
BUGabundoyou run a tracking on chromium?00:00
BUGabundowhat's that realtime search thingy?00:00
* BUGabundo google real time search engine00:00
BUGabundobad google00:00
BUGabundo2nd hit http://collecta.com/00:01
* BUGabundo echo sleep > /etc/mode && /home/BUGabundo reload00:06
ftaBUGabundo, you should really learn some shell00:07
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundoits a joke00:07
BUGabundocome on!!!00:07
BUGabundoits not even meant to work00:08
BUGabundojust to say gudd night00:08
BUGabundosome day I'll have to install a spellchecker on this brain of mine00:08
micahgasac: are you still here?00:36
asacmicahg: for a minute or so ... yes00:46
micahgok, first, I rejected a bug to pacakge FF3.6a100:46
asacmicahg: wishlist bug?00:46
micahgsecond, I just saw that mozilla wants to release ff3.6 in quick order00:46
micahgWell, is there any chance we'd consider packaging individual pre-releases00:47
micahgI would think that time would be better spent elsewhere00:47
asacnot sure what you mean by that00:47
micahgas we have the dailies00:47
micahgpackaging 3.6a1 in an official repo00:48
asacnot a100:48
asacmicahg: so for official archive we usually start on late alphas00:48
asaclike 5 or 6 in the past00:48
asacor even early betas00:48
asacwe want to create a milestone ppa though00:48
asacthat would fit in there imo00:48
asacmilestone/backports ppa00:48
micahgshould I reopen the request?00:48
asacmicahg: a general wishlist bug "3.6aX in the archive can be kept open00:49
asacat best give us the bug id so we can alread add it to changelog00:49
micahgok, I'll just open as packaging ff3.600:49
asacmicahg: and xul 1.9.2 ;)00:50
micahgseparate bug?00:50
micahgor same?00:50
micahgbug 41095900:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410959 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Firefox 3.6" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41095900:52
micahgshould xul192 be a separate bug?00:53
asacnot sure. i think most will look for ffox bug so it should be fine00:54
micahgso just add xul192 to it?00:54
micahgor jsut leave it00:54
asacmicahg: at best link our .head branch to it so noone wastes time and does a package ;)00:54
asacmicahg: add both branches00:54
micahgThis one? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.2.head00:56
asacwe should rename it at some point00:56
micahgIs this the head for xulrunner?  lp:~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.2.head00:58
asacmicahg: yes00:58
micahglast issue for the night01:00
micahgmozilla was talking about releasing 3.6 quickly01:00
asacfrom what i know they try to aim for 9 month cycles since 3.001:00
asac3.5 took 12 month though01:00
micahgwould it follow that 3.5 support will only be 6-9 months after 3.6 release?01:00
asaci guess they will not extend their support timeframe unfortunately01:01
asacso yes.01:01
micahgso, maybe we should include ff 3.6 in universe in karmic01:01
micahgthat way it'll have a browser for its entire life01:01
asacproblem is that we cant really make it the default so this wouldnt help much01:02
ftaasac, we should do something to make the bot abort if the tarball is not for the right branch.. like foo-1.2 version 1.3a1pre01:02
asacfta: yeah01:02
asacotherwise we are doomed when they bump version i guess01:03
micahgwell, for hardy was ff3 default or ff2?01:03
asacwe have now moz-version --compare in mozilla-devscripts. we could use that to test/declare upper/lower version bounds01:03
asaceither manualyl maintained or auto generated from changelog upstream version01:03
asacmicahg: for hardy ff301:06
ftamaybe abort in MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD and propagate the failure.. not sure the rest will follow though..01:07
micahgwell, what happens to jaunty after january?01:07
micahgdefault browser loses support01:07
asacmicahg: backports01:07
asacmicahg: what happens to hardy-jaunty after january01:08
micahgok, but at least ff3.5 is in the repos and will have support at least though 201001:08
micahgthat's why I'm wondering about ff3.601:08
asacnot in hardy01:08
asacthe universe package are not a valid support option01:08
asacthe problem is xulrunner ... which has rdepends01:09
asacit would be quite an effort to backport all rdepends to new xulrunner01:09
asacbut might be the best way indeed ;)01:09
ftamaybe we'll have chromium by then ;)01:09
asacnot so sure yet if i want to do that01:09
fta!info firefox dapper01:10
asacfta: it doesnt matter. rdepends is the problem01:10
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7810 kB, installed size 23108 kB01:10
ftawe still have that, so why not 3.001:10
asacdid i say something different?01:10
micahgfta: dapper isn't receving desktop support01:10
asaci will backport patches until i die ;)01:10
ftai really wonder how many users are still using that...01:11
asacfta: its EOL now.01:11
micahgasac: can we add a note about FF EOL like debian does?01:11
asaconly server is still supported01:11
ftathe desktop01:11
asacmicahg: no01:11
asacmicahg: debian surrenders ... which is not something we can do01:11
asacactually we supported in debian for full stable01:12
asacjust not for oldstable01:12
asacbecause we have no folks that are willing to maintain oldstable long enough01:12
micahgso you intend to backport fixes to 3.0.x until karmic is EOL?01:12
asacand i tried as best as i could, but my time is also finite01:12
micahgI know01:12
asacmicahg: until hardy is EOL01:13
asacnot sure what comes first01:13
micahgsame time :)01:13
asac3.0 will ride along with that01:13
asacso yeah01:13
asacgood luck for karmic then01:13
asaci think its 12 month backports01:13
asacshould be doable01:13
asac3.5 branch is not that much different01:13
asaci expect most issues to popup in tracemonkey ... which dont need to be backported in most cases01:13
asacas 3.0 has no tracemonkey01:14
asacthe layout stuff etc. is hopefully similar enough to make backports possible01:14
micahgok, so only CVE's would be backported?01:15
asacin the past i backported all sg:* bugs fixed upstream01:16
