
=== root is now known as Guest67632
kaddihi, i'm using a laptop and the Fn-keys for brightening and dimming the desktop doesn't work. all the other fn-keys work though. (eg mute, disable touchpad,etc) Anyone know how to fix that?00:33
pauruI am not sure00:33
pauruTry this00:34
pauru1st of all do you reed me?00:34
pauruYou are using Linux right?00:34
kaddiwell yeah, kubuntu..00:34
pauruThis is so awesome dude!00:35
pauruYou know00:35
kaddibig surprise, I now00:35
pauruI am new to the Linux family00:35
kaddiyou know that this is the official support channel for kubuntu?00:35
pauruI had nooo idea00:35
kaddiah, well that explains the question :p00:35
pauruI just opened the program00:35
pauruAnd i feel really awesome that there are so many people in here using Linux00:36
pauruTry to add in the panel00:36
pauruLet me see00:36
pauruThere should be a "brightness applet"00:36
pauruTry it00:36
kaddimaco I'm using konversation, I like it better than quassel :)00:37
macothe battery applet should let you change brightness if you click on it00:38
macokaddi: ive never used it00:38
kaddiah, i have the power-guidance-thingie not the regular battery applet.. let me check if I can find the other one00:38
kaddipauru I don't see a brightness applet, is it perhaps the battery applet maco mentioned?00:39
epqrI get no sound in almost all apps00:40
pauruLet me see00:40
epqrno sound in firefox, vlc, conqueror00:40
epqrbut i get in Dragon player00:40
pauruMaco was right00:43
kaddihow is that applet called exactly?00:43
pauruIn Ubuntu that i am using (Gnome) it is by the name "Brightness Applet"00:44
pauruBut as i see in Kubuntu00:44
pauruclick on the battery icon in the lower right corner of your screen and then you can adjust the brightness level for each energy mode (AC or battery).00:44
pauruOr add to the panel the battery applet and then change the brightness00:45
kaddiwell the thing is, that I uninstalled the default battery applet because I wanted one that only shows battery levels.00:45
kaddiso if I need to use the default battery applet I also need the name to reinstall ti :/00:46
aboSamoorI want to ask if it is intended that the updates to kde package overwrite the default display manager configuration file in /etc/X11 to kdm ?00:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:46
aboSamoorshould file a bug against that ?00:47
steven_J_MHi all  :)00:52
steven_J_Mhi pauru :)00:53
pauruHi Steve00:53
pauruActually i am new here00:54
pauruAnd to the Linux FAmily00:54
steven_J_Mpauru: me too, I haven't used kubuntu in years00:55
pauruHow long have you been using Linux?00:56
steven_J_Mpauru: about 4 years00:57
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
pauruYou guys here01:01
pauruAll of you have used Linux distros about 3-4 years01:01
pauruI am brand new01:02
pauruLets say only a month01:02
kaddiok, so i got the battery-applet, the default one, but desktop brightness isn't showing01:02
kaddiit is also not showing in systemsettings, so I cna't configure it at all01:03
pauruYou can't adjust the brightness?01:03
pauruAwww damn01:03
kaddiok, sry, that was stated wrong: I can change brightness, only nothing happens01:03
steven_J_Mpauru: you'll get the hang of it :)01:03
pauruO thanks Steve01:04
paurudid you rr?01:05
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
pauruRestart or Reboot01:06
=== edvaldo is now known as Ingrid
pauruOh cool01:06
kaddiah, no. that was the 24h disconnect01:06
pauruHey how can i change my color and my name too?01:06
kaddiyou can change your nick with /nick command. the color is only in your client and nothing that is transmitted by IRC01:07
kaddiI see my nick in black only ;)01:07
pauruLet me try then01:09
pauru"/nick <The new name>"?01:09
steven_J_Mhere's the output of upgraging the kernel through aptitude, (the security upgrade) can someone please check to see if it went  ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/251667/01:09
kaddisteven_J_M have you rebooted?01:10
=== pauru is now known as LrdOfNightmares
LrdOfNightmaresOk Done01:11
Ingridalguem fala portugues? ;]01:11
kaddisteven_J_M that looks fine to me :)01:11
LrdOfNightmaresWhat is that Steve?01:12
steven_J_Mkaddi: yes, oddly I have entries for both kernel versions in grub01:12
kaddisteven_J_M that is normal, you can still boot into the old kernel if you want to.01:12
kaddii would also suggest that you keep at least 2 kernels, so that you have a functional in case one gets broken by some kind of update01:12
kaddii currently have 4 kernels in my grub list ;)01:13
kaddi(and that's only because I removed another four a couple of days ago ;) )01:13
LrdOfNightmaresWhat is this "Kernel" concept?01:13
ubottuIngrid: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:14
kaddiLrdOfNightmares http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(computer_science)01:15
LrdOfNightmaresMy name?01:16
kaddithat is an explanation what a kernel is, if you click the link01:17
LrdOfNightmaresOh Ok01:18
LrdOfNightmaresI got it01:18
LrdOfNightmaresHey Guys01:18
FloodBotK2LrdOfNightmares: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
steven_J_Mkaddi: are you sure the upgrade went ok though, because I remember aptitude saying it was removing something and i thought it was trying  to romove the old kernel?01:20
LrdOfNightmaresFloodBotK2 is not a user?01:21
kaddino, it's a bot01:25
kaddisteven_J_M yeah i see that now. I was thinking that you also had 2.6.28-13 in the grub menu. How come you haven't installed 2.6.28-13?01:26
kaddiBut if you already rebooted, you are running the updated kernel, so it should be running fine01:26
LrdOfNightmaresIt meant to use this "paste" thing in order to say alot and not use enter bc if i talk2+more times it is called a "flood"?01:27
kaddiit wants you to use the enter-key as little as possible ;)01:28
LrdOfNightmaresAnd how do i do that? xD01:29
kaddiwell looking at the warning above in the 4 lines previous to the flood warning you wrote 2 words and hit enter, while you could have posted all of it on one line. The flood warning is a reminder, to keep everything on one line.01:30
LrdOfNightmaresOk got it, but it showed me a link, what do i use that for?01:31
kaddithis is done because not everyone has a high resolution, so people may only be able to view 10 lines of chat at a time, if you hit enter after every second word, they will have to do a lot of scrolling to see all the answers01:31
kaddiah that one is for another case, sometimes when you have a problem, you need to post large amount of text. Eg the text steven_J_M posted earlier. You are not supposed to post this in the chat directly, but you should post it on the given link, and then only post the link to your information on pastebin01:32
steven_J_Mkaddi: sorry I'll be back after lunch01:36
kaddiI'll probably be gone then ;)01:36
LrdOfNightmaresBye Steve it was nice talking to ya, i'll go too soon, cu around01:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:37
steven_J_MLrdOfNightmares: see ya :)01:37
vamsiI'm new to ubuntu 9.0401:38
werswhy is that i have to start gnome's "Appearance" dialog for gnome fonts to render properly on kde 4.3?01:38
LrdOfNightmaresHey Vamsi, welcome, i am new too01:38
steven_J_Mkaddi: sorry, i'll have to ask someone else after lunch01:39
kaddienjoy your lunch :)01:40
steven_J_Mwill do :)01:40
ZoraelAnyone else using Yakuake in Jaunty and get this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yakuake/+bug/41225901:51
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
kaddihi, I can't change the brightness of my desktop, I can change the settings all I want, but it doesn't change the actual brightness. Is there a workaround?01:54
dennisteranyone know what's involved in running a series of mailing lists? as in how much time? we've got a group to set them up for us, but they're still asking for someone responsible for the lists02:05
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
amason_dennister: which project is this for , Kubuntu ?02:11
=== desu_ is now known as desu
ubuntui installed windows and now i cant restore gryb can anyone help me i am on the live cd now02:19
dennisteramason_: sorry, stepped away for a bit; actually, its for a startup nonprofit that uses ubuntu and its derivatives, including kubuntu02:27
dennisteri've been reading this and trying to make some decisions http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/it/help/articles/email/mailman/adminlist02:29
