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dhillon-v10hi everyone, I need some help with launchpad00:25
Ampelbeindhillon-v10: just ask, maybe someone knows the answer.00:27
dhillon-v10 Ampelbein: alright I want to test some features in a laubchpad team (that I will create) so can I delete it if 'i don't need it00:31
hyperairjoin #launchpad and poke them about it00:31
Ampelbeindhillon-v10: use staging.launchpad.net for such tests, it's a testing environment that gets reset every night.00:31
Ampelbeindhillon-v10: it doesn't send mails though so if you need that tested, do what hyperair says ;-)00:32
dhillon-v10thanks guys00:32
Ampelbeindhillon-v10: as far as i know, teams can only be deleted by asking a question on launchpad answers.00:32
dhillon-v10Ampelbein: I am going to create a team of my own.. :)00:33
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slangasekStevenK: well currently gir-repository references the NBS libclutter-gtk-0.8, so it would be nice if /something/ were done here. :)01:37
StevenKslangasek: Argh, it does?01:38
StevenKslangasek: I'm about to upload casper since I suck, there's time for a UNR respin?01:38
slangasekyes, there's time for a UNR respin01:38
StevenKYeah, the clutter-gtk NBS list was making me cry, so I closed it before I reached for something sharp01:39
StevenKslangasek: The casper change is marking a working script as +x so UNR actually has the installer as a favourite.01:44
Ampelbeinhi there... I'm trying to get diagnostics built on karmic but get a FTBFS pointing to a "invalid conversion from 'int (*)(const void*, const void*)' to 'int (*)(const dirent**, const dirent**)'" (http://paste.ubuntu.com/251684/) The strange thing is: ace have not had code changes for some time and I can't really figure out why this suddenly fails. It did not fail about 3 weeks ago... could this be related to glibc -> eglibc transition?01:56
Ampelbeinfull buildlog if anyone is interested: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30197352/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.diagnostics_0.2.7-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:56
Ampelbeinojwb: i digged some more into this, in the specified file ( /usr/include/ace/OS_NS_dirent.h) there is http://paste.ubuntu.com/251687/ . So it seems to check at buildtime how to call those functions.02:04
Ampelbein(i'm not a programmer, so forgive me if i make wrong assumptions)02:04
ojwbah, it is wrapping scandir() (for portability I assume)02:06
ojwbit may be a change in g++02:09
ojwbsomething that was only a warning being an error now02:10
Ampelbeinit doesn't show in the old buildlog (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29636028/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.diagnostics_0.2.7-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz) which failed because of wrong symbols file02:11
Ampelbeincould it be that ace simply needs a rebuilt to perhaps pick up a change in behavior? i'll try this.02:12
ojwbwell, warnings aren't turned on02:13
ojwbit's worth trying a rebuild for ace I'd say02:13
Ampelbeinojwb: thank you very much for your help.02:15
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jtimbermanhello, is there a document on how to patch a debian/rules file in a package for karmic?02:23
Ampelbeinjtimberman: what do you want to do exactly? are you looking for the packaging guide?02:27
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:27
jtimbermanAmpelbein: I think I found it, Preparing patches section of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing02:28
StevenKslangasek: It turns out the UNR daily hasn't built yet, I'll just wait for it02:29
slangasekStevenK: good thing you've said that, otherwise I might've disabled the cronjobs before then :)02:30
jtimbermanand now there's a patch for the runit package, applicable to   Bug #40662102:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406621 in runit "package runit 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40662102:36
StevenKArgh, and the UNR livefs breaks thanks to nvidia-common02:58
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StevenKslangasek: &03:01
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StevenKslangasek: ^ ; all livefses that pull in nvidia will fail, -185 is in source NEW, and nvidia-common wants it03:02
superm1hi tkamppeter_03:27
UshaibHi. Gedit is crashing everytime I'm opening a specific 800kb text file. There is no error message, it just closes immediately. How do I proceed if I want to alert the developers about this issue? What information should I gather, etc.03:38
Ushaiberr, just read the topic and the link to ubuntu-bugs. Sorry.03:38
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DynoHow do you sign packages? When I try to sign with my gpg, I keep getting "secret key not available04:14
ojwbdebsign <.changes files>04:16
StevenKslangasek: The -180 -> -185 rename for nvidia looks gratatious to me, but I'm not sure how you want you to go in terms of cleaning up the mess05:05
YokoZarhmm apparently build-essential isn't an implied package build dep ;)05:16
ScottKslangasek: I have a proposed upload for konq-plugins that fixes a problem with file overwrites among packages within that source package.05:16
dholbachgood morning05:49
slangasekStevenK: it's not a rename, the 180 package is still present?05:54
slangasekScottK: which -proposed?05:54
slangasekoh, it is a rename; blah05:55
StevenKslangasek: We can scorched earth nvidia-common back to -180?06:01
ScottKslangasek: Proposed for karmic (not uploaded due to freeze, but I'd like to go ahead)06:02
slangasekStevenK: I don't see that this is warranted (although packages that Replace: themselves are a bit odd)06:02
slangasekScottK: ah - go ahead, please06:02
ScottKOK.  It'll be up in a moment.  Once again less foo.changes saves me from a typo in the changelog.06:04
slangasekStevenK: hmm, I guess if I were to accept this -185 package, it would be just to get the milestone rolling, ignoring various packaging bugs; so yeah, let's revert -common06:05
slangasekStevenK: will you take care of this?  Otherwise, I'll get it when I'm back from the store06:06
StevenKslangasek: I'll start it now06:11
ScottKslangasek: qt4-x11 built on armel ....06:11
emmaHey I just wanted to tell you all that there is a meteor shower tonightin North America. If you are interested.06:12
ScottKmcasadevall: ^^^^06:12
emmaIt should be best around 2- 3 am local time no matter where you live.06:12
ScottKCloudy here unfortunately.06:12
mcasadevallScottK, yup, I'm aware06:12
mcasadevallScottK, take a look at the build queue now06:12
mcasadevalldef. an improvement, and once KDE builds, compiz can be built and make ubuntu-desktop installable on ARM06:13
emmaKDE with compiz?06:13
emmaI thought KDE had its own windows compositor06:13
ScottKemma: It does, but compiz has a compiz-kde for people that just have to have compiz.06:15
ScottKmcasadevall: Congratulations.06:15
ScottKhyperair: Yes.  Kwin.06:15
emmacompiz would be pretty neat on kde.06:15
hyperaircompiz is neat. period06:15
emmaScottK: im concerned about gnome-shell. It will be gnome 3 and it throws out (1) compiz, (2) gnome pannel, and (3) python.06:16
hyperairit throws out python?06:16
emmaScottK: it's hard to believe that ubuntu would even want to use gnome-shell. So maybe Ubuntu will switch to KDE as default?06:16