micahgI'm just wondering if I should be marking stuff Won't Fix for ff3.001:16
asacnot all get a MFSA/CVEs, but most01:16
asacof course MFSA/CVE bugs have priority01:16
micahgwhat is sg:*?01:16
asacmicahg: everything except security group bugs or top crashers are wont fix in 3.001:16
asac(and packaging bugs)01:16
micahgok, I'll keep marking them then ;)01:17
asacmicahg: please ask reports to add firefox 3.5 task on their own if they dont see it01:17
asacin that way we might loose some bugs that just sit there for nothing ;)01:17
asaci mean for low/undecided and maybe medium bugs01:17
* micahg usually adds it...is that not right?01:18
asacif you touch bugs you can add it01:18
asacbut dont go through the list and add it everywhere... its a good time to let users confirm it01:18
micahgok, I usually add it if it's already upstream01:18
asacyes. upstreawmed bugs should be moved too01:18
micahgI'll do that...ping user for update01:19
micahgI hope next weekend to do more triage01:19
micahgI hope this is the last Sunday I have to work for a while01:19
ftascons: *** [/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] /build/buildd/chromium-browser- No such file or directory01:29
ftaso system scons is not good enough in intrepid01:30
ftabugzilla is broken01:31
fta"Repairs in Progress"01:31
asaclots of other sites too01:46
asacMDC for instance is down01:46
bjsniderfirefox 3.5 cannot use the URW Chancery L font03:48
bjsniderit can use that font on mac03:49
micahgwhy not?03:50
micahglooks fine to me03:50
bjsniderreally? it's a script font. you're seeing that on that page?03:50
micahgoh maybe not then03:51
micahgit would need to be installed on teh system03:51
bjsniderit's showing you a default font03:51
bjsniderit's instaleld in ubuntu by default. you've got it03:51
micahgit looks different03:51
bjsnidertry that page in ff 303:51
bjsnideror any other browser03:51
micahgIt shows me that font family as being nrendered03:52
bjsnideras being what?03:53
micahgah, I see03:53
micahgin Firebug03:54
micahgok, I'd say open a bug03:54
bjsniderno, i can't do that yet03:54
micahgwhy not?03:55
bjsnideri have to test all of the other fonts too03:55
bjsniderhow can i trust it?03:55
bjsniderif it broke this one why didn't it break any others?03:55
micahgok, well, when you are done, please open a bug report in firefox-3.5 and I will check upstream03:55
micahgthe common fonts page shwos discrepencies03:57
micahgbetween ff3 and ff3.503:58
bjsnideroh crap03:59
bjsniderhow many, do you suppose?03:59
micahglooks like quite a few04:00
micahgmost are unnoticable unless you are specifically looking for it04:00
bjsnideri'm having trouble coming up with this bug report title: "font rendering is all effed up in FF 3.5"04:01
micahgnon standard fonts aren't rendering correctly?04:01
bjsnideri dunno04:02
Jeffrey04I attempted to update my firefox-3.5 this morning and it seems like firefox.desktop would be updated after the update is completed, is it intended?05:50
Jeffrey04apt refused to overwrite firefox.desktop saying something like it belongs to firefox-3.0 (???)05:51
Jeffrey04i then uninstalled firefox-3.5 and revert back to firefox-3.0 for now (using hardy 64bit)05:52
micahgJeffrey04: is someone helping you?05:53
Jeffrey04no, I don't know where I can report this05:53
micahgcan you start over05:53
micahgwhat is the problem?05:54
Jeffrey04I ran apt-get upgrade this morning05:54
Jeffrey04and then updated firefox-3.505:54
micahgoh hardy?05:54
Jeffrey04but the upgrade failed saying that firefox-3.5-branding cannot overwrite firefox.desktop05:54
Jeffrey04yea, hardy 64bit05:54
micahgfrom where did you get a firefox-3.5 package?05:55
Jeffrey04ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa05:55
Jeffrey04not sure what causes the problem and i uninstalled firefox-3.5 for now05:55
Jeffrey04just  being curious whether the overwritting of firefox.desktop is intended??!05:56
micahgwell, they're getting ready to switch branding for Karmic05:56
micahgif you look at the changelog, it seems like they are indeed changing/breaking stuff05:57
micahgfta was talking about this earlier I think05:57
Jeffrey04thanks for the information05:59
* micahg is checking the logs now05:59
micahgok, so it seems that it will be fixed in the next few days06:00
micahgJeffrey04: still there?06:01
micahgyeah, so they caught it today06:01
Jeffrey04was reading through the changelog06:01
micahghttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/09/%23ubuntu-mozillateam.txt about 4PM06:02
Jeffrey04OK :D guess I just wait and reinstall after a few days :)06:05
Jeffrey04i spend most of the time under google-chrome (unless I'm doing javascript) though06:05
Jeffrey04thanks for the help @micahg06:06
micahgno problem Jeffrey0406:06
micahgthe team is still working on a more permanent solution for FF3.5 on hardy06:07
asacfta: so i think we need to add firefox 3 top dailies (and milestone) ppa to properly ship a firefox-3.0.desktop thing10:13
sebnerasac: bahh, mozilla didn't fix the flash-fullscreen bug yes (not even with 3.5.2) :(10:22
asacErr http://ubuntu.intergenia.de karmic Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'ubuntu.intergenia.de:http' (-11)10:28
asachmm. /me unable to setup chroot as it seems10:28
asac11:36 < lool> Ah now I find it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird-3.0 I had checked thundebird310:37
asac11:36 < asac> oh. so launchpad creates packages pages for ppa things now?`10:37
asac11:36 < asac> interesting10:37
asac11:36 < asac> one even can file bugs10:37
asac11:37 < asac> i guess that answers the question: "where to file bugs against those packages not yet in ubuntu for real"10:37
asacfta: ^^10:37
asacsebner: sorry for that ;) ... but isnt that a flash problem10:37
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser10:44
sladenbtw, there's some (maybe related) issue with  bug #40635210:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406352 in firefox-3.5 "Needs correctly set Preferred applications>Browser gconf key (fails on manual Firefox 3.5 installs)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40635210:45
