
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Jazzvaasac: hello00:16
Jazzvaand hello everyone00:16
Jazzvaasac: regarding nspluginwrapper... upstream added new option to nspluginwrapper executable, which shortform collides with one that we added. what should i do? the colliding options are "nosymlink" and "native"00:18
ftaJazzva, does nspluginwrapper still work for you? (since the ia32 update)00:34
Jazzvafta: yes, but I'm using 32-bit system anyway.00:35
ftasome people complained that o3d now segfault in nspluginwrapper00:37
ftawell, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-webtech/+archive/o3d-daily00:39
Jazzvafta: ia32 is only used on 64-bit systems, right?00:39
JazzvaI'll give a try to o3d plugin anyway, just to see if I'm getting segfaults :)00:40
Jazzvafta: any link where I can test this plugin?00:42
Jazzvaok, found them00:42
ftait may not work for your h/w00:44
Jazzvafta: it probably isn't. and I don't see it in about:plugins :/00:47
fta32bit? weird, it should be there, even if it doesn't support your video chipset (that's visible during rendering)00:48
Jazzvafta: do I need to install o3d-tools, too?00:49
ftait's useful when you create o3d scenes00:56
Jazzvafta: then it's weird... I'm not seeing o3d in plugins yet...01:04
ftaJazzva, on 32bit without nsp?01:07
Jazzvafta: on 32bit with nsp01:07
ftatry without01:08
ftawell, it should be without by default01:08
Jazzvafta: what should be without it by default?01:08
ftai didn't package it with nsp on 32bit01:09
Jazzvasorry, i meant "without what"? :)01:09
Jazzvawell, i'm using nsp... so you want me to remove nsp01:09
Jazzvafta: I removed nspluginwrapper, reinstalled o3d-plugin, and still nothing.01:12
ftanothing in the console?01:13
ftai mean shell01:13
Jazzvafta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251106/01:14
JazzvaI actually got that error message 6 times, instead of 2.01:15
ftahm, no /etc/ld.so.conf.d/o3d-plugin.conf ?01:16
ftaLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library libXt.so [libXt.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]01:20
ftaLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so [libCg.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]01:20
Jazzvafta: it's there01:20
ftaoh, this is different, libCg.so cannot be loaded because of libXt.so01:20
ftaof course, the .so is in a -dev, bad :(01:21
ftawell, bad from o3d, not Xt01:21
ftaJazzva, strange, it works if i set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/o3d/ before starting ff01:32
ftawhich means my /etc/ld.so.conf.d/o3d-plugin.conf is not longer working01:33
JazzvaI'll give it a try in a minute :)01:33
ftaJazzva, hm, just try sudo ldconfig01:49
ftai should drop the two non-lib files in /usr/lib/o3d/01:49
Jazzvafta: it works now, but I don't think my hardware is supported01:52
Jazzvaand I got a segfault with nsp, but I'm not sure if that's because of mentioned reason, or crashy ff3.5 :)01:53
Jazzvafta: after trying again with nsp, I will say that segfault was related to crashy ff3.5.01:55
ftansp is crashing on 64bit for me, but asac said he did something to it so i don't know01:56
Jazzvahe did upload -0ubuntu6 on sunday. here's the changelog, if that helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/251119/01:58
JazzvaHmm... so I have accidentally pushed the same version of nspluginwrapper to my PPA, as the one I have prepared for the archive. Will this cause any problems?03:15
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asacJazzva: in general its not a problem. its just in case there is something that needs to be improved09:13
asacthat you need to raise version again ;)09:13
asacJazzva: did you get what i mean ;)09:24
asace.g. about uncommiting nspluginwrapper and reapplying what i uploaded as ubuntu6?09:25
asachmm ... prism seems to be not compatible with 3.5.*09:33
asacfta: is it because we didnt upload latest daily builds for a while? wanna do?09:34
asacJazzva: you could have used debcommit -e ;) for the reply thing ... but ok. it was my fault initially. thanks.09:48
asacmultisearch gone: http://identi.ca/notice/7918170 ;)10:32
asacsladen: ^^10:32
asacbdrung_: http://identi.ca/notice/791835210:37
asacmozilla-devscript in debian ;)10:37
asac(at last)10:37
bdrung_asac: i saw it yesterday. short after that pwdhash was accepted. now there are less than 200 packages in NEW (previous over 300).10:40
bdrung_asac: how about having a build-xpi target instead of a variable for it (that would make long build commands more readable).10:41
asacbdrung_: we could make BUILD_XPI an optional command and also have a build-xpi:: hook that runs that command if its set10:46
bdrung_asac: yes, that's what i would like to see10:46
asacbdrung_: i wanted to upload 0.14 now ... but we will have at least 0.15 before feature week. just want to discuss with the debian extension team if they are happy to adapt their policy according to what we did or if there are things we should add10:52
bdrung_asac: ok, upload it. we can add this to 0.1510:53
gnomefreakasac: keeping 3.0 in repos?11:01
asacgnomefreak: for now yes.11:20
asacgnomefreak: for final -> most likely not11:21
gnomefreakasac: ok thanks11:28
gnomefreakfinally M$ makes an app and uses a GPL and i get a call at ~3am telling me its not free. everywhere i read it is11:43
gnomefreaks/is/is free11:44
gnomefreaktbird3 seems to have dropped the word wrap from the preferences from 2.0>3.011:51
asacgnomefreak: which app are you talking about?11:53
gnomefreakasac: MSE thier new "free" antivirus11:56
gnomefreakthey are planning to includ it by default in Windows7 but have made it for XP already11:56
* gnomefreak do email than figure out why patch is failing and why rejects dont look like rejects12:04
gnomefreakmailing list admin fun is done12:28
bdrung_asac: the Vcs-Bzr entry in -devscript's control file needs an update.12:38
gnomefreakanyone see crashes when bringing http://jasoncalacanis.posterous.com/virgin-america-lax-to-jfk to foreground or opening it in foreground?12:39
gnomefreakalso need someone to try and reproduce bug 31422712:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314227 in mozilla-thunderbird "Can't empty trash" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31422712:40
asacbdrung_: indeed.12:41
gnomefreakthe bug for the crash is bug 22880612:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228806 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] various unrelated crashes for firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22880612:42
asacbdrung_: fixed12:44
asaci guess we didnt break existing extensions ?12:50
* asac hopes not12:50
bdrung_asac: why should we break them?12:52
bdrung_asac: what the heck is that: Vcs-Bzr: lp:~mozillateam/mozclient/mozclient.dev12:52
asacdid i mess that up again :)12:53
bdrung_but the browser is correct12:53
asacman i such12:53
bdrung_and you should break the long lines, and apply the new standards-version12:54
asacwe can do that later.12:55
asacok fixing it now :-P12:56
asacbecause sid chroot takes a while to update anyway12:56
bdrung_asac: why didn't you use "lp:mozilla-devscripts"?12:57
gnomefreakasac: you removed multisearch only from 3.0 not 3.5?12:59
asacwhats the current standards version12:59