amason_dennister: the amount of time you spend will be proportional to the number of members in your mailing list02:30
amason_if you have people maintaining the software etc.. its basically about removing users and making sure that people don't argue too much, make comments that exclude others etc..02:31
amason_basically just moderating the list to make sure it has the atmosphere you desire02:31
dennisteryeah, I figured the proportionality bit...I also don't want certain lurkers having access until we're incorporated02:35
dennisterone or two that I know operate in this space are just too nasty for words,02:35
=== mike is now known as pikohn
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=== mainstream is now known as oem
alexandernstHow can I mark as red something is the plasmoid "rssnow" ?03:18
alexandernstI mean, in akregator I can check every singel notice as "readed", how can I do it in rssnow?03:20
wangyuananybody here?03:50
wangyuan- -!03:52
=== ubuntu__ is now known as RaidRecovery
RaidRecoveryanyone familiar with mdadm ?03:55
alexbobphow do I get amarok 1.4 on the latest kubuntu?04:01
johnpunkhi I have this question04:03
EagleScreenalexbobp: why would you do it?04:03
johnpunkI've just downloaded Firefox 3.504:03
alexbobpEagleScreen: because I have a music collection in it?  maybe?04:03
EagleScreenamarok 2 doesn't support amarok 1.4 collections?04:04
johnpunkI have it running, but I would like to have it in the application launcher04:04
alexbobpEagleScreen: nope04:04
johnpunkhow can I add firefox or any other program to the application launcher04:04
EagleScreenjohnpunk: KDE-Menu?04:04
alexbobpEagleScreen: I want to run amarok 1.4 so I can keep using my mysql database04:05
johnpunkKDE MENU04:05
FloodBotK2johnpunk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:05
nargDoes anyone know if VM software exists to run x86 code on amd64? (I have an application that _really_ doesn't like 64 bit compiles (nor using -m32 with gcc))?04:05
EagleScreenalexbobp: install it then04:05
alexbobpEagleScreen: but how do I install it?  When I did the dist upgrade I ended up with amarok 204:05
EagleScreenalexbobp: remove amarok2 and look for amarok 1.4 packages04:05
EagleScreenalexbobp: are you good with packaging management?04:06
EagleScreenjohnpunk: right-click on menu and select Menu Editor04:06
johnpunkok EagleScreen04:07
alexbobpEagleScreen: yeah.  Do I need a ppa or something?04:07
EagleScreenthen johnpunk, add firefox executable path04:07
johnpunkok, Understood04:07
johnpunkI appreciate the help04:07
EagleScreenalexbobp: if you find any ppa, it would be great for you, if not try downloading from intrepid archive or from Debian archive04:07
EagleScreenjohnpunk: why didn't you install the Firefox package in main repository?04:09
johnpunkEagleScreen: I didn't use the repository because I wanted to have the last version of firefox04:09
johnpunkI think I read in the repository a previous version of firefox04:10
johnpunkBut I'm not sure04:10
EagleScreenjohnpunk: you have 3.5 release in repository04:10
EagleScreenbut if you want it in Kubuntu, I recommend you to install it by command "sudo aptitude -R install firefox-3.5" this won't install Gnome stuff04:11
EagleScreenjohnpunk: it is the better way to get Firefox04:11
johnpunkok, I'm about to install JAVA JDK, should I use the repository too?04:12
EagleScreenyes, sure04:13
johnpunkis that the best way of installing software for kubuntu04:13
EagleScreenrepository is the best way to install software, and the best way to uninstall it cleanly later04:13
johnpunkok let me look for the JDK04:13
EagleScreenjohnpunk: you may want to install sun-java6-jdk package04:14
johnpunkyes i see the package now04:15
johnpunkthat's a good advice because I was about to download and install the jdk manually04:16
EagleScreenon Ubuntu and Debian-based Linux, it is not necessary to install almost anything manually04:17
johnpunkthere's a big repository04:19
pxwebdevEvening all04:26
=== ubuntu is now known as snake_187
tuxwulfMy live USB ends with a BusyBox shell and an (initramfs) _ prompt. What can I do to get it started properly?04:29
EagleScreenyour live USB may be broken or badly created04:31
EagleScreenor your hardware may be very uncompatible with Linux04:31
tuxwulfI will check. Tthe live CD works fine, though, that leaves the USB thing then.04:35
pxwebdevWhat version is that your using?04:40
vincenthi, is this wehre someone can get help?04:56
=== vincent is now known as Guest51107
=== Guest51107 is now known as UnbNJ
tuxwulfvincent: about (k)ubuntu, yes04:58
UnbNJcool. ok, I have what I'm sure is a very stupid problem. I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop, and when I reboot after installing the driver for my  geforce 4 460 I get a milky screen. I've looked into it, and what seems to work is adding a line to the xorg.conf, but I don't know how to edit the file05:00
UnbNJif I open it in the text editor it says I don't have permission to save and doesn't give me an access window.05:00
tuxwulfUnbNJ: You're the same as vincent? Well, what I would do is open a terminal and do sudo kate <file>05:03
tuxwulfI think that should work05:03
UnbNJyep, same as vincent05:04
UnbNJok, lemme try.05:04
UnbNJkate command not found05:06
tuxwulfAh. How about kedit?05:06
UnbNJnot found. tried edit and got this:05:07
UnbNJ~$ sudo edit /etc/xorg.conf05:07
UnbNJWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/xorg.conf" -- using "application/octet-stream"05:07
UnbNJError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"05:07
FloodBotK2UnbNJ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:07
tuxwulfI forget which is the default plain text editor in kubuntu... YOu can do nano instead of kedit but that is not graphical05:08
UnbNJoh that might work05:08
tuxwulf(Besides, I thought xorg.conf is in /etc/X11 ...?)05:08
UnbNJdammit, yea it is05:09
UnbNJjust realized that05:09
tuxwulfok... Hope it works out. I am in my lunch hour now, so good luck...05:10
UnbNJthanks tux05:10
=== darthtuvok is now known as darthanubis
apparlehi guys05:25
=== tommy is now known as xsatria
arashi am using Kubuntu 9.04 . I need to run a file which is in /usr/share/gnuradio . So I start shell and type sudo to go to root05:31
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
arashbut when I am in root and want to go to that directory i cant05:31
arashwhen i type cd or ls doesnt recognize my commands05:31
arashwhat is wrong here ?05:32
xsatriahi, help me.... to make a memtest05:32
xsatriaand teach me how to make a makefile...05:32
deriemarash try typing dir instead of ls05:32
arashderim: doesnt works.05:33
arash> dir05:33
arashbash: cddir: command not found05:33
deriemtype clear than type dir05:34
xsatriahi, how can I join other channel...05:34
deriemdon't know new to irc05:34
xsatriaembedded system engineer05:34
arashderim: i think i am not using the proper way to go to root.I type cd\ to go too root is that ok?05:35
deriemcd /05:35
arashderim: thanks man it works now05:36
deriemyou have to have a space for it to recognize the command05:36
arashyea I missed that05:37
deriemcd / <enter> ls05:37
arashyes thanks05:38
deriemhappy to help05:38
arashthanks man..05:38
deriemi am completly new to irc05:38
arashHow can i add that file ( and several others) to a path or something like that so every time i dont have to traverse the whole directory ?05:39
deriemi joined a channel everything i typed it said command not found05:40
deriemgoogle search bash commands it will give you lots of help05:41
* rulo he marchado a trabajar: Gone away for now05:43
deriemwhat command shows list05:43
deriem* hi05:44
=== brad__ is now known as Brhad56
=== z is now known as Guest64786
=== CptThomas is now known as tenach
corigoAnyone using KFlickr... any ideas on where to get support (if possible) with this app?06:31
jon_high9000I am currently running intrepid and just did the update and afterward i tried to add a feature to dolphin and i got this...06:43
jon_high9000root@jon-desktop:/home/jon# sudo dolphin06:43
jon_high9000<unknown program name>(8995)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server06:43
jon_high9000<unknown program name>(8994)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.06:43
jon_high9000does anybody know what this means?06:44
theadminHuh... can you run dolphin normally or with KdeSudo?06:44
ScottK-laptopDon't run dolphin as root to start with.06:45
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:45
jon_high9000<theadmin> I tried to use sudo dolphin06:45
