
Sub101moud: id use this- http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-vista.html00:00
Dr_Williswife/kids have very few issues using gnome with no training.00:00
MOUDDark_Wolf, vagoth: It has windows XP only, but i'm sick of viruses so I want to put linux on it.00:00
Dark_Wolfalankila_, KDE would be more familiar with the taskbar and all00:00
User9927Dr_Willis >  Nice!  XD00:00
erUSULpw-toxic: try editing your /etc/default/acpi-support file find the line that reads MODULES= add tere your sound card module00:00
Dark_WolfMOUD, virus protection? Avast and MalwareBytes Anti-Malware.00:00
vagothMOUD: Thats no reason to use linux, get a good AV like Comodo00:00
alankila_Dark_Wolf: err? and gnome doesn't have a task bar? I guess I tend to forget that I always remove the top status bar and just have a single "task bar" like thing at the bottom.00:00
xjuniorplease guys?00:00
xjuniorI bought a new LCD Monitor, but Ubuntu is detecting it with a max resolution of 1024x768 (no, it's not wide). How do I change it?00:00
MOUDDr_Willis: at least your wife likes linux on a certain way. good luck with it00:01
Dark_Wolfalankila_, yeah, I mean KDE has the whole familiar 'start' menu and the notification area in the same place as windows.00:01
Dr_Willisxjunior:  dvi conector? VGA? can you use dvi? what vbideo card?00:01
gartralxjunior: what are you hooking it up with?00:01
alankila_Dark_Wolf: I must agree, but I have to point out that it's trivial to arrange these elements in corresponding positions if you want on GNOME.00:01
vagothxjunior:  Install your video card(re-install perhaps_00:02
MOUDI have tried Avast, AVG, Kaspersky (trial), NOD32 and some others. They don't remove the viruses well00:02
koolkatUser9927: an external hd00:02
Dark_Wolfalankila_, I for one prefer GNOME. I was just pointing out that the configuration is default on KDE.00:02
alankila_Dark_Wolf: right.00:02
vagothMOUD: I use WindowsXP with COMODO AntiVirus, I hardly get viruses, and when I do, I go full skitz at it so it doesnty have a chance anyway00:02
Qtrinuxhi guy's00:03
gartralMOUD: if im forced to maintain a winblows box, i will use Avira... there free edition is ok, but there paid-for is better00:03
* erUSUL +1 to avira00:03
vagothComodo has free and paid, paid is always better00:03
xjuniorDr_Willis, gardar, vagoth: VGA, 1280x1024, I think....00:03
koolkatwhat does the error "No application is registered as handling this file" mean when trying to open an external hdd?00:03
* erUSUL but we are offtopic...00:03
* gartral highfives erUSUL 00:03
Dr_Willisheh - i run these AV apps in virtualbox to check downloads befor i try them on the real machines.00:03
User9927koolkat >  Is anything (such as a pre-installed Windows program) set to autorun on the hard drive?  That can cause problems if Ubuntu recognizes the autorun script,and tries to load an .exe file.  It happened to me once.00:03
Dr_Willisxjunior:  if you can use a dvi connector then do so.. it works a lot better.00:03
hoeq^Hello guys, I have a bit of a problem. Sometimes most of the open windows freeze and remain that way for about 2 minutes at a time. When this happens it happens to many apps at the same time, and the computer practically becomes unusable during... I am using Jaunty 64 bits, anyone who has a clue about what the source of the problem might be?00:04
xjuniorDr_Willis, I can't =/00:04
vagothDr_Willis: I test suspicious downloads in an XP VM xD00:04
Dr_Willisvagoth:  yep :) thats what i do.00:04
MOUDI'll give Comodo a try then Avira if it doesn't do the job00:04
* erUSUL ack's gartral 00:04
Stealth_infomomo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34136300:04
Dr_Willisscary. running xp in a vm and having 7+ av apps installed00:04
vagothonly a fool would do otherwise ;p00:04
MOUDI know it's offtopic but... What's the best program that removes those autorun virus? They have stopped my TaskManager and Registry from opening.00:05
Dark_Wolfhoeq^, perhaps you are running too many applications?00:05
alankila_hoeq^: rogue application allocating all the memory? If the disk is swapping like mad then that's likely the cause. Kernel eventually kills it, but it usually takes a few minutes of intense disk swapping.00:05
koolkatUser9927: I think I remember formatting the hdd in linux00:05
vagothMOUD: My favorite viruses, use a 3rd party task manager00:05
danbhfiveMOUD: whats worked best for me is to run kaspersky from linux00:05
infomomoStealth_: thanks bro00:05
xjuniorany idea?00:05
vagothand there is awlys that too00:05
User9927koolkat >  Okay.  What sort of filesystem did you format it with?  If necessary (and if the disk is blank), you can go into a partitioning program and see if it detects it.00:05
MOUDvagoth: agree -.-00:06
Cyberishhey can sombody help me installing CeGCC ?00:06
hoeq^Dark_Wolf: I am currently using 28% of the memory, and this amount of applications isn't usually a problem at all.00:06
Techie-MichealI'm trying to write a simple bash script that pauses like Windows pause batch command. I'm doing read -n 1 -s and it works on the shell, but when I stick it in a .sh file, it tells me -n is an invalid option.00:06
vagothUbuntu seems nice at cross-compiling00:06
hoeq^alankila_: maybe it's the diskswapping.00:06
erUSULCyberish: what is CeGCC ?00:06
Techie-MichealIdeas? Google agrees that what I'm doing is correct.00:06
hoeq^Do you have an idea how to fix it?00:06
Dark_Wolfhoeq^, do you happen to have Intel graphics?00:06
hoeq^Dark_Wolf: nvidia 7900GT00:06
Dark_WolfBecause Intel has issues on Ubuntu00:06
Dr_WillisTechie-Micheal:  be syre you are using #!/bin/bash if you mean to use bash, not #!/bin/sh00:07
alankila_hoeq^: next time it happens, try to get a terminal open and run top, or use a GUI tool called gnome-system-monitor00:07
Techie-MichealDr_Willis: I've tried both, actually. :/00:07
vagothI'll prolly see yas in 30 minutes00:07
undifinedhoeq^: maybe on-access clamav ?00:07
kunjiUser9927: on that site, in the 4th command line box I'll need to change /dev/sda to my partition right, will I need to change the part that says partitions 2 ?00:07
erUSULTechie-Micheal: sleep ?00:07
CyberisherUSUL: its for developing native pocke pc apps00:07
infomomoStealth_: Cannot repair right ?00:07
Techie-MichealerUSUL: Yeah, but I need the "press any key ..." prompt instead of just sleeping.00:08
joaopintoTechie-Micheal, is your .sh file using bah on the interpreter description ?00:08
alankila_you should see some application using both CPU and lots of RAM, so that's the likely culprit. If you can't see anything unusual in the listing, then one has to look elsewhere. Perhaps your disk controller has a problem and causes disk to reset for a long time. Use a command called dmesg to see system log entries, perhaps there is something.00:08
joaopintoread is shell dependent00:08
hoeq^alankila_: gnome-system-monitor is the same as the one I can access from the main menu, right?00:08
Techie-Michealjoaopinto: Yes. I've done #!/usr/bin/env bash, #!/bin/bash, #!/bin/sh, #!/usr/bin/env sh00:08
mikegerwitzTechie-Michael: using #!/bin/sh gives the error: "ead: 3: Illegal option -n", but using #!/bin/bash works for me00:09
joaopintoTechie-Micheal, if you are using a bash sspecific command, it must start with #!/bin/bash00:09
Dr_WillisTechie-Micheal:  it works with 'bash' and if i do  -n1   here.00:09
alankila_hoeq: I'm not sure how it's started usually, but the application opens a window entitled "System Monitor" with 4 tabs, System, Processes, Resources, File Systems.00:09
causasuihello, does anyone know a good way to stop new windows from stealing focus while i'm typing?00:09
hoeq^ah, I think that's the one00:09
alankila_I have a little monitoring widget in the task bar and I get that when I click on it. Perhaps it's stuffed somewhere in the menus as well.00:09
Stealth_infomomo: post #31 says it disappeared after he upgraded to kernel 2.6.30-rc300:09
Techie-Michealmikegerwitz: That's the exact error I'm getting, but I have tried both. :/00:09
joaopintoTechie-Micheal, trying random guesses does not help, you really need to understand what you are setting :)00:09
hoeq^undifined: sry, I am unfamiliar with that, care to describe more?00:09
alankila_can't see where, though00:09
User9927kunji >  I honestly have no idea.  I've only ever set up clean disks on VirtualBox, otherwise I'd tell you myself instead of directing you to that site. :-)00:10
mikegerwitzHow are you running it?00:10
Techie-Michealjoaopinto: It wasn't random at first. ;)00:10
Dr_WillisTechie-Micheal:   #!/bin/bash       read -n1 -s                  works for me..00:10
mikegerwitzAre you typing "sh script.sh", or "./script.sh"00:10
Dr_WillisTechie-Micheal:  and make it executable, and ./command.sh00:10
p1oooopwjb still in here?00:10
Techie-MichealDr_Willis: Doh, that'll probably help. :P00:10
timitheoshello all00:10
infomomoStealth_: Thanks brother, maybe i should upgrade to a more recent kernel... uname -a = Linux x203w 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux00:10
xjuniorI bought a new LCD Monitor, but Ubuntu is detecting it with a max resolution of 1024x768 (no, it's not wide). I want it to use 1280x1024. How do I change it?00:10
Dr_WillisTechie-Micheal:  if you do sh whatever.. well its going to use 'sh' not bash. :)00:11
Techie-Michealyeah, blonde moment. ^_^00:11
causasuixjunior: System->Preferences->Display00:11
causasuidoes anyone know a good way to stop new windows from stealing focus while i'm typing?00:11
alankila_xjunior: the usual checklist is: 1) do you have X using the right video driver and not some VGA abortion that limits resolution down; 2) use program called xrandr to see what resolutions are available; 3) try changing the resolution in gnome if there's the one you want00:11
xjuniorcausasui, 1024x768 is the max available00:11
Techie-MichealThanks for the help. :)00:11
causasuixjunior: Then look at what alankila_ said00:11
timitheosso, anyone know where I can get ATI drivers that work?00:12
hoeq^alankila_: When I think about it, I have reason to believe it has something to do with the hard drives.00:12
alankila_to answer 1) read the output from /var/log/Xorg.log and try to identify which video driver it chose and if that looks like the right one00:12
xjunioralankila_, xrandr detects 1280x102400:12
User9927kunji >  I need to get going, but here's a walkthrough that I found of how to set up Windows 7 (a clean install) on VirtualBox.  http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9127980/Take_Windows_7_for_a_spin_with_VirtualBox00:12
hoeq^I have had problems with my disks before, but not like this.00:12
alankila_xjunior: ok, so if you do "xrandr -s 0" does it change resolution?00:12
xjunioralankila_, where to change the resolution in gnome?00:12
mistermattwhat version of perl does ubuntu 9.x ship with00:12
xjunioralankila_, yes! it did :D00:13
alankila_xjunior: I had hoped it's that Prefs/Display thing00:13
kunjiUser9927: Thanks, I'm gonna try it.... I'll let you know how it turns out.00:13
Dr_Willismistermatt:  This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi00:13
xjunioralankila_, but in prefs/display there isn't the desired resolution00:13
alankila_xjunior: I suspect you have a xorg.conf in /etc/X11 that has some resolutions explicitly configured there. Can you take a look there, maybe add "1280x1024" there, or something if so00:13
alankila_usually xorg.conf is completely empty these days00:13
Stealth_infomomo: you have the same errors just before the restart, but nobody else in that bug had the restarting problem00:14
jiohdiI installed skype ... sound not working... went to package mngr and its not listed... whats going on?00:14
infomomoStealth_: well, i forced the restart with Power button... and one of the last restarts was intentional i think00:15
lobster_jiohdi: skypeoptions > audiooptions00:15
lobster_jiohdi: then change device00:15
jiohdichng to what?00:15
xjunioralankila_, really there is a xorg.conf, but no resolutions specified. I think I found the problem. The default behavior when I plug a external monitor is to mirror the screens, ans since my monitor isn't wide (while my notebook is), gnome is blocking me to use 1280x1024. If I disable mirror screens then I get 1280x1024 available :D00:15
lobster_an other device00:15
joaopintojiohdi, the output device should be set to pulseaudio, the input you your hw device00:15
xjuniorthe question now is: how do I change this default behavior?00:16
lobster_jiohdi: simply try every out00:16
alankila_xjunior: ok, so no problem actually then.00:16
infomomoStealth_: do you know if there is a latest stable kernel in there for us ubuntu users ? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/00:16
PvpeterMy hamachi can't login! Its not a firewall thing since I uninstalled iptables together with ufw.. Anyone have any ideas?00:16
infomomoStealth_: maybe 2.6.30 ?00:16
timitheosI tried using installing the proprietary drivers but they don't seem to work.00:16
timedroidHow do I add Google search to Firefox 3.5?00:16
MOUDhow do I use clamscan to scan all the folders and subfolders of my /media/disk/   ?00:16
KB1JWQMOUD: man clamscan00:17
xjuniorthank you alankila_00:17
timitheosdoes anyone know where I can find good open source drivers?00:17
SandlebarI'm trying to recover data off of a dying laptop, how can I do this quickly ? I'm running ubuntu off of USB, have the dying HDD in an enclosure, and the new HDD in the laptop (HDDs are NTFS). don't want to clean the internal hard drive, I'd rather try and make it image the old hard drive as a folder, you know?00:17
MyNameIsLucaMOUD: clamscan --help00:17
vavarhow can i use screen inside screen?00:17
MOUDKB1JWQ, MyNameIsLuca: I was doing that but I though that it would be easier asking. Thanks00:18
MyNameIsLucaSandlebar: You want to get a HD-Docking-Bay00:18
joaopintoSnadder, man ntfsclone00:18
joaopintoops, was for Sandlebar00:18
erUSULvavar: you run screen on one of the screen windows00:18
SandlebarMyNameIsLuca: Bought one, the old hard drive is in there00:18
alankila_Sandlebar: two methods. Don't know which will work better. 1) image the partition with dd to a larger disk where there is enough space like dd if=/dev/sdh9 of=diskimage; this then copies the bytes if successful, but can take a long time on disk errors00:18
Dr_Willisvavar:  i doubt if thats going to be very useable if possible.00:18
Dark_WolfWhy does Ubuntu not like to boot in virtual machines?00:18
erUSULvavar: but that will lead to insanity ;)00:18
timitheoscan anyone help?00:18
MyNameIsLucaSandlebar: Itll connect your other helthy computer with the hd so that you can copy whatever you like00:18
alankila_the second method is: mount the filesystem and perform a file copy to new disk00:18
vavarerUSUL: the key combinations only reach the foremost screen00:18
Dr_WillisDark_Wolf:  i have no issues using it in virtualbox.00:18
MyNameIsLucaSandlebar: Nice!00:18
erUSULvavar: true not thought of that...00:19
Dark_WolfDr_Willis, it won't get to the splash in MS Virtual PC, and takes forever in QEMU00:19
MyNameIsLucanp MOUD00:19
Dr_WillisDark_Wolf:  i have no issues using it in virtualbox.....  no idea on the others.00:19
alankila_Anyway, the dd method is appropriate when normal operations like mounting the device could damage it, for instance if you deleted a lot of files and now want to rescue them (lots of manual work) you probably start by making a dd image to keep the state of the disk intact.00:19
Sandlebaralankila_: problem is the new hard drive does have data and I'd rather not have to erase it. any way to copy the data into a subfolder? or create an image in the subfolder?00:19
Dr_WillisDark_Wolf:  you are using 9.04 or 9.10 ?00:19
alankila_Sadsee the ways to use the mount command. I think it's the best tool in this case.00:20
erUSULDark_Wolf: qemu without the kqemu modules is too slow for anything...00:20
=== UNFORGiVEN512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
alankila_you mount the broken disk somewhere in the virtual file system and then cp -rav or something the files off that mount point to somewhere else.00:20
timedroidSeems pretty silly to not call Firefox 3.5 Firefox00:21
alankila_I typically make a directory under /mnt and mount disks there, but modern ubuntus tend to just mount stuff when you plug them in and in that case you find /media/something usually already holding that disk00:21
PvpeterMy hamachi can't login, this is the debug output: http://pastebin.com/m683e715200:21
vavarthat's a practical problem.. screen is running remote.. and local.. so i have 2 sessions and i can only reach the first. i don't think that i am the first who had that problem. and it's hard to google 2 times the same word ;)00:21
Stealth_infomomo: i don't know which one, sorry00:21
alankila_depending on if you have these automounting strategies you either mount yourself or let the system mount it. Not much more to it.00:21
Sandlebaralankilla_: so what's the best way to do this?00:21
erUSULtimedroid: not if you already have a firefox installed (3.0) by default00:21
MOUDI am currently downloading the file "main.cvd" for clamav, where do I put the file to automatically load the virus database?00:21
alankila_Sandlebar: somehow I am not getting through to you. You just do "mount" and "cp".00:21
vavarideas anyone?00:21
Sandlebaralankilla_: not a native english speaker, not a an experienced ubuntu user either =/00:22
Sandlebarthere's a problem, though, Documents and Settings shows as blank on both hard drives00:22
Sandlebar0 files. why isn't it showing?00:22
timedroiderUSUL, Seems pretty silly to not have Firefox 3.5 replace 3.0 as well.00:22
MyNameIsLucaI Love Ubuntu.00:22
infomomoStealth_: thanks brother00:23
erUSUL!newest | timedroid00:23
ubottutimedroid: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.00:23
Dr_WillisMOUD:  i  use the 'freshclam' command and let the program update itself.. much easier.00:23
infomomoStealth_: have a nice day00:23
alankila_I'm not a native either, but I guess I've been playing linux for well over 10 years now. Anyway, you need to learn about mounting and the virtual file system (vfs). Use the command mount to see if the device you need is alreaddy mounted. If not, learn how to mount it.00:23
MyNameIsLucaWell done.00:23
Stealth_infomomo: most certain thing i can think of is disabling intel graphics drivers00:23
timitheosi have a logitech USB headset with mic.  anyone know where i can get drivers for it?00:23
MOUDDr_Willis: I did it, it downloaded around 20MB but when I type clamscan it says that my virus database is older than 7 dats00:23
Sandlebaralankilla_: I know how to mount, though. but the device is somewhat dying so I'm really lost here00:23
alankila_Sandlebar: well is it mountable or not?00:24
Sandlebaralankilla_: it's mountable00:24
alankila_ok, just mount it, then cp -rav all files you deem important.00:24
infomomoStealth_: do we know how ?00:24
=== Randy is now known as Guest14622
infomomotimitheos: are you sure you need drivers ?00:25
erUSULSandlebar: if its dying use gnu ddrescue to make an image of it as fast as you can... then work on that image to rescue the data ...00:25
Sandlebarcan I make an iso with gnu ddrescue and save it on the internal drive?00:25
Sandlebaror will it make a full copy?00:25
ryanakcaWhat do I need to setup on "Wireless desktop 1" so that "Desktop 3"  and it can talk to each other? http://pastebin.ca/152578700:25
Dark_WolfDr_Willis, virtualbox isn't really an option on dialup.00:25
erUSULSandlebar: it will do a full copy byte by byte that's the point of the tool.00:26
SandlebarerSUL: so it'll blank the hard drive? I need something that won't do that though00:26
Sandlebarlike that will make a byte by byte copy but in a directory00:26
timitheosI know the sound doesn't work and when I go to System>Preferances>Sound and try to test the sound I hear nothing.00:26
Sandlebarlike not the root of the device00:26
erUSULSandlebar: what drive ?00:26
jiohdijoaopinto, pulse worked for output but nothing seems to work for input00:26
alankila_erUSUL: this is where you and me differ. The ddrescue will perform a "thorough stress test" on the device due to copying the entire device. It might be better just to copy the data using the filesystem. I have had disk permanently fail trying to dd it, so this is not entirely idle talk.00:26
jiohdiskype that is00:27
MOUDDr_Willis: I rerun the freshclam again, it needed a 200KB file downloaded, it's working now. Thanks00:27
erUSULSandlebar: it will make an image *file*00:27
macojiohdi: if youre trying to use the mic on your laptop's screen, those are broken almost universally00:27
Sandlebarok, problem is, documents and settings isn't displaying00:27
alankila_had I attempted to just copy the files I might have had better success ratio.00:27
Sandlebarok, so where will it save by default? what's the command to run, and can you specify a place for the ISO?00:27
jiohdimaco-- so a plug in is the only option?00:27
macojiohdi: yes00:27
timitheosso, what can I do?00:28
alankila_Sandlebar: there are more kind of disk images than just ISO. The output of ddrescue is a byte-by-byte representation of the disk, so it has the filesystem you currently have on the disk.00:28
macojiohdi: at least if it's an HDA sound card00:28
kerm|twhy might this app not render correctly in wine?  its a pretty simple app, but its images are rendering wrong.00:28
erUSULalankila_: a fair point. Sandlebar is the one that has to ponder the issues and make a decission... he says that he can not see the files in the mounted filesystem though00:28
jiohdithe mic used to work....00:28
priapuswhat is going on if i can use internet on one of the computers behind a nat, but not from the computer that is running the nat server? Its not possible to ping in either direction behind the nat server. But the client behind the nat can ping all external ip:s00:28
alankila_erUSUL: oh. Missed that. In that case my cp approach is pointless. :-/00:28
jiohdimaco its an acer dont no what they use00:28
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macojiohdi: the screen mic is broken in jaunty for most HDA cards because upstream rewrote that chunk and the change was incomplete.00:28
SandlebarI can see everything but Documents and Settings, it's an empty folder. vista/ntfs btw00:29
macojiohdi: most cheap sound cards are hda.  other options would be like...a creative sound blaster, but those arent very cheap00:29
MyNameIsLucakerm|t: You want to play: Plants VS Zombies00:29
erUSULalankila_: 01:27 < Sandlebar> ok, problem is, documents and settings isn't displaying00:29
macojiohdi: most laptops are hda00:29
Sandlebarahh I'm so stupid00:29
jiohdimaco figures :)00:29
Sandlebarisn't it Users now?00:29
alex88i need help, to put ubuntu on usb00:29
causasuidoes anyone know a good way to stop new windows from stealing focus while i'm typing?00:29
kerm|tMyNameIsLuca: huh?00:29
alankila_erUSUL: yeah I ignored that talk because I couldn't place it in the context of "rescuing linux distribution". Didn't realize we are trying to save win32.00:29
Sandlebaralex88: look up unetbootin00:29
jiohdimaco why wont skype show up in program mngr for installed?00:30
alex88i've used the ubuntu utility00:30
macojiohdi: program manager?00:30
MyNameIsLucakerm|t: Best game this summer. Works perfectly under wine00:30
timedroidSandlebar, That's some sort of symlink in Vista, doesn't work very well. It's just Documents00:30
Stealth_infomomo: no, sorry00:30
erUSULcausasui: somewhere hiding in gconf-editor  the settings for that can be found... probably under apps>metacity00:30
alex88Sandlebar: i've used the ubuntu utility, with the cd inserted... but my acer aspire one doesn't boot from usb00:30
causasuierUSUL: Does it matter that I use compiz?00:30
macoalex88: note that not all motherboards will willingly boot from usb, so if your test is failing that could be why00:30
timedroidSandlebar, Sorry, I mean the folder is normally c:\users00:30
timitheosso what can I do for drivers?00:30
erUSULcausasui: really dunno check there and in ccsm00:30
macojiohdi: depends how you installed it probably00:30
alex88maco: i press f12 to select boot devices, and it can let me select the usb stick00:31
Sandlebaralex88: most devices should boot usb, try to open the bios menu or hold down f12 (on my inspiron laptop) when you're booting00:31
erUSUL|ccsm | causasui00:31
erUSUL!ccsm | causasui00:31
ubottucausasui: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:31
macojiohdi: could open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get remove skype" if you want to uninstall it00:31
timitheosfor a Logitech USB headphone/microphone?00:31
macoalex88: i have 2 laptops that will boot from usb ONLY if the usb is an external hard drive. if it's a flash drive, they fail00:31
alex88Sandlebar: done that, selected usb, but stil booted windows, i'm with an acer aspire one so only usb00:31
MyNameIsLucakerm|t: Trust the trumpet00:31
causasuierUSUL: I'll ask in #compiz, htanks00:32
mistermattis thetre anything like activeperl's package manager on ubuntu?00:32
Sandlebaralex88: you sure you prepared it properly? does it look like ubuntu's structure on the flash drive when mounted?00:32
macotimitheos: join me in #ubuntu-audio-help00:32
Sandlebarok so it's "preparing to copy X,000 files..." what happens if a file is corrupted? will I know now or later?00:33
Sandlebarand will it kill the process or skip the bad file?00:33
alankila_mistermatt: packages are installed with apt-get when available. The format is, Foo::Bar is typically packaged in libfoo-bar-perl, so look for something like that. Failing that, just do "perl -MCPAN -e shell" and install locally.00:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:33
Sandlebardoing it in nautilus because I'm a stupidfish that way00:33
priapusHow can it be possible to reach internet from a computer behind a nat server, but not from the computer that is running the server?00:33
DopeGhotiSandlebar: if it encounters a corrupt file, it will let you know when it tries to read/write it00:34
alex88Sandlebar: ls output of the stick http://paste.ubuntu.com/251659/00:34
Sandlebarif I deleted some stuff while it's preparing will it skip over them or include them?00:34
DopeGhotipriapus: it's very possible, depending on how the port forwarding is set up00:34
SandlebarI had some vms and isos I should have deleted :S00:34
alankila_Sandlebar: unknown. You'll just have to see what happens, I guess.00:34
Sandlebarok it's stuck now00:35
alankila_I suspect it is robust against failure, but I have never observed it behaving in failing conditions.00:35
Sandlebarat 173,502 files, 16GB, isn't budging00:35
priapusDopeGhoti: where should i serch for to find it?00:35
Sandlebarnvm, damaged file00:35
Sandlebarit's ok, it was junk00:35
priapusDopeGhoti: i got this problem after a reboot00:36
DopeGhotipriapus: what are you using to implement the forward?  Also- what serivice on the internal machine are you trying to access?00:36
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as UNFORGiVEN512
MOUDDr_Willis: I'm getting the following error:    " LibClamAV Error: cli_loaddb(): No supported database files found in /var/lib/clamav/ "   and  "  ERROR: Can't open file or directory   "00:37
priapusDopeGhoti: i used the graphic network app in the top right corner00:37
Dr_WillisMOUD:  i just install the clamav, and the klamav gui. I dident have to do anything fancy to get it going.00:38
MOUDDr_Willis: I see. Thank you very much for your time :)00:38
ace_Can someone help me with a wifi driver? I have an HP pavillion ze4400 laptop and I can't find drivers. I'm running Ubuntu 9.0400:39
Dr_WillisMOUD:  then i do 'clamscan  directorytoscan'00:39
DopeGhotipriapus: let me make sure I'm understanding your setup:  is it-  [PC1]--[PC2]--[Internet], and PC1 can get to the internet and PC2 cannot?00:39
priapusDopeGhoti: i get so strange problems in this network. We are behind a link, that only allowes one ip00:39
Dr_WillisMOUD:  you did run freshclam as root?00:39
MOUDDr_Willis: sudo00:39
bdfosterace_, broadcom?00:39
ace_bdfoster: I'm not sure. Is there a way to find out?00:40
bdfosterllemme check00:40
alex88Sandlebar: i'll try the manual method00:41
kaiser10123i get this error when trying vbox00:41
kaiser10123  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)00:41
macoace_: "lspci" in a terminal will tell you if its broadcom (well itll list your hardware)00:41
ace_maco: ok thanks00:42
priapus(adslrouter)-(wifiaccesspoint)-(wifiaccesspoint in client mode)-(ubunto-nat)-(wifi-bridge)-(PC:s)00:42
psiborgit would rule if it would just say yes or no ;p00:42
Sandlebaralex88: that should have been an OK install. no idea why it isn't booting00:42
bdfosterlspci will probably tell you00:42
bdfostergotta look through it a little, ace_00:43
DopeGhotipriapus: is there a reason you have three nested routers?00:43
bdfosterlet me know what you get, ace_, might be able to help00:43
bdfosteri have a hp dv643600:44
priapusDopeGhoti: two routers. They are in different buildings00:44
Lam_is there a way to get ssh to run a command, and then not exit?  i want to ssh into a remote terminal and immediately cd to a directory of my choosing, but ssh exits immediately after the cd command00:44
DopeGhotipriapus: and which PC is working, and which is not?00:44
DopeGhotiLam_: ssh user@host command arguments00:45
MOUDtest... ping00:45
Lam_DopeGhoti: right.  i do that and then ssh exits dropping me back into my local terminal00:45
priapusDopeGhoti: one of the pc:s behind the wifi bridge is working00:45
DopeGhotiLam_: what exactly are you trying to do?00:45
bdfosterLam_, ssh -l USERNAME IPADDRESS00:45
DopeGhotipriapus: and the ubuntu machine is not?  What are the IP addresses of the two machines?00:45
Lam_DopeGhoti: ssh into a remote terminal, run a cd command, and have it show me the remote terminal prompt.  using what you had, it does the first two, but exits afterwards00:46
dareare you sure you're in local?00:46
ace_bdfoster: I can't find it but I pasted the results from lspci http://www.past.ubuntu.com/251663/00:46
DopeGhotiLam_: just use ssh user@host and you'll be at a prompt00:46
Lam_DopeGhoti: okay i guess i have no other option.  the cd path is pretty long.  i suppose i can just make a link00:47
priapusDopeGhoti: correct. i get a dhcp adress from the router for the ubuntu nat eth0 And eth1 is configured to
ace_bdfoster: oops, I typed it in and forget the e in paste http://www.paste.ubuntu.com/251663/00:47
DopeGhotiLam_: you can symlink it, or make an environment variable with the path in your profile, and then you can just 'cd $PROGRAMPATH'00:47
Lam_DopeGhoti: good idea.  thanks00:48
bdfosterace_, looking00:48
priapusDopeGhoti: the machine that have access to internet has from the ubuntu nat00:48
DopeGhotiLam_: for example, if you want to go to /usr/local/path/to/some/obscure/place, just set PLACE=/usr/local/path/to/some/obscure/place in your .profile, and then cd $PLACE will work :)00:48
bdfostersecond one is still a bad link00:48
DopeGhotiLam_: you can even tab-complete that :)00:48
devil_hi i am installing ubuntu jaunty but getting the message this computer has no operating system installed on it however i already had window xp and server there00:49
priapusDopeGhoti: but i cant ping
Lam_DopeGhoti: lol excellent.  that's a good workaround.  much appreciated00:49
DopeGhotiLam_: my pleasure :)00:49
DopeGhotipriapus: so pc:s cannot ping the ubuntu box, but it can access the internet?00:49
=== MOUD is now known as MOUD_away
bdfosterace_, second link is still bad00:49
devil_ace:hi i am installing ubuntu jaunty but getting the message this computer has no operating system installed on it however i already had window xp and server there00:50
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priapusDopeGhoti: yes. and the ubuntu computer cannot ping internet addresses or the working computer, but i can see that packages goes through it00:50
bdfosteryou sure it's right, ace_?00:50
ace_bdfoster: sorry again I added www http://paste.ubuntu.com/25166300:50
=== billisnice____ is now known as billisnice
devil_rasha;hi i am installing ubuntu jaunty but getting the message this computer has no operating system installed on it however i already had window xp and server there00:51
priapusDopeGhoti: thanks for helping me btw :)00:51
DopeGhotipriapus: what OS is pc:s running?00:51
priapusmac os x00:51
devil_dopeghoti:hi i am installing ubuntu jaunty but getting the message this computer has no operating system installed on it however i already had window xp and server there00:51
bdfosterace_, yea i dont see your wireless device either...00:51
DopeGhotipriapus: happy to help, though I'm not certain I will be able to give you an answer before I leave the office ;)  Okay,on the Mac, launch Network Utility, and run a traceroute, and see if the Ubuntu box's IP is actually showing up anywhere00:52
DopeGhotidevil_: at what point are you getting that message?00:52
wglI have used the upgrade option to bring my boxes to 8,04 LTS.  Since 9 is now out and mainstream, I am wondering if there will appear an "upgrade" button on the update tool as well, or if that is a separate update path.00:52
bdfosterace_, is it enabled in bios and everything?00:52
devil_at 4th stage00:52
ace_bdfoster: I will restart and take a look00:52
devil_dopeghoti:at 4th stage00:52
DopeGhotiwgl: if you wanto to upgrage to 9.04, you have to upgrade to 8.10 first; there is no direct 8.04 → 9.04 path00:53
DopeGhotidevil_: are you sure that you do not have any CDs or USB drive the system is trying to boot form?00:53
wglDopeghoti: so that would involve a CD install, rather than installing packages online with the update tool?00:53
devil_dopeghoti:it is coming after when partionter start00:54
xim_using apt-get, can you combine the options: -f and autoremove?00:54
MyNameIsLucawgl: Enable upgrade [x]. Do upgrade [x]. Be upgraded [x]. Seems like a solid process, dont you think ?00:54
DopeGhotiwgl: you *should* be able to use the GUI tool to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1000:54
xim_im not exactly sure the difference so I cant test it00:54
DopeGhotiwgl: once that's done, you should then be able to go from 8.10 to 9.0400:54
wglDopeghoti: Ok, will dig further. from 7.10 to 8.04, there was a button on the upgrade tool gui, but no longer.00:54
DopeGhotidevil_: So you are still in the installation process, or did it finish?00:54
devil_dopeghoti:i am sure that it is not booting up anywhere else except the cd i am keeping in my drive for installation00:54
MyNameIsLucawgl: I think the Do upgrade [x]. Should be included in the update gui though00:55
devil_dopeghoti:i am on live cd i am in the process00:55
DopeGhotiwgl: hmm.. at the command-line, you could try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo do-release-upgrade00:55
wglDopeghoti: Thanks, I will give that a try.  Just been doing it from the gui so far.00:55
ulbI am having a problem with nautilus...I cannot use the letter "t" as a normal user. As root, everything is fine, and "t" works in all other applications. Any ideas?00:56
DopeGhotidevil_: so you are in the installer's partitioner, and it's saying that yo uhave no OSs installed?00:56
priapusyou are right, it doesnt show up00:56
DopeGhotiwgl: good luck!00:56
priapusDopeGhoti: the first hop is just stars00:56
DopeGhoti!language | MyNameIsLuca00:56
ubottuMyNameIsLuca: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:56
wglDopeGhoti: Thanks.00:56
devil_ubottu:hi i am installing ubuntu jaunty but getting the message this computer has no operating system installed on it however i already had window xp and server there00:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:57
DopeGhotipriapus: so now we know the problem is only on the Ubuntu box :)00:57
DopeGhotiwgl:  my pleasure- good luck!00:57
wglDopeGhoti: I have nine boxes to do, and actually the command line will be easier that way.00:57
priapusDopeGhoti: too bad, thats the hardest one to fix :P00:57
DopeGhotiwgl: I generally find that to be the case ;)00:57
priapusDopeGhoti: so where do you think i should start?00:58
Dr_Willisdevil_:  'no operating system installed' is normally seen when the pc/bios cant find any bootable OS to boot.  Somthing is messed up with the bootloaders majorly sounds like.00:58
DopeGhotipriapus: on the ubuntu box, can you pastebin the output of 'sudo ifconfig'?00:58
wglDopeGhoti: tu00:58
priapusDopeGhoti: the link can only handle one ip or mac, thats why im using the ubuntu machine as a nat00:58
devil_dr_willis:i can start my computer easily with xp00:59
DopeGhotipriapus: does the ubuntu box have more than one network interface?00:59
xim_is it bad if theres 6 instances of /sbin/getty -8 38400 ttyX?  it makes me paranoid theres a bunch of people logged into my PC without me knowing it00:59
DopeGhotixim_: those are completely normal- those are what manage the terminals you can access with ctrl-alt-F1 through F600:59
Dr_Willisdevil_:  clarify what the error is and when you get it.01:00
Dr_Willisdevil_:  be concise and verbose and percice. :)01:00
DopeGhotiDr_Willis: concise and verbose are usually mutually exclusiv e:)01:00
th0rbetter than being redundant and repetitive01:01
devil_dr_willis: i am getting it while i am installing ubuntu 9.04 .i get this error after the partioner start.01:01
xim_DopeGhoti, ooooh ok thanks for explaning that01:01
DopeGhotixim_: no problem! :)  Cheers!01:01
ace_bdfoster: I just got off the phone with my sister (who owns the laptop) she now tells me that she has an external wifi device for this. I'm not sure if it's a card or a USB device, but should the system find a driver for either one?01:01
priapusDopeGhoti: i cant really copy paste it, since im on a different machine01:02
Sandlebarok wat01:02
Sandlebarit's counting down01:02
priapusDopeGhoti: is there some special info you need from it?01:02
bdfosterace_, it should, but there are exceptions01:02
bdfosterbroadcom is one of them01:02
Sandlebarwhat the hell is going on? the count is lowering01:02
Sandlebarshould I cancel it right now? is this how it normally works?01:03
ace_bdfoster: I know she has a Linksys USB receiver for her other laptop. She said she will have my nephew bring over what she has01:03
bdfosterLinksys should work, but i havent had any first hand experience with those01:04
ukubuntuHi All, is having GVFS necessary as it is halving my hard drive, I think.01:05
priapusDopeGhoti: it has two network interfaces. It says Broadcast running multicast. Can that be a problem?01:05
priapustoo bad, DopeGhoti left :P01:06
haushahttp://pastebin.com/d14e64932 - What's wrong with this command?01:07
pilifHello. I have a netbook and i am trying to set up an external monitor. It won't fit right. how do i fix it?01:07
Cyberishi need some help01:07
Porkativehausha: grep a beer, makes your mind clear01:07
haushaPorkative, don't have :(01:08
mistermatthow do I set screen resolution01:08
haushaar=$(echo "scale=2; $x/$y" | bc)01:08
Cyberishi'm trying to convert a rpm to deb01:08
Cyberishand  i'm getting an error Unpacking of pathtofile.rpm failed at /usr/share/perl5/alien/package/rpm.pm line 15501:08
Porkativehausha: Ill fax one right over :=)01:08
haushaPorkative, please01:08
Sandlebarok so seriously why is my transfer like unwinding?01:08
Cyberishwhat does that mean01:08
Sandlebardoes it mean I've just got fewer files left or something?01:08
haushaPorkative, the command I run works when I execute from shell, but it's a startup script, and I think it fails due to some wierd stuff, and not my code01:08
bdfosterpilif, look closely, might be a serial port01:09
pilifI hooked it up01:09
pilifand it works, kind of01:09
mistermattanyone? how do I adjust screen size01:09
Porkativehausha: pastebin your script01:09
bdfosterso the resolution is off?01:09
pilifmistermatt has my same question01:09
mistermattI just want to adjust my screen resolution01:10
pilifSo do i, kind of01:10
haushaPorkative, here it is: http://pastebin.com/d4d3f774501:10
bdfosterboth you guys01:11
pilifSo, i have a 9 inch netbook, there are 2 little bars on each end of the screen. How do i fix that01:11
Dr_Willismistermatt:   lik bdfoster  said.. or the xrandr tools.01:11
cllaudyuhello... I want to know if i can run gyache on windows? I have a problem installing ubuntu and i need to have this app...01:11
Dr_Willispilif:  clarify what you mean.01:11
Dr_Williscllaudyu:  check the gyache homepage for a windows port?01:11
bdfosterpilif, could be a cable issue01:11
cllaudyuit isnt01:11
ulbI am having a problem with nautilus...I cannot use the letter "t" as a normal user. As root, everything is fine, and "t" works in all other applications. Any ideas?01:11
Porkativehausha: Startup script that converts movies ?01:11
ulbalso, capital "T" works just fine01:11
bdfosterulb, nautilus is root01:12
haushaPorkative, yea... it's part of a cloud computing grid, convert then shutdown01:12
cllaudyui found some virtual machines but i cant seem to get them to work...01:12
Dr_Willisulb:  add a new user see if it affects them? could be some weird keyboard layout setting.01:12
Porkativehausha: why not on command ?01:12
haushaPorkative, what do you mean?01:12
Porkativehausha: Press a button, Done!01:13
Porkativehausha: Or a timed action01:13
haushaPorkative, cheaper, supports 100 convertings simultaniously01:13
cllaudyuis any one familiar to xming? i hear that this makes any linux soft to work on windows but i can't get it to do that for me...01:13
haushaexcuse my english btw01:13
bdfostercllaudyu, uh, linux is better lol01:13
Dr_Williscllaudyu:  thats not what it 'does' its a X server for widno2ws. it allows you to have Xapplications 'appear' on the windows machine.01:13
cllaudyuand how do i do that?01:14
haushaPorkative, it works fine, but added some new features to integrity of files, and this stops it...01:14
cllaudyuto make gyache appear on windows01:14
Porkativehausha: I know how to do this, but im beat atm. Coding wise01:14
cllaudyufor example...01:14
Dr_Williscllaudyu:  i install xming on the windows box..  use its wizards/tools i connect to the local lan linux box and get a gnome-terminal going, that appears on the windows machines desktop (for example)01:14
Dr_Williscllaudyu:  the program is RUNNING on the linux box. it 'displays' on the X server on teh windows box.01:14
haushaPorkative, np :)01:14
Dr_Williscllaudyu:  same as if you had 2 linux box's and did a 'ssh -X remotelinuxbox' and ran an app.01:15
bdfosterkinda like sshing except the windows way01:15
Dr_Willisxming/can/(is) using ssh also. :)01:15
Porkativehausha: this is me, relaxing :) ... One meter from the river. Its awesome.01:15
Dr_Willisyou can set up putty.exe where you connect to the linux box and run apps. they appear on windows box.01:15
haushaPorkative, I'm happy for you. It's 2 in the night here and I need a beer01:16
haushaPorkative, havn't got the fax yet01:16
Porkativehausha: 02:17 ? :)01:16
Porkativehausha: fett som fään01:16
cllaudyuk thanks... but i'm too noob on this one... so it will be dificult for me to do every single thing...01:16
haushaPorkative, can you see the river ? too dark isn't it01:17
=== adam is now known as Guest80604
ulbDr_Willis: HA! you were right, I created another user and "t" works just fine. So, now where should I start looking?01:17
Porkativehausha, Grapple that beer01:17
apoleo12how do I have more than tty6?01:17
Dr_Willisulb:  gnome keyboard settings.01:18
jasondelane1Hello, I'm new to ubuntu and I'm trying to install an nvidia vid card into my old comp, but can't seem to get it to switch over to the new card01:18
jasondelane1any ideas01:18
Dr_Willisjasondelane1:  clarify 'how' you are trying to install an nvidia card.01:19
bdfosterdisable the onboard one?01:19
a_ham_sandwitchdelete the old drivers and install the new ones01:19
jasondelane1I went to system/admin/hardware drivers and followed the prompts01:19
jasondelane1when I went to reboot, the comp is still loading old intel card01:19
ulbDr_Willis: generic 105 key, layout is set to USA01:19
jasondelane1how do you delete the old drivers01:20
apoleo12I see that there are more than enough ttyN but how to enable them?01:20
bdfosterjasondelane1, is it onboard?01:20
kaddihi, I can't change the brightness of my desktop, I can change the settings all I want, but it doesn't change the actual brightness. Is there a workaround?01:20
jasondelane1yeah, PCI01:20
bdfosterthe intel card?01:20
jasondelane1the intel card is onboard01:20
jasondelane1nvidia card is pci01:20
bdfosterok you have to disable it in bios01:20
a_ham_sandwitchcould you not remove the drivers form your xorg conf01:20
Dr_Willisulb:  means very little to me. :) try diffent keyboard settings and see.. gnome kept forgetting my keyboard the other day.. not sure why it was doing it.01:21
jasondelane1so go to bios, disable intel graphics and reboot01:21
Dr_Willisulb:  try one, see if it works, try another...01:21
Dr_Willisulb:  or figure out what files contril the setting and perhaps delete it so gnome goes back to the default that the new user was using.01:21
PorkativeDr_Willis: Yes, the "contrils" :)01:22
Dr_WillisPorkative:  windows answer would be to reformat/reinstall. :)01:22
PorkativeDr_Willis: Mohahaha!!! .. yeah, it would :)01:23
Porkativewhat a pice of crap01:23
mynameistuxWE CAN REBUILD HIM!01:23
Dr_Willis'keyboard error - hit any key to continue'01:23
Porkativemynameistux: HAVE YOU A SEVERE DEFFICIENCY !!! :=)01:23
a_ham_sandwitchwould any one know how to make alsa work after a suspend on a thinkpad t3001:23
timitheoshow do I install software once its downloaded?01:24
Dr_Willis'windows has installed driver for "unknown device" - the Device is now ready to use'  <----------- actual dialog i got on windows 7 once. :)01:24
Dr_Willistimitheos:  depends on the software and what exactly you downloaded.01:24
mynameistuxdid you install it from apt or did you download a .deb file?01:24
Porkativetimitheos: Press play on tape01:24
psiborguhu, i get that more often ;p01:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:24
psiborgc64 ftw01:25
a_ham_sandwitchhaha indeed01:25
Dr_WillisHmm.. the tape wasent 8, that was teh floppy :P01:25
Porkativepsiborg: C20, 64 and 128 etc01:25
Porkativegood call!01:25
* Dr_Willis shows his age.01:25
PorkativeDr_Willis: 34 ?01:26
isonomyhello everybody01:26
PiciDon_Miguel: Can I help you?01:26
a_ham_sandwitchwould any one know how to make alsa work after a suspend on a think pad t3001:26
isonomyIm just looking around and learning01:26
timitheosso.... How do I install it?01:27
a_ham_sandwitchis it a .dep01:27
mynameistuxwhat are you trying to install>01:27
Porkativeisonomy: welcome master01:27
kaddihi, I can't change the brightness of my desktop, I can change the settings all I want, but it doesn't change the actual brightness. Is there a workaround?01:27
Picia_ham_sandwitch: Just double click the file, and you will be prompted for your password to install it.01:27
a_ham_sandwitchthats not me01:28
mynameistux@kaddi: are you using an nvidia driver?01:28
Picia_ham_sandwitch: Sorry, mistab.01:28
PorkativeIm expecting Cairo...01:28
kaddimynameistux no intel01:28
Dr_Willistimitheos:  whats the name of the exact package you downloaded? you may need to learn how to 'compile' source code if its source01:28
mynameistuxaah, sorry, can't help01:28
Dr_Willis!info hamachi01:28
ubottuPackage hamachi does not exist in jaunty01:28
=== edson_ is now known as edson
Porkativekaddi: Germans dont like Intel for some reason ?01:28
kaddiPorkative what makes you say that?01:28
timitheosits a tar.gz called hamachi-
apoleo12how do I have more than tty6?01:29
mynameistuxall that I was going to suggest was chaning the settings in the nvida X server, but if you are using an intel driver, sorry I can't helo01:29
calaanybody can help me with my USB headphones? they don't work on my ubuntu...01:29
mynameistuxI HATE THIS KEYBOARD01:29
Porkativekaddi: "No Intel" ?01:29
apoleo12like how can I enable more tty?01:30
Porkativetimitheos: Pop cap was fun01:30
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  you mean more then 6 'consoles' ?01:30
a_ham_sandwitch@ timitheos you have to unzip it01:30
mynameistuxhow on earth is 6 not enough?01:31
timitheosok, I already did that.01:31
timitheoswhat next?01:31
mynameistuxserioulsy, what are you tying to do?01:31
jm2apoleo12- you can telnet to pc for more terminals for more users.01:31
a_ham_sandwitchand run a terminal in that folder01:31
psiborghe's trying to make a screen emulator? ;p01:31
Yuri1i have a totally stupid question01:31
apoleo12Dr_Willis: yeah since tehres more than that correct?01:32
Yuri1how do u add to the number of desktops u have?01:32
jm2yuril- no such thing as a stupid question.01:32
haushaCan I make my shell script output itself (the contents, not the output) to a new file?01:32
psiborgteaching a 'noob' to telnet? NOT A GOOD IDEA01:32
mynameistuxare you uising gnome?01:32
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  i recall some setting file that let you have more.. but not messed with it in years.. ive seen disrto that have 20+ consoles.01:32
apoleo12jm2: not what I meant, sorry but I m talking about in the console... you know crtl+alt F1-6?01:32
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  so its doable. Not sure why ya need that many.. but its doable.01:32
mynameistuxif so, right click onthe desktop switcher applet, and increase teh number01:32
kunjiYuri1: You mean the gnome desktop switching?01:32
shane2peruany nfs experts out there?  I had a working nfs connection (Ubuntu - Ubuntu) and now it isn't connecting, I'm a bit confused, and in need of some help.01:32
apoleo12Dr_Willis: just to be useful if i need it to be ;)01:33
kaddiPorkative oh sorry, this reads "No, intel" and was a reply to "are you using nvidea drivers". :p01:33
timitheoshow do I open a terminal inside the folder?01:33
mynameistuxthats ok01:33
kunjiYuri1: What mynameistux said.01:33
Yuri1got it thx01:33
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  one of the reasons 'screen' was invented. :)01:33
Porkativekaddi: percaps betterwebs01:33
a_ham_sandwitchdoes anyone know how to make alsa work after a suspend on a thinkpad t3001:34
Dr_Willis!info dvtm01:34
ubottudvtm (source: dvtm): Tiling window management for the console. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.1-1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB01:34
trinidadis there a way to show your mounted drives on your panel?01:34
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  check out 'dvtm' for the console also. :)01:34
kaddiPorkative sorry, what do you mean?01:34
=== qu4ck is now known as orca
Porkativekaddi: My name is zalaxor, mover of the planets01:35
kaddiPorkative I see, are you also able to move desktop brightness from high to low?01:35
kunjiI'm having no luck with virtualbox, well following the stuff here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=769883  I can get to a GRUB loader that gives me an error 17.  I'm actually trying this for windows 7 though, but it should be the same method.01:35
trinidadcan anyone tell me if there is a way to show your mounted drives on your panel?01:36
jMylestrinidad:  I've never heard of it, but I imagine it can be done somehow.01:36
Porkativekaddi: Desktop. We take it for granted01:36
a_ham_sandwitchdid you try diskmounter01:36
shane2peruany nfs experts out there?  I had a working nfs connection (Ubuntu - Ubuntu) and now it isn't connecting, I'm a bit confused, and in need of some help.01:36
kaddiPorkative yes01:36
apoleo12Dr_Willis: I do not have thatc ommand or whatever it is dvtm01:36
trinidadno have not tried diskmounter yet01:37
mynameistux@trinidad: there should be a panel applet for it, maybe try google01:37
Yuri1anyone know how to install red alert 2 without the CD because my dvd/cd rom drive is being very uncooperative.01:37
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  well.. logically... it says its 'extra' :) so install it...01:37
mynameistux@yuri: wine, with nocd crack01:37
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  it gives you windowed terminal sessions on the console.. sort of nifty01:37
mynameistuxalso, you didn't hear that from me01:37
Yuri1got ya;-)01:38
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  for X also check out 'terminator'01:38
Yuri1wrong eye..01:38
timitheosso what do I have to do to install this?01:38
dcostahey guys01:38
dcostai need some help01:38
a_ham_sandwitchis there a ./configure script01:38
ernzDoes anyone know where I can buy swine flu?01:38
dcostahow to autenticate my apache whith linux users »01:39
apoleo12Dr_Willis: actually the reason that im asking cuz if there is more than 10 tty's then I'd like to be able to use it... but ill check that out anyway01:39
dcostai can sell it01:39
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  ive seen disrtos with 20+ consoles. :)01:39
migg137Is there a way to make my Linux partition bigger.... i am dual booting ubuntu and vista? Thanks01:39
a_ham_sandwitch@timitheos is there a ./configure script01:39
ernzdcosta, how much?01:39
dcostahow to autenticate my apache whith linux users  ?01:39
=== soreau is now known as soreau_
jMylesDr_Willis:  windowed terminal sessions on the console?  What were you talking about there?  I'm interested.  :-)01:39
apoleo12but however: isn't there a file that does it? How to enable more than enough then?01:40
dcostahow to autenticate my apache with linux users  ?01:40
NoMS_migg137:  try gparted, but back up both drives first.  It's a little risky01:40
jMyles!hi | teck01:40
ubottuteck: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:40
jMylesmigg137:  Yes, a bit risky.  Also, do it from a live CD, not your actual installation.01:40
ernzDoes anyone know where I can download swine flu for free?01:40
migg137NoMS_, oh so what is the risk?? also i dont really have a way to back up so much01:40
dcostaplease i realy need help i try a lot stuff nothing works01:41
a_ham_sandwitchwould anyone know how to get alsa working after suspend on a thinkpad t3001:41
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
jMylesmigg137:  The risk is data loss.  I've done it and been fine, but there is some risk.01:41
kunjimigg137: you should be able to do this with gparted, but do so at your own risk (there's always a possibility of trouble when resizing partitions no matter what you use).  Also do so from a live cd, not the installed linux.01:41
Picidcosta: What do you mean by authenticate?01:41
a_ham_sandwitch@pici he means log in01:41
dcostausing linux user acounts01:42
NoMS_migg137:  data is spread throughout the entire disk.  gparted tries to avoid these sections and expand the partition.  If it doesn't work, you can loose lots of data, if not all of it...  I have also done it, with no trouble.01:42
dcostathanks for care01:42
Silver_Swordshi all. i downloaded a program from add/remove and would like to save a copy of it (progy.deb), where would i find it?01:42
NoMS_just back up important documents etc...01:42
ernzSilver_Swords - Do you know how to add swine flu in the repositories?01:42
dcostai try pam and more mod but i cant put it works01:43
migg137NoMS_, Ok thanks so how do i use gparted from a live cd... and will my Ubuntu live cd do fine01:43
a_ham_sandwitchprogy.deb is the installer01:43
Piciernz: Please stop, this is a support channel.01:43
Flannel2/lastlog ernz01:43
kunjimigg137: I had no trouble when I did it, but my partitions were pretty new so stuff wasn't scattered around.01:43
ernzPici: R u serious?01:43
emergionAnyone got read access to UFS2 happening? Mine just "returns attempt to access beyond end of device"01:43
Piciernz: Yes.01:43
ernzPici: Where info on swine flu?01:43
dcostaernz, 100 bucks one cell01:43
timitheoshow do I compile this?01:47
Porkativetimitheos: compile what ?01:51
=== batrick_ is now known as batrick
kunjiinx-mdg: Yep, works very nicely, it can be a bit slow or choppy at times though, since usb keys weren't intended for all those read/write cycles.01:51
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baishenInteresting.  Never done IRC with pidgin before.01:51
inx-mdgkunji, how do you get persistence?01:51
baishenAnybody running an nvidia 8400 GS?01:51
WhoNeedszzz!ask | baishen01:51
ubottubaishen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:51
TheSilentWarrioralankila_, you use that for "cloning" installs?01:51
FloridaGuycan i make synaptic show only installed packages?01:51
alankila_TheSilentWarrior: no, just keeping my installs clean of unnecessary packages. This can be done with "apt-get autoremove" somewhat these days as well, but debfoster existed before that did01:52
baishenI wasn't asking to ask.  I'm wondering if anyone else has had problems with an 8440 GS card.01:52
Yuri1wait... so how do you increase the size of the ubuntu partition?01:52
dmackermanDoes anyone have experience with PPC 3D accel? I've tried everything and can't get it working.Other channel isn't being helpful01:52
a_ham_sandwitch@yuril start up gparted and extend it01:52
blackest_knightHi anyone having issues with some pages not loading or very slowly e.g this is a google cache content briefly flashes on screen and disappears01:52
WhoNeedszzzHow do you find your sata device id?01:52
TheSilentWarrioralankila_, ok, so, i should install debfoster, and then theres an "export" function in it? or something in those lines, and then copy it over to my desktop, install debfoster and read it, then it will install everything for me?01:53
a_ham_sandwitch@whoneedszzz i believe its under properties when you right click the drive01:53
Yuri1how do you get to 'gpart'?01:53
blackest_knightapologies for the url but i'm trying to identify if its me or is it the site01:53
VACSecuredi curently have xubuntu Xfce installed on my computer, and i am trying to swithch to ubuntu super OS using the program unetbootin and installing the ISO right on the hard drive. (i also tried this with mint linux and got the same error) i can get in the instalation menu and partition it, but when it starts to install i get and error that says it cannot unmount /cdrom please close all programs using it and try again. so i am no computer01:53
VACSecured 01:53
VACSecuredthis is the exact error message:01:53
VACSecuredfailed to unmount partitions01:53
trismFloridaGuy: I don't know about only showing, but you can sort them all to the top by clicking the S column header01:53
VACSecuredthe installer needs to commit changes to partition tables,01:53
a_ham_sandwitch@yuril its under administration01:53
VACSecured but cannot do so because partitions on the following could01:53
th0rWhoNeedszzz: blkid01:53
FloridaGuyblackest_knight, that link opened good on my side01:53
alankila_TheSilentWarrior: that is one strategy. The real reason why I suggest debfoster is that it comes up with the minimal set of packages to install that pulls in all the rest as dependencies.01:53
Yuri1'gpart' aint01:54
alankila_in truth, installing things tends to install more than the minimal set because apt has three classes of dependencies: Depends, Recommends, Suggests...01:54
Yuri1do i need to install it?01:54
a_ham_sandwitch@yuril you may need to install it from add remove01:55
kunjiinx-mdg: It actually took me a long time to figure this out...despite that it's something stupidly simple.  Boot from the live cd and go to install it like you would to the hard drive, make sure to select the usb drive when that option turns up (don't want to lose anything).  Look out for an advanced options button during the install (it's on one of the pages, I forget which) and make sure to specify the usb drive as the place fo01:55
a_ham_sandwitchor use an ubuntu live cd01:55
TheSilentWarrioralankila_, oh, thats nice, but does it use apt-get ? or some external one, or how does it work?01:55
migg137any good software for dvd ripping? I need one that compresses the files to fit a standard 4.7 gb dvd and maybe one that even make vcd's since i have alot of those.. thanks01:55
blackest_knightFloridaGuy:  which firefox version are you using ?01:55
alankila_I think it uses the apt library, so it works a lot like apt-get but doesn't probably use apt-get frontend.01:55
FloridaGuytrism, thats good enough....makes it easyer to see whats not needed01:55
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giordanofalvesnickserve identify alou06088501:56
Dr_Willisgiordanofalves:  oops....01:56
ekevnunetbootin working with 9.04 server?01:57
WhoNeedszzzgiordanofalves: i would change your pw now...01:57
Yuri1which patition is the actual ubuntu patition?01:57
FloridaGuyblackest_knight, 3.0.13 and opera 10 beta201:57
ekevnmy install keeps hanging01:57
kunjiYuri1: It should already be there, in the menu it is called "partition editor" You DO NOT want to make any changes using it while running ubuntu from your hard drive.  Run ubuntu from a live cd if your planning on making any changes to partitions, and remember changing partitions is always risky.01:57
a_ham_sandwitchwhat verson are you running01:57
Dr_Willisekevn:  if you want a server install disk.. yes it should work.01:57
inx-mdgkunji: so start live cd and start install, then make sure to choose my USB...01:57
kunjiinx-mdg: Well 3 gigs are required for a persistent install (update-able), and then you want space for updates and all your documents, music, etc...02:03
Dr_Willistvon: i like it. :)02:03
alankila_it's somewhere in the desktop switcher to disable it.02:03
inx-mdgkunji: thanks for clarifying  :)02:03
migg137kunji, sorry to bother but can you repeat to my how i will do the partition thing again... to make it bigger, after i boot from the live cd, thanks02:03
tvondrives me nuts.. if I had to focus the desktop it would be one thing but I'm on a touch pad so my desktop goes nuts every now and then02:03
alankila_tvon: yes, it's a bad idea.02:04
kunjiOpen Gparted,  system>administration>partition editor02:04
alankila_I have trouble even with mouse, because it's just too damn easy to accidentally scroll the desktop when you intended to scroll a document you were reading.02:05
tvonthe touch trackpad is the real issue... has to be some way to filter that out02:05
CaptainCrookany web developper in here?02:05
a_ham_sandwitch@migg goto gparted and select the partition and extend and when finished hit save changes02:05
SealedWithAKissCaptainCrook, croak to pain.02:05
Dr_Willistvon:  theres ways to disable the 'scroll' feature on many touchpads. depends on the touchpad02:05
SealedWithAKissCaptainCrook, croak to panic *02:05
alankila_nah, I recommend just disabling that compiz feature.02:05
=== giordanofalves_ is now known as giordanofalve
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:05
omermalankila_: that was fixed in karmic. Can you wait a few months?02:05
=== giordanofalve is now known as giordanofalves
tvonDr_Willis: I like the two finger scrolling, just don't want it to change my desktop if my cursor happens to drift an inch02:05
alankila_omerm: oh, good02:05
alankila_Nah, I'm already running karmic. I am happy to hear I don't need to change that anymore, though.02:06
migg137<a_ham_sandwitch> where is gparted on the live cd02:06
kunjimigg137: Open Gparted,  system>administration>partition editor, get that?02:06
SealedWithAKissa_ham_sandwitch, which mad satan?02:06
a_ham_sandwitchhuh lol02:06
SealedWithAKissa_ham_sandwitch, it's an anagram of your nick.02:06
a_ham_sandwitch@migg1337 its under administration02:07
migg137kunji, i dont have that right now is it only on live cd just making sure ,sorry to bother so much and thanks02:07
a_ham_sandwitch@sealed haha very cleaver02:07
CaptainCrookSealedWithAKiss, ok... it's an apache2 question...02:07
JohnCDIany help possibly a tutorial reference looking to set up something mainly just for FTP just with a friendly web based interface just for me and friends02:07
SealedWithAKissCaptainCrook, it's also an anagram of your name.02:07
a_ham_sandwitch@MIG1337 you can install it under add remove02:07
Picimigg137: Its on the live CD.... in System>administration>Parition Editor iirc02:07
kunjimigg137: It should be on every install of 9.04 I haven't used earlier versions, so I don't know about those.02:08
a_ham_sandwitchgparted is on my 8.10 disk02:08
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kunjimigg137: how are you trying to open gparted?02:08
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CaptainCrookSealedWithAKiss, hum hum seen that... so can you apache2?02:09
migg137kunji, i just checket right now but not on live cd just like right now and it wasnt there so i was a bit conserned02:09
SealedWithAKissCaptainCrook, a_ham_sandwitch - combined equals: Whoops! I'm an anarchic attack!02:10
a_ham_sandwitch@migg137 its under system >administration02:10
kunjimigg137: You clicked on System then went to the administration menu, then clicked on partition editor and it didn't open Gparted?02:11
=== daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
MySecondChoiceISI would like to install Tor and use it to obfuscate my network information on a game. How can I connect Tor to my game?02:11
migg137kunji, on my desktop without using the ubuntu cd it does not appear do i need to install it first02:11
a_ham_sandwitchyes its in add remove02:11
CaptainCrookSealedWithAKiss,  i guess your girlfriend might fix it, with a loooooooott of love!!!  ;)02:11
kunjimigg137: you have the administration menu, right?02:11
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  you dont want a game using 'tor' to connect.02:11
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  tor will make the network connection much slower.02:12
migg137kunji, yes sir02:12
MySecondChoiceISWell I really dont mind02:12
a_ham_sandwitch@migg 137 you may need to install it02:12
MySecondChoiceISI would like to know how if its possible.02:12
dogmeat_anyone here experience the problem with flash ( pandora/youtube ) on netbook remix?02:12
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  yes you will when you cant play the game. its most likely not going to work.02:12
SealedWithAKissCaptainCrook, she's not very good with computers. She struggles with Windows.02:12
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Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  what game are you trying to 'secure' ?02:12
kunjimigg137: partition editor isn't there right under Network Tools?02:13
nefadogmeat_: what problem? everything is fine here02:13
mattwj20022dogmeat I did02:13
MySecondChoiceISUrban terror02:13
mattwj20022before my netbook died02:13
mattwj20022maybe it rip02:13
migg137kunji, no just printing and then services02:13
dogmeat_i've tried several things ( its a common problem apparently ) but in the end I can only get pandora to load about 1/4 then sit02:13
omermdoes anyone know why gksu would refuse the correct password?02:13
migg137kunji, maybe its just on the live cd02:14
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  any sort of FPS will be lagged to death by tor. your lag with even using a comercial proxy may make the game next to unplayable.02:14
kunjimigg137: That's really weird...02:14
MySecondChoiceISah but how can I do it?02:14
Dr_Willis!tor | MySecondChoiceIS02:14
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks02:14
a_ham_sandwitch@migg137 you need to install it threw add remove02:14
migg137kunji, i have ubuntu 9.0402:14
kunjimigg137: it's on the last 3 computers I put the 32 bit version on, and the one right in front of me with the 64 bit version.02:14
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  Hmm.. theres a setting up tor in ubuntu wiki page also. :) the bot dont have the rigth url02:14
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  and its not too hard.. but its not 'trivial' last i chedcked for some reason TOR was no longer in the repos. even tho its referanced by other packages.02:15
Dr_Willis!find tor02:15
canthus13is there a way to install ONE package not from backports and still leave backports turned on?02:15
ubottuFound: akregator, bacula-director-common, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-pgsql, bacula-director-sqlite3 (and 377 others)02:15
mattwj20022what type of connection do you have dogmeat_?02:15
migg137a_ham_sandwitch, thanks should i do this when on the live cd or right now02:15
MySecondChoiceIS!find 'tor'02:15
ubottuFound: akregator, bacula-director-common, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-pgsql, bacula-director-sqlite3 (and 377 others)02:15
mattwj20022your not on dialup by chance02:15
MySecondChoiceIS!find "tor"02:15
ubottuFound: akregator, bacula-director-common, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-pgsql, bacula-director-sqlite3 (and 377 others)02:15
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  and Tor for a game will defainatly not work very well even if it works at all.02:15
danbhfivecanthus13: packages.ubuntu.com02:15
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  !stuff are bot commands.02:16
Dr_Willis!bot | MySecondChoiceIS02:16
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:16
dogmeat_pandora works everywhere else save for my netbook runing the remix02:16
canthus13danbhfive: Cool. Thanks.02:16
zetheroo1I have a laptop and a desktop - both have Ubuntu Jaunty .... the Laptop is on the wireless network ... I want the laptop to remain on the wireless network and at the same time I want the desktop and laptop to communicate together via ethernet directly (no router in between) ... is this possible?02:16
a_ham_sandwitch@migg137 you can do on both but you rish looseing data eaither way02:16
dogmeat_linux on a netbook is rad btw02:16
MySecondChoiceIS !bot02:16
kunjimigg137:  right click on applications and click on edit menus.  click administration on the left menu there and make sure partition editor is checked.  It should definitely be installed already.02:16
bucky!info tor | MySecondChoiceIS02:16
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS: Package tor does not exist in jaunty02:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stuff02:16
mattwj20022I am not sure on panadora02:16
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>02:16
kunjimigg137: It might just not be on the menu by default.02:16
aaron__hi, i'm attempting to recompile a kernel following this walkthrough: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile02:16
migg137kunji, well i just installed it through ad or remove02:17
quickstarthello all02:17
k4dm3lhello wolrd02:17
mattwj20022youtube you might have problems do to slow processor and/or bad graphics02:17
quickstartquick question02:17
CaptainCrookSealedWithAKiss,  shutdown, shutdown, shutdown... those girls justs can't take it all! hehe02:17
aaron__however I cannot find the "debian/config" directory it's talking about02:17
yanshe has a girl there02:17
dogmeat_i actually managed to get youtube to load a video with sound, but it was real choppy02:17
neutronI don't know if this goes here, but is this X-chat client truely free and open source? I installed the windows version in windows and now it is asking me to pay :\02:17
quickstarthow can I boot ubuntu ppc into text only mode permanently02:17
k4dm3lwhat soft for manage my ipod nano do you recommend?02:17
dogmeat_have to admit I was spoiled by chrome on windoze02:17
bobowould it be bad if i uninstalled pulseaudio?02:17
neutronhowever it lists as free/open source in the add/remove manager :P02:18
buckyhaha there's no tor in jaunty?02:18
bobok4dm3l: i enjoy songbird02:18
aaron__neutron: asking you to pay or soliciting a donation?02:18
blackest_knighthave i fallen off?02:18
neutronaaron__: "30 day trial expired, you must register to continue using it" kind of thing02:18
boboneutron: its completely free dont worry02:18
kunjimigg137:  shouldn't have needed to, but oh well, try what I just put if you can't find it on the live cd menu (can't install to the live cd, it's definitely there somewhere).02:18
bobomost apps for linux are02:18
Picineutron: Does that have anything to do with Ubuntu?  If you're asking about a windows program then ##windows would be the more appropriate place to ask.02:18
k4dm3linstalling.. ;)02:18
ubuntui installed windows and now i cant restore gryb can anyone help me i am on the live cd now02:19
neutronye I am asking here because ubuntu claims it is free :P02:19
quickstartdoes anyone know how to modify boot type for ubuntu 9.0402:19
boboneutron: it is free02:19
aaron__yeah, there is no "30 day trial"02:19
aaron__are you sure it's really xchat?02:19
a_ham_sandwitch@ubuntu apt-get install grub02:19
neutronindeed, let me show you an URL02:19
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions02:20
a_ham_sandwitch@ubuntu or use synaptics02:20
migg137kunji, ok thanks02:20
ubuntua_ham_sandwitch: i have grub on the live cd02:20
SuperMiguelso you can run linux on a 486 and it will run fine. But how about a fast computer? is it worth it to do raid 0 with few hd, get 16gb of ram, and a quad cpu, will linux use it? or it will run about the same speed as a p4 with 2gb of ram with single hd???02:20
=== billisnice__ is now known as billisnice
Picineutron: But you aren't running Ubuntu, you're running Windows.02:20
aaron__huh, we'll i'll be02:20
neutronmm yes that02:21
Dr_WillisSuperMiguel:  yes and yes.. and yes...02:21
zetheroo1I have a laptop and a desktop - both have Ubuntu Jaunty .... the Laptop is on the wireless network ... I want the laptop to remain on the wireless network and at the same time I want the desktop and laptop to communicate together via ethernet directly (no router in between) ... is this possible?02:21
migg137supermiguel, well you will definetly be able to run more apps at the same time that way... with any operating system02:21
kunjiAnyone know a way to play .wmal files on ubuntu?02:21
Picineutron: If anywhere, #xchat or ##windows would be the proper place to ask, it is offtopic for #ubuntu02:21
ubuntucan some one help mme02:21
migg137kunji, have you tried vlc02:21
danbhfive!fixgrub | ubuntu02:21
ubottuubuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:22
boboubuntu: just ask your question02:22
SuperMiguelDr_Willis, migg137 but i mean is it worth it getting a fast system with linux? when a 5 year system will run prob at the same speed?02:22
a_ham_sandwitch@ubuntu try this02:22
kunjimigg137: pretty much the first thing that vlc hasn't handled.02:22
neutronsure no problem. I was just a little surprised to see that thing popping up. wondering if the same would happen on my ubuntu version as well :\02:22
migg137kunji, then i have no idea02:22
migg137kunji, maybe a converter02:22
Picineutron: It won't.02:22
ubuntu Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no  Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no Error 2: Bad file or directory type02:23
aaron__neutron: it's new since i used xchat on windows last... apparently it's rather controversial02:23
bruce__i have a bung HDD that gparted won't let me reformat is there any other way to attack it?02:23
ubuntua_ham_sandwitch: ^^02:23
migg137supermiguel, its worth it because on my laptop with a dual processor it feels SO MUCH BETTER than on other old desktops i have ubuntu on02:23
bobobruce_: a bung hdd?02:24
neutronyes I was shocked to see it.. for a moment I was wondering if I had got an installer made by some scammers trying to claim money from it02:24
a_ham_sandwitch@ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435102:24
SuperMiguelmigg137, but how much faster will a 16gb raid 0 quad cpu, compared with ur laptop?02:24
kunjimigg137: the trouble is it is a microsoft format that isn't widely enough used to have merited any special work, windows media audio lossless.  I've only found one converter that might be able to convert it to FLAC, but it's trial version only, we'll see how it goes.02:25
Dr_WillisSuperMiguel:  logically any faster system will run faster.... try it on your old box.. what do you have to loose.02:25
migg137supermiguel, way faster02:25
bruce__bobo: yip, reset the other day, got a file not found in grub, couldn't mount it, superblock errors, tried to reformat, no luck, reports failed read (i think)02:25
aaron__neutron: yeah, that's exactly what I'd assume02:25
bobobruce_: are you in your main installation, or are you on a live cd?02:25
Dr_WillisSuperMiguel:  are you actualy going to be Doing anythign that will use anyway near the  potential of such a high end box?02:25
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as UNFORGiVEN512
bruce__bobo: live02:25
migg137kunji, what do you need those files for anyway......02:25
bobohmmm, idk i cant help you sorry02:26
CaptainCrookanyone good with the httpd.conf file?02:26
odinsbanewhile were at it for good 'conf' files I need a good samba file02:26
VACSecuredalright, so i currently have xbuntu installed and i want to get super os but i don't have a dvd burner so i got unetbootin and i downloaded the ISO and plugged it in to the program to boot from the hard drive and it will boot the live version but after i have partitioned it and i go to install it it stops and says it cant un mount /cdrom and i can't figure out how to fix it?02:26
=== MOUD_away is now known as MOUD
SuperMiguelDr_Willis, thats my point.. I have a gaming system with 16gb of ram, quad cpu, 8hd in raid 0... Is there a way that i can use all that potential in linux??02:27
apoleo12Dr_Willis: I hate to bring this up again but, I've found the files I was looking for though i can't seem to get to work if I create a new file IE: tty12 in event.d directory along with rc12 according to the listings of this directory...02:27
odinsbaneSuperMiguel: how do you use it in windows?02:27
SuperMiguelodinsbane, gaming..02:28
kunjimigg137:  I don't strictly, I can rip them again, but I want my ubuntu to handle everything I can possibly make it handle.  Few things are as annoying as getting a file and not being able to open it.02:28
odinsbaneSuperMiguel: probably not02:28
SuperMiguelodinsbane, well it uses alot of it :)02:28
P_Kablehi, what's the variable for hostname in shell ?02:28
a_ham_sandwitchdoes anyone know how to make alsa work after a suspend on a thinkpad t3002:28
odinsbaneSuperMiguel: I find the stuff I do at work a little more convenient to do in linux02:28
VACSecuredalright, so i currently have xbuntu installed and i want to get super os but i don't have a dvd burner so i got unetbootin and i downloaded the ISO and plugged it in to the program to boot from the hard drive and it will boot the live version but after i have partitioned it and i go to install it it stops and says it cant un mount /cdrom and i can't figure out how to fix it? what am i doing wrong?02:29
cllaudyucan some one tell me if fluxbuntu has the booting cd on the home page????02:29
Cyber_AkumaCan anybody PLEASE help me figure out why PS3-Ubuntu keeps turning my display on and off when I try to install it?02:29
danbhfivecllaudyu: no, it doesn't. but check in #fluxbuntu02:29
koolkatever since I put on a external HDD, nautilus doesnt work whatsoever. When I try to open a folder, it used to give me an error: "Cannot open /folder/ No application is registered as handling this file [or application]". Now I installed dolphin and it opens the folders with that, but several items are missing including Network and Computer and I would like nautilus to work.02:29
kunjiSuperMiguel: It depends what you need your ubuntu to do, I use mine for running huge simulations so I make full use of a 3.2 ghz quad core and 8 gigs of ram and still occasionally get out of memory errors.02:29
cllaudyui am trying to fing the remastererd fluxbuntu bot every torrents i find are dead...02:30
odinsbaneOkay I am trying to setup a samba server for a shared network drive.  I am wondering what a good/concise page is.02:30
BalajiDear sirs all on the sudden Youtube videos are not working on by PC, I am using Jaunty AMD6402:30
BalajiAny hlp02:31
odinsbaneBalaji: did you update/install anything new.02:31
migg137kunji, i would just go with ripping again... i mean if you want quality them just rip at a high bitrate i mean 320 is not that bad... i mean i used to rip my music to 96kbs for space but thank God not anymore02:31
xim_im trying to download audio files (using WGET) of thie hindu vedas on this website www.gatewayforindia.com/vedas/vedas.html    I am having trouble with the paramaters because this link links to another domain where the webhost is storing the audio files (digimedium.com/veda/*.mp3), so my parameters are only getting this one domain I think.  Here is my command wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --conver02:32
xim_t-links --restrict-file-names=windows  --no-parent http://www.gatewayforindia.com/vedas/vedas.html     can anyone spot what i'm doing wrong?02:32
FloodBot3xim_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
BalajiI think an auto updater had installed some Adobe Flash Installer02:32
slhawkinshello, anyone know a good amount about the gpl that feels like answering a couple questions?02:32
b0nnxim_: try curl :)02:32
MySecondChoiceIScurl sucks02:32
xim_they make my arms tired02:33
cllaudyuany way i will burn another cd with fluxbuntu from its home page to check if it's the bootable one... if not... i'l burn ubuntu 9.04...02:33
odinsbaneBalaji: if your using amd64, I recomend you uninstall the flash plugin and go download the 64bit one.02:33
koolkatever since I put on a external HDD, nautilus doesnt work whatsoever. When I try to open a folder, it used to give me an error: "Cannot open /folder/ No application is registered as handling this file [or application]". Now I installed dolphin and it opens the folders with that, but several items are missing including Network and Computer and I would like nautilus to work.02:33
SuperMiguelkunji, what kind of simulations?02:33
yanshe has a gril02:34
danbhfivecllaudyu: forget about fluxbuntu for now.  I don't think there is a current release02:34
apoleo12I take it that it's no bother having to enable more than 10 tty huh?02:34
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  ive not messed with that in at least 2+ years. Id say check the forums someome else has proberly done it.02:34
cllaudyuisn't any thing simillar with fluxbuntu?02:34
malaclypsslhawkins: i know a bit, though i'm not sure it's the right channel02:34
BalajiOkay Odinsbane, I thinks tats the problem02:34
b0nnxim_: wget that page, then use wget -i02:34
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  with screen.. i dont even bother any more with more then 2 perhaps.02:34
kaiser10123how do i change power setting like right now my processor is at 1.6 but i want to be able to use all 2.4 of it02:34
Balajithanks fr your help02:34
danbhfivecllaudyu: for something lighter than ubuntu, try xubuntu02:34
odinsbaneBalaji: it uncompresses to one file and all you have to do is put it in the right place.  If I am not mistaken the repositories use a 32bit version and a plugin wraper.02:34
SuperMiguelkunji, what kind of simulations?02:35
apoleo12Dr_Willis: actually Ive been searching for some even on the forums of ubuntu but turned out nothing for what I wanted to know02:35
spOdo any of you know how to compile fglrx/ati drivers for a custom ubuntu kernel?02:35
kaiser10123Dr_Willis: hey02:35
kunjiSuperMiguel: Hodgekin Huxley model simulations of Neurons.  usually they involve more than a thousand differential equations.02:35
apoleo12Dr_Willis: yeah well would you call that I'm hacking into linux, particularily tty... jus to mess around with..?02:35
xim_b0nn ahh ok i think that will work02:36
* apoleo12 hacks until he breaks it02:36
kaiser10123Dr_Willis: the copied xorg worked for me02:36
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  i did see some distros ages ago that some how had logging infomation scrolling by on the other consoles.. It could be you just start more login sessions on the extra consoles.02:36
apoleo12Dr_Willis: what extra consoles? does it just appear after logging in more than 5 or so?02:36
apoleo12so anyone else know? ;)02:37
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  yes.  the ones past alt-ctrlF7 - you can even have some  higher then 12 i rember.02:37
apoleo12not to disregard you Dr_willis02:37
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  i recall some disrtos that had those inactive - untill you got to them and hit enter..02:37
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  its just not commonly used these days.02:37
koolkatever since I put on a external HDD, nautilus doesnt work whatsoever. When I try to open a folder, it used to give me an error: "Cannot open /folder/ No application is registered as handling this file [or application]". Now I installed dolphin and it opens the folders with that, but several items are missing including Network and Computer and I would like nautilus to work.02:38
apoleo12Dr_Willis: hmm it seem doesnt work for me apparently02:38
apoleo12Dr_Willis: i see ok but it's cool man!02:38
yani am a boys and wante a girl for speak02:38
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  it used to be a feature in the /etc/inittab but ubuntu dont use that any more i recall02:38
Flannelyan: This isn't the place for it.  Please go elsewhere.02:39
odinsbanekoolkat: what desktop environment are you in?02:39
apoleo12Dr_Willis: ok that make sense, it'd be nice to retain the vitiage(sp)02:39
koolkatodinsbane: gnome02:39
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  try 'sudo getty /dev/tty8' :)02:39
odinsbanekoolkat: I don't think you want dolphin then.02:40
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  if you look at 'ps ax | grep getty' you see one getty for each console.02:40
koolkatwhat do i do then?02:40
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  so that may be a way to activate them thats what inittab used to do02:40
odinsbanekoolkat: did you try running nautilus from the cmd line to see if it gives you errors?02:40
apoleo12Dr_Willis: even tho there arent inittab file exists02:41
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  sudo getty 38400 tty902:42
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  yes.. as i said.. ubuntu no longer uses an inittab.. thers some other service thats starting those getty processes02:42
Dr_Willisfind the service/config and its proberly a setting in there.02:42
koolkatfirst it says its not installed then when i try to apt-get it it says,: Invalid operation nautilus02:42
apoleo12Dr_Willis: or I try otehr number than 9?02:42
apoleo12Dr_Willis: Yes ok I ynderstand02:42
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  1-6 are allready ysed... 7 is X, 8+ are open02:43
wyhi all02:43
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  its possible to move X down the list if you are not carefull also.02:43
caseyi'm want to put a camand in a scipt for a ups softwere to close a program. I got the scipt I just want to know where to put it in the script.02:43
odinsbanekoolkat apt-get install nautilus, though however you lost it is another story02:43
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  theres also alterantives to getty that may have more fun features02:43
apoleo12oh yeah02:43
MySecondChoiceISWhy prototype a function in C/C++. It seems like a waste of fucking time!02:44
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  apt-cache search getty :)02:44
apoleo12Dr_Willis: I see that the f8 have something else init with no prompt... whats up with that?02:44
Dr_Willis!info quingy02:44
ubottuPackage quingy does not exist in jaunty02:44
MorikSo I have the classic no-youtube-because-of-no-flash. How do I acquire flash?02:44
PiciMySecondChoiceIS: Please mind your language here.02:44
caseyyou need to see the cript?02:44
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  that command i gave started one on F802:44