asacsladen: not sure how we can address that in the packaging (except when doing the full migration)10:49
asacnot sure why you have firefox.desktop if firefox-3.0 is removed (unless you run dailies, where we migrated firefox 3.5 to default now)10:51
asachmm ... so probably -branding package is left over10:52
asacafter removal10:52
asacnot sure if i like circular dependencies10:55
asacbut i guess that would be needed here10:55
asachmm. firefox-3.0-branding depends on firefox-3.0 ... so that shouldnt be a problem10:56
sebnerasac: the fix is for xulrunner so I blame mozilla .. ok,  flash. We always can blame flash too \o/10:56
asacack ;)10:57
sladenlooking through gconftool-2 -R /   some things hardcode   "firefox"  some  "firefox %s"  and some  "firefox.desktop"11:01
sladenbut I guess the only alternative would be to have those  hardcoded to  /usr/bin/default-distro-browser   and have the packages dpkg-divert that11:02
asaci think those are bugs from gnome-panel etc.11:05
asacsome get a full copy of .desktop and some get a reference to .desktop11:05
asacin any case. the default transition will make this work11:06
asacbefore that we dont really support uninstalling firefox-3.011:06
sladenasac: right, elephant in the room time.  are you just counting the total hits to  :hsw1kx-3zxg  :jhy8zj-qv39  :getzo5-xcfi11:08
sladenasac: if so, what's the fourth one?11:08
asacsladen: the start.ubuntu.com/9.10 code11:08
sladenasac: ah, of course11:09
asacsladen: btw, i didnt want to merge all multisearch bug into a single huge one ... ;)11:09
asacthats why we used the "multisearch" tag11:09
asacbut doesnt matter ;) ... now all subscribers are on that bug :)11:09
sladenasac: yeah... I merged them because, AFAICT, the only way to pacify the various technical breakages, is not to use CSE11:10
asacsladen: well. but still they are individual issues11:10
sladenasac: what are Mozilla doing;  is their returned page also a CSE, or is it a "special" with Google?11:10
asacof course you can always create a "fix all" and merge in there, but that doesnt make it easier11:10
asacsladen: they have a special page11:11
sladenasac: so the situation is either that Canonical either need to also get a special arranged, or need to drop CSE11:12
asacthats one opinion. yes.11:12
asacthere are various compromises though11:12
sladenwhat do you have in mind?11:12
asacof course having special page would be the perfect fix11:12
asaci think the most annoying things are:11:13
asac1. awesomebar does not have feeling lucky11:13
asac2. chrome changes google searchplugin11:13
asac3. newtab not configurable11:13
sladenis that special page (or rather /lack/ of obviously non-standard page) done on the by the User-Agent, or just via the partner = {firefox,firefox-a} partner ID11:13
asacone way would be to drop 1. and 3. and make 2. an "ubuntu search" plugin living next to the real google one11:14
asacsladen: the cse page happens because of the action url we are using11:15
asaccustom search has a different path than the real google search11:15
sladenthe /cse11:15
asacbut its odd. you can add a few of our arguments to the real google search and get something in the middle ;)11:15
sladencan the real Google search not just be fed with the changed partner-id11:15
asacsladen: that doesnt work. otherwise noone would probably use custom search ;)11:16
sladenit works for Mozilla11:17
asacyeah. they are lucky ;)11:17
sladensee, that page is higlighting three bullet points, of which none are actually a desired outcome11:17
sladenthe only one that is really desired is revenue shared  (and maybe some numbers)11:18
asacsladen: not sure what you mean ... which page are you referring to?11:18
sladenhttp://www.google.com/coop/cse/ "Include one or more websites, or specific webpages" (not required)  "Host the search box and results on your own website" (not, except for start.ubuntu)  "Customize the look and feel of the results to match your site" (negatively desired)11:21
asacsladen: we dont host the results in a search box, but direct to google11:21
asacalso we dont really customize it much ... what you see is basically the default.11:22
asaceveryone can create a cse account and suggest how to do that better11:22
sladenokay, in that case, all *three* are *not* desired :)11:22
asacso (an unrelated) in-box approach can be found here: http://people.canonical.com/~kirkland/search.html11:22
sladenGoogle's front page is the peak of usability---virtually anything done to it has negative impact11:22
sladenand, Google's results page is the peak of usability---virtually anything done to it has negative impact11:23
sladenbe it (consults list) being in my local language, handling stock quotes, providng a list to gmail, providing a link to images11:23
sladenasac: kirkland's use of CSE is a valid one;  restricting to a subset of webpages11:25
sladenasac: at the moment, the geeks are peeved, and the grannies are complaining "Google doesn't work on Ubuntu"11:26
asacwe repeated that we are aware that the current solution is sub-optimal. And one reason of this experiment was to get a detailed list of issues, so we can mitigate them if possible and balance them when with the win that would come out of the various options for the ubuntu project11:26
sladen*blink*.  But can you expand various options?11:27
asacso there are a few potential outcome of this:11:27
asac1. we get special page -> best11:27
asac2. we address as many issues as possible in a fashion that we think is the most diligent one (like what i suggested above)11:28
sladenI'm still slightly lost as to why a special page is (ever) going to be better than the Google default11:29
asac3. we drop all this11:29
asacsladen: there are also benefits for the project that are not insignificant. we need to balance them with the loss of usability carefully.11:30
sladenasac: expand benefits11:30
sladenrevenue and numbers?11:31
asaclike what rick and me already mentioned in the bug11:31
