
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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ryanakcaRiddell: any opinion on the question I asked you earlier?02:24
ryanakca(I might have lost the answer between work and home)02:24
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
ScottKSomeone can tell Lure it's in pkg-kde svn perhaps.03:05
seeleScottK: aren't you supposed to be on vacation?03:14
ScottKAlso libgcal needs sync first.  I've requested it.03:14
ScottKseele: I'm back this week.  On vacation again next week.03:14
seelein that case come to the pirate bar thursday night for a beer03:14
seeleit's mah birftday!03:15
ScottKWhat time?03:15
ScottKI'm tied up from about 7 to 10 with another engagement.03:15
ScottKI might be able to stop in around 10:30.03:16
nixternaloi oi03:16
seeleyeah sure, we'll most likely still be around then :)03:16
seeleyou can call me if you want to make sure before heading down to silver spring03:16
nixternalyou alcoholics!03:17
seelenixternal: hey now.. it's a *pirate* bar03:17
seeleyou can't pass something like that up03:17
seelei'm trying to get some people to go after aikido too03:17
nixternalwaiting for feeling to come back into my body after tonights ride03:17
seelewant to fill the pirate bar up with ninjas03:17
nixternalhaha, that would f'n rock03:17
ScottKIt's a scary enough pirate bar that my 6 year old won't go back.03:17
nixternaldamn, I think I should open a pirate and ninja bar here in chicago03:18
seelenixternal: they would be under cover though, no dogi or tabi socks03:18
seeleScottK: really? aww03:18
ScottKseele: Yep.  Suprised me.  Normally she's pretty fearless.03:18
seelegood thing md loco always does fudruckers then, family friendly03:19
seelealthough, the pirate bar does have a kiddie corner with books and toys and stuff03:19
ScottKMaybe we sat to far from it and it didn't make enough of an impression.03:23
macothe skull with bug-out eyes scared her03:27
macoremember, in the corner, next to the bar?03:27
macoseele: happy birthda03:28
seelemaco: not until thursday03:28
seeleif youre bored, come to the pirate bar! although we're not going till later which might be a bit far for you in the middle of the week03:28
macoseele: i just wont go into the office on thursday ;)03:28
macothat makes it like 4 metro stops from home03:29
seelehehe.. sweet03:29
macoseele: is the boy invited?03:29
seelemaco: sure.. this isn't a linux chix thing. it's a come and dirnk bir thing03:30
macoseele: i know, i just didnt know if he was invited or not03:30
macohe's come to linuxchix once before i think....maybe...03:30
macoive definitely dragged boyfriends to linuxchix before, thats all i know03:30
seelea few.. dunno if i've met the last one ;P03:31
macoyou know the current one silly03:31
ScottKThus the ;P03:31
ScottKSpeaking of drinking, to do go drink some Scotch while I clean the kitchen.03:32
macohey and you can use it as a disinfectant!03:32
ScottKOnly for internal use.03:33
* seele wonders how clean the kitchen will be by the end fo the night03:33
macoi need to get the scotch out of my favourite skirt. someone knocked their glass off the table last time i wore it03:33
seelei think that kind of scotch will kill scott03:33
seeleare you talking about using spirits on your clothing and not the stain repellant?03:37
macoim saying someone spilled a glass of spirits on my skirt and i need to wash it out03:37
seelewow totally misread that03:37
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ScottKRiddell: Looks like kleopatra needs to be demoted again.07:41
* ScottK finally decides to collapse for the night.07:49
micmordstarting from karmic-alternate-alpha3, what packages need I to transform into a netbook relaese? kubuntu-netbook  kubuntu-netbook-default-settings plasma-netbook, what else?08:46
davmor2micmord: is kubuntu-netbook not there that would be a meta package that installs everything you need08:52
micmorddavmor2: thanks08:59
Riddellryanakca: may as well add the GUI stuff direct to the FAQ09:33
Riddelldpm: can I get launchpad translations to stop spamming me when it imports something?09:59
dpmRiddell: what do you mean by "when it imports something"? Do you mean when you upload a package and its template and translations are imported? I don't know the answer to that one, though, I think the best thing is to ask danilo, henninge or jtv in #launchpad10:10
