
aboSamoorBUGabundo, there ?00:16
aboSamoorBUGabundo, I think you know about the multisearch addon bug, I reported that one, and I want to ask you about your experience regarding such issues00:17
BUGabundoI said my mind enoutgh about it00:18
BUGabundoI disabled it00:18
aboSamoorthis is my first time to have such hot bug, and I was surprised how much the people are aggressive00:18
BUGabundoand recommend everyone to do it too00:18
aboSamooris this normal in bug reports, I mean the language and and impatience ?00:18
BUGabundonot aggressive00:18
BUGabundonot many bugs get that big00:18
BUGabundoonly now of 5 in the last 2 cycles00:19
BUGabundoone for UM00:19
BUGabundoon for notifyOSD00:19
BUGabundoone for intel drivers00:19
crimsunpeople tend to feel impatient if they feel things are not precisely as they want them in "their" distro00:20
aboSamoorBUGabundo, what is that 5 ?00:22
BUGabundothis one00:22
aboSamoorBUGabundo, despite the LOLs, i feel stupid not understanding what is that 5 in 2 !00:24
bjsnidermultisearch addon bug?00:29
aboSamoorbjsnider, BUG 40276700:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.0 "multisearch CSE breaks l18n+setfocus+images+cached+I'm feeling lucky functionality and "violates user trust"" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40276700:33
JanCaboSamoor: he means he knows of 5 such "hot" bugs during the last 2 Ubuntu versions00:33
BUGabundosorry was WFK00:33
aboSamoorJanC, I was confused because he mentioned 3 + 1 implicitly00:36
JanCI guess the 5th was U100:36
aboSamooryeah, I just discovered th U1 by reddit00:37
BUGabundothat's not a byg00:38
BUGabundothat's a FAIL00:38
BUGabundoalmost forgot that one00:38
BUGabundook we can fit that on the list00:38
BUGabundowhat is this?00:38
BUGabundobjsnider question day?00:38
BUGabundobjsnider: U1= UbuntuOne.com00:38
aboSamoorso If linux subreddit is a thermometer, then there is another hot bug that is really annoying more than most of the previous 5 hot bugs00:39
aboSamoorI mean the firefox performance00:39
aboSamooron my laptop firefox takes about 30 seconds to open00:40
BUGabundomine is very fast00:41
BUGabundojust tends to break with many stuff00:41
JanChm, depends on # of addons and such too00:41
aboSamoorI ran ff-3.6 but was not that better00:41
BUGabundoADVERT: I run 3.6 alpha from daily ppa00:41
BUGabundoJanC: you don't have enough fingers to count how many I have :)00:41
aboSamoorI have 6 addons and all of them are popular addons which means it is hard to find serious bugs in them00:42
aboSamoor6 without multisearch :P00:43
JanCBUGabundo: how do you know I'm not an alien with 100 tentacle-fingers?00:46
BUGabundolet me list mine00:46
BUGabundoJanC: humm still I would have more :)00:46
BUGabundothis is 3.6. on 3.0 and 3.5 I had more working http://paste.ubuntu.com/251665/00:47
aboSamoorBUGabundo, this is like committing suicide00:49
BUGabundoits adding extra funcionality and bugs00:49
aboSamooraccording to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=501605 ff access IE history on startup and this makes it slow, i wonder if my ff on ubuntu is earching for IE for 30 seconds then it realizes that I am waiting so it opens the tabs !00:52
ubottuMozilla bug 501605 in Libraries "very slow startup for Firefox 3.5 due to accessing IE Internet Temporary Files and Windows Temp folder" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]00:53
BUGabundotime to hit the sack01:01
bjsnideryou're going to punch alexander sack?01:32
ubuntui installed windows and now i cant restore gryb can anyone help me i am on the live cd now02:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:23
billybigriggerubuntu its there02:23
billybigriggerRecovering Grub from a LiveCD02:23
billybigriggeror something :P02:24
ubuntubillybigrigger: the problem installed windows and now my partion is gone02:24
ubuntuhow do i restore it i onliy have a cd of ubuntu 7.0402:25
ubuntulive cd02:25
billybigriggeryour partition is gone?02:25
billybigriggerso your overwrote ubuntu?02:25
billybigriggerwith window02:26
ubuntubillybigrigger: only the boot loader02:26
billybigriggerread the wiki then02:26
ubuntubut grub 2 and one does differ02:29
ubuntubillybigrigger: the problem is i have a 7.04 liv cd and in adept there is no grub 202:30
billybigriggerwell if your running karmic you should be running grub 202:30
billybigriggergrub legacy isn't supported anymore02:30
ubuntubillybigrigger: so how do i get my system up and running02:31
billybigriggerhow about download a current livecd?02:32
ubuntubillybigrigger: link me02:32
ubuntulivecd link02:33
ubuntucauz i am on kubuntu 7.04 livecd02:33
billybigriggerpat yourself on the back02:33
billybigriggerif you would have read that Grub 2 Recovery link i pointed you to02:34
billybigriggeryou would know where to find the latest livecd02:34
billybigriggerRecover Grub 2 via LiveCD02:34
billybigrigger    *02:34
billybigrigger      First, grab a copy of the latest Ubuntu LiveCD and boot it.02:34
billybigrigger    * Open a terminal and type02:34
billybigriggerthe link is on the first line02:34
ubuntubillybigrigger: so 9.04 uses grub202:35
billybigriggerwhat version of ubuntu do you have installed?02:35
ubuntuon that link i can only download 9.04live cd02:36
ubuntui was on karamic02:36
billybigriggerthat is the latest released livecd02:36
ubuntubut is shows as 9.0402:36
ubuntuso i can download it02:36
ubuntuand it will work02:37
ubuntuok i will try that02:37
ubuntuthanks alot02:37
billybigriggeryou might have better luck asking in #grub for recovering grub legacy02:37
billybigriggerlike i said its not supported anymore02:37
virtualdkarmic cd's are here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/02:39
billybigriggeryou don't need a karmic livecd to recover grub02:39
billybigriggeri suggested a stable release for the simple fact that he might run into more problems with karmic dailies02:39
virtualdbut he's running karmic02:40
billybigriggerbut the dailies are hit and miss02:41
billybigriggerone day they work the other they don't02:41
billybigriggerdoesn't matter what his OS he is running, he's only trying to recover grub02:41
billybigriggerhave you tried google yet?02:44
billybigriggerrecover grub via ubuntu livecd02:44
ubuntuisnt there anyway to compile grub2 on my livecd02:44
billybigriggerfirst hit on google02:45
ubuntumy bandwind is notat all good will take me ages to get the live cd downloaded02:45
billybigriggerget karmic back running02:45
billybigriggerthen refer to the wiki page for upgrading from grub legacy to grub 2 via ....02:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:45
ubuntubillybigrigger: so is it possible to recover over normal grub02:47
billybigriggeri think your confusing yourself02:48
billybigriggerread it, do it02:48
ubuntui mean can i recover my grub with the currnt kubuntu 7.0402:48
ubuntubut i cant mount a partition02:48
ubuntumount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,02:49
ubuntu       missing codepage or helper program, or other error02:49
ubuntu       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:49
ubuntu       dmesg | tail  or so02:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:49
billybigriggertry reading the error02:49
billybigriggerwhat command are you trying to pass?02:50
ubuntubillybigrigger:   931.340000] EXT3-fs: sda2: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional fea                                  tures (240).02:50
ubuntusudo mount /dev/sda1 realroot/02:50
hggdhyou meant /realroot ?02:51
billybigriggerwhat is realroot?02:51
ubuntureaot mount pointolr02:51
hggdhI guess -- and I stress the guess -- a mountpoint02:51
ubuntuits a mountpoint02:51
hggdhand  does the realroot directory exist?02:52
billybigriggernuff said02:52
yoasifmysql-server is currently broken?02:55
billybigriggercaused by moving 5.0 to 5.1?02:56
billybigriggeryoasif: haven't checked the lists, but that was the action a few days ago02:56
billybigriggerprobably could expect breakage from it02:56
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=== Guest66699 is now known as ryanakca
spOdo any of you know how to compile fglrx/ati drivers for a custom ubuntu kernel (after you install karmic package) ?03:32
BluesKajspO, the default ati driver is still installed03:37
luckyonehello all04:05
luckyonewas wondering if anyone could help point me at some good information about karmic unr, particularly for Acer Aspire One04:06
luckyoneI need to figure out why my wireless quit working after the -3 kernel, because now I don't even have that as a boot option in grub...04:07
