
Rocket2DMnWe'll wait a few minutes for bodhi00:02
starcraftmanRocket2DMn: k, no worries, No one else booked meeting after us.00:03
drs305Rocket2DMn: While we are waiting, can I ask you a question about the quizzes?00:03
Rocket2DMnyeah drs30500:03
drs305Has there ever been discussion about when a quiz is given (i.e. scheduled vs spru of the moment)?00:04
drs305* spur  ( I hate sprus)00:04
Rocket2DMnno, it's always just been spur of the moment (i.e. whenever bodhi got to it)00:04
=== asac_ is now known as asac
MootBotMeeting started at 18:08. The chair is Rocket2DMn.00:08
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:08
Rocket2DMnOk, bodhi hasn't shown up, so we'll start without him00:08
Rocket2DMnlet's just run down the focus groups, hopefully he'll be here for the main agenda00:08
Rocket2DMnDevelopment FG? I don't see paultag00:09
Rocket2DMnEducation FG? I don't see any leads for them either00:09
drs305Nobody's around in August...00:10
Rocket2DMnLaunchpad? Security? Stalking?00:10
Rocket2DMnjgoguen, YNU FG?00:10
Raidsongi think its dev00:10
starcraftmanguess this is gonna be a quiet meeting...00:10
jgoguenRocket2DMn: Not much to say ATM. We've got a bunch of users, thinking about a meeting soon :)00:10
Rocket2DMncool jgoguen , don't wait to set one up, summer is starting to wind down for people00:11
jgoguenRocket2DMn: We were thinking soon, next week or so00:11
Rocket2DMnSounds good00:12
Rocket2DMn[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:12
Rocket2DMnlet's start with the main agenda then00:12
Rocket2DMn[TOPIC] Folding@Home and the #ubuntu-folding channel00:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Folding@Home and the #ubuntu-folding channel00:13
Rocket2DMnswoody, you're up00:13
swoodyThanks Rocket2DMn, I'll make this short for everyone :)00:13
swoodyI just wanted to make a brief annoucement to everyone here about the Folding@Home project.00:13
swoodyFor those of you who don't know what Folding@Home is, it's a distributed computing project that was started by Stanford University.00:13
swoodyF@H uses your computer's spare processing power to assist researchers in folding proteins.00:14
swoodyThe work that's being done by the F@H project is giving scientists a better understanding of how certain diseases develop, and can lead to cures for diseases such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, Alzheimers, and cancer amoung many others.00:14
swoodyI feel that it's a very worthy project, and I also believe that this project ties in greatly with Ubuntu's philosiphy of giving back to the greater community.00:14
swoodyFor some more info on the project or to find out how you can help out, plese drop by our channel at #ubuntu-folding, or check out:00:15
swoody[LINK] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome00:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome00:15
swoodyand if there's no questions.....00:16
drs305Is there just one Ubuntu team now?00:16
swoodydrs305:  ah, yes! The multiple teams that used to be are now united under Tem Ubuntu :)00:16
swoodyTeam Ubuntu**00:17
starcraftmanOnly thing ya might want to add swoody is mentioning origami installer, very handy.00:17
swoodyyes, thank you starcraftman :)00:18
swoodyThere are a number of ways to install the F@H client on your computer. Most of them are very simple (2 commands00:18
swoody) and very painless :)00:18
swoodyAnyone want to toss out anything else, or have any questions?00:19
Raidsongcan you give us the commands?00:19
swoodyto install origami it's simply 'sudo apt-get install origami'...00:20
swoodythen to set it up would be "sudo origami install [-t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER ]"00:21
starcraftmanFor more information on the origami installer (including more advanced options see:00:21
starcraftman[LINK] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome/origami00:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome/origami00:21
swoodyah, thank you starcraftman :)00:21
swoodyand that should be about it then :)00:22
starcraftmanswoody: no problem, always here to help.00:22
Rocket2DMnCool project swoody , thank you for sharing00:22
swoodyAgain, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to drop by #ubuntu-folding00:22
swoodyty Rocket2DMn :)00:22
Rocket2DMn[TOPIC] Remove Beginners Team Calendar00:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Remove Beginners Team Calendar00:23
Raidsongill run this on both of my computers00:23
nhandlerI can talk about this Rocket2DMn00:23
Rocket2DMnfloor is yours nhandler00:23
nhandlerPretty much, we started using a separate calendar due to the closed nature of the old fridge (and because we had meetings in #ubuntuforums-beginners)00:23
nhandlerNow, we use #ubuntu-meeting and the Fridge for our main meetings00:23
nhandlerI see it as a waste of time duplicating this on our own calendar that not many people subscribe to00:24
nhandlerIf there are no objections, I would like to go ahead and get the BT calendar deleted00:24
Rocket2DMnnhandler, let's get bodhi's final approval on that before we shut it down00:24
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Of course. But I would like to get a vote at this meeting as well00:25
superbennyis there really any work that goes into it? i dont see any reason why we cant just leave it there for people, such as myself who do use it00:25
Rocket2DMnI also use it, perhaps we should just remove it from the wiki page?00:25
nhandlersuperbenny: Might I ask why you use that instead of the normal Fridge calendar?00:25