dpmRiddell: I'm checking whether bug 376686 has been fixed after the Jaunty language pack update in -proposed, but it seems it hasn't. Could you give me some pointers on debugging this? All desktop_* files in the language pack are ok now (they no longer contain Bulgarian translations), but still all items shown when opening kickoff are displayed in Bulgarian. Where (i.e. from which desktop_* file) do these translations (e.g. all categories under the "App10:29
dpmlications" tab in kickoff) come from?10:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376686 in ubuntu-translations "Errors in KDE4 basque translation - Cyrillic characters and wrong names" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37668610:29
Riddelldpm: they're in /usr/share/desktop-directories/10:42
Riddellwhich should be desktop_kdebase-runtime10:43
Riddellshtylman: there's a meeting later today if you want to go for membership10:49
dpmRiddell: are those translations loaded at runtime, or are they in some of those files in /usr/share/desktop-directories/? After doing an 'msgunfmt /usr/share/locale-langpack/eu/LC_MESSAGES/desktop_kdebase-runtime.mo' the translations in the binary file seem ok, I don't really know where the Bulgarian translations come from now.10:51
Riddelldpm: they'll be loaded at runtime from the .mo file10:51
Riddelldpm: works for me10:59
Riddellmaybe you have something cached in .local or .config11:00
dpmRiddell: is your screenshot from Jaunty or Karmic? I'm talking about Jaunty, here's what it looks like for me on Jaunty -> http://imagebin.ca/view/46RyTUg.html and http://imagebin.ca/view/VuDz-XY.html11:01
dpmRight, the problem was already solved in Karmic, I'm testing the language pack updates for Jaunty, where it is still present.11:05
dpmI'm a bit confused, since the .mo file does not seem to contain the Bulgarian translations, but they are still shown. I can't see anything obvious under .config or .local, either11:07
micmorddavmor2: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/251282/ Can I proceed?11:49
Lureinteresting: from work, Konversation cannot connect, while Quassel can... :-(12:01
shtylmanRiddell: I think I might hold off on going for membership at this time. I feel that I should do more work or contributions and don't really know what that I would have to do as a member. When is the meeting though?12:18
allee-kshtylman: this evening 18.00 UTC12:46
davmor2shtylman: you just keep doing what you are doing.  Membership just acknowledges the fact that you're doing something13:04
davmor2micmord: pass I install from scratch others on the channel would be better to ask13:04
ScottKshtylman: You are doing enough.  Let the Kubuntu Council be the judge of your application.  You should go ahead.14:05
ryanakcashtylman: Go for it :)14:16
ryanakcaShould bug 411600 be set as "High"? It's easy to work around using the CLI, but we're selling Kubuntu, that's to say KDE4, not a KDE4 + CLI hybrid...14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411600 in kpackagekit "pgp file import does not work properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41160014:45
_Groo_hi/2 all14:45
ryanakcaHi _Groo_14:45
_Groo_hi ryanakca14:45
ghostcubeis it possible for anyone in here to package up lm-sensors 3.1.1 with the patch.dsc from launchpad :)14:46
ryanakcaghostcube: bug number?14:47
ghostcubeuh moment14:47
ScottKryanakca: I'd make it high.14:49
ghostcuberyanakca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors-3/+bug/38903114:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389031 in lm-sensors-3 "Please merge lm-sensors-3_3.1.0-2 (main) from debian/unstable (dup-of: 336418)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336418 in lm-sensors-3 "please merge lm-sensors 3.1.1-2 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:50
ghostcubefor the 3.1.02 there is an dsc14:50
ryanakcaScottK: Thanks, done, bug 41160014:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411600 in kpackagekit "pgp file import does not work properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41160014:53
* ryanakca prods ubottu :)14:53
seelein launchpad, does anyone know how to unsubscribe yourself from emails if an entire team is subscribed?15:18
ScottKseele: You can't.15:21
ScottKLeave the team or filter them locally.15:21
seelei got like 100 bug emails last night from being a papercutter15:21
maconeversfelde: omg i wish bilbo had spellcheck15:23
