
ravphh: thanks, that fixed it00:00
Planetarygreat now i have no package managers. can someone please help me get synaptic package manager installed00:08
Planetarygot nevermind00:12
Planetarygot it00:12
SevisPlanetary, you should still have apt-get00:19
bishopfirst time on kubuntu00:44
BluesKaj!welcome | bishop00:46
ubottubishop: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:46
BluesKajtried any other linux OSs ?00:47
bishopreally like kde never used it before00:47
bishopmost distos00:48
bishoplot of time on ubuntu mint solaris etc00:49
BluesKajyeah , I started with knoppix and most popular distros that were around back then00:49
bishopbluekaj  never tried debian00:49
BluesKajglad to hear you like kde00:49
BluesKajdebian with gnome and ubuntu are he same IM00:50
bishopgood interface. easier to use than gnome for me00:50
bishopmuch difference between those 2?00:51
BluesKaj(k)ubuntu are both debian based OSs00:52
BluesKajboth use the apt package system00:53
BluesKajand repository systems are very sismilar00:53
bishopreally find apt pack system effective00:53
BluesKajyes very , especially when compared to other distos like suse and the RPMs like fedora and redhat00:54
bishopi dumped vista much prefer linux00:56
bishopfind it diverse and u have to learn how to use it. i like that.00:57
bishopjust stopping by no concerns right now00:58
BluesKajI still use vista and W7, due to wife and friends being not too adventurous with their pcs :)00:58
bishopi like dual boots but windows is heavy on system resources00:59
BluesKajthey kind of depend on me when things go wrong ...sometimes it's a pita but ...01:00
BluesKajso your media is working ok etc ?01:00
bishopi really am impressed with kde01:01
BluesKajyeah kde is much improved now01:02
bishopbig time... used it a while ago and went back to ubuntu. i much prefer kde...like the feel of it01:04
bishopblueskaj  gottago now bbak soon...thankx01:07
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idyleHello! Does anyone know any good bios password cracking tools other than cmospwd and removing the battery?01:56
idyleBeen googling fyi :]01:57
Mannequinhi. sometimes firefox hangs and then it won't (re)start (after killing the process)02:05
MannequinI mean, it won't restart clicking on the icon on KDE menu02:05
Mannequinit will launch fine if run from a terminal, for example02:06
marcouff, why kde 4.3 feeels soo sloww in kubuntu 9.04?02:08
FullMetalJockerhi all02:09
marcouff, why kde 4.3 feeels soo sloww in kubuntu 9.04?02:09
marcois fucking slowww02:09
marcoyes mother cuker02:10
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:10
FullMetalJockerwas just thinking about to update02:11
marcook sorry mather facker02:11
marcoLINUX SUCKS!!!!!!!!!02:11
marcoKDE SCUKS!02:11
FloodBotK2marco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
marcoGNOME ROOLZ02:11
marcoFREEBSD ROCKS!02:11
Picimarco: We're not forcing you to be here, you may part when you're ready.02:11
FullMetalJockeris it worth to update to 4.3....02:14
FullMetalJockeror  better to wait?02:14
MTGapno upgrade now lol, you have no clue what your missing out on02:15
MTGapHave you read some of the reviews?02:15
FullMetalJockeri don't like the network manager02:15
FullMetalJockerwicd i use02:15
FullMetalJockeri read about slowliness...02:16
MTGapno some of the reviewers have no clue what they are talking about, performance is better02:17
MTGapThis is what you should really read: http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/02:17
FullMetalJockerit is possible to downgrade..02:18
MTGapIs it? Yes I believe so02:18
FullMetalJockeryes, i was reading kde.org02:19
SevisMTGap - third party sources are generally more reliable...02:24
SevisFullMetalJock - check what hardware the reviewers are using, and compare that to your own. Don't just trust kde.org, even though it's non-profit, it still competes with gnome, and shouldn't be taken as pure truth.02:25
FullMetalJockeri am to upgrade...02:28
FullMetalJockerfurther i use synaptic02:28
FullMetalJockernot that rubbish kpackage02:28
FullMetalJockerbut I hate gNoMe02:29
SevisAnd I don't bother with a GUI and go right through the command line - yes?02:30
FullMetalJockerapt-get uber alles02:30
pikohnis there any other office suites besides open office for linux?02:31
FullMetalJockerok dude02:35
FullMetalJockerau revoir02:35
planetaryhello, i am trying to do. 'sudo gedit /ect/modules' it doesnt work. i realize thats for gnome. so i did kate instead and got errors. then kate opened and its blank. is there something wrong?02:36
SevisIt's /etc/, not /ect/02:37
planetaryoh nice. thanks man02:41
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
fefi want to enter fonts into the blacks creen but i seem to have a desktop03:15
fefis this the white people version of linux or not03:15
fefi heard it supports black03:15
ubantu_dudeMy computer has 750g is that fast enough for ubantu?03:16
fefthe black version is superior, si o no?03:16
pikohnyou have to admit kubuntu is amazing.03:16
ubantu_dudeOn kubuntu how do I hide my porn from my wife?03:17
fefpikohn: how do i make it text version so i can enter fonts03:17
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amason_ubantu_dude: encrypt it ? *shrug*03:17
amason_make a user specifically for porn03:17
pikohnno idea...03:17
ubantu_dudewell it has to super secure03:17
ubantu_dudebecause she cant find out I umm switched teams03:17
pikohni should know that...but i dont03:17
fefpikohn: do you diddle little kids03:18
Planetaryhow do i get compiz to start default in 9.0403:18
amason_ubantu_dude: i think this is probably beyond the scope of this channel.03:18
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john_reWhat's the suggested way to get java (to enable firefox to do java. FF plugins?) - 1) from the ubuntu package? which package - which package name? 2) fron sun?04:13
john_renoone here?04:29
murryyes but i am not helpful04:30
john_reWhat happened to the apt package manager in kde for ku804? was that synaptic?? Now there is only the low functionality KPackageKit??04:31
john_remurry: at least you let me know i'm not the only one alive here. ;)04:31
murryyeah ur alive, i don't have an answer, sorry04:32
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freakshow do i make sure the "sidebars" in kate never ever show up again ?04:43
freaksi hate those sidebars...  i tell kate to hide them, i save session, as default , i restart kate... thoses horrible sidebars are back :(04:44
freaksi want to make them disappear for good04:44
plotnikaleksвсем привет04:54
macoplotnikaleks: #ubuntu-ru pojaucta04:55
macogrr whats teh scim package thatll get me cyrillic?04:57
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
kalpi have installed xchess and its consuming 800mhz of processor even when idle. this causes excessive heating. any solutions?05:21
kalpi have installed xchess and its consuming 800mhz of processor even when idle. this causes excessive heating. any solutions?05:25
forainhello, any body here?05:26
foraini need help05:26
kalpi have installed xboard chess and its consuming 800mhz of processor even when idle. this causes excessive heating. any solutions?05:28
forainhi, i need help05:28
kalpforain jus typr the question05:28
forainkalp, first i'm brazillian and don't speek very weel english..05:29
forainmy problem is i can`t brownsble in internet with konqueror..05:29
