
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you want the new SSH plugin building in vinagre?00:01
seb128chrisccoulson, does it has extra build-depends or potential issues?00:02
chrisccoulsonit has an extra build-dep on libvte00:02
seb128seems ok00:02
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll build it for now then00:02
chrisccoulsonwe can always turn it off again if it causes any issues00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128$ usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version`00:22
seb128bash: usr/lib/xulrunner- No such file or directory00:22
seb128asac__, ^ is that normal?00:23
seb128I'm on current karmic, it should use xulrunner-1.9.1 no?00:23
asac__seb128: yes.00:35
asac__its a bug00:35
asac__i gave you the wrong template i think00:35
asac__xulrunner-1.9.1 is better00:35
seb128wrong template?00:36
asac__wrong command00:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - vinagre is done now too:)00:36
asac__usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner-1.9.1 --gre-version`00:36
asac__you could figure the 1.9.1 during build ... but for now hard code it i would think00:36
seb128asac__, shouldn't "xulrunner --gre-version" default to 1.9.1 now?00:36
seb128chrisccoulson, cool00:36
asac__seb128: it should. but its a bloody alternative00:36
seb128ok so the command is right but the alternative is buggy00:37
asac__well. i dont want an alterantive there actually00:37
asac__but not yet sure what i really want00:37
asac__at best we could get rid of that unversioned thing in the main binary and only ship one in -dev file00:38
seb128seems I'm not the only one to dislike alternatives ;-)00:38
asac__yeah. the concept is inheritently broken for user centric desktops ;)00:38
asac__at least not without a great UI ;)00:38
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slomoseb128: hi :) you might want to sync gnonlin from debian/unstable and the new gst-plugins-{good,bad} pre-releases from debian/experimental08:44
seb128slomo, hey ok thanks08:45
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:03
seb128hello chrisccoulson09:03
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - how are you?09:04
seb128good! you?09:04
seb128I just sponsored your g-c-c update09:04
seb128now time to get a coffee ;-)09:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, not too bad. quite tired, but i'm sure i will wake up more when i've finished this coffee!"09:05
didrockshey seb128 o/09:32
seb128lut didrocks09:33
mac_vseb128: hi... when is gnome 2.28 expected? is it for karmic or later?09:35
seb128mac_v, new to ubuntu? ;-)09:36
seb128mac_v, Ubuntu since warty ships after stable GNOME and with the newer version09:36
seb128ie expect 2.28.1 in karmic09:36
mac_vseb128: hehe... i was actually having a doubt ... didnt know the policy exactly :(09:37
seb128you would expect us to ship with unstable versions?09:37
seb128ie 2.27?09:37
seb128anyway yes we will have 2.2809:37
mac_vseb128: oh! just realized how stupid my question was! i actually wanted to ask when! but rather asked about the OS :/09:41
seb128mac_v, GNOME 2.28.1 is oct 2209:42
seb128and karmic is oct 2909:42
mac_vah... ok , thanx.. karmic i knew :)09:43
seb128mac_v, we should have GNOME 2.28 in beta and 2.28.1 in karmic09:44
chrisccoulsonyay! i got a git account in gnome now:)10:10
seb128chrisccoulson, waouh, that was quick, well done10:12
seb128who advocated you?10:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not sure. i selected the maintainer of g-s-d to vouch for me, but i'm not sure if there is more than one maintainer, and who advocated me10:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, that was pretty quick. i only applied last night before i went to bed!10:14
seb128I keep telling pitti to apply too10:19
seb128he was not sure he submitted enough patches10:19
seb128I will get him to apply when he's back10:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, he should definately apply. i'm sure he's submitted quite a lot more than me ;)10:19
seb128he ported a good bunch of gvfs to gudev10:20
seb128and sent quite some patches over years10:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, he does a lot of work:)10:22