Rocket2DMngcal it sends email reminders00:25
nhandlerRocket2DMn: The Fridge is a gcal now00:26
superbennyno idea, that was just the one on the wiki. also, is the fridge cal only bt items?00:26
nhandlersuperbenny: No, it has items for all Ubuntu teams00:26
superbennyas of right now, I'm not really involved in much outside of the BT.00:26
nhandler[link] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar00:26
MootBotLINK received:  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar00:26
starcraftmanLong as the fgs and main teem meetings are all consolidated into the fridge calendar I'm fine with it, means no duplication like I get now.00:26
superbennyso it just keeps useless events off of my calendar00:26
nhandlerstarcraftman: Most FG don't even use the BT calendar. However, I think it would be fine to have them use the Fridge calendar00:27
superbennynow, if there is someone who sits there and devotes more than 10 minutes to it, then its reasonable to delete it, but as far as i'm aware, its just an auto-repeating event every other tuesday00:27
Rocket2DMnnhandler, can you schedule events on the fridge calendar that aren't held in this channel?00:28
superbennyin which case, no harm can come from leaving it as-is00:28
nhandlersuperbenny: As of a few weeks ago, it is auto-repeating. I have no issue leaving it like that. However, I have no plans on correcting it for the few instances we get off schedule (which happen around US holidays and such)00:28
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Yes00:28
swoody+1 if that is the case superbenny00:28
nhandlerRocket2DMn: For example, we use it for classroom sessions that are in #ubuntu-classroom00:28
nhandlerThe Doc Team has also used it for meetings in #ubuntu-doc00:29
Rocket2DMnok, shall we put it to a vote then?00:29
Rocket2DMnare we voting to close it down, or just to remove it from the wiki page?00:30
nhandlerRocket2DMn: I would make the vote to "stop using it". We would start referencing the Fridge on the wiki, and I (and other people) would stop updating the BT calendar00:30
superbennysounds good to me.00:31
Rocket2DMn[VOTE] Stop using the BT Google Calendar and only use The Fridge instead?00:31
MootBotPlease vote on:  Stop using the BT Google Calendar and only use The Fridge instead?.00:31
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:31
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:31
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:31
MootBot+1 received from andrew_46. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:31
MootBot+1 received from swoody. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 300:31
MootBot+1 received from starcraftman. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 400:31
nhandlerRocket2DMn: +000:31
MootBot+1 received from Raidsong. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 500:31
MootBot+1 received from superbenny. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 600:31
MootBotAbstention received from Rocket2DMn. 6 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 600:31
Rocket2DMnany more votes?00:32
MootBotAbstention received from duanedes1gn. 6 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 600:32
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Total: 600:32
Rocket2DMn[AGREED] Stop using BT Google Calendar.  Use Fridge instead.00:33
MootBotAGREED received:  Stop using BT Google Calendar.  Use Fridge instead.00:33
nhandlerJust as a note, only BT members should be participating in these votes00:33
Rocket2DMnnhandler, you want the action to double check with bodhi and remove it from wiki?00:33
nhandlerRocket2DMn: That is fine00:33
Rocket2DMn[ACTION] nhandler to check removal of GCal and remove from wiki00:34
MootBotACTION received:  nhandler to check removal of GCal and remove from wiki00:34
Rocket2DMnI'll postpone the next agenda item since bodhi isn't here00:34
Rocket2DMn[TOPIC] Drop ##beginners-classroom00:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Drop ##beginners-classroom00:34
Rocket2DMnnhandler, you're up again00:34
nhandlerWe stopped using ##beginners-classroom in favor of #ubuntu-classroom a while ago00:35
nhandlerThis is why we did not create a #ubuntu-beginners-classroom when we renamed the team00:35
nhandlerAs a result, I see no reason to keep this unused channel open, and I propose dropping it00:35
Rocket2DMnHow do we go about removing it?00:36
Rocket2DMnis it just a matter of not referencing it on the wiki anymore?00:36
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Bodhi would do a /msg ChanServ drop ##beginners-classroom00:36
nhandlerRocket2DMn: I'm not even sure if it is referenced still on the wiki00:36
Rocket2DMn[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups00:36
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups00:36
Rocket2DMnit's still listed there00:36
swoodynhandler:  The channel hasn't been used for anything recently?00:37
nhandlerswoody: Correct00:37
nhandlerWe moved to #ubuntu-classroom00:37
Rocket2DMnok, does anybody want to voice any objections?00:37
swoodynhandler:  Ah, I don't forsee any objections then :)00:37
starcraftmanI got nothing.00:38
superbennynor do i...00:38
Rocket2DMnok, I don't think we need to vote on that00:38
Rocket2DMnthat's really a FG decision00:38
nhandlerI'll talk to bodhi and get it dropped then00:38
* nhandler -> dinner00:39
Rocket2DMn[ACTION] nhandler to talk to bodhi - remove ##beginners-classroom00:39
MootBotACTION received:  nhandler to talk to bodhi - remove ##beginners-classroom00:39
Rocket2DMn[TOPIC] Other00:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Other00:39
