
ToStItOswill any external dial up modem work with Xubuntu?00:55
Darth_TuxToStItOs, probably the ones that will work with any linux01:04
ToStItOsthanks Darth Tux01:28
Happy-Dudehiya: I have a question with the partition manager: http://imgur.com/qKzcW.png -- what do I select for the "Mouse point" option?02:46
th0rhehe you mean MOUNT point.02:47
Happy-Dude[>.<] my mistake02:48
th0ris this going to be your only linux partition?02:48
th0ra suggestion....create three partitions...the first will be the linux OS...and needs about 10-15GB. The second is swap, and should be 1 to 1.5 times your memory size. The third, is the rest of the space for linux. The first mounts to / ... the second is swap and has no mount, the third mounts to /home02:49
th0rThe first mount point is just / no dots02:50
Happy-Dudethis is actually what the person I'm also talking to on #crunchbang is suggesting :)02:51
th0ras for the file system, I have been using ext4 with no problems, but have heard a few that have had trouble, so you might want to use ext302:51
Happy-Dudewhat would the effect of tweaking vm.swappiness do?02:51
th0rif you have plenty of ram you don't really need swap. I monitor my system with gkrellm and have never seen the swap space used...I have 2GB ram02:52
th0rso the short answer is on modern computers swapiness has little to no effect02:52
Happy-Dude384 MB, so x3 would be about ... I'll just set it to 1.2 GB02:52
th0rI wouldn't think you would need more than about 512MB02:52
th0rtoo much swap is just wasted hard drive space.02:53
th0rwait a minute while I type that info into #crunchbang <smile>02:54
Happy-Dudeso, a fair swap size ... since I do have little ram, I should just keep with 1GB, right? (I don't store that much data anyway)02:54
th0rI would only make the swap about 512MB for 384MB ram....no need for much more.02:55
th0runless you are trying to do cad or graphics editing...in which case you really should buy another computer02:55
th0ror at least more ram02:55
Happy-Dudeheh, alright, I got it ^^02:56
Happy-Dudewhat would the swap's partition be: logical?02:56
th0rno...it is just swap....there is no filesystem or partition...just swap02:57
Happy-Dudeoohh okay -- sry, I'm a bit new to this [>.>]02:58
th0rI was new to it once.....then all the dinosaurs died....02:58
Happy-Dudefor the Linux OS (the / partition) -- is it supposed to be logical or primary?03:01
th0rprimary if possible03:02
th0rare you sharing the drive with windows or osx?03:02
Happy-Dudegot it (swap is also assigned to primary -- is that a problem?) --- no, complete fresh install03:02
Happy-Dudewell, over ubuntu 9.0403:02
th0rshouldn't be a problem..../home can be a logical partition, but I think you can have three primaries.03:03
Happy-Dudewhat is the difference between logical and primary?03:03
th0rI am not a hard drive expert...but I know the number of primary partitions is limited., I also know that windows must be in a primary partition, but thinnk it is possible to run linux from a logical if necessary03:04
Happy-Dudealright, sounds cool: no windows parition, and the 3 paritions can be primary03:06
th0rif you have to reinstall or want to do a fresh install for the next upgrade, do NOT format the /home partition...keep it. That way all your configs and personal data are intact even if you do a totally fresh install03:07
th0rand it is almost always a good idea to do a fresh install when you upgrade a distro03:07
Happy-Dude(I don't believe I had a /home partition)03:07
th0rmost new users make one partition and mount it to / but then if you want to reformat and reinstall you lose everything.03:08
Happy-Dudeyeah -- something kinda messed up when moving from Intrepdi to Jaunty [~_~] (faster, but some stuff didn't work quite right)03:08
th0rif you have a separate /home, everything can remain intact even though you reformat the / partition03:08
Happy-Dudeso, that's why I'm making one now right?03:08
th0ryeah...my point exactly.03:08
Happy-Dudedoes the order of partitioning matter?03:09
th0ryeah....by making one now, when you upgrade to karmic you can do a fresh install but not lose any of /home03:09
th0rorder isn't really an issue03:09
Happy-Dudewell, I've learned at space at the end of the drive runs faster, so swap should be at the end ?03:10
