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davmor2lool: shouldn't there be a more prominent icon for installing unr?  I finally found it in Sys->Admin14:55
ogradavmor2, i think GrueMaster filed a bug about that yesterday (though he said it would be missing completely)14:57
davmor2ogra: no it's there under sys->admin but you have to scroll past all of preferences to find it14:58
ograright, i think GrueMaster missed that, wait until he gets up to confirm15:04
looldavmor2: Should be in favorites but the favorites system changed15:05
loolStevenK: ^15:05
davmor2lool: that the other thing if you had an existing setup for favourite then stuff got duped by the new system not overwriting the old one so there were 2 help, 2 empathys, 1firefox and 1epiphany etc15:07
davmor2if you upgrade rather than fresh install I should say15:07
looldavmor2: That's knowm bug15:08
loolnjpatel: ^15:08
davmor2that's okay then :)15:08
StevenKEr, I thought I fixed that15:14
StevenKThe favourites thing, that is15:14
davmor2StevenK: not in todays image it isn't15:15
StevenKWhat I meant to say is that I had made casper changes that I thought dealt with it. It seems they don't.15:16
StevenKI'll check tomorrow15:16
njpatelStevenK: seems like a migration bug in the launcher, no?15:17
StevenKWhy would it be?15:18
StevenKI'm now setting gconf keys in the launcher for the installer to show up ...15:18
njpatelStevenK: sorry, was talking about the dup favorites15:18
StevenKnjpatel: For that, yes.15:18
* njpatel makes note to check15:19
davmor2shutdown dialogue seems to be missing suspend and resume.  also in order to shut the system down I have to hit the power button and select shutdown due the the launcher crashing which is a pre-reported apport bug15:19
ograthats likely because the fusa isnt there yet15:19
ogra*new fusa15:19
njpatelyeah, I think that the way the launcher figures out whether suspend/hibernate is available on the system is broken (well, it's changed in karmic, so I need to update)15:20
StevenKdavmor2: File a bug for that, I've not seen one15:20
davmor2StevenK: I just went to but it was already filed.  I'll do it again and track down the number for you15:21
StevenKdavmor2: Ah, nice.15:21
GrueMasterogra: davmor2  I didn't even know there was a system>admin section (didn't scroll down that far).  In my opinion, that is very counter-intuitive, and not very user friendly.15:28
davmor2GrueMaster: That was my piont :)15:29
davmor2StevenK: bug 395468 I think lp is being a bit slow15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395468 in netbook-launcher "netbook-launcher crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39546815:30
davmor2yes that's the one15:31
davmor2StevenK: all you are left with is the main bar at the top and no access to anything.  when you hit the power button you get a different shutdown menu (like the one in default ubuntu install) and this then shuts the system down15:34
derekShey guys, is there a status update on the canonical blog post ian_r sent me about UNR+moblin?15:38
derekSvery interested in this15:39
StevenKGrueMaster: Yes, it's unintended.15:50
StevenKdavmor2: Yes, I know about the bug, it's in progress.15:50
StevenKdavmor2: Wait, that isn't the bug I was talking about -- I was talking about missing Suspend and Resume options in the shutdown dialog15:53
* ogra guesses that will completely change anyway if the DX team finally uploads the new FUSA15:54
ograwhich seems to be still in progress15:54
GrueMastercgregan: I ran the moblin compliance tests yesterday, but we don't have all the required libraries in the repositories yet.  Is there a ppa I should get these from?  Also, some of the standard libraries (QT, etc) may have been modified by the moblin team, or their tests need to be recompiled against the latest LSB libraries.16:02
cgreganGrueMaster: I have absolutely no luck in running the tests16:03
cgreganDo you have an interface with the Moblin folks?16:04
GrueMasterYes, on #moblin.16:04
GrueMasterOops. wrong chat line.  Meet me in #mobile.16:04
cgreganGrueMaster: Can you see if we can get a definitive moblin compliance suite from Intel?16:05
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