[00:00] only a noob like me wouldn't understand that [00:00] thanks for help [00:05] I'm having trouble creating a usplash for xubuntu 9.04. when I apt-get source the xubuntu splash package, change the images and build, xubuntu doesn't recognize the resulting .so file. but I can do this fine in ubuntu [00:13] the startup manager doesn't report any errors when choosing this file, but xubuntu doesn't use the art on startup and shutdown - it just displays text instead [00:16] is xubuntu just ubuntu with xfce enviroment? [00:23] out of curiosity... what font size is the text in the xfce4 panels by xubuntu default [00:27] found it... that's weird that the xfce font size of 10 is about half the size of the kde font size of 9 >.> [01:18] Darth Tux: How do I set up a external dial up modem [01:18] I mean is it plug and play ? [01:19] it might be [01:19] not sure [01:19] what kind did you get/ [01:19] Trendent [01:20] I don't need to install drivers right? [01:20] hold on, looking [01:20] its the 560x model [01:21] I looked on the main page and that model is compatible with linux [01:22] I am just trying to figure out how to set up [01:22] well, i would try to see if it is plug n play in xubuntu [01:23] so when I bring up Gnome ppp do I just do a auto detect on the modem? [01:25] http://howto-ubuntu.com/2008/03/03/how-to-dial-up-internet-on-ubuntu-with-gnome-ppp/ [01:28] So I guess I do auto detect huh? [01:29] i would try that [01:29] and then ppp [01:29] The computer should detect the modem through the serial port correct? [01:31] Once I hit the auto detect it should find it? [01:32] usb [01:33] The modem I ordered is RS-232 [01:34] hiya, I have a question:: how do I change my screensaver settings such that it has a login when it resumes activity? [01:34] (perferably, I would rather do this via a terminal command rather than the GUI tool) [01:35] nvm -- found it ^^ [01:35] Darth_Tux it should detect [01:36] i think so [01:36] but i could be wrong [01:36] I'll mess with it when I get it [01:36] I just wanted to know [01:36] np, hope i helped [01:37] U did thanks a lot I appreciate the support [01:38] my pleasure [01:38] I'll post back when I get it if I have problems or if it is working I'll come back thanks Darth Tux [01:45] my resolution is 800x600 & i want to change it to 1024x762 [01:47] i can't find graphics drivers either [01:47] could someone please help me? [01:50] where can i get k8m800 graphics drivers? [01:52] hi newdev [01:52] hello [01:53] could you tell me what i should do to increase resolution? [01:53] googling it for ya now [01:56] i believe this is what you are looking for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome [01:59] thanks a lot Darth_Tux [02:03] newdev, let me know how it does [02:03] Darth_Tux: i have installed the graphics driver [02:03] sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome [02:03] how can i change the resolution now? [02:04] i would try logging out and in [02:05] i'll have to restart my machine to see the changes? [02:10] just restart X i think [02:58] Has anyone had any experience with virt-manager here? [03:09] Has anyone had a problem where virt-manager opens off of the main window. I've tried it on several machines, each very different. Virt-manager opens off of the top left of the screen each time. The problem seems to be specific to xubuntu as I was unable to reproduce in ubuntu. [03:19] Hi Pici [03:19] Pici: do you diddle little kids [03:19] Pici is going to ban me pretty soon so every please just consider yourself trolled and save me a bunch of time? [03:19] Has anyone had a problem where virt-manager opens off of the main window. I've tried it on several machines, each very different. Virt-manager opens off of the top left of the screen each time. The problem seems to be specific to xubuntu as I was unable to reproduce in ubuntu. [03:20] Pici: can you please splain to me why there is no hair yet [06:20] can someone help with a xfce problem? [07:30] How do you edit menu items, I have installed firefox 3.5 but the menu still points to the old firefox [11:17] morning channel [11:19] have the keyboard shortcuts changed in 9.04? I used to be able to resize and move windows with the kayboard but I cant now [12:58] afternoon [12:59] I've been messing with settings and startup scripts for xfce, and I've just noticed that a black rectangle (about 6x10 pixels) has appeared in the the top left of my screen. xwininfo for that area just says it belongs to the panel [13:00] any ideas? [13:00] the other issue I have is that totem is now opening every time I login. This is a very slow machine so I cannot have things like that happen. [13:08] SystemParadox: delete ~/.cache/sessions/* [13:10] aha that looks promising [13:10] ooo the black square is gone too [13:11] next question: how can I remove hibernate from the shutdown options? It blows up on this machine [13:12] does xfce use the gnome power settings? I set the can_hibernate in gconf to false and set it as required, but it hasn't changed anything in xfce [13:15] yey totem doesn't autostart anymore. Thanks TheSheep [13:19] eh? apparently there's supposed to be options for suspend/hibernate in the session and