forainonly for w3m05:29
rosco_yforain, your english is much better than my brazillian :)05:29
forainrosco_y, hahaha05:30
kalpforain ask the question, if anyone knows the answer , he/she will tell you05:30
forainkalp: well, my problems is i can't brownsable in internet..05:31
forainkonqueror ansewer this for me "05:31
forainAn error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:05:31
forainCould not connect to host http://www.google.com/.05:31
FloodBotK2forain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
kalpforain are using the same network right now?05:32
kalpforain: and the same computer?05:32
foraini can't connec msn for kopete too05:32
forainbut i can brownseble with w3m in internet05:33
kalpforain: check konquror settings, if you have put any proxy settings05:33
kalpforain what is w3m05:33
forainw3m is a brownser in text mode05:33
forainlike lynks, elinks, etc05:33
kalpforain so ur network is fine05:34
kalpforain: check for proxy settings and ip settings in konqueror05:34
forainyes, i know05:35
foraini'm looking konqueror configurations now05:36
foraini'm try download firefox..05:37
=== administrador is now known as Ubuntu
bishopi noticed that kde has been revamped.05:44
bishopmaybe improved is a better word05:44
bishopinstalled ubuntu... added kde05:47
freaks.fonts.conf doesn't work anymore on karmic ?05:47
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=== forain_ is now known as forain
bishophey masksmaid05:59
bishopsorry marksmaid05:59
bishopgetting later05:59
john_reWhat happened to the apt package manager in kde for ku804? was that synaptic?? Now there is only the low functionality KPackageKit??06:15
macothere was no synaptic06:15
macosynaptic is gtk, thus only in gnome06:15
john_reie, where is that in904?06:15
macoadept was in kubuntu, but the only working version is kde3-only06:15
Planetaryya i ask this earlier06:16
macoyou can install synaptic if you want06:16
john_reyeah, adept, probably06:16
Planetarythats what i did06:16
macobe aware itll pull in gtk dependencies06:16
Planetarysynaptic thats what i installed06:16
john_readept - if that was the name - was great - much better thank KPK06:16
Planetaryi have a compiz question06:17
maco*shrug* i can use kpk. i was horribly lost the one time a kde user asked me for help fixing his package manager. i used konsole instead because i didnt understand adept's gui06:17
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maco(i never succeeded in using kde 3 for >5 minutes without becoming horribly confused)06:17
macoPlanetary: whats up?06:17
john_reAre there any KU dev's here?  Anyone know when some functionality like Adept will be available in KU 904?06:18
Planetarymy cube is messed up when i rotate it. its a new install. i was customizing it  and now when i rotate it using the mouse it glitches and jumps around but its only when moving up and down.. its not my mouse06:19
macomaybe the "sync to vblank" setting?06:20
macojohn_re: when someone adds that functionality to kpk?06:20
macojohn_re: thanks for the reminder that i promised to hunt down a segfault in policy kit that was tripping up the kpk dev though06:20
Planetarymaco, didnt help06:20
macodunno. i thought maybe was a refresh issue06:21
macothere is a "reset all settings" button somewhere in it06:21
Planetaryoh what does the refresh rate do and the output do?06:21
macojohn_re: oh wait it wont be in 904 at all period06:21
macojohn_re: some future version of kubuntu will have it06:22
Planetaryi ahve turned it off and on and it  didnt help06:22
maco910 should have more features like warning on unauthenticated packages06:22
macoPlanetary: refresh rate tells how many times to draw the screen per second06:22
macoPlanetary: think of a cartoon or flip book with fewer images per second...looks all jerky. more images = smoother06:23
Planetaryya well it doesnt seem to do anything06:23
macoand you said you tried the big reset button?06:24
Planetaryi wasnt sure what its purpose really did.. refresh rate06:25
Planetarytryign that now06:25
Planetaryahh so where is this reset button06:26
macouhhhh whats the last thing on the left side of the compiz settings manager?06:27
macoadvanced maybe?06:27
macoits in there06:27
Planetarythats advanced search06:27
macoi dont have compiz installed anymore but i used to use it all the time. pretty sure a button exists06:27
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macoif you go in there, whats on the right? has two tabs i think?06:27
Planetarytrey do exist on certain functions06:28
macoi think where it lets you load a backed up copy of the settings or have multiple settings profiles is where the reset button is06:28
macoyeah but there's a universal one somewhere06:28
Planetaryfound it06:30
Planetaryi renabled it... its better but still not smooth like all my other ones06:33
Planetaryok well i guess its good. thanks for the help06:35
Planetaryah well do you think reinstalling it would help06:38
=== rene is now known as Guest68864
arashHello all,Its my first time logged in to my Ubuntu machine06:57
arashi start terminal and run "su" command06:57
arashafter I enter my correct password it tells su:Authentication failure06:58
rosco_yarash: try "sudo su"06:58
arashI am 1000% sure my passwors is correct06:58
rosco_ysudo su06:58
Mamarokarash: Ubuntu doesn't use a root password, you nned to use sudo06:58
Mamarokneed* even06:59
Mamarokrosco_y: no06:59
arashaha it works out:)06:59
rosco_yyou bet06:59
Mamarokarasarasyou are welcome06:59
Mamaroksry, I need some more coffee first07:00
arashhow can i install yum in Kubuntu?07:02
macoarash: using apt, though its a very bad idea to mix apt and yum. they dont share a pakage db07:02
macoso they wont know what the others have installed07:02
arashsorry for asking, im novice..so you suggest using apt instead of yum?07:03
Mamarokarash: that's the default package methode for Ubuntu and all Debian-like distributions07:04
arashI tried apt-get install yum07:05
arashit tells E: Couldn't find package yum07:05
macooh i guess yum's not in the repo anymore then07:05
macoyeah, you wanna use apt-get07:05
Mamarokarash: you don't understand: yum is only use in SuSE, and for RPM package based distributions07:05
arashI want to install some packages.What command do you suggest?07:05
macoyum is for red hat and fedora.  suse doesnt even use it anymore. they use zypper now07:06
Mamarokmaco: oh, didn't even know that :) Seems I haven't touched an RPM based distro in ages :)07:06
Mamarokarash: to search for packages you do apt-cache search <packagenaem>07:07
Mamarokand to install you use 'sudo apt-get install <packagename>07:07
arashthanks a lot07:07
Mamarokminus the ', of course07:07
Mamarokarash: you are welcome :)07:08
macoor we could make this simple07:08
macoaptitude search07:08
macoaptitude install07:08
macoaptitude remove07:08
FloodBotK2maco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
macoFloodBotK2: shush you07:08
macoaptitude search has the bonus of being alphabetized :P07:08
arashupinstall “Ement Tools”07:11
Mamarokarash: what would that be?07:11
arashsorry that was worong07:11
Mamarokand don't use "07:11
arashI am trying to install GNU Radio in my Kubuntu07:11
Mamarokwhat do you want to install in the first place?07:11
arashbut the manual is for Fedora07:12
arashthat why i am stuck07:12
Mamarokook, let's see07:12