th0rfaster? You got a cray?03:10
Happy-Dude(dunno -- it's just what I've learned from Windows and its defragging behaviors)03:10
th0rmodern drive speeds are such that the order of the partitions is not really an issue03:10
th0rused to be...but not much anymore03:11
Happy-Dudefor ATA, perhaps it is?03:11
th0ryeah...but you are in the real world now...where things work like they are supposed to <smile>03:11
th0ralthough not always the way we THINK they should03:11
Happy-Dudethe Linux OS should be the '/' Mount Point, right?03:12
th0ryou will find the OS there /usr , /var , /etc , and so on03:12
Happy-Dude(would this impact me in anyway during typical file operations?) -- like, would I have to know anything in advance when browsing/ saving/ editing/ moving?03:12
th0reverything but /home03:12
th0rnope....partitions and drives are totally transparent in linux. When you mount a usb drive, for instance, it is just another folder in the tree03:13
th0rthere is no C and D like in windows...it is all folders03:13
th0rwhen you plug in an mp3 player, or a usb drive, or a thumb drive, it will show up as a folder in /media03:14
Happy-DudeI see -- looks like I've got some learning to do with Linux and Windows filesystem differences :)03:14
th0rcheck out the linux documentation project (tldp.org) and this link.....http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html03:15
Happy-Dudeso, the Linux OS is a 20 GB partition (though it doesn't appear as one -- is 19.1 close enough?)03:15
Happy-Dudeah, I've saved that up too -- going to look at it... when I have time [>.>] ...03:15
th0roh yeah...I left 35GB for / and am sorry I did. With my install (lots of stuff) I am using less than 7GB03:15
BenBurchGood evening!03:15
Happy-DudeI'm guessing since this is a minimal install, I should just do 15 GM ?03:16
th0r15 will be plenty03:16
th0rsave the rest for /home so you can take more pictures or rip more CDs03:16
Happy-Dudegotcha, sounds good03:17
th0rEVERYTHING that is yours should go in your home directory...it will be /home/<username>03:17
th0rsave all your docs, manuals, pictures, etc there...nowhere else03:17
Happy-Dudeand thusly, I can manipulate Linux installs while preserving my data, right?03:17
th0rexcept, of course, for the removable stuff in /media that I mentioned earlier <smile>03:18
th0rall your configs for programs and stuff like that will be there too...so when you change the OS your login for email stays, as does  your config for irc, etc03:18
BenBurchI have a question about X11 setup.  I have a netbook that has a 1024x600 display.  Is there a way to get X to create a virtual desktop larger than the hardware display and slide about in it somehow?03:19
th0rI am the wrong person for that question BenBurch, hopefully someone else is watching who can help03:19
th0rI believe it is possible, but don't know how03:20
BenBurchI know it used to be possible.  But xorg.conf is an empty file on Xubuntu, so the condiguration must be elsewhere03:20
th0rubuntu changed to xorg in a recent release and things have changed. That is why I said...I am not the person to ask...too much OLD info in the attic here03:22
th0rBenBurch: you can get multiple desktops in xfce.03:23
th0rBenBurch: and I just discovered that if you set the pager to have TWO rows you can drag a window either to the right or down...never knew that before <smile>03:24
Happy-Dudeth0r: this looking good? http://imgur.com/qxGGa.png03:24
th0rlooks good. The only caveat is again...ext4 might give you a problem. I am using it and love it, but have heard some comments on #ubuntu about others having problems03:25
BenBurchTh0r yeah, I tried that, but the window is displayed in one or the other only.03:25
th0rI am running jaunty03:25
th0rBenBurch: yeah...I thought about that when I was answering you earlier03:25
BenBurchSO, you cannot look to the screen below you to see the rest of it03:25
Happy-Dudeth0r: I wouldn't think it'd be a major problem, not doing any major file operations on the PC -- it's just a hobby PC (my Windows PC is still my main)03:26
th0rthen give it a go...good luck03:26
