
Q-FUNKogasawara: is there any new kernel for me to test on this Geode LX? :)00:55
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: building it right now00:56
Q-FUNKah, ok :)00:56
Q-FUNKI would give it a spin before going to bed00:56
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: sorry for the delay.  I'll post a link in the bug when it's ready00:56
Q-FUNKalright :)00:56
Q-FUNKogasawara: I dunno if this is relevant but, just for the heck, I tried using kernel-package on a 2.6.30 tarball with the 2.6.31-rc5 patch and that LKML guy's config and it failed to build on Karmic.  GCC kept on complaining about truncated files during build.01:05
Q-FUNKit built fine using the GCC on Jaunty, though.01:06
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* ogra scratches head, so why are all udebs built for linux-fsl ?09:15
ograi thought tim disabled them09:16
apwogra i thought there was much upset that they were missing11:00
apwi think they got reenabled cause cjwatson kindly fixed up kernel-wedge to make getting them to work possible in one lifetime11:00
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ograapw, yeah, it helps a lot, else i would have had to hack around it in the builder scripts, now i'm only missing meta and am done :)11:10
apwi assume that'll be a simple one11:10
apwnow that the names are acceptable11:10
apwi assume the kernel works?11:10
ograhavent tested yet11:13
ograi'll do so after i rolled a rootfs/bootloader for amitk 11:13
apwtoo late to change it a assume now anyhow?11:14
ograwell, its broken anyway11:22
ograno USB and no NIC 11:23
ograbut it should boot11:23
ograas long as it does that i'm happy11:23
apwits probabally to late to do anything about it even if it doesn't boot11:40
apwi assume the archive is basically frozen from today?11:40
ogralater today, yes11:41
ograbut our kernel is in universe ;)11:41
ograi hacked up the builder scripts, so freeze doesnt affect us ;)11:41
ograwe could upload changes until last minute if needed11:41
ograbut i'm confident it boots, its amits config which i tested already and i dont belive the packaging trashed anything11:42
amitkthe lange boards don't have ethernet :/12:00
* amitk looks for usb-ethernet adapters12:00
amitkapw: did unison work for you?12:01
apwamitk, yeah did thank you, only used it for a small shared directory syncing back the accumulated sprint delta to it,but it seemed to work for me12:02
apwi'll need a bit more time to work out how i want to use it in my existing framework, but its looking useful12:02
Q-FUNKogasawara: seems that we found our winner :)12:05
amitkapw: I have a .AMIT dir in $HOME. I move all my configs into that dir and symlink it from $HOME. e.g. .muttrc, .xemacs, etc. Then I sync .AMIT to all my machines.12:07
amitkugly hack, but works.12:07
apwyeah i have something similar going on in general12:07
apwjust the sync was mostly one sided there, and this makes it more bi directionally capable12:08
ograamitk, did the redboot work for you ? 12:10
ogragood to know 12:12
ograi was told the lange requires a different redboot12:12
ograbut lool was wrong (or wrongly informed) then12:12
apwit may be documented to require a different one 12:12
ograyes, though it might differ between lange 5.1 and 5.2 12:13
ograit gets funnier if you think about the fact that 5.1 is newer than 5.2 :)12:19
loologra: Hardware might not work if you're not using Lange's redboot with Lange boards12:22
ogralool, ah, well, i think the 5.2 is still close enough to the babbage to work with TO212:23
loolIt might mostly work12:23
ogra5.1 had more changes afaik12:23
lool5.1 and 5.2 share the same lange52 tree in the sources we got12:23
ograas long as it gets the kernel to run it should be fine12:23
ogranot in redboot12:24
loolIn RedBoot too12:24
ograthe redboot i have seen had two binary trees 12:24
ogranot sure how much they differ though12:24
loolYeah one for lange31 and the other for lange 5.x named lange5212:24
* ogra admits he didnt look very close12:24
loolOk don't state that I was wrong then12:26
lool(Sorry but it's a bit annoying)12:26
loolamitk: Lange 5.1 does have Ethernet on the board but it's wired over the USB bus12:27
looli.e. it's an USB Ethernet adpater soldered on the board12:27
ograhe only has 5.212:27
ograand no babbage anymore12:28
