
hyperairmaco: i don't think that the wireless driver is related to the gpu driver.00:09
hyperairmaco: rather, i've noticed your issue on the .31 kernels, specifically whenever the system begins running out of memory, or during periods of very high I/O activity00:10
macooh i dont think the drivers are touching each other, just that X was going nuts until the wireless wanted so much CPU that they couldnt both have what they wanted00:12
macowell they both wanted to use 100% of CPU and kmail wanted 40%00:15
macowith a dual core, they can only get 200%00:15
hyperairkmail is an x client.00:15
hyperairbut seriously, this isn't within ubuntu-x's field00:15
hyperairyou should be complaining to the kde people00:16
hyperairubuntu-x only handles X itself, and its drivers.00:16
maco*sigh* but the Xorg process was using 100% and then 58% later00:16
macoi already talked to rtg about the wireless thing, im just concerned about why Xorg is using my entire CPU when there's not even compositing happening00:16
hyperairO_o sounds like you seriously got your system screwed up00:16
macoi just installed it like 3 weeks ago00:16
hyperairbut there are X clients that can cause Xorg's CPU usage to rise dramatically00:17
macobut kmail and Xorg are listed separately in top00:17
hyperairyes they are00:17
hyperairthey are different processes00:17
macoand Xorg was using quite a lot more than kmail was00:17
hyperairbut kmail is an X client00:17
* hyperair facepalm00:17
hyperairwill you listen?00:17
hyperairquit kmail and see00:17
macobut kmail doesnt count into it!00:17
hyperairfor all you know, kmail's causing X's CPU usage to rise00:18
macoit is not00:18
hyperairX clients *communicate* with the X server.00:18
macoxorg's usage has gone down since then00:18
macoXorg process is down to 4% now (yay)  and kmail is still 31%00:18
hyperairwell next time identify the faulty X client00:18
macoso Xorg's CPU usage in top isnt just adding up all the X clients' usage %s 00:18
macoim running all the same things i was runnign before00:18
hyperair...you seriously aren't listening.00:19
hyperairXorg is a *server*. Kmail and other applications are X *clients*00:19
hyperairwhen a client bombards a server with requests, what happens?00:19
hyperairthe server takes more CPU.00:19
hyperairit's as simple as that.00:19
hyperairthey are separate processes!00:19
hyperairhell they could even be on different computers!00:20
macoso how do i find out which client is sending all those requests?00:20
macothe same apps have been running the entire time.00:20
hyperairdunno. quit the highest cpu using client and see00:20
hyperaircould be a buggy client that suddenly screwed up00:20
macoif an application is on a different workspace, does it still talk to X? it doesnt need to be drawn...00:21
hyperairyes, it does.00:22
macoso if a terminal has an ssh session and that session is compiling stuff, X still would be requested to render all that compiler-spew?00:25
macooh and the terminal is on a different workspace00:25
macoa not-visible one00:25
hyperairit would probably be telling X that there are updates00:27
hyperairbut i don't think it would be rendered until it's unobscured00:27
macohmm so could that be why my cpu usage goes up when im remote compiling?00:27
hyperairwell it might rise a little, but very little.00:28
hyperairyou should probably just test quitting the clients one by one the next time it happens00:29
bryce_hyperair is right00:38
macoim sorry i got confused before. the server & client separation didnt occur to me. i thought it was a parent/child process thing he was talking aout00:39
bryce_maco, xrestop can also give some clues about what apps might be using X, but it looks only at resource memory usage so isn't a perfect indicator00:39
macohow many *top apps are there?00:39
maco[h]top, powertop, and iotop were the ones i knew00:40
bryce_there's like a dozen00:40
bryce_htop, vtop, ptop, itop, atop, mtop, ntop, top, xrestop... probably lots more.  'stop' ;-)00:40
bryce_maco, anyway, it's a common point of confusion, and I've documented it at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/00:41
bryce_Sarvatt, if you're interested in scoring some merges for your motu app, I've marked some packages currently needing merged:  http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/PkgList/versions_current.html01:57
ScottKbryce_: Give away the hard ones....03:40
bryce_ScottK, I don't want to scare him off!  ;-)04:35
Starksbryce, what do you think of this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7773647&postcount=1314:10
Starkswould the license allow this?14:10
tseliotStarks: the patch acts upon the open part of the driver therefore I don't that patch is a problem14:14
Starkscan karmic ship with it?14:14
tseliotpoulsbo was only made available in a PPA14:16
tseliotUbuntu doesn't have poulsbo in its repositories14:17
tseliotas poulsbo uses an old version of libdrm14:17
tseliota PPA would be the right place for that14:18
ScottKtseliot: PPA is only allowed for free software.14:22
Starksppa doesn't allow binary blobs?14:23
Starkssince when?14:23
tseliotScottK: I know that nvidia is also made available in PPAs and there's this PPA with psb too: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive/ppa14:24
ScottKtseliot: Read the PPA terms of service.14:24
jcristaumaybe canonical gets an exception14:24
ScottKIt probably does as there are commercial exceptions to the TOS.14:25
tseliotit could be14:25
Starksdoes a driver have to be sanctioned in order to be included?14:26
Starksalso, even if intel and powervr had up to date psb drivers, would they be included by default?14:26
Starksor would it be restricted?14:27
tseliotnot that it's so simple14:30
Starkspoulsbo's successor is likely to be another powervr-created monster.14:42
jcristausigh.  they didn't learn anything from the psb fiasco?14:43
Starksit was a decent chip spec-wise14:52
Starksdrivers were shit though.14:52
Starkswindows was no exception.14:52
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