EagleScreenluckyone: which card model?04:10
luckyoneAcer Aspire One KAV10 with Atheros AR5BXB6304:14
EagleScreensorry i don't know Atheros cards04:15
luckyoneno worries04:15
IndyGunFreakluckyone: is that how lspci identifies it?04:25
luckyoneyeah, it is weird... the wireless card can see networks, it network-manager just can't connect to anything04:25
IndyGunFreakluckyone: are you connecting to a network that requires a password?04:26
IndyGunFreakie.. wep or wpa04:26
luckyonesearching wpa204:27
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luckyonenetwork manager won't even connect with a wired connection though04:27
IndyGunFreaknow thats odd04:27
luckyonethis will make it tough to take updates...04:27
hggdhoh boy. whats your version of apparmor?04:28
luckyonehow do I see version from cli?04:29
hggdhdpkg -l apparmor\*04:29
hggdhOK. so it is *not* the issue we had last week04:30
luckyoneyeah, this quit working after -304:30
bjsnideri think there are some hardware issues because of the switch from hal to devicekit right now04:32
luckyoneyeah, I need to figure out a workaround so I can take updates in the meantime04:33
luckyoneprobably just need to figure out how to get grub to let me load a previous kernel04:34
IndyGunFreakluckyone: i think you're right, cuz i've had some issues w/ my atheros device to(242x)04:34
luckyonedid you find a way to fix it?04:35
luckyonealso sucks because I can't automagically add something to launchpad04:35
IndyGunFreakluckyone: well, no id idn't.. oddly enough, i connected to my network04:36
IndyGunFreakbut it would not let me online04:36
luckyone[drm:drm_wait_vblank] *ERROR* failed to acquire vblank counter, -2204:37
luckyonelots of those04:37
nhasian! Gnome-disk-utility04:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:45
nhasianhow can i start  Gnome-disk-utility ?04:45
billybigriggernhasian: run the command 'palimpsest'04:54
nhasiannice.  is that not in the system menu anywhere?04:55
nhasianI'll never remember the command to launch it.  i cant even pronounce it.04:55
billybigriggernot in ubuntu at the moment04:57
billybigriggerhaven't updated yet today either04:57
billybigriggerbeen awake since 6:30am, its 10pm now, i've been compiling linux from scratch all day :P04:57
billybigriggerand still don't have a usable system haha04:58
billybigriggerbuilding a linux system from scratch sucks! haha04:58
billybigriggernow i know why the developed package managers :P04:59
nhasianokay here's a question.  how can i tell if a package like gnome-disk-utility for example comes by default with ubuntu or if it was installed by the user afterwards?05:00
billybigriggerhonestly, no idea05:00
billybigriggeri imagine you could look on packages.ubuntu.com and look at the package ubuntu-desktop?05:00
nhasiani checked synaptic package manager and looked at the package's properties.  it says Priority = Optional but i dont know if thats the best way to check05:01
nhasianyeah it says gparted is also optional but i know that it comes standard with ubuntu05:02
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oldude67anyone know if they have any of the bugs worked out of pulseaudio yetA?05:45
oldude67im running the intel ICH5 onboard sound and with pulse audio running i have nothing but static coming out of my speakers even when im not listening to anything,so i uninstalled it.05:48
oldude67was just wondering if it was any better yet?05:48
x1250nhasian, I guess you can use $ aptitude why yourpackage, and try to build your conclusions from there.05:53
x1250also, you can check the dpkg logs and aptitude log in /var/log05:56
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DanaGoh hey, any of you using the grub2 gfxboot thingy?06:11
DanaGIt's not in official repos.06:12
billybigriggerDanaG: http://grub.gibibit.com/06:12
billybigriggeris that what your talking about?06:12
billybigriggerdid it make it to grub svn?06:13
billybigriggeri emailed colin bennet about that and he didn't know when it would be ready, that was a few weeks ago though06:14
DanaGI'm using the ppa from here.06:14
DanaGit's glitchy -- redraws constantly, and rather horridly slowly, at that.06:14
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billybigriggerwell no, im not using it to answer your question :)06:15
billybigriggerhonestly haven't been booted into ubuntu since frida06:15
DanaGI think I'll just switch back to no gfxmenu.06:16
billybigriggerbeen screwing around with linuxfromscratch haha06:16
alteregoayeah its a bummer06:16
DanaGhmm, anyone know much about what xsplash is supposed to do?06:18
DanaGFor me, it makes the login window rather unpleasant:06:18
alteregoaits suppoed to be confusing06:18
DanaGWhen xorg starts, I see this:06:19
DanaG*flicker*   (xsplash default-wallpaper)    (gdm with custom wallpaper)06:19
alteregoalike almost any X program on linux, no common standards and that makes it like kinder surprise06:19
DanaGAnd then once I log in, I see this:06:19
DanaG(gdm custom wallpaper)    (xsplash default-wallpaper)    (gdm custom wallpaper)        (my wallpaper).06:19
DanaGso it flicks back to default wallpaper multiple times.  Irritating.06:19
DanaGAnd really ugly.06:19
* billybigrigger reminds all we're still in A3 :P06:20
alteregoai still wait until those linux stuff maybe 2.8.X kernel, the config is written into a single xml file06:20
alteregoainstead of searching the whole crap over the entire disk06:21
alteregoathats linux from scratch06:22
* DanaG prefers to tweak from the bottom up, not from the top down.06:23
* ikonia points to the topic06:24
DanaGhmm, though "linux from scratch" may describe pretty well what I'm doing with a Microblaze cpu on an fpga.06:24
DanaGsorry, I swapped my words.06:24
* DanaG prefers to tweak from the _top down_.06:24
DanaG=P    I said that entirely backwards last time.06:24
alteregoaare you doing some FFT calculations danag?06:27
ikoniagents - #ubuntu+1 is for 9.10 discussion please.06:27
DanaGwell, the xsplash thing, at least, was on topic.06:28
billybigriggerand grub's gfxmenu06:28
DanaGWhat is it actually supposed to do, besides making invalid assumptions about wallpaper?06:28
alteregoaok sorry i destroyed the Mohammic Karma of Ubuntu with my offtopic speech06:29
ikoniaalteregoa: no need to be silly, it is a polite request06:29
spOdo any of you know how to compile fglrx/ati drivers for a custom ubuntu kernel?  (ie,   ati doesn't support 2.6.31 , but it is supposed to support 2.6.3006:36
DanaGoh yeah, there's a PPA for that.06:36
billybigriggerspO: wait for a patch?06:36
billybigriggerthere ya go :P06:36
spOthanks danag06:42
spOdanag, how exactly do i download that after i add that to my sources.list and update apt-get ?06:47
spObrb, i am going to pick up a perscription06:48
DanaGoh yeah, actually, now there's a nifty toolL06:51
DanaGsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ppa_name/path_under_that06:51
DanaGlike ppa:dinxter06:51
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spOdanag, that package requires generic version of any kernel, right?07:44
spOfor custom kernels , it is basically very difficult if not impossible to get ati /proprietary drivers installed?07:44
BoohbahspO: shouldn't be07:45
spOerr, sorry07:54
spOi don't have  add-apt-repository08:11
alteregoa128 rops and 300GB/s bandwidth08:22
lufisJust installed karmic alpha 3 and installed all the updates. Now grub won't boot any of the kernel entries. I get an error that goes something like: "true: no such valid parameter"09:09
xcdfgkjhgcvlufis: And your Wi-Fi is also dodgy:?09:30
voltagexhi, the livecd is only detecting one of two hard drives10:06
richardcavellvoltagex: there have been many updates to Karmic since your alpha 3 live CD10:07
voltagexcrap, 700mb quota wasted then10:07
voltagexwhat's the easiest way to test karmic then?10:07
richardcavellvoltagex: can you install from the live CD?10:08
richardcavellthen download updates10:08
voltagexfirst drive is full10:08
richardcavellyou'll need to download a few hundred megs of updates10:08
voltagexsecond drive had a spare partition10:08
voltagexshould be /dev/sdc10:09
richardcavellvoltagex: Just to state the obvious, have you looked in the Places menu for it?10:09
voltagexplaces? the K menu?10:09
richardcavellThe menu that is second10:10
richardcavellApplications, Places, System10:10
richardcavellon your desktop10:10
voltagexdolphin only lists one drive10:10
richardcavellI'm just saying - is it in your Places menu?10:10
richardcavellI mean, I have another partition that is not mounted at boot but it's in the Places meu10:10
voltagexnope, no dice10:11