asacgnomefreak: it was never in 3.512:59
gnomefreakoh i thought i had it in it12:59
bdrung_asac: 3.8.212:59
gnomefreakasac: i have it in 3.513:00
asacbdrung_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251316/ please check13:00
bdrung_asac: instead of tabs i would use spaces to indent13:01
bdrung_asac: you could break depends and suggests, too13:01
asacnah tabs are good ;)13:01
asacthey are not that long yet.13:01
bdrung_asac: example: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/audacity.git;a=blob;f=debian/control;h=e16566658f1da3d586546dd67016eb515e53642e;hb=1077cc97081a64774254cd5122c2d13ef8c2707813:02
bdrung_asac: W: mozilla-devscripts: debian-changelog-line-too-long line 3513:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: debian-changelog-line-too-long line 3813:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/med-xpi-pack13:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/med-xpi-unpack13:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/moz-version13:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: script-not-executable ./usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/lp-locale-export.mk13:03
bdrung_W: mozilla-devscripts: script-not-executable ./usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/minefield-packager.mk13:03
bdrung_and W: mozilla-devscripts source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends mozilla-devscripts13:04
asaci am not a standards fetish :). if you want we can clean everything up in 0.1513:04
asaconly thing is the changelog line which i usually try to not make too long13:04
asacuploading as is now.13:05
bdrung_asac: ok, i will make lintian happy for 0.15 (except the man pages, someone else should write them)13:05
bdrung_asac: you fail in writing changelogs: "bump standards version to 3.8.3"13:06
bdrung_you bumped it correctly to 3.8.213:07
bdrung_3.8.3 is not released, yet13:07
asaci wrote a changlog entry? thats just bzr commit13:07
asacanyway. you are right. i will keep my fingers off from standard version bumps in future13:07
asacnever saw the benefit of them ;)13:07
bdrung_asac: ok, you only messed the bzr commit message. ;)13:08
asaci would think one only should bump the standard version if one adjust something that uses new details specified ... but i guess most disagree13:08
bdrung_asac: no, you need to update the standards-version, if your package is compatible to it.13:09
asace.g. i look from the other side: if i dont need to change packaging in newest standards that i dont require the latest standard to explain my packaging13:09
gnomefreakdo we support linuxmint?13:10
asacbdrung_: honestly i dont know if my packages are compatible - actually because there are lintian warnings i would think its not ;)13:10
asace.g. would lintian spitout an error if we were not compatible?13:10
bdrung_asac: probably for some parts, but most lintian warnings do not imply an incompatibility to the standard-version.13:11
bdrung_asac: lintian checks are for packaging mistaces, deprecated thing, etc.13:12
bdrung_gnomefreak: do you refer to -devscripts?13:12
asacgnomefreak: if folks file bugs that are valid here, then yes. otherwise no13:12
bdrung_asac: have a look at http://git.debian.org/?p=dbnpolicy/policy.git;a=blob_plain;f=upgrading-checklist.html;h=f657e279fd9421b06749990a453e8d968388ed6d;hb=2896ed649157a2ff9b1ad2a128acdfb08cc90eb813:13
asacthat still requires me to look up the details ;)13:13
asacTighten some format requirements for changelog files from a should to a must.13:13
asaci will try to take more care in future :-P13:15
gnomefreakasac: ok ill leave it than.13:17
gnomefreakbdrung_: no firefox+linuxmint13:17
bdrung_gnomefreak: ok13:18
gnomefreakwhat browsers does ubuntu have other than QT that are not xulrunner dependant?13:40
gnomefreakgui browsers13:43
ftaasac, feel free to do it, no time13:51
* gnomefreak finally done with email13:54
gnomefreakthe time i need dchen hes not here :(13:56
asacgnomefreak: midori aurora? ... webkit based browsers in general13:59
gnomefreakoh forgot about midori, never heard of aurora :) and i asked him to test on epiphany-webkit14:00
gnomefreakit seems once you fixed firefox-3.0 to remove multisearch it got removed from 3.5 as well14:01
asacfta: is there any packaging work we would need to do to do 3.0 dailies too? (e.g. so hardy users get a good backport of the way we transition)14:03
ftaasac, probably nothing, just add it to the bot14:04
fta+need to14:04
asacfta: ok ... maybe think a bit if there are any reasons not to do that. i dont see any atm14:06
asacfta: i think we could just do firefox-3.0 backport not xul 1.9 to not eat even more builders cycles14:06
gnomefreaknot placing it in umd right?14:07
asacthough it feels safer to do everything14:07
asacgnomefreak: adding 3.0 to umd ... thats the idea14:07
gnomefreakasac: IMHO a bad one. that means people can use and most likely install other versions and not sure we want them to use them? 3.0 has release monthly anyway14:08
gnomefreakhave we tested anything on hardy/intrepid yet?14:09
gnomefreakmakes for a very unstable system for users that dont have a clue14:09
asacgnomefreak: you dont understand the problem14:10
asacgnomefreak: without changing firefox, running our dailies will make firefox 3 completely disappear14:10
asacfor them14:10
asacpeople that opt-in to dailies opt-into getting the karmic experience as close as possible14:10
asacthat also menas that they need the karmic firefox 3 package14:10
gnomefreakif installing 3.5 at least i just commented on a bug with that14:10
asacand eventually they get migrated to firefox 3.5 by default14:11
asacthe problem is that we dont have a ppa for ffox 3.5 that want a safe backport14:11
gnomefreakah i get it now sorry about that.14:11
asacno problem14:11
gnomefreakonce we find a place for it and i get SM bullshit worked out i have no problems running builds for 8.04 and 8.10 but first on my list is this profile patch shit14:12
gnomefreakmaybe tomorrow or thursday14:12
gnomefreakoh and i dont recall # having anything to do with rejects14:13
asacgnomefreak: i will upload your bits still asap14:13
asacmaybe today14:13
asaclatest tomorrow14:13
asacsm + sun14:13
asacsorry for the delay again. its an awful busy time atm14:14
gnomefreaknot to mention patching the file that the rejects go to makes it a PITA as well but i will get it this week i hope14:14
gnomefreakasac: i know14:14
gnomefreakasac: np :)14:14
gnomefreakautoconf2.13 would have nothing to do with profile patch right? IIRC SM2* has autoconf enabled in rules14:19
gnomefreaki dont see rejects here http://paste.ubuntu.com/251366/  the orig patch is http://paste.ubuntu.com/251369/  if you see rejects please let me know.14:26
gnomefreakunless that is not the whole file but no way to tell that14:26
ftaasac, when i start ff or chromium, the 1st thing i see is a square at the top left corner of the window14:29
asacfta: yes. just for a short time though. feels like a compiz issue14:32
asace.g. zooming in windows14:32
asacor something14:32
ftai'm not using compiz14:32
ftametacity + compositing14:33
asaccould be related14:33
asacdoes it go away without compositing14:33
ftaasac, no14:36
gnomefreakdont recall what browser it was but i know not ff i saw it im install chromium atm to see if it was that. not using any compositing or compiz14:37
