
NgAliTabuger7: perhaps talk a little with newz2000 later when he's awake (he's in the US), but probably you'll be wanting to submit a request to rt@ubuntu.com with as much information as possible10:51
newz2000Hi AliTabuger7, are you the one I talked to a few months ago about this?15:43
AliTabuger7I believe you talked to me and Ruben Romero <huayra@ubuntu.com>15:44
newz2000AliTabuger7: What did you have in mind regarding spreadubuntu?\15:57
AliTabuger7Mostly I was hoping to get the domains. I don't really care who hosts it.15:58
newz2000AliTabuger7: you use drupal, right?15:59
AliTabuger7Drupal 6, yes.15:59
newz2000What modules do you use besides the built in ones?15:59
AliTabuger7It's extremely customized:16:03
AliTabuger7Views, CCK, imagecache, boost (optional), fivestar, votingapi, an in house modification of the poll module, i18n, l10n_client, launchpad openid, openid teams, CAPTCHA, date, gravatar, poormanscron (optional), pathauto, google analytics, and XML sitemap.16:03
AliTabuger7we also use a very customized ubuntu-nj theme16:04
AliTabuger7some of those are not enabled16:09
AliTabuger7Again, I am fine with continuing to host it, but would also be open to an opportunity to get it hosted.16:15
AliTabuger7newz2000: What do we have to do to get the spreadubuntu.com and spreadubuntu.org domains?16:18
newz2000AliTabuger7: I don't have the full answers for this, what we need to do is get a request created. If you want to continue to host it yourself than security requirements are less strict.16:19
newz2000If you're asking for us to host it there will probably be concerns about some of your modules.16:19
newz2000Here's what you should do next...16:19
AliTabuger7Ok. Lets keep it simple. Maybe after a code review and greater popularity it could be hosted.16:20
newz2000just a sec16:20
newz2000AliTabuger7: sorry for delay, here's what to do16:24
newz2000Send an email to rt@ubuntu.com asking for the domain to be pointed at the other site16:24
newz2000Please make sure your site is ready16:24
newz2000If you have gpg please sign your request so that people know who you are16:25
newz2000Be brief in your email16:25
newz2000include at the end that you use drupal and what modules you have enabled16:25
AliTabuger7No problem on the delay. Is it a pointing like a redirect? or a full parking? I'll sign it and be brief.16:25
newz2000I don't know if they'll do it for sure, but I suspect they will16:26
newz2000I suspect they'll point the DNS A record at your IP16:26
newz2000please cc me on the email so I can keep updted on it16:26
AliTabuger7do you prefer your canonical.com email address? I emailed that one a few days ago.16:29
newz2000Yes, that's great16:30
newz2000I did get your email but has some time off so haven't had a chance to reply16:30
AliTabuger7I understand.16:30
newz2000AliTabuger7: regarding the Ubuntu download counter, probably not.16:32
AliTabuger7It is probably too complicated. I might just do a summation of the torrent tracker download stats just to have a number.16:33
newz2000We've looked into it and we do some basic tracking but there are so many ways to get Ubuntu and so many different sources / mirrors the best you can do is a guess16:34
AliTabuger7A guess would be better than nothing, in my opinion.16:35
AliTabuger7Who is rt@ubuntu.com anyway?23:40

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