macooh i suppose you need these too "aptitude update" (check for updates) "aptitude safe-upgrade" (install updates that dont involve adding/removing anything) "aptitude full-upgrade" (necessary for things like adding a new kernel version)07:12
Mamarokdo aptitude search Gnu Radio will show you the available packages07:12
Mamarokarash: the package name is gnuradio07:13
arashyum groupinstall "Engineering and Scientific" "Development Tools"07:13
Mamarokso: sudo apt-get install gnuradio07:13
arashsorry for interrupting07:13
Mamarokarash: stop talking about yum, that doesn't work here :)07:13
arashi know that...but before hand i have to install some other packages07:13
Mamarokarash: what you need is a package manager, which Kubuntu do you use?07:14
Mamarokwhich version that is?07:14
macognuradio isnt in the repos, Mamarok07:14
arashlet me check07:14
Mamarokmaco: it is in mine07:14
maconot in karmic then07:14
Mamarokso says aptitude07:14
macoMamarok: or is it multiverse?07:14
Mamarokwell, I bet he hasn't karmic :)07:14
macoarash: no need to manually install dependencies07:14
macoMamarok: well i was only checking from my system :P07:15
arashits Kubuntu 9.0407:15
macoarash: the point of apt is to find those dependencies and install them for you. you tell it you want gnuradio and it figures out all the rest to grab07:15
macoaaahh ok yes it is a multiverse package07:15
macoarash: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:16
arashso it can even find and install myriad of packages mentioned in the manual ?07:16
Mamarokmaco: what would that be for now?07:16
macothats why it exists07:16
macoMamarok: to enable multiverse07:16
Mamarokarash: just type 'sudo apt-get install fnuradio', that will do07:16
Mamarokmaco: which is enabled by default in a basic install...07:16
Mamarokgnuradio* even07:17
macoMamarok: REALLY?07:17
macoi thought only main and restricted were!07:17
Mamarokmaco: well, I have always had it enabled when I installed a new system07:17
Mamarokmaco: main, universe multivers and restricted07:17
arashso it will go thru and download and install Python , NUmpy,sdcc and ...all other packages?07:17
macooh wow07:17
macoarash: yes07:18
macoarash: back in the days when only rpm and dpkg existed, installing stuff was a pain in the rear because you had to do this yourself. people noticed it sucked, so they created apt, then yellow dog linux folks created yum and fedora borrowed it07:18
macoand suse borrowed it for a while but they gave it back now :P07:19
macoarash: given you mentioned dev tools, im assuming the manual was leading you donw the annoying path of compiling it yourself instead of just installing it from the package manager07:19
arashWow! and you have to define and isntall all of these packages and dependencies for a fedora machine?!07:19
macofedora probably has a package too07:20
* Mamarok needs more coffee07:20
arashI guess so..let me check the past page of manual07:20
macolike i said, im guessing the manual is telling you how to compile it instead of saying "install it. now to configure it...."07:20
arashwell yes..you're true07:21
arashit is telling how to make and compile07:21
arashand building it07:21
macothere are two ways to install things in most OSes: compile by hand (somewhat annoying) or install a binary (think an rpm on red hat/fedora, a deb on debian/ubuntu, a Setup.exe on windows, a .dmg on OSX...)07:21
macowhich OS are you coming from?07:22
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arashwell sorry to say (I feel it;s like a crime!) but I used windows07:24
arashnow i am swithing to linux07:25
Mamarokarash: don't feel like this, most people did so, too :)07:25
macoim just wondering which analogy set to use :P07:26
* Mamarok started with DOS 3...07:26
Mamarokor was it 2.2?07:26
macothough im kinda glad you said windows because my OSX-->Linux convert set isnt too well fleshed out yet. havent gotten much practice with it07:26
Mamarokcan't even remember07:26
macoi couldnt use my computer til i got a win95 machine. could never find any disks for the old DEC with CPM-8007:27
Mamarokoook, what about shifting this to #kubuntu-offtopic and go back to support here? :)07:27
arashcan I ask are you voluntary do the support ?07:31
arashI remember once before i cam here and asked my questions07:32
macoits 230 in the morning here07:32
arashand I remember your ids'07:32
arashSo you're in east coast07:32
arashthanks for your help guys07:32
arashi really appreciate it.07:32
arashthis seems silly I cant use Amarok to play my music files!07:37
arashAmarok->Play Media...> then I point to my mo3 files07:37
arashand it doest just work.No track to play07:38
macogot mp3 codecs installed? try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras to get flash, java, mp3, aac, etc.07:40
arashWhen you try to install a package by apt-get and it alerts it couldnt find the package , how should I show the path to system so it can find it?07:49
macoit says it couldnt find that?07:49
macoapt doesnt install locally downloaded debs. for that youd use "dpkg -i foo.deb"07:49
macoummm thats odd07:50
arashroot@arash:/home/arash# sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras07:50
arashReading package lists... Done07:50
arashBuilding dependency tree07:50
arashReading state information... Done07:50
arashE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extras07:50
FloodBotK2arash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
macokubuntu-restricted extras doesnt actually contain anything just depends on java, flash, and codecs to pull them in07:50
macoit should exist....maybe you jsut need to update the package list07:51
macosudo aptitude update07:51
macoif it hasnt been updated once after install it wont know whats available07:51
arashits updating now..07:52
macoMamarok: you take over, please? is bedtime...07:52
arashthank yuo very much fo r your help..07:52
macopoke her if she doesnt seem to be watching :P07:53
Mamarokmaco: ok, I am here :)07:56
Mamarokmaco: good night :)07:56
Mamarokarash: does it find kubuntu-restricted-extras now?07:57
arashyes ! now it downloading extra packages need for that.Thanks!07:58
Mamarokgood :)07:58
arashSo eveytime I want to update my Kubunto I jjust run this sudo aptitude update?07:59
arashWhat does sudo and aptitude commands mean in general ?08:00
Mamarokarash: well, sudo aptitude update will update the latet package list, then sudo aptitude full-upgrade will update the system, yes08:01
Mamaroksudo goves you administrator rights08:01
Mamarokand aptitude is the package management for the command line08:01
Mamaroksorry for the typos08:01
arashyou're welcome ..08:01
arashdoes it have a GUI based package management ?08:02
arashin Kubuntu I mena08:02
arashI mean,sorry.08:02
Mamarokarash: yes, if you open the menu, there are the system settings and you will see a "Add and remove software" option there08:02
Mamarokarash: but the command line gives you more information and is not difficult to learn08:03
Mamarokit is much faster anyway :)08:03
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-i want to make my ubuntu partition bigger but its locked(not mounted i just tryed to umount on my live cd) can someone tell me how to unlock it (i am on the live cd right now)08:03
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: do you have only one parition for your Linux system?08:04