asacfta: for me it doesnt feel like a new issue14:37
asacbut i guess its X or gtk then14:37
ftafor me, it appeared a few days ago, maybe weeks, but no more14:37
ftai'd bet on gtk14:38
gnomefreaki had to close the one i saw though14:38
gnomefreaki had 2 pop-up but they left when browser loaded start page14:39
gnomefreakon chromium14:39
gnomefreakmaybe the new tab tabs?14:39
gnomefreakfta: i think that is it. now i only saw one and only one new tab tab14:40
gnomefreakit still loads 2 tabs on start im looking for a way to disable one of them14:42
gnomefreakfta: is there a way to drop about:linux-splash from opening?14:43
ftano, it's hardcoded by upstream14:44
gnomefreakwell crap you cant disable home page either14:44
ftahm, you can14:44
gnomefreaknot in options i cant, at least that i can see14:45
gnomefreakits either going to open new tab+the about:* page  or its going to open home page+ about:linux*14:46
* gnomefreak wants to make sure its the extra tab you are seeing14:46
gnomefreakthats not it. i used open tabs last open and it only opened the one tab and still see the square14:48
ftaimho, it's an early expose event during the window creation, or something like that, not a tab thing14:48
gnomefreakfta: got that at least i was thinking that but checked because first start up i got 2 squares and 2 new tab tabs than down to 1 and 114:49
bdrung_asac: i found a bug in -devscripts.15:05
gnomefreak!info thunderbird15:05
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 11796 kB, installed size 35272 kB15:05
gnomefreak!info thunderbird jaunty15:05
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 10787 kB, installed size 32420 kB15:05
bdrung_asac: take pwdhash and have a look into the install.rdf15:05
bdrung_asac: it uses "RDF:RDF" instead of "RDF", "RDF:Description" instead of "Description" and therefore your xml parsing command fail15:07
jaymtee_so what is the 'correct' version of thunderbird/lightning to be using with the latest ubuntu?15:11
gnomefreaklighting 0.9 in jaunty + karmic15:12
jaymtee_is that thunderbird or lightining or a combo?15:12
statikhi asac, just checking about uploading bindwood - anything you need from me? (i know you are very busy with the firefox transition, sorry to nag)15:12
gnomefreaktbird= lightning=0.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu215:13
gnomefreakjaymtee_: ^^^15:13
gnomefreakjaymtee_: np15:13
jaymtee_got that tb... now need to get correct lightning I guess15:14
gnomefreakjaymtee_: repos have it15:14
gnomefreakjaymtee_: install lightning-extension15:14
jaymtee_TypeError: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/calendar/calendar;1?type=" + type] has no properties15:16
jaymtee_i'm still getting this15:16
jaymtee_just did an apt-get install and it sure looks like it got the right version15:16
jaymtee_Setting up calendar-google-provider (0.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu2) ...15:16
gnomefreakjaymtee_: when do you get that?15:19
jaymtee_i removed the existing extensions and apt-get removed, and then apt-gte installed and now it is happy15:21
jaymtee_must have had older versions installed in thuinderbird15:21
gnomefreakok cool.15:22
jaymtee_ack... google calendar server is unavailable!15:23
gnomefreakplease tell me that google not me. jaymtee_ what are you doing when you get it?15:25
Jazzvaasac: thanks for the reply :). i had a problem with colliding short options... for example, both --native and --nosymlinks used the short version -n. it was like that even before, so looking from the code -n would always mean --native.15:25
Jazzvaasac: I changed that to -x for --nosymlinks. i first did change to -s, but then i noticed that in debian patch they added --systemonly, which uses -s too15:26
jaymtee_gnomefreak: it's a google problem... just frustrating15:27
gnomefreakoh good. tired of fixing it for now. ubuntu3 will have a bunch of fixes 5-6 bugs fixed15:27
jaymtee_you want to try?  I don't know why it would be site specific.. but you never know15:27
gnomefreakhm this is not good. jaymtee_ when i get a spare minute i will test, i have a conflict here between 1.0 and 0.9 that is my fault though15:31
jaymtee_twitter is abuzz with goggle calendar failure15:39
asacJazzva: i think we should drop the short options until we get this upstreamed to avoid conflicts etc.15:39
gnomefreakjaymtee_: good let google screw with it :) im trying something to get around the conflict. i should know better than to play with upstream too much15:40
gnomefreakill be back inn a few15:40
Jazzvaasac: ok, i'll change that, and then see if everything still works correctly15:41
asacJazzva: thanks. you think the current change is upstreamable?15:42
Jazzvaasac: what change exactly?15:44
Jazzvaall of them? (nosymlinks, systemonly, NSPLUGIN_DIRS)15:44
asacJazzva: systemonly i guess15:48
asacand nosymlinks15:48
Jazzvaasac: nosymlinks are usable for us and debian. it actually prevents from calling code which installs symlinks on debian systems. but still, it would be good if there's no need to refresh that patch :). and it will improve upstream code for people on debian/ubuntu15:51
Jazzvaasac: and for systemonly, although i don't see the need to only update the plugins in system dirs, it looks ok15:52
Jazzvaso we can submit those two and then see if the upstream thinks if they're improving the main tree.15:53
asacJazzva: i think distro needs are valid argument enough as long as it doesnt break upstream tree in some way15:54
bdrung_asac: can lp-locale-export.mk and minefield-packager.mk run directly or are they only usefull if they are included somewhere else?15:54
Jazzvaasac: i think they're ok ... didn't notice any breakage to the code15:55
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
gnomefreakthis is gonna be harder than i thought i seems i have to find all bits and remove them. maybe tomorrow. it worked fine until i installed 1.016:01
ftabdmurray, minefield-packager.mk is alone16:03
ftabdmurray, oops, nm16:04
ftabdrung_, ^^16:04
ftaconfusing nicks..16:04
ftausually, 2 letters + tab are enough ;)16:04
bdrung_fta: should i marry and adpot the name? ;)16:05
bdrung_fta: alone = stand alone?16:05
bdrung_fta: = keeping shebang?16:05
gnomefreakdamn someone else type my nick please16:06
ftagnomefreak, test16:06
bdrung_gnomefreak: why?16:06
* gnomefreak testing sound16:06
gnomefreakyes it works. thanks :)16:06
bdrung_freak :)16:07
gnomefreakbdrung_: because im a moron and had speakers in wrong sound card again :(16:07
bdrung_gnomefreak: and highlighting makes sound? there are programs to test the speaker.16:07
gnomefreakbdrung_: i know its easier for someone to type nick than to go through all kinds of tests screens ( at least in the hardware tester)16:08
gnomefreakif there is an easier please please let me know16:08
bdrung_gnomefreak: yes, there is: speaker-test16:09
bdrung_i used it to test my 5.1 setup16:09
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung
gnomefreaki get static sounds16:09
fta5.1 never worked for me16:10
bdrunggnomefreak: rtfm for speaker-test16:10
bdrungfta: purging pulseaudio solved my problems.16:11
bdrungfta: i have to remove pulseaudio on two systems.16:12
bdrungfta: so 50/5016:12
