
oxhey need help with squid! http://pastebin.com/m7313543d00:34
BookmanI am slowly shifting the main purpose of one machine from desktop to server and I was wondering how do I start the desktop version into the command line and not x00:44
fefBookman: vi /etc/inittab01:17
pmatulisBookman: can you be a little clearer on what you want to achieve?01:23
fefhe was pretty clear01:23
Bookmanfef and change the runlevel, right?01:27
fefto 301:27
Bookmanfef: Is there something I could just change in my grub?01:27
fefBookman: not that i know of01:29
Bookmanfef: Got you.  Also, all the current services I have starting up will not change, correct?  It will just start with out x?01:29
fefshould have your solution for you01:30
BookmanThanks a ton.01:30
ScottKfef: No /etc/inittab in any Ubuntu install past Dapper (you'll keep it if you've upgraded).02:16
fefeven.d now02:17
fefbecause ubuntu thinks its a great idea to place things in terrible locations02:18
ScottKNo, because we use upstart and not sysv init.02:22
fefpoint still stands02:23
StefanMI just installed Ubuntu Server and tried to use PPPoE. Ran 'ifconfig up eth0' and 'ifconfig up eth1' (i've got 2 lan cards) then pppoeconf, and followed the instructions.02:27
StefanMThen I did 'ping google.com' and got 'unknown host'02:27
StefanMThe same connection works fine on my windows box, and one of the plog lines says "ms-chap authentication failed. i don't like you, go 'way"02:28
nick125Can you ping an IP address (i.e.,
StefanMyou sure that's a valid address?02:28
nick125yes, it is02:28
StefanMI'm gonna have to disconnect so I can try it on the other box, brb. thanks ;)02:29
Statix138Hey guys!02:31
Statix138How can I change ubantu so I dont have to put in my password all the time when I am like chaning network settings and stuff?02:31
StexanMit didn't work.02:31
StexanMi got "network is unreachable" at the ping02:32
Statix138Can I change it so I run as root all the time and I dont need a password?02:32
nick125Okay. Were you getting a valid IP address from ifconfig?02:32
Statix138stexanM your default route is prob. missing02:33
StexanMnick125: didn't check, will now. btw, could it be that my ISP remembers my old MAC address and doesnt let any other PC (with any other MAC) connect?02:33
StexanMStatix138: Could you explain? what's a default route?02:33
fefis your etherweb cable plugged in02:33
Statix138StexanM im not google, look it up02:33
Statix138On Ubantu where is the recycle bin, I did rm -fr /etc/ and I want to know where the files went?02:35
nick125Statix138: Uh...with rm, there isn't a recycle bin.02:36
fefare you sure02:36
Statix138I thought Ubantu was high tech and there is no recycle bin?02:36
Statix138This Loonix stuff is crazy02:37
StefanMonovthe linux instructions my ISP provides say I should use something called "rp-pppoe"02:45
StefanMonovI guess I'll d/l it on my main box and carry it over to the other one on a pendrive02:45
StefanMonovis it any good, anyway?02:46
Statix138the people in #ubuntu dontg seem to like me02:52
Statix138so whats the buntu-buddies02:53
hggdhStatix138, 'rm' bypasses the trashbin, pretty much as Windows' 'del'02:54
Statix138alan cox told me it should do that02:55
hggdhAdditionally: this is the *server* channel, not the desktop one ;-)02:55
Statix138Am I not cool enough for the server channel?02:55
hggdhyou are cool for any channel. It's just that the server normally does not run X02:55
Statix138I dont run X02:56
Statix138I kick it old school02:56
Statix138I run Berlin02:56
Statix138Its compatible with nothing hence its cool factor02:56
hggdhalso, no matter what alan cox may have said, 'rm' does *not* save files to the trashbin.02:57
Statix138Well when does ubantu plan on fixing that?02:57
hggdhUbuntu, not Ubantu02:58
Statix138I think Ubantu is better, who do I talk to about changing it02:58
twbhggdh: there's a way to futz that02:58
twbhggdh: IIRC it involved adding a .so to the LDPATH that changes the behaviour of unlink(2) or similar02:58
Statix138Bash Aliases are the work of satan twb so leave that at the door02:58
hggdhtwb, the please tell Statix138 how to, if you do not mind02:59
Statix138I heard .so files are viruses02:59
Statix138so I deleted them all off my system02:59
twbStatix138: plonk02:59
hggdhStatix138, I am starting to consider you are trolling02:59
nick125hggdh: ding ding ding, 50,000 points!03:00
hggdh!ops Statix13803:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops Statix13803:00
hggdh! ops03:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom03:00
twbhggdh: I don't remember the details, because it was 1) obviously not perfect, e.g. statically linked binaries wouldn't see the oevrride; and 2) archive and backups are much better.03:00
Statix138If you need a recycle bin on the cli maybe you shouldnt be there03:00
hggdhtwb, thatÅ› my understanding. Anyway, the best place to discuss 'rm' is on the coreutils maillist03:01
twbHeh, you have your IM turned on03:01
Statix138I also have lsbiancheerldr but thats signed off03:01
twbOr maybe one of those crazy continental keyboards, with dead keys...03:01
hggdhoh, I use international, for French and Portuguese03:02
Statix138A guy I work with came in here asking questions earlier and he said you were mean03:02
nick125twb: I think making unlink drop stuff into a recycle bin is a bad idea...I mean, what happens when you try to drop /tmp files, etc? Sounds like a recipe for DISASTER.03:02
twbnick125: I never said it was a good idea03:03
nick125twb: :)03:04