richardcavellwhat filesystem is the partition?10:11
voltagexunformatted, but the entire drive is missing10:13
voltagexthere's a 950GB NTFS partition, and a 50gb partition that was meant for this, but both are not showing10:13
dupondjeCould somebody try to open https://security-shell.ws/showthread.php?t=15891&page=2 in firefox ?10:16
richardcavelldupondje: crash10:16
richardcavellvoltagex: I dunno.  It's not terribly surprising, though10:17
dupondjeseems like something buggy in firefox :p10:17
richardcavelldupondje: yep10:17
richardcavelldupondje: report it and say it's confirmed10:17
richardcavell(One of the reasons why I'm not happy about the move to 3.5)10:17
richardcavelldupondje: I'm reporting it10:18
richardcavelldupondje: which FF are you using?10:18
voltagexrichardcavell: is there a daily iso download?10:19
richardcavellvoltagex: nope10:19
richardcavellvoltagex: at least, not an official one10:19
richardcavelldupondje: crashes on 3.0.13 for me10:20
dupondjeyea indeed, was just testing that also :P10:20
richardcavelldupondje: what's the exact version number you're using?  I'll report both10:20
dupondjeii  firefox-3.0                                3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu3                  safe and easy web browser from Mozilla10:20
dupondjeii  firefox-3.0-branding                       3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu3                  Package that ships the firefox branding10:20
dupondjeii  firefox-3.5                                3.5.2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2                   safe and easy web browser from Mozilla10:20
dupondjebug # ? ;)10:25
richardcavellmate, my Net's slow10:26
dupondjeget fiber !10:26
richardcavellyeah I know10:27
richardcavelldupondje: are you on 32 or 64-bit?10:29
richardcavelldupondje: me too10:31
Ian_it doesn't crash for me10:31
dupondje32bit ?10:31
richardcavellhave you applied all updates, dupondje ?10:31
richardcavellIan_: what version of FF are you using?10:32
dupondjerichardcavell: yep, all updates10:32
Ian_icorne@unicorne:~$ apt-cache policy firefox10:32
Ian_firefox: Installed: 3.5.2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 Candidate: 3.5.2+nobinonly-0ubuntu210:32
richardcavellokay almost done10:33
richardcavellseems like a Karmic bug10:33
richardcavellbug 41241810:33
Ian_karmic 64 bit then10:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412418 in firefox-3.0 "Broken website" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41241810:33
Ian_because i'm on karmic and don't have it :)10:33
richardcavellIan_: yeah10:34
richardcavellIan_: and dupondje : add stuff to my bug report if you like10:34
richardcavellI can't figure out how to get to the broken website feature since the menu item has been disabled, while still collecting debug info10:35
dupondjerichardcavell: added firefox-3.5 to package list10:35
richardcavelllooks good10:38
xcdfgkjhgcvHow dodgy is it to upgrade from GRUB to GRUB2?10:47
richardcavellxcdfgkjhgcv: not dodgy10:48
richardcavellworks fine10:48
xcdfgkjhgcvrichardcavell: What benefits would I get from switching?10:48
richardcavellxcdfgkjhgcv: if it ain't broke don't fix it10:49
xcdfgkjhgcvrichardcavell: Unless you want to make it better.10:49
xcdfgkjhgcvrichardcavell: Debian Etch wasn't broken for me.10:49
Ian_ext4 support?10:49
richardcavellGRUB2 is way more sophisticated10:49
richardcavellit supports my OS X too10:49
xcdfgkjhgcvI only have one OS.10:49
xcdfgkjhgcvAnd that's Ubuntu.10:50
xcdfgkjhgcvKarmic fixed the Wi-Fi problems I had with Jaunty. :D11:22
xcdfgkjhgcvBittorrent was unusable. :(11:22
xcdfgkjhgcvAnd Karmic will fix my Intel performance problems too I think. :)11:23
Ian_i hope it will11:23
ikoniathat's good news11:23
xcdfgkjhgcvIan_: Same. I want to do some 3D gaming on my Eee PC.11:23
xcdfgkjhgcvFFS I have no clean socks.11:23
suitI got such a borderline weird problem. Upon booting, all my sound channels are muted. So, I crank them up again. If I use VLC to watch something it *immediately* turns the sys-volume down again (NOT the internal VLC volume). If I then bother to turn every channel up again via alsamixer they automatically drop down to zero before a sound can be uttered. With Kaffeine, the same happens but if I turn the volume up again after having started to play a11:24
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: Probably stupid, buggy Pulseaudio.11:24
xcdfgkjhgcvI like Pulseaudio but I wish it didn't have so many problems.11:25
xcdfgkjhgcvI want a really polished, stable Pulseaudio by 10.04 LTS11:25
dupondjeseems like the pulseaudio plugins of some apps are causing those things also11:25
dupondjeso its not really only a pulseaudio problem itself :(11:25
xcdfgkjhgcvLinux has always been funny with my motherboard sound.11:26
suitAlright..hmm.. Does aptitude provide any upgrade logs? I update Karmic pretty regularly and the problem started pretty much overnight.11:28
dupondjegrr this is annoying, how can u add the things apport generates to a EXISTING bug ?11:28
xcdfgkjhgcvdupondje: If it's annoying, file a bug report about it.11:29
dupondjemaby its possible but I don't know how :)11:29
suitGot it.11:30
xcdfgkjhgcvdupondje: man apport11:30
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: What was it?11:30
suitor apt-get if you use that, i suppose11:31
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: Oh, I thought you identified the problem.11:31
suitI might have something there, too. vlc-plugin-pulse is not installed. Would've thought that if Karmic installed vlc out of it's repos that would be a dependency.11:33
suitWeirdly enough, vlc worked for a week without any problems whatsoever without it.11:33
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: Maybe you weren't using Pulseaudio?11:34
apwdupondje, apport-collect <bug number>11:39
xcdfgkjhgcvFFS I wish Samba didn't hate me.11:39
dupondjeapw: launchpadlib.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized11:55
dupondjefixed now :) removed the autorization11:57
suitxcdfgkjhgcv: I just descended into the abyss of sound configuration and figured I really wasn't using PulseAudio but it was still my preferred output device.11:59
richardcavellIs anyone else getting audio loss?  I am not getting about half of my sounds12:02
dupondjerichardcavell: check my last comment on the bug12:04
dupondjeits strange12:04
richardcavelldupondje: which bug?12:04
richardcavelldupondje: I've been napping12:05
richardcavelldupondje: And by the way, you can add debug stuff to any bug just by running apport bugnumber from the Terminal12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412418 in firefox-3.5 "Broken website" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:05
richardcavellI mean apport-collect12:05
dupondjedid that now :)12:06
dupondjebut check last comment, seems something weird12:06
richardcavelldupondje: yeah,12:06
richardcavellthat's weird12:06
richardcavellcan't explain that12:07
cdE|Woozydoes anyone know why I can't set constrain_y via ccsm -> window management -> move window? If I enable the checkbox, it disables again right away without telling me why12:07
dupondjeit works for you also when u run it directly ?12:08
richardcavelldupondje: hang on12:08
richardcavellI'm conducting some experiments12:10
richardcavelldupondje: gee, sometimes it crashes and sometimes it doesn't12:12
dupondjecheck comment, doesn't work from command line neither12:12
richardcavellI'm going to try it opening from right mouse click:  https://security-shell.ws/showthread.php?t=15891&page=212:12
dupondjebut if u do firefox-3.5 https://security-shell.ws/showthread.php?t=15891&page=2%2712:12
dupondjeit cuts off the &page=2 :p12:12
dupondjebut gtg now12:13
richardcavellI'm unable to reliably reproduce when it crashes and when it doesn't12:14
richardcavellit just crashes sometimes12:14
richardcavellit just did then12:14
suitI'm a happy camper now. Everything works again. Wheeeee.12:24
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: I can't get Samba to work. :(12:25
suitI'm sorry mate. Don't think I can help you there12:26
suitNever used it and not even really sure what it's for12:26
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: File sharing over the network.12:26
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: Do you know what a NAS is?12:27
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: maybe it would help to explain what the actual problem is that you encounter and someone might be able to help you12:27