Rocket2DMndoes anybody have anything else at all they want to discuss?  The floor is open.00:39
andrew_46Nothing here00:40
Rocket2DMnOkie dokie then, there aren't any padawan nominations, so I think we're finished00:40
starcraftmanGuess so.00:41
Rocket2DMnnobody has any last minute nominations right?00:41
Rocket2DMnOk, thanks for coming everybody00:41
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:41.00:41
superbennyno Rocket2DMn, thank YOU00:41
Rocket2DMnnow back to watching Star Wars like a true nerd00:42
andrew_46Battlestar galactica here00:42
starcraftmanYay, BSG, good choice andrew_4600:42
superbennyhehe...i guess ill just fiddle with my ipod touch...00:43
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* james_w waves15:56
* robbiew waves16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is robbiew.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
robbiew[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0812#Agenda16:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0812#Agenda16:01
robbiewevand: james_w: around?16:02
robbiewsorry for the late Agenda...took longer to pull together than I thought :/16:04
robbiewcjwatson: around?16:04
robbiew[TOPIC] Alpha 4 Deliverables16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Alpha 4 Deliverables16:04
robbiewlooked through the list, and I'm thinking some will be Alpha 5/6 deliverables :P16:05
robbiewor we simply drop them16:05
cjwatsonunfortunately yes16:05
robbiewcjwatson: cloud setup has a legitimate excuse ;)16:05
cjwatsoncloud is essential so I don't think we have the luxury of dropping it, but it will be a516:05
robbiewI consider grub2 as done...but there is some work we need to do to help the DX team deliver16:06
robbiewon Boot Experience16:06
cjwatsongrub2 is only done by a generous interpretation, but you'll be pleased to hear that I just got the zero-delay stuff working16:06
cjwatsonabout fifteen minutes before this meeting16:06
robbiewI'm sure sabdfl will be happy as well ;)16:07
cjwatsonI'll push it out to a5, it's safe for that16:07
cjwatsonwhatever gave you that idea? ;)16:07
Keybukcjwatson: well done16:07
Keybukcjwatson: I assume you need a few days off to recover from writing ia32 assembler? :p16:07
cjwatsonfortunately I was just applying somebody else's ia32 assembler16:07
cjwatsonalthough by an amazing coincidence I'm off next week16:08
robbiewyeah...both cjwatson and Keybuk out on the same week16:08
* Keybuk is around in cases of emergency, I'm only painting16:09
liwKeybuk, house? paintings?16:09
robbiewnot much of a holiday then16:09
* robbiew assumes house16:09
robbiewbased on twitter updates16:09
cjwatsonI'm at home as well16:09
robbiewcjwatson: do you think we can get the blinking cursor removed?16:10
robbiewin grub216:10
robbiewas well as the random text stuff that pops up?16:10
cjwatsonthe text is doable, it's on my list - the cursor is actually after grub2 and may involve connivance with the kernel and probably even userspace (to put it back at the end of boot)16:10
Keybukcjwatson: getty already conveniently resets the tty16:11
cjwatsonah, that helps16:11
cjwatsonI was trying to arrange for grub2 to do all the screen setup, but unfortunately that doesn't actually work with Linux the way it is16:11
cjwatsonsee https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2009-August/006773.html for the gory details16:11
Keybukright, I imagine that would be hard since you'd need GRUB to initialise GL pipelines and shit ;)16:12
cjwatsonresets to the *same resolution* once KMS comes up won't be all that hard16:12
cjwatsonit's just a matter of having some way to display text in the early stages in case everything goes south16:12
cjwatsonwhich involves bringing up vesafb, then tearing it down again later16:13
Keybukright, this sounds bad16:13
KeybukI don't think it matters _when_ we set the resolution of the display16:13
Keybukjust that we only do it once16:13
cjwatsonso I'm not sure how much I can do on that in practice, but it's easy to turn the cursor off *somewhere* I'm sure - definitely on my list16:13
Keybukwell, GRUB already turns it off16:14
Keybukit's just that it turns it back on again <g>16:14
robbiewcjwatson: ack...thnx16:14
robbiewGRUB turns it off...then kernel turns it back on16:14
cjwatsonare you sure it's GRUB that turns it back on - or if so, if it didn't, wouldn't Linux do so too? it resets the screen itself16:14
cjwatsonif it's GRUB I will deal with that, anyway16:14
Keybukright, who knows16:15
Keybukideally nothing would clear the screen until gdm does ;)16:15
Keybukor ?splash16:15
KeybukI mean16:15
cjwatsonmoving the clear screen around in grub is part of fixing the early text16:15
cjwatsonmoving to oblivion in the case that the menu isn't going to be displayed16:15
cjwatsonat the moment it clears the screen before it knows whether it wants to display the menu or not, so that needs to be rearranged somewhat16:16
cjwatsonit's all doable anyway, I'm getting the hang of grub :)16:16
robbiewnice ;)...okay need to press on...full agenda today :/16:16
robbiewslangasek : Multiarch support? Alpha 5..6..defer?16:17
slangasekrobbiew: alpha4 was always a fuzzy target IMHO; I wouldn't want to cut it from the release until we absolutely have to, and Guillem is actively working on the dpkg bits now16:18
robbiewhow about I make it Beta?16:18
robbiewor is that too late16:18
slangasekit's a little late for the package manager to land; so alpha-6 is probably better16:18
robbiewand the Power Management Cleanup work?16:19
robbiewI recall mterry working on that16:19