Statix138its a terrible idea03:04
hggdhindeed, you just said there was a way to futz it03:04
Statix138you could just alias rm to mv03:04
hggdhStatix138, could you make up your mind? Just a few ago you wanted it03:04
Statix138im not serious, a guy I work with was asking questions earlier and he said you were mean and just asked me to ask stupid questions03:05
hggdhoy vey03:05
twbIt is, incidentally, the same technique used by strace03:05
hggdhthanks Pici03:05
twbOh, and fakeroot03:05
Pici!guidelines > Statix13803:06
ubottuStatix138, please see my private message03:06
fefhai guys, i hey gays, i have installed shh and it says to disable rootlogin, how do it do it, my ip is
hggdhthis is the day, it seems :-( oy vey iz mir03:11
hggdhPici, can you please also blast fef? It is clear it's trolling03:12
hggdhand I am out. Too much.03:12
ubantu_dudeHave a good night03:12
ubantu_dudefef whats your root password and ill disable it for you03:13
fefubantu_dude: it is fef03:13
fefpici do you hablo espanol03:14
Picifef: no, I do not.03:14
fefso englace only03:14
ghostlineshi all does anyone know if rtorrent can pre-allocate files?03:23
twbghostlines: you mean sparse files?03:36
twbghostlines: I believe it does that by default03:36
uvirtbot`New bug: #411745 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "Online help out of date, but update available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41174503:53
dkulchenko How can I use iptables in such a way that any request to http://randomtext.com/ goes to (I would use /etc/hosts, but it does not support routing to a port).03:56
ghostlinesno not sparse files04:09
ghostlinesjust allocating the disk space for each torrent so i don't run out of space while adding new torrents04:09
twbghostlines: actually rtorrent deliberately does the opposite, so that space is only consumed when you download it... that's sparseness.04:11
twbghostlines: so you actually want to DISABLE sparseness -- you could achieve this, I guess, by pointing rtorrent to a filesystem that doesn't implement sparseness, e.g. FAT32.04:11
ghostlineshmmm that's not an option for me, would be nice if rtorrent had an option to enable or disable this though04:12
ghostlinesbut thanks for explaining me how it works04:12
ghostlineslater dude, till next time04:13
twbWell maybe it does -- you're expected to look for yourself...04:16
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
LiraNunais there some sort of an extension to bind9 to read info from MySQL database?04:45
LiraNunahttp://mysql-bind.sourceforge.net/ this is not enough since it still relies on the zone to be defined in a text file04:47
JanCLiraNuna: if you want a DBMS-backed DNS server, maybe look at PowerDNS ?04:49
LiraNunaJanC, I'm concerned since that is in universe04:49
jtimbermanPowerDNS is fantastic.04:49
LiraNunawhat about security patches?04:49
LiraNunait's not in security04:50
JanCLiraNuna: it being in universe means that security has to be handled by the community04:50
LiraNunaanyone in here is using PowerDNS for production?04:52
jtimbermanLiraNuna: I supported it for a customer a year ago, but that was on RHEL.04:53
JanCmaybe Ubuntu needs some way to make more clear which packages are really supported by some part of the community and thus are safe to use...04:54
LiraNunait's not that I don't trust the 'community', hell - I'm a part of it; but I'm not sure of the implications.04:55
jtimbermanI'm considerably more confident in PowerDNS from universe than bind9 anywhere :)04:55
hggdhwhat packages are supported, and by whom, is stated on every one of them.04:55
hggdhif PowerDNS is still maintained upstream, there is a very good chance of a fast response04:56
jtimbermanhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/pdns-server or http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/pdns-server04:56
LiraNunahow will you describe the transition from bind9 (text) to PowerDNS (MySQL)?04:57
JanCjtimberman: I 'm thinking about the community providing packages to go into the -security repository when there is an issue04:57
JanCit would be nice if there was a list of applications that have somebody (using and) monitoring it, and thus being supported04:58
JanCI mean, the cherokee packager is very active, but I can imagine nobody really looks at some less popular packages...05:00
hggdhI am not sure I follow you. This package is maintained by MOTU, so it is monitored & supported. And we, as users, can also help to monitor for CVEs, etc05:00
LiraNunadoes that mean upstream debian contributed security patches are applied as well?05:01
hggdhif the package is synced/merged from Debian, yes05:02
hggdhwhich, BTW, seems to be the case with PowerDNS05:02
JanChggdh: users monitoring CVEs and allerting MOTU certainly helps05:02
LiraNunais there some magic voodoo script to convert bind zone files to sql queries?05:03
LiraNunaif no, I'm sure I could write one using flex and bison05:03
JanCLiraNuna: I guess searching the PowerDNS site should turn up something05:03
hggdhJanC, yes indeed. Also, looking at the changelog, Debian seems active05:03
LiraNunathank you all for clarification, I guess I don't have much to worry then05:04
JanCwell, PowerDNS is probably popular enough that some of its users are MOTU now  ;)05:04
addisonjanyone here know of a good guide to set up google mail with postfix?05:04
LiraNunaaddisonj, http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/postfix_tutorial.html05:05
