
sdgHow did I manage to sign up without an invitation?00:19
jblountsdg: We don't have an invitation wall any longer, took it down a few weeks ago.02:06
sdg"Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly" is in the channel topic, though.02:06
jblountI'll have someone take it out.02:07
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: SteveA | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 113, Protocol Revno is 58 | Release 0.91
repeteWhy does u1 say I'm not subscribed?11:07
cyberixKarmic Alpha3 release notes mention that Ubuntuone will be enabled by default.12:36
cyberixHow are you going to create an account for the user?12:37
cyberixIs the user required to create a Launchpad account at first login, or what?12:37
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 113, Protocol Revno is 58 | Release 0.91
dobeyoi indeed14:09
jblountstatik: j0, do you see cyberix 's questions from 7:30 or so?14:09
statikhi cyberix, ubuntu one client bits are installed by default, but it is optional whether the user wants to use them. if you click on internet->ubuntu one, it would walk you through signing up, creating an account if necessary, or simply adding a new machine to an existing accoutn14:11
cyberixstatik: "oi" as in Lojban for complaint/pain?14:11
statikcyberix: nah, more like oi as in big loud cheerful noisy music14:11
dobeypunkska oi14:12
dobeybritish oi14:12
statikskankin pickle and all that14:12
jblountstatik: Then it would be, "oi oi oi!".14:13
cyberixstatik: I just get the feeling that it is design to be a background service rather than something you'd launch from Applications menu14:13
statikhey Chipaca, do you have branches that you needed to get into the client rollout this morning? I saw there was at least one from you that had a strange test cleanup failure, but otherwise looked good14:13
Chipacastatik: the failure is fixed and waiting for another review14:13
dobeycyberix: it is, but we need some way for people to sign up easily for the service14:13
dobeycyberix: and we want to not force it on people who don't want to use it14:14
statikcyberix: it definitely is designed as a background service, and we tried to find the balance between making it easy to enable and staying out of the way for people who don't want it. at uds we discussed adding a checkbox to the installer for example "Do you want to use Ubuntu One"14:14
Chipacawhere should I be able to see the ubuntuone key in the gnome keyring? It's not there, but I get at it via python so I know it's there somewhere14:14
statiki'm sure we'll refine it further in karmic+114:14
statikif you have ideas that would be great14:14
statikChipaca: under passwords I think14:14
ChipacaI have "My Personak Keys" and "Other Keys"14:15
Chipaca(as tabs, I mean)14:15
Chipacathe first has gpg and ssh keys, the other has gpg keys of other people14:15
statikChipaca: on the jaunty laptop i'm using, I have "My Personal Keys", "Trusted Keys", "Other Collected Keys", and "Passwords"14:15
statikas tabs14:15
dobeyChipaca: it's a bug in karmic that will be fixed in an update this week14:16
Chipacawhy, o why, did I switch to karmic?14:16
Chipacai'm getting nothing but pain :(14:16
dobeyChipaca: it's an upstream bug... and it's already been fixed upstream :)14:16
dobeyChipaca: so it should be fixed in karmic probably within the next day or 214:16
dobeyChipaca: given that alpha4 is in 2 days...14:17
cyberixstatik: How about having it sit in the upper right corner disconnected, and just remember whether the user left it on or off last time he closed it?14:17
cyberixAlso, couldn't you just create accounts for users automatically when the start the service for the first time14:18
dobeycyberix: what you see now is slightly different from what will actually be in Karmic14:18
dobeycyberix: when they start the service for the first time, that's exactly the first thing that happens14:18
cyberixI'm running Karmic14:18
dobeyand we can't create an account automatically, because there are terms of service one must consciously agree to14:19
cyberixoh bugger14:19
dobeyby karmic, i mean beta/final :)14:19
cyberixIt is always the law that gets in the way14:19
dobeyi'm sure there would be privacy issues with automatic account creation, too14:20
cyberixCanonical being able to see the files you publish?14:22
