
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what level of involvement is required in gnome to apply for a git account?00:01
seb128having contributed to at least one of the components on the git server00:02
seb128so you can get the maintainer to advocate you00:02
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i asked because Jens Granseuer suggested i should apply for one, but i was a bit surprised as i didn't think i'd contributed that much in gnome00:03
chrisccoulsonand what i have contributed is only on a small number of projects too00:03
seb128well usually if a maintainer suggest you to apply that's a good start00:04
chrisccoulsoncool. i'll do some googling tomorrow and figure out how to apply:)00:05
seb128chrisccoulson, http://live.gnome.org/NewAccounts00:06
=== asac_ is now known as asac
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, i'll take a look at that00:07
mac_vseb128: is there some problem with lp & apport ? it hasnt collected bug status from upstream and retracing isnt done for some bugs00:26
seb128mac_v, not that I know, specific bug number?00:26
seb128upstream bug watches not being updated is a known issue00:27
seb128I will ping lp guys again00:27
seb128it's mostly due to bugzilla being slow often00:27
seb128and lp not retrying after timeout00:27
hggdh*very* slow. Although there is hope, on the upgrade...00:27
mac_vseb128: Bug #411276 , the retracing is not done , there are several such bugs00:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411276 in apport "apport-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_icon_set_render_icon()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41127600:27
mac_vseb128: is there a way to force apport retrace?00:28
seb128retrace it locally if you want00:29
seb128let me look to the retracers00:29
mac_vits just not a problem with 1 bug , i have noticed several backlogs00:30
seb128mac_v, right, let me look to the retracers00:35
chrisccoulsonright, i'm going to get some sleep now00:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll finish the g-c-c update tomorrow:)00:37
chrisccoulsonit's not looking too difficult00:38
seb128'night chrisccoulson00:38
chrisccoulsongood night00:38
seb128mac_v, retracers restarted they should catch up if they don't fail on other retracing00:42
mac_vseb128: :) thanx00:42
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
hyperairif the battery monitor applet is now deprecated, what's its replacement?06:04
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:42
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:46
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 :)08:46
seb128how is that going today?08:49
chrisccoulsoni'm good - got in to work quite late this morning, although I think I'm making up for an early start I have on thursday ;)08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - have you seen there's quite a few new cheese bugs this morning, due to an upgrade issue?08:55
chrisccoulsonbug 411748 has a patch from upstream attached to it08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411748 in cheese "package cheese 2.27.90-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41174808:55
seb128looking thanks08:55
seb128chrisccoulson, uploaded09:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks09:00
seb128thanks for letting me know about the bug09:01
seb128you have interest in cheese or just ran across the issue?09:01
didrocksseb128: (quickly before I'm flying back in holidays ;)) o/ and new version of mutter tested and uploaded09:02
seb128didrocks, thanks you rock09:02
didrocksseb128: y/w09:02
seb128didrocks, enjoy your holidays09:02
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot and good luck with 2.27.90 :)09:02
seb128didrocks, thanks, things are on shape ;-)09:03
didrocksgreat! ++09:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just saw that cheese bugs were the most reported from the most recent bug reports on the RSS feed i use09:03
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, we for sure need to be better at this sort of thing09:04
seb128we have been talking at uds about autosubscribing09:04
seb128ie getting new bugs by email for anything you upload for some days09:04
chrisccoulsonyeah. that would be a good idea. the real pain is private bug reports for packages that you're automatically subscribed too09:04
chrisccoulsonfor example, i'm subscribed to tracker, gnome-session and gnome-settings-daemon, but i don't get notified of crashes until someone makes them public09:05
seb128right, that was a design decision09:05
seb128for one thing it avoid flooding people with retracing details etc09:05
seb128and for the other thing it avoid sending private informations over email09:06
chrisccoulsonoh, ok, i didn't realise that. i suppose that makes sense09:06
chrisccoulsonright, time to grab more coffee!09:08
asacseb128: all profiles should still be there09:13
asacseb128: ls .mozilla/09:14
seb128asac, that's ok I figured that after asking09:14
asacseb128: ah ok. so you renmaed the firefox-abandoned to firefox or something?09:14
seb128asac, I auto-clicked on the right choice, GNOME habit ;-)09:14
asacseb128: yes. actually that is intended behaviour09:15
seb128asac, yes, rename it to firefox-3.5 I think and I got the question again on next start09:15
asacseb128: the main use case is to use 3.5 as preview ... so the normal clicking habit should keep the old firefox 3.0 profile09:15
seb128which let me the opportunity to read the actual choices :-p09:15
asacthatw was what we initially discussed with mpt ;)09:15
seb128anyway it's all good thanks09:15
seb128asac, but I don't have greasmonkey anymore09:16
seb128it was working in 3.0 and 3.5 before upgrade09:16
seb128asac, ok my fault09:17
seb128asac, it's not the upgrade it's me remove firefox while playing with the autoinstalls yesterday09:17
seb128asac, I didn't restart firefox until the upgrade though09:18
seb128"Not compatible with Firefox 3.5.2"09:18
asacseb128: using the packaged version or the one you find in tools -> addons -> Get Extensions ?09:20
asacjust installed it through that dialog and that works :/09:20
seb128asac, doing "sudo apt-get install greasemonkey"09:20
asaclet me check09:20
asacseb128: edit /usr/share/greasemonkey/install.rdf and bump version from 3.1b2 to 3.1.*09:22
seb128asac, ok thanks09:22
asacwe will review all packaged extension now that we did the switch09:23
seb128asac, do you recommend using the deb or the firefox thing?09:23
asacseb128: in general i recommend using debs ... but for greaemonkey it doesnt matter much09:23
asacpoint is that we can stabilize debs during release and then dont touch it while the other always gives you whatever crap the addon maintainer wants you to ship09:29
asacs/crap/crack/ ;)09:29
seb128asac, 3.1.* still doesn't work, 3.5.* does09:30
seb128I tried to get the addon version that's buggy09:30
seb128for one thing it's not listed in firefox, I had to click on "show 10 choices"09:30
seb128which opened a webpage09:30
seb128and it's blocked on checking version09:31
asacseb128: yeah sorry. i ment 3.5.*09:31
seb128anyway no big deal I got the deb version working09:31
asacseb128: did you use the "search" thing?09:31
seb128I typed "Greasemonkey" there09:31
asachmm. maybe it hides that if you already have it in system09:31
seb128I guess so09:32
asacfor me it just showed up ;)09:32
asac(makes somehow sense)09:32
asacyeah. its now not in there that i have it installed09:32
asacrather "greasefire, etc."09:32
dpmseb128: hi, good morning. We've got another po/evolution-data-server-.pot template in the Rosetta imports queue, uploaded yesterday. Could you have a look at removing the trailing dash from the template name?10:08
seb128dpm, hum, you reported the issue for evolution not eds before, probably the same bug10:11
seb128I will get it fixed for next version10:11
dpmthanks a lot10:13
seb128asac, totem build-depends on xulrunner-1.9-dev10:22
seb128should that be changed on xulrunner-dev or -1.9.1-?10:23
asacseb128: please use xulrunner-dev >= 1.9.1~10:30
seb128asac, ok thanks10:30
asac11:32 < asac> multisearch gone: http://identi.ca/notice/7918170 ;)10:34
seb128asac, cool, I"m #not #used !to #read !those #codes #apparently !;-)10:35
asacseb128: heh ... otherwise 140 letters would be too easy to get ;)10:37
dpmArneGoetje: I'm looking at bug 203349: did this only affect hardy? And were there ever language packs released which fixed the issue?10:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203349 in language-pack-kde-sv "Broken plural forms in KDE" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20334910:39