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i just saw your email on d-d-l about signalling when the session is ready. i have some ideas for that, and I'll send them to the list when I get the chance (and can communicate them in a way that makes sense to everyone)10:23
chrisccoulsons/some ideas/an idea10:24
seb128chrisccoulson, cool10:30
seb128chrisccoulson, did you do one of the other updates yesterday?10:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. brasero is next on my list10:31
chrisccoulsonthere was also vino as well wasn't there?10:31
seb128no, vinagre10:31
seb128I did vino10:31
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
garymcHi im running ubuntu 9.04 ltsp, im connected through thin client. Now I installed Latest flash plugin from adobe site and every time i use Firefox to view youtube vids the firfox browser closes or disapears after 30 seconds12:20
garymcAnyone know whats wrong?12:20
seb128garymc, the adobe code is probably crashing12:22
garymchow can i fix this?12:22
seb128nothing we can do about complain to adobe12:22
seb128it's closed source12:22
garymcright should i uninstall it and install a differtn one?12:22
Tm_TI assume we cannot recommend gnash as replacement?12:23
seb128not sure what we can recommend12:23
seb128but complain to adobe that their code is crashing12:23
seb128or stop using flash12:23
artircan xsplash be ran at this moment?12:55
fredpbtw, has anybody blogged about xsplash yet?12:56
seb128not that I know but it's still rough on the edges12:56
fredpok, thanks for the info.12:57
seb128you're welcome12:57
seb128they are trying to get that somewhat working before blogging I think12:57
chrisccoulsonmpt - how should disk failure notifications be handled in g-d-u? they currently show a notification icon, plus a fallback notification with Ok/Cancel buttons13:07
chrisccoulson(sorry if you've already discussed this before)13:07
mptchrisccoulson, do you know which package is responsible for the notifications?13:07
mptchrisccoulson, please add a bullet point to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#gnome-disk-utility> with the text, or a screenshot, or both, of the notification13:09
chrisccoulsonmpt - will do:)13:09
mptchrisccoulson, if you're keen to patch it now, let me know, and I'll take a look at it ASAP13:10
seb128chrisccoulson, one annoying thing is that you get that at every login13:10
chrisccoulsonmpt / seb128 - i can probably look at it, although not straight away. i could perhaps implement something similar to the low disk space warning, where you have the option to never warn again?13:11
seb128well especially that what can you do when you got that out of ack and change disks13:12
mptchrisccoulson, seb128: Why would you want it to not warn you?13:12
seb128because I know the disk has an issue13:12
mptWhat does "out of ack" mean?13:12
seb128well it told me the disk shows some issues, I know about it13:12
artirseb128: I've installed the xsplash 0.3 in karmic and the boot is the same as in usplash: ubuntu logo and progress bar13:12
seb128does I need to have an icon in the notification area until end of times?13:13
chrisccoulsoni think the issue is that smart "failures" can indicate things like old-age and that the disk may fail in the future, and may not mean that the disk has already failed13:13
mptseb128, well, it probably shouldn't be using the notification area to start with ;-)13:13
chrisccoulsonso you might not want to see the notification every time you log in13:13
seb128artir, that's expected, it should only show before gdm and to desktop then13:13
seb128mpt, well my point is that I know about the issue now13:13
seb128mpt, no need to keep telling me at each login13:13
mptI dislike "Don't warn me about this again" checkboxes in general because (a) it suggests the warning shouldn't have been an alert in the first place and (b) if you check it by accident, it's not obvious how to turn it back on again13:14
seb128I want a "I know the disk has an issue but it works and I don't want to replace it now" button ;-)13:14
chrisccoulsoni think the idea is that the alert allows the user to make a choice. they can either choose to replace their disk, or choose to ignore it (like in seb's case ;)), so the warning is valid, even if there is an option to not warn again13:15
seb128what choice?13:16
seb128the details about the issue are lacking too13:17
chrisccoulsonyeah. i have to admit, i've not seen the notification yet - but there is already a bug report about it13:18