arashYes..I just wanted to know.I enjoy it reminds me of somehow old DOS 6 and 5 days.08:04
Mamarokto make a partition bigger you will have to reduce the size of another one08:04
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: also, you need to be root to do so08:04
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-noi have two08:04
Mamarokarash: yes, it does indeed :)08:04
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: only two or more?08:05
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-in 108:05
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-it's 1 partition whit 2 in08:05
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: so you have two partitions for Linux, do I understand you right?08:05
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: you mean 1 disk with two parittions in it?08:05
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-i have a partition for windows and 1 for linux whit 2 in08:06
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-in there are 2 partitions in that partition08:06
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: that means 3 partitions then :)08:06
Mamarokyou can't have 2 partitions in another one, that doesn't make sense :)08:07
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-but it realy is like that08:07
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: so you need to reduce the size of the windows parition, or do you still have spare room on the disk?08:07
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-i need to reduce08:07
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-and btw i am on live cd right now08:07
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: oh, you mean secondary partitions in a primary one? that doesn't make a difference anyway :)08:08
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-i'm happy someone is helping me08:08
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: could you give me the output of df -h from the konsole in a pastebin (http://paste.ubuntu.com) and give me the URL, please?08:09
arashSorry for interrupting...I assigned a 10GB partition for my Kubuntu machine.Is that enough in general for a linux machine?08:10
Mamarokarash: that is enough for the basic system, but doesn't leave much space for your data08:10
Mamarokarash: also, you should ideally have two partitions for a linux system, one for / and one for /home, so you can easily make fresh installations without erasing your /home partition08:11
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: good, the partitions are not mounted08:12
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-but locked08:12
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-i cant resize08:12
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: is your live CD Ubuntu or Kubuntu?08:12
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-ubuntu (i think)08:13
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: that is normal, you need to be root to do so anyway :)08:13
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-how to be root08:13
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: is your desktop brown or blueish?08:13
Mamarokthen it is Ubuntu with Gnome08:13
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: you would be better off in the #ubuntu channel, as I don't know Gnome at all :(08:14
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-but they don't help me there08:14
Mamarokthe partition manager is gparted, but you need to start it with sudo gparted from a terminal08:14
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: you just need to be patient :)08:14
Mamarokwhy wouldn't they help if you ask politely?08:14
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-for the help08:14
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: you are welcome08:14
Mamarokcan you type sudo gparted in a terminal?08:15
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-and gparted is starting08:16
Mamarokand are the partitions still locked?08:16
Mamarokthen you really nedd to ask in #ubuntu, I can't help you very much here08:17
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-thx anyway (agian :p)08:17
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: what I do usually is starting the live CD in administration mode and start gparted from there08:17
Mamaroknot running the GUI desktop08:17
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-how to go in admin08:17
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: you need to restart the computer with the live CD and instead of letting it start Ubuntu, you have an option to go into administrator mode08:18
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-at the "try ubuntu" button08:19
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: the first screen that the computer is showing you has a menu, it shows "Start Ubuntu, "Install Ubuntu " Check disk for defects, etc08:19
Mamarokthere you have the option on the base line to go into administrator mode08:19
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-and then press f408:19
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-for mode's08:19
MamarokUBUNTU-ROCKZ-: I seriously don't remember and can't test here, sorry08:20
Mamarokbut everything is explained there08:20
UBUNTU-ROCKZ-oke thx08:20
Mamarokyou are welcome :)08:20
FloodBotK2UBUNTU-ROCKZ-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:20
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drcrespooono bady  ther08:41
drcrespoooplz  any  bady  u  hlpe me08:45
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Guest6777can i have a xgl for kubuntu 9.04 ?08:50
Guest6777is any one home ?08:54
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sajjad_hello every one09:53
sajjad_i want to start learning KDE09:53
sajjad_help me09:53
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Firefishesajjad_:  What would you like to know?09:56
Firefisheoh phoo..he dropped09:56
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loevborgIs there some place where I can track bugs and workarounds for Karmic? Some recent update broke sound for me in some applications. Where can I find out about it?10:37
CaliostroGuys, hi10:40
CaliostroDo you know how to install Aurorae theme engine on kubuntu?10:40
ahoxHi, I still have a problem with akonadi. It won't startup, it bails out at test 10, Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus, any ideas?10:47
ahoxOr is there some tutorial that guides one through all the necessary steps to set it up on kubuntu?10:47
Idhanhi, is there any way on linux to see the current level of my printer's ink10:51
ahoxIdhan: depends on your printer. However, you can always setup a webcam, point it to your printer, etc... ;-) (I once did that at the office)10:52
Idhanon windows I can do that.. my printer is a hp psc131010:52
ahoxidhan, try the hplip driver10:54
Idhanahox: how can I try it?? is simply a package to install?10:55
Idhanahox: is already installed... but I am not sure is the one I am using..10:56
ahoxAdd a new printer, and make sure you use the hplipb driver10:56
loevborgIdhan, tr running 'hp-toolbox'10:57
administradoralquien habla español10:58
Idhanloevborg: thank you ;)10:59
loevborgIdhan, you're welcome11:01
loevborgIdhan, does it work?11:01
