
Pici@mark #ubuntu Don_Miguel sending unsolicited pings to random users, claims that it keeps his connection alive.  I advised that if he feels the need to ping for that reason, to ping a freenode service, not a real user.01:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !blog is <reply> IRC is a two-way medium. Please keep rants and monologues to your LiveJournal account kthx01:52
=== tonyyarusso is now known as Guest14191
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:05
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:05
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:05
ubottuoldude67 called the ops in #ubuntu (libtech  foul language and offtopic help)07:13
jussi01gday Madpilot!07:15
ubottuMTeck called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Evet)10:21
bazhangquelle surprise10:24
ikoniaI assume Amaranth has delt with it10:24
ikoniaI just felt the summon but it looks like Amaranth is there10:24
bazhangno idea, dont hang there anymore10:24
Amaranthactually jussi01 did10:24
bazhangjust saw evet trolling elsewhere10:25
ikoniaoooh didn't see jussi01 as active in the channel10:25
* jussi01 jumps up and says boo!10:26
jussi01oh dear, he is trolling me in pm10:27
ikoniaevet ?10:28
ikoniaif it's him just mute him, he's had enough warnings10:28
Evet"Is it reasonable to build a website about war"10:36
EvetIs this question related to war?10:36
EvetAnd, it means I'm talking about war?10:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Pranky said: ubottu: where is your private message10:37
MadpilotEvet, come back in 48hrs to discuss the removal of your bans.10:37
EvetMadpilot, i haven't banned10:37
Evetasked you a simple question10:38
ikoniaEvet: you can build what ever website's you want10:42
bazhang!idle | Evet10:43
ubottuEvet: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.10:43
Evetits quote10:44
Eveti asked you, is that question about war10:44
ikoniano, but discussing if you should do it, may cause a few problems for people10:44
ikoniapeople have different stances on war10:44
Evetthank you10:46
Evetdont you read #ubuntu-ops10:50
Evetwe have just discussed it10:50
MyrttiEvet: you're picking a fight just for entertainment10:51
Myrttistop it.10:51
EvetMyrtti, i dont want to disarrange10:52
Evetbut people think that10:52
MadpilotEvet, you've had lots of warnings about being o4o. too many warnings.10:52
EvetMadpilot, all by one person10:52
Evetwho dowsnt know what is proper or not10:52
bazhangplease dont idle here Evet10:52
Eveti asked you if my question is wrong or not10:53
Evetikonia, said its not about war10:53
bazhangrek is back (nukker)10:53
AmaranthEvet: Pornography is very different10:54
AmaranthEvet: You saw it upset people but you kept pushing it10:54
EvetAmaranth, i dont want to talk about my sexual fetish10:54
Evetim planning to build a website10:54
Evetinc. streamin porn10:54
Evetthe point is, i want to talk about tech10:54
Evetnot the sexual content10:55
AmaranthEvet: Talking about it upset people, they asked you to stop, you kept pushing it and getting insulting10:55
Evetbut someone (one person, not people) says10:55
Evetits about pornography10:55
AmaranthEvet: You specifically said it was10:55
AmaranthYou are that one person10:55
Myrttidiscuss it elsewhere. Pornography is one of the subjects that is not welcome in Ubuntu channels10:55
EvetMyrtti, Myrtti..10:56
EvetI told, i am not talking about pornography10:56
MadpilotEvet, if you hadn't wanted to troll, talking about simply streaming video would have been OK, probably. "Streaming porn" makes you a troll.10:56
Evetif my comments make someone sad10:56
Eveti stop10:56
Tm_TEvet: then stop, please10:56
Evetbut he says its forbidden. o mustn't do10:56
Eveti dont want to violate10:57
Tm_Tviolate what?10:57
bazhanghe is just time-wasting.10:57
Evetthe the orders10:58
Evetsocial orders10:58
Evettry to read, bazhang10:58
Tm_TEvet: son, you have apparently repeatedly violated channel rules (and perhaps even freenode rules)10:58
EvetTm_T, Tm_T  Tm_T10:59
Eveti dont violate rules10:59
Evetif someone says "this suebject makes me sad"10:59
Eveti stop10:59
Evetbut if someone says11:00
MyrttiEvet: then how come we're still having this discussion11:00
Evet"ITS FORBIDDEN!!! STOP IT!!!"11:00
Myrttiseveral people told you to stop11:00
Tm_TEvet: then what?11:00
Evetthen you make me sad11:01
Evetit isnt problem to making people sad?11:02
topyliEvet: this doesn't look very constructive. please leave the channel and come back in a couple of days to discuss your ban, as was suggested by Madpilot11:02