hyperairi know it tosses 1 and 2, but 3 i've never heard of06:16
emmahyperair: yes it's written in javascript!06:16
mcasadevallScottK, thanks infinity; the issue was the buildds were using lenny as the base OS from when they were first installed in DC.06:16
mcasadevallScottK, reinstalling them to jaunty magically fixed things06:16
mcasadevall(I don't want to know why)06:16
ScottKmcasadevall: Lovely.  Glad it's resolved.06:16
hyperairemma: where did you get that from?06:17
mcasadevallScottK, powerpc should also be (semi)fixed06:17
emmahyperair: their website.06:17
ScottKmcasadevall: Yes.  It's building fine.06:17
hyperairyou sure you didn't catch on a bad april fools joke?06:17
ScottKemma: No idea about Gnome 3 myself.06:17
emmahyperair: no it's certainly true, gnome-shell is written in javascript.06:17
hyperairmaybe gnome-shell, but definitely not the rest of gnome 306:18
emmaI believe the grandidea behind the whole thing is that it's an interface that will work nice on mobile apps. But in my opinion the interface makes no sense on the desktop. So many menus just to do simple tasks!06:18
hyperairi haven't taken a good look at gnome-shell's source code yet06:18
hyperairi dunno, i can live with gnome do and compiz06:18
emmaHow can they just throw out compiz! Compiz is one of the main things that draws people to linux. It's what people think of when they think of Ubuntu!06:19
hyperairer no, you're exaggerating06:19
emmaIm talking about new people who get excited to try it out.06:20
hyperaircompiz isn't everything, but it sure as hell is something which has features i can't live without06:20
emmaThey see that cube, they get excited, they want to know what that is, it's linux, so they get Ubuntu.06:20
hyperairi know many new ubuntu converts who aren't excited by compiz06:20
hyperairit's not so much of the cube, it's more of the virtual desktop06:20
hyperairaka workspaces06:20
hyperairall window managers have them06:21
StevenKslangasek: nvidia-common uploaded.06:37
slangasekStevenK: cheesr06:44
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StevenKslangasek: So maybe we reject -185, and get Alberto to update -180 after Alpha 4. I'm not really fussed, but it does seem fairly gratuitous06:48
slangasekStevenK: I agree06:48
dholbachlooking at http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ we should really make it the Ubuntu Sponsoring Week06:56
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nellerythat sounds like a good idea07:04
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tkamppetersuperm1, hi07:23
ttxslangasek: did you get my message about bug 385475 being fixed and needing to be dropped for alpha4 release notes known issues ?07:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385475 in likewise-open5 "[Karmic] Likewise-Open 5 fails to authenticate users" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38547507:31
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didrocksslangasek: no transition needed from what I saw gir-repository is still intended to be "temporary"09:04
didrocksslangasek: but well, it's a long "temporary" time, apparently :)09:05
sarts_what's 'gir'09:05
directhexmy supybot on oftc!09:07
dholbachsarts_: I guess 'r' and 't' are pretty close together on didrocks' keyboard :)09:07
didrockshey dholbach :)09:07
dholbachheya didrocks09:07
dholbachhow's life in France?09:07
didrocksno, gir-repository is a collection of gobject-introspection :)09:08
ograthese french guys, tsk .... get better keyboards !09:08
didrocksdholbach: great. I'm in the Alpes, near my parents on holidays :)09:08
dholbachah nice09:08
didrocksogra: azerty keyboard for the win \o/09:08
sarts_didrocks: I doubt it09:08
directhexany time you need alt-gr to be useful, your layout sucks09:08
didrocksdirecthex: that's unfortunately correct :/09:09
directhexof course it is! /me knows all ;)09:10
sarts_directhex: is there any layout that does not require the use of Alt-Gr while still supporting the € sign?09:10
Ngsarts_: anything with a compose key \o/09:11
directhexsarts_, obviously € sucks!09:12
* dholbach reminds everybody of http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ :-)09:13
sarts_currently, $ and £ suck more ;-)09:14
slangasekttx: I guess that means you didn't see my request that you update the wiki page? :)09:18
slangasekdidrocks: right, long enough that we have to deal with it for a release cycle :/09:18
slangasekasac: so, switching from bluez-gnome to gnome-bluetooth costs is half a MB on the CDs... does it bring half a MB of functionality?09:20
ttxslangasek: no :) could you resend the url ?09:22
slangasekttx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview09:22
ogrameh, amrel+imx51 doesnt build its livefs09:23
ttxslangasek: ok, will do09:23
slangasekttx: thanks!09:24
didrocksslangasek: the issue is that netbook-launcher and libclutk-0.2-0 depends on libclutter-gtk-0.10-0. If they still needs only 0.8, we can add an epoch to the source package, rebuild it to 0.8, and create clutter-gtk-0.10-0 source package in universe. Does this sound right?09:28
directhexslangasek, if you want to ubuntu1 mono, i can get you 200k. i'm still trying to convince meebey to do it, but i don't see it happening in a4 timeline09:28
slangasekdirecthex: I think we'll have to find the space elsewhere for alpha-4 (langpacks); I'm just poking at what looks like new bloat as it appears09:29
slangasekdidrocks: that doesn't make any sense at all to me - why would we not be trying to get rid of the 0.8 stuff entirely?09:30
directhexslangasek, well if you become desperate, you know where to find me09:31
didrocksslangasek: it was to avoid having to MIR gir-repository and all depends (only 0.10 depends on it IIRC, have to check this)09:31
seb128slangasek, gnome-bluetooth is official part of GNOME now and maintained, will get frequent tarballs, new features, etc09:31
slangasekseb128: but why is it 5x the size of bluez-gnome?  It certainly doesn't look more functional to me09:32
seb128slangasek, 5x?09:33
slangasekseb128: will gvfsd-backends be switching to obexd-client, btw, now that bluetooth-gnome depends on it?09:33
seb128slangasek, I expect so09:33
slangasekseb128: yes; gnome-bluetooth+libgnome-bluetooth7+modemmanager+obexd-client = 680K, vs. 161K for bluez-gnome (ok, 4x, not 5x)09:34
seb128slangasek, to be fair in that you should not count modemmanager and obexd09:35
seb128since bluez-gnome also has a obex server and doesn't cover what modemmanager do09:35
slangasekif obex-data-server wasn't still on the CDs too, I wouldn't count obexd-client; but ok, that's still 3x. :)09:35
seb128but yeah there is some sort of overlap now until we do proper cleaning09:35
StevenKslangasek: I just did a build of UNR, I didn't step on your toes?09:47
slangasekStevenK: ah, well, we'll get another build soon then09:47
slangasekno big deal09:47
* StevenK nods09:48
directhexaccording to my figures, f-spot/tomboy plus deps have shrunk by about 5 meg this cycle09:56
dholbachwho would like to give a packaging training session at 12:00 UTC tomorrow? (nothing huge, 15-20 minutes of content + some time for questions is fine)09:57
dholbachjames_w and I just had the idea to run a "on-call review" session instead of a "strict packaging training" session - who would like to participate as a reviewer?10:05
dholbachhey mok010:05
seb128dholbach, "on-call"?10:06
mok0heya dholbach10:06