ogra5.2 only has wireless and no driver 12:28
amitkyeah, it is a PITA to develop one since I can't get my kernel over http12:30
ograthats why i set up the rootfs to be able to use flash-kernel12:31
amitktrue, but it requires me to build .debs I guess.12:31
amitkjust copy it to /boot and  run flash-kernel, then?12:32
ograjust cp your zImage over the /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-0-babbage12:32
ograthen run flash-kernel and reboot12:32
ograi forgot to install linux-firmware, you might need that if you want to use a usb NIC12:32
loologra: I was responding to the comment that "< amitk> the lange boards don't have ethernet :/"12:33
ogralool, yeah, i know12:33
loolamitk: You might want to script some fis based script to update your SD card and take it out to write the kernel12:34
lool(In case your kernel doesn't boot and you can't run flash-kernel)12:34
loolThat's shorter than serial port pushes12:35
loolamitk: These are old notes I have to do that by hand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251307/12:35
ograamitk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/251308/12:35
loolYou need the redboot-tools package for the fis command12:36
ograthats what i use with the same setup i gave you12:36
ografrom my laptop12:36
loolamitk: You don't need the padding12:36
ogrartg, my babbage images will build from universe, that should give us some extra hours for the meta (we can slip the freeze a bit)14:31
rtgbjf, you probably ought to update the meeting page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting14:31
rtgogra, I'll get the fsl meta package done today14:32
rtgI live to serve14:33
bjfrtg, done, I just had the date of the next meeting hosed, the rest of the info is up to date14:38
rtgbjf, 'tanks14:38
loolrtg: Hey Marvell currently pushed kernel trees to kernel.u.c; do you think it would be an issue if they pushed u-boot as well?14:43
rtglool, we've plenty of disk. 14:44
loolOk thanks14:44
rtglool, in general, anything they push should be gplv2. other then that I don't much care.14:45
loolrtg: I'm not sure it's GPL *v2*14:45
rtglool, its some open source license, right?14:45
loolI rather suspect it's a mixture of GPL versions and perhaps LGPL along; but it's as opensource as u-boot is14:45
loolIt is14:45
mjg59A mix of GPL and LGPL is GPL14:46
loolmjg59: A mix of GPL and LGPL is a mix of GPL and LGPL  :)14:46
loolYou might mean the binaries are effectively GPL14:46
mjg59No, I mean the work is GPL. Sections of it may have additional permissions.14:46
ogrartg, btw, i changed the buildscripts already to use linux-babbage, if you pick any other binary name for meta, please let me know before the freeze is in effect (that has to go to min)14:48
rtgogra, in fact, I was just researching that. 14:49
ograwell, if you use another name, tell me what it will be, livecd-rootfs needs to know the name of the binary for building14:49
rtgogra, what about updates from Jaunty? the previous meta package binary was linux-image-imx51, etc.14:50
ograyou will need to add conflicts and replaces line in your new control file for the old names14:50
loolrtg: I personally have objections to the fsl-imx51/babbage names but I think we should fix that post a414:51
rtglool, ogra: well, I'm doing the meta package right now. I might as well choose the names that you guys want.14:51
loolrtg: I'd rather we change the linux image name back to imx51 after a4, but because that was already uploaded and we're in a hurry, it's best to defer to post a4 I think14:51
loolrtg: The linux-image names are incorrect; I prefer if both match at all times and we'll fix it after A414:52
ogrartg, well linux-imx51 would indeed be best and cause least hassle14:52
loolI mean the ABI versionned names14:52
loolI'm not sure it's a good idea to go for a mismatch at this point14:52
ogralool, lets not confuse this conversation to much, its currently only about meta 14:52
loolWe might not be seeing the consequences if the ABI versionned name and the meta name dont match14:53
ograbecause meta will go in the archive now, while the actual binaries are in already14:53
rtgok, but I'm getting different input from amitk. How about you guys get together and decide on the final names? In the meantime I'll just name the meta packages *imx51*14:53
