg59I don't think it's necessary any more14:49
mjg59We don't ship it in Fedora and there's a miniscule number of bugs from people wanting it14:49
rtgmjg59, I have not checked, but are you carrying it in Fedora?14:49
rtgmjg59, cool, thanks.14:50
rtgpgraner, I stand by our decision to _not_ carry it.14:50
pgranerrtg: ack, I'll respond, I'll document on the wiki on the Kernel FAQ14:50
apwamitk, what was the syncy thing you use called?15:08
* rtg thinks apw speaks in pidgin english 15:09
apwi have a way with words don't you think15:11
amitkapw: unison15:11
apwthx ... stupid name :)15:11
amitkapw: wait till you find out what its written in :)15:11
apwamitk, you used this thing with more than one replica?15:17
amitkcking: correct15:21
ckingand there was much gnashing of teeth...15:21
amitkapw: simultaneously? no15:21
apwcking, one of your favourites then?15:21
* cking notes it's another scripting language to learn and then forget about15:22
amitkapw: you can do several 1-to-1 syncs to achieve the effect15:22
apwamitk, any idea which end keeps state for the sync?  src/dst/both?15:22
amitkboth keep their end of the state15:23
apwso doing a sync from A to B from either end is equivalent and interchangeable15:24
amitkhttp://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/ , incase you haven't found it already15:24
apwamitk, is this thing interactive?  ie is it asking me a question when it says:15:27
apw         <---- file       bin/kpkg-check  [f] 15:28
amitkapw: use -auto, it will then only bother you with the ones with conflicts15:30
apwhandy thanks15:30
amitkapw: I use this script: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/250854/ . I can then call it with unison-sync.sh <ip/hostname> <dir>15:33
apwyeah that looks handy15:34
apwi assume that makes the sync unit the whole account but then limits us to one subdir 15:35
amitkif by whole account, you mean your home dir, then yes15:36
rtgjjohansen, will we achieve a uec (aka ec2) flavour for this A4 release?16:55
jjohansenrtg: I hope so17:05
jjohansenrtg: I have run into a few problems with the suse patches though17:06
rtgjjohansen, its pretty much gotta happen today. otherwise I won't have time to integrate the patch set. I may not have time anyway.17:06
jjohansenrtg: right now I am running a paravirt ops build while I work on the suse patches, to see if that will work17:07
rtgperhaps you just  oughta take your time and get it right. An A4 release isn't critical.17:07
sumanchi, can someone help me with linux-image-debug-<version> package?17:55
sumanci understand that its not available for all kernel versions. how can i make one myself?17:56
rtgsumanc, look in debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk for CurrentlyBuilding17:57
rtgogra, re: fsl imax51 build times. what do you suggest?17:58
ogrartg, faster buildds :) 17:58
ograwe'll get them soon17:59
rtgogra, I've been working to speed developer build times by skipping some packages.17:59
ogrartg, that wasnt a serious comment in the other channel17:59
rtgogra, couldn't tell if you were just grumbling17:59
ogranah 18:00
ograi'll wait patiently18:00
ograhave my nightshifts for the week planned anyway so it doesnt matter when the buildd spits it out18:00
ograit just feels longer if you watch it all the time18:01
rtgogra, go have a beer and come back in awhile.18:01
ograyeah, i probably should do that18:02
sumancrtg, thanks. i read that file. can you please dumb it down for me a little. 18:12
* apw wonders if it is entirly reasonable to be checking floppies for partition tables?18:12
sumancif i do AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs, will it build that package?18:13
apwi assume they are supported in theory?18:13
apwsumanc, i would not have expected you to need AUTOBUILD=1, otherwise i would expect that to make you some binaries to install18:13
rtgsumanc, 'sudo mkdir /CurrentlyBuilding', then rerun your build. You can shortcut some of the build by running 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=generic'18:17
sumancapw and rtg, thanks. command 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=generic' is running right now18:20
ograyou might want to make it skip abi and modules checking in the end of the build 18:20
ograif you made any config changes18:20
sumancbut CurrentlyBuilding is created under / right? what does this do? i am running fakeroot as non-root user. will it create any permission issues?18:20
* ogra always runs into that 18:20
ograand sedly the check happens only at the very end of the build18:21
sumanci c.18:21
rtgsumanc, its a convention used by the buildd's. if '/CurrentlyBuilding' exists (which it will on a buildd), then the debug packages (and some other stuff) are created.18:22
sumanci have not made any config changes, i want the linux-debug-<version> package for the systemtap to work.18:22
rtgsumanc, you should be fine. note the debug package is quite large18:22
sumancrtg, thanks for the explanation. large is fine. i got a lot of space :)18:23
rtgsumanc, and hopefully a fast disk18:23
sumanc5400 rpm18:24
sumancbuild is crawling the laptop though :(18:24
apwyou have an hour of grinding i'd say18:26
sumanci am just getting into kernel hacking. is systemtap something you guys recommend? or are there other tools and practices? i want to be able to debug/look inside the hood as much as possible18:29
sumanci am used to printk, but it gets in the way and not always appropriate, i think.18:31
apwcking, and every time it finds a floppy, it checks it for a partition table18:33
apwwhich leads it to read at least 2 blocks, leading to a 50s ish delay18:34
ograapw, i doubt we would drop devicekit within the next two weeks to switch to udev only design18:43
ograand after FF such a change is inappropriate18:43
ograso fixing devkit is surely the way to go for floppies18:43
apwit'll be a udev config change i think, but yes18:44
ogrageez ! 18:44
ograseems linux-fsl is in its finishing stages18:44
apwna you are hulucinating from holding your breath18:44
apwsumanc, i tend to use printk myself for most of my debug18:46
rtgogra, armel FTBS18:47
rtghmm, dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-debug-2.6.31-0-babbage not in control info18:48
rtgthought I fixed that18:49
sumancglad to see: dpkg-deb: building package `linux-image-debug-2.6.28-14-generic'18:50
ogrartg, well, your debian/rules seems to still have lines with -plinux-image-debug-2.6.31-0-babbage18:50
rtgogra, indeed. Is there a requirement for a debug package?18:51
ogranot now, no18:51
ograthe kernel wont even work properly, we have no working USB and no NIC driver atm18:51
ograits all about booting and making sure the image layout in karmic works right18:52
ogradrop debug 18:52
apwgurgle, arm, ... pop18:53
sumancthanks guys. i have the debug package installed now. i need to reboot to test it. thanks a lot for your help.19:12
=== zul_ is now known as zul
mattwj2002hi everyone23:36
mattwj2002I need help23:36
mattwj2002anyone know if this would be supported by the kernel?23:37
Q-FUNKmattwj2002: hard to tell without knowing what's the chipset used for each function.23:39
mattwj2002oh okay23:39
mattwj2002yeah I tried googling it23:39
mattwj2002no luck :(23:39

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