dholbachseb128: instead of a packaging training session, we wanted to be in #ubuntu-classroom and review stuff of people who show up there and explain problems, etc.10:08
dholbachlike an online review10:08
seb128ah ok, I can be around I guess ;-)10:08
* ogra is desparate 10:12
ograseems my armel livefses dont build because gconf2 cant be found10:12
ograbut gconf surely built10:12
cjwatsondholbach: I can do that10:13
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/251824/ is what i get trying a manual livefs.sh run on armel+imx5110:14
cjwatsonsometimes apt reports that package X is not installable when actually the problem is in one of X's dependencies10:14
cjwatsonI usually use chdist to investigate10:15
ograwell, libgconf2-dev or gconf2-common replace gconf210:15
ograand apt-get install gconf2-common is no prob at all in the chroot10:16
sebnerdholbach: aloha! Sry for the g-d-s sync. I accidently subscriped the archive admins too and the just know mono stuff is _not_ b0rken so they synced without leaving a note :)10:16
cjwatsonyou need to test installing them all at once, not just one at a time10:16
cjwatsonthe signs point to some kind of conflict10:17
cjwatsonand BTW that message totally does not say that gconf2 can't be found10:17
cjwatsonit says it's not installable, that's different10:17
cjwatsonogra: which flavour is this?10:18
dholbachseb128, cjwatson: that'd be sweet - you guys are rockstars!10:18
dholbachI'll send out an announcement later today10:18
cjwatsonthat's not a flavour, that's a subarchitecture10:18
cjwatsonkubuntu is a flavour, for example10:18
ograubuntu-desktop, sorry10:18
cjwatsonok, I get a different error when testing with chdist10:19
cjwatson  evolution: Depends: evolution-common (= 2.27.5-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed10:19
ograi'm just running livefs.sh -simx51 here10:19
cjwatson             Recommends: evolution-documentation (= 2.27.5-0ubuntu1) or10:19
cjwatson                         evolution-documentation-en (= 2.27.5-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed10:19
ograugh, i missed the equal sign10:19
ograsorry for the noise10:19
cjwatson(though I don't have universe enabled)10:19
ograi do, but evo ftbfs10:19
cjwatsonthat'll need to be fixed then ...10:20
ograyes, retrying it now10:20
cjwatsonwhat good will retrying it do?10:21
seb128how did the build break?10:22
cjwatsonthe problem is that gtkhtml3.14 failed to build10:22
ograit should fix it, normally the deps are delayed because openjdk or something builds10:22
cjwatsonogra: gah. no. stop. think.10:22
cjwatsongtkhtml3.14 failed to build because:;10:22
cjwatson  gnome-icon-theme: Depends: libgtk2.0-bin but it is not going to be installed10:22
seb128arch all any mismatch in gtk I guess10:22
cjwatsonso let's check http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/karmic_probs.html10:22
seb128ie the new version didn't build on the arch10:23
cjwatsonso that's no longer showing any problems in that area10:23
seb128so retry gtkhtml?10:23
cjwatsonwhich indicates that it's probably safe to retry gtkhtml3.1410:23
cjwatsonwait for gtkhtml3.14 binaries to publish, *then* retry evolution10:23
ograok, i just wasted buildd time then, i was to fast10:24
cjwatsonif people give-back without thinking then we may have to withdraw the ability for developers to retry builds10:24
cjwatsonespecially on slow architectures10:24
seb128slangasek, when would be a good time to upload a new gtk version?10:32
asacslangasek: there is room for improvement how gnome-bluetooth is linked (e.g. he links libcommon.a in binaries and lib)10:46
asacslangasek: modemmanager has nothing to do with the bluetooth thing. its factored out of NM rather10:46
Riddellevand1: timezone page in ubiquity-frontend-kde broken, anything that's changed there recently? http://paste.ubuntu.com/251852/11:02
evand1Riddell: yeah, mterry made changes to ubiquity to support translated timezones, and it looks like the kde timezone class hasn't been updated for those changes.  shtylman, can you take a look at this?11:07
* Keybuk fails to understand why he shouldn't push with uncommitted changes11:20
* ogra sighs about slowness of mirroring binaries to ports.u.c11:23
shtylmanevand1: will do12:01
evand1shtylman: thanks, I appreciate it12:01
shtylmanno prob12:01
gesersoren: thanks for the new gnupg2 version, I can now play with my new shiny OpenPGP 2.0 card :)12:07
sorengeser: No problem. That was my goal, too, as I'm sure you've gathered by now :)12:08
cjwatsonKeybuk: '(echo "[ALIASES]"; echo "push = push --no-strict") >> ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf' ? :-)12:09
chrisccoulsondirecthex - do you know if libipoddevice is still maintained anywhere, or used (or going to be used) by anything?12:10
cjwatsonerr, or for that matter 'bzr alias push="push --no-strict"'12:10
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:11
ogra  usb-creator-common: Depends: syslinux but it is not installable12:11
directhexchrisccoulson, i don't know!12:11
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i asked you is because the ~mono team is subscribed to the package ;)12:12
chrisccoulsonthat's ok if you don't know though12:12
* YokoZar closed 10 ia32-libs bugs today12:12
YokoZarMultiarch is still vaporware right?12:12
cjwatsonit's gradually congealing12:12
YokoZaria32-libs is a 500 meg source package now ;)12:13
chrisccoulsonyou have the bandwidth for that?12:13
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YokoZarchrisccoulson: sort of, dput kept stalling with 1 k left because of Comcast being horrible, so I had to sftp it to a datacenter server and then dput it from there12:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think my ISP would start throwing heavy objects at me if i was uploading things of that size frequently ;)12:15
directhexchrisccoulson, perhaps libipoddevice was once an rdep for banshee?12:18
directhexchrisccoulson, yep, in dapper12:19
Keybukcjwatson: I did that12:19
KeybukI just wondered why it was the default now12:19
chrisccoulsondirecthex - that's what i'm thinking. the code doesn't seem to be hosted anywhere, and it currently depends on gnome-volume-manger, which i'm looking to have removed12:19
chrisccoulsonah, ok. so libipoddevice is probably not worth keeping around now then?12:19
directhexchrisccoulson, i would support its removal. who's maintainer in debian?12:19
cjwatsonKeybuk: yeah, I don't know, seems an odd decision to me12:20
chrisccoulsondirecthex - not sure who maintains it in debian. i'll check this afternoon12:20
chrisccoulsonthanks :)12:20
* ogra ties seb128 to his chair and moves the chair 2m away from the keyboard12:26
seb128ogra, what?12:28
ograi'm trying to get a working liveimage on armel ... you are uploading stuff all the time12:28
seb128sorry I should be done now12:28
seb128the thing is that if we don't get those now it will delay by 2 weeks at least12:29
seb128I'm not there next week neither is pitti12:29
ograyeah, its fine as long as gtk doesnt take significantly longer than evo12:29
seb128and I don't want to upload a gtk on friday before holidays12:29
ograright, but i'm also under pressure to have images, why isnt the qeue locked ?12:29
seb128because we have soft freeze for alphas12:30
seb128it's always like this12:30
ograat least the day we actually roll the images it would make sense, so people can upload and we are not affected with the images12:30
