
=== asac_ is now known as asac
screamFive minutes remain on the board elections.00:56
screamignore that, sorry00:57
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screamHow long does a bug like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/41029705:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 410297 in sun-java6 "Sync sun-java6 6-15-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (non-free)" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:04
screamtake to process?05:04
hggdhnot long, usually. Of course, in this case, it might help if it had been marked as a security issue05:06
screamhggdh, I don't see the option to mark it as a security issue.05:10
screamIt would be very important to me that this security fix make it into the repo.05:10
hggdhscream, click on "update description/tags" you will have the option on the list at the right side. Added bonus if the CVEs are also linked ;-)05:13
screamThe security vulnerability causes a remote code execution exploit.  I don't know who to tell to get this fixed.  It is important that it be addressed I think.05:14
screamOk, I'll do what I can, but I'm a bit inexperienced.05:14
hggdhno prob. The reporter is very active on Ubuntu, so I would not be worried much. You can also expose the issue at #ubuntu-hardened05:15
thekorngood morning bugsquad06:07
dholbachgood morning06:52
e-jatcan some one look into bug 41177208:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 411772 in cheese "Broken Upgrade in Karmic for cheese 2.27.90-0ubuntu1 (dup-of: 411748)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41177208:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 411748 in cheese "package cheese 2.27.90-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41174808:59
e-jatowh ok09:00
seb128e-jat, the fix has already been uploaded, you need to wait on build09:00
e-jatok thanks ..09:02
e-jatill do the manual fix 1st ..09:03
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alourie|workI need an advice regarding bug #41191213:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 411912 in file-roller "7-zip SFX created under windows can not be open or extract by file roller" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41191213:46
dwghow do I get my PPA to rebuild for Karmic14:28
Ampelbeindwg: can you elaborate? normally, you'd point the distribution field in debian/changelog to whatever release you are building for.14:38
dwgAmpelbein:  yeah, I think I'm part way to figuring it out14:39
dwgAmpelbein:  It's been long enough since I made the packages, I've forgotten which step of the build/pbuild/upload process you specify the distro series in14:39
hggdhalourie|work, I reopened bug 411912 -- the request sounds valid, for me14:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 411912 in file-roller "7-zip SFX created under windows can not be open or extract by file roller" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41191214:47
alourie|workhggdh: can you please explain? It does sound like a wishlist though, not a behavior to expect by default....14:52
maxbHmm. Apport has retraced bug 411734, marked it public, and then marked it duplicate of bug 410570, which is still private14:53
maxbThis is unhelpful14:53
ubot4maxb: Bug 411734 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/411734 is private14:53
ubot4maxb: Bug 410570 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/410570 is private14:53
maxbubot4: You lie on the first one14:54
ubot4maxb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
seb128maxb, retracers don't mark things public14:54
maxbseb128: launchpad disagrees with you14:55
maxb Apport retracing service  2 hours ago14:55
maxbvisibility: private → public14:55
seb128maxb, will it marked it as duplicate rather14:55
seb128duplicates are cleaned and opened14:55
maxbIt's annoying, especially when the so-called cleaning doesn't actually prevent people downloading the coredumps14:57
hggdhalourie|work, a 7z-auto-extractable file is a 7z archive with the extractor code wrapped around. This should be seen as an archive, on Linux14:59
alourie|workhggdh: thanks, I saw your comment on the bug page. Can I help here with upstream?15:00
hggdhmaxb, this is an ongoing work. I was writing a stacktrace cleaner to see if we can clean it of private data and have apport mark a reprocessed bug public15:01
maxbYour first obstacle is that launchpad doesn't support permanently removing attachments15:01
hggdhalourie|work, yes, if you not mind: (1) look at upstream (both mailinglist and bugs) to see if this has been requested before; (2) if it is a bug, then add the upstream link on our bug;15:03
hggdhmaxb, well, we do our part, and the LP devs will do theirs. I hope ;-)15:03