asacfrom my blog: "will help to fund more talented developers"11:31
asacwe are not really interested in the numbers11:32
asacand those would be hard to defer from it anyway afaik11:32
sladenyeah, your method of statistics gathering is sub-optimal anyway   (no control group, and impacted behaviour)11:33
sladenhas a fortnight of deployment delivered any meaningful results yet?11:34
asacsladen: we dont need accurate numbers to get an idea11:34
sladenis extending the experimental likely to massively altered the results?11:34
asacwe really just look at the generic numbers to understand the importance etc.11:35
sladenasac: no, but is something is changed (I'm feeling lucky) then you'll get a notch on the first use;  maybe the second, but not by the time somebody has changed their preferences, or switched to another method (eg. doing searches via Pidgin, to quote above)11:35
sladenand as of a fortnight of deployment what do the "generic numbers" show?11:36
asaci dont know about final numbers. we wanted to wrap up next week11:37
sladenpresumebly somebody has frequenctly checked the numbers to see that the experiement is actually working11:38
asacno we verified it once after starting it11:39
asacthat was a day or two afterwards iirc11:39
asacnot sure if someone monitored the data eagerly ;) ... could be.11:39
asacsladen: what would you want to know about those numbers?11:39
asacabsolute numbers are really meaningless11:40
sladenasac: not really, I'd like to know if the observed ratios have been useful11:41
asacyes ... otherwise we wouldn't have kept it in for the full alpha11:46
sladenis the intention to keep this going for one alpha, or for two?11:48
asac~1 alpha11:49
asacseems we will miss the alpha release though. i am currently working on ffox 3.5 by default and also have a to fix knetworkmanager to work somehow11:51
asacso next week is idea of starting to work on this11:51
asacand wrapping up etc.11:51
asacalso a few are on holiday this week, so not really best time to drive things in any direction11:52
sladenasac: if it's a time thing;  I think there are volunteers who will upload a clean version11:52
asacas i said. its not decided what exactly to do11:52
asacwe just know that something will be done ;)11:52
sladenwho needs to make that decision (if it's not you)11:53
asacmore than one person11:54
asacnot all are available atm. that blocks it for now11:54
asacanyway. have to work now ;)11:54
asacfrom what I see now on CD there won't be multisearch. its shipped as part of 3.0 package and 3.5 will be on CD unless i have no time to work11:55
sladenokay, so it's only in the 3.0  upload11:56
sladenI can mark the 3.5 stuff as invalid?11:56
asacsladen: i would say yes. folks see it in firefox-3.5 if they have 3.0 installed though11:57
asacsladen: at best keep it open11:57
asacotherwise folks will rant and bitch about it11:57
asaci we will close the bugs when things get done11:57
asachow can i see if a package is in "auto-installed" mode?12:02
sladenasac: apt-mark12:30
sladenasac: grep -A1 firefox /var/lib/apt/extended_states12:37
asacah extended states12:37
gnomefreakok that was odd, firefox-3.5 asked if i wanted to import my 3.6 settings13:08
asacgnomefreak: 3.6? sure it wasnt 3.0?13:09
asacgnomefreak: what did you select?13:09
asacdecide later?13:09
gnomefreakasac: decide later. i think it was 3.6 but im still sleeping13:11
asacgnomefreak: can you stop and start it again?13:13
asacgnomefreak: and read if its 3.0 ;)13:13
asacthen select decide later :)13:13
gnomefreakasac: ok 1 sec, can you please explain comments in bug 1899513:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 18995 in mozilla-thunderbird "[MASTER] "Open With" dialog not user-friendly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899513:15
gnomefreakchecking now13:15
asacgnomefreak: open with dialog is not user friendly. thats known13:16
gnomefreakasac: comments on why we dont patch it i mean13:16
asacbecause we dont have the proper code13:16
asacthe one suggested istn good enough afaik13:16
asacif there is any suggested at all there13:16
gnomefreakasac: the ones we gave is not good enough to certain people13:17
gnomefreakcomparing the start page to this issue13:17
asacnot sure what you mean13:17
gnomefreaki did not get the dialog agian. do i need to restart system?13:17
asacgnomefreak: ensure that no process is running13:18
asacmaybe its a bug13:18
asacgnomefreak: try to re-login13:19
asacif it doesnt re pop up its a bug13:19
asacfile one and ping fta about it ;)13:19
gnomefreakasac: here are 3 of the many comments. this is after telling them we are waiting for upstream to do it due to major code changes  http://paste.ubuntu.com/250803/13:20
gnomefreakasac: ill be right back going to try to get it to pop-up13:20
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~$ ps aux | grep firefox-3.513:23
gnomefreak1000      4370  0.0  0.2   1856   576 pts/1    S+   08:23   0:00 grep firefox-3.513:23
gnomefreakbe back in a few13:23
gnomefreakasac: is there a config setting i can change to get the dialog back about importing settings13:31
asacgnomefreak: i already checked it. it works... you probably hit the wrong button13:39
gnomefreakasac: i was thinking that as well after i restarted and it didnt come up13:41
asacgnomefreak: ls -l /home/gnomefreak/.mozilla/13:44
asacwhat do you get there?13:44
gnomefreakasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/250813/13:45
asacgnomefreak: stop all running firefox13:47
asacthen mv firefox.3.0-replaced13:47
asacthen mv firefox.3.0-replaced firefox.3.013:48
asacthen mv firefox.3.0-replaced firefox-3.013:48
asacnext time you start it should ask again13:48
gnomefreakasac: ok thanks i try13:49
gnomefreak~/.mozilla$ mv firefox-3.0/ firefox.3.0  did not work13:52
asacgnomefreak: type exactly what i wrote dude :)13:53
asacmv firefox.3.0-replaced firefox-3.013:53
gnomefreakasac: that didnt work either13:53
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/.mozilla$ mv firefox.3.0-replaced/ firefox-3.0  was first13:54
asacthen dont bother13:55