seb128usually uploads don't break images12:31
seb128gtk is a limit case I admit12:31
seb128but as said it was now or in 3 weeks12:31
seb128and the new version fixes annoying client side bugs12:31
ograyeah, should be fine i luckily retried evo right before you uploaded so it builds now12:31
Aksis any1 home ?12:46
ograshriek !13:13
ograasac, why did the buttons get flipped on the "thats embarrassing" page in FF ???13:14
* ogra curses, just lost his whole session 13:14
seb128ogra, what embarrassing page?13:18
hyperairseb128: session recovery13:20
sarts_seb128: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XITx9cKVWJU/SmpOfCSwHTI/AAAAAAAAABE/J-vCCXz3F-k/s1600-h/firefox_crash.jpg13:20
sarts_(just googled for firefox embarrassing)13:20
hyperairhuh why is restore on the left O_o13:20
hyperairwasn't it always on the right?13:20
seb128restore should be on the right to follow GNOME13:22
ograseb128, but it was on the other side this morning ... i just clicked blindly13:23
seb128seems a bug13:23
ograwell, restore is on the right now13:24
ograit *was* on the left until we got the official package13:24
seb128bug fixed then ;-)13:25
* ogra steals seb128's session info to have at least *something* :P13:26
seb128I don't use sessions13:26
ograyou use tabs, dont you ?13:26
asacogra: which page?13:26
seb128yes, I close tabs before closing firefox13:26
ograasac, the crash/session recovery13:26
seb128but having crash recovering is useful13:27
asacogra: might be that they tried to be more gnome compliant ;)13:27
asacthe right one is the one people are expected to hit if they dont read13:27
ograasac, yes, they should add a <blink> around the button then :P13:27
asacogra: i think its a one time learning effect for folks like you that rely on it ;)13:27
seb128yes, right is safe choice13:27
asacyou will probably not do it again ;)13:28
chrisccoulsonheh, i always keep tabs open between sessions. i only start closing them when FF is using about 800MB of RAM13:28
seb128ie restore session should be there13:28
asacogra: is that the case?13:28
ograi will *for sure* not do it again :P13:28
ograasac, yes, its the right button now13:28
ograused to be the left one until i upgraded today13:28
ograit would have been a perfect note to add to the "firefox restart required" window13:30
hileogra, I asked about this earlier, see preferences windows: to me all firefox internal buttons were in 'windows order', but print etc of course coming from gnome in 'correct' order13:30
asacogra: restart required window is going away13:30
ogrameh, that would have been a good place to warn me13:31
asacyou should get a "start" thing in firefox13:31
ograhile, well, i like that the buttons are in proper order now, i just dont like that i lost my session info with about 70 open tabs13:31
ograi kind of abuse FF tabs as todo list and keep stuff open until i cared for it13:32
hileyes but if this still affects the internal preferences windowows (could not check) there are other windows now in wrong order for gnome13:32
hileone of them was the dialog to choose if you want to open or save a download, cancel is rightmost button - but mybe this was fixed after I last saw a karmic machine13:33
hilebut, need to catch a train ->13:34
Laneycan someone reject haskell-edison-api from NEW please?13:45
Laneyalternatively, can I upload the same version again?13:48
james_wyes, you can13:49
Laneygood news13:51
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cjwatsonogra: restore's been on the right for some time. If you haven't closed firefox again then your old session might still be around in your profile directory14:50
cjwatsonogra: though you're not the first, mdz had the same problem at the sprint; I happened to be sitting beside him and walked him through the recovery14:50
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evandUpdating my karmic desktop results in all windows include the panel disappearing immediately after I enter the keyring password.  So I just have the background and a cursor.  Curiously, alt tab works (even drawing the switcher window and window outlines) and I can enter text into windows, they just don't ever become visible.15:34
evandAnyone else experiencing this?15:34
seb128evand, xsplash bug15:34
seb128evand, you can stop xsplash if you want15:34
seb128evand, bratsche is on it I think15:35
evandseb128: Awesome!  You're a lifesaver.15:35
seb128that's a sideeffect of using the default background image15:36
seb128it's not obvious the session is loaded with xsplash over it15:36
seb128which is what you want when xsplash go away ;-)15:37
seb128cjwatson, slangasek:: I think that's an alpha4 blocker15:39
seb128it happens to quite some people today15:39
seb128the xsplash thing just discussed15:39
jdstrandseb128: hi! so I hope to add an apparmor profile to evince this week (bug #382913). What is the best way to coordinate with you? just upload? debdiff in the bug? bzr branch?15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382913 in evince "ship enforcing apparmor profile for evince" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38291315:43
slangasekseb128: ack; is there a bug open?15:43
seb128jdstrand, feel free to upload if you don't need a review15:43
seb128slangasek, bug #41245515:44
jdstrandseb128: cool, thanks. it'll likely be Friday15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412455 in xsplash "xsplash doesn't timeout to reveal the user session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41245515:44
davmor2slangasek: I just got hit by the same thing on unr too15:44
seb128jdstrand, don't forget to push your changes to bzr though ;-)15:44
jdstrandseb128: ack15:44
slangasekseb128: new gtk version> tomorrow, I suppose15:45
seb128slangasek, too late15:46
seb128slangasek, it's in karmic for some hours now15:46
seb128slangasek, sorry but I just uploaded since I wanted that before my holidays and didn't want to upload on friday to run away15:46
seb128especially that pitti and mvo are not around either15:46
seb128nor is robert_ancell15:46
seb128ie that was now or after holidays15:47
* slangasek sighs15:47
mneptokslangasek: too late for the pebbels to vote.15:47
seb128slangasek, would now be a good time to upload a gdm fixing gdmsetup crashing on new configs?15:56
seb128only change is to gdmsetup and that's not a lib so it should not confuse any cd build15:57
slangasekseb128: it's not a good time, no; please wait until the milestone freeze is up15:58
seb128slangasek, just curious but what sort of issue random app uploads can cause?15:59
slangasekseb128: it screws up being able to see when we're done rerolling for critical issues because the set of packages on the ISO is constantly out of date, and if any package happens to get bigger on rebuild (which can happen from incidental toolchain changes, etc), then it may push an image oversized to where we'll have to respin it a second time16:01
seb128slangasek, hum, ok16:08
ogracjwatson, hmm, i must have skipped a few upgrades then, i totally rely on update-manager nowadays, if it pops up i upgrade16:11
slangasekcody-somerville: xubuntu ISOs are oversized for alpha-4; could you have a look at pruning?16:11
* cody-somerville nods.16:12
superm1slangasek, 20090812.1, should those be what i should ask folks to test on mythbuntu, or is there any other planned re-rolls?16:14
