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davmor2Guys I got karmic unr on AAO over the weekend the new interface started to crash out after about 10-30 seconds leaving you with a black bar that does nothing, is it something that got corrupted with an upgrade should I try a fresh install?09:18
looldavmor2: What crashes?  Can you connect over SSH?09:26
davmor2lool: I don't have ssh-server install so no, I can't seem to switch over to console either.  I think I'll try a fresh install and see if that fixes it I'll drop ssh-servers09:29
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dolgaanyone here knows how to install ubuntu mid on hp ipaq hx4700??12:52
derekShey guys. whats the deal with moblin/ubuntu? is there a more netbookish ubuntu than the one that came with my dell netbook?15:45
derekSideally based on moblin?15:45
loolderekS: The moblin stack is partially packaged publicly15:52
loolBut not fully in Ubuntu yet15:52
loolderekS: I recommend sticking to UNR for now15:52
ograthough the default UNR looks a lot different from the launcher dell ships afauk15:54
ogra"more netbookish" probably 15:54
derekSogra: its not just the launcher, its the whole experience15:55
ograwell, pull an UNR image and try it from USB, its a live image so you can easily compare to what you have installed15:56
derekSit would be nice to have the 25 second boot time, the great UX, with the ubuntu backend15:56
derekSogra: is there a vmware image?15:56
ograthe karmic images are isos 15:57
ograyou should be able to run them in vbox, qemu, kvm or vmware15:57
derekSyeah, thankss, i'll try it out15:57
ian_brasili like the new unr interface b.t.w16:27
loolian_brasil: The one in karmic?16:36
loolnjpatel: ^16:40
loolnjpatel: kudos for new UNR16:40
njpatellool: thanks :)16:42
njpatelit's the design team's work, though :)16:42
* njpatel needs to fix the crasher on exit16:42
ian_brasilright, it is very professional...i found a launcher bug though #411088 which happened after a suspend/resume kernel bug #41109116:43
ubottuBug 411091 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/411091 is private16:43
njpatelweird, can't see it16:43
ian_brasilnetbook-launcher crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT()16:43
njpatelian_brasil: ah right, i'll fix that first-thing tomorrow. I've seen the dups pile up today, but am busy with some other deadlines.16:45
njpatelhopefully the fix will land in alpha 416:45
ian_brasilnjpatel, thx - *much* slicker interface..i have had a couple of 'i want that' requests already16:47
njpatelian_brasil: nice :) More stuff is possible with the new architecture, I'm going to try and do a few posts on planet ubuntu detailing it in the couple of weeks, hopefully people can do some cool stuff with it16:49
ian_brasiland i personally like the grouping of everything in 'system'..the focus on the user interface is really paying off so congrats16:50
derekSso just downloaded the UNR. nice UI. Is there an effort to make it more like moblin?18:22
derekSless desktopish18:22
derekSmore netbookish?18:22
derekSimho, this is too desktopish, and moblin isn't desktopish enough18:26
ian_brasilderekS, i think that is called personal taste ;)18:29
derekSian_brasil: playing with them, i feel like they have different goals18:47
ian_brasilwell they are different projects18:48
derekSian_brasil: yeah, the ubuntu is much more full featured, but the UX of moblin is pretty amazing, imho, it is just too limiting19:06
derekSi hope that UNR builds on moblin19:06
ian_brasilthere was a spec for this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/MobileKarmicMoblinRemix but i think it was dropped19:13
ian_brasilbut theoretically you could just install ubuntu minimal and then build the moblin interface using alien on the rpm's19:14
derekSian_brasil: yeah, i saw that. the greatest part about ubuntu is that we don't have to do that :)19:19
ian_brasilwell i think the greatest part is that we *can* do that :)19:21
derekSian_brasil: haha yeah19:29
ian_brasilderekS, http://blog.canonical.com/?p=17320:47
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