gnomefreakhas the transition to 3.5 been done?13:56
asacin daily its half done13:56
asacworking on finishing it13:57
gnomefreakasac: ok cool thanks13:58
sladenasac: can you review  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multisearch  please14:26
sladenasac: if you can give a non-cagey answer about who's calling the shots, then I can include that too14:27
asacsladen: add my blog post to the quicklinks ...14:28
asacsladen: i think the removal section reads like there isa  commitment to remove everything, which isnt necessarily true. its just that we will start to decide what to do based on the results and address issues14:29
sladenasac: -> Edit + fixage :)14:30
sladenasac: where is your blog post;   /last http   doesn't show it in the scrollback14:32
asaci wont submit content to it. it could be interpreted as signing everything off ... we already have all the content required imo14:32
gnomefreakasac: i thought you stated a few weeks ago we were removing multisearch14:32
sladenasac: mmm, I don't think there would be 76 comments on an LWN article if the answers I'm attempted to gathered had been published beforehand14:32
asacgnomefreak: yes. it will not be in final release in its current form14:32
sladenasac: I'm doing the clean-up work now that should ideally have been done before this stuff was even shipped to users14:33
gnomefreakok can we add that to wiki or blog14:33
asacsladen: people dont read. thats the main problem14:34
asacwe should have announced it before, but even then people would have had the same stories et al14:34
sladenasac: who do I need to get to sign-off that you may contribute to the wiki?14:34
asaci dont think the wiki page gives much more info than what we have. folks just dont read, but jump into bugs and rant without checking. bringing up more official content won't help i think. e.g. post that link somewhere and in the end there will only be more misunderstandings in the world - like i said in my blog: its quite emotional because it touches users primary daily workflow.14:38
asacand because the bug is so long they dont even read the documents linked from it14:39
sladenwhich is the reason not to be storing documentation in bug reports...14:39
asacwe made a blog post for this.14:39
sladennow, having written some _documentation_ (not blog posts, not bug tracker comments), I'd like it to be the best possible14:40
sladenI would like it to be as good as a man page is expected to be14:40
asacsladen: yeah. i commented already.14:40
asacdont speak for others (e.g. like why you merged the bugs)14:41
asaclink to the blog post which is the official content source. you can also link to rick spencers more contentfull comment in the bug14:41
asac"For the moment these have all been duped to the same bug report because they are all related to the CSE page and the author of this wiki page thinks that they are probably only fixable by avoiding the use of CSE."14:42
sladenI've add "Paul Sladen has duped ..."14:43
asacalso tell them to use the multisearch tag if they want to be recognized and dont dupe into the main bug14:43
asacotherwise they might be missed14:43
asacwe will check the duped bugs and see which one we can fork out when closing the main bug (or keeping it open)14:43
sladengot both of these two14:45
asacsladen: besides from that it looks ok to me14:45
sladencan you give me a better statement/clarity for wording the Removal sub-heading14:45
sladenI wrote the current on the basis of  "11:37 < asac> i dont know about final numbers. we wanted to wrap up next week" and "11:55 < asac> from what I see now on CD there won't be multisearch. its shipped as part of 3.0 package and 3.5 will be on CD unless i have no time ..."14:46
asacsladen: Removal -> Multisearch extension will not exist in its current form in final ubuntu release; until that happens you can disable it in tools -> addons14:46
asac+ what to do/not to do in karmic will get reviewed shortly after alpha 4 release14:47
asacsladen: "As it stands, the upstream Mozilla code needs more work:14:48
asacthat reads wrong.14:48
asacthe list below are not upstream problem, but main issues of multisearch14:48
asac"try to cut"14:49
asacwe dont try to trick users doing more clicks14:49
asac(also Longer term)14:49
asaci guess i dont understand that section14:49
gnomefreakone of these days ill fix the profile patch and test build 2.1 again but today is most likely not going to happen14:50
gnomefreakIMHO we need to remove it all together this will make everyone happy (or a major abount of people14:51
sladenasac: it's a high-level example of why any of these UI work is being done14:52
sladen...knowing that having an address under the cursor likely means wanting a mapping search result14:53
sladenand wanting to give a more specific example than just a line of vague "improve the UI somehow" bullshit14:54
asac"cut out even more clicks for when searching" ... this will make folks bitch about us trying to maximize revenue rather than explain that we need to decide in which area to put effort in.14:55
asacalso i wouldnt mention "porn" on that page ... most likely folks will start to be offended by that word too ;)14:55
sladenyeah, I've tried really hard to not mention the revenue thing until the bottom14:56
sladen"don't worry about searching for Microsoft Windows, or Mac OS from ubuntu"14:57
asacsomething like that ;)14:57
sladengnomefreak: have you spotted anything (constructive) in the wiki page that could be tweaked?15:04
asacsladen: conflict on page ;)15:05
asacdid you conflict with your own?15:06
sladennope, somebody else (Popey) seems to have been watching the wiki changelogs just a bit closely15:07
gnomefreaksladen: ill look again15:11
gnomefreaksladen: under removal:The multisearch plugin will not exist form in the final should either read will not exist in ..... or will notr exist in current form ...15:17
sladenokay got that, and the removed "(see previous sentence)" since we had a back track on that15:19
sladenasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multisearch?action=diff&rev2=9&rev1=315:20