mterryrobbiew, I did some work at the beginning of the cycle, but haven't since.  I thought slangasek was doing the keybinding work16:19
slangasekthere are a few more power management cleanup bits we can expect to accomplish this cycle, but nothing earth-moving16:20
slangaseksince there are still architecture bits missing before we can kill acpi-support completely16:20
robbiewso should we just say Alpha 6 as the deadline to cleanup whatever possible?16:21
slangaseksounds good16:21
robbiewevand: Encrypted Swap...is that done?16:23
evandEncrypted swap is just waiting on kirkland to review a patch I have for ecryptfs (he's on vacation).  Migration Assistant is turning out to be much more involved than I had initially anticipated, and I'm going to have to defer it to alpha 5/6.16:23
robbiewno worries16:24
robbiewlet's put the swap at Alpha 516:24
robbiewas for the assistant work....it's okay to defer if you don't think it will happen this cycle16:24
* robbiew knows it's work evand REALLY wanted to do though16:24
robbiewso I'm fine with Alpha 6....and then reassess deferment then16:25
evandah, that removes quite a bit of stress over it, actually.  I'll keep at it full-bore, but noted.16:25
robbiewno worries16:26
* robbiew will need to talk to mvo about the Install updates on Shutdown work (possibly deferrable) and the Robust Python work16:27
Ursinhaoh, sorry16:27
robbiew[TOPIC] Missing Milestones16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Missing Milestones16:28
liwI was under the impression we are already using eglibc in karmic and we only need to take care of fixing any bugs that are found -- was I optimistic?16:29
robbiewliw: I think you're right16:29
slangasekwe are using eglibc, yes16:29
cjwatsonI'll split archive-reorganization into two specs to reflect reality16:29
robbiewcjwatson: cool...thnx16:29
cjwatsonthen they can get a milestone apiece16:29
robbiewliw: at this point, I'm not sure how much a blueprint is needed...since eglibc is already in16:30
cjwatsonrobust python: I believe that Steve, Matthias, and I agreed in Dublin that we would just robustify the individual packages that are deep in dep trees and causing problems, rather than changing the entire stack16:30
cjwatsonlsb-release comes to mind right now16:30
cjwatsonbut I'd like to confirm that with mvo when we gets back16:30
liwrobbiew, ok, if you decide it's needed, prod me again16:30
robbiewliw: no worries...no need to waste time on unnecessary "paperwork" ;)16:31
robbiewslangasek: what did we decide to do about the copyright licenses in  packages?16:31
* robbiew cannot remember :/16:31
liwzsync: I'm waiting for mvo to return (he's really popular now), to get help with the apt part of the implementation (zsync for Packages files); I'm setting up prototypes for using debdelta so we can use either debdelta's own upgrade stuff, or integrate it to apt16:32
slangasekrobbiew: I'm to get the DEP text into a respectable state (which it isn't currently), and we're to start using it this cycle16:32
liwslangasek, \o/16:32
robbiewwho's actually going to update the packages? liw?16:33
robbiewmterry gets grunt work?16:33
liwuh, what? :)16:33
slangasekrobbiew: once it's blessed, we all can update packages as we go16:33
robbiewI'm good with that16:34
robbiewliw: ack on the Zsync stuff...thnx16:34
mterryEasier for people that are familiar with the package to know correct copyright lines16:34
robbiewnice deflection mterry ;)16:34
liwcopyrights: starting with packages which maintain in Ubuntu and don't inherit from Debian, presumably, to restrict deltas16:34
liwrobbiew, zsync milestone: I doubt before feature-freeze, but I'll provide an apt in a PPA for those who want to use it16:35
robbiewliw: what was decided about the pre-unpacking during downloads? do we run away screaming from that?16:35
liwpre-unpacking .debs while more are downloaded: I'm going to talk to mvo about that, too; basically, the only sensible way seems to be to have apt download in instalaltion order and install things in smaller batches whenever it has enough packages (while continuing to download in the background)16:35
robbiewliw: ack16:37
* robbiew needs to clone mvo :P16:37
evandYou could always cut him in half and see if he regenerates like a starfish16:37
slangasekI thought that's why he was on leave?16:37
robbiew[TOPIC] Sponsorship Queue16:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsorship Queue16:38
slangasekoh, cloning is asexual, my bad16:38
robbiewwell...with the Sprint and DebConf....didn't expect much activity there16:39
* Keybuk wonders whether wanting to clone co-workers counts as asexual harassment16:39
robbiewmoving on...16:39
robbiew[TOPIC] Missing Objectives16:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Missing Objectives16:39
robbieweh hem16:39
james_wI put mine in the system because I found it would let me log on again16:40
robbiewwould be nice if the system let ME know :/16:40
james_wI can transfer to email if you would like16:40
robbiewI'd recommend at least keeping an email copy16:40
robbiewsince the system sucks :P16:40
james_wgood idea :-)16:40
=== zul_ is now known as zul
robbiewslangasek: evand: also in the "system"?  or in the works16:41
slangasekin the mail^W works :(16:41
evandin the works16:41
robbiewno worries16:42
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News16:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News16:42
Keybukrobbiew: do we need to put them in the system ourselves if we've sent them to you?16:42
robbiewKeybuk: I think I entered yours, but I need you to hit the "submit" button16:42