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: The problem is that my computers can't share files witth each other.12:28
suitxcdfgkjhgcv: Let's put it like that...when you said 'Nas' i first thought of the rapper. :D12:28
xcdfgkjhgcvsuit: Rap is crap.12:28
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: that does not help much really with what the problem is12:30
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: you need to explain it a bit more....12:30
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: I don't really know what the problem is.12:30
suitDoesn't Samba have some kind of verbose output option?12:32
suitA debugging mode, mayhaps?12:32
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: o.O12:32
suitCheck if /var/log/samba exists12:32
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: ok...well maybe you can check: Is the machine seeing the shares? Is samba sharing correctly? Is something blocking the shares? Can you access them using smb-client locally? etc12:33
suitAnd there's https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba12:33
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: stuff like that12:33
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.12:35
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: I've set ufw to limit Samba.12:35
scizzo-well then comes the next set of questions: You can mount it and so on but after a while the connection is lost? Sometimes it shows up or it shows up but you can't mount them?12:37
suitGod damn it I love this community.12:37
suitHad to get that out quickly.12:37
suitCarry on.12:37
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: since the frase: "Its not working." is not very explanatory.....12:38
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: I can mount one of my machines but not the other.12:38
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: right so now we are starting to get somewhere...12:38
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: you can mount one of the linux machines sharing with samba but not the other to another win/mac machine?12:39
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: I can mount the machine running Karmic with my Jaunty machine but can't do it the other way around.12:39
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: hold on12:40
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: you are using samba for linux sharing?12:40
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: not really the best thing to be honest but whatever rocks your boat12:40
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: It's what Ubuntu likes to make me use.12:40
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: is the logfiles telling you anything in /var/log/ ?12:41
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Yes.12:41
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: I believe there is a few samba logs there...if not also check the command dmesg12:41
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: alright....so is there any errors when you try mounting the shares?12:41
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: [79439.850257] [UFW LIMIT BLOCK] IN=ra0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:09:5b:2f:df:96:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=49497 DPT=137 LEN=5812:42
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: and dmesg says nothing?12:44
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: That was dmesg.12:44
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: its a command12:44
xcdfgkjhgcvHold on, I'll pastebin it.12:45
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: no no no12:45
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: not everything12:45
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: It isn't everything.12:45
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Just the relevant stuff.12:45
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: ok then.....so...if I understand this right....the main problem is that you can't mount the jaunty shares on the karmic machine right?12:47
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Correct.12:47
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Also, my Nautilus browsing of Samba is on and off.12:47
xcdfgkjhgcvSomething is definitely pear shaped.12:47
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: right...so then that could be the first thing you could say about the problem.... ;)12:48
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: instead of "its not working"12:48
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Apologies.12:48
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: Do you think UFW is the problem?12:49
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: not sure yet12:49
xcdfgkjhgcvscizzo-: I think it might be two separate problems I have.12:50
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: still checking a little12:50
xcdfgkjhgcvI'll try disabling UFW and see what happens.12:50
alankila_There's something wrong with gconfd-2, it's constantly using about 25 % of CPU. It might correlate with enabling compiz. (I no longer can properly start it from the Appearance preferences, but I can start it from terminal just fine.)12:50
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: what smbclient version do you have?12:51
xcdfgkjhgcvalankila_: Confirmed on my PC.12:51
xcdfgkjhgcvalankila_: File a bug report.12:51
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: hmmm can you mount but get the filesystem as read only?12:53
maxbSo, gnome-disk-utility is telling me that one of my disks has bad sectors, in the notification area12:53
maxbHow do I acknowledge this and tell it to stop showing me a notification icon?12:53
xcdfgkjhgcvOdd. Disabling UFW on the Karmic machine allows me to mount Jaunty shares.12:53
xcdfgkjhgcvmaxb: Same problem here.12:53
* maxb mutters about half-baked apps12:54
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: its not odd really12:56
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: I might be wrong but if ufw is blocking the access then its not odd12:58
scizzo-xcdfgkjhgcv: I just did a quick search to see if others have had samba +ufw problems and it seems there has been a few but most old stuff12:59
xcdfgkjhgcvI'll try changing UFW from limit to allow for Samba.13:02
xcdfgkjhgcvHmmm that didn't work.13:04
xcdfgkjhgcvSee? Samba hates me.13:04
alankila_ok, the problem with cpu load is that metacity process is still running, and probably hammers the gconfd somehow which then takes the cpu hit13:09
alankila_there's already a bug about that.13:09
xcdfgkjhgcvamortvigil_: Greetings.14:07
amortvigil_xcdfgkjhgcv: nice name :)14:07
xcdfgkjhgcvamortvigil_: Why thank you.14:08
amortvigil_xcdfgkjhgcv: what is the most hard bugs at the moment?14:08
amortvigil_xcdfgkjhgcv: because it looks like chaos to mee :P14:08
xcdfgkjhgcvamortvigil_: I can't get Samba to work.14:10
xcdfgkjhgcvPulseaudio is buggy as hell.14:10
amortvigil_hum hum14:10
xcdfgkjhgcvThe kernel thinks I have an imaginary floppy drive.14:11
xcdfgkjhgcvI can't hide the icons on my desktop.14:11
amortvigil_xcdfgkjhgcv: there is still alot to be fixed :P14:11
Q-FUNKhowdy! regarding Bug #409764 is there still time to implement this?14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409764 in language-support-writing-fi "please downgrade 'mozvoikko' to Recommends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40976414:23
xcdfgkjhgcvI'd like to see file operations and Firefox downloads implemented into notify-osd14:29
xcdfgkjhgcvI wasn't too keen on notify-osd at first.14:30
gbs-wesmy headphones don't work in karmic :( nor does my bruetoof mouse.   also, whenever i plug into the wall, it immediately tells me that my battery is fully charged because its currently FULL OF FAILURE14:31
Ian_gbs-wes: my headphones don't work either14:35
gbs-wesi think they'll work if you have them plugged in at boot-time... but haven't tested yet14:35
grandemahatmahere I am14:35
grandemahatmagbs-wes: hello14:35
grandemahatmahallo I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and I'd need python-central 0.6.11... how can I install it?14:36
gbs-weshey.. i just told you to come here because someone else was bound to. this is where you discuss anything karmic14:36
gbs-wesoh. 8.10. oops.14:36
Ian_grandemahatma: this is for ubunt 9.1014:36
grandemahatmaI see... sorry14:36
Ian_was gerr14:37
Ian_he should just apt-get it14:37
Ian_that's the current version14:37