macoseele: maybe if you have full-info bug mail turned on you can filter for papercuts that are tagged kde and throw the rest out?15:24
* seele feels her head explode15:25
macowell lemme double check that tags show up in those emails ;)15:26
macooh boo i dont think they do15:27
seelemaco: i dont see anything useful in the headers i can use except to filter it as a bug15:32
seelebut the problem is, there are bugs that i *am* subscribed to that i want to see and dont see how i can filter them differently15:32
macooh the bottom will be different15:38
macoYou received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber15:38
macoof the bug.15:38
macoou received this bug notification because you are a member of15:39
macoubuntuforums.org Staff, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Forums.15:39
macoou received this bug notification because you are a member of15:39
macoubuntuforums.org Staff, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Forums.15:39
macoer...pasted twice, sorry15:40
neversfeldemaco: it has spellcheck, you have to activate it with the ABC button afaik15:41
macobut "you are a direct subscriber" "you are a member of" and "you are subscribed to" (if subscribed to a package) and ""yyou are a bug assignee" are optional reasons it gives at the end of emails15:41
macowhat abc button?15:41
macoOH right click in text field, then spell check15:42
macojust like you can only replace by right clicking in the text field15:42
neversfeldemaco: mhh in the WYSIWIG Editor, there is a button leftmost, which enables the automatic spellcheck15:44
neversfeldeit is probably misplaced there15:44
macooh! ok. i was looking in the top toolbar15:47
macoand in the menus15:48
neversfeldeshould be in the menu, I will ask upstream about it15:51
_Groo_ppl, could anyone confirm this bug... please drag and drop any url from any kde app (akregator, konqueror, etc), into any other kde app.. should crash the source imediatly... could ayone confirm this?15:57
_Groo_thats with kde 4.3.0 btw15:57
_Groo_was there since the rcs... i thought they fixed it for final.. but aparently i was mistaken15:57
rgreening_Groo_ I see drag/drop crash in arora16:00
rgreeninganyone having issues with knetworkmanager for KDE 4.3 and wireless? Mine does not connect anymore, though it detects all the wireless networks16:02
slacker_nldon't use it16:06
ScottKrgreening: Arora is a webkit issue that should have been fixed in yesterday's qt4-x11 upload.16:12
davmor2ScottK: I'm looking at what seems to be a slightly weird kne16:15
rgreeningScottK: k. Will test. Need to reboot for that...16:15
davmor2rgreening: I got wireless here16:16
davmor2ScottK: how do I install where is the K button nothing seems to have any close or apply buttons etc etc etc16:17
rgreeningdavmor2: using knetworkmanager (kde4 version) and it auto connects? You using WEP, WPA or unencrypted?16:17
davmor2rgreening: I can't actually tell you at the minute it's a bit broke but as soon as I can I will tell you.  Connection is wpa16:18
rgreeningdavmor2: hmm... maybe I should remove all the rc files and try from scratch.16:19
davmor2rgreening: this is live kne16:20
davmor2I can try a kubuntu cd for you if you'd like?16:20
ScottKdavmor2: Welcome to plasma-netbook.  It's a bit unpolished at the moment.16:21
davmor2ScottK: like nothing works?16:21
ScottKdavmor2: Click on the search thing in the upper left corner and you can type application names to launch stuff16:21
ScottKBasically working here.16:21
ScottKTyping on it right now.16:22
davmor2ScottK: would that be the binoculars upper right?16:22
davmor2ScottK: I went to configure the weather app only once I'd got to the point of adding the town I live in I could exit and everything bar the type in the name of your town box was greyed out16:23
ScottKA lot of that stuff still needs a lot of work.  This is literally alpha software16:24
davmor2ScottK: ah okay16:27
davmor2ScottK: Why does the top bar keep disappearing?  It means that the title bar of an app you open is stuck under the title bar and you can't access the apps options :(  Is this just another alpha thing?  And will this be on the tracker tomorrow?16:33
ryanakcaRiddell: Do they provide the source in a sane format?16:48
ryanakca(Dooble that is)16:48
macothere are options in the title bar?16:49
ScottKdavmor2: It autohides to save vertical space.  The apps are all full screen by default.  You should get an option to X out of the app if the top panel is visible (this doesn't always work yet)16:51