mptRemind me again if I haven't replaced this disk in: [2 weeks    :^]13:18
chrisccoulsonmpt - that's a possibility13:19
seb128that makes sense13:19
bratschechrisccoulson: Cool, thanks!13:22
seb128hey bratsche13:22
seb128chrisccoulson, the thing is that even if want to replace the disk it's likely you don't have one handy13:22
seb128ie need to order one, etc13:23
seb128no point to show the warning every day until you receive it13:23
bratscheMorning seb128!13:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - true. it's good that we have a warning now though. i had a disk fail on me last year with no warning. it just died and i couldn't boot anymore ;)13:24
mpt( Buy Another Disk Online... )13:28
chrisccoulsonmpt - or (Request RMA...)13:31
chrisccoulsonno $$ there though;)13:31
mptWhat's RMA?13:31
chrisccoulson"return merchandise authorization"13:31
mptoh, so not the Rubber Manufacturers Association13:31
chrisccoulsonit's a process manufacturers use for you to return goods directly to them that failed under warranty13:32
chrisccoulsonwhich is common for hard disks now, seeing as they have such long warranty periods13:32
chrisccoulson"Rubber Manufacturers Association" - lol ;)13:32
mptCan a hard disk tell you programmatically when its warranty expires?13:32
chrisccoulsonmpt - i don't think so. you have to submit the serial number to the manufacturer, and they then tell you the manufacture date13:33
chrisccoulsonthat's what i did with my disk anyway13:33
chrisccoulsonthey then send you a new one, and you then send the failed one back in the box that they sent you the new disk in13:34
chrisccoulsonit's quite an efficient process:)13:34
seb128I should check when I bought this disk13:34
seb128it's around 3 years ago13:34
seb128maybe it's still under warranty13:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - most newer drives come with 5 years now. but 3 years used to be the norm13:35
chrisccoulsonmy disks are only slightly older than yours probably, and they only had 3 year warranty13:35
chrisccoulsonthey've just expired now :(13:35
chrisccoulsonright, i have to go and do some work now13:37
seb128have fun13:37
* seb128 goes to take coffee13:37
chrisccoulsonheh, "fun" is the wrong word ;)13:37
chrisccoulsoni can think of more appropriate ones13:38
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128mpt, if there is no user doing autologin and you start gdmsetup should the combo be empty or select a random user?14:42
mptseb128, it should default to yourself, I think14:42
seb128mpt, and on the login screen if opened there? (ie gdm user)14:43
mptIf you have both permission and desire to turn on that setting, you're probably wanting to set it to log in as yourself rather than anyone else14:43
LaneyThe polkit combo should default to the current user if he has permission too imo14:43
mptseb128, is it possible to open the window from there? If so, why?14:44
seb128mpt, I think it was part of the design spec, being able to set options from the login screen menu14:44
seb128but let's ignore that for know if you think that's not a good idea14:44
mptseb128, ok, for that case I suggest the alphabetically first account14:45
seb128we didn't add it to the login screen yet14:45
seb128mpt, ok thanks14:45
seb128Laney, thanks too14:45
mptoption menus shouldn't default to being empty, it looks weird14:45
mpt(and it suggests empty is a valid choice when it isn't)14:45
seb128right makes sense14:48
dobeyseb128: hey. can you explain the replaces thing a bit more? it doesn't make sense to me to have a package that Replaces: itself14:49
seb128dobey, I probably did a typo in names14:51
seb128dobey, if you move files from binary binary to binary-other you need to use Replaces on the old one14:51
jcastroseb128, I see you got the fspot release you wanted!14:52
seb128to tell to dpkg that binaries which are in binary are going to be overwritten by binary-other14:52
seb128jcastro, ;-)14:52
dobeyseb128: oh ok14:52
Laneywhere's the bug for alt-f2 (etc) not working?14:52
Laneyjcastro: did you have something to do with this release? :O14:53
seb128dobey, that's because you don't have a fixed upgrade order, the new package could be unpacked before the other upgrade and trigger a "try to overwritte files from other package"14:53
seb128Laney, gnome-panel I think14:53
Laneybgo or lp?14:53