statikdobey, Chipaca: i'm running tarmac on ubuntuone-client to land chipacas branch i just approved (thanks for fixing the test cleanup thing chipaca)14:25
cyberixOfcourse automatic account creating would require support for aggregating accounts when one user has registered multiple accounts.14:26
Chipacathe thanks belong to verterok, actually14:26
ChipacaI just did what he said14:26
jblountstatik: Thanks for your answer to cyberix, reading it I realize that I should have been able to determine this myself :)14:26
statikjblount: np :)14:26
statikverterok: can you set a commit message on this merge proposal? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~verterok/ubuntuone-client/transactions-for-sync/+merge/997414:27
verterokstatik: sure14:27
dobeycyberix: we'd need to already know details about the user14:28
statikChipaca: whaddya say about the "breaks trunk" claim in https://edge.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntuone-client/lean-action-queue-commands/+merge/9931 ?14:28
Chipacastatik: it breaks the tests, yes14:28
verterokstatik: done, thanks!14:29
statikChipaca: I don't see a branch in the review queue for the ubunet side of the tests, I guess we should try to land both those branches pretty close to each other? anything I can do to help other than writing the code?14:30
Chipacastatik: there is no ubunet branch for that branch because it's just a refactoring14:31
Chipacastatik: but some it tickled a bug, which makes tests fail14:31
statikChipaca: that sounds delightfully fun :p  i guess it's probably not realistic to try and get that branch landed for todays client rollout then, since we don't want to break PQM? a 33% memory reduction is just so appealing though...14:33
Chipacastatik: no, it isn't; yes, it is14:40
dobeyChipaca: seahorse 2.27.90 fixes that issue, btw14:44
Chipacadobey: I've figured how to do what I wanted using python14:45
* CardinalFang waits for it...14:59
urbanapetick, tick, tick14:59
dobeytick tock, tick tock14:59
dobeyurbanape: you missed out dude!15:00
urbanapeI know. Did you say hi to Seth?15:00
dobeyhe signed my chest15:00
teknicoTime, The Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd, 197315:00
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountDesktop(+) developers meeting, make me a sandwhich or say "me" to be included in the lineup.15:00
jblountvds ?15:01
teknicourbanape, I see me before you, do you agree?15:01
CardinalFangDONE: Cheered testing of Spawning along.  Gwibber-couch accounts pushed, some testing.15:02
CardinalFangTODO: Plan Gwibber img caching; I may have to introduce Twisted, yo.  Think about replacing all of Gwibber account storage.15:02
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Nope.15:02
jblountDONE: Moved some milestone stuff around, thought about how best to do truncating stuff for the /files ui, confered with rockstar about some LP stuff he was working on15:02
jblountTODO: Finish and push this truncating stuff, start work on fixing up the js popup overlay things for /files/new15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope.15:02
jblountrodrigo_: rocknroll15:02
rodrigo_• DONE: Dublin sprint: Store UUIDs correctly for emails, phones and addresses. Made evo-couchdb talk to desktopcouch. Released and packaged new evo-couchdb, couchdb-glib versions. Tomboy syncing fixes. Tomboy sync UI mockups15:02
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Change note record format as per xdg page. Change tomboy syncing prefs interface to show many servers. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb15:02
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:02
rodrigo_dobey: go15:02
dobey☭ DONE: Fixed #411440, Worked on #386443, Fixed desktopcouch use of DistUtilsExtra.auto (again), Fixed invalid/unused import in desktopcouch tests, Fixed up tarmac test failure handling, Fixed tarmac reviewers to check that the reviewer is valid15:03
dobey☭ TODO: Tarball release, Finish #38644315:03
dobey☭ BLCK: 1.0a on server side (pending oauth.py upstream 1.0a patch approval)15:03
dobeyteknico: che dici?!15:03
teknicoDONE: fixed the phone sync subscription check, with the help of vds, jdo and james_h15:03
teknicoTODO: clean up and land the phone sync subscription check branch, start work on disabling free phone sync after 30 days15:03
