
accolhey does anyone know of a good remote desktop viewing program?  the one that comes with jaunty is much too slow00:32
marshallhey guys00:46
marshalli've installed subversion on my server00:47
marshalli want to make it so that any member of the group 'svn' can access the server00:47
marshallhow might i do this? i believe i have the group setup appropriately00:47
HellMindmy ubuntu server lts hangs on commands such top htop ps aux ls something03:48
HellMindnow is the second time that does that03:48
HellMindhow can I trace that :(03:49
HellMindI trought it was some cron job but it isnt03:50
HellMindnow it works03:52
HellMindcan be an attack :S?03:52
mushroomblueis the system fully-upgraded?03:54
mushroombluethough, how is it hanging?03:55
mushroombluelike, you type the command, and it sits there trying to run it?03:55
mushroombluedoes the screen blank when you run htop?03:56
HellMindI cant see03:56
twbHellMind: are you using LDAP, or NIS?03:56
HellMindyep exactly03:56
HellMindso I do a psaux03:57
HellMindbut never ends and when it ends03:57
HellMindthe cpu use is ok03:57
HellMindso I dont know where is the bottleneck03:57
HellMindI uninstalled muni because it istarted at that time03:57
HellMindbut I wonder if that is the fix03:57
mushroomblueopen two tty's, have one run htop, and the other one doing other things.03:57
twbIME it is usually due to hard-binding directory services.03:58
twb(AWOL ones, that is.)03:58
HellMindwhats IME?03:58
mushroombluein my experience03:58
twbHellMind: are you logged in as root?03:58
twbHellMind: does your working directory exist?03:58
twbHellMind: does dmesg contain anything about the disk shitting itself?03:59
mushroomblue"tail -f /var/log/messages" telling you anything?03:59
mushroombluectrl-c to stop tail, btw. :)04:00
twbHellMind: pastebin the contents of /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.d/common-*04:00
HellMindno, I already looked for that04:00
twbDoes "echo *" return immediately, and "ls" hang?04:02
HellMindnow it works04:02
HellMindbut i know now why it works :(04:02
twbHellMind: which is?04:02
HellMindls worked fine when the folder  has  very little  files04:05
twbYou're going to tell me the directory had 8192 files in it?04:07
HellMindbut in ls /var/log04:07
HellMindit didnt finished04:07
HellMindbut in root worked fine04:07
twbHellMind: so what do you think the error is?04:08
mushroombluerm -rf ~/.* :)04:08
HellMindbut i dont understand how ubuntu/linux04:08
HellMindcan be bricked like that04:08
twbmushroomblue: ITYM ~/.??*04:09
HellMindI will come back if this happen again04:09
twbI daresay04:09
HellMindfind: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for /proc: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver.  Automatically turning on find's -noleaf opti04:11
HellMindwhats that?04:11
twbHellMind: that's you forgetting to pass -xdev to find04:11
HellMindits from munin log04:12
HellMindmy box is promiscued :(04:12
HellMindwhy did you choose ubuntu instead of debian04:15
tsrk_is debian better?04:15
mushroombluebecause ubuntu server is stupid fast to get up and running04:16
mushroombluefrom USB boot, I have a new install set up as a PDC in under 30 minutes04:16
HellMinddebian is fast too :(04:16
mushroombluein fact, that's what I'm doing atm.04:16
HellMindI dont like ufw04:17
mushroomblueufw is fine when you get used to the syntax04:17
HellMindhow can I turn of the logs ?04:17
HellMindof ufw04:17
tsrk_what's ufw?04:17
mushroombluesudo ufw logging off04:17
mushroombluetyping "sudo ufw" gives you a list of options04:17
mushroombluetsrk_ the n00b-friendly firewall.04:18
mushroomblueI'm quite happy with it, actually.04:18
tsrk_mushroomblue, is it included by default?04:18
tsrk_but turned off right?04:18
tsrk_i don't understand why i'd want a firewall on a server...04:18
mushroombluesudo ufw allow 22/tcp && sudo ufw enable04:19
tsrk_could you explain?04:19
mushroombluetsrk_: because eventually, someone will get past your firewall.04:19
tsrk_mushroomblue, i have no other firewall...04:19
mushroomblueon your entire network?04:19
tsrk_i only have the services i need running04:20
tsrk_isn't that enough?04:20
mushroomblueif you keep it updated, you only risk 0-day exploits04:20
mushroomblueif you don't have SSH enabled, you're fine.04:20
tsrk_i need to ssh in from outside04:20
mushroombluethen limit connection attempts to something real slow.04:21
tsrk_does ssh tend to have vulnerabilities?04:21
HellMindhow do you forward ports or nat with ufw -_-? you must edit files right04:21
mushroomblueI had a win7 box on my network with preinstalled malware (pirated windows). bruteforced a 25-key password in less than 2 days.04:21
twbtsrk_: everything has vulnerabilities.04:21
PhotoJimssh has had vulnerabilities, but passwords are inherently invulnerable depending on the security practices of the account owner.04:22
twbtsrk_: OpenSSH, and OpenBSD in general, make an abnormally large effort to avoid security vulnerabilities.04:22
mushroomblueHellMind: ufw allow portnum04:22
mushroomblueHellMind: i.e. ufw allow 8004:22
mushroomblueor 80/tcp, if you only want tcp traffic open04:22
HellMind-_- forward04:22
tsrk_twb, sorry that's what I mean.04:22
HellMindnot accept04:22
tsrk_PhotoJim, ssh keys only?04:23
twbtsrk_: ask PhotoJim points out, if you have a world-facing SSH service there are best practices to minimize risk.04:23
PhotoJimtsrk_: better, for sure.  but not invulnerable.04:23
mushroombluehrm. I don't think you can.04:23
PhotoJimtsrk_: non-standard ports help.04:23
twbtsrk_: using only key-based authentication is a bloody good start04:23
tsrk_PhotoJim, but i can be scanned anyway?04:23
mushroombluetsrk_: all apps that are broadcasting from a port can be scanned.04:23
twbPhotoJim: I'm not convinced that helps a lot.  I'll concede it helps a little -- but it also breaks QoS.04:23
PhotoJimtsrk_: any machine can be port scanned, and it will discover any services that are open to the world.  firewalls minimize the services that are open.  but the remaining services still have to be done securely to avoid or mitigate risk.04:24
tsrk_PhotoJim, i prefer to just not run services rather than firewall them04:24