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aboSamoorHi, guys it is really annoying that every update for kde packages overwrite the /etc/X11/default-display-manager to kdm :(12:34
shadowhywindhay all when ever i try to run mogrify, I am getting mogrify: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat any ideas?13:44
rbndj8buenos dias14:15
rbndj8alguien me puede decir por k no puedo descargar torrent14:15
skifâñåì ïðèâåò:)14:18
skif :)14:18
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:45
phitooHello all! I upgraded to 4.3 from the ppa a couple of days ago and now k3b won't write cd's anymore.14:57
phitook3b goes through all the motions and reports a successful write but nothing is on the cd.14:58
epimethdoes anyone know if I can upgrade to karmic without downloading the iso?  is it possible to go "old school" and simply change the sources to karmic and dist-upgrade?14:59
shadeslayerepimeth: i think yes15:01
shadeslayerepimeth: but its NOT advised15:01
epimethshadeslayer: also, I'd rather not install all the gnome packages, to "update-manager -d" isn't what I'm looking for :-)15:01
Unksiepimeth: i wouldnt do that, there is update-manager -d or something like that that you can use to upgrade15:01
epimethUnksi: lol... beat you to it ;-p15:01
Unksidont remember whats the exact switch for beta15:01
shadeslayerepimeth: as usual its not advised,each alpha upgrade is advised as a clean install15:02
epimethshadeslayer: yea, I figured as much... so going from alpha 3 to 4 would be fresh install suggested?15:02
shadeslayerepimeth: yep15:02
epimethmeh... maybe I'll just install the ppa if I want 4.3....15:03
epimethI kinda wanted to see if my wifi issue was resolved tho.15:03
epimethoh well15:03
epimethso on that note... is anyone using bcm4328?15:04
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:04
epimethor knows how to permanently fix the problems with it?  I have to modprobe stuff to get it to work :-)15:05
shadeslayerepimeth: youll have to tinker with it15:05
epimethshadeslayer: the thing is, it seems to want to use b4415:06
shadeslayerepimeth: did you look at the wiki? i have no idea on these cards15:07
epimethI modprobe -r b43 b44 wl15:07
epimeththen modprobe wl15:07
epimeththen b4415:07
epimeththen restart the network and voila15:07
epimeththe card identifies as b43, tho15:07
epimethstupid dell :-)  its *supposed* to be linux friendly, but they insist on using broadcom cards15:08
epimethat least I *have* wireless tho15:08
epimethbcm4318 was a huge PITA15:08
shadeslayerepimeth: yeah,dell sucks at QC15:08
epimethshadeslayer: I wouldn't go that far... I've only ever had problems with wireless cards on dell15:09
shadeslayerepimeth: yeah,with Dell its a draw of luck15:10
epimethyea, but I make my *own* luck! :-)15:10
epimethbottom line, my problem is that I decided that if I'm getting a new laptop, I might as well get an N card15:11
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shadeslayerepimeth: get one from intel15:11
epimethnot thinking that "hmmm.... *maybe* the linux drivers haven't quite caught up yet15:11
bjb1959any idea when kde4 will be able to automount dvd's and play movies like kde 3 does?15:11
shadeslayerbjb1959: theres a widget for that....also thats filed as a bug,so hopefully soon15:12
epimethshadeslayer: you kidding? I've had more problems with linux on Lenovo than Dell... but again, I got a top-of-the line with an HDA card... so should I *Really* be surprised?15:12
bjb1959shadeslayerdo you know which widget it is15:12
shadeslayerbjb1959: its on kde-look.org under plasmoids15:13
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epimethis it me, or does anyone else giggle when they see the word "plasmoids"?15:13
bjb1959shadeslayer, is it device manager? if so I tried it and it doesn't work15:13
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shadeslayerbjb1959: yeah that one....15:14
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shadeslayerbjb1959: whats the problem?15:14
bjb1959I read that it automounts but It doesn't really do anything any different then the notifier and no way to set it to automatically run a program like vlc etc15:15
shadeslayerbjb1959: hmmm... thats kinda like an autostart feature,not automount15:16
bjb1959shadeslayer, yea, sorry that's what I meant. you can set an action in kde 3 to autoplay movies when you insert a dvd but you can't do that in kde 415:17
shadeslayerbjb1959: no idea,never tried that15:17
bjb1959in kde 3 if you insert a blank cd or dvd you can set it to start k3b, when you insert a thumb drive you can set it to open konqueror, music cd's amarok etc pretty fundamental stuff but can't do so in kde 4 yet any idea when?15:19
shadeslayerbjb1959: you could ask in #kde too15:20
bjb1959thanks, I'll give that a shot15:20
suitHey. I'm trying Kubuntu Karmic right now and was wondering if there is proper Ubuntu One implementation planned15:21
shadeslayersuit: #ubuntu+115:22
el_-hi, Im running 9.04 and I'm trying to set up a HP Laserjet 4P, the printer is discovered, but then no jobs are printed... checked already with google but could not find a solution for my problem15:22
tom__short question about the kickoff menu:  when I deleted the .wine folder to get a clean wine environment...  how do I tell the kubuntu start menu to update the wine-entry?15:25
ajavidgood morning15:35
ajavidI am trying to play some mp3 file in amarok and it will only run through the list very quickly but no mp3 play15:35
ajavidwhats to fix?15:35
shadeslayerajavid: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?15:36
shadeslayerajavid: please do so then15:37
ajavidshadeslayer, what does this do?15:38
eitreachCan someone tell me which taskbar-plasmoid is used here? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KFresh++pack+(bespin+%2B+colors+%2B+wall)+?content=10931915:38
shadeslayerajavid: adds support for mp3's15:38
ajavidshadeslayer, what else does it do?15:38
ajavid(just so I know)15:38
ajavidwhy is mp3 restricted?15:39
shadeslayerajavid: java and flash support too,apart from other things15:39
shadeslayer!restricted | ajavid15:39
ajavidI have amd6415:39
ubottuajavid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:39
ajavidalso, I have amd64 but I do not wish to use 32bit flash plugin and pluginwrapper15:39
ajavidI want to use amd64 64bit flash adobe15:39
ajavidwhich one will I get with this package?15:39
shadeslayerajavid: the 64 bit package15:40
ajavidI also wish to find w64codecs and smplayer15:41
ajavidthey used to be exclusively in the medibuntu reposirotyr15:41
ajaviddo you have a deb line for me in soruces.list ?15:41
ajavidoff the top of your head15:42
shadeslayer!medibuntu | ajavid15:42
ubottuajavid: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:42
ajavidI right click url, and click open link (konsole) and it says cannot launch kio_http15:42
ajaviderror box15:43
ajavidI just installed it from cd 9.0415:43
shadeslayerajavid: are you fully updated?15:43
ajavid100% update15:43
ajaviddo i have to restart pc?15:43
ajavidI just finished upgradin15:44
ajavidit upgraded a kernel too perhaps I should reboot15:44
ajavidi am back15:47
ajavidshadeslayer, it is ok now15:47
shadeslayerajavid: ok,so after you have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras,install w64codecs from the medibuntu repo at medibuntu.org15:48
ajavidoh nice15:48
ajavid!medibuntu | me15:48
ubottume: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:48