mac_vhi... why does Palimpsest Disk Utility , always show my disks as "Having bad sectors" ? but the fsck returns no errors ?15:12
bjsnideris it really wise to name the executable for that app "palimpsest"?15:13
mac_vbjsnider: any thoughts on my error?15:14
bjsnideri'd say it's a bug in palimpsest. i would report it15:15
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mac_vdoes any one know how to fix "Reallocated Sector Count"15:59
amortvigil_mac_v: yes, there is even a hotfix, use a blowtorch on your old pc16:00
amortvigil_and buy a new one16:00
amortvigil_sorrie joke16:00
mac_vamortvigil_: i just have 3 sectors , while my threshold is 50!16:00
amortvigil_mac_v: maybe you schould chckfs ?16:01
mac_vamortvigil_: it did fsck and it doesn report any errors16:01
bjsnidermac_v, why is anything wrong then?16:23
natewiebe13anyone installed xsplash yet?16:31
mac_vbjsnider: nope... nothing is wrong , but the stupid palimpset says by disk is failing > Bug #41215216:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41215216:37
mac_vnatewiebe13: i'v installed xsplash16:37
natewiebe13mac_v: what did it change? anything yet?16:38
mac_vnatewiebe13: yup , it changes the boot behavior a bit , still needs polish16:39
mac_vit as of now , only shows the default wallpaper , in transitions  , but should actually use the user's wallpaper16:40
natewiebe13anyone here play tf2?17:09
mac_vnatewiebe13: whats tf2?17:15
natewiebe13team fortress 217:15
natewiebe13best multiplayer fps ever made17:15
natewiebe13mac_v: http://www.tf2.com17:17
kklimondanatewiebe13: does it have a linux client? ;)17:19
natewiebe13wish it did, im stuck with vista for it17:19
natewiebe13(thumbs down)17:19
natewiebe13they have a linux server, but that doesnt help me much17:20
bjsniderdon't trash the excellent vista operating system17:20
spODo any of you know how to compile ati/fglrx for custom ubuntu kernels?17:20
natewiebe13bjsnider: windows is the worst thing created by man17:21
bjsniderwhat about nuclear weapons?17:21
natewiebe13if i had to choose, i think id take the nukes17:21
natewiebe13but then i couldnt play tf2 as smoothly.. wine just doesnt cut it in this case17:22
natewiebe13anyone know anything about deluge?17:52
xcdfgkjhgcvI would make the switch from Pidgin to Empathy is Facebook chat and other useful plugins were supported.18:01
crdlbxcdfgkjhgcv: telepathy-haze should allow empathy to support any protocol pidgin does18:03
xcdfgkjhgcvcrdlb: I meant without lots of crazy hacks.18:03
crdlbit's not that crazy18:04
kklimondaany idea why do I hear sound when I click buttons in nautlius?18:05
kklimondait's disabled in sound preferences18:05
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: I'm unable to reproduce.18:06
crdlbkklimonda: but not in other gtk apps? (firefox doesn't count)18:06
xcdfgkjhgcvHmmmm I probably should say that ever again.18:06
xcdfgkjhgcv"I'm unable to reproduce" LOL18:06
kklimondacrdlb: no - I don't think so18:07
kklimondaI wonder if it's because nautilus wasn't restarted after I had a crash of gnome-settings-daemon18:08
kklimondayeah, seems like it18:08
xcdfgkjhgcvWTF I just got a ridiculous error message from Synaptic.18:11
xcdfgkjhgcv"The volume "Filesysteem root" has only 8.05.5 MB disk space remaining."18:11
xcdfgkjhgcvThat's plenty, stupid software.18:11
xcdfgkjhgcv805.5 sorry18:12
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: I believe there is a bug report with that number somewhere18:12
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: and 805mb isn't too much free space18:15
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: It's enough to install Gnome and KDE on.18:16
xcdfgkjhgcvAnd lots of other stuff.18:16
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: kubuntu-desktop pulls over 501MB of dependencies here18:16
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: Exactly!18:17
xcdfgkjhgcvI could install a whole other DE and software suite.18:17
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: and 800MB isn't enough for full system upgrade18:17
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: how big is your root partition?18:17
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: 16GB roughly18:17
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: also some space (about 5%) is reserved for root - maybe it has something to do with it? Linux is behaving really weird when there is no free space for /tmp so maybe synaptic is just protecting you from yourself? :)18:20
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: My /tmp is in tmpfs18:21
xcdfgkjhgcvHmmm that's a good point; I need to check that my tmpfs is still working since the upgrade to Karmic.18:21
alankila_by the way, do you guys routinely use ramzswap? I have discovered that this stuff is so handy that there's no point to have real swap any more. Generally this frees extra space for root partition as well if you start to run out...18:22
xcdfgkjhgcv /tmp in tmpfs for security reasons.18:22
xcdfgkjhgcvalankila_: I don't use swap for security reasons.18:22
lupine_85what kind of compression ratio do you get on the RAM?18:24
lupine_85xcdfgkjhgcv, you realise RAM has a great many security issues too, right? :)18:24
alankila_I think it's something like 30 to 60 % depending on what goes there18:24
lupine_85at least you can encrypt your swap18:24
lupine_85alankila_, hmm, probably not worth me bothering with18:25
xcdfgkjhgcvlupine_85: Yes.18:25
* lupine_85 doesn't use swap because he has 3GB RAM and is lazy18:25
* xcdfgkjhgcv doesn't use swap because he has 1GB of RAM, integrated graphics, tmpfs used by /tmp and /var/tmp18:25
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: you never ran out of ram?18:26
alankila_well I had to do something on a 1 GB system because I turned into a java programmer last year and I suddenly discovered that 1 GB wasn't enough to run eclipse, servlet container, ant builds, firefox, etc.18:26
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: No idea.18:26
xcdfgkjhgcvI don't really use my PC for much other than Bittorrent and gaming.18:26
alankila_at first I swapped to usb disk because it's faster to swap to than memory, but now it's ramzswap and it extends the ram by about 500 MB I think18:27
xcdfgkjhgcvAnd Firefox and OpenOffice and Gnome.18:27
lupine_85alankila_, mm, Java is a pig18:27
alankila_err... faster to swap to than disk, of course18:27
* lupine_85 would love to use eclipse but it doesn't play well with LTSP at all18:27
lupine_85so can't use it at work18:27
jan____hi :)18:41
DanaG"alsa-mixer.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 0.00 dB to 0.00 dB which makes no sense."18:51
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DanaGsudo atftpd --no-fork19:13
DanaGUsage: tftpd [options] [directory]19:13
DanaGwtf... no maTTER what parameters I pass it, it just tells me the usage info, and quits.19:13
natewiebe13DanaG: the gdm didnt change much, did it?19:21
DanaGhmm, I'm not sure... I didn't get around to updating yesterday.19:21
xcdfgkjhgcvWTF? It's way different.19:21
DanaGOh, and I'm still wrangling with tftp timing out.19:21
natewiebe13xcdfgkjhgcv: xsplash?19:21
xcdfgkjhgcvnatewiebe13: What about it?19:22
natewiebe13is that what you're saying?19:22
xcdfgkjhgcvnatewiebe13: GDM19:22
natewiebe13i know the gdm is different, but i meant that the last update (2.27.4-0ubuntu10) didnt change much, all they did from ubuntu9 to ubuntu10 was patch it for xsplash. i was asking if it made a difference19:23
DanaGugh, update-manager "running" window is non-resizeable.19:29
donspauldingI've installed Jaunty, upgraded to Karmic, installed Windows 7 on another partition, and now I'm in a Jaunty LiveCD, how can I reinstall grub as my boot loader and have it dual boot both windows and karmic?19:29
xcdfgkjhgcvWhere can I find changelog summaries for the latest updates?19:31
xcdfgkjhgcvThey don't seem to be included in the packages themselves.19:31
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: most packages should have /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.gz19:32
kklimondaand changelog.Debian.gz19:32
kklimondaat least that was the idea but I have seen quite a lot of packages without it lately19:33
xcdfgkjhgcvXsplash has just been updated from 0.3 to 0.4. What is new?19:34
natewiebe13donspaulding: look on google19:34
xcdfgkjhgcvdonspaulding: There are lots of guides for that on Google.19:34
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: in the case there is no changelog you can always browse vcs log19:35
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xsplash-team/xsplash/trunk/changes/38?start_revid=38 for xsplash19:35