theadminScottK-laptop, running dolphin as root helps accessing some stuff, modifiying system documents, e.g... I use it to modify my /etc/fstab when i need. Am i doing anythhing wrong?06:47
jon_high9000<theadmin> is there a way to correct this then?06:49
theadminjohn_high9000, try "KdeSudo dolphin" and simply, "dolphin". Do those work?06:50
jon_high9000i`ll try. one moment please...06:51
jon_high9000root@jon-desktop:/home/jon# kdesudo dolphin06:53
jon_high9000No protocol specified06:53
jon_high9000kdesudo: cannot connect to X server :0.006:53
FloodBotK2jon_high9000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
=== c is now known as Guest83806
theadminGuest83806, hello.06:57
jon_high9000<theadmin> tried dolphin alone same errors as earlier06:57
theadminugh, wtf... are you sure dolphin is even INSTALLED? It appears that it isn't %)06:59
jon_high9000<theadmin> yes it is06:59
theadminconsult the forums then ( http://kubuntuforums.net ), i bet someone there knows07:00
jon_high9000will do. ty07:00
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
=== anil is now known as Guest87768
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:18
apparlewhere can I fnd the new features in karmic07:19
apparleguys help me find what are the new features in Karmic07:29
=== don is now known as Guest31366
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
=== Guest31366 is now known as don_
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thehackerkimin bu  http://quassel-irc.org/08:01
=== ubuntu is now known as RaidRecover
champizzlcan anyone help with rebuilding a raid5 array?09:14
champizzli have a couple of ?s09:14
pnjugiamy desktop has no taskbar, how do i bring it back09:31
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=== mio_ is now known as Guest61501
jadodoes someone know a good text-to-speech program that speaks french?10:13
bialixRiddell: hello10:21
bialixRiddell: there is your branch in qbzr project: https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/qbzr/ubuntu10:22
bialixRiddell: it's almost 1 year old. If you don't need this branch anymore or don't use it, then may I ask you to mark it as abandoned?10:23
Newbeehello everybody10:28
NewbeeI have switched from frglrx (because I had freezes all the time) to radeonhd. It works so far, even comositing is working with the help of xrander. But the performance is poor und xorg eats about 50% of my cpu all the time. Is there something I can do to improve radeonhds performance or is there a better (working) alternative?10:30
Riddellbialix: done10:30
bialixRiddell: thank you!10:30
hungerDid somebody manage to get any connection set up with knetworkmanager in karmic?10:35
xhatmanhunger: using wicd here.. temporary solution10:41
hungerxhatman: knetworkmanager used to not work with wlan, but now it does not even work for wired networks anymore:-)10:42
* hunger searches for wicd.10:42
xhatmanhunger: yea i had problems with that too10:44
xhatmanlost connection all the time10:46
hungerxhatman: Looks like the NM guys changed their really sucky interfaces yet again.10:47
* hunger sighs.10:47
hungerWhenever KDE adapts to new interfaces from the gnome world they change them immediantly:10:47
jadodoes someone know a good text-to-speech program that speaks french?11:04
blackizardsalut les gens11:32
jadodoes someone know something about text-to-speech? i'm trying to make espeak work with mbrola: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251869/11:48
=== client1 is now known as client1_
bob___hi, I'm having problems with pinning a package; specifically wine. I edited /etc/apt/preferences and added the format with package: wine, pin: 1.0.0-2. but apt still wants to update to new version.11:53
bob___dpkg -p wine reveals the version to be: 1.0.0-2eitri111:54
bob___i tried the whole thing, that is: 1.0.0-2eitri1 and 1.0.0-2, but neither works :(11:54
bob___Am I misunderstanding the way pinning is supposed to work?11:55
bob___doh. I just did a brain fart :/11:57
bob___i forgot version <version>11:57
bob___nevermind, thanks anyway11:57
suitErrr. Upon switching from virtual desktop 1 to 2 I get this really really ugly Desktop 1 / Desktop 2 popup indicating which one I am using with a big clunky arrow in the middle. Is there a way to remove that?12:27
xhatmansuit: yea that one is annoying.. using compiz here so don't have the answer12:51
wsjunioris it possible to use 3g connections using kde 4.3?13:33
frost_Hello. I have now spent 4 hours of my day at the office trying to get java work in Kubuntu/konqueror. I have googled, and tried more than 6 different guides, and i am still no closer achieving my goal. simple as it may sound. pIt just does not work. Anyone got time to help me out here?h13:53
frost_dang. heh13:56
frost_anyone with a slight knowledge of jav/konqueror ?13:59
=== asesor is now known as asesoria
davidjheinrichis there a way in KDE to get a blank DVD to show up on the desktop, so you can write to it by dragging files to it, like in GNOME?14:02
=== LadyNikon is now known as LadyWuss
Wrekkanything I should think of when I changing from GNOME to KDE 4.3?14:13
frost_use mozilla :)14:14
frost_i just changed14:14
Tm_Tfrost_: that has nothing to do with KDE/GNOME (:14:14
frost_now i cant get either mozilla or konqueror to run java14:14
frost_i know. but it still messed it up for me :) Tm_T14:14
Wrekkno need to remove any packages and shit? ... they can live side by side in harmony... so to speak? :)14:15
Tm_TWrekk: no need to remove anything (and please watch out our language)14:15
frost_The only thing i would say is a problem Wrekk is that i have actually run into a few bugs in KDE 4.3 just minor desktop bug like. graphic messing up for a short while, or programs shutting down graphicly, but still stay in my process window14:15
Tm_Tfrost_: using Karmic?14:16
frost_Tm_T: not that i know of14:16
frost_what is it ?14:16
Tm_T9.10 release, currently in development14:17
=== LadyWuss is now known as LadyNikon
frost_no. im on 0414:17
Wrekkfrost_: ok, thanx :)14:17
frost_after 2 days of use i have to say its very nice14:18
frost_exept for this silly thing about not getting java to work in konqueror14:18
frost_every guide i encounter is different, and the result is the same. no java14:18
Tm_TWrekk: and look closely if the KDE installation tries to remove something, it shouldn't but...14:19
frost_ohh. btw Wrekk. There is one difference if you upgrade from gnome to KDE. your old terminal is not working anymore, and you have to use konsole14:20
Tm_Tfrost_: it does work14:20
Tm_Tor atleast should14:20
frost_does not14:21
frost_atleast for me after upgrade14:21
Tm_Thow it doesn't work?14:21
Wrekkok, byt its about the same I guess.14:21
frost_you still have the shortcut for "Terminal" gnome-terminal, but that wont start, it just loads for a while then dissapear. But if you run "konsole" you get a terminal but not the same as you had before. it looks a lil different but works the same way14:22
Tm_Tfrost_: I wonder what happens there, like to try run "gnome-terminal" in konsole?14:23
frost_Thats on my home-pc, which i upgraded from gnome to KDE. im now at the office where i did a clean kubuntu install and i do not have the gnome-terminal links anymore, but the konsole is there as it should14:23
frost_not like that Tm_T, if you run the link from desktop/menu or if you try start it using alt+f214:24
frost_I didnt try it through konsole since I learned about console while trying to get my gnome-terminal to run14:24
Tm_Tfrost_: yes, but I wonder if that app can be run at all or is it just launcher issue14:25
frost_you able to check it out on your box now ?14:25
Wrekkis there alot stuff like that... you will have shortcuts that wont work anymore14:25
Tm_Twell it all works just fine here and every system I have used14:25
Tm_TWrekk: should be none14:25
frost_yes wrekk14:25
Wrekkok :)14:26
frost_we aparently had different experiences Tm_T14:26
WrekkI'll just take that as a Maybe, then? :)14:26
Tm_Tfrost_: smells like you have your own issues there that cannot be generalised14:26
Tm_TWrekk: if something that shouldn't happen, happens14:26
WrekkTm_T: oki :)14:26
frost_I have even a more silly problem, I cant rename or change icons to my desktop folder links because of some owner issue or whatnot. I tried chmod, but im still no closer14:27
Tm_Tfrost_: aww, so it's definately your own issue, not general issue (:14:27
frost_a sudo rename command should have fixed it14:27
Tm_Tdoes not14:27