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:03
tekniconext: urbanape15:03
urbanape DONE: Instrumented the hell out of Bindwood. Still don't know why some bookmarks are failing to get properly replicated into Couch. Running into issues with our dbus.sh script.15:03
urbanape TODO: More debugging. Commit, push, propose. All that good stuff.15:03
urbanape BLOCK: None15:03
urbanapevds, if you please15:03
vdsDONE: pair programming with teknico, some discussion about FX  deployment15:03
vdsTODO: review teknico's branch15:03
vdsBLOCKED: no15:03
vdsI guess that's it15:03
jblountkeyboard cat says: MEETING ENDS15:03
teknico3:04, wow :-)15:03
dobeyyou skipped statik15:04
statikDONE: lots of review and branch landing TODO: go ask about every package that we are pushing into karmic15:04
statikBLOCKED: nope15:04
CardinalFangOh, TODO: I guess I'm on call reviewer also, damnit damnit.15:04
urbanapepoor statik. he gets no respect.15:04
* jblount says oops15:04
urbanapeoh, good point.15:04
urbanapeI'm on-call reviewer today, too.15:04
dobeyoh and i am Hannibal today15:04
jblountWe can have really fast meetings if we skip everyone. Let's try that tomorrow.15:04
statikI will gladly cover on-call reviewer duty for anyone who has crazy branch landing hacking to do15:04
dobeyjblount: works for me!15:05
statikCardinalFang: when you say gwibber-couch accounts pushed, does that mean it has been submitted for ryan to merge, or has landed in trunk, or...?15:06
statikurbanape: thanks for chasing the bindwood stuff15:06
dobeyman, software that tries to be smarter than it needs to be, is so annoying15:06
urbanapeno problem. weird as hell.15:06
urbanapeand it's annoying enough to be a blocker for the other features.15:07
urbanapewhere's aquarius off to today?15:07
urbanapeI know he's at the airport (according to his twitter feed)15:07
statikurbanape: asac told me he normally hangs out in #ubuntu-mozillateam, i'm about to go ask him if he's uploaded to universe yet15:07
CardinalFangstatik, I pushed to lp, proposed for merging, got kenvandine to test and segphault to look at it.15:07
statikCardinalFang: fantastic!15:07
statikCardinalFang: has it been easy to get code into gwibber? getting a good reception there?15:08
urbanapestatik: cool15:08
CardinalFangstatik, I don't have anything landed yet, but segphault is very approachable and open.15:08
kenvandineCardinalFang, he is bad about actually getting things merged15:09
kenvandineCardinalFang, i think that is an area where he could use some help... he seems to get a bit overwhelmed when there are branches to merge15:10
CardinalFangI'll harass him into doing something today.15:10
CardinalFangOur cheif weapon is annoyance!  Annoyance and persistence. ....15:10
statiki wonder if we should offer to set up tarmac for him?15:11
statikit makes merging very very easy15:11
dobeySubject: Do you use them for good, or for awesome?15:12
dobeynice spam.15:12
jblountdobey: +115:12
CardinalFangHe pushed a update about some icon bugginess we complained about.  If he pulls my branch, it should be easy enough, statik.  More infrastructure may be more mental cost than he wants.15:13
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
urbanapewho's a good person to ask about the desktopcouch stuff?15:17
* jblount points at CardinalFang (like the monkey in Family Guy)15:18
CardinalFangurbanape, I can help some.  thisfr-d, aquarius, too.15:18
urbanapeCardinalFang: We're using this script: https://pastebin.canonical.com/21004/ for bindwood to find the proper port to use for our Couch interactions.15:19
urbanapewhen I run it, I get an outdated port. When I started up desktop-couch manually, it's running on a different port now. Do I need to do something to reset it?15:19
dobeygah, my firefox is all ugly now :(15:19
urbanapenetstat shows the port reported by that script isn't doing anything15:19
CardinalFangurbanape, Heh.  The daemon is dumb.  I have a patch somewhere to fix it up.  The daemon stores the port when the daemon is started, and thereafter when anyone asks, it say "it is (really 'was') port #N!".15:20
dobeyfirefox is not using my fonts correctly :(15:21
CardinalFangI didn't write that.15:21
urbanapeso, any way to smarten it up in the meanwhile?15:21
urbanapedo I need to restart dbus?15:21
CardinalFangurbanape, kill the daemon, restart it.15:21
