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artfwo hi! would anybody like to re-review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/scantailor - an interactive post-processing tool for scanned books (c++/qt/cmake/cdbs) :)04:56
fabrice_spartfwo, you should ping nellery so that he checks the fix, and if he gives you the advocation, ping again vorian ;-)05:16
fabrice_spyou already have one advocation ;-)05:17
artfwobut it's gone, because I've reuploaded the package05:17
artfwonellery, could you please re-check the fix for scantailor?05:18
fabrice_spby the way, you alread had 2 advocations, and it got uploaded. What happened?05:19
fabrice_spGot rejected by archive admin?05:19
artfwowell, it got rejected from the archive, because there was a CC-icon compiled into GPL binary05:19
fabrice_spahh  ok05:20
artfwoI have replaced it and the change was also accepted upstream05:20
artfwoso there should be no licensing issues anymore (I hope)05:20
fabrice_spartfwo, as james_w` and nixternal_ already gave you an advocation, perhaps you could check with them if they are still willing to advocate the package05:23
artfwooh, I thought it's not okay to ping you guys individually in such a case05:24
fabrice_spwell, if they already gave you an advocation, you can just ask them if they are  still willing to advocate it again. But as it was in march....05:25
artfwojames_w`, nixternal_ would you like to advocate http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/scantailor once again, hmm?05:26
nelleryartfwo: I'll take a look again05:32
nelleryartfwo: ah, found another missing copyright05:38
artfwois there?05:38
nelleryartfwo: in imageproc/GaussBlur.cpp05:38
artfwoit uses code from the gimp05:39
AnAnt_Hello, something wrong with packages.ubuntu.com ?05:40
AnAnt_also rmadison doesn't seem to work05:40
mrooneyAnAnt_: I was just going to ask how to figure out which version of a package is in Karmic without it, it does seem to be down05:40
AnAnt_mrooney: there's a tool called rmadison05:41
nelleryartfwo: and the google copyright is missing some years05:41
AnAnt_mrooney: rmadison <package name>05:41
AnAnt_mrooney: yet it doesn't seem to be working either05:41
artfwonellery, is it okay, to just extend the copyright line to "2006-2008"?05:42
nellerymrooney: www.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<packagename> should work05:42
nelleryartfwo: I don't see a 200705:42
nelleryso I think 2006, 2008 would be better05:43
AnAnt_nellery: ah, thanks05:43
nelleryartfwo: crash_reporter/google-breakpad/processor/scoped_ptr.h has a few missing05:43
nelleryand that's all I found missing05:44
artfwodo you think, anything else besides copyright requires fixing?05:45
nelleryartfwo: not that I can see05:46
nellerystill need to test it out a bit05:46
dholbachgood morning05:50
mrooneynellery: thanks :)05:50
mrooneydholbach: good morning!05:50
dholbachih mrooney05:50
nelleryhey dholbach!05:50
dholbachhiya nellery05:51
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fabrice_spHey! Good morning dholbach :-)05:57
dholbachhey fabrice_sp05:58
artfwonellery, do you mind re-reviewing scantailor? I have just reuploaded with an updated copyright06:02
nelleryartfwo: yup06:02
nelleryartfwo: looks good06:08
nelleryack from me06:08
ScottKnellery: One ack for a re-upload is enough.06:09
nelleryScottK: ok06:09
nelleryartfwo: I'll upload it then06:09
artfwocan I track the status of the upload somehow?06:10
nelleryartfwo: once it's uploaded you'll see it at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue06:10
artfwookay, will check it out then06:11
ScottKStevenK: Any feelings on if a 26.5MB package that is just a packaged PDF doc that's built as an arch any package is worth a reject from Binary New with a note "Please may arch all"?06:18
lifelessinsanity is insane06:20
nelleryartfwo: it's at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue now06:31
artfwowow, that was fast06:33
StevenKScottK: Err, yeah, that needs to be killed.06:56
ScottKStevenK: It's  simplecommeubuntu.  Feel free to reject it or I will after I sleep.06:57
doctormoScottK: are you saying there is a pdf which is 25MB in a package? shouldn't the source be in there instead if it really must be a package?07:20
fabrice_spdoctormo, ScottK is speaking about a binary package, not a source package07:22
doctormoI see07:30
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hyperairwho broke cups-pdf? it now prints blank pages!07:51
hyperairhmm cups-pdf didn't change recently, so it must have been one of its dependencies..07:52
hyperairor maybe it's cups itself.07:53
hyperairhmm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghostscript/+bug/41055607:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410556 in ghostscript "Only blank pages print on Brother MFC-7420 (dup-of: 409962)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409962 in poppler "poppler 0.11.2 produces blank pages with cups" [High,Confirmed]07:59
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YokoZarScottK: mind if I poke you ~ the R packages a bit?12:32
YokoZarI'm curious if there's still any left to sync from Debian12:33
* directhex recompiles YokoZar using ICC12:33