seb128lut huats10:55
huatshello seb12810:55
huatshow are you ?10:55
seb128good! you?10:55
huatsgreat too10:55
huatsready to do some update10:56
huatsthe version page is working ?10:56
huats(since it was not last week)10:56
seb128not in an automatic way but it has been updated recently10:57
seb128huats, what do you want to update?11:06
huatsanything :)11:08
huatsI'll have a look at the page the seb128 :)11:09
huats(of course if you have something in mind say it)11:09
seb128huats, you can do the sabayon update11:14
seb128or anything you prefer on the webpage11:14
huatsseb128: ok I'll take care of sabayon11:16
seb128huats, otherwise there is mutter, didrocks did a git snapshot and uploaded today but there is a new tarball since yesterday11:20
seb128he' on holidays so if you want to cover for him it's in universe you can upload ;-)11:20
huatsseb128: I'll go with sabayon first11:21
huatsand then tackle that one too if didrocks has not completed it by then11:21
huats(he is on holidays but he is still doing stuffs :))11:22
seb128he will probably not as said he's on vac11:22
seb128he seems he took a bit to upload it today because I pinged him about it several times11:22
huatsseb128: oh ok11:22
huats(I said that because we talked a bit this morning :))11:23
huatsthen count on me for mutter too11:23
huatsand btw, the deskbar-applets update was not opened for weeks :P11:23
seb128huats, you opened the bug on 2009-08-2811:24
seb128huats, which was 2 weeks ago11:25
seb128so yes "weeks" ;-)11:25
huatsok my bad then11:25
huatsin fact I did the update I forgot to attach it to the bug :(11:25
seb128sorry about that but I though you were still on holidays and would not work on it11:26
huatswhen there is pregnancy, the women is supposed to loose some of her intellectual potential (likewise 30%)11:26
diverse_izzueis there a reason why libcanberra uses it's alsa backend by default in karmic instead of the pulse one? the pulse one is not installed and not in the main repositories either.11:26
huatsin that case I thnk I am also suffering a bit of the pregnancy :D11:26
huatsseb128:  no pb of course... it was my fault :)11:26
seb128TheMuso, ^ do you know about the libcanberra question?11:27
seb128huats, ;-)11:27
huatsseb128: is it willigly that sabayon and mutter are not in bzr ?11:29
seb128huats, yes they are not in the standard desktop and it would make easier for motu to update11:29
seb128easier -> harder11:29
huatsso I won't put then on it11:29
huatsI understood :)11:30
seb128right ;-)11:30
seb128diverse_izzue, how do you see it uses alsa by default?11:31
diverse_izzueseb128, because /usr/lib/libcanberra-0.15 contains only the alsa module11:33
seb128diverse_izzue, do you have libcanberra-pulse installed?11:33
diverse_izzueno i don't11:33
seb128ok that's why11:33
diverse_izzueit's not installed by default11:33
diverse_izzueit should though, if the entire distribution should use pulse11:33
seb128right, I will let TheMuso comment on why if he has an idea11:33
seb128just curious but do you notice any issue due to that?11:34
seb128ups wrong tab11:34
huatsseb128: is it normal that mutter is not on the versions.html page11:39
seb128huats, yes the page is mainly the default installation and not universe11:39
seb128nobody else is going to do it so don't worry about duplicating work11:39
seb128the page lists default install and official gnome basically11:40
huatsthanks for the explanation11:40
seb128you're welcome11:40
seb128does anybody has weird looking labels in the message indicator applet in karmic?11:40
Laneymine said "No indicators" or something recently instead of showing an envelope11:53
asaclool: i guess you wont have time to check gnome-bluetooth and obexd MIR?11:54
asac(before alpha)11:54
asacseb128: i think we discussed with pitti to get gnome-bt on alpha5 ... even if that means a pre-MIR-main push11:55
asacas i am the driver i wont sign off my own MIR11:55
asacnor do i want to push for this unless you feel comfortable11:55
seb128asac, yes pre-MIR pushes are fine for alpha511:56
seb128I got ack from pitti for xsplash too11:56
seb128we will sort paper work later11:56
seb128asac, do you want me to promote something?11:56
asacseb128: one thing: we can either just update the seed or do a full transition with putting transitional bluez-gnome package into gnome-bluetooth11:57
asaci would suggest to update the seed for alpha5 and then doing the transition later with removal of bluez-gnome11:57
seb128+1 from me11:57
asaclet me check if we already filed the MIRs for the pre-push ....11:58
seb128can you update the seed or ping slangasek about that, I can do the main promotions11:58
asacok bug 40984811:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409848 in gnome-bluetooth "[MIR] gnome-bluetooth " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40984811:58
asacis gnome-bluetooth11:58
asac(me assigns that to loic)11:58
asacand bug 410364 for obexd11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410364 in obexd "[MIR] obexd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41036411:58
asacseb128: ok let me update the seed11:58
* asac wonders where that was again ;)11:58
loolasac: I personally can't today because I'm busy11:59
loolI mean I have meetings11:59
loolasac: But perhaps Kees can?11:59
asaclool: just discusseed that there is no hurry. i will still put it on your plate unless you say i should move it to pitti11:59
loolasac: pitti is on leave11:59
asaclool:  i know. we will pre promote it (read above)12:00
loolYou can put it on my plate if you like or i can assign it around12:00
asacso no hurry. just need to get it done at some point12:00
loolasac: As long as you have tracking bugs that's alright12:00
asaclool: i think kees is usually doing enough work on security reviews.12:00
loolasac: I agree, but was looking at a solution for you for today12:01
asaclool: thanks. all fine.12:01
* lool lunch &12:01
* seb128 lunch too12:05
ArneGoetjedpm: it should be fixed in the current langpacks in -proposed for Hardy. But they haven't been released due to missing feedback from the community. The bug only affects KDE3 in Hardy.12:05
dpmArneGoetje: thanks for the info, I'll have a look at it12:06
asacseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251299/12:22
asaci think there is not much more to do right?12:22
seb128asac, looks correct yes12:23
asacseb128: done. please promote gnome-bluetooth and obexd (the -client binary only)12:29
asacbugs are subscribed to MIR etc. so thats find12:29
asaci will milestone those now12:29
asacseb128: also demote bluez-gnome .... but i guess that automatically happens through mismatches12:32
seb128that's automatically listed I can as well do it now12:32
huatsseb128: the sabayon one is ready for sponsoring12:52
seb128huats, ok thanks12:53
huatsI need to test run the mutter one now12:54
asacseb128: two more things (and then i am done): modemmanager pre-promotion (bug 410259) and synching mozilla-devscripts 0.14 from debian/unstable13:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410259 in modemmanager "[MIR] modemmanager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41025913:18
seb128asac, modemmanager promoted13:20
seb128asac, only mozilla-devscripts 0.13 on mirrors right now13:20
asachmm. sorry for that then13:20
asaci will wait a bit longer then13:20
seb128no problem, I will sync it when it's there later13:20
asacgreat. i think i have all my alpha4 goals done13:21
seb128asac, ok it was in debian incoming, synced there13:22
* asac takes a break and then writes activity report13:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - want me to take the brasero update?13:36
seb128it's all yours13:37
seb128you're welcome13:37
asacseb128: meeting is at 6:30?14:44
ubottuTeam meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs » for transcripts.14:44
seb128asac, yes14:44
seb128huats, if you want another upgrade later there is gcalctool too14:54
huatsseb128: hum, I am sure robert will be happy to do it14:55
huatsno ?14:56
huatsotherwise I can do it for sure14:56
seb128huats, he's on holidays for 2 weeks14:56
huatsthen I will take care of it14:56
ftahuats, hi! i was reading forum.ubuntu-fr, oh my!15:04
huatshey fta !15:08
huatswhat were you reading ?15:09
huatsyou know there is some crap on it :)15:09
ftathe thread about chromium15:09
ftahuats, http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=30198715:10