davmor2rgreening: correction it looks like it connects but actually doesn't Meh16:57
ScottKBluetooth file sharing works on with my phone with blueman, but not kdebluetooth.17:31
ScottKrgreening: How about a PyKDE front end for blueman?17:32
apachelogger'*.gpg *.gpgkey| PGP keys'18:09
apacheloggerwho made up that crap?18:10
ryanakcaapachelogger: for the KPackageKit bug? *shrug*18:10
apacheloggerapplication/pgp-keys: *.asc *.pkr *.skr18:11
apacheloggerryanakca: I can't reproduce bug 41160018:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411600 in software-properties "pgp file import does not work properly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41160018:19
apacheloggeralso source wise it doesn't make sense since there needs to be any value for the filename var which should not be the case if cancel is pressed18:19
apacheloggerweird english today18:19
ryanakcathere needs to be any value for the filename var... ?18:20
ryanakcaas it, it must be set?18:20
apachelogger    if filename:18:20
apachelogger      if not self.add_key(filename):18:20
apacheloggerfilename will be nil after cancel I suppose18:20
apacheloggeror whatever python calls nil18:20
ryanakcaNone iirc.18:20
ryanakcaapachelogger: I'll mess around with it, I'm looking at the sources18:21
apacheloggerwell, that is trunk what I am using18:21
apacheloggerryanakca: does happen with jaunty version18:21
ryanakcaDoes it happen in jaunty? Yes18:22
apachelogger    if filename is not None:18:22
apacheloggerjaunty code18:22
apacheloggerso I suppose filename is not nil but just empty :)18:22
apacheloggerso trunk code's if filename: will be false if filename is either None (nil) or empty ("")18:23
ryanakcaapachelogger: should I be looking for a fix in Karmic or Jaunty?18:23
apacheloggerryanakca: karmic18:23
apacheloggerkarmic should be fixed18:23
apacheloggerjaunty needs SRU18:23
apacheloggerif SRU then SRU the enahnced pgp key endings as well ;-)18:24
apacheloggeroh jeez, that app needs love :P18:26
apacheloggerthe gtk version is way better18:27
* ScottK doesn't think the Jaunty version does gpg keys at all.18:28
ryanakcaapachelogger: lots of FIXMEs in the kde section...18:30
apacheloggerryanakca: can you reproduce bug 11644518:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 116445 in software-properties "[kde] software-properties-kde does not check if apt lines are valid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11644518:31
ryanakcaScottK: I'm experiencing the bug and have "ii  software-properties-kde                    0.71.5                                   manage the repositories that you install sof" ... which matches the version in jaunty according to packages.ubuntu.com18:31
ScottKryanakca: OK.  I thought we were talking about packagekit-kde18:31
ryanakcaapachelogger: It fails silently. I tried adding "dbe htp:/aoe/  ". No error messages18:33
apacheloggerhere too18:34
apacheloggerso technically the bug is fixed, just not very smoothly :D18:34
ScottKSInce we picked the meeting time, would someone who knows when it is please fix /topic18:35
ryanakcaapachelogger: Hehe ;)18:35
ScottKBe careful what you ask for (in bug reports) you might get it.18:36
apacheloggerkubotu: topic learn18:36
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting at 18 UTC TODAY
ScottKapachelogger: It would have been nice to keep the rest of it.18:37
apacheloggerScottK: that is what topic learn was for18:37
apacheloggerlater on a topic restore will be enough to get the topic back18:37
ScottKI see18:37
* ryanakca likes /cs topicappend18:37
ryanakcaAlong with topicprepend ;)18:38
apachelogger...if you like long topics18:39
apacheloggerNightrose: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/project-neon/neon/annotate/head:/distros/ubuntu/amarok-debian/rules18:39
apacheloggeralready manually defines the mysql stuff18:39
* ryanakca wonders why whoever wrote it only used two spaces instead of 4.18:41
ScottKNot everyone read PEP-818:42
ScottKI think it's 818:42
apacheloggerryanakca: cause he really wanted to use ruby? :P18:43
ryanakcaScottK: *nod*18:43
apacheloggerScottK: 8 sounds like a lot18:43
apacheloggerlike, really a lot18:43
ryanakcaapachelogger: no, http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/18:44
* ryanakca wonders if bzr has an equivalent to 'git add -p'18:44
apacheloggerreally old code that you don't want to mess up?18:45