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apwanyone know when the next motu council meeting should be?  the documentation variously says every 2 weeks and also specifies the 2nd friday and 4th friday, yet there was one last week and that is still marked as the 'next' one ... confusing12:36
geserapw: oh, good question, will ask the other MC members and update the page accordingly12:49
apwgeser, thanks12:49
ScottKYokoZar: I think it's done. There were some in New it might be worth syncing if they get out in time.13:10
YokoZardirecthex: sorry I generate valgrind errors unless you're using gcc13:12
directhexi built mono with icc once. benchmarks were about 10% faster, except for one test which was 700% slower13:13
geserapw: in theory the next MC meeting should be this Friday but if you planned to send an application you're late for this meeting. The meeting after that one is Thu, August 27th13:20
apwgeser, think there is any chance of sneaking onto the friday one, gonna be away for the next one13:22
apwit would be hard for anyone to apply in time as the date wasn't clear till today13:24
apwand indeed as was demonstrated by the last one, you can't use the algorithm to predict it :/13:24
geserapw: the last one was made as the one before that did not happen13:25
geseras we usually want at least one week to have time to review an application it will be unlikely in time for this week (and I don't know yet if this friday will happen, waiting on answers)13:27
apwwell the simple solution for me is to just list the dates i can do and they can tell me which works13:27
apwlife is too short to try and second guess13:28
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apwgeser, do you know who moderates the email lists?14:07
apw(motu ones)14:07
geserthe MC but only motu-council is moderated IIRC14:10
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apwhrm perhaps i am stupdi14:23
apwgeser, hrm, that is the one they ask you to email14:25
Laneyapw: your mail got through14:26
LaneyI don't think m-c is moderated14:26
Laneyat least i've never seen a moderation mail when posting there14:26
apwit emailed me to say so :)14:26
apwbut if its through i can go back to sleep14:26
geserLaney: it is: "Motu-council post from apw@canonical.com requires approval" but it also got moderated already14:27
Laneyyou can check there14:27
apwsorry for the noise ...14:28
Laneymaybe it's just unmoderated for subscribers14:28
geserthat might be14:28
* Laney eyes Ng 14:39
NgI failed at using irssi's help14:39
* slytherin wonders why netbeans would crash thunderbird15:26
ScottKApparently because it can.15:55
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stochasticdoes anyone have time to REVU any of these packages: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xwax       http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/a2jmidid      http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xjadeo        http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/slv2        and it's not mine but I'd really like to see it get included: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyphat18:46
doctormoWhere is the best place to talk about the deps when installing avahi?19:24
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, grub-installer does not unhide the menu if other operating systems are installed19:42
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: I thought I just fixed that today19:42
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, I just upgraded grub and it does boot directly into Ubuntu and I have windows vista on one machine installed, and in other machine windows XP19:43
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: if you upgraded grub, grub-installer is not involved19:43
RoAkSoAxand in both, it boots directly into UBuntu without unhiding the menu19:43
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: you need to do a bit of manual reconfiguration if you've been upgrading through karmic, I'm afraid. I'll post to ubuntu-devel-announce about it19:44
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: basically edit /etc/default/grub, comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 (or whatever), then sudo update-grub19:44
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, ok will do. Though I just have to tell that before todays update it was working properly :)19:45
cjwatsonyes, I'm aware of that. I couldn't think of a particularly reasonable way to do the upgrade automatically.19:46
cjwatson(why on earth are you reporting bugs on #ubuntu-motu, BTW?)19:46
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, I just wanted let you know, since you did the last update :S19:46
RoAkSoAxand thanks for the fix :)19:48
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: right, better to use the bug tracking system in future though please - anyway, the jaunty->karmic case is what's important, which is bug 386789 and I'll edit the bug to make that explicit19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386789 in grub2 "'grub2' does not carry over correct 'timeout' time from 'grub'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38678919:50