* ogra sighs, so evo finished building 1h ago on armel ... still no trace of the binary on ports16:14
* ogra wishesfor a "sync now" button on ports so he can start building images16:17
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slangasektkamppeter: we're in a milestone freeze.16:32
slangaseksuperm1: currently I'm aware of no reason to need to reroll mythbuntu, yes; posting it to the tracker now16:36
superm1slangasek, ok thx16:36
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tkamppeterslangasek: Sorry16:46
tkamppetersuperm1: The bluez changes are accepted upstream now.16:46
slangasektkamppeter: are you subscribed to ubuntu-devel-announce?  A mail is sent there when the freeze starts, and it's added to the channel topic here16:47
superm1tkamppeter, great thanks.16:47
tkamppetersuperm1: So the patch can be dropped as soon as the upstream bluez version with the fix comes out.16:48
tkamppetersuperm1: The change in the debian/bluetooth.conf must stay as we replace the upstream file completely with ours.16:50
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Riddellmterry: you'll be able to fix the kde ubiquity frontend soon?16:58
mterryRiddell, already in bzr16:58
mterryRiddell, sorry man.  I only tested in non-English languages16:59
Riddellmterry: rocking, works17:02
mterryRiddell, sweet17:02
Riddellevand: shall I upload?17:03
evandRiddell: I'll sort it out.  I'm just fixing one more bug in the kde frontend17:03
evandthanks though17:03
kenvandineslangasek, can we upload a fix for that xsplash timeout fallback bug to main?17:20
slangasekkenvandine: not clear what you're asking - are you asking whether it's ok to upload during the milestone freeze?17:20
kenvandineyes... fixes that bug you tagged17:21
seb128slangasek, he saks if it's ok to fix the alpha blocker fix now17:21
slangasekkenvandine: yes, that's why it's tagged so that we get it fixed before the alpha. :)17:21
kenvandineslangasek, figured.. .:)  just checking17:21
seb128slangasek, well just asking if now is not the middle of a armel build or something which that would screw17:22
slangasekseb128: when it's a milestone blocker, the sooner the better17:23
seb128slangasek, ok thanks17:23
ograseb128, well, NCommander was clever and gave back a ton of KDE stuff, the armel buildds will be stuck for a while17:23
ograso upload whenever you want, we're screwed anyway17:24
ogra(beyond that gtk will still take at least another 1.5h to show up on ports17:24
ograthe mirroring is very slow17:24
slangasekogra: have you talked to IS about this?  There's no reason, in principle, that ports mirroring should be any slower17:25
ograslangasek, no, will do so after A417:25
* ogra makes note on TODO17:25
ograit usually takes 2h after the build finished until it shows up in the archive, whats the proposed time for non-ports ? 30min ?17:26
slangasekogra: oh, there's currently a problem that the publisher is running long (mentioned on #ubuntu-release)17:27
slangasekso what's happening is that it takes an average of 2h after the build is done before the publisher finishes17:28
ograah, so its not ports specific then17:28
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chrisccoulsonslangasek - just looking at bug 41245518:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412455 in xsplash "xsplash doesn't timeout to reveal the user session" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41245518:54
slangasekchrisccoulson: hi18:54
chrisccoulsongnome-session already signals on the session bus when the session is running18:54
chrisccoulsonor at least that is the intention already ;)18:54
slangasekoh?  then why have people been hitting the timeout?18:54
chrisccoulsonis it because xsplash doesn't listen to it?18:54
chrisccoulsonmy understanding is it waits for nautilus and gnome-panel to signal that they're ready18:55
slangasekchrisccoulson: ah18:57
slangasekso perhaps this is still a xsplash bug18:57
slangasekkenvandine: ^^ opinions?18:57
kenvandineslangasek, need to talk to bratsche... i know they discussed that last week18:58
kenvandinethere was a reason they went with panel and nautilus18:58
chrisccoulsonslangasek - possibly. i don't know how much it changed over the last few days, but won't it fail if a user isn't using either gnome-panel or nautilus (or isn't using nautilus to draw the desktop)?18:58
kenvandinechrisccoulson, it will timeout after 10s then18:58
kenvandineat least for now18:58
kenvandinethey are trying to work out a better way18:59
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - i'm just about to send an idea to d-d-l which would handle this situation18:59
chrisccoulsonseeing as everybody took the e-mail from bratsche quite far off-topic18:59
kenvandinechrisccoulson, with 0.4 anyway... it will go away after 10s, which is a hack18:59
chrisccoulsonyes, i agree18:59
chrisccoulsoni've thought of a better long solution but i don't know what upstream will think about it yet19:00
kenvandinetalk to bratsche about it19:00
kenvandinei am sure he would love to hear it19:00
chrisccoulsonwill do. he'll see the e-mail shortly anyway19:00
chrisccoulsonmy idea might be completely rubbish yet. i need to try and write it down though ;)19:01
seb128chrisccoulson, topic for #ubuntu-desktop I guess19:04
seb128bratsche is there19:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah :)19:04
chrisccoulsoni only came here because slangasek added the gnome-session task to the existing bug report, but i'm not sure there's anything that can be done there currently19:05
slangasekseb128: why does the desktop have a separate channel, instead of the desktop developers participating in #ubuntu-devel?19:05
seb128slangasek, because you don't want us to flood this channel all day long to know who claims what update19:06
chrisccoulsonhi bratsche even19:06
chrisccoulsoni should use my space bar ;)19:06
slangasekseb128: that's fair, but this is stuff it would be nice to have in the main channel :)19:06
seb128right, I guess we hit ETOOMANYCHANS there19:06
seb128is dxteam might not be interested so much by distro topics19:07
seb128ie they hang out on #ubuntu-desktop and not there19:07
seb128#ubuntu-desktop is quite chatty in fact19:09
seb128but yeah such discussion should happen there19:09
slangasekchrisccoulson, bratsche: in the near term, what do you think should be done with this bug?  Invalidate the gnome-session task and reopen the xsplash task?  Or move the gnome-session task to something else, if we want the signalling to come from "something else"?19:09
seb128the issue is that gnome-session knows when apps are registered19:10
seb128not when they are done rendering19:10
bratscheRight.. I posted on desktop-devel-list to get suggestions on where to fix it, but that thread got derailed quickly.19:11
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i'm writing my response to the list now :)19:11
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ftabug 41263119:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412631 in upstart "Karmic alpha 3 can't boot if daemontools has been previously installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41263119:52
ftaKeybuk, ^^19:52
slangaseksolution: retroactively remove daemontools from the world ;)19:53
Keybukfta: don't do that, then19:59
ftait's not mine20:02
ftabut it should not fail to boot anyway20:02