* hyperair wishes chromium would get a proper amd64 build already15:10
ftahyperair, i have a prototype almost ready15:10
huatsfta you can reply you know :)15:11
ftai have no account there15:11
huatsfta: I think you can create one :D15:12
huatsfta btw the next party in Paris is the 29/30 of November15:12
huatsI'd be happy to see you there :)15:12
huats(I give you the dates right now so you can book the days)15:12
ftaanyone else seeing a square when starting firefox or chromium?15:19
seb128asac, can I get you to revu the new fusa for main promotion today?15:22
dobeyasac: hey, is there a bug about fonts in firefox-3.5 already?f15:32
asacseb128: new fusa? is that so much different that we need to review it?15:35
asacseb128: but sure15:35
asacdobey: yes.15:35
ftabug 37976115:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379761 in firefox-3.5 "FF 3.5 font hinting wrong in content area" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37976115:35
asacdobey: bug 37976115:35
asacheh yeah15:35
asacseb128: where is it?15:36
djsiegelseb128: where should I triage this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/38601715:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386017 in hundredpapercuts "Brushing Right-edge of trackpad pastes text:" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:42
djsiegelI am not sure what the proper project is15:43
seb128asac, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/indicator-sus can you do review and upload?15:44
seb128asac, I did a first review and it's good but I don't want to upload and NEW it too15:44
seb128usually we have different uploaders and new-ers15:44
Laneydoesn't mention licensing of debian15:46
Laneyno compat15:46
asacseb128: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/indicator-sus/ubuntu doesnt exist15:46
seb128kenvandine, ^15:47
seb128Laney, compat is not strictly required, not sure about debian licensing15:47
asacis there a branch i should push there that matches what is currently uploaded?15:47
asacerr currently supposed to be uploaded?15:47
* Laney shrugs15:47
Laneyif I were sponsoring I'd want them both :)15:47
asackenvandine: let me know where the branch is and i can push it there when uploading15:47
kenvandineasac, yeah... i thought that would be the final location... a previous upload someone had me change it to core-dev before they would upload15:48
kenvandineasac, lp:~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-applet/sus-ubuntu15:48
asackenvandine: thats ok. just now that i am sponsoring it i need the branch that matches whatever i am supposed to sponsor so i can push for you ;)15:48
kenvandineasac, thx :)15:49
rodrigo_1seb128: about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/couchdb-glib/+bug/409378, the package is already -1.0, and the so is 1.0.0, so should I use 1.0.0 also for the package?15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409378 in couchdb-glib "Upgrade to 0.4.3 upstream version" [Wishlist,Incomplete]15:54
seb128rodrigo_1, libcouchdb-glib-1.0-0 is libcouchdb-glib-1.0-<soname>15:55
seb128ie -1.0 is in the library name, -0 is the soname15:55
rodrigo_1ah, so libcouchdb-glib1-1.0-1 then?15:56
asackenvandine: autogen.sh isnt in upstream tarball as it seems?15:56
seb128rodrigo_1, if the soname is 0 yes15:56
rodrigo_1libcouchdb-glib-1.0-1 I mean15:56
rodrigo_1it's 1 now15:56
rodrigo_1ok, submitting a new fixed debdiff then15:57
seb128djsiegel, sorry got sidetracked15:57
djsiegelseb128: no prob, me too15:57
seb128djsiegel, I'm not sure to understand the bug, is the concern a trackpad one or how linux copy paste is working?15:58
djsiegeljust with trackpad15:58
djsiegelbecause trackpads accidentally touch it15:58
* seb128 reads the description again15:58
seb128I've the impression is the concern that select and middle click do copy15:58
Laneytap to middle click seems to be the problem15:59
seb128isn't that off by default?16:00
kenvandineasac, i can fix that... is that important for getting it uploaded?16:00
asackenvandine: shouldnt INDICATORDIR come from some libincdicate-dev .pv file?16:00
asackenvandine: no16:00
asac.pc file i mean16:01
kenvandineasac, that would probably be better yes16:01
asackenvandine: the package description is substandard16:02
kenvandineactually maybe not16:02
asacits not about multi line, but about short vs. long description ;)16:02
* kenvandine will complain to ted about that :)16:02
asacDescription: line is short description16:02
asacand the lines after that are long description16:02
kenvandineoh... yeah16:02
kenvandinethat is bad16:03
asacalso its not that useful ;)16:03
kenvandineasac, shouldn't linitian complain about that?16:03
kenvandinei thought i have seen it complain in the past16:03
asackenvandine: lintian complains if you start both descriptions with the same or if you start short description with package name16:04
asacbut it cannot see that you are trying to use a multi-line short description ;)16:04
asacit could complain if short is longer  than long though ;)16:04
asacbut i guess nobody did that (yet) ;)16:04
asackenvandine: why wouldnt the indicators dir be suitable for indicate-dev?16:05
asacor is that directory owned by the applet itself?16:05
kenvandinei think the applet16:05
asachmm. ok16:06
asacits already done16:06
asacconfigure.ac:INDICATORDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=indicatordir indicator`16:06
asacseems fine16:07
kenvandineyeah... that is provided by the applet, not indicate-dev16:07
kenvandineactually it is16:08
kenvandinetwo .pc files16:08
asacCopyright (C) 2004 Gustavo Noronha Silva16:08
asacwhere was that?16:08
kenvandinesome original fusa code that is included16:08
asacah ok16:08
asacthose are the logout dialogs16:08
asacjust wondered if anyone asked for permission to remove the "or later"16:08
asacThe Debian packaging is:16:09
asacCopyright (C) 2009 Ted Gould <ted@canonical.com>16:09
asacthat feels wrong ;)16:09
asacalso tell ted to replace that with canonical ;)16:09
kenvandinewell it is for the source... but not for the packaging16:09
asacuploaded and pushed to bzr branch (i used the bzr branch to produce the package and not what i got from revu16:10
* kenvandine files a bug to fix the description16:10
asackenvandine: no its abuot packaging. still it should be Canonical Ltd.16:10
asackenvandine: oh the project doesnt even exist16:11
asaci use this now to push:16:11
asacplease adjust control accordingly in branch16:11
kenvandineoh... it is par of indicator-applet16:12
kenvandineone sec16:12
asackenvandine: so for uploads start from core-dev branch and submit topic branches that have  unique name (like package revision)16:12
asacin that way you dont need to delete branches or --overwrite them16:12
asackenvandine: while you are at it, use lp:... in Vcs-Bzr and the code.launchpad url in Vcs-Bzr-Browser: ;)16:12
asace.g. read-write location and read-only16:13
asacok thanks16:13
kenvandineasac, humm... seems different reviewers have different opinions there :)16:13
asackenvandine: yes. but mine is right ;)16:14
kenvandinei already pushed... let me do that now16:14
asacreally. having a read-write location for plain makes sense ... dont you think?16:14
kenvandineyeah... i agree16:15
asacand -Browser for browser also :)16:15
kenvandinei didn't know about -Browser16:15
asackenvandine: you can commit stuff with UNRELEASED16:15
asacso we dont need to upload after this merge16:15
kenvandinerodrigo_1's package used lp: and pitti had him change it16:15
asackenvandine: yes. but i am sure if he had used -Browser that wouldnt have been a problem ;)16:15
asaci think pitti just wants that a browsable url is there16:16
rodrigo_1hmm, what did I do wrong this time? :D16:16
rodrigo_1instead of the LP:xxx thing?16:16
kenvandineasac, pushed16:16
rodrigo_1ah, for the vcs link16:17
kenvandinerodrigo_1, hehe... yeah, asac was just telling me to do what pitti had you changed16:17
=== rodrigo_1 is now known as rodrigo_
asackenvandine: where did you push it?16:21
asackenvandine: same location?16:22
kenvandinei can't push to code-dev :)16:22
asackenvandine: please dont commit stuff without having changelog open at UNRELEASED16:22
asackenvandine: also do release commits16:22
asackenvandine: look at the bzr log ... can you see which revision we exactly uploaded?16:22
kenvandineasac, ok16:22
kenvandinei have just been using debcommit16:23
kenvandinecan't you just pull from my branch and merge?16:23
asackenvandine: ok i made a release commit now ... so you need to redo your changes16:23