natewiebe13xcdfgkjhgcv: fallback timer i think19:36
xcdfgkjhgcvWhat is Xsplash?19:36
natewiebe13its taking over usplash19:37
natewiebe13the x session is going to start right after bios19:37
xcdfgkjhgcvSo I can apt-get remove usplash now and it'll use Xsplash?19:37
natewiebe13there will be a fully graphical boot19:37
natewiebe13dont remove usplash19:37
bjsnideri don't know why it matters. if they achieve their boot time goals, it won't be onscreen for long19:37
kklimondanatewiebe13: didn't fedora try to go this way and decided to switch to plymouth?19:37
kklimondaI remember that they previous splash, although pretty, was launching way too late too be useful..19:38
natewiebe13xcdfgkjhgcv: when usplash gets removed, it will be removed automatically from update manager19:38
natewiebe13xcdfgkjhgcv: right now it comes on right after usplash and after you login19:39
natewiebe13doesnt serve much purpose yet19:39
xcdfgkjhgcvI really don't give a fuck about bootup graphics; I just want it to be quick.19:39
kklimondaxcdfgkjhgcv: please, watch your language19:39
natewiebe13karmic is lagging for me at bootup19:39
natewiebe13jaunty is quicker for me than karmic, jaunty im at 17 seconds, and karmic im at 28 seconds19:40
xcdfgkjhgcvkklimonda: Command acknowledged.19:40
hggdhmaybe obvious, but: anyone knows how to mute the bloody PC speaker?19:41
xcdfgkjhgcvhggdh: With alsamixer?19:41
hggdh:-) now, who would have said it would work?19:43
kklimondahggdh: should it be already disabled?19:43
kklimondahggdh: pcspkr module  should be blacklisted19:44
hggdhlet me check19:44
xcdfgkjhgcvPC speaker is ANNOYING19:44
natewiebe13blacklist it yourself if it isnt..19:46
natewiebe13blacklist pcspkr19:47
rippsDoes anybody know if it's possible to trigger indicator-applet from commandline. I'm trying to see If I can write a script to leave messages in it.19:50
natewiebe13anybody tried xsplash 0.419:51
xcdfgkjhgcvnatewiebe13: I've just installed it.19:51
natewiebe13difference between 0.3 and 0.4? or was it just the fallback?19:51
kklimondaripps: probably the "easiest" way would be to use python-indicate module?19:51
natewiebe13im gonna go see if it makes a visible difference19:52
rippskklimonda: can python be used to write irssi scripts?19:54
kklimondano, only perl19:54
rippsnot that it matters, I don't have any skill writing in perl or python19:54
DanaG!find devfs_fs_kernel.h19:57
ubottuPackage/file devfs_fs_kernel.h does not exist in karmic19:57
xcdfgkjhgcvnatewiebe13: Well?19:59
xcdfgkjhgcvnatewiebe13: Report.20:00
natewiebe13makes no visible difference20:01
DanaGah, I figured out my problem with that file.  =þ20:01
natewiebe13but am i the only one that grub no longer shows up?20:01
natewiebe13with others that have xsplash.. does grub show up at boot?20:05
DanaGhmm, I'll try it after I reboot in a bit.20:06
hggdhyes, pcspkr is not loaded. I guess the sound is generated via alsa, emulating it. *NOW* I could disable it in alsamixer (which did not work two weeks ago)20:13
slacker_nlwow, whole bunch of kde updates <320:14
natewiebe13DanaG: with printing 1 copy i get 1, 2 copies, i get 4, 3 copies i get 920:39
natewiebe13i looks like its taking the number of copies and multiplying by itself20:40
DanaGxsplash is ugly.  I get this when gdm starts:20:46
DanaGblack screen with cursor.  blinks to white and then default wallpaper.  flips to black.20:46
DanaGflips to login screen with my wallpaper.20:46
DanaGso it goes through black about two times, actually.20:46
DanaGyeah, white brown black brown black loginscreen20:47
natewiebe13DanaG: with printing 1 copy i get 1, 2 copies, i get 4, 3 copies i get 9, 4 copies i get 1620:48
natewiebe13it looks like its taking the number of copies and multiplying by itself20:48
DanaGwow, that's odd.20:48
natewiebe13ya.. thats after the update i did today20:49
lufisHaving some trouble with sound on alpha 3. I get absolutely no playback anywhere20:50
DanaGOh, and xsplash after login: gives brown, blue, brown, then delay, then real wallpaper.20:50
DanaGBlue is my specifically-set gdm wallpaper.20:50
DanaGIn late evening, it's a dark grey instead.20:50
DanaGso yeah, xsplash is currently... hideous.20:50
natewiebe13but any idea with the printing issue?20:51
natewiebe13or do you think its time for a bug report?20:52
bjsniderit's always time for a bug report20:52
DanaGOh yeah, and this time I got a blink to WHITE on login, too... followed by a fade to my wallpaper.20:52
natewiebe13DanaG: ive had the white blink since i installed karmic20:58
jdoggyhello, I installed lvm encrypted ubuntu (with the alternate text installer), and when I upgraded from jaunty to karmic it won't boot any longer because the disk uuid has changed, can somebody tell me how I might go about fixing this?21:06
jdoggyI guess my question can be simplified to this: how do I mount/boot an encrypted lvm partition from the textbox/grub command line?21:08
guntbertBUGabundo: was that vbox-headless package from you? someone asked for such a thing and my memory failed...21:14
BUGabundonop not me21:14
guntbertBUGabundo: sorry, wrong channel :/21:14
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mac_vBUGabundo: hi... do you know how to fix "Reallocated Sector Count" ? i just have 3 sectors  but the stupid palimpsest says by disk is failing > Bug #41215221:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41215221:34
BUGabundoyour disk is dyeing21:35
BUGabundomake backups an insert a new one21:35
BUGabundothat *will* not last longer21:35
mac_vBUGabundo: i just have 3 errors , but the threshold is 50!21:36
BUGabundoI'm sure it will grow21:36
BUGabundoonce disk errors start21:36
BUGabundothey tend to grow very fast21:36
BUGabundoto to unbalalced plates21:36
spOi have jaunty installed, how can i upgrade or install karmic?21:38
spOdo i have to do a fresh install?21:38
BUGabundosp0 $ update-manager -d21:38
mac_vBUGabundo: BTW , dyeing > means hair dye , or cloth coloring21:38
DanaGYeah, palimpsest (HORRIBLE name, by the way) is alarmist.21:38
BUGabundonot working21:38
spObug, is ther eosmething for console?21:38
BUGabundospO: of course21:39
DanaGI installed the gnome-disk-utility package, and tried to run gnome-disk-utility.  No such command.21:39
DanaGit's pa....limp........sest?21:39
DanaGApparently it's an 'erased parchment", or something.21:39
mac_vDanaG: too geeky!21:39
bjsnideri was complaining about that earlier21:40
bjsniderthe name of the executable should not be palimpsest21:40
BUGabundohey popey21:40
DanaGAnd it's alarmist.21:40
spOdanag, you talked two days ago about installing fglrx to a 2.6.30 kernel, what about a custom kernel?21:40
DanaGOh yeah, and I have an eSATA drive that doesn't pass SMART commands the normal way; the only tool I've seen work is "hdd sentinel".21:41
DanaGoh yeah, should work for that, too -- custom kernel.21:41
BUGabundois esata dead on karmic???21:41
BUGabundoI can't use it :((((21:41
spOdanag, hwo do you install fglrx for 2.6.30 or a custom kernel?21:42
natewiebe13why is everyone running a custom kernel?21:43
bjsniderno one but him21:44
bjsniderhe knows he shouldn't be asking about it in here21:44
mac_vBUGabundo: how can i know which partition has the bad sector?21:44
DanaGDKMS will do it for you... as long as you use make-kpkg.21:44
spOlet me guess, it is off topic in here?21:44
DanaGheh, stupid xsplash.21:45
DanaGlogin gives white.brown....blue....white...brown..fade to desktop.21:45
mac_vDanaG: why stupid, seems nice :)21:45
BUGabundomac_v: tune2fs?21:45
DanaGIt's hideous, if you use a non-default gdm wallpaper.21:45
DanaGIt flickers to white, and it assumes you use the default wallpaper.21:46
mac_vBUGabundo: ah!21:46
DanaGso yeah, it's ugly.  =þ21:46
mac_vDanaG: can you confirm this? > Bug #41259821:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412598 in xsplash "Xsplash only uses the default wallpaper during transition to desktop." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41259821:46
spOwhy would talking about custom kernels be off topic in here? i don't quiet understand that, who dictates what the collective of ubuntu developers can talk about and why would ubuntu have implementation to compile your own kernel if you cannot even talk about it in here?21:47
dtchenspO: troubleshooting custom kernels falls outside the charter of this irc channel, which is devoted to discussion of features and bugs in the current development release _unmodified in the base components_.21:48
DanaGoh yeah, and for me, xsplash appears only at login... I still have normal usplash!21:49
