
tonypleeHello, Ubuntu for ARM is for ARM cpu without vfp, right?06:31
Stskeeps>= armv5 in jaunty, >= armv6+vfp in karmic i believe06:33
tonypleeI'm using jaunty and would like to rebuild some packages with vfp.06:35
tonypleeRight now, I use set up the gcc with vfp than do the "apt-get -b source pkg-name"06:36
tonypleeIs that a good way to do it?06:36
loologra: So, cdimage - debian-cd - livecd-rootfs20:23
loologra: Do we know for sure what works and what's broken with the new kernel names20:24
ograi dont get any kernel/initrd spit out from livecd-rootfs20:24
ograthats a fact20:24
ograogra@antimony:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/ports_daily-live/live$ ls armel*20:24
ograarmel+imx51.manifest  armel+imx51.manifest-desktop  armel+imx51.squashfs20:24
loolOk I'm kicking a livecd-rootfs build on my babbage220:25
ograi just did one20:25
ogramake sure to set -aarmel and -simx5120:25
ograi missed -aarmel20:25
loolsudo livecd.sh -a armel -s imx51 -d karmic ubuntu20:26
loolI thought it defaulted to your arch though20:26
ograit does but doesnt use it in the naming somehow20:26
loologra: Did we confirm that apart of that debian-cd or cdimage would be working?20:26
ogralivecd.ubuntu-imx51.initrd, livecd.ubuntu-imx51.initrd-babbage, livecd.ubuntu-imx51.kernel, livecd.ubuntu-imx51.kernel-babbage, livecd.ubuntu-imx51.manifest, ivecd.ubuntu-imx51.manifest-desktop, livecd.ubuntu-imx51.sort and livecd.ubuntu-imx51.squashfs is what i get with my local build20:27
loolBut you dont on the buildds?20:27
ograon antimony i end up with armel+imx51.manifest  armel+imx51.manifest-desktop  armel+imx51.squashfs20:28
ograno kernel, no initramfs20:28
ograits definately a livecd-rootfs issue20:28
loologra: I do see the kernel and initrd20:31
ograon antimony ?20:32
loollivecd.ubuntu-imx51.kernel livecd.ubuntu-imx51.kernel-babbage livecd.ubuntu-imx51.initrd livecd.ubuntu-imx51.initrd-babbage20:32
loolOn the buildd20:32
ograyou can access manoao ?20:32
loolJust like you BTW20:32
ograoh, i didnt know we can20:32
* ogra never tried, i thought that was an infinity privilege :)20:33
loologra: So what the error you get from debian-cd?20:33
ograno error, i dont even get any logs :/20:33
ograhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/ has a log from a week ago20:34
loolOk I'm kicking a cdimage build to see what's happening20:34
loologra: The livefs build log was current when I checked20:35
loologra: You need to use ubuntu-imx51 not ubuntu20:35
loolNo script to make CDs bootable for armel ...20:36
looloh right need to update my script for imx5120:36
ograsadly it doesnt have any echo for the kernel copying stuff20:37
ograwe should add something20:37
ograbut right, i see manoao has the livecd.ubuntu-imx51.initrd and livecd.ubuntu-imx51.kernel20:37
loologra: I get it to download but it fails subsequently20:43
ogralool, see -release20:43
ogra        kernel|initrd)20:43
ogra                for flavour in $FLAVOURS; do20:43
ogra                        echo "$LIVECD/$DIST/$LIVEPROJECT/current/livecd.$LIVEPROJECT.$ITEM-$flavour"20:43
ogra                done20:43
ogra                ;;20:43
ografrom bin/find-live-filesystem on cdimage20:43
loologra: Mind pinging when you boot the image?21:37
ogralool, will do21:37
ograi need to find some food as well ... i'm sick and up since 14h (with a 2h nap)21:38
ograrsync says it still has 40min to go21:38
rjune_wrkogra: you're up late.21:39
ograrjune_wrk, alpha release21:39
rjune_wrkah, so forced march, eh?21:41
loologra: Got the image?22:27
ograyes, dding since 10min22:28
ogranot sure why it takes so long22:28
loolimage boots for me on 2.522:34
loolGrueMaster: ^22:34
loolThere's an odd output in casper: "stdin: error 0" in a loop22:34
loolUnable to find medium containing a live file system22:35
ograsame here22:37
loolI see a /dev/mmcblk0p2 and can mount it and see /casper/filesystem.squashfs in it22:37
ograbut intrestingly USB works22:38
ograwhich shouldnt22:38
loolThe problem is the UUID of the device22:41
ograi see it also loading FEC22:41
loolIt doesn't match the one in /conf/uuid.conf22:41
ograwhich isnt supposed to work either22:41
loologra: Sorry?22:42
ograamitk didnt include a properly working USB driver nor a working NIC driver (FEC)22:42
ograneither of them is supposed to work22:42
ograstill i can use my USB kbd and see the FEC driver being loaded in dmesg22:43
* ogra changes the uuid22:47
ogragah, cant just change the one in /.disk22:48
ogralool, you did a ful rebuild ?22:49
ogranot only a debian-cd one22:49
ogra(including a fresh livefs)22:49
ogragrmbl any why do we end up with initrd.lz22:50
loologra: New livefs was't needed22:50
ograit writes the uuid newly22:51
ogradebian-cd should grab the uuid from the vfat partition (at least it did before)22:51
ogragreat, now how do i edit an lz file :/22:52
* ogra is really nearly falling over i have fever since the afternoon and the coughing doesnt get better, why the heck do we need to change everything at the same time in that darn image22:53
ogragar and lzcat tells me unknown suffix22:55
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
ogralool, so whats the plan ?23:20
* ogra would really prefer to wait until we have a properly named kernel and dont end u with a mix of -babbage and -imx51 bits in the image23:24
loologra: For A4?23:25
loolMy plan is go ot bed23:25
loolI filed the kernel blocker23:25

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