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  oope I mean F9 :)02:44
apoleo12I knew that!02:44
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  so i got one on alt-ctrl-f9 now. :) wee....02:45
odinsbanemorik 32 bit or 64 bit02:45
Morik32 bit02:46
b0nnhrm, for some reason my firefox has become unstable.  It was segfaulting earlier when I tried to start it, I rebooted my maching due to a lock up, and now it's incredibly slow02:46
MySecondChoiceISthanks pici for answering my question02:46
odinsbaneMorik: check your package manager there should be a flash plugin.02:46
nikolajhello :) is anyone free for 2 mins just to help with a screensaver problem?02:46
Morikit says it is unsupported02:46
odinsbaneMorik what browser? and who says unsupported?02:47
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  want a cool trick? Install qingy then 'sudo qingy tty9' and phear the framebuffer eyecandy goodness!02:47
Cyber_AkumaDamn, my monitor seems to have a stuck pixel, and now that ive seen it I can't unsee it :(02:47
menokhI've got a SIS Integrated rev a0 sound card. I can't get sound out of it. Driver's loaded, alsamixer loves it, and what's most startling is that the "System Testing" program can squeeze a beep out of it. Beyond that I get nothing. There's no muted channels and everything's up. Suggestions?02:47
Cyber_AkumaIts white when theres black over it02:47
Morikfirefox, and i misinformed you, I am on 6402:47
MySecondChoiceISWhy prototype a function in C/C++. It seems like a waste of fucking time!02:48
apoleo12Dr_Willis: woah there man, I cant rush my blood fast enough... and now i got the F9 to work...02:48
MySecondChoiceISWhy prototype a function in C/C++. It seems like a waste of fu****** time!02:48
MySecondChoiceISWhy prototype a function in C/C++. It seems like a waste of fu****** time!02:48
FloodBot3MySecondChoiceIS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
apoleo12Dr_Willis: so thanks! I get this but will this disappear after reboot?02:48
FlannelMySecondChoiceIS: This is #ubuntu.  You should take programming discussions elsewhere, also, mind your language, even obfuscation doesn't make it OK02:48
nikolaji have a problem! everytime i try and access the screen saver preferences the whole screen freezes or goes black02:48
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  the issue with the getty stuff i notice is that via those commands it spawns ONCE... not over and over like a service does...02:48
odinsbaneMorik google flashplay linux 64 bit.  You should be able to find it pretty easy, then just put the flashplayer...so where it belongs.02:49
kerm|t1what's the best way to send audio out a different computer's soundcard?02:49
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  of course it will. :) you just ran a app.. you dident do any real changes02:49
=== kerm|t1 is now known as kerm|t
nikolajand i think that is because a certain screen saver has been selected that my graphics card can't handle02:49
Morikok thanks odinsbane02:49
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  perhaps google for 'replace getty ubuntu' or 'ubuntu getty tweaks'  may have other tricks02:49
apoleo12right I didnt do any changes but I wasnt sure if it would respawn like F1 to F602:49
nikolajso how do i change the screen saver without opening the screen saver preferences02:50
apoleo12Dr_Willis: ok great02:50
mikkelgj? afs02:50
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/qingy   tells ya where to set the getty stuff also :)02:50
nikolajcan anyone help?02:50
mikkelgj? help02:50
mikkelgj?? help02:50
apoleo12Dr_Willis: ok excellent02:50
mikkelgjsyntax anyone?02:50
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  google is our friend. :) now i get a fancy Ant Login for the console. wow. :)02:50
Dr_Willissudo nano -w /etc/event.d/tty102:50
RaidRecoverymy motherboard died, had to move my raid drives to a new pc, I'm booted up in a liveCD - i should be able to mount my raid again right?02:51
menokhMay I repeat? Silence I'll take as a yes.02:51
apoleo12ha ha02:51
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  seems you can spawn apps on a per tty basis :)02:51
nikolajlol are any of you able to help?02:51
apoleo12Dr_Willis: yeah thanks to google... but ive searched hard enough to make "him" like me02:51
Flannelmenokh: Generally you should repeat every 20-30 minutes, in the meantime, peruse the forums, check launchpad, the wiki, etc.02:51
caseyhere is part of the  script02:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bin/sh02:51
caseyecho "Warning: The UPS's battery power is not enough, system will be shutdown soon!" | wall02:51
caseyexport RECEIPT_NAME02:51
caseyexport RECEIPT_ADDRESS02:51
caseyexport SENDER_ADDRESS02:51
FloodBot3casey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
menokhFlannel, Been in the forums for two hours. They're barren.02:51
Flannel!paste | casey02:51
ubottucasey: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:52
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  its fun to explore thepackage amanger and find new toys02:52
nikolajhaha mikkelgj, don't think there is any help here02:52
menokhFlannel, Did ya catch that?02:52
odinsbanenikolaj: in system settings/ appearance is there, can you set the special effects to none?02:52
mikkelgjnikolaj, just looking for the bot syntax =P02:52
Pici!usage | mikkelgj02:52
ubottumikkelgj: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:52
apoleo12Dr_Willis: yeah I figured that. One more question... why the F8 doesn'ty have a prompt? what is it there for? (I must have hased that question but wasnt gettin a clear answer)02:53
Flannelmenokh: I did.02:53
nikolajdidn't see any acknowledgment, my mistake :P02:53
RaidRecoveryI just don't want to do any commands that would compromise the data02:53
koolkatthanks odinsbane02:53
munkHi all. So I formatted a hard drive from fat32 to NTFS, copied some files over to it, then realizing it was the wrong harddrive formatted it back to fat32. I am now realising there was a bunch of data on the drive from before I started all this that I now need back. Most of it was in raw text files. Anyone know a good way to get this back?02:53
caseyi have a scirpt of a ups softwere and i want to know where on the script do i put the command02:53
mikkelgjHas anyone managed to use openAFS with the current release of ubuntu? I'm unable to modprobe openafs, and i'm not really keen on having to recompile the kernel with the module02:53
menokhCan somebody point me in the direction of an audio expert? :P02:53
odinsbanenikolaj: also do you know your video card?  Some have issues.  When the screen freezes up does alt-f6 / f5 ... get you a new tty?02:54
richardcavellmunk: d'oh02:54
zenlunaticmunk: off topic02:55
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  you have to have a getty process runnng on tty8 to get a login: thats what getty does.02:55
munkit is in ubuntu that I am attempting this02:55
Flannel!undelete > munk02:55
ubottumunk, please see my private message02:55
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  you could 'cat file > /dev/tty8' and see output there if you wanted.02:55
nikolaj_ok so i set the visual effects to none02:55
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  thers some specialized getty variants int he repos to run say.. top or other apps on  those if you dont want a login but somthing else.02:56
nikolaj_which got rid of this screen for some reason02:56
leaf-sheepWhere can I download latest Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04? (Latest as updated packages, not the original packages on the disc)02:56
FloridaGuyubuntu 9.04 out of everything installed by default....what all could speed things up be being removed02:56
apoleo12Dr_Willis: well that about to sense into this thanks man02:56
nikolaj_any idea how to set the screen saver to blank without entering the screen saver preferences02:57
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  if you got a serial terminal.. you can hook it up and get a console ont he terminal also. :)02:57
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  now thats old-skool and yes ive done it befor. :)02:57
=== lucas_ is now known as hellues
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:57
mikkelgjHas anyone managed to use openAFS with the current release of ubuntu? I found this which made me sad =/ : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenAFSSupport02:57
mikkelgjcreated 2005, no people involved =/02:57
menokhI've got a SIS Integrated rev a0 sound card. I can't get sound out of it. Driver's loaded, alsamixer loves it, and what's most startling is that the "System Testing" program can squeeze a beep out of it. Beyond that I get nothing. There's no muted channels and everything's up. Suggestions?02:58
yyellowcan anyone hear me02:58
MySecondChoiceISWhy prototype a function in C/C++. It seems like a waste of fu****** time!02:58
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  to enable other alt-ctrl-FX consoles.. looke like you just copy taht /etc/event.d/tty# to different #'s and edit the files..  easy! heh02:58
gwildorMySecondChoiceIS, still?02:58
curtthis man speas the truth02:58
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  perhaps ask in a programing channel.02:58
nikolaj_:( no answers?02:58
Dr_Willisnever mind. :)02:58
yyellowwhata re you following me02:58
yyellowgo away02:58
curtC++ entirely and actively counteracts ANY form of programmer productivity.02:58
caseywhere do i put a camand in a script?02:59
Dr_Williscasey:  Huh?  #!/bin/bash   , then command &    on next line...02:59
Dr_Williscommand &02:59
apoleo12Dr_Willis: I wouldnt know how easy it would be if I dont know about it02:59
Dr_Willis(or without a &)02:59
xim_is the flashgot mozilla plugin SUPPOSED to bomb your desktop with curl terminals?02:59
apoleo12if that made sense heh02:59
yyellowcurt maybe you will get farther programming, with a program in mind02:59
yyellowget further02:59
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  i learned how just now. :) from the qingy wiki page. heh.02:59
yyellowswoolley im talking to you03:00
apoleo12Dr_Willis: ah-ha! alright man... I'm going now and do some more exploring including the links you gave me03:00
apoleo12peace man03:00
=== ryanakca is now known as Guest66699
ray66Ubuntu Hardy the splashscreen image is in the lower right hand corner of the screen is there a way to center it03:01
nikolaj_would anyone please be able to help, i need to change my screen saver to blank without doing it through screen saver preferences in system>Preferences03:01
nikolaj_currently i think the screen saver selected (accidentally) is too much for my graphics card03:01
leaf-sheepWhere can I download latest Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04? (Latest as updated packages, not the original packages on the disc).  A slipstreamed iso.03:01
=== Guest66699 is now known as ryanakca
yyellownikolaj_ are you using xscreensaver03:02
swoolleyyyellow: I always hang out here03:02
d1sdainI installed a windows program and used wine to run it... it does not work and I wish to uninstall it but there is no "Uninstall" file... suggestions? I can navigate to where its folder is.03:02
nikolaj_leaf sheep check deamonoid03:02
MySecondChoiceISi'd like toi install git on a x86 server with a raid 10 configuration also i want it to dispense ice cream..03:02
nikolaj_i'm sorry, i have to admit i just installed linux for the first time about a week ago and am learning pretty quickly03:02
yyellowor gnome-screensaver03:02
nikolaj_gnome i think03:02
yyellowi think the only way is to edit it in the preferences03:03
yyellowunless you edit the preferences by hand03:03
odinsbaned1sdain: check the .wine folder in your home directory, it will eventually lead to a c drive03:03
MySecondChoiceISi'd like toi install git on a x86 server with a raid 10 configuration also i want it to dispense ice cream..03:03
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Tyrathif I've got both Shiretoko and Firefox3, is it possible to remove Firefox3, or will it stuff up gnome-desktop in some way?03:04
richardcavellTyrath: don't remove it03:04
richardcavellTyrath: some programs rely on the render engine being available03:05
n1lqjjust reinstalled ubuntu, apache2 is working and accepts connections from firewall with wget; however, not answering connection from outside wan.  did I miss anything in the configuration.  I did install firestarter and open the port already pse help03:05
chrisn2323?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 003:05
Tyrathrichardcavell: is the same render in shiretoko?03:05
yyellowwhats going on in here03:05
n1lqj just reinstalled ubuntu, apache2 is working and accepts connections from firewall with wget; however, not answering connection from outside wan.  did I miss anything in the configuration.  I did install firestarter and open the port already pse help03:05
richardcavellTyrath: same sort of engine but not the same files03:05
FloridaGuynikolaj, why cant you use screensaver preferences03:05
richardcavellTyrath: keep the packages installed.  You can delete the icons03:05
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houmscan anyone help me with skype on 64bit jaunty03:06
Tyrathrichardcavell: I don't understand why ubuntu decided to break firefox3 and shiretoko into different packages03:06
houmsi installed via repo03:06
richardcavellTyrath: legal reasons03:06
d1sdainodinsbane: I can get to my C: Drive yes03:06
Tyrathrichardcavell: ahh. so do you have both installed?03:06
richardcavellTyrath: Shiretoko is just FF 3.503:06
richardcavellTyrath: Yes03:06
Tyrathrichardcavell: ah k. how about if i symlinked shiretoko to point to /usr/bin as firefox ?03:07
gartralb hjknikl03:07
gartraloops.. foot-to-kb syndrom03:07
Tyrathrichardcavell: as in... would that stuff things up?03:07
richardcavellTyrath: don't symlink it03:07
houmscan anyone help me with skype on 64bit jaunty03:08
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Tyrathrichardcavell: and if I bound it to an alias?03:08
richardcavellTyrath: whatever menu item or icon you use to launch firefox, point it at shiretoko or firefox as you want it to03:08
richardcavellTyrath: don't alias it03:08
houmscan anyone help me with skype on 64bit jaunty03:08
FloridaGuyhow much of the default packages in 9.04 slow things down?03:08
yyellowhoums what's the problem03:08
houmswhen i run from menu entry nothing happens03:08
Tyrathrichardcavell: the reason i'm asking is I often use Alt + F2 to launch programs. For shiretoko it's annoying that I have to type firefox-3.503:09
spreepirathey /b/rother.. sad to say, but /b/ is under attack!!!03:09
yyellowwhen you run skype?03:09
houmsmind you this is 64 bit jaunty with skype instaolled from rep03:09
yyellowrun it in a terminal03:09
yyellowyou're probably missing a library or something03:09
leaf-sheepTyrath: I use Gnome-Do to launch softwares. :)03:09
houms/usr/bin/skype.real: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:09
gartralTyrath: um.. make an alias..03:09
houmsthats from terminal03:09
houmsbut not sure what im missing03:09
richardcavellTyrath: Okay, I don't know what alt f2 is all about.  But you can just modify what it's doing to point to firefox-3.5 instead03:09
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houmsi installed ia32-libs03:09
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spreepiratdefend /b/ !!!11103:09
babahey ru03:09
steven_J_Mhi all03:10
steven_J_Mhere's the output of upgraging the kernel through aptitude, (the security upgrade) can someone please check to see if it went  ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/251667/03:10
richardcavellTyrath: okay so you type alt-F2 and type 'firefox', do you?03:10
error404notfound how can i disable my bluetooth usb device in linux and attach it to Windows VM in Vbox3? i tried but all the USB Menu goes disabled..03:10
Tyrathrichardcavell: i have to type firefox-3.5, but yeah03:10
richardcavellTyrath: well you could create an alias 'ff' or something like that03:10
houmsany ideas?03:11
richardcavellTyrath: on my system I have firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.5 and 'firefox' is actually a script03:11
gartralhoums: whats your problem03:11
richardcavellall in /usr/bin03:11
d1sdainOK I will ask again, how do I uninstall a windows program from ubuntu? there is no uninstall.exe and its not in my add/remove. Do I just delete the program folder from the wine c:?03:11
Tyrathrichardcavell: i don't think aliases work with alt+f2, and i hate launching programs from the terminal, because I always accidentaly close the terminal which shuts the progs03:11
kkszysiuhow to get dir to my Desktop folder from terminal?03:11
houmsgartral when i run skype from terminal here is my output03:11
houms/usr/bin/skype.real: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:11
Tyrathd1sdain: upgrade to the latest wine03:12
gartrald1sdain: go into applications/wine/remove wine software03:12
kkszysiuI mean /home/kkszysiu/Desktop but using bash variable03:12
kkszysiuanyone know?03:12
gartralhoums: use gizmo03:12
newbuntuI have a question about the DVDs03:12
richardcavellTyrath: I don't know much about alt-F2.  I don't know how to add an icon/program in the list03:12
gartral!ask | newbuntu03:12
ubottunewbuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:12
gartral!gizmo | houms03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gizmo03:12
d1sdainty ty ty03:12
newbuntuCan anyone just sell a DVD? I was at a convention and people were selling Ubuntu DVDs for $5.03:13
richardcavellTyrath: I suppose you could rename firefox-3.5 as 'firefox'03:13
Tyrathrichardcavell: yeh. that's my problem. .bashrc has nothing to do with alt+f203:13
gartralhoums: gixmo5 is compatible with the skypenets03:13
Tyrathrichardcavell: I actually already have firefox bound to ff in terminal ;)03:13
durtnewbuntu, yup. but why would anyone buy one?03:13
meoblast001hi, can anyone help me with this output http://codepad.org/ZyInQ8O803:13
gartralTyrath: not tru, if you add a gui based alias, to bashrc, the panel launcher will see it03:13
newbuntudurt: what if they were from ubuntu? They looked like the ones that ubuntu had mailed to me03:14
richardcavellTyrath: I can't help you with the launcher thing.  Sorry.  But rest assured that FF 3.0 and 3.5 can coexist happily03:14
Tyrathgartral: ok, i just typed ff in bash and it launched firefox. i tried the same with alt+f2 and it didn't work03:14
Tyrathrichardcavell: I just don't like wasted space :/03:14
gartralTyrath: you have to specify its a gui alias.. and i forget how to do that03:14
Tyrathgartral: ah03:15
newbuntuTyrath, gartral: you might try logging out and then back in again03:15
durtnewbuntu, you can't order free discs in bulk.03:15
Tyrathnewbuntu: i've had ff bound for ages. the system would have picked it up by now03:15
newbuntudurt: and then sell them?03:15
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gartralTyrath: i added shiretoko's launcher to my awn p[anel ^^03:16
newbuntudurt: it's legal because the source code is included along with the disk?03:16
newbuntuTyrath: alias ?03:16
Tyrathgartral: i have awn aswell, but it requires full graphics to run, and it eats away a lot of power03:17
Tyrathnewbuntu: aliases that work with the alt+f2 launcher03:17
durtnewbuntu, the source is published by Ubuntu, there's no need to include the source for gpl compliance, and this is offtopic.03:17
newbuntuTyrath: not that I know, just throwing out an idea03:18
Tyrathnewbuntu: thanks anyhow03:18
newbuntudurt: I don't think so, GPL is part of ubuntu so it's on topic03:18
newbuntuanyway thanks03:18
* Tyrath wishes that if he launched an application in bash, when he closed the terminal the application still ran...03:18
danbhfiveTyrath: does it work adding a &?03:19
gartralTyrath: you need to use a screen03:19
Tyrathand I think it's really silly that we need two versions of firefox...03:19
Tyrathi hate redundancy when it's not necessary03:19
Tyrathi mean don't shiretoko and firefox have the same runtime files? so if one goes kaput so too will the other?03:20
* steven_J_M is worried that a securty upgrade of the kernel didn't go according to plan, here's the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/251667/03:20
Tyrathdanbhfive: you mean, allocating it to a background process. this allows you to run other programs from the same terminal, but if you shut the terminal it will close both programs03:20
gwildorTyrath, run               command &                that should keep it running when term closes03:20
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Tyrathgwildor: are you sure? because I think what I told danbhfive is what happens. I'll experiment now...03:21
edbianI'm looking for a good cli program that can report my various temperature readings (system, cpu, hdd) What can you suggest03:21
gwildorTyrath, it works as expected for me03:21
Tyrathgwildor: nope. what i said to danbhfive is exactly what happens for me03:22
houmsgartral thanks for the advice but it doesnt work either03:22
mazda01_anyone in here familar with pcmanfm?03:22
ctmjrTyrath: try command & disown03:22
Tyrathgwildor: even if I run progs as a backgroun process, closing terminal closes them all03:23
houmsfunny thing is it has the same error03:23
houmsgizmo: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:23
danbhfiveTyrath: try exiting with 'exit'03:23
gwildorTyrath, i did..             in gterm           xterm &       then closed gterm.... xterm is still there03:23
gwildorTyrath, try with xterm, for giggles.... what command did you use?03:24
Tyrathgwildor: so you're running gterm in xterm? *i'm confused03:24
gwildori am running xterm FROM gterm..... then i close gterm, and xterm still runs03:24
ftwedbian: I've used a program called "sensors" to show temps of cores and hard drives03:24
edbianftw: sensors or "lm-sensors" ?03:24
gwildorTyrath, open gterm, type xterm &, then close gterm        ..... xterm is still running03:25
ftwedbian: I don't remember--I think both03:25
ZuMMHi, please, I need some help to set my webcam in a macbook 4.1 black03:25
ftwedbian: I run "sensors" from the command prompt now, and get a result03:25
Tyrathgwildor: ok. with gterm and xterm for some weird reason what you say is true. unfortunately, it doesn't work for firefox03:26
gwildorlemme try  FF03:26
danbhfiveTyrath: try disown as someone suggested03:26
ctmjrTyrath: if you want to keep the process alive after closing the terminal try command & disown03:26
Tyrathahh - thanks ctmjr - that works03:27
gwildorTyrath, FF *crashes*, it doesnt close....03:27
Tyrathgwildor: when i said it closes, that's what I meant :P03:27
houmsanyone skype or gizmo help? neither work with same error03:28
houmsgizmo: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:28
Tyrathctmjr: can you explain to me why it doesn't disown by default?03:29
Tyrathctmjr: or please point me to a resource, and ill read about it03:31
spOdo any of you know how to compile fglrx/ati drivers for a custom ubuntu kernel?03:32
ctmjrTyrath: to bash closing the terminal is like pressing the ctrl + c keys it thinks you are done running the process and terminates it03:32
houmsanyone skype or gizmo help? neither work with same error error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:33
Tyrathctmjr: actually i understand foreground... it allows you to understand what happens when a program crashes. but with background processes - i don't understand why they don't disown by default03:33
Tyrathctmjr: because who would willingly close a terminal to crash a program?03:34
puffTyrath: Probably because they're child processes of your shell process, so when you kill your shell process (by logging out) they get killed.03:34
puffTyrath: In unix, processes that are expected to run with a life of their own (aka daemons) are not run of the mill.03:35
puffTyrath: Of course, that was a long time ago...03:35
Tyrathpuff: i understand what you're saying. but why wouldn't ubuntu designers design the background command so it automatically disowns the process in the shell?03:35
puffTyrath: In unix, processes that are expected to run with a life of their own (aka daemons) are not run of the mill.03:35
Tyrathpuff: you're going to have to explain the mill to me03:36
puffTyrath: Ubuntu did not spring forth, fully formed like Athena, from Mark Shuttleworth's head.03:36
gwildorTyrath, its code from before there ever was ubuntu.....03:36
stlsainthello to all03:36
puffTyrath: "run of the mill" is a colloquialism in american english, meaning roughly something like "business as usual"03:36
gwildorTyrath, he means they arent regular programs...they are...special03:36
jedcstlsaint, hi03:37
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:37
puffTyrath:  interestingly, the expression refers to the gross output of a aweving mill, before any quality assurance is conducted.03:37
puffWeaving mill.03:38
Tyrathgwildor puff: having some programming expertise, myself, usually i'm required, when an opportunity presents itself, to make the program more user friendly. i don't understand how running a gnome program in the background exists, when disowning that program could be a default function of running programs in the background03:38
stlsaintwho here is still running windows on a seperate partition....03:38
puffTyrath: It's a standard practice that dates from 30+ years ago in the unix world.03:38
puffTyrath: By default, spawned processes are not daemon processes.03:39
Tyrathpuff: so people would rather type <program>&disown than <program>& ?03:39
gwildorTyrath, it was designed in a time when you only had your 1 shell....you didnt open as many as you want... there wasnt X.... just you and your shell.......you wouldnt want forgotten background processes using all resources, harming the other users03:39
zetheroo1how do I chnage the computer name is Ubuntu Jaunty?03:39
jedcstlsaint, i have windows 7 in a vm, but i cant find anything i want to use it for03:39
puffTyrath: You may think it's more user-friendly for the default to be otherwise, but that would involve changing the expected behavior for a few million other people.03:39
Tyrathgwildor: they could change the design tho...03:39
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gwildorTyrath, welcome to linux, you are free to make anychanges you want, and submit them, and have them used03:40
puffTyrath: Also, be glad you have disown, it used to require some fairly arcane syntax to do that,.03:40
stlsaintjedc: i feel the same way...i just took of my xp part and put that into vbox but i dont know what to do with it03:40
danbhfiveTyrath: you could use gnome-open or gnome-do.  Maybe you just need to use a different program03:40
puffTyrath: Ah, good point by gwildor... not only would you hyave to make the change, you'd also have to convince people to adopt your change.03:40
getxsick9.04 live cd supports LVM?03:40
Tyrathgwildor: i forgot to add that i've never been trained in software development, just business applications :P03:40
stlsaintdoes anyone know how to use winff03:40
TruthTacowhats the command that will log me into root03:40
stlsaintfor video conversion03:40
dsnydersHi all!  Where can I find a good list of repositories?03:40
puffgetxsick: I would expect it to do so but I do not know from personal knowledge that it does.03:40
UshaibTruthTaco: sudo -i03:41
arandTruthTaco: sudo -i will give you a root console03:41
stlsaintTACO: you mean terminal or session03:41
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gwildorUshaib, arand , no one uses sudo su anymore?03:41
Tyrathgwildor: for starters, getting my head around the whole pointer thing in C, freaks me out03:41
getxsickpuff: have to chroot to restore GRUB at MBR but apart from /boot everything is on LVM and can't chroot ;/03:41
stlsaintgksudo nautilus...for jaunty will give you a root gui03:41
jedcstlsaint, i run on a macbook pro, and dual booted os x for a while but got rid of it03:41
gwildorUshaib, arand , or did it come in with the gksudo fad03:42
Tyrathpuff: but an interesting point - why wouldn't people want the change? are the majority of linux users ex unix users or something?03:42
arandgwildor: not reccomended, sudo -i mimics the same command but with better environment variable handling afaik.03:42
puffgetxsick: Ugh, I'm sorry for you.  This is why I am afraid of and skeptical of such newfangled things :-)03:42
stlsaintjedc: im at a lost on what to do with my windows...i run UCE, UE2.3 and soon karmic but what more would one need for windows?!?!?!?03:42
Tyrathpuff: or is the issue that ubuntu would thus be less compatible with other lsbs?03:42
puffTyrath: Linux is a direct descendant of unix. Linux is regarded by many as simply another flavor of unix.03:43
puffPerhaps by most.03:43
getxsickpuff: lvm is not so recent03:43
puffgetxsick: It is to me :-).03:43
ninjaslimi'm trying to share the network connection of my MacBook Pro so that my Ubuntu box can use it, i have it configured on the Mac side, can't get configuration on the Ubuntu side right03:43
puffgetxsick: I'm still a little distrustful of DHCP.03:43
Tyrathpuff: but they could always change the unix command...03:43
getxsickpuff: :D03:43
puffTyrath: Go right ahead.03:43
ninjaslimit detects the connection stays connected, then disconnects, and while it's connected it can't access any web pages03:44
ninjaslimany idea what's going on here03:44
puffTyrath: And when you've got your new version, see how much luck you have with convincing everybody to use it.03:44
getxsickchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory03:44
puffTyrath:  It's a human issue, not a technical one.03:44
TruthTacoOK another question, i have a hard drive, and i want a program to be able to write to it, how do i set permissions so any program can write to it?03:44
Tyrathpuff: lol. why would noone want to use it?03:44
getxsicki copied bash binary to /bin/bash03:44
getxsickand nothing03:44
ninjaslimany idea what's going on here03:44
stlsaintwhat are you using for ubuntu side?03:44
puffTyrath: I have my own little list of usability improvements I'd like to see.03:44
ninjaslimstlsaint: i would need to do manual configuration right in say network settings and not use dhcp for eth0 right?03:45
puffTyrath: Probably because it would break a few hundred different things in your average running program.03:45
Tyrathpuff: so generally it's command related with linux, people say don't touch it. if it's gui related people say, go right ahead?03:45
jedcTruthTaco, if the drive is mounted as /media/myDrive, sudo chmod -R 777 /media/myDrive03:45
gwildorTyrath, much like you are here, wishing someone would make a change you prefer, there would be 20 people wishing they would change it back.....03:45
=== miguel is now known as Guest99817
Guest99817im getting an error while trying to install. Soft Reset Failed (Device Not Ready) error upon installing Ubuntu03:45
puffTyrath: Well yo're talking about something that cuts pretty deep into the core of unix.03:45
puffTyrath: Process control, etc.03:45
stlsaintninjaslim: right no dont use DHCP...set ip, gateway and dns manual...03:45
Tyrathpuff: yeah good point03:46
stlsaintGuest99817: what are you trying to install?03:46
ninjaslimstlsaint: ok, so gateway should be the ip of the macbook pro or the router and what about dns?03:46
gwildorTyrath, its not that its "command related"..... how would you feel if you bought a car, and the gas/brake were reversed....03:46
stlsaintget that from router03:46
Guest99817stlsaint, ubuntu..03:46
puffTyrath:  Probably the simplest thing would be to integrate disowsn more tightly into bash shell, so it feels more like bg/fg/etc.03:46
stlsaintor mac i mean...same as mac should be03:47
blognewbhello good eve? if i manually type and run the spawn-fcgi command, it executes right, but if i run the init.d/php-fastcgi file instead, it seems that it's not calling it... how do i check this? can i do an "echo" inside the switch case in the init.d file?03:47
ninjaslimstlsaint, all of the info shoul dbe same as mac?03:47
cleteanyone knows how to edit icons on gedit filebrowser pane?03:47
Tyrathpuff: yeah, that would be a plus :)03:47
stlsaintexcept IP03:47
Tyrathi'll brb, being called for lunch03:47
=== Tyrath is now known as Tyr[a]th
stlsaintGuest99817: how are you trying to install...cd/usb/ext hdd??03:48
gwildorTyrath, in linux/unix world, not so many things get changed...as much as new things are created to serve the purpose03:48
ninjaslimstlsaint: how do i know about dns?03:48
arandclete: filebrowser pane?03:48
puffSo, anybody familair iwth openoffice macros?03:48
Guest99817stlsaint, cd03:48
puffI need to clean up this docfile that a colleague created (by, sigh, importing an HTML file I sent them and then makinga bunch of changeS).03:49
cletearand: yes. filebrowser sidepane in gedit03:49
cleteit's a plugin03:49
cletein gedit03:49
stlsaintNinja:im not too familiar with mac but you should be able to enter maybe a terminal and sorta like with windows do something like a ipconfig /all to get all network info03:49
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stlsaintGuest: what system...laptop or desktop03:50
ninjaslimdoes the mac address need to be the same too03:51
ninjaslimninjaslim: MacBook Pro runs Mac OS X which is sharing the connection with the PC runing Ubuntu, connection originates on MAc03:52
stlsaintare you using the mac as the "hub" for the ubuntu system03:52
ninjaslimstlsaint: yes i'm using it as the hub03:52
elliotfI could really use some help with recovering an lvm2 volume.  I'm following the directions at http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8874, but the 'vgchange' command in 'listing 7.' does not make any volumes active.03:53
stlsaintso you say mac is setup right so you should be able to go thru network settings on buntu machine and connect to mac via lan03:53
elliotfinstead I get "0 logical volume(s) in volume group "VolGroup01" now active"03:53
leaf-sheepWhere can I download latest Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04? (Latest as updated packages, not the original packages on the disc).  A slipstreamed iso.03:53
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ninjaslimstlsaint: yes03:54
jedcleaf-sheap, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu03:54
jedcleaf-sheap, when you download and burn a cd, it is updated until new updates are released03:54
stlsaintunless you trust the source who tells you that they have not messed with the iso i recommend you download the original iso and just do a sudo update03:54
goku12205does anyone know where i can find a http exploit?03:54
leaf-sheepjedc: There already are updates since the original iso released back in April. I'm looking for a way to update the iso.03:55
stlsaintninja when you go to wireless settings what do you get on buntu machine...i cant look as my machine is already configured for wireless03:55
ninjaslimstlsaint: wireless settings, or network settings?03:56
arandclete: heh, never saw that one before... sorry not sure how to edit icons there specifically, they will follow userglobal theme though, I guess.03:56
jedcleaf-sheap, they update the iso on the website i believe, just whichever one you burn will become outdated as there are more releases03:56
RaidRecoveryanyone familiar with mdadm ?03:56
jedcthe iso you dl today will be different from next weed03:56
ninjaslimstlsaint: wiireless has nothing litted03:56
stlsaintyea the same is on mine...you wont be able to connect or change network settings for a seperat connection while you are connected to your current internet03:57
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stlsaintgoku:in ubuntu?03:58
ninjaslimstlsaint: wait so you mean i need to disconnect from the one that i'm trying to coinfigur right now and then reconfigure03:58
stlsainti believe so...reconfigure so you can manually set your connection settings to your mac and then connect via mac03:59
stlsaintxgm: hello03:59
stlsaintninjaslim: have you checked the forums03:59
ninjaslimstlsaint: yeah they said enable it on Mac end and that's it04:00
=== Chazz is now known as daBomb69
arandjedc: leaf-sheep: the iso downloaded ubuntu won't change with new updates/patches, it's only the dailies (i.e. development versions) that does that.04:01
stlsaintyea i know on windows the "hub" system would show in the available wireless networks to connect to...but you can still do it manually04:01
xgmso i have a question.. the pc that i use ubuntu with is going to be running as an ftp server at home so i can access my pc from school. My router uses NAT so i use PPPoE to connect to the internet and have an IP which can be accessed on port 21. But when my internet dies, and comes back up, the PPPoE IP is not renewed. How can i fix this?04:01
stlsaintarand: not sure why leaf wanted a slipstreamed iso when he can just customize ubuntu as he goes along04:02
=== daBomb69 is now known as Chazz
leaf-sheeparand: I remember reading an article once about updating the ISO.  I can't find it again.04:02
stlsaintxgm: whats making your internet die?04:02
Hordekingstlsaint: A computer virus.04:02
Hordekingstlsaint: A bubonic worm.04:03
jedcarand, thanks, i didnt know that04:03
fogusI would like to dual-boot windows xp/windows server/linux/linux/linux/etc.  this shouldn't be to hard but I would like to be able to encrypt the windows installs with truecrypt and the linux installs with dmcrypt.  what do I install first: windows or linux? (I believe the answer is "windows" ususaly, but perhaps this is different with truecrypt)04:03
xgmstlsaint: i have verizon DSL, and sometimes when it rains, the modem disconnects from the internet.04:03
jedcarand, you mean all the updates i do (e.g. apt-get upgrade) are included in the iso when you dl it? you need to do all the upgrades once you install?04:04
stlsainthordeking: ????04:04
jedcarand, *are not04:04
xgmafter some time it obviously reconnects, but my linux doesnt renew the PPPoE IP04:04
stlsaintxgm: you cant set your router to renew auto?04:04
arandleaf-sheep: that should be on the ubuntu wiki somewhere, it's a rather involved process I think.04:04
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NoMS_is there a command to make sure samba is running?   I setup a file server using samba and used the /etc/init.d/samba restart, but when I try to connect using win, it cannot find my shared folders...04:06
ninjaslimstlsaint: wow i cannot get this to work04:06
fuzzybunnyDoes anyone know if it possible to get two finger scrolling to work on my touchpad(I think it is an alps I am not sure how to check). There is nothing in my xorg.conf and if I enable the two finger scrolling in the mouse properties it doesn't work but the edge scrolling works04:07
stlsaintninja: whats the issue?04:07
jedcNoMS_, ps -e | grep samba might work if the name of the process is samba04:07
stlsaintstill on mac side or ubuntu side04:07
xgmstlsaint: my router renews my IP. But my router has NAT, which im sure you know makes it so that all my computers share the router's IP. But i can use PPPoE to make my linux box have an external IP to that of my router. But after my router regains internet, my PPPoE connection does not restart itself, and therefore I have no internet. In other words, how can i get either my linux box to reboot itself once a day, or my pppoe to rene04:07
dsnydersHi all!  Where can I find a good list of repositories?  I get a bunch of errors like this:  W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-proposed/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:08
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arandjedc: As far as I know: When a final version is released, the iso will not change thereafter, all updates will have to be installed when you do a fresh install from the iso. (Exception is the update point releases of LTS versions, but those are far apart still.)04:08
buckyNoMS_:  ps -ef | grep mbd04:09
durtxgm, either 'sudo pon dsl-provider' or 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'04:09
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xgmalright.. will try that now. brb04:09
buckyNoMS_:  netstat -anpt04:09
aranddsnyders: that's a repo for edgy, it's unsupporded since a good while back.04:09
NoMS_jedc, bucky: thanks..it's showing smbd running04:09
buckyNoMS_:   maybe even /etc/init.d/samba status04:09
durtxgm, assuming you set it up with pppoeconf04:09
xgmi set up with pppoeconf04:09
ninjaslimstlsaint: it's ubuntu side, the connection works but i can't get onto the internet, no pages open, and the connection intermittently disonncets and recnnects04:09
stlsaintlol...thanks durt i was typing way more and you saved some finger clicks04:10
stlsaintninja: sounds like router to mac side now..if buntu can reach and connect than its open...what port are you trying to go thru?04:10
NoMS_crap, yeah everythings running, I just can't connect.  It doesn't display my share folder in the network box.  guess I will check my config04:10
stlsainton buntu04:10
buckyNoMS_:  is nmbd  running also?04:11
buckyNoMS_:  nmbd is a server that understands and can reply to NetBIOS over IP name service requests04:12
jedcis there an easy way to get a fresh source.list file?04:12
NoMS_yesh running samba status shows smbd and nmbd running04:12
dsnydersHow do I display which ubuntu I'm running?04:12
NoMS_dsnyders, system -> About :)04:13
zetheroocould someone help me get this going https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy04:13
aranddsnyders: or use "lsb_release -a" in a terminal04:13
libtechNoMS_: did you try typing like smb://ip_address into the address bar?04:13
NoMS_in ubuntu or win?04:14
* scott_ino2 thinks the routine check is stupid04:14
libtechim assuming you are trying to access windows shared folders?04:15
ninjaslimstlsaint: i have no clue, how can i set the port?04:15
dsnydersarand, It says 8.04 hardy.  Why is there a bunch of Edgy repositories in the software sources then?04:15
TigerCR1200I need a program to edit PDF files, does anyone have a suggestion?04:15
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, what are you trying to do with them04:16
ctmjrTigerCR1200: try pdfedit04:16
TigerCR1200I have one I need to change some information on, correct typoes and things04:16
TigerCR1200ctmjr, thank you Ill give it a look04:16
aranddsnyders: I have no idea, I would guess they've been added manually somehow...04:16
NoMS_libtech, yes.  it shows the share in the browser.  If I click on it, I get a file not found.04:17
jahocolipsIs there a flash player out with support for the PPC architecture yet?04:17
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, yeah pdfedit can handle that... i had a java program around here that was non open source but it did a little more04:17
scott_ino2i'll try and find the name04:17
TigerCR1200thank you scott_ino204:17
dsnydersarand, is there a good list of repositories somewhere?04:18
stlsaintninja: are you running a firewall?04:18
ninjaslimstlsaint: i think my router runs a firewall but that shouldn't matter, i don't think my mac runs one04:19
jahocolipsIs there a flash player out with support for the PPC architecture yet?04:19
NoMS_libtech... I think I may have found the problem.  It is showing the owner as root.  I'm assuming that this is the problem..what you think?04:19
libtechNoMS_: im not sure, sorry04:20
aranddsnyders: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78357704:20
tuxwulfMy live USB ends with a BusyBox shell and an (initramfs) _  prompt. What can I do to get Ubuntu started properly?04:21
NoMS_guess not... still now working in the browser.  live to fight another day... thanks for your help libtech04:21
stlsaintwhat port is setup on your mac for ssh or are you using ssh talk to your systems?04:22
jedcstlsaint, default is 80, but that is for ssh in general i think04:23
stlsaintninjaslim: this should take care of you as i must go....  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo04:24
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, I really can't seem to find it sorry.... pdfedit should suit you though04:24
stlsaintjedc: well i believe he might have some different setups going on but i cant be for sure04:24
stlsaintjedc: you know anything about video converting in ubuntu jaunty04:25
TigerCR1200Yeah PDF edit is working. I really despise PDF documents though04:25
scott_ino2stlsaint, what are you trying to do...04:26
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, but pdfs are so wonderful04:26
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, i deal with lots of scribus awesomeness a lot so im a little biased04:26
perscitusHow do i get Wifi working on a Mini 10v?04:26
jedcstlsaint, if you are talking about converting video formats, not really except i found a useful script for converting mkv to avi so its playable on a ps3 :p04:26
Cocoabeanperscitus: have you looked into ndiswrapper, if your card is unsupported04:27
scott_ino2stlsaint, i might be able to help you, what are you trying to do.04:27
tarsmanhi all, any experienced in IBM System x3550 M2 with ubuntu server? please help. thank you.04:27
TigerCR1200scott_ino2, I don't have a problem with them if I am creating them I just don't like going back and fixing other peoples mess ups.04:27
scott_ino2TigerCR1200, until you get paid to do it from scratch ;-)04:27
dsnydersscott_ino2, Do you know a good tutorial for Scribus.  I want to design some calendar layouts (eg daytimer)04:28
perscituscocoa117-->  It is broadcom so yes it is supported. Wiki says it works but it is wrong04:28
TigerCR1200scott_ino2, depends on the time line for that, I've been paid to create some really simple ones. Receipt type things.04:28
Cocoabeanperscitus: it may be the encyrption you are using that is keeping it from working, are you using encryption?04:28
perscituscocoa117-->  just WPA04:28
scott_ino2dsnyders, they have a basic calendar plugin... but you might wanna check out scribusstuff.org04:29
scott_ino2they have some good templates04:29
scott_ino2if i remember correctly04:29
stlsaintscott: well i installed winff yesterday but whenever i try and conver anything it errors out and i fail04:29
Cocoabeanperscitus: some cards are 'supported' but dont support certain newer encyrption modes, Ndiswrapper uses windows drivers, I'm not really sure how but it works , sometimes with the same limitations04:29
scott_ino2dsnyders, im sure you can modify them to suit your needs04:29
stlsaintjedc:ill take that!!04:30
rodrigoalguien habla español?04:30
perscituscocoa117-->  If one has to use ndiswrapper then There is no reason to use Ubuntu.04:30
perscituscocoa117-->  anyways, you cant help me so stop trying.04:30
Cocoabeanperscitus: that's a little bit of an extreme statement. it runs in linux04:30
perscitusbesides, Wiki says it is supported, including wifi.04:31
perscitusTherefore, no reason to.04:32
stlsaintscott: anything?04:32
Cocoabeanperscitus: well it obviously doesnt work, so good luck04:32
zetherooanyone out there using apt-proxy?04:32
JaykulHey, after the latest round of updates and a reboot, my system won't boot -- it's dumping to busybox after failing to mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ...04:32
JaykulThe uuid it mentions shows up when I look in there, and switching it to the /dev/sda1 naming yields the same result. Any ideas?04:32
perscitusHow do i get Wifi working on a Mini 10v?04:32
helluesa nightmare to remember !!!!04:32
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scott_ino2stlsaint, sorry didnt see it04:32
scott_ino2type my name then hit tab and it'll show up for red for me04:32
scott_ino2actually you can just type scott and hit tab and it'll autocomplete next time04:33
Guest46039i plugged my flash drive into another computer with ubuntu and i can create folders and have read and write access but why can't i copy paste files into it? dragging works i think (my mom did that), trying to add read and write as root by doing gksudo nautilus does not help at all because it still says i am not allowed to make changes04:33
stlsaintscott_ino2: yea im just looking for a good video converting program04:33
scott_ino2stlsaint, what are you trying to convert, as in from what format to what04:33
scott_ino2different formats i usually use different tools04:33
stlsaintScottG: just and example but avi to mpeg404:33
dsnydersscott_ino2, Thanks.  I've bookmarked the page for later.  Looks good.04:33
helluesnightmare to remember !!!!04:34
stlsaintscott_ino2: my bad04:34
SuperMiguelguys im getting a softreset failed error.. any idea what that error is?04:34
dsnydersarand, Thanks for the repository list pointer.  No errors now, but gnucash is still several versions behind.04:35
scott_ino2stlsaint, for simple conversions you could try http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/04:35
scott_ino2stlsaint, i realize it's actually a full video editor, but you just loud the file up and then it has a selector for various outputs04:35
scott_ino2dsnyders, yea I actually found out about that recently it's not too bad04:37
vasslerIf I had a regular text document using gedit, is there a way to count how many character's are used in the text file?04:37
MeditatingFrogproblem:  dictionary on the panel doesn't function reliably.  ideas?04:38
schmittyIf is was told I need Evolution development libraries, how would I go about searching the repositories to find the package name so that I can issue the 'sudo apt-get package' command correctly04:38
perscitusHow do i get Wifi working a hidden SSID on a Mini 10v?04:38
puffAnybody know how to resize a whole bunch of images in an open office document at the same time?04:39
stlsaintscott_ino2: thanks i will check it out...later04:39
schmittyhow do I search package details with apt-get04:39
puffschmitty: sudo aptitude search evolution04:39
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schmittyahh puff04:39
puffschmitty: Possibly even:  sudo aptitude search evolution | fgrep -i lib04:40
MeditatingFrogschmitty:  have you tried man apt-get?04:40
puffMeditatingFrog: Woldn't help.04:40
puffMeditatingFrog: It'd hav eto be "man apt-cache"04:40
puffMeditatingFrog: Which is one of the reasons :I recommend using aptitude instead.04:40
MeditatingFrogpuff:  would man aptitude help?04:40
Koganeiso I'm on Moblin on my netbook at the moment and have no access to any other computer. No cd, no usb key. Is there a way for me to install Ubuntu and wipe Moblin on this computer?04:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Moblin04:41
puffI think the keyword phrase you're looknig for is "net installer".04:41
KoganeiMoblin is this distro that is geared for social/online interaction04:41
puffDebian used to have one, I wonder if ubuntu does.04:41
* Koganei is not sure what the guts of Moblin are based on04:42
libtechKoganei: is it made by intel?04:42
puffKoganei: Go to here and scroll down to "Server and network installations" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:42
Koganeioh, I can net install from a ubuntu server?04:42
puffARgh, I hate dealing with stupid word processors.04:43
puffNot that OO is that st upid, but.04:43
vasslerIf I had a regular text document using gedit, is there a way to count how many character's are used in the text file?04:43
puffI'm half tempted to try to export it all to HTML, write a shells cript to run the images througth imagemagick,then import it all back in./04:43
puffvassler: Yes.04:43
ctmjrvassler: the wc command will count them for you04:44
dsnydersvassler, wc file will give you the word count, line count and character count04:44
TamnakzIs there a chat program that'll do video for aim or gmail?04:44
* puff was actually off checking to see if "man -k count" would turn up wc or not.04:44
vasslerdsnyders: How?04:44
puffSurvey says: yes.04:44
puffvassler: man wc04:44
dsnydersvassler, wc filename04:44
MeditatingFrogwc, cool04:44
puffvassler: It's a command line tool.04:45
vasslerOH in terminal?04:45
gartraldsnyders: does it break "words" up as every 4 charecters, or by looking for non alphanumeric charecters at the "end" of a real word04:45
tarsmanhi puff, i'm tarsman. i'm just trying my luck if you have any idea how compatible IBM System x3550 M2 with ubuntu server?04:45
VoltaireHello people04:45
pufftarsman:  Sorry, no clue about that.  Did you try googling on it?04:45
dsnydersgartral, I think it considers a word as a series of non blank characters surrounded by blanks04:46
tarsmanthank you puff.04:46
mikegerwitzTamnakz: Empathy may be able to; can try installing that. I'm not positive that it supports video over those protocols though04:46
pufftarsman:  I know IBM was putting serious amounts of work into running redhat images on their big iron a few years back, and IBM is certainly in bed iwth redhat and linux in general, so it's entirely possible.  Maybe even likely.04:46
tarsmanyes I google for it and I found one but not too conclusive for me.04:46
ctmjrhere you go all about wc http://www.linfo.org/wc.html04:47
streblowhich java installation package is best for general programming purposes?04:47
gartraldsnyders: so in other words its not accurate to either standard04:47
johojais there a way to downgrade a package?04:48
dsnydersgartral, how else would you do it?  A dictionary lookup of each string to see if it is an actual word?04:48
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.04:49
johojapackage i said04:49
johojanot ubuntu.04:49
gartralno, but the "right" way is too look at each word, and if theres a nonalpha numeric charecter at the end, add 1 toy the word count and look at the next line of A/N chars04:49
Voltairewhat are you trying to downgrade to?04:49
thiebaudestreblo, sun-java6-jdk04:50
mikegerwitzapt-get accepts "packagename=version"04:50
xTheGoat121xGreetings... I have lost all rights to access my data partition... it seems to be mounting as a read only partition.04:50
mikegerwitzjohoja: sudo apt-get install package=version04:50
thiebaudestreblo, i hope thats the right one04:50
vikyHI ALL04:50
VoltaireYeah, remove in synaps man then just do that04:51
thiebaudeviky, hi04:51
vikyWITH UBUNTU04:51
FloodBot3viky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:51
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:51
thiebaudeviky, hehe04:52
tarsmanpuff: so far this is what I've found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121951404:52
streblothiebaude, any reason you chose that one in particular?04:52
vikyhas anyone have any idea04:52
puffstreblo: Honestly, I've been primarlky a java programmer the past ten years or so and I'd lean towards just unpacking the JDK in a   separate subdirectory.04:52
zetherooI need help with apt-proxy04:52
thiebaudestreblo, that should be the one04:53
puffstreblo: Too many variables otherwise, if you're doing serious programming.04:53
streblopuff, all i want to do is run lucene, i dont really want to think about it too much04:53
strebloor solr, rather04:53
puffstreblo: Ah, then that's not "general programming purposes" :-).04:53
streblowe might roll some java code04:54
puffstreblo: Prolly sun-java6-jdk.04:54
streblook, sold04:54
thiebaudestreblo, yep04:54
android6011>if i install vbox in ubuntu, and i dont have the drives mounted in ubuntu say /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc, can the guest os still access the drives in any way? i want the guest os to be completely in control of those drives04:54
vikyanybody aware on how to configure official chat service04:54
puffstreblo: You might find my tutorial helpful.04:54
puffstreblo: Then again, it might be out of date by now.04:54
puffstreblo: For lucene,t hat is.  http://darksleep.com/lucene04:54
rndmso i've got myself into a bit of a situation with grub2. my boot device is /dev/sda but the os resides on /dev/sdb1. i can't figure out how to explain this to grub-install04:54
puffI really need to dig into lucene again and update/expandthat tutorial.04:55
johnhow do you transfer images using hplip?04:55
johni need to transfer from a sd card.04:55
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xTheGoat121xI cannot get this to work, my system was fine until just recently, and now one of my partitions has decided to go read-only on me.04:56
schmittywhat do I do.... an installation says 'No package 'libebook-1.2' found' yet an apt-get install command shows it is already installed. What do I do then. This happens all the time04:56
dotblankAnyway to encode my surround51 device into a ac3 spdif stream?04:57
gwildorschmitty, the  correct ver?04:57
schmittyNo package 'libebook-1.2' found04:57
schmittyibebook1.2-9 is already the newest version.04:58
streblopuff, this is a dumb question, but apt couldnt find the package. what repository am i looking in?04:58
schmittyIf an install is looking for libebook1.2 and I have libe1.2-9 that should be fine right?04:59
VoltaireJohn, doesn't hplip just save to location?04:59
mikegerwitzschmitty: libeboox-1.2 and libebook1.2-9 are different packages04:59
schmittyhow do I get the older libebook version?04:59
schmittyaptitude search only shows newer version04:59
gartralanyone know what to do with .mht files?05:00
vikyi need help05:00
vikycan anybody help me05:00
VoltaireSchmitty, "MIKEGERWITZ: apt-get accepts "packagename=version""05:00
Voltairewhats the question05:00
mikegerwitzschmitty, it looks like that package you're trying to install is searching for a package under a slightly different name - without the dash before the version.  Try using the --ignore-missing to force it to install05:01
vikyi need to configure chat service in office network05:01
gartral!helpme | viky05:01
ubottuviky: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience05:01
ecumenical_is there a way to get a program such as Meld to generate a report of differences between files in a directory and files which I've modified?05:01
vikyjust like office communicator05:01
puffecumenical_: Your question is a big hard to parse, but it sounds like you may want kdiff3.05:02
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vikywill kdiff3 help me configure chat service05:02
ecumenical_puff, ok. Yea, I want to generate a report of changes between two copies of a file. (files actually)05:02
puffviky: Probably not.05:02
ecumenical_viky, what type of chat service do you want to configure?05:03
puffecumenical_: I like meld, but kdiff3 is awesomely handy for when I have, for example, two different file trees from two different svn code checkouts and I need to figure out which files have changes  and merge them all together.05:03
=== UNFORGiVEN512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
vikywhich can connect to my office network05:03
VoltaireDo you mean office where you work or office as in the microsoft suite05:03
ecumenical_puff, I have meld installed, does it generate printable or e-mail-able diff reports?05:03
vikyjust like microsoft office communicator05:03
puffecumenical_: I don't know about generating a report, but the big thing kdiff3 buys you over meld is being able to compare two directory hierarchies.05:03
rom10how to activate the interrupt05:04
Voltaireahh ok give me a second05:04
puffecumenical_:  I would kind of assume most diff tools would be able to output patch files, but I never needed it so I: never looked  into it.05:04
ecumenical_puff, meld 1.2 has directory comparison05:05
viky@voltaire do u have any solution05:05
schmitty'Requested 'libebook-1.2 >= 2.26.3' but version of libebook is 2.26.1' but I kind find that version with aptitude, I can't find anything otherthan 1.2-905:05
Voltairevinky one second phone05:05
schmittyi can't find anything other than 1.2-905:06
vikyok ok go ahead05:06
vikyi am waiting for your solution05:06
vipacaHello All05:06
vipacaI'm looking for an app like gitx for svn anyone know of one05:06
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Voltaireviky, its a beefed up version of msn messager, I still looking05:07
vikythank you so much05:07
ecumenical_vipaca, what about git-cola?05:08
ecumenical_ooh.. for svn05:08
vikyru there05:08
ecumenical_vipaca, RapidSVN?05:08
vipacaecumeical_: yeah that the catch05:08
rom10anybody has idea about hotplug05:08
fleixiusHow can I resize my root partition while booted?05:08
kiaas_local chat? Isn't jabber good for that kind of thing?05:08
No1nfoProvidedhey guys, i was wondering if anyone could help me out with getting my logitech g5 mouse to work under jaunty05:10
vasslerDoes anyone know how to make own gtk themes?05:10
vasslerDoes anyone know how to make own gtk themes, for gnome ubuntu?05:10
ecumenical_vipaca, SVNx http://www.lachoseinteractive.net/en/community/subversion/svnx/features/05:11
sephywhat program would you suggest to burn movies to DVDs then watch them in my dvd player?05:11
schmittydoes anyone know why evoluton doesn't connect exchange 2007 yet?05:11
ecumenical_schmitty, because Microsoft doesn't promote interoperability?05:12
fanshouxianghello everyone!05:12
ctmjrsephy: acidburn devede are a couple that work well05:12
sephythank you :)05:12
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:13
vasslerI want to make gnome gtk 2.x theme? is there a program that will graphicly simplify this?05:13
schmittyecumenical: then everyone should switch to scalix pronto. I sick and tired of haven05:13
schmittyof having to cope wioth this crap05:13
ecumenical_schmitty, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-hackers/2007-October/msg00066.html05:14
sephyctmjr: where can I get acid burn? I googled it and check my add/remove for it05:14
sephyThere is only acid rip05:14
Ky|e!ud imo05:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ud imo05:15
ecumenical_schmitty, http://freshmeat.net/projects/brutus05:15
=== daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
ctmjrsephy: sorry it is acidrip which is not what your looking for05:17
sephyI got devede. looks like it's what im looking for ;)05:17
ecumenical_schmitty, is scalix hard to install?05:18
ctmjrsephy: your welcome05:19
NeurotiquetteI LOVE UBUNTU05:19
NeurotiquetteAnd all of you helpful individuals05:19
NeurotiquetteI'll be back05:19
eternalechoQuestion: I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my desktop (I have an Iso I made, as well as the copy I recieved in the mail from the kind folks at Ubuntu) everytime I try to install with either copy I get about a quarter of the way and it stops. do I have a bad disk or what?05:19
ecumenical_eternalecho, does it give an error?05:20
gwildoreternalecho, how long do you wait after it 'stops'... sometimes on my older systems... they jsut hang for a bit.05:20
byerleywhat's the command to start the wireless manager client from terminal?05:20
ecumenical_eternalecho, do you have a windows partition on the machine where you are trying to install Ubuntu?05:20
ecumenical_byerley, wicd05:21
eternalechoits a blank hard drive05:21
nanotubeecumenical_: only if he has wicd installed...05:21
ecumenical_eternalecho, what part does it stall on?05:21
Cocoabeaneternalecho: at work we have burned ubuntu CDs all over and if they get slightly scratched they become unusable, try the disk check option it gives you on boot05:22
byerleyecumenical_: wicd is a secondary manager that would need to be installed yeah?05:22
ecumenical_byerley, sudo network-manager?05:22
eternalechoI just finished that and it said no errors05:22
skylerany way to have an animated background? maybe through compiz fusion?05:22
smarkstry just waiting it out05:23
eternalechoI mean I left it for two hours.05:23
ecumenical_byerley, iwconfig is on my machine05:23
smarksoh nvm then05:23
ecumenical_eternalecho, and what happens when you reboot?05:24
eternalechorestarts and boots to cd again?05:24
eternalechosorry didn't needthe question mark there.05:24
ecumenical_eternalecho, take the cd out, then reboot05:24
ecumenical_eternalecho, that might do the trick05:24
ecumenical_what happens when you reboot the computer without the CD now?05:25
smarksi dont think that will fix it05:25
eternalechooh it gives me an nrdt error I think05:25
eternalechoyeah I don't know how that will fix it05:26
MeditatingFrogecumenical_: did you try the disc check option when you boot from the live cd?05:26
automan070192hey um i keep trying to download adobe flash player i download it then it doesnt work what do i need to do05:26
eternalechoit says ntldr is missing05:26
copywriterhello hello05:26
eternalechoyes, it said no errors with this copy05:26
ecumenical_MeditatingFrog, eternalecho is having the problem.05:26
MeditatingFrogecumenical_: apologies05:26
ecumenical_eternalecho, can you write down the exact error?05:26
ecumenical_MeditatingFrog, no problem at all :-)05:26
eternalechoIt just doesn't install after a certain point05:27
MeditatingFrogeternalecho: did you try the disc check option?  I think that is your best bet for moving forward.05:27
KittyBootsDoes the Ubuntu community have any sort of instructor lead or self pased online training certifications to teach people the nuts and bolts of the os?05:27
kiaas_ntldr is necessary for Windows NT based OSes.05:27
* MeditatingFrog bows to Voltaire05:27
smarksare you trying to format the drive with install05:27
quickstarthow to install realplayer in Jaunty ppc05:27
eternalechoalready formatted05:27
Voltairehello frog05:27
smarksext3 405:27
eternalechoMeditation: I've checked the disc no errors05:27
automan070192hey um i keep trying to download adobe flash player i download it then it doesnt work what do i need to do05:28
* MeditatingFrog bows to meditation05:28
ecumenical_KittyBoots, http://www.ubuntu.com/training05:28
kiaas_eternalecho, are you trying to dual-boot with windows? NTLDR is part of windows.05:28
Voltaireviky, sorry about that girlfriend was having a panic attack05:28
smarksautoman: are you useing 64 bit05:28
MeditatingFrogeternalecho: have you had trouble with the cd drive?  do you have another one laying around you can try?05:28
eternalechoI put the hard drive into my external hard drive and formatted it.05:28
eternalechosorry its late05:28
automan070192no 3205:28
KittyBootsecumenical_: thank you05:29
automan070192just to be safe05:29
VoltaireViky: did you find an answer?05:29
quickstartanyone know how to install realplayer 10 Gold on Jaunty Jackalope PPC05:29
smarksautoman: just download the deb file05:29
ecumenical_KittyBoots, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html05:29
quickstartor at least point me out to the ppc channel please05:29
smarksfrom flash05:29
MeditatingFrogeternalecho: did you say you are installing to an external hard drive?05:29
ecumenical_KittyBoots, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html05:29
* MeditatingFrog bows to eternalecho05:30
eternalechono, I used it to reformat05:30
FiremanEdquickstart: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ05:30
automan070192i have version 6.0605:30
uhokHi goku1220505:30
quickstartFiremanEd I tried doing the install via the instruction but at run time I get a segmentation error05:31
scribawfHow do I re-install my multiboot menu?05:31
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as UNFORGiVEN512
|Scorp|how install tv tuner express card 34mm for ubuntu 9.04?05:31
zuz_hey, can anyone play netflix movies on ubuntu/kubuntu?05:32
uhokIs it in flash zuz_05:32
Revrushey, im tryinig to set up an ICS system with my netbook on netbook remix to my xbox 360, is there anyway i could set it up to have the xbox see a upnp stream from another system on the network (not the machine thats doing ics)?05:32
VoltaireScribawf: grub or otherwize05:32
ecumenical_What is the keyboard shortcut to bring up the context menu?05:32
uhokecumenical_, Have you googled it?05:32
scribawfvoltaire; tnx05:32
copywriterthis is a cool place05:32
zuz_not in flash uhok, uses silverlight05:32
copywriteri like it here05:32
kiaas_quickstart, does REAL's site mention they have a PPC linux client? or what makes you think it exists, even? proprietary companies are often reluctant to support linux at all, let alone non-x86 versions of it. :/05:32
ecumenical_yea, earlier, I can't find the exact command05:33
uhokzuz_, there is a silverlight plugin called Moonlight for firefox05:33
nanotubeecumenical_: i just hit the little "menu" button next to the "windows" key, and that does it for me.05:33
* copywriter settles down until someone asks a really easy question that he can answer :)05:33
zuz_yeah im searching for it05:33
quickstartfor starters they have an experimental version for ppc05:33
uhokI recommend installing medibuntu repos zuz_05:33
quickstartbut the stable version I tried installing and yet it didn't do anything05:33
quickstartand the last experimental i tried but nothing05:34
zuz_do you have a link for the medibuntu repos?05:34
VoltaireScribawf; no clue then sorry05:34
quickstarteven the icon in the menu doesn't react05:34
uhokGoogle medibuntu zuz_05:34
ecumenical_nanotube, thanks. I guess I can find the exact command later.05:34
kiaas_quickstart, ah. Alrighty then, I avoid anything from REAL like the plague, so have fun.05:34
zuz_got it, thanks05:35
quickstartthanks kiaas05:35
uhokI need to automatically restart an application (in case it crashes), I found http://tinyurl.com/mfynxw but I'm not sure if he's doing it right. Suggestions?05:35
ecumenical_uhok, use cron?05:35
copywriteri'm going to bed, the right side of my face is already asleep it's time for the rest of me to catch up05:35
quickstartquestion is their a ppc channel for ubuntu05:35
ecumenical_uhok, set a cron to check for the program every minute or five minutes.05:36
uhokecumenical_, I'm using cron. Is it simply having it run the program name every few minutes, and if it's running it won't do anything, but it'll run if it isn't?05:36
* MeditatingFrog bows to the room05:36
xsatriahi all...05:36
uhokecumenical_, Yeh, the program name, that's what it just looked like.05:36
Revrushey, im tryinig to set up an ICS system with my netbook on netbook remix to my xbox 360, is there anyway i could set it up to have the xbox see a upnp stream from another system on the network (not the machine thats doing ics)?05:36
xsatriavisit my blog ya..05:36
kiaas_Speaking of which, I still need to figure out why the PPC version of ubuntu kernel panics on my old blue-berry iMac05:37
=== hbuntu is now known as hblaw
Crash2108Excuse me kind sirs.05:37
ecumenical_uhok, I'm not sure if it will spawn multiple processes or just one. Try a cronjob and monitor your processes with 'top'05:37
ecumenical_uhok, you could maybe make a ruby or python script to check if the application is running and spawn it if it isn't. then use cron to run that script every minute.05:38
ecumenical_or perl05:38
ecumenical_or bash05:38
mazda01what program does someone use to view a dvd folder containing the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders?05:38
uhokecumenical_,  I would prefer bash, since that's the only one I know. Can you suggest how it would be layed out in a Pm possibly?05:38
=== zj3t3mju is now known as GirlCrab
ecumenical_mazda01, k3b might work05:39
Revrusmazda, you try vlc?05:39
ecumenical_uhok, ok05:39
nanotubeuhok: use "pgrep" to search for target process. if exists, do nothing, if doesn't exist, run it.05:39
xsatriahi, how to use a makefile??05:40
hblawjust come to say hello.05:40
mazda01xsatria, ./configure, make, sudo make install05:40
Crash2108sudo make me a sandwich05:41
motSame here hello05:41
smarkshaha nice05:41
Revrusanybody know how i would set up internet connection sharing to share a upnp stream from another machine?05:41
mazda01ecumenical_, i don't see an option in k3b to play a dvd folder structure05:42
mazda01Revrus, will try next05:42
=== Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
CaptainCrookanybody in here for the... named.conf ?05:42
Revrusmazda01, i saw somewhere that if you rename to files in VIDEO to i think it was .mpg then you would be able to run it in most players05:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:43
Revrusmazda01, worked in WMP on vista at least for a copy of the dark knight05:43
mazda01Revrus, vlc works but i have stuttering in vlc audio but other video files, mpg or avi don't stutter in other programs. anyone know of any guides for checking vlc pulseaudio issues?05:44
kerm|twhat's the best way to send audio out a different computer's soundcard?05:44
zuz_is there a way to get all the apps from medibuntu at once?05:44
mazda01Revrus, you don't need to rename .vob files, you can just play them in most  any player but i just wanted to check the dvd before I burned it onto disc05:44
zuz_i didnt understand it05:44
uhokzuz_, It's on the repository guide page.05:44
xsatriathere's anyone have a makefile tutorial here?05:45
uhokxsatria, Have you googled that?05:45
VoltaireMAZDA01: vlc will do it too by the way05:45
VoltaireSATRIA: http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=makefile+tutorial&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-805:46
uhokecumenical_, Rerunning the program in cron (when I close it) makes it dysfunctional for some reason.05:46
RevrusVoltaire, thats what hes using atm, but hes having stuttering05:46
mazda01Voltaire, vlc is playing my dvd folder structure. worked a treat05:46
=== daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
uhokecumenical_, I wonder how to do the "if" and tie the commands together in a bash script.05:47
uhokmazda01, Just so you know, vlc will play iso files as well.05:47
hblawzuz_, I think you just need to add the source and do "sudo apt-get install" or use synaptic after that05:47
VoltaireREVRUS: ahhh hmm05:47
uhokzuz_, Make sure you Sudo Apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade05:47
mazda01uhok, i know, vlc will pretty much play anything, so will mplayer.05:48
pheonixhey guys which is the best torrent client05:48
=== b0nn_ is now known as b0nn
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:48
Revrusanybody know how i would set up internet connection sharing to share a upnp stream from another machine?05:48
Crash2108Bittorrent, the rebranding of uTorrent.05:48
mazda01pheonix, i love bittornado05:48
zuz_i did that, just didnt know if i needed to do something else05:48
VoltaireREVRUS: kind of a stupid question but said other machine is a linux box right?05:48
uhokkiaas_, Nice quote.05:49
pheonixwhat is #ubuntu-bots05:49
RevrusVoltaire: machine running upnp stream is a vista machine, ICS host is my netbook on netbook remix, and ICS client would be my xbox 360, i want the 360 to see a media share from the vista machine05:49
uhokpheonix, I like Transmission.05:49
RevrusVoltaire: my way of getting around having to buy the $100 wireless adapter >.>05:49
Crash2108Can I get a linux box to boot "instantly" from a USB flash drive, and if so, how?05:49
uhokGoogle: Grub, usb.05:50
VoltaireRevrus: haha, I can understand that05:50
zuz_i was looking for this apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla05:50
uhokCrash2108, It's hard, so..05:50
RevrusCrash2108: set your boot priority to have usb before your hard drive05:50
uhokzuz_, Open up synaptic05:50
Crash2108Is a USB flash drive any faster than the HDD despite the USB bottleneck?05:51
uhokCrash2108, No.05:51
mikegerwitzCrash, if you're looking for a simple bootable USB key, there's an option to create one from the administration menu on the bootable disc. If you literally mean "instant", as in already stored in memory, I haven't seen that05:51
ecumenical_uhok, you can use pipes and ; to deliment lines05:51
Crash2108Well, it's for an HTPC.  So as fast as possible.  I don't need a portable system here.05:51
ecumenical_uhok, you can also create a bash script as a text file I believe and then run the whole thing with one command05:52
^cheekyhi, what do have to look into or do in order to see my windowsxP partition in my ubuntu ?05:52
Crash2108Fast/cheap.  As in no fusion IO.05:52
ecumenical_uhok, sorry for the delay in response, I was on an RSI break05:53
mikegerwitzCrash, I use a USB key when I'm out and about on an old laptop with a dead HDD, and it's painstakingly slow. Even an external USB HDD will be at the mercy of the speed of a USB port05:53
uhokecumenical_, How would I tie the pgrep command (returning nothing, or something) to simply running it? pgrep || transmission. ?05:53
zuz_Our apologies — instant watching is not supported for your operating system.    ill take a look at it tomorrow05:53
zuz_its late anyway05:53
zuz_thanks for now05:53
Geoffrey2i'm trying to figure out whether this usb wireless device I bought is even usable under ubuntu....05:53
ecumenical_uhok, message me05:54
uhokzuz_,  Google User Agent Switcher05:54
Crash2108Hm.  I thought even USB flash was faster.  What is USB?  Like 30 MB/s or something...  I guess the focus is on paring down the system, then?05:54
Geoffrey2lspci doesn't list it05:54
cattellari have a feeling ubuntu 11.0 is going to be epic, probably will be using gnome 305:54
Revrusanybody know how i would set up internet connection sharing to share a upnp stream from another machine?05:54
uhokzuz_, You'll set it to show you're running Internet Explorer Windows or something windows.05:54
cattellar11.04 i mean05:54
=== mikegerwitz_ is now known as mikegerwitz
uhokGeoffrey2, have you installed Windows Wireless Drivers?05:55
uhokIn Add Remove App;s05:55
Geoffrey2uhok, no, not yet05:56
uhokDo that05:56
uhokGeoffrey2, Then you should have it, just left click on the internet icon, you should be fine/05:56
zhxkhello, what the meaning of p or v that prints at the first colum of the list that aptitude search gives out05:56
uhokzhxk, MAN page.05:56
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:57
Geoffrey2Internet icon?05:57
savanny1976uHi . I hope some one can help me. I installed Winxp on my 1.5Tb drive, I set it to RAID1 for mirroring. Now I want to Use 1TB for Ubuntu Server and leave 500 GB for Window. I couldn't  Partition my DRIVE USING GParted.. What is the the correct way to keep my Raid1 functioning properly and don't loose my Data?? Thank you.05:57
RevrusGeoffrey2, the network application icon05:57
RevrusGeoffrey2, or the icon that would normaly show you how many bars you have for wireless, or if you have a lan connection05:57
Crash2108Apparently Ubuntu is incompatible with my machine.  Loads of errors but Fedora booted and installed with no issues.  Would Debian be an option if I need to run Boxee?05:58
RevrusCrash2108, while Ubuntu is a debian based distrobution, it never hurts to try05:58
Voltairecrash: which version of ubuntu did you try?05:58
Crash2108The latest.  I think that's Intrepid.05:58
kiaas_Crash2108, the latest is Jaunty05:59
VoltaireCrash2108: yeah05:59
zhxkuhok:my english is poor, best you tell me directly05:59
wfiuewfewHi! I need to get a script to run at a certain hour. Is there an easy way?05:59
=== GirlCrab is now known as GirlCrab|Lunch
uhokanom01y, You have a man page ! bot message?05:59
Crash2108Why, do  you think the latest version might be more likely to support my machine or did the strip some older compatibility or something?06:00
anom01yuhok, what /06:00
RevrusCrash2108, as with any operating system, you are most likely to have supported hardware with the latest version of the operating system06:00
VoltaireCrash2108: I've had issues with Jaunty and lagacy drivers, if its a older mobo06:00
kiaas_Crash2108, it should boot on more systems now, but various regressions (mostly with ATI videocards) are present on the latest version06:00
Geoffrey2uhok, I have an older 11b wireless that I connect with, I recently bought a Linksys by Cisco wireless G usb device, and so far ubuntu doesn't seem to see it\06:01
uhokHave you restarted?06:01
uhokDo you have your drivers?06:01
mikegerwitzwfiuewfew, one of the easiest ways if you are not familiar with cron is to put the script you wish to run (or a symlink to it) in /etc/cron.hourly06:01
Geoffrey2uhok, there's the problem, I can06:01
uhokGeoffrey2, open up the config, load up your Inf's06:01
mikegerwitzOh, a certain hour. Nevermind.06:02
uhokI'm sure you can download them Geoffrey206:02
VoltaireCrash2108: I would try Inprid before trying to get it working with Debian though it should work with some work06:02
Geoffrey2uhok, I can't find any documentation anywhere that even lists this device, much less which drivers I should be using06:02
uhokGeoffrey2,  Who cares, have you don't what I've told you already?06:02
wfiuewfewmikegerwitz: I looked at cron but it apparently emails you the results according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=812525; I need to have the script run as a normal one06:03
uhokGoeffrey2 I never found Mine listed anywhere.06:03
RevrusCrash: i would agree with Voltaire, while Debian is a highly stable distrobution, it is rarely updated do to the way they do things, so i would try Inprid first06:03
mikegerwitzwfiuewfew, how do you mean "run as a normal one"? While cron does attempt to send an e-mail, it will have no effect if your system is not configured to process that e-mail. It will simply run it06:04
Revrusanybody know how i would set up internet connection sharing to share a upnp stream from another machine?06:04
VoltaireCrash2108: Ahh I also have a present for you http://forum.boxee.tv/showthread.php?t=518806:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:06
Crash21081It's like giftmas!06:07
Crash21081I was looking at some thing about compiling it from source and downloading the thousands of libraries it needs.06:07
wfiuewfewmikegerwitz: I did not realize that; which terminal will it run in?06:08
VoltaireCrash21081: yeah compiling is some what of a pain, espically when you still need to tweak it a little, on a side note did you alway have that final 1 at the end of your name?06:09
zhangxun_wuhanunis there any software replace dreamwaver?06:09
uhokzhangxun_wuhanun, Google Dreamweaver alternative.06:09
Crash21081No.  I think my Internet connection dropped out or something which logged me off and logged me back on. Or actually it never actually logged me off just logged me back on and given that the server sees I'm already logged in with the same name, adds the 1 to my name.06:10
VoltaireI get the feeling that wouldn't work with wine06:10
zhangxun_wuhanunuhok, google online doc?06:10
CaptainCrookmy R key beeps in terminal... and i can't type it... what to do?06:10
uhokVoltaire, It does.06:10
uhokDreamweaver works in Wine.06:11
cordorhelp, lighttpd said 80 address already in use, but i used lsof portscan netstat, none of them shows anything using port 80. why is that?06:11
zhangxun_wuhanunbut i don't want use wine06:11
uhokCaptainCrook, Weird.06:11
uhokzhangxun_wuhanun, Then GOOGLE Dreamweaver Alternative please.06:11
CaptainCrookuhok: yeah ... really is...06:11
creeedas my memory at ~50% is in use and 50% cached begins my ubuntu 9.04 to swap all the swap-area!! how can I use the whole (~95%) memory before begin swaping?06:11
Revruscordor, port 80 is a dedicated port for web servers, unless your trying to use apache, then i wouldnt suggest using that port06:11
creeedfree -m06:12
creeed             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached06:12
creeedMem:           993        980         13          0          4        52206:12
creeed-/+ buffers/cache:        452        54006:12
creeedSwap:          956        954          206:12
FloodBot3creeed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
zhangxun_wuhanunuhok, thanks06:12
Crash21081Here's the system: http://www.pastey.net/12083906:12
creeedI'm sorry :& nevermind!06:13
Revruscreed, use pastebin06:13
cordorRevrus: ya, im setting up lighttpd06:13
creeedyes I just ..06:13
kiaas_Floodbot3 doesn't like you, creeed06:13
Revruscordor, oh, i need to pay more attention ._.06:13
CaptainCrookuhok: they all work... exept R thats beeps06:13
deephi guys how can i set static ip in ubuntu 906:13
creeedkiaas_, it has a good argument06:13
uhokPaste your current prompt Caplain06:13
uhokI mean CaptainCrook06:14
CaptainCrookmy current prompt?06:14
uhokOh, also, can you pastebin your ~/.bashrc CaptainCrook06:14
uhokYes CaptainCrook06:14
Caplaingrrr i need to renick...wait06:14
Voltairedelete autoetho, create a new one with a manual address06:14
=== GirlCrab|Lunch is now known as zj3t3mju
CaplainCaptainCrook, renick ffs! i had this prefix first06:14
deephy caption do u know how to set static ip for eth o06:15
wiretappedwhat happened to the Shared Folders GUI in 9.04?!06:15
uhokAnyone know how to restart gnome without screwing anything up?06:15
* wiretapped was just telling someone how easy it is to setup an nfs share06:15
uhokI'm file transferring, as well..06:15
wiretappedbut now it ISN'T THERE !06:15
VoltaireDEEP: sorry didn't tag you on that:delete autoetho, create a new one with a manual address06:15
Revrusanybody know how i would set up internet connection sharing to share a upnp stream from another machine?06:15
Crash21081I don't know if you're interested, Voltaire.06:15
CaptainCrookuhok: how am i supposed to do that?06:16
uhokRevrus, Google: upnp share ubuntu06:16
uhokCaptainCrook, Right click Copy.06:16
creeedso my question again..06:16
creeedas my memory at ~50% is in use and 50% cached begins my ubuntu 9.04 to swap all the swap-area!! how can I use the whole (~95%) memory before begin swaping?06:16
CaptainCrookyeah but copy what?06:16
wiretappedShared Folders was so easy06:16
uhokcreeed, Google Swappiness06:16
wiretappedWTF did they get rid of that for?06:16
creeedhere the free -m output free -m http://www.pastey.net/12084006:17
uhokCaptainCrook, What's your terminal say?06:17
deepthanks vol06:17
CaptainCrookdoesnt say anything it just beep wheni press R key...06:17
uhokcreeed, Google Swappiness.06:17
VoltaireDeep: no problamo06:17
* wiretapped builds linux with CONFIG_SWAP=n06:17
Revrusuhok, not giving me what i want, i want a upnp stream from WMP in vista to be found by an xbox that is getting its connection from ICS from ubuntu netbook06:17
VoltaireCrash21081: whos a whats it?06:18
wiretappedso, shared folders, bueller, anyone?06:18
Crash21081Voltaire, the hardware: http://www.pastey.net/12083906:19
Crash21081Works for Fedora but not Ubuntu.  Half assed HTPC/NAS.06:19
JohnCDII'm trying to scp a whole directory to a remote computer the directories on both computers have the same name im getting an error that just repeats the directory name a bunch of times and says error name too long anyone care to help06:20
WIGGMPkWhy does my laptop NEVER use any Swap.. Constantly is at 0% Swap06:21
VoltaireWIGGMPK: can you computer hiberinate?06:21
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:21
WIGGMPkVoltaire: I have the ability to, but I prefer Suspend over Hibernate06:22
CaptainCrookuhok, doesnt say anything it just beep when i press R key...06:22
RevrusCaptainCrook, this only happens in the terminal, nowhere else?06:22
CaptainCrookRevrus, yeah in terminal only...06:23
VoltaireWIGGMPK, ah good, it will dump your ram into swap so it not a major issue06:23
RevrusCaptainCrook, what about an upper case R?06:23
WIGGMPkVoltaire: im certain Swap has more of a purpose than just Hibernation..06:24
protocol1there a way I can fix the mouse issue with my ubunt netbook remix.....its way off when I try to click an icon..... I have to click a few spaces right of the icon I want to launch06:24
chromakodehey folks, is anyone else having a problem where NetworkManager roams to (none) ((none))?06:24
CaptainCrookRevrus,  uppercase R works not lowercase...06:24
VoltaireCrash21081: hmmm any issues with fedora? nice little machine by the way06:24
WIGGMPkVoltaire: I am constantly encoding multiple videos, usually a tremendous amount of RAM %, so why no swap?06:25
RevrusCaptainCrook, ive found a similar issue on bugs.launchpad, heres the link, first post has a fix06:25
CaptainCrookRevrus,  ok thanks i'm gonna look at it!06:25