twbWhich is to say that QoS typically prioritizes port 22, not ssh traffic.  Running SSH on another port means it'll get treated as bulk traffic.04:24
PhotoJimtwb: I don't understand TCP/IP well enough to see how key encryption versus password encryption on SSH would affect QoS.04:25
PhotoJimtsrk_: a firewall prevents you from having to remember to protect a service.  you have to remember to open it up.  that's all.04:25
twbPhotoJim: I was talking about using a nonstandard port.04:25
twbPhotoJim: and it's authentication, not encryption.04:25
PhotoJimtwb: ahh.  maybe.  but that's remediable.  it's not hyper-secure, it's security by obscurity, but it is quite effective.04:25
PhotoJimtwb: I stand corrected.04:26
twbThe encryption mechanism negotiated between client and server (e.g. blowfish) is orthogonal to the auth method.04:26
PhotoJimtwb: Brain cramp.04:26
mushroombluethere's nothing wrong with adding obscurity to an already hardened security scheme04:26
mushroomblueso long as you remember to document. :)04:26
twbmushroomblue: apart from the QoS suck :-)04:27
twbMy actual changelog reads04:28
twb"Move ssh back to port 22.  I haven't had to deal with corporate firewalls, but I have had to deal with QoS and I want to clean up my .ssh/config some."04:28
twb443 being your typical strategy for drilling through stupid corporate firewalls.04:29
PhotoJimtwb: my network is a personal network, so I'm less concerned about it.  at enterprise level I probably would use port 22 and ramp up the authentication via keys.04:29
mushroomblueI remember when my personal network was unsecured.04:30
mushroombluethen I got hacked via wifi04:30
mushroomblueturns out, there was a massive exploit for DD-WRT firmware04:31
twbmushroomblue: perimeter-only hardening is depressing when you see it in a multinational :-(04:31
ozysimpsonGood Day All :-)05:31
ozysimpsonhas some one install liferay5.2 on ubuntu server I despirately need your help please05:44
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:45
ozysimpsonubottu, thanks for the reply, I am unable to delete the demo content which is 7cogs.com and configure for our intranet05:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
ozysimpsonI am very disappointed :(06:06
ScottKozysimpson: Since I don't think that's an Ubuntu package, you'll probably do better to ask for help where you got the package.06:09
twbScottK: I was trying to confirm that, but p.u.c is down06:09
ScottKtwb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=liferay06:10
ozysimpsonScottK, thanks scotty06:11
error404notfoundFor a set of hosts at my work i use office.pub and office, and for others i use office2.pub and office2. Can i use just two entries in config file specifying the group of hosts and then key file? or do i need to create a separate Host with HostName for every machine?07:08
gnuyogaerror404notfound: r u trying to make sshd use ur key based on where u login ?07:16
error404notfoundgnuyoga, nope, its pure keybased, no passwd, no passphrase07:17
error404notfoundyes :P07:17
error404notfoundsorry, i am drunk07:17
error404notfoundIts like there are 50 machines, 45 use one key pair and 5 use other key pair.07:17
twberror404notfound: why not just tell ssh to try both keys for all hosts?07:19
error404notfoundtwb, how can i do that?07:20
twbhttp://twb.ath.cx/Preferences/.ssh/config is mine07:20
gnuyogaerror404notfound: u can use ssh -F <new sshd_config> ... and alias this to ssh207:20
* gnuyoga feels what twb says will work 07:20
twbIt tries id_rsa, but it also tries id_twb and id_example.net if I ssh to twb@example.net07:20
gnuyogatwb: will that not take more time ... (what's is the average connecting time ?)07:21
twbIt's that last stanza that does that07:21
twbgnuyoga: well, sure.07:21
twbgnuyoga: but IMO it's negligible extra time, unless you're on a 33kbps line.07:21
noobhi I am just wondering if anybody here has had any success with recompiling php to include the bundled gd support?07:21
twbnoob: why don't you just install the gd package?07:21
twbapt-get install php5-gd07:21
noobI have tried the gd package available via apt-get but that is an older version of gd that does not have support for the newer functions in the bundled gd available with php07:22
twbI will not help you circumvent apt.  Sorry.07:22
gnuyoganoob: http://www.howtoforge.com/recompiling-php5-with-bundled-support-for-gd-on-ubuntu07:22
noobgnuyoga, that was the guide I followed last night, but it seemed to get stuck in some kind of endless loop?07:23
gnuyoganoob: ah okay, where did u get stuck (can u pastebin the error pls)07:24
noobwell I have just turned my pc back on, so I have no error log, but... I got to the stage where you being to dpkg the new php5, and it ran for about half an hour, with information scrolling on the screen, but it really did appear to loop as I saw similar stuff coming back after ten minutes or so. I am sorry if this isn't a helpful decsription of my problem07:26
noobthis was the last command I executed... dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot07:27
noobthen it ran for over half an hour, is that normal?07:27
twbDepends on the package.07:27
twbAnd on your hardware, of course.07:28
twblibwebkit would take about four hours on a Pentium III, for example.07:28
noobdual core processor at 2.6 ghz with 3gb of ram07:28
noobanyway thank you for your help I will try again07:33
=== alex_jon1 is now known as alex_joni
error404notfoundI have a VPS which doesn't have much free space on its own for backups, plus having the backups on the same system sounds like a pretty bad idea for me...09:42
error404notfoundI have a laptop with 500G HD, but problem is i am on the move, so internet connectivity can't be guranteed, any ideas?09:43
ewookerror404notfound: you trigger the backups from your laptop when you're connected and not from the host that needs to be backuped.09:44
error404notfoundewook, it would consume quite some bandwidth and my boss would get suspicous :P i am using rsnapshot and the biggest image is 390M09:46
error404notfoundany hosts that provide free FTP/SSH for backups? i just need 500M or so space at most.09:47
ewookmount your gmail-account on the vps?09:47
error404notfoundewook, can i do that?09:47
