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lamontso ia32-libs is 560MB of so-called source, and we're ok with that beast?  I mean, I know it's "just temporary until multiarch is done in 2006" and all that, but really...couldn't we break it up even a little?01:08
TheMusolamont: I believe there is a plan to reduce it somewhat. I know for one that pulseaudio and its dependencies will probably have bi-arch packages in the coming months. Not elligant by any means, but better than nothing.01:11
lamontTheMuso: it was more one of we could split it up into ia32-libs-XX for some value of XX01:11
TheMusolamont: right01:20
TheMusolamont: I think cjwatson was working on reducing ia32-libs somewhat, not sure what he has in mind though.01:21
cjwatsonit's certainly not worth splitting it up by any means other than creating individual biarch packages (which I haven't got round to yet, but may well do for pulseaudio). I don't know the current state but slangasek is pretty gung-ho about getting multiarch actually in place for 9.1001:22
TheMusocjwatson: Well if user bug reports re audio/pulse are anything to go by, bi-arch packages for pulseaudio are the best bet if multi-arch doesn't happen.01:23
cjwatsonright, I just didn't get time for a401:24
TheMusoright thats fine.01:24
directhexcjwatson, i think he's off his rocker given i've been watching zero happen on that front since 2004. but hey, let's see!01:35
cjwatsondirecthex: there's a serious design that actually got widespread consensus at debconf (I nearly fell off my chair), and actual code being written01:38
directhexwhatever next, HURD being usable?01:38
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cjwatsonnot to say it isn't still pretty challenging as a target, but it isn't quite the outer-space thing I thought it was going to be when he proposed it for karmic :)01:40
directhexso when's alpha 4 ready? :p01:48
billybigriggerctrl-alt-bkspace works i guess02:26
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TheMusocd ..03:28
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ojwbwhen preparing an upload for a PPA, is there an easy (ideally scriptable) way to tell if the orig source needs to be uploaded?04:51
ojwbit seems I can just always upload it, but that seems a bit wasteful04:52
fabrice_spojwb, for ppa's question, better ask in #launchpad05:10
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dholbachgood morning06:52
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gp_will_be_backis the intel graphic driver issue in jaunty has been fixed ?07:58
gp_will_be_backis the intel graphic driver issue in jaunty has been fixed ? -> is there a patch ?08:57
ogracjwatson, so it looks like rtg built the linux-fsl package with a full set of udebs (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-fsl-imx51/2.6.31-0.2/+build/1157092) do you think i can save my energy and not hack around in debian-cd now ?09:28
ogra(i guess it still requires d-i adjustments)09:29
cjwatsonogra: sure, if they're about the right shape you shouldn't need further hacks09:31
* cjwatson pokes09:32
ogragreat, i'll only change livecd-rootfs then ... once i know for sure how they want to call the new metapackage09:32
cjwatsonyou'll have to make d-i or debian-cd or whatever build from universe too, I'm not really comfortable with putting this in main just yet09:33
cjwatsonthat shouldn't be difficult09:33
ograi guess that requires some tinkering in livecd-rootfs too09:33
cjwatsonhardly major09:33
* ogra goes to look09:33
cjwatsonbinaries accepted09:34
gesercan a buildd admin please give back "bogl", "cheese" (both CHROOTWAIT) and "liblauncher" (Failed to upload). thanks09:34
ograthanks :)09:34
cjwatsongeser: doesn't need a buildd admin, any uploader can give stuff back09:34
* ogra wonders why he gets a Conflicting tags: 0.69 with bzr pull of livecd-rootfs09:35
StevenKI'm not comfortable giving liblauncher back, I don't understand the error Soyuz is throwing09:35
cjwatsoncheese appears to be successfully built everywhere already09:37
cjwatsonI've retried bogl09:37
ogradoes that diff look ok for livecd-rootfs ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/251232/09:47
ograwell, it wont break anything but my own images anyway ....09:50
geserStevenK: liblauncher got promoted to main while the buildd tried to upload the debs, so for soyuz liblauncher was in both universe and main till the next publisher run (as far as I understand it)09:50