JanCit still would be nice to have a list of packages with e.g. a community contact person05:05
LiraNunaaddisonj, or another one: http://bookmarks.honewatson.com/2008/04/20/postfix-gmail-smtp-relay/05:05
ScottKOne way to tell is if someone is subscribed as bug contact and they are an Ubuntu developer.05:05
JanCwhat has google mail to do with postfix?05:05
LiraNunaaddisonj, or an even better one - http://www.marksanborn.net/linux/send-mail-postfix-through-gmails-smtp-on-a-ubuntu-lts-server/05:05
LiraNunaJanC, SMTP relay through smtp.gmail.com05:06
JanCoh, using gmail as a relay, yeah05:06
* JanC has his own realy ;)05:06
addisonjwell... thank you05:07
addisonjthats lots of info :P05:07
LiraNunaaddisonj, glad to help05:07
JanCactually, my setup seems to be similar to Google's (submission port & TLS/SSL)05:09
twbWell, that's what the submission port is for05:10
JanCtwb: yeah, and I wonder why most ISPs don't use that...  ;-)05:13
twbMy ISP does...05:14
twbI suggest it's because most ISPs are run by jackasses05:14
ScottKAlso because submission is for submission across the Internet.  It's kind of overkill on the local network, which is where you are to the ISP.05:15
twbScottK: erm, not necessarily.05:15
twbMy ISP, at least, allows SMTP/SSL submissions from anywhere on the internet05:16
ScottKYes, for that they should use 58705:16
twbSo that when you are e.g. sitting in at a mate's place, you don't need to piss about in your local MTA's config05:16
LiraNunawhat do you know - there *is* magic script to convert bind zones to SQL queries!05:31
* LiraNuna <3 OSS05:31
addisonjyou know what, i asked the wrong question, i should have said does anyone know how to get postfix to work with google apps? (they handle the mail for my domain) is it still the same process?05:37
addisonjand only sending, now need to use fetchmail to recieve05:38
addisonjah working... just being picked up as spam...05:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #411794 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41179408:15
qiyonghi, where is the virtual user db file for vsftpd?09:46
LiraNunaqiyong, not that I know of, I was doing extensive research about this and I ended up using proftpd + mysql database09:47
qiyongLiraNuna: lol09:53
qiyongLiraNuna: i've figured it out, it's set by pam.d09:54
LiraNunaqiyong, even per-sub-user config?09:54
qiyongLiraNuna: now you can move back to vsftpd09:54
qiyongLiraNuna: no, it's another setting09:54
LiraNunano I can't - I give my clients the ability to create sub users09:54
LiraNunaand it's all stored in a MySQL database09:54
qiyongso proftpd has this builtin mysql supports ?09:55
qiyongthat's flexiable09:55
LiraNunait's not built in, it's in a separate package09:55
LiraNunabut still09:55
=== j0nr_ is now known as j0nr
LiraNunaqiyong, http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-hosting-with-proftpd-and-mysql-ubuntu-8.0409:57
PecisDarbshi people, how to turn off regular data checks for software raid volumes?11:08
RoyKby using a checksumming filesystem?11:14
RoyKalthough the only one existing for linux is btrfs, and that's not really stabilized11:14
PecisDarbsRoyK: already found it, checkarray script11:16
froudHi, newbie to LVM here. I've setup and mounted a LV with ext3 and now I want to know how I can go about moving /home / usr and /var to this LV. Anyone available to assist?12:26
_rubennothing LVM specific about that .. just treat the LV as yet another (free) partition on your disk12:28
ichatwhen i try to install ubuntu-server  on an  asus a7n   athlon xp 2500+    1gb ram  -    hdd  (60gb pata pri -master)    -    and    6x  200gb   ( pata secondairy master/slave  )    2x sata150 (sil 3xxx chip) ...  and a   promise fasttrack tx2  with 2x pata (not setup in raid) )12:35
froud_ruben: so I can just do something like12:35
froud$cd /home/12:35
froud$find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /mnt/newhome12:35
ichatall seams to install - no errors, - but after reboot -   it seams to either have forgotten to actually install it, - or maybe it f*cked up  - grub12:36
_rubenichat: bootloaders combined with a ton of drives and multiple (s)ata controllers can be quite tricky12:36
_rubenichat: most likely your bios and ubuntu disagree on your what is your boot device12:37
_rubenfroud: something like that yeah12:37
ichatis there a way to fix this?12:37
_rubenichat: sure, but it tends to involve a fair ammount of trial and error12:38
ichati quite manny time changed the hdd boot prio ... but that seemed not to work :S -12:38
_rubenfigure out which drive your bios is trying to boot from, then install grub on that disk .. that tends to be the easiest solution12:39
ichatit seems that - my pri pata controller becomes scsi-3  as soon as  i eable sata12:41
ichatwould disable  my sata disk - help during install12:42
ichat(but than i would need to enable them after installin .... and setup the raid - manually?12:43
_rubenichat: nope, since after reconnecting, the pata will become scsi3 again12:44
ichatbut than at least i know where grub is,12:46
ichator will grub than try to look on the wrong spot for the kernel again?12:47
ichatit donts really make cleer if this error i see is presented by grub or by my bios12:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #411890 in php5 (main) "karmic: configure fails with "cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41189012:51
ichathi stefan____12:52
ichati rechecked and it looks look a bios mobo error -   so i guess that it looks for lilo/grub in the wrong place.12:53