asackenvandine: i can merge them in, but we need a new changelog entry on top16:24
kenvandineoh, i see... i have just been using the same version16:24
asackenvandine: debcommit isnt the problem. you need to open changelogs with dch -i -DUNRELEASED16:24
asackenvandine: and before release you do a dch -r -Dkarmic16:25
asacand use debcommit -r -e16:25
asac(if you want to edit the release commit)16:25
asackenvandine: let me do that for you now16:25
asacbut please trash your branch after that (dont reuse)16:25
kenvandineso we should always rebase on the core-dev branch for each new release?16:26
kenvandinei guess that makes sense16:26
asackenvandine: always start with core-dev yes. then push it with a distinct name. e.g. lpxxxxx ... or ubuntu.0.1-0ubuntu216:27
asackenvandine: ok i pushed it now16:27
asaclook at it16:27
kenvandineok, that seems different than what pitti was doing with the other indicator and notify-osd branches16:28
kenvandinethere are persistent packaging branches in the projects that are used for ppa builds, and from time to time pitti was merging changes16:28
* kenvandine looks16:28
asackenvandine: it depends either core-dev is the release branch or ~indicator-applets is the one16:28
asackenvandine: the release branch is what is supposed to be stable16:29
asacthe other one should only exist for topics16:29
asackenvandine: if you want a core-dev branch that should be the release branch. the other option is to add core-dev to the ~indicator-applet-dev team16:29
asacif you have to merge back and forth its wrong and you might end up with changes never getting merged properly16:30
kenvandinei wonder if that what pitti was doing16:30
asackenvandine: i think so.16:30
asacseb128: [ubuntu/karmic] indicator-sus 0.1-0ubuntu1 (New)16:51
seb128asac, thanks16:51
asaci didnt do a licensecheck -r though16:51
seb128I did do that before pinging you16:51
seb128so it should be all good16:52
kenvandineasac, i filed a bug for ted to fix the description16:59
asackenvandine: imo dxteam shouldnt do the packaging17:00
asacthey should focus on upstream sources and do those right17:01
asacwe maintain the debian/ branch instead17:01
asacbut maybe thats just me17:01
kenvandineasac, i tend to agree with you17:01
kenvandinebut i do think they should describe the package17:01
asackenvandine: usually they should have a good description somewhere ... maybe on the project page. so we can copy that17:02
kenvandinethis is a single project with a bunch of sources17:03
seb128well usually we do the packaging17:03
seb128for notify-osd for example MacSlow roll tarball17:03
seb128and we do updates17:03
asacoh dear17:04
asacjust noticed that the complete branch is a lumped together thing17:04
asacted did upstream changes without merging from an upstream branch17:04
asacwe need to trash that in future. otherwise it will become a pain to manage (or we should make a native package out of it)17:05
seb128(no please not)17:05
* asac tries to forget what he saw17:05
seb128usually way is that they should have their upstream bzr17:05
seb128and we have a packaging one17:05
asacright. but thats not the case here17:05
seb128and when we want to update we do merge lp:upstream_product17:06
asaceither you merge from upstream fro new upstream bump or you maintain debian/ only17:06
seb128and dch17:06
seb128and build17:06
asacdont tell me that17:06
asacall i am saying that this branch is already lost17:06
asacyou cannot do that anymore with it17:06
seb128it's a new source17:07
seb128just create a new clean one17:07
asacits a native branch. period.17:07
seb128a source+packaging17:07
asackenvandine: so we need to start the stuff from scratch17:07
seb128so we just merge upstream when we want to update17:07
asackenvandine: but not today ;)17:07
asacping me if you want to do that17:08
seb128(meeting in 22 minutes)17:08
asacafter alpha4 i think17:08
kenvandineasac, they have a separate branch without the packaging... this is they way they do it17:08
kenvandinebut it can be a mess17:08
asackenvandine: yes. but check the bzr log -p17:09
asackenvandine: thats not what ted did17:09
kenvandineyeah... i know17:09
seb128well ted can do what he want on his side17:09
kenvandineall the dx stuff has this17:09
asacwe cannot use his branch then17:09
seb128for the ubuntu packaging we want a packaging bzr we can merge on upstream bzr regularly17:09
kenvandinewe should just start from scratch17:09
asacthast what i am saying17:09
seb128we don't want all ppa uploads from ted in the ubuntu package anyway17:09
seb128so no point to have things too complicated17:10
seb128he can have his own ppa packaging and we have an another clean one for ubuntu17:10
kenvandinehey bryce17:17
seb128hello bryce17:17
bryceweirdly my desktop machine has been powering off at night the past two nights17:18
vuntzseb128: quick poll17:28
vuntzseb128: I have a gnome-panel-add.py script that does what it seems to do (ie, add a launcher or an applet to the panel config of the user)17:28
vuntzseb128: do you think it's worth installing it in /usr/bin? Or should it live in libexecdir/gnome-panel, or simply as an example in datadir/gnome-panel?17:29
seb128do it allow to replace or drop one too?17:29
seb128does it take any position setting?17:30
seb128I would say it's useful17:30
ccheneywhen is the meeting?17:30
seb128but probably as a system command17:30
* ccheney thinks he is confused, heh17:30
seb128ie /usr/lib17:30
seb128ccheney, in one minute17:30
vuntzso libexecdir17:30
bryceheya ccheney17:30
ccheneybryce: hi17:30
seb128asac, ArneGoetje, kenvandine, asac, tkamppeter, awe: meeting17:31
* kenvandine is ready17:31
* awe waves17:31
seb128ups sorry17:32
seb128ok I'm there17:32
seb128so no rickspenser nor pitti this week17:32
seb128we will try to manage without them ;-)17:32
asacagenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2009-08-1117:32
seb128let's start if everybody is there17:33
seb128good morning, afternoon, evening ;-)17:33
seb128kenvandine, start with the partner updates?17:33
kenvandinelots of great stuff last week at the sprint17:34
kenvandinethe karmic boot experience related stuff is landing for alpha4, xsplash, etc17:34
seb128did you talk to slangasek about getting xsplash on CD?17:34
kenvandinealso the fusa replacement will be landing soon after, we hope17:34
kenvandineneed to remind him today though :)17:35
seb128ok good17:35
seb128yeah, fusa seems to be too short for alpha now17:35
kenvandineOLS stuff is moving, evo-couch and deps should get another update today or tomorrow17:35
kenvandinedesktopcouch has been released17:35
kenvandineand i think asac is working on bindwood17:35
seb128let me know if you need sponsoring17:35
kenvandineasac, status on that?17:35
seb128those are probably not for alpha too17:36
asacdo we automatically get the new boot experience on existing installs or do we need to do something?17:36
asackenvandine: not after the sprint. will do that after alpha4 is out17:36
kenvandinethat is it for partner update17:36
asackenvandine: so i already have the new boot experience?17:36
* asac considers to reboot17:36
kenvandineasac, not yet17:36
kenvandineyou will17:37
asactoday is freeze17:37
seb128asac, right, I'm about to sponsor 2 changes and then xsplash need to be seeded17:37
seb128you can install xplash from universe though17:37
asacok. i will wait17:37
asacwas just curious if i already had it on my system17:38
kenvandineasac, it won't be "final" yet17:38
kenvandinekeybuk needs to move gdm to earlier in the boot process17:38
kenvandineand there are a couple of flickers17:38
kenvandinebut getting there :)17:38
kenvandinethat is it for partner update17:38
kenvandinemoving on17:38
seb128Riddell takes a swap day I think17:39
seb128the kubuntu update is on the wiki for those who are interested17:39
seb128bryce, want to do an xorg update?17:39
bryceseb128, alright17:39
brycewe decided to stay with xserver 1.6.3 rather than xserver 1.717:40
* asac sad17:40
brycesince it's (still) not released and potentially may not be as stable17:40
bryceso the only other major remaining X piece is a new -ati/kms, which we put together last week with updated mesa/libdrm/kernel17:41
bryceunfortunately testing showed that it was pretty buggy, so I've decided to hold off on uploading it until after alpha-4 is out17:41
seb128did you upload the new ati you tested during the sprint to karmic?17:41
seb128ok, you were faster than me on this one ;-)17:41
brycebeyond this, it's just bugs fixing now :-)17:42
seb128ok good, seems xorg is on shape for a great karmic ;-)17:42