loolamitk: What's your input?14:53
ograok, i'll change livecd-rootfs back 14:53
loologra: ?14:54
rtgogra, just wait until you actually see what gets produced.14:54
ogrartg, i need to do it before freeze 14:54
loologra: You dont know what the name will be; just leave it alone until you do?14:54
ograit affects other arches if i make a typo or something, livecd-rootfs is used by all live images across the board (and in main)14:54
rtgogra, then tell me the exact package names upon which your livecd build depends.14:55
loolIt does not affect other arches if your build fails14:55
ogralool, i had to add universe today already14:55
amitklool: send me an email in writing that all imx51 flavours will run on a single kernel and I'll agree to your proposal. IMHO, the distro should only concentrate on the dev boards, not OEM ones.14:55
loolBut it does if you do a syntax error yes14:55
loolamitk: Ok14:55
ogralool, so i changed to what the description of the linux image package says (linux-babbage) with a note that i will change back to what it actually will be14:55
loolamitk: I think the way you present it makes it highly political instead of being simpl technical but I have no problem in putting my views in an email14:56
ograi just dont want to change livecd-rootfs after the freeze14:56
amitklool: it _is_ political. Someone is going to come in a few months wanting to enable an OEM board that doesn't work off the same binary.14:57
amitkthen we do the naming dance again.14:57
rtgamitk, how can all imx51 flavours run from one kernel? We've already got 2 ARM kernel trees.14:57
rtgaren't they both imx51 variants?14:58
amitkrtg: you are confusing single SoC, multiple boards vs. a branch for each SoC. I think.14:58
amitkin theory, multiple boards _can_ run from a single kernel binary. If the code is written such.14:58
rtgamitk, you are right in that I'm confused :)14:59
ogrartg, currently all babbage boards run from the imx51 tree ... we would like to add support for lange as well as its the same arch effectively 14:59
rtgwhere does dove fit into that mess?14:59
ograthe current naming scheme would men to have a -babbage flavour and a -lange flavour14:59
amitkrtg: dove == separate SoC from marvell14:59
ogradove is a different thing14:59
rtgits not imx51 compatible?15:00
amitkogra: or a -lange flavour aliases to -babbage if that is possible.15:00
ograhaving a -babbage and a -lange flavour would effectively enforce us to build two images for each of them (rootf images i mean)15:00
ograhaving simply a binary that supports all of imx51 would not cause such probs 15:01
ograand currently it doesnt look like we would actually need any -lange flavour at all, the patches all apply to the imx51 tree without touching babbage stuff afaik15:01
ograhaving that two name setup effectively binds the double amount of ressources, costs the double space for images and twice the amount of maintenance15:02
amitkrtg: please don't get distracted by this naming issue for A4. This conversation should _really_ have been brought up after A4.15:02
ograit's nothing to have now, binary kernels are up now and wont change atm15:03
rtgamitk, ogra: ok, I'm gonna email the meta naming convention so that you have it in writing.15:03
loolamitk: There you go15:04
loolamitk: I agree this should all be post A415:04
levonsheHi guys, sorry to interrupt your discusssin, just simple question -  Please explain why ubuntu kernel ftp site lists separate mdules, like virtio-modules-2.6.31-5-generic-di_2.6.31-5.24_i386.udeb . I thought these modules should be a product of kernel compilation?  15:04
loolamitk: Do you agree we should just use babbage in meta as well now for a$?15:04
* ogra doesnt care as long as he gets told the right name :)15:05
amitklool: agreed. It will be easier to rename everything if we decide to.15:05
ogrartg, so call it linux-babbage for now and we'll adjust post A415:06
ogrartg, and dont care about upgrade paths for now, its only important that we have solved that for final, A4 is only first shot 15:07
rtgogra, email sent15:12
ogrartg, agreed for A4 ...15:13
rtgogra, cool. when you want the names changed post A4 please start an LP bug so that we're all reading the same page.15:14
ograyeah, good idea15:14
ogralool, mind to file it since you are the driving power here ? 15:14