frost_this is only for the renaming Tm_T, an d that thing is both at office box and home box14:28
Tm_Tfrost_: you have run some gui apps as root then?14:28
Tm_Tor with "sudo"14:28
frost_not that i know of, but it might have been from gnome, then when it was upgraded something happend or something14:28
Tm_Tperhaps yes14:28
frost_any way to get around it ?14:28
frost_becuase as i said it happened on my home upgraded version, and on the fhoresh kubuntu install at work14:29
Tm_Tso you might have done the same mistake on both systems, do "ls -alR ~/ | grep root | wc -l" in konsole14:31
Tm_Thi SuoVainaja14:32
frost_Tm_T:  the asnwer is 214:32
Tm_Tfrost_: hmm, then that's not the issue14:33
Tm_TI wonder what permission issues you have14:33
frost_what did i just get the asnwer to ?14:33
Tm_Tfrost_: how many lines containing "root" is in your home folder listing, recursive14:34
frost_I do really mean answer* I have a unsyncronized set of hands.14:34
Wrekk40 less then then meaning of life :P14:34
frost_Tm_T:  thanks14:34
bardamuhello what is the manager for apt-get ?14:34
Tm_Tfrost_: if it had larger number, there would have been files owned or named as root too many (:14:35
frost_40 less than the meaning of life, but atleast 2 pages written of oolon k.14:35
frost_Tm_T:  I see14:35
frost_Tm_T: So my issue with ownerrights is here to stay ?14:36
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Tm_Tfrost_: no, more like you have to tell me precisely what is the permission issue you're facing14:36
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frost_Tm_T: give me a sec to check it out14:37
Tm_TWrekk: anyway, it should be no problem to install KDE in next to GNOME, it's actually quite typicall setup14:38
ubuntuplease some help black screen i can get my installed system it crash after a movie full screen14:38
bardamuwhere i need to change for new package ?14:38
bardamuuniverse multiverse14:38
WrekkTm_T: ok, thanx mate :)14:39
macobardamu: huh? search for the package and click the icon to the right of its name14:39
Tm_TWrekk: ofcourse, if you find any issues, ask around and if needed, bugs should be reported (:14:39
WrekkTm_T:  I have noted your nick :)14:40
Tm_TWrekk: no need to note my nick, there's tons of people who know things, even better than I do14:40
Wrekkwell... better start working again :)14:42
ubunturegister fabian14:45
rosco_ydoes anyone know how to use unexpand?14:48
suitSo, ehm..Where do I find the cursor settings? (Mainly, where do I change the cursors looks)14:50
suitI remember there being a peripherals option in the control center about a year back but I can't find it anymore14:51
noaXesshi all14:57
mieemanim having sound problem14:58
mieemanhow can fix this?14:58
suithave you tried the 'fixsound' command? It fixes all sound problems.14:59
mieemannot yet14:59
mieemanok i'll try14:59
suitI'm just messing with you. What i was getting at is that you should elaborate a little further. First...What IS your sound problem?15:00
suitIt's tough to help you without further information. There are alot of possible problems and solutions15:00
mieemanthere is no sound at all15:00
mieemanwhen i play movie, no sound coming out15:00
suitSince installing Kubuntu?15:01
suitOr did that happen recently15:01
mieemansince installing kubuntu15:01
suittry the following:15:01
suitsudo aptitude install phonon kubuntu-restricted-extras vlc15:02
suitor, wait.15:02
suitsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude install phonon kubuntu-restricted-extras vlc15:02
mieemaneven system sound is gone15:02
suitIt could be as simple as opening KMixer (a click on the volume indicator in the task bar), configure channels to show up and play around a little15:03
mieemani already did that15:03
suitI have to do that aswell every time I install Kubuntu15:04
suitDo you have onboard sound or a sound card?15:04
mieemanonboard sound15:04
mieemanon my laptop15:05
suitOh, a laptop.15:05
mieemanI already installed it once and it;s ok15:05
suitAnd you're using the laptop speakers i suppose?15:05
mieemanbut when i reformat15:05
suitThe inbuilt ones?15:05
mieemanno sound all15:05
suitI recently set up my girlfriends notebook w/ Kubuntu and ran into some problems as well15:06
suitFirst off in alsamixer I had to uncheck 'External Amplifier' which was, oddly enough, enabled by default15:06
suitYou can do that in KMixer aswell15:07
suitAnd then I found out that for some odd reason the sound data didn't reach the laptop speakers. Plugging in some headphones did the trick, but to this day she still didn't get the speakers to work15:07
suitPlus, strangely, it worked with Intrepid. The problems came with Jaunty15:08
mieemani think my kubuntu release is 8.0415:08
suitI'd recommend to plug in some sort of headphones or external speakers just to zero in on the problem.15:09
suitI gotta go now, sorry.. but good luck :)15:09
mieemani use also external speakers15:09
noaXesssorry for this question here, but if you know anything about it, send me to the information: i'm searching for a website submissione software that runns under linux/kde/kubuntu.. any idea?15:11
meisterlumpiHi, I'm trying to login my keyring automaticlly, but i can only find how tos for gnome15:14
meisterlumpianyone knows a tutorial on how to do this for kde?15:15
jussi01noaXess: website submission software?15:19
noaXessjussi01: yes.. sorry for this question here... but i'm searching for- and backward google... found just link-assistant.com but they have just SEO tools.. not for submission..15:20
jussi01noaXess: Im unsure of what you are after...15:20
noaXessjussi01: a tool, with that i can submit a website into, eg. google directory...15:21
noaXessi used one for windows, time ago.. www.trellian.com, submitwolf...15:21
EagleScreensince Intrepid, Bluetooth works very bad in Kubuntu15:21
miasmaI know I'll probably get a bit biased opinion here, but do you recommend installing kubuntu instead of debian. I managed to break my debian by updating libc and am now considering alternatives15:22
EagleScreenmiasma: libc6 needs to be updates very carefully15:23
miasmaindeed :S15:23
miasmaI'm currently in a state where maybe 25% of apps just segfault15:23
EagleScreenmiasma: what did you do with your libc6?15:24
miasmaEagleScreen: I installed one package that expected libc6. I had libc-bin or something installed. after forcing the installation of the new lib, it just broke15:25
miasmaI managed to get some .so files back from a backup partition15:25
miasmae.g. does the policykit configuration work better in kubuntu. in debian the default settings forbid things like mounting usb media and shutting down the gui desktop15:26
EagleScreenmiasma: go to #debian to talk about that problem15:26
miasmaEagleScreen: yea, I didn't want to start it here. just wanted to ask something about kubuntu15:26
EagleScreenmiasma: there not good support of policykit in Debian yet15:27
miasmabut in kubuntu?15:27
EagleScreenin Kubuntu I think that only kpackagekit use policykit by the momment15:28
EagleScreenthe rest of applications keep using kdesudo15:28
miasmaeven in kde4?15:28
EagleScreenyes even in kde415:29
EagleScreenmiasma: did you use KDE 3 or KDE 4 in Debian?15:29
miasmakde 4.215:29
EagleScreentesting or unstable?15:30
miasmaI had a mixture of both packages15:30
miasmabasically upgrading kde was a mess. I guess it's a bit easier in kubuntu15:30
miasmae.g. I don't think they have a working set of kde 4.3 packages for debian yet15:31
EagleScreenKDE 4.3 packages are in Debian Sid now15:31
reya276Can anyone help me start KDE 4.3 on Ubuntu? everything is installed, but the darn thing takes for ever to load the desktop and nothing can be access15:31
EagleScreenmiasma: can you read reya276 comment?15:32
EagleScreenupdating extra official KDE in kubuntu also can cause problems15:32
miasmaok :/15:32
reya276EagleScreen: no I'm running Kubuntu, what I did was just install the KDE 4.3 desktop from the Kubuntu-ppa, at home this works great but here at the office is horrible because although KDE loads it takes for ever to do so and when it does it is slower than a snail15:34
reya276EagleScreen: sorry I meant that I'm running Ubuntu not Kubuntu15:34
miasmareya276: are you sure your X display drivers are ok?15:34
EagleScreenreya276: which ppa did you use and did you install kubuntu-desktop package?15:35
reya276miasma:  I'm using the non-proprietary ATI drivers as the proprietary ones seemed to be an issue even with Gnome15:35