seb128lp for sure14:53
seb128maybe bgo too14:54
jcastroLaney, no, I was just lamenting the old fspot we've been carrying forever14:54
seb128bug #39882614:54
dobeyseb128: right. and << is the correct syntax for "less than"?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398826 in gnome-panel "run application broken when setting background color set to "solid color"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39882614:54
seb128dobey, yes, it's either << or <=14:54
seb128ie no "<"14:54
dobeyseb128: ok14:54
seb128Laney, there is an upstream task14:55
dobeyseb128: should I add a Conflicts: for it too?14:55
Laneyit's not necessarily solid colour14:55
LaneyI have "background image" and it's broken too14:55
seb128dobey, no14:55
seb128dobey, conflicts is when you want to other one to be removed14:55
seb128dobey, but it's usually not a good idea to copy conffiles around14:56
seb128ie are you sure it makes sense in the python binary?14:56
seb128Laney, yeah, I've a box with this issue too14:56
seb128Laney, it's subtle apparently, could be something else in the config14:56
seb128or 2 different issues14:56
seb128but it does happen on transparent backgrounds14:56
seb128and some time on non transparents too ...14:57
seb128blame it on vuntz ;-)14:57
Laneyseems like a strange thing to interact with14:57
Laneyfun bug14:57
dobeyseb128: yes, as the files are loaded by the python modules, and anyone else writing a tool that used those modules, but didn't actually require the binaries in ubuntuone-client, would end up having their scripts fail too14:59
dobeyseb128: unless we need to make a new -common package or something i guess15:00
garymc Anyone wanna help me create launchers that all users will have on their desktops in UBUNTU 9.04 LTSP15:01
garymcI want a launcher all will see each time they log in15:01
seb128garymc, add it to the Desktop dir for each user15:02
seb128dobey, hum ok, let's have it in the python package for now15:02
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garymcseb128 is there a way I can make it appear on all users desktops with out having to do that15:11
garymcim sure there is15:11
seb128garymc, patch nautilus code15:12
dobeyseb128: cool, updated/pushed the branch for bug #41218115:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412181 in ubuntuone-client "Upgrade to 0.92.0" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41218115:12
seb128dobey, ok thanks15:12
dobeygarymc: have a script in /etc/profile.d that copies the file over each time they log in15:12
chrisccoulson1bratsche - your e-mail thread on d-d-l has gone way off topic now :(15:24
chrisccoulson1everyones gone on to discussing if nautilus should do media handling :-/15:25
bratschechrisccoulson1: Yeah I know. :/15:29
chrisccoulson1hopefully someone will pst something on-topic soon ;)15:31
chrisccoulson1right, bbiab - need to move to another desk15:31
Laneyindicator applet isn't notifying me of IMs15:49
* Laney puts pidgin icon back15:50
garymcanyone wanna talk me through adding a launcher for a web page, that will appear on all of my users desktops automaticly?15:51
chrisccoulsongarymc - you probably want #ubuntu for support15:54
loolseb128: Just FYI the gtk+2.0 uploads break installability for a while on armel so they'd best be avoided during freeze when we're trying to get images to build   ;)16:34
seb128lool, as said before that was now or in 3 weeks16:35
seb128lool, I don't want to update a new gtk on friday before vacs16:35
seb128and most of desktop team is away in the next weeks16:35
seb128sorry about that16:35
loolAlpha 4 armel image is today or is not at all   ;)16:35
loolIt's ok, we will deal with it now; just something to avoid  :-/16:36
seb128lool, as said I would not do it usually16:37
seb128but client side decoration is quite buggy16:37
seb128and that was either having karmic buggy for 3 extra weeks16:37
seb128or trying to squeeze it now16:37
seb128I took a shoot at the second one16:37
mdzis there a karmic bug report open about the screen blanking unexpectedly?16:48
mdzah, bug 39783916:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397839 in gnome-power-manager "Screen randomly goes off in karmic" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39783916:49
seb128mdz, tricky bug16:52
kenvandinemdz, yeah that is an annoying bug16:56
