
shtylmancjwatson: gotta love the windows mbr virus :)02:02
shtylmanI love your responses02:02
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r21 ubuntu/ (COPYING debian/changelog): Add COPYING file, requested by Loïc Minier.13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r22 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/iscsi): Record the target portal group tag for each target.13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r23 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog finish.d/iscsi_settings):13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: If / is on iSCSI, configure /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs appropriately13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: and, as a hacky workaround, set the default interface to "manual" in13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: /etc/network/interfaces (LP: #237460).13:11
CIA-33partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r24 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 213:12
CIA-33debian-installer: cjwatson * r1127 ubuntu/debian/changelog: No-change rebuild to pick up new components for Alpha 4.13:15
CIA-33debian-installer: cjwatson * r1128 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu5113:18
CIA-33tasksel: cjwatson * r1418 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Add eucalyptus-simple-cluster and eucalyptus-node tasks.14:07
CIA-33tasksel: cjwatson * r1419 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.73ubuntu2014:08
StevenKevand: How can I debug why Wubi doesn't work? If I select Ubuntu Netbook Remix in the environment, the "Install" button is a no-op.14:13
StevenKevand: And should python26.dll be provided alongside usb-creator.exe?14:15
StevenKevand: Interestingly, kubuntu-netbook doesn't work either.14:16
cjwatsonmterry: you want the karma for marking https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/merge-oem-config implemented? I made you assignee so that youcan14:42
cjwatsonyou can14:42
mterrycjwatson, done.  Thanks, didn't know there was a separate spec, thought it came from the OEM-requested-features spec14:44
rgreeningevand: how goes16:01
evandrgreening: hi16:01
rgreeningany luck with devicekit backend for usb-creator evand16:02
evandrgreening: mostly working, the code is in ~usb-creator-hackers/usb-creator/cleanup16:03
rgreeningit will be awesome to get rid of the hal backend once and for all evand16:03
evandI've tried to bring the kde frontend up to speed with changes as I went, but it may need more attention16:03
rgreeningevand: well, when you are finished the back-end, I can take a look at the kde front-end again.16:04
rgreeningI'll wait until you stabilize :)16:04
evandhaha, fair enough :)16:04
rgreeningshtylman: how goes the ubiquity fro Kubuntu?16:05
rgreeningevand: ^ any idea on the status of ubiquity for Kubuntu?16:05
evandrgreening: shtylman has been merging his changes in16:06
evandlooks good so far16:06
rgreeningIt's nice to see Kubuntu trying to maintain feature parity16:06
evandsuperm1: if memory serves, did an upload the other day, so it should be on the daily-live cds16:06
superm1my upload was before mterry's time zone stuff tho16:07
superm1is that stuff ready for consumption right now actually? I'd like to do one more upload for the other few bug fixes I threw in there if possible16:08
mterrysuperm1, asking me if timezone is ready?16:08
superm1mterry, do you have any other bits that needed to be merged for it? or is it ready to be used as it stands?16:08
mterrysuperm1, ready as it stands.  kde side isn't done, but that will come, probably post alpha5...16:09
superm1if no other objections then, i'll get an upload together with that and my other few fixes16:10
evandnone here16:10
CIA-33ubiquity: superm1 * r3356 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):16:13
CIA-33ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: grub-installer16:13
CIA-33ubiquity: 1.40ubuntu2, hw-detect 1.72ubuntu3.16:13
CIA-33ubiquity: superm1 * r3357 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing 1.99.516:14
cody-somervilleI have "db_set partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select biggest_free" in a partman init.d script but partman insists on partitioning the entire disk. Any clues why?16:24
cjwatsonyou have partman-auto/disk set too, at a guess16:27
cjwatsonactually it's fine to do that. You probably also have partman-auto/method set though16:28
cody-somervillecjwatson, I actually just tried doing db_reset partman-auto/disk before db_set partman-auto/init_au...16:29
cody-somervilleand no change16:29
cody-somervillebut I do have partman-auto/method set16:29
cjwatsonright, forget I mentioned partman-auto/disk16:29
cjwatsondelete partman-auto/method from your preseed file16:29
cody-somervillecjwatson, can I do db_reset ?16:29
cody-somervilledoes that do what I think it does?16:29
cjwatsonI guess, but personally I'd just restart the whole thing with a fresh file to avoid confusion.16:29
cjwatsonpartman-auto/method + partman-auto/disk means "whole disk" and bypasses partman-auto/init_automatically_partition.16:30
cody-somervilleah, interesting. Okay. thanks! :)16:30
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davmor2cjwatson: installer is failing on netbook remix I'll have a look at it latter go to go out now19:00
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