asacsladen: i am going to late-lunch/dinner ... will be back in 1h15:20
asac" Blog upsdate"15:20
asac-> typo15:20
gnomefreaksladen: in rRevenue you might want to show diff between free and Free as people might not understand free=license Free=no money15:24
* gnomefreak wonders if we shouldnt have it as an installible extension rather than forced on users15:25
sladengnomefreak: popcon is probably a best-practice example of anonymousised statistics gathering---people *love* helping with that15:28
sladengnomefreak: because they actively choose to;  because it doesn't change behaviour, or affect workflow;  because the results of publically shared for the good of all;  because it is statistically viable (a well designed experiment)15:29
* gnomefreak really didnt see SM2.1 in my day but simple fix and build will be it if fails agian another day it will wait15:30
gnomefreaksladen: its not running in popcon is it?15:30
sladengnomefreak: which/what isn't running in popcon?15:30
gnomefreaksladen: multisearch gathered info15:31
sladengnomefreak: popcon is an on-going, well-through out, well-designed statistics gathering exercise that helps improve Debian and Ubuntu15:31
gnomefreaksladen: i know popcon and i keep it disabled15:32
sladengnomefreak: if you know how useful it was, would you tick the box?15:32
sladens/useful//; it's subjective word15:33
gnomefreaksladen: if there was a good reason but as i understand it doesnt collect anything from PPA packages15:33
sladengnomefreak: PPA packages aren't in the main archives, so would not be in the selection of packages that a normal user who find and install15:34
gnomefreaksladen: than it wouldnt help for me. most of things i use daily/weekly are in PPA15:35
sladengnomefreak: btw, if you have a 3.5 install there, could you take a screenshot, zoom in and see if  bug #404955  is there for you15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404955 in firefox-3.0 "Search and URL box heights off-by-one" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40495515:35
sladengnomefreak: I found the height="36" hardcode in the plugin source, but haven't found the "37" yet15:35
gnomefreaksladen: i cant try but my eyes arent so great since i just had surgery15:35
sladenApplications->Graphics->Gimp  File->Create->Screenshot15:36
sladenTake screenshot of Entire Windows;   Delay = 10 seconds   [OK]15:37
sladenflick around to Firefox, wait for the big '+' mouse pointer and click15:37
sladenyou should then be able to zoom in15:38
gnomefreaksladen: 3.5 here seems fine. ill test15:38
gnomefreakits unlikely i will know for a while. system is lagging bad due to build15:38
gnomefreakopening gimp now though15:38
sladenoooh, Loic has confirmed it15:39
gnomefreakthats what he said but they are only testing on 3.0 AFAIK15:40
gnomefreakgimp just died i have to check later15:41
sladennever mind, it's one of those things which would take <15 seconds if the machine was working and not short of RAM15:41
gnomefreakok sorry i have been just trying to get 2.1 built and pushed to PPA since im way behind15:42
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/250877/16:03
ftaasac, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-scripts16:04
asacfta: looks good16:25
asacfta: maybe the rules itself could prevent such a build too?16:25
asacmoz-version --compare would work too i think. but if thats more comfortable its good :)16:26
ftamaybe, but i preferred to add that there as a safe guard16:26
ftagrr, i need a better cdbs for chromium16:30
asacfta: what features?16:32
ftabetter lzma support16:32
ftaper package DEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS16:32
asacare those two features requested?16:32
asacdoesnt sound that difficult to do16:33
ftait's not16:33
ftabut it's not there16:33
ftai can just put more of cdbs into the package, but it's a shame16:34
ftaif i clone debhelper.mk, i'm not sure it will work well with backports16:34
asacfta: we should try harder to get it upstreamed16:35
ftawon't help backports, it's always the same song16:35
asacyou can put updated cdbs in daily ppa .. or a dependent ppa16:35
ftaasac, not sure you saw my little experiments with lzma: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248183/16:39
asacno but looks good ... though i was told by ogra that we shouldnt use lzma unless we want to occupy armel builders for days :/16:41
ftalzma -2 seems (slightly) better and faster than bzip216:46
ftanot worth the cdbs changes though..16:46
ftai was thinking of going with -4 as a compromise, but it means another cdbs change, and maybe tar or dpkg, as there's no way to pass that -4 to lzma..16:49
ftalol, we should drop or update /usr/share/bug/firefox-3.*/presubj16:55
micahgasac: any advice we can give people that a new profile fixes their problem about getting the data out of the old profile?17:02
asacmicahg: they should figure which extension breaks it17:04
asacalso they might have old flash in profile plugins/ directory17:04
micahgbug 41115817:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411158 in firefox-3.0 "Page up and down and arrow keys have stopped working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41115817:07
micahgIs it safe to export bookmarks and other settings from the current profile?17:13
sladenfta: I thought -policy still disallowed lzma sources17:35
ftasladen, where? which policy? debian?17:46
ftaour openoffice is compressed with lzma17:48
asacsladen: its a nested tarball layout17:51
asacsladen: i have never seen a policy that restricts what you do in the nested part17:51
asacthe orig.tar.gz is still gz17:51
ftaooo compresses the debs too17:52
ftaiirc, gcc too17:52
asacyeah i think it was done in the hope that it helps17:54
asacbut in the end it didnt as the livecd can only do gz compression17:54
ftaasac, ooo is not on the cd?17:56
asacit is. but lzma didnt help for that ;)17:56
asacjust saying that there were big hopes in lzma debs17:56
asacbut because of livecd it doesnt matter17:56
asacit helps for download/alternate CD though17:56