alourie|workhggdh: I see the bug was already invalidated :-)15:31
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jcastrobdmurray, wrt to your email, isn't there a way to ask launchpad that?17:04
micahgis there a bug meeting?17:05
bdmurrayjcastro: I don't think so that's why I asked you17:06
jcastrook well I'm not really keeping track of every upstream who is using lp17:07
jcastrothey kind of either do or they don't17:07
jcastroor they sometimes comment on certain bugs but don't necessarily follow every bug17:07
bdmurrayokay, I was just looking for a rough idea of some who do17:07
bdmurrayI've another way to slice that list though so will work on that17:07
jcastroI know alot who follow it, but they have their own bugzilla or whatever17:08
jcastroso they don't really "use lp" like you mean "use lp"17:08
jcastrounless that's what you mean. :p17:08
bdmurrayWhat I mean is if we made an effort to make any of those private bug reports public would anybody look at them.17:09
jcastroI would think so, upstreams seem to like the apport traces17:10
jcastrobdmurray, try the few tomboy ones and I'll ask sandy if they are useful17:10
bdmurrayjcastro: okay, great17:10
jcastrobdmurray, is it possible to make someone in a certain project be able to see the private reports without being in bug control?17:11
jcastrosay and upstream for a certain project?17:11
bdmurrayjcastro: no, they'd need to be in bug control at this point in time17:12
jcastroI don't think many would like that17:12
jcastrowhen they see the form, etc.17:12
bdmurrayI thought we'd said if they are an upstream dev applying via the usual way was not necessary17:12
jcastroah, right17:13
jcastroignore me17:13
jcastro(haven't had one do that in a long time)17:13
bdmurraymaybe you could try recruiting people?17:13
bdmurrayI saw somebody commenting on grub2 bugs who might be an upstream dev, so then check and see if there are any apport-crashes then ask them about it.  If they really are.17:14
bdmurrayjcastro: okay they are public now but the stack traces don't look very good17:25
jcastrowhich bug numbers?17:26
seb128what is the issue discussed there?17:26
bdmurraybug 350985 and bug 35956717:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 350985 in tomboy "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35098517:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 359567 in tomboy "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35956717:27
bdmurrayseb128: we were talking about making some private crashes public for upstreams17:28
jcastrobdmurray, yeah he's says they're not useful17:30
andresmujicabdmurray: hi i've just arrived...17:31
bdmurrayandresmujica: were we supposed to have a bug squad meeting today?  I didn't see or send an announcement.17:34
jcastrobdmurray, ah, he says that he needs this implemented for that to work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApportMonoCrashes17:37
andresmujicabdmurray: supposedly, but i've been out of town and wasn't able to make the arrangements :(17:42
andresmujicai hope i'll end that thing by the end of august, or i'll go nuts17:45
bdmurrayandresmujica: I was out of town last week also why don't we reschedule the meeting for the 18th at the same time17:52
andresmujicai believe it would be perfect. let me check.17:52
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andresmujicabdmurray: ok, 18th would be good, then same time, maybe we can hold the meeting at this channel #ubuntu-bugs18:13
bdmurraythat sounds good to me18:14
andresmujicai'll send it right now18:15
bdmurrayandresmujica: great, thanks for doing that18:30
=== mrooney1 is now known as mrooney
micahgbdmurray: wasn't there supposed to be a bug meeting today?19:08
bdmurraymicahg: yes, there was supposed to be one however since no announcement was made letting people know about it we decided to postpone it until next week19:09
micahgok, cool, I'll wait for the annoucement19:10
andre___does ubuntu 9.04 really still ship gnome-volume-manager?20:55
hggdhandre___, I am not sure, I am running 9.10. But i *think* it did. http://packages.ubuntu.com should say... hold on20:57
andre___people forwarding reports upstream, but g-v-m is completely unmaintained anyway20:58
hggdhandre___, yes, in the Universe repository -- meaning it is not installed by default20:58
hggdhand still in karmic. Hum. Perhaps... time to ask the MOTUs about dropping it20:59
hggdhandre___, did you update the entry for g-v-m to state it is orphaned?20:59
chrisccoulsonit seems g-v-m would be a good candidate for removal from the archives now21:00
hggdhjust pinged MOTU about it, let's see if we get any answer21:00
hggdhchrisccoulson, yes, that's what I think21:00
hggdhandre___, will you update it? ;-) I mean marking it orphaned?21:01