dtchenspO: that said, a number of people compile and run custom kernels on any number of ubuntu releases; you just have to find them and engage them in a time-efficient manner ;-)21:49
spOand who is the proclaimed dictator(s) who make the rules for the rest of the developers?21:49
mac_vDanaG: normal usplash meaning the jaunty progress bar?21:50
DanaGOh yeah, and on gdm start, it flickers through black, white, and brown several times.21:50
dtchenspO: if you have an issue with it, you need to discuss it with the ubuntu irc ops21:50
mac_vDanaG: boot splash still hasnt been implemented yet21:51
chrisccoulsonDanaG - that's probablt expected right now, because xsplash requires a running Xorg21:51
chrisccoulsonright, what mac_v said21:51
bjsniderDanaG, how does xsplash supposedly improve on usplash21:51
DanaGoh yeah, and earlier I got this: alsa driver reports decibel values between 0.0 and 0.0, which makes no sense.21:51
DanaGOh yeah, and if they want xsplash to really suit gnome... it needs to implement the same Gnome xml-wallpaper thingy that libgnome-bg does.21:52
DanaGs/suit/work well with/21:52
* mac_v thinks DanaG forgot xsplash is WIP21:52
DanaGAnd it's really early, at that.21:53
natewiebe13DanaG: did grub show up for you?21:53
mac_vnatewiebe13: latest update hides grub by dfault21:53
natewiebe13how do you get it back up?21:53
DanaGoh yeah, I was using the gfxmenu one, but it's glitchy, so I ppa-purged it.21:54
mac_vnatewiebe13: you mean always visible?21:54
natewiebe13either always, or when you want it21:54
natewiebe13doesnt matter21:55
mac_vnatewiebe13: press ESC during boot21:55
mac_vit will show the grub entries21:55
BUGabundodtchen: my audio is auto lowering to MUTE :(((21:55
BUGabundoevery 2 mins21:55
mac_vBUGabundo: \o/ me too21:55
dtchenBUGabundo: did you disable flatvol?21:55
BUGabundowell its better then I get 140 %21:55
natewiebe13my audio is fine21:55
BUGabundodtchen:  no changes from me21:55
spOis there a console command to upgrade jaunty to karmic?21:56
mac_vdtchen: flatvol? what is that?21:56
natewiebe13mac_v: i already tried ESC at startup, but i'll do it again21:56
natewiebe13when should i press it?21:56
BUGabundospO: I already gave it to you21:57
BUGabundosp0 $ update-manager -d21:57
spObug, update-manager -d is a graphical interface21:57
spOyou need to run xwindows21:57
BUGabundodtchen: any ideas? need any logs?21:57
mac_vnatewiebe13: initially , during boot as soon as you start21:57
DanaGFlat volumes are just plain b0rkage.21:57
BUGabundosp0 $ do-release-upgrade -d21:57
BUGabundosooooo easy :)21:58
DanaGnot "broken"... they break OTHER things.21:58
mac_vnatewiebe13: keep hitting it , just to be sure :)21:58
kklimondaDanaG: works fo me ;)21:58
DanaGwell, it doesn't work for the way I think about volume.21:58
DanaGIf I change the volume of totem, I don't want it to suddenly max out the volume of the sound card itself.21:58
DanaGI accidentally blasted myself due to that, yesterday.21:59
DanaGTotem was too quiet to hear, and I saw totem's volume low... so I turned it up, to where it's at full volume of whatever the card is at.21:59
bjsniderat least it didn't explode one of your speakers21:59
DanaGOr at laest, that's what it WOULD have been under how I think of volume control!21:59
kklimondaactually I have never though about it myself - I just use it :)21:59
DanaGBut nooooo, instead, changing the app volume changed the sound card volume, too!21:59
DanaGThe way I deal with volume controls is the way Windows deals with it:22:00
DanaGCard is at some percent of its max.... and app is at some percent of whatever-card-it-is-on,.22:00
mac_vDanaG: have you reported a bug about that ?22:00
kklimondamac_v: it's not a bug22:00
kklimondamac_v: that's how flat volume works22:00
kklimondaDanaG: wasn't it done the same way in Vista?22:01
DanaGAnd it's damn confusing.22:01
mac_vkklimonda: thats not right, if i change the volume of the app , the system volume should not change ,22:01
DanaGNope, it's not.22:01
mac_vits not done anywhere like that!22:01
DanaGAt least, not when apps control their own volume.22:01
kklimondaDanaG: totem apparently doesn't22:01
kklimondaDanaG: banshee for example is independent from pulseaudio (which I find confusing :) )22:01
DanaGYou may be thinking of that line on the Vista mixer... that acts as a sort of cap.  But that's the windows UI, not the app itself.22:02
DanaGEach app sees only its own volume; the UI just changes the way it's displayed.22:02
dtchenBUGabundo: in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, use "flat-volumes = no"; killall pulseaudio22:02
mac_vkklimonda: the app volume was independant untill the latest updates22:02
kklimondaDanaG: application's shouldn't have independent volume control imo22:02
BUGabundodtchen: yes Sir22:02
kklimondait should be done all via pulseaudio mixer imo22:02
DanaGWell, I'm fine with totem's built-in thingy mapping to the app-thingy in PulseAudio; that's the same way Winamp does it, in Vista.22:02
kklimondadtchen: I've commented on "my" audio bug22:02
mac_vkklimonda: why is that?! i might want one app lower while i have something else higher22:03
DanaGTry Winamp in Vista.22:03
dtchenkklimonda: what #?22:03
kklimondamac_v: and it works like this right now22:03
bjsniderwhy is banshee independent of pulseaudio?22:03
kklimondabjsnider: probably messy code22:03
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore22:03
mac_vno banshee is right to be independant22:03
BUGabundosome one ping me please22:03
BUGabundoI have sound22:03
BUGabundolets see for how long22:04
bjsniderBUGabundo, mastermind of the watergate scandal22:04
kklimondadtchen: bug 41076922:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410769 in linux "[karmic regression] jack sensing doesn't trigger toggle of Headphone/Speaker automatically upon insertion/removal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41076922:04
dtchenBUGabundo: if pulse keeps dying for you, try disabling shm, too. Same conffile.22:04
DanaGEach app's volume control should control the pulseaudio volume slider for that app... and not the sound card itself!22:04
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BUGabundook dtchen. will try to keep that in mind22:05
kklimondaDanaG: a22:05
bjsnideri thought that's what banshee did22:05
BUGabundoor ask ppl here to remind me :)22:05
kklimondaDanaG: a) it does and b) you can disable flat volume if you really don't like it22:05
bjsniderit's what happens here22:05
DanaGWHat it does for me: controls both the sound card and the app.22:05
mac_vkklimonda: how to disable flatvolume?22:05
rippsDoes anybody know how to use gpg-agent and pinentry over ssh. I'm trying to pull bzr packges, build, sign and upload them from a remote machine22:05
DanaGSo, instead of putting the app at 100% of card volume...22:05
DanaGit puts the card at 100% volume, period.22:05
kklimondamac_v: I don't know, check google :)22:06
dtchenkklimonda: ok, so the patch _is_ working22:06
dtchenkklimonda: you just uncovered a bug in pulseaudio as well22:07
kklimondadtchen: it did for the first time only when I've disabled alsa.. now it's all back to beginning (I've even checked out for sure if I'm running the right kernel)22:07
dtchenmeaning "disabled pulseaudio"?22:07
kklimondadtchen: yes22:07
DanaGoh yeah, on the plus side, the auto-stream-switching rocks.22:08
DanaGoh yeah, how hard would it be to get PulseAudio running on, say, a MIPS-based thingy?22:08
dtchenkklimonda: right, so if you remove pulseaudio (i.e., don't run it at all), it should not exhibit the symptom at all22:08
dtchenDanaG: if it compiles, it should run22:08
dtchenpulse itself doesn't have anything that prevents it from running on those arches22:08
mac_vdtchen: how do i disable flatvolume?22:09
* kklimonda feels like a chimpanzee when it comes to debugging sounds issues.. ;/22:09
DanaGI'm considering making my senior project be this: port a newer kernel to the C-Media CM-WS 01  (also known as wii-sonic).22:12
DanaGPicture a router, with a PCI audio chip.22:12
kklimondadtchen: I'm pretty sure I had to kill PA first (it was missing "Analog output" profile at all which is weird because I couldn't reproduce it anytime later).22:13
dtchenmac_v: i mentioned above to BUGabundo22:14
BUGabundodtchen: FYI until now it seems stable22:14
* mac_v scrolls22:14
dtchenBUGabundo: what modifications did you make until "now"?22:14
BUGabundomac_v: in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, use "flat-volumes = no"; killall pulseaudio22:14
BUGabundodtchen: Only that One22:14