startup config, along with the session manager setting. There isn't in mine. [13:19] Where did it go? [13:20] seems that the gnome power manager tray icon settings doesn't have suspend as an option either [13:20] (nor hibernate) [15:54] hi th0r [15:55] anyone know how to auto arrange the icons on the desktop? [16:13] Quick question: What's the default media player for an audio CD in Xubuntu 8.04? [16:14] likemindead, i am not sure, someone will though [16:14] It's a bit strange, but my LUG has a bunch of old computers that we loaded up with Xubuntu 8.04 to donate to those in need. [16:15] that is nicce [16:15] nice [16:15] I performed updates on one & gave it to one of my wife's co-workers for her daughter. [16:15] She just emailed me asking how to play a CD. [16:16] I can't remember! [16:16] i am not running xubuntu atm [16:17] Ha... me either... (CrunchBang here)... [16:17] Sup fellas [16:17] Does Xubuntu come with the codecs needed to play audio CDs out of the box? [16:17] hiya deathtech [16:17] AHoy. [16:18] likemindead, i have a flakey cd drive, i dont even try to play cds [16:18] i dont think the codecs are installed out of the box though [16:18] could be wrong [16:18] I am no expert at programming, but i have a general understanding of the concepts and procedures (old school batch file writer from teh BBS days, SMS Scripting) and i would like to expand my horizons. Im looking for some fingers to point me in the right directions to find an IDE / Language that would be relatively easy to pick up on, but wouldnt be a waste of my time learning [16:18] I think you're right. [16:18] Thoughts ? [16:19] I think Python is the way to go. [16:19] i havent a clue likemindead [16:20] Likeminded : i have heard a lot about that, i thought for some reason that language's time had come and passed, its still considered a pretty good language ? especialy for learning ? [16:21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_%28programming_language%29 [16:21] I think so. [16:21] Is there a recommended (n00b) ide ? [16:21] ide? [16:22] Interactive Development Environment ( i think) [16:22] sorta like netbeans [16:22] never used it [16:22] i have used eclipse and bluej [16:23] I have heard of eclipse before, good stuff ? [16:23] its ok as i recall [16:23] anything else you may recommend ? [16:23] running linux? [16:24] Yes, and some MS Stuff [16:24] integrated Dev Environ [16:24] ^ Ill go with that :) [16:25] here is a link to many http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Devtools/ides.html [16:26] i would suggest trying a few till you get what you like, and ask people smarter than me lol [16:26] Thanks , Darth :) === genii_ is now known as genii [18:25] hi [19:57] Hello guys [19:58] I was just wondering, how does Xubuntu get along with 3G broadbands nowadays? [19:58] I've used Ubuntu several times before and I remembered all the networking as a complete hell, and now I [19:59] I'm trying to give my old laptop a revival. I do not need any specific programs, just the basics, but I do need my broadband to work [20:00] So if anyone here has had any experience with this, please share it [20:23] Anyone? [20:24] network-manager should support it out of the box [20:26] Even with an external USB-modem? I recall having to download something seperately on windows in order to get it in function [20:30] Right click the network manager icon and then click "Edit Connections..." [20:31] Then click on the Mobile Broadband tab [20:31] and click add [20:31] It should work if your device is supported [20:31] Great, do you know how to check if it is? I mean, before installing the whole system? [20:38] Roks: a simple step might be to find the model of the card and search for it on google combined with the terms linux and ubuntu [20:40] Which card? I don't really know where the problem lies here...is it the network card or the USB-modem that will have a hard time working? [20:50] Roks, the only way you'll be able to find out is if you try [20:51] Ok, thank you for your help, I guess it's trial and error from here on then [21:06] how would i compile a very small program for use on windows? it was made for windows and would only be useful for windows but i find myself needing to recompile it now [21:09] i have a makefile.win that was used in devC++ [21:15] it has 1 .h one .c and one .res and one .rc file for the entire program [22:32] which package provides xfce for xubuntu? it's obviously not xfce4, as that can be apt-get installed [22:34] proq: it is xfce4. Everything that makes up xubuntu can be installed a piece at a time [22:35] why is it then that I can install xfce4 on my xubuntu system? [22:35] it should tell me that it is already installed [23:05] proq: what does it tell you? [23:06] zoredache: it just installs it [23:06] this is i386, xubuntu 9.04 [23:06] and what package manager are you using? [23:07] aptitude. I'm running apt-get install xfce4 [23:07] it's not a big deal. it just made me curious as to what apt thought the xfce package was really called [23:08] the meta package that does all of xubuntu is xubuntu-desktop. If you look at the xubuntu-desktop package you can see all the packages it depends/reccomends on