ajavidoh nice ubuntu comes with a few screen preconfigurations15:51
ajavidfinally, screen is taking popularity in the newb world!  yay15:51
ajavidohhh, my tummy hurts15:54
ajavidapt-get build-dep mplayerthumbs15:59
shadeslayerajavid: are you trying to compile stuff? are you sure what youre doing?16:00
ajavidI'm backporting mplayerthumbs from karmic16:00
shadeslayerajavid: why?16:00
ajavidit only depends on mplayer but I don't want to take a chance mixing as that package is built on karmic16:00
ajavidnot sure what its build-depends are16:01
ajavidshadeslayer, to generte video thumbnails in kde 4.316:01
shadeslayerajavid: uh,are you on karmic or jaunty?16:01
ajavidthus, the backporting16:01
shadeslayerajavid: so why are you mixing your sources?16:01
ajavidbecause I can...16:01
ajavidthis is the preferred way to do this16:02
shadeslayerajavid: well i dont think thats a good thing to do16:02
ajavidor would you rather I installed the package directly from karmic instead of rebuilding it on jaunty16:02
Mamarokajavid: at your own risk16:02
ajavidthat would be the bad thing to od16:02
Mamarokthose packages can have other dependencies which can screw your installation16:02
ajavidit doesn't16:02
shadeslayerajavid: you are rendering your system un supportable in this channel if you proceed16:02
Mamarokwell, out of sheer luck16:03
ajavidit only depends on mplayer, even then, I don't want to mix distros16:03
ajavidI'd rather backport16:03
ajavidonly in an ubuntu channel will I ever hear this.16:03
Mamarokajavid: backporting doesn't mean installing a package built for a higher version16:03
Mamaroka backported package is build for a specific release version16:04
ajaviddpkg-deb: building package `mplayerthumbs' in `../mplayerthumbs_1.2-kde4.3.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'.16:04
ajavidI thank you very much for your concern16:04
Mamarokajavid: ok, just don't ak us to help if you screw things16:04
ajavidI maintain a few packages in debian, I work on debian installer for 8 years, I provide excellent support in #debian for 7+ years, and I'm having to use kubuntu for a desktop16:05
ajavidpeople are laughing at me currently, but its alright16:05
ajavidI know what I'm doing, I just don't know kubuntu specific packages to make things work16:05
shadeslayerajavid: no need to brag16:05
Mamarokok, can we stop that useless thread now?16:05
ajavidits not bragging, its simply informing you that you are preachign to the choir16:06
Mamarokajavid: just stop it, both16:06
shadeslayerMamarok: i havent said a word...16:06
ajavidI did this becuase the mplayerthumbs in the jaunty repository only works on kde3 apparantly and it will not generate thumbnails for video files in konqueror/dolphin16:07
ajavidI was told by #kde Jucato that I must either install the latest mplayerthumbs package from karmic, or backport it for jaunty16:07
Mamarokajavid: please take this to #kubuntu-offtopic16:07
ajavidthis way it makes available another checkbox in the konqueror configuration where it allows you to show previews for video files in the browser16:08
Mamarokand stop that here, now!16:08
ajavidI'm just informing, in case someone else finds it helpful. It took me a long time to figure how to do this in kde416:08
Mamarokajavid: it goes beyond the scope of this channel, period16:08
ajavidMamarok, but I do not understand how/why?16:09
ajavidis there a channel specifically for developers?16:09
ajavidlike a kubuntu-dev or a kubuntu-karmic or something specific16:10
Mamarokajavid: because we do support for official packages here, whyt you porpose has nothing to do in this channel, so either take it to #kde or to #kubuntu-offtopic, but not here16:10
ajavidMamarok, it is an official package16:10
Mamarokajavid: #kubuntu-devel, but that is not fordiscussion neither, only for work16:10
ajavidit exists in both juanty and karmic16:10
Mamarokajavid: not for a released version, and now stop it, last time I say it16:10
ajaviddon't get mad/angry I'm trying to understand not argue16:11
ajavidcalm down16:11
ajavidif you don't explai me now, maybe mistake will happen in fugure16:11
ajavidfuture, better to be informed than to make a mistake again16:11
Mamarok-< #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu+1 for karmic, not here16:11
BluesKajajavid, , it's prolly closer to #ubuntu+1 , discussions there include kde4 etc, despite the chat name16:11
ajavidgood stuff16:11
ajavidahh ok16:11
ajavidsee I'm just trying to find the right forum, its alright, just relax16:12
BluesKajajavid, don't tell ppl to relax , when you're asking for help , it's rude16:12
ajavidif I feel someone isn't relaxed, I'd tell them to relax, if you think its rude, then I am sorry for your  preception. You can end it now, or continue on, I'm done.16:13
bentob0xwhy, dear, why is it so complex to have the sound working well on amarok + firefox + ardour + anything else that needs sound at the same time?16:21
Mamarokbentob0x: do you have a specific question or problem?16:24
Mamarokoops, phone, brb16:25
draikHello all. I'm trying to create a symbolic link, but I can't seem to get it done. Here is what I am entering "sudo ln –s /usr/lib/libopenal.so.1 /usr/lib/libopenal.so.0". The end result is this "ln: target `/usr/lib/libopenal.so.0' is not a directory".16:27
=== jipang_menjerit is now known as jipangOffline
* shadeslayer searches ubottupedia....nothing there16:30
draikshadeslayer: I removed my router from the equation and I thought that was it, but I had a moment where the desktop gave me the bird.16:34
shadeslayerdraik: hmm? the wicd problem?16:35
draikshadeslayer: I'm just going to leave it as 'failing motherboard'16:35
draikshadeslayer: Yes.16:35
shadeslayerdraik: hmm,well thats a possibility16:36
draikDon't really have the money to get a new mobo, CPU and RAM, so I'll just put up with it16:36
shadeslayerdraik: hehe,well did you try knetwork manager btw?16:36
draikshadeslayer: Oh yeah, that failed mid-download16:37
* draik is being generous by assuming it even got to 50%16:37
shadeslayerdraik: gah16:37
draikI got it now, though, since I'm direct-connect with the modem16:38
draikI have to restart for it to take effect, but I'm really needing to create the symlink16:39
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* rulo he marchado a trabajar: Gone away for now16:45
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draikSo it seems that I can't symlink to another symlink17:06
Mamarokoh, well, no, that is not possible, else you might creat an infinite loop :)17:07
shadeslayerdraik: lol17:08
olskolircI had to reinstall windows and lost my dualboot....how do I recover it with the kubuntu intrepid dvd please?17:09
Mamarok!grub | olskolirc17:09
ubottuolskolirc: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:09
draikMamarok: FileA. SymlinkA => FileA.  SymlinkB =/=> SymlinkA17:12
* draik is finally installing X-Plane 9 on Kubuntu 9.0417:13
Mamarokdraik: that makes no sense17:13
shadeslayerdraik: why would you need 2 symlinks for the same file?17:13
draikMamarok: I have file A. File A has a symlink (Symlink A). Per the instructions provided, I am told to symlink to what is already a symlink, however, I don't think they know it's already a symlink.17:14
* shadeslayer is all confuzled17:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:15
