
ubot4In #ubuntu-ph, zakame said: ubot4: lolwut is http://www.lolwut.com04:38
toothdecayHi all. I was just wondering as to how I would retrieve a forgotten nickserv password?04:52
naliothtoothdecay: usually, one joins #freenode and asks, but watch your email04:54
naliothUbuntu has nothing to do with network operations04:55
toothdecaynalioth, yes sorry about that :) thanks for the reply, I'll try there now04:55
toothdecaynalioth, thanks! ;)04:57
Ddordawhen will be the next ubuntu members team meeting?10:28
Myrttidepends on if you're after the motu track or the loco track10:28
Myrttino, hold on10:29
Myrttiread wrong, nevermind10:29
Myrttiexactly what are you after?10:29
Ddordai want to join this team, and i'm wonder when will the next meeting is going to be10:30
Myrttiso you want to be a ubuntu member?10:30
Myrttiand you've applied through the motu or through the loco track?10:30
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember10:31
Ddordaoh.. nice :D10:31
Ddordait says that the next meeting is on the 4th August.. how odd10:33
Ddorda"August 4th 2009"10:33
MyrttiDdorda: but which method of application have you done?10:33
Myrttibecause there are several meetings10:34
Myrttidepending on the method10:34
MyrttiDdorda: I don't see your name on the list...?10:34
Ddordai didn't register yet.. not sure if i should as i don't kniw when will the next meeting is going to be10:35
Myrttiif you're not available for the next meeting, your application is moved to the next, or you can apply on some other regional board given you've got a strong wikipage10:36
nikohi erUSUL12:15
nikowhat's up12:15
erUSULhi; good morning there (or afternoon).12:20
erUSULwell we have been with bad weather all summer but these days i can go to the beach a few hours at least so not bad12:21
DJonesDoes anybody know if there's a specific irc channel for the ubuntu remix version?15:28
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:29
erUSULDJones: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat <<<< there is a list of channels here15:29
bazhangkubuntu has a devel channel; perhaps /msg alis list *remix*15:29
DJoneserUSUL: Yes, just been looking at that, couldn't see a #ubuntu-remix on the list, i'll bazhang suggestion15:30
bazhangor *netbook*15:30
DJonesnetbook seems to be specific to kubuntu from the list15:31
bazhangyeah, and only devel, ie support in #kubuntu15:32
DJonesjust had a user in -uk who'd found a corrupt file in his iso and wanted to know where he could report it, i'd pointed them at launchpad and bugs to start with, just got me wondering if tehre was a specific remix channel as well15:32
DJonescould have pointed them at -bugs i suppose15:32
DJonesor -iso15:33
bazhangoh right. I saw him too.15:35
bazhangsuspected it was a corrupt dl though15:35
bazhangthe unr is an .img at any rate, iirc15:35
DJonesi think somebody mentioned that a .iso was released a couple of days ago, i remember somebody wanting to set up a usb key using it15:36
bazhangthere is a imagewriter PPA .deb for dl; never heard of an iso though15:37
DJoneslooks like its a karmic iso, that must have been what i'd read15:38
bazhangah right, I was thinking jaunty :)15:39
DJonesI was thinking jaunty, but obviously not, my mistake with that15:40
bazhangalpha 3 iso with problems? whodathunk :)15:40
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jpdsDJones: That would be #ubuntu-mobile19:36
DJonesjpds: Thanks i'll remember that for the future19:43
=== CptThomas is now known as tenach

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