asacJazzva: cool. do you want to submit them?16:13
asaci am subscribed to the list, so i should see them and jump in if they have questions16:14
bdrungfta: what is with lp-locale-export.mk?16:14
ftaexport the lang packs for launchpad at build time16:15
bdrungfta: is it stand alone?16:15
Jazzvaasac: ok. it's ok if they come from debian?16:15
Jazzvaasac: i mean, maybe maintainers from debian didn't submit the patches before, because they had some reason...16:15
Jazzvawhich i can't see16:15
ftabdrung, always called from a debian/rules16:16
bdrungfta: called or included?16:16
asacbdrung: we might want to improve that actually ;)16:16
asac(the lp-locale-export) ... but lest talk about that after alpha4 rush16:16
asacJazzva: those are our patches16:17
bdrungfta: when makefiles are included they do not need a shebang and do not need to be executable. otherwise they need to be executable if they include a shebang16:17
asacJazzva: debian from time to time picks them16:17
ftawell, lang packs are dark magic for me, it's obscure what does what16:17
asacwe should also suggest those to them. but if we upstream them they get that automatically16:17
asacfta: thats ok. its dark magic to be true ;)16:17
Jazzvaasac: are you sure? i didn't notice systemonly in our packages before :).16:17
asacfta: what it does is that it filters out all the chrome stuff that is locale related16:18
asacand creates a en-US.xpi for you with just locale stuff and a locale only chrome.manifest16:18
ftabdrung, i know that but it doesn't really matter here, don't be too picky with those details ;)16:18
ftaasac, i can read your code, i just don't know what lp does with it16:18
bdrungfta: i am currently fixing lintian warnings16:18
asaci disagree with lintian complaining about our scripts not being executable16:18
bdrungfta: that's why16:18
asacfta: ah ... thats often magic to me too ;)16:19
ftaasac, i mean, i can't obviously do the same in other packages, lp will just ignore me16:19
asacfta: you can do the same in all packages.16:19
bdrungasac: with a shebang it should be executable.16:19
asacfta: its just that launchpad refuses the uploads for non-main packages16:19
asacso all main packages work16:19
bdrungasac: otherwise the shebang is useless.16:19
asacalso you can take the produced en-US:xpi and upload it to a launchpad project manually16:19
asacso you can translate mozilla stuff there16:19
asacbdrung: yeah, one of the details i usually dont care about. But then the longer you do this the more ignorant you get about lintian and I am more than happy if someone fixes the complains ;)16:21
bdrungasac: lintian is a very usefull tool, but it is not 100% perfect.16:22
ftaasac, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-firefox-3.5 needs an update16:23
padrecarlohow can i backup my thunderbird e-mails?16:23
padrecarloubuntu 8.04 runs16:23
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: save the .thunderbird profile:) im sur eyou can export them as well i never tried though. i know importing from outlook is not possible yet16:25
padrecarlowhere save thunderbird the e-mails?16:26
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: in the dir named .thunderbird16:26
gnomefreaki guess there is no export16:27
* gnomefreak saves profile16:27
padrecarloand where is the profile?16:27
padrecarloor start thunderbird, and anywhere in the menu?16:28
gnomefreakasac: am i missing some export menu in thunderbird16:31
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: its in your home dir named .thunderbird  the . is important you can find it using view hidden files in nautilus16:31
asacgnomefreak: the mails are kept in mailbox format16:32
asacthere is no way to export them16:32
asacyou can just copy the folders with the mail out of the profile16:32
gnomefreakasac: ah profile is only way than16:32
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: are you using ngome or kde?16:33
gnomefreakgnome even16:33
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: go to Places>Home Folder16:33
gnomefreakonce there click view> view hidden files (something named like that)16:33
padrecarloi found profiles.ini16:34
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: sorry its called .mozilla-thunderbird16:34
padrecarloyes, i found it16:35
asacpadrecarlo: there is a randome dir inside like xjasd123.default16:35
asacthats where the used profile usually is16:35
asacthere are Mail or ImapMail folders16:35
asacthose contain the mail16:35
* gnomefreak saves the whole dir. makes my settings magicly come back :)16:35
asacto be safe backup the full .mozilla-thunderbird ... especially if this is about backing stuff up16:35
bdrungasac: how to request a merge from the command line.16:36
padrecarloso i should save the whole xjad...1216:36
padrecarlo.default file?16:36
* gnomefreak wonders if export isnt something that we should have to make life easier in exporting mails from tbird2 to tbird3 or to evo or something like that. they are looking into adding import from outlook thing16:37
Jazzvaasac: I think I'll have to use some short option for nosymlinks. Otherwise I get compile-time errors about empty character constant. The other option would be to use some non-printable character code for short option. So, what is better for patch submission and release for the archives?16:37
gnomefreakthing == lost train of thought16:37
asacbdrung: thats something i would like to know if you find out ;)16:37
padrecarloand how can i restore it to a new thunderbird?16:37
asacJazzva: maybe '' ?16:37
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: move it from saved location to home folder16:37
asacthere should be a way to add options without a short option16:38
bdrungasac: normally i use the browser for it, but https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung failed with a timeout16:38
asacmaybe some preserved char16:38
bdrungasac: bzr branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebdrung/mozilla-devscripts/lintian/16:38
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: that is if you back up the full .mozilla-thunderbird dir. if only *.defau;t you would place it back into the .mozilla-thunderbird dir16:38
bdrungasac: this is the lintian fix branch16:38
bdrungasac: only a lintian bug and the missing man pages are remaining16:39
Jazzvaasac: it complained with ''16:39
padrecarloit will be better an extra extension for it....16:39
Jazzvathat's what I tried, just removed the char and left ''16:39
asacJazzva: what parser does it use?16:39
asacJazzva: yeah. maybe try \016:40
asacor just 016:40
gnomefreakpadrecarlo: there may be one but i use as few extensions in tbird as possible16:40
Jazzvaasac: it tests in the if-condition ... (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == options[j].short), where options[j] is struct which keeps short and long options (with  callback functions, etc...)16:41
gnomefreaki have lightning and engimail and thats it16:41
Jazzvaasac: ok, I'll go with non-printable char16:41
bdrungasac: how did you do the merge?16:41
padrecarlook thanks16:41
asacbdrung: i didnt do the merge. i requested a merge for you ;)16:42
Jazzvaasac: I'm scared to try with \0... if someone places "-" at the end of command line, then the next char might be \016:42
