
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== orangeac1e is now known as orangeacme
agussmanIn this post http://tinyurl.com/n3l9jz they reference an ALestic start up script that's used to fetch user data from Amazon.  Anyone know which startup script does that?17:59
rick_h_agussman: I've seen some references to it like here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ec2/2009-April/001020.html18:01
rick_h_I've not tested it, but seems there's something added to the default image init.d to pull it18:02
rick_h_I tend to just scp a .sh script after the instance is up18:02
agussmanrick_h_:thanks for the info, i'll check it oout18:04
erichammondagussman: http://ec2-run-user-data.notlong.com18:07
erichammondagussman: This is the startup script used to run the user-data in the images on http://alestic.com18:07
erichammondAnd that is an article which describes its use.18:08
agussmanerichammond: thanks for the info!  Where does the ec2-run-user-data on the image?18:14
erichammondagussman: /etc/init.d/ with appropriate links from /etc/rc?.d/18:15
erichammondThe Ubuntu images built by Canonical have a similar startup script.18:15
agussmanHmm... I'm not seeing it in /etc/init.d.  Is it called ec2-run-user-data?18:16
erichammondWhat AMI id are you running?18:17
agussmanIt was an AMI that I downloaded and am running locally as a Xen filesystem image18:18
agussmanwell, not running locally, I'm running it under Nimbus, but I don't think that matters18:18
agussmanIt's based off of the Aug3rd or Aug4th AMI for 9.04, 32bit18:19
erichammondIf you're using an AMI built by Canonical, the startup scripts were completely rewritten and have different names and locations.18:23
erichammondStart in /etc/init.d/ec2-init18:23
agussmanerichammond: Thanks, I found it.  It was where you said it was originally, I didn't realize I was logged into the wrong machine :/18:27

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