* ogra commits and uploads09:50
cjwatsonogra: yes, except temporary -> temporarily09:53
cjwatsonogra: though surely multiverse is overkill ...09:53
ograi just copied the xubuntu line :)09:53
* ogra fixes09:53
dholbach _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   ___10:24
dholbach| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / / |10:24
dholbach| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /| |10:24
dholbach|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| | |_|10:24
dholbach|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_| (_)10:24
dholbach                                                                               10:24
wgrantStevenK: "Duplicated ancestry" really means "I am terribly confused by the override that occurred while the build was doing its thing"10:25
warp10dholbach: :D man, that's awesome! Thank you very much! :)10:25
seb128for those who didn't notice, dholbach is back ;-)10:25
highvoltagewb dholbach :)10:26
dholbachhey highvoltage :)10:26
ograugh, who did give back qt4-x11 on armel10:28
ogramcasadevall, ^^^ was that you ?10:28
ograoh, there was an actual upload, nevermind me then10:29
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StevenKwgrant: So a giveback will clear it?10:51
wgrantStevenK: Yes.10:51
wgrantIn this case the override actually occurred just before the build started, but the key bit is that the publisher didn't run between the override and the build finishing.10:52
wgrantThe publisher has hopefully run in the past three days, so it should be fine now.10:53
YokoZarHey could someone with an ATI card on amd64 do me a quick favor and ldd /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1 (with ia32-libs installed) ?11:35
mdzhas anyone else seen bug 411889 happen?12:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411889 in desktopcouch "package python-desktopcouch (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/pyshared/desktopcouch/__init__.py', which is also in package python-desktopcouch-records" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41188912:14
sladennot, but one should depend on the other if it's enhancing it12:16
sladen(that __init__ file should only be present in python-desktopcouch, not python-desktopcouch-records aswell12:17
YokoZarWho would be the right person to talk to about upload.ubuntu.com -- I want to use sftp rather than anonymous ftp (because dput keeps failing with ftp due to my internet provider, but sftp works) ?12:18
liwYokoZar, is your dput configured to use "passive ftp"?12:24
damo22how do i blacklist a udev module in ubuntu?12:24
damo22i dont want ubuntu to claim my usb printer12:25
wgrantYokoZar: upload.ubuntu.com is Launchpad. But SFTP is a completely different protocol from FTP, and LP uses a custom FTP server, so it's not at all easy to change.12:30
wgrantBut it is intended that the FTP upload mechanism will be replaced soonish, I believe.12:31
MacSlowDoes anybody know this sort of bug with VirtualBox 3.0.4 and recent Karmic -> http://people.canonical.com/~mmueller/VirtualBox-3.0.4_bug.png12:38
MacSlowInitial install went fine12:38
MacSlowUpdating to Guest-Additions worked fine12:39
MacSlowthen updated to the latest packages I got this garbage once gdm starts12:39
MacSlowit's with Karmic using kernel 2.6.31-5-generic12:40
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* cjwatson debugs root-on-iSCSI into existence. Woo12:54
YokoZarliw: dput is at default, the issue is my comcastic internet connection that likes to forge reset packets13:05
cjwatsonsoren: do these tasks look plausible to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/251338/13:43
cjwatsonsoren: hmm, perhaps openssh-server on the node too13:44
sorencjwatson: The node controller shouldn't need a dhcp server.13:45
sorenI must admit, though, that the current packaging seems to suggest otherwise.13:46
sorenNow I'm confused. :)13:46
sorencjwatson: I'll check up on that. It looks odd. Other than that, it looks reaonable.13:48
NgI'm pretty sure dhcp3-server is unnecessary at best on a node controller13:49
cjwatsonsoren: it doesn't actually seem to use it, so seems like a packaging bug13:49
sorenI wonder why a) it ended up there to begin with and b) why noone has complained :)13:50
cjwatsonsoren: eucalyptus-cc needs it though, doesn't it?13:50
sorencjwatson: I believe so.13:50