rtgogra, lool: make sure you assign it to me lest I not see it in the blizzard of bug reports.15:15
ograindeed :)15:15
loolSorry I'm in a call15:16
loolFile a bug on the renaming?15:16
loolSure can do15:16
ogragreat, thanks15:16
* ogra would do it but you have the best arguments :)15:16
apwlevonshe, those .udeb files are the result of kernel compilation15:19
loolrtg: What's the package name for meta?15:20
ogralevonshe, they are not used in normal systems though15:20
loolrtg: I mean same meta?15:20
ogralool, linux-babbage says the mail15:20
ubot3Malone bug 411968 in linux-fsl-imx51 "Please rename babbage to imx51, just like in jaunty" [Undecided,New] 15:20
ogralool, meta isnt uploaded yet15:20
loologra: I mean the source15:20
rtgapw, re: bug #350789. I though we fixed it?15:25
ubot3Malone bug 350789 in linux "AppArmor Debug: Hook being called from interrupt context" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35078915:25
jjohansenrtg: we did15:26
apwyeah its only on our lists cause its in an odd state15:26
jjohansenrtg: status is updated15:26
apwjjohansen, ta15:27
apwjjohansen, is the fix applicable to Karmic, or already applied there?15:27
jjohansenapw: already applied15:27
apwand released?15:27
jjohansenapw: yeah, it actually has a slightly alternate fix in it from the start15:28
apwso its already uploaded in karmic?  then the linux(ubuntu) task should be Fix Released15:28
jjohansenah okay15:28
apwand i don't think it can be assigned to a jaunty milestone15:29
Q-FUNKTheMuso: it appears that those changes in alsa-utils and pulseaudio to rely upon udev features have bombed majorly.  how can we fix them?15:32
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rtgogra, linux-meta-fsl-imx51 uploaded. perhaps you could annoy the various mobile team archive admins in order to get this package processed through NEW ? I'm off onto the next big thing...16:26
ograwill do, i'll yank your chain if it fails to build though ;)16:26
rtgogra, I would expect no less.16:27
bjf>> Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:59
=== pgraner changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: "Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ || Karmic Kernel Version: 2.6.31 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tuesday, 11 August - 17:00 UTC"
ogrartg, james_w had some complaints aout meta but left it through17:48
ogra<james_w> ogra: I don't think there's a need for it to explain the history of linux in debian/copyright given that it's just a metapackage17:48
ogra<james_w> plus, Vcs-Git is invalid17:48
ogra(for the next round :) )17:48
rtgogra, what's wrong with 'Vcs-Git: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-karmic-meta.git fsl-imx51' ?17:49
ograno idea, i havent complained17:50
apwrtg, i've got a couple of karmic updates dropping stuff from ubuntu as per discussions at sprint... is the tree up to date?17:50
rtgapw, nail it17:51
rtgapw, and while you're at it, make sure I haven't wrecked anything. there are a few packaging changes17:52
apwwill do ... i'll be uploading it to my preview ppa so that'll be a good test17:53
rtgogra, the copyright does seem a bit over the top, but then its been there since Feisty AFAIK17:53
ograwell, lets ask james for the actual final meta, i dont think we need to care for that one at all17:54
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apwrtg ok i've just uploaded karmic tip to my daily PPA18:42
apwwe'll know shortly if its all spagetti18:43
rtgapw, well, I _did_ build it here before I pushed :)18:46
macoiwlagn is currently using 101% of CPU on my system. this has to be bug.  have any of you run into it?18:50
rtgmaco, seems like a lot. have you contacted anyone on the wireless mailing list?18:52
macono, id thought it stopped. i dont think it was doing it with -3 but its there in -5 again18:53
rtgsconklin, I'll see your comment, and raise you by one. https://launchpad.net/bugs/41203918:53
ubot3Malone bug 412039 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.28 "ath5k: Add LED support for Acer device" [Medium,In progress] 18:53
rtgmaco, does it still happen with Karmic LBM ?18:54
macortg: its nondeterministic. if i modprobe -r and then modprobe, itll stop18:55
maco"i dont think it happened on -3" means "i dont recall getting annoyed at my keystrokes not being registered in the last couple weeks...uh...."18:56