cody-somervillecjwatson, You updated xubuntu-meta using a debootstrap version higher than whats available in Ubuntu.20:06
cody-somervilleI hope deleting debootstrap-version is safe20:09
jtimbermanslangasek: and use runit instead ;)20:15
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ScottKcody-somerville: Just edit it to what you have works too.20:25
* ScottK already pinged him on the topic.20:25
chrisccoulsonhey directhex - do you know the procedure for requesting package removals in debian? i looked up the maintainer of libipoddevice in debian, and it is pkg-mono20:50
slangasekchrisccoulson: the maintainer should file a bug against the ftp.debian.org pseudopackage, requesting its removal20:51
chrisccoulsonslangasek - thanks. so i contact the maintainer to do that right?20:52
chrisccoulson(that's a silly question actually) ;)20:52
directhexmail debian-cli@lists iirc]20:54
chrisccoulsondirecthex - thanks:)21:08
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Mezhow are key revocations done in ubuntu?21:32
slangasekkey revocations are done at the PGP level21:33
slangasekpublish your revocation cert to the proper keyservers, and that should be enough21:33
slangasekthough you probably also want to drop the key from your LP profile21:33
Mezslangasek: cheers :D21:36
slangasekMez: for completeness, you probably want to publish to keyserver.ubuntu.com, as I'm not sure how often (if at all) that one pulls from the public network21:37
Mezslangasek: publishing to debian first :D21:37
elmoslangasek: FTR, it's a part of the public network and so syncs  regularly21:41
slangasekelmo: ah, excellent21:41
lemonade`hey guys, why don't you have dev man pages installed by default?21:55
ionThe same reason we don’t have a panorama creator or a MIDI sequencer installed by default.21:56
lemonade`well the reason I ask is that new programmers have the compiler, but time and time again, they don't know to get the documentation. don't you think the program and the documentation for the program should both be installed, if one is installed by default?21:58
lemonade`a lot of the time, they don't even know *to* get the documentation.21:59
mneptoklemonade`: an Ubuntu developer that does not know about manpages-dev is in very bad shape22:01
mneptoklemonade`: even more so if they don;t know how to find them22:01
lemonade`mneptok: yes, they typically are in bad shape if they're just starting. and it's magnified by ubuntu being the go-to distro for people who want to try linux, and have it "just work". I'm thinking this should be included in the same spirit of usability.22:03
mneptoklemonade`: you'll need to install build-essential to compile anything. at which point you know about package management.22:03
macodoes build-essential pull in manpages-dev?22:04
macomaybe it should recommend or at least suggest?22:04
lemonade`maco: I think a message to the user might help.22:04
macoif its suggested, then when you install build-essential it'll mentioni t22:04
macomention but not pull. if its recommended itll be pulled in22:05
lemonade`maybe hilight it, so people don't overlook it with the rest of the mostly irrelevant output.22:05
macosuggests are listed right above "are you sure?"22:05
macoitll say "the following are recommended and will be instaled: <list> the following are suggested but will NOT be installed: manpages-dev ... do you want to continue? [Y/n]"22:06
lemonade`it's actually been a while since I used kubuntu... I'm not sure how the details are of apt-get, unfortunately.22:06
macobut i dont believe build-essential suggests or recommends it ATM22:07
lemonade`maco: yes, I think a prompt would be very effective.22:07
macowell the prompt doesnt ask if you want to install manpages-dev, just tells you that its not gonna, but then at least you know it exists and has some relationship to development since youre getting build-essential22:08
macoi found out about manpages-dev from a classmate22:08
lemonade`maco: so you *wouldn't* be able to decide wether or not to install it at the time of prompting?22:09
geofftoh, right, build-essential serves the role of being the set of packages you don't need to include in Dependencies, so you can't actually put it higher than Suggests, if at all22:09
macolemonade`: you could say "no" and add it to the list of what to install22:09
geofftyou can say +manpages-dev if you're using aptitude cli. (do you also want manpages-posix-dev?)22:09
lemonade`maco: oh right, I remember how it worked. :)22:09
macoso hit n or ctrl+c and then up and change it from "apt-get install build-essential" to "apt-get install build-essential manpages-dev"22:09
macogeofft: cli or tui?22:10
geofftI don't use the TUI often enough to remember22:10
macogeofft: build-essential uses Depends for all its stuff. im wondering if Recommends or Suggests is better for manpages-dev22:10
maco+ sounds like the tui...22:11
macoRecommends doesnt require it but pulls it if you use apt and its available. suggests just mentions it to the user22:11
macohi matt22:11
ScottKmaco: Recommends are installed by default22:12
dtchenit would be a pretty bad idea to have build-essential recommend manpages-dev22:13
macoScottK: like i said "if its available"22:13
dtchenplease see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-pkg-relations22:13
macoScottK: its still not required...like you can use dpkg to install everything in Depends but not Recommends and itll be happy22:13
macolooking at dtchen's link22:14
macooh...i see because then the buildd's will want it22:14
macoso would Suggests be ok?22:14
dtcheni wouldn't add it at all22:15
dtchenas Policy states, it has nothing to do with building packages22:16
macodoes it have anything to do with ubuntu-dev-tools?22:16
dtchenif anything, status quo is fine; aptitude install build-essential manpages-dev22:16
lemonade`dtchen: but people don't know about it, that's the problem.22:17
macodo the manpages-dev say anything that K&R doesnt?22:17
dtchenmaco: / lemonade`: you do realize that libc6-dev already suggests manpages-dev...22:18
dtchen(it also suggests glibc-doc)22:18
maconope didnt know that. i dont do mental dependency resolution. im not apt ;)22:18
lemonade`dtchen: no, I'm not aware of the structure of apt beneath the covers.22:19
macobut now i do wonder...is manpages-dev more useful than the index of my copy of The C Programming Language?22:19
lemonade`maco: I'd think so.22:20
lemonade`at the least, it provides system-specific information.22:20
lemonade`not to mention, some people don't have that book.22:21
macothat is a book any C programmer would do well to invest in22:22
macoits the bible22:22
lemonade`I don't have that book.22:22
macowell unless you dont speak english....in which case i dont think there are l10n manpages either anyway.....22:22
jtimbermanhah, thats the only C book I have :)22:24
lemonade`I got kochan's book when I was starting C.22:24
macoi got the o'reilly book first because i didnt know any better22:25
cjwatsoncody-somerville: yeah, I know, sorry - just nuke it. that wasn't an important bit of the update :)22:32
cjwatsonnone of this should be in build-essential, it should be in a separate package22:33
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cjwatsonas dtchen says, build-essential has one and only one purpose (policy-mandated) and this ain't it - though I do sort of agree it belongs somewhere22:33