cjwatsonand it doesn't seem to be listed among its dependencies ...13:50
sorenNo. That's why I'm wondering why noone complained.13:51
cjwatsonI'll bung it into the eucalyptus-simple-cluster task for now then13:51
Nghmm, you could argue it's not a hard dependency though, the default networking mode just needs a dhcp server to be present on your network13:51
sorenNg: The default networking mode in Jaunty, yes.13:51
sorenNg: Karmic will default to MANAGED.13:51
Ngsoren: bold :)13:51
cjwatsonhow about I take it out of the task for now then since we don't have the new euca yet13:52
Laneyanyone fancy looking at the cdbs ftbfs? bug 40986313:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409863 in cdbs "FTBFS: FAIL: recursive.sh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40986313:54
sorencjwatson: Makes sense.13:54
sorencjwatson: At least we're consistent in our buggy dependencies then :)13:55
Ngsoren: hrm, shouldn't -cc depend on bridge-utils too?13:56
sorenNg: I would have thought so, yes.13:56
ScottKcjwatson: I'm looking at updating kubuntu-meta and you've TIL.  It appears you updated it using the Sid deboostrap because I get "/usr/bin/germinate-update-metapackage: Installed debootstrap is older than in the previous version! (1.0.13 < 1.0.15)".  What's the best way to proceed from here?14:13
ScottKImagine I spelled debootstrap correctly in the last line please.14:14
cjwatsonScottK: oh, bah, good catch. I don't want to sync that into Karmic right now for various reasons - how about you just manually edit the debootstrap-version file?14:21
ScottKcjwatson: I can do that, just thought I should check with you first in case there was a reason  not to.14:22
cjwatsonno, it should be ok14:23
cjwatsonin this case anyway14:23
ScottKIt's running.  Thanks again.14:24
ograseb128, gah, you are to fast ... (/me wanted to ask if all of sbalneavs ubuntu fixed went into sabayon before that gets uploaded)15:09
ogra(i didnt see his name mentioned in the changelog, but i know all edubuntu users use his ppa packages nowadays)15:10
seb128not sure if his changes are in the new version I didn't know there was a ppa15:11
ograi know he did the xephyr transition and sent that upstream15:11
ograbut i'm not sure all of his patches are in, i'll ask him to check if i see him around15:11
ograi only follow edu stuff with half an eye nowadays15:12
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ograStevenK, poke, can i ask for de-NEWing linux-meta-fsl-imx51 ?16:27
* ogra assumes StevenK went to bed (which would be valid at nearly 2am :) ) 16:39
ogracould any archive adimn take a look at linux-meta-fsl-imx51 and wave it through the NEW queue ?16:39
* ogra jumps up and down waving his arms to get archive admin attention16:48
amitkno #archive ?16:49
ograi know colin would help immediately if i pinged him directly, but i want the load being shared16:50
hyperairdidn't you just ping him directly?16:53
ograi doubt he highlights on his real name :)16:53
* ogra starts to glow in rotating colors to get some more attention, jumping and waving doesnt seem to help ...16:59
Laneyso ping someone else directly?17:03
highvoltageNot sure if you guys saw this yet:  http://lwn.net/Articles/346400/ (etch and feisty comparison in terms of common packages)17:07
ogra1079 Ubuntu has Vebian bersion with ubuntuXX patch17:10
ografunny typoing :)17:10
ScottKTwo of those updates only make sense if you update clamav to a newer version in Etch, which Debian won't do.17:18
ScottKOddly the analysis misses a bunch of the other clamav rdepends.17:19
ograScottK, you dont feel like taking a look at linux-meta-fsl-imx51 ? (since you made the mistake to speak here *and* are archive admin :) )17:19
ScottKogra: There is specialness about kernel packages that the LP U/I can't handle.17:20
ograit will stay in universe and vanish after alpha17:20
ograoh, its only meta though17:20
ograseb128, you dont happen to have some spare minutes to let linux-meta-fsl-imx51 out of NEW ? (its only a metapackage)17:30
seb128we have a meeting starting right now17:31
* amitk is reminded of Scrat and his acorn from Ice Age when seeing ogra and his linux-meta-fsl-imx51 package :)17:34
ograamitk, well, if nothing helps i'll ping cjwatson but he does so much already that i wanted to put the load on someone else17:35
amitkyou just did :-p17:35
ograthough a meta review is really trivial i think17:35
ograamitk, yes, deliberately :)17:35