ewookerror404notfound: you could a while ago. never tried it.09:48
error404notfoundewook, i mean like how?09:49
ewookerror404notfound: http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html09:49
error404notfoundewook, thanks, checking it09:51
error404notfoundyou can do "apt-get install gmailfs" :P09:57
error404notfoundewook, creating a new account for backups on my domain, btw its legal w.r.t to google's policy? right?10:01
ewookerror404notfound: that I do not know. Read the agreement when signing up I guess.10:05
error404notfoundewook, i guess its no different from using the account for backups of your documents, like i used to do on windows10:06
error404notfoundplus, if it was illegal, google wont have sit silently while the package also shipped in ubuntu official repo10:06
twberror404notfound: that's not a safe assumption.10:14
twbIf you are worried that gmailfs is not legal, you should get professional legal advice.10:15
twbIt may be that it *is* illegal, and that Google simply hasn't noticed or doesn't want to pursue the developer about it.10:15
error404notfoundtwb, lemme ask google official groups about this10:16
twbUbuntu will try to avoid shipping stuff that it shouldn't, but there are certainly works in Ubuntu right now that are not licensed for redistribution.10:16
twbFor example, Darcs' functional test scripts mostly lack license declarations, but they can be downloaded from Ubuntu using "apt-get source darcs".10:17
error404notfoundwhen i mount gmailfs, it says "Ignored Option:rw" later when i go there and try "ls" it says" no space left on disk"10:30
error404notfoundeven though i have "python                7.2G     0  7.2G   0% /media/vps-gmail"10:31
error404notfoundany idea what could be wrong even though i upgraded libgmail?10:36
error404notfoundwhen i get it mount, its shown as "d?????????  ? ?    ?        ?                ? gmailfs" in ls -al10:40
sorentwb: It's very common to have source packages with files in them that do not contain explicit license/copyright information.10:43
sorentwb: This is not an oversight nor an accident.10:43
sorentwb: It'd be difficult to argue that those test files are not covered by the GPL or LGPL seeing as they are shipped as part of the darcs source distribution.10:45
error404notfoundewook, ever saw: http://pastebin.com/m73900945 ?10:48
ewookerror404notfound: nope. I've never used it nor toyed with it, just knew it existed.10:50
twbsoren: simply having a file called COPYING in the tarball, containing a copy of GPL-1, does not consitute a license declaration for other works in the tarball.  You might ARGUE that this was the intent, but an explicit license declaration means you don't have to argue.10:50
twbIt would probably be adequate to have a single license declaration in the tarball that said "everything in this tarball is licensed under <terms>", but at least for Darcs, this is not the case.10:51
sorentwb: It's of course always preferable to not have to argue.10:52
sorentwb: Are you suggesting that those test files are indeed covered by a different license?10:52
twbI'm saying that it's not clear that those works (the tests) are licensed AT ALL.10:53
sorenThey call directly into darcs, and are distributed along with darcs. Thus, they are infected by darcs' license.10:53
twbsoren: sorry, I don't agree.10:53
=== BlueT__ is now known as BlueT_
sorenIf anyone ever intended them to not be licensed as GPL, they gave up that right when they started distributing them and letting them call directly into GPL code.10:55
twbGPL infects when linking, not when calling.10:56
twbIt's also perfectly valid to distribute works that are not licensed for REdistribution.10:57
sorenWhen we review code for acceptance into Ubuntu, we're not trying to keep code out by nitpicking for stuff that could conceivably (however unlikely) be argued as being a problem.10:57
sorenWe try to evaluate whether stuff is an /actual/ problemm.10:58
twbWell, indeed.10:58
sorenAnd while we /prefer/ that everything has perfect copyright/license information, if we /required/ that, we'd have /extremely/ few packages left in Ubuntu.10:59
twbEven if Ubuntu does violate copy rights, that means nothing unless the copyright holder chooses to pursue Ubuntu.10:59
sorenYou can always find a file that hasn't had its copyright information updated to the year of the latest change or whatever.11:00
sorenNoone gains anything by keeping code out like that.11:00
twbI agree from a pragmatic view that this is extraordinarily low risk.  But the risk is non-negligible, and maintainers (and upstreams) should endeavour to be clear about licensing instead of simply taking a view that "it doesn't matter, everyone knows what I mean"11:01
twbAnd of course this isn't limited to Ubuntu.11:01
twbFor the sufficiently paranoid, there is gnewsense :-)11:03
sorendarcs is included in gnewsense.11:04
twbClearly they (gnewsense) aren't doing their job, then.11:05
twbBTW, I only single out Darcs because I'm the maintainer for it.11:05
sorenWhy haven't you just yanked out those tests, then?11:06
twbBecause I'm a hipocrite11:07
sorenAh :)11:07
twbAnd theoretically I spend a little time every day adding license declarations upstream11:07
twbBut that got pretty boring11:07
sorentwb: I'm looking at the GPL now, and I can't actually spot the part that speaks about linking and whatnot.11:11
twbsoren: sorry, that info was from tertiary sources.11:12
twbsoren: if you google for LLGPL[sic], you will hopefully find some info about it.11:12
twb(Licensing of Common Lisp runtimes under GPL has some funny implications, because binaries compiled with it can include the runtime.)11:13
error404notfoundis there a command line version for ubuntu one?11:27
gnuyogaerror404notfound: dont think so11:31
error404notfoundgnuyoga, :'(11:31
error404notfoundany good hosts that give free backup accounts or such? coz gmailfs is not working any more, developer says that libgmail is out of maintenance, and ubuntu one needs UI.11:33
alexmerror404notfound: package ubuntuone-client-tools provides u1sync command line tool11:33
error404notfoundalexm, whats that?11:34
alexm"This package provides the u1sync command line tool for syncing individual files and folders to and from the Ubuntu One file storage and sharing service."11:34