CardinalFangNot dbus.15:21
CardinalFangBut the program that's providing the function getPort. ....15:21
statikdesktopcouch-service, i believe15:22
urbanapeyeah, stopping that now.15:22
* CardinalFang points to statik.15:22
* jblount wonders about Bug #39761615:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397616 in ubuntuone-client ""Shared by Others" might be a clearer name than "Shared with Me"" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39761615:24
CardinalFangthisfred, statik, urbanape, does this look about right?  I'll port it to a modern branch and try to land it in a few minutes if you agree it's a good idea.15:25
thisfredCardinalFang: I'll look at it in a minute after the contacts standup15:25
statikCardinalFang: it's a bit awkward to return a list only some of the time, but I like the overall idea15:26
CardinalFangstatik, agreed.  list always, then?15:27
thisfredCardinalFang: the XXX comment on line 48 can go now, I think15:29
thisfred(nothing to do with your changes, but might as well)15:29
statikCardinalFang: i don't think the per-user couchdb instance will ever be listening on multiple ports? i'm now realizing/wondering whether this functions correctly if we have two users logged in, both with their couchdb instance running15:30
thisfredCardinalFang: I agree with statik: if you want to optionally return more than one port, always return a list, and let clients deal with that, but I wonder if we need to.15:33
CardinalFangHrm, it's all moved away anyway.  Commit coming.15:35
CardinalFangthisfred, statik, urbanape: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/getport-at-call-time/+merge/997615:48
statikCardinalFang: awesome, thanks! can you set the commit message on that merge proposal?15:49
thisfredCardinalFang: I'll take a review, since I need to get a clue-by-four to the head re: the new desktopcouch15:49
CardinalFangthisfred, There's woefully little there to learn, sadly.  :)15:50
CardinalFang"Yay, dbus.  Ooo, a module provides the function to use."15:50
dobeyman. apartments are such BS15:52
dobeycan't wait to have a house15:58
dobey"hi, we don't really need to do it, but we're repainting all the lines in the parking lot, so IT MUST BE COMPLETELY EMPTY ALL DAY." == BS16:05
CardinalFangI think the statute of limitations has passed, so the next time we're sitting over beers, remind me to tell you the story of my college apt complex repainting the parking lot and my subsequent only voluntary crimes.16:09
CardinalFangIt's the only time I had a reward on my head.16:14
=== rodrigo_1 is now known as rodrigo_
statikooh, pretty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo16:27
statikmt is doing nice work there16:27
jblountstatik: Check out one of the remixes http://files.getdropbox.com/u/175241/boot/Ubuntu%20Karmic%20Koala%20animated%20boot%20splash%20idea.ogv16:35
statikjblount: neat! i like the colder look myself, but i'm mostly just happy it's going to look more polished16:38
jblountThat's part of the reason I like running the new distro, I reboot occassionally and see new prettiness.16:38
dobeyalright, i think it's time to get me some grub16:39
thisfredurbanape, statik, when testing chad's desktopcouch branch, did it start only a single desktopcouch?16:43
thisfred(also: urbanape you seem to be gone from the other channel again)16:44
* urbanape looks sheepish.16:44
urbanapeThat I didn't check.16:44
thisfredurbanape: well, I only noticed because I got a different error16:44
thisfredbut can you do a ps aux | grep couchdb?16:44
thisfredI think the tests just leave it all running16:45
urbanapeI rushed, and approved based on what I saw in the diff. My bad.16:48
statikthisfred: i got only one16:58
statikthisfred: but mine might have already been running16:58
thisfredstatik: ok, thanks.16:58
urbanapewhen I used the start script included with the checkout, I was left with a defunct couchdb process.16:59
jblountstatik: Is there a place in LP or elsewhere to see "branches that have been approved but have not yet been merged"? I think I lost the plot on a branch or two.17:06
statikjblount: look at the code tab on a project, and it has a link for approved merges17:10
jblountstatik: kthnx17:10
slaytonif I want to store my ~/Documents folder on Ubuntu one can I just make s symbolic link to it from ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/?17:25