CopyWriterhello everybody13:32
CopyWriterhow do i change the ip address in ubuntu server to static\13:32
CopyWriteri use the scheme for my router and for my geteway13:32
CopyWriterwhen i installed the server it automatically got the network settings and configured it at
PecisDarbsCopyWriter: Ubuntu stores network interface settings in /etc/network/interfaces13:33
PecisDarbsCopyWriter: see 'man interfaces' for how to configure your server13:34
PecisDarbsnetwork connection13:34
CopyWriterthanks PecisDarbs13:34
_ruben< CopyWriter> i use the scheme for my router and for my geteway13:35
_rubenthat doesnt make much sense13:35
_rubenrouter and gateway are pretty much the same thing13:36
twbI'm trying to think where they AREN'T13:37
_rubentwb: i did too for a moment, but gave up :)13:37
CopyWriterwireless router uses and my internet gateway or adsl model using
CopyWriterfound it13:38
twbCopyWriter: a modem is not a gateway13:38
CopyWriteri'm a newbie to all of this, but it doesn't stop me from diving into ubuntu server :)13:38
twbAt least, not in conventional contexts13:38
CopyWritersee i'm learning as i go along13:38
_rubenwhy not use the same range for both devices?13:38
CopyWriterhadn't thought about that13:39
twb_ruben: I think in a factory default configuration, his ADSL modem will try to NAT and be a DHCP server13:39
CopyWriteri did think about configuring the router to use the scheme
twbThe modem will expect to be plugged into either a single PC, or a hub or switch13:39
CopyWriteri got 3 routers, should i set them to / .3 and .413:40
CopyWriterit covers three departments and about 68,000 square feet13:41
twbCopyWriter: that depends on your network topology13:41
twbCopyWriter: so tell us again how you got tapped for a three-department netadm/sysadm role, when you don't know a gateway from a modem? ;-)13:41
CopyWriterall i know is that one is plugged into the modem and set to router and the other two are set to gateway using an ethernet cable13:42
CopyWriteri'm the guy that actually owns the office, but i've been fighting the it-department who wants to migrate to using w2k servers again, they just don't work for me13:42
twbCopyWriter: you say "routers".  what kind of unit are we talking here?13:42
CopyWriterlinksys w20013:42
CopyWriteri've switched the offices in the treasury department to ubuntu desktop two weeks ago, there were no complaints13:43
CopyWritereverything just works smoothly13:43
CopyWriterso i'm thinking that ubuntu server will handle the network more efficiently13:44
twbCopyWriter: you work for the government?13:44
CopyWriterno, i'm a business owner / entrepreneur13:44
twbOh, you mean treasury within your company13:45
CopyWriterfew retail chains, commercial construction13:45
CopyWriterauto garages13:45
CopyWritercouple small businesses here and there13:45
CopyWriterso i'm smart to know when windows can't deliver13:45
twbI'm not having any luck looking for "linksys w200".13:45
CopyWriterlet me get you the exact model13:45
CopyWriterlinksys wrv 20013:46
CopyWritersorry about that13:46
twbNo problem.13:46
CopyWriterthe way the guys got this thing set up is using 3 servers one windows 2000 and the other 2 200313:47
CopyWriterit's roughly 36 desktops13:47
CopyWriter75 laptops13:47
twbSo I'm assuming you've basically got one line to the internet, and NAT everything behind it to appear as one IP?13:47
CopyWriteryes, it shares one internet connection13:48
CopyWritera 15 mpbs down 2 mbps up13:48
twbThe important issue is whether you appears as one IP (NAT) or have public IPs for each machine13:48
CopyWriteryes everything appears as one ip13:48
CopyWriterover the weekend i played around with installing ebox platform13:49
CopyWriterbut i'm going with the ubuntu lts 8.04 as recommended13:49
twbDo you treat different departments differently, in network terms?13:49
twbIf not, there's no reason to use different networks for each13:49
CopyWriterno everything is treated as an entire organization13:50
CopyWriterthe old servers use the domain south_carib.org13:50
twbSo essentially what you want to do, then, is have your routers behave as switches13:50
CopyWriterif you say so, i'm here to follow your advice :)13:51
twbBasically the difference is a router deals with more than one network13:51
twbThe only router is the machine doing the NATting13:53
twbWhich will be either your ADSL modem, one of your W200's, or a dedicated ubuntu box.13:54
twbAfter that, everything is just doing switching on a single network, e.g. 192.168.0/24 or 192.168/1613:54
CopyWriterman i'd love to have the ubuntu box doing the routing13:55
CopyWriterthat's what i want13:55
twbIf your modem is using PPPoA for authentication (to the ISP), then it's doing the routing.13:55
CopyWriterno it's not using PPPoA13:56
twbWhat I would normally do is have the ADSL modem to PPPoE, then have it's ethernet cable going into an Ubuntu box with two NICs.13:56
twbIf the linksys router is a powerful/flexible one and you prefer configuring it to configuring networking on an Ubuntu box, you could use that as the router instead.13:56
twbThat's what the big players will do, because they buy powerful, expensive Cisco kit and a guy who knows IOS to drive it.13:57
twbBut if you're dealing with an crappy inflexible 4-port router, a dedicated Ubuntu box will be MUCH better13:57