seb128is ArneGoetje around?17:43
ArneGoetjeseb128: yep17:43
seb128ArneGoetje, any update for translations?17:43
ArneGoetjeseb128: did a lot during the sprint (see work report). Building new language-packs as we speak, not sure if they can still go onto the alpha 4 CD... need to ask the release team17:44
seb128ok, good17:44
seb128any issue with queue we should know about? do we have stats on whether all packages have templates?17:45
ArneGoetjeseb128: no we don't17:45
seb128ok excellent, thanks17:45
seb128I think it's all for the usual round of updates17:46
ArneGoetjeseb128: I basically handed the queue checking off to the UTC team, since I'm busy on language-selector for the next week17:46
seb128does anybody else has an update or topic for meeting?17:46
seb128seems alpha4 is on track from a desktop point of view17:47
seb128asac, are you confident about current firefox and network manager states?17:47
seb128firefox 3.5 is default now?17:47
asactoday everyone should got firefox 3.5 by default17:47
* seb128 did17:48
seb128works great ;-)17:48
asacalso noteworthy is that  multisearch was dropped  today !17:48
seb128(greasemonkey version aside)17:48
seb128nice ;-)17:48
asacso no more slashdot stuff etc. ;)17:48
* awe sends asac good vibes after reading some of the comments over the past two days17:48
asacthanks. i liked the ones where folks wanted to kill me ;)17:48
* seb128 hugs asac for the good work17:49
* asac moved to a bunker for now ;)17:49
aweasac: isn't there a launchpad policy against crap like that?17:49
asacthere is, but someone has to enforce it17:49
seb128jcastro, ^17:49
asacand folks would start bitching about censorship17:49
asacwhen we remove comments enterily ;)17:49
ArneGoetjeasac: do we need to get together to check translation related issues for the firefox migration?17:49
asacno action needed. i am fine17:49
asacArneGoetje: yes. but after alpha417:49
seb128asac, do you still plan to try to solve nm on kubuntu for alpha?17:50
ArneGoetjeasac: ok. just ping me.17:50
asacArneGoetje: seems like the 3.5 template got not uploaded ... or import takes ages17:50
jcastroseb128, I don't think anyone wanted him dead, just fired.17:50
asacseb128: awe wanted to look further on that today17:50
aweseb128: i'm working on it.  what's the deadline?  also, is there anyone in my time zone...17:50
seb128jcastro, "just fired"17:50
ArneGoetjeasac: possible that they are still in the Needs Review queue17:50
asacwe have kde guy in #nm channel17:50
asacawe: deadline is tonight17:50
awethat could sponsor an upload if asac is offline?17:50
asacmaybe we can slip it in tomorrow17:50
asacif it unbreaks kubuntu networking17:50
jcastroseb128, I am doing a thorough review of exactly what happened for the entire thing17:50
seb128well I think it's import enough as a fix to justify an upload tomorrow17:51
aweok.  i feel confident i can nail it today17:51
seb128jcastro, ok thanks17:51
ccheneyonce debian uploads their OOo 3.1.1~rc1 i will sync to that for karmic17:51
ccheneywhich should get us the KDE support, etc17:51
seb128ccheney, any eta on that?17:51
ccheneynot sure, hopefully later this week17:51
asacawe: i will check before i go to bed ... after that maybe bryce or even slangasek17:51
aweasac: ok cool17:52
ccheneyseb128: its too late for alpha 4 but should go in shortly after that17:52
bryceawe, yeah just ping me if you need help17:52
asacsorry bryce ;) ... just sponsor whatever awe gives you ... the current status is: it does not work at all ;)17:52
aweasac: aha, carte blanche!17:52
asaci guess so17:52
seb128thanks asac17:52
ccheneyif OOo manages to keep their schedule final OOo 3.1.1 should be ready by the time of alpha 517:52
seb128anybody else has anything to add?17:53
asacoh yeah on modemmanager please check your 3g modems. there might be regressions and want those to be reported and escalated asap17:53
kenvandinejust fyi... i will be on vacation 13-1717:53
kenvandineso returning tuesday17:53
seb128I'm on vac for 2 weeks starting next week17:53
kenvandineso lets break stuff before you leave :)17:54
seb128and pitti will be back only the second week17:54
seb128so we are pretty much turning to low speed next week17:54
seb128I think asac is on vac too17:54
kenvandinesponsor queue will get long17:54
kenvandinebut we will survive :)17:54
ccheneyseb128: so you'll be gone until after FF? heh17:55
asacseb128: oh sorry. i think i didnt get that you leave next week17:55
asaci will be here next week. but the week after that (starting 23rd) i will be gone17:55
asacrick send a mail with the exact dates i think17:55
seb128so at least we have somebody there17:56
seb128you next week, then pitti17:56
seb128for sponsoring dholbach is back17:56
seb128I think he can handle desktopish sponsoring for us17:56
seb128or at least give an hand or urgent updates17:56
seb128I will ping him about that17:56
seb128GNOME 2.27.90 is due today17:57
seb128next version is in 2 weeks17:57
seb128robert_ancell and pitti will be back for that one17:57
seb128ccheney, yeah, I don't have many feature and GNOME has standing exception17:57
seb128so not really an issue17:57
ccheneyah ok17:57
seb128kenvandine, yeah, we need extra people to get upload rights17:58
seb128starting by robert_ancell and you17:58
kenvandinesoon i hope :)17:58
seb128you guys should run for motuing ;-)17:59
seb128any not really meeting topic17:59
* kenvandine will talk to dholbach :)17:59
seb128nothing else to add? should we wrap now?17:59
asacyes please.17:59
seb128thanks everybody17:59
seb128have a nice evening17:59
asacthx seb128 .... nice effective meeting17:59
ArneGoetjethanks, good night17:59
seb128asac, ;-)17:59
seb128'night ArneGoetje17:59
kenvandinegood jost seb12817:59
* kenvandine runs to lunch... bbiab18:00
awesee ya18:00
* seb128 goes for dinner soon after some sponsoring18:00
tkamppeterseb128: Sorry, missed the meeting.18:04
seb128tkamppeter, that's ok, do you have anything to add out of the activity on the wiki?18:05
tkamppeterNo. It is all OK.18:05
seb128ok good18:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
didrocksseb128: new mutter release? from 0:44 (http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/mutter/2.27/) :/18:36
didrockswell. I think the diff with my snapshot should not be so big :)18:36
seb128didrocks, right18:36
didrocksseb128: did huats tackle it?18:36
seb128didrocks, right, no idea about what huats did on that one18:36
didrocksok, I will ping him. I have a descent plateform to test it properly again :)18:37
seb128having good holidays?18:37
didrocksseb128: great, thanks! I had a good walk with beautiful landscape over Annecy's lake :)18:38
seb128good weather today?18:38
seb128it was raining yesterday you said?18:38
didrocksexactly, and apparently and it's becoming very hot now18:39
didrocksthe weather seems to go on the good side ;)18:39
didrocksseb128: and you, 2.27.90 is still on a good shape? :)18:41
seb128there was not so many tarballs18:41
seb128are most are easy changes due to freezes18:41
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure that "very hot" is the good side ;-)18:41
didrocksseb128: when you can drink a little bit and you are protected under the forest's trees, it's ok :-)18:42
didrocksseb128: and you, the weather is going to which side? :)18:43
seb128the irish side18:43
seb128which is good to me ;-)18:43
seb128sun can come next week when I'm on vac18:43
didrocksseb128: are you planning to move during your vacation?18:44
seb128nothing planned yet18:44
seb128but we will see18:44
seb128depends of the mood and weather18:45
dobeyanyone have a few minutes to help with a translation packaging question?18:45
dobeyseb128: wink wink, nudge nudge :)18:45
seb128dobey, don't ask to ask just ask ;-)18:45
didrocksyes, two parameters that can change at the last minute :)18:45
dobeyseb128: so i don't really understand how the packaging of translations works in ubuntu18:45
seb128what translations?18:46
seb128language packs you mean?18:46
didrockswell, going to have my dinner now. I will come back a little later to finish some stuff on quickly :)18:46
seb128didrocks, enjoy18:46
dobeyseb128: well language packages, yes18:46
didrocksseb128: thanks, have a good evening18:46
dobeyseb128: so the ubuntuone-client translations for example, aren't currently being installed by anything18:46
seb128didrocks, thanks18:46
seb128dobey, so when you upload to universe nothing happens18:47
seb128when you upload to main build go through pkgbinarymangler18:47
seb128which means .mo are stripped and put on side18:47