maco(when it pegs my cpu, and i try to type, some keystrokes just get dropped)18:56
rtgmaco, that kind of implies an interrupt storm18:57
macoi can try installing lbm, but since i dont have any nice reproducible way to get it to happen...18:57
macoim behind a nat, so i doubt anyone's trying to DoS my laptop and actually reaching it18:57
macoif thats what you mean by interrupt storm....that the interface is being hammered18:58
rtgmaco, no, I mean that the firmware might be misbehaving and generating too many interrupts. Hence, your loss of keyboard inputs18:58
macoah.  i was surprised to see iwlagn being a process of its own18:59
macowould lbm have new firmware? i didnt think it did18:59
rtgmaco, I think iwlagn still uses their own rate selection process, so perhaps its that thread running amok18:59
rtgI'm checking on firmware versions 'cause I can't remember19:00
rtgmaco, i4965 is one minor rev newer. everything else looks the same.19:01
macoalright, ill give it a try then19:01
rtgdoh, i4965 is the same. I'm dislexic. 19:02
rtgthe biggest difference with LBM will be in the driver itself.19:02
rtgits worth a shot19:02
macook any suggestions on why Xorg is using 58% of CPU (now.... before iwlagn started acting up it was using 98%) when ive got compositing off? or should i ask #ubuntu-x that one?19:03
rtgmaco, definitely an X question19:04
maco(yay dual core! actually makes it possible for wireless to use 100%, graphics to use 60% and my mail client to use 40%)19:04
rtgmaco, you're kind of hell on battery life :)19:04
macortg: well none of the above SHOULD use as much cpu as they do19:06
rtgmaco, hence my amusement.19:06
macoif i wanted to compile anything, id be screwed19:07
macoitd take a week19:07
macoactually, i find my cpu spins up all hot and crazy when i compile things on a remote system over ssh and dont even have that ssh screen visible (so drawing the compile output isnt the issue)19:08
macortg: maybe iwlagn goes stupid when there's lots of small amounts of data going through?19:08
rtgmaco, it still generates plenty of network traffic (lots of small packets)19:09
rtgmaco, try using screen on the remote, then disconnect19:09
macoso maybe IRC is the ame way?19:09
rtghmm, IRC generates such a small amount of traffic.19:09
macowhen in 35 channels?19:09
rtgeven so, unless someone is pasting a boatload of stuff, there really isn't that much.19:10
macoim trying to think...maybe the combination of IRC + KMail syncing + apt = iwlagn :(19:10
rtgmaco, possibly. I'd drop a not to the wireless folks. perhaps they've already seen something similar.19:11
Q-FUNKogasawara: seems that I got bingo on that Bug #396286 19:59
ubot3Malone bug 396286 in linux "2.6.31-generic: kernel panic near the end of initramfs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39628619:59
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: I'm building the next test kernel, just have to give it a while to finish building20:00
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: as usual, I'll post to the bug when it's ready20:00
Q-FUNKogasawara: ok. I was just curious to hear about possible causes I should watch for.20:01
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: that's what we're narrowing down20:01
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: there's 71 commits left to bisect20:01
Q-FUNKbetween 999.200908071658 and 999.200908110142 you meant?20:06
Q-FUNKas crashes during boot while didn't20:08
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: right, narrowing it down between those two20:09
Kev__there is a problem with the configuration of the ubuntu kernel which lets a system freeze completely20:28
Kev__it concerns the configure symbol CONFIG_SATA_PMP which has some bug that will freeze some systems under heavy IO Load20:32
mcasadevallapw, I have a config patch for SPARC for you (it just built off the latest head as of a few hours ago)21:01
mcasadevall(I fear if I send it to the list, I'll hit the moderation queue again)21:01
NobleHi, I've got a MSI notebook with UNR installed. Some kid told me that using the 2.6.30 kernel would improve speed. How do I go about installing it?21:40
Kev__speed of what?22:10

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