mdzkenvandine: indeed, though I'm not sure it deserves Critical importance16:57
cody-somervilleCan I get someone to review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cody-somerville/gnome-screensaver/drop-gpm-to-suggest/+merge/10047 ?19:35
blue0488I am using a i7 cpu and I am unable to get the cpu temp from lm-sensors19:42
mac_vblue0488: #ubuntu for help19:47
blue0488yeah I am in there19:48
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i emailed d-d-l now20:04
chrisccoulsonbut i just noticed my suggestion is a bit similar to something someone else already touched on in that thread, but it sort of got "lost in the noise"20:05
bratschechrisccoulson: Trying to talk to people on #gnome-hackers as well, but mostly I get responses like, "It would be better to just figure out why things are slow than to hide the slowness".20:06
bratscheAnd I'm like, "Yeah I know.. but that's not a short-term project that I can just do right now." :)20:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, its something that someone somewhere must be capable of solving. and it's not just about slowness - desktop loading is hideously ugly, and that won't be solved by loading it faster20:07
chrisccoulsoni'll let you read my suggestion anyway:)20:08
bratscheCool, thanks.20:08
seb128cody-somerville, hi, that's a correct recommends20:09
seb128cody-somerville, ie suggest would be wrong20:09
cody-somervilleWhy is it correct?20:10
seb128because the capplet has a button to do gpm config20:11
cody-somervilleright but if gpm isn't installed then it doesn't show it20:11
bratschechrisccoulson: Very cool, thanks.  Reading now.20:11
seb128cody-somerville, need to think about it, debian explicitly added the recommends20:12
seb128anyway we are frozen for alpha now20:12
* cody-somerville is trying to get the Xubuntu ISOs to size.20:13
seb128talk to slangasek he was unhappy about other uploads before today20:13
cody-somervilleNote that although I think it should be a suggests, I'd be happy if it was a recommends: g-p-m | xfce4-power-manager20:13
seb128ie I'm not going to upload anything else today20:14
seb128or at least not without slangasek approval20:14
chrisccoulsonno hurry for the brasero update then seb128?20:14
seb128chrisccoulson, not at all20:14
chrisccoulsoni will maybe relax for an hour or so then :)20:15
seb128yeah, you should enjoy your evening20:15
seb128you do enough ;-)20:15
chrisccoulsonheh, i don't do as much as some people ;)20:15
seb128some people who are paid to work there though20:16
cody-somervilleseb128, Steve said okay.20:19
seb128cody-somerville,ok, I've to go now but if you find a sponsor feel free to get it uploaded20:20
mdzI'm having some weird problems with flash content in karmic, the flash applets aren't responding to clicks at all20:48
mdzanyone else seeing this?20:48
mdztried downgrading flash, switching back to firefox-3.0, nothing helped20:48
mdzinstalling the native 64-bit flash plugin does, though.  perhaps nspluginwrapper is to blame.21:01
mdznow to get audio working...21:01
* chrisccoulson must get around to upgrading his main desktop to karmic next week21:17
seb128chrisccoulson, not running karmic yet?21:25
chrisccoulsonseb128 - in a VM only at the moment, so gnome-shell love for me yet ;)21:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, thats what i meant ;)21:26
chrisccoulsoni've not found the time to upgrade my desktop yet - i want to do a full reinstall really because i'm going to change the configuration of my disks quite a bit this time21:26
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i get lots of flicker between GDM and my desktop now21:41
chrisccoulsonis that expected with xsplash?21:41
Ngheh, interesting bug. can't import pictures from a new camera if there's one already plugged in21:50
dashuachrisccoulson, There is some flicker, but not too much.21:50
dashuaSomewhat of a fade, but the flicker hampers what is being done.21:51
chrisccoulsondashua - i don't see any fade21:51
chrisccoulsononly flicker ;)21:52
chrisccoulsonand quite jerky too21:52
dashuaThere is a hint of a fade but the warty-final wallpaper has a weird transition from GDM to the desktop and then to my selected wallpaper21:52
dashuaYeah jerky and out of focus.21:53
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, did you notice that your deprecated applets are still in the add to panel dialog?22:21