ograsince all the other archive admins are busy or not around17:36
slytherinogra: is it usually easy the bug the archive admin who is assigned for the day.17:36
kenvandineslangasek, ping17:37
ograslytherin, meh, i forgot to look at the schedule on the wikipage, thanks for reminding17:38
ograRiddell, poke, can you unleash linux-meta-fsl-imx51 from NEW ?17:38
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slangasekkenvandine: hi17:41
kenvandineslangasek, so can you get xsplash on the desktop seed?17:41
slangasekkenvandine: working on some other critical-path stuff at the moment, but I'll have a look at it later this morning17:42
kenvandineplease do17:42
ograkenvandine, is there artwork already ?17:42
kenvandinepitti had verbally approved it17:42
kenvandineogra, there is better temp artwork17:42
ogra(if i install it do i get the shiny stuff ?)17:42
kenvandineright now it is the default wallpaper17:43
* ogra would love to test it17:43
kenvandinethere are a couple of flickers and gdm needs to start sooner17:43
kenvandineso it isn't the final experience of course17:43
kenvandinebut it is important that we get it on alpha4 :)17:44
ograyeah, i wasnt expecting anything final :)17:44
kenvandinewe really want bug reports, et17:44
slytherinwhat is xsplash?17:45
james_wogra: I don't think there's a need for it to explain the history of linux in debian/copyright given that it's just a metapackage17:45
ccheneyso we still have a splash, no < 3s to gdm? :-\17:45
james_wplus, Vcs-Git is invalid17:45
ograjames_w, i'll tell rtg, the package will vanish after A4 again anyway17:46
ccheneykenvandine: or is the < 3s to gdm still expected once it has moved?17:46
james_wogra: ok, thanks17:46
ograjames_w, no, thanks to you for unleashing it :)17:46
kenvandineccheney, not sure how fast it will be17:46
ccheneykenvandine: ok17:47
ccheneyiirc the plan was to not show splash if gdm came up in ~ 3s17:47
kenvandineslytherin, the new boot experience stuff for karmic17:47
slytherinccheney: isn't 3s overly optmistic?17:47
ograccheney, it is covering the black screen X had by default on startup17:47
kenvandineccheney, well you shouldn't see usplash17:47
kenvandinebut you should see xsplash17:47
slytherinkenvandine: using kms?17:47
* ccheney wasn't at the sprint though so plans might have changed17:47
kenvandinethe idea is xsplash start with gdm and fades out when gdm is completely ready for you to login17:47
kenvandinethen when you login, xsplash raises again until the desktop is completely loaded and fades out17:48
kenvandineso a nice smooth experience17:48
ccheneykenvandine: ah ok, i think that was a change from uds, but sounds more realistic anyway :)17:48
kenvandineit is a change17:48
slytherinahh ,good17:48
slytherini thought it was something like plymouth17:48
kenvandineno... no point17:49
kenvandineour boot will be so fast :)17:49
ogramy laptop still takes 25sec17:49
superm1kenvandine, so usplash remains seeded/installed right?17:49
kenvandineogra, mine too... but people have great goals17:50
superm1will it actually show up before xsplash takes over, or is the intention to not even run usplash when xsplash is available to be used?17:50
ograkenvandine, well, for me modprobe hangs in a 10sec loop, i doubt that will be fixed (hw doesnt respond) so i'll always have +10sec17:51
kenvandinesuperm1, you shouldn't see usplash at all17:51
kenvandineunless it fails to start X or something17:51
kenvandinebasically usplash should only be seen if something is wrong :)17:51
kenvandineright now you will still see usplash17:52
superm1kenvandine, ah okay17:52
kenvandineuntil gdm gets moved to the beginning of the boot sequence17:52
kenvandinethat will happen post alpha417:52
kenvandineit is incremental :)17:52
kenvandinewe just want to get it out there now so we can get bug reports, etc17:52
ograjames_w, can i get a binary NEW as well from you ? (yes it already built :) )17:53
james_wogra: for main?17:55
ograno, universe17:55
ograthat package will never enter main17:55
ograit is only temporary for A417:56
ogra(we build the arm image from universe atm)17:56
ograthe arm kernel naming is still being discussed, its likely to change right after A417:57
* slytherin wonders if any archive admin can review jmeter (arch all).17:58
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slangasekogra: eh, why are the kernel names changing again18:07