twbBleh, more proprietary software from Canonical...11:36
twbAt least launchpad is AGPL now, though I would have quite liked to RTFS the landscape backend11:39
error404notfoundcan i mount webdav on my ubuntu-server? if no is there any other method to interact with it?12:28
alexmapt-cache search webdav|grep mount lists davfs2 and fusedav12:36
error404notfoundalexm, yup, got that but in etc/fstab how do i specify username and password12:37
dzzzi want to shutdown my ubuntu box by pressing `power off` button on keyboard.. any ideas ?12:42
alexmerror404notfound: i don't know, sorry12:43
error404notfoundalexm, got it, /etc/davfs/secrets12:43
error404notfoundbut i am still looking for a good free ftp server for my system backups which arent more than 300M12:43
error404notfoundalexm, thats a server software that you need to run your own, i need a service.12:47
alexmok, i see12:48
twbalexm: I would normally say "aptitude search ~dwebdav~dmount"12:49
twbdzzz: you need to install acpid.12:49
twbdzzz: personally I think it's bloody stupid to not install that by default, but I'm told that "people might accidentally bump the power button"12:50
dzzzi have acpid installed, but apci-listen gets nothing when i pressing the button12:50
twbdzzz: oh wait, sorry, I thought you meant the power button on the case12:50
alexmtwb: thanks for the tip :)12:50
twbdzzz: if acpi-listen doesn't see it, I'm out of ideas -- short of installing Xorg, at least... :-(12:51
dzzztwb: thanks12:53
twbI suppose you might be able to tell upstart/console-setup to "see" it as ctrl-alt-del or something...12:54
twbI noticed that console-setup has some peculiar relationship with xkb-data12:54
quizmewhat's the file that starts a service after reboot?13:07
twbquizme: upstart, probably via sysvinit-compat13:10
twbquizme: if you want to disable a service from starting at boot, I suggest using the rcconf tool13:11
twbSimply deleting the symlinks in /etc/rc?.d/ is wrong, in a way that will bite you on the arse months later.13:11
twb(I had to vigorously educate a co-worker about that recently.)13:12
error404notfoundi guess that was the name13:15
quizmehow do regain root ?13:16
pmatulisquizme: give him a password13:17
twbquizme: sudo -i, or pick the "rescue" (single) option in the bootloader13:17
quizmei can't sudo anymore as ubuntu13:18
twbFailing that, fight through various iterations of live CDs, CMOS resets, alternate hardware, butterfly effects, etc.13:18
quizmecuz i was messing with the sudoers file13:18
twbquizme: well, don't do that13:18
quizmenow that i can't sudo13:18
quizmewhat can i do ?13:18
twbquizme: reboot and pick "rescue" in the bootloader, then run "visudo" as root.13:18
pmatulisrecovery mode13:18
quizmei'm on ec213:18
quizmei don't think i can do that13:18
twbquizme: then you're fucked13:18
quizme.. *sigh*13:19
twbquizme: put the image somewhere you can mount it13:19
error404notfoundquizme, reboot into single user mode and use root account, or if you dont have a root password, use a live cd and reset it13:19
error404notfoundquizme, and next time be careful, nix literally lets you shoot in your foot.13:19
twberror404notfound: he can't get single because it's a VPS, and he's (presumably) connecting via ssh only once it boots13:20
pmatulisquizme: you're out of luck i'm afraid13:20
quizmei'm gonan try to to login as root .. i think i put id_rsa.pub in authorized_keys13:20
error404notfoundquizme, twb, try if they provide a serial console like my vps does...13:20
error404notfoundor ask them13:20
twberror404notfound: which provider is that?13:20
quizmefuck yes13:21
quizmeit worked13:21
error404notfoundtwb, prgmr, not very famous, but i am really happy with them13:21
error404notfoundquizme, happy for you...13:21
=== TeLLuS_ is now known as TeLLuS
twberror404notfound: do you know what technology they're using (e.g. KVM, Xen)?13:21
pmatulisquizme: you allowed ssh root logins with a key?13:21
axisyshow do I switch from hardware raid 1 to software raid 1 ?13:21
error404notfoundtwb, Xen13:21
twberror404notfound: righto13:21
axisysstep 1 would be how to detach the one of the disk from hardware raid 113:22
error404notfoundtwb, i would say have a try, atleast i am really satisified, they have great support, irc channel, great prices, and what not.13:22
axisysstep 2 would be how to install ubuntu server on second disk while running the server ?13:22
twbaxisys: step #1 would ideally be to buy two new disks13:23
quizme*phew* that was a close one13:24
quizmepmatulis: yeah13:25
quizmepmatulis: is that bad ?13:25
quizmepmatulis: cuz it just saved my bootie13:25
pmatulisquizme: allowing root to login is generally frowned upon13:26
twbpmatulis: key-based only isn't so bad13:26
error404notfoundwhat i do is create an account named toor (yes, same concept as FreeBSD's toor) and use that for such emergencies13:36
twberror404notfound: apt-get install sashroot, follow the prompts13:47
twbSorry, "sash" not "sashroot"13:47
error404notfoundtwb, me?13:48
twbEh, I thought it was a "how do I"13:48
error404notfoundtwb,  :P13:48
error404notfoundtwb, whats sashroot? something like port knocking?13:48
twbNo, it's just a statically-linked shell.  But its debconf code sets up a second uid=0 account with sash as its default shell13:49
error404notfoundtwb, so its basically same thing as my manual approach...?13:49
twberror404notfound: yep, except it's "turn key"13:53
error404notfoundtwb, turn-key?13:54
twbubottu: turnkey13:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about turnkey13:54
=== Guest94361 is now known as Authority
=== Authority is now known as Guest79958
garymcHi, I recently installed 9.04 server alternate. Im running into prblems now that i didnt have with fedora 1014:14
garymcwhen I install Mysql etc and i run my setup.php for the database feild creations, the fields dont seem to be getting enterd now14:15
garymcalso when I request the time stamp in my php script from the database record I get 1st January 197014:15
sommergarymc: does the mysql user you're using in the setup.php script have appropriate rights to the database?14:24
garymcim doing a reinstall i think i set something up wrong14:28
garymcwill be back shortly for an update14:28