james_wwhat do you know? it seems to have forgotten them16:43
liwa bit of good news: if this meeting doesn't extend too much, I will be able to celebrate an anniversary16:43
* ogra wants such a topic in his team meetings !!16:43
robbiewliw: \o/16:43
Keybukrobbiew: there aren't any in there16:43
robbiewis that a hint ;)16:43
* james_w managed to write C code without getting segfaults16:43
liwrobbiew, 1 :)16:43
liwjames_w, \o/16:44
ograjames_w, you just use the wrong arch, try again on armel :)16:44
robbiewKeybuk: odd...I see the ones I put in16:44
robbiewdumb tool16:44
robbiewKeybuk: could you put them in and submit then?16:44
robbiewjames_w: I can see yours16:45
Keybukrobbiew: done, they promptly vanished again ;)  but now I have no Submit button16:45
james_wgood, I can't find the button to let me put some more in :-)16:45
* robbiew processed Keybuk and james_w objectives ;)16:46
james_wis there anyone on the team with C knowledge that would sanity check a patch for me?16:47
james_wKeybuk: thanks, I'll put it in a mail16:47
liwdon't trust Keybuk, though, if he suggests preprocessor magic16:47
* robbiew knows C...but hasn't written code in a few years :/16:47
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:48
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:48
* robbiew reminds folks to book travel for LinuxCon and Plumbers16:48
Keybukmy booking is with my travel agent16:48
robbiewmust be nice to have one of those :/16:48
liwrobbiew, um, not all of us, I assume?16:49
robbiewjust those who are going16:49
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:49.16:49
robbiew10min early...woohoo!16:49
liwthanks! :)16:49
* slangasek reserves his seat on the MAX16:49
james_wthanks all16:50
slangasekthanks. :)16:50
al-maisanthank you!16:50
=== The_Toxic_Mite_ is now known as The_Toxic_Mite
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
pedro_hola !17:58
* fader_ waves.17:58
davmor2meh long day hello17:58
czajkowskivery long day17:59
henowelcome everyone!18:01
henolet's start ...18:01
MootBotMeeting started at 12:02. The chair is heno.18:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:02
henoagenda as  always: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings18:02
henohope everyone had uneventful travels back from Dublin18:03
heno[TOPIC] UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  UbuntuBugDay highlights -- pedro18:03
pedro_well we didn't have a hug day the past week but...18:05
pedro_On Thursday 30 of July we celebrated a bug day based on Nautilus18:05
heno(we also didn't have an IRC meeting)18:05
pedro_yeah that's correct18:05
pedro_~61 bugs were triaged, Thanks a lot to our hug day heroes: 8 Kamus, yofel, kklimonda, trothigar, showard314, shankao, mrkanister and adisari0618:06
pedro_MacSlow pinged me a couple of weeks ago to see the possibility to organize a hug day for the notify-osd18:06
pedro_we talked about it during the sprint and18:07
pedro_Tomorrow we're going to celebrate a hug day based on notify-osd18:07
henowhy do the New bugs get more attention than the Incomplete? Because the initial triage is easier than the follow-up?18:07
pedro_everybody is welcome to join us and help there18:08
pedro_yeap seems to be easier, also lot of incomplete bugs still don't have a response but they cannot be closed yet18:09
henomakes sense18:09
henothanks pedro_18:10
heno[TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie18:10
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU testing -- sbeattie18:10
pedro_my pleasure :-)18:10
henoah, sbeattie isn't here18:12
henohe's on holiday in fact18:12
henook, moving on ...18:12
heno[TOPIC] Mago is now in Karmic -- ara18:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Mago is now in Karmic -- ara18:13
araWell, nothing more not say, almost self explanatory. mago is now available in karmic repositories18:13
henowho do we thank for doing/reviewing the uploads?18:14
aranvarcalcel and seb128 make an initial revision18:14
henoit will make the self-testing CD one step closer18:14
araand Iain Lane uploaded it18:15
henojust need to get it in main and seeded now ...18:15
cr3ara: you should expect contributions from YokoZar shortly, who is very interested in mago18:16
aracr3, nice!18:16
cr3ara: I take 5% commission18:16
heno[TOPIC] (Canonical) QA Team lead change -- heno18:17
aracr3, ok, no problem, expect a 5% of 0$18:17
MootBotNew Topic:  (Canonical) QA Team lead change -- heno18:17
cr3ara: I want 10% then!18:17
henoAs I mentioned at UDS I'm moving to a different team in Canonical (ISD)18:17
henothat now has a date, which is this Monday18:18
fader`heno: Congratulations! :)18:18
fader`We'll miss you.18:18
henoI'll be succeeded by the very capable Marjo Mercado18:18
henofader`: thanks :)18:19
davmor2well done heno and welcome marjo18:19
henoI expect he'll lead these IRC meetings going forward, but you can all fight it out ;)18:19
cr3heno: we will fondly refer to these days as BH (Before Heno), marking this significant point in history18:19
eeejayheno, good luck!18:20
araheno, you will be missed!18:20
henoeeejay: thanks, you too :)18:20
* pedro_ hugs heno18:20
pedro_best of luck heno :-)18:20
henomay we all live in interesting times, etc.18:20
davmor2enjoy yourself heno18:21
* heno hugs pedro_ and the whole QA team18:21
henodavmor2: I'll stop by and help out with CD testing in the release crunch!18:21
henoany other business?18:22
henoI think we're done18:23
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:24.18:24
davmor2Thanks heno18:24
popeygood luck heno18:30