ograslangasek, bug 41196818:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411968 in linux-fsl-imx51 "Please rename babbage to imx51, just like in jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41196818:08
ograslangasek, in our (mobile team) opinion the naming is wrong, but we postponed the discussion until after A4 to get the image out for now18:09
slangasekI had already spoken to rtg about that last week, and he says the hardware that worked with the jaunty kernel doesn't work with the karmic kernel and vice versa18:10
slangasekso there would be no reason to provide a direct upgrade path18:10
ograthats not true18:10
ograthats not true either18:10
slangasekthen I suppose you should make that clear to rtg in the bug18:10
ograthe HW that worked in jaunty will go on working18:10
ograplus there will be two more iterations of the SoC that will work with it18:10
ograand we would like to have the ability to add two additional ones the oem team cares for later (karmic+1 probably)18:11
ograso the SoC name should be the name of the image/metapackage as it was in jaunty18:12
ograbut we'll discuss that *after* A4 as i said18:12
crimsunkklimonda: see my audio-fixes branch ubuntu-karmic.git branch if you want to test-compile18:20
crimsunwow, completely screwed that one18:20
loolslangasek: I noted that in the bug report18:30
loolslangasek: IMO it's wrong to name the kernel flavour after the board instead of the soc because we might want to support multiple boards with the same kernel flavour; I also believe that Babbage 1 (supported in jaunty) will work in karmic albeit I don't think that's a hard requirement -- the bootloaders are incompatible though18:32
ograwell, we already have one bootloader that clearly supports 2 boards ... so you never know :)18:32
ogra(babbage 2.0 and 2.5)18:32
loologra: But we know for sure b1 and b2.x bootloaders are incompatible just like lange versus babbage bootloaders18:37
loolSo I _do_ know18:38
ograbut who knows, b3 might use the same as b2 and 2.518:38
loolYeah but b1 wont18:38
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directhex f-spot ( unstable; urgency=low19:49
seb128directhex, right was uploaded to karmic before as a fake sync19:53
directhexit was? :o19:55
sebnerdirecthex: f-spot ( karmic; urgency=low19:57
sebnerdirecthex: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-spot ;)19:57
seb128directhex, I did sync the new mono too today19:58
sebnerseb128: still archive admin? then sync cli-common too please, directhex didn't need a main ACK, I got one :P19:59
seb128sebner, bug number?19:59
sebnerseb128: 41074420:00
sebnerseb128: bug #41074420:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410744 in cli-common "Please sync cli-common 0.7 from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41074420:00
seb128sebner, done20:03
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sebnerseb128: my hero \o/, thanks :)20:04
seb128you're welcome20:04
directhexyay for seb12820:05
directhexseb128, barring bugs, i think that should be it for mono in karmic... although i'm leaning on meebey to make a small change which should save us 200k20:06
seb128directhex, sebner: could one of you look if gnome-desktop-sharp2 can be synced?20:07
seb128the diff seems to be non ubuntu specific20:07
seb128ie could be fixed in debian now20:07
slangasekogra: so why is arm being built from universe?  that's not a good thing, and I don't think we should be propagating that further by putting the kernels in the wrong place20:28
slangasekkenvandine: should xsplash replace usplash in the platform desktop-common seed, or is there a reason this needs to be Ubuntu-only right now?20:30
kenvandineslangasek, it doesn't replace20:30
kenvandineit is desktop specific though, needs X and gdm20:30
kenvandineif all is good you won't see usplash20:30
kenvandinebut we want usplash to be there if something goes wrong20:30
slangasekusplash is only in the desktop-common seed, that already implies X (but doesn't imply gdm in the case of kubuntu)20:31
slangasekalright, seeded & promoted20:31
kenvandinethanks slangasek!20:32
slangaseknow I just need to get eglibc vetted, and we can start building us some ISOs20:32
ScottKmcasadevall: Can you look at dbus on ia64?  Looks like a missing include to me, but I've got no way to test.21:21
mcasadevallScottK, *groan* that's a linker error21:23
mcasadevallScottK, I'll put it on my TODO list, but it probably won't get looked at until post-A421:23