asacno question asked17:57
asacbut its not the main product we have unfortunately17:57
ftawith lzma:17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.196.0~svn20090729r21952-0ubuntu1~ucd2_amd64.deb  (9.7 MiB)17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.196.0~svn20090729r21952-0ubuntu1~ucd2_i386.deb (9.7 MiB)17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.196.0~svn20090729r21952-0ubuntu1~ucd2_lpia.deb (8.4 MiB)17:57
ftawithout lzma:17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.197.0~svn20090731r22152-0ubuntu1~ucd1_amd64.deb  (17.7 MiB)17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.197.0~svn20090731r22152-0ubuntu1~ucd1_i386.deb (17.7 MiB)17:57
fta# chromium-browser_3.0.197.0~svn20090731r22152-0ubuntu1~ucd1_lpia.deb (15.5 MiB)17:57
ftai don't understand then. if lzma is not usable for the livecd, why is it still used for oo?17:59
fta#  chromium-browser-dbg_3.0.196.0~svn20090729r21952-0ubuntu1~ucd2_amd64.deb  (64.1 MiB)18:00
fta#  chromium-browser-dbg_3.0.197.0~svn20090731r22152-0ubuntu1~ucd1_amd64.deb  (114.2 MiB)18:00
asacfta: because it reduces .deb sizes18:00
ftathose are the 2 debs i want to compress18:00
asacwhich is good on its own18:00
asacfta: whats the unpack time difference for the -dbg packages?18:01
asac(and the pack time delta)18:01
ftaunpack time is the same18:01
ftai mean, same as bzip218:03
asacsladen: for me my 5 steps always worked: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505732#c918:03
ubottuMozilla bug 505732 in Layout "website triggers caret browsing mode" [Normal,New]18:03
asacdamn. we need a testcase18:03
asacthats a bad bad bug18:03
asaceven feels security related18:04
asacwebsites triggering caret browsing? ouch!18:04
sladenhold down any of the up/down/pageup/pagedown keys whilst the page is loading18:04
asacsladen: i mean ... didnt my instructions work?18:04
asacits just loading. wait till subscriberts are loaded ...  click on it ... press up or down -> caret18:05
sladenasac: upstream were still in disbelief, so I reproduce in various other ways18:06
asacah ok18:06
asacsladen: its important to be logged in18:06
sladenof course, I don't expect anyone to bother reading all the bug comments, nobody does :-P18:07
sladenyou're right, I can't reproduce it without being logged in18:09
ftalooking at my apt cache, there are plenty of lzma debs already.. libgl1-mesa* libglu1-mesa* libqt4-* mesa-utils* openjdk*18:15
ftaasac, your fault: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30118421/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.firefox-3.6_3.6~a2~hg20090810r31282%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~jaunty_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:21
asacyes. i excepted somethign like that18:23
* asac checks18:23
asachmm. i removed the hunk that is supposed to create the versioned thing18:24
sladenasac: is me001 Mozilla Extension ?18:24
sladenfta: are you confusing LZMA debs (allowed) with LZMA sources (not allowed, IIRC)18:25
asacsladen: mozilla experiment18:25
asacbut dont put too much thoughts into that one18:25
ftasladen, no i'm not. i want both. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules#L1718:26
asacsladen: he is using lzma tarballs in orig.tar.gz ... which should be allowed as its nothing the packaging system itself sees18:28
asacfta: hmm isnt the firefox-3.6 binary in pkglibdir packaged by packages-static?18:28
asacwhy is there no patch?18:28
asace.g. now we produce dist/bin/firefox18:29
asacbut it seems it doesnt get installed18:29
asacoh its probably sedded ;)18:29
ftait was fine before your last commits18:30
ftasladen, $ tar ztvf chromium-browser_3.0.198.0~svn20090810r22916.orig.tar.gz18:30
ftadrwxr-xr-x fta/fta           0 2009-08-10 17:06 chromium-browser-
fta-rw-r--r-- fta/fta    79205786 2009-08-10 17:06 chromium-browser-
asacor not18:30
fta(embedded tarballs)18:30
asacfta: i know it was fine before my commit18:30
ftai need to run, back in ~1h18:30
james_whey asac19:53
james_wI've just updated and firefox is throwing all sorts of errors, but it hasn't given me the internal restart notification yet19:53
james_wI've got the external one, and the file is present on disk to instruct it to prompt me, but nothing19:53
james_wany clues on how to debug?19:53
asacjames_w: ffox 3.5?19:59
james_wnope, not yet19:59
asacin general the problem is well understood20:00
asacits just that the real fix is hard20:00
asaceven with the internal mechanism you might end up in a busted situation20:00
asace.g. if you do something within the 10 second delay the update check has20:01
asacjames_w: so as long as killing all firefox processes helps i wouldnt bother for now20:02
james_wwell yeah, but you've told me before that the fix for losing all my tabs when I restart manually is to wait for the internal notification20:02
james_wso I try and do that now, but more often than not I don't get it20:03
bdrungasac: are there any remaining topic for -devscripts (except moz-version -> debian version string policy)?20:03
asacjames_w: hmm. ok.20:19
asaclet me search for something20:20
BUGabundoasac: 3G broken still20:26
BUGabundowith MM downgrage20:26
BUGabundogot a link for NM ?20:26
asacsaw that20:26
asacits in trunk ppa20:26
asacobsolete/superseded again20:26
asactake the latest from july20:26
asacalso what do you get in syslog?20:26
ftaasac, any idea how i can detect at build time that i'm not doing the arch-indep debs?20:51
asacfta: by using a -indep target to hook things up?20:52
BUGabundoasac: I need help again!20:52
ftaasac, it's for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules#L22620:53
BUGabundoI can't find the superseed package20:53
=== jdstrand1 is now known as jdstrand
ftaBUGabundo, which ones?20:53
BUGabundokamirc 64bits20:53
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=superseded&field.series_filter=karmic ?20:55
ftaoh 0.820:55
ftait's not in that ppa20:55
asacits in trunk ppa20:55
asacbut now in real archive20:55
BUGabundoI'm lost20:56
BUGabundowith all this PPA changes20:56