henothanks popey!18:31
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czajkowskihow does one close a vote on mootbot?21:11
cody-somerville#endvote I believe21:14
czajkowskicody-somerville: thanks,21:14
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Priceyczajkowski: Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot for the full list of commands.21:32
czajkowskiPricey: I used it but didnt seem to end the vote21:33
czajkowskinm wasnt that imortant and small enough we can follow :)21:33
nelleryczajkowski: that wiki page says [ENDVOTE]21:37
=== fader` is now known as fader|away
czajkowski2 more items on the agenda, should be good without needing votes21:43
Priceyczajkowski: see nellery!!! :)21:45
Priceyczajkowski: tis [endvote] as he says, not #endvote21:45
czajkowskithanks :)21:45
Priceyczajkowski: all working now?21:45
czajkowskiI do like MootBot21:48
Ursinhaczajkowski, me too :)21:57
CoringaoPretto, Ursinha hi my friends. :)21:58
UrsinhaCoringao, hi21:58
Prettohi Coringao22:01
CoringaoPretto, ;)22:01
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChlid
=== PriceChlid is now known as PriceChild
=== [1]superbenny is now known as superbenny
Legendariowhen is the next meeting?22:58
UrsinhaLegendario, hopefully in 2 mins22:58
pleia2americas board meeting is in 2 minutes22:58
Legendariothe next one?22:58
Legendarioafter that...22:58
UrsinhaLegendario, isn't that in the calendar?22:59
Ursinhafridge calendar, that is22:59
greg-gin the topic :)22:59
Legendariothanks guys23:00
beunoeverytone ready and psyched?23:00
greg-gI know I am!23:00
pleia2ok everyone, welcome to the americas board meeting :) we have quorum so lets get started23:00
pleia2looks like brywilharris and oubiwann aren't here23:01
pleia2tarvid: you're up :)23:01
pleia2give us a short introduction and link to your wiki23:01
tarvidtarvid is here23:02
beunotarvid, ok, tell us about yourself then23:03
greg-geverything ok, tarvid ?23:03
* Ursinha prays to lord for her internet connection23:04
greg-gI guess tarvid was having some connection issues, so we'll move on to23:04
beunoCoringao is not around either23:04
pleia2nor is wiebelhaus23:04
beunotarvid, dude, you're up!23:05
greg-gahh, tarvid, welcome back23:05
tarvidtarvid is back. pidgin run  amuck23:05
pleia2tarvid: please introduce yourself and link to your wiki page :)23:05
tarvidtarvid is an International Health Consultant turned ISP23:05
tarvidwiki page is Jim Tarvid23:05
tarvidI've been an active Linux user since 199523:06
tarvidpidgin again, keep killing twitter but it keeps coming back23:07
beunotarvid, what have your contributions to Ubuntu been?23:07
tarvidI've been promoting Linux actively since 1997 or 199823:07
tarvidI hold regular install fests and release parties23:07
tarvidI am working on erlang upstream (Debian)23:08
cr3tarvid: erlang, you rock!23:08
Technovikingwhat is erlang and what work have you been doing on it.23:08
tarvidI want to do schemaless databases23:08
beunotarvid, why?23:09
tarvidI have the theory that things can be reduced to codices+indices23:09
tarvidIf you look at Drupal CCK for example, to be flexible, the add a table per field to content profiles23:09
tarvidMySQL is a hammer for which everything looks like a nail23:10
pleia2tarvid: can your provide a link to your upstream work, please?23:10
tarvidit just started23:10
tarvidCurrent maintainer Noah           Slaterhas other fish to fry23:10
tarvidMy work so far is builds on Ubuntu and Windows for my own use23:11
beunotarvid, so, from what I can gather, your actual direct contributions to Ubuntu have been helping out in your LoCo?23:11
tarvidTrue. I revived the loco a few months ago. A struggle but perhaps it will work out23:12
beunotarvid, how long have you been involved in ubuntu?23:12
tarvidWe use it internally23:13
beunotarvid, using, or contributing to the project?23:13
tarvidAbout 150 websites and a couple dozen Drupal23:13
tarvidNot sure there is a difference in this area23:13
greg-gI'm confused by what you mean by 150 website and couple dozen drupal23:14
tarvidAmong other things we are a web hosting provider23:14
greg-goh, you mean you are using Ubuntu to host about 150 websites including a couple dozen drupal installs?23:14
tarvidWe provide mentoring and hosting to a few Drupal web sites23:14
pleia2"we"? the company you work for?23:15
beunotarvid, so, I feel you have been a very active Ubuntu user, but have not done a lot of active work in the Ubuntu project.23:15
tarvidWe will have our 14th birthday in a few days23:15
tarvidHmm. If you mean packaging, yes23:15
beunowell, no, I mean in general23:16
tarvidAnd we have actively promoted Ubuntu in our area23:16
beunoor I'm not understanding this well23:16
boredandbloggingtarvid: lsnet has hosted one release party?23:16
beunotarvid, I'm confused by your use of "we"23:16
tarvidI would gues 6 or 723:16
tarvidI found online documentation for the one on the wiki page23:16
tarvidWe is LSNet collectively, three second hand lions23:17
boredandbloggingready to vote?23:17
beunotarvid, so, I see you're very enthusiastic, seem to be doing a very good job at promoting Ubuntu, but I feel you need to get more involved individually in the community as a whole. I'm -1 today.23:18
beunoboredandblogging, that23:18
beunothat's a "yes, I'm ready"  :)23:18
boredandbloggingi'm with beuno, seems like the lines are blurred between lsnet and you23:19
pleia2tarvid: I'd really like to see more Ubuntu specific activity with the Virginia team, and your upstream work sounds like it has a lot of potential :) but I'm going to have to -1 for now until more of it comes to fruition23:19