asacbdrung: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bdrung/mozilla-devscripts/lintian -> there i requested a merge ;)16:42
asaci think going directly to branch is less resource hungry and works more often16:42
bdrungasac: seams so.16:42
asacJazzva: so it does its own parsing. then its trickier indeed16:42
asacJazzva: no argv or getopt?16:43
asacbdrung: are all the other .mk files in mozclient executable?16:43
asacbdrung: is that done in makefile too? or are they just properly committed to bzr?16:43
asacwe could also just change mod in bzr tree16:44
bdrungasac: all other .mk files either do not have a shebang or they are executable16:44
* gnomefreak always a day behind on tbird316:44
micahghi gnomefreak16:44
gnomefreakhi micahg16:44
bdrungasac: i only modified the makefile / removed the shebang from the .mk file.16:44
micahgshould we talk about the font issue?16:45
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah although i havent seen him in a day or so and cant remember his nick :)16:45
micahgunfortunately, I wasn't too much help except to confirm there's a problem16:46
micahgbug 41170716:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411707 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox 3.5 Has Font Problem" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41170716:46
asacJazzva: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251440/ ... wouldnt that allow us to use 0 ?16:47
asacwe should probably make a separate patch out of "allow no short options" ;)16:48
Jazzvaasac: it reads arguments from argv16:48
asaci saw that now16:48
asacbut the diff above should make it safe to use 0, "--long-option", ...16:49
asacfor things that dont have long option16:49
Jazzvaasac: i agree...16:49
gnomefreakmicahg: where did you find Chancery what did you try to reproduce it. im all kinds of confused as to why 1 font would be the only one messed up and yet be firefoxes bug16:50
asacmicahg: we have a master for that already16:50
gnomefreakasac: #?16:50
asacmicahg: bug 37976116:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379761 in firefox-3.5 "FF 3.5 font hinting wrong in content area" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37976116:50
gnomefreakthanks :)16:50
asacupdated title now: bug 37976116:50
asacubottu: wake up16:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wake up16:51
gnomefreakmarked as such16:51
asacbug 37976116:51
asachmm. guess lp is slow16:51
Jazzvaasac: can I add that before all patches? just because it's logical to apply that patch before the one where we use empty short option (though it will make no difference)16:51
asacJazzva: if you dont mind the rebasing work ... i think for upstream submission it should be the first of the patchset. yes16:52
micahgah, guess I never understood what that bug was16:52
asacmicahg: i hope the new description is cleaner now16:52
asacerr ... new title that is16:52
gnomefreakasac: he says his bug is not a hinting problem16:52
Jazzvaasac: i don't mind... do you want me to add it as 000_allow_empty_short_option, and then increment the rest of the patches, or just to leave them as they are? (not sure about the style)16:53
micahgwell, a little, but I still don't know what font-hinting is, but maybe that's just me16:53
gnomefreakmicahg: me neither16:53
micahggnomefreak: I can see the font fine in Firefox 3.016:55
micahgthe reporter said the font comes with Ubuntu16:55
asacmicahg: i didnt know that until i had to look into it. it makes fonts smoother on low dpi medias16:56
asac(like screens)16:56
asacmicahg: ffox 3.0 honoured gnome settings but not fontconfig ... now its flipped16:56
asacbut its clearly a bug. i checked upstream code already and they want it to work properly as it seems16:56
micahgah, well than, this isn't a dupe as Chancery is a script font and it's rendering as block16:56
* gnomefreak doesnt use the "problem" font nor do i know wher eit is. i like default fonts16:56
asacmicahg: if its about a specific font its a font problem16:57
asacnot a firefox issue16:57
micahgwhy wouldn't the font render in ff3.5?16:57
asacnot render at all?16:57
mac_vhi... does anyone know why icons in firefox dont change with icon themes? [only the folder changes] the rest of the icons are always the gnome icons, why is that , is it a known bug?16:57
gnomefreakwhat icons16:58
asacmicahg: there are icons that are not stock icons. the rest will change. maybe not on the fly16:58
asactry restarting ffox properly16:58
asac(to be sure relogin)16:58
mac_vgnomefreak: > http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/firefox.png note the history , bookmarks16:58
asacmac_v: maybe you use a firefox theme too?16:58
gnomefreakmac_v: see asacs comment to micahg i think it was you he ment16:58
asacthat could block that as well16:59
mac_vasac: this has been a problem for a long time... not now actually , only now i'm trying to figure it out16:59
asacyes it was to mac_v16:59
micahgasac: it renders as block like it couldn't find the font16:59
asacmac_v: are you using a firefox theme?16:59
asacthats the problem most likely. switch to default16:59
gnomefreakmicahg: i can leave the font in your hands.. please ;) ive been walking out the door for over an hour now16:59
* mac_v checks17:00
asacmac_v: in tools -> addons -> themes17:00
* gnomefreak not sure what to tell the reporter atm17:00
mac_vasac: i'm using a custom theme... let me check with default17:00
asacmicahg: for me the screenshot looks ok17:00
gnomefreakincoming i think17:01
* gnomefreak is outgoing i hope17:01
gnomefreakasac: bjsnider is bug 41170717:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411707 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox 3.5 Has Font Problem" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41170717:01
bjsnideri don't see the connection to 37976117:01
gnomefreakbjsnider: we think we decided it wasnt the same. i unmarkled it17:02
bjsniderthe font is skipped entirely, not unhinted17:02
gnomefreakunmarked it17:02
micahgasac: of course the screenshot will look fine :)17:02
gnomefreakso it doesnt show up at all?17:02
gnomefreakbjsnider: that was for you17:02
bjsniderthe guy i was talking to in here a couple of days ago said there were other discrepancies with some fonts, but i can't see them17:03
micahgbjsnider: I think I was referring to the bug asac found17:03
bjsniderantialiasing would account for it17:04
gnomefreakanyone need be before i leave for the day? im going to smoke but ill read when i get back17:06
mac_vasac: nope... even with default it is the same , the icons for the bookmarks which *dont* have favicons , always use the gnome icons , and the rest in the screenshot i showed above are still the same17:06
gnomefreakusing the mac_linux1 theme atleast i think thats the name of it uses gnome icons for non favicons17:12
gnomefreakMac4Lin_v1.0 is the theme im using atm17:12
asacmac_v: there might be some that have no equivalent that is common in gtk17:13
asacmac_v: so firefox doesnt use them17:13
mac_vasac: gnomefreak: so you notice it too? i have tried it with several the themes , made sure the gnome equivalent names are used , but still it only uses the gnome icons17:13
asacmac_v: it doesnt use the gnome icons. it uses its own copies17:14