reya276EagleScreen: the one from launchpad.net15:36
EagleScreenreya276: you must use this: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main15:36
reya276at one point the whole thing started fine, then like a dumb ass I went into effects and enabled wobbly windows and that crapped the whole thing15:37
reya276EagleScreen: that is the same one I'm using15:37
EagleScreenreya276: changing desktop effects configuration?15:38
reya276so there has got to be a config file that is messing the whole thing up, is there a way to clear out the KDE config and start from scratch without having to remove KDE?15:38
EagleScreenyes, remove directory ~/.kde15:38
Pliskinremove the .kde folder ?15:39
rosco_yreya276: it's a hard lesson: if it works, don't fix it (I have a real problem with that philosophy too)15:39
EagleScreenmiasma: a downgrade of your libc6, or a full upgrade to unstable may fix your problems15:39
reya276EagleScreen: yes at first KDE started fine, then I went into the desktop effects and enabled wobbly windows and that messed everything up as the system froze then after I rebooted the darn thing, said I'm going into snail mode, LOL15:40
EagleScreenremove .kde in your home folder15:40
reya276right now I'm in Gnome, can I remove the ./kde dir from here?15:40
EagleScreenyes you can15:40
reya276ok let me try that, thanks15:41
miasmaEagleScreen: I'm not sure it's worth it. apt-get can't even run some of its tools cause those are broken. I'll just probably download a new installer, wish it works and reinstall everything (and upgrade to amd64 packages at the same go)15:42
Bryanis there a better bluetooth manager than the default KDE one that anyone could recommend?15:42
EagleScreenBryan: will gnome applet work well in kubuntu? and will it install a lot of Gnome stuff?15:43
Bryan Doesn't seem to install a lot of gnome stuff; but that might be because I have some GTK applications.15:44
BryanAnd the gnome bluetooth-applet is not much better. (I like the KDE one much more TBH)15:44
EagleScreenBryan: KDE3 applet may works better, but i dont know if it is still installable15:45
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EagleScreenmiasma: i have also broken some systems by force downgrades or updates of libc6, it is tipical15:48
* Bryan loves when an install goes nicely15:53
Bryanblueman installed easily15:53
Bryan:o thanks for the advice anyway EagleScreen15:53
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miasmaEagleScreen: aye. I've never broken it before, but this time it almost asked for it :F15:55
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LrdOfNightmaresHi All!15:57
miasmaEagleScreen: it was this problem btw http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93251415:58
eitreachIs there a way to stop Amarok 2 from rebuilding my collection after every restart and just keep it?16:02
BryanOkay, now I have another question. Is there anyway I can get something that, in a gui, allows me to browse through files using the OBEX protocol?16:06
geniiI used to browse my cellphone files with Konq16:07
LrdOfNightmaresHey guys, can someone help me out? i am trying to use Code::Blocks but when i try to run a file it says "Permision denied, Press enter to continiue"16:09
LrdOfNightmaresHey guys, can someone help me out? i am trying to use Code::Blocks but when i try to run a file it says "Permision denied, Press enter to continiue"  can someone help me fix this??? Why does it do that???????16:20
BryanLrdOfNightmares, did you try running it as root?16:22
LrdOfNightmaresI thought about it but i didnt16:22
BryanLrdOfNightmares, might you try running it as root?16:22
LrdOfNightmaresThe think is that16:22
LrdOfNightmaresIt should be able to work as the file is saved to my home folder16:23
LrdOfNightmaresShoulden't it/16:23
Bryanwhat are the file permissions on it?16:23
Bryan(and who is the owner of the file?)16:23
LrdOfNightmaresI forgot to mention that i am new to the Linux family16:24
geniiMight not be +x16:24
Bryanthere is that too16:24
LrdOfNightmaresW8 let me try to change the permissions of the file16:25
BryanAnyone got a suggetsion on my issue?16:28
Bryan(You know, other than installing nautilus)16:29
shadeslayerBryan: have you seen !bluetooth ?16:30
BryanNot really16:30
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:30
Bryanoh no, it works.16:31
BryanIt's not a bluetooth issue16:31
BryanIt's a File Manager issue >_>16:31
BryanSince dolphin can't seem to do Obex.16:31
shadeslayerBryan: ah,browsing files on a bluetooth device?16:31
* Bryan nods16:31
shadeslayeri can transfer files b/w my phone and PC,never tried browsing16:31
LrdOfNightmaresOk this is retarded...i gave privileges to all the groups  but nothing happened, how can i run it as root?16:32
Bryansudo app-name-here16:34
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Bryanthough you might make sure you are in fact the owner16:34
LrdOfNightmaresIn the terminal? how do i make sure that i am the owner?16:35
geniisudo chown yourname:yourname filename16:35
* deriem doesn't know how to use irc16:35
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LrdOfNightmaresI typed what you said but nothing hapened. I don't get it :/16:38
wangyuanhi guys!!how can I use blackberry  mobile in my ubuntu16:38
geniiLrdOfNightmares: When it doesn give an error the command completed successfully16:38
LrdOfNightmaresIt did'nt give me anything it just went down ready for a new command16:39
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Success then16:40
LrdOfNightmaresSo what do i do now?16:40
geniiLrdOfNightmares: You might want to make it executable.eg:    sudo chmod +x filename16:40
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Then try running the that Code::Blocks    thing again16:41
Bryanwangyuan, if you're not using KDE, then you should probably be in #ubuntu . If you don't know what KDE is, you should still probably be in #Ubuntu :P16:42
deriemhow do i go to #ubuntu16:42
shadeslayerderiem: /join #ubuntu16:42
wangyuanthank you16:43
LrdOfNightmaresIt still tells me sh:/home/pauru/Desktop/Untitled1: Permission denied16:43
babyshambleshi, how can i copy my music folder from wXP to kubuntu using network. i try to open network on dolphin but it doesn't detected any file sharing.16:44
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Please report result of:  ls -l /home/pauru/Desktop/Untitled116:44
LrdOfNightmaresLooooooooooL "-rw-r--r-- 1 pauru pauru 127 2009-08-12 18:04 /home/pauru/Desktop/Untitled1"16:45
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Note the absense of x16:45
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geniiLrdOfNightmares: sudo chmod +x /home/pauru/Desktop/Untitled116:47
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GinoMan_ok... so I have a list of folders in a file called 'list' and they're separated by \n's16:49
GinoMan_I'm trying to use mkdir to create this list of dir's inside another directory without direct copying16:49
GinoMan_how would i do that?16:49
LrdOfNightmaresOk i fixed the "x" but now it seems that it runs the file but it says (when i do build and run) /home/pauru/Desktop/Untitled1: //My:not found. and general syntax errors16:50
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Probably pastebin those for scrutiny, give us the URL16:51
genii!paste | LrdOfNightmares16:52
ubottuLrdOfNightmares: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:52
LrdOfNightmaresWhich URL?16:53
geniiLrdOfNightmares: After you copy and paste stuff to the website described above and submit it, the site gives you a web address which is where the stuff is for others to see.16:54
LrdOfNightmaresOh ok, so tell me which of the 2 links should i use and what to write in it16:55
LrdOfNightmaresSorry about this but i am a noob in this16:55
geniiLrdOfNightmares: The first link. And just copy the error output you are getting and put it there16:56
geniiWork requires me here.16:56
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kwkHi I need help. i I have installed 64 Bit ubuntu on 64 bit machine. It works fine. Now I want to also have KDE. Therefore I installed the kubuntu packages. Installation worked well and my system boots me into kdm. But when trying to log into a kde session the kde4 start window appears and after about three seconds, the screen gets dark and I am returned to the kdm login screen. How can I find out what the error ist?16:59
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Caerbannoghello everybody))16:59