ichattwb: - most routers let you do some kind of static dhcp, - witch i use most of the time.. problem with that is, that you'd have to need 2 switches   (the first being your modem router and the seccond being your lan switch14:00
ichat(if you want youer server to also be a firewall that is)14:01
twbichat: you can do fixed (static) DHCP allocation on an Ubuntu box, too14:01
twbWhat I'm advocating is basically putting the Ubuntu server in charge of everything, and making the other networking gear as "dumb" as possible14:02
ichattwb true but not all ' cheap' routers have a function to disbale dhcp alltogheter14:02
CopyWriterthere's the option to disable dhcp on the routers14:02
twbichat: he's using CAD80 routers, so I expect them to support that much14:02
CopyWriteri changed the entire office over to wireless a few months ago, would that be a problem14:03
twbSo the Ubuntu box will sit between the ADSL modem and the router(s)/switch(es), and be in charge of PPPoE, DHCP and firewalling14:03
CopyWritereverything is wireless14:03
twbCopyWriter: no, because you just instruct the routers to bridge the wireless part onto the ethernet part14:03
twbCopyWriter: the Ubuntu server will just see, at the IP level, DHCPREQUESTs originating from ethernet MACs.14:04
CopyWriteraahhh, don't know how to do that but it seems easy14:04
twbCopyWriter: however if you want to supplement/replace WPA2 with ipsec, you will need to teach your ubuntu box or routers to be endpoints for that.14:04
twbI don't really understand the implications of making the routers the ipsec endpoints... probably that would be a pain in the arse.14:06
CopyWriterand what if i migrate all the desktops to ubuntu and laptops would it be easier14:06
CopyWriteri want to really eliminate windows entirely14:06
twbThe the IP level, windows boxes are basically identical to BSD boxes14:07
twbWhere you will win on dropping Windows support is simpler centralized authentication and filesharing services14:07
twbOf course, you could also simplify by having Windows on ALL the desktops.14:08
twbYou should use whatever's the best tool for the job -- which may not be Ubuntu14:08
CopyWriteri'm having too much downtime with virus infections etc14:09
CopyWriterusing windows boxes14:09
CopyWriterstaff aren't following policies14:09
CopyWriterbasically someone sneezes and boom the computers are infected :)14:09
twbAh, well.  That will happen.14:10
CopyWriterit's been happening for the last 2 years14:11
CopyWriterand right now i've spent more than 60k since november to now trying to make it work14:12
CopyWriterso i'm not going with the recommendation to "migrate" to windows 200814:12
CopyWriterwell not after all the things i've been reading about open source software14:12
CopyWriterand the power of linux14:13
twbCopyWriter: if you go with linux and fuck up, you'll be just as bankrupt.14:13
twbI would definitely recommend that you find some local contractors you can tap for the hard parts, since you have a day job to do as well as all the IT crap14:14
roxy_hi there...im having a serious problem, i restart my server and i can not see now the lvm i got the error   /dev/mapper/Error|lvm2|internal|pv1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/o                   utput error14:14
roxy_the raid proc/mstab shows ok14:15
CopyWriteri hear you14:15
roxy_my question can i recover it or i lost all the information ?14:15
CopyWriterstill doesn't stop me from trying tho14:15
twbroxy_: you mean /proc/mdstat?14:15
CopyWritercreative kinda guy that i am14:15
roxy_if i lost all the information i will die14:16
twbroxy_: I dunno what happened there14:16
roxy_i can not mount the original driver that was setted14:16
twbroxy_: how far through boot do you get?14:17
twbroxy_: are you sitting in the ramdisk at the moment?14:17
roxy_i mean just mount some disk as root and others but not all14:17
roxy_where i have the most of the information14:18
roxy_i got this error  Physical Volume /dev/dm-16 is too large for underlying device14:18
twbOh dear.14:19
twbPerhaps you have somehow told LVM to use more disk than you actually have?14:19
roxy_i am using evms14:23
roxy_do you know?14:23
twbSorry, I'm not familiar with that14:25
uvirtbot`New bug: #411943 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.0.list] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 255" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41194314:28
macrocosm144is there anyway to test why mail might not be sent from cli?  Im running 8.10 with php5 and Exim4 ... some of my drupal sites are sending mail and logs to the exim log while others are not .. .and with no errors.  Someone suggested it may be cli php so I ran a php script from the command line and it did send a mail ... Im trying all chanells cause im totally stumped! anyone have any ideas?15:32
ReepicheepI would look at the drupal site configurations.. I've never used drupal but I imagine there is email settings somewhere15:35
Reepicheepyou usually either set it to use a local binary like /usr/bin/sendmail or set it to use a SMTP server15:36
Reepicheepcompare the sites that work to the sites that don't work15:36
Reepicheepalso make sure the sending email address exists15:36
Reepicheepit sounds like exim is working .. if it works sometimes.. you can test exim's routing of email with:15:37
macrocosm144yeah .. the thing is all settings look proper .. im going to try some debuggin bits someone just gave me .. I forgot about the devel module .. its good for just these situations15:37
Reepicheepexim -bt username@domain.name15:37