Crash21081Voltaire, Fedora was no problem at all except for HDMI sound and not having the support Ubuntu has.06:26
techobsessivei need help06:26
VoltaireWIGGMPK: hmmm good question, and even if your not using programs intesivly you should still be using some virt memory06:26
protocol1go to AA tech.....jk06:27
uhoktechobsessive, With what.06:27
softsantearif i want to ssh into a remote machine on a network on which there are multiple users sharing the same router and hence the same public IP, how can i specify the machine i want to ping?  will ssh user@xxx.xxx really do it?  (caveat -- i can't test this right now)06:27
techobsessiveno but i have a gnomenu thing, and dont really get what its for06:27
WIGGMPksoftsantear: you have to set port forwarding on the router06:27
Myrttisoftsantear: no. you need port forwarding.06:28
Revrussoftsantear, you need to use your portforwarding if your router supports it06:28
WIGGMPksoftsantear: so the router can forward the external SSH request to the proper internal IP06:28
techobsessiveuhm. what do you mean06:28
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softsantearah OK. so the router functions as the switchboard06:28
protocol1there a way I can fix the mouse issue with my ubunt netbook remix.....its way off when I try to click an icon..... I have to click a few spaces right of the icon I want to launch06:28
softsantearWIGGMPk: i knew i had to fwd port but didn't realize the magic behind that06:29
WIGGMPksoftsantear: no, but you could sorta say that06:29
DarthPuffhow do i transfer images from a camera using the data cable?06:29
Revrusprotocol1, havnt heard of anything like that happening, does it work when you switch your desktop mode to classic?06:30
softsantearWIGGMPk: well, so what if multiple remote hosts on the same network are using the same port for inbound ssh connections?  or will a router not allow sharing of the same port06:30
WIGGMPksoftsantear: a switch operates on a much more complex scheme.. a router is just a router.. it just tells packets where to go when requests come hence the Network Address Translation06:30
DarthPuffwill any other software do it?06:30
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protocol1Revrus, havent tried that06:30
VoltaireCrash21081: ah Well I can see HDMI sound being somewhat important. Yeah then I would just recondmend trying 8.10 (8.10 will  have much better support I remeber boxeeing have some issues with Jaunty anyways)06:30
WIGGMPksoftsantear: you need to be more specific, im not sure I undeerstand.. port 22 is default for SSH incoming requests..06:30
Revrusprotocol1, are you using an actual netbook for netbook remix, and if so, what model?06:31
Crash210818.10 Fedora, Ubuntu or Boxee?06:31
protocol1no I am using a compaq v2000....which might be why...plus its a wide screen06:31
techobsessiveOn ubuntu 9.04, how do you change the icon of the  GNOME Menu bar06:31
WIGGMPksoftsantear: are you asking if multiple people behind the same LOCAL network are accepting SSH requests? as in.. 3 people on the same router are ready to be SSH'ed into?06:31
VoltaireUbuntu 8.1006:31
VoltaireBut no promisses06:31
Revrusprotocol1, well, most netbooks are widescreen, but i was gonna check the compatability chart if you were using a netbook, it lists alot of machine specific problems06:31
softsantearWIGGMPk: sure. lets say there is a router with 3 PCs plugged into it, all running some version of linux and with sshd up. they all specify port 4444 as the port on which to listen, and by somde COINCIDENCE they all have same local linux user name.  how does the REMOTE user specify which machine he wants to ssh into?06:32
Voltairewow i butched that06:32
protocol1Revrus, there a way to get UNR to support a regular laptop widescreen?06:32
softsantearWIGGMPk: i'm just spinning this out to its logical conclusion, because i think that the machine i will SSH into is the only one accepting connections on that network. but i'm curious06:33
protocol1Revrus, everything works fine...its just the UNR interface thats off a bit06:33
Revrusprotocol1, well idk, i just got netbook remix myself for my msi u100, havnt played around with the settings much06:33
WIGGMPksoftsantear: thats a dam good question.. and because I have not tooled around with router port forwarding for a very long time.. I would prolly ask another person in the channel.. mean while I will check my local router06:33
techobsessiveHow do you change the icon on Ubuntu's Menu (GNOME)06:33
techobsessiveIm using Gnomenu06:33
techobsessivebut i dont think im using it right06:33
Kris07I'm having a problem with upgrading to 9.04. It says: W:Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:33
Kris07, W:Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:33
Kris07, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:33
FloodBot3Kris07: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:33
Kris07Can someone help?06:34
Revrussoftsantear, the only way i could of think of doing it, would be forwarding the port to your most used machine, then sshing from one machine to the next06:34
pheonixhi friends, my amarok is not able to fetch the lyrics its saying Unfortunately, due to licensing restrictions from some of the major music publishers we can no longer return lyrics through the LyricWiki API (where this application gets some or all of its lyrics).06:34
pheonixThe lyrics for this song can be found at the following URL:06:34
softsantearWIGGMPk: so in the meantime you're saying that if there is just the one, if i ssh -p <number> host@PUBLIC.IP.OF.REMOTE , i should be able to get in?06:34
softsantearRevrus: right, i'm not concerned with accessing them all.  i just neglected to set up SSH before leaving one fileserver behind and now i need to administer it.   just covering my bases b/c i think i will need to ask someone to do some live setup before i can access it06:35
CmtrLooking for some help with sound and printing06:35
spOdo any of you know how to compile fglrx/ati drivers for a custom ubuntu kernel?06:35
RevrusKris07, please use pastebin instead of pasting into irc, it makes it much easier to read, and stops you from getting kicked by floodbot06:35
softsantearRevrus: up until now i've been ssh'ing /nfs'ing on a local lan so using internal IPs. wasn't familiar with the remote procedure06:36
WIGGMPksoftsantear: the only thing I wouldnt be able to confirm is the -p <number> argument.. I have never SSH to another port.. but everything seems fine if thats the proper argument06:36
rufuscureHelp how do I disable compiz on start up from the safemode xterm ?06:36
VoltaireSoftSantear: Yeah I ran into that problem today actually, I think the only way to do that is to have different ports for each one06:36
Kris07Sure, no problem.06:36
Kris07But can you help?06:36
softsantearVoltaire: oh, cool. okay06:36
Cmtrsound and printing anyone???06:37
softsanteargod, irc without highlighted messages would be useless06:37
erosswhat about it, Cmtr?06:37
=== john is now known as DarthPuff
DarthPuffhas anyone here used gtkam?06:38
RevrusKris07, are you using the updater program or installing from a disc, if your using a disc, make sure you burn it at a very low speed, and if your using the updater, make sure you dont have your cd drive as a repository, otherwise, i cant be of much help06:38
CmtrHave a Gateway notebook and can't get any sound06:38
WIGGMPksoftsantear: Revrus: being a network admin.. at this point (if you needed to SSH multiple machines on a LAN) you should consider a more complex LAN setup.. IE: NOT a router.. perhaps letting a linux machine do your NAT instead of a limited router.. OR consider flashing the firmware on the router to something more flexible (like setting up VLAN's)06:38
DarthPufffor some reason my digital camera is not detected06:38
techobsessiveCan i get just the tinies bit of help06:38
softsantearWIGGMPk: that's sensible. will consider for future!  i'm out, thanks.  gonna see if meteor shower is visible ;)06:39
Kris07Revrus, I'm using the upgrade program. And I don't think I'm using the my cd drive as a repository. How can I check and fix it if I am though?06:39
linux_noobtechobsessive, go ahead, just ask06:39
WIGGMPksoftsantear: have a good one =)06:39
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VoltaireWIGGMPK: yeah I would second that06:39
VoltaireHave fun soft06:39
Voltairedamn missed him06:39
techobsessiveAlright, the Gnome menu on the top of the screen, how do i change the icon from the Ubuntu logo to my own icon?06:40
DarthPuffBus 002 Device 009: ID 04a9:310e Canon, Inc. Digital IXUS 50 (PTP mode)06:40
DarthPuffmy camera is detected :\06:40
drich_guys.. can i use my webcam to pidgin?06:40
VoltaireDarthpuff: is or isn't?06:40
RevrusKris07, go to administration -> software sources, and make sure CDrom with Ubuntu XXX is unchecked, then in updates, make sure "Release Upgrade" is set to Normal Releases06:41
DarthPuffVoltaire: it is06:41
DarthPuffVoltaire: i can see it using lsusb06:41
DarthPuffVoltaire: but gtkam doesn't detect it06:41
CaptainCrookRevrus, allright... i've runned bind -p "r": self-insert doesnt appear so i tried copy pasting "bind -p "r":self-insert" suprisingly, it paste without the r "bind -p "":self-inset"06:41
DarthPuffi'll try fspot now06:42
techobsessiveAlright, the Gnome menu on the top of the screen, how do i change the icon from the Ubuntu logo to my own icon?06:42
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as unforgiven512
StupidWeaselNewbie question, but when building from source - is there an easy way to see the options with ./configure ?06:42
wiretappedto answer my previous qestion about the shared folder gui: the command is shares-admin and it still exists; i've no idea why it isn't in the administration menu anymore.06:43
StupidWeaselLike a list of choices? such as --enable-ssl etc with irc clients?06:43
RevrusCaptainCrook, odd, does r work when you use it in the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal?06:43
* wiretapped always ends up answering his own questions on irc06:43
RevrusCaptainCrook, if so, id say try another terminal program06:43
linux_noobtechobsessive, huh....06:43
linux_noobtechobsessive, did you google it?06:43
* StupidWeasel does not often stray from the path06:43
linux_noobtechobsessive, ok, how about the ubuntu forums?06:44
DarthPufffspot works06:44
techobsessiveNo, should probaly try that.06:44
Revrustechobsessive, http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-to-change-start-here-icon-start.html 4th link when googling "ubuntu menu icon"06:44
linux_noobok, lemme give u a hand06:44
linux_noobtechobsessive, well, guess not.  LOL.  thanks Revrus06:44
VoltaireDarthpuff:  just or of curiosity what do you get with fdisk06:44
CaptainCrookRevrus, yeah it works in that terminal...06:44
RevrusCaptainCrook, well, not knowing what else to do, i would try another terminal program06:45
DarthPuffVoltaire: i got it working :)06:45
techobsessiveLinux_noob: you are my hero. Thanks06:45
DarthPuffis there a way to see the last applications installed?06:45
DarthPuffsay if i want to remove something completely and all of its dependencies?06:45
VoltaireDarthpuff: ha yeah see that that now..06:46
RevrusCaptainCrook, sadly, i dont know any ones to recomend06:46
CaptainCrookstrange... it worked well the minute before...06:46
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Kris07Revrus, there was another error with that, but I can't put it into pastebin to show you because I'm tripping the spam filter06:47
piglitDarthPuff, the easy-est way to manage software packages is with synaptic: --> System-->Administration --> Synaptic06:47
DarthPuffpiglit: i found the history area in the package manager :)06:47
DarthPuffpiglit: thanks though06:47
RevrusKris07, you cannot use http://pastebin.com/ ?06:47
CaptainCrookRevrus, i'll try to bind it from crtl+alt+F1 terminal...06:47
alien_hello is there in ubuntu a tools to defragment ntsf externel hard disk ?06:48
Kris07Revrus, I'm trying but I keep tripping the spam filter06:48
Voltaireahhh I miss arch linux..06:48
InfectedWithDrewAny help getting Skype to recognize my webcam and microphone?  I'm on an Acer Aspire One 250 model running Ubuntu Netbook Remix.06:48
RevrusKris07, what about http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:49
Kris07Revrus, nevermind, it seems to be working now.06:51
VoltaireNighty night everyone06:51
RevrusKris07, the entire update?06:51
RevrusVoltaire, cya06:51
savanny1976uHi, How to make LINUX OS compatible with raid software?? can someone help me?? Thank you..06:52
Kris07Revrus, Yeah, its downloading right now06:52
HighLordObsicripes, i'm gonna have to take my pc to my folks house where there is a wired connection :(06:52
RevrusKris07, good, glad to know its working06:52
mlissnerDoes anybody know why it is that whenever a window opens it is slightly off the edge of my screen? I've been living with this for a while, but I would LOVE a solution if anybody has one.06:52
Kris07Revrus, Yeah me too. Thanks for your help.06:53
Revrusmlissner, any chance its do to low/odd resolution?06:53
StupidWeaselNewbie question, but when building from source - is there an easy way to see the options with ./configure ? Like a list of available  choices (ie --enable-ssl etc..) or do I have to rely on the documentation?06:53
mlissnerRevrus: Nah. I'm at 1280x800. Plus it does the same on my external monitor.06:53
erika1984hi all06:54
edbianStupidWeasel: the configure script is hand written by the package maintainer.  The options available are added by him I believe.06:54
legend2440mlissner: i have an old crt monitor. i had to center my windows using the controls on the monitor itself06:54
CaptainCrookRevrus,  damn ... now it's i and r both in the crtl+alt+F1 terminal doesnt work...06:55
StupidWeaselAhh, so ./configure help would typically return such options (as it's written by the maintainer?).06:55
RevrusCaptainCrook, oh gawd, now i feel bad ._.06:55
CaptainCrookbut it works now in normal terminal...06:56
CaptainCrookcan't explain...06:56
RevrusCaptainCrook, well, if it works in normal terminal, just hope you dont have to do anything without gnome06:56
mlissnerlegend2440: No, it's not the monitor. It's the windows themselves. I have to grab them and recenter all the time. Fullscreen windows (for example) are fine.06:56
HighLordObsigrr...friggen sound is all clicky sounding06:56
RevrusCaptainCrook, at least you have a working terminal now06:57
panfistis there a command to check the hostname of a remote system by ip?06:57
CaptainCrookRevrus,  i had to shutdown since i didn't have the i to exit...06:57
HighLordObsimlissner, i have the same problem with windows, but everything's fine in ubuntu for me....06:58
pheonixhow do i configure amarok scripts06:58
cfeddepanfist: kind of: host
libtechi really hope karmic fixes this funny little intel graphics problem06:58
RevrusCaptainCrook, ctrl+alt+f7 returns you to your gnome desktop06:58
mlissnerHighLordObsi: haha. what the heck did I do to make Ubuntu behave this way?06:58
syntaxi thought ctrl+alt+d does that rev06:59
CaptainCrookRevrus, didn't know that one! hehe i guess i'll write it somewhere...06:59
HighLordObsimlissner, no clue.... its annoying in windows...and it just started a couple of weeks ago...for some reason i think i drag and dropped something somewhere and for some reason it set that as a setting07:00
Revrussyntax, you can change init levels with ctrl+alt+level number, 7 being your gnome desktop07:00
syntaxoh i see07:00
syntaxthats tight07:00
panfisteverything i type gets host not found07:01
HighLordObsihmm...sound works, albeit a bit crackly, but i can't seem to get net connected....07:01
CodeWargrub takes in (hd0) and so forth whereas /etc/fstab talks in /dev/sda1 language. how does one map the two07:02
HighLordObsiubuntu recognized my wireless adapter out of the box, but i can't seem to get connected07:02
syntaxWhats the command to start music player in terminal07:02
Revrussyntax, mplayer07:02
syntaxcant be found07:03
Revrussyntax, what music player do you use, generally its the name of the program07:03
syntaxmy bad movie player sorry about that07:04
mlissnerHighLordObsi: Yeah, that was what I thought I did too, but I figured it would self-correct eventually...apparently not.07:04
syntaxwhat would be the command for movie player07:04
libtechyo guys i cant get my dick out of the floppy drive07:04
legend2440syntax: totem07:04
libtechwhat should i do07:05
tuxwulfThrow both out the window and get a new floppy drive.07:05
libtechouch seriously07:05
Revrusanybody know how i would a upnp stream from my vista machine to go to my xbox which is connected via ICS on ubuntu netbook?07:06
HighLordObsiif someone were to seriously have that problem, first i would suggest using a needle to poke little holes in it and use baby orajel to numb it....bite down on a stick or something and yank it out07:07
libtechyeah, stick ur dick in ur xbox and piss real hard07:07
HighLordObsithen i'd suggest therapy07:07
Revruslol its fun to troll support channels07:08
tuxwulfYeah, for the floppy drive, since it's got more sense.07:08
libtechstick it in and piss hard broski07:08
HighLordObsinot to mention, i pity anyone small enough to fit in a floppy drive....07:09
oldude67!language | libtech07:09
ubottulibtech: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:09
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tuxwulfYou know , it is fun but doesn't belong here. Wasn;t there a #jokes channel for that...?07:09
HighLordObsiany ideas on why my wireless adapter is recognized but won't work in ubuntu?07:10
tuxwulfHighLordObsi: What brand/model? It may be blacklisted...07:11
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: you'll find its recognised, just not drivered or configured07:11
tuxwulfInfo in /etc/modprobe.d (I think)07:11
HighLordObsiahh...its a crappy belkin07:11
tuxwulfYeah but what is the chipset?07:11
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: means nothing, ubuntu doesnt see a belkin, it sees the chip inside07:12
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: it doesnt matter one bit wat is printed on theplastic casing07:12
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: can you please provide the output of: sudo lshw -C network07:12
HighLordObsiwell, when i type in lsusb, belkin is in the output line07:12
graham_Don't wanna push in. but slight problem. just installed Ubuntu. first time use, got it working but messed up vista running on RAID 007:13
graham_I think I know the mistake I made. but now need to find out how to put it right.07:13
HighLordObsihold on...brb...gotta switch over to ubuntu then come back07:13
oldude67!ops | libtech  foul language and offtopic help07:13
ubottulibtech  foul language and offtopic help: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:13
oldude67Madpilot, ty07:14
Madpilotno problem. It's what I lurk for.07:15
musicboxsetting up new system with multiple desktop users.. how do i switch off the the login & logout fanfare for all uesers at once ?07:15
D3RGPS31I keep getting '$HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored'... ; it's set at the right permissions and i'm the owner of it >.>07:15
ActionParsnipoldude67: nice use of the bot to add extra info07:15
Revrusanybody know how i would a upnp stream from my vista machine to go to my xbox which is connected via ICS on ubuntu netbook?07:15
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: can you provide the output of: ls -l ~/.dmrc07:16
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: aswell as the output of: whoami07:16
panfistis it possible to test an arbitrary ssh tunnel?07:16
D3RGPS31-rwxr--r-- 1 root32 root32 1 2009-08-12 02:13 /home/root32/.dmrc ; root3207:16
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: why are you logged on as root?07:17
D3RGPS31i lack originality in naming, i do not apologise >.>07:17
ActionParsnipahhhh, my bad07:17
ActionParsnipits early07:17
=== greyz|nn is now known as greyz`
D3RGPS31very early07:17
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: 7:20am here, just started work07:18
graham_I can boot into Ubunto (for the moment), but boot won't recognise my vista install on 2 seperate raid 0 disck.07:18
HighLordObsifor whoever asked07:18
D3RGPS312:20AM, haven't slept07:18
skylerhow do i update using sudo apt-get?07:19
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: maybe there is an option in the app you are using to make it use your config file07:19
oldude67skyler, sudo aptitude update07:19
HighLordObsii'm an extraordinarily noobish ubuntu noob07:19
D3RGPS31ActionParsnip: ?07:19
ActionParsnipskyler: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade07:19
musicboxany ideas on turning off system sounds for all users ?07:19
D3RGPS31ActionParsnip: i get this error at login07:19
oldude67then sudo aptitude safe-upgrad307:19
oldude67upgrade even^07:19
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: check the man page of the app you are using, you may have to use an option to specify the config file explicitly07:19
D3RGPS31ActionParsnip: i never said anything about an app :o07:20
skylerwell, im trying to check for updates on gimp, i used "sudo apt-get update gimp"07:20
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: can you provide lsusb too, the lshw is not too informative, have you looked at the belkin site to check for drivers07:20
skylerit told me the update command takes no arguments07:20
ActionParsnipD3RGPS31: oic, so you get told the file is being ignored at bootup?07:20
D3RGPS31ActionParsnip: no, at login07:21
HighLordObsithere are no official drivers...i was told i had to use ndiswrapper07:21
ActionParsnipskyler: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade07:21
HighLordObsibut yeah hold on again...brb07:21
oldude67skyler, you cant tell it to update gimp just update07:21
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: then download the windows drivers for your architecture and grab ndisgtk07:21
ActionParsnipoldude67: you can with: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install gimp07:22
skyleryou cant single out applications?07:22
ActionParsnipskyler: ^07:22
ActionParsnipskyler: you can but its a bit underhanded ;)07:22
HighLordObsiActionParsnip: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 050d:705c Belkin Components F5D7050 v4000 Wireless Adapter07:23
skylerhmmm, i see07:23
graham_Is there a prog that I can install, to enable Ubunto to recognise my raid setup (without changing raid settings (read blocks) etc. cuz files I want to recover.07:23
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_4000_%28ZyDas_zd1211b_driver%2907:24
Revrusanybody know how i would a upnp stream from my vista machine to go to my xbox which is connected via ICS on ubuntu netbook?07:24
tuxwulfOh it is a zyxel...07:24
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: you need to compile the driver07:25
tuxwulfThere was a driver for a zd1211 though, somewhere07:25
skyleranother question... im using ubuntu 9.04 on EeePC 1005 and i had some problems before with wired/wireless connecitons, but i got that all taken care of. but i dont know if i should update my "linux-backports-modules" or not07:25
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: if you do compile it you will need to compile it again if you change to a new kernel07:25
tuxwulfI once had a zd1211 USB thing and it worked out of the box, as station...07:26
gogeta1tuxwulf: yea zyd cards work great07:27
gogeta1tuxwulf: to bad datail does not make them anymore07:27
tuxwulfgogeta1: Yes, they work great. i had one before there was support out of the box and can remember I needed ndsiwrapper. That worked, though not very stable.07:28
panfistis it possible to test an ssh tunnel07:28
tuxwulfgogeta1: But I switched to Atheros, since I need(ed) master mode07:28
gogeta1tuxwulf: zyd have linux nativ drivers07:28
tuxwulfgogeta1: > they do now, yes07:29
skyleranother question... im using ubuntu 9.04 on EeePC 1005 and i had some problems before with wired/wireless connecitons, but i got that all taken care of. but i dont know if i should update my "linux-backports-modules" or not07:29
ActionParsnippanfist: sure, you can vnc over it, or connect to a service on the ssh serving machine via the tunnel07:29
gogeta1tuxwulf: bought one for my psp so i can use xlink being they support every wifi mode07:29
ActionParsnipskyler: if it ain't broke, dont fix it07:29
panfistactionparsnip i'm having trouble doing that and i'm trying to troubleshoot07:30
tuxwulfgogeta1: Eh, you mean, to connect to other PSPs?07:30
panfistwhat's the simplest service to tunnel07:30
Revrusanybody know how i would a upnp stream from my vista machine to go to my xbox which is connected via ICS on ubuntu netbook?07:30
ActionParsnip!vnc > panfist07:30
ubottupanfist, please see my private message07:30
gogeta1tuxwulf: to connect to other psps over xlink it lets you play ad-hoc games over the net07:30
tuxwulfgogeta > Ah, that is ad hoc mode, not master mode. Never tried that with zydas. But good that it works!07:31
panfistactionparsnip well my SSH server is ubuntu server without x windows so i can't vnc to it. i thought the simplest service would be like telnet or something07:31
skylerheres the thing, when i first got my network up, i tried updating and it messed it up. so i got my drivers through sudo and it seems like that is more stable07:31
gogeta1tuxwulf: xlink lets you also connect any other console system link to the net07:31
ActionParsnippanfist: if you have web interfaces on the server you could use those07:32
erossfresh install on a ubuntu 9.04 gateway 3545GZ, anyone know why audio would not work?  trying to help someone.07:32
ActionParsnipeross: can you provide: sudo lshw -C audio07:32
ActionParsnipeross: use pastebin07:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:33
tuxwulfgogeta1: Ah? DSounds good! Must be bridging in its OS or something...07:34
HighLordObsithanx actionparsnip....working on it now.....07:34
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staminnamorning: I have broken packages apt-get clean && sudo apt-get check don't fix07:36
Deevzits dipping again07:36
Revrusstaminna, sudo apt-get install -f07:37
ActionParsnipstaminna: can you please pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get upgrade07:37
maxagazhow to reset epiphany's conf ?07:37
maxagaz(in gconf)07:37
maxagazor somewhere else07:37
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ActionParsnipmaxagaz: if you run: ls -a      is there a .epiphany folder?07:38
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: in you home folder07:38
MahrellonMorrn alla07:38
maxagazActionParsnip, no, there's no07:39
myselfwhats the best Play Station 2 Emulator for linux, to play games I already own?07:39
Revrusmyself, while best is an opinion, ive had good luck with PCSX207:40
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: seems to be ~/.gnome2/epiphany   simply rename the folder and relaunch epiphany07:40
staminnaRevrus: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:41
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: you will then have default settings07:41
maxagazActionParsnip, thanks07:41
erossI ran sudo lshw -C audio and nothing was displayed07:41
ActionParsnipmyself: best is an opinion and so is not concrete07:41
erossbut this is on a working system07:41
maxagazActionParsnip, but it seems my problem is somewhere else07:41
ActionParsnipeross: try sound instead of audio07:41
maxagazwhen i run epiphany in a bash, i get this: Segmentation fault07:42
erosscool thanks07:42
myselfcool thanks, ill check em out07:42
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: check the man page, there may be a debug mode, you could also uninstall the app then reinstall it07:42
staminnaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m64f8963a07:43
Koganeialright, Ubuntu installed, up to date. I just installed mplayer to stream videos from ninjavideo, but it says it doesn't know the codecs for it. I thought divx was native in mplayer07:43
ActionParsnipstaminna: ok looks like you will need to create some files07:44
ActionParsnipstaminna: all the files it says are missing, use those filenames with touch07:44
staminnaActionParsnip: It's not overriding the local build ( I didn't know this package exist) I think it's symlinking glue07:44
ActionParsnipstaminna: e.g. touch /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/mapnik/__init__.py07:44
ActionParsnipwith sudo of course07:45
maxagazActionParsnip, reinstalling didn't change anything07:45
ActionParsnipstaminna: once you recreate those files you should then be able to remove it07:45
erossActionParsnip:  looks like he has audio:  http://pastebin.com/m5900452107:45
staminnaActionParsnip: Done the touch, no output07:45
erossand needs to play with the mixer / volume settings07:45
ActionParsnipstaminna: you won't07:46
ActionParsnipstaminna: now do the other file names in your output07:46
staminnaActionParsnip: ok 1 minute07:46
ActionParsnipstaminna: in linux you dont get a nice "ok" as its a waste of time07:46
ActionParsnipstaminna: no news is good news07:46
legend2440eross: read third post down   https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2683707:46
ActionParsniplegend2440: was just gonna paste that :)07:47
legend2440ActionParsnip: great minds think alike?07:47
ActionParsniplegend2440: but idiots seldom differ ;)07:47
legend2440ActionParsnip: lol07:47
deephow to hack a pc by port07:48
ActionParsnipthats the lesser known second part07:48
ActionParsnip!ot | deep07:48
ubottudeep: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:48
legend2440ActionParsnip: yes never heard that before07:48
deepso how can i access windows network using ubuntu 9 laptop. all windows domain passwords are know07:49
staminnaActionParsnip: I've done that for all07:50
ActionParsnipdeep: how do you mean access. Do you want to access the email on an excahnge server? or accessa  file share07:50
ActionParsnipdeep: you don't just "access" something07:50
deepjust file sharing like something07:51
ActionParsnipdeep: you have an smbclient in your system, simply use: smb://<servername>/sharename in nautilus07:51
staminnaActionParsnip: Redo sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get upgrade ?07:52
Revrusanybody know how i would a upnp stream from my vista machine to go to my xbox which is connected via ICS on ubuntu netbook?07:52
erossyou know those facebook koobface infections, is there a tool to keep ubuntu from spreading it? Not sure how that worm works.07:52
johnwhat is a good cd ripping software?07:52
ActionParsnipstaminna: after creating those files, yes07:52
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Padhudeep: samba share will do it.07:52
erossjohn - brasero or k3b07:52
ActionParsnipeross: you will find ubuntu won't spread it as the worm will most likely be made for windows07:53
Guest46127eross: i'm using xfced, which one is better for it?07:53
staminnaActionParsnip: Same output, same issue: dpkg: error processing python-mapnik (--configure):07:53
staminna subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:53
deepis it will ok when i install samba07:54
sexcopterHi, I used to use pulseaudio, but set-up is now different and no longer need it. How to I stop pulseaudio daemon from starting at log-in? It doesn't appear in the start-up apps (System -> prefs -> startup apps)07:54
erossxfced? both should work the same as their gnome counterparts07:54
DylanJAnyone know of a gnome-equivlent for KAlgebra?07:54
ActionParsnipstaminna: same error about the files?07:54
staminnaActionParsnip: Yes, exactly the same output07:54
ActionParsnipstaminna: sounds like a bug.07:55
dhonghi,all. the latest 2.6.28 kernel is in the kernel.org, while the ubuntu's kernel is
dhongwhat's difference between them?07:55
dhonganyone knows?07:55
Myrttidhong: -15 is probably for the *ubuntu* version07:55
ActionParsnipdhong: the .15 on te ubuntu one will probably be the tweaks the repo folks / canonical have done t make it work with ubuntu07:56
Myrttidhong: the packages should have changelog or something in them07:56
ActionParsnipdhong: as its a very minor change07:56
Padhudeep: use connect server option from gnome menu07:56
erossif ubuntu goes cloudish, wont we get a bunch of worms in this etheral realm since the OS will ultimately not matter (or so they predict)?07:56
erosssorry I went offtopic :/07:57
Revruseross, cloud computing is very far away, and not happening any time soon, we dont ahve the power to do that servside, and dont have the bandwith to do it clientside07:57
dhongthanks, all. Does the ubuntu kernel has change log? where can  I get it?07:58
ghaithhi, i've noticed i can't access my local machines by their name, and i always have to use the ip to access it, and this is inconvenient if ips are dynamically assigned, is there a setting i'm missing?07:59
worldwarcheesewhat's change log?08:00
ActionParsnipghaith: add you dns server in /etc/resolv.conf08:00
ActionParsnipghaith: will most likely be the internal ip of your router08:00
ghaithok thx ActionParsnip i will, but that makes me wonder why doesn't network manager add it by default08:00
ActionParsnipghaith: if you use file shares on desktop pcs i suggest you set them to static ip08:01
ghaithActionParsnip:  at home i do, but i can't at work08:01
ActionParsnipghaith: it should, maybe it doesnt add itself as a nameserver in its dhcp info08:01
HighLordObsiinstructions suck in general08:02
linkmani am glad to see so many ubuntu users08:02
worldwarcheesehi there, im trying to make a bootable usb and am having trouble with it. how do i check the md5sum on a usb device?08:02
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: its a simple compile of some drivers, install build-essentil and kernel-headers and then read the readme in the driver archive file08:02
ghaithActionParsnip:  should i restart net after adding the nameserver?08:02
ActionParsnipworldwarcheese: you MD5sum the ISO yu download08:03
ActionParsnipghaith: can't hurt08:03
ghaithok thx08:03
worldwarcheesei did that but i feel that my iso is corrupted when i add it to the usb device08:03
legend2440staminna: try downlaoding the package and installing again. may just be bad download  http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/python/python-mapnik08:03
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HighLordObsiyeah, all that stuff is said to be up to date, but none of the other commands are working for me08:03
linkmanworldsheese: you "feel"?08:03
worldwarcheesebecause when i try to boot i get error messages and it can't find the bash shell08:04
joonnyI am having problem on installing the php-gd library on the ubuntu server. i have run the "apt-get install php5-gd" command it shows me error like Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main x11-common 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/x11-common_7.2-5ubuntu13_i386.deb  404 Not Found this kind of error in long list please help08:04
staminnaActionParsnip: while trying to compile the package from subversion svn, the python test run fails because of some bad symlinking, the mapnik.org wiki says it may be Boost version is not compatible with the Mapnik release version, in such case, the how-to fix link is empty.08:04
HighLordObsiand the instructions assume i have net access....if i did i wouldn't need to do any of this08:04
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: its the catch 22, use a wired connection til you get on your feet08:04
worldwarcheeselinkman: yeah, i'm not sure. it might be a different error but the dl is fine. i checked that md5sum already on my desktop. the problem arises when i try to boot them on the target computer08:05
AmerigoI need to get root permission to do an apt-get. How do I do that? I know it's sudo ??? something.08:05
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: back in the day it was modem drivers, you need the web to get the modem drivers but without the modem drivers you can't get on the web, to get the drivers08:05
worldwarcheesejust sudo then the command Amerigo08:05
RevrusAmerigo, "sudo [command]"08:05
Ububeginmy firefox went out of focus and has disappeared.. But when I type "ps -ef | grep firefox" ..I got this *Me   30006     1  4 Aug06 ?        05:49:44 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin* ... so how do i get the gui back ..thanks08:05
Amerigosudo apt-get -------08:06
lstarnesAmerigo: like sudo apt-get install foo08:06
lstarnesAmerigo: to install foo08:06
RevrusAmerigo, yes, just like that08:06
ActionParsnipAmerigo: put sudo in front of the command, you will then type your log on password. no asterisks will appear, just type it in and hit enter08:06
HighLordObsiwish it was possible....like i said earlier, i'll have to drag my pc to my parents house where there is a wired connection.....my modem is at the in laws and they don't like me too much and don't let me in the house lol08:06
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Using ldlinux.sys?08:06
linkmanworlwarcheese: what are you trying to boot?08:06
worldwarcheeseeeebuntu on an Asus Eee pc 100he08:06
ActionParsnipHighLordObsi: or you could take a CD / USB stick and copy what is needed08:06
RevrusAmerigo, so, say you were to install mplayer, it would be "sudo apt-get install mplayer" without quotes08:06
ghaithActionParsnip: i just noticed that the dns was already added (i checked the one assigned to windows) still can't access by domains though, i noticed there's also a search entry don't know if it has any meaning08:06
ActionParsnipghaith: try: nslookup <name>08:07
worldwarcheesetuxwolf: what is that?08:07
Amerigoit's working. Thanks. Some body had said to do sudo ???? apt-get------------08:07
Ububeginmy firefox went out of focus and has disappeared.. But when I type "ps -ef | grep firefox" ..I got this *Me   30006     1  4 Aug06 ?        05:49:44 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin* ... so how do i get the gui back ..thanks08:07
worldwarcheeseto make the boot device i'm using FUSbi08:07
ghaithserver can't find ghaith: NXDOMAIN @ActionParsnip08:07
Amerigosome 4 letter word I can't remember.08:07
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: I guess not, then... How did you prepare your USB thing?08:07
AndorinCan I get some help with getting Ubuntu to play DVDs, starting with the basics? It's randomly stopped being able to do it.08:08
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Ah I see, I do not know that08:08
HighLordObsiit'd be easier to take the whole pc...then i could do everything exactly how the instructions say instead of having to mount the files on a virtual drive and figure out where to go from there08:08
Drainedandorin, install VLC08:08
TheShahFactorUbubegin : try killall -9 firefox and start again08:08
AndorinDrained: I use it. It has stopped playing my DVDs.08:08
ActionParsnipUbubegin: if you kill 30006 you should be offered to recover the old sessionas it wasnt closed properly08:08
worldwarcheesei got the iso from the site's torrent list, checked the dl md5sum then used FUSbi to load it onto a usb08:08
Drainedhmm.. try re-installing it?08:08
staminnalegend2440: I first started compiling for linux, and then on the dependency I have to use synaptic to get away and then I've switched to the Jacklope 9.04 instructions from mapnik.org. I think I'll have to downgrade python to 2.5. Why didn't they mention there was a package on the Ubuntu repository?08:08
UbubeginActionParsnip: Oh... k.. I will try.. hopefully can recover my session08:08
worldwarcheesei'm on device 4 and pc 2 and overall try (in the dozens) and i'm having a rough time of it08:08
ActionParsnipTheShahFactor: i wouldnt advise -9 straight away, try a more graceful kill08:08
Amerigoif VLC won't work, nothing will!08:08
Drainedwho said that... amerigo..08:09
AndorinDrained: I thought that was Windows-y and didn't work for Linux?08:09
ActionParsnipAmerigo: mplayer :D08:09
shah16Amerigo: mplayer08:09
Drainedandorin: remove the package and add it again08:09
ActionParsnipAndorin: add the medibuntu repo and install libdvdcss208:09
DrainedAndorin: if it doesn't get working your DVD player's laser might be dieng.08:10
Amerigobtw, when I maximize a video in Firefox, it immediately puts it back 'into the box'. What's up with that?08:10
worldwarcheesetuxwofl: if you have a different method for making a live usb i could try that, i already tried unetbootin08:10
Drainedamerigo, sounds like a graphics card issue with the auto un-fullscreen08:10
CaptainCrookhow do i open/close port 25 (mail port)?08:11
Amerigoother apps do fine. It's just videos in Firefox.08:11
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: I do... http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-704-persistent-install/ explains. There are a few tyhings to keep in mind though08:11
Drainedwhich is why it's a graphics card issue...08:11
Padhuworldwarcheese: pendrivelinux.com have guidelines08:11
Gutzi_SetupBidi('source'); I have problems with my Ubuntu. Someone could help me?08:11
Drainedlove how people are asking for help and decide to leave...08:12
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Ubuntu 9.04 also has some GUI but never used it yet08:12
ActionParsnipAmerigo: that sounds like flash to me so you may have problems08:12
Drainedaction: he left lol08:12
worldwarcheesetuxwolf: i saw the page, but i'm running jaunty right now08:13
worldwarcheeseor is my head up my ass?08:13
Hyperion2010come on guys, dont let the trolls on ./ be right about the hostility of the channel08:13
GutziI installed Ubuntu on a Toshiba laptop and then hibernating the computer does not turn the fans on the motherboard.08:13
ActionParsnipHyperion2010: i eat trolls for breakfast08:13
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: USB startup disk creator in System -- Administration. ~~` for th site, it still works for 9.0408:13
worldwarcheeseoh snap, you're right. thank you, sir, i'll give that a shot now08:13
ActionParsnipGutzi: have you checked online for guides for installing and configuring linux on your model ?08:14
ActionParsnipwerd up kraut08:15
AndorinActionParsnip: That did it; DVDs are working now. Thanks. =)08:15
ActionParsnipAndorin: np08:16
ActionParsnipkraut: hi basically08:16
Gutziyes. I think it's a bug and not how to report it.08:16
ActionParsnipAndorin: any player will play dvd now, not just vlc08:16
krautActionParsnip: arrrrhoi ;)08:16
ActionParsnip!bug > Gutzi08:16
ubottuGutzi, please see my private message08:16
sleepy_catis there a ls cmd to search if something is present in the directory.. say i want to search if a folder called Work exists i do ls -l Work but if existing it is giving me the contents of it.. i dont want contents just if it exists or not08:17
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: you could use find08:17
nevynsleepy_cat: test -d Work08:17
nevynecho $?08:17
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: find . -name Work08:17
nevynActionParsnip: no garuntee it's a directory08:17
HighLordObsithanks for your help by the way actionparsnip08:18
sleepy_catfind worked08:18
ActionParsnipnevyn: could use: find . -name Work -exec file {} \;08:18
sleepy_catthanks ActionParsnip08:18
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: the above will tell you what sort of file Work is08:18
Padhugstreamer and ffmpeg plugins required08:19
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: find doesnt care if its a file or folder as they are the same in linux08:19
sleepy_catyeah i kind of understood that08:19
nevynif [ -d Work ]; then echo "it's there"; fi08:19
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: thanks for the help. its not done yet but i already see some things i missed before. ill keep you posted if youre online.08:19
ActionParsnipnevyn: never understod the semicolon after ] in bash, in C it would never output anything ;)08:20
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: You're welcome. Good luck!08:20
craigtaoHow to play APE file ? please tell me, thanks08:21
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: thanks again, and i don't want to jinx it but im very hopeful08:21
nevynActionParsnip: [ -d Work is a command08:22
petrolmanHi, why isn t it possible to mount a netdrive when a vpn connection exists by the network-manager?08:22
nevyn] is just syntactic sugar08:22
ActionParsnipnevyn: sure but its in brackets which to me kinda isolates it as the test case08:23
TrijntjeHi all, is it normal for login in gnome to take ~30 seconds with 2GB 2.4GHz?08:23
ActionParsnipTrijntje: how much ram?08:24
nevynActionParsnip: but what I'm saying is is the opening bracket is a command08:24
nevynActionParsnip: and the closing one is just syntactic fluff08:24
nevynyou can ommit it quite happily08:24
ActionParsnipnevyn: gotcha08:24
ActionParsnipnevyn: thanks08:24
TrijntjeActionParsnip: 2GB08:24
kiaas_Trijntje, also, 2.4ghz on what CPU? Pentium 4?08:25
ActionParsnipTrijntje: create a new user and see if its the same with taht08:25
sleepy_catActionParsnip: whats the code that will give me if its a folder or a file or something else08:25
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: file <something here>08:25
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: file disregards file extensions and looks at the data structure then can tell you what the thing is you named08:26
Trijntjekiaas_: i dont know, how can I find out?08:26
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: very powerful08:26
sleepy_cato cool08:26
sleepy_catthis is indeed awesome08:26
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: np :)08:26
Trijntjeactionparsnip: I will do that, thanx08:26
kiaas_Trijntje, how new is it? if it isn't "new" you can open terminal and type in cat /proc/cpuinfo08:26
gnuyenhi, i can't get talk to work on ubuntu, i did apt-get install talk talkd08:26
kiaas_Trijntje, actually, that command will work if it is new too xD08:26
gnuyenand now i  get "Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused. Press any key"08:27
CaptainCrooki'm looking to setup my stmp so my local server can e-mail using php...  anyone?08:27
ActionParsnipkiaas_: the system is double the power of anything I have an my systems log in a tonne faster tahn that08:28
TrijntjeKiaas_: its as old as gutsy ;), what should I look for in /proc/cpuinfo?08:28
Koganeibut /wc08:28
Glockehi, i got a problem with pidgin while connecting to icq: Connection reset by peer08:28
Glockeirc via pidgin works ;-)08:28
kiaas_Trijntje, "model name"08:28
ActionParsnipGlocke: i use pidgin :)08:28
Trijntjekiaas_: intel (R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz08:29
ActionParsnipTrijntje: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i model08:29
nevynmeh model08:29
konsumerHello :)08:29
TrijntjeActioParsnip, Kiaas_:  Model : 1508:29
ActionParsnipTrijntje: try a new user, if it logs on ok then its your profile at fault some place08:29
nevynflags is the important bit08:30
gartralTrijntje: you can also use a guest account08:30
Trijntjegartaral: how do i do that?08:31
klickerhi guys can someone explain08:31
klickerto what is DISPLAY=localhost:0.008:31
klickerfor shell variable08:31
fredlanybody else having problems with the python-support upgrade?08:31
erosslooks like an x-terminal command for remote SSH via GUI?08:32
ubottuklicker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:32
klickeryeah it just the X11 forwarding but i dont understand what 0.0 mean08:32
fredlI checked launchpad but don't see any new bugs for python-support. For me the apt-get dist-upgrade hangs with 'Processing triggers for python-support ...'08:32
ActionParsnipklicker: you need an x server on the client system08:33
ActionParsnipklicker: if its windows, install and run xming08:33
TrijntjeActionparsnip, kiaas_: i'm off to reboot and check out the new account, thanks for your help08:33
Ubuntu_Geek86hi linux world!08:34
klickerActionParsnip i understand that08:34
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: another question, when it says to open up in windows to load the iso can i just add the iso while in jaunty with the extract tool?08:34
klickerbut can you explain to me what08:34
klicker0.0 mean08:34
jeevesis there a program that will decompile a PDF?08:34
klickerDISPLAY=hostname:0.0 ?08:34
Ubuntu_Geek86adobe reader 9? im not sure08:34
konsumerDoes anyone here know where applications are installed in Xubuntu?08:35
konsumerI want to dock some shortcuts in my desktop.08:35
kiaas_klicker, I think it is just specifying which display to display it on08:35
ActionParsnipkonsumer: due to the nature of linux there is no one folder where they are stored08:35
DarthPuffdo you guys know why some songs refuse to rip in sound juicer?08:35
konsumerI see08:36
ActionParsnipkonsumer: libs will go in /lib and binarys and other stuff will go everywhere else08:36
klickerkiass_ what do you mean by which display to display it on kiass ?08:36
konsumerAh ok, most are libs :)08:36
ActionParsnipkonsumer: if an app installs a lib then it can be used by other apps too, this makes the installed size smaller08:36
Maxim75Hi everyone08:36
ActionParsnipkonsumer: so you will noy have a single folder like in program files under windos08:37
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: YOu mean with the USB disk creator? I just browsed to a downloaded ubuntu ISO and worked beautifully....08:37
kiaas_klicker, I think that at least on linux, each "virtual terminal" can be used as a display for X. it must be specified which of these is the display, such as 0.008:37
safruhanihi, on 8.10, i want to open image urls (that ends with .png or .jpg etc.) with mirage, how can i do that ?08:37
safruhaninot open with default browser08:37
samushkai have a local .deb package which i'd like to install... it depends on other packages, what tool can i use to install this local package while automatically apt-get'ing the missing dependencies ?08:37
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: what does that mean (sorry)? i have the iso so do I just add it to the usb then?08:38
kiaas_X isn't my specialty08:38
eokekonsumer: This may help you understand what the various directories are used for http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html08:38
ActionParsnipsafruhani: add it as a helper app in your browser08:38
gartralsafruhani: in a terminal type mirage /path/to/image08:38
blognewbHey guys urgent.. is this a proper syntax: sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f php-fastcgi defaults (the -f means force remove..? should i put that there????)08:38
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Are you using the USB startup disk creator or the website I posted earlier...?08:38
safruhanigartral: i want to do it for urls08:38
worldwarcheeseWait, tuxwulf, you mean this is the time to use a GUI based iso loader on the usb?08:38
safruhaniActionParsnip: thanks for help08:39
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-704-persistent-install/08:39
gartralsafruhani: a URL is a path, and can be treated as such08:39
konsumerThanks eoke :)08:39
safruhanigartral: understand thank you08:39
safruhanigartral: ActionParsnip which way is faster for you?08:39
safruhanii think from the terminal08:39
konsumervery useful eoke :) Much appreciated.08:40
konsumerhave a good day fellas. peace.08:40
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: That procedure is complete.08:40
eokekonsumer: No problem remember everything is only a guilde line though08:40
klickerthx anyway found it08:40
blognewbhi is this a proper syntax: sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f php-fastcgi defaults (the -f means force remove..? should i put that there????)08:40
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: you can follow that procedure completely, OR use the Startup disk Creator.08:41
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: hmm? so i'm on step 15, however the next step asks me to use Windows, which i do not have on this computer08:41
kiaas_blognewb, -f usually means "force" not necessarily force remove. if it is combined with something to remove, it'll probably force it.08:41
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: The website explains to 'unpack' the iso before copying it to the USB drive, though: see the steps under "Using Windows to prepare and move the files to the USB Stick:"08:42
Maxim75Hi everyone, I'm a newbie; I would like to try ubuntu: what kind of installation do you suggest me (8.04 or 9.04 ?)08:42
buckyblognewb: do you really have a /etc/init.d/php-fastcgi  ?08:42
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: ok i think i got it now. i'm adding the iso and trying to boot on the netbook08:42
blognewbbucky: yes08:42
RaidRecovercan anyone help me try and recover my raid? my old motherboard died and i transfered my disks to a new computer and booted up to a liveCD but my disks are not recognized as being raid08:43
ActionParsnipMaxim75: i'd say 9.0408:43
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Ah... I see. That is a problem. There are other ways: to mount the ISO in linux and then manually copy the files, and adjust the syslinux.cfg, but now you are a little off the easy path...08:43
buckyblognewb: dpkg -S /etc/init.d/php-fastcgi  and tell me what package it came from08:43
blognewbbucky: i have it08:44
buckyblognewb: dpkg -S /etc/init.d/php-fastcgi  and tell me what package it came from08:44
TrijntjeactioParsnip: logging into the new account takes ~20 second. Then logging into my own account (without rebooting) takes ~15 seconds08:44
Maxim75thanks ActionParsnip; just a second question: I would try ubuntu on a small pc that a friend of mine just gave me: it's a pentium III 800 with 192 or Ram08:44
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: haha. such is my luck. so should i proceed to unpack the iso and add it to the usb or is that not such a good idea?08:44
Maxim75should I try the alternate install or the other one?08:44
ActionParsnipMaxim75: install Xubuntu08:45
blognewbit's an init file08:45
ActionParsnipMaxim75: or install ubuntu then install LXDE08:45
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: You can but you also need to edit the syslinux file in the root of your USB drive. Oh, and you need... the isolinux directory with its files.08:45
ActionParsnipMaxim75: it will run nice, just wont have all the supergloss that more powerful systems can afford08:45
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: ... perhaps if you only have ubuntu the USB Startup Disk Creator is easier, and quicker...08:46
Polt{laptop}I am wanting to upgrade my ext3 to ext4 and I found this link showing how http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1118205 can anyone tell me, would it be worth it ?08:46
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: i like the sound of both of those08:46
Maxim75thank you ActionParsnip :)08:46
ActionParsnipMaxim75: linux doesnt need a hugely powerful system08:46
worldwarcheesetuxwulf to clarify: let's do the easier one08:46
Maxim75that's what a friend of mine told me ;)08:46
ActionParsnipMaxim75: i have desktops on far less but they run puppy linux08:46
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: I just now created two perfectly bootable live USB drives with theat creator....08:47
erossi uninstalled wine (1.1.27) but version 1.1.22 is still on there. I may have compiled/installed it or through some 3rd party util. How do I get rid of it so I can reinstall wine?08:47
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: i like the sound of that. youre the first person to tell me that08:47
ActionParsnipMaxim75: xubuntu is made for low end systems and you have the minimum ram and a way over minimum spec cpu08:47
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: where can i find a step-by-step guide to the disk creator?08:48
Maxim75perfect; I'm trying to learn linux these days and I hope to reach good results08:48
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: If you have Ubuntu, click System - Administration - USB Startup Disk Creator. It is very easy.08:48
Maxim75I already have a xubunto burned on cd (the alternate edition)08:48
ActionParsnipMaxim75: you will as you use it, just as you did with windows08:48
Maxim75should I try that one?08:48
zvaceteross: iif you see it in synaptic try to uninstall from there08:48
erossit's not in synaptic now08:48
=== shah_ is now known as shah16
ActionParsnipMaxim75: the alternate installs in text based mode and is much lighter in ram so i would advise it yes08:48
ActionParsnipMaxim75: did you MD5 check the ISO?08:49
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: I suppose ... you could boot any live ISO this way... These were just my first two creations, too....08:49
erossbut it's in /usr/local/bin/wine08:49
Maxim75at the moment no; you are right; I should first check the iso08:49
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: holy frak it's what i've been looking for since say one (4 days ago)08:49
Maxim75before burn it08:49
zvaceteross: so,you probably compile it go to the folder form whitch you compile and run     sudo make uninstall08:49
gartralis there a way i can have a prompt or comfirmation befor rebooting from terminal?08:50
TrijntjeHi all, loggin into gnome is taking ~30s on a 2GB 2.4GHz desktop. Logging into a new account takes ~18 seconds. Any ideas on how to proceed here?08:50
=== jay is now known as Guest27542
fuzzybunnyhey guys for some reason I am unable to ping my brothers laptop on our lan but I can get on the internet and he can ping me. Once he pings me then I will be able to communicate fine with him. Does anyone know what would cause this?08:50
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: 4 days??? Man you are lucky! I have been using the complicated way for MONTHS! I used Kubuntu before and that does not have that Creator, so I had to...08:50
Maxim75thank you ActionParsnip for all your help :)08:51
ActionParsnipMaxim75: indeed, lets you know the CD you have is good and in no way corrupted08:51
Maxim75I'm going to try it now ;)08:51
ActionParsnipMaxim75: np man, you may help me on e day. Who knows08:51
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: ouch, that's harsh, man. glad i found you when i did. this brand new pc's been an xp-laden brick until tonight08:51
fuzzybunnyActionParsnip, do you work for Ubuntu?08:51
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: no, just a long standing linux user08:51
gartral<opinion> unetbootin is more powerful than the USB creator08:52
* Polt{laptop} sighs08:52
Maxim75wow, I hope to become and expert; who knows!! for the moment, thank you so much ActionParsnip.08:52
fuzzybunnyActionParsnip, oh how long have u been using it? I think you have been here everytime I have come in ;)08:52
ActionParsnipgartral: define "powerful"08:52
Maxim75have a good day08:52
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: It's ok, I learned a whole lot, too. Have fun with it!08:52
Polt{laptop}I wish I could find out whether this is worth it or not08:53
Polt{laptop}I have the Ubuntu Live DVD around here somewhere08:53
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: i got into it properly what mandrake 6 came out, not sure the year08:53
Polt{laptop}I just need to boot with it and run these commands in bash08:53
fuzzybunnyoh ok08:53
fuzzybunnyI kept going back and forth with it08:53
gartralActionParsnip: ohh lets see... it can create multiple OS distro disks, and isnt confined too Ubuntu/Debian08:53
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: it's copying the files now. i can't wait to try it (earlier my attempts grew less and less hopeful as time went on) and yeah, some of the commands i've picked up have really helped in other projects so its not all lost. just annoying after a while ;)08:53
fuzzybunnyI do constantly have problems still I guess08:53
jedcpolt{laptop}, whether what is worth it?08:53
fuzzybunnybut I just like Linux more08:53
Polt{laptop}upgrade to ext408:53
Polt{laptop}everyone says there is a performance increase08:54
erossdoes ext4 require defrag?08:54
Polt{laptop}since I am on a 1.2 ghz machine I want to know if it will make a difference08:54
Bilalotrs(open ticket request system) displays internal server error. Restarted apache and mysql, checkes index.pl syntax ok. But still in error08:54
jedcah, well i am using it and it seems fast, but i dont have any empirical evidence to offer :p08:54
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: you dont get the full benefit of ext4 with a converted fs08:54
fuzzybunnyhey guys for some reason I am unable to ping my brothers laptop on our lan but I can get on the internet and he can ping me. Once he pings me then I will be able to communicate fine with him. Does anyone know what would cause this?08:54
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: pure linux and bsd here08:54
fuzzybunnyoh nice08:54
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: can you ping his ip?08:55
Guest27542Hi everyone. Having a troublesome crash bug with Firefox and was wondering if others knew of the problem or of a fix. Seems that sometimes (can't figure out when, it's not just Java or Flash or anything) Firefox will have a nice big total crash where it freezes the entire computer. Can't even summon a terminal and kill firefox. Only thing to do is power the computer down. Didn't start after any particular software upgrade or add-on install. The only consi08:55
Guest27542stency with it I can seem to find is that sometimes when typing in or selecting the location bar it triggers the crash. And the crash looks like the firefox window sort of "fragmented" and I can see part of the firefox window and part of whatever was below it. Hope that all made sense.08:55
fuzzybunnyno it says destination host unreachable I can only ping it after he pings me08:55
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: rather than just name08:55
jedcfuzzybunny, can you ping his local network ip?08:55
Polt{laptop}why would converting to ext4 not be as good as doing it from a fresh format08:55
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: hmm does he always use the same ip?08:55
Polt{laptop}and one other question .... the guy in the link uses /dev/sda1 and later refers to /dev/sda when trying to reinstall grub08:56
Polt{laptop}I use /dev/sda508:56
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Let me know how it works out..?08:56
Polt{laptop}would the /dev/sda still apply for me ?08:56
fuzzybunnyI am really at a loss I tried renaming my hosts file in case it was something in that08:56
Polt{laptop}or would it be something else08:56
TrijntjeGuest27542: with ctrl+alt+f1 you can login to text only. From there you could kill firefox and return to your desktop with ctr+alt+f708:56
gartralscreen + resident terminal = fail08:56
fuzzybunnyI tried it with my eth instead of my wireless08:56
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: haha will do. sorry if i ramble, it's VERY late in the morning where i am now08:56
Polt{laptop}I can try it if nothing else I know it will work08:57
Bilalotrs(open ticket request system) displays internal server error. Restarted apache and mysql, checkes index.pl syntax ok. But still in error08:57
jedcPolt{laptop}, yes, but use /dev/sda5 where he uses /dev/sda108:57
Guest27542Trijntje: have a crash up right now (in IRC on a different comp) - ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't even work08:57
=== Adam is now known as Stargazer
Polt{laptop}I just need to make sure I reinstall grub correctly is all08:57
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: you need the hosts file08:58
Stargazerhow do i change the permissions on a root-only drive?08:58
fuzzybunnyActionParsnip, yeah I just renamed it back08:58
Guest27542i can still move the mouse but i can't click on anything. no keyboard shortcuts work.08:58
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: it does more than networking. You can add his IP as a resolve in your hosts file and it will resolve using that weather he has pinged or not08:59
|Shade|anyone familiar with freeNX server? I wonder if it could act as an application server?08:59
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fuzzybunnyyeah I have md in my hosts08:59
ActionParsnipfuzzybunny: run: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts   and add a line reading: <servername> <ip address>08:59
rraaschStargazer: mount -o remount,rw /08:59
Polt{laptop}alright I think I will go for the upgrade08:59
TrijntjeGuest27542: that is realy bad. what happens when you do alt+SysRq+b?08:59
Polt{laptop}just to try it out09:00
Stargazerhow do i change the permissions on a root-only drive?09:00
rraaschStargazer: mount -o remount,rw /09:00
fuzzybunnyand then if I ping md or it doesnt work09:00
Polt{laptop}if nothing else it should improve the speed of the FS09:00
rraaschremount the drive as rw09:00
Stargazerrraasch, it's an external hdd.09:00
rraaschumount /mnt/usb09:00
Guest27542trinjntje: sorry I just rebooted. (Still trying to figure out exactly what triggers it.) I'll let you know next time it crashes.09:00
buckyfuzzybunny: type arp and see if your brother's ip is in there... some one has a brain dead implementation of arp09:01
rraaschStargazer: mount -o rw /dev/usb /mnt/usb09:01
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: you can use hdparm too but it is risky, if you push too far it can damage the drive pysically09:01
Stargazerrraasch, what about chmod ?09:01
TrijntjeGuest27542:that command should reboot your pc09:01
fuzzybunnybucky, it says md                               (incomplete)                              wlan009:01
fuzzybunnythe incomplete is where the mac address should be09:01
rraascheach file has its own ownership09:02
TrijntjeGuest27542: but start firefox in a terminal like this next time: firefox >crash.txt09:02
buckyfuzzybunny: this is what mine says09:02
bucky192.168.254.254          ether   00:0B:23:8D:D1:98   C                     eth009:02
Guest27542oh, alright. and it just crashed again while typing google.com into the location bar. i'll try it now. i'll start it in a terminal next time around ;)09:02
Stargazerrraasch, isn't there a recursive thing i could do for all the subfiles/folders.09:02
rraaschif each file is ro AFTER mounting, then chmod -R a+wr /mnt/usb09:02
fuzzybunnybucky, how would I correct it in there?09:02
buckyfuzzybunny: it has my info09:02
Guest27542alt-sysrq-b worked09:02
Adam_eMTrijntje: hi09:02
ActionParsniprraasch: that may need sudo09:03
fuzzybunnybucky, do you know how I can update it?09:03
jedcStargazer, what permissions do you want?09:03
Adam_eMeverything's up and running. I have even managed to get the NX server to work :)09:03
TrijntjeGuest27542: ok, you could also ask in #ubuntu-bugs i think, there should be no freezes in ubuntu, so they should be willing to help09:03
zaggynlfreenx is awesome09:03
buckyfuzzybunny: is this wireless09:03
jedcStargazer, -R is the option for recursive for chmod09:03
Stargazerjedc, i need them to be open permissions for the main user. not root.09:04
Guest27542trijntje: ok, thank you very much09:04
fuzzybunnybucky, yeah it doesnt work over eth either though09:04
buckyfuzzybunny: is this wireless in ad hoc mode?09:04
TrijntjeGuest27542: no problem09:04
fuzzybunnybucky, no09:04
TrijntjeAdam_em: nice09:04
buckyfuzzybunny: what mode is it09:04
fuzzybunnybucky, I think it is managed or infrastructure09:04
buckyfuzzybunny: both computers?09:05
jedcStargazer, you probably just want your user to own it then, try chown -R <username>:<username> file09:05
rraaschStargazer: sudo mount -o rw, uid=mainuser /dev/09:05
tuxwulfWhat doe wubi.exe do ?09:05
fuzzybunnybucky, we both connect to the same router09:06
ActionParsniprraasch: could use uid=100009:06
rraaschyea, for the first user added09:06
ActionParsnip!wubi | tuxwulf09:06
ubottutuxwulf: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:06
ActionParsniptuxwulf: if you use it, MD5 check the file before launching it09:06
tuxwulfActionParsnip: Wow, that is really cool... thanks!09:07
ActionParsniptuxwulf: most old linux users dont like it too much09:08
ActionParsniptuxwulf: its nice as a trial but as a proper OS it kinda sucks09:08
Guest27542trijntje: oh really quick. does starting firefox with 'firefox >crash.txt' make a log or something?09:08
jedcGuest27542, sort of, it redirects the output from firefox (which would go to terminal) to the file crash.txt09:09
TrijntjeGuest27542: yes, it writes error messages to a file called crash.txt in your home directory09:09
jedcGuest27542, the > redirects09:09
Guest27542Ok, thanks.09:09
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
tuxwulfActionParsnip: Yes, I understand. Well, useful for many people, to try without harming their Win09:09
Guest27542Good to know. Always learn more than I expected when I come here :)09:09
ActionParsnipjedc: assuming the pwd is $HOME when launched09:09
xxshadowxxhey can sum1 link wer i can go 2 c the banned pally sklls\???09:10
ActionParsniptuxwulf: true. I prefer to advise USB installs to try, then ubuntu doesnt even touch the internal drive at all09:10
Myrttixxshadowxx: you're not making any sense09:10
jedcActionParsnip, why assuming that?09:10
ActionParsnipxxshadowxx: can you type in full english sentances rather than lik this az u mayk no senz09:11
TrijntjeHi all, loggin into gnome is taking ~30s on a 2GB 2.4GHz desktop. Logging into a new account takes ~18 seconds. Any ideas on how to proceed here?09:11
xxshadowxxany1 no wer 2 go on forums 2 c the paladin skills that are banned09:11
Myrttixxshadowxx: this is Ubuntu support, not random chat09:11
jedcxxshadowxx, probably on wow forums, not ubuntu09:11
ActionParsnipjedc: you just did, if the pwd is /etc, and the user launches firefox > log.txt it won't write as the file is been written to pwd which is /etc09:11
jedcActionParsnip, ah yes, but that is just a permissions issue, it would write it if you were root for example and in /etc09:12
ActionParsnipjedc: could use: firefox > ~/log.txt as a cover all09:12
fuzzybunnybucky, hey I think I got it09:12
ActionParsnipjedc: roots home is /root09:12
fuzzybunnybucky, thanks so much for your help09:12
fuzzybunnyActionParsnip, thanks for your help09:13
ActionParsnipjedc: and you shouldnt be loggin on as root, a definately not launching firefox09:13
fuzzybunnyI am just going to restart and maybe that will work09:13
jedcActionParsnip, I know, but im saying you dont have to be in ~home...09:13
jedcer, $HOME09:13
ActionParsnipjedc: if you are a user, the log file will not be written if the pwd is no in the users own home directory09:13
tuxwulfActionParsnip: ... yes. You are right. Or a CD, yes.09:13
ActionParsniptuxwulf: sure09:13
tuxwulfActionParsnip: Even less "destructive"...09:14
Guest27542trijntje: (still not getting help in ubuntu-bugs otherwise i wouldnt be bothering you still). i started with >crash.txt and firefox crashed. i rebooted and all i see is an empty crash.txt file in my home dir09:14
tuxwulfIntrusive, even a better word.09:14
jedcActionParsnip, unless that user has permissions to write to whatever directory they are in09:14
ActionParsniptuxwulf: totally, if you have > 2Gb ram it will run pretty well09:14
ActionParsnipjedc: true09:14
gartralwhats the advantages of having 12 gigs of ram?09:14
zirodaygartral: you get 12 gigs of ram at your disposal...09:15
Stargazerhey guys, i'm still having troubles changing the permissions on that drive.09:15
jedcgartral, you will be able to run most things without using the hd for swap?09:15
ActionParsnipgartral: more simultaneous apps running, more disk cache09:15
pkkmGuest27542: Did you try redirecting error log like '$ app 2>&1 > file' ?09:15
jedcStargazer, is it already mounted?09:15
TrijntjeGuest27542:  can you try alt+sysrq+k?09:16
ActionParsnipgartral: linux uses unused ram as disk cache to make disk accesing faster09:16
Guest27542trijntje: while frozen?09:16
TrijntjeGuest27542: yes, that should kill X, so you should be able to login again09:16
gartralActionParsnip: what would you consider and ngodly about of ram?09:16
jedcStargazer, if it is mounted as /media/mydrive, chown -R <yourusername>:<yourusername> /media/mydrive09:16
ActionParsnipgartral: depends on what the system is for09:16
jedcStargazer, without the '<' '>'s09:16
gartralActionParsnip: general purposes09:16
ActionParsnipgartral: a system which will be used heavily for gimp will need way more than one for simple web browsing and chatting09:17
Stargazerjedc, i did that...09:17
Guest27542pkkm: not entirely sure what that means/entails doing, so no. Is there something I should do in the terminal next time I run firefox?09:17
jedcStargazer, and its not working?09:17
gartralActionParsnip: watching movies and playing games like neuiz09:17
Stargazerjedc, that's correct, it's not working.09:18
ActionParsnipgartral: if it just openoffice, web browsing and chat then you can easily scrape by with 512Mb. For games I'd hit somewhere round the 1Gb - 2Gb mark with a half decent video card09:18
jedcStargazer, in the directory the drive is mounted in, what is the output of ls -l  | grep nameofdrive09:18
Stargazernothing, jedc.09:19
ActionParsnipgartral: i run an AMD semp 3000 AM2 1Gb DDR2 with onboard NVidia 6150 and runs nexuiz just fine09:19
jedcStargazer, replacing nameofdrive with the name of the mounted drive, if it is nothing than you arent in the right directory09:19
helluesare there a program to send,delet song from ipod touch09:20
helluesi am using ubuntu09:20
Guest27542trijntje: alt+sysrq+k worked as well. I guess the Alt+sysrq+___ are the only ones that work09:20
jedcStargazer, not the full pathname09:20
fuzzybunnybucky, I rebooted and it lost it again after I updated the arp table with the correct MAC address do you know how I can get it so that it has the correct mac address after a reboot?09:20
ActionParsniphellues: ease up on the enter key dude09:20
TrijntjeGuest27542: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key09:20
Stargazerjedc, not "/media/???(Dokan)/" ?09:20
ActionParsnip!dontzap > Guest2754209:20
ubottuGuest27542, please see my private message09:20
jedcStargazer, nope, if you are in /media and it is mount as /media/Dokan, ls -l | grep Dokan09:21
nuckleHello, can someone please give me a clue as in how to unrar files on ubuntu 9.04 using gnome?09:21
Polt{laptop}hey can anyone tell me how to use grub to mount a dvd image at boot09:21
ActionParsnipnuckle: sudo apt-get install rar unrar09:21
jedcnuckle, can you right click and extract here?09:21
Polt{laptop}my pc isn't wanting boot the jaunty dvd09:22
Polt{laptop}I can get to grub09:22
ActionParsnipnuckle: you can then use fileroller, or use   rar x <rar file name>09:22
nuckleI downloaded the unrar-free but now I can only view the content of the archive and cannot unpack it...09:22
Polt{laptop}and I know it will read the dvd09:22
Polt{laptop}the dvd drive name is cdrom009:22
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: did you MD5 check the DVD ISO before burning?09:22
nucklejedc: did that, won't unpack09:22
Polt{laptop}it is fine09:22
Polt{laptop}it is just an older machine09:22
Polt{laptop}external drive09:22
Stargazerjedc, i'm not sure what you mean by 'i'm not in the right directory' but... nothing is coming up.09:23
ActionParsnipnuckle: what errors do you get09:23
jedcStargazer do you see it if you just type ls -l?09:23
Polt{laptop}I know that I should be able to boot the dvd image from the dvd09:23
Polt{laptop}from grub rather09:23
Guest27542Thanks that makes it easier to recover from the crash/freeze. Still don't know what's causing it though.09:23
nuckleActionParsnip: I don't see any error msg09:24
Stargazeryes, i do, jedc. now that i see THAT list, i've noticed one of my other drives is doing it, too.09:24
Guest27542And I was told not to ask for that kind of help in ubuntu-bugs09:24
jedcStargazer, show me the line of that output for the drive in question09:24
ActionParsnipnuckle: so when you run: rar x rarfilename.rar   the files dont extract?09:24
Stargazerjedc: drwxrwxrwx 1 root root   4096 2009-08-01 18:35 ???(Dokan)09:25
TrijntjeGuest27542: really? it sounds like a but to me..09:25
ActionParsnipnuckle: the terminal is VERY case sensitive btw09:25
jedcStargazer, all users have permission to write to the drive then, its still owned as root though09:25
TrijntjeGuest27542: you could try to create a new profile and see if the crash still happens09:25
ActionParsnipnuckle: i sugest using tab to autocomplete the name09:25
nuckleActionParsnip: it would only unpack the parent folders but they are empty once unpacked09:25
Stargazerjedc, i tried to paste a simple photo, it wouldn't let me.09:25
jedcStargazer, what did it say?09:26
ActionParsnip!rar > nuckle09:26
ubottunuckle, please see my private message09:26
Stargazernothing, just wouldn't let me paste it, jedc.09:26
ActionParsnipnuckle: read that, maybe theres a package you need09:26
Polt{laptop}hmm there has to be a way to do this09:27
nuckleActionParsnip: thank you vm09:27
Polt{laptop}grb is installed at the mbr it looks like09:27
pkkm!dontzap > pkkm09:27
ubottupkkm, please see my private message09:27
Guest27542trijntje: Ok I'll do that next. I'm pretty naive when it comes to these things, but wouldn't the fact that 'firefox >crash.txt' only created an empty crash.txt after it crashed mean that its a bug with Ubuntu. (Especially since it's not jst FF that freezes but everything)09:27
nuckleubottu: thank you too09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you too09:27
jedcStargazer, its not a permissions issue, maybe the drive really isnt mounted? try mount nameofdrive09:27
Polt{laptop}and when a live dvd is booted it seems that this is how it boots ...09:27
jedcStargazer, you will need to do sudo mount nameofdrive09:27
ActionParsnipnuckle: np man09:28
server_sideis there any phone software so i can send files to and from my phone?09:28
Polt{laptop}hence the wubi app for helping to boot a live dvd from windows where you cannot boot from dvd... it installs a bootloader menu entry to the MBR09:28
Stargazerjedc: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdd1 is already mounted on /media/???(Dokan)09:28
pkkmGuest27542: Here you can read about redirections: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html09:28
Polt{laptop}and it allows you to boot your live dvd that way09:28
TrijntjeGuest27542: I'm not sure, i might be one of your plugins or something like that that causes the crash, so we can check that by using a new profile09:28
Polt{laptop}if it can do that this other method should work the same way09:28
Polt{laptop}just a manual way of doing it09:28
jedcActionParsnip, do you have any ideas about Stargazer's problem? beats me, its not a permissions thing09:29
sudobashI was given a mac ibook G4 with ATI graphics and 512 mb ram catch is he said it was freezing so I put new thermal gel under all heat sinks and tried booting ubuntu live ppc and alternate I can hear the ubuntu login sound on live but I get a white screen on both even with the video=ofonly09:29
pkkmGuest27542: stderr is error output09:29
sudobashanyway to fix or maybe another distro that has Mac Ibook support09:29
ActionParsnipjedc: try mounting with mount /dev/whatever /mount/point -o uid=1000,rw,user09:30
jedcStargazer, ok, sudo umount nameofdrive09:30
Polt{laptop}how frustrating ...09:30
kindofabuzzI'm getting a black screen after login. Fresh install of 9.04 on laptop09:30
Polt{laptop}I know this should be so easy09:30
Polt{laptop}and there is an easy way to do this09:30
Polt{laptop}but nobody knows09:30
Polt{laptop}of all things lol09:31
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the cd once initially booted to?09:31
jedcStargazer, then what ActionParsnip said, sudo mount /dev/sdd1 themountpoint09:31
ActionParsnipjedc: if its ntfs you'll need -t ntfs-3g09:31
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, no =(09:32
ActionParsnipjedc: and have ntfs-3g installed09:32
jedcStargazer, sudo mount /dev/sdd1 themountpoint -o uid=1000,rw,user09:32
Guest27542trijntje: Ok, using a new profile the usual suspects aren't causing crashes it seems. So maybe it is a plugin. Sorry I should have looked into that and not just my add-ons. What should I do now though?09:32
mr_booa notifier appeared that stated "proprietary drivers available" and i accepted it. but then after restart ubuntu could only run in low graphics mode. is it a bug or have i screwed up?09:32
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: then you have no way of knowing the CD you have installed with is correct or complete09:32
jedcStargazer, ah, do you know what format the drive is?09:32
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
Stargazerjedc, i had a thought and it worked. i unmounted both drives and mounted them seperately. i can paste in both, but they're still claiming "root:root"09:32
mr_booi'm running in low graphics mode now and it sux09:32
Stargazerjedc, they're both NTFS.09:32
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: i suggest you boot to the CD again and verify the CD, using the first menu you see once the cd boots09:32
sudobashI was given a mac ibook G4 with ATI graphics and 512 mb ram catch is he said it was freezing so I put new thermal gel under all heat sinks and tried booting ubuntu live ppc and alternate I can hear the ubuntu login sound on live but I get a white screen on both even with the video=ofonly and nosplash09:33
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: you should also check the ISO you downloaded if you can09:33
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, k09:33
=== Owner is now known as Terminator
ActionParsnip!md5 | kindofabuzz09:33
ubottukindofabuzz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:33
jedcStargazer, that is fine, it means root is the owner and its in the group root, but the permissions are such that anyone can write to it09:33
mr_booa notifier appeared that stated "proprietary drivers available" and i accepted it. but then after restart ubuntu could only run in low graphics mode. is it a bug or have i screwed up?09:33
jedcStargazer, sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g09:33
server_sideany mobile phone software out there?09:33
ActionParsnipjedc: now you're getting somewhere ;)09:34
Stargazerjedc, by any chance do you know how big that package is?09:34
sudobashwhen I boot ubuntu live or alt on ibook g4 I can hear login sound from live but I see white screen with nosplash and also video=ofonly09:34
mr_boosudobash: ouch deluxe09:35
Polt{laptop}my problem is that I don't have access to windows on my machine and I can't use wubi to install a bootloader entry for booting the live dvd09:35
Polt{laptop}and of course I think there must be a way to use grub to boot the live dvd09:35
Stargazerjedc, NTFS-3G is the latest on my machine.09:35
ActionParsnipsudobash: did you md5 check your ISO files? maybe mac needs a special boot option09:35
sudobashI mean it says loading... but I can tell it is running in the back ground09:35
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:35
jedcStargazer, sorry, but it is a driver, probably not too big, it depends ona few things09:35
Polt{laptop}hence the script that is created by wubi if you use the helper app in windows to reboot the live dvd, uses grub09:35
fluffoHi, I am trying to install ubuntu server from usb (servers dvd-rom is broken), and the installer won't install without the dvd-rom, I am wondering if there is any boot options to declare that it should specifically look in the usb instead of dvd-rom?09:35
mr_booPolt{laptop}: your bios settings determine boot device in the first place09:35
sudobashyeah this is the 2nd disc09:35
Polt{laptop}I've tried that09:35
Polt{laptop}mr_boo that didn't work09:36
sudobashI tried alternate also09:36
mr_booPolt{laptop}: don't think grub can bypass dvd unit09:36
jedcStargazer, so you can paste in them both now? what do you want to do, change the owner?09:36
Polt{laptop}well no but it should be able to read the hardware devices09:36
Guest27542pkkm: so I should start firefox in the terminal using 'firefox 2>&1 >crash.txt' or is that not correct?09:36
Polt{laptop}afterall when you install the bootloader from wubi it actuallly creates a menu entry in the mbr09:36
Stargazerif changing the ownership will remove this problem in the future, then yeah. @ jedc.09:36
vaibhavmy system can't connect to any website using command line, error results in unknown host , can someone help09:36
Polt{laptop}and that menu entry is what allows the dvd to boot if it cannot boot any other way09:37
vaibhavI can browse web from firefox09:37
Polt{laptop}since I do not have windows I cannot use wubi09:37
ActionParsnipsudobash: is the video card an nvidia?09:37
xim_where are the applications menu icons saved?09:37
mr_boosudobash: if you need a shell you could launch tty1 with ctrl+alt+F109:37
sudobashahahhaaa Step 3- Do not boot it right away you need to type in this command line. "live-nosplash-powerpc modprobe ide-core video=radeonfb:1024x768-24@60"(It took me 4 days to figure that out)09:37
sudobashyeah i tried that actually09:37
mr_booa notifier appeared that stated "proprietary drivers available" and i accepted it. but then after restart ubuntu could only run in low graphics mode. is it a bug or have i screwed up?09:37
Polt{laptop}so basically what I am getting at is that I should be able to create the same menu entry wubi creates without needing windows09:38
jedcStargazer, thats not the issue since the permissions make it not really matter who owns it09:38
Polt{laptop}and that should allow me to reboot into the live dvd09:38
pkkmGuest27542: I read about redirections again now and I would rather suggert starting it with 'firefox &>crash.txt', because thet redirects ALL outputs to file.09:38
mr_booits hard in low graphics mode09:38
sudobashit says boot options: live-nosplash-powerpc modprobe ide-core video=radeonfb:1024x768-24@6009:38
sudobashlet me try that real quick09:38
mr_booa notifier appeared that stated "proprietary drivers available" and i accepted it. but then after restart ubuntu could only run in low graphics mode. is it a bug or have i screwed up?09:38
jedcStargazer, when you remounted it what options did you use if any?09:38
server_sideis there any mobile phone software in ubuntu?09:38
ActionParsnipsudobash: can you type my name (use tab complete) at the start of lines addressed to me09:39
Guest27542pkkm: ok doing that now. thanks09:39
ActionParsnipsudobash: see how your name highlights, thats not an accident09:39
ActionParsnipsudobash: do you have rEFIt installed?09:39
pkkmGuest27542: no problem09:39
Stargazerwell... i had to actually mount it using the sudo password like in a gksu type box when you try and change the time.09:39
ActionParsnipsudobash: http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php?t=11650409:40
Guest27542pkkm: did that and ended up with an empty crash.txt file again09:40
jedcStargazer you just right clicked on it and hit mount?09:40
ActionParsnip!hi | maya276809:41
ubottumaya2768: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:41
=== henrik__ is now known as pik]
bazhang!cn | maya276809:41
ubottumaya2768: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:41
=== pik] is now known as pik}
Stargazerjedc,  a box opened up when i tried to open the dir, said i had to manually mount it as admin.09:41
pkkmGuest27542: Then I think firefox just does not output anything to console.09:41
sudobashmy nick is diff color than yours?09:41
ActionParsnipGuest27542: maybe theres a switch for firefox to run in debug mode09:41