seb128ie not shipped with the deb18:47
seb128those mo are collected and shipped in the languagepacks18:47
seb128those mo are collected and shipped in the languagepacks later18:48
dobeyseb128: but the ubuntuone-client mo are not in the language packages currently it seems18:48
seb128ie might be that languagepacks have not been updated since the strupping18:48
seb128dpkg -l | grep languagepack18:48
seb128you can try to ping ArneGoetje or dpm about that18:48
dobeyseb128: but do i need to list those mo files in a foo.install for the binary package?18:48
seb128since the source is new those might be stucked for moderation18:49
seb128they should be there on a local build18:49
seb128the mangler just collect /usr/share/locale18:49
dobeyi think it's a bug in the ubuntuone-client package then18:49
dobeyas none of the debian/*.install files list the .mo files at all18:50
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
chrisccoulsonnearly ready to build g-c-c now:)19:18
kklimondahuh, was gnome-terminal updated recently?19:45
kklimondait stopped working with Terminus font.. I get some pango related crash..19:45
kklimondabug 41209819:47
ubottuBug 412098 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/412098 is private19:47
seb128kklimonda, no bug pango got updated, do you have current?19:47
seb128ie 1.25.219:47
kklimondaseb128: no - 1.25.1. I've just upgraded19:47
kklimondaso I guess it didn't make it yet19:48
seb128try with .2 rather then it should be better19:48
kklimondaseb128: as always you were right ;)19:51
kklimondadid I just got unlucky - I see that .1 was uploaded shortly before .2 :)19:51
mac_vdobey: hi... i was talking to andreasn about firefox and how it depends on gtk stcok icon, he said you were the right person to discuss...19:52
seb128kklimonda, not especially welcome to unstable versions19:52
mac_vdobey: there is a problem , because firefox depends on the gtk stock , while the labels dont exist in gnome19:54
andreasnmac_v, he's slightly better than me to talk to, since you mentioned symlinks and icon names19:55
andreasnand that's dobey's area19:55
mac_v:) ok19:55
mac_vdobey: hi... the icons in firefox [bookmarks/history/recent-*] , dont change because they depend on gtk stock icons, which do not exist in gnome... how can we fix this?19:59
mac_vi was thinking since we already have the appropriate icons but dont have the labels to use it, we could add symlinks20:00
dobeyi don't understand the question20:00
dobeywhat labels/20:00
mac_vdobey: we have gtk-close , and similar action icons , but not for the bookmark favicon , or the history ,20:02
mac_vso they do not change with themes , but rather onsistently use only the gtk icons20:03
dobeythose icons aren't in the theme20:03
mac_vbut we have similar icons > text-html.svg can be used for bookmarks , and search can be used for recent*20:04
dobeyno, that's the wrong solution20:05
mac_vdobey: ok , so how do we fix it?20:05
dobeysearch icon should be used for search20:05
dobeywhich i'm sure firefox already has a feature of20:05
dobeyand a bookmarks icon should be used for bookmarks20:05
dobeywell the themes would need appropriate icons20:05
mac_vdobey: oops not search > /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/places/application-x-gnome-saved-search20:06
dobeyand i don't think those icons are in gtk+ stock anyway20:06
dobeythey are special icons in firefox afaik20:06
dobeysaved-search is probably even worse for recent20:06
dobeyrecent != results of a search20:06
mac_vdobey:  i was suggesting , we create new symlinks , with appropriate labels20:07
dobeyhrmm, i'm pretty sure the "recent documents" icon is in the theme though20:07
dobeywe're trying to get rid of the symlinks, not add more20:07
mac_vatm the icon for recent is similar to >application-x-gnome-saved-search.svg20:07
mac_vdobey: andreasn said the saem...20:08
dobeywhat icon is? the firefox icon?20:09
mac_vdobey: the icons are not special icons , but rather gtk stock icons... but what would be the right  way to fix this , so that the icons change with themes?20:09
dobeythe icon in my panel for "Recent Documents" isn't20:09
mclasenthe right way to make gtk stock icons change with the theme is adding those icons to the theme20:09
mclasenthen it just works20:09
mac_vdobey: the recently bookmarked , recently tagged20:09
dobeyi don't think gtk+ has a stock bookmark icon20:10
mac_vdobey: iirc , there is a gtk bookmark icon , that is the same icon used by epiphany20:10
mac_vmclasen: can we add them?20:11
mclasenmac_v: you have to argue that out with dobey, I'm afraid20:11
dobeythe icons you're talking about aren't in gtk+20:14
dobey(at least not according to the list i see in Glade20:14
mac_vdobey: but firefox depends only on gtk icons , so if we add the gtk stock appropriately[either symlinks or new icons] , we can allow icons to change with themes.20:16
dobeyno it doesn't20:17
dobeyfirefox has several of its own icons20:17
dobeyin its default theme20:17
dobeysome icons also come from the system theme though20:17
dobeythe icons you're talking about are NOT gtk+ stock icons20:17
mac_vah... ok20:18
dobey(unless firefox also ships a patched gtk+ with additonal stock icons, anyway)20:18
mac_vdobey: but how do we fix this? use firefox labels in gnome or ?20:18
mac_vasac: suggestions20:19
dobeywhat firefox labels?20:19
dobeyfirefox isn't pulling them from the icon theme. it's pulling them from it's special theme magic stuff afaik20:19
mac_vdobey: i can make a complete list of icons firefox uses...20:20
mac_vwhich are not in gnome20:20
mac_vdobey: would that help? i'm not really sure about this whole naming process , my concern is that the icons in the themes are not being used... and was wondering how to fix it...20:21
mac_vany suggestions about how to proceed would be nice..20:22
dobeyif the way firefox themes work changed, then i don't know anything about it20:22
dobeythere are no icons in icon themes for the firefox icons that you're talking about20:23
dobeyand making symlinks to other icons that might be slightly 'similar' isn't a solution20:23
mac_vdobey: yeah...ok...  so there is no way to allow theming the firefox icons?20:23
dobeymeh, and seb is gone :-/20:23
dobeymac_v: i have no idea how firefox themes work, if they don't still work the way they did in 1.x/2.x20:24
dobeymac_v: so i can't answer that right now20:24
mac_vdobey: oh ok .... thanx for the help though :)20:24
dobeybut they probably shouldn't be themed either, anyway20:25
asacdobey: firefox (by cross-desktop policy) can make use of gtk-stock icons ... not of those that are only gnome20:26
dobeyasac: yes, but mac_v is talking about icons that are not gtk-stock icons20:27
asacdobey: right. i am not sure why he started to talk here ;) ... the pre-discussion was about getting a list of icons that are used and have no gtk-stock one ... so we can then poke that list to see if anything of that could go into gtk in the mid term20:28
asacdobey: do you know the policy of what can become stock in gtk?20:29
mac_vasac: i was actually talking to andreasn about this while we were discussing, he said ask dobey , so i thought i'll just get more info about this20:29
asacok. thought things were clear after our discussion.20:30
mac_vasac: yeah... i was trying to ask dobey about how to proceed20:30
mac_vso had to explain the whole problem ;p and confuse him ;)20:31
asacmac_v: you need a list of icons and then talk to me ... thats how we left afaik20:31
mac_vasac: sure , will do :)20:31
asacsee the point is that if you start to poke others it will cause confusion all the time because you probably didnt understand the full problem and the others most likely dont understand the firefox part :)20:31
asacso its unefficient ... of course not trying to tell you what you must or must not do... just tried to guide ;)20:32
asacand avoid duplication of discussion etc.20:32
kenvandineasac, can you sponsor xsplash?20:32
mac_vasac: i had started discussion with andreasn earlier , before you, he got back later , just completed the discussion20:33
asackenvandine: first upload? or update?20:33
kenvandineseb128 was about too... then disappeared :)20:33
kenvandinenew version20:33
kenvandineminor tweak :)20:33
asackenvandine: that probably means that seb is testing it ... he has no always-on irc setup. so reboots kill his session20:33
asacnot seeing him back now might mean that the package isnt ready ;)20:33
kenvandinei hadn't pointed him at it yet20:33
kenvandinedropped off while i was creating tarball and publishing on LP20:33