dobeyyou'd need to put it in ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ and then make the external one a symlink pointing to it, as we don't yet support synchronizing arbitrary folders17:26
slaytonare the plans to support external folders in the future?17:28
dobeythough i don't know the specifics of how far in the future that would be. you can monitor the bugs for those various related features by subscribing to them on launchpad though17:31
kitplyhi all, i got an invite to join the ubuntuone, when i visited the site, it says recommended distro version is 9.04, but i have 8.1017:43
kitplycan ubuntuone be installed on 8.1017:44
kitplycould anyone help me on this?17:44
dobeyit requires some hefty backporting work which hasn't been done by anyone yet afaik17:48
kitplydobey: May i know what backporting means?17:49
dobeykitply: there are newer versions of various packages in 9.04 which we require17:50
kitplydobey: so we may need to install them before we install the ubuntuone client?17:51
dobeykitply: well they will have to be built/tested on 8.10 before the client will work, yes17:51
kitplydobey: oh ok.17:52
dpmdobey: quick question: I'd like to file a bug on the backend not being translatable. Which project should I best file it against? I'm looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+filebug and I've got several chices there17:56
dpmchoices, I meant17:56
dobeydpm: ubuntuone-syncdaemon is part of ubuntuone-client17:57
dpmdobey: right, but as far as I can tell there is no ubuntuone-syncdaemon project to file a bug against. Should I file it against ubuntuone-client, even if I'm talking about the backend?18:00
dobeydpm: what do you mean by backend exactly? i presumed you mean the syncdaemon... do you mean something else?18:02
dpmdobey: sorry, I was probably being ambiguous. What I meant was the web UI and the fact that it is not translatable18:03
dobeydpm: there is already a bug about that, and the web ui would be part of ubunet18:03
dobeydpm: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/330746 -- and you are already subscribed to it :)18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330746 in ubuntuone-client "User Interface needs to be Translated" [Medium,Fix released]18:04
dobeyi guess ubottu doesn't like bugs that span multple projects, very well18:05
dpmdobey: that's not the one, that bug is about the client. My memory is bad, but I do remember that one after having submitted the patch :)18:05
dobeydpm: no, it's about both :)18:05
dobeydpm: it's the same bug, but affects both projects18:06
* dpm reads again...18:06
dobeyit's still open on ubunet18:06
dpmah, you are right... thanks18:06
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
dpmchanging subject and going back to the client, I have to have a look at it again: I noticed the fix was released, but translations are still not being loaded.18:08
dobeyhmm, i don't know about that. afaik, it works18:09
dpmI'll have to investigate more. I've just double-checked with someone else using 0.91.1+r113 with an Italian locale, and ubuntuone-client is still in English only18:20
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 134, Protocol Revno is 60 | Release 0.91
dobeydpm: looks like there might be a packaging issue with translations...18:31
dobeydpm: i'm not entirely sure how that is supposed to work though. i thought our translations would be added to language-pack-whatever packages...18:31
urbanapekenvandine and statik: I think I know why the records get munged up.18:34
urbanapeor at least, why some might get flubbed on new/changed bookmarks/18:35
statikurbanape: oooh, tell me more18:36
urbanapeSo, I threw in a massive amount of debugging statements.18:36
dpmdobey: that's for karmic. I can have a look at that. But I was talking about jaunty, where translations for ubuntuone-client are not being picked up18:37
urbanapeand it seems that a lot of the event handling can get into a congested state, especially when it happens around poll time.18:37
urbanapeI'm not positive about it, still picking apart the console log.18:38
urbanapeNeed to lower the frequency so I don't get so much churn.18:38
dobeydpm: yes, because the translations aren't in the packages18:39