jedcStargazer, then how did you mount it?09:41
Stargazerjedc, the box mounted it really... but it said i had to "manually" mount (guess it meant i had to say "ok, mount")09:42
gartralActionParsnip: is there anyway i can slow down the execution speed of a cerain code for debugging purposes?09:42
Guest27542actionparsnip: how could I find that?09:43
pkkmGuest27542: try asking on #firefox09:43
Polt{laptop}all I can do is laugh right now09:44
jedcStargazer, you should try restarting and see if it works or not, it might just work, if not then we need to edit the /etc/fstab file abit probably09:44
Polt{laptop}I want to punch my computer at the moment09:44
Polt{laptop}there has to be a way to do this09:44
chalcednygreetings ActionParsnip  :))09:45
chalcednyin ubuntu Jaunty how can i get it to not screen blank? i set it for 55 minutes .. but it's doing it sooner than that.09:45
ActionParsnipGuest27542: looks like its a whole mess of code as far as i can see09:45
ActionParsniphi chalcedny09:45
ActionParsnipGuest27542: have you tried renaming ~/.mozilla then running firefox?09:45
Stargazerrestarting now, jedc.09:45
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, the cd is valid. i guess i'll try to install again. no biggie09:45
jedcStargazer, ok let me know how it turns out09:46
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: check the iso too, its a good check.09:46
Guest27542actionparsnip: I created a new profile, which I think is what you're getting at, and I haven't been able to get it crash with the new profile.09:46
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: OS installs are hugely suceptible to errors so you should ceck the data rather than blindly using it and hoping09:46
worldwarcheeseI agree, i've had a lot of problems with corrupt isod09:47
Guest27542pkkm: no response on #firefox but the ubuntu forum archives say something about 'firefox --debug' and 'firefox -g' should I try one of those and how could I get those to redirect their output?09:47
ActionParsnipGuest27542: then get back to the old profile, export the favourites and then delete the broken profile, you can then import the faves. You can then readd addons and stored passwords as you need09:47
ActionParsnipworldwarcheese: thats why MD5 exists09:47
nuckleActionParsnip: you were right, I had packages missing, I installed everything with rar from the synaptic package manager and now it extracts. thanks again.09:47
chalcednyGuest27542, try /nick NickIWant like Nick JackSmith or Mary^^09:48
jedcchalcedny, i think under System->Preferences->power management if you slide the sliders all to the right it should never put the display to sleep09:48
mr_booa notifier appeared that stated "proprietary drivers available" and i accepted it. but then after restart ubuntu could only run in low graphics mode. is it a bug or have i screwed up?09:48
ActionParsnipnuckle: np bro, glad you got the gold09:48
pkkmGuest27542: 'command &> file' works on all commands.09:48
chalcednyjedc, ill try that but it didn't seem to do enough09:48
=== Guest27542 is now known as jayc
worldwarcheeseActionParsnip: I know that now, and have used it before. I it was more to show how many times i've had them corrupted and thus how easy it is to have them so09:48
jedcmr_boo, go to System->administration->hardware drivers, click the one you want and click activate09:48
jedcchalcedny, is it a laptop? if so there is a tab for on battery power with different settings09:49
pkkmjayc: you can just do 'firefox --debux &> file' to redirect all output of firefox in debug mode09:49
ActionParsnipworldwarcheese: i have scripts to pull down both ISO and MD5 sum and do it all for me :)09:49
mr_boojedc: only one is available and that was the one i chose after the notifier suggested it09:49
sudobashcrap its still not working...09:49
chalcednyjedc, i think i didn't set the one for UPS power .. 23 minuts sounds like what it was .. it's a desktop09:49
worldwarcheeseActionParsnip: my envy is palpable, haha09:50
chalcednyjedc, thanks :)09:50
pkkmjayc: of course I meant --debug :)09:50
jedcchalcedny, np09:50
kbpdoes anyone know how to enable screenshot using PrtScr key? I reckon it's disable in Ubuntu 9.04 because my old Ubuntu 8.04 works fine09:50
worldwarcheesekbp: it works with my comp and I have 9.0409:50
chalcednykbp it works fine for me .. in 8.04 and 9.0409:50
ActionParsnipworldwarcheese: not hard, its a script that takes an ISO http link and an MD5sum http link, it then works its magic. Quite simple09:50
jedcmr_boo, hmm, that probably means you video card or the driver is good enough for fancy graphics09:51
jedcmr_boo what type of card is it09:51
worldwarcheeseActionParsnip: another journey for another time, perhaps. I'll have to learn how to do that later (I'm still fretting over my eeebuntu install)09:51
mr_boojedc: XFX Radeon HD487009:51
kbp... ok thank you worldwarcheese and chalcedny maybe Compiz turned it off let me check...09:51
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, send me that script?09:51
kindofabuzzwould be nice to have09:51
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: i just moved in so i have no WWW and my boxes arent connected09:52
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: i can bash you one out09:52
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, cool09:52
worldwarcheesekbp: possibly, are you in a full-screen video during it? or in "cube mode" because when I've taken them at those instances the box for the image save can be hidden under the videp09:52
Polt{laptop}you know what ...09:53
Polt{laptop}I give up09:53
kbpworldwarcheese: I'm just browsing a website and would like to take a screenshot to determine the hex value of the colour (so I can use later for my website :) )09:53
jaycpkkm: huh so neither --debug or -g actually do anything...so much for that. I guess I'll just create a new profile and see what happens09:53
Polt{laptop}this is too frustrating09:53
kindofabuzzI made one of my folders shared in ~, but after every reboot it loses the share. what's going there?09:53
Polt{laptop}fsck tihs adfasdfnsafsa09:53
FloodBot2Polt{laptop}: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:54
Polt{laptop}that wasn't a flood09:54
Polt{laptop}I'm beating my head on the keyboard right now09:54
Polt{laptop}I cannot find anything in firefox about what I am wanting to do09:54
mr_boothe funny this is that a popup notifier suggested me to activate the proprietary driver XD09:54
pkkmjayc: what firefox version have you got?09:54
sudobashim just going to try debian09:54
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: http://pastebin.com/m2065d3d109:54
chalcednyPolt{laptop}, take 3 deep breaths, and then tell us about it in one line k?09:54
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, thanks buddie09:55
worldwarcheesekbp: I'm not sure then. Have you gone to System>Preference>Keyboard yet09:55
Polt{laptop}my onboard gfx intel chip will not allow me to boot with the monitor I have. I cannot boot from the live dvd with grub, and I need to boot from the live dvd to upgrade my FS which I really really want to do09:55
jedcmr_boo, when you click on the driver in Hardware drivers, does it say anything in the description about working or not working in ubuntu? im having trouble finding info on that card with ubuntu online09:55
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: the logic to strip the iso file from the link name took me ages to get so my md5sum line is a bit more graceful, but this script makes a folder to work in so should be ok.09:55
jedcmr_boo, might try deactivating it and see if that helps09:55
mr_boojedc: yes i'll do. thanx09:56
jedcmr_boo, nvidia cards have better support in ubuntu i think09:56
Polt{laptop}oh and my monitor will not display the flash screen because for some odd reason this junk acer monitor doesn't display it09:56
Polt{laptop}nor will it display windows09:56
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: bang it in an executable file then you can use: <scriptname> http://address/file.iso http://address/MD5SUM09:56
Polt{laptop}it is a 19 inch acer that only works with certain things09:56
jaycpkkm: 3.0.13 (sorry for double)09:56
jedcmr_boo, failing that try downloading and running envyng-gtk it will download and install the newest ones hopefully09:56
Polt{laptop}I should sue them09:56
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: then go for a shower or whatever09:56
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, right on09:56
kbpworldwarcheese: I just came to keyboard shortcuts (as you said) and re-assigned again but it still doesn't work... ...09:56
mr_boojedc: ok. thanx09:57
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: go for it, they'll laugh you out09:57
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: News?09:57
Polt{laptop}well to be honest for making a piece of junk that doesn't work and charging people money for it09:57
Polt{laptop}that's fraud09:57
jedcmr_boo, no problem good luck09:57
Polt{laptop}false advertisement09:57
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: no, youo have a warranty. ou can take it back and say its not fit for purpose.09:57
sphenxesHow can I delete all my bookmarks in epiphany web browser at once?09:57
Polt{laptop}I did that already achadwick09:57
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: Yeah, man. I got it to boot, and am having the netbook run a scan (just in case) before I finish it off. I am not taking any chances this late in the game ahah09:57
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: so no its not, you just made a bad choice and the seller understands that happens so gives you some period for which you can evaluate it09:58
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: so its in no way fraud09:58
Polt{laptop}they need some type of disclaimer that states that it will not work on pc's more than 4 years old09:58
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Cool...09:58
pkkmjayc: for me, 'firefox --debug 2>&1 | tee file' works (that command starts firefox debug console while duplicating output to file - you see output in console and can type something, and output is also written to file)09:58
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: works on my systems circ 199909:59
Polt{laptop}and really will not work on i810 chipsets ... and barely works on the 8400 GS nvidia I have09:59
chalcednyPolt{laptop}, have you wandered over to their network at irc.mozilla.org (i think) ? #firefox might help you (be sure you don't have viruses first.. they always refer odd problems for virus scans ;)09:59
UdarEC@ ALL:  What`s the time in Europe??09:59
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: nvidia is hugely supported in linux09:59
bazhang!ot | UdarEC09:59
ubottuUdarEC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:59
SaoukaHey all, are there any applications that exist I can use to alter live sound? So I can plug my guitar into my laptop and change the tone of it through my laptop as a small amp?09:59
Polt{laptop}I was not talking about ubuntu09:59
Polt{laptop}I was talking about this crappy acer monitor09:59
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: it's nice to actually see "EEEBUNTU" printed on my screen, like a small breath of air when I felt like drowning09:59
ActionParsnipUdarEC: anything from 10am to about 2pm09:59
Polt{laptop}the 8400 gs works great "in" linux09:59
Polt{laptop}can't use terminal screens though10:00
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: then you are in the wrong channel if your issue is a monitor10:00
Polt{laptop}they are all black10:00
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: Hehehe...10:00
Polt{laptop}I think it is all a combination thereof10:00
UdarECsorry) thks)10:00
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: I got to go... have fun!10:00
bazhangPolt{laptop}, likely ##hardware this is Ubuntu support10:00
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: errors found in 98 systems, looks li was smart to test is10:00
jedcPolt{laptop} hehe, it works, it just isnt configured properly and/or doesnt have enough support yet10:00
worldwarcheesetuxwulf: thanks, d00d for all your help, it'll be done soon thanks to you10:00
tuxwulfworldwarcheese: No problem. Glad to be of help!10:01
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: if its a CRT it may not transmit modelines, in which case you will have to enter them manually into xorg.conf10:01
Polt{laptop}something like this is closer to what I was after10:01
Stargazerjedc, it seems the drives loaded up fine for some reason, this time... maybe it was because i had an Eee PC on for like 4 days. xD10:01
jedcStargazer, hehe, glad to hear it :D10:02
Polt{laptop}my flood protection is on andy-bub10:02
Polt{laptop}gimme a moment10:02
jaycpkkm: I ran that command you gave. but firefox didn't actually start. Just some stuff about GNU gdb 6.8-debian10:02
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: you need LILO for that10:02
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: or grub210:02
Polt{laptop}it says grub ...10:02
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: afaik, grub can't boot ISO files10:02
safadam a web developer10:03
Polt{laptop}no but it should be able to boot the actual dvd10:03
safadand i wanna find wysiwyg IDE10:03
Polt{laptop}as a dvd10:03
jaycpkkm: should I already have firefox open when I run that command?10:03
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, hmm doesn't do anything. i made it an exec then ./md5check.sh <iso location> <md5 location>10:03
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: not all bootloaders can boot all media10:03
safadcan anyone tell me about ?10:03
pkkmjayc: I think no10:03
ActionParsnipPolt{laptop}: so if grub doesnt suit your needs you need a different boot loader, frankly i'm baffled why grub is default10:04
pkkmjayc: when gdb console appears, type 'run' an press enter, and when you are asked to press q or enter, press enter10:04
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: and you used full locations of actual files?10:04
jedcPolt{laptop} yea i couldnt even get ubuntu onto an old viao i have because it doesnt support boot from usb and no cdrom drive10:04
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, well i figured wht the problem was, i never pasted the scipt into the .sh lol10:04
safadguys ?10:04
MadGirlsomebody said guys was there step by step guide how to install gentoo10:04
bazhangMadGirl, #gentoo10:05
vagothcppHow can I mount a directory and give it permissions to users?10:05
worldwarcheesesafad: sorry, id like to help but i don't even know what it is you're asking about10:05
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: e.g.: ./md5check.sh http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/release/xubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.04/release/MD5SUMS10:05
jaycpkkm: typed run and just got a screenful of '(no debugging symbols found)' and then 'program exited normally.'10:05
voltagexI'm using the Alpha 3 livecd, it's only detecting one of my hard drives - any ideas?10:06
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: you dont need to have .sh on the end, unless you need to know (for yourself) its a shell script10:06
ActionParsnip!karmic | voltagex10:06
ubottuvoltagex: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:06
bazhangvoltagex, #ubuntu+1 for karmic10:06
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, yeah thanks, yeah i made the file but never pasted your code into it hehe10:06
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, working good now10:06
jedcsafad, maybe nvu? i havent used it but found it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256604 also mentions bluefish10:06
SaoukaMadGirl: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/10:06
richardcavellvoltagex: there have been many updates since the alpha 3 live CD10:06
pkkmjayc: in my case, there is a screen full of '(no debugging symbols found)', and after that some process info and firefox starts.10:08
Polt{laptop}ok I just answered my own question everyone10:08
vagothcppRephrase, How do I mount a harddrive and give rights to a user to modify files10:08
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: you may need to change the code if i put MD5SUM instead of MD5SUMS10:08
Polt{laptop}smart boot manager everyone10:08
Polt{laptop}make a note of that10:08
Polt{laptop}if you can't boot your live dvd10:08
Polt{laptop}use smart boot manager10:08
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, yeah i just noticed that.10:08
FloodBot2Polt{laptop}: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
Polt{laptop}on a floppy disk10:08
pkkmjayc: maybe they can help you on #firefox10:08
jaycpkkm: yeah that just happened to me. for some reason it worked the second time. got firefox to run in debug10:08
ActionParsnipvagothcpp: sudo mkdit /media/stuff; sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /media/stuff -o uid=1000,rw,user10:08
ActionParsnipvagothcpp: if its ntfs then you will need: sudo mkdir /media/stuff; sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /media/stuff -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,rw,user10:09
dopperActionParsnip: so you're saying there's other boot loaders that can boot .iso images out there? Would you recommend grub2 or lilo?10:09
ActionParsnipvagothcpp: the top command is also mkdir, not mkdit10:09
vagothcppThanks ActionParsnip but its a vbox mount10:09
vagothcppI gathererd ;p10:09
ActionParsnipdopper: i'd shoot for lilo persnally, grubw2 is good if you know how to use it to its full potential10:09
pkkmjayc: does it work when you launch it from menu?10:10
ActionParsnipdopper: if you just want to boot to linux then grub2 is not hugely beneficial10:10
vagothcppwhat is uid?10:10
jaycpkkm: firefox? yeah. i got it to run with GNU gdb last time. Got some output but I'm not sure if it means anythiing. Ends with Segmentation Fault.10:10
jaycpkkm: should I add to pastebin?10:10
jedcdopper, grub2 is newest grub, my understanding is lilo is not as full featured but i had to use it to run the unstable versions sometimes when grub didnt work10:11
pkkmjayc: It wouldn't tell me anything10:12
dopperActionParsnip: I'm using grub legacy to boot several OS's atm. (including osx86, linux, winxp and vista) It does everything I need except for booting .iso's and I see grub2 supports .jpg and .png splash images as well.10:12
ActionParsnipjedc: grub and lilo are different and each have features the other doesnt10:12
vagothcpp" sudo mount -t vboxsf GearOS /GearOS -o uid=1000,rw,vagoth unknown mount option `vagoth'"10:12
jedcActionParsnip, ah, what does lilo have that grub doesnt?10:12
jaycpkkm: fair enough10:12
psiborgweird i never knew about that dcc exploit...10:12
ActionParsnipdopper: i'm so disinterested by splash images10:12
vagothcppjedc: LILO seems a bit old, I still prefer it over GRUB though10:13
jadodoes someone know a good text-to-speech program that speaks french?10:13
vagothcppjado: That will be hard to come across10:13
jadovagothcpp: why?10:13
dopperjedc & ActionParsnip: thanks I'll take a look at lilo and grub2 to see which one best fits my needs10:13
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, is it possible to take that script and set a download speed?10:13
pkkmjayc: I tyhink reinstalling firefox is necessary10:13
safadany Wysiwyg ?10:14
jaycpkkm: just an apt-get remove and apt-get install? or something more?10:14
bazhang!html > safad10:14
ubottusafad, please see my private message10:14
vagothcppActionParsnip: I get an error message, " sudo mount -t vboxsf GearOS /GearOS -o uid=1000,rw,vagoth, unknown mount option 'vagoth'"10:14
jedcsafad, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256604 mentions nvu and bluefish10:14
pkkmjayc: backup your data, apt-get -y purge firefox, apt-get -y install firefox10:14
vagothcppthe first part of the error message is the command10:15
jedcsafad, i havent personally used any wysiwyg editors though10:15
jaycpkkm: data meaning profile in .mozilla folder?10:15
pkkmjayc: ~/.mozilla/firefox10:16
jaycpkkm: ok thanks10:16
pkkmjayc: no problem10:16
jaycReally appreciate everyone's help10:16
chibihogoshinoany good rpgs for linux  ?10:16
bazhang!games > chibihogoshino10:17
ubottuchibihogoshino, please see my private message10:17
pkkmchibihogoshino: Ethernal Lands?10:17
chibihogoshinopkkm.. to eh, buggy..10:17
pkkm!games > pkkm10:17
ubottupkkm, please see my private message10:17
jedcchibihogoshino, if you find a good one let me know heh10:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ggl10:18
bazhangvagothcpp, please /msg ubottu10:18
jaycppkm: ok so this doesn't really make any sense. before doing the reinstall and backup i decided to go through enabling and disabling all my plugins and extensions one-by-one. Turns out ABP was causing the crashes.10:19
jedcive answered your question twice now safad10:19
jaycDoesn't really make sense though since the crashes started two weeks ago and i've had Adblock installed for 4 months10:19
bazhang!html | safad please read this10:19
ubottusafad please read this: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/10:19
vagothcppbazhang: Huh?10:19
kubuplease help on how to save the public key pgp given my kubuntu repo to my source.list10:19
bazhangvagothcpp, for learning the !factoids, /msg ubottu10:20
vagothcppExecuting this command: "vagoth@vagodesk64:~$ sudo mount -t vboxsf GearOS /GearOS -o uid=1000,rw,vagoth" I get this error "unknown mount option `vagoth'"10:20
vagothcppbazhang: It was just a random guess =P10:20
pkkmjayc: are you sure Adblock is crashing?10:20
minixivagothcpp,  of course. vagoth isn't a mount option10:21
minixivagothcpp,  what exactly *is* vagoth?10:21
safadSorry I Don't Stay Reading10:21
vagothcppminixi: My username10:21
safadI Don't Wan't These10:21
safadI Have NetBeans10:21
safadWhat I Need10:21
minixivagothcpp, and why would you include your username as a mount option?10:21
vagothcppI am trying to mount so my user can access the mount10:21
safadSomeThing Like DreamWaver10:21
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: change it to user10:21
bazhang!enter| safad10:21
vagothcppSee about^10:21
ubottusafad: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:21
jaycpkkm: the most consistent i could get it to crash was when i started to type maps.google.com into the location bar. Now I've reenabled everything except ABP and I typed in (and went to) googlemaps fine10:21
kindofabuzzjayc, there are known problems in the newest adblock plus. they reccomend going back to 1.02(?) or install the dev version or just wait until new relese soon10:22
safadwaiting for load and sorry10:22
vagothcpp"unknown mount option `user'"10:22
ActionParsnip1safad: bluefish is ok10:22
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: just omit it then10:22
minixivagothcpp, your user can access the mount even if root mounts it10:22
pkkmjayc: I think your problem is solved then10:22
jayckindofabuzz: oof...I'm such a fool. Thanks everyone.10:22
vagothcppI can't change files though10:22
safadi don't wan't these kind of editors i wan't a real wysiwyg like dreamwaver10:22
mocasHi there,10:22
mocasodbcinst: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:22
mocasAny ideias?10:23
FloodBot2mocas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
jaycpkkm: thanks a bunch. learned a lot of useful terminal commands now ;)10:23
bazhangsafad, then use dreamweaver via wine10:23
minixivagothcpp, that's about permissions of the files/directories, not the mounted volume/partition itself10:23
safadnot very fabulous10:23
pkkmjayc: no problem :)10:23
safadi wan't to get out of the windows nightmare and its software10:23
vagothcppminixi: I see, so why does root control them?10:23
minixisafad,  then you'll have to read :)10:23
bazhangsafad, those are your options. please dont keep repeating.10:23
minixivagothcpp,  why does root control what? which files?10:24
ActionParsnip1safad: thats what bluefish is10:24
shah16safad : how about quanta,  nvu and bluefish10:24
vagothcppminixi: Everything in the mount10:24
ActionParsnip1safad: or you can use openoffice to write html10:24
ActionParsnip1safad: there may be ones we dont know that are lurking around. See what you can find10:25
minixivagothcpp, you aren't making sense. You need to be the superuser (root) to mount the partition. After that the individual file/directory permissions control acess to themselves10:25
pkkmsafad: Amaya is really WYSIWYG, it's easy to use but powerful, and it's developed by W3C (guys who made web standards)10:25
ActionParsnip1minixi: no need for root, just use sudo10:25
muxxhi guys. I would really appreciate some help. I have installed xubuntu jaunty on my elderly laptop and discovered that DMA on the HDD doesn work. during disc operations CPU load is 100%. hdparm -i reports that DMA is on, but when I try to get/set it, I get ioctl error. there is no DMA setting in BIOS. both the chipset and the HDD support DMA. I googled out some complaints about libata, but could not solve it myself. please help10:25
safadread what (sorry again blind) quanta-aptana-nvu-bluefish-screem all the same just colored words i use NetBeans In This But I Need something when i design tables alignement i see what am doing10:25
minixivagothcpp,  your problem isn't with mounting, it's with the permissions of the files you are trying to access10:25
ActionParsnip1muxx: try some boot options10:25
ActionParsnip1!bootoptions > muxx10:25
ubottumuxx, please see my private message10:25
vagothcppminixi: Okay, I mount the directory to my vbox share, now if ifs the permissions, how do I change them?10:25
safado so openoffice has wysiwyg html10:26
minixiActionParsnip, that's why I said "superuser" the second time. I forget this is debian lite sometimes ;)10:26
safadok i will try it out10:26
ActionParsnip1safad: i know it can save as html, like MS Word can10:26
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:26
minixivagothcpp, chown vagoth:vagoth <filename>10:26
minixivagothcpp, that's one way. Or you can grant permissions with "chmod"10:26
vagothcppminix: How do I change each file in the directory also?10:27
jedcvagothcpp that changes owner, chmod -R 777 filename gives all permissions to everyone10:27
minixivagothcpp, chown vagoth:vagoth *10:27
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: or you can do the whole lot with: sudo chmod -R $USER:$USER /mount/point10:27
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: all you have to change is the mount point10:27
pkkmsafad: I think editor like Amaya would be better than exporting open office documents as html (export 1 letter in word as html and see how much useless stuff it adds...)10:27
jedcvaothcpp, that does it recursively10:27
minixijedc, let him change the owner, not 777 perms on all files ...10:27
minixioh god10:27
ActionParsnip1minixi: never 77710:27
joaopintojedc, chmod -R 777 is a terrible suggestion10:28
jedcminixi, yes, i would change owner, but it depends on what he wants10:28
safadyeah its really dead so amaya10:28
vagothcppThanks the 3 of you10:28
safadi will test then report back10:28
PrankyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.10:28
joaopintojedc, you don't want to change 777 recursively, if you do, you don't understand what you are doing10:28
minixivagothcpp, don't indiscriminately "chmod 777" on files10:28
Pranky I am upgrading 6.04 to 9.04. Please tell me the command to upgrade ubuntu10:28
jedci understand that it gives all permissions to all users...10:29
ActionParsnip1!upgrade | Pranky10:29
ubottuPranky: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:29
joaopintojedc, in an unrecoverable and dangerous way10:29
ActionParsnip1jedc: yes including everyone ever10:29
minixijedc, honestly, read up on permissions before you start giving advice like that ... please10:29
vagothcpp" chmod: invalid mode: `vagoth:vagoth' "10:29
jedcbut you can change it back10:29
minixivagothcpp, chown10:29
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: use chmod $USER:$USER10:29
vagothcpprunning Sugestions By ActionParsnip110:29
joaopintojedc, no you can't because you don't know the previous permissios for EACH file10:29
jedcvagothcpp use chown vagoth:vagoth10:29
minixiActionParsnip, uh, no. chown10:30
safadyeah amaya looks great10:30
joaopintojedc, a recursive chown is reversible assuming your targer is owned by the same user/group, a chmod, is not10:30
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you will need to upgrade through each release sequentially and will take AGES from 6.04. I'd go for a clean install10:30
jedcjoaopinto, oh i see what you mean, you can still change it to something else, just not back to how it was10:30
vagothcppchown doesnt work, sudo chown $USER:$USER /GearOS10:30
minixiWhy do ppl want to introduce things people aren't asking. Help them with their immediate problem, don't set them on the path to bork themselves10:30
PrankyActually I have to install through terminal10:30
joaopintojedc, the problem is that permissions can not be set to "something elese", they must be set according to the expected security and behavior10:31
Prankynot sequentially release10:31
joaopintonot recursively10:31
PrankyI want to upgrade directly to 9.04, please help me10:31
bazhangPranky, no one-step for that one10:31
joaopintoeg. chmod 777 will set "execute" which is intended for binaries, on text files10:31
ActionParsnip1Pranky: not possible10:31
minixivagothcpp, "doesn't work" means nothing to us10:31
bazhangPranky, please read the links above10:31
ShishKababHello. dpkg is getting slower and slower. Can I defragment the dpkg database somehow?10:32
jedcjaopinto, yes, my bad10:32
vagothcppminixi: Well, root still owns it10:32
icerootwhy can root read and write files with (chmod) 000? is the check for root disabled?10:32
Prankyok, is it not possible to direct 9.0410:32
ActionParsnip1777 also gives read access to anyone with access to the pc no matter whom they are10:32
minixivagothcpp, try it with one file10:32
bazhangPranky, have you read the links yet?10:32
jedciceroot, because root owns all files, even ones owned by other people10:32
Prankynope, I am just reading10:32
kubuplease help on how to save the public pgp key given by kubuntu repo to my source.list10:32
icerootjedc: a user is owning some files too, but cant handle the files if it is set to 00010:33
minixiit's a stupid suggestion. First, you don't need all files executable10:33
vagothcppNo, root is still the owner10:33
koolheadhi all10:33
minixiit's dumb and a security risk10:33
bazhang!gpgerr > kubu10:33
ubottukubu, please see my private message10:33
koolheadjaunty has no modusb module10:33
Pranky oh... I have read it10:33
jedciceroot, well, i suppose if you set to 000 if root couldnt do anything then you could never modify the fie again so that is whay10:33
minixivagothcpp, no error message, nothing?10:33
minixivagothcpp,  I don't believe you. Did you do it as root?10:34
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you must upgrade through each release to rteach jaunty. this is how canonical advise to do it10:34
vagothcppNo error message10:34
Prankybazhang: I have edit the source.list file to hardy and command upgrade10:34
icerootjedc: yes, its a good think so you cant destroy the system but i found that interesting that the chmod settings dont take effect10:34
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you can and it will do it but you may get a weird system10:34
minixivagothcpp, what type of partition is it?10:34
koolheadhey iceroot10:34
vagothcppminixi: The mount?10:34
stratovariushi all10:34
Prankynow please tell me how would I check which version is presently now10:34
ActionParsnip1Pranky: i dont advise it though10:34
minixivagothcpp,  yes, what is the filesystem?10:34
vagothcppThe mount dir*10:34
TrijntjeHi all, I want to grep a config file, and match all non-empty lines that don't start with #. How should i do this?10:34
ActionParsnip1Pranky: lsb_release -c10:35
bazhangPranky, thats not the way to do it.10:35
vagothcppminixi: It's a vbox shared folder10:35
stratovariusI have a pinnacle 60e dvb-t usb ... can it work with ubuntu 9.04? if I give lsusb it is recognized10:35
Prankyok, now what I have to do.10:35
ActionParsnip1!upgrade > Pranky10:35
ubottuPranky, please see my private message10:35
minixiwow, this gets more ridiculous ...10:36
gogetaiceroot: still destorying your system10:36
icerootis ubuntu-server-edition (8.04) using PAE by default? so that i can use 4gb with 32bit10:36
Prankywhere is ur private message. Where I have to go?10:36
icerootgogeta: yoe know what i mean10:36
vagothcppminixi: I was using nautilus as root, thought some people don't suggest it...10:36
safadamaya is greatest he can animate images !!! without gifs !! but i don't need this , what i need is tables and these things that are so hard to code correctly , amaya is a bit complexe but with some work it will be great , thx guys you r the best10:36
ActionParsnip1!hcl > stratovarius10:36
ubottustratovarius, please see my private message10:36
gogetavagothcpp: we dont10:36
minixivagothcpp,  don't do that. It's as stupid as "chmod -R 777 *"10:37
gogetaiceroot: like to bloe his system up daily10:37
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: you cna but keep it as minimal as possible10:37
Prankyubottu: where is your private message10:37
jedcPranky, wherever your channels are displayed, on the left in xchat10:37
ActionParsnip1!upgarde | Pranky10:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgarde10:37
vagothcppActionParsnip1: I only use it to modify files on my vbox shared folder which are source files10:37
minixivagothcpp, anyway. What is the output of "mount"? Put it in pastebin10:38
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes   <----- Pranky read the hardyupgrades link10:38
vagothcppminixi: There is no output10:38
ActionParsnip1Pranky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:38
PrankyGot it.. Thanks10:38
bazhangPranky, You are welcome.10:38
gogetavagothcpp: you can always look up root xorg and get alot of reasions why10:38
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you'll want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:38
minixivagothcpp,  you are telling me when you type "sudo mount" into terminal window you get nothing?10:38
minixiAgain, I don't believe you.10:39
ActionParsnip1minixi: users can run mount on its own10:39
minixiActionParsnip1, honestly, you are adding nothing to this10:39
vagothcppminixi: when I run my mount command I get no output10:39
vagothcppif I dont give it any arguments I get a help list10:39
Otacon22Does exist a decent video editor for linux ?10:39
gogetaActionParsnip1: lol10:39
PrankyActionParsnipl: Exactly this one :)10:39
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: mount on its own will show you what is mounted, you r / partition and swap partitions for example10:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux10:39
ActionParsnip1Otacon22: kino, avidemux10:39
vagothcppI just saw that10:40
Otacon22both undecent10:40
Otacon22already tried10:40
ActionParsnip1minixi: just telling you it doesnt need sudo, not all cli commands need sudo10:40
Otacon22i want to insert music and photos in videos10:40
stratovariuspinnacle 60e ... can it work with ubuntu 9.04?10:40
Otacon22avidemux don't does it10:40
gogetaOttifantSir: so they can do that10:40
Otacon22*doesn't it10:40
minixivagothcpp, oh jeez .... dude, something is mounted. Don't tell me it isn't10:40
torrentow!info psi10:40
ubottupsi (source: psi): Jabber client using Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2840 kB, installed size 6800 kB10:40
ActionParsnip1stratovarius: can you pastebin the output of: lsusb10:40
minixiActionParsnip1, ok. I'm getting fed up with the guy, not you :)10:40
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: you will have at least 8 or 9 things mounted10:41
vagothcppminixi: http://pastebin.ca/152624110:41
ActionParsnip1minixi: its cool bro, just breathe10:41
minixiActionParsnip1, i mean, people want to "learn linux" but don't want to read ...10:41
gogetaOttifantSir: just change the audio source10:41
=== stefu is now known as snh0
PrankyTell me one thing I have run the command  lsb_release -c.. and it shows jaunty10:41
gogetaOttifantSir: droping pics can be a bit tricky10:41
grouseman linux10:41
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: ok so its mounted ok10:41
jedcis there an easy way to regenerate the default sources.list file?10:41
PrankyActionParsnip1: what I do now?10:41
ActionParsnip1Pranky: then you are running jaunty10:42
PrankyHow can I check that each and every thing is perfectly fine?10:42
jedcPranky, lsb_release -a gives a little more information10:42
ActionParsnip1Pranky: sudo apt-get -f install10:42
Prankycat /etc/isssue    give me this output Ubuntu 9.04 \n \l10:42
gogetaOttifantSir: if i do that kind of hardcore edting i always used flash then exported it as a avi10:42
vagothcppI am running "intrepid", i thought I was jaunty10:43
stratovariusActionParsnip1, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 2304:0216 Pinnacle Systems, Inc. [hex] PCTV 60e10:43
ActionParsnip1stratovarius: ok thats cool, if you websearch for the ID then you will find guides10:43
vagothcppActionParsnip1: So it's mounted, just not *NORMALLY* writeable by users.10:44
minixivagothcpp,  I got the answer in 4 seconds by googling "vboxsf permissions"10:44
Polt{laptop}well, today's ext4 upgrade is scrapped because I do not have any floppy disks and I need to have a floppy disk to use dd to load the smart boot manager10:44
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: correct, you have bad mount options if you want users to write10:44
Polt{laptop}if I had that on a floppy disk it would function kind of like a rescue disk and I could boot into the dvd10:44
minixivagothcpp,  linux isn't for you if you don't want to do your own learning. Stick to windows10:45
gogetaPolt{laptop}: lol10:45
richardcavellminixi: cut that out10:45
Polt{laptop}doomed from the beginning10:45
Polt{laptop}oh well10:45
richardcavellminixi: let's leave linux snobbery on the slackware and debian channels10:45
gogetaPolt{laptop}: you shhure you can usb boot10:45
minixirichardcavell,  why? He has repeatedly asked simple questions that have been answered10:45
jedcminixi, isnt he doing his own learning by coming here?10:45
Polt{laptop}I will get some floppies tomorrow or another day10:45
Polt{laptop}gogeta I don't have a usb stick to boot from10:45
vagothcppminixi: You don't know me to make that ludicrous presumption, I just was using a different search pattern *that obviously didnt work*10:45
minixirichardcavell, then, when asked for output of commands says "there isn't any"10:45
gogetaPolt{laptop}: then cdboot10:46
Polt{laptop}I can boot from floppy10:46
Polt{laptop}I can't cdboot10:46
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: +110:46
minixivagothcpp, then, if you have more than one brain cell, why wouldn't you google "vboxsf permissions"?10:46
Polt{laptop}it won't read the dvd10:46
gogetaPolt{laptop}: ?10:46
bazhangPolt{laptop}, dont use enter as punctuation10:46
gogetaPolt{laptop}: bad dvd maybe10:46
Madpilotminixi, stow the attitude right now, thank you.10:46
PrankyActionParsnip1: sudo apt-get upgrade.... debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Gnome10:46
Prankydebconf: (Unable to load Gnome -- is libgnome2-perl installed?)10:46
Prankydebconf: falling back to frontend: Dialog10:46
PrankyPreconfiguring packages ...10:46
Pranky(Reading database ... 51100 files and directories currently installed.)10:46
PrankyPreparing to replace openoffice.org-l10n-common 2.0.2-2ubuntu5 (using .../openoffice.org-l10n-common_1%3a3.0.1-9ubuntu2_all.deb) ...10:46
FloodBot2Pranky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:46
scriptwarlockvagothcpp: i can help you10:46
Polt{laptop}it will read it once it is booted into linux but it will not boot from it because it is an older machine10:46
gogetaPolt{laptop}: pretty mutch any laptop can cd boot10:46
ActionParsnip1Pranky: use pastebin10:46
Polt{laptop}and btw bazhang I'm not giving you a book at a time10:46
minixiMadpilot,  sorry, I keep forgetting; Ubuntu is linux for fucking idiots10:47
scriptwarlockvagothcpp: sorry we can help10:47
minixinow, kick me10:47
gogetaPolt{laptop}: use a cd -r old drives like then better10:47
vagothcppminixi: Different Styles of thinking, each has its advantages10:47
ActionParsnip1minixi: it gently eases users in10:47
jedcminixi, ubuntu's goal is to steal users from windos/mac and be super user friendly right? why send them back?10:47
Madpilottoo late, he got what he wanted.10:47
PrankyActionParsnip1: sudo apt-get upgrade.... debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Gnome10:47
Polt{laptop}gogeta I would but the ubuntu live dvd won't fit onto a cd - r10:47
ActionParsnip1Pranky: use pastebin10:47
gogetaPolt{laptop}: use a live cd10:47
Prankywhat is that10:47
Polt{laptop}that is what I meant gogeta10:47
scriptwarlockwhat happen here huh be more patient guys if you need help10:47
richardcavellPolt{laptop}: use a CD10:47
Polt{laptop}the image doesn't fit10:48
gogetaPolt{laptop}: it should fit on a 700mb cr just fine10:48
richardcavellPolt{laptop}: the LiveCD fits on a CD10:48
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you can put as many lines as you like, you can then give a single hyperlink to the paste10:48
ActionParsnip1Polt{laptop}: did you md5 check the iso?10:48
Polt{laptop}it isn't the iso10:48
* vagothcpp adds the mount to fstab10:48
gogetaPolt{laptop}: even iif it shouss a bit bigger then 700mb it will fit10:48
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: good call10:48
PrankyActionParsnip1: I am getting error while updating the repository10:49
bazhangPranky, you simply pasted hardy over dapper in sources.list?10:49
vagothcppLast time I tried it failed, though I found my error10:49
ActionParsnip1Pranky: can you use ww.pastebin.com10:49
gogetaPolt{laptop}: use imgburn for windows its free and good if your using a windows box10:49
ActionParsnip1Pranky: put all the text in there and hit pste, then give the address of the page you go to10:49
ActionParsnip1both work10:50
gogetaPolt{laptop}: i dont think ubuntu unr will fit on a cdr10:50
indusyeah both10:50
gogetaPolt{laptop}: but standerd will10:50
induswhats different about paste.ubuntu.com and the former10:50
ActionParsnip1indus: different server10:50
gogetaPolt{laptop}: when dealing with old drives burn slow10:51
Prankybazhang: yes now what should I do.. I have just pasted..10:51
indusit pastebin some company?10:51
ActionParsnip1Pranky: use that in future for multilined pastes10:51
PrankySure, Thanks Action10:51
gogetaPolt{laptop}: it leaves a better inpression on the disk making it easer for a old drive to read it10:51
ActionParsnip1indus: dont know, dont care. any pastebin will do10:51
bazhangPranky, that is not the way to do it10:51
* richardcavell can't download a Counter-Strike server list10:51
ActionParsnip1bazhang: apparently he's already runing jaunty10:51
Prankybazhang: Ok :(, I have got it. Now What should I do..10:51
BlinkizHi. I have three network cards in my server. I need to find out witch one is which. For example, how can I know which one is eth0? Maybe see which one has a cable connected to or not?10:52
indushmm seems like a sudo apt-get clean will work for him?10:52
jedcPranky, that is bad heh, when dpkg doesnt work10:52
ActionParsnip1Pranky: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -f install10:52
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you need to use the eOLUpgrades guide to upgrade to the next release above, then the next, then the next10:52
indus!eol | Pranky10:52
ubottuPranky: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases10:52
Prankyok.. Had you check the url. what error message I am getting10:53
ActionParsnip1Pranky: i suggest a clean install. its a fresh OS without  guff and you will be up to date10:53
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PrankyFresh install how?10:53
jedcBlinkiz, yes, that would work i guess, run sudo dhclient eth0 and the one that plugged in will give you an address10:53
gogetaActionParsnip1: he can go from lts to ts without issue10:53
=== Nukker is now known as rek
PrankyI have to work with command prompt10:53
Prankyno cd no iso?10:53
Blinkizjedc, no dhcp here. Just need to find out if cable is connected or not10:53
indus!who | Pranky10:54
ubottuPranky: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:54
Norkyis radiance (a physically-based raytracer) available from Ubuntu package repositories? I've found forum posts that suggest it is, but they're quite old10:54
ActionParsnip1Pranky: you can wget an iso ten burn using command line10:54
KapliHi, I just installed ubuntu and I'm running it for the first time, however I can't figure out how to get my wireless internet to work, how can I know if the drivers are installed and if the device is working or not10:54
gogetaActionParsnip1: he can skip the relese inetween10:54
ActionParsnip1Kapli: sudo lshw -C network will get you started10:54
indusKapli: go to system>admin>hardware drivers10:54
Prankyhow to burn using command line10:54
ActionParsnip1Kapli: and what indus suggested10:54
BlinkizHi there. I have three network cards in my server (eth0, eth1, eth2). I have a network cable attached to one of the network cards. How can I find out if its eth0, eth1, eth2? Am looking for some tool to show if link is up or not..10:55
Kaplihardware drivers says theres no proprietary drivers in use on tis system10:55
gogetaPranky: why not use a gui10:55
adeodatusdd tool10:55
Prankyno I don't have access10:55
indusKapli: ok what is the output of lspci10:55
indusKapli: use paste10:55
indus!paste | Kapli10:55
ubottuKapli: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:55
gogetaPranky: no gui acess?10:55
ActionParsnip1Pranky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning10:55
Kapliloads of stuff, at the bottom though it mentions my wireless lan controller10:55
ActionParsnip1Pranky: wodim dev=/dev/cdrw driveropts=burnfree -v -data cd_image.iso10:56
indusKapli: which one is it10:56
indus!wireless | Kapli10:56
gogetaActionParsnip1: isnt command line cdroaster10:56
ubottuKapli: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:56
Kapli05:05.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) it says10:56
ActionParsnip1gogeta: there are many, just like there are many text editors and many browsers10:56
mr_booi think the XFX Radeon HD4870 is too new to work with ubuntu 8.04.310:56
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: www.ati.com10:56
mr_booshould i upgrade to ubuntu 8.10?10:56
jedcKapli, if you click the network icon in upper right does it show you access points? if so it is working10:57
jdbmr_boo: i'd try 9.0410:57
indusmr_boo: yes always use latest for cutting edge hardware10:57
gogeta8.004 is lts you can stick w it10:57
indusmr_boo: use 9.0410:57
mr_booActionParsnip1: have already tried catalyst 8.810:57
Kaplino its grayed out10:57
NorkyI suppose I'm looking for a list of available  packages,  but I can't find it on the main Ubuntu web site10:57
mr_booindus: is that released as beta?10:57
Norkyor an ftp directory10:57
indusmr_boo: no 9.04 is the current stable release10:57
indusreleased in april 200910:57
mr_booindus: how do i approach from within 8.04?10:58
gogetaindus: kinda10:58
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-7-x86.x86_64.run seems to support it (32bit for that link)10:58
indusmr_boo: need to uprade to 8.10 first then to 9.0410:58
ActionParsnip1and 64bit by the name10:58
mr_booindus: ah10:58
eokeBlinkiz: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-view-the-status-of-my-network-interfacescard.html10:58
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: need xorg 6.7 at least10:58
gogetamr_boo: in your update manager change he dist upgrade from lts to relese10:58
jedcmr_boo or fresh install 9.04 is probably easier if you dont have much to backup10:58
Blinkizeoke, I got the answer from #ubuntu-server. Solution is to run "mii-tool"10:59
parolkarHow can one find out which machine is consuming most bandwidth in network?10:59
indusmr_boo: or if you are adventourous enough you can try the latest drivers on 8.04 direct from ATI10:59
mr_boomy update manager doesn't ever suggest new ubuntu releases10:59
indusgogeta: good point10:59
mr_bootbh i though i had 8.10 at least but i didn't10:59
indusmr_boo: do a sudo update-manager -d10:59
indusmr_boo: you will get it10:59
Polt{laptop}man I hate windows10:59
gogetamr_boo: its currently set to only inform you of a lts relese10:59
Polt{laptop}explorer just crashed trying to browse a simple cd10:59
eokeBlinkiz: Cheers that's a better solution than the one I've posted to you.10:59
ActionParsnip1Polt{laptop}: keeps me in a job11:00
bazhangPolt{laptop}, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic11:00
indusmr_boo: got it?11:00
gogetamr_boo: you can change it11:00
vagothcppIs there a log that would save mount errors in the fstab?11:00
Norkyn/m, I've found it11:00
Polt{laptop}I need to reboot11:00
indusmr_boo: or easiest is to change option in software sources from LTS to standard11:00
mr_booindus: that command seemed to work11:01
bazhangindus, that is not recommended, please dont advise here11:01
indusmr_boo: ya i know :)11:01
indusbazhang: which one?11:01
MadGirlwhich one is, like, it blaise?11:01
gogetabazhang: heh i said update manager11:01
PrankyActionParsnip1, Have a look and suggest me now what to do? http://ww.pastebin.com/m96909c111:01
bazhangindus, the changing sources.list one11:01
Norkyperhaps I should just tell my colleague to use a different distro instead of Ubuntu, if this is the response he'll get ;)11:01
gogetabazhang: he said change it from lts to standerd11:02
mr_boointresting that one has to launch the update manager with those commands to get the upgrade suggestion11:02
ActionParsnip1Pranky: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:02
gogetabazhang: not edit the sources11:02
indusbazhang: what? its changable from gui11:02
hvnqke_workfor some reason my ethernet stopped working when I got back from vacation. Nobody's touched the machine but me. According to lshw it's called a "82566MM Gigabit Network Connection" from Intel Corporation and the driver is e1000e. What happens is that when I plug in an ethernet cable it is not immediately recognized - I have to manually select Auto eth0 from my network-manager combobox. Then it gets two green dots for a long time and then f11:02
hvnqke_workails to connect.11:02
mr_boono wonder my new hardware isn't supported in this old ubuntu of mine11:02
bazhangindus, listen to gogeta11:02
indusbazhang: its a simple option11:02
jedcmr_boo, there is a new release every 6 months also11:02
PrankyActionParsnip1, It does nothing!11:02
induslisten to gogeta? ok what am i missing11:02
mickster04hello indus11:02
gogetaindus: its recomended to do it from the update manager11:03
mr_boojedc: i see11:03
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as unforgiven512
vagothcpplemme rephrase, a mount point in my fstab didn't mount, is there a log file as such that I can read to find out why?11:03
ActionParsnip1Pranky: try the upgrade again11:03
jedcthe .04 of 9.04 and 8.04 is for april11:03
indusmickster04: hey long time11:03
PrankyActionParsnip1, hey it started, but it is updating jaunty11:03
ActionParsnip1Pranky: fine11:04
scriptwarlockindus: hello11:04
mr_boois there a way to remove old stuff such as the old kernels automatically after full upgrade?11:04
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grouse@hvnqke_work, have you had a look in your /etc/init.d/networking file?11:04
gogetamr-rich: it will do so11:04
mr_booi've had issues with this before11:04
PrankyActionParsnip1, I have run this command: sudo aptitude install update-manager update-manager-core11:04
jadodoes someone know a good text-to-speech program that speaks french?11:04
gogetamr_boo: it will do so11:04
grousewoops, I mean /etc/network/interfaces11:04
ActionParsnip1jado: espeak11:04
mr_boogogeta: neat. must be a new feature then11:04
indusscriptwarlock: hello11:04
jadoActionParsnip1: espeak does not sound well11:05
fuzzybunnyhey everyone for some reason I can get on the internet but I cannot ping my brothers computer on our lan until he pings me or I add him into my arp table. Does anyone know what would cause this?11:05
ActionParsnip1jado: thats all i m aware of. try: apt-cache search text to speech or ask in #ubuntu-fr11:05
gogetamr_boo: in your update manager go to settings at the bottom where it says relese upgrade change it to normal11:05
gogetamr_boo: then hit check and it should tell you thers a new distro11:06
indusgogeta: he already got it to show 8.1011:06
scriptwarlockindus: whats the problem?11:06
MadGirlit has been said that the problem is it just decided to stopp working here. an ebuild failed and now emerge gives me '/usr/bin/emerge: line 8: try:: command not found'. am i stuck doing a full rebuild?11:06
indusgogeta: but yeah next time it wont show upgrade to 9.0411:06
gogetamr_boo: itss not new when you dist upgrade it cleans old stuff11:06
indusscriptwarlock: nothing11:06
bazhangMadGirl, #gentoo not here11:06
gogetaindus: it will11:06
scriptwarlockindus: ah ok, i was monitoring the irc11:06
bazhangMadGirl, no emerge in ubuntu11:06
indusscriptwarlock: hmm really?11:07
lstarnesMadGirl: ubuntu uses a different package management system11:07
mm2000Hi there, anyone knows a good guide how to setup a samba server on ubuntu for sharing files to a windows-box?11:07
gogetamr_boo: you go to 8.10 then to 9.0411:07
jedcMadGirl, ubuntu used apt-get, with front-ends synaptic and aptitude11:08
indusmr_boo: so if you have a really fast conection,its fine to do 2 steps,but otherwise,you can just directly install 9.04 with fresh cd provided you have backups11:08
ActionParsnip1mm2000: simple, sudo apt-get install samba11:08
mm2000ActionParsnip1: Setup. not install...11:09
indusActionParsnip1: i wonder why they call a cli a front end (aptitude)11:09
Evetubottu, its my mistake to think you as people who have brains11:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
Evetubottu, hidebound bastards..11:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
bazhangEvet, stop that11:09
ActionParsnip1mm2000: then run gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf11:09
indusok bazhang what was evet's problem11:09
scriptwarlockguys this what are my problems on 9.04. i tried to install it on my cafe but cant figure out the strange behaviour of network manager11:09
gogetascriptwarlock: wifi bugs?11:10
scriptwarlockthats why i install on my cafe the stable 8.04lts11:10
mm2000ActionParsnip1: ffs.11:10
scriptwarlockgogeta: not actually its a lan11:10
indusbazhang: slightly off topic (or fully) but i hear about quake in tw,hope everything is ok11:10
mr_booindus: i see. many thanks11:10
gogetascriptwarlock: well lts go threw alot more testin11:10
bazhangmm2000, watch the language11:10
gogetascriptwarlock: if its not broke dont fix it11:10
indusmr_boo: have you tried latest ati driver from site on your 8.04 ubuntu?11:11
gogetascriptwarlock: just go sright to the next lts11:11
ActionParsnip1mm2000: ?11:11
scriptwarlockgogeta: on 8.04 i can easily irc and configure iptable but in 9.04 its diffrent its all autolo11:11
mr_booindus: yes11:11
ActionParsnip1mm2000: i'm writing you some code here, be patient11:11
ActionParsnip1mm2000: http://pastebin.com/dc0fad1811:11
gogetascriptwarlock: 9.04 just added bug in my personal use11:12
indusmr_boo: ok ,you mean the latest ati drivers have a problem?11:12
mr_booindus: with 8.04.3 ubuntu obviously11:12
ActionParsnip1mm2000: if you add that to the bottom of the file, save the file then run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart then the foilder /home/andy/public will be shared11:12
scriptwarlockgogeta: yeah thats why i like 8.0411:12
gogetaunstable wifi etc11:12
mistereverywherehello all i am having an issue where any graphic content has some tearing going on, from scrolling a document to watching a video, its all horizontal except for flas videos, which look like they are trying to display the stuff from the end over it, any help would be nice11:12
ActionParsnip1mm2000: you can obviously change this as yuo need11:12
scriptwarlockgogeta: my cafe is purely ubuntu11:12
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi
mm2000ActionParsnip1: The thing is that I have tried similar but simply cant make it work.11:13
bazhangmistereverywhere, with or without compiz11:13
gogetascriptwarlock: lan isnt all auto btw you can still do it by hand if nedded11:13
indusmr_boo: i dont think then that the drivers will work any better in 9.04,but yes,it will be extremely easy to just click and install via the hardware devices wizard11:13
ActionParsnip1mm2000: you can also change guest ok to no then use smbpasswd to add security with usernames and passwords which will help protect your data11:13
PrankyActionParsnip1, http://ww.pastebin.com/m501b693411:13
mistereverywherebazhang without11:13
jedcmistereverywhere, what version of ubuntu are you using and do you know what kind of video card you are using?11:13
ActionParsnip1mm2000: try running: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER11:13
gogetaindus: 9.10 is supposed to do alot for driver issue11:13
ActionParsnip1mm2000: then type the same password as you log in for each prompt11:13
scriptwarlockgogeta: yeah but sometimes it goes back to default setings..i hope it wont happen in the coming lts11:13
bazhangmistereverywhere, which video card, which driver, how installed; is this jaunty11:13
mr_booindus: probably yes11:13
gogetascriptwarlock: anything befor lts is testing anyways11:14
scriptwarlockgogeta: yeah right11:14
indusgogeta: well,i was wondering --- he used the latest drivers from ati site,how can it perform any better in 9.04,its the same driver11:14
gogetascriptwarlock: may be stable but its still one huge beta for the next lts11:14
PrankyActionParsnip1, http://ww.pastebin.com/m501b6934...11:14
gogetaindus: 9.04 drivers are slower11:15
gogetaindus: a issue11:15
mistereverywherebazhang, jedc 9.04.14 i believe i know the  9.04 tho  umm its a ati hd3100 i had the driver form them but attempted to uninstall it cause it caused even worse junk than this11:15
indusgogeta: hmm !11:15
jedcindus, im not sure this would change anything but isnt there a new xorg in 9.04?11:15
indusmr_boo: i guess its worth a try to 8.10 then11:15
mr_booindus: yes i'm upgrading to 8.10 now11:15
indusjedc: i know but even iam not sure if that xorg makes a diff to driver performance11:15
bazhangmistereverywhere, the fglrx? seems that unless the card is a radeon hd, then the open source radeon driver is the way to go11:15
gogetajedc: 9.04 xorg isnt that hot 9.10 is supposed to relly speed stuff up with a new acell mode11:16
mistereverywherebazhang it is radeon hd tho11:16
jedcmistereverywhere, have you tried System->Administration->hardware drivers? click on the one you want and hit activate11:16
indusok nvm11:16
jedcgogeta, sweet, i cant wait11:16
mistereverywherejedc that one broke my comp i ahd to reinstall ubuntu to get to the login screen let alone anything else11:16
scriptwarlockgogeta: why cant we just put back the network manager of 8.04 i know there are new features but huh buggy11:16
bazhangmistereverywhere, then was installed from hardware drivers? that is the proper way (ie through ubuntu, not ati site)11:16
icerooti am looking for a becnhmark tool, so that my cpus (2 core) are 100% in use11:16
indusi have a question,if a hardware device is not proprietary,and lets say its not activated, is there a wizard to activate that then?11:16
gogetajedc: its in 904 but very unstable i did test it my gma flew untill it crashed11:17
bazhangiceroot, phoronix has a test suite site11:17
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indusmickster04: hi u tthere?11:17
mistereverywherebazhang it was from the ati site i had to use some custom build they had for ubuntu and all that bs11:17
shay26Hello, i would like to download from this address : http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/browser/trunk?rev=11656 , but it seems to use some system i am not familiar with "trac". can someone help me and explain how i can download files ? or does there is svn alternative ?11:17
jedcyea, i actually have a bunch of issues right now but they just came with recent updates11:17
PrankyActionParsnip, What should I do now?11:17
mickster04indus yeah m811:17
indusiam very close to buying hd 4850 so i would be glad to know how ati works11:18
gogetascriptwarlock: well they made alot auto in 9.04 and working the glitches out11:18
indusor the 5000 radeon <ahem> rumour11:18
icerootbazhang: thx, i will have a look11:18
mistereverywhereindus so far all problems but i have a laptop, at least with the ati provided drivers11:18
jedcindus, nvidia cards have much better support11:18
gogetascriptwarlock: the new kernel inn 9.10 fixed the unstable wifi i compiled it on my 9.04 system11:19
indusjedc: hmm i dont want to believe it now, i hear amd have done great work?11:19
mistereverywherejedc i have an ati radeon 3100 btw not sure if i said that or not11:19
indusjedc: also,the open drivers might catch up soon, or both will merge into 1 Common Driver?11:19
mistereverywhereindus the drivers kind of break stuff from what ati themselves supply11:20
indusjedc: ok can u tell me if there is some fps difference between windows and linux driver for ATI11:20
gogetascriptwarlock: just so i had stable wifi and no random disconnects11:20
indusmistereverywhere: aah :( i wanted to switch to ATI for so long due to nice cards11:20
mistereverywhereindus there are rumors that they do it on purpose because they make money off of microzoft and not linux11:20
gogetaindus: can i have what your drinking11:20
gogetaindus: a cuda nivida is years ahed of ati11:21
jedcindus, i dont know, i think it is because nvidia has put a lot of work into making sure their linux drivers work11:21
mistereverywhereindus go with nvidea11:21
Kris07Hi, I'm using the VLC player in FireFox, but there aren't any buttons. How can I get the buttons back?11:21
scriptwarlockgogeta: yeah, anyway its getting better and better good job dev guys11:21
scriptwarlockanybody experienced connetion breakage?11:21
gogetaindus: go look at the 2 slot pciw 2.0 gtx cards11:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:22
gogetascriptwarlock: lol11:22
indusmistereverywhere: which ati card u have?11:22
scriptwarlockindus: or sis11:22
mistereverywherescriptwarlock i have been good since i went to wicd for wifi works wonders on my comp11:22
mistereverywhereindus radeon hd 310011:23
mistereverywhereindus its a laptop card11:23
indusjedc: yes nvidia have for a long long time :)11:23
ShishKababHello. I'd like to create lots of cryptographically secure random data (around 200MB). dd count=409600 if=/dev/random of=randfile blocks after a few bytes even if I generate a lot of disk activity etc. What should I do?11:23
indusjedc: 7600 gt happy customer iam11:23
gogetascriptwarlock: yea wicd is a good network manager for both wired and wireless11:23
ActionParsnipPranky: you need to work out the dependancies and what you are missing. You needed to upgrade through each release to get to jaunty but is seems you have just jumped ver them and now you are in a mess11:23
scriptwarlocki mean internet connection breakage.my cafe has slow inet this day11:23
ActionParsnipnvidia ftw +1,000,00011:23
Kris07Hi, I'm using the VLC player in FireFox, but there aren't any buttons. How can I get the buttons back?11:24
* indus wonders what makes nvidia so awesome11:24
scriptwarlockgogeta: you mean use wicd instead of default network manager?11:24
mistereverywherescriptwarlock oh yeah i have if you have cox cable i think they do that sometimes11:24
indusscriptwarlock: yeah wicd is good or better i hear11:24
gogetaindus: cuda11:24
PrankyActionParsnip, what to do now11:24
indusgogeta: cuda is not needed for average users11:24
mistereverywherebazhang, jedc 9.04.14 i believe i know the  9.04 tho  umm its a ati radeon  hd 3100 i had the driver form them but attempted to uninstall it cause it caused even worse junk than this11:25
indusgogeta: all i want is good drivers11:25
gogetaindus: lets you use the 270gps as paralle prossers and yes they can be used for games fallout 3 can use cuda11:25
indusgogeta: 270 gps?11:25
mistereverywhereany ideas how to fix or go back to the initial settings for ubntu install of graphics drivers?11:25
ActionParsnipPranky: you need to run sudo apt-get upgrade and work from there11:25
indusmistereverywhere: just uninstall the ati drivers11:25
indusmistereverywhere: will take you to vesa drivers11:26
ActionParsnipPranky: i'd go for a clean install personally. It'll be a helluva lot quicker11:26
Kris07Hi, I'm using the VLC player in FireFox, but there aren't any buttons. How can I get the buttons back?11:26
ActionParsnipindus: they just care about users11:26
indusKris07: vlc in firefox? like a plugin?11:26
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
mistereverywhereindus: they didnt work well, and the one in system admin hardware drivers thoroughly broke my comp11:26
Kris07Indus, Yeah11:26
ugliefroganyone know how i can use my blackberry 8900 as a modem in ubuntu11:26
ActionParsnipKris07: you could try removing then reinstalling the plugin11:26
Kris07ActionParsnip, I've tried that. It doesn't work.11:27
Prankyor should I change the source.list to next version and try upgrade11:27
ActionParsnipugliefrog: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup11:27
indusKris07: which version of ubuntu? also, is vlc player better inside a browser than totem?11:27
indusPranky: change sources list? why11:27
scriptwarlocknah, forget it i wont break whats now working perfectly to my internet cafe...i'll wait for the next lts release11:27
Kris07Indus, Jaunty. And the Totem wouldn't play at all.11:27
Prankyfor next version11:28
ActionParsnipPranky: your call, i dont think it will let you due to package mess11:28
indusscriptwarlock: wireless is vastly improved with 9.04 so it thats your issue, you should upgrade11:28
ActionParsnipPranky: just remember youcan climb but not go back down11:28
hvnqke_workgrouse: what should I look for there?11:28
indusKris07: yeah all sites or only some select ones?11:28
PrankyActionParsnip, Oh11:28
Kris07Indus, All11:28
jedcPranky, if you do decide to do a new install, if you have a seperate partition for /home it can make it a lot easier to reinstall in the future without losing your data11:28
grouse@hvnke_work, have you got auto eth011:28
ActionParsnipjedc: i think that should be standard but its hard to partition / for so many different needs automaically11:29
indusKris07: well,in totem ,if a clip wont play,, you can right click and open the file in totem player in new window,see if that works11:29
scriptwarlockindus: no were talking about lan11:29
Guest81664hello all , i am new in ubuntu , i use xubuntu 9.04 alternate , i heard that is no need for antivirus,antimalware,that there are no viruses,worms,trojans that can aggect me . Right ? How about firewalls wath happens if i dont have a firewall configured on xubuntu,the worst case scenaryo ? !11:29
indusscriptwarlock: aah then ok11:29
hvnqke_workgrouse, doesn't look like it. "cat /etc/init.d/networking | grep auto" does not return anything.11:29
Guest81664Remember i am new11:29
jedcActionParsnip: yea, i agree, it is so useful11:29
Kris07Indus, Well, I don't want it in another window. I just want to stream it directly11:30
gogetaindus: thats why they started putting cuda on gtx cards rather then just a cuda card being games are starting to use it11:30
gwildoranyone familair with syndaemon???11:30
indusGuest81664: no virus,yes,firewall is builti in in ubuntu11:30
grouse@hvnqke, sorry I gave you the wrong file11:30
scriptwarlockindus: the ics issue in 9.0411:30
gwildori would like to ignore certain keystrokes if possible... namley ctrl11:30
grousetry it on /etc/networking/interfaces11:30
PrankyActionParsnip, when I am running sudo apt-get update.. it completes with out error11:30
jedcGuest81664, in theory you could still get viruses but the unix model that linux is based on makes it extremely hard for viruses to affect the system, worse case scenario is usually just the user data may be corrupted for the user that got the virus11:31
ActionParsnipGuest81664: there are some viri for linux but they are not very wild at all. If you use a router you dont really need a firewall but you can configure one if ou wish11:31
hvnqke_workgrouse, no such file or directory11:31
ziroday!virus > Guest8166411:31
ubottuGuest81664, please see my private message11:31
indusGuest81664: by default , a port is only opened when requested by an application, so firefox for eg, uses port 80, and the firewall opens it for you11:31
ugliefrogActionParsnip: i dont have bluetooth on the laptop :(11:31
indusGuest81664: also, actionParsnip is correct,if you have a router ,they have a built in firewall,so its like double protection11:32
GobbyHello, when I download somthing from the synaptic where do these files go?11:32
mistereverywherejedc what was the site for getting the driver from the ubuntu website?11:32
grouse@hvnqke,  sorry again, this comes when helping people out from a windows box "/etc/network/interfaces"11:32
ugliefrogGobby: well hello there11:32
zirodayGobby: the .deb is stored in /var/apt/cache11:32
indusGuest81664: just keep your system upto date to stay clean11:32
Guest81664but i heard you need to configure it with GUI to configure11:32
gogetaGuest81664: yea thers a few out there but most got patched agenst the advanatge of being able to change out the os kernel vs lets say a windows system11:32
MyrttiGobby: /var/cache/apt/  - but why are you asking?11:32
ugliefrogGobby: yeppers11:32
indusGuest81664: thats only if you need to specify specific ports to open etc11:32
GobbyBecause I downloaded a game from there11:33
ActionParsnipugliefrog: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/blackberry-ppp-modem-to-internet-using-ubuntujaunty-726223/11:33
hvnqke_workgrouse. "cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep auto" => "auto lo"; "cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep eth0" => nothing11:33
MyrttiGobby: downloaded or installed? synaptic usually installs as well11:33
Gobbyerr maybe installed also?11:33
indusGuest81664: by default, there are no rules set up in the built in firewall, you can specify some rule later11:33
GobbyI didnt find it in my game folder at the menu11:33
indusGuest81664: is this a home system? then probably you dont need to do anything at all11:33
scriptwarlockim good on 9.04 on my laptop no issues except the aircrack-ng but thats OT11:33
gogetaGuest81664: a linux system can spred a windows vires. wile the linux system whont get affected you can still send a bad file to windows.11:34
MyrttiGobby: then you should have it showing up in your menu, but if not, try to launch a terminal and type the name of the game on it, or check /usr/games11:34
grouse@hvnqke, open up the file and have a poke around. You say that you have to run "auto eth0" to get the device up and running?11:34
ActionParsnipGobby: if its installed you dont need the deb anymore, if you type parts of its name and press tab it will complete11:34
Guest81664yes my home system11:34
indusGuest81664: ya rest assured, its safe11:34
jedcmistereverywhere, i dont know i suggested hardware drivers but that is what you used, you could try the envyng-gtk package which downloads and installs the newest versions for you11:34
grouse@hvnqke, you should be able to just add "auto eth0" to the end of the file, or define a more detailed setup, but the instructions for that are at the top of the file in comments11:34
ActionParsnip!envy | jedc11:35
Guest81664even if i download movies and mp3's via torrents and p2p11:35
ubottujedc: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver11:35
GobbyNope not in my menu11:35
indusGuest81664: dont download any illegal stuff which might spread a virus to windows users11:35
hvnqke_workgrouse: I need to select it from the network manager icon in the gnome panel because it does not try to connect automatically. but it does not get it up and running, the connection fails.11:35
uhokHi silverraindog11:35
jedcActionParsnip, yes, but the supported method did fail :p11:35
uhokI mean sikander11:35
sacarlsonwhen I run services-admin the unlock botton is grayed out and can't enable any services.11:35
error404notfoundhow can i put a webdav to automount?11:35
hvnqke_workgrouse: in interfaces only lo is defined. I take it the rest is governed by network-manager11:35
gogetaGuest81664: you can always install a linux antivires there mostly used for checking file being sent to windows11:35
ActionParsnipjedc: what card is it for?11:36
grouse@hvnqke, you probably want to add two lines, "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp"11:36
Gobbyaha, found the deb11:36
indusGuest81664: ya avast for linux is good but no need for it really11:36
ActionParsniperror404notfound: http://linuxsagas.wordpress.com/2008/09/09/webdav-and-fstab/11:36
jedcActionParsnip, ati radeon  hd 310011:36
indusGobby: aha )11:36
grouse@hvnkqe, the network manager will write to this file and changes you make11:36
error404notfoundActionParsnip, thanks11:36
GobbyIf I install it and its already install will that cause problems?11:36
scriptwarlockGobby: where did it hide?11:36
=== Chazz is now known as daBomb|Not-Here
Guest81664from time to time i want to watch a movie but since i cant purchase it , i download it can that harm my system , a movie11:37
hvnqke_workalright. right now I'm connected from wlan0 - which is not defined in interfaces either11:37
indusGuest81664: no11:37
gogetaGuest81664: or even cleaning a infected windows syetem being windows it not active it makes it relly easy to remove bad files11:37
sacarlsonthe sevices-admin seems mested up on my ubuntu 8.04 now.  It was working when I first installed it.11:37
GobbyNever mind its installed just hiding11:37
grouse@hvnqke, make the changes I proposed then save the file. Finally run the command "/etc/init.d/network restart"11:37
tommi_Is here anyone, who has installed vdr on ubuntu 9.04 using only "budget-dvb-t" -usb dongles? Should it be installed from the packages with synaptic; or compiled from the source?11:37
jadocould someone have a look on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/251861/11:37
hvnqke_workgrouse, thanks, I'll try11:37
scriptwarlockGobby: ok dont disturb it, it might get angry11:37
indusscriptwarlock: hehe11:38
GobbyYeah, and its a fps, so it has guns ..11:38
grouse@hvnqke, sorry, I'm doing this all from memory, otherwise I would have a play on my own install and tell you what happens in more detail11:38
GobbyShift f2 is supposed to search for things correct?11:38
indusand it aint afraid to use it11:38
zirodayjado: do sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/mbrola11:38
scriptwarlockanybody has idea how to deal with segmntation fault?11:38
Guest81664Not even W.I.N.E. cant affect i suppose11:39
scriptwarlocksegmentation fault11:39
jadoziroday: hm the problem was on the 'ln' command i have to write an absolute path and not a relative one11:39
ActionParsnipjedc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/26281911:39
Guest81664sorry about my english but i am from Romania11:39
indusGuest81664:hmm might11:39
zirodayjado: ah woops, that would trip it up to11:39
indusGuest81664: it will affect the files in the wine folder thats all, maybe change somethings11:39
jedcscriptwarlock, segmentation faults occur when c(++) programs try to write to memory they shouldnt, so hard to troubleshoot :p11:39
GobbyI still am unable to find it... what would you suggest?11:39
Guest81664then bye , bye bill gates i am seeck and tirred of the s**t thats windows11:40
Guest81664i hate windows11:40
sacarlsonI get this when I run services-admin ** (services-admin:31984): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '31984'11:40
jedcActionParsnip, mistereveryday said he found it in Hardware drivers and it borked his system, i think he is using 9.0411:41
ursus_How can I check my DVD-ram's properties (for example the region code)?11:41
indusursus_: the player will give you that info11:41
indusursus_: eg vlc or mplayer even totem i thinj11:41
jedcGuest81664, it can be fun to dl windows viruses and try to run them in wine :p im not suggesting you try this11:41
ursus_I check it, thanks11:41
scriptwarlockjedc: yeah got sometimes flresup when the ccl timer acidentally closed i have to restart the server, awtz11:42
indusscriptwarlock: are u still monitoring the irc11:42
scriptwarlockidus: hahahha im just kidding11:42
BlandCapitalistI am experiencing significant lag and general instability when playing video (esp. 720p or greater) using restricted drivers on my Radeon 4850 with Jumpy.11:42
jedcscriptwarlock, it has to do with c not being a safe language and makes the programmer do memory management11:42
Guest81664so i have to go now but THANK YOU ALLOT you are great11:42
ursus_indus do you know where should I find it exactly?11:43
hvnqke_workgrouse: now the network manager icon just says that the wired network is not managed11:43
indusursus_: in vlc, i think its under tools> media info11:43
zirodayBlandCapitalist: err Jaunty? What media player?11:43
hvnqke_workgrouse: still no connection whatsoever, except for wireless11:43
grouse@hvnqke, try running the command "ifup eth0"11:44
scriptwarlockjedc: yeah thats what im going to figure out how to deal with this11:44
hvnqke_workgrouse, just did. it goes to sleep after a lot of DHCPDISCOVER's11:44
indusmickster04: you are quiet today11:44
BlandCapitalistJaunty! (sorry,  I just read "jump" in an article).  Both Youtube (64-bit flash) and Totem experience the same issue11:44
ursus_indus I see. But it shows the information about a media like a DVD. But I need the info about my dvd device.11:45
zirodayBlandCapitalist: hmm, could you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please11:45
grouse@hvnqke, looks like it's not getting a dhcp response from your server11:45
indusursus_: device? hmm i dont think pc dvd's have region specific stuff, but i may be wrong11:45
zhangxun_wuhanuni want to use hibernate in my current project,is there any book ,i can master it in 4days11:45
scriptwarlockindus: im just kidding11:46
EdicoI have the sound lower than usual, I checked all the volumes and are all at max. Before to reinstall ubuntu on my new comp I had the sound higher. Any idea what can be?11:46
error404notfoundActionParsnip, you rock :P11:46
indusscriptwarlock: hmm who aer you i dont remember11:46
hvnqke_workgrouse: which makes no sense as I'm the only one in the building without a wired connection. and I can get on wireless..11:46
mickster04indus yeah im workin at the same time11:46
zirodayEdico: checked alsamixer and made sure the PCM slider is maxed out?11:46
mickster04indus and atm i cant help anyody:P11:46
hvnqke_work*without a working wired connection11:46
hvnqke_workthe rest of the company has no problems11:46
ursus_indus they have. Because I know, that it is able to set 5 time only.11:47
indusursus_: aah ok i heard about those11:47
Edicoziroday, is maxed11:47
GobbyI have installed a game called crossfire through the synaptic, the problem is I cannot find it.11:47
indusursus_: region 1 is usa correct?11:47
grouse@hvnqke, ah, may not be dhcp then if it's a company wired connection. May want to see if they have a specific configuration11:47
ursus_indus I guess. But I live in region 2.11:47
indusursus_: whats a dvd ram btw11:47
ActionParsniperror404notfound: i try11:48
jadodoes someone know something about text-to-speech? i'm trying to make espeak work with mbrola: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251869/11:48
indusdvd rom i have11:48
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error404notfoundActionParsnip, and you succeed :P11:48
hvnqke_workgrouse, they haven't. it's worked as it should for months. Now I returned from two weeks of vacation and this happens.11:48
ursus_indus Matshita Uj-861H11:48
zirodayGobby: did you install crossfire-client-gtk2?11:48
BlandCapitalistApologies for the delay; the whole systems seems to be laggy even pasting my xorg in a a box (window goes gray).11:48
error404notfoundActionParsnip, would be it awkward if i ask your age?11:48
Gobbyziroday: Yes sir, I did.11:48
hvnqke_workgrouse: the configuration is pretty standard, and the others use dhcp11:48
ursus_indus But I made some settings under win (before I started to use Ubuntu)11:48
ActionParsniperror404notfound: 29 today11:48
zirodayGobby: one sec11:49
indusursus_: i think check in bios for that info , iam sure it shows11:49
ActionParsniperror404notfound: its my birthday11:49
Gobbyziroday: Okey dokey.11:49
error404notfoundActionParsnip, hmmm, Happy Birthday11:49
indusursus_: i had this nonsense when i bought my dvd player,but it plays all things11:49
scriptwarlockindus: nah , forget me im just an ordinary user lurking for an idea here in this ch11:49
BlandCapitalistZiroday: http://pastebin.com/d20953e2511:49
ursus_indus thanks, I restart the computer now. See you!11:49
zirodayGobby: in a terminal type in gcfclient211:49
grouse@hvnqke, try running "ifconfig eth0 down", then "ifconfig etho up"11:50
zirodayGobby: does that start the game?11:50
zirodayBlandCapitalist: thanks11:50
error404notfoundActionParsnip, i remember you over the years i started learning linux and i saw you here... Okay, enough ot, before some asks me to join ubuntu-offtopic... enjoy your birthday and take a day out from irc, hang out...11:50
hvnqke_workgrouse, that went pretty painless. but it doesn't seem to have affected anything11:50
ActionParsniperror404notfound: gotta work sadly. yeah ive been at this game a while now. Trying to spread the love11:50
GobbyWhat in the world, I thought this was a fps...11:50
grouse@hvnqke, you say you were away a week, could be something happening to the cable in that time, can you nick someone elses ethernet cable who has a working connection and see if it wokrs over that11:50
GobbyBut yes that started the game11:51
zirodayBlandCapitalist: could you also do glxinfo and the output of totem when you play a video file (that lags) please11:51
error404notfoundActionParsnip, its your job to provide support on irc?11:51
* error404notfound goes for ot11:51
hvnqke_workgrouse, we tried another cable earlier today, that didn't work either - although it did in my colleagues computer11:51
zirodayGobby: fantastic11:51
odinsbaneI'm trying to setup a samba server...I'm not sure if my firewall is affecting it is there a way to test?11:51
ActionParsniperror404notfound: no, support too many citrix, web and sql servers in florida from the uk11:51
zirodayGobby: I could recommend you some FPS's if you would like11:51
Gobbythanks ziroday,11:51
GobbyYes please!11:51
ActionParsnipGobby: penumbra and urban terror are awesome11:51
error404notfoundActionParsnip, i see... keep rocking :D11:52
scriptwarlockGobby:hey r u downloading a game?11:52
ActionParsnipGobby: penumbra is scary but fun11:52
GobbyWell Im looking for some fps11:52
zirodayGobby: Urban Terror, Openarena, Sauerbraten. Also phoronix.com has some nice reviews time to time11:52
GobbyI wanted a game similar to Cs11:52
hvnqke_workthe Savage games are awesome. and HoN11:52
ActionParsnipGobby: penumbra is pay to play too but the demo is awesome11:52
GobbyYes, i have the beta and savage 211:52
ActionParsnipGobby: urban terror is like CS11:52
uhokHello, I can't chat on deviantart chat, does anyone have any idea why?11:52
zirodayhvnqke_work: I was under the impression HoN wasn't released yet11:52
uhokI know you all love me.11:52
GobbyALright thanks guys , very much!11:52
zirodayuhok: does it rely on flash?11:52
ActionParsnipGobby: its the unreal engine with a mod, so you can do wall jumping too11:53
scriptwarlockGobby: thats what i use in my net the kids love it11:53
hvnqke_workziroday, closed beta, alienware gives free keys away11:53
zirodayhvnqke_work: ah11:53
scriptwarlockGobby: savage2 and urban terror11:53
GobbyYes I like savage 2 I also got Heroes Of Newerth beta11:53
xim_something is wrong with my audio driver, no sound ever plays, except sometimes when a sound should play i get a pop from my speakers.  is there a way i can reinstall my audio drivers or something?11:53
GobbyBout to grab urban terror11:53
uhokziroday, I have flash I think. You should try it. http://chat.deviantart.com/ (Maybe give your opinion.)11:54
mickster04have i just landed in #ot?11:54
BlandCapitalistziroday: http://pastebin.com/d33dd838a is glxinfo.  Will have log in a minute11:54
zirodaymickster04: no you are in #ubuntu. Do /topic11:54
gwildorGobby, souds like one of your setting is turned down.11:54
zirodayuhok: I'd rather not thank you. Tried clearing your browser cache and cookies?11:55
mickster04just all this talk af games etc11:55
zirodayBlandCapitalist: thanks, and that all looks good11:55
uhokziroday, why?11:55
uhokziroday, It says it loads the flash, I believe I have flash installed, that's why i wondered if you could look, but ok.11:56
zirodayuhok: because I'm not an artist, nor am I particularly fond of the company behind DA. Does youtube work?11:56
ursusindus there is not such an option11:57
grouse@hvnqke, what's the output of "ifconfig eth0"11:57
grousepastebin it11:57
KoolDcan anyone tell me how to disable cpu scaling???11:57
uhokziroday, may I pm you?11:57
zirodayuhok: sure11:57
zirodayKoolD: add the CPU scaling monitor to your panel and set it to "performance"11:57
AzoffI want to run some kind of virtualization on a non-vt server, what would you recommend?11:58
zirodayAzoff: virtualbox-ose11:58
Azoffziroday: even as it's a company?11:58
grouse@hvnqke, the only other thing you can do is setup a static connection and see if it works then. Otherwise I'm stumped.11:59
Azoffbtw, both host and guest won't need any graphics11:59
zirodayAzoff: sorry I don't quite follow. Company?11:59
hvnqke_workgrouse, http://pastebin.com/m225d19eb11:59
Azoffziroday: the server is to be run at the company where I am employed, ie. not for personal usage12:00
legend2440ursus: are you trying to find  dvd region settings?12:00
=== daBomb|Not-Here is now known as Chazz
zirodayAzoff: ah right. Well yes you can still run virtualbox-ose. Or you can use something more lightweight like qemu or xen if no GUI is required. However qemu and xen are harder to setup. virtualbox is super easy12:01
KoolDziroday: actually i'm running openbox on ubuntu...and i manually set the governor with cpufreq-set....but it does not work....the freq still stays at half its value even when the cpu's running at 100%12:01
GobbyOne more question for the moment.. Counter strike source can play in linux correct?12:02
Azoffziroday: oki, I have some possitive experience with virtualbox on normal desktop and I guess it's almost as easy on the command line. :)12:02
zirodayGobby: through wine, yes12:02
hvnqke_workGobby, through wine12:02
grouse@hvnqke, can you ping anything "ping -c 5 www.google.com"12:02
GobbyHave you personally played it?12:02
PrankyActionParsnip, http://ww.pastebin.com/m1b64b9bd12:02
PrankyHave a look12:02
zirodayAzoff: have fun12:02
zirodayGobby: yes12:02
GobbyWorks flawlessly?12:02
ursuslegend2440, yes I am12:02
hvnqke_workgrouse, yes, because I'm connected with wireless12:03
mickster04does playonlinux have counterstrike e4tup included?12:03