Tm_TEvet: it isn't when they're doing something they shouldn't do11:02
Evettopyli, i havent banned11:02
EvetTm_T, what i shouldn't do?11:03
Myrttiyes, you are11:03
MadpilotEvet, you are now, actually, at least in -offtopic11:03
Madpilotcome back in 48hrs, convince us you realize why you were banned, and we'll take it off.11:03
Tm_TEvet: to bring up o4o topics11:03
Evetdo you know what did i do?11:04
Evetand thinks its what i shouldn't do?11:04
Evetno, you dont11:04
Eveti am trying to tell11:04
bazhangyes we know. please dont idle here. come back as has been suggested.11:04
Tm_TEvet: so why you have mentioned porn and wars in here already?11:05
Evetu dont get anything11:05
Eveti dont want to talk about porn or war11:05
Tm_Tthen why do you mention them then?11:05
Eveti just wanted to discuss about building websites about porn11:05
Tm_Tand that's enough, son11:06
Evetand they think i want to sex with them11:06
Myrttiand that you can freely do outside Ubuntu channels11:06
bazhanghe is here to entertain himself.11:06
Myrttigo away and come back later11:06
MadpilotESL, drunk, or just distilled troll? (or, for bonus points, some combo?)11:08
Tm_TI like to dig out their thoughts first, so they can try to save their soul later on (;)11:08
Tm_TMadpilot: just troublemaker, I'd say11:08
Tm_Taka troll11:08
bazhangtroll. was doing so in #defocus earlier11:08
Myrttiesl too11:08
* Tm_T just spent his only moments today in irc for this <311:09
ikoniahe's in other channels being stupid11:09
ikonia#wordpress, for example11:09
Tm_Tnow I'm gone again, see you, kids ->11:09
bazhang<Evet> ubottu, hidebound bastards.. just now in #ubuntu11:10
* Myrtti recharges her emp11:10
Madpilotthen he left, at least11:10
ikoniahe's back11:10
ikoniahe's banned in #ubuntu now as he knows what he's doing11:10
ikoniahe knows it's a bot11:10
bazhangof course he does11:11
ikoniahelps if I muted the right person11:11
* jussi01 prods ikonia11:36
Flannel!away > daBomb|Not-Here11:37
ikoniajussi01: you prodding (just about to go out)12:06
jussi01ikonia: only wolfie a while back.. alls well :D12:06
ikoniaahhh, sorry, just about to pop out, maybe later12:07
BactaHi I would like to request my unbanning in #freenode-social12:08
Bacta*#freenode-offtopic rather12:09
Myrttier, a-ha12:09
BactaIt might be worth clarifying that I'm not an Abortionist and that they're not free either12:09
Myrttiremind me again, how does this relate to #ubuntu-channels?12:10
BactaI went into #ubuntu-offtopic and offered free abortions12:10
Myrttibut how does your request to be unbanned from #freenode-offtopic or #freenode-social relate to #ubuntu channels?12:11
BactaI don't follow?12:11
BactaAm I in the wrong place?12:11
Tm_TBacta: hmmm, have you read topic yet? yes, you might be in wrong place (:12:14
topyliyes. this is the channel for ubuntu ops. we don't do #freenode channels12:14
Bactaoh goddammit12:17
BactaI meant ubuntu-offtopic12:17
BactaCan I please be unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic12:20
Tm_TBacta: in that case, why did you do that?12:20
BactaI promise I won't offer abortions to anyone anymore12:20
BactaBecause I used to be a troll12:20
Myrttiused to be?12:20
Tm_Thmmm, and you have not been a troll since when then?12:20
BactaSince last week :)12:20
Tm_Tcan you explain why your behaviour was bad?12:21
BactaBecause Abortions can only be carried out by a trained doctor12:24
BactaI have no such training12:24
Tm_Thmm, weird one, other whys?12:26
BactaAbortions aren't given for free?12:27
BactaAh yes,12:29
Bactait was a trollish comment12:29
Tm_Thmmmh, I cannot see you have understood what you actually have done12:33
BactaOk. Will be back tomorrow then (: Have a good night!12:36
* elky headdesks12:42
Tm_TI wonder how coming back tomorrow would help him12:54
topylihe's more concerned about idling here and wasting ops' time13:01
Tm_Tand you think tomorrow it wouldn't be that much waste? (:13:07
topylijust sayin' :)13:23
topyliin other words, "oh he'll be back all right"13:24
elkyTm_T, because tomorrow he'll probably get a different op.14:26
ikoniaI'm requesting a perm ban on bacta - or a good right up in BT14:30
ikoniahe's still trolling other channels14:31
ikoniahe's had enough warnings here14:31
ikoniaI see no reason to keep this stupid game of ban->remove->ban->remove->ban->remove going14:31
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops bacta well known troll, constantly says "I've stopped trolling" while trolling other channels. Request not to be unbanned as he has promised to change many times and adds no value to any #ubuntu channel14:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:32