apacheloggerok, seriously now18:45
apacheloggerhow about VCS?18:45
ryanakcawhat about VCS?18:45
apacheloggerdon't mess up?18:45
ryanakcaOh... *shrug*18:45
apacheloggerand if it's old code that happens to be old, why leave it around anyway?18:46
* apachelogger finds that confusing18:46
apacheloggerryanakca: the gtk version doesn't appear to show an error either18:46
macoargh my wireless driver is using 98% cpu and Xorg is using 58% and kontact is using 24%18:46
ryanakcaapachelogger: I've got the error dialog box set up...18:47
apacheloggercheck_line is implemented in both KDE and GTK18:47
apacheloggerand I really do not get why it is not shared18:47
apachelogger_not at all_18:47
apacheloggerryanakca: implement that ppa stuff while you are at it18:48
ryanakcaapachelogger: ppa stuff?18:48
apacheloggersee gtk's dialogadd.py18:49
apachelogger    if line.startswith("ppa:"):18:49
apachelogger      self.button_add.set_sensitive(True)18:49
apachelogger      return18:49
apacheloggerso there must be some magic going on18:49
ryanakcaHi Riddell18:51
ScottKHey Riddell.18:51
Riddellryanakca: dooble, I've no idea, havn't looked18:51
* seele fluffles Riddell18:51
* rgreening waves18:51
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
apacheloggerryanakca: pushed the enhanced file endings to the parent branch18:51
* Riddell giggles18:51
Riddellmeeting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting18:51
ryanakcaRiddell: as far as I could find on their website, they only offer binaries, and then if you dig around you can find their SVN.18:52
* ScottK thinks he doesn't want to know what fluffle means.18:52
seeleyou people and your dirty minds18:52
seeleScottK: maco had the same question the other day18:52
rgreeningI have 2 back to back land line conf calls... so I may be delayed on responding.. I'll try and keep up18:52
macoseele: what was my question?18:53
seelemaco: what is a fluffle18:53
seelei dont think there was an answer18:53
macooh ok18:54
Riddellryanakca: the guy that e-mailed me was Max <petersonmaxx@googlemail.com>18:56
Riddellryanakca: want to ask him where to find a release?18:56
ryanakcaRiddell: OK18:56
apacheloggerryanakca: we should make it easier to grab the key18:57
apacheloggerthat is quite the PITA18:57
ryanakcaapachelogger: look at sotwareproperties/ppa.py AddPPASigningKey ... I think it fetches it for us18:59
ryanakcaRiddell: I think I'd have better luck prodding one of upstream to see if they have / can make a tarball for us...19:00
apacheloggerryanakca: so we'd implement that ppa: crap and get that in addition, sounds like a fair deal :D19:00
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting19:01
ryanakcaWould it be possible to get jigdo links up for the KNE iso?19:24
Riddellshtylman: poke19:43
ryanakcaapachelogger: Ha! software-properties-kde == evil... Remember how adding an invalid sources.list line was failing silently earlier? Well, it added the line to /etc/apt/sources.list... which is *bad*19:55
ScottKRiddell: I filed an FFe for plasma-netbook to get official documentation of the plan to update it after FF.20:03
apacheloggerryanakca: must be the python :P20:04
ryanakcaapachelogger, Riddell: Should there be variables pointing to things in Riddell's homedir in software-properties-kde?20:05
Riddellof course, it's the most important homedir there is20:06
* apachelogger agrees20:06
_Groo_hi apachelogger, Riddell20:11
_Groo_can you guys do a quick test? please drag a url from akregator or other kde app, to another app, like firefox or arora/rekonq20:12
_Groo_it should crash the origin app... aparently drag and drop is broken in kde 4.320:12
apacheloggerwe are in a meeting20:13
_Groo_apachelogger: wasnt that suposed to be happening in ubuntu-meeting? -.O20:13
_Groo_apachelogger: anyway, please test when someone has the time, to check if its just me or drag is indeed broken20:14
_Groo_apachelogger: i apologize for the disruption, please carry on :D20:14
micmordWhere is logout button on plasma-netbook?20:31
ScottKmicmord: Missing in action.20:37
ScottKPlease file a bug.20:37
micmordso i must unplugg the power cord? :-)20:38
Riddellmicmord: pressing the physical button should bring up the dialogue20:38
Riddellalso control-alt-del20:38
ScottKSo what is the key with the battery icon on it supposed to do?20:48
maco_Groo_: someone mentioned that earlier, so its not just you20:48
_Groo_maco: it was i who mentioned it early :P20:52