GobbyWell I mean Doable12:03
zirodayGobby: you lose about 5fps, depending on your machine12:03
grouse@hvnqke, ignore that, you can't pick up a IP address, bleh, all I can say is DHCP doesn't seem to be running. Maybe someone else here can help you further12:03
hvnqke_workif I disconnect the wireless trying to ping stuff is pointless as there is no connection whatsoever.12:03
GobbyOh, no big deal, thanks again!12:03
Azoffziroday: hope I will ;)12:03
ActionParsnipPranky: sudo apt-get -f install12:03
jadoif i have a comand to run for instance: "command -f filename && command2 -f filename" how can i make a program that takes as argument 'finename' and call both commands on it?12:03
grouse@hvnqke, try setting up a static ip and see what happens12:04
zirodayGobby: there are various tweaks for it too, the appdb page lists most of them12:04
ActionParsnipGobby: steam works great under wine.12:04
GobbySweet action! I hate having to go to windows to play that12:04
legend2440ursus: install package called regionset then read   man regionset  package is in synaptic or do  sudo apt-get install regionset12:04
grouseremember to restrtart the networking interface by /etc/init.d/networking restart12:04
ursuslegend2440, thank you, I'll check it12:04
PrankyActionParsnip, http://ww.pastebin.com/m699e45f3 Have a look12:04
gwildorlegend2440, if it is in synaptic, you can apt-get intstall it... they are the same thing12:05
PrankyActionParsnip, Should I delete all this files from archive folder12:05
unopjado, command -f "$1" && command2 -f "$1"12:06
ActionParsnipPranky: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice*; sudo apt-get --pure autoremove; sudo apt-get install openoffice12:06
jadounop: in a bash script?12:06
ActionParsnipreplace pure with purge12:06
unopjado, yea12:06
ActionParsnipPranky: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install openoffice12:07
ActionParsnipPranky: typo before12:07
fosser_joshi am using ubntu 9.04 & having n73 & paired my n73 with my laptop. i can acces my mobile from laptop but failed to send file from mobile to laptop12:07
unopActionParsnip, openoffice*  should ideally be quoted to stop the shell from expanding it12:07
ActionParsnipunop: gotcha12:07
odinsbaneI think I setup samba ok.  I used the sam config as another ubuntu server I have at home, but I cannot login, I need some help debuggin.12:07
jadounop: what if instead of a file my commands take the stdin?12:07
ActionParsnipPranky: Pranky: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove" openoffice*"; sudo apt-get --pure autoremove; sudo apt-get install openoffice12:07
unopActionParsnip, bad quoting :p12:08
ActionParsnipunop: help me will you :P12:08
unopActionParsnip,  sudo apt-get --purge remove "openoffice*"12:08
ActionParsnipodinsbane: have you ran: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER12:08
ActionParsnipPranky: see ^12:08
eokeodinsbane: Have you setup the smbpasswd for the users12:08
unopActionParsnip, you'd left a space in12:08
ActionParsnipunop: gah12:09
odinsbaneI did that12:09
PrankyActionParsnip, ok12:09
eokeAlso /var/log/samba/* contains some useful information12:09
ActionParsnipodinsbane: ok so when you try to connect are you challenged for authentication?12:09
odinsbaneeoke: I checked none of the logs contain info regarding login attemps12:09
odinsbaneActionParsnip: yes12:09
ActionParsnipodinsbane: ok thats good, did you set the same password as you login to the smbpasswd12:10
odinsbaneActionParsnip: yes12:10
fosser_joshfailed to send file from mobile to laptop. error is sending failed.12:10
unopjado, errm, that's a little bit more trickier - /j #bash   and ask there12:10
jonnymacXsane detects my webcam as my scanner. How do I change device please?12:10
error404notfoundi am looking for a good local backups solution which makes encrypted backups, i tried duplicity, but it sounds like its too complex for me..12:10
Besogonodinsbane: I have found out for myself that system-config-samba best application for home for share foulders through samba12:11
ActionParsnipodinsbane: ok so you type your credentials in, what happens next?12:11
odinsbaneActionParsnip: they came back as though they're incorrect12:11
eokeodinsbane: Does your samba user have access to the target directory12:12
odinsbaneeoke everybody has access to the target directory at this point.12:12
ActionParsnipodinsbane: ok try a really simple password like 12345 or abcde12:12
ActionParsnipodinsbane: just to test12:13
PrankyActionParsnip, http://ww.pastebin.com/m75e00781  have a look12:13
odinsbaneActionParsnip: if I use smbclient -L ip.add it prompts me for a password and then give me the info12:13
XvizirkeSziasztok testverek12:14
bazhang!hu | Xvizirke12:15
ubottuXvizirke: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál12:15
odinsbaneSo I am thinking that there is a firewall issue or I am not logging in correctly from the windows maching12:15
XvizirkeThanks bammeg:)12:15
eokeodinsbane: There was an issue with nautilus using the uid instead of the username on older versions of ubuntu seems fixed in 9.04 though.12:16
PrankyActionParsnip, Have you look at the url12:16
CopyWritergood morning all12:16
BesogonCopyWriter: good evening12:17
ursuslegend2440, thank you, you answered my question.12:17
jdbgood afternoon12:17
odinsbaneeoke I'm trying to connect with windows, so nautilus probably isn't the issue12:17
legend2440ursus: your welcome12:17
ursuslegend2440, but it seems I have other problem. :)12:17
CopyWritergood evening Besogon12:17
odinsbaneeoke: though our server is an older version of linux12:17
Xvizirkeursusu brotha hello12:17
eokeodinsbane: From what I can remember it was nautilus that was at fault so it shouldn't be affecting you.12:18
odinsbaneSince the smbclient -L ip.add works from the computer running samba, I suspect that it is a firewall issue.12:19
odinsbaneIt would be cool if cygwin had smbclient.12:19
scriptwarlockwhos firewall windows?12:19
eokeodinsbane: You could try smbclient from ... for get that then12:19
odinsbanescriptwarlock: I suspect the linux box has its own firewall.12:20
fosser_joshsending failed file from mobile to laptop vai bluetooth. anybody hav solution12:20
ursusWhen I burned my first dvd-s, my dvd player at home could play them. But after some time it couldn't. (It was on xp). I use Xubuntu now, but the problem is the same: the dvd player doesn't recognize the disks I burned with my notebook. My roommate has the same type of DVD-s, and my dvd player recognizes his disks... How can it be?12:20
scriptwarlockodinsbane: im trying to figure out why i cant see the shared folders of windows lately12:20
eokeodinsbane: What's cygwin's involvement ?12:21
odinsbaneeoke: I tried it from another linux box and I get NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE12:21
odinsbaneeoke: cygwin is just hanging out, letting me have x and bash tools12:21
scriptwarlockodinsbane: i suspect samba config12:21
eokeodinsbane: So the client is windows explorer12:22
odinsbanescriptwarlock: but it works from the local machine.12:22
odinsbanehow can I open a port... say 13912:23
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scriptwarlockodinsbane: the i only remedy i do is create a public folder in ubuntu and share it with windows then on windows map the drive12:23
uhokziroday, I'm sorry,12:23
uhokStill having trouble12:23
odinsbanescriptwarlock: that must be using samba12:23
uhokI guess it worked for help, but nothing else./12:23
scriptwarlockodinsbane: yup12:24
hvnqke_workdefining the connection statically in the network manager gui didn't help me. I can resolve the IP's of domains through that connection, but ping requests always time out for some reason. so I'm back at status quo. any ideas?12:25
okinHey there, might be more of a #gnome question but can anyone tell me how to force apps in gnome to start in full screen mode similar to UNR?12:26
eokeokin: You might be refering to maximus12:27
PrankyActionParsnip, Waiting for some action12:29
hvnqke_workhas there been an update to the ethernet driver modules during the last three weeks that can have broken my installation?12:29
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: does ifconfig show the statically defined address?12:29
ActionParsnip1okin: check its man page, it may have an option12:30
vagothcppQuickly, is there a keyboard shortcut to scroll workplaces?12:30
ActionParsnip1okin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48220312:30
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: ctrl and/or alt + left cursor / right cursor12:31
mickster04vagothcpp, for me itsd ctrl + alt+ left/right12:31
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: try both sides of the space bar12:31
mickster04vagothcpp, all on the keyoard12:32
vagothcppmickster04: Yeh, thats it12:32
nacho__alguien me puede ayudar??12:32
Boohbah!es | nacho__12:32
ubottunacho__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:32
nacho__to solve my problem12:32
nacho__can anybody help me with my problem??12:33
ActionParsnip1nacho__: tell us what it is first12:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:34
bazhangshah16, with what12:34
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shah16bazang: what?12:34
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nacho__when pick en lugares>my personal folder output error!!12:35
Guest57002is any1 home ?12:35
bazhangGuest57002, yes ask away12:35
bazhangshah16, help with what12:35
Guest57002sorry for my nick12:35
=== Guest57002 is now known as Aks
okinActionParsnip1: That helps in a way but I hoping for something that would force tha for all programs that are opened with out have to fiddle with all their launchers12:36
AksActually i have a ubuntu system in my library12:36
Aksand some damn one has locked even the sudo command for12:36
shah16bazhang i was point to nacho__ about !help as he asked <nacho__> can anybody help me with my problem??  :)12:36
Aksnon admin users12:36
Akswht do i do ?12:36
hvnqke_workActionParsnip, it does.12:36
BoohbahAks: the administrators of the library computer probably don't want to allow you root access12:37
bazhangshah16, aha, next time try to use the | command or the > command with it12:37
ActionParsnip1okin: you could write a script for apps you want fullscreening replacing the command with $112:37
erUSULAks: 1edit sudoers from a livecd or from recovery mode if that's the problem12:37
KapliI just installed ubuntu, but I am having trouble with my headset and my microphone, recording doesn't work and the sound is screwed in the left ear, this is probably about sound drivers?12:37
shah16bazhang: sure12:37
ActionParsnip1okin: you can then call the script fullscreenit, then simply run: fullscreenit leafpad for example12:37
Akshow do i edit a sudoers file ?12:37
Aksi know the location but12:38
syntaxWhen im on ubuntu and i copy a file over to the jump drive it shows up but when i have it threw virtualbox the jump drive shows up but the file isnt there and im useing windows xp as guest..any thoughts12:38
Akswhat lines to add ?12:38
manishCan anyone help me telling that what is APTonCD ?12:38
lstarnesAks: you can't edit it without sudo access12:38
lstarnesAks: or root access12:38
Aksi can do a live boot12:38
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, I just dropped connection when trying to connect to the statically defined connection. when pinging google during that connection I get destination host unreachable12:38
ActionParsnip1!aptoncd > manish12:38
ubottumanish, please see my private message12:38
okinActionParsnip1: Ahh right, I didn't think of that. I always forget I can do stuff like that12:38
Aksjst tell me the process12:38
okinActionParsnip1: Thanks, I will get on it it then12:38
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: can you ping
lstarnesAks: if those are the library's computers, you shoudn't be doing stuff to them without the library's permission12:39
shah16Aks : man visudo12:39
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: replace 7 with 7412:39
BoohbahAks: you're asking us to help you circumvent security measures put in place by the library administrators...12:39
BlandCapitalistziroday: I am sorry for leaving you hanging.  My system crashed multiple times and I just now got it to boot to the desktop without crashing.  I can't seem to locate the Totem output after typing "totem --debug"12:39
Akseveryone : Library people dont know a shit of internet12:39
Aksthey dont even know wht is linux12:39
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, no cigar12:40
Aksthis has been setup12:40
bazhangAks, watch the language12:40
Aksby some other studetn12:40
Aksi m sorry but i dont mean by that12:40
Aksthe thing is12:40
FloodBot2Aks: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
bazhang!enter | Aks12:40
ubottuAks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:40
lstarnesAks: if you have an issue with their systems, talk to them about it12:40
Aksthe one who has done it12:40
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: ok are you using a router?12:40
Akshe doesnt want to provide the password12:40
Akshe is jst a student12:40
PrankyActionParsnip1, Did you have any solution.12:41
Aksdenying password is itself a wrong thing12:41
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, as far as I've understood, the cable goes to a switch which goes to a router which then goes to the modem which then goes to our ISP12:41
BlandCapitalistSomeone show Aks how to use a semicolon!12:41
BoohbahAks: if he doesn't want to provide the password, you're out of luck. this is a managerial issue and not a technical one12:41
th0rsomeone dump him...we aren't black hats12:41
ActionParsnip1Pranky: no, sorry. i'd clean install if you have jumped from 6.04 to 9.0412:41
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel with gui/command?12:41
AksBoohbah : u misunderstand12:42
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: ok, can you ping the router. if the switch has an ip , can yo uping that12:42
Aksinstalling linux itself isnt allowed12:42
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Aksbut now he is using it for personal use12:42
Akscan any1 understand me here and help me ?12:42
bazhangAks, dont use enter as punctuation.12:42
BoohbahAks: it would still be an issue to bring up with your librarian12:42
Dr_WillisAks:  im not sure what your actual 'problem' is  and how it actually relates to 'ubuntu' support.12:43
Aksthey dont know anything about this12:43
bazhangAks, tell the library. this has nothing to do with ubuntu support12:43
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, when pinging the router destination host is unreachable12:43
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: ok then you have isolated the issue some12:44
Akscan deleting the user lines in passwd file help me ?12:44
Aksusing some live boot12:44
BlandCapitalistWould I be correct to assume there would be no support available here for problems occurring once restricted Radeon 4850 drivers are installed?12:44
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: ok if you run: sudo lshw -C network you will see what chip your network card uses12:44
bazhang!ot > Aks12:44
ubottuAks, please see my private message12:44
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: you can then chek for drivers etc12:44
bazhangAks, hacking boxes is not supported here.12:45
Aksany developer here ?12:45
BoohbahAks: now, if you had just acted like it was your own computer in the first place you would have probably gotten an answer :)12:45
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, the driver it uses is e1000e12:45
alankila_In karmic, gconfd seems to be spinning the CPU. What's up with that?12:45
hvnqke_workit's an Intel ethernet card as far as I can tell12:45
bazhangalankila_, #ubuntu+1 for karmic12:45
troythetechguywho does some directories in bash have a green box as a backgroung?12:45
alankila_aha, thanks.12:46
Dr_Willistroythetechguy:  depends on the ownership/permissions - those are problery 'executable' thus open to the current user.12:46
vagothcppI keep getting "Text file is busy." in gedit12:46
troythetechguyDr_Willis: Thank you.12:47
syntaxHow do you open a foldier in terminal12:47
lstarnessyntax: cd path-to-folder12:48
erUSULsyntax: cd path/to/folder12:48
hvnqke_worksyntax, cd foldername12:48
Extendsyntax, cd /path/to/folder12:48
lstarnessyntax: for example, cd /home/$USER/Desktop12:48
prince_jammysall together now12:48
leohartxdoes anybody here use xampp in ubuntu ?12:48
CopyWriterUBUNTU RULES!!! i came to the office early just to look at my employees work on the pc's12:48
syntaxthx everyone12:48
Dr_Willissyntax:  if you mean open with the gnome file manager.. 'nautilus path/to/thing'12:48
bazhang!xampp | leohartx12:48
ubottuleohartx: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.12:48
CopyWriteri've been here since six thirty12:48
nacho__anybody help me ???12:48
* CopyWriter hands nacho some cheese12:49
CopyWriteri'm learning and soon i shall be able to contribute positively12:49
troythetechguyDr_Willis: It appears any directory with 'all' permissions granted (drwxrwxrwx) have the green background.  Directories where u=rwx, g=rx, o=rx do not have the background.12:49
GobbyHello, everyone I just installed steam, and when i Start it up, it says opening steam or whatever and nothing happens?12:50
Dr_Willistroythetechguy:  shounds about right.12:50
abcminiuserDoes anyone know of a way to remap the left trackpad button as a middle button, keeping pad taps as left? Tried the synaptic editor tool, can't seem to do it with that12:50
Dr_WillisGobby:  check the wine app database for hints on getting specific apps running.. steam does work here.. but i just run the steam client.. not any games with it.12:50
Dr_WillisGobby:  i dont recall doing anything special. but i amusing the wine from winehq12:50
hvnqke_workGobby, try starting Steam using the terminal12:50
syntaxDr_Willis thats what i was lookin for..nautilus ..thx12:51
hvnqke_workand pastebin the output12:51
vagothcppCan a directory not owned by root be used be used as a mount point?12:51
GobbyHow would i do that?12:51
hvnqke_workthere might be missing dlls or fonts or something12:51
Dr_Willisvagothcpp:  i think so.. try it and see. :)12:51
unopvagothcpp, sure12:51
GobbyHow do i start steam through the terminal?12:51
Dr_WillisGobby:  wine /path/to/whatever/program.exe12:51
vagothcppcan a user create a directory in /mnt or will I have to change ownership?12:51
hvnqke_workGobby, open the terminal Applications->Assecories->Terminal. then write cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\Steam and then write wine steam.exe12:51
Dr_WillisGobby: when i ran the steam installer.. it added an icon in the menus for me.12:52
lstarnesvagothcpp: you can use pretty much any empty directory as a mount point12:52
unopvagothcpp, probably not12:52
hvnqke_workDr_Willis, the point is to start it specifically in the terminal to get debug output12:52
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, did I kill you? :O12:53
=== nitjas is now known as nitjas_
BlandCapitalistI apologize if this is not the best location to ask:  I am looking for dictionary/thesaurus pop-up that works similarly to the Mac OS X cmd+shift+D combo.  Are there any add-ons for Ubuntu which work in that fashion?12:53
odinsbanealright I got the firewall down, now I need to fix my groups12:53
Dr_WillisGobby:  using the wine 1.1.27 from winehq and steam works here for me.12:53
nacho__haaa tengo un problema con la impresion tb12:54
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: maybe it needs a different driver, or some options when it is porobed12:55
bazhang!es | nacho__12:55
ubottunacho__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:55
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nacho__che si tengo teniendo el mismo error ...12:55
vagothcppvagoth@vagodesk64:/mnt$ chown -hR vagoth:vagoth /mnt/GearOS12:55
vagothcppchown: changing ownership of `/mnt/GearOS': Operation not permitted12:55
abcminiusersudo chown12:56
vagothcppright, oops12:57
=== nitjas_ is now known as nitjas
=== nitjas is now known as nitjas_
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: use sudo12:58
vagothcppHow can I set rw permisions on a directory?12:58
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: chmod o+rw <directory>12:59
vagothcppActionParsnip1: Thanks12:59
Dr_Willisvagothcpp:  or learn the ###s for changing modes also.12:59
ActionParsnip1vagothcpp: -R applies here too12:59
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, perhaps. but what?12:59
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: not sure, if you are using a lappy you may need to check around see what it takes13:00
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, it's a thinkpad. but I'm using it as a desktop.13:00
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ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: still a thinkpad, what model?13:01
Gobbyhey what did yall say to do in terminal again, i had to take out some garbage13:02
Gobbyabout steam13:02
odinsbaneWow open up the samba ports and all of a sudden everybody is peeking around.13:02
maxagazis it possible to disable window decoration of epiphany in gconf ?13:03
hvnqke_workGobby, wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/steam.exe or something like that13:03
BlandCapitalistI am having trouble both playing video without lag (both in Totem and Youtube) at large sizes no matter the resolution, as well as switching my homogeneous displays (on same Radeon 4850 card) from mirrored to extended mode with the restricted drivers since the display window won't even show the buttons, causing also concurrent lagging in the whole OS.  Lag persists with open source drivers but the Display window is both fully visi13:03
mikejonesok im new any1 here to help me im using ubuntu 8.10 what flashplayer do i use and how to install it?13:04
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_9.04_%28Jaunty_Jackalope%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T6113:04
mickster04mikejones, surely the latest one from adobe should work?13:04
mikejonesmickster i dont know how to install it13:05
ActionParsnip1mikejones: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:05
BlandCapitalistmikejones: 32 or 64 bit?13:05
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, nothing about ethernet issues13:05
mr_booi've upgraded to 8.10 now and ubuntu won't start13:05
ActionParsnip1hvnqke_work: i think if you install those acpi modules it'll be ok13:05
greyz`Why does firefox take so long to load a page in jaunty?  I remember winxp and hardy being way quicker, is this just something that is common w/ jaunty?13:05
GobbyTHis is what I get13:05
mr_booat one time i got into a shell called "busybox"13:05
Gobby cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\Steam13:05
GobbyWait sec13:05
hvnqke_workActionParsnip1, the weird thing is that this install has lasted for months without problems13:05
abcminiuserIs the flashplugin-nonfree installed when you install the restricted-extras metapackage?13:05
ActionParsnip1abcminiuser: yes13:06
BlandCapitalistmikejones: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html13:06
milk22i am having an issue with my Dell Inspiron 1545, it happened after i tried using conky, the stuff on my desktop stopped appearing13:06
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
GobbyCOuld not load drive_c/windows/system32 blah blah module not found13:06
mickster04mikejones, go to the adobe website, although i dunno about 64bit....13:07
mickster04Gobby, have you tried play on linux?13:07
GobbyThat costs correct?13:07
mr_boowhat is "busybox"?13:07
Gobbyit doesent?!?!13:08
GobbyThen nope.13:08
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: its a cli interface13:08
GobbyYou think it will run it well?13:08
prince_jammysmr_boo: a minimal environment with compact linux utils13:08
mikejonesmickster this might sound funny to u but how do i know which bit im using?13:08
mickster04Gobby, go to their website, i think they have steam support..i cant remember13:08
ActionParsnip1mikejones: uname -a13:08
ActionParsnip1mikejones: if you see i686 its 32bit, x86_64 = 64bit13:09
milk22in NBR 9.04 when i switch to classic view i can not see documents on my desktop and the right click does not work13:09
mikejoneswhere do i put the uname-a13:09
GobbyAgain I have a nooby problem13:09
GobbyI dont know if I am13:09
FloodBot2Gobby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:09
mr_boobtw is my grub menu supposed to change after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?13:09
BlandCapitalistapplications -> accessories -> terminal13:09
ActionParsnip1mikejones: press alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, press enter13:10
froeswhat do you guys usually use more? gstreamer, mplayer or xine ???13:10
ActionParsnip1froes: mplayer personally, it rocks13:10
mr_boois my grub menu supposed to change after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?13:10
Halitechfroes, personally I use xine and vlc the most13:10
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: sure is, you should see the new kernel in there too13:11
mr_booActionParsnip1: but i don't13:11
notwistI have a 120 Mb USB stick and I'd like to get some kind of mini live-boot Ubuntu on there (not the minimal install), any ideas on how to achieve that?13:11
mr_booActionParsnip1: and when highlighting the old one the screen goes white and computer restarts13:11
notwistmaybe only include gnome and not much more13:11
vagothcppLoot at DSL13:11
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: then run: sudo update-grub and it should pick it up13:12
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: if not read:13:12
mickster04Gobby, go to systemdetails.com13:12
ActionParsnip1!grub | mr_boo13:12
ubottumr_boo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:12
jcmarinifroes mplayer13:12
mr_booActionParsnip1: gonna try13:12
mikejonesmickster  so does this mean i have a 64 bit?   2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:12
mr_boomany thanks13:12
richardcavellmikejones: yes13:12
mickster04mikejones, yeah13:12
GobbyThanks MIckester.13:12
ActionParsnip1notwist: 120Mb will not hold much, i'd grab puppy or DSL13:12
Halitechnotwist, check out pendrive linux, it should have info to help you out althought 120meg is kinda small to do much with13:12
ActionParsnip1Halitech: its enough for puppy, its only 80mb13:13
mikejonesnow i know its 64 what flashplayer do i get for ubuntu 8.1013:13
jcmarinifroes VLC rocks13:14
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:14
HalitechActionParsnip1, true but they said they wanted to do something with Ubuntu13:14
random-hunterhow do i open synaptic from alt+f2 with admin privileges ?13:14
Myrttirandom-hunter: gksudo synaptic13:14
random-huntercool thnks13:14
indusmikejones: aer you looking for 64 bit flash?13:15
ActionParsnip1mikejones: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-; tar zxvf ./libflashplayer-; rm ./libflashplayer-
ActionParsnip1mikejones: copy all that into terminal and you will have 64bit flash13:15
HalitechActionParsnip1, tell me you had that in a text file somewhere and you didn't remember all that from memory13:16
ActionParsnip1Halitech: on my fileserver i have it in a script (like a lot of things) I just formulated that just now (the link I copy / pasted)13:17
haf1zhello, somebody can assists me13:17
HalitechActionParsnip1, dang13:17
Halitech!ask | half13:17
ubottuhalf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:17
ActionParsnip1Halitech: if you read it its not hugely complex13:18
haf1zi just installed ubuntu on my laptop but then i try to use easybcd to let vista take in charge of my os13:18
GobbyOKay mr mikester13:18
GobbyWhere would I find the installed files.13:18
jcmarinigold star ActionParsnip113:18
ActionParsnip1Halitech: make a folder, move to the folder, download file, extract file, remove file13:18
AdamRamadhanhello guys13:18
notwist!ask | haf1z13:18
ubottuhaf1z: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:18
ActionParsnip1jcmarini: thanks13:18
AdamRamadhancan anyone help on my netowrking13:18
haf1zbut then i reset it back then my dualboot13:18
HalitechActionParsnip1, no its not, but remembering the file names to download could be13:18
haf1znotwist: how can i get back my dualboot to work as usual13:18
ActionParsnip1Halitech: i guess, its just the atr.gz instead of deb. Its how i install flash. i got one for 64bit java too but i didnt write it13:19
notwisthaf1z did you install ubuntu after vista?13:19
AdamRamadhani cant apply my network config when i change my ipv4 to manual .13:19
haf1znotwist: i just get recovered my bootloader since i had "missing ntldr13:19
AdamRamadhani wonder why13:19
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notwisthaf1z how does your bootloader look right now? is it the windows one or grub? what options are there?13:19
AdamRamadhanbut when i change it to auto it can be applyed .13:19
haf1znotwist: there';s no option13:20
HalitechActionParsnip1, yeah, its the extras that are a pain to install, should make a restore dvd one of these days for mine13:20
haf1znotwist: auto boot to windows13:20
ActionParsnip1Halitech: thats why i gots scripts13:20
ActionParsnip1Halitech: and scripts that run many scripts13:20
haf1znotwist: i hav ubutn 9.04 inside13:20
notwisthaf1z if you are positive you still have ubuntu you need to install GRUB, the linux boot loader. when you install that, both windows and ubuntu will be there. the problem is that windows doesnt recognize ubuntu, but ubuntu recognizes windows13:20
jezza hi guys, i need a hand geting an onboard wireless broadband (aka SIM with 3G) working  - On Tosh M70013:20
notwisthaf1z you can boot from an ubuntu live cd and reinstall grub. google for a guide13:21
AdamRamadhani cant apply my network config when i change my ipv4 to manual .can someone help me . ?13:21
haf1zhow to reinstall grub?13:21
AdamRamadhanauto etho013:21
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: is it going to be static forever?13:21
notwistsomething like that, yeah13:21
Halitech!grub | haf1z13:21
ubottuhaf1z: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:21
Dr_WillisAdamRamadhan:  ive heard of others with issues when not using DHCP.  but ive never  messed it.13:21
jcmariniActionParsnip1 where do ya gett them13:21
notwisthaf1z: http://www.google.com/search?hl=sv&q=install+grub+live+cd+ubuntu13:21
ActionParsnip1jcmarini: i make em. if its something i need i'll script it13:22
Bo^Dickdid the update-grub command and still see the old kernels that are supposed to have been removed13:22
AdamRamadhanyes it is13:22
AdamRamadhanit will be static13:22
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: if you run: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces13:22
notwisthaf1z this one is about your problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:22
jcmariniActionParsnip1  WOW13:22
HalitechAdamRamadhan, it won't remove the old entries, just adds the new ones13:22
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/13:22
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ActionParsnip1jcmarini: its not hard, if you use cli then you can script13:23
haf1zok notwist13:23
haf1zthx for ur help13:23
notwistnp :)13:23
mr_boosome other guy said his screen went white too13:23
mr_boomy computer restarts after that13:23
Halitechmr_boo,  it won't remove the old entries, just adds the new ones13:23
ActionParsnip1jcmarini: i made one called fullupgrade which is cron'd to run at 0500 every day and it siply contains: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get clean13:23
jcmariniActionParsnip1 wots that13:23
mr_booHalitech: can't see any new entries13:24
jcmariniwots clean do13:24
mr_booi ran the upgrade manager and it installed 8.1013:24
ActionParsnip1jcmarini: cleans the old .deb files in /var/cache/apt13:24
mr_boobut now i can't boot13:24
Halitechmr_boo, can you boot with any of the old kernels?13:25
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: if you use the interfaces file then you can disable network manager from boot and your system will boot faters13:25
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: you will need to manually populate /etc/resolv.conf with dns servers (one of which will be your routers internal ip)13:26
AdamRamadhanActionParsnip1 , how can we add DNS to it ?13:26
mr_booHalitech: nope13:26
error404notfoundftab, yes?13:26
notwistanyone has any ideas on how to create a ~120 Mb live ubuntu boot from USB?13:26
ftabkaisa hai jigar13:26
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: if you look at the name servers of a stable system thats on dhcp, you can copy the name servers13:26
mr_booHalitech: no new kernels in the grub menu and i can't boot the old ones13:26
error404notfoundftab, !ot13:26
ftaberror4040notfound, apna nick chota karlay13:26
Dr_Willisnotwist:   thers some mini-ubuntu variants out.. but the smallest i think ive seen with X and gui is 200mb.13:27
Halitechmr_boo, not even the recovery modes?13:27
notwistDr_Willis any way to trim it?`13:27
mr_booHalitech: nope13:27
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: or you can use public dns: http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.shtml.13:27
error404notfoundftab, this is a public channel, so english is usually the preferred language.13:27
Dr_Willisnotwist:  no idea.  200mb is rather tight for  ubuntu.13:27
ActionParsnip1notwist: you need at least 1Gb imho13:28
ftaberror404found, i see, thanks for informing, or i would have never knew that.13:28
mnXOk im back, ive got a problem with my drivers, i have a broadcom bcm4312 chipset on my card, the thing is i downloaded b43-fwcutter from syn. But i cant choose that driver, any ideas ? The thing is: i want my card into monitor mode?13:28
ActionParsnip1notwist: puppy will fit nicely13:28
Halitechmr_boo, not looking good ...13:28
jcmariniActionParsni oh! that's where it,s stored... help us out please. how do you transpose nicknames without high-light...paste13:28
ActionParsnip1!broadcom > mnX13:28
notwistActionParsnip1 i just want to use my shitty 120 Mb USB for something good. a backup linux boot seems like a good idea13:28
ubottumnX, please see my private message13:28
mnXor if someone have another idea how to get my card into montior mode that would rox13:28
mnXk ubottu13:28
mnXif ur a bot :D13:28
notwistconsidering all the mini linux variants out there it should be possible right13:28
mr_booif i install the 9.04 is it a good idea to choose the 64-bit version?13:29
notwistalso im somewhat of a noob so a gui would be nice13:29
ActionParsnip1notwist: not on 120mb you wont13:29
mnXoh thanks ActionParsnip113:29
mr_boowill applications be compatible?13:29
Dr_Willisnotwist:  theres seferal mini linux's that can fit.. but no miniubuntu with gui that i know of.13:29
Dr_Willisnotwist:  'tcl' tiny core linux = 10mb. :)13:29
notwistDr_Willis any one with a gui then? :D13:29
ActionParsnip1jcmarini: i dont understand your last text13:29
mr_boohow many of you guys are running 64 bit ubuntu?13:29
Halitechmr_boo, if you have a 64bit cpu then it would be good to go with the 64bit version, as far as programs, most of the apps have a 32bit version and a 64bit version13:29
notwisti cant understand why you would run 64 bit ubuntu, i have a 64 bit processor but i haven't noticed any speed difference and you get compability problems13:30
Dr_Willisnotwist:  given that ive seen 2gb flash drives for $5 on sale..   that 120mb is barely worth keeping as a keychain. :)13:30
icerootcant gparted handle floppydisk? or is my floppy-drive broken? gparted shows nothing with a floppy13:30
jribnotwist: there aren't really any compatibility problems anymore13:30
notwistDr_Willis well it's cool because it says swedish army on it ;)13:30
ActionParsnip1notwist: http://featherlinux.berlios.de/13:30
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mr_booHalitech: what would happen if i found an intresting app that only is 32 bit then?13:30
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AdamRamadhanActionParsnip1 , how can we add DNS at resolv.config ?13:30
ActionParsnip1notwist: < 128mb13:30
jcmarinion xchat how to shortcut high-light paste knockname for reply i am learning like all of us13:30
AdamRamadhanjust add it ?13:30
Dr_Willisnotwist:  i got a cute panda bear and froggy flas drives.. :) on a shelf of 'collectables' :)13:30
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf13:30
revilodrawdoes anyone else running jaunty find themselves *constantly* having to refresh their wireless connection? mine just seems to freeze all the time, halfway through loading web pages etc..13:31
Halitechmr_boo, there is ia32lib you can install that *should* alow it to run13:31
vigo!tab | jcmarini13:31
ubottujcmarini: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:31
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: you then add lines like this:    nameserver
giampieroHello I've already installed Ubuntu on my PC and I would now like to resize the partition. Can anybody help please?13:31
Dr_Willismr_boo:  i have rarely found any issues with 64bit ubuntu and 32bit aoos.. i can think of like 2 that i have problems with.13:31
mr_booHalitech: so since i've got 4gb ram and a 64 bit processor, choosing the 64 bit ubuntu is a terribly good idea?13:31
ActionParsnip1giampiero: backup your data and boot to live cd, you can resize there13:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resize13:32
Dr_Willismr_boo:  if you cando 64bit - i say go 64bit.13:32
Halitechmr_boo, yes, very good idea13:32
mr_boomany many thanks guys13:32
ActionParsnip1mr_boo: yes due to the 4Gb ram13:32
mr_boomy only option is to make a new 9.04 live cd and install fresh :(13:32
giampieroActionParsnip1: does that mean that I have to re-install Ubuntu?13:32
mr_boothanks guys13:33
jcmarinixchat doesn't seem to work where' the preferences or options on xchat13:33
ActionParsnip1giampiero: no, you can resize happily. a backup is wize though as your data is at risk13:33
AdamRamadhanActionParsnip1 , after saveing then what ?13:33
ActionParsnip1AdamRamadhan: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:34
ActionParsnip1giampiero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10525513:34
dsdeiz_how to make sound mono?13:34
giampieroActionParsnip1: ok, but if I insert the alternate CD and restart the PC it proposes me to re-install (I'm actually using Xubuntu)13:34
mr_boogiampiero: i think the partition manager has some intresting features you might find intresting13:34
giampieromr_boo:how fo I get to the partititon manager?13:35
Halitechgiampiero, use the live cd (if you can run it) and then use partition editor from there13:36
richardcavelldoes anyone know how to flag a package as being used so that apt-get autoremove doesn't clobber it?13:36
dsdeiz_how to make sound mono?13:36
vigodsdeiz_: System>Preferences>Sound...have you tried that?13:37
Boohbahdsdeiz_: open up your mixer and mute either the left or the right channel13:37
dsdeiz_vigo: i don't use gnome currently13:38
dsdeiz_Boohbah: can i use the alsamixer for that one?13:39
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mnXey boiz13:39
mnXi tried doing13:40
revilodrawHello. Does anyone else find their wireless connection a lot less stable on jaunty than other distros? mine requires refreshing all the time!13:40
mnXsudo ifdown eth113:40
mnXor eth013:40
mnXi mean13:40
icerootrevilodraw: no13:40
mnXbut i got13:40
mrwesrevilodraw, nope13:40
AdamRamadhanActionParsnip1 , it still not connect13:40
AdamRamadhanActionParsnip1 , what the hell that i miss13:40
mnXifdown:interface eth0 not configured13:40
mrwesrevilodraw, maybe trying a different channel might help13:40
mnXwhat to do13:40
mrwesrevilodraw, wifi channel that is :)13:41
Boohbahdsdeiz_: yes, using the keys 'qwe' 'asd' 'zxc' you can adjust left/right channels independently13:41
revilodrawiceroot, mrwes; thank you. ok good idea... do i need to change anything on the router?13:41
mrwesrevilodraw, yes, that's normally done on the router, and then a restart on Ubuntu to pick it up13:42
dsdeiz_Boohbah: thaks, worked great13:42
S_AHi! I want to disable USB write for pen drive. the default behavior is, it gets automatically mounted. Now how to identify it as a storage device and disable write access ?13:42
mnXnew error13:42
mnXi did13:42
mnXsudo ifconfig eth0 down13:42
mnXand it worked13:43
mnXthen i tried13:43
mnXsudo iwconfig eth0 mode monitor13:43
mnXand i get error message13:43
FloodBot2mnX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
mnXSorry FloodBot2 :C13:43
Dr_WillisHmm.. the 'widelands' game is really wide..  its trying to take up both my monitors.. :)   Gotta find a fix for that.13:43
AdamRamadhanomg what this make me sick when i change my auto etho0 method to manual it cant be applyed :(13:43
mrwesS_A, change the permissions to the mount point of the pen drive13:43
NoMSS_A, you should be able to chmod 444 to allow only read access13:44
mnXOk, so i got error: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :13:44
mnX          SET failed on device eth0 ; invalid argument.13:44
BoohbahmnX: sudo13:45
mnXBoohbah: I used sudo :/ look above: Sudo iwconfig eth0 mode monitor13:45
* torrentow ma alse i jest zadowolony13:45
odinsbaneSo I have a directory it is own by a user and in that users group.  I"ve done chmod 777 and still I get a permission denied from samba.13:46
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  samba can have its own 'security' features/limits as well.13:47
mnXlwtf is somone spam joining Ubuntu ?13:47
danbhfiveCan anyone suggest an IDE that does a good job of looking up references to functions?  both in the code and in relevant documentation?13:47
Nalkemi've ubuntu with gnome, kde3 and kde4. i'm using gnome, and use kile and kontact from kde3. how i can setup external programms like kpdf etc? .... kcontrol from kde3 don't show anything13:47
NoMSodinsbane:  permission denied through ubuntu or is it denied when you try to connect through windows?13:47
AdamRamadhanomg what this make me sick when i change my auto etho0 .  method to manual from DHCP it cant be applyed :(13:47
mnXwhat are u trying to do ?13:48
Halitech!hello | Nalkem13:48
ubottuNalkem: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:48
odinsbaneNoms windows does not give me permission denied13:48
AdamRamadhanim tring to put my network ip4 config13:49
AdamRamadhanbut somehow it cant be applyed13:49
AdamRamadhanafter i change the method at eth0 auto13:49
odinsbaneNoMS: but the samba logs give me '/home/share' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [share] E13:49
odinsbanerror was Permission denied13:49
mnXseems we have the same problem13:49
divXjunkyhello ppl. quick question (i hope)--> i would like to use mpd-music player daemon and pulse audio. do i need the package libao-pulse?? libao2 and pulse audio packages are installed and also pa-prefs is installed and configured to make the pulseaudio accessable for eveyone.. How ever... when i configure mpd to use pulse, it cant open the sound device.13:50
AdamRamadhanyeah haha13:50
AdamRamadhani think im going say goodbye to ubuntu13:50
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel, and modulation?13:50
mnXOk, so i got error: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :13:51
mnX          SET failed on device eth0 ; invalid argument.13:51
mnXWhen i try to13:51
mnXSudo iwconfig eth0 mode monitor13:51
FloodBot2mnX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
mnXSorry Floody13:51
S_Amrwes: NoMS: is there some file where I can make it a regular behavior (Read or write permission for devices which will be automatically mounted in future) ?13:52
gst can anybody pls tell me what is exactly mounting and unmounting devices?13:53
mrwesS_A, I'm not sure on that, I believe HAL now takes care of mounting USB pen drives -- I could be wrong though13:53
mrwesS_A, normally that's something you accomplish in the /etc/fstab -- not sure on USB pen drives though13:53
NoMSS_A: There is, but I'm not sure what file...  I have seen it used before to automount everything with read only permissions.  may have been a custom script though13:53
jiohdigst... system control over devices13:53
sunamieb1bI cant get firefox, pidgin, etc. to connect to the interweb using HSOconnect (AT&T USB mobile broadband). hsoc is connected to at&t with no problem. Any thoughts?13:54
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel, and modulation?13:54
KapliHow do I execute a file with an .sh extension?13:55
S_ANoMS: Can you tey to find out that file. I am also trying but till now no success13:55
mrwesS_A, this thread might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29461113:55
mrweskapil, ./file.sh13:55
divXjunkyKapli -->   ./file.sh13:55
mrweskapil, OR sh file.sh13:55
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel, and modulation?13:56
Kaplii just get that it cant open13:56
FloodBot2mnX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:56
mnXFinaly <313:56
mnXstfu bot nub13:56
mrweskapil, maybe sudo ./file.sh13:56
divXjunkyKapli: check the permissions of the file13:56
Kaplior wait it says theres no such file or directory13:57
Kaplihow do i nagivate to my desktop ?13:57
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel, and modulation? Some one help me!13:57
HalitechKapli, cd Desktop13:57
mnXhe cant mute me13:57
divXjunkyKapli: cd ~/Desktop13:57
NoMSAlvinware:  it has to be changed on your router13:58
Kapliit says no such file or directory O.o13:58
zhaf1hello guys, i tried to recover my ubuntu boot. mount: you must specify the filesystem type13:58
jcmarinimnX there's always better than best but congratulations13:58
AlvinwareNoMS, I know that, but in the computer must change too.13:58
Kaplibash: cd: /home/kim/desktop: No such file or directory13:59
jiohdizhaf1 ext3?13:59
ActionParsnipKapli: if you run: ls  (pronounced ell-ess) do you see the file, if not you need to change directory13:59
divXjunkyzhaf1: filesystem is ext313:59
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HalitechKapli, are you in your home folder right now?13:59
NoMSIt should auto find your channel13:59
ActionParsnipKapli: Desktop not desktop13:59
NoMSnot sure about modulation13:59
divXjunkyKapli: cd ~/Desktop13:59
zhaf1jiohdi: what do you mean with ext3?13:59
ActionParsnipKapli: Linux is ETREMELY case sensitive13:59
brahmanaHi all,13:59
zhaf1divXjunky: what you mean with ext3? still new with ubuntu13:59
Kapliah i see :D13:59
jiohdizhaf1  windows uses FAT32 or FAT16 or NTFS but ubuntu standardly uses EXT314:00
divXjunkyin windows you have NTFS file sys14:00
indusKapli: capital D14:00
divXjunkyin linux est314:00
brahmanaCan anyone here please tell me whether the system() function call available in Linux is a synchronous call or an asynchronous one?14:00
NoMSzhaf1: ext3 is the filesystem type.  But depends on how you set up your install...14:00
zhaf1do you want me to paste it here14:00
brahmanaI know it is not directly related to Ubuntu, but it is somewhat close.14:00
mesuthello everyone14:00
divXjunkyzhaf1: check this   http://www.answers.com/topic/ext3-114:01
zhaf1dev/sda1  hpfs/ntfs14:01
zhaf1dev/sda2  extended14:01
brahmanaFrom the man pages it appears that it is a synchronous one as the man page says that the function returns the return value of the command passed to it.14:01
brahmanaBut I am seeing a sort of asynchronous behavior. !!14:01
zhaf1i just want to recover my boot so i can see dualboot options14:01
indusbrahmana: programming talk14:01
divXjunkyzhaf1: seems to me you have ntfs filesystem partitions..14:01
brahmanaAny info regarding the system() function call execution will be useful14:01
NoMSzhaf1:  those are partition names.  ext3, ext4, ntfs are filesystem types14:02
induszhaf1: hello i will help with restoring grub14:02
induszhaf1: follow me :D14:02
divXjunkytake it away indus!!14:02
induszhaf1: if iam correct,right now you dont see the grub boot menu?14:02
* divXjunky goes fo a smoke, bbl14:02
Alvinwareindus, help me, how to change wifi channel, and modulation?14:02
brahmanaindus: Yes programming talk indeed. If this is not the right place, can you suggest me one?14:02
indusbrahmana: #programming14:02
zhaf1indus: yes, it automaticly load to vista14:02
=== greyz` is now known as greyz|nn
indusbrahmana: but you might get some help here too14:03
divXjunkyAlvinware: change them things in your router.. then change it on your pc/laptop14:03
NoMSbrahamana:  c or c++ ?14:03
induszhaf1: aah damn ,, its vista, not sure if my method works with that14:03
zhaf1indus: yesterday i had NTLDR is missing, then i have to repair my vista. after im done. i cant see my dualboot anymore14:03
brahmanaNoMS: C14:03
zhaf1indus: mayb i can try14:03
AlvinwaredivXjunky, router done, pc?14:03
induszhaf1: aah its easy get a live cd nearby? boot with it14:03
NoMSthere is a #c channel I think :)14:03
indusNoMS: yes there is14:04
zhaf1indus: now im running live cd14:04
ActionParsnipzhaf1: you need to boot to live cd and reinstall grub14:04
brahmanaNoMS: yes, there is but this is not related to C programming, but a system level implementation.14:04
induszhaf1: OPEN terminal and type sudo grub14:04
zhaf1ActionParsnip: how to reinstall grub?14:04
NoMSmy bad brhmana :)   I'll be quiet now :)14:04
brahmanaSo probably #linux is the right place, but it is generally very crowded and extremely busy14:04
Moofiushow to use dpkg-reconfigure? I can't figure out how to select something14:04
brahmanaNoMS: np. :)14:04
zhaf1indus: typed sudo grub. then?14:05
induszhaf1: once you enter the grub menu,you type find /boot/grub/stage114:05
danbhfiveCan anyone suggest an IDE that does a good job of looking up references to functions?  both in the code and in relevant documentation?14:05
zhaf1its stop here. grub>14:05
ActionParsnip!grub | zhaf114:05
ubottuzhaf1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:05
Ethanhi, how do I find the full path of a command? I am using 'java' but I am not sure which one....14:05
Ethanlocate is quiet verbose14:05
brahmanaEthan: try which java14:05
ActionParsnipEthan: which java14:05
Ethank thanks14:05
zhaf1indus: here's the output (hd0,4) and (hd0,6)14:05
ActionParsnipEthan: works with scripts too14:05
induszhaf1: excellent, you have 2 entries14:06
ActionParsnipEthan: so you can use (for a pointless example): cp `which java` ~/14:06
induszhaf1: try anyone now type root (hd0,4)14:06
zhaf1ActionParsnip: i used to follow instruction from the website u had given. cant work!14:06
induszhaf1: mind the space14:06
ActionParsnipEthan: and it will copy whatever is ran when you run java to your home dir, the stuff in the `s will e ran first14:06
zhaf1indus:  ok, then?14:06
MadGirli heard then was says that you don't have "models.py" :)14:06
induszhaf1: lastly setup(hd0)14:07
zhaf1indus:  is it setup(hd0)?14:07
AlvinwareHow to change wifi channel, and modulation?14:07
induszhaf1: reboot and voila, grub returns .... ( This advice comes without any warranty and is not governed by us criminal law ) :)14:07
induszhaf1: yea spave14:07
induszhaf1: space14:07
doug_hey.. i have an avi file that i want to get a sound clip from.  Is there an easy way of doing this.  I was thinking something like place the avi file in a simple video editor such as windows movie maker and just deleting everything but the sound bit I wanted.  Is there an alternative to Movie maker for ubuntu or is there an eaiser way of doing this?14:07
zhaf1final line is boot/grub/menu.lst" ....succeed14:08
mrwesdoug_, I believe you can grap the audio to mp3 with WinFF14:08
zhaf1is there anymore command to put?14:08
induszhaf1: reboot14:08
jcmarinipretty cool indus14:08
induszhaf1: nope14:08
jiohdidoug, kdenlive14:08
zhaf1hope it'll works14:09
zhaf1thx indus14:09
indusyeah but wait till you install karmic koala and grub 2, its complicated as hell and these instructions are useless14:09
mrwesdoug_, AVIdemux works too14:09
jiohdidoug, and kino were given to me yesterday, dont know if they can do what you want14:09
TwixOh NOEZ :o14:09
icerootis it possible to use 2HDDS (each 320gb), one with windows (40GB), RAID 1 with Ubuntu (280GB), 40GB FAT32 Share-Folder. Will this software-raid (only ubuntu) run with dual-boot?14:09
indusi recently lost my grub in karmic and i was like a blind puppy waiting for the owners to take it for a walk14:09
doug_thanks guys.. ill check allof them out14:09
mrwesdoug_, with Avidemux, you can mark the spot you want with the A and B markers, and then save the audio clip to mp314:10
Rommehelp, /usr/bin/env hangs when i order it to add some environment variables!14:11
shaqieljoin #ubuntu-za14:11
* indus waits with half-baited breath for zhafi to come back :) 14:11
|pisecx|Hi. How can I look for package description in console?14:11
|pisecx|Actually I need to know which packages should I install to get music, videos and everything else work14:12
erUSUL|pisecx|: aptitude show packagename14:12
|pisecx|erUSUL: thnkx14:12
NoMSwell even if it doesn't work... it sounded good anyway indus :)14:12
erUSUL|pisecx|: install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:12
Halitech!multimedia | |pisecx|14:12
ubottu|pisecx|: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:12
indusNoMS: yeah hehe14:12
mrwes|pisecx|, ubuntu-restricted-extras14:12
indusNoMS: yeah its very easy actually just 3 steps14:12
indusbut i dont know with vista,people have had issues14:13
NoMSindus:  I screwed mine all up about a year ago, but can't remember what I did to fix it14:13
iceroot|pisecx|: also use apt-cache search music     this will list all packages with music in description14:13
haf1zindus: hey indus. im back! i should running on ubuntu 9.04, but now im load into 8.0414:13
haf1zindus: my 9.04 not shown in the boot lists14:13
indushaf1z: lol :)14:14
indushaf1z: but u have boot menu?14:14
Dr_Willis|pisecx|:   theres proberly some packages in the medibuntu repositorys you want also - for all video type codecs and other extras14:14
KapliHow can I close a program that isn't working?14:14
haf1zindus: yeah.thx god.u safe my ass.haha14:14
HalitechKapli, killall {programname} in the terminal14:14
haf1zindus: can u help me so i can get back my 9.04?14:14
Dr_WillisKapli:  alt-f2 'xkill' then click the skull on the offending apps window.. and ONLY that apps window. :)14:14
odinsbaneOkay what is this permission, and how can I set it?  drwxrwxrwt14:14
Dr_WillisKapli:  or right click to cancle. :)14:15
indushaf1z: so u will need to manually add the 9.04 to the grub menu.lst in hd0,414:15
icerootodinsbane: chmod 777   but i dont think you need 77714:15
NoMSodinsbane:  chmod 77714:15
Dr_Willis 777 is overkill :)14:15
indushaf1z: or try this , sudo update-grub14:15
odinsbaneiceroot: NoMS 777 is drwxrwxrwx14:15
jcmariniis that a pipe on ubotu14:15
icerootjcmarini: what?14:15
icerootodinsbane: what?14:15
Dr_Willisi dont recall everseeing a 't' at the end of permissions on a file...14:15
BoohbahDr_Willis: that's the sticky bit14:16
NoMSodinsbane:  the t at the end is what is called the sticky bit...  I think.  You really don't need that.14:16
haf1zindus: package conf menu comes out?14:16
indushaf1z: did update grub return anything?14:16
Dr_WillisBoohbah:  ewww.. all sticky and everything!14:16
odinsbaneI can setup my samba server to point at /tmp, but if I point it at /home/share it gives me permission denied.  The only difference I see is the 't'14:16
indushaf1z: package what menu??!!14:16
Dr_WillisBoohbah:  is that even used by anything?  :) last i recall checking that out.  i cant recall anything actually using it.14:16
NoMSstickybit was used a long time ago in unix to keep files loaded in memory.  just a regular x in it's place is just fine14:16
haf1zindus: there's an option of what would you like to do about menu.lst14:16
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  trying to make a 'public' share?14:16
haf1zindus: there;s 7 option14:17
Boohbahodinsbane: chmod 7771 file14:17
erUSULNoMS: sticky bit is for setuid programs14:17
jcmariniis rootkithunter necessary on Jaunty?14:17
indushaf1z: do you have any idea about menu.lst or what it does?14:17
Kaplixkill didnt work, and how to use killall if the program name has spaces in it?14:17
odinsbaneDr_Willis: I guess so14:17
haf1zindus:  A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available, but the version   │      │ installed currently has been locally modified.14:17
indushaf1z: ok and?14:17
HalitechKapli, put the program name in " "14:17
MadGirli think and is it safe to unmask it14:17
haf1zindus: should i select install the package maintainer;s version?14:18
indushaf1z: hmm ok14:18
indushaf1z: lets try14:18
haf1zor just keep the local version currently installed14:18
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  thers some smb.conf settings to allow guest acc4ess, and  perhaps an example of a public share. or check teh samba docs in the 'samba-doc' package - it has books with examples of settng up public shares.14:18
jcmarinianyone using RootKitHunter (RKH)14:18
indushaf1z:hmm we installed local so it might mess grubagain14:18
indushaf1z: ok do one thing, use maintainer;s version14:19
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  if things are set up right your user can also make their own 'public' share that everyone can read/write to.14:19
indushaf1z: reboot and see if u get grub14:19
indushaf1z: probably wont but no problem14:19
Boohbahodinsbane: sorry, chmod 777 dir; chmod +t dir14:19
haf1zi just select the 2nd 1. it's keep the local version14:19
odinsbaneBoohbah: I got it with 177714:19
indushaf1z: wait14:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about damn14:19
u0324so does the sticky bit actually do anything in ubuntu?14:20
indus!cookie | indus14:20
ubottuindus, please see my private message14:20
indusi need to prepare for the massive overhaul that grub 2 is14:20
erUSULu0324: is used for mark setuid in files14:22
erUSULu0324: in directories setting the sticky bits makes files created inside a directory inherit the directory's permissions14:22
erUSULu0324: and owner/group14:22
haf1zindus: still no option for 9.0414:22
grawityerUSUL: Really?14:23
grawityerUSUL: From what I know, it's _setgid_ that makes files inherit the directories group14:23
odinsbaneIt must have to do with a directory structure 'cause /share works, while /home/share doesn't14:23
erUSULgrawity: i stand corrected.14:23
haf1zindus: u der14:24
grawityerUSUL: Some Unix systems have setuid for the same - but Linux ignores setuid on directories.14:24
grawityerUSUL: The only actual effect of stickybit is that even if you have write rights to the sticky directory, you still cannot remove files owned by others.14:24
indushaf1z: yeah14:24
grawityerUSUL: /tmp, for example, is sticky and world-writable.14:25
jcmarinihow do i ask Ubottu a question?14:25
indushaf1z: no problem, u need to edit menu.lst and add entry for it14:25
haf1zindus: stil d same. there's not option for 9.04. its only 8.04 and vista14:25
HappiCamperlinux and IM newbie needs help trying to print to network printer on windows. Any experts?14:25
erUSULjcmarini: /msg ubotuu factoid14:25
erUSULjcmarini: /msg ubottu factoid14:25
haf1zindus: hope u guide me14:25
jcmariniis that in term?14:25
indushaf1z: i want the output of gksu /boot/grub/menu.lst14:25
CluberIs there any way I can boot an ISO image of windows vista so that I can install it, without burning the ISO to a disk?14:26
erUSULjcmarini: in the irc client you are using14:26
HalitechHappiCamper, is the printer on windows or the computer you are trying to print from on windows or both?14:26
alankila_Cluber: kvm -cdrom foo.iso?14:26
oguncakhi friends. is there any way to prevent those dos-like screen messages on startup and shutdown in ubuntu?14:26
mrwesCluber, via Virtual Box you mean?14:26
jcmarinierUSU thankyou14:26
indus!paste | haf1z14:26
ubottuhaf1z: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:26
Clubermrwes: Well i just need to install windows as my main operating system14:26
HappiCamperprinter on windows machine14:26
indusoguncak: yes there is14:26
mrwesCluber, oh14:26
HalitechHappiCamper, what kind of printer?14:27
CluberI have the ISO file, but no disk to burn it onto14:27
HappiCamperhp deskjet14:27
obhk__when I press F11, I get full screen mode.  Is there a way to do this through a command on the terminal so I can include it in a script?14:27
HalitechHappiCamper, is it shared out?14:27
indushaf1z: i have to go soon14:27
indushaf1z: so hurry14:27
Dr_Willisoguncak:  keep them.. its good to know if somthing is going wrong and its causing the system to take a long time to boot up. (such as a filesystem check)14:27
haf1zindus: nothing happen14:27
jcmarini /msg ubotuu factoid rootkit hunter14:27
HappiCamperlet me check...14:27
indushaf1z: what do u mean nothing happen14:27
indushaf1z: gksu /boot/grub/menu.lst14:27
Dr_WillisCluber:   theres ways to make a windows boot-flash drive.. but thats not ubuntu support. :) try #windows14:28
jcmarinigot it wrong?14:28
oguncakoh. thanks dr_willis!! i just wanted to have clear look :D14:28
haf1zi type tat, nothing come out.14:28
oguncakthats ok14:28
CluberDr_Willis: What is that?14:28
indushaf1z: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:28
Dr_Willisoguncak:   its nice to have things hidden.. but nicer to know whats going on.14:28
CluberDr_Willis: I don't have a big enough usb stick either14:28
indusi tried it and nothing happened for me too14:28
Dr_WillisCluber:   then you are out of luck i guess...14:28
indushaf1z: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:28
HappiCamperNo. just reset. gonna test...14:28
mrwesDr_Willis, heh14:28
shaqiely st4rg4t314:28
indusnow paste outputof that thing14:29
Azoffziroday: still arround?14:29
haf1zindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251928/14:29
jcmarinierUSUL does that include the forwrd slash?14:29
HappiCampernothing seems to be printing. how do i check the print queue14:30
gbs-weswhere is the karmic testing channel?14:30
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mrwesDr_Willis, I know HP had a utility for making a bootable flash drive too14:30
grawitygbs-wes: #ubuntu+114:30
indushaf1z: so u see those lines in the end? you will need to exactly write your 9.04 paths and names there14:30
indushaf1z: can u see your 9.04 partition?14:30
haf1zindus: sory but i dont have any idea about that14:31
indushaf1z:hmm then its not easy14:31
indushaf1z: you see that menu.lst is about kernel names and where it resides, etc14:32
mrwesHappiCamper, you can check via the web: http://localhost:631  via CUPS14:32
indushaf1z: what partitions do u see now in places14:32
haf1zits only state 63Gb media14:33
odinsbaneSo 3 hours this morning to figure out to a) turn off the firewall b) samba gives special permissions to /home directories.14:33
haf1z10gb media14:33
HappiCamperI think my system is using another driver...foo...?14:33
mickster04any need help?14:33
indushaf1z: navigate to it and see if it has a boot directory14:33
grawityHappiCamper: Foomatic?14:33
ipsemetI'm trying to get some scripts to run the the crontab but they are not running correctly my crontab is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/251930/14:33
haf1zindus: yes. it has14:34
gstanyone here work on gstreamer?14:34
grandemahatmahallo I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and I'd need python-central 0.6.11... how can I install it?14:34
ipsemetcorrection they are not running at all14:34
indushaf1z: under file system14:34
indushaf1z: go there and tell me what u see14:34
mrwesipsemet, why are you putting them in the system wide cron -- just asking14:34
haf1zindus: filesystem also have one boot dir14:34
HalitechHappiCamper, open http://localhost:63114:35
indushaf1z: thats the current 8.04 filesystem14:35
mrwesipsemet, use the user crontab -e or root sudo crontab -e14:35
gbs-wesgrandemahatma: join #ubuntu+114:35
HappiCamperit is open14:35
indushaf1z: we are looking for the jaunty filesystem which is mounted but not seen in grub14:35
mrwesHalitech, I tried to tell him that :)14:35
haf1zit suppose to be in 10gb media14:35
indushaf1z: ok then go there14:35
indushaf1z: is your 9.04 partition 10 gb?14:35
ipsemetmrwes: i need them to run as root it just seemed like the place to put them14:35
Halitechmrwes, missed your post, sorry14:35
mrwesipsemet, Oh..I normally put those in sudo crontab -e14:36
indushaf1z: then enter the filesystem dir in that media14:36
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  the users /home  directories canbe set up to be a special share. Yes. :)  i always set up the users 'home' shares.14:36
haf1zindus: i think so. coz i shrink the C: so i can install my 9.04 beside vista14:36
Kapliwhen i keep going back in the terminal my computer makes a small beep, is this normal?14:36
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haf1zindus:  im inside 10gb media but theres no filesystem dir inside14:36
SirStanIs tehre a php 5.3 package for ubuntu 8.04lts?14:36
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  the users can also set up their own shares in their own home area.14:36
indushaf1z: search or tell me what u see in there14:36
ipsemeti'll try that but i still don't see why they aren't running on the system crontab it works in fedora14:36
haf1z1 moment14:37
haf1zlet me upload d pics of my computer14:37
odinsbaneDr_Willis: we are going to use a server to share a hardrive for backing up our windows computers14:37
oguncakfriends, once when i was watching an .avi movie (divx) on totem-player, the screen started to freeze and come back and go green and black. when i restart the program, after 10 minutes or less, the same problem occured. should i change my player or is it sth with my driver?14:37
haf1zindus: check this out http://imagebin.org/5930014:37
Dr_Willisodinsbane:   Thats should be doable rather easially. I dont have a smb.conf with a public share on this pc.. or id paste my example.14:38
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  i know the 'using samba' book in the samba-doc pckage has such an example.14:38
LagMonsteanyone know if booting off a RAID10 softraid requires any special setup? i can't get GRUB to install properly :(14:38
indushaf1z: i said you should open 10 gb media14:38
odinsbaneDr_Willis: I think it is setup, when my boss gets in we'll finish the accounts14:38
haf1zindus: while this is inside the 10GB MEDIA http://imagebin.org/5930114:38
HappiCamperok, i see the job and its been released for printing...but there isnt any action on the printer. any ideas?14:39
Dr_Willisodinsbane:   i also always give every linxu user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' out of old habbit also.14:39
NoMSodinsbane: you might lookin into samba swat to set up a config file.  It makes things much easier14:39
HalitechHappiCamper, what kind of printer? and what driver did you install?14:39
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  i also have the habbit of setting up identical user names on the linux/wondows machines. :)14:39
haf1zindus: its inside 10gb media. and i found the menu.lst n it contains the 9.0414:39
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indushaf1z: great, now you need to add the exact names to menu.lst from your current booted OS.14:40
haf1zindus: how am i gonna to do that?14:41
Dr_Willisodinsbane:  somthing to watch out for with samba shares is  if you access them from the linux side and windows side.. that Linux IS case Senesetive.. that can sometimes cause issues  for example you had a Directory named "Downloads' vs 'downloads'  in the same share.14:41
haf1zindus: is it possible for me to remove the 8.04 since i have 9.04 installed14:41
indushaf1z: no dont mess with that14:41
HappiCamperHP DeskJet 870C Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.214:41
DeViL[S]83hi all14:42
haf1zindus: ok indus. so, whats next?14:42
Solarbabythe lack of support for bluetooth in ubuntu 9.04 has made me scream so loud and long that I can't stop vomiting blood14:42
indushaf1z: do u have your current menu.lst open?14:42
oshua86hello guys, I am having problems adding the repo key for the new KDE, can someone help me out plz14:42
indushaf1z: the one we opened with that command14:43
haf1zindus: no i dont14:43
haf1zindus: i close it already14:43
haf1zindus: shall i open it back?14:43
Dr_WillisSolarbaby:  i foiught bluetooth in wiondows so much it made me scream and holler .. :)14:43
SolarbabyDr_Willis: that must have been years ago14:43
grandemahatmaI have Ubuntu 8.10 and I'd need python-central 0.6.11... how can I install it?14:43
indushaf1z:ya give me 2 min14:43
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odinsbaneDr_Willis: now that I got it working I can start reducing permissions.14:44
haf1zindus: ok.take ur time14:44
=== LagMonste is now known as LagMonster
Dr_WillisSolarbaby:  actually it was last week.14:44
Solarbabyis there any radical changes coming in the bluetooth department?14:44
HalitechHappiCamper, where does CUPS say it is located?14:45
SolarbabyDr_Willis: unlike your experience.. I can do everything I need to do with bluetooth in windows, but in Ubuntu 9.04 its partially working at best14:45
Dr_WillisSolarbaby:  i did discover i have to have the Phone 'initiate' the pairing process.. and it works.. if the pc initates the paring.. it dosent work  right.14:45
Serg_Hi All! after replacing the motherboard, alsa does not see the old sound card. What should I do?14:46
HalitechHappiCamper, if you go to http://localhost:631/printers/ the device uri is saying LAMP1?14:46
MadGirli guess anyone is using xorg-server with USE=minimal?14:46
MadGirlrumour has it hello is this right syntax? routes_eth0=("-net netmask default via") ?14:46
Serg_soundcart - C-Media 837814:46
Dr_WillisSolarbaby:  part of my issue in windoww  was the  bluetooth adaptors special software vs the wndows bluetooth stack..      but its done and i took a hammer to the problematic bluetooth adaptor. :) my new one works much better under both os's's14:46
SolarbabyDr_Willis: ahhh.. yes a phone..  that is not exactly what im using it for.. I have a bluetooth headset, and I am trying to use it with softphones..  so far I've tried most of them..  the only one that sort of works is gizmo but its so dirty sounding i can't say its useful14:46
indushaf1z: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:46
haf1zindus: then14:47
indushaf1z: now go to line just before end debian automagic... list14:47
SolarbabyDr_Willis: I have the Asus EEE PC..  the built in bluetooth driver seems well supported by the drivers..14:47
HalitechHappiCamper, is the printer sahre name in windows 'Printer" ?14:48
haf1zindus: do you mean this ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST14:48
induswrite there  title  name of ubuntu version  name of exact kernel14:48
indushaf1z: ya14:48
Dr_WillisSolarbaby:  thats good to hear. :) bluetooth has always seem to be a 'overlooked' thing for too long.   I did get my Wii remote working as a mouse. :)14:48
Serg_maby sudo apt-get purge alsa-based ? anr reload alsa daemon?14:48
SolarbabyDr_Willis: I dont know how much more I can wait around for things to get working.. been a few years waiting so far.. I have things to do :)14:48
indushaf1z: let me remind you, this is advanced stuff and iam not responsible for any breakage later14:49
HappiCamperits share name is hpdeskjet14:49
indushaf1z: be patient and keep cool14:49
readyoudoes ubuntu support dual screens on a hp laptop?14:49
HalitechHappiCamper, thats why its not working then, remove that printer and add a new one with the proper info14:49
SolarbabyDr_Willis: mouse support is working pretty good actually..  and I can even use my bt headset to watch movies..  but now that I want to use it as a headset/mic thats a whole nightmare14:49
Dr_Willisreadyou:  it does on my HP laptop with the nvidia chipset.14:49
HappiCampergonna try...14:50
lyhana_8hi, how do I install the stable version of firefox-3.5 on hardy ?14:50
panfisti'm having trouble mounting a directory over samba, after i mount it, and i ls it, it keeps saying "cannot open direcotry .: no such file or directory:14:50
umbrio2Hi, please i heve the problem that advise: ALERT! /dev/mapper/"name_disk" do not exist. Dropping to a shell!!14:50
haf1zindus: should i do like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/251936/14:50
umbrio2someone has gooted the same problem?14:50
indushaf1z: aah did u get this from the 10 gb media?14:50
haf1zindus: yes, i copy it from menu.lst inside the 10gb14:51
HalitechHappiCamper, if you go to http://localhost:631/admin there should be a link that says Find New Printers, see if that will find it for you14:51
Solarbaby<-- is hacking up blue tooth picks all over the channel14:51
valemoncould anyone point me to some ubuntu repositories?14:51
mrwespanfist, what are the permissions of the mount point on your computer?14:51
indushaf1z: yeah just copy paste that 9.04 lines for title,kernel etc14:51
haf1zindus: moment pls14:51
panfistmrwes the umask is 77714:51
indushaf1z: but it might not boot but lets see14:51
indushaf1z: that line where it says 9.04 so copy those 4 lines or 5 i think14:52
ltcabralhow do i set a value for a enviroment variable?14:52
NoMSpanfist:  umask 777 sets it at no permissions14:52
indushaf1z: forget the memtest line, copy the other two, one for normal and one for recovery14:52
panfistnoms umask 777 is permission to do everything14:52
NoMSare the permissions 777 through chmod?14:52
geirhaltcabral: /etc/environment14:52
panfistnoms yeah14:52
ltcabralgeirha: isnt there a command?14:52
yabukI can  hear my mic, but can't to record it, neither amsn can do this, nor sound recorder, how to fix this?14:53
geirhaltcabral: export VAR=value  sets it temporarily14:53
giampieroHello 've got a problem. I would like to resize my HD partition. It formerly was made of 2 30GB Windows partitions. I have now installed Xubuntu and created a 5 Gb Partition, which I now want to expand. Fact is that Xubuntu partition manager does not allow me to touch one of the two 30 Gb partitions (which is actually empty). Can anyone give help?14:53
indushaf1z: also 2nd line add root (hd0,6)14:53
geirhaltcabral: And only for programs spawned by that shell14:53
readyouhey, can someone help me out? its very important14:53
ltcabralgeirha: ok i changed it14:53
jason__ im creating a backup script to rsync from one machine to another across the net, trouble is I can't backup because even though both have ssh open they block ROOT and i really want to rsync a copy of the entire machine....any thoughts14:53
haf1zindus: can u check em first http://paste.ubuntu.com/251937/14:53
ltcabralgeirha: in the file.. thanks14:54
Halitechgiampiero, if the partition is mounted you can't resize it, best to do it from the live cd14:54
Solarbabytime to start playing with other distros..  its too bad.. Ubuntu has alot of support..  bluetooth just isn't one of them14:54
petllamajason__: have you attempted starting rsync with sudo14:54
indushaf1z: ok looks fine14:54
giampieroHalitech: Could you please explain?14:54
ActionParsnipSolarbaby: there are many to choose from14:54
oshua86where can I get teh keyfile for KDE?14:54
haf1zindus: i havent put the root as u said14:55
indushaf1z: if it doesnt boot , then add after title root       hd0,614:55
ActionParsniposhua86: keyfile?14:55
macososolartry installing blueman and using that instead of gnome-bluetooth or bluez-gnome14:55
readyoucan i install ubuntu on my hp laptop that already has vista on it??14:55
SolarbabyActionParsnip: thats for sure!14:55
haf1zok ok14:55
indushaf1z: ya leave it for now, try booting into 9.0414:55
jason__petllama, how do you mean? since starting "sudo rsync -avz user@hostname:/ /backupmachine" would result in not logging in as root permissions14:55
macoreadyou: of course14:55
bigdavejokerI can't get netstat to show that my ssh service is running show it is running with PS and can ssh to localhost14:55
haf1zstay on indus14:55
induscu soon14:55
ActionParsnipSolarbaby: could even try bsd for someting different14:55
Halitechgiampiero, if the partition is in use or mounted, you can't resize it so you need to boot from the live cd so the drive isn't in use so you can resize it14:55
jason__petllama, remember root is blocked on both sides14:55
ltcabralgeirha: hm... says the variable isnt set...14:55
ActionParsnipbigdavejoker: netstat -a14:55
petllamajason__: you do not need to log into the remote machine as root to backup everything from the source14:55
SolarbabyActionParsnip: in this case..  I'll just figure out who has bluetooth down solid14:55
ActionParsnipSolarbaby: if thats the main thing you need then yes definately14:56
giampieroHalitech: the live CD is the Xubutnu install cd, right?14:56
jason__petllama, ok please explain14:56
bigdavejokerActionParnsip thats what I'm using nothing with ip addresses appear14:56
ltcabralgeirha: i added the line: CVSROOT=":ext:cvs:/cvsroot/Repository"14:56
Halitechgiampiero, if thats the one you have, yes that will work14:56
=== torrentow is now known as BlessJah
geirhaltcabral: If you changed /etc/environment, you need to log out and back in to get it set.14:56
SolarbabyActionParsnip: the computer its on has to do softphone...  and a wireless headset is key14:56
ActionParsnipbigdavejoker: it will be if you are connected to / are on the server14:56
geirhaltcabral: Or use export VAR=name until you've logged out and back in14:56
xhatmanhmm noone ever do research too see if hardware is supported in a new os these days?14:56
giampieroHalitech: I already did it, but it doesn't allow me to resize the Windows partition I would like to move to Xubuntu.14:57
ActionParsnipxhatman: i do LOTS14:57
ActionParsnipxhatman: 100% of my hardware works out of the box14:57
petllamajason__: the destination of your backup will not need root, since you can store the entire contents in a non protected dir, you only need to start rsync with sudo, and log into the SSH server as a normal user14:57
xhatmanActionParsnip: same here =)14:57
mrwesActionParsnip, +3 on that14:57
bigdavejokerActionParsnip   still doesn't show up14:57
Halitechgiampiero, you should use windows to resize the windows partition first (defrag a few times first) then use gparted to resize into the empty space14:57
haf1zindus: hey, im back. not working. error 1514:57
bigdavejokerI'm running a virtual instance would that make a difference14:58
haf1zindus: i think i should put the root14:58
indushaf1z: u mean did u get the grub menu?14:58
jason__petllama, but that user who i login as can't read some of the files that dont allow other then root into certain directories?14:58
indushaf1z: ya put it14:58
haf1zindus: i get the grub. but cant boot into 9.0414:58
giampieroHalitech: can you biefly tell me how to resize partition form Windows?14:58
haf1zindus: what is the command again?14:58
indushaf1z: ok put the root14:58
Halitechgiampiero, haven't got a clue, haven't used windows in 4 years14:58
indushaf1z: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:58
readyoudoes ubuntu support 64 bit processors?14:59
petllamajason__: im confused, you are just backing up the entire source (say, server A) and putting it in a dir on destincation (say, server B) correct?14:59
indushaf1z: but i was hoping grub would pick up 9.04 on its own,problem is , if any kernel is updated,it might mess up again14:59
geirhagiampiero: #windows can probably tell you14:59
Halitechreadyou, no (hides my 64bit machine)14:59
indusreadyou: of course14:59
jason__petllama, yes sir14:59
ActionParsnipbigdavejoker: try netstat -an | grep -i listen15:00
petllamajason__: if that is the case, then only root access is needed on server A to read the files. Since you can place them anywhere on server B, you do not need root access on server B15:00
haf1zindus: root (hda,6) is it?>15:00
jason__petllama, is there a way without opening root access?15:00
petllamajason__: if you need to backup EVERYTHING, root access is needed on server A15:00
namehow well is the amd64 version maintained?15:01
indusok i gtg fast15:01
ActionParsnipname: same as the i68615:01
jason__petllama, like is it possible to allow a user to be root like without sudo15:01
haf1zindus: how about the uuid? should i leave it there15:01
indushaf1z: yeah leave it there15:01
indushaf1z: otherwise steps vary15:01
nameActionParsnip, there's i686? i thought there only was i386 and amd63.15:01
haf1zindus: 1 moment15:01
name*amd64, even.15:01
haf1zindus: what do you mean with vary?15:01
ActionParsnipname: theres i486 and i586 too15:02
indushaf1z: nvm just go15:02
grawityActionParsnip: But those are rarely used.15:02
panfistif i try to rmdir and i get a message that device or resource is busy, how do i tell what's using that resource15:02
ActionParsnipname: unless your cpu is ancient, if you install 32bit you will be on i68615:02
haf1zindus: its  working. currntly booting15:02
ActionParsnipgrawity: true but they do exist15:02
nameActionParsnip, my cpu is amd64.15:02
haf1zindus: you save my ass again. thx/15:02
indushaf1z: again heh15:02
indusglad to help15:02
NoMSwhen trying to connect to a network share through samba on windows vista, I get the error:  a device attached to the system is not functioning.   any ideas?  running ubuntu 9.0415:02
ActionParsnipname: thats fine, you can install i686 or amd64 kernels on it15:02
indushaf1z: just read this a little15:02
nameActionParsnip, i know.15:02
indushaf1z: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:03
haf1zindus: thx for ur helps. really appreacite it.15:03
arandpanfist: most likely something is browsing it, I don't know how to specifically say which process though..15:03
haf1zindus: wil go thru with it soon15:03
nameActionParsnip, i'm just wondering which would be wiser.15:03
ipsemeti moved my cron entries to the root crontab using sudo crontab -e and the jobs are still not running at all, cron doesn't even log them into syslog. these same scripts (rather their sister scripts) work just fine on a fedora box running along side this Ubuntu 8.04.3. here's my root crontab http://paste.ubuntu.com/251940/15:03
indusgood luck15:03
haf1zindus: thx indus. anyway. thx for your time.15:03
nameActionParsnip, as some packages might be x86 only.15:03
samphippenis there a java opengl package in the ubuntu repositories? if so what's it called?15:03
ActionParsnipname: if you intend on simple web browsing and chatting with less than 3Gb RAM then 32bit will be fine15:03
petllamajason__: just use sudo, i dont reccomend allowing a user root access without having to use sudo15:04
Halitechname, you can use either but if you have more then 4gig of ram, go amd6415:04
ActionParsnipname: not met many at all that are32bit only15:04
Kartagiswhat file do I need to edit to get eth0 instead of eth1?15:04
ActionParsnipname: and you can install ia32-libs and run 32bit packages15:04
Kartagiswhat file do I need to edit to get eth0 instead of eth1?15:04
kiaas_!patience Kartagis15:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:04
nameHalitech, i heard amd64 was good for mencoder and the like.15:04
arandpanfist: look at "man fuser"15:04
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:04
HalitechKartagis, /etc/network/interfaces15:05
erUSULipsemet: could be that the scripts do not work with ubuntu's sh (it is not bash is dash)15:05
jason__petllama, i understand the risks i was hoping to allow ssh only by ip or something that would actually prevent anyone from trying root attempts15:05
ActionParsnipKartagis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100728515:05
Halitechname, its able to use both cores and will be faster15:05
erUSULipsemet: try changing the calls to sh for ones to bash15:05
haf1zguys, is it a common probs that my laptop easily to get hot when i running ubuntu. but its normal n a bit cool if im running vista15:05
petllamajason__: look into allowing SSH access with SSL certs15:05
nameHalitech, huh? there are x86 multicores as well..15:05
ActionParsnipname: true, if you are transforming data (encoding video / dvds / music etc) then 64 bit will give a boost15:05
nameHalitech, and it's a quad-core ;)15:05
ActionParsnipname: yes thats what SMP implies15:06
afinkHello I am trying to install the nvidia linux driver.  I am having trouble figuring out how to login without X running.  In suse I would do init 3 and it would kill x.15:06
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jason__petllama, ok will do15:06
erUSUL!nvidia | afink15:06
ubottuafink: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:06
petllamajason__: but for your original question, just start rsync with sudo, and log into server B as normal user. good luck, i gotta get to work ^_^15:06
ActionParsnipafink: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18015:06
ActionParsnipafink: thenreboot15:06
Halitechname, but if the 32bit software was not compiled for smp then its only going to use 1 core no matter how many you have15:06
nameHalitech, well, assuming it's C.15:07
afinkActionParsnip: is that the same driver that nvidia provies?15:07
ipsemeterUSUL: they are being executed as sh /bin/xxx15:07
nameHalitech, so I'll be safe with amd64 you think?15:07
Halitechname, I don't assume anything, makes an a** out of U and me :D15:07
ohemgyhi i just want to ask if WINE is pre-installed in Ubuntu??thank you15:08
Halitechname yes you will15:08
petllamaohemgy: no15:08
shaqielohemgy, nope15:08
jribohemgy: no, it's not.  But it is in the repositories15:08
kiaas_ohemgy, it's in the repos, but not installed by default15:08
jrib!wine > ohemgy15:08
ubottuohemgy, please see my private message15:08
nameHalitech, well, java software will use the cores just well on any arch ;)15:08
name*well-done java..15:08
erUSULipsemet: yes but in ubuntu sh points to dash a small (less features) shell. maybe your scripts do not work well in dash and you need to run them with bash15:08
KartagisActionParsnip, what service do I restart then?15:08
grawityerUSUL: the original sh isn't featureful either.15:08
erUSULgrawity: afaik fedora uses bash as its sh15:09
grawityerUSUL: But when called as 'sh' (symlink or etc), bash will run in "compatibility" mode - that is, without any bash features.15:09
bastien_legrashi, is avahi-daemon a enabled by default on hardy ?15:09
ipsemeterUSUL: how would i do that15:10
ActionParsnipafink: yes15:10
bobohey guys, ive got a problem. I just started up Jaunty and i don't have the top and bottom panels, but i have my background15:10
arandKartagis: possibly /etc/init.d/networking15:10
erUSULipsemet: where in your crontab you have sh put bash15:10
ActionParsnipKartagis: i'd imagine its sudo /etc/init.d/netwroking restart    after editting the file15:10
ipsemeterUSUL: i just tried putting env >> /var/log/env.log into the root crontab and it doesn't run either so i don't think its related to the shell being called15:11
arisvis there any tool in order to create a live USB from Windows?15:12
erUSULipsemet: ok;15:12
Halitecharisv, check out pendrivelinux.com15:12
arandarisv: or unetbootin, personal recommend.15:12
NoMShow can I set a quota on a samba share?  do I do it through Samba, or through ubuntu?15:13
mickster04bobo add new ones?15:13
bobomickster04, i sorted it out, thanks thouggh15:13
mickster04bobo lol:D15:13
mickster04!en | apache15:14
ubottuapache: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:14
ratzingerubuntu sucks15:14
mickster04sorry hang on15:14
mickster04!en | aPeChe91415:14
ubottuaPeChe914: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:14
Yosubuntu rulez15:14
mickster04ratzinger, dont be like that!15:14
arisvarand: unetbootin does not work with ubuntu 8.10 and newer15:14