dobeydpm: so i guess i need to know the correct way to handle this for karmic, and see if i don't need to do something different for jaunty, than we need to do for karmic18:40
dobeydpm: and right now is an excellent time to fix that, as i'm about to do a new tarball release and package updates for karmic alpha418:41
dobeydpm_: not sure if you got all that...18:42
dpm_dobey: I think I did, but wait a sec...18:43
dpm_dobey: that's for karmic. I can have a look at that, but not until tomorrow. But I was talking about jaunty, where translations for ubuntuone-client are not being picked up. Which package should install the .mo file?18:43
dobeyi guess you didn't get all of what i said...18:43
dobeydpm: yes, because the translations aren't in the packages18:44
dobeydpm: so i guess i need to know the correct way to handle this for karmic, and see if i don't need to do something different for jaunty, than we need to do for karmic18:44
dobeydpm: and right now is an excellent time to fix that, as i'm about to do a new tarball release and package updates for karmic alpha418:44
dobeydpm_: ^^ you probably missed a bunch of that18:44
dpm_dobey: I did not miss it, in jaunty ubuntuone-client is not in main, and thus is not using language packs18:45
dobeydpm_: i have no idea how language packs are even supposed to work...18:46
dpm_dobey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslationLifecycle18:46
dobeydpm_: they're also missing in karmic currently18:47
urbanapealso, it seems pretty clear that we need to be slightly smarter about whether and how much we're willing to clobber any properties with undefined (probably not and never).18:49
dpm_basically, if a package is in main, it should get its translations stripped by pkgbinarymangler, then they're going to be imported into Rosetta, translators do their work, and translations are then exported in language-pack-gnome-xx in this case. It seems that the import bit already works. Let me have a look at the exports18:50
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
dobeydpm: it rather looks like it's probably an issue in ubuntuone-client packaging18:52
dobeydpm: as none of the binary package .install files list any of the translations, and so they're probably not getting pulled out properly i guess18:52
dpmyes, I think so, as you mentioned in -desktop, it doesn't seem to install the .mo files?18:52
dobeywe install them, but they aren't "owned" by any of the binary packages18:53
dobeyhmm, this is going to be a bit problematic18:53
dpmwhat do you mean by "pulled out properly"? Forgetting karmic for a second, why can't the jaunty package not install the translations in /usr/share/locale?18:56
dobeyi didn't say it can't19:01
dobeyi said it isn't currently19:01
dpmah, right19:02
dobeyso the big question at the moment is, if karmic provides the translations in a language pack, and we provide PPA packages of our software as well, how do we avoid file conflicts on the translations, because they won't get stripped by the PPA builder afaik19:03
dpmdobey: in Karmic, the PPA will install translations in /usr/share/locale, whereas the package in main (actually the language-pack-gnome-xx containing the translations) will install them in /usr/share/locale-langpack, so there shouldn't be any conflict other than the fact that translations in /usr/share/locale have precedence over those in /usr/share/locale-langpack19:06
dobeyah ok19:07
dobeythen that answers the question19:07
dpmI think the only thing that needs to be done is that the package installs the .mo files. Stripping the translation files and putting and exporting them in language packs is already taken care of by pkgbinarymangler and langpack-o-matic respectively (but obviously, without having had a look at the package I might be oversimplifying it or plainly wrong :) )19:13
dobeydpm: it's taken care of, but there's nothing to strip at the moment :)19:14
dpmbut by having a look at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubuntuone-client/+translate it seems that at least they are imported fine into LP19:14
dpmor they were imported fine at some point :)19:15
dobeydpm: yeah, and this is a bit weird anyway, since we already use LP for translations... so i don't really see the point of using the same tool twice to get different translations :)19:15
dobeydpm: so this will be fixed "today"19:18