_Groo_maco: i got d/c this morning20:52
maco_Groo_: really? well someone said they could reproduce with arora20:52
_Groo_maco: actually its with any kde app.. general drag and drop is severely broken20:53
_Groo_are you runing kde 4.3?20:53
nhnthere seems to be a bug in one of the kde devel packages20:54
micmordScottK: I think that in plasma-netbook is usefull also a power managment icon on the tray, to monitor the battery power. Do you?20:54
ScottKmicmord: yes.20:55
ScottKrgreening was discussing looking into that earlier.20:55
nhnwe have had several repports of "#include <KWidgetItemDelegate>" breaking build but "#include <kwidgetitemdelegate.h>" working fine20:55
nhnbut only on KDE 4.2.x on *ubuntu jaunty, works fine in 4.3 jaunty and on karmic20:55
apacheloggernhn: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.2/kdelibs/includes/21:01
apacheloggerdoesn't exist in 4.221:01
ScottKRiddell: You can mark down the ajax bits to unprivate a bug as working in Konqueror, but not Arora is you're keeping score.21:02
apacheloggeris there in 4.321:02
nhnuhm... according to API.kde org, it has been there since 4.121:02
apacheloggersource says otherwise21:02
nhnand the kwidgetitemdelegate.h fileexists21:02
nhnfile exists21:02
nhnso its simply the "modern" include style "KWidgetItemDelegate" that is missing21:03
nhnworks on all other distros apparently21:03
nhnhm... odd21:05
nhnshould that not have been backported then?21:05
apacheloggerat the time it was added to 4.3 there would have been no further 4.2 release, so I suppose trueg didn't consider it being worth the commit21:06
ScottKapachelogger: What was the command to put /topic back?21:06
apacheloggernhn: we could add it, but the include would still not work with self-compiled KDE 4.221:06
apacheloggerkubotu: topic restore21:06
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are Kubuntu | Alpha-3 released | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts | Meeting http://doodle.com/ay88g3hw8cumiv2n
ScottKAh.  That one.21:06
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are Kubuntu | Alpha-3 released | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
nhnapachelogger: well, I am going to commit a workaround to amarok now, so not a big deal. I was just wondering why we were getting this issue21:07
apacheloggerScottK: I am not sure you could issue it anyway, since you'd probably need permissions21:07
apacheloggernhn: because other distros like to patch around :P21:07
* apachelogger goes to bed21:08
jefferaiRiddell: ping21:13
jefferainhn: oh wait, you got here first21:13
nhnjefferai: heh21:13
nhnjefferai: I'm just _that_ fast!21:14
asac_22:45 < asac_> how do i tell cmake to output the compile command used?21:46
asac_22:45 < asac_> i only see short output ... "building xxxx.o"21:46
asac_22:45 < asac_> i want the gcc command run ;)21:46
asac_22:45 < asac_> thx21:46
asac_22:45 < asac_> oops21:46
asac_22:45 < asac_> wrong channel ;)21:46
asac_previously posted on #kubuntu ;)21:46
asac_nobody knows how i can see the actualy g++ lines run :(22:00
macoi left my cmake book at work, sorry :(22:01
macoasac_: if i want the contents of my ~/.mozilla/firefox.3.5-replaced to be my default stuff, where should it go?22:02
ScottKasac_: Riddell and apachelogger are your best bets.  Riddell is canoeing and apachelogger is sleeping.22:03
asac_maco: it means you selected "keep using current stuff"22:03
asac_maco: not sure why oyu have firefox-3.5 still though22:04
asac_maco: backup firefox ... and move the replaced there ... but be sure to have no firefox processing running ;)22:04
asac_maco: /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3pre/ffox-31-beta-profile-migration-dialog22:04
asac_run that (it does nothing) to re-read what you choosed22:04
asac_maco: hmm. the text is wrong ;)22:05
asac_still for the firefox 2 to 3 transition22:05
maco*shrug* coudlve had something to do with apps trying to launch firefox for url handling after upgrade and before i restarted.22:05
asac_maco: yeah so basically if you use the button on the right you will keep using the firefox 3 one ... on the left will give you the 3.5 profile22:06
macoand middle?22:06
macook, i moved the replaced to firefox22:09
macoasac_: now i click import instead of keep?22:09
macoapparently not22:11
Riddellto cmake22:29
Riddellor make VERBOSE=on  should also work I think22:30
asac_Riddell: great22:31
asac_yep does the trick22:31
asac_nice ;)22:31