bvalek2kwk: your x-server gets reststarted, but i cant tell why17:00
kwkbvalek2: I restarted X and even rebooted.17:01
Caerbannogkwk, maybe you should boot to console and remove ~/.kde4 folder. this helps if the problem is in wrong configuration17:01
kwkCaerbannog: I'll rename it to DOTkde4 if that's ok for you ;)17:02
geniiLrdOfNightmares: I think I see what your problem is. You don try to execute code written in C. You compile it to an object file, then run that.17:02
kwksee you after reboot17:02
Caerbannog<kwk>, if you want to rename it, rename to smth like "_.kde4"17:03
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Make sure you have package called build-essential installed. Then to compile .c code use gcc17:03
kaddiam i the only one unable to log into icq or are you having similar problems?17:04
LrdOfNightmaresgenii: How do i look if i have it instaled?17:05
emedrilhi all, can anybody help me with the icq-login with kopeten 0.12.7 on kubuntu hardy ?17:05
kaddiemedril are you also unable to log into icq?17:06
emedrilkaddi:  yes17:06
kaddiemedril me too, but I think it might be the icq server and not kopete. I was online and got logged off all of a sudden, now I'm unable to log back in. I have tried icq2go.com but it doesn't recognize my password :/17:07
Dragnslcrkaddi- ICQ and AIM have been a bit flaky the past couple days17:07
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Check with your package manager. In this case should be kpackagekit, which is found under System17:07
kaddiDragnslcr thanks... so nothing I can do but sit and wait. :/ Why does this kind of thing always happen in the middle of important discussions?17:08
geniiLrdOfNightmares: Alternately in commandline use like: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy build-essential17:08
emedrilkaddi: im think too, but for a couple of month was the same procedure, then edit the kopeterc file und the login was good17:08
kaddiemedril try an alternative program to see if the problem lies with kopete. But as i am unable to login with icq2go as well, I strongly suspect the problem is with the ICQ servers and not kopete17:10
emedrilkaddi: now i use pidgin, but i think kopete was better for me.. ;-)17:11
kwkrenaming didn't work17:11
kaddiI'm bak online as well :)17:11
kwkI am in Gnome now and syslog says: "Aug 12 18:10:11 mouse gnome-session[4460]: WARNING: could not read /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier-kde.desktop "17:16
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kaddi_since yesterday my pc completely freezes when I try to use a desktop effect. ctrl+f2 or ctrl-alt-del don't get any reaction. How does that magic key combination go, which should reboot the pc?17:21
mnihi all17:26
mnipls how can i dowload C++ and install it in my kubuntu?17:26
mniam newbie17:27
kaddi_you want a compiler?17:27
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mnikaddi;yes,everything i need to start17:28
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kaddi_mni what do you want to do?17:28
mnii want to start programming with C++17:29
LrdOfNightmaresmni:Me too17:29
mniusing Qt17:29
mniand am using kubuntu as my OS17:29
kaddi_mni afaik all you need is an editor to write your source code in and a compiler to get the code into a program. I haven't worked with qt though17:30
mnigood lrdOfnightmares:we are two17:30
kaddi_as a compiler I use gcc, which I think comes preinstalled on kubuntu17:30
kaddi_just check if gcc is a recognized command in terminal17:31
mnikaddi:pls recommend a good editor for me17:31
mnihow can i locate it on mu kubuntu?17:31
LrdOfNightmaresmni: I like to Use Code::Blocks, but i have problems with This IDE editor in Ubuntu,17:31
kaddi_mni I have used kate as a graphical editor or VI in the past, though I haven't done any real programming lately17:31
LrdOfNightmareskaddi_ can you tell us how to install code::blocks? its a nice editor17:32
kaddi_mni locate what? the terminal? press alt+f2 and type "konsole" and hit enter17:32
kaddi_sudo apt-get install codeblocks?17:32
mnii will expolore the kate17:33
mniok i got the console17:33
LrdOfNightmareskaddi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252007/17:33
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CatspiritoneHi, I was wondering what video drivers I should be using. I have a Radeon 4890.17:34
kaddi_LrdOfNightmares you need to compile that into a program before you can execute it17:35
LrdOfNightmareskaddi_:  How am i gona do that?17:35
kaddi_I think you need to do something like gcc -o executablename nameofyourfile and then execute the executable file. But I'm a bit rusty myself, I'm sure other people could tell you better17:35
kaddi_mni type "gcc --version" into konsole what does it say?17:36
mniok i got this message:gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.217:37
kaddi_mni then gcc is installed and you have a working compiler on your system :)17:38
mnicorrect that means i can enter class now?17:38
mniand start how to learn C++?17:38
LrdOfNightmaresmni: i could recomend a site for C++ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/17:39
kaddi_mni yes, but they should also offer a choice of editors and compilers and explain the basics in my opinion17:39
mnicool and thanks to you all17:41
mnii got to start reading17:41
mnikaddi and lrdof nightmare:bye17:42
utzxubiruhello, when i boot my new pc i get a msg saying "memory ungaged" how can i solve it?17:46
LrdOfNightmaresmni: bye17:49
rkhi everybody17:59
rki want to put up a query regarding Kopete18:00
rkhow to configure it to work with Gtalk?18:00
rki ve followed the instructions to the letter18:00
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rkand it workd only once and after i restart it stops18:01
rkand i ve to redo the whole process again18:01
Sallinhi, sorry I don't have Gtalk18:02
shadeslayerrk: http://amazing-development.com/archives/2006/01/20/using-google-talk-with-kopete/18:03
shadeslayerSallin: http://amazing-development.com/archives/2006/01/20/using-google-talk-with-kopete/18:03
theadminHow can i make upgrade thing dissapear? It shows only blocked upgrades.18:04
shadeslayertheadmin: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a terminal18:04
rkhi thanks shadesla, this works and i ve done it. but once i restart kopete after exiting it just stops and i get the follwongerror18:04
shadeslayerrk: hmmm,what version of KDE and kopete?18:05
theadminshadeslayer, thanks. A lot of terminal stuff comes in handy in Linux.18:05
shadeslayertheadmin: you betcha :)18:05
rkkde 4.2, kopete 0.70.218:06
rkkde 4.2.218:06
theadminI have not heard what the bug was, but i can say that Kopete bugs me too, it conflicts with some other apps and crashes (with those apps)18:06
shadeslayerrk: hmm,have you tried upgrading to 4.2.4 or 4.3 and reproduced the problem?18:06
rk"there was a connection error authenticating the server"18:07
shadeslayertheadmin: works fine here,i hate gnome apps and they generally are the problem18:07
theadminshadeslayer, have none18:07
shadeslayerrk: yeah,have you changed the server and the port?18:07
rkok will try that, thank you18:07
shadeslayertheadmin: hmm...18:07
rkwhat server should i use, i still use 522318:08
theadminshadeslayer, it conflicts with KVPNC, causing disconnections18:08
shadeslayerrk: and what about the steps in the link i gave you?18:08
shadeslayertheadmin: no idea what KVPNC is :P18:08
rki did those steps exactly18:08
theadmina VPN client frontend18:08
shadeslayerrk: still the error? maybe you need to upgrade,works fine on KDE 4.3 and KDE nightly18:09
rkit works! the first time and if i exit kopete and restart it, it gives me the server error18:09
rkok will upgrade to kde 4.318:09
rkthank you shade slayer18:09
theadminOh, about that... should i upgrade to 4.3 or should i wait?18:09
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shadeslayertheadmin: kde 4.3 is amazing for me,but there are small issues such as plasma-desktop not starting right after logging in,leaving the user with a blank screen18:10
theadminshadeslayer... that is not small18:11
shadeslayertheadmin: um,i can start plasma-desktop with krunner18:11
homer-80I'm in trouble with the downbar, the icon at the bottom are all at left instead of right18:11
shadeslayerhomer-80: click on the cashew and then move the taskbar18:12
homer-80I've tryde but nothing appened18:12
shadeslayerhomer-80: you mean the taskbar is at the left end,whereas it should be at the right end18:13