cjwatsonthere's an ancient bug about it which has never been fixed because nobody wants to be the guy who owns the development metapackage, which is certain to get flooded by requests for my-favourite-dev-package to be installed :)22:34
cjwatsonmaybe if we named it appropriately ...22:34
ionLet’s name it manpages-dev, because the user wants development manpages. Oh, wait.22:35
lemonade`as I take it, build-essential is the minimal build environment for installing source packages?22:36
geofftI think I'd really prefer a setting in apt or something to say, if I have installed foopackage, also install foopackage-dev and foopackage-doc22:36
geofftor perhaps Dev-Recommends/Doc-Recommends, so gcc can Doc-Recommend manpages-dev, and I can configure my system to accept or reject those22:37
cjwatsonbuild-essential is defined in policy as follows:22:39
cjwatson     It is not necessary to explicitly specify build-time relationships on22:39
cjwatson     a minimal set of packages that are always needed to compile, link and22:39
cjwatson     put in a Debian package a standard "Hello World!"  program written in22:39
cjwatson     C or C++.  The required packages are called _build-essential_, and an22:39
cjwatson     informational list can be found in22:39
cjwatson     `/usr/share/doc/build-essential/list' (which is contained in the22:39
cjwatson     `build-essential' package).[1]22:39
cjwatsonand yes, together with "Priority: required" packages and apt, it constitutes the minimal build environment installed on the build servers22:40
cjwatsonadding Recommends or Suggests wouldn't affect that, as it happens, but I still don't think it ought to be overloaded22:40
macoubuntu-dev-tools exists...does that count as the dev metapackage you mentioned above, cjwatson?22:41
lemonade`cjwatson: ok thanks.22:42
macooooo shiny! theres a kubuntu-dev-tools too22:42
loolcjwatson: Hey the armel image doesn't boot; /conf/uuid.conf has a normally long UUID but blkid and /dev/disk/by-uuid list a 8 chars UUID22:42
loolcjwatson: Does that sound familiar?22:42
loolNote that these are vfat22:42
loolI'm not sure where that can come from; kernel configs perhaps or udev22:43
macomaybe thats the vfat label?22:43
macothose are limited char[8] iirc22:43
loolthe UUID I get is UUID="4A83-265C"22:44
loolHmm I get the same UUID on my system22:45
cjwatsonmaco: mm. maybe. I'm not entirely convinced22:45
loolOh sorry I'm mixing apples and oranges22:45
cjwatsonbut it could function as a grab-bag, I suppose22:45
loolit's not looking at the actual UUID but at a file .disk/casper-uuid22:45
macocjwatson: kubuntu-dev-tools has a gui for bzr. i cant imagine this is less on-topic22:47
cjwatsonlool: right, that isn't a filesystem uuid, just a uuidgen one22:47
maco(u-d-t just uses normal bzr)22:47
loolcjwatson: Ah the UUID is named casper-uuid-babbage22:48
cjwatsonmaco: I'm not really opposed, it's definitely a much better place than build-essential, though it might inspire a reverse gripe as it includes lots of stuff useful for developers of Ubuntu but not developers on Ubuntu22:48
loolBut the casper code only seems to check for $path/.disk/casper-uuid22:48
loolOh sorry, *22:48
loolI'm blind22:48
cjwatson./scripts/casper:79:    for try_uuid_file in "$path/.disk/casper-uuid"*; do22:48
macocjwatson: you mean itd get the "but what about my favourite lib's dev headers?!" thing you said above?22:49
cjwatsonwhy are you looking at the uuid-matching code in particular?22:49
loolcjwatson: Just because the error was Unable to find a medium22:49
cjwatsonmaco: no, reverse, it'd get "but this installs a big pile of stuff that's useful for people developing Ubuntu itself - I just want to write software on Ubuntu"22:49
cjwatsonbut maybe I'm just being oversensitive22:50
cjwatsonthere's probably no way to please everyoone22:50
seb128_hum, can't go back from the partitioning screen on ubiquity22:50
loologra: Didn't we set livemedia in the past?22:50
macocjwatson: oh hey it does... wow u-d-t has a lot more dependencies thatn k-d-t22:50
ogralool, i dont think so22:50
geofftcjwatson, wouldn't adding support for pulling in -doc or -dev stuff when you install the corresponding package work?22:50
cjwatsongeofft: it's a heck of a lot harder22:51
cjwatsongeofft: with ten years of experience in Debian I have learned to prefer approaches that work now ;-)22:52
geoffthah. good point22:52
cjwatsonit would require independent UI implementation in umpteen different package management frontends22:52
Quintasandebuild -S -s -k$GPGKEY starts with clean and it fails because I didn't build it yet, how do I ommit clean?22:59
cjwatsonQuintasan: -nc23:00
cjwatsonQuintasan: but it's a bug in your package if clean fails there23:00
cjwatsonoh, -nc probably doesn't work with -S actually, so you just have to fix the bug23:01
loolcjwatson: Ok; /lib/udev/path_id changed output with new drivers in .3123:01
loolInsead of platform-mmc something it returns platform-mxsdhci something23:02
cjwatsonhah, lovely23:02
Quintasancjwatson: how should I do it then? building creates a build dir in each dir with source, I added find . -name build -exec rm -r {} \; to clean23:02
loolWhich is the name of the driver for MMC on FSL MXC23:02
cjwatsonQuintasan: rm -rf23:02
loolcjwatson: I guess it's best to workaround it by passing livemedia in the cmdline than pushing casper at this point23:02
cjwatsonlool: depends on the status of other images, I don't know right now23:03
loolWill poke slangasek23:03
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loolslangasek: ^23:03
cjwatsonQuintasan: though I can't see a case in which that command would actually fail, since it won't run rm if there are no such directories23:05
loolPushed the casper fix23:05
loolto bzr23:05
cjwatsonQuintasan: does the debian/rules clean output clearly show that that's the command that's failing?23:05
slangaseklool: the casper change only affects behavior or armel?23:06
cjwatsonpretty certain it wouldn't affect anything else23:06
loolslangasek: It's in a common code path but I don't expect this match on any other arch23:06
loolIt's a very specific device name23:06
ogralool, ah, thats why editing /conf/uuid.conf doesnt work for me23:06
slangaseklool: upload if you think it's needed, then23:07
* ogra just repackaed the initrd.lz23:07
ograbut doesnt get it mounting either23:07
ograthough i dont get why it doesnt work, casper only looks at /dev/disk/by-uuid, no ?23:08
loolslangasek: Actually not sure if we need to bother23:10
loolslangasek: Just get a nice oops in squashfs if I pass LIVEMEDIA on the kernel cmdline23:10
loolhmm might be just a warning23:11
loolI get input/output error though23:11
cjwatsonusually not a good sign23:12
ograwell, stdin: error 0 isnt one either23:15
ograadditionally the kernel has features that arent suposed to be there23:15
Quintasancjwatson: hmm, I made a simple mistake but I don't know how to fix it, archive untars to rbutil-1.2.2 but source is in rbutil-1.2.2/rbutil and rules try to compile it from rbutil-1.2.2. How do I specify the source tree?23:19
loolcjwatson, ogra, slangasek: So I want push casper and consider the A4 image failed23:24
loolNeeds kernel fixes to boot23:24
ograneeds kernel renaming too23:25
ograso we dont end up with -babbage and -imx51 in the same image23:25
ograwe get linux-headers-imx51 and whatnot indise the squashfs23:26
loolthis is a separate discussion which seems to be moving to a resolution post A423:26