Technoviking-1 here also, I think you have good work, but I would like to see more direct work wih Ubuntu and the community.23:19
greg-gtarvid: I would just like to see a bit more documentation of your contributions: bug triage, coverage of Ubuntu specific events you ran/planned, etc.  For today, -1, but I see your have great expectations and possibilities, so keep up the good work and come back later! :)23:19
beunoCoringao, start preparing23:19
Coringaobeuno, ok23:20
Legendarioi am going to help coringao on the english. ok, guys?23:21
pleia2Legendario: sure thing, thanks for your help :)23:21
Legendariono problem23:21
TechnovikingLegendario: thanks23:22
beunook, Coringao, you're up23:22
Coringaobeuno, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Coringao23:23
Legendarioi am going to introduce him23:23
Legendariohe is the creator and administrator of the ubuntu games website23:24
Legendariohis been doing this specific work since 200523:24
pleia2wow, neat23:24
Legendariocreates tutorials to make easier the installation of games on ubuntu23:24
Legendarioalso creates some debs for couple games23:25
Legendariono piracy, just free software games23:25
greg-g:) good deal23:25
greg-gare these debs proposed to be included in the ubuntu repositories?23:25
beunoCoringao, you've done awesome work there!23:26
greg-gI guess the better question is: are the debs in Debian or ubuntu? or are they a getdeb-type thing?23:26
TechnovikingCoringao: Any plans to add some of your tutorials to the Offical Ubuntu wiki?23:26
Legendariothey are included on the ubuntu games repository23:27
beunoCoringao, the game installer is a a very cool project23:28
boredandbloggingCoringao: why not put them in the ubuntu repositories?23:28
Legendariothe ubuntu-sp LoCo team (which he am I are part of) are trying to include those tutorials on the wiki-br23:28
Prettogreg-g, it's his own debs, just to make it easy to deploy the game, but not for make part of any repository because no policy are followed23:28
greg-gPretto: ah, thank you23:28
UrsinhaLegendario, are you sure the games are all free software? I saw tutorials about closed source games23:28
Ursinhaactually me and Coringao discussed a lot about that a few weeks ago23:29
greg-gis it something that the ubuntugames group wants to do in the future? (put the debs in Universe)23:29
beunoCoringao, are you interested in working towards including some of this work in Ubuntu proper, or is this something that you're mostly interested in keeping separate?23:29
* beuno high-fives greg-g 23:29
greg-gbeuno: :)23:29
Legendariohe is interested in getting those debs in the universe repositories, but he needs some help on that, on the english for exempla23:30
pleia2that's great to hear :)23:30
boredandbloggingthats excellent23:31
Legendariowell, he is dictating me those things to me on skype, ok23:31
greg-gawesome, we like more things in the officially supported repositories, makes everyone feel good :)23:31
Legendarioi agree ;-)23:31
beunoCoringao, do you do any work in your LoCo?23:32
greg-gUrsinha: did you see debs for closed source games or just tutorials?23:33
Legendarioyes, he is one of the administrators of the Ubuntu-SP LoCo team, with me and Christiano23:33
Ursinhagreg-g, I saw some closed source bios packaged, but I asked him to remove and he kindly did23:33
greg-gUrsinha: ah, good deal, thanks for the info23:33
Ursinhagreg-g, np23:33
beunoCoringao, plans for the future?23:34
LegendarioPut the debs on the official repositories, internacionalize the ubuntu games website (with the help of the ubuntu-sp loco team) and23:35
UrsinhaLegendario, not just the ubuntu-sp locoteam, he's welcome to work with the ubuntu-br as well, I offered that to him23:35
Legendariokeep helping on the loco team (meetings, support, advocating, etc)23:35
greg-g... good so far...23:35
greg-gthat is a good list of goals23:35
Legendariohis is already part of the ubuntu-br team23:36
boredandbloggingubuntu-sp is not part of ubuntu-br?23:36
UrsinhaLegendario,I'm saying I offered him help with his stuff23:36
Ursinhaboredandblogging, should be :)23:36
greg-gcool, we'll I think we're ready to vote23:37
Legendario<boredandblogging> yes, it is. ubuntu-sp is under ubuntu-br23:37
pleia2+1 from me, great work, Coringao!23:37
beunoI'm +1, he seems to have done a lot of great things, and I'm looking forward to his future  :)23:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Technoviking+1 here, good work23:37
greg-gCoringao: +1 from me, great work and I'm encouraged to see your future work!23:38
beunothat's 4. Coringao welcome to the amazing world of Ubuntu Members.23:38
pleia2congrats, welcome Coringao :)23:39
Prettobeuno, five not four23:39
greg-gI count 5 :)23:39
Coringaothanks a lot guys. I won`t dissapoint You23:39
greg-gwelcome Coringao23:39
UrsinhaCoringao, congrats!!!!23:39
PrettoCoringao, congrats!!! now you are a member :D23:39
cr3Coringao: keep bringing gaming to ubuntu, very exciting!23:39
beunoPretto, 4 out of 6 is majority, so we're approving at 423:39
beunoand it is 5  :)23:40
pleia2bratsche: you're up! please give us a brief introduction and link to your wiki :)23:40
Legendarioyou guys made the right choice!!!! ;-)23:40
Prettobeuno, hehehheh23:40
bratscheHi, I'm Cody Russell.  I work for Canonical on the Ubuntu Desktop Experience Team.23:40
bratscheI started just before the Jaunty release, did some notify-osd related work at that time, now I'm working on the Karmic release.23:41
bratscheI'm writing xsplash, which is the new transition effect when you enter your desktop session.23:41