elkyi especially loved the bit where he started his baiting in #ubuntu-art whilst talking to me here.14:35
elkyb'cuz, y'know, if he'd been reading the logs for here like he elluded to, i'm sure he'd have seen that i have his nick on highlight.14:36
ikoniaelky: ok - so how/what do I do to speak to the council to get this guy on a perm ban, I've had enough14:36
ikoniapeople like this should not have our time wasted,14:36
elkyikonia, i'd have to recuse myself from such a discussion, but an email to the ircc would probably be sufficient14:37
ikoniaelky: I understand that, no problem.14:37
elky(recused for reasons beyond the ubuntusphere)14:37
ikoniayes yes, I'm aware14:37
elkystating was more for those who aren't aware14:38
* elky pats ubuntulog14:38
elkyoh blah. laptops charge alot better when you actually complete the connection to electricities14:39
Tm_Tno jumpy electrodes?14:40
elkygiven the chance, probably. also probably right into me.14:40
ikoniaubuntu wiki is dead14:41
ikoniais it irc-council@ubuntu14:41
jussi01ikonia: irc-council at lists.ubuntu dot com14:42
jussi01and ikonia, wolfie time14:43
ikoniaonce this mail is gone14:43
jussi01and anyone else also!14:43
jussi01Tm_T: wolfie is a fun IRC game... :D14:45
jussi01Tm_T: in ##jswolfbot14:46
Tm_Tcount me out (:14:46
* genii makes more coffee14:49
ikoniaincoming mail council14:51
* ikonia awaits emma to appear in #jswolfbot now as it's been mentioned in the logged channel14:52
Tm_Thow much we had log delay?14:52
ikoniaabout 15 minutes I think14:53
ikoniaand I was only kidding14:53
Tm_Tsure, just was wondering14:53
ikoniaI think it's about 15 minutes14:55
ubottumickster04 called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:17
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:17
jpdsjrib: We'll give it a couple of minutes to cool off.15:22
jribjpds: k15:28
jpdsDidn't see anything new going to -unregged, so I dropped the +rR15:29
ikoniadoes the whois on Guest58782 look familier20:17
ikoniayou're Pricey21:24
Priceyubottu: whoami21:24
ubottuuse @whoami21:24
* Pricey sighs21:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
PriceyDidn't even recognise me as freenode staff like it did before21:25
mickster04we we have some trolls on #ubuntu if someone could pop their head in?21:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dirivites21:54
ikoniastupid spelling21:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about derivative21:54
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)21:54
trinidad_I have a question about the latest distribution of jaunty22:10
Priceytrinidad_: #ubuntu is the place22:11
mneptoktrinidad_: you want #ubuntu22:11
mneptokor, rather, #ubuntu+122:11
trinidad_I noticed that this time around you cannot order the 64bit version  through the shipit channels is that something that is not going to be made?22:11
Priceymneptok: out of touch?22:12
trinidad_no one seems to know if we will be able to get it via connical this way in the future again22:12
Priceytrinidad_: I'm afraid you'll have to ask Canonical about that. They're hte ones that ship the discs.22:12
trinidad_do they have a irc channel too?22:12
mneptokPricey: just awoke from nap22:13
Priceytrinidad_: check out http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/contactus22:14
Priceymneptok: no excuses22:14
mneptokPricey: it's not. that's a *reason* ;)22:14
Priceymneptok: :P22:15
KB1JWQmneptok: Ah, you're an op and on it already.  Nevermind. :)22:15
mneptoknalioth: meep?22:18
naliothmneptok: SNARG22:18
naliothtrinidad_: can we help you with anything further?22:19
mneptokniko (a staffer) is PMing #ubuntu users, probably with suggestions on being better behaved.22:20
mneptokwhile helpful, it would be more so if he actually left this to #u ops, or at least /join'ed here22:20
mneptokkaddi_: how can we help?22:22
kaddi_I'm just to curious for my own good.. I was about to leave again22:22
kaddi_I just wanted to know what the channel is for :)22:22
kaddi_*too even22:22
mneptoktoo = also22:23
kaddi_really? :s22:23
kaddi_ok, thanks :)22:23
kaddi_I need to refresh my english :s22:23
mneptokthis channel is for ops questions and issues, and grammar help.22:23
mneptokwe have a very informative /topic22:23
kaddi_hehe :D well in this case I'll stick around and get help with my grammar ;)22:23
kaddi_I know, which is why I was about to leave when you adressed me ;)22:24
mneptokbefore you stick around, do read that /topic22:24
