
KB1JWQStatix138 is certainly entertaining about it, but he's trolling up a storm.02:48
KB1JWQPici: Thanks.  I didn't want to step on toes by doing it myself. :-p02:50
PiciKB1JWQ: Thanks for the heads up02:50
KB1JWQPici: No worries.02:50
KB1JWQPici: Going forward, I should do the same thing, I presume?  Not sure how staff / Ubuntu ops interaction normally flows, so I'll defer to you.02:51
PiciKB1JWQ: Just poke us in here or use !ops.02:51
PiciEr, I guess someone is going to get pissed at me for hilighting them in here... oops.02:51
* stew is very angry02:54
stewheh, not really02:54
ubottuhggdh called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()03:00
Picistew: Do you have a moment to take care of #ubuntu-server ?03:02
stewPici: I have a moment, what's up?03:03
Picistew: I don't have explicit access there, but I should be listed as one of our new group contacts and theres a troll that I just banned from #ubuntu in there currently.03:03
Picifreenode/staff are on the access list though, or you could throw me ops, whichever is easier for you/.03:04
stewChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +votsriRfA were set on Pici in #ubuntu-server03:05
Picistew: thanks03:05
stewyou're welcome03:05
PiciYarr, thar be trolls out there03:19
PiciAlthough, I had a little laugh at this: 22:19:33 <?ubantu_dude> Pici is going to ban me pretty soon so every please just consider yourself trolled and save me a bunch of time?03:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !gobbledygook is <reply> IRC is a discussion medium, not a place to output your insanity. Please consider switching to understandable language and participating in actual conversation.06:45
FlannelThat's actually quite tempting.07:06
Myrttiwatch out for rek10:32
Myrttihmmmm should I know who this Lando-SpacePimp is?11:16
* gnomefreak happy without knowing :)11:17
topylilando is strange but hasn't been a problem11:19
jussi01ikonia: where is you!11:32
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:13
bazhangunderstand about rek now :/13:29
PiciI could have sworn I made a @mark about him at some point in time.13:40
Picioh, he remembers me, wonderful.14:30
bazhangtoday must be *annoying* day14:47
Myrttiif I guess right, rek is going to be silent for sometime now and start by legitimate questions after a while15:13
Myrttiand then slip to offtopic15:13
bazhanghe got a comprehensive walkthrough by actionparsnip, and is still saying 'it doesn't work'; something does not add up with him15:14
Myrttiit's his channels list that doesn't add up15:14
Myrttichannels : ##hardware #linux-wireless #plan9 #ubuntu  #python.it #fluxbox #embedded-dev  #angstrom #handhelds #handhelds-familiar  #fluxbuntu #damnsmalllinux15:15
bazhangthat is very odd15:16
Myrttinnnggghhh http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ultamatix&diff=307349573&oldid=prev15:18
* Pici groans15:18
MyrttiI was kinda hoping it would DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH IN A CHEMICAL FIRE15:19
Myrtti"It does have the following O/S support, but please use at your own risk Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty (fully tested), Sid, Karmic (only initially tested)."15:19
Myrttioh crap15:19
PiciSid? hah15:19
Myrttiand rek is back again15:19
bazhangoh he's back15:19
bazhanghmm he suddenly knows about chown15:39
geniiBah. Where do I find <key> part when changing my freenode passwd?16:08
Picigenii: You don't. Thats not the right command.  Use /msg nickserv help set password for the syntax16:09
geniiOk, got it now.16:11
geniiI was sitting on Nickserv channel, then it became a different channel when the list populated16:12
PiciTheres a nickserv channel?16:13
geniiPici: This client shows me one (Quassel)16:24
Picigenii: You mean a nickserv window, not a #channel16:24
geniiI may need more caffeine yet this morning :)16:24
Pici!away > rulo16:45
Mamarokhow often did we tell him that now? just told him again in #k17:16
=== genii_ is now known as genii
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
stefgplease watch Capoochino in #ubuntu ... racist comments18:47
nikoyou should take a look at Capoochino on #ubuntu18:48
ubottuCapoochino called the ops in #ubuntu (Halitech  Racist troll against white people.)18:50
ubottuCapoochino called the ops in #ubuntu (Halitech Racist troll against Mexicans and Whites)18:50
ubottugrawity called the ops in #ubuntu (Capoochino !ops abuser.)18:50
naliothcapaoochino caught the train, fyi18:56
Myrttiiceroot: jolly good18:57
Flannel!away > doubled`fml`away19:48
PiciTurns out that good_kid is the same person as sp0rtily/grow-as-apple/groovyorange.20:00
Myrttisay, what? really?20:01
Myrttino wonder I thought he was a bit creepy and weird20:02
PiciYep. Just on a hunch I searched the bantracker for ilya and all those records came back20:02
ikonia3:33 <good_kid> Why don't you play in ##jswolfbot?20:07
ikonia13:34 <good_kid> Ok20:07
ikonia13:35 <good_kid> WhenI'm sleeping, I sometimes imaging beauty young brave single female lawyers in skirts  and their pants.20:07
ikoniathat explains the PM I had from him this afternoon while I was away20:07
PiciYeah, my thoughts exactly.20:09
jussi01grumble, please tell me that wasnt in -offtopic...20:23
Picijussi01: good_kid? he said something very similar there.20:26
jussi01Damn, Ive warned those kids in thw olf channel not to spam about a dozen times20:26
ikoniajussi01: it's 3 of them - they are idiots20:26
ikoniathey spam rooms to get players, I've warned them about it all last night20:27
Picijussi01: That person in particular is a someone who has a long ban record in -offtopic.20:27
jussi01still, very annoynig.20:27
ikoniajussi01: but he only found it after the 3 annoying idiots spammed a channel he was in20:27
Myrttirek is back again20:52
PiciI joined a bunch of channels he was in earlier and he wasn't acting any differently in them either.20:53
keith-yeah can you unblock me from #ubuntu23:09
keith-i'm not banned... it's that dcc exploit stuff and i'm on port 800123:09
keith-<<test me>>23:11

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