bratscheAnd I'm supposed to be starting on some new effects and theming related stuff for the gdm session.23:41
bratscheAnd in general working on widgets and trying to sexify things a bit more. :)23:42
bratscheI do a lot of work upstream on gtk+ as well.23:42
jpdsOh, the Big Ben guy.23:42
bratschehaha, yeah.23:43
pleia2bratsche: you say you're a long-time ubuntu user, before joining canonical what kinds of things were you working on? similar to your work now?23:43
greg-gbratsche: thanks for the work to make Ubuntu a bit more attractive. Is there a LoCo team nearby to you? If so, have you participated in it much?23:44
bratscheI'm a long-time Ubuntu user, but not a long-time Ubuntu developer.  Before joining Canonical I worked on gtk+ and some other upstream stuff, but I was working for a company called Medsphere developing an open-source medical system called OpenVista CIS (whose source is in launchpad if you care for it) ;)23:44
bratschegreg-g: I'm not sure.. I just moved from Baltimore to Dallas a couple months ago and haven't looked into the LoCo team here yet.23:45
greg-gah, Dallas, they're are a few Ubuntu folks around there23:45
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bratscheCool, I'll have to look into that.23:46
greg-gyeah, good people, too. Like Mario L.23:47
boredandbloggingalright, I'm ready, +123:47
* beuno is excusing himself from voting for any Canonical employees23:48
greg-g+1 from me as well, good work23:48
pleia2bratsche: thanks for making Ubuntu prettier! +123:48
cr3greg-g: superm1 rocks! I'd move to Dallas just to be in his loco team :)23:48
beunobut bratsche is a great guy, that I can say  :)23:48
bratscheheh, thanks :)23:48
greg-gcr3: if I didn't think the Michigan team was the best, I would too :)23:48
Technoviking+1 from me23:48
pleia2congrats, welcome bratsche :)23:49
beuno4 votes23:49
bratscheThank you very much!23:49
beunowoooo bratsche23:49
jpdsbratsche: Congrats!23:49
Prettobratsche, Congrats!!!23:49
Ursinhacongrats bratsche :)23:50
beunoI see just see cr3 and Ursinha, in the queue, right?23:50
bratscheThanks very much, I appreciate your support!  I'll keep working hard to make Ubuntu rock (more).23:50
beunoboth Canonical employees, so that means I won't be voting anymore today  :)23:50
pleia2cr3: you're up! :) please introduce yourself and post a link to your wiki page23:50
cr3pleia2: thanks!23:50
beunoanyone want to resign their jobs so I can vote for you?23:50
bratschebeuno: heh23:51
cr3As you've noticed already, I have to mention that I actually work for Canonical where I was initially hired in support.23:51
cr3I understand bueno's position, so I will try to focus on the personal work that I have contributed to the community above and beyond my work rather than resign right now.23:51
cr3I've been using Ubuntu since Breezy and been actively testing Ubuntu since Dapper as can be seen from my Launchpad bug track record, which was not part of my initial work.23:52
greg-ggood choice23:52
cr3I've also contributed test results to stgraber's ISO tracker on several occasions during my spare time for milestone releases, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/.23:52
cr3As a result of my testing, I started a personal project called Checkbox, https://launchpad.net/checkbox, which is now installed by default in Ubuntu.23:52
Ursinhacheckbox, sweet!23:52
cr3Following my interest in improving the quality of Ubuntu, I eventually moved to the Platform QA team where I can test Ubuntu as part of my work and more. Yay!23:52
cr3I've also participated in the preparation of the Ubuntu release parties since Edgy with MagicFab. These have attracted a surprising number of people in Montreal which require quite a bit of preparation such as burning images late at night and so forth.23:53
greg-gawesome, I've been impressed with the Montreal crew23:53
cr3I've also been very active in other communities around free software, but not related to Ubuntu, should I go into those details as well?23:54
pleia2cr3: what is the best way to contact the Montreal team? we have a Pennsylvania fellow up there now and he's lost23:54
cr3pleia2: #ubuntu-qc is good23:54
pleia2cr3: cool, thanks!23:54
cr3One of the reasons I would like to become an Ubuntu member is to share new ideas about testing and best practices which I've started exploring in my personal blog, http://cr3bits.wordpress.com/.23:55
greg-gcr3: if you could just give an idea of the types of groups, that'd be cool, no need to make your case for them :)23:55
greg-ghey, I'm a testing framework? never knew! http://cr3bits.wordpress.com/2009/06/23/test-result-codes/   :)23:56
cr3greg-g: montreal perl mongers (organized several gatherings), FACIL (non profit organisation for the promotion of free software in the province of quebec where I chaired on the board of directors), organised several events like: copyright 2005 with RMS, libre a elle, etc.23:57
pleia2perl mongers \o/23:57
cr3some of these events attracted up to 300 people, and I was a significant organiser23:57
greg-gthat's a pretty good list. I remember you talking about a neat event around using licensed/un-licensed photos in a mural and spraying 'infringers' with water guns :)23:58
cr3greg-g: dude, I didn't realize that was you! yeah, that was yet another event :)23:58
greg-gyep yep :)23:59
greg-gSo, I think we're ready to vote23:59
cr3While I'm listing contributions, I should also mention that I contributed GNU Bool, which is now part of the GNU Project23:59

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