pmatulisNg: ok14:33
* Ng awards himself many many "I fail at irssi today" points14:34
ichati have a system with   1x 60gb pata (for system) -    and   6x 200gb for data ....    i mount the  60gb partition as   ext4,  with  mount    /14:40
ichatnow it needs to be a smb / ftp / mediastreaming service...14:41
ichatshould i  mount the huge partition as   /var   -  as  /home  or as  /srv   ????14:41
axisystwb: i have only two disks on this system .. i am assuming i can switch to softwareraid 1 from hardware raid 1 w/o buying new disks.. it is very simple with solaris .. i can't imagine it being that difficult w/ linux14:42
stefan__ichat: mount it as /mnt/storage14:42
stefan__afaik there is no rule where to mount it14:42
ichatstefan__:  ??? and than  add the  home vars accordingly in  the ftpd conf   samba.conf  and other?14:43
=== Guest79958 is now known as Authority
ichatbtw is there an easy way to synchronize  smb  users with the ftpd and the system14:44
stefan__not that I know, but maybe users that used this more than me can add other thoughts14:45
ichatafaik i cant let samba authenticate against any database other than an LDAP service - but thats  verry dificult to manage - i fear14:45
stefan__ichat: you can integrate samba with LDAP14:46
sgsaxI think you should be able to integrate samba with pam14:47
stefan__you can integrate it with pam14:48
stefan__but I don't know exactly what ichat wants to do14:48
ichati want an easy to manage - setup where i can store files and stream media accoss a network (smb)  and  wan (FTP) -15:02
ichatand for users to be easy added15:02
ichatso either by -  getting the services intergrated into local users management -  or  by - anyother means... as long as its not impossible to setup15:05
axisyshow do I detach second disk from hardware raid 1 ?15:05
sgsaxaxisys: in the raid bios setup15:06
axisyssgsax: i am not sure.. it has been while since i build this X4100 .. i think it has some fake raid or something.. but it has been while.. i know i have two disks .. but fdisk -l shows only one.. so that confirms i am using hardware raid 1 right now15:08
sgsaxI know the X2100 uses fakeraid, dunno about the X410015:09
sgsaxif it is fakeraid, then you probably can't just pull a disk out with losing all the data15:10
stefan__ichat: if you are accustomed to ldap then integrate it with that and when you add/remove users in ldap than they also have access to smb shares15:15
axisyssgsax: i might be confusing x4100 w/ x2100.. i am working on x4100 now15:16
garymcHi can anyone help me installing php and mysql server15:16
garymcin ubuntu 9.04?15:16
ichatstefan__:  - im not :(  (yet) -  i'd love to try ...15:16
garymcdont know if im using the correct commands etc15:16
axisyssgsax: how do I detach a disk from real hardware raid 1 ? my goal is to switch to software raid15:16
garymcaxisys: i think you do it in the bios15:17
stefan__garymc: search help.ubuntu.com15:18
ichatgarymc:  -  just install them and  browse to  /etc/apache/httpd.conf   and edit it according to your needs15:18
stefan__ichat: so what did you mean by "getting the services intergrated into local users management"15:19
garymcok in install these packages15:19
garymcinstall php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql mysql-server15:19
garymcare they correct15:19
sgsaxaxisys: you'll have to reboot and watch the bios messages for the keys to get into the raid setup15:19
garymcaxisys: normaly F815:20
stefan__they look correct apart from mysql-server , i thought the name is mysql-server-5.1 or something like that15:20
sgsaxyou seriously want to switch from hardware raid to software?15:20
sgsaxusually it's the other way around15:20
garymcstefan_ how would i find out the correct stuff15:20
axisyssgsax: how would i know when a disk go bad with hardware raid ?15:20
stefan__garymc: to sudo aptitude search mysql-server and install 5.0 or 5.1 whichever one is there15:20
ichataxisys:  -  it would still give some smart errors -  dbus should be able to tell  on failure - but i didn't ever try15:21
sgsaxaxisys: if it's a good raid controller, the driver should alert you15:22
axisyssgsax: it will send it to the syslog ?15:22
sgsaxit's likely15:22
quizmecan somebody go to this site:  http://cardinaleducation.thirdreplicator.com  <--- do you see a login form ?15:23
pmatulisquizme: "address not found"15:24
stefan__quizme: not found15:24
sgsaxquizme: same here, DNS doesn't resolve15:25
quizmeok thanks guys15:26
axisyssgsax: http://pastebin.com/f5565f185 i got these messages yesetrday.. is that mean hardware raid 1 having issue ?15:26
sgsaxdevice-mapper is lvm15:26
sgsaxwhich can be used for software raid15:27
axisysi am not using software raid http://pastebin.com/f58860abf .. so don't messages are not relevant to my hardware raid ?15:28
quizme_http://pastie.org/578474  <--- it was working before on my other server ..... the subdomains i mean....15:28
sgsaxaxisys: pastebin output from lsmod and lspci, pls15:32
axisyssgsax: http://pastebin.com/f513a283e from smartctl .. let me get the other info15:33
axisyslsmod -> http://pastebin.com/f532cce5715:34
axisyslspci -> http://pastebin.com/f4b3cd41615:34
sgsaxyeah, so you've got an X4100, with LSI Logic SAS controller15:35
sgsaxthat uses the mpt module15:35
sgsaxI don't see any lvm modules loaded15:35
sgsaxX4100 has two sas drives (X4200 has four)15:36
sgsaxiirc, that's a hardware raid card15:36
axisyslittle bit detail about that lsi controller http://pastebin.com/f530356d615:38
sgsaxchances are, if you reboot and get into the raid setup, it should be able to tell you if one of the disks is degraded15:39
axisyssgsax: would be nice if there is any raid tool to find the status .. that is why i like software raid 115:40
sgsaxthere should be mpt tools15:44
axisyssgsax: can you tell which one do I have http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-6_1.png .. i may not able to access the disk by passing that internal sas controller15:46
sgsaxI think should give you the info you need15:46
sgsaxnot sure what the difference between the forst two is15:47
sgsaxbut from your lspci:15:47
sgsaxLSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1064 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 02)15:47