homer-80yeah Ihave the little icon and then if I open one program it doesn't create the icon18:13
bewofthei have kde 4.2.3 but even before my pc gets stuck when i log out instead of reboot.18:13
bewofthescuse 4.3.x18:14
shadeslayerbewofthe: can you reproduce the problem with a brand new user?18:15
shadeslayerhomer-80: click on the cashew icon at the bottom right,then drag the empty space to the right18:15
shadeslayerhomer-80: *bottom left18:15
homer-80I will try18:15
shadeslayeror whatever position the cashew is at18:15
shadeslayerbye guys18:16
bewofthei do not know18:17
bewofthei have only one user18:17
bewofthebut i shall try18:17
epqrIs Kdenlive any good ?18:22
epqrOr is there a better alternative to video editing ?18:22
jussi01epqr: kdenlive is very good18:23
rkepqr try kino or avidemux18:23
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rki did not try kdenlive, but i use avidemux and its awesome18:24
rkthere is a qt version of avidemux in the repos18:24
epqrive tried avidemux, liking better what im seeing in kdenlive18:25
epqri'll check out kino too18:25
rkcool dude18:26
mtuxRunnig Amarok (Installed from Jaunty Backpors repo) cause an error message with this text: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252052/18:28
mtuxIt seems a pkging problem! What should I do for it!? is there any idea about it!?18:29
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kaddia stupid question about command line: I use "ls | grep 200906" to find all files having 200906 in the name and I want to open alll these files with kate. How do I do that?"ls | grep 200906|kate does not work, niether does"ls | grep 200906>kate18:59
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Dragnslcrkaddi- pipe it to xargs kate19:06
kaddiDragnslcr aaahh xargs... I tried args and it said command not found... (surprisingly :p )19:06
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anonymusкапитан очевидность щя скажет што англиске нада19:13
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:13
anonymusну ололо жэ19:13
anonymusi got19:14
pdemillyHi! I am running jaunty on my laptop and everytime it goes to sleep I lose keyboard control. Mouse works fine but not the keyboard. Only hard reboot is possible. Any ideas what can be wrong.19:16
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SevisPdemilly, are you still able to switch away from X?19:40
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rosco_awaySevis: what are you trying to do?19:43
SevisRosco_away: Me? Figure out Pdemilly's problem.19:44
rosco_awaySevis: oops, I thought you were asking a question :)19:44
* rosco_away wonders if he's really away19:44
SevisRosco_away: No problem :)19:45
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mostafahello all how could I create an application that run it by typing the name of it in Alt+F219:49
Mamarokmostafa: you mean "and run it"?19:49
Mamarokmostafa: to create an application you will need to learn to code, but most of the necessary applications are already available in the repositories19:50
mostafayeah I wanna run it19:50
Mamarokmostafa: well, type Alt+F2 and type the name of the application you want to run in the field, it will show up beneath if it exists19:51
mostafaMamarok: I write a shell script and made it to executable form and when I click on it, it acts as well19:51
mostafanow I want that shell application to run by Alt+F219:52
mostafaMamarok: Am I clear bro?19:53
Mamarokmostafa: oh, but you will need to make an executable of it, or lauch it with ./name in Alt+F2 then, as Alt+F2 is not meant for shell scripts19:53
Mamarokit's meant for GUI applications, or for actions tied to GUI aplications19:53
Mamarokmostafa: also it would need to be in a known path, else you need to type the whole path in it, too19:55
mostafaMamarok: you mean that it is impossible to create an application like the ones in our repository of kubuntu?19:55
SevisMostafa - put it in /usr/bin19:55
Mamarokmostafa: of course it is possible, but see what I said above19:55
mostafaI put it there already19:56
mostafabut nothing happends19:56
SevisDoes the script run fine otherwise?19:56
Mamarokmostafa: and it is executable and you have the right to execute it?19:56
hoffmeisterhello, everyone19:56
mostafaSevis: yeah it is executable and when I click on it, it runs perfect19:57
hoffmeistersomeone who peaks portuguese19:57
Mamarok!pt | hoffmeister19:57
ubottuhoffmeister: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:57
hoffmeistersomeone who speaks portuguese19:57
mostafaMamarok: it is executable now19:57
Mamarokhoffmeister: this channel is English only, please go to either #ubuntu-pt or #ubuntu-ber19:58
Mamarokbr* sorry19:58
mostafaSevis: Mamarok: me clear or explain more?20:01
brad777Hello I was wondering if I could get some help compiling a plasmoid called yasp I keep getting make errors: http://brad777.pastebin.com/d7cfe5b8a. It seems like a really cool monitor so it would be awesome if I could get it working. I would appreciate ANY help or attempt to help.20:02
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal20:02
brad777URL for yasp: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=94144&forumpage=1020:02
Mamarokmostafa: well, doesn't it work now then?20:02
Mamarokmostafa: did you try running it by typing the full path?20:03
Sevismostafa: If it's executable, you have read and execute rights, and it is in the /usr/bin/ directory, it should run with Alt-F2.20:03
hasanhabibi*test mikone20:03
hasanhabibi* test mikone20:04
Mamarokhasanhabibi: this is a support channel, do you have a question?20:04
Mamarokbrad777: this is a third party application, you will need to ask the author or in the kde-look.org forum20:05
hasanhabibiMamarok: Hi dude ! np20:05
brad777Mamarok, I thought that maybe I was doing something wrong so someone would still be able to help :(20:05
Mamarokhasanhabibi: please behave, this channel is for support only20:05
brad777Mamarok, thanks anyways though20:06
Mamarokbrad777: try asking in #kde, there are more developer eyes :)20:06
mostafaneither full address nor executable file doesn't act20:07
SevisMostafa, who is the owner, and what are the permissions?20:07
mostafaI copy the shell executable script into /usr/bin/ then20:08
hasanhabibiMamarok: im from #kde-ir persian team :P20:09
mostafathe owner is root and the permission is read and write20:09
mostafahasanhabibi: me 220:09
hasanhabibimostafa: :D20:09
hasanhabibimostafa: come on #kde-ir :P20:10
SevisMostafa: set it to 777, please.20:10
mostafahasanhabibi: for sure ;)20:10
Mamarokguys, please stay on topic, discussion ins in #kubuntu-offtopic20:11
mostafaSevis: I do that but again no use20:12
Sevismostafa - what is the script supposed to do?20:13
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mostafaSevis: the easy way I could say is for example:20:14
mostafaSevis: just one line "kdesudo konqueror"20:15
Sevismostafa: Hm. I'm guessing it might have trouble connecting to the X-server... But seems unlikely.20:16
mostafayou can check it I've done it often20:17
Sevismostafa: just tested, works fine.20:19
mostafaSevis: do you check it bro ? just create text and type "kdesudo konqueror" in it then save it as .sh file20:19
mostafaok very nice20:19
SevisYou don't need to call it a .sh file, you know.20:19
mostafayou mean you can test it by Alt+F2?20:20
Sevismostafa: Yes. With 777 permissions, it works no matter who owns it, and no matter what it's called. Here, that is.20:21
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mostafawhat do you type in Alt+F2 ?20:22
mostafaSevis: can you tell me?20:22
Sevismostafa: In my case: tempthing, or tempthing.sh20:22
Sevis(Yeah, I'm a little lazy with names...)20:22
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mostafaexcuse me to say it again but I have 2 questions 1: what did you type in your file 2: What did you type in Alt+F2?20:24
Sevismostafa: one second, please.20:24
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mostafaSevis: hehe ok np bro20:26
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SevisMake a file called "tempthing", where you put "#!/bin/bash", then a blank line, then "kdesudo konqueror"20:26
Ky|eI got a fresh install of ubuntu20:27
Ky|eHow would I go about gettin kde with network manager with it20:27
Ky|elast time I tried got kde but no network manager20:27
Sevismostafa: Make a file called "tempthing", where you put "#!/bin/bash", then a blank line, then "kdesudo konqueror"20:30
mostafaSevis: ok man20:30