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, btw I did not upgrade from jaunty, I just updated karmic. I've reported the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/41158420:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411584 in grub2 "karmic: After update, grub2 does not unhide the menu when other operating systems are installed" [Undecided,New]20:04
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: I understand that20:04
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: my statement is that I care much more about jaunty->karmic upgrades than about karmic->karmic upgrades20:05
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, oh I misunderstood then :)20:05
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: and if making the former behave correctly involves sacrificing the latter for the moment, I'll do that20:05
RoAkSoAxcjwatson, I understand. I just misunderstood :). Anyways, the bug is reported. Thanks again for the fix.20:06
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mrooneyIs there a way to search installed packages by install date? Like packages I installed since Friday?20:41
ScottKmrooney: For dates that recently /var/log/dpkg.log* should know.20:46
garyvdmHi - I did a uscan, and then deleted that file it download. Now I'm getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251009/ How do I resolve this?20:52
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Ampelbeingaryvdm: remove the qbzr-1.13(.orig) directory20:53
* garyvdm tries20:53
garyvdmAmpelbein: Thanks - that solve that problem. Now I'm getting another error, but let me try solve it my self first.20:55
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garyvdmOk - I updated bzr-builddeb. Now I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251025/21:14
garyvdmuscan in the parent dir works.21:14
Ampelbeingaryvdm: there is no 0.13 tarball at the specified location.21:16
Ampelbeinhttps://edge.launchpad.net/qbzr/+download has a 1.13 tarball though, is that it?21:16
garyvdmyes - and uscan had all ready successfully downloaded it.21:17
Ampelbeingaryvdm: in your debian/changelog, the topmost entry must have the version 1.13 . can you confirm?21:18
garyvdmYes . Give me a sec, and I will paste it.21:18
Ampelbeingaryvdm: your uscan now looks for version 0.13 which doesn't exist.21:18
garyvdmTop of changelog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251029/21:19
garyvdmAmpelbein: I ran uscan, and it downloaded 0.1321:20
Ampelbeingaryvdm: no it didn't, see your previous paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/251009/ (last line)21:21
Ampelbeingaryvdm: it tried downloading 1.1321:21
garyvdmThats what I can understand. I got that error when I ran bzr bd, but not when I ran uscan.21:22
Ampelbeingaryvdm: uscan looks for the latest upstream version, which is 1.1321:23
Ampelbeingaryvdm: bzr bd looks at debian/changelog and looks for that version, in your case 0.1321:24
Ampelbeingaryvdm: and that version does not have a tarball for download21:24
garyvdmAmpelbein: 1.13 should be 0.13 - Silly me21:25
Ampelbeingaryvdm: seems to be a release problem from the authors  of qbzr though. they claim it's 0.13 but the tarball is named 1.1321:25
garyvdmThat would be my mistake.21:25
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garyvdmAmpelbein: Thanks for the help. All working now :-)21:33
Ampelbeingaryvdm: you're welcome.21:33
jtimbermanHello. How can I delete a package? I'd like a sync from Debian NEW rather than the package I uploaded to REVU? Package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/merb23:07
jtimbermansync request is : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/41153623:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411536 in ubuntu "[Sync Request] Request sync of merb_1.0.12-1 from Debian NEW (main) for (universe)" [Undecided,New]23:08
jtimbermanyes that.23:09
RainCTjtimberman: I've archived the package on REVU.23:09
RainCTjtimberman: has the pacakge already gone through NEW though?23:09
hggdhloic-m, things seem to have gone bad. I am sorry about that (got busy here), and I would like to keep on the discussion23:09
jtimbermanRainCT: Its in NEW, which is backlogged.23:10
jtimbermanso its not uploaded to any debian repos23:10
loic-mhggdh: yes, my head is a bit hurting atm though ;)23:10
RainCTjtimberman: I don't think we do syncs from the NEW queue23:11
hggdhlater, loic-m  ;-) now it is not the time (and I have to pack and get to my hotel23:11
loic-mAnd my wife is looking at me reproachfully23:11
hggdhwe'll talk later23:11
jtimbermanRainCT: Ah, I misunderstood.23:11
loic-mhggdh: I'll be AFK for 2 weeks, had to start today but will start 2morrow AFAIK if weather gets better ;)23:11
loic-mping me in 2 weeks23:11
loic-mnitey nite23:12
hggdhloic-m, will do, thanks for the patience23:12
directhexNEW is write-only23:12
jtimbermanSo I understand, for packages that are in only Debian NEW and not in a Debian APT repo: Should I open launchpad tickets as [needs-packaging], and upload the packages I'm working with to REVU?23:35

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