sgsaxthat's what you've got15:47
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/f48962573, so now i need to fidn the mptctl kernel module correct ?15:49
Steve[mbp]morning everyone!15:49
axisyssgsax: http://pastebin.com/f48962573, so now i need to fidn the mptctl kernel module correct ?15:49
sgsaxaxisys: yes15:49
sgsaxyou can probably just try "modprobe mptctl"15:49
sgsaxif you don't get any errors, then it loaded just fine15:50
sgsaxcan check lsmod to verify it is loaded15:50
ichatstefan__:  - >ichat: so what did you mean by "getting the services intergrated into local users management"  <--- -   id like to have smb intergrated with pam (so native  *nix user accounts,  cuze thats probably the easiest way ...  - or else for example a  user-db that ALL service    atuhenticate  against15:50
axisyssgsax: that did it15:50
stefan__ichat: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba3-HOWTO/pam.html15:51
sgsaxSteve[mbp]: howdy15:51
axisyssgsax: http://pastebin.com/d4d8cbefe  sweet!15:52
sgsaxaxisys: there you go15:52
axisyssgsax: so, the kernel module will stay loaded in next reboot ?15:53
sgsaxcheck the man pages for mpt-status for more usage info15:53
qman__re ichat15:53
qman__I would just use pam15:53
qman__vsftpd will use system users, and pam-smbpass will sync samba with local users15:53
sgsaxaxisys: if not, you can always add it to /etc/modules15:53
qman__LDAP will get it done too, but it's a bit more work15:54
axisyssgsax: thanks a lot15:54
axisyssgsax: wow! really good info http://pastebin.com/f14babea415:56
ichatqman,  anny help configuring these services would be verry apreaciated  as soon as the system boots (after install)  -  i never did this...  -15:56
axisysi have to find out how to have smartctl probe both disks15:56
sgsaxaxisys: looks like you're on the right track now15:57
axisyssgsax: i sure am.. thank you very much!15:57
axisysI have similar question about x2100 raid.. can I ask away ?15:59
sgsaxI know that's fakeraid, but give it a shot15:59
axisyssgsax: lspci -> http://pastebin.com/f420900816:00
axisyssgsax: lsmod -> http://pastebin.com/f54b83b6516:00
axisyswhat tool can I use to check the status ?16:00
sgsaxx2100 uses an nvidia nforce chipset16:01
sgsaxplain old sata controller with software raid16:02
axisyssgsax: yikes! hehe16:02
sgsaxwhat about fdisk -l16:03
sgsaxnote the strongly recommend against using it on your boot drive16:04
garymcmy adobe flash doesnt work so well in ubuntu 9.04 server16:04
axisyssgsax: fdisk -l -> http://pastebin.com/f468a475416:04
garymci got it to work but speech is out of sync etc16:04
garymcbit jerky too16:04
axisyssgsax: df -h -> http://pastebin.com/f27f5b92a16:04
garymcthen sometimes sound doesnt work16:04
sgsaxaxisys: yeah, it shows two seperate drives there, sda and sdb16:04
sgsaxit appears that both are partitioned the same, so at some point, they were probably in a mirror16:05
sgsaxbut since there are no dm (device-mapper) modules loaded, the current system just thinks they are seperate disks16:05
axisyssgsax: during install it said, hey i found a raid controller.. u want to use it.. i think i said yes16:05
sgsaxgarymc: I think there was just an update to flash, dunno if it was a bugfix. or a security patch16:06
axisysand it did the mirror during install .. it has been a while too16:06
axisyssgsax: df -h -> http://pastebin.com/f599a6e85 thinks it is a device mapper16:06
axisyssgsax: is there a tool to see what it is like underneath the device mapper.. is it one disk or two disks ?16:07
quizmeanybody know how to configure bind well ?16:10
quizmei am trying to set up subdomains..16:10
quizmecardinaleducation.thirdreplicator.com <--- ain't being found16:11
axisyssgsax: http://pastebin.com/fc504a30 does not tell me much about the raid 1 device mapper I am using nvidia_eeffhbef116:12
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garymcanyone know why I cant add users in ubuntu 9.04 server?16:19
garymcThe unlock thingy doesnt highlight now?16:19
qman__garymc, I'm not sure what you're referring to16:21
garymcin the ubuntu gui I goto system admin users16:22
garymcIt wont let me add any16:22
qman__ubuntu server does not have a GUI by default16:22
qman__are you using desktop?16:23
garymcim logged in using a thin client16:23
garymcim using an LTSP version16:23
qman__oh, the alternate disc16:23
qman__make sure you're logged in as a user with sudo privileges16:23
qman__(an administrator)16:24
qman__well, you could always do it the old fashioned way16:25
qman__in a terminal, sudo adduser username16:25
qman__sorry, I don't know much about how the GUI apps actually work16:26
sgsaxaxisys: I'm afraid I've never used fakeraid myself16:28
sgsaxthat link I pasted earlier is probably your best place to start16:28
sgsaxanother one: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/SataRaid16:30
qman__garymc, one other thing to try, log into the server locally and try it16:30
qman__I'm not sure if it allows you to open administrator type stuff from a thin client or not16:30
axisyssgsax: thanks a lot16:31
axisyssgsax: i should probably switch to software raid for that box16:31
axisyssgsax: i have anothe x2100 where that is exactly what i did16:31
axisyssgsax: software raid that is16:31
axisyssgsax: but that was from initial install16:32
qman__fwiw, I use mdraid on several machines, and it's done me well16:32
qman__even through hardware upgrades16:32
axisyssgsax: wonder if i can detach a disk from fake raid and make the disk bootable by itself..16:32
axisyssgsax: then i could boot from detached disk and setup software raid16:32
sgsaxaxisys: all I can see is hardware raid is typically more robust than software raid16:33
Max007Hi, I'm running a bridging squid proxy. We developed a web gui show some stats and configure ip address but when I change the ip address using the web gui, I get an error on the console : unregister_netdevice: Waiting for br0 to become free. Then I have to reboot the server because this error never stops.. Can anyone help me with that &?16:33
Max007I forgot to mention... it works 50% of the time16:33
axisyssgsax: where does fakeraid stand here?16:33
qman__fakeraid isn't really any more robust than software raid16:34