asaci tried to explain that thats because if there are theme icons that are not common enough, firefox cannot use tham17:14
gnomefreakmac_v: for my bookmark dirs. they are gnome folder (my themes) and the unorginized has like a doc with a round thing in it17:14
asacmac_v: btw. the GNOME icons are the current themed icons17:14
asaci think you mean "the gnome default icons"17:15
asacmac_v: that just means that the icons are not themed in firefox17:15
asacfirefox can only use gtk stock icons to be exact17:15
asaceverything on top wouldnt work everywhere17:15
asacat least thats what i always thought ... and it matches this17:16
mac_vasac: so firefox uses only the gnome fallback icons! how weird , but the folders use the icon for the theme! that is inconsistent17:16
asacmac_v: no it doesnt use the gnome fallback icons. they most likely just used the _same_ icons that gnome used17:16
asacits a copy17:16
asacthey dont use themable icons at all17:16
asacfor those17:16
asacthat are not in gtk-stock17:17
mac_vasac: ah... can i file a wishlist bug?17:17
asacmac_v: file it against gtk to add that icon as a stock icon.17:17
asac_only_ gtk stock icons are ok for firefox as otherwise it might break on some systems17:17
asacmakes sense?17:18
mac_vasac: oh! ok... then no use... a new gtk icon , wil take *forever* ,17:18
mac_vthey wont easily accept adding a new naming for firefox17:19
asacmac_v: why a new naming?17:19
gnomefreakdamnit i cant get my buttons on the right side of the bar :(17:19
asaci think i missed the important point ;)17:20
asacif its a new icon like "bookmark-important" ... then thats not just a new name17:20
mac_vthen how do you propose gtk to add a stock icon? gnome labels will just say it is a firefox bug , they have the icon already but firefox is not using it17:20
asacmac_v: which icon is it exactly?17:20
asacwhats the name of it?17:20
gnomefreakhow do i move the close/min/max buttons to the right of the window boarder again :( changing theme and boarder settings dont help17:22
mac_vasac: actually there is 1 icon for html , and several symlinks > main icon > /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes/text-html.svg , i'm not sure which symlink is hardcoded in firefox17:22
mac_vbut other icons also dont change , like for history , bookmarks , recent *17:23
asacyeah. feels like the gtk icon set should be extended17:23
asacfiguring out what the requirements for that are would be interesting17:23
gnomefreakok ill screw with boarders tomorrow. gone17:23
mac_vasac: i'll check firefox source... where am i to look for this exactly?17:24
asacmac_v: not sure what you want to look for17:28
asacthere is no gtk stock icon -> there is no gtk icon that firefox can use without depending on a gnome version or something17:28
mac_vasac: where are the icon labels assigned? which file? that would give a hint about the problem17:28
asacthe source is huge. to have to find the implementation of the dialog you look at and then check how it refers to the icon17:29
mac_vasac: oh ok... i'll try and figure it out... if i find something i'll report back17:30
asacmac_v: its obvious to me without looking that they use their own copy of the icon17:30
mac_vyou mean firefox uses its own icons?17:31
asacif you know the name of the icon it uses you can search the source for that17:31
Jazzvaasac: pushed to lp:~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/1.3.017:31
asacmac_v: yes. thats what i am saying all the time17:31
asacmac_v: it uses its own copy for things that are not gtk stock icons17:31
asacbut thats a feature17:31
Jazzvaasac: another question related to submission of patches to a list. should I prepare three diffs, that are unrelated from one another? e.g. to always do diff related to the clean source tree17:32
mac_vasac: i dont believe so... sorry, why would firefox create replica of something which already exists? and why allow only the folders to change?17:32
asacmac_v: folders are gtk stock icon17:33
asaci cannot repeat the same thing i said multiple time17:33
asacthe html thing is gnome only17:33
asacthats the difference17:33
mac_voh... :(17:33
asacso folders can be themed without risking brekage for cross-platform use of firefox17:33
asacbut html not17:34
asacsolution is to get html icon into gtk17:34
mac_vasac: ah... finaly you drove it through my thick head..17:34
asacgood :)17:34
asacits ok ;)17:34
mac_vi'll try to persuade some gnome devs to add gtk icon :)17:35
asacmac_v: you need to persuage gtk devs to add gnome icons ;)17:37
mac_vasac: hehe... ok17:37
asacmac_v: you can search the full source for moz-icon: to see what stock icons they make use of17:43
asacmac_v: i would think its just gtk icons. but you could confirm that17:43
mac_vasac: ah... thanx for narrowing it down... :)17:43
asace.g. grep -r "moz-icon:" mozilla/17:44
asacmost would be in toolkit/.../gnomestripe and browser/.../gnomestripe17:44
asac(most uses that is)17:44
asacmac_v: e.g. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla1.9.1/source/toolkit/themes/gnomestripe/global/button.css#19417:45
asac<xul:image src="moz-icon://goat?size=16" class="typeIcon"17:46
asacnot sure what "goat" is17:46
asacthe rest are all stock/gtk-...17:46
asacsyntax of moz-icon is: moz-icon://[<file-uri> | <file-with-extension> | <stock-image>]? ['?'[<parameter-value-pairs>]]17:46
mac_vah.... nice...17:46
asacand toolkit/themes/gnomestripe17:47
asacm,asac thats where you can find all this17:47
asacand ye. only gtk- stock icons used17:47
mac_v yeah i notice that...17:48
mac_vasac: /browser/themes/gnomestripe/ has the complete list... awesome... thanx so much...! :)17:53
asacmac_v: its not complete17:53
asacmac_v: toolkit/themes/gnomestripe is the other half17:53
mac_vwell the the subsequent child folders too17:54
asacmac_v: but basically its what i said. its only gtk- stock icons17:54
asacmac_v: sure.17:54
mac_vasac: yeah... :)17:54
asacwe should really try to get more icons into gtk. but even then mozilla probably dont want that until that gtk version has aged (they dont want to rely on the latest gtk)17:54
Jazzvaasac: when you have the time... should i submit three patches, which are all against clean source tree, or to submit first patch which is against clean source tree, second, which is agains source with first patch applied, etc?17:55
asacJazzva: i think it should be a patchset. e.g. stacked patches17:56
asacfirst is the infrastructure required: e.g. allow no short option17:56
asacsecond and third are based on that17:56
mac_vasac: how does firefox access these icons ? are they locally installed or does it query on connection and cache them?17:56
asacmac_v: it accesses them through gtk ...17:57
Jazzvaasac: ok... so second and third are diffed against source tree with first patch? anyway, i guess upstream will know what to do :)17:57
mac_voh ...17:57
asacmac_v: meaning. its unlikely to be a bug in the moz-icon code itself17:57
asacits really just that the icon that isnt themed has no stock icon in gtk or the stock icon was only introduced in recent gtk versions (e.g. still too young to use)17:58
mac_vyeah i get it... :)17:58
asacJazzva: i think you usually submit them on top of each other ... but yeah. shouldnt be a big deal17:58
Jazzvaok, thanks17:58