kaddi_I won't keep you either, just needed to know what the channel is for  :)22:24
kaddi_have a nice evening :)22:24
nikohi here22:25
mneptokniko: heya22:28
mneptokniko: are you a regular in #ubuntu?22:29
nikoyes, i idle in22:29
mneptokniko: and an Ubuntu member. nice.22:29
mneptokniko: are you also on the -ops team?22:30
nikoi'm also an admin of #ubuntu-fr*22:30
nikoi'm not on the -ops team, but idle too on #ubuntu-irc channel22:30
mneptoket #ubuntu-qc, itou? ;)22:30
nikonon, seulement #ubuntu-fr* :)22:30
mneptokniko: it is probably best if you allow the ops team to handle users in #ubuntu22:31
mneptokof course, if you are active, it would be great if you could idle here so when !staff are needed, there are more eyes.22:31
mneptokif you can do that, it would be MOST welcome22:32
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)22:32
nikoi will do that, i don't want to /whois nick nick for each op on the access list22:32
mneptok^^ no niko :(22:32
Priceymneptok: hmm?22:32
mneptokPricey: sorry, confirming niko is not in the trigger. and (s)he should be22:33
ubottuIn ubottu, Pricey said: no staff is <reply> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)22:33
stewPricey: how can I help you?22:33
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChlid
=== PriceChlid is now known as PriceChild
mneptokstew: get both of us new hands?22:34
PriceChildjussi01: can you get it to recognise me as Pricey?22:34
mneptokniko: et merci bien pour ca.22:34
nikoPriceChild: perhaps /msg ubottu identify nick pass and !hostmask add, after ?22:34
PriceChildniko: My hostmask is already listed.22:37
PriceChildit normally recognises me as staff but no such luck22:38
mneptokPriceChild: are you wearing your black shirt and armband? did you K: a puppy today?22:39
PriceChildmneptok: yes22:39
ikoniamneptok: niko is not in the ops list for #ubuntu so that's why he/she is not in the !ops call22:46
ikoniaahhhh freenode staff22:47
ikoniaI'll return to bed22:47
mneptokikonia: turn the light out before you get here?22:48
KB1JWQOkay, I think Linux^Warrior is crossing a bit of a line now...22:50
KB1JWQInsulting people and asking they jump off of buildings is a... bit much. :)22:51
PriceChildKB1JWQ: It seems they've left.22:54
KB1JWQPriceChild: They have.  Thanks though. :)22:54
stewi'm speaking with him22:54
stewi've been speaking with him all day22:55
stewsince he started the day being obnoxious in #debian on oftc22:55
KB1JWQStrangely I've had a user PM me from #ubuntu, claiming he used to really enjoy the community, but users like Linux^Warrior take the fun out of it.  Not my place to say how a channel / community should be run, but figured that should be passed on to people who are in a position to evaluate that better than I.22:56
FlannelHe was being rude the last time I saw him in #u too23:05
KB1JWQhe's doing the same in ##linux as well23:05
PriceChildKB1JWQ: who?23:05
stewwell, my chat with him ended with23:06
stew17:59 <~Linux^Warrior> GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCREEN23:06
stewso i'm going to call that unsuccessful23:07
nikoperhaps he asks about how to ignore you, stew23:09
stewniko: i was telling him that he needs to ignore people instead of calling them morons23:11
nikogood point23:12
h00kis anyone around that I can pm?23:13
PriceChildCan I help?23:13
h00kPriceChild: yes, is it okay to PM you?23:14
PriceChildJeruvy: Can I help you?23:18
Jeruvycan I wait for another?23:20
Seeker`Jeruvy: can I help you?23:20
mneptokJeruvy: what can i do for you?23:20
Jeruvytoo many :) I only need one :)23:21
mneptokthere can be only one.23:21
* mneptok beheads Seeker`23:21
Jeruvyyou win :)  may I PM you?23:21
mneptokyou may.23:21
Seeker`is it something new that people come in here then PM ops for help?23:22
Seeker`did I miss a memo23:22
naliothSeeker`: they were lodging a compaint against you, of course23:25
mneptokSeeker`: specifically, your mankini.23:26
mneptokplease grow thicker body hair before wearing in Ubuntu IRC namespace again.23:27
Seeker`pfft, those pictures are blurry! you can't prove anything!23:27
Garywhat pictures?23:27
* mneptok throws a male model over the fence into Gary's enclosure23:28
mneptokSeeker`: i've bought you some time. Gary will be busy for a few hours.23:29
mneptokSeeker`: http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-59958576184074_2063_660871323:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Mamarokhi JanC :)23:51
JanChi Mamarok23:52
* Mamarok needs some sleep now23:52
JanCsleep well ツ23:54
Mamarokthx :)23:56

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