sgsaxaxisys: fakeraid is software raid16:34
qman__the only reason I think it really exists is to make things easier on people who use windows16:34
axisyssgsax: in that case i should just switch to md16:35
axisysqman__: well then it is not for me.. i have not use windows for 2 yrs.. well i usually prefer doors ;-)16:36
qman__Max007, it's most likely an issue with the way your application changes the address16:36
axisyssgsax: it will be a challenge to switch to software raid from fakeraid..16:36
Max007qman__: it edits /etc/network/interfaces and then run /etc/init.d/networking restart16:37
axisyssgsax: short from rebuilding the box .. yikes!16:37
sgsaxyeah, don't think it's possible while retaining your existing partition16:37
sgsax(another plus for hardware raid)16:37
qman__Max007, that should work with just a standard interface, so I think the issue is with the bridging16:39
qman__maybe some program is preventing the bridge from going down?16:39
qman__also, bringing down your interface should also bring down your web server16:40
qman__so you need to make sure you execute the script in a way that allows it to continue to run even if the web server goes down16:40
Max007qman__: I see.. it only run the command "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" from PHP16:41
Max007after it makes the change to /etc/network/interfaces16:41
qman__yeah, that probably won't work16:41
qman__you should spawn a job separate from the php code16:42
Max007do you have another idea ?16:42
qman__I'm trying to think of something a bit less convoluted than what's in my head right now16:42
qman__you could set up a cron task, that checks a file16:43
qman__and have the php code edit the file16:43
qman__if the file is changed, the cron task commits the changes and restarts networking16:43
axisyssgsax: with mdadm it would be easy too..16:43
axisyssgsax: but ofcourse not with fakeraid that i know of16:44
qman__the only downside is the time gap versus overall system performance16:44
qman__the other option would be setting up a daemon that the php code forwards the data to, which would manage the whole thing16:45
qman__that would be ideal performance wise, but presents quite a lot of work to write16:46
qman__you could also make your php code such that it creates a new cron task when you make the changes, which runs and then deletes itself16:47
qman__that'd be simpler than a daemon to write16:48
qman__the only real downside is that it could take up to a minute to do the reboot, since you can't cron tasks any sooner than every minute16:49
qman__restart of networking16:49
Max007qman__: hmmm16:51
Max007qman__: what other distro with web gui do ? like ipcop, pfsense... etc16:52
Max007qman__: if I edit the file and then run "ifconfig br0 X.X.X.X netmask Y.Y.Y.Y16:55
Max007what do you tnk ?16:55
qman__that might work since it doesn't actually bring down the interface16:57
qman__but your services would have to listen on all interfaces/addresses, not a specific one, in order to keep functioning16:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bmotion-lib17:00
uvirtbot`New bug: #308952 in vsftpd (main) "FireFTP(Mozilla) cannot LIST files" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30895217:03
XiXaQI have had a problem with my network interface, that it slows down dramatically after a while of sending and receiving large amounts of data. However, running sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 seems to fix it. However, this feels dangerous to me. What are the consequences of running that command, how does it affect active connections, etc?17:37
ivoksumm... mysql-server-5.0 in hardy can't be built17:58
ivoksssl related tests fail with timeout17:58
quizme_can somebody help me with bind ?18:00
quizme_i'm clueless18:00
XiXaQquizme, if you're clueless, then you probably want to look at the server guide on help.ubuntu.com. It will give you at least a clue. It's difficult to answer questions like that.18:02
quizme_i'm trying to get my website up: thirdreplicator.com/18:02
garymcHow do I install phpmyadmin in ubuntu 9.04?18:05
XiXaQquizme, follow the guide on help.ubuntu.com. It's very easily explained, and it's not complicated at all, I promise. :)18:05
XiXaQgarymc, sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin18:05
ivoksgarymc: you just install it18:05
garymcdone that18:07
garymchow do i use it~?18:07
garymcright ive installed phpmyadmin how do i use it?18:11
garymcsussed it18:18
iuliangarymc: Read the docs?18:19
quizme_how do i define secondary name servers in my primary server's zone file ?18:44
uvirtbot`New bug: #358723 in awstats (main) "awstats.pl does not close table row" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35872318:52
r3rman_hey - I've edited /etc/network/interfaces to change my ip from a.b.c.d to a.b.c.e (incremented it) - now I want to ifdown / ifup - but... I really want to be sure it comes back up18:59
quizme_is there something wrong with this zone file?  http://pastie.org/57879019:00
r3rman_will sudo ifdown eth0 & sudo ifup eth0 work?19:00
ichatafter installing ubuntuserver, it tells me that its installed - 'grub' is installed but after reboot i get  an error that there is no operating system .. (noting else)19:00
ichatbtw its installed on pata  (pri master)19:00
r3rman_How to reliably restart network interface when connected remotely - since I only have one shot at this without it being a real pain19:01
uvirtbot`New bug: #358715 in awstats "Syntax error in search engine list" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35871519:01
pmatulisr3rman_: i would make another connetion via ssh and go 'sudo service networking restart'19:01
r3rman_pmatulis, if I make a second connection, the original would still survive? :-/19:02
r3rman_despite ip change?19:02
r3rman_pmatulis, I have been assigned 6 ips from my server provider - I guess that means I can choose any to assign as my static ip to my eth0? (also have eth1, and I guess the others are for if I have other devices behind that............ right?)19:04
uvirtbot`New bug: #398132 in awstats (main) "awstats uses the wrong access.log, wrong permissions (dup-of: 319871)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39813219:11