th0rand btw...I always suggest to new people if possible to run linux on a second computer...keep their important stuff on the other computer until they are comfortable with linux...so good move03:27
BenBurchDoing it in a VM is a good choice too03:28
th0rif you have a vm, yes. I have seven different OSs in my vm03:29
th0rbut for the life of me I cannot get osx working!03:29
Happy-Dudeth0r: though, would you think that ext4 would conflict with some of the classic ext3 optimizations? (like those in http://kmandla.wordpress.com/projects/set-up-ubuntu-for-speed/)03:29
BenBurchI have Parallels on my mac, and have everything on there.  Even Solaris X8603:29
th0rI have solaris...but not osx...would love to tinker with a mac...never had the money for one03:30
BenBurchThese days I am a Solaris engineer.  Not by choice!03:30
BenBurchTh0r, you can install OSX on a PC.03:30
th0rHappy-Dude: those tweaks should stilll work. I do the preload and profile, and have taken a look with hdparm. I don't get too carried away though...those tweaks can prove deadly and I would rather not take the risk03:31
Happy-Dudecool -- that's good to know :) thanks03:32
th0rBenBurch: I am trying to get it into a vm...and from what I have read on the web I am not alone in my misery03:32
Happy-Dudeeverything check out? http://imgur.com/U2mLk.png03:32
th0rHappy-Dude: so long as you are sure there is nothing on the drive you want...next step will totally destroy existing data on the drive03:33
Happy-Dudeall backed-up and ready to go (my morning activity [-_-] ... gahh that took a long time [~_~])03:35
th0rgood luck03:35
th0rit may have taken a while...but look how much smarter you are <smile>03:35
Happy-Dude1 last question: the files/ things I saved on the live cd session won't get ported or anything like that to the install, right?03:36
th0rnp Good luck03:37
caochenghow can i merge the menu file in ~/.config/menu/applications-merged03:45
th0rcaocheng: what release of xubuntu?03:45
th0rcaocheng: I believe in jaunty all the menu items come from .desktop files in either /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications03:46
th0rcaocheng: I am running xfce in jaunty and have no ~/.config/menu03:47
caochengbut i do have03:49
caochengi installed wine03:49
caochengand a windows progran03:49
caochengand then it appears03:49
caochengits a menufile03:50
th0rindeed. I have several programs installed under wine, but don't have that folder.03:50
th0rcaocheng: I recognize the filename...I think it is a holdover from the old way of doing things in xfce03:50
th0rcaocheng: there may be a way to merge the info, but I don't know it. I have had to add several things to the menu, and always had to create a .desktop file for each menu item03:51
Happy-Dude_th0r: darn, something failed while formatting (or something) for dev/sda3 -- the swap03:55
Happy-Dude_what is this error? The attempt to mount a file system with type swap in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #3 (sda) at none failed.  You may resume partitioning from the partitioning menu.03:58
th0rHappy-Dude_: the only thing I can think is ... swap is swap...I don't remember ever having to make it primary or logical...it is a separate section of the drive without a mount point03:58
th0rswap isn't mounted....my mount command doesn't show it at all04:00
th0rso the reason that failed is, as it indicates, it is trying to mount swap...and shouldn't04:00
Happy-Dude_hm [~_~]04:01
th0rhere is my mount info.....http://pastebin.com/f11de6b7104:01
Happy-Dude_is there a terminal command to check my mounts04:02
Happy-Dude_and to unmount all (unecessary) devices?04:02
th0rand sudo umount /dev/??? to unmount04:02
th0rHappy-Dude_: the install aborted right? I would start over and pay particular attention to the file system and mount point for swap this time04:03
Happy-Dude_what's the mount point?04:03
Happy-Dude_yeah, install aborted, clicked continue, and returned to the partition screen04:03
Happy-Dude_here is my mount data (live cd session) http://pastebin.com/m28e053ae04:04
th0rright....that is where you want to be...redo the partitioning04:04
th0rat least the swap portion04:04
th0rpaste the screen again for the partitioning...the one where you define a partition04:04
Happy-Dude_alright, gimme a moment (while I delete all and do it again)04:05