asacmac_v: making a list of icons that are candidates for gtk inclusion would be a first step17:58
asacthen we need to get that in and wait for a year or so ;)17:59
mac_vhehe... By that time Chrome would have arrived ;p17:59
asacmac_v: which probably faces the same problems i would think18:00
mac_vasac: BTW why is firefox , becomming so slow to start..? can we pre-load firefox during startup like how windows does IE?18:00
asacmac_v: for me it starts in 2 or three seconds for the first run18:01
asacwell. sometimes 5 or 618:01
mconnorasac: it'd still be good to get GTK to support a wider set of icons anyway.  someday we'll be able to use them! ;)18:01
asaclots of extensions can cause that18:01
mac_vfor me 4-5 secs , but still why wait ;p18:01
asacmconnor: hi. exactly. thats what i am saying ;)18:01
asacgtk needs more stock icons18:02
mac_vseveral windows user think IE is faster to load , but thye dont realize windows is cheating by pre-loading it ;p18:02
asacmconnor: is anyone on your side actively trying to get new icons to gtk or is that something you expect us to push for?18:04
asacs/expect/would like to see/18:05
asacmac_v: i dont think that pre-loading on linux is the answer. but we will. see. lets first get our boot process down to <10 seconds :)18:06
mac_vasac: are you also involved in the boot time?18:07
asacnot directly. no.18:08
asacjust cheering for the progress we are making ;)18:08
mac_vah... BTW karmic is so much more faster than jaunty ... totally loving it18:08
mac_vnearly cut down my boot by 30secs!18:09
mac_vwell maybe i had cruft too, which slowed my jaunty ... but still i think this is great now ;p18:10
asaci dont boot so often, but when i do i am more happy18:10
asaci think our new boot experience is supposed to land today ;)18:10
asacat least the first stab at it18:10
asacno more console stuff etc.18:10
asacno mode switching etc.18:11
mac_vboot experience as in the xsplash theme?18:11
asaci think xsplash is involved. yes.18:11
mconnorasac: I don't think it's something we're actively pursuing, but anything's possible :)18:11
asacmconnor: ok. just wasnt sure if you already tried and got turned down by gtk or something. thanks18:12
asacmac_v: so if you come up with a list of icons used that are not in gtk, but that seem to have a valid gnome replacement that would be a good list to poke at18:12
mac_vasac: ah.. sure...18:12
mac_vwhere do i report it ? bugzilla or somewhere else?18:13
asacmac_v: just prepare it and then we can check what to do next18:13
mac_vok :)18:13
mac_vasac: off topic, do you know about rf kill switch and where the kernel settings have been shifted to?18:13
mconnorasac: life's too short to argue with GTK maintainers myself ;)18:13
mac_vno-one seems to know , where those are set as of now... so just took a shot ;p18:15
crimsunwhat are set?18:15
asacmconnor: hehe yeah. didnt expect that you did it yourself. rather ventnor or someone else down in the food chain ;)18:15
asaccrimsun: rf kill18:15
asacmac_v: i lost track of that myself. hal is gone at least18:15
crimsun(wireless-tools now ships the rkfill executable from sipsolutions)18:15
asacmac_v: check with awe on ubuntu-desktop. he knows more about rfkill than i ever want to know to be honest18:16
mac_vah... ok...18:16
asacmac_v: or try crimsun ;) ... who seems to know something too18:16
mconnorasac: food chain sounds so pejorative ;)18:17
crimsuntony (awe) is likely to know more, since that's his focus this cycle18:17
asacsorry. lizard throat ;)18:17
mac_vcrimsun: where to the setting ? to assign the boot state?18:17
mac_vwhere tot set the setting*18:17
crimsunmac_v: right, please ask awe18:17
mac_voh... ok thanx. :)18:17
asacmac_v: he is on #ubuntu-desktop18:18
mac_vi think he is away now... will catch him the some time ;p18:18
asache is busy saving kubuntu alpha4 not having network at all ;)18:19
asacso if it can wait for a day ask after the alpha ;)18:19
mac_vliterally no one seems to be aware of the settings ! and i'm been asking this for nearly a month! seems like magic ;p18:20
mac_vi dont mind waiting 1 day :)18:20
mac_vor even more... :) alteast i know someone who has info :)18:21
crimsunthe boot state should be done in the driver18:23
asacmac_v: yeah. just try to ping him in public. personally i dont answer to pmsgs unless there is a very good reason ;)18:23
mac_vi  know... i dont PM either :)18:23
asacthen you are one of the "good ones" ;)18:23
mac_vcrimsun: it just keeps varying with every kernel, some kernels remember the previous session state , some need to be manually started , some auto start always!18:25
mac_vit was easier when everything was an option in /etc/modprobe.d18:26
crimsunthe wireless stack moves very quickly18:26
mac_vasac: oh... i forgot to ask... what about the info gathered by multisearch? will the statistics/results be published18:27
mac_vasac: is gonna kill me !18:27
Jazzvaasac: I would just like to attribute the patches to the right persons. Are you sure debian_make_symlinks and systemonly_update are from us? Rob Andrews is signed in those two patches. If he's not the right person, do you know who is?18:27
asacmac_v: i dont know ... i will try to get something to publish. some stakeholders are not there this week (vacation) though so probably nothing before next week18:28
asacmac_v: i will do a blog post though hopefully tomorrow wrapping up with this18:28
mac_vasac: sure , no hurry , but just hope they are published sometime :)18:28
asacmac_v: we will definitly publish out findings and what we derived from them. personally i dont think that raw numbers are actually something anyone would have a valid interest in seeing though.18:30
asaci will know more after the wrap-up calls we will do next week18:31
mac_vnah, not the raw numbers , but just what you guys deduced for this experiment , would be interesting to know18:31
mac_vasac: i just have my own conspiracy theory > you guys are trying to make a new search engine , ;p18:32
mac_vchecking how users use google and findin the flaws :)18:32
asacheh. thats a good idea ;)18:32
* asac notes it down :)18:33
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
asac"tomorrow searching a ''praktikum'',going to sturbucks (maybe) and searching a book for my way to Hamburg!"18:58
asaci guess its not going to be successful if you cannot even type the employers name ;)18:59
asacfta: "praktikum = internship"19:00
asacbut ok its twitter ;)19:00
Jazzvaasac: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29796962/ "Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less" :)19:06
Jazzvaasac: actually, this one is with screenshots http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/2009/03/19/how-to-lose-your-job-in-140-characters-or-less/19:07
jcastrohi fta, what's new!21:21
ftajcastro, hi21:22
ftajcastro, about what? :)21:22
jcastroI've been gone 2.5 weeks, so I am assuming you've broken launchpad like 10 times or something. :p21:22
jcastrobut hey I noticed this: http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/89a3652cbcd555821:23
ftawell, i've made the builders boil a few times ;)21:23
jcastroI was wondering if in the future maybe just doing weekly builds of the stuff they make the branded chrome from would make sense21:23