pmatulisr3rman_: the safest way would be to first make a copy of your old interfaces file19:21
r3rman_pmatulis, I did that, but you are missing the point19:24
r3rman_I don't have a stick that long (oer) to poke it back online again if it buggers up19:24
r3rman_anyway, I did it now19:24
pmatulisr3rman_: i was going to suggest to use the 'at' command to use it at a later time19:25
r3rman_today I also realised what a FUSKING idiot I am19:25
r3rman_I was pasting some long commands that were seqeunces into the console19:25
r3rman_the remote console... and I didn't realise that most were being pasted into the STDIN / null area of before bash was returning19:25
r3rman_I am sure on the other server, it traps the enter and keeps doing all the commands19:26
jtimbermankarmic alpha 3 server installs gcc by default??19:43
jtimbermanoh nm. not the actual program, but 'gcc-4.4-base' package. thats confusing.19:46
nick125_Anyone here familar with POSIX ACLs and Samba? I set a few POSIX ACLs on a few share directories, but my user still can't write to the directory. Any ideas?19:54
tarun_Hi gusy. I have a question about bind server. I hope some one here on the kind community will help me.20:16
tarun_I have two doman xyz.com, abc.com registered at www.name.com. I want to run them from my inhouse server.20:17
tarun_Do i need bind9 server to configure them?20:17
tarun_Well i think, i should not?20:18
uvirtbot`New bug: #319871 in awstats (main) "suboptimal defaults in awstats (LogFile and LogFormat)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31987120:21
tarun_is there anybody who could help me?20:23
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Sam-I-Amtarun_: well, they may provide complete domain hosting for you20:31
Sam-I-Amtarun_: unless you want full control over it...making changes as you like.20:31
Sam-I-Amif you want control (and all the fun that goes with it), you can run bind or some other nameserver20:32
tarun_Sam: It mean i do not need to install bind9 server on my machine.20:32
Sam-I-Amit does IF you're listed as the SOA/NS for the domain20:32
tarun_I can easily configure mailserver and apache server with my existing server?20:32
Sam-I-Amyeah, if they handle A/PTR records for you20:33
Sam-I-Amlike... you tell them where you want www.xyz.com to point20:33
Sam-I-Amand they do the work20:33
tarun_mean, i only need to put domain records in the dns manager provided by name.com. and it will work.20:34
tarun_Sam-I-Am: Actually i did this. But www.xyz.com and xyz.com are pointing to different locations of the server. Even i configured virtual host.20:35
tarun_<VirtualHost *>20:36
tarun_        ServerAdmin admin@tarunjangra.com20:36
tarun_        ServerName  tarunjangra.com20:36
tarun_        ServerAlias tarunjangra.com20:36
tarun_        DocumentRoot /home/tarun/tarunjangra.com/public_html20:36
tarun_        ErrorLog /home/tarun/tarunjangra.com/error.log20:36
tarun_        CustomLog /home/tarun/tarunjangra.com/access.log combined20:36
tarun_Here is my virtual host configurations.20:36
Sam-I-Amdont post big stuff in here... use pastebin or something20:37
tarun_oh sorry for that.20:37
drurewcan anyone point out a ctcp/dcc compatible irc client for winodws ?20:38
Sam-I-Amdrurew: uh, mirc?20:38
* Sam-I-Am looks at channel name20:38
drurewi dont think its ctcp/dcc compatible20:38
tarun_Sam-I-Am: here are my virtual host configuration: http://pastebin.com/d575d267720:38
drurewSam-I-Am: im running an eggdrop on my ubuntu-server, where windows users need to be able to interact with the eggdrop20:39
Sam-I-Amtarun_: do you have namevirtualhost in your config?20:40
Sam-I-Amdrurew: does xchat run on windows these days?20:40
tarun_Sam-I-Am: No. Is it contains my static IP?20:41
Sam-I-Amtarun_: in order for virtual hosts in apache to work, domain1.com and domain2.com point to the same IP ... then apache uses the http headers to point to the correct files20:41
tarun_Do i need to configure virtual hosts for both "xyz.com" and "www.xyz.com"?20:42
Sam-I-Amnot if they're the same place... most people just point the A record for domain.com to the same IP as www.domain.com ... so if you forget www, you still get to the web site20:42
Sam-I-Amnow, if you want different sites for www.domain.com and domain.com, then you might consider virtual hosts20:43
PhotoJimI just CNAME domain.tld to www.domain.tld.20:43
Sam-I-Amor that20:43
PhotoJimThey both work.20:43
maswanSam-I-Am: sname wouldn't work well, you'd want NS and probably MX records at the domain.tld level20:46
Sam-I-Ammaswan: i use A20:46
qman__drurew, mIRC does ctcp and dcc, though it is in serious violation of standards, especially in regard to unicode20:46
maswanSam-I-Am: yes, that's what works, cname wouldn't20:47
qman__drurew, there are builds of xchat for windows, but generally they don't work too well due to the way GTK is used in them20:47
qman__drurew, silverex.org20:47
tarunSam-I-Am: Sorry i was disconnected.20:47
drurewthanks qman__20:47
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qman__irssi also supports ctcp and dcc, though the interface for dcc is a bit harder to use20:54
drurewi think the issue with eggdrop is the ssl encryption that mirc dosnt like21:01
MianoSMHey, I'm looking for a package in the ubuntu repositories that you could run on two machines, one was the server, and then you could test speeds from clients with it - was very simply and handy - but can't recall the name of it - any ideas?21:10
Sam-I-Amjust pure data transfer over the network?21:11
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MianoSMYes, it was a handy little package though - I know I could use rsync or dd....21:12
MianoSMNo, not netcat or netrw21:13
sgsaxMianoSM: iperf21:14
MianoSMthank you21:14
sgsaxdunno if there's a package for it, though21:14
sgsaxguess there is, for jaunty at least21:14
sgsaxhardy, too21:15
sgsaxso nm my complaining21:16
MianoSMGreat tool, really makes things a breeze. :)21:17
sgsaxit is pretty slick21:17
uvirtbot`New bug: #411615 in lsb (main) "lsb_release crashed with ImportError in <module>() (dup-of: 383697)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41161521:22
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