macrocosm144hmm -bt not seen that one before15:37
Reepicheepthere are a lot of exim tests you can do.. -bt is just the standard routing test15:38
macrocosm144lol .. just getting started with it .. ive only tested sending mails and a few other bits ... took me a while to settle on exim but I am liking its simplicity.  I only use a smarthost though so its mostly neutered15:39
ReepicheepI'm a big fan of exim15:39
macrocosm144what should I be expecting from the result of your code above?15:39
macrocosm144yeah its a lot simpler than postfix .. and surely more secure than sendmail15:40
Reepicheepthe -bt test just will show you if exim is able to route to that email address and where it would send it15:40
Reepicheepwhen I setup web apps I like to use an SMTP server when ever possible .. it just seems to simplify it.  Your SMTP server can always be localhost15:42
macrocosm144well im getting a undeliverable: Unrouteable address even though I know the address is good15:42
macrocosm144hmmm and I used my main address for the server ...  I wonder if this may be related?15:43
Reepicheeptry adding a -D for debugging15:45
Reepicheepsorry it's -d15:46
Reepicheepso the command will look like:15:46
Reepicheepexim -d -bt user@domain.name15:46
macrocosm144wow thats a lot of output!15:47
macrocosm144whats the command to condense it again?15:47
macrocosm144I can never remember15:47
Reepicheepmaybe pipe it to less15:48
Reepicheepcommand | less15:48
macrocosm144cool .. im going to read into this thing a bit and see If I can find something awry15:49
macrocosm144thanks a million for being the voice in the dark!15:49
Reepicheepit should match some router somewhere.. then it will get passed to that routers transport for delivery15:49
Reepicheepand since you said that you have a smarthost.. the smart host router probably should be the one that it matches15:50
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
ivokssoren: croatia16:09
sorenivoks: Nice.16:10
ivokssoren: i'll upload couple of pics on facebook later, so you can check it out16:10
macrocosm144hmm ... the email im testing is a local domain .. is that a prob?16:12
smosersoren, or anyone, where is 'standard^' defined ?16:19
smoseras in 'apt-get install "standard^"'16:19
sorenIt installs the task called "standard".16:20
sorengrep-available -F Task -s Package standard16:21
sorenThose packages.16:21
sorenThey're defined by seeds. Has anyone mentioned seeds to you before?16:21
macrocosm144Reepicheep- it seems all of routers were skipped, at least thats what it looks like in the output here16:24
macrocosm144so maybe this is an exim thing afterall ... hmmm this is going to take some more digging16:27
Reepicheepmacrocosm144: there usually is a router called "dnslookup" that catches all outgoing messages.. does that one match? or one like it that is used for the smarthost16:28
macrocosm144the only smarthost router I see is --------> hub_user_smarthost router16:29
nick125Hmm. Can I add an IP alias to a bridge?16:29
macrocosm144and I dont see a dnslookup16:30
macrocosm144never mind that16:31
macrocosm144smarthost router skipped: domains mismatch16:31
macrocosm144there is another smarthost router16:31
Reepicheepthere should be a rule to match all none local domains16:31
Reepicheepdomains = ! +local_domains16:31
Reepicheepor something like that16:32
Reepicheepnick125: just give it the ip address in the interface file.. just as you would any other interface16:33
macrocosm144well it is a localdomain I am testing... does that still apply?16:34
macrocosm144its my fqdn too16:34
Reepicheepnick125: on an alias not an address.. do you mean renaming it or a secondary interface?16:34
nick125Reepicheep: Right now, I have two IPs on eth0/eth0:0, but I want to use a bridge for OpenVPN.16:35
Reepicheepmacrocosm144: there should be a different router for local domains16:35
macrocosm144 real_local router ?16:35
Reepicheepusually called localuser16:36
Reepicheepit should be one of the last routers16:36
macrocosm144local_user router skipped: josh is not a local user16:36
macrocosm144yeah its there but skipped16:36
Reepicheepdoes the josh user exist on the system? or does it pull usernames from a directory or database?16:37
Reepicheepnick125: what is your bridge interface? br0?16:38
macrocosm144well .. this may be the problem .. its an email address on my fqdn but I use google apps for all mail handling but local outgoing16:38
Reepicheepmacrocosm144: so is your mail stored locally or on google apps?16:39
macrocosm144on google apps16:39
Reepicheepok.. you probably should set up a special router for that domain .. and set it's transport to send it to the google servers16:39
Reepicheepthe router will have a rule to match that domain: domain = domain.name16:40
Reepicheepor even a list of domain names if you have multiple domains16:40
macrocosm144hmm and that would fix outgoing email from internal applications in my webserver?16:40
Reepicheepif it is using the localhost to send mail and the destination is to an account at that domain.. that is probably what you need to do16:41
macrocosm144well the destinations will vary wildly since apps will be sending out to many different places.16:42
Reepicheepexim -bt email@address needs to show that it is routing the message to the correct user before that server or apps using that server will be able to send messages to users at that domain16:43
macrocosm144ok so it doesnt matter what the end recievers email address is only the one thats responsible for routing mail away from the server?16:44