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Sevismostafa: then run 'sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/tempthing', 'sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/tempthing'20:30
Sevismostafa: then try running with alt+f2.20:31
mostafaSevis: ok20:31
mostafaSevis: no need to copy it to /usr/bin?20:33
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mostafaSevis: very nice of you man thnx20:36
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mostafaSevis: then another question can I have an icon assigned to this file which I had created when I type it at Alt+F2 panel the icon apears ?20:38
SevisMostafa: Sorry, I assumed you'd create it directly in /usr/bin/ to avoid clutter.20:38
mostafacan I?20:38
SevisMostafa: No idea, never tried.20:38
mostafaanyhow thanks for your cooperation bro20:39
mostafaSevis: can you tell me the first line #!/usr/bin20:41
mostafaSevis: what does it do?>20:41
Sevismostafa: '#!/bin/bash'20:42
Sevismostafa: It explains which shell should be used.20:42
mostafaoh sorry yeah20:42
mostafaand "#!" is always the same?20:42
SevisPretty sure that's the case, yes.20:42
mostafaexcuse me can you tell me how many shells do we have and name some of them? plz20:43
SevisMostafa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_(computing)20:45
mostafaSevis: Thnx20:48
Pr09M4nplop all20:50
Pr09M4nsous kubuntu, j'ai installé une brother hl-2030, mais je la voie pas dans les applications :/ ai je oublié quelque chose ?20:51
Sevis!fr | Pr09M4n20:52
ubottuPr09M4n: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:52
mostafaSevis: can you show me an Ebook for learning the shell programming?20:53
SevisMostafa: not got any lying around.20:53
mostafaSevis: can you guide me how to learn a little?20:54
SevisMostafa: I'm not experienced with shell programming, I would suggest you find an IRC channel on it, or an eBook.20:54
Pr09M4nsevis & ubottu : ok, thanks20:56
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fg56lxI'm having some problems with sound. When ever I listen to music for any length of time (in any media player) the sound skips and glitches frequently. I know its not the files that have the problem as ive played them numerous times with no problems. Its not the hardware becuase it didnt do it when i got it (windows was on it) it worked with ubuntu for a few months just fine untill it started doing this, and sound runs fine from a live cd. I'v21:22
fg56lx using the default engine, as well as pluseaudio, and they both do the same thing. CPU usage is also not high while this skipping is occuring. Ive also reinstalled twice, and it still does it. What would cause this to happen, and how can I fix it?21:22
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=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Gamer Please help -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380021:44
SerraphynHi.  I am having a wierd problem with Kubuntu 9.04 on my laptop.  It runs great on my desktop and I have little issue with it, but when I let it run on my laptop for an longer periods of time(say 90+ mins) I start getting wierd blue bars on my screen where things should be pure black.  Any ideas or tips on how to fix this?21:45
link777Hello i am having problems installing my webcam i have tried to do an install on drivers but something is wrong... hmm maybe someone know how to install a logitech quick cam plus on kubuntu because i dont and i need help with it please assist me21:46
Serraphynlink777: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75003 <-- tried that already?21:47
link777Serraphyn: im going to thanks21:48
Serraphynnp, and good luck21:49
link777Serraphyn: i dont really know what they mean by code? I have no idea what to do21:49
Serraphynlink777: which line sorry I left that page soon as I linked it for you21:50
link777this one and the whole thing about it make -C "/lib/modules/2.6.24-15-generic/build" SUBDIRS="/home/physics/Downloads/qc-u21:51
Serraphynthats referring to the qc-driver package from sourceforge21:52
Serraphyntell ya what let me go see if I can find mine quickcam express, btw what version of Kubuntu are you using?21:52
link777i am using the 9.04 one21:52
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Serraphynlink777: do you know how to use terminal?21:55
link777yes i have a clue ... just tell me what to type into it and ill be fine21:55
Serraphynlink777: type> dmesg | grep quickcam21:55
Serraphynor you can /msg me it21:56
link777[    9.244580] quickcam: Kernel:2.6.28-11-generic bus:5 class:FF subclass:FF vendor:046D product:08F621:56
link777[    9.248667] usbcore: registered new interface driver quickcam21:56
TheFuzzballlink777: www.pastebum.com22:08
TheFuzzballor www.pastebuns.com22:17
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* richie has a cold pizza resting on an old 1GHz Centrino Toshiba laptop. Which has has more processing power? You decide!22:46
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richieSurvey: Does everyone's 'move to trash' take forever in KDE? Or does it just hate me specifically?22:47
TheDarkFreakanybody here?22:50
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snergeHello everyone, I use zoiper as voip iax softphone with an usb headset, when I set my ringer device as my soundcard, I get no sound from other applications like mplayer ... vlc. Do any of you have an idea why I cannot use both at the same time and how to fix this ?23:23
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swaysup d00dz23:36
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kub1The "Canonical Supported Open Source SW (main)" repository is 'unchecked' - ie, not enabled - in the KPackageKit > Setings > Software Sources > KUbuntu sw, in my recently installed KU 904 system.  That must be improper, true?? Perhaps I accidentally & unknowingly unchecked it.  It is proper that that should be "checked"/(ie set to install), right?  Absolutely no doubt about that, correct?23:42
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kaddianyone here who could help me find out why I can't change brighteness on my desktop?23:45
kub1The "Canonical Supported Open Source SW (main)" repository is 'unchecked' - ie, not enabled - in the KPackageKit > Setings > Software Sources > KUbuntu sw, in my recently installed KU 904 system.  That must be improper, true?? Perhaps I accidentally & unknowingly unchecked it.  It is proper that that should be "checked"/(ie set to install), right?  Absolutely no doubt about that, correct?23:47
kaddikub1 it is checked on my system.  But I do not believe that it has to be checked for ubuntu to work. You do get more available software by using it, but it is non-essential for ubuntu to run23:49
epqrI get sound in almost no apps23:50
epqrso far ive only gexperienced sound in amarok and dragon player23:50
epqrapps that don't get sound is konqueror, vlc and firefox23:51
Dragnslcrkub1- you definitely want the main repository enabled. That's where most of the basic software comes from23:51
kub1kaddi: thx :)  - do you know where/how I can find out what packages the "main" repository supplies? A url?  I couldn't find that info myself at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ nor http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  - Any suggestions??23:52
kub1Dragnslcr: thx :)  - do you know where/how I can find out what packages the "main" repository supplies? A url?  I couldn't find that info myself at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ nor http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  - Any suggestions??23:53
Mamarokkub1: main has the very basic stuff, like kernel + X + the basic desktops23:54
DragnslcrNot offhand, but it's easy to get which repository a given package is in23:54
Mamarokkub1: and you really need the main repository, else you can't use the distro23:55
Mamarokkub1: but if you want to know in what particular repository a package is ask with 'aptitude search ypackagename>'23:55
Mamarok<packagename> even, without the <> of course :)23:55
kub1Dragnslcr: Mamarok thx, yes, but  "package > repository" is backwards from what I want to know. ;)  Any idea on how to find out "repository(main) > list of all packages"?23:58
Dragnslcrkub1- http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ has links at the bottom for a full package list, which includes the repository each package comes from23:59

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