* dobey wonders if there is a bug about it already though19:18
dpmah, because the https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client ones are for the upstream project, whereas https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubuntuone-client/+translate are for those in Ubuntu. Translations should generally be made in the upstream project, and they will ideally flow to downstream ubuntu every time a new Ubuntu distro release is open for translation. There Ubuntu Translators can also make fixes if neces19:21
dpmsary, and it could also be that the upstream strings (I mean the msgids) differ from downstream19:21
dpmdobey: thanks!. I have not seen a bug for it yet, though, but I think you or I can simply add a comment to the existing one19:22
dpmand maybe change it's status to Confirmed instead of Fix Released19:23
dobeyno, that bug is fixed19:23
dobeythis is a different issue19:23
dobeythe client is translated19:23
dpmyeah, ok19:23
dobeywe just don't ship the translations in the binary packages at the moment19:23
dobeybut that will be fixed very shortly19:24
dpmso is it worth filing a new bug at all, then?19:25
dobeyactually, there /might/ be one on the ubuntu package that i haven't gotten mail for19:25
* dobey checks19:25
urbanapemerging is hard, let's go shopping.19:33
dobeymerging is easy19:34
dobeywe have scripts that do that19:34
urbanapeI meant generically.19:34
dobeywell, i guess it is pretty hard for Boston drivers to do19:35
urbanapein bindwood, we've made a practical decision to assume that Couch wins when pulling bookmarks into FF.19:35
urbanapehowever, if Couch has properties set to undefined, that's probably a mistake, and we should re-push the values from Firefox.19:35
urbanaperight now, Couch always wins and that's lossy.19:35
dobeyyeah, that is messy19:36
dobeyverterok: is your branch super important?19:36
jblountHmm. When I uploaded a file I created with "touch" (I guess zero bytes?) the updown server doesn't seem to like it.19:37
verterokdobey: fix an bug in the share changed handler, (if a share change and SD get a notification, the handler is of that notification is broked)19:38
verterokdobey: so it's important, I'm not sure of call it "super" important :)19:38
dobeyverterok: ah, at first i thought it was just changing the name, but then reading through the diff i saw why :)19:39
verterokdobey: yeap, an ugly bug :)19:39
dobeybut i approved :)19:39
statikhey dobey, you know how i like to ruin your days by giving you more work?20:01
dobeyyou know i know20:01
statiki really want that right-click menu thing to get the web URL for a file in ubuntu one20:02
dobeyis there a bug for that?20:03
statikis that something you could explain to me how to do, and then review my branch, or would it be easier for you to just do it directly? nope, i need to write one and jack the priority insanely high to reflect my own selfish preferences20:03
* statik writes a bug20:04
dobeyi don't know exactly how it would work20:04
dobeyprobably because i don't really understand how the updown server works20:04
statikthats all there is to it20:05
statikso i'm imagining a context menu item that says something like 'Get web URL for this file'20:05
statikand then formulates the URL after asking syncdaemon for the file ID20:06
statikand copies it to the clipboard - maybe also shows the URL in a small dialog to make people understand that it's available for copy/paste20:06
dobeythen i guess you just need to query the syncdaemon to get the UUID for the file, and then concatentate it on the end of a string that's "http://updown.ubuntuone.com/"20:08
dobeyand then do all the painful stuff to stick it in the clipboard20:08
herbstatik: got a sec?20:55
statikherb: yessir - i'm not used to seeing you on the public channel, hows the sprint?21:00
herbI'm not sprinting. mthaddon got that job21:00
jblounturbanape: I have a mystery. I thought that changing folders update the url string thing at /files/new/ but when I was just looking at it, it didn't. Was I imagining something?21:41
statikthere is a yui3 lib for that i heard21:43
urbanapeah, yeah, that is also something we need to fix. lots of loose threads21:43
=== inkvizitor68sl is now known as ink_away
BUGabundoola ola23:02

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