Reepicheepwell exim actually cares about both.. depending on how it is configured16:45
Reepicheepit always needs to know where to route the destination address16:45
macrocosm144I set it up pretty standard with a tutorial for using it as a smarthost only16:46
Reepicheepit may need to verify the sending address if it is configured to do so for the senders domain16:46
macrocosm144so u think I may be failing verification of the senders address?16:47
Reepicheepno.. I think you current issues in the server doesn't match a router for the destination address.. that needs to work before it even thinks about verifying the sender address16:48
macrocosm144hhhhmmm .. that makes sense ... since my contact forms work .. they have a unique email address used for the sender.  But my internal scripts are using my main address which is failing these routers16:48
Reepicheepit will let you know in the logs if sender verification fails.. at least I believe it does with the default exim config16:49
macrocosm144been tailing the exim4 mainlog16:51
macrocosm144did get a16:51
macrocosm1442009-08-11 08:10:04 1MaqB2-0005ga-Ej ** josh@myserver.com: Unrouteable address16:51
Reepicheepyeah.. I think you need to get routing working first within exim16:52
macrocosm144but its not repeated again in my other testing16:52
macrocosm144I could have sworn that I did set up a router like you mentioned16:53
Reepicheepwhen you change the exim.conf file did you start with the default then make a few minor changes to it or did you replace it with a different exim.conf file?16:54
macrocosm144and its why some mail is working ... runing tests do send mail16:54
macrocosm144I dont remember .. let me take a look at it real quick16:54
Reepicheeptry exim -bt user@domain.name to different email addresses maybe some of them are routing and some others are not depending on the domains16:55
Malekohmm how do find the fastest repo16:56
Malekohmm how do you find the fastest repo16:56
macrocosm144using an ousite email works .. I tried my @gmail address16:57
macrocosm144where is that conf file? lol16:58
macrocosm144and other local domains work too16:59
macrocosm144just not the address which is also my fqdn16:59
macrocosm144doesnt work16:59
Reepicheepyou probably need to setup a router that matches that domain.. and comment out the local delivery router17:02
Reepicheepthe issue is that exim thinks that domain is local .. so it checks for a local user and mailbox to deliver the message into17:03
macrocosm144That makes perfect sense17:04
macrocosm144ahhh ... thank you so much for your insite!17:04
macrocosm144Ok ... comment out the local delivery router.  And create a router that matches the domain .. im not sure how but im sure the man fille might have something on setting that up.17:06
macrocosm144I cant find the conf file though ... I think maybe it was split up there are ton of folders in there but no conf file17:06
macrocosm144yeah .. thats got to be it ... its split up ... /etc/exim4/conf.d/ is the right dir ?17:09
Reepicheepit's usually /etc/exim/exim.conf17:13
Reepicheepand exim.org has very detailed documentation.  It would take weeks to get through all of it ;)17:14
macrocosm144hmm ..dont have that .. just /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template17:15
macrocosm144no exim4.conf17:15
Reepicheepmacrocosm144: what release of ubuntu are you running? and what version of exim?17:15
macrocosm1448.10 server17:16
macrocosm144and I think the latest exim17:16
macrocosm144just installed it a few weeks ago17:17
macrocosm144installed with apt-get17:19
Reepicheephmm.. the only ubuntu box that I have exim on is a 9.04 and /etc/exim is linked to /etc/exim4 and /etc/exim4/exim4.conf is linked to /etc/exim4/exim.conf17:20
Reepicheepso the main file should be /etc/exim4/exim4.conf17:20
Reepicheepif the config is distributed to other files you should see some .include lines in the exim4.conf file17:22
macrocosm144ok I think I have the exim4.conf.template file ... and then the actual conf is split into smaller files in the etc/exim4/conf.d sub dir17:22
=== Authority is now known as Guest29939
orogorhi here17:31
orogori gota weirdo issue17:31
orogorwhen i login into gnome i lose my network and have to reconfigure the interfaces17:32
=== genii_ is now known as genii
metalfan__got an older epia m1200, it doesnt support pae.  can i just compile a kernel without pae on another system and still use ubuntu?18:07
_rubeninstall the -386 kernel18:07
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
metalfan__the weird thing is that the installation worked, its booting. but it tends to crash often18:08
_rubenmetalfan__: sounds familiar .. older versions of ubuntu even refused to boot on epia boards .. recent ones work but are highly unstable18:08
metalfan__ok thx18:09
_rubeninstalling the -386 kernel worked for both cases for me :)18:09
metalfan__its just intended as a backup i case the openwrt upgrade breaks the router18:09
_rubenwhich i could find a decently spec'ed, affordable, openwrt'able device :p18:10
metalfan__its all overpriced18:11
metalfan__Buffalo WHR-G54S 125        <- got this one, cant find the current price18:14
metalfan__maybe its outdated already18:14
metalfan__its currently running kamikaze, the upgrade should get me a 2.6 kernel with ifb18:14
_rubenthen again, my current modem/router is tweakable too .. but the little info that's avail is mostly german .. (fritzbox 7270)18:14