Mamarokdraik: why not making a second symlink to that same file?17:15
draikMamarok: shadeslayer: That URL is for the both of you. Scroll just under the GUI portion for the symlink instructions17:15
Mamarok!it | SNIPER18127517:15
ubottuSNIPER181275: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:15
* rulo he marchado a trabajar: Gone away for now17:16
Mamarok!away > rulo17:16
ubotturulo, please see my private message17:16
shadeslayerMamarok: bet itll come back to ubottu as a away message :)17:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:17
MamarokSNIPER181275: stop this, please!17:17
shadeslayerSNIPER181275: stop it!17:17
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eitreachI think plasma has stopped responding.. How do I restart it?17:29
shadeslayereitreach: plasma-desktop in krunner17:29
shadeslayereitreach: but you will have to kill it first,so killall plasma-desktop in krunner first17:30
ByronMamarok: shadeslayer: sorry, it seems my desktop didn't like the interwebs anymore.17:34
ByronI'm on a netbook for now17:35
shadeslayerByron: sorry?17:35
=== Alethes is now known as NJL
MamarokByron: sorry, don't remember what the problem was17:35
MamarokI see a lot of support request in one day :)17:35
=== Byron is now known as draik
Mamarokok :)17:35
draikso yeah.17:36
draikFrom what I last gathered...17:36
Mamarokbut I will be away in a very short time... sorry17:36
draikMamarok: That URL is to the support file online that will explain the symlink. I gues they don't know it's already a symlink.17:37
Mamarokah, that's why17:37
ctx144khello all, iam using kde4.3.0-backport under kubuntu9.0417:40
ctx144ki have the follow problem: when i copy a text from a GTK-appliaction (e.a. firefox, xchat) via STRG+C, and close the program, then i have no chance to paste that text via STRG+V17:42
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ctx144kanyone have an idea for that?17:42
ju73m4hols bl4ck17:42
ju73m4speaking in spanish?17:43
draikctx144k: I have the same issue. I just put up with it.17:48
BluesKajctx144k, I noticed that ctrl+c and ctrl+v doesn't work either but ctrl+c and paste does :P17:48
BluesKajleave the app open til it's pasted I guess17:49
draikBluesKaj: that's what I do.17:49
BluesKajthat seems to work17:49
ctx144kyes, then i have no problem...17:50
ctx144kbut... sometimes i closed already the app - than i have no chance to get the data17:50
BluesKajdon't close it, just minimize17:51
ctx144khmmm... - not easy to change usual practices17:52
ctx144kbut ok17:52
BluesKajbbl ...gotta cut the lawn before the rain17:53
deathtechHey Guys17:54
deathtechAre there any really great WYSIWYG Web Page development apps for Linux you recommend ? I want to get into it as a hobbyist thing, and im not very certain as to what linux has to offer in this field. I Can read pages all day long, but i figured as helpful as everyone is in this room we could get some opinions rolling in17:56
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snarksteri just di an upgrade and it still says there are upgrades beingheld back. Ive used sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and still have held back upgrades.18:10
snarksterhow do i get the held back upgrades?18:10
snarksterdamn pidgin18:12
snarksteranyway how do iget the upgrades that are being held back, and why are they being held back, plus how do you find out whats holding them back?18:12
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kekekeif i do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will it automatically install the 64bit edition?18:58
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting19:01
suitIs there a way to disable popups when hovering over a taskbar entry? I don't mean preview-thumbnails, those I've disabled, I'm talking about the little text thingie that pops up19:14
suitI'm a dork. Got it. Taskbar settings.19:14
Planetarymy update notifier wont open. it just sits there in the tast bar. what do i do. i have over one hundred updates19:17
sep1318is the icon clear?19:17
Planetaryno it looks normal19:18
sep1318that's what i mean, srry.19:18
Planetarya cog with an arrow19:18
sep1318I don't know off the top of my head, but if you're comfortable, I can tell you how to update via the command line.19:19
sep1318(which should make it go away)19:19
Planetaryok sounds good19:19
Planetaryterminal open19:20
sep1318sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:20
Planetarycool, its doing its thing19:21
sep1318no problemo.19:21
roconnorIs Skanlite the prefered scanner application in Kubuntu 9.04 ?19:21
sep1318roconnor: I don't know, I don't have a scanner hooked up to my machine. :-\19:22
roconnoralso, is there an app in Kubuntu 9.04 to monitor my batter with a little icon on my toolbar?19:23
sep1318ther's a battery plasmoid, yeah.19:24
roconnorsep1318: under add widgets?19:24
sep1318yessir, roconnor19:24
roconnorheh, kinda big, but better than nothing19:25
sep1318yeah, I know what you mean.19:25
enigmatichello... I just installed Kubuntu 9.04 and it's crashing on me every few minutes19:39
enigmaticit just locks up and dies every few minutes, completely without warning19:40
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dschulzHi all. I'm using KGpg 2.2.0, KDE 4.3.0 and it seems imposible to use keyservers, all buttons disabled19:44
dschulzi mean, all options related to keyservers are disabled. And no, the keyservers list is not empty.19:45
dschulzdoes anyone knows why this happens?19:45
enigmaticwhat's the best way to make Kubuntu stop locking up?  are there logs I can look at to help figure out why it's crashing in the first place?19:45
sep1318enigmatic: I don't really know what to tell you. :(19:46
sep1318dschulz: I don't know about that, either. I installed Kgpg a bit ago, and it doesn't even give me a menu item. I have to start it via the command line. So maybe a bug?19:47
trampelenigmatic: (given so little info) i guess i'd look at the output of dmesg  ...?19:47
CaliostroHi, all19:49
CaliostroWho has experience with configurating gfxmenu in grub? ;)19:50
sep1318Caliostro: Not me.19:51
enigmatictrampel: I've checked dmesg and nothing useful appears there -- ditto for /var/log/syslog and /var/log/syslog.019:52
trampelenigmatic: if there's no error message at all.  just always exactly 3 minutes 23 seconds of peaceful bliss and then *wham* black-screen.  then i'd start considering hardware... maybe.19:55
trampelyou so lie sep1318!  ...aren't you like the author of gfxmenu??19:56
trampel(what the hell is gfxmenu?)19:57
sep1318trampel: umm....no.19:57
trampeldon't believe him Caliostro!19:58
enigmatictrampel: I think it might be hardware.  the problem intensified after I enabled visual effects (which worked fine in Ubuntu on this computer), and I turned them off last time I rebooted and have lasted an entire fifteen minutes without crashing :)19:58
sep1318trampel: gfxmenu has to do with pretty backgrounds on grub menus, methinx.19:59
trampelenigmatic: graphics driver..?19:59
enigmaticdoes Kubuntu use different drivers than Ubuntu or something?  I had Ubuntu 9.04 installed on this computer a couple of days ago and compiz was working fine19:59
sep1318Caliostro: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/grub-gfxmenu-documentation-617473/http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/grub-gfxmenu-documentation-617473/19:59
trampelaha! so you do know _something_....  ;)19:59