Happy-Dude_here we go (i set it to the end and made it a logical this time)04:06
Happy-Dude_getting link right now ...04:07
Happy-Dude_is this what you asked for?04:07
Happy-Dude_th0r: I'll wait for a response before I continue with the install04:08
th0ryeah....looks like the only thing that could have gone wrong is the logical/primary checkbox...so give it a go04:08
Happy-Dude_alright, let's check this out :D04:09
Happy-Dude_th0r: LOOKS LIKE A SUCCESS :D04:11
th0rlearn something new every day <smile>04:11
Happy-Dude_(no error messages, that's good)04:12
th0rnah...without error messages how will we know what is going wrong?04:12
th0rget used to the idea....linux is already failing...you just haven't gotten the error message yet04:13
Happy-Dude_(is that sarcasm :P ?)04:13
th0rthere are two types of people in the world...optimists and realists04:14
Happy-Dude_well, then everything could be argued that its failing [>.>]04:15
Happy-Dude_(or am I missing the point?)04:15
th0rof course. I live on a sailboat...cruising is defined as fixing your boat in exotic places.04:15
th0rand the secret to successful cruising is to always carry an extra boat04:15
Happy-Dude_similar to how I like to own multiple PCs of different platforms?04:16
th0ryeah. I call them habits....HAlf Baked Implementations of Technology04:16
Happy-Dude_(oh, and I now understand why IRC support is important: http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/4016/how-do-i-install-with-ext4/ -- no replys from this entire ordeal -- though one reason might be because I already found help here ^^)04:16
Happy-Dude_lol good one ;)04:17
th0rcell phones, computers, digital tv...all habits04:17
Happy-Dude_thats actually pretty good ... i'll use that :)04:20
th0rcareful....being honest can get you in trouble04:20
Happy-Dude_lol looks like there'll never be any escaping that (realism)04:22
th0rhehehe....yeah...but too much gets identified as 'not a team player'04:22
th0rhow is the install going? should be installing the OS now, right?04:23
Happy-Dude_94% right now, configuring hardware04:23
th0ris this an xubuntu install?04:23
Happy-Dude_nope, crunchbang linux: www.crunchbanglinux.org04:24
Happy-Dude_(xubuntu got a bit bloated + slow for my tastes -- though the IRC is still amazing since it contains the knowledge of Ubuntu, but with less rowdy people ^^)04:25
Happy-Dude_(have you tried it before?)04:25
th0rI have heard that xfce is actually faster than openbox, so if you get adventurous install xubuntu-desktop and try xfce...thunar is, I think, the best file manager on the planet04:25
Happy-Dude_i like thunar too04:26
th0rI agree about the rowdy people. That is why I am here and not #ubuntu04:26
Happy-Dude_thou, i just find xubuntu's implementation of xfce 'slower' than what I'd expect -- (there was a tuxradar article of where debian+xfce performed faster than xubuntu)04:27
th0rmay have to try openbox...never used it04:27
Happy-Dude_similar to fluxbox04:27
th0ryeah....ubuntu has done a few things i am not in total agreement with04:27
th0rnever used fluxbox either <smile>04:27
Happy-Dude_works wonders on old hardware (256MB ram live cd sessions are very good)04:27
Happy-Dude_thou, certainly, if you have more than a gig of ram, its being wasted if you go too minimal04:28
th0rwell, I am an old systems analyst...anal about performance04:28
Happy-Dude_lol, sounds good ;)04:28
th0rlike I mentioned...I have gkrellm on the desktop and maintain a continuous watch on system parameters04:28
Happy-Dude_as always, just burn a live cd and give it a go :) -- but be weary -- there is no desktop and the menu is a bit weird04:29
Happy-Dude_(took some trial months before I finally decided to move) - learned to configure things on the system a lot prior to the jump04:29
th0rwell, I will be leaving the marina in a couple of weeks and won't have internet on a regular basis until next summer...so doubt I will try it any time soon.04:29
Happy-Dude_also, try out linux mint 6 fluxbox Community Edition -- i found it also performs as nicely04:30
Happy-Dude_aw, shame04:30
th0rI have heard a lot about mint...and have to admit the website sure makes it look appealing04:30