ftajcastro, at UDS, Mark wanted to know how popular dailies could be, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-popcon-5.png21:24
jcastroholy shit21:24
jcastrohow can people still be installing the wine thing21:25
ftajcastro, no idea. someone from google told me popcon figures are way off, probably 1/10, so there are [9000..90000] users21:26
ftajcastro, about the tags, they are more like branches. and there's no clear way to know which branch to follow, there's something like one branch per week21:28
jcastroyeah I tried to figure it out last week21:29
ftai wonder when it will be acceptable in universe21:37
ftaasac, what are we supposed do with the licenses in the (stripped) chromium tarball when it's about webkit, or some 3rd party?21:45
jcastrofta, is that even realistic?21:45
jcastroalso, does chromium even do releases?21:45
ftajcastro, do you mean it will never be in the archive?21:46
asac_fta: what do you mean?21:47
jcastrofta, I'm just saying, someone is going to have to check all the files, etc.21:47
asac_fta: you mean the license in the top level dir?21:47
asac_fta: or how to maintain a license diff?21:47
ftaasac_, licensecheck21:48
ftai wrote a helper a while ago21:49
asac_fta: we could add info about what the license of that subdir really is and check that on our own21:50
asac_i think when we give that list to archive admins that helps a lot21:50
ftai just post-process licensecheck -r21:51
asac_./third_party/WebKit/WebCore/platform/gtk/ [ *No copyright* LGPL (v2 or later) ]:21:51
asac_fta: yes. you post-process it. we could maintain a list of "manual licenses" that we check21:51
ftai do21:51
asac_fta: what i mean is that we maintain a list of subtrees for which we know the license because its in a LICENSE file further on top21:52
asac_or is that what you are really doing?21:52
ftaasac_, i do just that21:52
macoi just installed updates and was told to restart my browser.  did so. ive been using shiretoko so when it asked if i want to keep my 3.5 beta profile i said yes. for some reason, it is giving me a default empty profile with all my settings gone. how do i get my stuff back?21:53
asac_so [ *No copyright* LGPL (v2 or later) ]:21:53
asac_is basically that?21:53
macothere's ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.5 and ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.0-replaced ..is there something i can do with them?21:53
asac_maco: thats odd. ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.5  together should retrigger it21:54
asac_maco: maybe you said "decide later" ?21:54
ftaasac_, i have $manually_identified that could be used to remember a manual check, per file, or per tree/dir21:54
macono i said keep my 3.5 profile21:54
asac_maco: if you start again what happens?21:54
asac_maco: ensure that there is really no firefox running before that21:54
macoif i try again it asks again with the same result21:55
macoi thought maybe it was using the wrong profile but profile manager now only shows 1 profile when i had two. since that required running from the cli i could see the errors it was spitting though21:55
macoFound Beta Participation ...mv: cannot move `/home/maco/.mozilla/firefox' to `/home/maco/.mozilla/firefox.3.0-replaced/firefox': Directory not empty21:56
macomv: cannot move `/home/maco/.mozilla/firefox-3.5' to `/home/maco/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-3.5': Directory not empty21:56
maco keep beta profile.21:56
maco ... will check again next time.21:56
macooh! ~/.mozilla/firefox.3.0-replaced/ appears to have all my stuff in it.  where should i put it to make it default?21:59
Jazzvamaco: i think current ff/abrowser 3.5 uses ~/.mozilla/firefox22:11
Jazzvamaco: at least, that's the case here.22:11
Jazzvamaco: so try something like22:11
Jazzvamv ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox-backup22:11
Jazzvamv ~/.mozilla/firefox.3.0-replaced ~/.mozilla/firefox22:12
Jazzvaand see if that works for you.22:12
macoi tried that22:12
macoand it still asked me what to do22:12
macoand this time i hit import because i figured keep 3.5 settings would use ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.5 which is wrong22:13
macobut its wrong again :(22:13
macoall my extensions are gone22:13
Jazzvamaco: another thought - try to copy just your profile dir (e.g. 12345.default) from firefox.3.0-replaced to firefox, and select "keep my current settings" when/if it asks you.22:14
Jazzvamaco: yeah... that's how i lost my settings/extensions/bookmarks/passwords last night :). accidentally deleted the folder22:14
Jazzvaon the other note, why did it ask if I want to import from 3.0? I was using 3.5 at the time already.22:15
macook so apparently "its wrong again" is because i had two profiles and it was using the wrong one22:16
macoso i needed to mv -replaced over firefox then choose import instead of keep-3.5 BUT i had to do it while running with -profilemanager22:17
jdstrandasac_: I've noticed that firefox-3.5 fonts are blurry as opposed to firefox-3.0 (karmic). it is both in the rendered page and the gtk toolbar fonts. I am using bitstream in gnome and bitstream in firefox. have you seen this?22:38
jdstrandwell, all gtk widgets in ff3522:40
ftabug 37976122:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379761 in firefox-3.5 "MASTER - FF 3.5 font hinting does not honour gnome-settings" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37976122:44
jdstrandthanks fta22:44
asac_jdstrand: its all fontconfig22:47
asac_its a bug22:47
asac_ffox 3.0 only honoured gnome, but not fontconfig properly22:47
ftamozilla 50842722:48
ubottuMozilla bug 508427 in General "Firefox process chews through CPU even when in the background (or save my laptop battery)" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50842722:48
asac_fta: does chrome stop javascripts for tabs22:50
ftathere are in different processes22:51
asac_but are they stopped?22:51
asac_otherwise they will probably consume battery too ;)22:51
asac_just curious22:51
asac_i think its not really possible as lots of webapps are like apps22:51
asac_and if you stop them they might have the expected experience22:51
ftai don't think so22:52
ftabut my problem is not battery, it's that ff sucks 20% cpu minimum, even when idle22:52
fta(on a dual core 2 cpu)22:52
bdrungasac_: i have found another bug in -devscripts (Vcs-Bzr-Browser -> Vcs-Browser). i have update the lintian branch22:53
asac_bdrung: where is that specified?22:54
asac_i mean that its not Vcs-Bzr22:54
bdrungasac: the qa page does not show the link, http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html22:55
fta21768 fta       20   0  673m 287m  25m R   22 14.3 191:36.19 firefox-3.622:56
ftaasac, by cumulative time: Xorg 270h, firefox 191h, rhythmbox 91h, pulseaudio 50h, gnome-panel 38h, metacity 36h, gwibber 28h, xchat 20h, evolution 19h22:58
ftaevolution is a pig, but firefox is 10 times worse :P22:59
BUGabundoola ola23:02
ftagettimeofday() every 0.05 ms, that's crazy23:07
asac_bdrung: ok convinced ;)23:37
bdrungasac: i am always right :p23:39
asac_firefox just using 4times pulseaudi omakes me feel better ;)23:41
ftaasac_, not funny23:47
ftathis is bad as a whole23:47
ftagnome-settings-daemon just crashed.. need to restart.. grr23:50

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