BUGabundoand how LP puts stuff20:56
BUGabundoeven google sometiems doens help20:56
BUGabundo                                         network-manager -  0.8~a~git.20090702t164632.9c8e600-0ubuntu1~nmt120:57
BUGabundonm and applet too right asacĀ»20:57
ftaor https://edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/trunk/+sourcepub/660031/+listing-archive-extra20:57
BUGabundoasac: baisicly applet just keeps going around20:58
BUGabundoI can't lock an IP20:58
ftaoh, the debs are gone, too old20:58
asacfta: that code is in the binary-install/$(DEBIAN_NAME) package20:58
asacfeels like its always arch20:58
asacjust use the binary-install/$(indep_package_name):: ?20:58
BUGabundo       network-manager-gnome_0.8~a~git.20090701t182005.3bec17d-0ubuntu1~nmt1_amd64.deb          (802.8 KiB)20:58
ftaasac, it works fine for the builders, and for my local i386 builds, but not amd6420:59
ftalocal builds do the arch indep by default, whatever the arch20:59
asacfta: well. that is true, but you are still using a arch dependent rule to hook it up21:00
asacindep doesnt mean that arch is never run21:00
asacits just that indep packages are only installed on archs that build all packages21:00
asacfta: what exactly are the symptoms21:01
asacnot sure i understand21:01
ftathat's why is mentioned "We assume we're *not* doing the "Architecture: all" packages", i knew that the assumption was weak21:01
ftait's the -l10n package (indep) & compare21:01
ftai want to do something when i'm *not* doing an arch indep build21:02
BUGabundoasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251015/21:03
BUGabundosomething didn't go that well :(21:03
asacfta: ok i think i undestand the problem now ;)21:05
BUGabundoasac: come on... a tiny bit of your help here21:06
asacfta: touch a file in common-configure-indep and only do the removal if that file does not exist21:07
asacin the post-install thing21:07
asacor wait21:07
asacthats one option that would work i am sure ;)21:07
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asacfta: i think that might make sense.21:12
asacdont see any env from here that is set21:12
asacyou can touch file in common-binary-indep:: or binary-indep:: even21:13
asacBUGabundo: dont install the -dev packages21:16
sladenfta: it would be good if you could double-check/run the LZMA source thing past cjwatson;  an .orig.tar.lzma isn't allowed and "hiding" the LZMA inside that seems to be just getting around that21:21
BUGabundook asac21:36
ftasladen, i don't call that hiding, we've been using embedded bz2 tarballs for a very long time, it really helps speed things up for huge source tarballs21:36
BUGabundoasac: fixed now21:36
ftasladen, i can discuss that with Colin for sure but i really don't see how it could be a problem. deb lzma is another topic, but with the extra precautions i used, it should not be a problem either21:38
sladenfta: I presume it's something to do that a base-level machine/infrastructure must always be able to installl---but that's a presumption21:41
sladenfta: deb LZMA *is* fine for non-base package through21:43
ftasladen, we're not doing base here ;)21:45
ftai pre-depend on lzma so i'm sure my debs will be properly unpacked21:46
ftaBUGabundo, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-popcon-5.png  google is catching up21:55
BUGabundoat least u failed your last predition21:56
ftaBUGabundo, you're not denting/blogging enough ;)21:57
BUGabundoabout chroumium?21:57
BUGabundoI'll start21:57
BUGabundoand point you to it too21:57
BUGabundopoor fta21:57
* BUGabundo ducks21:58
BUGabundofta: is it possible to add other Dicionaries to Chrome/Chromium22:03
ftaBUGabundo, well, it's supposed to download the dicts from upstream, it's not the same format as our hunspell, but it's not ready22:10
BUGabundoohh ok22:11
BUGabundoI miss the PT dics22:11
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundoasac: it works22:47
BUGabundoI now have 3G back22:47
e-jatBUGabundo: u update the NM ?22:54
BUGabundodowngraded it22:54
e-jatfrom ? to ?22:55
BUGabundoNM$ ls | pastebinit22:56
BUGabundoto this22:56
BUGabundowhy e-jat?22:57
BUGabundoyou also having trouble?22:57
e-jatim in kubuntu .. using kppp to dial my 3g :(22:59
e-jathavent try in gnome yet22:59
* e-jat checking the git .. yours or mine use the latest ..23:02
BUGabundofta: funny chromium new bug23:03
BUGabundomouse middle click23:03
BUGabundosend the entire window to background23:03
e-jatBUGabundo: u revert back dont u ?23:03
BUGabundoI did23:03
e-jatBUGabundo: yeah .. the middle click :)23:04
BUGabundofunny right?23:04
e-jatpaste then goes to background ..23:04
ftahm, not for me23:04
BUGabundoI didn't say past23:04
BUGabundoI just said Window23:04
ftai'm tracking this bug: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=11612  but it's not the same23:05
* BUGabundo look23:07
BUGabundonot the same thing23:08
BUGabundothis is to open new tabs23:08
e-jatBUGabundo: file the bug :)23:08
e-jatif it is a bug ..23:08
ftacheck for existing bugs 1st23:08
BUGabundooohhh kewl23:08
BUGabundoits a window changer23:09
BUGabundoits a _feature_23:09
BUGabundoa very bad one if you ask me23:09
e-jatBUGabundo: ?23:09
BUGabundominimez all window23:09
e-jatshortcut key ?23:09
BUGabundoopen just two C wind23:09
BUGabundoand middle click a few times23:09
BUGabundoit will change amoung the two23:09
e-jatu r right :)23:11
BUGabundoI'm always right23:12
BUGabundomemorize that!23:12
BUGabundoI wish I knew if any of this addons is the cause for my gmail killing FF 3.623:14
ftabecause it doesn't do that for me (metacity)23:14
BUGabundoI have compiz23:15
micahgBUGabundo: new noscript is out23:15
micahgyep, 1.9.823:16
BUGabundothat's like every two days now23:16
BUGabundomicahg: let me see if tmp as a new build too23:19
BUGabundothose guys are way behing 3.6 compatibilty23:20
BUGabundoseveral features are now on 3.6 core23:20
BUGabundoso it totally messes up the addon23:20
BUGabundoI can't use ctrl+tab now :(23:20
ftaasac, did you fix 3.6?23:47

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