seb128with a "(deprecated)" label22:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i didn't notice that22:21
chrisccoulsonone second22:21
seb128chrisccoulson, can you look if you get the issue too?22:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i see it too22:21
chrisccoulsonit also happens with the mixer applet too22:22
seb128I wrote "you" but that's probably no you22:22
seb128either an issue with the patch to silent cleaning22:22
seb128or a bug in upstream code22:22
chrisccoulsoni wonder how to stop that? we still effectively install an applet (but a null one), to ensure that the config is clean. but that applet still has a title22:22
chrisccoulsonthat dialog is part of gnome-panel isn't it?22:23
chrisccoulsoni wonder if we need to patch that to hide deprecated applets? or if there is a nicer way to do it22:23
seb128not sure, maybe vuntz knows22:23
superm1i just uploaded lp:~superm1/gnome-screensaver/xfce-alternative for cody-somerville to fix that gnome-screensaver bit as mentioned a little bit ago.  can one of you guys in ~ubuntu-desktop merge it?22:23
seb128superm1, can't you do it?22:23
superm1i'm not part of ~ubuntu-desktop am i?22:24
chrisccoulsonubuntu-core-dev is isn't it?22:24
seb128superm1, all main uploades should be able to commit there22:24
superm1seb128, oh awesome :) will do then22:24
seb128superm1, thanks22:24
mclasenchriscoulson: I forget the details, but we have a gnome-applets patch that does that for a few applets22:25
mclasen(replace by nullapplet _and_ make it not show up in add dialog)22:25
chrisccoulsonmclasen - i would be interested to have a look at that:)22:26
mclasenif only I knew the url offhand...22:26
mclasenhttp://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/gnome-applets/ I guess22:26
chrisccoulsoni added a patch recently to deprecate some more applets, as we don't really need them anymore, but there is still the issue that they show up22:26
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll have a look22:26
chrisccoulsonmclasen - do you think modemlights and battstatus should be deprecated in the upstream tarball now?22:27
chrisccoulsonthose are the 2 more we just got rid of22:27
mclasenreally, they are all quite useless...22:28
kklimondaare there some bugs in gnome-power-manager or in idle detection code? Mine doesn't seem to put screen offline, also gnome-screensaver never starts..22:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, i agree. i see you've already made battstatus a null applet in fedora too22:28
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - i've seen some users mention that22:29
chrisccoulsonis gnome-screensaver even running? i'm sure i've seen it working ok here...22:29
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not 100% sure22:30
kklimondaalso I have configured gnome-power-manager to put my display to sleep after 30 minutes but It stayed on all night22:30
superm1kklimonda, last mention i heard was it's actually an X bug22:31
kklimondaI'll run screensaver with --debug tonight, maybe I'll get something useful22:31
superm1i subscribed to it this morning myself to keep an eye on it:  bug 39783922:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397839 in gnome-power-manager "Screen randomly goes off in karmic" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39783922:32
kklimondasuperm1: it's another issue which I also experience - maybe they are somehow connected though..22:33
chrisccoulsonsuperm1 - isn't that the opposite issue? ;)22:33
superm1chrisccoulson, well the thing is this blanking isn't synonymous with the screensaver coming on.  it's completely independent22:35
superm1but i see what you mean :)22:35
kklimondabtw, is there some short xsplash description I could use when people are asking about it? :)22:38
kklimondais it supposed to replace usplash?22:38
seb128kklimonda, the issue could be bug #40749122:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407491 in gnome-power-manager "[karmic] gnome-power-preferences not storing settings" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40749122:39
seb128kklimonda, sort of, it's an xorg splash and used for after login too22:39
chrisccoulsoni don't understand how the g-p-m idle detection stuff works22:40
chrisccoulsonit gets idle status from gnome-sessions presence API22:41
chrisccoulsonor at least it seems too22:41