revilodrawhello! firefox seems to load complete web pages, and not show me anything until it has finished downloading the page, then it displays it all at once. how can i make firefox load the skeleton of a page first, then fill in all the blanks later?15:15
arisvas long as I know or not?15:15
ratzingerubuntu is for stupid children15:15
* mickster04 smirks at ratzinger 15:15
jribratzinger: do you have a support question?15:15
arandarisv: Um, I think I've used it for those..15:15
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arisvarand: sure? :P15:16
ratzingerubuntu is only a fashion15:16
arisvlet's see15:16
jribratzinger: this channel is only for support, take other discussion elsewhere15:16
revilodrawratzinger: are you a bot?15:16
heshamHi..can someone tell me how can i set my resolution to 1280x1024 i can't find it in my resolution list..tnx15:16
mickster04ratzinger, if u have a question ask it, otherwise your offtopic15:16
jrzmna   m  ýnýza ko  yam15:16
zfepjuigrwa   m  ýnýza ko  yam15:16
* jrzmn a m ýnýza ko yam15:16
lozhiba   m  ýnýza ko  yam15:16
hjmdea   m  ýnýza ko  yam15:16
* hjmde a m ýnýza ko yam15:16
* lozhib a m ýnýza ko yam15:16
mickster04ratzinger, if u have a question ask it, otherwise you're offtopic15:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:17
Halitechhesham, what video card and did you install the drivers for it?15:17
jribmickster04: yes?15:17
Rommeboring troll is boring15:17
mickster04well these guys trollin15:17
mickster04jrib,  well these guys trollin15:17
jpdsjrib: Yes?15:17
Rommeand this botnet attack... does someone really hate ubuntu that much to attack it?15:18
danbhfivemickster04: they are being k-lined, which means freenode is banning them15:18
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:19
pfjusdga   m  ýnýza ko  yam15:19
mickster04jrib, ratzinger is also trolling...15:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:19
mickster04maybe now15:21
mickster04thanks guys15:22
evilbugi am considering putting together a linbox together to serve as a firewall for all the comps in my house. good idea?15:22
petllamaevilbug: i recently did15:22
erUSULevilbug: why not if your router does not have one15:23
petllamaevilbug: go look into smoothwall firewall, its a small distro15:23
backslash7evilbug: I recommend using an ALIX board15:23
rjune_wrkor monowall, or any other firewall distro.15:24
petllamai just threw smoothwall out cuz i tested about 10 firewall distros in the past month or so, and i prefer smoothwall ^_^15:24
petllamaipcop is nice as well15:24
evilbugerUSUL, petllama, backslash7: i'm not very familiar with ubuntu since i only play around in it sometimes but i want to get to know it really well so i thought i'd start with basic tasks. so to speak...15:25
petllamaif you want a full blown firewall, its not an easy tast to start from scratch15:25
backslash7evilbug: What, are you planning to use ubuntu as a firewall?15:25
evilbugbackslash7: one of the purposes, yes.15:25
evilbugbackslash7: was considering ubuntu server.15:25
backslash7why not take Debian?15:26
erUSULevilbug: why not an expecialized distro like ipcop or zeroshell ?15:26
backslash7yeah, even better15:26
mneptokbackslash7: because this is #ubuntu.15:26
evilbugbackslash7, erUSUL: more familiar with ubuntu.15:26
petllamaevilbug: if you are new to *nix i reccomend using a specialized firewall distro15:26
petllamalike i said, starting from scratch is not an easy task15:26
backslash7evilbug: Most things you know about Ubuntu count for Debian as well15:27
icerootubuntu-server (8.04) using pae by default?15:27
icerootjpds: thx15:27
backslash7evilbug: I would recommend using m0n0wall or ipcop.15:27
* Whitor uses IPCop15:27
jpdsiceroot: Was being cautious with the attacks, sorry for the inconvience.15:27
mneptokbackslash7: if there are few differences, why are you recommending it? please don't. this is #ubuntu. #debian is down the hall.15:27
evilbugerUSUL, petllama, backslash7: i'm mainly a mac user (switched from winxp two years ago) and been messing around in ubuntu for about a year and a half. i'm thinking it would be a great starting point to familiarize myself with operations and commands.15:27
petllamathe only thing i didnt like about IPcop, was the lack of supported modules for the new version. and the past version didnt detect 2 of my NICs15:27
icerootjpds: ah ok, didnt see them15:27
biebhow do you restart cups??15:28
petllamaill have to check out monowall15:28
icerootbieb: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart15:28
jpdsbieb: invoke-rc.d cups restart15:28
mluser-workAnyone know of a reader in linux that can read "Microsoft Reader eBook Data" or convert it to a more friendly format?15:28
jason__what's safer ?       running SSH with root open to login   OR      running rsync daemon to listen with restricted permissions15:28
grawitypetllama: it's actually spelled m0n0wall, I think.15:28
erUSULevilbug: then go ahead... ubuntu server plus shorewall or something like that (firehol is nice too)15:28
icerootbieb: maybe its called cupsd  but tab will tell you15:28
petllamathats 133715:28
backslash7mneptok: Oh, so I shouldn't be honest and recommend anything other than Ubuntu here? Sounds like #microsoft15:28
backslash7mneptok: Right, I should recommend Ubuntu Desktop for a firewall box15:28
grawityjason__: SSH can be set to only allow root logins using SSH keys15:28
WhitorAnyone know of a good firewall with builtin support for QoS ?15:28
Whitorand free...15:29
jason__grawity, nice...ok then I'll look into that15:29
petllamaWhitor: smoothwall15:29
petllamaand IPcop15:29
* Whitor hates smoothwall15:29
odinsbanebackslash7: how about ubuntu server edition?15:29
mneptokbackslash7: Ubuntu Server makes a perfectly usable firewall.15:29
Whitorbeen ther, done that one15:29
rsphow can I check how many bytes have been written and read to hdd since boot?15:29
WhitorIPcop has traffic shaping ... not QoS15:29
petllamaanything with IPtables is an acceptable firewall15:29
WhitorI'm looking to setup ACL's with bandwith priority15:30
petllamaWhitor: was not aware of that, i didnt run it long enough to test it out much15:30
icerootrsp: that is not logged15:30
jason__grawity, what should i be googling?  i know of ssh keys using password less logins15:30
mneptokbackslash7: and since, as you say, the differences between Debian and Ubuntu are slight (as they are not for Ubuntu and a specialized firewall distro), there's little point in recommending Debian.15:30
rspiceroot: is there a way15:30
jason__grawity, id imagine its some setting in sshd_config15:30
WhitorNeed to give priority bandwith to Video Teleconference systems15:30
haf1zguys, why my laptop easily get hot when running on ubuntu. vista it quite cool15:30
WhitorBad when a VTC call drops packets15:30
icerootrsp: why you need that?15:30
grawityjason__: type 'man sshd_config', and search for 'PermitRootLogin' (using the / key).15:30
rspiceroot: whatever15:30
grawityjason__: It can be set to "without-password"15:31
evilbugerUSUL: i'd have the comp server as a firewall but also as a ubuntu desktop, anything wrong with that?15:31
mickster04haf1z, mayb u have different fan settings15:31
jason__grawity, similar to this?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111446615:31
grawityjason__: And (this applies to any account, not just root) you can create a special SSH key that will _always_ run rsync when used.15:31
haf1zmickster04:  how to get to the fan settings?15:31
FrankQCDoes anyone know what the service 'console-kit-daemon' does? I have ~ 60 processes called that. private message me if you know the answer, thanks =)15:31
mickster04haf1z, dont know just look around admin and preferences15:31
haf1zo ok15:31
erUSULevilbug: i do not see any problem. it is nicer to have a separate machine but would work15:32
diddyAnybody knows how to install dynamips on Ubuntu?15:32
evilbugerUSUL: i can't buy a bunch of different comps :D15:32
evilbugerUSUL: not that rich.15:32
diddyI found this but it doesn't seem to be in the jaunty repos http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/hardy-updates/dynamips15:32
lstarnesFrankQC: you may want to check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/14845415:33
mickster04haf1z, it may well be under power options?15:33
icerootdiddy: dynamips - Cisco 7200/3600/3725/3745/2600/1700 Router Emulator  this is on jaunty15:33
gert_qualcuno pale italien15:33
gert_ce nessune15:33
iceroot!info dynamips jaunty15:33
ubottudynamips (source: dynamips): Cisco 7200/3600/3725/3745/2600/1700 Router Emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.2.7-0.2.8RC2-3 (jaunty), package size 308 kB, installed size 896 kB15:33
evilbugerUSUL: and one more question. should i install ubuntu server and take it from there with x and the desktop environment, or should i install desktop and then add the server apps?15:34
FloodBot3gert_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
diddyiceroot: Where? sudo apt-get install dynamips doesn't work15:34
=== DaZ- is now known as DaZ
mickster04gert / + quit15:34
grawitydiddy: "In component multiverse"15:34
erUSULevilbug: if you plan to use it as desktop too. install the desktop version15:34
icerootdiddy: and did not work means what?15:34
ipsemetis there any reason cron doesn't work on ubuntu, i've tried putting the scripts in /etc/crontab, root's crontab and sill nothing i've got both cron tabs and a grep of syslog here http://paste.ubuntu.com/251953/15:34
haf1zmickster04: do you mean power mngmnt?15:34
diddyiceroot, not found15:34
mickster04haf1z, probly?15:34
icerootdiddy: multiverse enabled?15:34
Halitechevilbug, I would go with the server version and then simply add the extra bits you need but thats my opinion15:34
odinsbaneevilbug: it makes little difference with ubuntu, you can get/remove the desktop pretty easy15:34
gert_yes i like english15:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pae15:35
jpdshaf1z: You might also want to install something like cpufrequtils to control the CPU temperature.15:35
diddyiceroot, yes it is enabled.15:35
evilbugHalitech: i'd understand the system better that way.15:35
lstarnesFrankQC: I think it's used for fast user switching15:36
evilbugodinsbane: yup.15:36
FrankQClstarnes: It's confusing15:36
icerootdiddy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dynamips15:36
icerootdiddy: works fine here15:36
haf1zjpds: how to install?15:36
petllamagrawity: does m0n0wall have decent QOS support? im not seeing any info on that15:36
diddyiceroot, http://pastebin.ca/152657815:37
jpdshaf1z: sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils15:38
haf1zjpds:  shall i use this sudo aptitude install cpufrequtil15:38
icerootdiddy: use the real repos15:39
jpdshaf1z: With an s at the end, yes15:39
diddyiceroot: I think I got it.15:39
jpdshaf1z: Info http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_use_cpufrequtils15:39
haf1zthx jpds15:39
icerootdiddy: also, as you can see, multiverse is comment out15:39
meisterlumpiHi, do I have to blank my keyring password so it doesn't bug me everytime i log on or is there a better way?15:40
icerootdiddy: ah sorry have not seen. the uni mannheim is enabled but try the real ones15:40
icerootdiddy: also try apt-cache search dynamips15:40
grawitymeisterlumpi: Set the keyring password to the same as your logon password.15:40
icerootmeisterlumpi: its the only way if you use autologin15:40
nothing123452Hi, when I shutdown my notebook in ubuntu 8.04 the hdd makes a long and loud noise when it halts...15:40
nothing123452But its just in ubuntu :S15:40
grawitymeisterlumpi: Then it will be unlocked automatically.15:40
grawitymeisterlumpi: If you use autologin, however, blanking is the only way.15:41
diddyiceroot, it worked. Thx iceroot.15:41
icerootdiddy: np15:41
diddyNext is dynagen and gfs3?15:41
icerootdiddy: sudo apt-get install programname anotherprogramname   and so on15:41
meisterlumpigrawity: thx, passwords are the same. i found a howto for gnome.. but it doesn't work for kde15:41
grawitymeisterlumpi: KDE Wallet?15:42
meisterlumpiis wallet and keyring the same?15:42
grawityUsually, "keyring" means GNOME Keyring.15:42
diddyman I love Ubuntu so much.15:42
diddyI can not believe that there is a package for everything. This rocks.15:43
meisterlumpigrawity: so in kde edition wifi passwords are kept in the kde wallet?15:43
diddyEvery day I love Ubuntu more and more and more and more.15:43
icerootdiddy: and if you a searching for a program use  apt-cache search web-browser  this will give you the programnames like firefox, opera, konqueror and so on15:43
grawitydiddy: except they're too often outdated :\15:43
jpdsgrawity: So, upgrade to a newer release? :)15:44
grawitymeisterlumpi: Having never used KDE (or WiFi for that matter), I'm not sure... but it would seem so.15:44
rodimus_what command can i run to see what kind of video card i have?15:44
diddygrawity, yes but Ubuntu is very user friendly to people that havn't used Unix/Linux for 30 years and the community is superb.15:44
jpdsrodimus_: lspci | grep VGA15:44
grawityjpds: Is Karmic already a "release"? :)15:44
Halitechrodimus_, lspci | grep vga15:44
jpdsgrawity: Not yet.15:44
rodimus_hmm. nothing.15:44
Halitechrodimus_, or if you want more detail lshw -C video15:45
lstarnesgrawity: not until october15:45
meisterlumpigrawity, iceroot: thanks for the help, i will just remove it..15:45
rodimus_Halitech, thank you15:45
icerootis there a bios-flash tool for ubuntu/linux? doesnt matter if gui or cli15:46
histoiceroot: look at your mobo manufacturer site15:47
iceroothisto: .....15:47
vovanпривет всем15:47
histoiceroot: you'll prolly have to use some sort of boot cd to load a dos environment and flash it15:47
iceroothisto: ever seen a manufactor giving linux-tools? (and this is asus one of the best manufactors for linux)15:47
iceroot!ru | vovan15:48
ubottuvovan: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:48
vovanда вроде так всё понятно15:49
meisterlumpiiceroot: if you have a win pc just make a bootable usb stick and use the dos tool?15:49
icerootmeisterlumpi: dont have a win pc15:49
FrankQClstarnes: heh15:49
FrankQClstarnes: I disabled console-kit-daemon, but it came back15:50
meisterlumpiiceroot: i have one here i just used to update my bios. its fat15:50
meisterlumpiiceroot: i could send you an image of the stick, probably not legal15:51
histoiceroot: something like freedox may work15:51
histoiceroot: freedos sry. I had to do some google searching the last time I did it and I found a bootable image just to load a bios utility15:52
th0riceroot: there is a perfectly legal bootable rescue disk for vista...wonder if it would be what you need15:53
histoth0r: he just needs something that will get him in to dos to load his bios utility15:53
iceroothisto: th0r meisterlumpi thx15:53
rodimuscan someone help me? i just updated the driver for my video card and now when i try to enable desktop effects i get a blank white screen15:53
meisterlumpith0r: thats not suitable for biosupdate15:53
th0rhisto: right...the rescue iso might do that for him15:53
th0rmeisterlumpi: ok...just a thought15:54
meisterlumpibest is to use a simple win98 bootdisk image15:54
histoiceroot: freedos bios flash should get you some results15:54
iceroothisto: i will have a look15:54
meisterlumpior win98 cd if you have one, and put the biosupdate onto a floppy or burn to cd..15:55
histoiceroot: I just search bios flash linux and the first link is a howto15:55
icerootmeisterlumpi: 100% microsoft free here15:55
runpain2I am getting no sound15:56
meisterlumpiiceroot: word :-)15:56
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ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:56
tsrk_anyone here have a lenovo s10?15:57
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giampieroHello, I've got a partition problem: I installed first Xubuntu on 6Gb space partition, and I would now like to extend this space, adding 25 Gb available. How can I resize partition? The 25 Gb are shown in Gparted as non allocated space, but it doesn't allow me to add such space to the extended Xubuntu partititon.15:58
erUSULgiampiero: you have to do it from a livecd15:59
tsrk_giampiero, boot in the live cd15:59
mickster04tsrk, my mum does i set it up15:59
giampieroerUSUL:what is a live cd?15:59
erUSULgiampiero: the ubuntu desktop cd is a livecd15:59
diddyiceroot, have you used dynagen before?16:00
icerootdiddy: no16:00
tsrk_mickster04, want to test something for me? i'm trying to determine if something is a driver bug or hardware problem16:00
diddyiceroot, ok16:00
giampieroerUSUL: if I boot from the ubuntu esktop it re-installs Ubuntu, I already did it and found myself with 3 operating systems (Windows, Ubuntu 1 and Ubuntu 2!16:00
tsrk_giampiero, no, boot into the option to "try ubuntu" (without modifying anything)16:01
tsrk_first option when you get the menu16:01
erUSULgiampiero: no the first option is to run ubuntu without modifying the hard disk... you have to actually run the installer (with an icon in the desktop) to install ubuntu16:01
mickster04tsrk, go for it16:02
Halitechgiampiero, are you sure you have the live (desktop) cd and not the alt install cd?16:02
tsrk_mickster04, may I pm you?16:02
giampieroHalitech: no, I'm not sure.16:02
mickster04tsrk, ya16:02
Halitechgiampiero, if you don't have the option to try it then you have the alt install cd16:03
HalitecherUSUL, actually there is an install option from the main boot menu on the live cd but its option 216:03
[manas]if i want to make proxy server on ubuntu (so i can connect to my pc from diferent pc and use it internet something like shell) what packeges i need to intall and maybe know some good toturial???16:04
jMylesIs there a program that will give me good, real-time, detailed information about the signal strength of my wireless connection?16:04
giampieroHalitech: it gives me the option to try so it's the live cd (tr without installing, you mean, right?)16:04
jMyles[manas]: openssh-server (let me find a great guide)16:04
[manas]jMyles do u understand what i mean?16:05
Halitechgiampiero, yes16:05
giampieroHalitech: ok, so?16:05
MadGirli heard so was True Combat Elite16:05
jMyles[manas]: Yes, I think so.  You want remote access to your computer so you can access it and use its internet connection for privacy, right?16:06
[manas]basicly i want to use my internet from diferent pc which one was limeted internet access16:06
Halitechgiampiero, so boot into that option16:06
giampieroHalitech: which option?16:06
[manas]jMyles,  basicly i want to use my internet from diferent pc which one was limeted internet access16:06
kiaas_[manas], I use Privoxy16:07
thiebaudegiampiero, if its a live cd the first option, lets you try ubuntu16:07
jMyles[manas]: I see.  Can you connect at all to your computer?  You can use privoxy for that, but I just SSH in.16:07
[manas]jMyles,  none of the proxy website a works blocked16:07
giampierothiebaude: ok, it lets me try Ubunnt, then?16:07
giampieroHow do I resize partition?16:07
thiebaudegiampiero, no , not if your not going to install it16:08
jMyles[manas]: Can you connect out on port 22 at all?  What *are* you allowed to connect to?16:08
thiebaudegiampiero, it just loads to the desktop, then you can test things like internet, etc16:08
[manas]jMyles, i want to use some grafic interface so it will be more easy for me16:09
giampierothiebaude: guys, maybe I have cimmunication problems. The point is: How do I resize my partition?16:09
jMylesIs there a program that will give me good, real-time, detailed information about the signal strength of my wireless connection?16:09
[manas]jMyles, yes i can16:09
ipsemetI REALLY need to get my cron jobs working and there is nothing relevant that i haven't tried on google http://paste.ubuntu.com/251953/16:09
jMyles[manas]: I don't think that's going to happen.  Be bold - the command line interface is easy too!  Just be patient with it.16:09
JeZ-l-Leehi, have problem: trying to get "Suspend" turn off option to work. When I select "Suspend" turn off option, computer sleeps, but I cannot wake it by pressing keyboard or power button, any ideas? ubuntu desktop 9.0416:09
erUSULipsemet: try asking in #ubuntu-server16:09
thiebaudegiampiero, do you want to shrink the windows partition?16:10
mickster04anyone use spotify on wine here? or know where i could get help?16:10
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:10
mickster04where is #winehq?16:11
Kapliwhat does lpadmin: Bad device-uri mean?16:11
[manas]jMyles, basivly i want something like what i can put my ip adrees in browser and from where use an internet16:11
giampierothiebaude: No, on the same partition I've got a 5Gb space where Ubuntu is installed, and 26GB unallocated space. How do I merge the two spaces?16:11
giampierothiebaude: or rather, how do I make the 26 Gb space available and readable by Ubuntu?16:12
jMyles[manas]: It seems to me you are looking for this: http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu7XC24JKqBgAFeZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyazZ2YzY2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0Y2NjVfODI-/SIG=13ao677je/EXP=1250176322/**http%3a//embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/16:12
jMyleseck, sorry about the long url16:12
thiebaudegiampiero, i'am not sure how to do that, even though i've done many live cd installs16:12
jMyles[manas]: http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/16:12
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:13
herenbdymy Ubuntu 9.04 desktop install disk burned with an error at the end, I can view the the files in the CD fine, and it boots into the Live CD fine... should I still burn another DVD?16:13
giampierothiebaude: Gparted does not allow me to merge the unallocated space.16:13
[manas]jMyles, yes something like that u think i shuold use something like this or maybe u have better idea??16:14
histoherenbdy: there is an option to check the media right on the boot menu16:14
herenbdyhisto: I have, and it found an error pretty early in... guess I should burn another one :/16:14
jMyles[manas]: I use the solution described in that article and it is wonderful.16:14
giampieroHalitech: can you give help?16:14
histoherenbdy: try burning another at a slower speed16:15
Halitechgiampiero, I've never done it but are the 2 partitions next to each other?16:15
[manas]jMyles, im very new thit ubuntu u think it will be easy for me to set up?16:15
grapnellI have a broadcom built-in card on my motherboard, and the b44 driver continually disconnects. as far as I know, this is a known problem. I have installed a second card, an intel card, in which ubuntu recognizes perfectly, and dhcp assigns an IP address to it with no problem, however, it seems that ubuntu still tries to use the eth0 card instead of the new eth1 as its default. How do I tell ubuntu to forget about eth0 and use eth1?16:15
giampieroHalitech: no, it's the same partition with 5Gb space where Ubuntu is installed and 26 Gb unallocated space Ubuntu can't use. I want to make the 25 Gb space visible (or available, if you want) to Ubuntu.16:16
jMyles[manas]: Just follow the directions carefully and come back here for friendly help.  I believe in you! :-)16:17
Halitechgiampiero, then my understanding is if the 2 partitions are not located next to each other you can't resize the 5gig to include the 26gig, you could format it as ext3 and move your /home folder over to it16:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:18
[manas]jMyles, chears mate16:18
carpenikehi all, I'm trying to install nfs-user-server but can't find the repository that has it available. Get this from apt:16:18
carpenikeE: Package nfs-user-server has no installation candidate16:18
carpenikeenabled multiverse on all lines.16:18
Halitechgiampiero, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:18
geniigrapnell: The file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  holds the info of what MAC address corresponds to what ethX number, edit accordingly16:18
grapnellthank you genii16:19
giampieroHalitech: the two partitions are located next to each other.16:19
Halitechgiampiero, then try dragging the slider from the 5gig partition over to the right16:21
fabio_I need help16:22
fabio_I run Ubuntu and i can't get into gnome16:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:22
giampieroHalitech: If I do that from the live CD it re-installs Ubuntu, I actually have 2 Ubuntus on my pc.16:22
thiebaudefabio_, what do you need help with?16:22
mike__fabio_, define cant get into gnoome?16:22
ulbI have a problem with nautilus, lowercase "t" does not work. Upprcase works fine, and both lowersace and uppsercase work fine for other users, and in other applications. How can I find out what is wrong?16:23
Halitechgiampiero, if you are using partition editor from the live cd it should not install. can you take a screenshot of what you are in and post it so I can take a look16:23
fabio_I run ubuntu and I cannot get into gnome. It gives me a blue screen with a message that says something like: "The system has failed for graphical login for more than 60 seconds. It is likely that something bad is going on".16:23
fabio_I'm using another computer now16:23
carpenikeCan anybody help me with the location of hte nfs-user-server repository?16:23
ulbalso lowercase "t" works in nautilus if I change language setting in SCIM16:23
giampieroHalitech: what option should I run from the live CD?16:23
fabio_mike: im not a big computer expert- i define it as i don't get to the graphical login16:23
Halitechfabio_, sounds like something went haywire with X or the video card driver16:23
fabio_do u have any idea how i can fix it?16:24
giampieroHalitech: it seems to me that "resize" is not among the availables.16:24
joeyeyegiampiero: run the "don't change my system option"16:24
dragon64carpenike, whats up with nfs, should be available in the general repository16:24
Halitechgiampiero, partition editor - system admin partition editor16:24
mike__fabio_, what have you been doin to it recently16:24
fabio_mike: i didn't do anything in particular. it was after an automatic update from canonical16:24
fabio_but i wasn't playing with the drivers or anything16:24
giampieroHalitech: so, I rebbot my PC with the CD in and choose system admin partition editor, right?16:25
mike__fabio_, do u know what the drivers were16:25
carpenikedragon64: I need nfs-user-server instead of nfs-kernel-server. When I try to do an apt-get install nfs-user-server I get: Package nfs-user-server is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:25
mike__fabio_, do u know what the updates were*16:25
dragon64Fabio, they most likely updated your vid driver16:25
Halitechfabio_, sounds like the updates borked your video drivers16:25
thiebaudefabio_, do you have intel drivers?16:25
fabio_i have no idea mike16:25
fabio_no, nVidia16:25
dragon64o ok, so you are trying to use NFS as client?16:25
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fabio_it's a Geforce 4600ti16:25
Halitechgiampiero, reboot with the live cd in, select try without making changes, wait for it to log in, then go to System - admin - partition editor16:25
fabio_I had the proprietary drivers working16:26
=== Edson` is now known as Edson
thiebaudefabio_, you on ubuntu 9.04?16:26
=== Edson is now known as Edson`
fabio_yes, i do. Jaunty16:26
tin_nqnhi people. I have problem in a reconfiguration of apache. I've installed mod_python and I don't know why php was desconfigured16:26
nothing123452how can I make ubuntu stopping my harddisk before poweroff?16:26
giampieroHalitech: Ohhh finally, thank a lot! It should work with Xubuntu also, right?16:26
carpenikedragon64: I'm trying to setup a FOG server inside an openVZ container.16:26
dragon64o o  k16:27
[manas]jMyles, i just wrote it, so i understood: on a compiuter whit limeted aceess i open termnial(problem is it windows where)  run $ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server so it will create a tunel i`ll put proxy in my browser and etc. do i need to intall some adicional paceges ??? and how i can test my port 22 so i can connect to it??16:27
bankixI'm configuring my internet connection automatically via NetworkManager, so when connected to a network or close to a known wlan acces point, I'm getting internet access automatically. Now I want to execute a command whenever I get a connection via ethernet or wlan. How do I without loosing NetworkManager?16:27
Halitechgiampiero, xubuntu probably has the partition editor in a different place but same idea16:27
jMylesYou'll need to install openssh-server on the host computer16:27
jMyles[manas]:You'll need to install openssh-server on the host computer16:27
fabio_i'm fine with saving my files with a LIve CD into an external hard drive, and reinstalling. if i have to. but i'd rather fix my system as i had everything very customized.16:28
giampieroHalitech: All my gratitude, I'll give it a try.16:28
fabio_if it cannot be done easily, fuck it, i'll just reinstall.16:28
meoblast001why isn't libGL included with the MinGW32 package?16:28
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:28
dragon64the user-server has not been as actively maintained for a while, people have been switching to the kernel -server because of stability issues16:28
Halitechgiampiero, look around under system for partition editor once it loads up16:29
carpenikeHm. Ok...16:29
dragon64if possible use the kernel server16:29
giampieroHalitech: now it's clear. Thanks again.16:29
Halitechfabio_, boot into recovery mode and run xfix and see if you can get back to the login16:29
dragon64sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap16:29
dragon64like that16:29
carpenikeyeah, i can't.16:29
carpenikeopenvz container.16:29
fabio_k thnx ill try16:29
dragon64let me see if i can find one16:29
carpenikedragon64: i found one in the dapper repo16:29
Halitechfabio_, if that works, you'll need to install the drivers again16:30
heatmzzrHow do you enable graphics using LINKS2?16:30
fabio_what key do i press to enter recovery mode16:30
dragon64exactly thats the problem, old paclages16:30
dragon64have you tried compiling from source?16:30
Halitechfabio_, when it boots you should see a message about press ESC to enter grub16:30
fabio_halitech. thanks i did that. strange, it gives me to kernel numbers to choose from16:31
Halitechfabio_, some should save something about recovery or single user mode16:31
dragon64heres one for intrepid, should eb a better match anyways16:32
Halitechfabio_, save = say16:32
fabio_i entered xfix16:32
fabio_and now it's running16:32
Halitechfabio_, ok16:32
fabio_i have a red * on PulseAudio16:32
dragon64thats was source try this one onstead16:33
Halitechfabio_, worry about that later, its for sound16:33
=== Soul is now known as wahyu_neh
[manas]jMyles,  done; other thing do i`ll be able connect to my pc cos we using adsl2 provaider and it more that one pc in the line do i`ll be able to connect to my pc from diferent connection sorry for stupid questions i know i can be sily16:33
fabio_ii got the same error again. The display server has been shut down 6 times in hte last 90 seconds. it is likely something bad is going on., waiting 2 minutes before putting display on again.16:33
fabio_on a blue screen16:33
bhaskarhello everybory16:34
uberim looking for info on setting up an ubuntu box and running instances from it... can anyone give me some terms to search for?16:35
arvind_khadri!hi | bhaskar16:35
ubottubhaskar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:35
bhaskarany body tell me to get best theme for ubuntu16:35
carpenikedragon64: thanks.16:36
Halitechfabio_, beyond me then, something is messed up but not sure what to suggest as I have ati cards16:36
mike__bhaskar, it depends what u like, what ur runnin etc:)16:36
bhaskarhi arvind16:36
Halitechbhaskar, gnome-look.org16:36
fabio_bhskar: searh for tropical and balazan16:36
fabio_Halitech: it's ok mate. thank u very much. i will just reinstall Ubuntu16:36
joeyeyefabio_: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?16:36
fabio_i type that in a terminal boot?16:36
bhaskarcan i have mint or mandriva type look16:36
Halitechfabio_, do you have a seperate home partition?16:36
fabio_no Halitech, i do not.16:36
fabio_and i'm not sure if i want to do one right now.16:37
bankixNo help with executing a command when I get an internet connection?16:37
joeyeyefabio_: once you are logged on, in a terminal16:37
heatmzzrHow do you enable graphics using LINKS2?16:37
lstarnesheatmzzr: links2 -g16:37
=== tushar is now known as gauravkittz
Halitechfabio_, ok, I *think* I heard that you can reinstall without losing home now in 9.04 but I don't recall how it was done other then unchecking the option to format home16:37
gauravkittzi'm using ubuntu...16:38
bhaskarthanks halitech16:38
gauravkittznoob still now16:38
dragon64Halitech, that only works if you have home on a different partition16:38
mike__no pro16:38
gauravkittzcan someone plz help16:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:38
gauravkittzmy screen is not centered plz help16:39
Halitechdragon64, thats what I thought but someone in here told me that the other day but since I always set up seperate home partitions I didn't pay it much attention16:39
dragon64right, thats always the best way16:39
mike__gauravkittz, have u checked display properties16:39
mike__gauravkittz, what setup do u have?16:39
dragon64i dont think the default install does that for you, just sets up / and swap16:39
RenaWoah, hi16:39
gauravkittz@mike.. display is right but the screen is shifted way too right16:39
gauravkittz@mike i used xvidtune16:40
gauravkittzbut no use16:40
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode16:40
mike__!nick mickster0416:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick mickster0416:40
bhaskarhi halitech which one is the best u liked frm that theme16:40
Forza4Lifehello ren16:40
=== mike__ is now known as mickster04
fabio_fuck it16:41
fabio_still no xserver16:41
fabio_i'll just reinstall.16:41
bhaskar! halitech16:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about halitech16:41
gauravkittzxvidtune gives me hardware not supported16:41
nothing123452How can I make ubuntu hardy spinning down my hdd be4 poweroff ?16:41
fabio_thanks anyway people16:41
FloodBot3fabio_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
pelle_If I have problems playing videos from youtube with my ubuntu partion, but not with my windows partion, what software is missing?16:41
lstarnespelle_: a flash plugin16:41
dragon64most likely the codecs for playback16:41
edbianpelle_: adobe flash!16:41
mickster04gauravkittz, xvidtuunes?16:41
fabio_sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:41
Can0n[MB]So, I'm trying to use Krita2 with KDE4.3 but I don't get the "main window" with brushes and stuff. I've tried with a "apt-get purge krita-kde4" but that didn't help. Any ideas ?16:41
edbianpelle_: "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"16:42
Halitechbhaskar, I usually just play around with individual settings and don't use themes16:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screens16:42
lstarnespelle_: the package ubuntu-restricted-extras may also be useful16:42
gaurdroaudio works for every application except my music players (lastfm excluded).  I'm on xubuntu 9.04 amd64 has anyone run into this problem?  my google-fu fails me.16:42
odinsbaneSo my samba server lets me map drives on my windows computer, and I can write, but I cannot read or create directories16:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitors16:42
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legend2440fabio_: you could edit xorg.conf file  and change Driver nvidia to vesa so you can at least boot up and try to fix it16:43
ohnoesman, i used to be such a big fan of ubuntu, but now i love puppy linux16:43
akscifront audio jackof my cabinet doesn't work except for system beep! can hear the rocking noise on fiddling with the recording jack but cannot configure the sound even after upgrading alsa!16:43
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fabio_legend: i think it's just less effort to copy my data to a second hard drive, and reinstall16:44
fabio_but thanx16:44
deriemhello i need help w/ irc16:44
legend2440fabio_: ok16:44
Strife89Hello, I've been having a bit of trouble with Ubuntu and multiple monitors. I attached a CRT to my laptop, and Ubuntu asked a question that I cannot remember, to which I answered Yes. After that, it was impossible to set my laptop screen to its original resolution. I ended up reinstalling. Is there a trick to getting multiple monitors working?16:44
pelle_Edbian. have it installed. Sorry for the not clearly question. Every time I play a video it lags for 4 seconds, then plays 4 seconds and return to lag. Any suggestions?16:44
LrdOfNightmaresHey guys, can someone help me out? i am trying to use Code::Blocks but when i try to run a file it says "Permision denied, Press enter to continiue"  can someone help me fix this??? Why does it do that???????16:44
gaurdroderiem,  what sort of help?  (aka, don't ask to ask)16:45
wangyuanhello guys!!!16:45
mickster04!ask | deriem16:45
ubottuderiem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:45
Strife89LrdOfNightmares: Run with the sudo command.16:45
carpenikedragon64: appears unfs3 works a lot better and is in the repos.16:45
mickster04deriem, it seems to be workin for me16:45
edbianpelle_: It does that over and over?  4 seconds on, 4 seconds off, 4 seconds on, 4 seconds off....?16:45
lstarnesStrife89: that is not recommended16:45
mickster04deriem, this is ubuntu help really though, so if it isnt related...16:45
lstarnesStrife89, LrdOfNightmares: graphical applications use gksudo, NOT sudo16:45
deriemwhen i joined one channel everything i typed said command not found16:45
mickster04deriem, what channel16:46
mickster04dunno owt about it16:46
pelle_Edbian: yes16:46
mickster04what irc client u using?16:46
deriemhardly anyone does16:46
lstarnesderiem: what's the full name? (including the character at the start, which is usually a #)16:46
edbianpelle_: Have you tried using different browser?  Does it do this on every flash video?16:47
mickster04where is it16:47
deriemno charecter just 1nj3ct.in16:47
lstarnesderiem: is that a channel, or is that a network?16:47
pelle_Edbian: Well, I can try to install google chrome. See you later :)16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crunchbag16:47
deriemhow do i find out16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crunchbang16:48
edbianpelle_: Good luck!  Flash and firefox are not terribly efficient in linux.  It is possible they are just maxing out your system.16:48
mickster04pelle_, try systemdetails.com an tell me what it tells you about ur flash player16:48
wangyuanI am ubuntu user ,and I have blackberry mobile ,how can I how to make blackberry and ubuntu connectivity16:48
babyshambleshi, how can i copy my music folder from wXP to kubuntu using network. i try to open network on dolphin but it doesn't detected any file sharing.16:48
joeyeyewangyuan: connectivity for what, network or filesystem ?16:49
twig11Any suggestions for a fairly simple way to convert .dbx files generated by Outlook Express to .mbox files usable by Evolution? I need to do this within Ubuntu. The only applications I found to do it so far require compiling on my machine and were above my depth. Is there a better way?16:50
edbianmickster04: Creepy how much this site knows about me...16:50
mickster04edbian, yeah a little16:50
mickster04pelle_, what does it tell u?16:50
* deriem found a command for irc !yay!16:50
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kiaas_How can I transfer one virtual-box VM from one physical machine to another? I'm SSH'd into the other box I want to copy the VM to.16:51
dragon64try scp16:51
LrdOfNightmaresUmmm how do i do that? and how did you wrine in red?16:51
edbianmickster04: He said "bye" to me a minute ago.  I think he's gone.16:51
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: did that message in red contain your nick?16:51
mickster04edbian, cheers16:52
mickster04!nick | LrdOfNightmares16:52
ubottuLrdOfNightmares: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode16:52
mickster04oops wrong one16:52
aksciplease help! the front audio jack of my cabinet doesn't work except for system beep! even upgraded alsa but no good!16:52
mickster04LrdOfNightmares, anyway everytime you use someones full nick it gives them special notification and depending what client u use (im on xchat) it highlights the sentence16:53
mickster04aksci, what are ur alsa settings like16:53
mickster04have you looked at the extended preferences16:53
mickster04made sure sumats not mutes16:53
dragon64Does anyone know the best ide for programming in PErl?16:53
mickster04made sure sumats not muted16:53
edbiandragon64: "geany" is an excellent ide IMHO :)16:54
arvind_khadri!best | dragon6416:54
ubottudragon64: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:54
wangyuanjoeyeye: filesystem16:54
akscimickster04: yes! have tried every possible option, but it just doesn't work!16:54
mickster04aksci, ok just checkin16:54
kwkHHi I have installed 64 Bit ubuntu on 64 bit machine. It works fine. Now I want to also have KDE. Therefore I installed the kubuntu packages. Installation worked well and my system boots me into kdm. But when trying to log into a kde session the kde4 start window appears and after about three seconds, the screen gets dark and16:55
dragon64that bot is really annoying, thanks edebian16:55
mickster04aksci, is it connected physically?16:55
brorjonasWhen I run "sudo apt-get install -f" I get this error, am I lost or could there be any salvation for me?16:55
akscimickster04: it once worked when i tried replacing alsa with oss! but then the sound was too low n i screwed up my audio16:55
Strife89kwk: Your message was cut off.16:55
kwkHi I need help. i I have installed 64 Bit ubuntu on 64 bit machine. It works fine. Now I want to also have KDE. Therefore I installed the kubuntu packages. Installation worked well and my system boots me into kdm. But when trying to log into a kde session the kde4 start window appears and after about three seconds, the screen gets dark and I am returned to the kdm login screen. How can I find out what the error ist?16:55
mickster04aksci, ok again just checkin i dont really know owt about this16:55
joeyeyewangyuan: just connect with a usb-cable, enter passwd on blackberry (if needed) and you should be able to see the media card's filesystem16:55
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aksciyeah! its well connected! i can hear rocking noise when i fiddle with the mic jack16:56
akscimickster04: well, thanks! :)16:57
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blackrootcan anyone help me with a slight problem?16:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:58
dragon64whats your question black?16:59
ubottudragon64: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:59
dragon64whats up with the tab?17:00
DaZyou cut off half of his nickname >:17:00
blackrooti am trying to compile ircd-ratbox for my server, ./configure runs just fine, but as soon as i am running "make" i get this error: core/m_kill.c:111: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments  -- how can i fix this?17:00
grawitydragon64: On IRC, if you're replying to someone, it's customary to prefix the message with that person's nick. Most often it is done by typing the first few letters of the nick, then pressing Tab.17:01
grawitydragon64: Like I just typed d[Tab]17:01
wangyuanjoeyeye:But Ifailed to respond to the BlackBerry17:01
jedcdragon64, if you use the whole name it shows up red for them and is harder to miss17:02
jedcat least in xchat17:02
joeyeyewangyuan: unplug and reconnect it17:02
caseyscan anyone hear me?17:02
grawitycaseys: Yes, we can17:02
DaZcaseys: no17:02
dragon64jedc: Thanks!17:02
joeyeyecaseys: no, but can see your words...17:03
sipiorblackroot: bothering the maintainer to fix his crappy code would be a good start :-) if you know a bit of C, poke around at the line given; probably a straightforward syntax error.17:03
caseysgood i was havong troble with this irc17:03
DaZblackroot: it's testing or stable ?17:03
blackrootDaZ: it's stable version17:03
caseysit won't let me in17:03
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:03
DaZblackroot: if you don't mind, paste whole output on paste.ubuntu.com17:04
blackrootdaz: sure, give me a second17:04
twig11Any suggestions for a fairly simple way to convert .dbx files generated by Outlook Express to .mbox files usable by Evolution? I need to do this within Ubuntu. The only applications I found to do it so far require compiling on my machine and were above my depth. Is there a better way?17:04
wangyuani  want to attack baidu       who can help me17:05
blackrootDaZ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252012/17:05
B4ckBOnemysql has locked me out .. how can i reset the mysql root password?17:05
grawitytwig11: Most of the time, compiling is easy... doesn't Evolution have an "import" option?17:05
NoMStwigll, compiling is not that difficult17:05
DaZblackroot: don't be shy17:06
DaZhow about configure ? :f17:06
LrdOfNightmaresHey guys, Ubottu says to register my name, and it requires i pasword and an e mail, this pass is the same pass that i have in my e mail?17:06
blackrootDaZ: want me to paste the configure output aswell?17:06
caseyscan you still see my words?17:06
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: no17:07
DaZblackroot: and tell me your gcc version17:07
joeyeyecaseys: no17:07
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: it can be anything as long as it's less than 30 characters and it has no spaces17:07
twig11grawity: Evolution has an import option, but it doesn't include .dbx17:07
dman777i just want to confirm, bash 3.00.15(1) release is after 3.0-aplha1. correct?17:07
valrosok guys, whats currently the best option for 64 bit java?17:07
LrdOfNightmaresI pass that i want my Nick to have?17:07
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: exactly17:07
natewiebe13anyone play tf2?17:07
caseyshow do i put a comand in a script?17:07
valrosi used to play tf217:07
natewiebe13why not anymore?17:07
valrosdoesnt work with wine well17:08
th0rcaseys: check tldp.org for info on bash scripting17:08
sipiortwig11: but does Outlook have a useful export option?17:08
ophielhi hi17:08
edbiancaseys: Have you ever written a script before?17:08
ophielquick question17:08
natewiebe13valros: doesnt matter.. i have windows just for tf217:08
edbiancaseys: See my PM?17:08
jedccaseys, make a plaintext file, put #!/bin/bash at the top, put your commands on the following lines, chmod a+x the file, voilla17:08
ohemgyhi i just to ask if someone can give me screenshots of ClamWin running in WINE and scanning a Linux file??thank you so much..i really need it..17:08
valrosand i dont boot windows just for tf217:08
strangehey guys is there a way to alter sound balance left/right in ubuntu?17:08
ophielwhat's a good application to play media files (like avi files) in ubuntu?17:08
ophieland i guess do i need special codecs for that17:09
caseyswell i got the cript i just need to put a camnad in17:09
blackrootDaZ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252015/17:09
rskiophiel: vlc17:09
jedcophiel, vlc works extremely well for almost anything17:09
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lstarnescaseys: just type the command in as you would type it on the command line17:09
ophieli've used that b417:09
bankixohemgy: And what exactly has this to do with Ubuntu and this channel?17:09
ophieland that has it's own codecs?17:09
caseyswhat if it needs root?17:09
natewiebe13valros: its totally worth it.. tf2 is the best game ever IMO, there is a new update coming out as well17:09
valroswhats the best option for 64bit java guys?17:09
rskiophiel: yes17:09
jedccaseys, on its own line17:09
valrosoh boy, hats  :P17:09
lstarnescaseys: put sudo before it17:09
ophieli'll give that a shot17:09
twig11sipior: I think Outlook Express can at least export tab-delimited files, but I don't have the accounts and folders in OE anymore. I just have the identity directories from backup.17:10
caseysbut won't it need the password?17:10
natewiebe13valros: or king of the hill17:10
twig11dragon64: yeah?17:10
lstarnescaseys: yes17:10
NoMSI would think outlook could export in csv or something17:10
ophielohh actually one more question17:10
ophielwhat about streaming media?17:10
jedcyes, i wouldnt put sudo before it, just run the script with sudo if you need to17:11
ophieli.e. browser embedded stuff17:11
caseyslstarnes: then how do i put the password in17:11
ohemgybankix:i prefer ubuntu distro and because i read some articles that ClamWin works in WINE in ubuntu..17:11
ophielutube etc.17:11
ophieli found that the performance was not that great using my default install17:11
lstarnescaseys: echo "password" | sudo -s17:11
twig11NoMS: What Outlook can export isn't relevant to my current issue, because I don't have Outlook or Outlook express.17:11
lstarnescaseys: actually, that may be -S17:11
lstarnescaseys: however, it is much more secure to input the password manually17:12
sipiortwig11: can Thunderbird import that sort of thing?17:12
LrdOfNightmaresIstarnes ayou talking to me?17:12
twig11Not that I can see.17:12
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: I am currently talking to caseys.  You can tell because caseys's nick is at the start of those messages17:12
jedccaseys, you usually dont want software running as root unless you did it manually on purpose, because if you dont know about it could mess up your system and you wouldnt know why17:13
ulbI have a problem with nautilus, lowercase "t" does not work. Upprcase works fine, and both lowersace and uppsercase work fine for other users, and in other applications. How can I find out what is wrong?17:13
sipiortwig11: well, so much for my ideas :-) don't suppose you can borrow a copy of outlook for an evening?17:13
ulbalso lowercase "t" works in nautilus if I change language setting in SCIM17:13
ulbany ideas?17:13
DaZblackroot: i can tell you it does compile with gcc 4.4.1  and there's no function with the name containing â17:13
dragon64twigll I believe thunderbird will do that17:13
ulbis there a way to check for keyboard shortcut conflicts?17:13
blackrootdaz: i think i run gcc 4.317:13
twig11sipior: that would be a copy of WINDOWS17:14
caseysthis is for ups softwere if the prower goes out17:14
sipiortwig11: i understand they're easy to come by.17:14
blackrootdaz: and also, the "â" you are refering to is probably coz the ssh client im using17:14
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caseysand it needs to be root to close the program17:14
DaZpossible :f17:14
sipiortwig11: but i meant: perhaps you've a friend with a windows machine, for example :-)17:15
hounGood day, #Ubuntu17:15
twig11sipior: right. I've got too many of those. :-)17:15
LrdOfNightmaresOh ok, how can i use the red highlight when i want to talk to someone specific?17:15
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: say their nick at the beginning of the message.  You won't see it highlighted, but they most likely will17:16
scootlesHi, can someone help me? I'm new to linux and I'm trying to put it on a new laptop that I'm going to be using ONLY for web browsing, and watching movies. The problem I'm having is that A)When I play movies, even though the volume is all the way up, the sound comes out barely as a whisper. Even with headphones in it is very hard to hear. B) I can't figure out how to turn wireless on.17:16
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: also, try typing thr first couple letters then pressing TAB17:16
elementzdoes xubuntu alternate cd come without grub? the installer displays lilo as the only option17:16
hounQuestion:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu Desktop 9.04 AMD64.  Boot the CD, choose install.  Screen goes black.  If I press the power button, I'll get the Ubuntu splash with the loading bar.  Each press of the power button loads the next frame in the loading bar.  ALT+F1 shows "Loading, please wait..." indefinitely.17:16
LrdOfNightmaresYou have to use ndiswrapper for wireless, i am right?17:17
brorjonasAny ideas?17:18
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: only if you can't use a native linux driver for it17:18
scootlesLrdOfNightmares, Me?17:18
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: some cards only have windows drivers17:18
LrdOfNightmaresscootles: yeap17:18
scootlesI'll get it, which package is it exactly, ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 or ndiswrapper-common17:19
LrdOfNightmaresIstarness: so now you see my msg highlighted?17:19
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: no.  you didn't type my nick correctly (one s at the end, and it starts with a lowercase L)17:20
spODo any of you know how to compile ati/fglrx for custom ubuntu kernels?17:20
LrdOfNightmareslstarnes: now?17:20
scootlesOk, I've downloaded and installed ndiswrapper, what next?17:20
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: yes17:20
useroneI recently installed 64bit ubuntu / 64bit vista dual-boot. I thought everything went smoothly (perhaps too smoothly!) but now I don't see vista appearing on the grub boot loader menu. I have installed dual-boot many times on 32bit xp/lts without this kind of problem. The vista 'media' is mounted automatically on start-up of ubuntu, and I can access all the files, although it say the size is 107GB although I only formatted ntfs to 100GB. Can 17:21
twig11dragon64: I don't see any way to import the .dbx files from Outlook's identity directories if Thunderbird doesn't see Outlook or Outlook Express installed.17:21
LrdOfNightmaresistarnes: is there a way to select the nick and not write it? you know in order to hilight the msg17:21
l403in xchat? sure17:22
LrdOfNightmareslstarnes: is there a way to select the nick and not write it? you know in order to hilight the msg17:22
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: type the first two or so letters then press the TAB key17:22
useronebtw, the 64bit 9.04 works like a dream! :-)17:22
LrdOfNightmareslstarnes: Wow! Cool! Thnx m8! :)17:22
jMyles[manas]: How's it coming?  Have you made any progress SSHing into your machine?17:22
lstarnesLrdOfNightmares: I think I already told you about that17:22
[manas]jMyles,  im so lost17:22
[manas]jMyles,  i open so many port but none of them is working17:23
jMyles[manas] - try "ssh localhost" from the host computer.17:24
LrdOfNightmaresjMyles: what is that? you know the SSH thing17:24
Kragi want to convert from xp to ubuntu, but no matter how hard i try to get it to play through my onboard soundcard it does not want to what can i do to stop the stress17:24
scootlesDoes anyone know why my sound is barely audible? it's turned all the way up, and even with my ear directly on the speaker I can barely hear it17:24
jMylesKrag: What kind of computer?17:24
synfinI want to look over my video card status, is there any linux utility for video cards like free & top for the video card?17:24
[manas]jMyles, did17:24
jMylesLrdOfNightmares: I don't understand your question.  Can you rephrase?17:25
jMyles[manas]: And what happens with ssh localhost?17:25
l403I have compiled a new gcc version and installed it but the VMserver still reports the old version so I have removed gcc with APT but the problem consists. What can be done to fix it?17:25
jedcscootles, if you type alsamixer in a terminal you should see a bunch of audio sliders, make sure pcm and front are up17:25
matreya6I try to setup PulseAudio on Ubuntu 9.04 64Bit for 5.1 Surround Sound. At the moment I only have sound on the Front Speakers. daemon.conf is configured for 6 channels as should be. puvumeter shows 6 channels.17:25
[manas]jMyles,  Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.17:25
jMyles[manas]: OK, that means it is working.17:26
hounI restarted the installer with apci=off, and it works.17:26
jMylesNow, have you tried, from another computer, connecting with SSH and using the IP address?17:26
hounThanks all.17:26
[manas]jMyles,  i know i put some many of them17:26
LrdOfNightmaresjMyles: "what is that? you know the SSH thing" you asked "manas" how the SSHing into his machine was going, i want to learn what is this SSH into the machine17:26
scootlesjedc: How do I turn them up if they aren't all the way up? Front is at 81%17:26
RabbitbunnySo, I'm having a problem with wax, namely, there's a white line across the top of the car. It wasn't there before, but it is now. It's a '90 with classic GM clearcoat so I assume th color coat was pretty porous. Hints? tips? tricks?17:26
Rabbitbunnyerr, wrong window.17:26
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KragjMyles I have 9800gt nvidia card, 3 gigs of ram and a dualcore 2.81 2.80 processor pentium computer17:26
jMyles!ssh | LrdOfNightmares17:26
ubottuLrdOfNightmares: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:27
jedcLrdOfNightmares, it is a way to (basically) log into a remote machine with a terminal interface, although it also has the capability to do forward graphical programs also17:27
jMylesKrag: You are having audio problems?  What audio card?17:27
[manas]jMyles,  i just cant figure out for ip-address-of-ssh-server shuold i put 94-193-47-68.zone7.bethere.co.uk or 94-193-47-68 i tryed both but none of them a working17:27
LrdOfNightmaresjedc: jMyles Thnx guys17:28
scootlesjedc: How do I turn them up if they aren't all the way up? Front is at 81%17:28
jMylesLrdOfNightmares: SSH is wonderful, but there are security risks.  Let us know if you need any help as you pursue a SSH solution.17:28
twig11scootles: I found this helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:29
MibtechI use my Linux computer for running game servers, I have 2 hard drives but when I install game server software on the secondary it will not work only if I install into the home folder is there any way around this ? I'm running out of hard drive space on my main hard drive17:29
KragjMyles I have got a onboard realtek hd soundcard that i can't get to work on ubuntu and an external soundblaster audigy value soundcard that seems to dominate my onboard and is all that plays audio can't get it to switcyh17:29
jMylesKrag: Hmm.  Not sure.  Any results on google or in the forums?17:30
jMyles!hi | ravil17:30
ubotturavil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:30
jedcscootles, what is pcm at?17:30
jedcscootles, you use the arrow keys to get to the one you want, and the use up and down to change it, if it says MM at the botom is it muted17:30
LrdOfNightmaresjMyles: Thanks, when i start exploring it i will tell you17:30
jMylesKrag: You've tried System -=> Preferences -=> Sound, right?17:30
BavariaHi, I know this is not the channels topic, but I require some help from someone with good eye-sight. I need to solve a magic-eye kind of riddle just with ascii art17:31
Mrokiihello all. Can somebody suggest a good editor for programming on Ubuntu (Gnome)? So far I have tried out Kate and KomodoEdit but not really pleased with both...17:31
Bavariawould someone be so nice to help me out?17:31
KragjMyles I have tried a lot of forums and stuff and have gone to system sound, but to no success17:31
jedc[manas], on the host machine type ifconfig, it will have the local ip address for the network, you can use that if you are on the network17:31
jMylesBavaria: Try in #ubuntu-offtopic17:31
jedc[manas], if you want to ssh over the internet you need to set up portforwarding from your router on port 80 to the host machines local ip17:31
akscistill not able to configure my cabinet's front audio jack! please hellppp!!!17:32
jedc[manas], my bad, i think 22 is the default port17:32
jMyles[manas] - Sorry, I missed that comment.  jedc is spot on - use ifconfig to determine the IP address.  Are you, at least for the moment, using two computers on the same LAN?17:32
jMyles[manas], indeed port 22 is default. :-)  Thanks jedc.17:32
KragjMyles I have tried the live cd of fedora linux and there i'm able to switch between my soundcards with no problems what so ever any ideas on why this is so?17:33
jedcjMyles, :D17:33
PhrogzI'm trying, and failing, to get a ruby script to run from a particular directory at startup. I have:  /etc/init.d/local #=> shebang + /var/www/go.sh   and /var/www/go.sh #=> shebang + cd /var/www/ + ruby go.rb &17:33
PhrogzIf I    sudo /etc/init.d/local   it works, but it's not kicking off when I start the server. How do I debug this?17:33
MibtechIf any one could help me, I use my Linux computer for running game servers, I have 2 hard drives but when I install game server software on the secondary it will not work only if I install into the home folder is there any way around this ? I'm running out of hard drive space on my main hard drive17:34
moose55anyone know how to get HDMI audio to work in Ubuntu 9.0417:34
scootlesNow I'm having slight stuttering issues with video playback, including things like Youtube. Any ideas?17:34
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: i suggest Code::blocks, the thing is that i can't install it :/17:34
sipiorPhrogz: i believe rc.local is run at boot by default.17:35
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, what's that?17:35
moose55can anyone help me get audio to work with HDMI on Ubuntu 9.0417:35
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: Programing editor with grafical interface17:35
sipiorPhrogz: to be clear, that's /etc/rc.local.17:36
jMylesKrag: I'm sorry I don't know.  Keep trying.  Have you found any answers on the forums?17:36
Mrokiispecifically I am looking for something I can do Python with. I also tried to install Eric Python IDE and SPE but both do not work/start here :/17:36
spODo any of you know how to compile ati/fglrx for custom ubuntu kernels?17:36
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, I see17:36
Lunixed#join /java17:36
kiaas_Lunixed, wrong order17:37
KragjMyles thanks will try, but i have little hope17:37
Phrogzsipior: OK, I see I have that. I'll try putting in there (though I followed other instructions using update-rc.d which I think should have made my file runnable). So now:17:37
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: if you can fix it let me know too xP17:37
danbhfiveMibtech: you can either use symlinks to move specific folders to your other hdd, or you could move /home to the other hdd17:37
Phrogza) Do I need to do anything to cleanly remove my own local script having run update-rc.d, and17:37
Lunixedkiaas_, I am not able  to join #java17:37
moose55can anyone help me get audio to work with HDMI on Ubuntu 9.0417:37
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, I doubt it, as I am pretty new to Linux17:37
Phrogzb) Do I need to "change the execution bits" to get rc.local to run?17:37
kiaas_Lunixed, really? /join #java does nothing for you?17:37
edbianPhrogz: rc.local always runs17:38
Lunixedsays you need to be ideantified and i am registered :( : kiaas_17:38
^EinsteinLunixed: ##java is +r17:38
Lunixeddoes it work for u?17:38
^EinsteinLunixed: please see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup17:38
Phrogzsipior: Oh, and c) Assuming it does run but is still some sort of working directory issue, how do I properly change the working directory to /var/www before running my ruby go.rb?17:38
jedcPhrogz, it should already be executable17:38
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Phrogzedbian and jedc: thanks17:38
Lunixedi am registered @ ^Einstein17:38
sipiorPhrogz: a) just remove the script from wherever you put it. b) /etc/rc.local should already exist and have execute bits set.17:38
Mibtechdanbhfive: if I more /home to my secondary drive is there other changes I would need todo ?17:38
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LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: i am new to Linux too m8, it seems that we are classmates for Linux :P17:38
Bob_DoleLunixed, but are you identified?17:38
Phrogzsipior: Excellent, thanks.17:38
^EinsteinLunixed: not right now, you're not identified17:39
LunixedBob_Dole, yes17:39
RolandI've got a question... At work i have a system with 7.04 it average load is ~0.02, but my laptop (9.04) averages 0.4. Why the huge difference?17:39
^EinsteinLunixed: /msg nickserv help identify17:39
danbhfiveMibtech: yeah, you can't just use mv17:39
spOIs it possible to install ati/fglrx on a custom ubuntu kernel?17:39
sipiorPhrogz: c) cd, or pushd17:39
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, heh, seems so17:39
nadermanhey, I'm trying to use two screens with xrandr, this all works quite fine, just that the config I want goes over the maximum total resolution17:39
useroneok, i found a howto fix the vista boot loader problem, but can someone tell me how I can check if I have an IDE hdd (hd0,0) or a sata/scsi hdd (sd0,0)?17:40
edbianRoland: Work system has a better processor faster ram etc etc17:40
BodsdaMibtech, is your home directory a seperate partition?17:40
danbhfiveMibtech: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving?highlight=(home)|(move)17:40
nadermanhow can I change that maximum resolution without modifying xorg.conf?17:40
Kraganyone know how to switch from one soundcard to another in ubuntu 9.0417:40
edbianRoland: Load is a measure of how hard the system is working.  There are many many factors17:40
danbhfiveMibtech: oops: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:40
edbiannaderman: You cannot.  I am not aware of any other way.17:40
nadermanI've read that you can add a Virtual line to your Display config in xorg.conf but since I don't have an xorg.conf with the latest ubuntu anymore and I would prefer not to have to generate one, is there any way?17:40
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jedcRoland, i think it would also depend on all your hardware, i.e. which drivers are running for networkcard and soundcard and such17:41
edbiannaderman: Except perhaps getting new hardware.17:41
nadermanedbian: where does the config generated on the fly now come from?17:41
CatspiritoneI've a Radeon 4890, what drivers should I be using?17:41
Mibtechdanbhfive: ok i'll look at the link thanks17:41
raphahow can you find out that the problem is when NetworkManager shows two green dots and spins and spins for about a minute and then says disconnected?17:41
moose55can anyone help me get audio to work with HDMI on Ubuntu 9.04???17:41
nadermanedbian: this is new hardware, what would the hardware have to do with it?17:41
histonaderman: I thought there was a command to genereate one I thinkg doing a dpkg-reconfigure of the xorg server will generate it.17:41
PerlGuyPython in jaunty defaults to 2.617:41
PerlGuyhow can I set default to 2.517:42
scootlescan I stop mIRC from showing EVERYONE who joins or leaves? It's getting annoying17:42
histonaderman: the other option is to a locate and see if there is a document one lying around somewhere.17:42
edbiannaderman: The X server probes the hardware (the video card and the monitor in this case) to determine what resolutions are possible.17:42
nadermanedbian: yeah it does that correctly17:42
eXeeggprompt russian server irc17:42
nadermanthe problem is that the frame buffer which is created on xorg startup is too small for both screens at the same time17:42
edbiannaderman: If it did that correctly you would have the resolution you're trying to add wouldn't you?17:42
nadermanedbian: I do have the resolution for each screen individually17:42
jedcnaderman, what are you trying to do?17:43
adnchello, is there a calendar application that works with gnome and also allows syncronization via webcal?17:43
nadermanbut the total of both resolutions doesn't fit into the frame buffer17:43
Linux^Warrioranyone actually here?17:43
eXeeggprompt russian server irc?17:43
edbiannaderman: Then you need a better video card?  I'm not sure if there is a way to solve that problem.17:43
histonader sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg should genreate one I believe17:43
BodsdaLinux^Warrior, there are 1454 people in the channel... 1453...145417:43
bankix!ask | Linux^Warrior17:43
ubottuLinux^Warrior: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:43
Rolandedbian, ok, that sounds reasonable17:43
nadermanjedc: xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --output VGA --mode 1024x768 --above LVDS17:43
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nadermanxrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1440x1440 (desired size 1440x1668)17:43
Bodsdath0r, scripting? :)17:44
nadermanedbian: my video card can handle it just find17:44
jedcnaderman, if you have an nvidia card at least you can configure multiple displays in System->Administration->Nvidia x server settings, i dont know much more than that sorry17:44
nadermanxrandr just does not appear to have an option to change that setting17:44
edbiannaderman: Than I'm afraid I don't know! :(17:44
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, CodeBox seems to work without problems here, installed via Synaptic17:44
nadermanjedc: intel card17:44
th0rBodsda: yeah....a tk package for openvpn...and old age <smile>17:44
nadermanhisto: I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do that17:44
nadermanis there no way to kind of inject this setting without having the actual configuration present?17:45
Phrogzsipior: No glory. If I    sudo /etc/rc.local   the process starts fine, but when I reboot the machine it doesn't work.17:45
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: how did you install it and what do you mean it works without problems? did you run a program?17:45
Bodsdath0r, cool, I should really get started on that echo server ive been putting off :)17:45
Linux^Warriorlol thta was a question actually, last time I was here everyone was afk :P17:45
edbianPhrogz: What is the command?  rc.local is run early on perhaps you need the X server to be running or something first.17:45
Linux^WarriorI need help with totem codecs I have to download manual to get them17:45
CatspiritoneWhat drivers should I use for my Radeon 4890?17:45
sipiorPhrogz: can you insert debugging lines to verify that the script is in fact run?17:46
Linux^Warriorwhat is the link for totem codecs? I cnanot find them via google17:46
BodsdaLinux^Warrior, usually I just try and play something and then totem gives me the option of nistalling them17:46
sipiorPhrogz: also, can you pastebin the contents of /etc/rc.local?17:46
jedcPhrogz, it didnt work to make it executable and put it in /etc/init.d?17:46
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: CodeBox Or Code::Blocks?17:46
Phrogzedbian: http://pastie.org/58152217:46
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, I installed it via the Synaptic package manager and just tried to start it afterwards. That's all I have tested :)17:46
Phrogzsipior: How/where would I see the output of the debugging lines?17:46
Linux^Warrioryeah I do not have that option17:46
Linux^WarriorI have an older distro for an old laptop17:47
Phrogzjedc: Same issue as with using this built-in rc.local; works when I run it explicitly, but doesn't come up on boot.17:47
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, err, "code:blocks", right :)17:47
RolandBodsda, he's using 5.1017:47
edbianPhrogz: Why do you need to cd somewhere?17:47
icarushow do i know when simple backup is compleate?17:47
BodsdaRoland, ouch :)17:47
Linux^WarriorI just need the link to the manual download page for the codecs so I can install them17:47
edbianPhrogz: Is that the entire start_drb_server.sh script?17:47
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: which one did you choose to install?17:48
RolandLinux^Warrior, the codecs are int he repository17:48
Phrogzedbian: Yes; The ruby script requires other libraries that all assume the working directory is /var/www/pentagonalrobin is why I need the cd17:48
Linux^WarriorI looked its tryign to downlaod ff the site but its a 40417:48
EruditeHermithi, when I plug my mtp device into ubuntu, gnome mounts the device. This however stops rhythmbox from accessing it. I have to unmount hte device so that rhythmbox can access it. Is there a way to prevent gnome from mounting it immediately?17:48
edbianPhrogz: That's probably true.17:48
RolandLinux^Warrior, you're SOL17:48
spODo any of you know how to compile ati/fglrx for custom ubuntu kernels?17:49
Phrogzedbian: Sorry, what's probably true?17:49
sipiorPhrogz: you'll see the output during startup, assuming you've turned off the annoying splash screen. can you also pastebin the contents of the script referenced in /etc/rc.local?17:49
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, the Package is named "codeblocks" in the synaptic package manager17:49
ltcabralwhats a good graphical interface to use CVS?17:49
edbianPhrogz: That you need to be in /var/www/pentagonalrobin17:49
Phrogzsipior: It's in the pastebin17:49
sipiorPhrogz: ah no, i see it, thanks17:49
newfagi am a complete newcomer, i need help, will anyone guide me?17:49
jMyles[manas]: Are you trying to connect to another computer on your LAN?17:49
Phrogzsipior: The server is, sadly, about 4,000 miles physically from me; only ssh access.17:49
edbian!ask | newfag17:49
ubottunewfag: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:49
jMyles[manas]: At least for the moment?17:49
sipiorPhrogz: you should specify explicitly the path for ruby.17:50
geniinewfag: You should probably also consider changing your nickname, the current one is somewhat offensive17:50
Phrogzsipior: Ah, good thought, will try that.17:50
Linux^Warriordoes nobody know the old link for ttem codecs manual install??17:50
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: Thats what i have installed bu i have this problem. Look here http://paste.ubuntu.com/252007/17:50
[manas]jMyles,yes im, im trying to test it17:50
Caerbannoghi all17:51
jedcnewfag, so the answer is yes, if we know the answer, but we dont know the question, and you should probably change your nick as genii said17:51
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tusharny1 can help me wid xvidtunes17:51
natewiebe13anyone know anything about deluge?17:51
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, Looks more like a syntax-error to me than a problem with the IDE17:52
Linux^Warriorwtf?? how ur nick \0??17:52
TooAngelis it possible to prepare a directory in that way, that each file which is created, have a special owner? I know for groups their is the setgid bit, but for the owner?17:52
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, I don't know C++, but isn't a comment initiated with "//*" ?17:52
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ari_how do i get videos to work properly17:53
useroneif fdisk -l lists disks as sda1, sda2, sda3 does that mean they are sata/scsi? IDE would be listed as hda?17:53
ks3TooAngel, Nope, just setgid combined with user groups and umask settings17:53
jribTooAngel: Access Control Lists -- man setfacl and getfacl17:53
jedcMrokii, "/*" i think17:53
jMyles[manas]: Well then under most circumstances the ip address will be something like 192.168.*.*17:53
LrdOfNightmaresMrokii: no in C++ thats how the comments are used, with 2 slashes, what programing language do you know?17:53
bankixuserone: Nope, all IDE/SATA/SCSI disks will show up as sd*17:53
edbianuserone: Ubuntu lists all harddrives as sda now it seems.  ide or sata does not seem to matter17:53
TooAngel@ks3 @jrib thx17:53
TooAngelk, i will look at acls if it solve my problem17:53
jribTooAngel: note you need to add mount options to use ACLs17:54
=== Linux^Warrior is now known as Linux
Phrogz/ is single line comment, /* starts multi-line, and you can do         //*   ...    //*/   so that adding or removing the leading slash will change the block-level comment.17:54
Linuxlol intresting17:54
MrokiiLrdOfNightmares, Javascript, a bit of Objective-C and some other scripting-languages. I have only used C some years ago (I'm only a hobbyist regarding programming)17:54
PhrogzBah, extra slash eaten.17:54
=== Linux is now known as Linux^\
sipiorLrdOfNightmares: how precisely did you compile this?17:54
ari_hi, i need help, i'm just trying out ubuntu and no videos seem to work properly17:54
jedcPhrogz, ah, i didnt know about the extra slashes17:54
useronebankix: thanks, i found a howto so i can fix my vista boot menu problem, but it gives to commands depending on whether the hdd is IDE or SATA/SCSI. How can I check which type of hdd I have?17:54
Phrogzsipior: You win! Specifying full ruby path fixed it. Duh, me. Thanks! (And thanks to edbian for the help, too.)17:55
nadermanhisto: well thanks that did the job17:55
nadermanhisto: though it'd be kind of nice if xrandr simply had an option for that ;-)17:55
edbianPhrogz: NP17:55
LrdOfNightmaressipior: what do you mean "precisely"?17:55
bankixuserone: In 99.999 percent of all cases you won't have any SCSI at all. And I don't see where this is important to grub.17:55
TooAngel@jrib k, that should be no problem17:55
ari_is there perhaps a special help server for newfags like me?17:56
TooAngeljust didn't had a clue, where to search, acl is a good hint17:56
edbianbankix: What's the difference between the commands?17:56
edbianari_: Stop calling yourself a fag.17:56
jribari_: please don't use that term here17:56
ari_k, why though17:56
sipiorLrdOfNightmares: you want me to define "precisely"? what command did you type or select to attempt to build this? (clearly the compiler does not know to treat this as a C++ source file, as you can see from the errors returned)17:56
edbianari_: What is your question?17:56
bankixedbian: Which commands?17:56
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ari_no videos are displayed correctly17:57
edbianbankix: I meant userone:  What is the difference between the commands17:57
edbianari_: Flash videos?17:57
jedcari_, if it is in a proprietary format you probably need to install some extra codecs, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" will also install flash, and some other stuff you probably want17:57
Linux^\ari load it in safe  graphics mode17:57
LrdOfNightmaressipior: actually i am new to Programing, and i tryed Code::Blocks17:57
ari_all streaming videos, what is safe graphics mode and how do i do that17:57
B4ckB0neim on 9.04 an i just installed the package tonido   but i cant find the prog.. where is ist?17:58
jedcLrdOfNightmares, you might be trying to use the c compiler instead of c++17:58
useronebankix: the howto says to amend the /boot/grub/menu.lst file but there is a different entry depending on if "Vista is installed to the first partition of the first IDE hard drive:" (which gives the entry root hd0,0) or "Vista is installed to the first partition of the first SATA/SCSI hard drive:" (which gives the entry root sd0,0)17:58
jedcLrdOfNightmares, gcc is for c code, g++ for c++ code17:58
Mrokiior, does somebody know what kind of colorcode KomodoEdit uses in its scheme-files? The reason I didn't like that editor was that the possibilities to change the look of the sourcecode seem to be quite limited.17:58
edbianB4ckBOne: try running it from the terminal (and looking at man tonido)17:58
MrokiiAt least from the GUI17:58
bankixuserone: There is no difference between SCSI and IDE/SATA. It's allways (hd0) or so.17:59
[manas]jMyles,   sudo ssh -D 446 zion@
[manas][sudo] password for zion:17:59
[manas]zion@'s password:17:59
[manas]Linux zion-desktop 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC 2009 i68617:59
bankixuserone: There is no (sd0)17:59
FloodBot3[manas]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
ari_linux^\ how do i load it in safe graphics mode?17:59
Linux^\press esc on grub load17:59
jedc[manas], sounds like its working17:59
edbianuserone: "sda" is the harddrive.  sda1 is partition 1, sda2 is partiton 2 etc etc17:59
B4ckB0needbian, there is no command tonido and no man page ... so i dont know what to do.17:59
[manas]jedc, but it not18:00
edbianB4ckBOne: Really?  That's odd.  What does tonido do?18:00
LrdOfNightmaressipior: How can i use the g++ or the gcc?18:00
jMyles[manas]: Great! :-)18:00
[manas]jedc, i c ant connect18:00
[manas]jMyles, buti cant connect18:00
apoleo12hey... I have a load error that it cant find the defkeymap... running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) find keymap: no such file or directory. Cannot find defkeymap18:00
B4ckB0netonido is a fileshareing server on a php basis which brings its own sql and stuff18:00
useronebankix: thanks, I hadnt seen sd0 before so I was confused by that. I will just use hd0.18:00
sipiorLrdOfNightmares: try compiling from the terminal. save the program text in "begin.cc", and then build with "g++ begin.cc -lstdc++". that should produce "a.out", a binary which you can run. (specify the executable name via the -o switch)18:01
Linux^\for anyone just learning linux I would download virtualbox for windows & run it on a virtual machine :) its safer & runs about same18:01
jedc[manas], you just posted what looks like a successful connection, do you get a shell prompt after that?18:01
edbianuserone: There is no hd0 either!18:01
spydonwhats the command that shows the log that is good for troubleshooting? if you know what I mean...18:01
edbianuserone: hda is the harddrive, hda1 is partition 1...18:01
B4ckB0needbian,  tonido is a fileshareing server on a php basis which brings its own sql and stuff18:01
[manas]jedc, ?18:02
edbianspydon: "dmesg" is good for looking for general system errors18:02
bankixedbian: In the menu.lst there is _indeed_ hd0 etc.!18:02
spydonedbian, exactly what I meant18:02
edbianbankix: Oohh! In grub notation yes.18:02
edbianspydon: NP18:02
useroneedbian: now you have me confused! the howto i am using says to amend the /boot/grub/menu.lst file but there is a different entry depending on if "Vista is installed to the first partition of the first IDE hard drive:" (which gives the entry root hd0,0) or "Vista is installed to the first partition of the first SATA/SCSI hard drive:" (which gives the entry root sd0,0)18:02
jedc[manas], you are trying to use ssh to login to zion-desktop?18:02
bankixuserone: Just ignore the last line from edbian. Use hd0 etc.18:03
jMyles[manas]: It looks like you did connect.18:03
edbianuserone: I'm sorry to confuse.  Grub starts counting at 0 so (hd0,0) would be harddrive 1 partition118:03
edbianuserone: bankix: lol, yes ignore me if I'm confusing.  I'll shut up now unless further solicited.18:03
bankixedbian: np, we're all human... okay, most at least are #-)18:04
xiphosanyone here use webmitm ?18:04
edbianbankix: :)18:04
Linux^\anyone know the specs to arch linux?? im running on a old laptop :(18:04
[manas]jMyles, but wjen i put everything in browser on ohter machine its no internet18:04
colin100121anyone know why package manager fails and I find I need to reinstall ubuntu from scratch?18:04
bankixcolin100121: No, we don't. Because we have not a single detail...18:05
Linux^\because the packagemanager failed a needed set of files & caused errors18:05
jedc[manas], ssh does not share an internet connection, it lets you log into from a command line to the other machine18:05
Linux^\u can boot into terminal & try apt-fix18:05
sipiorcolin100121: that's a fairly general question. excessive sunspot activity?18:05
colin100121I have the error message reported if anyone is interested18:05
[manas]jedc, im trying to do http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/18:06
jMyles[manas]: I don't understand what you mean.18:06
bankixcolin100121: _could_ help helping you.18:06
apoleo12hey... I have a load error that it cant find the defkeymap... running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) find keymap: no such file or directory. Cannot find defkeymap. how t solve this? i had put in the entry before but it still happening18:06
useronebankix: edbian: ok, so here is another confusing thing (for me at least!). The vista hdd is formatted as ntfs to 100GB (102400) , but when it appears on my ubuntu desktop the size become 107GB! this is too much error to be down to calculating disk space?18:06
bankixuserone: Different bases for "kilo" and "mega".18:07
colin100121well I cant start package manager and it reports this:18:07
colin100121'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'18:07
colin100121anyone understand what that means?18:07
[manas]jMyles,  so whit that program i opened a tunnel yes?? now i want to use my browser18:07
jMyles[manas]: No, you didn't open a tunnel - not this time.  Go back to the tutorial - you'll see you need some parameters.18:07
jedc[manas], ssh does not open a tunnel unless you use some command line options18:07
jedc[manas], and then you need to set up firefox to use a different port than the normal one for internet18:08
munkycan anybody here give me some instructions how to install my brother dcp-357c (printer)?18:08
bankixcolin100121: Rename that file and all others starting with the same name into a different directory. Then call "apt-get update" and look what it says.18:08
harcoalI think ssh -D 9999 username@sshserver should work18:08
jedc[manas], i use ssh -N -f -L 3308:localhost:3306 jed@thehost for remote mysql administration for instance18:09
colin100121okay thanks, will try that18:09
jedc[manas], which makes your local machines port 3308 act as 3306 on the host machine18:09
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mickster04munky, what have you tried so far18:10
[manas]jedc, now u made me more confused18:10
jedc[manas], just follow the tutorial, i dont know all the ssh command line options i just found an example online18:10
jedc[manas] man ssh might help, or might make you more confused18:11
munkyi tried the automtaic install offered from ubuntu but my printer isn't supported in the list18:11
thenunsalguien me dice el canal de espanoñ18:11
lstarnes!es | thenuns18:11
ubottuthenuns: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:11
mickster04ah ok18:11
mickster04well when u plug it in have you had a look at admin>printers18:11
mickster04mayb it will appear there anyway18:11
harcoal[manas] have you ran the ssh command from the tutorial?18:12
[manas]jedc,  but in totorias it only says$ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server18:12
munkyyes i did and it appeared but i can't print18:12
[manas]it only one command there18:12
jiffeanyone run ocfs2 on ubuntu?  I've got it setup on 2 nodes, but I keep getting scsi reservation conflicts when I run bonnie++ on it18:12
jiohdianyone know why skype does not show up on the add/remove list?18:12
mickster04jiohdi, have u tried synaptic package manager18:13
jedc[manas], if that is what you typed then i suspect your difficulty is in not setting up firefox to use port 9999 to connect to the internet18:13
jiohdimick, that is how I installed it18:13
[manas]i did diferent port18:13
mickster04jiohdi, well thats how u uninstallit too then18:13
harcoal[manas] open firefox and choose edit>preferences>advanced>network>setttings, then choose manual proxy, socks4 with the server set as localhost with port 999918:13
mickster04munky, i rpesume uv checked out ubuntu forums18:14
jiohdimick, I am still new, did not know they were different18:14
munkyok i'll do that i'll return later propably^^18:14
jedc[manas], do this on the same machine that you created the ssh tunnel on18:14
mickster04jiohdi, well i dont understand how they are but if it doesnt appear in add/remove before install it wont after...?18:15
[manas]harcoal, ssh -D 446 zion@ i did 446 what for i need to use 999918:15