Happy-Dude_just note: desktop managers (gnome, xfce) are vastly different [and fully featured] than windows managers (fluxbox, openbox)04:31
th0roh yeah. I have been tinkering with linux since slackware 1.0....am quite familiar with minimal desktops and wm's <smile>04:31
Happy-Dude_I was actually able to configure my desktop on liveCDs to this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33129560@N08/3750756163/sizes/o/04:32
Happy-Dude_just be sure to check #! out when you got the chance, its amazing ^^04:33
Happy-Dude_and my install is done right now -- shall we continue to chat or should I proceed to reboot ;) ?04:33
th0rwell, even now I have not seen anything that looks as good as the old enlightenment 16...too bad they moved on04:34
th0rgo ahead....I need to shut down and get some sleep anyway...good luck04:34
Happy-Dude_thanks a lot th0r hope to see you around :)04:35
=== hatake_kakashi is now known as psycho_oreos
oly562i can't ping a wireless printer server. it's ip is 192...104/24 and my ip is .90. simple network, used to work, but after loading 9.04 i can not ping it anymore from this wireless nic. my gw is standard, .1/24 and my nic is intel running wicd. UFW is off, and all other computers wired can ping that device and access it. there are no restrictions on the print server yet. Any suggestions?18:01
proqwhere are the apt packages stored after xubuntu installs them?18:20
Darth_Tuxproq, i would guess somewhere in /etc/apt/18:21
proqoh, looks like /var/cache/apt/archives/18:22
Darth_Tuxor there :p18:23
oly562i can't ping a wireless printer server. it's ip is 192...104/24 and my ip is .90. simple network, used to work, but after loading 9.04 i can not ping it anymore from this wireless nic. my gw is standard, .1/24 and my nic is intel running wicd. UFW is off, and all other computers wired can ping that device and access it. there are no restrictions on the print server yet. I switched from 8.04 LTS to 9.0 and i just noticed this happening18:23
cemunali can't install midori from ppa19:46
cemunalcan somebody help me?19:46
cemunali added webkit_team and midori ppa but it says me:19:47
cemunalmidori: Depends: libsoup2.4-1 (>= 2.27.2) but 2.26.0-0ubuntu3 will not install19:48
cemunal*will install19:48
cemunalDepends: libwebkit-1.0-2 (>= 1.1.6) but will not install19:49
* cemunal away20:13
* cemunal back21:59
cemunal(21:46:44) cemunal: i can't install midori from ppa22:03
cemunal(21:46:50) cemunal: can somebody help me?22:03
cemunal(21:47:32) cemunal: i added webkit_team and midori ppa but it says me:22:03
cemunal(21:48:29) cemunal: midori: Depends: libsoup2.4-1 (>= 2.27.2) but 2.26.0-0ubuntu3 will not install22:03
cemunal(21:48:43) cemunal: *will install22:03
cemunal(21:49:04) cemunal: Depends: libwebkit-1.0-2 (>= 1.1.6) but will not install22:03
=== User__ is now known as GavinMcG
GavinMcGI've got Xubuntu on a headless server, and I'm logged into it over SSH with X forwarding enabled. I'm using Xming and PuTTY on a Windows machine. When I log in, I'm told ~/.Xauthority is not writable, and when I try to run an X application, I'm get "PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attempted" and "Error: Can't open display"23:12
GavinMcGCould anyone suggest what I need to change?23:12
moonsidecan anyone help me with a problem?23:31
cody-somervillemoonside, not if you don't tell us what your problem is :-)23:36
moonsideIm trying to install flashplayer 10 on xubuntu, the guide I am using says to enter the following command23:36
moonsidecp /home/moonside/desktop/libflashplayer.so .23:37
moonsidebut when I do that23:37
moonsideI get permission denied23:37
cody-somervilleWhere is this guide?23:37
moonsideim very green to linux23:39
cody-somervillemoonside, just download it from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/23:39
cody-somervilleSelect .deb for Ubuntu 8.04+23:39
cody-somervillemoonside, Be sure to uninstall flashplugin-nonfree first23:39
* cody-somerville goes and gets some dinner.23:40
moonsidewhen I try to open the package23:44
moonsideI get23:44
moonsideerror dependency is not satisfiable23:45
moonsideI made it work23:59
moonsidein that guide the guy typed "sudu su" but it was supposed to be "sudo su"23:59

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