chrisccoulsonso it could be a g-p-m, g-session or g-screensaver issue ;)22:41
chrisccoulsonor all 322:41
kklimondaseb128: hmm.. but default settings are to put display to sleep after 30 minutes (at least on my computer) so it shouldn't be an issue.22:42
seb128ok so I don't know22:42
seb128the one looking after gpm is pitti22:42
seb128and he's on holidays22:42
Nafalloseb128: thank god we don't have this maintainer upload lockin Debian has ;-)22:43
seb128Nafallo, the issue is not an upload one there but a debug one22:43
kklimondaNafallo: well, they don't have a 6 month release cycle we do.. :)22:43
seb128Nafallo, want to debug? ;-)22:43
Nafalloseb128: I just failed at debugging netbook-launcher. think you're asking the wrong guy ;-)22:44
chrisccoulsoni wish i had a laptop here :( i'd spend all night debugging this then ;)22:50
chrisccoulsonand it would all be fixed by the time you wake up in the morning!22:50
chrisccoulsonthats probably a little over-optimistic22:51
chrisccoulsoni bet pitti could have it debugged and fixed in 45minutes ;)22:55
seb128_I don't think pitti knows the specific about screen blanking22:56
seb128_he's rather looking at suspend, etc issue usually22:56
seb128_but yeah maybe ;-)22:56
davmor2will the shutdown restart stuff find it's way back into fusa?22:57
chrisccoulsonmclasen - is this the one which fixes the deprecated applets showing in the dialog?23:00
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could edit the server file on my system and try it actually ;)23:01
chrisccoulsonit fixes it:)23:04
chrisccoulsonseb128_ i just pushed a change to the gnome-applets branch to hide those applets23:10
chrisccoulsonprobably not worth an upload on its own though23:10
seb128_chrisccoulson, thanks23:10
seb128_not during freeze in any case23:11
chrisccoulsonbut its there ready for the next update;)23:11
chrisccoulsonseb128_ - i see fedora deprecated sticky notes too23:13
chrisccoulsonwe probably wouldn't be popular with users if we did that though would we?23:13
chrisccoulsonwith all the mono discussions that keep happening ;)23:13
seb128_quite some people seem to prefer it to tomboy or gnotes23:14
seb128_well there is gnotes now23:14
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried gnotes yet23:14
chrisccoulsontomboy seems to work ok here23:14
kklimondawell, sticky notes are minimalistic and actually look like sticky notes.. on the other hand tomboy looks bloated..23:14
chrisccoulsonwierd. on my system, sticky notes uses over 10MB23:15
chrisccoulsonand tomboy only 8.823:15
chrisccoulsonsticky notes is bloated ;)23:16
kklimondachrisccoulson: I was actually thinking about design but indeed the amount of ram that sticky notes are using is weird..23:17
kklimondamaybe they are written in python? :}23:17
chrisccoulsonsticknotes is all C i think23:17
kklimondathey were there way before python has become a resolution to all our problems :/23:18
chrisccoulsoni don't like python very much23:18
chrisccoulsonbut thats probably because i don't know how to write it ;)23:19
seb128_python is great23:19
chrisccoulsoni only know C :(23:19
chrisccoulsoni need to find some time to learn it really ;)23:19
seb128_python is easy to learn and make lot of small hacking fun23:19
kklimondaseb128_: it's great for all those small scripts etc.23:19
seb128_yes, it's not made to write desktop applications23:19
kklimondaseb128_: but I hate seeing yet another applet/daemon taking over 20-30mb of ram..23:20
seb128_right, it's not good for services23:20
chrisccoulsoni'm currently working on some old products at work where the software was written in assembler ;)23:20
seb128_but for ie update-manager works great23:20
kklimondaI wonder if Vala will get some friction in gnome community..23:22
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - it's already used a fair bit in tracker23:22
kklimondachrisccoulson: that's because vala's developer works on tracker too..23:22
chrisccoulsonyes ;)23:23
* davmor2 likes the new disc management tool :)23:28
kklimondahmm? pi.. py.. palimrest?23:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i don't think gnome-session is setting the session idle23:31
chrisccoulsonah, but that shouldn't matter for blanking the display23:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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