Stumpiehello, what is the best VNC client for linux+windows? I want to set it up on work and home computer, so when i am on one, I can have the other rendering my animations. TIA :)18:15
* ninjaslim blech, worst experiences with fud fud fedora18:15
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:15
colin100121if I can get permissions to rename that file wah!18:15
harcoal[manas] it's probably best to use a high port number like 9999 to be sure18:15
jiohdimickster, I dont know, but you are correct, it is listed in synaptic18:16
DarkoricalCan anyone help me with a couple Mirrored server questions18:16
jedc[manas], lower port numbers are reserved for certain things, e.g. 22 for ssh, 80 for internet normally i think18:16
mickster04!tab | jiohdi18:17
ubottujiohdi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:17
mickster04munky, have a looka at
frostburnanyone know of a good music player/library manager that uses a rdb for a backend? Amarok is completely unusable18:17
[manas]not working18:17
jedcfrostburn, what is rdb?18:18
frostburnjedc, relational database18:18
harcoal[manos] hmm, not sure then, I just followed the tutorial you linked to and it allowed me to browse via ssh18:18
n00b81Hello, I would like to download all the files and directories off an http web server using wget, what would be the command to do this? thank you18:18
harcoal*whoops [manas] (too much MST3K ...)18:18
Darkoricalwe have two locations connected via hardware VPN tunnel the connection between the two is sometimes slow I was asked to look into putting a server in each location and have them sync with each other l18:19
jedcharcoal, lol18:19
alankila_n00b81: wget --mirror and possibly add --no-parent18:19
n00b81ok thank you18:19
B4ckB0nehow to find out which files were copied to my harddrive by a package?18:19
Darkoricalproblem comes in with mysql syncing ....18:19
jedc[manas], are you trying to connect to the internet on the machine running the ssh server or the one you created the tunnel on?18:20
[manas]jedc, yes it doesnt work18:20
jedc[manas], which one?18:20
[manas]jedc, same whit ssh18:20
jedc[manas], one of your earlier posts made it sound like you were trying to use firefox on the machine running the server, which is not what the tutorial is saying18:21
[manas]jedc,  but u guys told me to try it now18:21
[manas]jedc, before i was doing on other machine and it didnt work too18:22
Stumpiebefore anyone came into the office this morning, I installed Ubuntu 9.04 in the nude 8)18:22
DarukaHi folks.  Quick question about libnotify.  The default that comes with Jaunty only displays one message at a time in the upper right corner of the screen. If I want to change this, do I need notify-daemon package or is there another way to change it?18:22
B4ckB0nehow to find out which files were copied to my harddrive by a package?18:23
jedc[manas], the tutorial is showing how to use a remote computer's (running an ssh server) internet from your computer. You dont need to do anything on the computer running the ssh server at all18:23
icaruswhere can i get a printer driver for a canon IP600 ?18:23
useroneok, something else...my vista partition mounts automatically on start-up, which i dont want. I checked my fstab file, so if I # out the line /dev/sda1 /media/media ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 0, this will stop it mounting automatically? i will still be able to mount /unmount manually?18:23
grawityB4ckB0ne: dpkg -L packagename18:23
B4ckB0nethx grawity18:23
colin100121bankix I cant rename the file, seems to be restricted by package manager18:24
jedcuserone, yes, you will need to specify a mount point when you manually mount it18:24
linexI have an nvidia video card NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]. It has a TV out connector. I connect it to my crt TV. Kubuntu started ok until KDM (X) starts, the screen became totally black. Am I missing something here ?18:24
bankixcolin100121: You have to be root on the command line and to close the package manager of course.18:24
[manas]jedc i know i was just testing18:24
colin100121that's the problem, I can't get it to close, its got a stop icon running18:25
fccflinex: you will need to use nvidia-settings to setup a second monitor18:25
jedc[manas], the ssh tunnel is not 2 ways, port 9999 on the remote machine will not be bound to anything18:25
useronejedc: when I mount it manually, can I set the default mount point to the desktop? /media/sda1?18:25
linexfccf: ok, I will try. Are sure about this ?18:26
fccflinex: done it 100's of times18:26
linexfccf: thanks18:26
Darkoricalis it possible to sync two mysql databases that arepudated seporatly18:26
Luanoi tudo bem18:26
Darkoricalthat are updated*18:26
Luanalguem afim de tc18:26
[manas]jedc, can u help me let start to do everything from begining18:27
frostburnDarkorical, define sync?18:27
jedcuserone, i think you actually want it in fstab, but you need to change the options so it doesnt mount automatically, but still has a default mount point, i dont know how to do that exactly you will need to read up on fstab options18:27
=== vic is now known as Guest8564
colin100121get the feeling I will give up and re-install linux again :( oh to start a windows explorer with priviliges!18:27
jedc[manas],  yes18:27
useronejedc: ok, thanks18:28
[manas]jedc, but first i need a cigarete one minute18:28
grawitycolin100121: Windows Explorer can be started with privileges using runas /u:Administrator "explorer /separate", if you want that.18:28
frostburncolin100121, what's the issue18:28
Darkoricalfrostburn: they both need to have the same information in them but be always availible ot the location they are in for update and retrieve even when they are not ocnnected to eachother18:28
linexfccf: Separate X Screen or Twinview ?18:28
frostburnDarkorical, use either mysql replication or mysqlproxy18:29
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icaruswhere can i get a driver for a CANON IP600  printer18:29
colin100121I meant running a windows like explorer on linux18:29
jedcuserone, np, sorry i cant be more help, ive done it before but i just found something online that explained the options18:29
frostburncolin100121, what features of explorer are you looking for?18:30
n00b81thanks for the help guys. Have a nice day18:30
DarkoricalI looked at mysql replication and it seemed that it wanted all changes made to one server then it updates the other ones I need updates to be made on both servers18:30
colin100121hmm just something like explorer on linux that allows me admin rights18:30
useronejedc: no worries, I am also reading something online which explains some options, thanks anyway18:30
frostburncolin100121, gksudo nautilus18:30
fccfcolin100121: you could run gksudo nautilus ..18:30
bankixcolin100121: Open the terminal and start typing.18:31
colin100121that's perfect :D18:31
colin100121thanks frostburn18:31
=== jon is now known as Guest20520
DarkoricalI foresee problems with that as what if someone makes row 10 on one server with one set of information and someone else makes row 10 on a different one with different info  and then they try to sync18:31
frostburnDarkorical, you can do a dual master setup, but that'll require changes on your schema, like no auto increment fields, your only other option is mysql proxy18:31
colin100121I'm still getting to grips with ubuntu after 20 years on windows18:31
jennieHi wass up18:31
jenniei need a help18:32
frostburnDarkorical, this really should be a question for #mysql and not #ubuntu18:32
thiebaudecolin100121, i understand that18:32
frostburn!ask | jennie18:32
ubottujennie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:32
Guest20520what all can i do with ubuntu linux?.18:32
frostburnGuest20520, everything but run osx and play windows games =P18:32
fccfGuest20520: almost anything18:33
Guest20520hello jeenie18:33
XerranGuest20520: I have been using it for a week now and pretty much everything in windows18:33
fsujHow can I install Firefox? (I already downloaded the.tar.gz file and extracted)18:33
[manas]jedc, ok im back first how i can delete all configuracion which one i made18:33
thiebaudeGuest20520, everything i do in ubuntu i did on windows xp18:33
jedcGuest20520, a more appropriate question, what cant you do?18:33
jenniefrostburn i am updating the nvidia driver i have the .run file at my desktop and by pressing crtl +alt +f2 i am able to login as root user but dont know what to do after that :-(18:33
frostburnfsuj, firefox is already installed in ubuntu, if you want to run 3.5, install it from the repositories18:33
DarkoricalI agree on that part but they want me to make both servers mirror eachother and what ever system I choose to use do acheive that I wish for it to be able to handle the mysql aspect of it as well18:34
alankila_jennie: tried to just install nvidia-glx-180 or something?18:34
XerranI finally learned to stop with the Open Sound madness and just got with the creative abs driver :)18:34
colin100121bankix, tried moving the file then package manager complains it cant find the file18:34
fsujfrostburn: And how do I access the repositories?18:34
alankila_jennie: ok, but are you aware that you can probably get this same stuff from ubuntu repositories too?18:35
frostburnDarkorical, do you want a HA setup? if so, i'd recommend block level mirroring between the two servers with a san18:35
colin100121do I just move all the gb.archive. files?18:35
frostburnfsuj, system > admin > synaptic package manager18:35
wiiguyi have a question i have a pentium 3 (no dvd or floppy drive) how can i make this into a small server ?18:35
yogaHow do I list the file to be installed in a deb package file?18:35
jedc[manas], um, if you do a "ps -e | grep ssh" then for each line that is ssh (not sshd or ssh-agent) "kill <the number on that line>"18:35
frostburnjennie, is there a specific reason why the installed nvidia drivers won't work?18:35
jenniethe installed driver are not updated18:36
linexfccf: Separate X Screen or Twinview ?18:36
jenniei want to update the current installed driver18:36
XerranQuestion: if I download a driver to desktop and install it from the desktop directory, is it safe to delete it once installed?18:36
jedcjennie, did you try System->Administration->Hardware drivers?18:36
DaZjennie: 173 is old >:18:36
DaZwhat card do you have ? :f18:36
ejvwiiguy: what OS is currently on it?18:36
Xerrandelete the downloaded file i mean18:36
wiiguynone os18:36
fccflinex; Twinview probably .. up to you in any case ... are you running nvidia-settings as root?18:36
jenniebut how to install thru the root user18:37
jenniethru terminal18:37
ejvwiiguy: I suggest splurging for a usb cdrom then18:37
DaZjennie:  sh filename18:37
arcanezis it possible to clone an ubuntu installation from one harddrive to another?18:37
jedcjennie, i dont know how to do it through terminal :p but it will prompt you for you password and do it as root18:37
wiiguyi heard something about network boot18:37
linexfccf: I wasn't at first but there was problem, so I sudo nvidia-setting18:37
wiiguyis that also possible ?18:37
frostburnarcanez, yes, you can use the command dd for that18:37
linexfccf: I know how Twinview turn out like. What it means Separate X Screen ?18:38
[manas]jedc, ok done18:38
arcanezfrostburn: is there docs on that?18:38
jenniejedc , i logged in as a root but the command "dir" is not working coz i want to reach to desktop18:38
frostburnarcanez, man dd otherwise google it, there's plenty out there, just be careful of your arguments as you might inadvertently destroy your disk18:39
jenniei logged in as a root but the command "dir" is not working coz i want to reach to desktop18:39
[manas]jedc, im gonna do now $ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server18:39
thiebaudewiiguy, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/18:39
jennie[23:08] <arcanez> frostburn: is there docs on that?18:39
jedcjennie, use cd or pushd to change directories, ls shows you everything in the current directory18:39
wiiguyty will try it :)18:39
fccflinex: Twinview allows for dragging from one screen to another .. a seperate x screen is litterally another whole xserver, which requires alot more resources18:39
jedc[manas], ok, good18:39
jedcjennie, as i said though i dont know how to install the drivers from the command line18:39
fccflinex: were you able to detect the second display?18:40
jedcjennie, it does it as root from the graphical interface though18:40
linexfccf: Ah I see. Yes, I was able to detect the second display18:40
thiebaudewiiguy, i've used it many times18:40
linexfccf: in fact, I am already using Twinview right now.18:40
wiiguythiebaude so it works good ?18:40
jenniejedc ok but how to go to desktop after logging as root user coz dir is not working18:40
thiebaudewiiguy, yes18:41
=== aaron is now known as TiMiDo
wiiguyok :)18:41
fccflinex: once you save the config, restart your x server and you should be good to go ... although it might take you a few tries to get it working right18:41
linexfccf: just curious , how do I switch screens if I were using SeparateX screens ?18:41
jedcjennie, you dont need to log in as root user, and i dont know what dir does, from your normal user account go to System->administration->Hardware drivers18:41
[manas]jedc, done http://paste.ubuntu.com/252057/18:41
linexfccf: I can just drag the mouse across.18:42
wiiguythiebaude when i find out how it completty works and wich os i want on it i will try it :D18:42
[manas]jedc, so now i can try to connect?18:42
linexfccf: I think I should just forget about separate X screen18:42
jedc[manas], ok, so now open firefox on the same machine you just typed that in18:43
fccflinex: dual-head = 2 mice 2 KB 2 Vid .. One CPU18:43
thiebaudewiiguy, ok18:43
jedc[manas], then go to edit->preferences18:44
linexfccf: ok I think its not for me. Twinview is more like the one in Windows.18:44
jedc[manas],  click on advanced, then the network tab, then settings18:44
linexfccf: What about Xinerama, is that synonymous with Twinview ?18:44
fcontactehello all18:45
kickAsshello : fcontacte18:45
jedc[manas], are you there?18:45
[manas]jedc, doent work18:45
jedc[manas], what do you mean? you havent set it up yet?18:45
colin100121bankix, thankyou for your help, I ended up removing all the files in the folder and re-running the package manager to fix it18:46
[manas]it says proxy server refused connection18:46
fccflinex: different creature entirely .. duplicating displays18:46
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jedc[manas], did you go to the settings? im trying to walk you through this18:46
linexfccf: In what use case scenorio would one use separate X screen18:46
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kickAssany motu out there?18:47
fccfkickAss: try #ubuntu-motu18:47
bankixcolin100121: Did that work out good?18:47
ahzIs there a special package I need for my English Ubuntu to show GTK+ apps such as Gedit in Ukranian?18:47
kickAssthanks: fccf18:47
[manas]jedc, u mean put proxy yes i did18:47
linexfccf: You mean Xinerama and Twinview is different ?18:47
colin100121had to move all the files in the folder but it got package manager working again thanks18:47
fccflinex: yep.. confusing isn't it18:47
colin100121also meant a very large update18:47
linexfccf: In what use case scenorio would one use separate X screen18:48
jedc[manas], for the SOCKS proxy put (your loopback ip) and for the port put 999918:48
Master_is there a C++ channel?18:48
ninjaslimMaster_ /join #c++18:48
jedc[manas],  i dont know what the problem is because i dont know how you tried to set up the proxy18:49
fccflinex: you probably wouldn't, primairly for classroom use18:49
linexfccf: ok. Thanks18:49
joakimkI'm about to format my HD, to reinstall a dual boot with XP and Ubuntu. However, before I begin, what are the tools I'll need? What do I use to partition the disk?18:49
Guest20520so what outher thing's you can do with a linux18:49
rskiGuest20520: whatever you want.18:50
jedcjoakimk, just the ubuntu cd, it has a partitioner that will run when you are installing18:50
MaskedDriverrski, +118:50
icarushow do i set up a static ip address in 9.0418:50
Guest20520i what to do a lot18:50
joakimkjedc: So you're suggesting I install Ubuntu before XP?18:50
fccfjoakimk: install XP first ... after is is installed it will repartition the windows disk and use the rest of the drive18:50
MaskedDriverGuest20520, well, Linux is completely open-source, so you can LITERALLY do whatever you want with enough know-how and a little sweat18:51
joakimkfccf: Do you mean the Ubuntu installer will repartition the drive?18:51
fccfjoakimk: yep18:51
jedcjoakimk, i havent done this myself, but that would work, also you can install xp first, then resize it smaller and setup the rest of the partitions furing the ubuntu install if you want18:51
[manas]jedc, i know how to use proxys , just when i put it to firefox is just doesnt work like i put some bad one18:51
Guest20520can u become a hacker useing a linux18:51
minimecjoakimk: Give one big partition ro winXP, then seperate the linux diskspace, to give /home its own partition. I would give 10-15 GB to the / and the rest for /home.18:51
MaskedDriverjoakimk,  I always install Windows first18:51
colin100121or do what I did and buy a seperate drive for ubuntu18:52
MaskedDrivercolin100121, +118:52
colin100121I have XP on one drive and Ubuntu on the other18:52
fccfjoakimk: I find it alot easier to install XP first, unless you have 2 physical HD's18:52
ahz'sudo apt-get install language-support-translations-uk' does not show gedit/GTK+ apps in Ukranian.  Am I missing something?18:52
Guest20520can you become a hacker useing a linux18:52
jedcGuest20520, using linux wont make you a 'hacker' but it is still fun and interesting and you can learn a lot, and it is a great platform for programming and other activities that 'hackers' often engage in18:53
MaskedDriverGuest20520, -1 for trolling18:53
Guest20520what is trolling18:53
MaskedDriverjoakimk, make sure you install grub, or you won't be able to get back into Windows18:53
durtahz, you need to be running the ukranian translations, ask in the ukranian channel.18:53
joakimkfccf: But if I install XP first, it will "eat" the entire drive, no? So Ubuntu will simply reformat a partition "from" XP?18:53
macoGuest20520: being a jerk, saying things to get a rise out of people18:53
maco!trolling | Guest2052018:53
ubottuGuest20520: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel18:53
grawityjoakimk: Ubuntu will just resize the XP's partition to make some space.18:54
frostburnjoakimk, you can define in the windows xp install what partition to install to18:54
joakimkMaskedDriver: But grub I can install at any time within Ubuntu, right?18:54
Supersaiyan_IVGuest20520, answer, no, go to a different channel do discuss hacking18:54
jedc[manas], i dont know what the problem is, i suspect there is a problem setting up the SOCKS proxy, but i cant help since i dont know how you did it18:54
minimecjoakimk: you can define the exact diskspace you want to give XP in the XP setup/installation tool.18:54
MaskedDriverjoakimk, give me 1 second... I'll get you a really good documentation on duel-booting18:54
[manas]jedc, maybe i need something to be intall on ubuntu some socks packedge or something18:54
fccfjoakimk: ubuntu will 'shrink' the windows drive, and give you the choice of how much18:54
joakimkMaskedDriver: :)18:54
jedc[manas], did you use localhost? or for the host, because ive tried and had problems using localhost18:55
joakimkfccf: Sounds great! Then I don't need to hassle with PartitionMagic and the likes?18:55
MaskedDriverjoakimk, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm18:55
joakimkfccf: Seem to remeber the last time I needed a floppy drive... :(18:55
MaskedDriverfollow this step-by-step and you won't have any problem18:55
jedcjoakimk, gparted, the partition editor included in the install cd works great18:55
lintelI'm trying to provide Brasero a set of FLAC files, in order18:56
lintelto burn it on a 700Mb CD-R.18:56
lintelAfter clicking on "Burn", it blocks at the "Normalizing tracks" step.18:56
ahzdurt: The problem is I don't actually know Ukranian!   I am a developer testing a Ukranian translation quirk for my app18:56
FloodBot3lintel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:56
MaskedDriverjedc, though it can take a while to use.  I hate to say it, but Vista/Win7's partitioner is much quicker18:56
[manas]jedc, IT WORKING18:56
[manas]jedc, i used local host18:56
fccfjoakimk: If you download the desktop cd ... ubuntu will load the entire operating system from the disk allowing you to test things... don't worry . windows will still be there with a full ubuntu OS running from the CD18:56
[manas]jedc, but it works whit
vlad_why is the interfaces file empty18:57
jedc[manas], thats great :D18:57
useronehey! I'm back. i modifed my grub bootloader to boot vista, but now my other laptop is hung at the grub> command prompt. what do i enter to get back into ubuntu?18:57
MaskedDriverjoakimk, that URL is for 8.04, but the same basic rules apply for 9.04,18:57
[manas]jedc,  but that on a same machine how to make it working on a diferent??18:58
durtahz, then you know more than me, better to ask in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu.18:58
joakimkfccf: jedc, MaskedDriver: Thanks guys :)18:59
jedc[manas], the same way, set up a tunnel to the host and then configure firefox to use the socks proxy18:59
jedcjoakimk, no problem, good luck with the install18:59
vlad_all i have in it is auto lo iface lo inet loopback18:59
MaskedDriveruserone, short answer -> you're cooked...18:59
jedcMaskedDriver, i can believe it, gparted takes a while, but i know it works and i dont have or trust windows :p19:00
MaskedDriveruserone, question: is Ubuntu your #1 OS or your secondary one and is there anything super important on it?19:00
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
kaddia stupid question about command line: I use "ls | grep 200906" to find all files having 200906 in the name and I want to open alll these files with kate. How do I do that?"ls | grep 200906|kate does not work, niether does"ls | grep 200906>kate19:00
[manas]jedc, ssh-server is on so i put everything on ohter machine but it doent work19:00
MaskedDriverjedc, I've found Window Vista/7's partitioner is fantastical19:00
minimecuserone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435119:00
grawitykaddi: kate $(ls | grep 200906)19:01
useroneMaskedDriver: it says error 8: kernal must be loaded before booting. so the question is, how do I load the kernal19:01
MaskedDriverit's really quick and I've had more problems accidentally overwriting my Windows data with gparted19:01
useroneminimec: thanks, let me look19:01
kaddigrawity awesome, thanks!19:01
grawitykaddi: Or, better: find . -name '*200906*' -exec kate "{}" \;19:01
MaskedDriveruserone, read minimec's forum thread19:01
jgooulimit has a way of limiting a process to a cpu time - is there a way of limiting a process to a realtime?19:01
kaddigrawity woah, that looks complicated. What is the difference between the 2 commands? Does find look outside the actual folder?19:02
[manas]jedc even on same machine  where is shh-servr it didnt work when i tryed to use ip it only wokred when i used
jgookaddi, find is horrendously programmed19:02
grawitykaddi: The 'find' one looks inside subfolders -- and it also won't break if filenames have spaces.19:02
grawitykaddi: And, what jgoo said.19:03
heatmzzrhow do i install (correctly) a .tar.gz file?19:03
jgookaddi, more tha once I've had to which find / see what version I am running because of a bug, and the API was written by someone from Alaska19:03
jedc[manas], i dont understand, what are you trying to do? you need a ssh server running on whichever machine you want to use as a proxy, when you set up as your host on port 9999 it is actually going through the ssh tunnel you set up and using the machine withe the servers port 80 for internet19:03
MaskedDriverheatmzzr, .tar.gz is a compressed file like .zip... you need to uncompress it19:03
MaskedDriverheatmzzr, then there is a very good chance there is documentation on how to install the software inside of there19:03
jgooheatmzzr, tar -xvf nameof.tar.gz19:03
vlad_COME ON19:04
jedcheatmzzr, to uncompress right click and extract here, or tar -xzf filename like jgoo said19:04
Caerbannogheatmzzr, you really need to uncompress it, cd into folder and read the "install" or 'readme' file19:04
jgoograwity, ulimit - as I feared, only does cputime limits... can I put a shell / process up that will reliably an hero after a certain time?19:04
kaddigrawity and jgoo thanks :) I'll stick to grep as long as it works then. :p (I just want to look through my IM logs, all in the same folder, no spaces.)19:05
grawityjgoo: Besides "sleep 15; kill -9 pid"?19:05
jgoograwity, oooooooh. wow. simple solution... I like... will I have the pid then... hrm, I'd need to grab it using that script I wrote...19:05
jedc[manas], so i think you have it working how you wanted it to19:05
[manas]jedc no19:06
[manas]jedc 1 sec19:06
grawityjgoo: If you are starting the app using &, then try $! or something.19:06
jgoograwity, I have code that runs and kills a process, but under high loads, the server, get this... cannot message the processes reliably within 1 second, so the message is ignored. wow.19:06
jgoograwity, this might be work looking at19:06
grawitykill -9 is always reliable :)19:07
grawityjgoo: pgrep/pkill may also be useful if you know the process name but not the pid.19:07
jgoograwity, actually I am using kill -9 --- I can't figure out how it doesn't run :(19:07
ahzthe answer to my question was 'sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-uk' to show gedit/GTK+ apps in Ukranian19:07
jgooI know the process name! grawity, I renamed all the processes per thread, to make my life easier... nice19:07
MaskedDriverahz, +119:07
[manas]jedc 1 basicly i got desktop whit shh-server which one i wwant to make proxy server so i can use internet at work :))) but for now im trying to test it whit my laptop on which one connection doent work19:08
jgookillall -p 9 procname   @grawity19:08
jgoo(its unique anyway)19:08
jedcgrawity, wow, i never knew about pgrep, thanks a ton19:08
grawityjedc, jgoo: And pidof.19:09
codeshahhey guys, I am trying to install webmin from apt-get but it requires some stuff, but those things are not bieng installed automtiacally [dependencies]19:09
UshaibHi. I'm trying to burn an audio CD with Brasero, and it's hell to add music files. It says I can drag files from the file manager, but when I click a file in Nautilus, Brasero is minimized (rather than just losing focus), and I can't drag any files to it. Adding files manually is hell because the file dialog doesn't remember my last directory: I have to click 5 times before I get there, for every single file.19:09
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jedc[manas], so you made the ssh tunnel and you were using firefox on your laptop correct?19:09
UshaibIs this (the minimizing of Brasero when I click a file in Nautilus) a bug with Nautilus or with Brasero?19:09
danbhfive!webmin | codeshah19:09
ubottucodeshah: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:09
codeshahdanbhfive, thanks19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ebo19:09
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:09
[manas]jedc yes but it doent work19:09
macoUshaib: doesnt brasero have a filebrowser built in?19:10
phenomenonIs any one aware of a linux mass downloader,, so that you can enter a url,, and select/retrieve all downloads on the page?19:10
jedc[manas], what does work? because you said it worked earlier when you changed it to
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codeshahdanbh, do you use ebox?19:10
macophenomenon: wget -r <url>19:10
[manas]jedc i didnt on my desktop19:10
MaNU_how can i create my own irc channel?19:11
macophenomenon: thatll grab the page and everything it links to19:11
jgooMaNU_, what do you want it called?19:11
grawityMaNU_: Just /join #channelname. Ask in #freenode for more help.19:11
MaNU_kk thanks19:11
Ushaibmaco: thanks. I did not know about this. It really should be in the default view. The average user is not going to know to click View > Show Side Panel19:11
jgooMaNU_, that channel already exists!19:11
haf1zguys, im using nvidia graphics. but need to enable the hardware..19:12
haf1zdo u guys know how to enable it?19:12
macoUshaib: i thought it was, but then i havent used it in about a year, so it couldve changed19:12
MaNU_jogo:how do u know that19:12
jgooMaNU_, you do know how to join channels, right?19:12
macohaf1z: sytem -> administraton -> hardware drivers19:12
jedc[manas], you didnt what?19:12
jgooMaNU_, type /join thenameofthechanneltoseeifitexists19:12
jedc[manas], the internet on the laptop is going through the desktop19:13
jgooMaNU_, riiiight.... so what do you think you should do?19:13
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jgooMaNU_, think about it carefully... you want to know if a channel exists... you know how to join channels... take your time.19:13
MaNU_yeah i can join that channel19:13
[manas]jedc that what i wanted to do19:13
MaNU_but there is nobody there19:13
jgooMaNU_, are you sure? but you said you want to create a channel...19:14
MaNU_yeah i want to create channel19:14
jedc[manas], yes, that is what it is doing when you say port 9999, all firefox know is it gets internet on 9999, but it is really using port 80 of your desktop because you made the ssh tunnel19:14
jgooright... what did I just say then?19:14
MaNU_so i have created by joining19:14
haf1zmaco: i got this Sorry, the Jockey backend crashed?19:14
phenomenonIs any one aware of a linux mass downloader,, so that you can enter a url,, and select/retrieve all downloads on the page?19:14
haf1zmaco: whats is tat?19:14
firecrotchphenomenon: wget19:14
jgooMaNU_, yes, create it by joining. Or, to put it another way, you aren't going to explode your computer by typing /join19:14
MaNU_now i just have to announce it to the members right?19:14
haf1zmaco: i want to install new updates19:15
jgoo... MaNU_ right...19:15
jedcMaNU_, assuming you created a new one then there wont be anyone else in there19:15
sburwoodI don't know where to look.  Are there any games out there for the Summer and/or Winter Olympics?19:15
detrixHello everyone.  I am writing a program, actually a tutorial in gtk.  I am trying to compile it, in C.  it compiles but the linker spits out a bunch of "multiple definitions"  I have been trying to track this down in the forums, but I have not seen an answer. So I am asking here.19:15
jedcMaNU_, otherwise you joined one people were already using19:15
jgooMaNU_, try joining it then19:15
[manas]jedc, so is it posible somewho to make it working on my laptop?19:16
MaNU_jgoo:i have type /join in terminal19:16
jgooexactly where you are typing now19:17
jedc[manas], which computer did you type the ssh -D command and were setting up the proxy in firefox on?19:17
jgooinstead of typing ?? type19:17
bhaskarhello everybody19:17
jgoo /join #thename ofthechannel19:17
phenomenonfirecrotch, thanks firecrotch19:17
[manas]jedc, desktop19:17
jedc[manas], if it was your laptop then you have it working, otherwise the ssh tunnel is a little redundant19:17
CaptainCrookanyway to sudo save project file in systemfile from a gui app?19:18
MaNU_thanks everyone19:18
jedc[manas], that is the problem, you need to do the ssh command from your laptop and then setup the proxy exacty the same way on your laptop19:18
jgooMaNU_, you didn't join a channel yet though19:18
jgooMaNU_, pro-tip, just try it now19:18
linexfccf: I have been playing with Twinview for the last 15 minutes. It seems that When I maximise a window, the window is 'stretch' across the two screen. Is this normal ?19:19
jedc[manas], you dont need to do anything on the desktop, it is running the ssh server fine.19:19
[manas]jedc ok let me try19:19
wiiguywich os is best for a simple game server and bouncer ya think ?19:21
haf1zguys, i cant watch utube vids.19:21
codeshahhmm, trying to install ebox but there are unmet dependencies... it seems like a circular loop... ebox-all: Depends: ebox-communication but it is not going to be installed19:21
jedcwiiguy, hehe, this is probably a biased place to ask a question like that :p19:22
[manas]jedc, which ip adrees i need to put now my laptop or desktop??19:22
haf1zneed to install flash player. any1 guide me pls19:22
danbhfivecodeshah: can you pastebin the error?19:22
codeshahI have main, restricted and universe repositories19:22
codeshahdanbhfive, k19:22
jedc[manas], in the ssh command you put your desktop, in the proxy configuration is it the same,
jgoothis is a h asl e to do on my system now19:23
codeshahdanbh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/252069/19:23
[manas]jedc aaaa now i get it19:23
jedc[manas], yay! :D19:23
codeshahdanbh, also, I think it was installing it before but it got interrupted in the middle... through apt-get, maybe that messed something up19:23
haf1zsomeone can help me regarding flashplayer isntallation pls19:23
[manas]jedc just let me try it first19:23
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haf1zError: Wrong architecture 'i386' when i want to instal flash player19:24
codeshahdan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/252071/ is another one... if I literally tryto install everything according to the community docs19:24
danbhfivecodeshah: which version of ubuntu are you running?19:24
bullhoundi have a problem accessing internet ,whenever i shutdown my pc and again switch it on the connection is gone .But i still receive packets ....19:24
codeshahdanbh, 9.1019:24
codeshahdanbh, on a linode setup i38619:25
xorredhow can I install ubuntu Server 8.04 from USB?19:25
xorredno CD in my server19:25
randomLikhey hey hey, can someone who knows tell me whats the thing about fglrx and jaunty. any way to get that working? I DID read docs and end up nowhere! And im not total linux newb. ://19:25
danbhfivecodeshah: 9.10 is not support here, sorry.  try +1  (it makes sense that there are broken packages, as it hasn't been released.  If you want it to just work, use 9.04)19:25
ikonia!install > xorred19:26
ubottuxorred, please see my private message19:26
__theIdiotBoxrandomLik, thats the graphics driver19:26
randomLikindeed it is19:26
randomLikim trying to get it working19:26
codeshahdanbh, sorry19:26
codeshahdanbh, 9.04 argh19:26
Gm4nI'm trying to get windows dual booting with ubuntu, but XP doesn't boot successfully. Does windows have to be on the first partition of the drive?19:26
codeshahdanbh, I am switching between windows here and got numbers messed up19:26
__theIdiotBoxrandomLik, what kinda of information you want? be specific19:26
wiiguywich os is best for a simple game server and a bouncer ya think ??19:27
jedcxorred, System->administration->USB startup disk creator  to make the usb, then like a normal install19:27
Revrusxorred, you can use unetbootin19:27
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codeshahdanbh, Ubuntu 9.04 \n \l :) sorry about that... is there een a 9.10 hah19:27
donspauldingI've installed Jaunty, upgraded to Karmic, installed Windows 7 on another partition, and now I'm in a Jaunty LiveCD, how can I reinstall grub as my boot loader and have it dual boot both windows and karmic?19:27
[manas]jedc it telling me adress is in use how i can delet t?19:27
ikoniaGm4n: that's a ##windows question19:27
ikonia!9.10 > donspaulding19:28
codeshahdanbh, how can I find out what packages on my system may be broken, I guess is the main question... ?19:28
ubottudonspaulding, please see my private message19:28
jleeblanchcan Kubuntu read Windows file system NTFS? Only ask because i have an external 250GB hard drive with basically my life on it19:28
codeshah!9.10 > codeshah19:28
ubottucodeshah, please see my private message19:28
jedc[manas], when you try ssh? or with firefox?19:28
Gm4nikonia: I guess so... I'm pretty sure it's my poor grub config though.19:28
danbhfivecodeshah: ok, I still don't have the package ebox-all, so I don't think I can help19:28
ikoniaGm4n: what is the error when it boots ?19:28
MadGirli heard anyone was using xorg-server with USE=minimal?19:28
randomLikwell i would like to know whats the right way to install it. following instructions from docs didnt get me any success, and i was reading about incompatibility with fglrx and x server in jaunty19:28
codeshahdanbh, ah, yes... it is from ebox's own repository ... I should go ask them eh?19:28
Gm4nthere's no error; the windows boot screen appears for a second then the laptop reboots19:29
jedcjleeblanch, yes it can19:29
xorreddudes don't send me this... I know that Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways19:29
xorredI CAN"T install via USB19:29
xorredthe Server edition19:29
jleeblanchok, thank you!!19:29
xorrednotice - Server19:29
FloodBot3xorred: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
ikoniaGm4n: doesn't sound like anything to do with grub19:29
ikoniaxorred: why ?19:29
useronedonspaulding: WAIT! I just used the live cd to do that with vista  and the filesystem is now messed up19:29
xorredit dies on second reboot19:29
xorredI follow all online instructions I can find19:29
randomLikumwh too crowdede here :&/19:29
ikoniaxorred: define "dies"19:29
xorredsecond reboot - and it can't find the "CD"19:29
Gm4nikonia: well, it didn't appear in the grub menu.lst, so I had to code it in myself. After some futzing around, I got it this far, but I'm not sure I set it all up right19:29
danbhfivecodeshah: yeah, and I only have 0.12 ebox available.  Maybe you should check your sources?19:29
[manas]jedc ssh19:29
donspauldinguserone: which FS? ubuntu or windows?19:30
codeshahdanbh, do you have it installed from the ubuntu repositories? Maybe I should do that19:30
xorredI even created a special USB with the special initrd etc as in all online instructions I could find19:30
ikoniaGm4n: if it starts to boot, grub has done it's thing,19:30
xorrednothing works for me19:30
randomLikif there is any expert who can help me with fglrx and jaunty feel free to PM me!19:30
aksciplease help! the front audio jack of my cabinet doesn't work except for system beep!19:30
ikoniaxorred: second reboot ??? there should only be one reboot, install then reboot19:30
xorredso if anyone installed ever the server from usb...19:30
xorredyea first reboot sorry19:30
danbhfivecodeshah: I don't have it installed, but I'm looking at the version numbers, etc19:30
useronedonspaulding: ubuntu19:30
ikoniaxorred: how far does it get to boot before it complains19:30
jedc[mamas], try ps -e | grep ssh and kill the ssh process's, its probably running a tunnel from when you tried earlier19:30
xorredinstall - reboot - and it needs to mount the "CD" again19:30
Kris07Hi, I just have a quick question. Is there a way to put your album art on to your iPod?19:30
useronedonspaulding: i followed this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435119:31
[manas]jedc doesnt work on laptop19:31
jedc[manas]* my bad19:31
codeshahdanbh, ok, now installing from main repositories, deleted the ebox repos...19:31
xorredthe Server for 8.04 does reboot once and then continue with the installation after the reboot19:31
donspauldinguserone: with jaunty or karmic?19:31
xorredbut it can't as it can't find the CD19:31
xorredand it's a USB...19:31
guntbertxorred: did you know that there is a channel #ubuntu-server too?19:31
xorreddesign flaw19:31
ikoniaxorred: it's not a design flaw19:31
ikoniaxorred: it's user error19:31
FloodBot3xorred: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
jedc[manas], try a different port then, like 990019:31
xorredno it is as most servers don't have CD...19:31
[manas]jedc i did19:31
useronedonspaulding: i admit i could have made the error, so just use with caution. JJ 9.04 64bit19:31
[manas]jedc i did 999819:31
ikoniaxorred: nonsense, but that's not for this channel19:31
xorredwhy did they have to make it so hard to install from usb?19:31
jedc[manas], what is the error?19:32
[manas]jedc and it doesnt work19:32
xorredikonia: you ever installed from usb the server?19:32
danbhfivecodeshah: yeah, if you are using ebox repos, you should ask them about getting it working19:32
xorredif not stfu19:32
ikoniaxorred: they didn't, it sounds like you've not got the process19:32
ikoniaxorred: never done a server install, but done the desktop many times, and it's the same thing19:32
xorredit sounds you're talking stuff you never did19:32
xorredlol same thing19:32
xorredyou make me laugh19:32
[manas]jedc its no error in ssh just firefox doesnt connect to internet19:32
donspauldinguserone: I upgraded to Karmic precisely because Jaunty 64 kept screwing up my FS.19:32
Revrusxorred, do you have another machine running ubuntu or debian on your network?19:32
guntbert!attitude | xorred19:32
ubottuxorred: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:32
Kris07Hi, I just have a quick question. Is there a way to put your album art on to your iPod?19:32
Revrusxorred, you can do a pxe install19:32
jedcxorred, you need to make sure the boot order is looking for usb, not all bios's support booting from usb, ubuntu-server is basically ubuntu without a graphical desktop environment, not very different19:32
ikonia!install > xorred19:33
ubottuxorred, please see my private message19:33
ikoniaxorred: double check the steps in the link ubottu has sent you19:33
jedc[manas], oh, an you changed the proxy configuration to use the same port as with ssh?19:33
xorredno jedc, it mounts ok the first time19:33
xorredbut it can't find the "CD" on first reboot after the initial setup steps19:33
ikoniaxorred: double check the steps in the link ubottu has sent you19:33
Revrusxorred, did you try a pxe install?19:33
xorredlol ikonia... ok I'll just /ignore19:34
firecrotchxorred: After the first reboot, your system should be good to go19:34
xorredRevrus: I'll try pxe19:34
jedcxorred, if you are trying to install software then you should edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd, just use the network19:34
ikoniaxorred: why is that funny, have you checked the URL that ubottu sent you19:34
xorredfirecrotch: you've never installed the server too, right?19:34
[manas]jedc, first time i heart what19:34
ikoniaxorred: it walks you through the process19:34
[manas]jedc, first time i heart that19:34
useronedonspaulding: fortunately i just finished fresh installs of vista and jaunty. looks like I will have to start again19:34
xorredno it does Not, as it's a USB install of the SERVER19:34
xorrednot the Desktop19:34
ikoniaxorred: the desktop and server install are the same process19:34
[manas]jedc, how to do it?19:34
jedc[manas], what?19:34
Revrusxorred, this will require another machine running linux https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer19:35
xorredlol ikonia19:35
ikoniaxorred: you move the file systems to the usb stick and it boots them19:35
Kris07Hi, I just have a quick question. Is there a way to put your album art on to your iPod?19:35
blue0488I need help seeing my cpu temp in ubuntu 64 nothing is working19:35
xorredtry installing a server from usb ok?19:35
proqubuntu won't let me launch a process as one user in another user's display, including root (which IMO doesn't make sense).  is there a way to change this?19:35
firecrotchxorred: Actually I HAVE installed ubuntu-server, considering that all of my servers run it19:35
useronedonspaulding: i even used ext4, so i wasn't expecting many problems19:35
xorredI run only linux on all my machines Revrus19:35
ikoniaxorred: try listening and reading, the process is the same19:35
[manas]jedc, sorry i wrote something else19:35
ikoniaxorred: the image you use will be different but the process is the same19:35
xorredikonia, please stop ok19:35
donspauldinguserone: I was in the same boat.19:35
ibuclawI agree with ikonia19:35
[manas]jedc, yes i chnage same port in ssh and firefox19:35
ibuclawI've done far too many installs to know the process inside out19:36
ibuclawit is all the same ;)19:36
Jmartdamn this is a big channel19:36
jedc[manas], did ssh give the same output as on your desktop?19:36
[manas]jedc, yes19:36
xorreddudes, unless you DID it, shut up please... you're the ones talking nonsense ... server != desktop install19:36
Revrusxorred, ive done it, its the same thing19:36
strangehey guys anyone have a guide so i can resize my main partition and make a small 3gb partition from taht?19:36
ikoniaxorred: drop the attitude now19:36
grawity[manas]: http://sine.cluenet.org:8080/~grawity/trash/firefox-socks-config.png19:37
useronedonspaulding: i had looked online quite a lot before moving to 64 jaunty. there was no mention of it being unstable now.19:37
jedcxorred, ubuntu-server is exactly the same to my knowledge, just doesnt install as much by default...19:37
randomLikfglrx and ubuntu 9.04 - how to get it working?!   >_>19:37
MaskedDrivercan someone +b him please?19:37
jedcxorred, you could strip down normal ubuntu and have the same install19:37
megrastrange, try the livecd with gparted19:37
* proq has installed the server from usb19:37
strangemegra: oh to add difficulty through ssh the box is remote :)19:37
__theIdiotBoxany one well versed with PAE , currently i'm running jaunty 32 bit and having 4 gig ram..as my kernel is not able to access beyond 3gig, i want to enable support for that using PAE...anyone using this feature plz help me out.19:37
ibuclawxorred, you could use UNetBootIn to copy the Server ISO onto the USB pendrive19:38
Revrusxorred, since you seem so paranoid that your talking to inexperienced people, ive done this for a friends machine as a replacement for a bsd server which he was starting to completely hate, its the same process19:38
useronedonspaulding: anyway, the vista should be intact. that takes ages to reinstall. jj 64 is very quick in comparison, and i have good backups of the data19:38
jedc[manas], im not sure then, if ssh worked, then firefox should, you sure you did everything on your laptop this time right? nothing on the desktop?19:38
[manas]grawity, i know does the way i done19:38
megrastrange, well, there are some tools in command line, but i don't know them. And I hope you are not willing to resize the / partition, cause it will fail (ssh still used)19:39
[manas]jedc, yes only on the laptop nothing on desctop19:39
Kris07Hi, I just have a quick question. Is there a way to put your album art on to your iPod?19:39
apoleo12When I type sudo fsck, /dev/sdc5 is mounted, I get a message says 'WARNING!!! running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause severe filesystem damage. Do I really want to continue?19:39
[manas]jedc, maybe because i was trying on desktop before?19:39
megraapoleo12, no you don't !19:39
strangemegra: thats indeed what im planning :)19:40
RevrusKris07, not sure exactly how the ipod does its album art, but with an mp3 player i had, as long as you have the album art file in the same folder as the song, it should show it19:40
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, without recompiling kernel with PAE, you're only option is 64bit I think.19:40
megraapoleo12, you need to unmount the partition first : sudo umount /dev/sdc19:40
danbhfive!fsck > apoleo1219:40
apoleo12megra: so what command is it to check the HDD for intergity?19:40
ubottuapoleo12, please see my private message19:40
jedc[manas], yes, maybe restart both so you know you dont have any processes lingering from before, dont do anything with the desktop and try again?19:40
guntbert!ipod | Kris07 have you seen19:40
ubottuKris07 have you seen: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:40
jedc[manas], basically it should work heh :p19:40
Kris07Revrus, Nah that doesn't work19:40
megraapoleo12, but you will maybe have some errors ("device still in use")19:40
apoleo12I see19:41
__theIdiotBoxokey..was just googling ...and yes that is the only option i guess: ibuclaw ...thanks..let me see the viability of this option...19:41
Kris07Guntbert, I don't have a problem adding tracks, just the album art19:41
[manas]jedc, i know but it didnt :P19:41
megraapoleo12, however, you can force the check at startup via a command (which i forgot)19:41
[manas]jedc, ok let me restart hoppuly it will after19:41
apoleo12I had a bad crash earlier... was wondering how the OS and HDD integerity are now19:41
guntbertKris07: sorry, I cannto help, but usually those "hints" contain several usefuls links19:41
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, ooh ... it looks like the server kernel has PAE enabled19:41
apoleo12megra: you forget? ha ha that is useless :P19:42
=== jan_ is now known as Netlynx
Seemlessjust a question dos this xchat take comads like irc? so linke /server ect19:42
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server19:42
apoleo12megra: what happens if I didnt unmount it?19:42
guntbertSeemless: yes...19:42
ibuclaw(if you haven't done so already)19:42
megraapoleo12, do you want to check the / partition  ?19:42
jedcapoleo12, if it is messed up it will probably run fsck automatically when you boot it next time19:42
megraapoleo12, if so, :     sudo touch forcefsck           ; adn then reboot19:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:43
apoleo12megra: yea if I need to be...?19:43
megraapoleo12, if so, :     sudo touch forcefsck           ; adn then reboot19:43
apoleo12jedc: Ok thanks for the info19:43
apoleo12I'll note that down19:43
maitodoes the ubuntu install/livecd have ntfs-3g?19:43
bullhound[jedc]whenever i restart my pc i am not able to connect to the net but its working fine with other computers which have windows and ubuntu 819:43
ibuclawmaito, yes19:44
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw, thanks...but i need to re-compile the kernel...googliing gave me the same information...nobody is talking about recompiling the kernel...i'm a missing something?19:44
maitoibuclaw: great, thank you. :) is there a source that shows what the cd contains?19:44
rufensisDoes anyone know where I can find my config file for the network manager vpn client?  I set up a vpn yesterday, but I'd like to examine the actual config file and cannot find it in /etc/ppp/peers/19:44
jedcbullhound, can you connect once the computer boots up?19:44
megraapoleo12, or just (reboot + fsck) :    shutdown -rF now19:44
apoleo12megra: -rF is reboot fsck?19:45
useroneok, before i break another install, has anyone a more reliable way of getting vista to appear on the grub boot menu without following this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37153019:45
ibuclawmaito, in aptitude. Tasks -> Unrecognised Tasks -> ubuntu-live -> ntfs-progs19:45
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw, i guess that command install PAE enable kernel..thats it..no compiling needed, right? but will that kernel be the bleeding-edge..as I keep my system updated on almost daily basis...?19:45
blue0488I am using a i7 cpu and I am unable to get the cpu temp from lm-sensors can anyone help?19:45
bullhound[jedc] only after sometime when i try to reenable the network it again connects19:46
rufensisI am, btw, fully connected with the vpn I set up.  It works fine, so I want to export the config to a home media server and operate through terminal19:46
Revrususerone, thats the best way to do it19:46
apoleo12megra: ok I see those denotes.19:46
megraapoleo12, yeap :)19:46
apoleo12megra: one more thing if I could?19:46
useroneRevrus: ok,i'll try again. i followed that thread and then nothing would boot. just went to grub> prompt19:47
nyterageI'm using nonstandard port for Postfix SMTPD because my isp filters port 25, like most do. The problem now is that nobody else will be able to email me because of course their SMPTD servers only know to connect to my servers on port 25. So I'm wondering what I have to do to get around this?19:47
Revrususerone, make sure that you change nothing before the ## ## End Default Options ## ## line19:47
jedcbullhound, this is an issue with your wireless card and drivers, i have some of those issues myself, wicd might worked better for network-manager, but i dont know, i dont know much about that19:47
apoleo12megra: each time I boot I get into grub menu... and I had to select since it couldnd find the path....19:47
Revrususerone, also make sure (hd0,0) is the actual location of your Vista partition, it isnt always taht19:48
BrazzYou know sometimes I wonder.... Using Script for support might somehow make me vunerable, afterall I have no security whatsoever active atm while using my Ubuntu 9.04... Would there be anti-virus/firewall for linux/ubuntu 9.04 that I could use or any other internet security device that I should be awared of?19:48
OH_U_MADI need help with Ubuntu19:48
mac_vOH_U_MAD: | !ask19:48
BrazzOH_U_MAD: be more specific pal.19:48
mizipzorthe (proprietary, i think) drivers for the inter integrated gfx cards found in the package repository is giving one of my games (run through wine) problems... are there any open source drivers (or similar) in the repository i can try?19:48
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, the linux kernel is a security update, anything that is updated in generic will be updated in server.19:48
useroneRevrus: so how can i check?19:48
OH_U_MADUbuntu will not start up19:48
mac_v!ask | OH_U_MAD19:48
ubottuOH_U_MAD: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:48
OH_U_MADwhat do i do19:48
maitoibuclaw: I have a laptop that wont boot to windows, I will take backups using the livecd (from internal hdd to external hdd, both use ntfs)19:48
krishalpinHello guys - new to ubunto, really struggling to get started!19:49
KarmicStop spam, read a book!19:49
OH_U_MAD<OH_U_MAD> Ubuntu will not start up19:49
Revrususerone, umm...blank mind atm, umm...idk ._.19:49
krishalpinsorry i just noticed the typo!19:49
guntbertnyterage: ask in ##networking, but you should nut run your own private mail server attached to the internet if you are not *well* experienced with mail servers19:49
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, it's just that server enables a few more options/optimisations than what generic has been compiled with.19:49
jedcbrazz, probably not neccesary, especially if you are behind a router19:49
bullhound[jedc] can u give me any links regrading those issues . . .19:49
maitoibuclaw: it's going to be an all-nighter ;) thanks for your help19:49
guntbert*not run19:49
useroneRevrus: ok,no worries. at least i know now that i should CHECK that!! :-)19:49
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw, and i guess all the packages that i use will be the same on that kernel as well. or do i need to re-install those pacakges?19:50
nyterageall-nighters are fun!19:50
guntbert!ot | nyterage19:50
ubottunyterage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:50
ibuclawmaito, yep, that should work just fine... I've done it plenty of times with friends/my own workstation19:50
codeshahwhat sftp software should I use hmm19:50
Brazzjedc: hehe, I believe its necessary, I need to use my credit card and manage bank accounts... without internet security is to give a lot of information I dont want away.19:50
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: for the new pae-enable kernel19:50
nyterageguntbert, it's for a develolopment machine... and everything is 100% secure, non open relay19:50
Brazz*is to give information away that I dont want to give away*19:50
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nyterageand besides, how else do you learn ?19:50
Peloafternoon folks19:50
OH_U_MADiss someone going to help me or what19:51
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, installing the pae-enabled kernel will need no further action other than install + reboot19:51
guntbertnyterage: lets take it to ##networking19:51
=== mrball is now known as cannonball
Revruscould somebody tell userone how to check what partition his windows drive is on for grub? my minds blank atm19:51
mac_vOH_U_MAD: simply saying "ubuntu wont start" is not helpful... describe in more detail , if anyone knows they will help19:52
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, here is a good page of reference: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/19:52
PeloI started a print job with the printer turned off,  decided that I didn'T want to print it so I removed it from the print queue gui , but when I turn the printer on , it still tries to print gibberish , how would I stop it doing that ?19:52
alongenemylinesRevrus - fdisk -l19:52
mizipzorhow do i check which video driver the x server is using?19:52
Revrususerone, fdisk -l19:52
Pelomizipzor, chech in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:53
useroneRevrus: if i get the location of the vista partition wrong, why should that stop grub from booting into ubuntu? thats the problem i had19:53
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: thanks...and i'll not create any issues with my current/existing packages, right? so i think i should install that...and i guess later on i can remove/disable that as well, right?19:53
yung3rвсем привет19:53
KarmicIn order to use fdisk -l you need to use sudo19:53
BrazzYou know sometimes I wonder.... Using Script for support might somehow make me vunerable, afterall I have no security whatsoever active atm while using my Ubuntu 9.04... Would there be anti-virus/firewall for linux/ubuntu 9.04 that I could use or any other internet security device that I should be awared of?19:53
ikog_If I run stuff like "export BLAH=something" from a #!/bin/bash script, it doesn't actually set the variable, if I run it line by line from the prompt, it does. Can anyone explain why?19:53
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist19:53
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: thanks19:53
Revrususerone, it shouldnt, you must of messed up something in the default options too, or it corrupted when you saved19:53
jedcbrazz, what i mean is, ubuntu is not vulnerable to viruses in the same way that windows is, and if you are giving out your credit card info etc the real security concern is whether you trust the website and whether they handle your information securely19:53
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, I only advise that if you use any restricted packages (ie: NViDIA drivers), de-activate them first, then install the server kernel, then when you reboot, activate them again.19:54
jedcbrazz, however you could setup firestarter, which is a firewall, i dont have any experience with that though19:54
ikog_ah apparently I should run it with "source"19:54
Brazzjedc: that was more of an answer I was looking for.19:54
Brazzjedc: thank you.19:54
mazda01_how would I go about connecting to an x11vnc server at home when the x11vnc server is running on a machine on my internal network, i want to tunnel it through ssh but the problem is that the ssh server is running on comp1 but i want to see the x11vnc server running on comp2. i do have ssh access to comp2 is i first go to comp1. can soneone please assist?19:55
useroneRevrus: ok, so if fdisk says /dev/sda1 start..1 then the entry should be hd0,1 and not hd0,0?19:55
Brazzjedc: I always liked more to play safe than sorry.19:55
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: i'm on dell 1555 that uses ati mobility radeon graphics: fglrx drivers i guess. btw, how to disable that any idea on that?19:55
=== tyler is now known as Guest43122
ejvyou can always compile your own kernel into a hardened profile19:55
ejvto enhance your security19:55
alongenemylinesmazda01: if you want to do nice, fast x11 over ssh, look into freenx19:55
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:55
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, if it isn't in System->Administration->Hardware Drivers. Then you should have nothing to worry about.19:56
mazda01_do i need to setup a vpn on the server that has the ssh server running which i have access to from the outside world?19:56
ibuclawBrazz, what type of firewall setup were you looking for?19:56
RevrusBrazz, while there IS viruses for linux, they are no more then local email spammers, and things that might copy things that are at  /home/user/ directory and anywhere else, linux uses permisiion system that will not allow any program to write anywhere but places it has permission, so a virus would have to get root permission, and you would have to give it your root password19:56
zion_jedc, i restarted now but when i do command it doesnt to nothing just freeze19:56
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: yes its the only one out there19:56
=== zion_ is now known as [manas]
ejvfeatures like grsecurity, pax, provide protections against stack smashing, buffer overuns, etc.19:56
[manas]jedc, i restarted now but when i do command it doesnt to nothing just freeze19:56
alongenemylinesmazda01: you shouldn't need a vpn, just make sure you have the proper ports forwarded19:57
ejvand that bot is wrong, you should by all means play with the kernel, this is linux for crying out loud19:57
ibuclawBrazz, if you are behind a router, you are protected full stop ... so long as you aren't port forwarding/triggering19:57
__theIdiotBoxi guess i can click on remove and that will de-activate that, right? : ibuclaw19:57
Revrususerone, sda1 would be (hd0,0)19:57
grawityejv: Ubuntu is Linux for newbies.19:57
eth01how do you set permissions on a file?19:57
jedc[manas], ssh? try "ping ipofdesktop" to make sure there is a route to the computer19:57
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, yeah19:57
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: thank you very much19:57
jedcbrazz, i was referring to what revrus mentioned19:57
ejvgrawity: its not, although it tends to have a large newcomer population19:57
planet8wtf is the cpufreq_conservative module remove from the generic kernel?19:58
BrazzThank you very much guys, you've been rather helpful.19:58
mazda01_alongenemylines: so i would need to forward what ports. the x11vnc server is running on comp2 port 5900 and I am ssh'd into the comp1 right now. not sure how to set this up which is why i am asking19:58
[manas]jedc, my mistake sorry put wrong ip dumb19:58
Brazzjedc: I was just worried, nothing specific, just worried.19:58
jedc[manas],  hehe19:58
ibuclawBrazz, no problem, though it is just my opinion that having a firewall installed on your OS just protects you from people within your own network.19:58
CrAzYoNiWhat is the name of the application that allow to run Windows applications under Ubuntu?19:58
useroneRevrus: thats what i did before, following the thread. oh well, i will just try again.19:59
jedi06how do i download flash for firefox19:59
jedcBrazz, understandable, especially if you are coming from a windows background where there is a real danger or keyloggers and trojans being on your computer and such19:59
Brazzjedc: got a few books to read, "Practical UNIX and Internet Security" is among the "Must read" list.19:59
ibuclawIt's the router's job is to drop packets from the outside world...19:59
alongenemylinesmazda01: if you're just trying to vnc to a home pc from an outside network, just set up the port forward on your router.19:59
Brazzibuclaw: would you recomend any firewall?19:59
alongenemylinesjedi06: install adobe-flash-plugin through apt-get or synaptic19:59
ibuclawBrazz, that would depend on what you want out of your firewall.19:59
RevrusBrazz, while i agree with ibuclaw, i believe that firewalls are a tad useless overall, because all they do is block ports for servers taht you would try to be using, and only help when there is an unkown server being ran with secfurity flaws in the coding20:00
mazda01_alongenemylines: im not at home and the only port i am ever going to open on my home router is port 22, which is already open.20:00
Brazzjedc: indeed, its hard to believe in a place with no crime when you come from somewhere that crime rates are high.20:00
Revrususerone, ok then, good luck20:00
ibuclawBrazz, if you want "locked down and never to be opened", then I recommend configuring iptables yourself.20:00
mazda01_alongenemylines: i want to tunnel everything thru the ssh tunnel, like internet browsing and vnc and what not.20:00
jedi06alongenemylines, i see flashplugin-installer20:00
[manas]jedc doesnt work20:00
jedi06and  it is already installed alongenemylines20:00
BrazzI just dont want to be invaded or somehow get keylogged.20:01
ibuclawBrazz, if you want "locked down but flexible", then gufw is probably the route to go down.20:01
jedc[manas], the firefox part?20:01
useroneRevrus: thanks. if I am not back online soon,you will know everything went well! :-) bye!20:01
Brazzibuclaw: I just want not to be invaded or somehow get keylogged.20:01
Revrususerone, ok then20:01
jedi06alongenemylines, also flashplugin-nonfree20:01
catyHeya, I was wondering how you delete programs with terminal, I'm new to this sort of thing. Thank you.20:01
ibuclawBrazz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081220:01
fccfmazda01: you can tunnel X over ssh with ssh -X user@host20:01
Brazzibuclaw: Thank you!20:02
ibuclawBrazz, no need to worry about keyloggers ... mostly just crackers/rootkits20:02
yojesus12i got a problem its not serious i guess but it just bugs me when i turn on my computer their is no boot screen its just black any ideas?20:02
alongenemylinesmazda01: if ssh is the only port you're going to keep open, and only to 1 syste,. you can either ssh-X to each (which raw x11 packets are very slow), or if you're wanting vnc-like desktops, you need to use freenx20:02
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: was just looking at that link you mentioend....someone is talking about VMware being not supported by this server kernel...as i heavily use VMWare/VBox...thta might be a problem...any idea/advice on this?20:02
mizipzorto get a game working in wine i was suggested to "try another video driver"... how would i go about that? i know the exact model/name for the card and chipset... but the package repository doesnt give me any good hits20:03
edbianyojesus12: You need to edit your kernel options and throw in some vga=<somenumber>20:03
edbianyojesus12: PM me20:03
Brazzibuclaw: I just dont want someone to get in and see things I dont wish to show anyone, if you know what I mean.20:03
jedc[manas], are you doing this with a local ip on a LAN?20:03
[manas]jedc, yes20:03
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, hmm... I wouldn't anything on that. (I use kvm myself).20:03
yovanHi every one20:03
jedcBrazz if you dont run any type of server then there isnt much of a chance of that20:04
fccfCrAzYoNi: that is 'wine' for questions about 'wine' ask in #winehq20:04
alongenemylinesmazda01: freenx will go compeltely over port 22, although with your current setup, you'd have to remote to your comp1, then from there, remote to comp2.  honestly, i d it from time to time from work, to my home, to another sytem at home.  i have 10mbps/1mbps at home, and it's not that slow really20:04
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: fiine...thanks20:04
Jeruvy__theIdiotBox: the best solution is not to use the unsupported kernel.20:04
Brazzjedc: Thank you pal, and no, I dont run a server.20:04
yovanI'm new on ubuntu and have installed the latest vesrsion of ubuntu : 9.0420:04
jedi06i already have flashplugin-nonfree it is not working20:04
__theIdiotBoxJeruvy: meaning there by?20:04
=== tyler is now known as Guest58782
auraxsup folks20:05
alongenemylinesjedi06: which release of ubuntu are you running?20:05
auraxany idea how to solve execvp: No such file or directory20:05
yovanI cannoyt rip a cd to mp320:05
fccf!enter | yovan20:05
ubottuyovan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:05
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, I believe for vmware it is 'sudo vmware-config.pl' to recompile the driver. and /etc/init.d/vboxdrv to recompile the virtualbox driver. But if you have dkms installed, it should do what it can for most things.20:05
ikoniaaurax: what are you trying to do20:05
jedi06alongenemylines, x64 9.0420:05
alongenemylinesah, x6420:05
fccf!codecs | yovan20:05
ubottuyovan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:05
mazda01_fccf: my host machine i am on right now at jury duty is a powerbook g4 running mac os X 10.5.6. i want to check out my computer on my internal network, but the only port that's open is 22 and that's to the main file server. so i want to first ssh into the file server, then can't i create a tunnel from the file server to the computer I want to connect to? then run x11vnc thru that tunnel?20:05
CrAzYoNiThanks fccf :)20:05
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, I haven't used vmware since 1.0.6 though ;)20:05
race321jai un bug20:05
race321sur ubuntu20:06
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: i have no idea about dkms...20:06
jedc[manas], can you show me the ssh command you did and the output in pastebin?20:06
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: i use both vm and vbox heavily20:06
jedc[manas], and the proxy information you used?20:06
race321un probleme de son20:06
alongenemylinesmazda01: you'll need to ssh -X from your laptop, to comp1, then ssh -X to comp2 from comp120:06
yovanThanks but sound juicer does not work20:06
catyCan someone please help, thanks. I was wondering how you delete programs with terminal, I'm new to this sort of thing. Thank you.20:06
race321qui peut maider20:06
guntbert!ot | mazda01_ please ask in ##networking20:06
ubottumazda01_ please ask in ##networking: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:06
ikonia!fr | race32120:06
ubotturace321: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:06
muxxxguys, I am looking for some help with using jaunty on my old laptop. the problem is that I couldn't enable DMA on the HDD. CPU load during disk operations is 100%. hdparm -i reports that DMA is supported, but getting/setting it reports an incorrect ioctl. BIOS doesn't support setting DMA. both the HDD and the chipset support DMA. any ideas?20:06
Jeruvy__theIdiotBox: I think you are asking 'what does that mean?' and that would be full support in a vm.  vs. NO or incomplete support in a vm20:06
auraxikonia, ionice20:06
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, if when you reboot and things don't quite work, you can easily reboot and go back into the generic kernel, then uninstall the server kernel.20:06
ikoniaaurax: pardon ?20:06
multiverseI'm using Ubuntu 9.04 64bit.  I installed VMWare, then applied patches.  After patching is done I get this error message:  http://pastebin.com/d592b20720:07
yovansound juicer run on a terminal shows "segmentation fault"20:07
jedccaty, ps -e will show you currently running processes and find the pid of the one you want to kill, then you can type kill <pid>,20:07
yovancan  u help me with that.....20:07
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, installing a new kernel isn't a big thing in Linux. Everything is made to work like lego, snapping on and off.20:07
guntbertcaty: use: sudo apt-get remove <package-name>20:07
jedccaty, or pgrep <programname> to get the pid20:07
Revrusmultiverse, try "sudo apt-get remove vmmon"20:07
jedi06in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins i have flashplugin-alternative.so20:07
auraxikonia ionice in /usr/bin20:07
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: yes you are right...i should give it a try...its just like putting a new kernel...i can always fall back on the older/working kernel20:07
Jeruvymultiverse: follow it's instructions ,they are not compatible.20:07
ikoniaaurax: well it's missing the command it wants - so you'll have to install it20:08
catyThank you!! jedc and guntbert :)20:08
ikoniamultiverse: 3rd part vmware support is in #vmware20:08
ikoniamultiverse: the compatability is nothing to do with ubuntu20:08
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, I just wish I had the privilege to have > 4GB of RAM, then I would test it out for sure :)20:08
guntbertcaty: what did you want to do: uninstall or stop the program?20:08
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: i20:08
Bharanihow to install sun jdk 6 in ubuntu jaunty jackalope?20:08
fccfmazda01: does your "File Server" have an X server running?20:08
guntbert!java | Bharani20:09
ubottuBharani: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:09
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: i'm going to install those thigns to enable PAE...lets hope for the best...thank you guys....20:09
ibuclaw__theIdiotBox, I'll see you in a few minutes.20:09
AbortedFajitasHello All.  I am hoping someone can help me..  I have setup LDAP auth on Ubuntu so that the CIO of my company stops bitching about having two seperate passwords.  But the only problem is, it is still asking for both the Unix password and LDAP password when authenticating.  Is there any way to make it just ask for the LDAP password?20:09
yovanis there a french ubuntu forum guys?20:09
catyguntbert, Un-install a program.20:09
ibuclawjust ping if you need any further assistance20:09
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:09
ikoniayovan: not that I'm aware of20:09
Bharani@ubottu - I am not looking fot JRE. I'm looking for JDK20:09
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: sure :-)20:10
AbortedFajitasI'm guessing I would have to change a pam.d\common file?20:10
guntbertcaty: for uninstallation my command was the right one20:10
alongenemylinesjedi06: i use 32 bit...  i've seen on various sites about people installing an alpha version of adobe's flash plugin for 64 bit.  i've also seen people install 32 bit firefox and adobe flash.  search the ubuntu forums, i'm sure you'll find plenty of how-to's there20:10
[manas]jedc, http://pastebin.ca/152694420:10
ikoniajedi06: I assume you have flashplugin-nonfree installed ?20:10
ikoniajedi06: what version  ?20:11
catyguntbert, Yerp I know.20:11
jedi06i'm using x64 apparently there are problems20:11
ikoniajedi06: I'm on it now - no problem20:11
guntbertcaty: ok:)20:11
[manas]jedc, and proxy 999620:11
jedi06ikonia, 9.0420:11
ikoniajedi06: what version of the flashplugin-nonfree package20:11
guntbert!ldap | AbortedFajitas20:11
ubottuAbortedFajitas: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:11
multiverseJeruvy had the most productive answer.  Thank you.20:11
spOhave any of you made a custom kernel? How do you install proprietary drivers like ati/fglrx on a custom kernel? I compiled 2.6.30 kernel , but i cannot install fglrx for it20:11
ikonia!info flashplugin-nonfree20:11
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:11
ibuclawsp0 I use nvidia ... I just get the drivers from the manufacturer website20:12
guntbertspO: custom kernels are not supported here20:12
jerkmanhey, i am running out of disk space, i know th obvious solutions, but is there a compression option20:12
ikoniajedi06: did you have it working then upgrade - or clean install it (flash plugin)20:12
guntbert!kernel | spO but20:12
ubottuspO but: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:12
jedi06ikonia, don't remember20:12
jerkman /msg ubottu stages20:13
ikoniajedi06: can you show me the output of dpkg -l | grep flash please20:13
ikoniajedi06: use the pastebin if it's long20:13
guntbertjerkman: don't type a blank at the start of your line (/ must be the first character)20:13
jedc[manas], it looks like you did "ssh -D 9996 zion@" from the desktop, you need to do it from the laptop20:13
jerkmanhey, i am running out of disk space, i know th obvious solutions, but is there a compression option20:13
fccfjerkman: you got a space before the /msg20:14
[manas]jedc, i did from laptop20:14
jerkmanguntbert: fccf thanks, i realise20:14
ikoniajerkman: the command is "compress" and it can compress files20:14
jerkmanikonia: will the files still be openable20:14
jedi06ikonia, http://pastebin.com/d727583f920:14
ikoniajedi06: no, you'd have to uncompress them20:14
jedc[manas],  "zion@zion-desktop:~$ ssh -D 9996 zion@" your laptop is named zion-desktop?20:14
ikoniajedi06: sorry not you20:14
jerkmanthe files are in constant access, ikonia20:14
fccfjerkman: perhaps clean your apt cache to start20:14
innomenWhy can't i take out gedit without deleting "ubuntu desktop" What exactly does ubuntu desktop encompass? the whole computer to me falls under "ubuntu desktop"20:15
* dann any1 from belgium in here plz need a little bit help, if you don't mind20:15
ikoniajerkman: you'd have to uncompress them20:15
ikoniadann: just ask the channel20:15
jerkmanfccf: how much space20:15
innomenits a crappy text editor and i want it gone20:15
ikoniainnomen: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package20:15
[manas]jedc, no but i sver i didt in on laptop20:15
firecrotchinnomen: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that depends on all the other software20:15
jedcinnomen, the gnome desktop environment i think, geddit is a gnome program20:15
firecrotchinnomen: it can safely be removed20:15
ikoniainnomen: it only takes up a few k of space - why remove it20:15
jerkmanikonia: unfortunately not an option :p20:15
innomenfirecrotch, oh good, cool20:16
ikoniajerkman: then you need to manage your storage better20:16
muxxxguys, could somebody help me with my libata (?) problem?20:16
innomenikonia, it keeps getting in my way20:16
fccfjerkman: that's all the archives of every download, update, etc you have downloaded for ubuntu20:16
ikoniajedi06: what happens when you try to view flash20:16
innomenikonia, also principal20:16
Guest58782innomen: ikonia, also principal20:16
ikoniainnomen: get's in your way ?20:16
Guest58782ikonia: innomen: get's in your way ?20:16
ikoniaGuest58782: what ?20:16
Guest58782ikonia: Guest58782: what ?20:16
jedi06ikonia it is just blank20:16
jedc[manas], try again from laptop and post output, maybe you posted the wrong output?20:16
Guest58782jedi06: ikonia it is just blank20:16
jerkmanikonia:  i have a 500gb drive, 89% full20:16
Guest58782jedc: [manas], try again from laptop and post output, maybe you posted the wrong output?20:16
FloodBot3Guest58782: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
guntbertinnomen: you can tell nautilus to use another editor20:16
jerkmanfccf:  how then...20:16
mizipzorto get a game working in wine i was suggested to "try another video driver"... how would i go about that? i know the exact model/name for the card and chipset... but the package repository doesnt give me any good hits20:16
* dann can some1 from belgium please translate something for me20:16
jedcGuest58782, creepy...20:17
ikoniadann: try the belgium loco - this channel is not for translation20:17
forceflowdann: I'm from belgium20:17
guntbertdann: join ##translation, there is a bot that does that for you20:17
innomenikonia, it's just annoying, there are a billion filetypes it's associated with20:17
dannforceflow: can i pm you plz?20:17
forceflowdann: go ahead20:17
ikoniainnomen: associate them with something else20:17
ikoniadann: forceflow mega approach, thank you20:17
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:18
KB1JWQ!pm | dan20:18
innomenikonia, yea i dont wanna argue about what i want :P20:18
ubottudan: please see above20:18
ikoniainnomen: ok - then don't, I'm just trying to stop you making a mistake for the sake of a few k20:18
ikoniainnomen: remove it then20:18
guntbertinnomen: you can always right click on a file, open with...20:18
[manas]jedc, it show the same i can make a screen prin if u dont trust me20:18
innomencould i tell the os to swap all gedity associations with scite in one go?20:18
imranI need help, I'm trying to get DRI on my Savage ProDDR (AkA "Twister") and need some help... Anyone???20:18
jerkmanfccf: how do i do that then20:18
alongenemylinesyou can always use "preffered applications" to change the default editor20:18
jedc[manas], i think i know what happened, you did it once, and then did it again after you were logged into your desktop, try opening another terminal window and doing it20:19
jedi06should i just try to reinstall?20:19
fccfjerkman: sudo apt-get clean20:19
innomenalongenemylines, that sounds useful20:19
jerkmanok, thanks fccf20:19
jedc[manas], that is what ssh normally does is log into the machine, the -D option makes it so it also makes a tunnel20:19
innomenikonia, why would removing gedit be a mistake? are the other wrong about "ubuntu desktop" being harmless to remove?20:19
imranI need help, I'm trying to get DRI on my Savage ProDDR (AkA "Twister") and need some help... Anyone??????20:20
ikoniainnomen: nothing, remove it20:20
jedcinnomen, nothing wrong except gedit is easy to use for people who dont know how to use vim or emacs :p20:20
cubiczeeanyone familiar with .srf files?20:20
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jerkmanfccf: made practically no difference, thanks tho20:20
[manas]jedc, it show same20:20
guntbert!anyone | cubiczee20:21
ubottucubiczee: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:21
AbortedFajitasI setup my ubunto to auth with ldap.  Does anyone know how to setup Ubuntu so it only asks for the LDAP password when logging in via the GUI, and not the Unix password also20:21
[manas]jedc, on my laptop i got vista and im using puty maybe that why20:21
jedc[manas], but it didnt say zion@zion-desktop:~$ first right?20:21
cubiczeefair nuf :)20:21
innomenjedc, i love scite for basic text editing, if i want to format or process i'll just open open office, besides everything is easy to reinstall if needed, just got worried about that whole "its gunna take the whole desktop" with it20:21
alongenemylinesif you remove the ubuntu-desktop package, there's possibilities that future distro updates may not work properly for you20:21
cubiczeeI need to get a garmin working on ubuntu20:21
ikoniaAbortedFajitas: can't do it like that20:21
cubiczeeit has .srf files20:21
cubiczeeI need a gimp plugin20:21
jerkmanis there anyway of compressing a drive but only files that havent been touched in a while20:21
ikoniaAbortedFajitas: you auth against it - you get the uid/gid you authed against20:21
innomenthanks guys :)20:21
[manas]jedc, on the begining no20:21
guntbertAbortedFajitas: did the link from ubottu provide no help? I meant For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:22
[manas]jedc, dont remeber now20:22
cubiczeeI'm not putting windows 7 on here for these stupid sony format files20:22
[manas]jedc, let me restart again20:22
jedc[manas], you are using putty to log into the desktop and then trying to ssh i bet, i dont know if putty can make a tunnel, but the command line options might be different20:22
fccfjerkman: how big of a hard drive do you have? and what kind of stuff are you storing on it?20:22
AbortedFajitasIt didnt help me.  I set it up differently than that20:22
yaaaranybody know if the ubuntu samba package has ldap support?20:22
jerkmanfccf: 500gb, 100 /20:22
jedc[manas], you need to make the tunnel from your laptop20:22
jerkman400 /home fccf20:22
cubiczeeone sec20:22
jerkmanfccf: lots of avi's20:23
jedc[manas], in effect you have been making tunnels from your desktop to itself20:23
jedi06about:plugins says i have shockwave flash enabled20:23
cubiczeeokay I'm moving to ec220:23
fccfjerkman: I reccommend getting a tb20:23
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[manas]jedc, it hole underground now20:23
jedi06file name npwrapper.libflashplaery.so20:23
[manas]jedc, maybe i shuold restart again?20:24
jerkmanfccf: yea, there is that option, but i want to figure out compression first20:24
jedc[manas], well, i think you dont understand putty20:24
jedc[manas], putty is ssh for windows20:24
cubiczeethis sony format is lossless :)20:24
[manas]jedc so what shuold i use then?20:24
jedc[manas], so if you are using putty and then using ssh you are probably already logged into the desktop20:24
guntbertjerkman: if I remember correctly avi files don't compress well20:24
cubiczeeflac and something else, png20:24
jerkmancubiczee: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Marchk/Ubuntu20:25
[manas]jeds im using puty on my laptop so i can run command20:25
jerkmanguntbert: i dont need to watch them on this machine, just upload them in tiny chunks20:25
jedc[manas], i dont know much about this sort of thing for windows, it might be possible to do using cygwin20:25
imranI'm getting this error, any help? http://pastebin.com/m8017fc020:25
jedc[manas], how do you start putty?20:25
ikoniaimran: you don't have a cvs client installed20:25
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fccfjerkman: depending on size/quailty of the avi's you could xvid/divx them and make the files smaller, but if they are already in that format you wouldn't be able to shrink them much more, other than making media for mobile device, (tinyfying)20:26
guntbertjerkman: I was saying that you won't gain much from compressing them20:26
AviatoRGreetings, i'm very new to Ubuntu. i have a Windows OS at home, and have an Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop at server. I have root access information, but i don't know how to access Ubuntu from Windows?20:26
vagothcppHow do you list every package installed on my system (By letter)20:26
aerosudo apt-get install cvs20:26
jedcimran, "sudo apt-get install cvs"20:26
[manas]jeds duoble click, im choising a host and connection type ssh20:26
geniicubiczee: Maybe see http://techmods.net/nuvi/ it has some online .srf converter20:26
imranjedc, thanks, ikonia, thanks you too20:26
jerkmanfccf: they are 700mb each, i think divx'd, but dont want to loose quality20:26
alongenemylinesyou can pass x11 packets to windows using putty...  you just need cygwin (huge!) or xming (tiny!) and enable x11 forwarding in putty's options20:26
Guest20520hay does anybody know how i can get into all this chatrooms20:26
cubiczeedivx, flac, png20:26
* jedc defers thanks to aero who beat him to it20:27
guntbert!root | AviatoR *don't use "root access"*20:27
ubottuAviatoR *don't use "root access"*: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:27
fccfjerkman: it's $10020:27
cubiczeeogg vorbis20:27
aerojedc ;)20:27
jerkmanfccf: 1tb?20:27
alongenemylinesvagothcpp: dpgk -l | sort -u20:27
fccfjerkman: yep20:27
alongenemylinesforget the sort20:27
MadGirlalongenemylines, I didn't find anything matching sort20:27
alongenemylinesthey're already sorted20:27
guntbertGuest20520: you type /join #name-of room (/ must be the first character on the line)20:28
vagothcppalongenemylines: thanks, too many to list in my console20:28
vagothcppas in I cant see them all20:28
jedc[manas], when you start putty do you put in your desktops ip address before you start typing commands?20:28
prince_jammysdpkg -l | less20:28
jerkmanfccf: like i say, i want to go compression first, ill give it some google :p20:28
vagothcppthanks prince. J20:28
szhello guyz20:29
guntbertAviatoR: you can listen in to the discussion between jedc and [manas] too20:29
fccfjerkman: I am telling you, it is compressed video... you really can't compress it anymore20:29
prince_jammysvagothcpp:  welcome. less is a pager. you can pipe to it whenever output doesn't fit.20:29
szi've a problem with adobeflash player and wine  instalation, who wants to help?20:29
vagothcppprince_jammys: K, thnx20:29
prince_jammysvagothcpp: press '?' for a list of keys20:29
guntbert!ask | sz20:29
ubottusz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:29
vagothcppAgain, thnx20:29
aerosz whats the problem ?20:30
prince_jammysvagothcpp: sorry, 'h'20:30
jedcAviatoR, do you just need command line access to the server?20:30