asacmac_v: ok i see. thanks for clarifying ;)20:33
asacmakes sense then20:34
kenvandineasac, lp:~xsplash-team/xsplash/ubuntu/20:34
asack getting it20:34
kenvandineasac, thx!20:34
asackenvandine: its just one revision ;)20:34
asacdoesnt feel like an update20:34
kenvandinenew version20:35
kenvandinenew tarball20:35
kenvandinetiny change though20:35
kenvandine"it sucks less"20:35
kenvandinefor alpha420:35
kenvandinei also split it into a packaging only branch20:35
asackenvandine: what i mean is: the branch has just one revision ;)20:35
asackenvandine: ah ok.20:35
kenvandinefigured that would make you happier :-p20:35
asacyeah it does20:36
asackenvandine: i like debian/ only branches.20:38
asackenvandine: i am not sure if seb likes them though.20:38
kenvandineasac, i can tell :)20:38
asaci took quite some time to convince him to use bzr ... so that he might want things to be all of the same style ;)20:38
kenvandineasac, if you look at what james_w is doing... someday that will do away with debian only branches :)20:38
asacyou can already do it. but then you still have an upstream branch ;)20:39
asachavent really checked it yet as all my pieces are already in bzr branches and i dont want to trash all that for now20:39
asackenvandine: you do a release for just a one line fix?20:42
asacbesides from that its ok. except that i dont know why you removed the changelog in the initial revision20:43
asackenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251561/20:43
asaclook at the debdiff20:43
asacthats 0.2-0ubuntu1 from archive vs. 0.3...20:43
asackenvandine: i can readd that easily. wanted to do something to the branch too20:44
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - it's the same thing i mentioned yesterday ;)20:44
kenvandineplease do... i will re-add it in the branch20:44
asacand overwrite the core-dev branch20:44
kenvandinechrisccoulson, yeah... :)20:44
asackenvandine: well. either core-dev branch is release branch or something else (as we previously discussed)20:44
asackenvandine: i would suggest that you work against core-dev branch (or we can probably do a ubuntu-desktop branch)20:45
asacbut its your decision20:45
kenvandineasac, yeah.. that is the goal here20:45
kenvandinewhy i split it into a debian only branch20:45
kenvandinebut it wasn't in core-dev yet20:45
asackenvandine: there is a branch in core dev ... i will rename that as ".old" and mark abandoned20:45
asackenvandine: the debdiff suggest that Vcs-Bzr: didnt change20:46
asacso i assume its alrewady there20:46
asaclet me check20:46
kenvandineit wasn't an hour ago20:46
kenvandinebut slangasek just copied it to main20:46
asackenvandine: ok you are right then20:46
asackenvandine: so let me do this and also make the Vcs-Bzr-* headers as we did with the other20:47
kenvandinei will then always base on that branch :)20:47
asackenvandine: anything test worthy there? (feels harmless). did you test it?20:54
kenvandinei tested it20:54
kenvandineit is fine20:54
kenvandineit is just better about hiding the panels20:54
asackenvandine: uploaded and pushed branch20:55
asackenvandine: i added some bzr-builddeb magic there20:55
kenvandineasac, thx!20:58
asacnot really magic. the problem is that the upstream bzr branch doesnt have auto files generated21:00
dobeyasac: so i think the policy of what becomes gtk+ stock is "whatever mclasen decides to put in gtk+"21:00
dobeyasac: i have a quick general packaging question that you might be able to answer though...21:00
asacthx. just ask ;)21:01
* asac should really get into looking at knetworkmanager mess :/21:01
dobeyasac: i am making a new tarball release for alpha4, and one of the packages is a new version, but it doesn't specifically fix any issues filed against the source package... do i need to find some lp bugs to list in the changelog, or is just putting "New upstream release." sufficient in these cases?21:01
asacdobey: the latter. its nice to have bugs closed in changelog (especially if the bug list is short its easy to spot) though.21:02
asacif you spot some bug later you can close them and paste the changelog while closing21:03
dobeyasac: right, ok. thanks!21:03
asacas a rule of thumb using the same time it takes to prepare an update to document it should be the max21:04
asacof course minus long running packaging builds ;)21:04
chrisccoulsonsuperm1 - you don't use gnome-volume-manager at all on mythbuntu do you?21:30
superm1chrisccoulson, no, i dont believe we do anymore21:30
superm1we did at a time21:30
superm1chrisccoulson, it has an rdepends of mythbuntu-live-autostart, but that should probably go now21:30
chrisccoulsoncool. mythbuntu-live-autostart still has the following dependency: thunar | gnome-volume-manager21:30
superm1that tool needs a revamp in general...21:31
chrisccoulsoni was just looking at its rdepends, as g-v-m is a good candidate to be dropped from the archive now21:31
chrisccoulsonit's completely unmaintained and obsolete upstream now, and apparently ubuntu users are still sending bugs to bugzilla for it21:31
superm1if you want to add a mythbuntu-live-autostart task to the bug to request removal from the archive, and subscribe ~mythbuntu, would appreciate it21:31
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll do that. i'll have a quick look at the other rdepends first though, to make sure they can all go21:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - seems g-c-c wants external libslab :-/21:46
seb128vuntz, ^ you broke everything ;-)à21:46
* chrisccoulson goes away to do some hacking21:46
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess there is a new tarball I've no noticed yet which doesn't build due to libslab changes?21:47
seb128just coming back from dinner etc21:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - this is 2.27.521:47
seb128but I've seen vuntz comimiting changes for libslab system build today21:47
seb128vuntz was saying that .5 always use the copy21:47
chrisccoulsondpkg-shlibdeps fails with: "error: couldn't find library libslab.so.0 needed by debian/gnome-control-center/usr/bin/gnome-control-center (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '')"21:48
seb128wait for the new tarball maybe then21:50
seb128chrisccoulson, want to do some other upgrades?21:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do:)21:54
seb128chrisccoulson, http://download.gnome.org/sources/vinagre/2.27/vinagre-2.27.90.tar.gz21:54
seb128or http://download.gnome.org/sources/pygobject/2.19/pygobject-2.19.0.tar.gz21:54
seb128or http://download.gnome.org/sources/vino/2.27/vino-2.27.90.tar.gz21:55
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll take a look at those21:55
seb128just pick one ;-)21:55
seb128or several21:55
chrisccoulsoni'll take vinagre first ;)21:55
asac_seb128: which glib version will we ship?21:56
asac_why does dan williams think we will get 2.24 and we have 2.21? are we lagging or did he mix up versions21:57
seb128asac_, karmic? 2.2221:57
seb128he mixes versions21:57
seb1282.21 is current unstable21:57
asac_ok thats gtk i guess?21:57
seb128gtk is 2.1721:57
seb128we will have 2.1821:57
vuntzseb128, chrisccoulson: hrm, g-c-c should work fine with internal libslab22:05
chrisccoulsonhmmm, not sure why it breaks here :-/22:05
vuntzit's completely broken22:05
vuntzbut it doesn't require an external one22:05
vuntzit should be all fixed in git22:06
seb128vuntz, going to roll a new tarball? ;-)22:06
vuntzand http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591428 is nice too22:06
vuntzseb128: I'm not a g-c-c maintainer22:06
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by Gnome: timed out (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/xml.cgi?id=591428)22:06
chrisccoulsonvuntz - thanks:)22:07
vuntzseb128: and to be honest, I prefer to keep reviewing patches at the moment22:07
chrisccoulsoni'll leave this one for now and concentrate on some other stuff22:07
seb128vuntz, you are right22:07
* seb128 encourages patch review from vuntz22:07
SkiDzmeh, not used mirc in years22:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i have to go and eat some ice cream and then i will look at vinagre:)22:22
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, enjoy!22:22
MDC2vuntz, ping - got time?22:28
vuntzMDC2: a bit busy. If your question is quick, it might work :-)22:46
MDC2vutnz, ehm.. no it isnt :-) it's about libwnck and doing the right thing with workspaces/viewports... so if you don't have time we could take it some other day...22:47