_rubenupdated my wrt54g to 2.6 kernel the other day as well .. left me with useless wifi .. so its currently a paperweight :)18:15
metalfan__yeah, openwrt is "experimental"18:16
metalfan__also the documentation needs a rewrite18:16
ichat_ruben:  -  BRCM chip ? ;)18:17
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_rubenichat: could very well be .. dont recall :)18:20
ichatits why im still running the  openwrt 2.4 kernel ;)18:24
_rubeni just hope freetz (modded fritzbox firmware) will mature soon18:25
ichata modded firmware for the fritzbox -- :O18:32
ichati hope will still support the telephone (pbx) stuf...18:33
ichatbtw im going to disable my 2 sata drives... and check if  that will help solve the  bootloader prob for me18:34
ichat(after all -  better to have just 4 drives workin than none at all)18:35
metalfan__ichat, https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?pid=86418        iirc this one uses the brcm chip to, its supposed to work18:37
ScottKmathiaz: It might be good is a serverish MOTU could look at Bug #298085.  From reading the bug it seems easy enough.  I just don't have time to consider it.18:41
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 298085 in courier "maildrop is compiled without authlib extension !" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29808518:41
ichatreally hope it will boot in the end - im frickin sick of the .....   ..... .....18:46
ichatWHOOOOOOOTTT !!!!!!19:13
ichatso next deel is setting up samba the right way :S :S :S o oowwhhh :$19:24
XiXaQI'm having a few problems when I clone an ubuntu server kvm instance. I don't get any eth interfaces in the clone. I seem to remember that this has something to do with the uuid of the new machine, or something, but I don't remember how to fix it. :)19:25
erimar77you need to change the mac addresses in the server xml file19:26
sommerXiXaQ: also if the original was eth0 the clone may be eth1... as an example.19:28
=== tyabux is now known as XiXaQ
maswanOh, so much fun installing remotely on a server with just netboot working and a "too new" nic...20:11
* jmedina remember gentoo remote instalations20:15
maswanoh, well, tomorrow will be for remembering how to add extra modules to an initrd or something...20:16
metalfan__just booted from the ubuntu-server cd and choosed "rescue a broken system" - after some kernel messages fly by im presented with a "out of range" error from my monitor?21:00
metalfan__how do i get a bash shell?21:00
jmedinachange to a TTY21:02
metalfan__trid alt+1 ...2,3,421:02
jmedinaout of range, that sounds like a graphical mode21:02
metalfan__alt+f1 i meant21:02
metalfan__jmedina, yes...that was my understanding too21:03
jmedinaprobably you have a kenel param to disable hardware probing or disable X?21:03
jmedinawhat ubuntu server?21:03
BookmanHi there, is webmin not in the repos?  And if not, is there an equivalent?21:03
* jmedina always use systemrescuecd...21:03
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:04
metalfan__jmedina, 9.0421:04
Bookmanjmedina: Thanks21:04
metalfan__jmedina, iirc there was some way to add kerel params.....what kernel params am i looking for to disable xorg?21:05
jmedinametalfan__: not sure, never used 9.04 rescue cd21:05
jmedinametalfan__: mm did you try ctrl+alt+F1?? because now you are in x mode21:07
_rubenthe -server cd doesnt do X, not even in rescue mode21:09
_rubenframebuffer terminal is as graphical as it gets21:09
_rubenwhich one should be able to override using the vga= kernel param21:10
metalfan__jmedina, apparantly the framebuffer resolution was not supported by the onboard hardware. vga=771 helpeg21:23
metalfan__since i only want to reinstall grub i choosed "...repeat a step from the installer.." (dont know the exact description, system is in the basement) now its detecting its discs....lets see how well that goes21:24
metalfan__will report back later21:24
j0nrI have just renewed my ssl certificate for dovecot mail server... when trying to connect from remote location using IMAP, I get the message that the certificate is not valid YET... what do I need to do to make it valid and allow me to stoe it permenantly for mutt21:57
orogorhi here ,anyone would know why when i login into gnome i lose my network and have to reconfigure the interfaces ?22:09
ScottKorogor: Consult /topic22:09
orogorScottK, i dont get which one you want me to read22:12
jtimbermanorogor: i imagine because 'gnome' is not considered a server software package.22:14
orogorit could very depends on what you do for exemple terminal server stuff, but  admit this isn t used as a terminals erver thingy22:15
sgrover_help?  *buntu 9.04 with Apache2, php5, etc.  Trying to establish a PDO connection to an MS SQL server.  Getting "The mssql driver is not currently installed".  I installed php5-sybase and restarted, no difference.22:36
sgrover_Google hits seem rather outdated, or suggest what I've already done....22:37
ScottKorogor: jtimberman had it right.  Gnome stuff is off topic here.22:57
jtimbermanScottK: oh hello!  I am working with btm on getting chef and its dependencies into Karmic. he mentioned your name the other day when he and i were chatting.22:59
sgrover_bump?  Any tips on setting up MSSql access via PHP5 on a 9.04 box?  php5-sybase is NOT working (via PDO).23:20
sgrover_k.  It seems that PDO *can* access the mssql server IF the "pdoType" is set to "dblib"...23:39
=== sgrover_ is now known as sgrover

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