cjwatsonQuintasan: $(MAKE) -C <directory> in your build target, usually23:26
loolI don't know about linux-headers-imx5123:26
cjwatsonQuintasan: debian/rules does precisely what you program it to do :-)23:26
ograi told you hours ago in #mobile23:26
Quintasancjwatson: I thought there is a DEB_<something> variable :<23:27
slangaseklool: and there's no kernel support for getting this fixed up in time for A4?23:27
cjwatsonQuintasan: if you're using cdbs, on your own head be it, it's hard to customise23:27
slangaseks/kernel support/kernel team support/23:27
ogralool, i'm not sure what else can be affected by that23:27
ograslangasek, it would take half a day to build even if rtg managed to get a new package up23:28
cjwatsonQuintasan: if you really think it's a good idea to use a system that often requires grepping through make rules in order to figure out how to customise it, that's your call :)23:28
cjwatsonQuintasan: james_w gave a packaging training talk on debhelper 7 the other day, which is pretty much just as concise and much better-documented23:28
slangasekogra: well, the milestone freeze doesn't prevent someone working on this, in any case23:28
Quintasancjwatson: thanks, I will look into it23:29
ograslangasek, they did a lot of effort to get at least the one with the broken naming out, i'd personally prefer to have their energy focused on getting it right without being in a rush23:29
loolslangasek: rtg is gone23:29
ograslangasek, rtg already agreed on the neaming23:29
cjwatsonQuintasan: as it happens I think DEB_BUILDDIR is the variable in question23:29
slangasekogra: the naming isn't what's breaking alpha423:29
loolslangasek: bjf is bjf-afk23:29
cjwatsonin debhelper 7 you'd write an override_dh_auto_build: target23:30
looland amitk isn't on IRC23:30
slangaseklool: ok then23:30
ograslangasek, the naming made us apply various werid hacks to a formely working system23:30
cjwatsonQuintasan: (BTW, this is just my opinion of cdbs, I realise other developers here have different opinions, but, hey, I'm the one who was answering ... ;-) )23:31
QuintasanI'm not using cdbs :P23:31
cjwatsoncdbs is the thing that has DEB_* variables23:31
Quintasanoh :<23:31
cjwatsonif you aren't using cdbs, there are no such variables23:31
cjwatson        $(MAKE) -C src -f makefile_cptree TREE_TOP=$(CURDIR) \23:32
cjwatson                CC=$(CC) DEBUG="$(DEBUG)" CirclePack23:32
cjwatson^- example of this kind of thing in dh723:32
macoyou still use dh_make to do dh7 stuff? dtchen mentioned there being a way to buid up only what you need instead of using dh_make then going through and deleting 2/3 of what it generates23:32
cjwatsonI don't see much point in dh_make with debhelper 723:32
cjwatsongiven that the rules file starts with /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny and it's probably best not to create other files until you need them ...23:33
Quintasanurgh, I don't get most of the discussion -_- That's what you get from using cdbs and pkg-kde-tools all the time :S23:33
macohrm i think we need to poke dholbach into replacing his "how to make a package" video with a non-dh_make version23:34
cjwatsonthe basic idea of dh7 is that standard packages that don't need to do anything surprising just have %: dh $@23:34
cjwatsonand each override target on top of that represents an unusual thing23:34
macoin debian/rules?23:34
cjwatsonbut it's very familiar for debhelper users, because every single thing you can override is "override_" plus a dh_* command name23:34
macois there a way to generate a skeleton debian/control without dh_make?23:34
cjwatsonso it's really easy to work out general rules for customising23:34
cjwatsonoh, don't know about that23:34
cjwatsonmaybe somebody should do dh_make -7 :)23:35
cjwatsonI'm probably a bad example, I write debian/control by hand23:35
macothat just means youve been doing this too long23:35
macoi know theres a line about Depends and one about Build-Depends and umm....Maintainer...and a Description23:36
macoand some other stuff23:36
macovariously named, starting with a capital letter :P23:36
cjwatsonI was initially deeply sceptical about dh7 but am totally sold on it now, especially after discovering its plugin support23:36
cjwatsonI'm in the middle of converting lots of d-i over to 'dh --with d-i $@'23:36
ionYeah, dh7 and ‘--with’ ftw.23:36
* Quintasan got lot to learn23:37
cjwatsonwell, debhelper's man pages are generally superb, you can follow it all through there23:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
kklimondacjwatson: is it "easier" than using cdbs?23:38
cjwatsonactually dh7 also has 'dh --sourcedirectory=build $@' and such, in very recent versions23:38
seb128_cdbs for the win ;-)23:38
cjwatsonkklimonda: I certainly find it so23:38
macoso if i wanted to say it uses quit id do "dh --with-quilt $@"?23:38
seb128_is there somewhere in dh7 where we could add magic for langpacks etc?23:38
slangasekkklimonda: shorter debian/rules for the general case, and for the exceptions there are useful manpages23:38
cjwatson'--with quilt', but yes23:38
seb128_as we do with the gnome.mk in cdbs23:38
cjwatsonseb128_: we could override its sequencing, in theory anyway23:39
macois there a list of addons? man dh just says "--with <addon>" but doesnt say what those addons are or where to find the list of them23:39
cjwatsonperhaps best to do it in a gnome plugin23:39
cjwatsonso you'd have --with gnome, and that'd deal with langpacks23:39
seb128_we would have to get that plugin doing something in debian23:39
seb128_and convince people to use it23:40
ionmaco: apt-file search /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence23:40
cjwatsonmaco: I think it's probably a bug that there isn't an easier way, but ls /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/23:40
seb128_so we would just have to enhance the ubuntu version23:40
macocjwatson: or the bug is that the manpage doesnt say to ls that :P23:41
kklimondaoh, it's written in perl - /me runs screaming like a girl.. ;)23:41
cjwatsonthe other approach would be some kind of vendor detection in debhelper23:41
cjwatsonI talked with Joey very very briefly about that at DebConf, but haven't had a chance to follow through yet23:41
cjwatsonactually for the purpose of erasing our last delta against debhelper23:41
ion/usr/share/doc/debhelper/PROGRAMMING.gz kind of points to that, and dh(1) points to PROGRAMMING. :-P23:42
cjwatsonthe other approach would be a dh_langpack that's in the default sequence but I'm a bit scared of Joey shouting at me for changing the default sequence :)23:42
macolittle bit roundabout...23:42
cjwatsonI think again I'd probably want to get that into debhelper upstream with vendor detection23:43
cjwatsondh_langpack would probably be useful anyway23:43
seb128_would be nice23:43
cjwatsonBTW I don't know if people noticed amid the annoyance with my broken debootstrap version, but there's now a --with germinate to make generating metapackages from seeds trivial23:44
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/252198/ was my first cut at merging our dh_installudev diff but I still need to do some polishing23:46
cjwatsonkklimonda: I generally find I only need to look into the internals when actually writing extensions; the documentation is normally very precise about what it does23:47

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