ScottKmcasadevall: That's fine.21:24
mcasadevallScottK, anyway, its possible qt4-x11/lzma weirdness might be fixed21:24
ScottKmcasadevall: Excellent.  With the one that's building right now perhaps?21:24
mcasadevallScottK, that's our test21:24
ScottKerr .... was last I looked.21:24
mcasadevallScottK, its still going21:25
mcasadevallNo idea if it will finish or not21:25
mcasadevallScottK, if it works, woo, if not, then common sense has been let go on this bug21:26
infinitymcasadevall: qt4-x11 seems to have finished successfully, BTW.22:22
billisniceI have a request?22:25
billisniceWhen you are updating and it say to run  sudo dpkg --configure     Have the update manager run it automatically without telling you to...22:26
billisnicesudo dpkg --configure -a22:28
docelicHey folks, any idea why "passwd/make-user= false" question during preseed would be ignored? It's delivered in the http preseed file, but the system still asks to create the user (name, username, password etc..)22:48
cjwatsondocelic: you'll have to create a root user; user-setup won't allow you to install with no user at all22:51
cjwatsonso 'd-i passwd/root-login boolean true' 'd-i passwd/root-password password blah' 'd-i passwd/root-password-again password blah'22:52
cjwatson(or passwd/root-password-crypted. see the guide)22:52
docelicah! many thanks, root-login was the thing I missed22:53
docelicalso, the example-preseed.txt file (in the docs from 9.04) has a mistake in one field, let me tell you which one22:54
docelicQuestion clock-setup/ntp-server22:55
docelicthe third field (type = string) is missing22:55
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: main frozen for alpha-4, DebianImportFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
cjwatsondocelic: thanks; that was fixed a little while back in Debian and is fixed in Karmic, although unfortunately we overlooked the fix for 9.0423:08
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crimsunjust as a sanity-check, karmic won't update to automake 1.11, will it?  pulseaudio git now requires 1.11.23:18
slangasekdidrocks: are there source changes needed to gir-repository to transition it to clutter-gtk 0.10?23:19
cjwatsonlast I checked we were waiting for http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=512704 to be fixed23:19
ubottuDebian bug 512704 in automake "automake: New upstream version available" [Wishlist,Open]23:19
cjwatsonrather than doing it ourselves23:19
mcasadevallinfinity, !\o/!23:20
crimsuncjwatson: thanks23:23
slangasekStevenK: gir-repository was recently MIRed, it build-depends on goocanvas which hasn't been; is that something that should be done, or is gir-repository sufficiently "temporary" that we should be getting rid of it, instead?23:31
tkamppetersuperm1: hi23:32
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seb128slangasek, gir-repository is not really "temporary" enough23:35
seb128ie it will not be solved this cycle23:35
slangasekso there's a bunch of MIRs which would be needed for its build-deps, then23:35
seb128that's a collection of things that each library should build23:35
slangasek(clutter-cairo, goocanvas, ...)23:35
seb128but since upstream didn't start on this move yet ...23:35
seb128the whole gir-repository thing sucks23:37
slangasekyes, I can tell by looking at it :)23:38
seb128it's just a workaround to have gir working without doing thing properly23:38
seb128ie it's fine for early testing etc but things should be move to proper libs23:39
StevenKBut should we promote goocanvas.23:45
StevenKI guess promoting it for completeness would be nice, and if we need to actually rebuild/sync gir, but ...23:46
TheMusoCould someone possibly get the latest binaries for linux-rt out of new? They've been there for a few days, and are needed for the next studio alpha.23:52
maxbA mostly trivial merge of Subversion 1.6.3 (we currently have 1.6.1) from Debian is currently blocked owing to Debian's version now pulling in Serf as a builddep and hence requiring a new MIR. Serf is an optional builddep for Subversion which Debian just happened to enable now. There are important bugfixes in Subversion 1.6.3. Given the proximity of FeatureFreeze, would it be sensible for me to prepare an adjusted merge that drops the Serf23:53
maxb builddep?23:53
lifelessmaxb: 'yes'23:58

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