apparlehi guys19:59
sep1318trampel: courtesy of google, our benevolent lord and mster19:59
apparleMy optical drive is not working....can I run the live CD iso through USB(1GB)20:01
sep1318apparle: surely!20:02
sep1318(if you can boot from usb)20:02
sep1318check out unetbootin20:02
apparleok I'll chck20:03
dschulzsep1318: i see in the kde 4.3 release announcement "KGpg,... integrates Solid for detecting the availability of a network connection"20:03
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dschulzit may be a bug20:03
apparleok bye20:04
sep1318dschulz: yeah. or something larger, since the network plasmoid is dummied too.20:04
sep1318or that could be just a coincidence20:04
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enigmaticis KDE 4 particularly buggy?  Ubuntu 9.04 had almost no crashes on this computer, but as soon as I installed Kubuntu 9.04 on the same computer programs started crashing (and activating visual effects sent the entire computer into oblivion)20:13
enigmatice.g., I'd turn on the computer, connect to a wifi network, and I'd get a popup notification that something had crashed and asking me to submit a bug report, and the wifi wouldn't connect20:13
DragnslcrCould be a video card issue20:14
sep1318enigmatic: I don't know, I've hardly had more than the occaisional problem.20:14
enigmaticsep1318: every time I boot up Kubuntu something else crashes (or doesn't crash, but doesn't work -- wifi being a prime example)20:15
enigmaticwhat's a good way to diagnose all these crashes?20:15
sep1318I don't know. sorry. :(20:16
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eitreachIs it a known bug that Amarok doesn't continue a playlist automatically, or am I just doing something wrong?20:22
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!20:38
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DaskreeCH!hi nawar21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi nawar21:07
nawarhave any one of you guys tried finding a solution for integrating his evolution with MS exchange 2007 server21:07
DaskreeCH!hi | nawar Oh Didn't see you there!21:08
ubottunawar Oh Didn't see you there!: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:08
DaskreeCHnawar: Nope though #ubuntu might help21:09
trampel(and over at #ubuntu they'll say... "though #kubuntu might help"...)21:10
kidhi. i have ubuntu 9.04 now, if i download and install kubuntu-desktop by apt-get the kde version will be 4.3 or the one with kubuntu>21:12
Dragnslcrkid- if you don't have the backports PPA, you'll get KDE 4.2 (I think 4.2.2, but maybe they got 4.2.4 into the standard repositories)21:14
DaskreeCHtrampel: Not likely for evolution :)21:15
trampelDaskreeCH: though maybe for "MS exchange 2007 server bill-gates pajamas"21:16
DaskreeCHkid: You should get security updates for the one that came with Jackalope. Unless you make a change yourself or unless there is some very grave security bug that can only be addressed in a new version you will not get 4.3 normally21:16
DaskreeCHtrampel: Yes that's possible but nawar specifically asked about evolution21:17
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nawarHowever, do you have a KDE-based solution for connection to MS excahnge 200721:26
DaskreeCHnawar: OpenChange21:30
DaskreeCH!hi  | timh21:30
ubottutimh: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:30
timhI have a strange question. Whenever I close down my irc client which I am typing on now - 'pidgeon' and put my computer to sleep, and then later on when I wake up my computer 'pidgeon' is open again!! I mean I did not open it when it was asleep and there are always tabs open on pidgeon which I don't recognise like 'Atlanta.ga.us.dal.net', 'noname.ix.us.dal.net' ???? What is happening to my computer when it is supposedly asleep. Has 21:35
DasEitimh: you speak of pidgin, I guess ?21:37
timhYes sorry.21:38
timhSorry I don't understand why Pidgin is always open when I wake my computer from suspend with those strange tabs open that I mentioned????21:39
DasEitimh: when you just close the window, pidgin runs on, so you can receive pm's as well as messages from re-connecting, to close it use killall pidgin or close buddy list , too ( or set to offline)21:39
timhAhh . Thanks. Where is set to offline. I can't find it?21:41
asac_how do i tell cmake to output the compile command used?21:45
asac_i only see short output ... "building xxxx.o"21:45
asac_i want the gcc command run ;)21:45
asac_wrong channel ;)21:45
FloodBotK2asac_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
asac_FloodBotK2: thanks. i am just fast in typing ;) -> kubuntu-devel now21:46
timhAnother question. At work we use ubuntu. Everyones machines have their printers set-up to work with the printer cups server. How can I set-up my computer to print as well. I mean are there printer config files that I can scp across from my colleagues machines to my machine to get the printers set-up?21:53
DasEitimh: if you talk to someone particular, put nick in it, or message gets lost; budy list let's you set offline (bottom)21:55
DasEitimh: no, you would attach your machine to the network the printer server is on, then go printer-setup > network printer21:56
DasEithat app has a search function which usually finds responsible printers on a network21:57
timhbut i can't connect to them, it won't let me print a test page22:09
timhasks for a username and password22:09
timhDo you think that is the username and password of the cups server itself?22:12
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OffPlanethello,kubuntu noobie, did wibi jaunty install on ASUS u81 laptop,  ?quassel buffer view window word wrap - How do I turn it on?22:46
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Jonahhey guys, just updated through backports repo to kde 4.3, now when i boot up the screen is a big mess, all squiffy, mouse moves about but i can't do anything! i can't even press alt,ctrl-f223:03
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Jonahcan anyone please help me out?23:06
Jonahis there a way to turn desktop effects off via terminal if i boot to failsafe, that may help...?23:12
reya276Can i install KDE 4.3 on top of Ubuntu Jaunty running Gnome?23:16
reya276Can i install KDE 4.3 on top of Ubuntu Jaunty running Gnome?23:20
tommy_the-dragondoes anyone know what pda i should get? i want something that is (at least fairly) compatible with ubuntu, mac OS X and windows, and something that can run java23:21
tommy_the-dragonwith a fairly decent battery life23:21
tommy_the-dragoncould anyone reccomend anything?23:21
reya276dell XPS m1330 that is what I got and is pretty solid23:21
tommy_the-dragonok ill have a look23:22
tommy_the-dragonthats a laptop is it not?23:22
tommy_the-dragoni was looking for pda23:23
tommy_the-dragona handheld of some description23:23
tommy_the-dragoni know nothing about pda's you see23:24
tommy_the-dragoni primarily want to use it for a personal organiser however it would be good to be able to code my own apps for it (hence the java being a neccesity)23:26
reya276tommy_the-dragon: then I would get a Palm Pre23:27
reya276ok if I wanted to install KDE 4.3 I would do 'sudo apt-get install kde-4.3' ?23:29
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tommy_the-dragonatm im thinking ipaq23:45
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