asac_not so nice though that he is using 'd' as variable names22:31
asac_not really professional ;) ... i cannot even find its definition22:32
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Monika|Kyeah, that should be something like li_d for local integer d ;)22:43
asac_Riddell: kdebase build complains that kde version is too low :/22:52
asac_do you know which revision we have for kdebase?22:52
asac_or a different branch i should switch to?22:53
asac_  ERROR: the installed kdelibs version 4.3.00 is too old, at least version22:53
yuriy_workjust upgraded to 4.3 from PPA22:56
yuriy_workdevel packages are broken22:56
yuriy_workand it seems to have lost my panel and taskbar settings22:56
yuriy_workand I think "only show tasks from current desktop" should be default22:57
yuriy_workthe knetworkmanager icon for wired looks like it's disconnected22:57
Riddellasac_ needs trunk is seems like22:59
asac_Riddell: yes. but what kdebase revision do we have so i can actually look into what we have?23:00
ScottKasac_: We have 4.3.0 in karmic23:00
asac_i dont feel like building kdelibs as well :/23:00
asac_ScottK: what svn revision is that? (i have the svn checkout here)23:00
Riddellasac_: we have 4.3.023:00
ScottKNot sure.23:00
Riddellyou can get 4.3.0 from branch23:01
asac_whats the tag url23:01
asac_ok wait23:01
asac_(of course the path i need to debug goes through kdebase ... why cant things just be simple)23:03
asac_i think i should probably switch to a known working knetworkmanager revision too?23:04
asac_who knows if this thing actually works ;)23:04
asac_ok finally building workspace/solid subtree ... lets hope this produces something i can convince the applet to use23:08
ghostcubeqdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /kickoff23:09
ghostcubeis this opening for anyone in here ?23:09
Riddellghostcube: that successfully shows me the methods available there23:10
Riddellasac_: svn864988 was working for me with NM 0.723:11
asac_Riddell: with NM 0.7 or latest karmic 0.7? (which was 0.7.1+many commits)23:12
asac_just to be sure23:12
asac_Riddell: so i am building just workspace/solid ... and run make install on it ... is there something like PKG_CONFIG_PATH so i can tell knetworkmanager build to use that (i dont install it in /usr)23:13
asac_sorry if that is an odd question ;)23:13
asac_or will it prefer libs if i use the same PREFIX for both builds?23:14
asac_i basically want it to also look in /home/asac/local_knetnm/lib/ and /home/asac/local_knetnm/lib/kde4/ for the stuff23:14
asac_seems it copies libs in the build/ tree from system - which feels like a good sign23:16
asac_now i just need to convince it to take the libs from PREFIX first instead of /usr23:16
shtylmanRiddell: I probly missed the meeting (just got home from work)23:20
shtylmanindeed...18:00 utc... I was at work :)23:21
Riddellasac_: NM 0.7.1-0ubuntu123:21
Riddellasac_: 23:23 < dfaure> just set PATH so that the right kde4-config is found23:23
asac_Riddell: any idea how i can tell the build to use  kdebase from somewhere23:23
asac_Riddell: i dont have a different kde4-config. also i dont have the full kde in that /home/asac/local_... dfir23:24
asac_just solid... which i want to use23:24
asac_seems like the build always copies all the libs it needs in lib/ is that correct? or am i confused?23:24
Riddellasac_: which lib/ are you refering to?23:26
asac_Riddell: the one in build/23:27
Riddellright yes, that should be the case23:27
asac_build/lib/ ... it has libsolid* stuff in there ... even on kde23:27
asac_err even on knetworkmanager23:27
asac_Riddell: but those are only libs produced during build?23:27
Riddellmm, really?23:27
asac_i am confused because i see lib*solid in there23:27
asac_Riddell: i am asking you. for me it looked like those are also libs copied from somewhere on the system23:28
Riddellthere's libsolidcontrolfuture.so23:28
Riddellthat's built from network manager23:28
asac_that one is in base too23:28
Riddellsee solidcontrolfuture/23:28
asac_ok let me check LD_LIBRARY_PATH and see if it picks up my other solid stuff23:29
asac_ok so seems that solid alone doesnt build any lib ;)23:30
asac_that is in libdir23:30
asac_i guess i need to build the full thing23:30
* asac_ does that23:30
asac_well ... first trying all workspace23:30
Riddellasac_: I need to go to bed, you can ask dfaure and others in #kde-devel if you have questions23:34

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