seb128bryce: are r6xx cards supposed to work with 3d in karmic?22:48
vuntzMDC2: ah. Well, the right thing is to finish some very old patch that I have sitting around, not sure where22:48
vuntzMDC2: (I had 2/3 of libwnck converted to a WnckWorkspace object that would hide the virtual desktop/viewports stuff)22:49
MDC2vuntz, sounds like a good thing to do - if you do find - i could help finish22:49
MDC2vuntz, it would solve a lot of bugs in bugzilla...22:50
MDC2vuntz, (also someday when you got time there's quite a few unreviewed patches for libwnck - but hey - no pressure :-) )22:53
vuntzMDC2: yeah, I'm on gnome-panel patches right now. Next round is for libwnck22:54
MDC2vuntz, great! hopefully I will have tile h/v ready by then :)22:55
MDC2vuntz, just have some struts problem at the momen..22:55
MDC2vuntz, if you don't find your patch I could give it a try and create it on my own... (?)22:57
chrisccoulsonvuntz - i tried your bugzilla patch, but it still didn't work22:58
chrisccoulsoni've got it to build with an extra change now though22:59
chrisccoulsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/251617/ seems to build ok with internal libslab now22:59
chrisccoulsonshould try and see if it runs though ;)23:00
vuntzchrisccoulson: did you use g-c-c from git + my patch?23:01
chrisccoulsonvuntz - no, i used 2.27.5 + your patch23:01
vuntzchrisccoulson: so it's useless :-) My patch is for master :-)23:01
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i'll take a look at git then23:01
vuntzchrisccoulson: and your patch is more or less part of what is in git23:02
vuntzMDC2: depends how patient you are, I guess ;-)23:02
vuntzMDC2: if you want to start now, better to start from scratch :-)23:03
chrisccoulsonvuntz - yeah, that makes sense now23:03
MDC2vuntz, something like 70% chances its gone?23:04
MDC2vuntz, thing is I will have quite a lot time the coming days...23:05
MDC2vuntz, but if it's gone - its gone :)23:05
vuntzMDC2: I think I have it here23:07
vuntzgive me 5 minutes23:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - want me to push the 2.27.5 g-c-c version now? it builds ok now, so i'd rather not have to update to a GIT snapshot at the moment, otherwise that means refreshing all the patches again23:08
chrisccoulsonand i only just finished that for 2.27.5 ;)23:09
seb128chrisccoulson, yes please23:09
vuntzseb128: I thought you were a g-c-c maintainer. You could do a tarball ;-)23:09
seb128I could ;-)23:10
kklimondahuh, Is it possible that gnome-settings daemon dies with Assertion like this: http://pastebin.com/d7aad2513 ?23:11
seb128that seems a pulseaudio issue23:11
kklimondait seems to be23:12
seb128but yes if the media key code crash23:12
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - can you trigger the issue reliably?23:12
kklimondaunfortunately no - it seems pretty random - got this twice before in the last 24 hours or so23:13
kklimondachrisccoulson: now I've reproduced it23:14
kklimondachrisccoulson: I've disabled pulseaudio completely (autospawn = no in ~/.pulse/client.conf), killed pulseaudio and tried to change volume using media keys23:14
kklimondayeah, I did it again23:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, it looks like g-s-d is calling a pulseaudio function with an invalid pa_context somewhere - possibly because there is no pulseaudio spawned23:16
seb128not using pulseaudio is not a good idea nowadays23:16
kklimondaseb128: I'm trying to debug another issue :)23:16
vuntzMDC2: mail address?23:16
chrisccoulsoni might take a look at that when i get the chance, but you should report it upstream anyway23:16
seb128kklimonda, thanks for the tomboy update I'm sponsoring it now23:18
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder how many people use libipoddevice :-/23:19
chrisccoulsonit's a rdepend of gnome-volume-manager23:19
vuntzMDC2: you got mail23:19
vuntzMDC2: please don't cry when looking at the patches (I didn't look at them, but I guess they're ugly)23:20
MDC2vutnz, thanks a lot - wont (hopefully) bothering you now for a couple of days :-)23:20
vuntzof course23:20
* vuntz sends another mail, with the patches23:20
MDC2won't cry - will just fix the issues instead :)23:20
seb128chrisccoulson, do we still need gnome-volume-manager somewhere?23:21
* vuntz wonders why mutt doesn't have some magic to detect missing attachments23:21
MDC2vuntz, thanks again!23:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i was looking to remove it, based on some discussion with hggdh and andre klapper earlier23:21
chrisccoulsonbut some stuff still depends on it23:22
chrisccoulsonmost of the depends or trivial it seems, but i'm not sure about this one23:22
seb128"it" being the lib or gnome-volume-manager?23:22
vuntzMDC2: fwiw, the plan is to remove deprecated API during 2.29, so it'd be a good time to break API23:23
vuntzMDC2: if you know of any other things that might break API, we should probably give them some high priority23:24
chrisccoulsonlibipoddevice has a depends on gnome-volume-manager currently, and i'm not sure how much it breaks without that dependency23:24
MDC2vuntz, i'll see what i can found. something that might be good to add (won't break api though) would be the available area that windows can use (struts thingy)...23:25
seb128dobey, if you need files between binaries you need a Replaces23:31
seb128dobey, and having the configuration in the python bindings seem weird23:32
seb128speaking about ubuntuone-client23:32
seb128"if you move files between binaries"23:32
TheMusoseb128: Oh, probably libcanberra-pulse is not seeded. Let me double check that today and I can seed it if its not.23:35
seb128TheMuso, it's not it's in universe23:36
seb128(just the binary but that shows that nothing in main depends on it)23:36
TheMusoRight so it needs to be promoted then.23:38
seb128well the source is in main so it's basically a matter to have a depends on it23:39
seb128or a recommends23:39
seb128ie either in a GNOME package or in the seeds23:39
seb128$ gjs-console examples/gtk.js23:42
seb128gjs-console: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:42
seb128hate libmozjs23:42
asac_stop bitching ;)23:47
asac_seb128: you probably used -rpath again23:48
asac_to link gjs-console ... that would be wrong ;)23:48
seb128asac_, I didn't change anything to this one, the upstream workaround probably broke on new version23:48
asac_seb128: it probably broke on xulrunner update. but because they use --rpath23:48
seb128" -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib/xulrunner-"23:49
seb128(I just rebuilt)23:49
asac__00:49 < asac_> you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner-1.9.1 --gre-version`23:50
asac__00:49 < asac_> for runtime23:50
seb128they have that in their log23:50
asac__00:50 < asac_> we are working on a real solution with upstream23:50
asac__00:50 < asac_> e.g. getting a stable mozjs.so for libdir23:50
asac__00:50 < asac_> i hope that happens this cycle still23:50
asac__that syntax feels odd23:51
seb128it's weird23:51
asac__but if it exists and there is a libmozjs.so inside i wouldnt see a reason why it cant find libmozjs.so23:51
asac__either they dont set it23:51
asac__or i dont know ;)23:51
seb128$ ldd /usr/bin/gjs-console | grep libmozjs23:51
seb128libmozjs.so => not found23:51
seb128libmozjs.so => /usr/lib/xulrunner- (0x00c85000)23:51
seb128why is it listed twice?23:51
asac__thats scary23:52
asac__ELF bustage?23:52
asac__not sure23:52
chrisccoulsonvinagre should be a nice and easy update:)23:52
chrisccoulsoncompared to g-c-c anyway23:52
asac__feels like they used -lmozjs twice with -Wno-as-needed and our dynamic linker is broken23:53
asac__objdump only shows libmozjs.so once23:55
asac__  NEEDED               libmozjs.so23:55
seb128asac__, thanks work once built using --as-needed23:56
asac__not sure why i had the right idea23:56
seb128because you are a smart guy ;-)23:56
seb128still weird bug23:57
asac__yeah. thats a doko thing i guess23:57
asac__also i am not  smart enough to fix this knetworkmanager beast23:57
asac__i think they deserve to have no network23:57
asac__its like putting a networkmanager abstraction in libglib23:57
asac__and then wondering why it never works  ;)23:58
* asac__ builds the complete kdebase now to add a few print outputs for NM :(23:58
* seb128 hugs asac__ for the good work he's doing23:59
asac__also noone on #kde-devel replies to me ;)23:59
asac__even though i was polite23:59
* asac__ hugs seb128 back23:59

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