kklimondaheh, pa dies on me recently all the time when I pause/resume mplayer :/22:14
BUGabundoI try to keep it pretty standard dtchen22:14
dtchenkklimonda: using which output (-ao )?22:15
kklimondadtchen: pulse22:15
* BUGabundo starts exaile to push PA to the limit22:15
dtchenkklimonda: that one's not recommended. use -ao alsa instead22:15
kklimondaok, changed22:16
DanaGoh yeah, last time I used mplayer, I had to manually tell mplayer to do -channels 6.22:16
kklimondabtw, I really like how pulse is shaping up.22:16
DanaGyeah, PulseAudio is awesome.22:19
kklimondaok, I've lost all my sound :D22:19
dtchenalso, luke and i are rolling stuff in the ~ubuntu-audio-dev ppa22:19
dtchenyou'll probably want to track that one22:19
DanaGnow, here's a summer-of-code idea: a virtual sound card driver for Windows, that works with a windows PA server.22:19
mac_vBUGabundo: ah thanx... do i have to restart X for the settings to take effect? i tired killall but doesnt seem to take effect yet22:19
BUGabundojust kill PA22:20
DanaGI'd consider that as senior project, but considering I have no Windows (even non-driver) programming experience, that's overly ambitious.22:20
mac_vhmm... but still the system volume changes with totem! :(22:20
DanaGoh yeah, something bad about the new volume control applet: it makes it damn hard to do pulseaudio -vvv.22:23
kklimondadtchen is gone? :/22:23
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jdoggyhi, how do I mount/boot an encrypted lvm partition from the textbox/grub command line?22:25
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Q-FUNKhowdy! what is this new 'xsplash' package supposed to do?  replace usplash?22:37
* BUGabundo has it disabled and unsintaled22:38
mac_vQ-FUNK: yes22:44
DanaG... eventually.22:44
DanaGRight now it's just hideous and jarring.  =P22:44
Q-FUNKmac_v: ok. it just appeared out of nowhere and doesn't seem to be doing much of anything, which felt like an odd last-minute addition, considering that we're already in alpha stage.22:50
kklimondaQ-FUNK: well, we are only in an alpha stage22:50
mac_vQ-FUNK: well thats alpha... xsplash will eventually replace usplash22:51
mac_vQ-FUNK: there is nothin before alpha ;p22:51
Q-FUNKbefore alpha, there's all the time in the world to make changes.  starting with alpha, things should mostly be in release shape, but might still have a few rough edges.22:52
mac_vQ-FUNK: you are mistaken22:53
BUGabundowhat are you saying??22:53
BUGabundowe are alpha ALL the way past Feature Freeze22:53
kklimondaQ-FUNK: first alpha is released 2 weeks after toolchain update22:53
kklimondaQ-FUNK: seriously you don't think it should be considered feature freeze?22:53
Q-FUNKhasn't the feature freeze come already?22:53
kklimondait's 27th august22:54
mac_vQ-FUNK: as i said , there is nothing before alpha! alpha is the first step22:54
Q-FUNKthat's coming pretty quick.  it's a tad too close to that date to make such changes.22:54
DanaGI hope it;;; be kest bblinky-glitchy-colorflippy.22:55
kklimondaQ-FUNK: no - it can be dropped after this date if it doesn't work22:55
DanaGer, sorry, using r600 compiz.22:55
DanaGmakes it hard to type in gnome-terminal.22:55
mac_vQ-FUNK: wait for 26th you'll have more last minute changes ;p22:55
BUGabundo!schedule | Q-FUNK22:55
ubottuQ-FUNK: A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule22:55
Q-FUNKcall it a side-effect of a 10+ year career in product management, but I've seen times and times again how introducing that sort of changes so close to a feature freeze is entirely the wrong thing to do. :)22:56
* mac_v gives up!22:57
kklimondaQ-FUNK: if it doesn't work as expected before launch we can always remove it.22:58
mac_vQ-FUNK: just out of curiosity ... what in your experience is the product label before an alpha?23:01
kklimondabig pile of c#$@ ;)23:01
Q-FUNKmac_v: development phase.23:02
mac_vQ-FUNK: maybe you are new to ubuntu , here alpha is the development phase23:02
mac_vi think it is similar for all OS ,23:03
Q-FUNKnot quite23:03
kklimondamac_v: I think that when you have a big development team some of people are working on a new things and some are polishing the next release23:04
mac_vkklimonda: hehe , when do we get such a team ;p23:05
kklimondamac_v: never23:05
Q-FUNKdevelopment -> alpha (first rough release, already 90% feature frozen) -> beta (pre-release version of the final product, distributed to a wider audience to check for possible last-minute bugs, 99% feature freeeze) -> final.23:05
BUGabundoQ-FUNK: Ubuntu as a *very* short devel cycle23:06
kklimondaQ-FUNK: as I said - we can't really do it this way as we are lacking people. Frankly, we don't even have enough of them for QA of released versions.. :/23:06
BUGabundowell we don't even DO devel on the distro per si23:06
BUGabundoits more like packaging upstream and iron stuff out to work together23:06
mac_vQ-FUNK: we have 6 months cycles , so not possible23:07
rippsQ-FUNK: Ubuntu is similar, Alpha->Beta->Release Candidate->Final23:07
rippsYou apparently use Beta as Release Candidate23:09
Q-FUNKripps: I've seldom seen projects where there's time to have them separate from betas23:10
Q-FUNKtime or will23:10
Q-FUNKeither that or, in the case of the linux kernel, everything is in constant flux in GIT, sometimes packaged as change sets (release candidates) then released as final.23:11
Q-FUNKI guess you could say that the methodology is to use alpha and beta as a two stage feature freeze, coupled with two levels of testing (alpha as internal, beta as internal + trusted partners).23:14
Q-FUNKrelease candidates, if they get issues, are almost finished products that perhaps lack updated documentation but are otherwise pretty much ready to ship as-is.23:14
Q-FUNKöö.. get issued23:14
kklimondaQ-FUNK: no time for few levels of testing :/23:16
kklimondawe just test it all the time during development ;)23:16
Q-FUNKso I noticed :)23:17
rippsQ-FUNK: we are the internal testing. Ubuntu is a community based distro. Yes, it does have a cooperate backer, but we are the ones that shape it.23:17
BUGabundowe are mouse labs23:18
Q-FUNKcorporate.  right23:18
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spOhow do i downgrade from karmic to jaunty?23:44
kklimondaspO: you can't23:47
spOOH NO23:47
kklimondaspO: it's not supported, the easiest was is to backup your data and install system from scratch23:47
bjsniderusing a jaunty livecd23:47
kklimondaspO: I'd also remove all settings23:48
BUGabundoon karmic+1 we will be able too23:49
BUGabundowith UM sandbox from mvo23:50
Q-FUNKspO: you could, but it involves some ugly tricks with APT23:50
kklimondait's really hard and error-prone23:51
kklimondaBUGabundo: hmm? what sandbox?23:51
BUGabundoQ-FUNK: he can't23:51
kklimondaBUGabundo: like in installing karmic+1 in sandbox for testing?23:52
BUGabundokklimonda: there were a few emails to the devel ML about it23:52
BUGabundono no23:52
BUGabundoyou Upgrade, don't like it, restore old system23:52
BUGabundoor better, discard the upgrade23:52
BUGabundosince it is on a tempfs23:52
kklimondahmm.. I kind of missed them - I'm rethinking my ubuntu workflow as I'm getting spammed by MLs and desktop bugs currently23:52
Q-FUNKsad but true, not all software is packaged sanely enough to even allow globally reinstalling current versions using the --reinstall APT option.  so, yes, downgrading is even more tricky.23:52
cyphermoxcouldn't you just pin the packages back to the previous release?23:54
Q-FUNKcyphermox: not quite. maintainer scripts often perfrom operations during upgrades that cannot be undone23:55
cyphermoxsuch as? stuff like the grub upgrade or something?23:56
Q-FUNKone that I found today, for instance:  swfdec-mozilla23:56
kklimondacyphermox: also some libraries can't be easily downgraded, for example libc23:57
kklimondaor libcstd++23:57
cyphermoxah, of course23:57
Q-FUNKthat one has a seriously broken maintainer script (was it prerm or postinst, I forgot) that insists on redoing the alternatives for all mozilla variants, without first chekcing if each variant is installed.  result: it exit with errors.23:57
cyphermoxit would need to be done in a specific order, right?23:58
cyphermoxthanks for the clarification :)23:59
Q-FUNKcyphermox: there is a trick I sometimes use, but it needs manual fixing:   pin packages from the previous name release to 1000 in /etc/apt/preferences and from the current release to 1.  then, change sources.list, apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade.23:59
xcdfgkjhgcvI can't get DAAP or Samba to work. :(23:59

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