andre___err where?21:01
hggdhon b.g.o... isn't there a way of doing it?21:01
andre___ah. well, you can close it for new bug entries21:01
andre___i can file a bug, don't have permissions to do it myself.21:02
hggdhand I will look at the g-v-m bugs here, and discuss what to do21:02
hggdhperhaps it would be a good idea, sending a clear sign g-v-m is not dead, but very near so21:02
andre___well, since gnome 2.26 all functionality has been replaced by using nautilus etc21:03
chrisccoulsonhggdh - i think most g-v-m bugs here are just WONTFIX really - you're going to struggle to find anyone interested in fixing them21:03
hggdhchrisccoulson, I think so, also. But I do not want to go and wontfix them before talking it through :-)21:03
chrisccoulsonhggdh - agreed :) i think installing g-v-m on existing systems is likely to cause more harm than benefits with the duplicated functionality now, so i definately think it should be dropped now. we're already removing quite a bit of cruft this cycle anyway21:05
hggdhugh, g-v-m in karmic is 2.24.1 !! really, really, time to throw it away21:05
hggdhchrisccoulson, OK, I get the idea ;-)21:06
hggdhanyway, just 37 open bugs right now21:06
hggdhwell, time to increase my karma, I guess21:06
chrisccoulsondon't steal all the karma ;)21:07
hggdh:-D my precioussss21:07
chrisccoulsonhggdh - as there's not much response on #ubuntu-motu, you could open a bug report to request removal (and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors)21:11
chrisccoulsoni can then ACK it and subscribe ubuntu-archive, but i'm not sure whether to discuss it with people first21:11
chrisccoulsonpersonally, i don't think there's any point in keeping it around ;)21:11
chrisccoulsonandre__ - is there any functionality in g-v-m that is not yet handled elsewhere?21:13
chrisccoulsongnome-volume-manager still has rdepends - that would need to be resolved first21:14
hggdhbdmurray, ping22:07
bdmurraybad bdmurray?22:07
hggdhheh. We were discussing gnome-volume-manager a few ago. It has been orphaned on Gnome, and the current version we have on Jaunty/Karmic is 2.24.122:08
bdmurrayyes, I saw that22:08
hggdhI am considering closing all bugs on it as wontfix due to no upstream. Are you OK with that?22:08
hggdhchrisccoulson, I will open the bug, thanks22:09
bdmurrayI think the package should be removed first22:09
chrisccoulsonthanks hggdh - there is a bit of work resolving some of the current rdepends before it can be removed though22:10
hggdhOK. We will still have the issue with the old bugs (Jaunty, Hardy, etc).22:10
bdmurrayand the bugs should also be checked to see if any are SRU worthty of course22:10
chrisccoulsoni will take a look at that at some point22:10
hggdhwill do. SRUs would only probably apply to Hardy, since it seems to have been orphaned at Jaunty time22:10
bdmurrayI don't see how a package being orphaned automatically changes the severity of a bug and its relevancy for an SRU22:11
hggdhit does not. Its just that there is nobody available to write any new fixes. If Jaunty == Karmic, then no 9.04/9.10 code bugs will be fixed22:12
bdmurraybut in the extreme case if g-v-m hosed your whole system that would be SRU worthy and somebody should fix it22:12
hggdhoh, yes, of course. And I do not lightly close bugs :-)22:13
bdmurrayMy main point is that each bug should be carefully evaluated before Won't Fixing it22:13
hggdhI agree22:14
bdmurrayOkay cool22:14
* hggdh is not looking for karma, anyway ;-)22:14
* hggdh now goes back to SNMP and a really hosed MIB22:14
bdmurrayAdditionally when looking at them the bugs should be assumed to affect Karmic and subsequently Won't Fix'ing should only be used for Wishlist and Low type bug reports until the package is removed22:15
hggdhwell, given the slow response from upstream, even when supported, I guess we can safely assume that even bugs from now unsupported versions will affect karmic22:18
bdmurrayyeah, I'd agree22:18
bdmurrayWhat's that ubuntu cyclists team?22:24
bdmurrayI was thinking they'd be interested in bug 41188122:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 411881 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mytourbook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41188122:37
greg-gbdmurray: awesome. I just pasted the links in #ubuntu-cyclists23:00
bdmurraygreg-g: heh, I don't realize there was an irc channel!23:00
greg-gof course! :)23:00
greg-gtheres an IRC channel for everything23:01
BUGabundoola ola23:02
greg-gand now sent to the mailing list :) we'll see if this whole "online social networking" things works :)23:03
greg-gbdmurray: http://identi.ca/notice/7958449  ;)  From Fabian R.23:58

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