alongenemylinesjerkman: I'll highly recommend you make a few partitions...  even all of ubuntu into a single partition, won't really ever even need 15-20GB.  amke the rest storage.  everyone else is right though.  avi's are already compressed, as are png's, jpeg's and almost all audio files20:30
vagothcppgot it20:30
fccfjerkman: HD video is 7 gigs an hour... converted down to 10%, is like putting an elephant in a refrigerator20:30
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jerkmanalongenemylines: i am almost filling up my 500gb drive, i know...20:30
[manas]jedc, i enter my desktop ip to use a host after it asking for user and pass and after it shows zion@zion-desktop20:30
spOanyone here makme a custom kernel?20:30
jerkmanfccf: dvd quality20:31
imranCan someone give me an easy step-by-step to get "Xorg" or "Xserver"20:31
race321sa va20:31
apoleo12Each time I boot I get into grub menu... and I had to select since it couldnd find the path....20:31
apoleo12like error: 1520:31
race321sa va bien20:31
szokey, this is the error that show up when i try to update: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9423A34CCA96763420:31
szW: Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)_E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead20:31
jerkmancubiczee: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Software20:31
guntbertspO: I told you before that custon kernels are not supported here20:31
[manas]jedc, maybe i should try diferent client20:31
alongenemylinessp0: no real reason for most people to run a custom kernel20:31
aerosz you must add key20:31
sylvia1I get an error when booting: file system check failed! The error makes not of a log that has been made, the log is here: http://pastebin.com/m2f50b736 seems some problem with SDA6., can someone help me solve this?20:31
szwhat key20:31
aerofor your reprositories20:31
apoleo12sp does anyone know this?20:32
race321ya du monde20:32
Revrusimran, Xorg should be preinstalled by default, as its what gnome uses to display as a gui, if gnome isnt working, try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" that will get a GUI up and running20:32
fccfjerkman: divx isn't even DVD quality, divx is about as small as it can get20:32
ibuclawimran, for what reason? why wouldn't you have X in the first place?20:32
spOguntbert, what do you mean they are not supported here20:32
jedc[manas] yea, that is what i thought, that is equivalent to sshing in to the server from an ubuntu machine and then typing commands, so basically youve been doing everything so far on the desktop, thats why your firefox isnt working with because there is no ssh tunnel on your comp20:32
race321ya des francais20:32
jerkmanfccf: im saying from dvd qual, not from hd20:32
alongenemylinesubuntu doesn't support custom kernels20:32
mizipzorto get a game working in wine i was suggested to "try another video driver"... how would i go about that? i know the exact model/name for the card and chipset... but the package repository doesnt give me any good hits20:32
alongenemylinesyou'd have to re-compile every new kernel release20:32
apoleo12spO: because kernel isnt ubuntu ;)20:32
race321what is20:32
[manas]jedc, let me look for oyher client20:33
szaero, how can i do that ?20:33
apoleo12so technically kernel is linux and ubuntu is distro20:33
imranRevrus, ibuclaw sorry I guess Revrus answered my question im still nub to ubuntu - thanks20:33
race321serveur french??20:33
guntbertspO: in *this*channel you get no support for custom kernels20:33
spOi know ubuntu as a company doesn't support custom kernels20:33
race321i am french20:33
paaniihi every one20:33
spOwhat does that have to do with this channel thuogh?20:33
apoleo12because you asked that didnt you20:33
alongenemylinesthis is basic support.  level 2 and higher goes elsewhere20:33
alongenemylinesin their own channels20:33
guntbertspO: this is the official ubuntu support channel20:33
jedc[manas], cygwin is a unix environment for windows, but im not sure that your windows firefox will be able to interact with cygwins notion of ports or w/e i have very little experience with windows im sorry20:33
ibuclawalongenemylines, tier 1 ftw! :)20:33
spOguntbert, i am not asking for support from ubuntu, i am asking users of ubuntu20:34
alongenemylinesibuclaw: i do tiers 1-3 :)20:34
* apoleo12 is desperately need a good boot ratehr the error:15 anyone help him?20:34
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jerkmanspO: i fell you, how can i help?20:34
guntbertspO: but that is off topic *here*20:34
goldinssp0: custom kernels are a pain in the ass20:34
sylvia1I get an error when booting: file system check failed! The error makes not of a log that has been made, the log is here: http://pastebin.com/m2f50b736 seems some problem with SDA6., can someone help me solve this? sorry for asking again, I have seen no reply in 5 minutes.20:34
jedcsp0, basically, if anyone here knows and is willing to help then you get support, but you shouldn't expect it :p20:34
Revrussp0, ubuntu is not a company, but a group of scattered developers who work as an open source community20:34
jonhay i cant get into the 2600net chatroom20:34
=== jon is now known as Guest50324
ibuclawsp0 /join #ubuntu-beginners-dev  and I'll see what I can do :)20:35
jerkmanjon, what is the channel called or the website you got it from20:35
Guest50324i have got the the chatroom on my ubuntu 9.04 os20:36
NoMS_I am running ubuntu 9.04 64.  I have tried to change the usplash theme and all I get is text output to the screen...   Has anyone else had problems with this?20:36
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l3dxanyone know how to configure git-daemon on jaunty?20:36
jerkmanGuest50324: give me the channel name20:36
jade-monitoris it possible to make a app that only works in ubuntu and not other linux distros20:36
jondavisit is 2600net20:37
NoMS_jade-monitor:  I don't think so20:37
jondavisit is a hacker chatroom20:37
p1oooopsome traffic :P20:37
tuxxieis there software that will detect ip confects on a network? I would like it to give me the ipaddress and mac20:37
sylvia1I get an error when booting: file system check failed! The error makes not of a log that has been made, the log is here: http://pastebin.com/m2f50b736 seems some problem with SDA6., can someone help me solve this? sorry for asking again, I have seen no reply in 5 minutes.20:37
alongenemylinesjade-monitor: you could make the program search for a specific ubunu conf, etc etc, and make it fail if said file doesn't exist20:37
l3dxtuxxie: nmap at least detects hosts and gives you ip20:37
p1ooooptuxxie: probably... I know windows automatically does that20:38
goldinstuxxie: we run something called arpwatch20:38
tuxxieit with our voip network20:38
apoleo12if I ask a question on grub for ubutnu.. is it still related?20:38
goldinstuxxie: it runs as a daemon on one of our servers and lets us know every time there's weirdness20:38
goldinsapoleo12: why did you screw with grub?20:38
tuxxiewill give it a try20:38
jerkmanjondavis: ok, where is the website for this 'hacker' clan20:38
vagothcppWhy does Ubuntu ship with 'fortune'20:38
NauTiluS1sylvia1 run fsck /dev/sda620:39
eglyphhow do i resolve circular dependencies in the packages? namely cedet is broken with emacs 23.120:39
apoleo12goldins: no no when I installed ubuntu and I get this error ever since and tried fixing it and searching onthe net that came nothing...20:39
goldinsvagothcpp: because fortune is awesome20:39
shamwari irc.flashback.info 666720:39
vagothcppgoldins: At wasting a precious 1MB space20:39
guntbertsylvia1: from my experience that looks bad, you will have to boot into "emergency system" (not shure about the name) or a live CD nad then from a terminal type sudo fsck /dev/sda6 and answer the questions with the default answer, but its still possibel that your system is badly damaged20:39
apoleo12it showed lists of 5 differnt paths20:39
tuxxiegoldins, do i need to install arpalarm as well20:39
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jedcjondavis, you keep using this word, i do not think it means what you think it means. :p http://catb.org/jargon/html/H/hacker.html20:41
apoleo12 /set crashproc_mem off20:41
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: hey dude..i'm done installing the PAE enabled kernel..and its able to detect 4gigs ram...but yes compiz is i guess disabled and set to metacity...20:42
vagothcppAfter removing packages, my dpkg -l doesnt reflect it, do I need to 'resync' or something?20:42
guntbertapoleo12: / as first character :-)20:43
alongenemylinesvagothcpp: sudo apt-get clean20:43
enoch_hi all20:43
__theIdiotBoxibuclaw: how to enable that>? shall i first enable the prop graphics drivers?20:43
enoch_is it possible to change the gdm cursor theme??20:43
AbortedFajitasguys, I am in dire straights..  I edited my pam.d\auth-common file and changed the success=2 to success=1 on the auth pam_unix.so line and I cant login with ANY accounts anymore.. Dead god, help me20:44
[manas]jedc, i intall cygwin but how i will connect now to my desctop20:44
apoleo12guntbert: I know i realized that with embarassment20:44
vagothcppalongenemylines: Didn't work20:44
jedc[manas] im not sure if cygwin comes with ssh, if not you need to install that first, then you type the same ssh command you have been into cygwin's terminal in theory20:45
enoch_is it possible to change the gdm cursor theme??20:45
AbortedFajitasThis is my CIO's laptop, luckily my last day here is tomorrow20:45
guntbertapoleo12: ;)20:45
Yuri1how do you increase the size of your ubuntu partition with partition editer thing?20:46
[manas]jedc, ohh man it so many hedicks20:46
Guest46039ifconfig gives me my inet address...is it possible for me to choose what i want the ip to be exactly? (like to change it manually i mean)20:46
NoMS_[manas]:  I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish, but maybe have a look at putty.  It's windows based unix console w/ ssh20:46
fccfAbortedFajitas: boot with live disk, change auth-common back20:46
alongenemylineshahaha [manas] said hedicks20:46
[manas]NoMS_, i did but jedc told me use other one20:47
Xerranin order to "sudo dpkg -i" do i have to cd into the location of the .deb?20:47
alongenemylinesvagothcpp: if you removed the packages with synaptic or apt-get, you should see them gone from dpgk immediately20:47
[manas]alongenemylines, haha20:47
vagothcppalongenemylines: apt-get, and I am not20:47
alongenemylinesthere may be dependencies with similar names still there20:47
Yuri1which partition is the actual ubuntu partition? is it 'linux-swap'?20:47
jedc[manas], hehe, you could install ubuntu in a virtual machine in windows and then use firefox from within that and it should work like the tutorial says, assuming you get network connectivity in the vm in windows20:48
apoleo12how do I fix grub?? elimanating error :15? dont ask me to do search which is usueless even the man pages20:48
vagothcppYuril: lol20:48
MOUDHey all20:48
vagothcppHey MOUD20:48
mickster04anyone not been answered yet apoleo12  i dunno bout urs20:48
[manas]jedc, or i can use ubuntu live cd20:48
Yuri1k then, how d'you uninstall ubuntu?20:49
ubuntistaswhat does mean to attend a course without credit?20:49
vagothcppWhat is ubuntu-desktop ?20:49
tuxxiegoldins, arpwatch is just what i am looking for. :D20:49
alongenemylineshow is babby formed?20:49
apoleo12mickster04: have not gotten any answer which I still keep on going20:49
MOUDI was having problems loging on ubuntu... the solution... delete files to free space :/20:49
mickster04Yuri1, insstall sumat else ontop?20:49
NoMS_Yuril: start -> control panel -> add/remove programs   :)20:49
jedcNoMS_, that was the problem, he is trying to follow this tutorial: http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/ and was using putty to connect to the server before following it20:49
jedc!hi | MOUD20:49
ubottuMOUD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:49
goldinstuxxie: no problem20:49
[manas]jedc, but at work we got bloody xp20:50
jMyles[manas]: Hey there - how's it coming?20:50
Yuri1how d'ya uninstall ubuntu because i want to SAFELY resize my partitions...20:50
MOUDhehe, tks jedc20:50
mickster04apoleo12, i was just sayin i didnt no how to solve ur prob20:50
goldinsYuri1: what?20:50
vagothcppYuril: Just delete the ubuntu relevant partitions20:50
urthmoverwhat is the name of an ASCII art viewer that I can run from the command line?20:50
jMylesYuril: I don't know if there is a completely safe way of resizing - what is the filesystem?20:50
mickster04Yuri1, you dont, u just format over it?20:50
alongenemylinesYuri1: and write a new mbr20:50
Yuri1which partitions are ubuntu relivant??????20:50
ubuntistaswhat does mean to attend a course without credit?20:50
[manas]jMyles, long story20:50
apoleo12mickster04: well ok thanks then haha.. I'll wait untill Iget it fixed and hopefully wont ask again since I note everything down if aI can ;)20:50
th0rurthmover: less20:50
urthmoverth0r: lol  really  sheesh   thanks man20:51
mickster04Yuri1, well what else is tere on ur pc/laptop20:51
urthmover<-- id10t20:51
alongenemylinesYuri1: ext2, ext3, ext4, linux-swap can all be removed if you're going back to just windows20:51
[manas]jMyles, maybe u know some ssh client on windows beside puty20:51
jMyles[manas]: I'm sorry, I don't.20:51
apoleo12Yuri1: why go back to windows?20:51
Yuri1my PC has vista and ubuntu20:51
Yuri1i recently added ubuntu20:51
goldins[manas]: I think there's one in cygwin20:51
apoleo12but Y?20:51
mickster04well alongenemylines is right Yuri120:51
imranNeed help : http://pastebin.com/m12ee740820:52
jedc[manas], putty seems to be able to do it, have a look at this http://realprogrammers.com/how_to/set_up_an_ssh_tunnel_with_putty.html20:52
NoMS_Yuril:  keep ntfs partition....  unless you have a backup partition, the rest can be deleted20:52
ubuntistaswhat does mean to attend a course without credit?20:52
jedc[manas], the firefox configuration should be the same, forget about the ssh part20:52
urthmoverth0r: using less still shows the "pixels" as letters and numbers ..... how do I get it to show the old school shaded blocks and such?20:52
mickster04Yuri1, vista only reads ntfs, fat(32)20:52
nitorubuntistas, i don't think you get credit, but you get all the knowledge20:52
urthmoverth0r: in windows you had to choose system  or terminal fonts20:52
alongenemylinesubuntistas: taking a class like in college, but not receiving any credit hours?20:52
gnomonAre there any amavisd-new experts here?  I'm looking for help with how it treats X-Spam-* headers that exist in messages before they've arrived at the local host.  Anyone?20:53
goldinsis this an ubuntu channel or an open chat channel?20:53
[manas]jeds im puting now live cd let me try first20:53
goldinsI have a question about ponies.20:53
th0rurthmover: ascii art is exactly that...letters and numbers. If you were playing some magic with it in windows that is a windows thing.20:53
imranSomeone help me with this please : I am getting errors : Heres the stuff http://pastebin.com/m12ee740820:53
nitorit's an ubuntu channel20:53
alongenemylinesgoldins: that need to go in the #ponies channel20:53
urthmoverth0r: ok man thanks for the insight20:53
jedc[manas], and ignore the mysql part at the bottom20:53
mickster04!ot | goldins20:54
ubottugoldins: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:54
jedc[manas], i think that tutorial is exactly what you want, a vm is a little heavy for what you are trying to do20:55
Yuri1i like ubuntu but i just need to resize the partitions as safely as possible so ty all20:55
mickster04Yuri1, GL20:55
alongenemylines[manas]: you can always look into using portable ubuntu.  runs in windows, gives you basically a full ubuntu desktop though20:55
Guest9773open office crashes when i try to open a ".doc" file20:56
[manas]jedc, do i still need put a comand to console after i configure puty20:56
goldinsGuest9773: are you sure it's a valid .doc file?20:56
alongenemylines[manas]: it's like a 350 meg download.  i use it when i have to use comps that i can't reformat20:56
mickster04Guest9773, any clues?20:56
rabidweezleis there a darkplaces/nexuiz irc channel anyone knows about?20:56
Guest9773<goldins> yes i am20:56
goldinsGuest9773: try launching it from a terminal, see if it gives you any errors20:56
mickster04Guest9773, any error messages etc?20:56
[manas]alongenemylines, dont forget i want to use it at work im not gonna restart pc when i need to use internet20:57
alongenemylines[manas]: portable ubuntu would be awesome for you then20:57
goldins[manas]: do you mean to imply that you can't use the internet from an ubuntu installation?20:57
alongenemylines[manas]: http://portableubuntu.demonccc.com.ar/ - site is really slow20:58
goldinsIn that case I had better disconnect20:58
jedc[manas], no, once you configure it, you just login with putty, and they setup firefox, use 9999 instead of 330620:58
Stumpiedose Xubuntu come with compiz-fusion?20:58
lancerockeis there any way i can turn off the expandable/collapsible folders in 'list' view in nautilus?20:58
Guest9773<goldins> whats the command to lauch it?20:58
SiON42XHey guys, Thunderbird question.  I used a website that tried to send email through thunderbird and it screwed something up...my "To" boxes are messed up now and I can't put things in them.  If I remove and re-install thunderbird, will it keep my prefs and accounts or will I have to set it all up again?20:58
TronicWhat is the proper way of setting video mode in Ubuntu nowadays? Editing xorg.conf and adding the required sections?20:59
MOUDI want alternative desktop environments other than Gnome and KDE. Anyone?20:59
goldinsGuest9773: oowriter20:59
jibadeehaMOUD: XFCE20:59
th0rMOUD: afterstep, windowmaker, openbox, fluxbox20:59
StumpieMOUD, try XFCE it is the widow manager of xubuntu20:59
goldinsSiON42X: it probably won't help, but it won't remove your prefs or accounts20:59
jibadeehath0r: those are window managers aren't they20:59
alongenemylinesSiON42X: it should be fine.  it shouldn't remove your .mozilla or .thunderbird folder in your home dir20:59
goldinsMOUD: I use ion. it's awesome.20:59
Guest9773<goldins> | ** (soffice:11362): WARNING **: unable to get gail version number20:59
Guest9773terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'20:59
jedc[manas], this is all conjecture on my part based on the tutorial fyi, i dont have a windows box to try it on21:00
jedcgoldins, he needs to make an ssh tunnel from a windows machine21:00
jedcgoldins, so he can use browse internet from work using his home computer21:00
SiON42XMan, I haven't seen windowmaker in a long time.21:00
th0rjibadeeha: I hope not...I was using each of them standalone long before gnome and kde cllimbed out of the caves21:00
c_leezHey room, looking for the repository that outlines the current Version of PHP... i.e. PHP 5.2.9 for example and Apache 2.2.12 for example. I have searched... but cripes I cant find it21:00
SiON42XThanks for the TB advice guys.21:00
goldinsjedc: ssh -D21:00
Pilkahey everyone :)21:00
SiON42Xgoldins, you said it probably won't help...why do you say that?21:00
jibadeehaStumpie: XFCE is a DE21:00
goldinsjedc: you can set a dynamic port forward in putty21:00
jibadeehath0r: those are window managers21:00
Stumpiede = desktop envoiornment?21:00
jibadeehaoh i give up21:00
MOUDthanks for the input21:01
goldinsSiON42X: because you probably didn't screw up your actual thunderbird installation, as you have to be root to do that21:01
goldinsMOUD: any time21:01
Stumpiedoes Xubuntu have compiz?21:01
goldins[manas]: you can set up a dynamic port forward in putty21:01
mickster04isnt compiz a gnome thing21:01
goldinsyeah I think so21:01
Stumpiekde has compiz21:01
mickster04oh ok21:01
SiON42Xgoldins:  Crap, that's a good point...so it may have corrupted some setting in user defined files then, which won't be deleted.21:02
goldinsbut I don't use compiz or gnome so I didn't want to say too much21:02
jedcgoldins, he has windows xp at work...21:02
jedcwould not be a problem from ubuntu21:02
goldinsSiON42X: you're smarter than you look :-P21:02
StumpieI like fluxbox, and xfce21:02
alongenemylinesi'm out guys.  later.21:02
SiON42Xgoldins:  Touche.  ;)21:02
MOUDwhat's the most windows like desktop environment and customizable too?21:03
goldinsjedc: dynamic port forward in putty. then set the socks proxy to localhost, at whatever port you set the dynamic port forward to21:03
goldinsMOUD: probably kde21:03
StumpieMOUD, IceWM21:03
th0rMOUD: vista21:03
Stumpiejust like windows9521:03
nitori would say kde as well21:03
OH_U_MADhello everyone21:03
Bob_DoleYay glitches! and it's adobe's fault again I bet. On youtube, the video loaded, but audio failed(no videos are playing audio now) other things make sound. this isn't the first time it has happened... It'll work if I kill firefox, then restart it.21:03
nitorgnome feels more like Mac to me21:03
mikaelhey guys... i just ran into a serious problem, was wondering if someone could help me out.21:03
StumpieI like gnome, but fluxbox makes me feel alive and sexy21:04
MOUDth0r: vista? Nice... i'll stick with XP then :P21:04
OH_U_MADI use Unix21:04
nitorsame here stump21:04
Bob_DoleOpened it in a different browser(firefox under WINE this time) and audio plays on the same video.21:04
mickster04Bob_Dole, can u visit systemdetails.com for me an tell me what it says about ur flash an ff etc21:04
OH_U_MADUnix is the best OS21:04
* Stumpie googles xubuntu and compiz21:04
mikaeli'm not sure how this went down.... init: Unable to execute "/bin/sh" for rcS: Not a directory21:04
mikaelinit: rcS main process (709) terminated with status 25521:04
mikaelinit: Unable to execute "bin/sh" for rc-default : Not a directory21:04
mikaelinit: re-default main process (710) terminated with status 25521:04
FloodBot3mikael: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
guntbert!ot | OH_U_MAD21:05
ubottuOH_U_MAD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:05
[manas]jedc, not working21:05
jdoggyhello, I installed lvm encrypted ubuntu (with the alternate text installer), and when I upgraded from jaunty to karmic it won't boot any longer because the disk uuid has changed, can somebody tell me how I might go about fixing this?21:05
guntbert!karmic | jdoggy21:05
ubottujdoggy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:05
OH_U_MAD<ubottu> OH_U_MAD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:05
OH_U_MADdoes anyone have any pets?21:06
jdoggyty guntbert21:06
FloodBot3OH_U_MAD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:06
xhatmanjdoggy: ouch21:06
goldinsoh ice is very windowsy by default21:06
OH_U_MADI have a box turtle21:06
Bob_Dolemickster04, Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009080315 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.13  and Flash Version
jdoggyxhatman: yeah not fun :/21:06
lancerockeis there any way i can turn off the expandable/collapsible folders in 'list' view in nautilus?21:06
mikaelheh. got pwned by the chat, and by ubuntu.... anyone?21:06
guntbertOH_U_MAD: please stop that21:06
Tartarosheya, is it possible to have multiple monitors, each with it's own set of virtual desktops?21:06
OH_U_MADwhat do you mean?21:06
jedcgoldins, yes, that is why i linked him a tutorial doing exactly that21:07
nitor\/shoot OH_U_MAD21:07
guntbertOH_U_MAD: this channel is for ubuntu support only21:07
goldinsbut kde is much more vista/windows7 esque21:07
OH_U_MADOh, sorry21:07
jedcgoldins, if you have experience with putty maybe you can walk him through, hes got firefox configured, but i dont have a windows box or putty21:07
OH_U_MADDo you have any pets?21:07
mickster04Bob_Dole, hmm so it isnt ur browser21:07
OH_U_MADI had a dog once21:07
OH_U_MADI like the box turtle better21:07
mickster04OH_U_MAD, behave21:07
jdoggyI can't imagine it's that difficult of a fix since the encryption is passphrase based...I don't think it used a file based key21:07
Bob_Dolemickster04, I'm thinking it is a glitch in flash.21:07
[manas]jedc, WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:08
OH_U_MADDoes anyone here have a box turtle21:08
jdoggyI guess my question can be simplified to this: how do I mount/boot an encrypted lvm partition from the textbox/grub command line?21:08
OH_U_MADbesides myself21:08
mickster04well my flash works fine in that exact same set up21:08
jedc[manas], nice! finally, you got it working with putty?21:08
Stumpie! xubuntu compiz21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xubuntu compiz21:08
nitoris there no channel op here?21:08
apoleo12chocolate box turtle?21:08
[manas]jedc, yes21:08
rob_ithowdy folks21:08
sekaabhello there21:08
mickster04Bob_Dole,  well my flash works fine in that exact same set up21:08
Bob_Dolemickster04, so does mine, usually. It was playing audio, then failed, and all youtube videos stopped playing audio(I didn;t try any other sites) I opened one of the videos that was silent in another browser(firefox under WINE) and it worked.21:09
OH_U_MAD<apoleo12> chocolate box turtle?21:09
jedc[manas], awesome, im glad we finally sorted that out hehe21:09
OH_U_MADi have a real box turtle21:09
[manas]jedc,  i didt config. puty what u showrd me21:09
apoleo12an animal?21:09
guntbertapoleo12: please don't feed the trolls21:09
[manas]jedc, but didnt work but when i typed a command it start working21:09
jedcthats fine, i dont pretend to be a putty expert i just typed a few words into google21:09
sexcopterhi, following this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto - and can't find my soundcard model with the line "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec", because there is no such file! Any other way I can find it?21:09
goldins[manas]: hey21:10
[manas]goldins, hey21:10
goldins[manas]: in putty go to tunnels, pick a port above 1024, hit "dynamic" and hit add21:10
Bob_DoleBridge trolls are the most annoying things.21:10
goldinsset up the rest of your connection, and connect21:10
mickster04Bob_Dole, any add ons that may be blockin it?21:10
mikaelanyone want to help this n00b, even though he thinks his server is hosed???21:10
goldinsthen in firefox, go to network > advanced > proxies21:10
guntbert!ask | mikael21:10
ubottumikael: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:10
goldinsset a socks proxy to localhost at whatever port you chose21:11
goldins[manas]: you good?21:11
[manas]goldins, and?21:11
goldinsand it will route your internet through the ssh connection21:11
[manas]goldins, let me try now21:11
goldinsyour browsing anyway21:11
Bob_Dolemickster04, only addon is for Gaia Online. It should only affect that particular site. And this is the third time since jaunty was released that I've seen this glitch. Closing firefox and reopening was the only fix I could find those 2 previous times. It's not easily reproducible.21:12
Bob_Dolemickster04, previously I didn't have that addon*21:12
[manas]goldins, i think it working21:12
jedcgoldins, we spend a long time trying to get this to work before i knew he was using xp, he was puttied in and then trying ssh -D21:12
[manas]anyway thanks a lot guys!!!21:12
=== mac9416 is now known as macOut
goldins[manas]: go to a site you know is blocked, probably facebook21:12
mickster04Bob_Dole, very odd, try disabling it to see if it still does that, it may be a buggy add on?21:12
[manas]goldins, im not at work now21:13
goldins[manas]: incidentally, you should probably install a firefox addon such that you can turn it off easily21:13
goldinsquickproxy or something21:13
[manas]jedc thanks a lot for ur time when u`ll be in london stop by i`ll buy u a beer21:13
magdatohello, i have a problem, i installed "peercast" from synaptic and now i dont know how to run it21:13
jedc[manas], hehe, ok sure thing, probably wont be in london for a while :p21:14
mickster04magdato, try peercast from terminal?21:14
mikaelOkay sorry guys. Locked my box, unlocked and now i'm getting init Unable to execute errors, the big one being that "/bin/sh" is not a directory21:14
Lupin17oNobatoo.... necesito ayuda---alguien?21:14
goldinsmikael: your disk is hosed.21:14
magdatohow can i do it?, i am new user, sorry :x21:14
jedcmikael, /bin/sh is an executable file21:14
mikaelgoldins -> really??? brand new drive....21:15
sawyannaingi cant enable the my Desktop Effect...21:15
sawyannaingpls help21:15
[manas]a have couple more questions but i think i`ll leave whem for next time dont want to give u be uoset on me21:15
Pilkadoes any1 know how to set up new irc network?21:15
Bob_Dolemickster04, disabling the addon requires restarting firefox.. just restarting it will fix it for a good long while :/21:15
goldinsmikael: I wouldn't necessarily bet money on it21:15
megramagdato, press "Alt + F2" and type peercast, and press enter21:15
Lupin17oi nedd some help with wine,.,,, anyone???¿¿¿21:15
jedcmikael, maybe not the drive, but the system might be borked21:15
megra[manas], ask !21:15
goldinsLupin17o: find a way around using it.21:15
magdatoi cant find peercast there :x21:16
megra!ask | Lupin17o21:16
ubottuLupin17o: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:16
guntbert!ot | Pilka21:16
=== Heroin is now known as Guest31541
ubottuPilka: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:16
Xerranhow to quit GNU nano without saving?21:16
Pilkadoes any1 know how to set up new irc network? sorry for question not about ubuntu... but i dunno where to find any tutorials :/21:16
mikaelso pretty much try a re-install and pray to the gods?21:16
Pilkasorry and thanks ill check ;)21:16
[manas]megra, need to install my tv card21:16
megramagdato, or open a terminal and do the same (type peercast and press enter)21:16
chessnutmushroomguys, i just had a power cut and lost my usb drive due to read error, how can i re-read the usb device so that i can remount it without disconnecting the drive?21:16
mickster04Bob_Dole, well untill u figure out what causes it can u survive without the add on?21:16
goldinsmikael: I'd move the disk to another box and see if I can mount it21:16
jedcXerran, ctrl + x?21:16
mickster04Bob_Dole, altho thats all i could suggest21:16
goldinsthen I'd fsck it21:16
Jeruvy!mythtv | [manas]21:16
ubottu[manas]: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv21:16
[manas]megra, and make ubuntu suport iphone21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ctrlaltdel21:17
Guest31541My videocard crashed and now i dont see my BIOS booting or grub.. what should i do!?21:17
Xerranjedc: going to try now thx21:17
[manas]Jeruvy, thanks thaat the right one21:17
mikaelgoldins => awesome idea, should have thought about that. THANKS!21:17
magdatocan i have geekast and peercast?21:17
ipsemeti'm still having trouble with cron on my ubuntu 8.04.3 server, I can get a non privledged user to be able to run a cron job but i can't get anything to be run by root21:17
l3dxanyone who have used gitosis, and can tell me how to setup users using msysgit? I guess my problem is the username (whitespaces..)21:17
jedcXerran, it will ask you if you want to save, type n for no21:17
PvpeterHello! My ventrilo 2.1.4 which I am using under wine stopped working today, it says code 8. Ventrilo FAQ says: -8 means the codec is found but the settings are messed up. Control panel >Sound and multimedia  > Hardware > Double click "Audio Codec" > Double click on Microsoft GSM 6.10 > Click settings. > Set compress and Decompress to 44100 (or just Auto Config). > Press OK. How would I do this on ubuntu 9.04??21:17
l3dxops, that was meant for #git21:17
Bob_Dolemickster04, I don't think it is the addon, and it is a rare issue. I have another browser that is faster with flash anyways(Firefox and flash installed under WINE works much much better in terms of speed compared to native.)21:17
nuk_help, fresh install of ubuntu desktop 9.04 amd64 on core2duo hangs while rebooting...21:17
Guest31541My videocard crashed and now i dont see my BIOS booting or grub.. what should i do!?21:17
Xerranjedc: hold ctrl and hit n?21:17
mickster04Bob_Dole, have u tried the shiretoko?21:18
sawyannaingwhile i was using Ubuntu 8.1 i cant Enable the Desktop effect but now after upgraded to 9.10, I cant enable it21:18
Bob_Dolemickster04, is that firefox 3.5?21:18
sawyannaingcan anybody explain me21:18
goldinsmickster04: it's called firefox3.521:18
mickster04goldins, not on ubuntu21:18
mickster04Bob_Dole, yes21:18
goldinsit will be called firefox by the time karmic comes out21:18
Xerranjedc: thanks that worked21:18
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY21:18
sawyannainghelp me pls21:19
Bob_Dolemickster04, no, I havn't. but the slowdown is adobe's fault. it's present on OS X, too, but doesn't seem to be nearly as bad.21:19
goldinsmickster04: that's silly.21:19
jedcxerran, no, hold control and hit x, then type n. if you havent changed anything you wont have to type n21:19
jedcsawyannaing, probably missing driver for your video card21:19
mickster04goldins, theres an explaination an it makes sense really21:19
goldinsmickster04: yes but it's still silly21:19
jedcsawyannaing, try System->Administration->hardware drivers21:19
goldinsalso I'm livid with the ubuntu-mozilla people21:19
sawyannainghow to fix it...jedc21:19
PvpeterI just updated my FF to 3.5 with ubuntuzilla21:20
chessnutmushroomguys, i just had a power cut and lost my usb drive due to read error, how can i re-read the usb device so that i can remount it without disconnecting the drive?21:20
goldinschessnutmushroom: it will just be faster if you disconnect the drive21:20
jedcsawyannaing, check to see if there is an available driver in hardware drivers, click it and click activate21:20
chessnutmushroomwhat if it was remote computer?21:21
sawyannaingonly i can see it ....for networking purpose21:21
mickster04chessnutmushroom, it the mount command, i cant remember how it works tho21:21
goldinsyou might find a way to reread the usb bus but disconnecting and reconnecting will definitely work, while rereading the usb bus might not21:21
PvpeterHello! My ventrilo 2.1.4 which I am using under wine stopped working today, it says code 8. Ventrilo FAQ says: -8 means the codec is found but the settings are messed up. Control panel >Sound and multimedia  > Hardware > Double click "Audio Codec" > Double click on Microsoft GSM 6.10 > Click settings. > Set compress and Decompress to 44100 (or just Auto Config). > Press OK. How would I do this on ubuntu 9.04??21:21
goldinssee if it showed up in dmesg as reconnecting when power came back21:21
Xerranjedc: in order to edit just start typing as normal then save after hitting ctrl x right?21:21
sawyannaingi cant see any driver for graphic card ...Jedc21:21
heatmzzrHow do I get framebuffer to work in tty screens? trying to use links2 and view graphics, works fine in terminal but not tty screens?21:21
goldinsheatmzzr: wow.21:22
goldinsheatmzzr: let me know if you get that working.21:22
fg56lxI'm having some problems with sound. When ever I listen to music for any length of time (in any media player) the sound skips and glitches frequently. I know its not the files that have the problem as ive played them numerous times with no problems. Its not the hardware becuase it didnt do it when i got it (windows was on it) it worked with ubuntu for a few months just fine untill it started doing this, and sound runs fine from a live cd. I've21:22
fg56lx using the default engine, as well as pluseaudio, and they both do the same thing. CPU usage is also not high while this skipping is occuring. Ive also reinstalled twice, and it still does it. What would cause this to happen, and how can I fix it?21:22
jedcXerran, that will work, ctrl + w is save, it should have these commands at the bottom of the screen21:22
MOUDIs there a way to add 1 or 2GB of disk space into this partition (using the free space of another partitioned disk) ?21:22
goldinsMOUD: gnuparted21:22
jedcXerran, my bad, ctrl + o is save21:22
MOUDgoldins: is it risky?21:23
boobsbrhowdy, I need a similar tool to Windows' HyperTerminal. any suggestions? I also need to know how to connect to a COM port, I'm not used to doing this in Linux.21:23
Bob_Dolesawyannaing, is it an ATI card? ATI dropped support for a lot of cards in the recent drivers, and ubuntu 9.04 and up can only use the new driver. The free and Opensource "Radeon" driver doesn't work for -all- of the cards that were dropped(it works on a great many of them, though)21:23
Xerranjedc: thx21:23
goldinsMOUD: not particularly, if it doesn't work it usually fails before doing anything21:23
lljpr...every time i restart the computer the  system change the screeen resolution even thought i change it the ast time. (i do nos speak english, so excuse me)21:23
goldinsmight not work though21:23
guntbertMOUD: that won't work - you are talking about different disks?21:23
lljpri have xuuntu21:23
mickster04lljpr, how do you change it21:23
MOUDguntbert: same HD but different partitions21:24
sawyannaingBob..Radeon is it.? I will try to find it21:24
Xerranholy crap, 1458 peeps. Are we all sticking it to Bill?  :P21:24
mickster04Xerran, yes21:24
lljpraplication/conf/screen ..21:24
Bob_DoleActually I'm sticking it to Steve.21:25
guntbertMOUD: ok, then I misunderstood, you can enlarge a partition with free space immediately after it21:25
Tartaroswhere are stored the screen resolutions and stuff which you set in "display preferences" gui?21:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Bob_Dolebut which Steve you ask? Wozniak, Jobs, or Balmer?21:25
kaddi_Tartaros it might be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:25
jedcXerran, yea, stuck it to bill 5 years ago, ditched steve 2 years ago21:26
Xerranjedc: haha21:26
mickster04lljpr, try system>preferences>display21:26
sawyannaingBob....i jus check my Graphic card which is Intel Integraded one21:26
Bob_Dolesawyannaing, some intel cards had horrible regressions too.21:27
Xerransawyannaing: i hate to break it to you but intel integrated chips are pure suckage atm21:27
Tartaroskaddi: yeah but it's not. In there it only sets the size of virtual desktop, nothing else21:27
TartarosI have 2 screens and there's no mention of them in the xorg.conf, yet they work :)21:27
kaddi_Xerran which is due to ubuntu because they work fine with other OS21:27
lljprok!:.. i'll check out!: thanks21:27
Bob_DoleIntel Integrated chips suck to begin with. then Ubuntu added some regressions to their performance. Lovely combination.21:28
Xerransawyannaing: whenever your in the market for upgrade checkout AMD or nvidia21:28
sawyannaingtnx ..Bob and Xerran....so i cant be able to enable it...is it?21:28
apoleo12Each time I boot I get into grub menu... and I had to select since it couldnt find the path....21:28
jedckaddi_, that usually means its due to intel21:28
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:28
tppHi I've been having the problem [on two ubuntu 9.04 boxes independently] that "hald" is using 100% CPU and as far as I can tell leaking memory as it's constantly growing!21:29
Xerransawyannaing: Gigabyte make some terrific motherboards with onboard AMD and nvidia video  chipsets21:29
kaddi_ctmjr I know, but since the latest updates on the new kernel, it is just as bad as with the normal kernel21:29
Wondercoolhi all, I havea problem with my HDTV, I need my NVIDIA ION chipset to underscan but the NVIDIA drivers don't let me21:29
sawyannaingI m using the ASUS laptop so ...i cant jus upgrade my graphic card...I need to change my Laptop21:29
kaddi_just use another OS and you'll be fine21:29
WondercoolI tried Modelines21:29
Xerransawyannaing: oh ok21:30
mzzsawyannaing: hmm, at least some intel integrated gpus run compiz just fine (I have an asus laptop here where it works)21:30
sawyannaing:(...I dunno why is it working on 8.1021:30
WondercoolBut the NVIDIA graphics applet does not seem to pick it up21:30
Bob_Dolesawyannaing, 8.04 and 8.10 are prior to these regressions21:30
sawyannaingI got compiz too...but it seem to be not working either21:31
fccfsawyannaing: you might have better luck with 8.04 ... I am using it and it works well on the Intel chip21:31
WondercoolAnyone out there that set mode lines on an NVIDIA card and got away with it?21:31
mzzsawyannaing: (the performance situation will improve in the future, probably already in karmic, but compiz should at least start in 9.04 unless your gpu is much different from mine)21:31
PvpeterHello! My ventrilo 2.1.4 which I am using under wine stopped working today, it says code 8. Ventrilo FAQ says: -8 means the codec is found but the settings are messed up. Control panel >Sound and multimedia  > Hardware > Double click "Audio Codec" > Double click on Microsoft GSM 6.10 > Click settings. > Set compress and Decompress to 44100 (or just Auto Config). > Press OK. How would I do this on ubuntu 9.04??21:31
mzzsawyannaing: ("desktop effects" to anything other than "none" means "compiz", basically)21:31
mzzsawyannaing: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?21:31
guntbert!live | sawyannaing (I know its no help now, but for the next time...)21:31
ubottusawyannaing (I know its no help now, but for the next time...): The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.21:31
mickster04Pvpeter, try #winehq on freenode21:32
Pvpeterok, ty21:32
Bob_Dolethe "ubuntu" irc server is freenode :o21:32
sawyannaingtnx all for help21:32
Wondercoolmy computer is a Aspire Revo ION chipset21:33
guntberthakann: do you have an ubuntu support question?21:33
kajamd Please help me -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380021:33
mzz(probably don't click that link!)21:33
* mzz checks21:33
RebelZerommo referral21:34
mickster04mzz, ?21:34
sawyannaingmzz how to open that log file21:34
mzzdefinitely not an ubuntu-related link21:34
mzz!pastebin | sawyannaing21:34
ubottusawyannaing: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:34
mickster04mzz, what is it?21:34
mzzsawyannaing: (it's a text file, just use "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log")21:35
guntberthakann: stop that please21:35
mzzmickster04: I don't know, but it's not ubuntu-related.21:35
hakannbeni anlayanvarm013121:35
hakannvarsa ses versin21:35
mickster04!ot | hakann21:35
ubottuhakann: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:36
=== kushal_kumaran_ is now known as kushal_kumaran
sawyannaingmzz: do i need to type it in Terminal21:36
nitorthat link was some latvian mmorpg21:36
hakannduymuyonuzmu beni laaa21:36
mzzsawyannaing: yes21:36
mzzhakann: english please21:36
mickster04can someone shut hakann up?21:36
mzz(does someone recognize that language?)21:36
sawyannaingmzz: it's show pastebinit is not installed21:36
mzzsawyannaing: you can just install it, it's quite tiny21:37
gfhf Please help me -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380021:37
jedcsawyannaing, you need to install it first, or manually put it on pastebin21:37
mzzcan someone ban that ip please?21:37
jedcsawyannaing, "sudo apt-get install pastebininit21:37
mickster04any ops about?21:37
* mzz doesn't think it's quite worthy of an "ops" trigger, but if one happens to be around...21:37
sawyannaingjedc: i jus install pastebinit21:37
mickster04mzz thats why i didnt trigger it21:38
nitormzz, it was russian21:38
jedchakann, what are you doing?21:39
sawyannaing here is link come out21:39
mickster04i dunno who ops are21:39
Prodegotry #ubutnu-ops21:39
mzzsawyannaing: (WW) intel(0): drmSetMaster failed: 2.6.29 or newer kernel required for multi-server DRI21:40
mzzsawyannaing: is more than one Xorg server running? Are multiple users logged in?21:40
hou5tonI've messed up something with my sound ... when I turn up the volume high, I get a screeching feedback sound.  Don't know how to fix it.21:40
gfhf Please help me -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380021:40
c_leezHey room, looking for the repository that outlines the current Version of PHP... i.e. PHP 5.2.9 for example and Apache 2.2.12 for example. I have searched... but cripes I cant find it21:40
haf1ztangany1 can help me , rite nw i have ubuntu 8.04, 9.04 and vista21:40
haf1ztangbut my laptop wil automatically boot to 8.0421:41
haf1ztangas the 1st choice21:41
Pricey!lamp | c_leez21:41
ubottuc_leez: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:41
sawyannaingmzz: i found inside Xorg.10.log also21:41
jcmarinidoes Jaunty need RKH21:41
Priceyc_leez: You can install them from there.21:41
haf1ztanghow i need to set so my laptop will make 9.04 as a main boot21:41
sawyannaingmzz: so which one i suppose to pastebinit21:41
Priceyc_leez: To find out the package versions, /msg ubottu info <package name>21:41
mzzsawyannaing: if you want compiz to work you'll have to do some scary upgrading, wait for karmic, or stop running more than one X server at the time.21:42
mzzsawyannaing: I can't exactly tell you why you'd be running more than one X server (are multiple users logged in?)21:42
mickster04haf1ztang, in /boot/grub/menu.lst there is an option to select which is the default selected item21:42
raphacan somebody pls help getting usb wlan to work?21:42
Gamer Please help me -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380021:42
=== macOut is now known as mac9416
sawyannaingmzz: i m the only user in this laptop21:42
sawyannaingmzz: how can it be mulitple user running21:42
sawyannaingmzz: is there something wrong with my system..coz this PC is dual boot21:43
mzzah, thanks for that, that link was getting annoying21:43
mzzsawyannaing: I can't tell you why you'd be running multiple Xorg servers, although there might be a clue in the tree of running programs (try running "ps -feH|pastebinit")21:43
charlie__i dont have any sound, does anyone know how to fix it21:43
Rythokahuh, that's odd. I'm connecting to an IRC server, but it won't let me join any channels. Any help?21:43
Berninihey does anyone know anything about webcams... im having probs think it might have to do with tvcard conflict21:44
sawyannaing this link come out21:44
haf1ztangmickster04: can u guide me pls21:45
=== vic is now known as Guest4428
mzzsawyannaing: curious, only the one server in there.21:45
mickster04haf1ztang, can u pastebin ur menu.lst?21:46
haf1ztangok ok21:46
sawyannaingmzz: could u pls add me in ur msn...mine is saw_yan_naing@hotmail.com21:46
mzzsawyannaing: so either there *was* a second server when X started but there isn't one now, or something else is going on. Can you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf too?21:46
mzzsawyannaing: I don't use msn21:46
ikoniasawyannaing: careful giving out that information in a public logged channel21:46
charlie__ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need help. I DONT HAVE ANY SOUND21:46
haf1ztangmickster04:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/252145/21:46
sawyannaingikonia:tnx for info21:47
ikoniacharlie__: calm down please, just ask your question clearly21:47
Jeruvy!pulseaudio | charlie__21:47
ubottucharlie__: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:47
Xerranjdec: You can use "sudo dpkg -i" to install any .deb package right21:47
Berninican someone help me out with setting up a webcam21:47
charlie__my ubuntu wont give me any sound21:47
charlie__i dont know if i have to install something or wot21:47
mickster04haf1ztang, so what do u want different to what u have now?21:48
=== ircleuser is now known as MattCanada
haf1ztangmickster04: just now indus help me to get back my grub21:48
sawyannaing link here21:48
jcmarinicharlie you probably need to configure hardware drivers. sound card I do it with (gui) menu hardware drivers. don't know the cli21:48
=== trench is now known as trenchcoat
mickster04haf1ztang, ok21:48
c_leezPricey: and ubottu: thank you... just looking to meet some Compliance issues, and wanted to know what I am up against when it comes time to meet them, as far as what I have to update and what is backported.21:48
MattCanadaThis is my first time using an IRC client, please bare with me.21:49
haf1ztangmickster04: but once i get grub, the 8.04 become the 1st choice on the grub21:49
haf1ztangmickster04: and now can u help me to set 9.04 as the 1st choice21:49
Berniniim trying to setup a logitech quickcam E2500... might be having conflicts with my tvcard21:49
dalekleaderMattCanada: welcome21:49
Priceyc_leez: packages.ubuntu.com is also useful21:49
mzzsawyannaing: nothing scary in there. Sorry, I don't know what's up then. You'd have to find someone more familiar with the intel driver (or someone who can think of a reason for there to be two X servers briefly during startup)21:49
Priceyc_leez: It'll tell you all the versions in each release.21:49
MattCanadaCan anybody help me with power managment issues with 9.04 on a Lenovo Thinkpad x60?21:49
Xerranjedc: you can use "sudo dpkg -i" to install any .deb package right?21:49
Priceyc_leez: Be aware though that although it may say version 1.1, it may have a huge amount of patches backported from 1.221:49
c_leezawesome... thank you21:49
MattCanadaThank you Dalekleade21:49
=== alexa is now known as Guest56192
c_leezbackporting hell21:50
c_leezlife goes on21:50
sawyannaingmzz: there are lots of kernel show up when window startup ...is that normal?21:50
Berninican anyone help me with a webcam setup21:50
jcmarinii still cant get answers from ubottu.how?21:50
mzzsawyannaing: I don't understand the question.21:50
wildc4rdevening all21:50
KapliWhere is the current session tab in ubuntu 9.04?21:50
mickster04haf1ztang, it should e?21:50
sawyannaingmzz: i mean in Greb....21:51
Luriaarg, is there something like a fast user switching screen for ubunutu? i need to set up a one click login screen but doesnt auto login. yes, this is a grandparents' computer.21:51
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dalekleaderMattCanada: hint, use tab after entering a few characters of te persons name, it will auto-complete.  2nd, you may need to elaborate on the problem.21:51
sawyannaingmzz: u got to choose which OS to load21:51
haf1ztangmickster04: what do you mean with e?21:51
prizrenhi all21:51
Luriai need to minimize the difference from xp21:51
SuPeRhOmEmHi, I have a dell inspiron 1525, the speakers makes beeps and buzzes all the time, the tecnical support said that the wireless "A" band may be causin it, so, how can I disable it?21:51
haf1ztangmickster04: ext?21:51
lemonade`hey guys, why don't you have dev man pages installed by default?21:51
MattCanadaAh, thanks21:51
mickster04haf1ztang,  be*21:51
prizrenanyone can point me to a working animation program on ubuntu21:51
sawyannaingmzz: at that point got lots of kernel version listing there21:51
MOUDyoutube looks very strange on Firefox and Opera and both say that javascript is disabled or I have an older version of adobe flash player. Can anyone help me?21:51
prizrenI am using edubunut and have tried so many ones21:51
mzzsawyannaing: oh, yes, that's normal. I haven't figured out how to clean out old kernel more agressively other than by hand yet.21:51
mzzsawyannaing: (they're quite large, so if you're low on hd space it's worth it to remove old ones)21:52
haf1ztangmickster04: what should i do now?21:52
prizrenanyone can point me to a working animation program on ubuntu I am using edubuntu and have tried so many ones. None seem to work. please advise21:52
Berninican anyone help me with a webcam setup21:52
haf1ztangmickster04: or just let it be?21:52
sawyannaingmzz: can u explain me how21:52
mickster04MOUD, try systemdetails.com and pastebin it plz:D21:52
MattCanadaIt's the same old issue on the x60; the computer runs rather hot, even on freq scaling to power managment, and my battery runs through in 3.25 minutes, instead of 4 or 5, as in Windows.21:52
scott_inoprizren, what exactly are you trying to do21:52
sawyannaingmzz: or show some link that briefly explain...21:52
mickster04haf1ztang, it looks pretty chaotic?21:52
jedcprizren, you might check out blender, pretty fully features but takes a while to get to know how to use21:52
haf1ztangmickster04: yeah21:52
mzzsawyannaing: I'm sorry, you should ask someone more familiar with ubuntu. I've been doing it by hand (using aptitude/apt-get/synaptics/whatever)21:52
MOUDmickster04: ok21:52
prizrenscott, well pencil cannot export21:52
scott_inoMattCanada, google powertop21:53
wikkidhello everyone.  A software raid 1 drive failed, (two md devices md0 and md1.  md0 is /, md1 is swap), i replaced the drive, and was able to rebuild md0 just fine, i can't seem to rebuild md1 (swap) though, i'm getting "mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md1" when i try to run mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --add /dev/sda2.  any ideas?21:53
prizrenand on open movie editor, it does not do any sounds for some reason21:53
jcmariniwhere is the instructuion to ask ubottu queries? please!!21:53
Tartaroshow come my xorg.conf is almost empty? where are all the settings stored in 9.04?21:53
prizrenand ktoons is very slow, very very21:53
MattCanadaI have used PowerTop, however I do not understand how to make these suggestions 'stick'.21:53
sawyannaingmzz: tnx for all info21:53
Berninidoes anyone know anything about webcams and video devices21:53
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:53
prizreni just want pencil to work for example21:53
mzzjcmarini: how to open a message window to ubottu depends on your irc client, but I don't think there's anything special you need to do other than that21:53
mickster04haf1ztang, it looks like it should boot 9.04 by default21:53
haf1ztangmickster04: yeah correct.21:54
prizrenscott_ino, jedc i would like to make 2d cartoons21:54
MattCanadaCan you please tell me, if undervolting one's processor would be a worthwhile venture here?21:54
Tartarosscott_ino: was that supposed to be answer to my question?21:54
jcmarinimzz thank you21:54
dalekleaderMattCanada: do you now if speedstep is working?  gnome has a frequency scaling monitor for the panel21:54
jedcprizren, pencil is the only that i see with apt-cache search21:55
mickster04MOUD, if u pastebin the summary report at the end...21:55
jcmarinimzz xchat??21:55
hou5tonI've messed up something with my sound ... when I turn up the volume high, I get a screeching feedback sound.  Don't know how to fix it.21:55
Berniniis there anyone here that could help me setup my webcam21:55
prizrenyes and pencil is broken21:55
MattCanadaSpeedstep is in the BIOS, no?21:55
prizrenit is a broken pencil jedc21:55
scott_inoTartaros, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XORGHardy21:55
jedchou5ton, your pcm volume may be up to high, in alsamixer make sure it isnt higher than around 85%21:55
MOUDmickster04: ok21:55
mzzjcmarini: I think you can just right-click the bot in the user list or something. Then just say something like "!ubottu" (without the quotes) in there.21:56
guntbertmzz, sawyannaing you can limit the kept kernel images via system/preferences/startup-manager: advanced21:56
dalekleaderMattCanada: true, to enable or disable it.  ultimately te OS controls the stepping21:56
treizeI have the 0.8.2 version of rtorrent installed through apt-get. If I want to install the latest verson (0.8.4) through source, how can I integrate that into apt-get so that it will update the program in later versions? Is apt-get equivs the only way?21:56
guntbert!info startup-manager21:56
ubottuPackage startup-manager does not exist in jaunty21:56
guntbert!info startupmanager21:56
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.12-1 (jaunty), package size 95 kB, installed size 1072 kB21:56
mzzguntbert: ah, startup-manager. Thanks, I'll remember that (not in ubuntu right now)21:56
hou5tonBernini:  http://search.ubuntu.com/results2.html?cx=009650792990864903260%3A-lsdjshi1tu&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=web+cam&sa=Search#140021:56
MattCanadaI believe that Speedstep is on in the BIOS, yes21:56
MattCanadaPerhaps the OS is not interracting correctly?21:56
MattCanadawith Speedstep?21:56
guntbertmzz: that is meant for grub, but the extraneous images get removed too21:57
jedctreize, if rtorrent has a repo you can add it to sources.list and then add the gpg key so it is trusted21:57
dalekleaderMattCanada: you will have to check.  try adding the "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor" to the panel21:57
MattCanadaSay, I am using IRCLE, how can I make the font larger?21:57
scott_inoTartaros, that explains what's up with xorg.conf and why it's different21:57
MOUDmickster04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252148/21:57
dalekleaderMattCanada: it will tell you the current cpu frequency21:57
wikkidhello everyone.  A software raid 1 drive failed, (two md devices md0 and md1.  md0 is /, md1 is swap), i replaced the drive, and was able to rebuild md0 just fine, i can't seem to rebuild md1 (swap) though, i'm getting "mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md1" when i try to run mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --add /dev/sda2.  any ideas?21:57
MattCanadaYep, I have the CPU Freq Scaling applet on the toolbar21:57
dalekleaderMattCanada: what freq is displayed21:58
treizejedc: rtorrent is just a concrete example, I was curious about the situations where it doesn't have a ppa and the only way to get the latest is through a source compile21:58
C1sM0Where can I find information on how to setup my Mobilephone on Ubuntu (Motorola ZINE)21:58
Berninii have a logitech quickcam ive installed the gspca drivers... but i might have a conflict with my tvcard... can anyone help me out with this21:58
MattCanadaI have them all; 800 Mhz and up to 1.8321:58
MattCanadaPowerSave, OnDemand, Conservative, Performance21:58
MattCanadaMy scaling is definitely working okay21:58
MattCanadaAnd I do have my LMSensors installed and running okay21:59
jcmarinimzz i don't think xchat has message window extra but you may mean the whole shebang. what's the protocol for addressing queries to ubottu. there must be a sybol or something.21:59
sawyannaingtnx for everything...see ya all21:59
dalekleaderMattCanada: if you can select the speed or watch it change then it is not the cpu that is hogging power.  unless it is always maxed out21:59
jcmarinisymbol sorry mzz21:59
jedctreize, apt-get only works for software packages and source packages, if they arent available as a package then you cant use apt-get21:59
MattCanadaNah, it's not the CPI21:59
MattCanadaI suppose the best way to go about this, would be to run PowerTop, and to find a way to make the suggestions actually stick21:59
prizrenKdenlive is working! w00t21:59
mickster04MOUD, you seem to have an old version of ff as well as shockwave installed21:59
MattCanadaBut how do you do this exactly?21:59
MattCanadaThis IRC chatting is fun :)22:00
jedctreize, you could make your own personal package archive and package the new versions periodically to stay up to date but that would take a lot of learning and time22:00
mzzjcmarini: there's nothing magical about it other than sending it a message starting with a "!". Try sending one of those to me if it's not working on ubottu.22:00
dalekleaderMattCanada: ok, i am not sure, sorry.  IRC is the retro and best way to chat22:00
treizejedc: what about apt-get equivs? So if I install a program through source compilation I am doomed to manually updating it from then on?22:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about RKH22:00
Berninican someone help me with a webcam setup22:00
MOUDmickster04: yes, I just saw it. I apt-get install FF3.5 but when I open it then it opens the old one22:01
jcmarini!root kit hunter22:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about root kit hunter22:01
MattCanadaOne question, the Laptop_Mode package in Ubuntu, I have been told that it is somehow "crippled" by default?22:01
kaddi_is someone familiar with folding@home? I installed it with sudo, so it set up it's own user and is always running in the background. But now I would like to stop it, because I'm compiling. How can I do that22:01
jedctreize, well, apt-get wont know about it, but you can remove the software and then install from apt-get again, say if it gets updated in the repos to the version you want22:01
mzzMattCanada: last time I checked the usefulness of the suggestions from powertop varied wildly (it's a pretty nice tool to see what apps aren't completely idle, but the rest of it isn't *that* great)22:01
ctmjr!webcams | Bernini22:01
ubottuBernini: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:01
eMaXhow can i recursively find files that have been changes in the last n days?22:01
MattCanadaWould uninstalling it in the Synaptic, and reinstalling via the regular .deb file be better?22:01
jcmarini!root kit22:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about root kit22:01
mickster04MOUD, you have to open shiretoko from the internet submenu22:01
mzzjcmarini: yeah, now do that in a message window22:01
jedctreize, but yes, in general if you compiling something from source it wont automatically get updated22:02
dalekleaderMattCanada: no, unless the deb is a newer version22:02
mickster04and u can uninstall the old one in the old ff22:02
haf1ztangmickster04: how am i going to set 9.04 as default22:02
mickster04haf1ztang, it is....what does it show u is the default22:02
MattCanadaOkay, fair enough.22:02
MattCanadaI hear you on PowerTop22:02
treizejedc, ahh...seems like i'll just wait for it to be updated in the repos, thanks22:02
MattCanadaI am going to head off, and to try my luck22:03
haf1ztangletme give u another 1 ok22:03
MOUDmickster04: how do I do that?22:03
MattCanadaAny of you successfully dual boot by any chance, using Windows 7 as the primary, and first install?22:03
jcmarinimzz thanks buddy. don't ya love it when things work. gold srat to the Ubuntu comunity.*22:03
mickster04ii think About:plugins22:03
jedctreize, there is a new ubuntu release coming out soon, it might be updated in karmic22:03
dalekleaderMattCanada: good luck.  also, it maybe that your hard drive is not spinning down even though the applications are idling.22:03
mickster04MOUD, i think About:plugins22:04
jcmarinigols star. sorry. my typing is hunt n peck method?22:04
mzzjcmarini: I'm sure there's a typing tutor you can apt-get :P22:04
haf1ztangmickster04: you may check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/252153/22:04
mickster04MOUD, try shiretoko tho22:04
jcmarinigold star..Ubuntu will free a lot of people. especially poor people like me.22:04
=== alankila_ is now known as alankila
jedckaddi_, you could use ps -e to find the process and pid, then kill <pid> to kill the process22:05
mickster04haf1ztang, ok there is a value called "default 0" you need to chanfe the value to 422:05
Berninithis is stupid... ive installed gspca but i think its conflicting with my tvcard as a video device22:05
jcmarinimzz i' go look. cheers buddy.22:05
TheFuzzballDoes anyone know how to open a terminal in Ubuntu?22:06
MattCanadaDefinitely, HDD spin-down issues are a problem22:06
MattCanadaI've modified the HDPARM values, down from 25422:06
jedc TheFuzzball, alt+f2 gnome-terminal22:06
MattCanadaBy the way, what would a more ideal value be for HDPARM?22:06
mneptokTheFuzzball: Applications > Accessories22:06
JeruvyTheFuzzball: ^^ jedc22:06
haf1ztangmickster04:  doesnt dat wil make 8.04 as a default?22:06
MattCanadaBelow 254, that is?22:06
jedcTheFuzzball, or applications->accesories->terminal22:06
jcmarinimzz i use synaptic.22:06
Luriactl alt f122:07
charlie__i need help i cannot get sound working and i have tried pulsesound but still no luck22:07
mickster04haf1ztang, 9.04 is the fourth option no?22:07
Luriafor a real terminal :-)22:07
dalekleaderMattCanada: not sure22:07
TheFuzzballThat's a virtual terminal, I mean an xterm or some other emulator22:07
MattCanadaOkay, well, I'll go with this.22:07
mneptokTheFuzzball: Applications > Accessories22:07
MattCanadathanks for your help for the time being.22:07
prizrenscott_ino, jedc thanks i am using kdeenlive it works22:08
mickster04haf1ztang, well there u go then22:08
dalekleaderMattCanada: you are welcome22:08
Taylorhey, can anyone tell me what the problem is regarding my Ubuntu Live CD?22:08
mneptokTaylor: not until you describe it22:08
charlie__can someone help me22:09
TaylorI start it up, and it loads fine, but the entire screen is wavy and warped...22:09
haf1ztangmickster04: thats mean i only need to change to boot order rite?22:09
jedcTheFuzzball, xterm is a terminal emulator also, but alt + f2 xterm if it is installed22:09
haf1ztangmickster04: swap the 8.04 with d 9.0422:09
mickster04haf1ztang, no not even that22:09
mickster04haf1ztang, near the top just change default 0 to default 422:09
DaZdoes anyone here use btrfs? :f22:09
eMaXhow can i recursively copy files modified since n days?22:09
charlie__EMAX HELP ME22:09
mickster04charlie__, behave22:10
haf1ztangmickster04: sory but cant get you. can u show me?22:10
haf1ztangmickster04: sory for troubling you22:10
mneptok!help > charlie__22:10
ubottucharlie__, please see my private message22:10
DaZeMaX: it involves find i think22:10
mickster04haf1ztang,  what is at the top of menu.lst?22:10
eMaXDaZ yes I can find those files and I want to recursively copy them22:10
ChrisWizardIs there a tool to diagno a sound related problem in ubuntu22:11
haf1ztangmickster04: do you mean dis22:11
Taylormickster04: Can you help me identify what my problem is? Regarding the wavy and warped screen when starting ubuntu.22:11
haf1ztang# array will desync and will not let you boot your system. default022:11
haf1ztangthat default 0?22:11
guntberteMaX: I suppose #bash will be a better place for that question :-)22:11
DaZeMaX: cp `find blabla|xargs` /where/to i think22:11
mickster04Taylor, no idea22:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:11
mickster04haf1ztang, yes22:12
unopeMaX,  find . -mtime $n -exec cp {} /path/to/dest \;   # where $n is n*24 hours ago22:12
charlie__!tell off menetok22:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
mickster04haf1ztang, change the 0 > 422:12
haf1ztangmickster04: if i set that to value of 4, isit going to set 9.04 as the default?22:12
mickster04thats all22:12
haf1ztangwil try22:12
mickster04haf1ztang, yea22:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:12
charlie__!destroy the world22:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
KB1JWQ!bbotabuse | charlie__22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bbotabuse22:13
KB1JWQ!botabuse | charlie__22:13
ubottucharlie__: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:13
Revrusanybody know how i would set up ICS to an xbox from ubuntu to get the xbox see upnp streams from other machinies on the network?22:13
unopeMaX, there are three timestamps you can work with .. see the find manpage for more info22:13
heroid_join #flossk22:13
charlie__i dont abuse bots22:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:13
levanderI've only got command line access to this box I'm working on.  How can I tell which version of Ubuntu it's running?22:13
guntbert!askthebot | charlie__22:13
ubottucharlie__: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:13
charlie__thats not wot i meant22:13
KB1JWQcharlie__: Please stop with the ! commands to ubottu in this channel.  /msg ubottu if you'd like to do that.22:13
C1sM0Does any one know how to setup a mobile phone (Motorola) on Ubuntu?22:14
ctmjrlevander: cat /proc/version22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cake22:14
eMaXunop, tnx22:14
mneptokcharlie__: stop. now. thanks.22:15
levanderctmjr: "Linux version 2.6.22-16-generic (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)) #1 SMP Thu Apr 2 01:27:50 GMT 2009"22:15
charlie__do i have to22:15
levanderctmjr: Which version is that?22:15
DaZcharlie__: it's a lie22:15
jcmarini!mzz i am also having trouble with pasting your nick name in my message22:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
ubottuTo stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package22:15
mneptokcharlie__: do you want to continue using this channel? if so, then yes.22:15
charlie__ha ha the cake is a lie  isnt it22:15
nikocharlie__: look at my pm.22:16
charlie__someones been playin portal22:16
DasEi!brain > charlie__22:16
ubottucharlie__, please see my private message22:16
jcmariniits got a sense of humour this bot almost human22:16
mneptok!ot > charlie__22:16
jcmarinimzz did exclamation addressed to you and ubottu said its not Intelligent. WHAT?22:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:17
charlie__I HAVE JOINED22:18
jedcRevrus, mediatomb works well for streaming to ps3 with udnp, probably would work with xbox22:18
RevrusJeruvy, jerc, well i dont mean have the upnp stream from the ICS host, i have a vista machine with a upnp stream going, and i want to set up ICS on my netbook with ubuntu netbook remix to the xbox, and have the xbox see the vista machine, i figure i probably need to use samba somehow22:18
charlie__is there anyway of getting rid of the "signed in" and wot not and just get the messages22:19
guntbertjcmarini: omit the !22:19
sharperguymneptok, was that really necessary?22:20
guntbertjcmarini: with the ! the bot takes it as command22:20
mneptoksharperguy: after 3 different warnings, yes.22:20
sharperguymneptok, ah sorry22:21
levanderctmjr: Actually, you're supposed to 'cat /etc/issue' to find the version of Ubuntu.22:21
guntbertlevander: lsb_release -a does it as well22:21
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:22
levanderguntbert: Thanks, that command has better output, and isn't dependent upon the user not changing /etc/issue.  Thanks.22:22
ctmjrlevander: you asked how to get the version what i gave you did that if you cannot understand it sorry22:22
guntbertlevander: you are welcome and thanks for the additional reasoning22:23
jd0dggyhi, how do I mount/boot an encrypted lvm partition from the textbox/grub command line?22:23
=== jd0dggy is now known as jdoggy
levanderctmjr: Don't worry about it, it's just not a very good way to get the info.22:23
ShoeAnyone know of a really good video file converter (in specific .avi to .mpg4)22:24
th0rShoe: I use handbrake for that22:25
evilbugShoe: +1 on handbreak.22:25
ShoeI can find that in  package manager?22:25
=== odder_ is now known as odder
guntbertlevander: as for the config file: lsb_release -a takes its info from /etc/lsb-release (that knowledge came in handy a few days ago)22:26
haf1zguys, Couldn't connect to host22:27
Shoeth0r, where can I get handbrake?22:27
haf1zcant connect to webchat.freenode.net thru pidgin22:27
haf1zCouldn't connect to host22:27
th0rShoe: why did I have to open synaptic just to tell you to do that22:28
guntberthaf1z: ask in #freenode please22:28
ShoeI opened synaptic package manager and got no results. That's why I asked22:28
ctmjrlevander: am not worried about it. but you asked for version info that's what you got22:29
mzz!privmsg | jcmarini22:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about privmsg22:29
th0rShoe: apt-cache search finds it...so it is in there22:29
aboyzHi, can someone help me with a bash script. I got a folder /home/dump/ , file are being generated in there like pricelist.xml . Now how do I make a script to search for new file in there and rename it to dump.xml. thanks.. Can I do this with a if else fi statement please advise. Here is what I got so far.. http://pastebin.com/m692f746e22:29
mzzdrat, wrong factoid22:29
mzzjcmarini: ?22:29
sdshi, i installed ubuntu with wubi on my external hddrive. but it wont boot from it, when i select in the bios "boot from external usbdrive" There is only one blinking _, that is all. I can boot from my normal c-drive and select ubuntu and it works fine, but i want to directly boot from the usbdrive. So how can i make ubuntu bottable? thanks for your help.22:29
guntbert!info | handbrake22:29
ubottuhandbrake: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>22:29
ubottu'handbrake' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner22:29
guntbertmzz: you want !pm ?22:29
th0rShoe: http://www.google.com/search?q=handbrake+homepage&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a22:30
xgpthey guys, I want to give a single user access to a folder in my home dir. how do I give them a link into it? without giving them access to my entire home dir?22:30
xgpthey guys, I want to give a single user access to a folder in my home dir. how do I give them a link into it? without giving them access to my entire home dir?22:30
mickster04MOUD, anyluck?22:30
xgptsorry for the double post22:30
mzzguntbert: probably, thanks22:30
guntbertmzz: :)22:31
MOUDI want to reinstall Ubuntu but I have Windows XP installed. If I remove the ubuntu partition and create a new one, will XP still be on the grub menu?22:31
Jeruvyxgpt: just share the dir, and then allow 'anyone' or 'specificuser' access to it.22:31
MOUDmickster04: acutally I'm having lots of errors on ubuntu. Dunno why22:31
xgptJeruvy, how do I do that? I've got a server installation22:32
Adam_eMhi there22:32
Shoeth0r, good job at making assumptions22:32
=== hafiz is now known as haf1z
DasEiMOUD: For usual, grub should find the win-loader and integrate in at install, to be sure make a backup of mbr22:32
MOUDmostly is "not enough free space" and "cannot open /etc/****    to load file"  .   Also, I still have around 700MB of free disk space -.-22:32
haf1zmickster04: u der?22:32
haf1zmickster04: the 8.04 stil incharge22:33
MOUDDasEi: how do I backup the mbr?22:33
edbianMOUD: Grub will be untouched no matter how much you mess with your partitions22:33
KB1JWQMOUD: df to a pastebin maybe?22:33
mzzedbian: that's not quite true: a significant amount of grub resides in /boot/grub/, not the mbr.22:33
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChlid
=== PriceChlid is now known as PriceChild
MOUDedbian: are you sure? Because there's not /boot partition, only "  /  "22:33
mickster04haf1z, yeah im hear22:34
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
mickster04pastebin me ur whole menu.lst again22:34
MOUDoh ok22:34
edbianMOUD: mzz is right!22:34
haf1zmickster04: it still not working.22:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tuxtyping22:34
mickster04haf1z, yeah thats y i asked for ur ppstebin22:34
DasEiMOUD: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/20/backing-up-the-mbr/22:34
mzzMOUD: but if you're in the installer you'll almost certainly be offered to install grub near the end of it, at which time it should pick up any windows partitions too.22:35
guntbertShoe: please stay polite, have you seen http://en.flossmanuals.net/Handbrake/InstallingUbuntu ?22:35
haf1zmickster04: im going to show u my MY COMPUTER pix22:35
Deevzhow can I list the users present on a system?22:35
mickster04my computer?22:35
sdshi, i installed ubuntu with wubi on my external hddrive. but it wont boot from it, when i select in the bios "boot from external usbdrive" There is only one blinking _, that is all. I can boot from my normal c-drive and select ubuntu and it works fine, but i want to directly boot from the usbdrive. So how can i make ubuntu bottable? thanks for your help.22:35
KB1JWQDeevz: who.  Or cat /etc/passwd22:35
guntbertDeevz: cat /etc/passwd22:35
Jeruvyxgpt: ah, good question.  You need to be able to share, see samba, samba-common packages (not sure if server pre-installs them)22:35
mneptokDeevz: logged-in? or all users, regardless of whether they are active?22:36
KB1JWQDeevz: The former lists logged in users.22:36
mickster04haf1z, my computer?22:36
Deevzall the users22:36
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
ShoeI was being polite.22:36
mneptokDeevz: KB1JWQ's "cat /etc/passwd"22:36
KB1JWQDeevz: getent passwd22:36
JeruvyShoe: we love polite :)22:36
MOUDThe strange thing is that when I install ubuntu it doesn't ask me any packages to install, it just start the installation without asking about custom packages22:36
haf1zmickster04: http://imagebin.org/59342 i have boot in filesystem and inside 10gb media as well22:36
KB1JWQmneptok: Mine works no matter what his auth backend is. :-p22:36
mneptok!language | KB1JWQ22:37
ubottuKB1JWQ: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:37
mickster04haf1z, thats irrelivant22:37
diddyHow can I install pyxml on Ubuntu? http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyXML22:37
Deevzthat works22:37
haf1zmickster04: means?22:37
DeevzI dont know how you guys know all these commands22:37
KB1JWQmneptok: Oh hush. :)22:37
* mneptok polishes his halo22:37
DeevzIm impressed22:37
=== kaddi is now known as kaddi__
KB1JWQDeevz: Do it for a living for a decade and you'll be a lot less impressed. :)22:38
Berniniok so easycam doesnt recognize this cam just as i thought... any other great advice22:38
mneptokKB1JWQ: or three. :/22:38
mickster04haf1z, i only want to see your menu.lst from /boot/grub/22:38
DeevzLol KB1JWQ, I guess22:38
haf1zmickster04: moment pls22:38
MOUDhow can I make ubuntu ask me to customize what packages to be installed during the installation?22:38
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
MOUDbtw, my menu.lst : http://paste.ubuntu.com/252163/22:39
MadGirli think anyone is using xorg-server with USE=minimal?22:39
wallrallHi. Is there a way to refresh ebox so that it picks up command line edits to conf files?22:39
haf1zmickster04:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/252165/22:39
sdshi, please help.  i installed ubuntu with wubi on my external hddrive. but it wont boot from it, when i select in the bios "boot from external usbdrive" There is only one blinking _, that is all. I can boot from my normal c-drive and select ubuntu and it works fine, but i want to directly boot from the usbdrive. So how can i make ubuntu bottable? thanks for your help.22:39
Berninii thought the strength of linux was the 'linux community'22:40
KB1JWQsds: Then BIOS isn't recognizing either the drive or the particular bus you're plugged into. You're using an outboard USB port, or one of the ones built into the motherboard?22:40
DeevzAnd what makes you think its not?22:40
MOUDI'm gonna reinstall ubuntu. See you ppl later. Thank you very much for the help :D22:40
clustyhow can I build more locales for the system?22:40
DaZBerberi: trolls are the strenght of linux22:40
haf1zbut that not the same thing come out when it boot22:40
clustynow if I do a locale -a I get: C/POSIX/en_US.utf822:41
clustyi wish I had fr_FR or unicode22:41
MementoMoriis this a good chan to talk about "onr hundred paper cuts"?22:41
DasEino, MementoMori, see:22:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:42
Berniniim trying to setup a logitech quickcam e2500 with problems can someone help22:42
KB1JWQ!anyone | Bernini22:42
ubottuBernini: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav22:42
haf1zmickster04: u gotta check this too http://paste.ubuntu.com/252168/ <- this is what it show when i boot22:42
Cranky_Shey guys, do any of you have any experience with extracting packages from a live distros ISO file?22:42
mickster04# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry22:42
mickster04# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.22:42
mickster04# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your22:42
mickster04# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.22:42
FloodBot3mickster04: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
DasEi!iso | Cranky_S22:43
ubottuCranky_S: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bernini22:43
mickster04haf1z, is how it should read dude22:43
Linux^Warriorcan someone please supply me with a link to bakctrack 4 pre-final thats not a freaking hacker site accoring to there BS security for there internet??22:43
haf1zi did change it22:43
haf1zbut nothing change mickster0422:43
Cranky_Subottu i presume its a bot22:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
KB1JWQLinux^Warrior: Say what?22:43
haf1zmickster04:  lemme retry22:43
Berniniive installed gspca to no avail i think it might be a conflict with my tvcard22:43
KB1JWQLinux^Warrior: BT 4 pre-release is available from www.remote-exploit.org22:43
mickster04haf1z, well the first pastebin u gave me didnt have that22:44
Berninieasycam doesnt recognize this particular cam22:44
haf1zmickster04: i just change it n now im going to reboot..let see if thing works22:44
mickster04does it save properly?22:45
Linux^Warriorkb1 are you a total moron I said NOT A HACKING site geese22:45
mickster04do u open it with sudo?22:45
KB1JWQLinux^Warrior: How... polite.22:45
mickster04damn too slow22:45
KB1JWQLinux^Warrior: remote-exploit.org is a security organization, not a "hacking site."22:45
Cpudan80Linux^Warrior: geese ?22:45
Linux^Warriorreally it says Access denied HACKER SITE22:46
Cpudan80I think you mean geeze22:46
Linux^WarriorIf I was able to download off ther site I would not be askign here22:46
Cpudan80Geese are flying birds22:46
mickster04no geese was better:P22:46
hbekelLinux^Warrior: who's 'it'?22:46
Linux^Warriorcome on ppl think22:46
Cpudan80Fairly large birds22:46
Linux^Warriorim at a wifi spot22:46
* Cpudan80 quack22:46
KB1JWQLinux^Warrior: Not from where I sit. :-)  So the issue is apparently "You don't know how to frame a question properly."22:46
JeruvyLinux^Warrior: I'd hate to ask what you did to annoy them?22:46
Linux^WarriorKb1 IGNORED 1 moron have a nice day22:47
Linux^WarriorNo they limit there wifi what you can browse22:47
KB1JWQSuch a delightful chap.22:47
scott_inoLinux^Warrior, use a VPN, or prox ;-)22:47
mickster04hafiz, does it save properly22:47
dutchiemy usb memory stick is not working, it may be a hardware issue, my dmesg is here http://pastebin.com/f55d368f622:47
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scott_inoJAP does the trick usually22:47
Linux^Warrioreat ignore kb122:47
hafizmickster04: it doesnt work22:47
Linux^Warriorhow can I do that if I cannot downlaod it22:47
mickster04hafiz, how do u open menu.lst22:48
Linux^Warriorthere in lies my problem22:48
scott_inoLinux^Warrior, you can't download anything?22:48
hafizmickster04: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:48
scott_inowell if you go the VPN route you don't need to download anything22:48
mickster04hafiz, and when u close an save an reopen what does it show?22:48
KB1JWQI don't know why people aren't falling all over themselves to mirror the ISO for Linux^Warrior. :)22:48
Linux^WarriorI can pics & regualr software22:48
KittyBootsI have a problem with flash video, when it plays full screen it slows down and skips.  How can I resolve this? I am using Ubuntu 9.04.22:48
hafizmickster04: it show # array will desync and will not let you boot your system.22:48
mickster04KittyBoots, i think thats a problem with linux :P22:49
scott_inoLinux^Warrior, i came into this convo late, what do you need perhaps i can help22:49
Linux^Warriorbut cannot access alot of sites that do anything with proxy peeer to peer or hacking or obscene22:49
mickster04hafiz, ok...so what options are on screen when grub loads22:49
jdoggyhi, how do I mount/boot an encrypted lvm partition from the textbox/grub command line?22:49
mickster04can u select 9.04 manually?22:49
Berninidoes anyone have experience with a logitech quickcam e 250022:49
Linux^WarriorI need KB1 to jump off a tall buildign do the world a favor22:49
libtechi have an old desktop with a fresh jaunty install. i want to use this machine as a file server that can be accessed on my home network and when im not at home with my laptop. i would like to be able to access it with windows and ubuntu machines. any way to do this?22:49
hafizyes i can select the 9.04 manually22:49
scott_inoBernini, not specifically but many logitech cams yes22:50
gianpaoloho problemi con ubustu sul mio aspire one22:50
hafizmickster04: i can select it manually, but i want 9.04 to default. so i dont need to select it manually22:50
Linux^WarriorI am trying to backtrack 4 from another site that the wifi im at does not call a hacker site22:50
enquoraAre there repositories with current versions of ruby and postgresql for 9.04?22:50
hafizmickster04: from the option, 9.04 appear after 8.0422:50
mickster04what number option is it22:50
mickster04what are the options22:50
Berniniive installed gspca... still doesnt work... might be having conflicts with my tvcard22:51
Linux^WarriorI cannot even download wireshark via apt-get22:51
aeroadd respositories22:51
Linux^Warriorbrb fond a link on linux22:51
aerothen try again22:51
hafizmickster04: what make difference between 0 < 422:51
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Berniniscott_ino i think it might be competing as the video0 device... not sure or sure how to solve the problem22:51
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scott_inoBernini, ahh i see, but the came works independently?22:52
Linux^WarriorHA I got it of linux chan heh22:52
Linux^Warriorthx for nothing kb122:52
earthmeLonHey friends!!!  Is there any way that I can make links clickable in gnome-terminal?  Right clicking is annoying22:52
mickster04well asically if it goes 8.04, 8.04 (recovery), 9.04 , mem then u want default to be 3, asically the default should be the item on the is the position of 9.0422:52
dutchieearthmeLon: wfm if I ctrl-click22:53
hafiz9.04 is (hd0,6)22:53
earthmeLonthanks dutchie.  thats better.  if anybody knows how to make it so I dont have to press ctrl, that'd be cool22:53
Berniniscott_ino im thinking they both might be /dev/video0 by both i mean the cam and the tvcard22:53
scott_inoBernini, and it's a e2500 quickcam?22:54
hafizmickster04:  8.04 (hd0,4) 9.04(hd0,6) will this help u out?22:54
scott_inoBernini, i don't even see that as a supported device on the list from linux-uvc22:54
mickster04hafiz,  well try setting it to two? no memtest or vista?22:55
Berniniscott_ino yeh... gspca supposedly will work with it...22:55
hafizdefault 2?22:55
scott_inoBernini, i found it yeah spca22:56
jcmariniis it me or is there an element of frustration in smart answers? netiquette seems to be anything ya like>22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flame22:56
hafizmickster04:  set the default to 2?22:56
mickster04hafiz, there should be options about memtest etc in grub? along with 9.04 and 8.0422:56
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:57
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mickster04hafiz, when u have grub an u manual select 9.04 what are all the options available? in order please?22:57
Berniniscott_ino yeh i have multiple video devices though22:57
scott_inoBernini, i don't remember, and i'll try and find it but i remember reading somewhere about manually setting device IDs22:58
jondavisi am trying to get into a chatroom22:58
Henrik__Nigga plz22:58
readyouwhat is ubuntu better at than windows22:58
PriceChild!livecd | readyou22:58
ubottureadyou: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:58
jondavisthe guy that i was talk to is name is luke22:58
PriceChild!best | readyou22:58
ubottureadyou: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:58
readyoustop spamming me22:58
mickster04readyou, price?22:58
readyoui mean in terms of what it does22:58
readyoudoes it do anything better than windows22:59
PriceChildreadyou: I think you should use it and decide for yourself.22:59
mickster04readyou, it depends what u need it for22:59
readyoui think there's no point if you cant even say anything its better at22:59
hafizmickster04: it going to be like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/252178/22:59
KB1JWQreadyou: This is a support channel, not an advocacy community. :)22:59
Henrik__Stabilty is better22:59
Henrik__And price, ofc23:00
readyouim trying to start an argument here, do you mind?23:00
mickster04readyou, yes23:00
KB1JWQreadyou: Quite a bit, actually.23:00
mickster04hafiz, well four shoudl work23:00
mickster04i dont know why it doesnt23:00
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hou5tonreadyou:  and regarding better or worse, sometimes people just prefer something "different" ... not necessarily better or worse.23:00
hafizor maybe i need to boot to 8.04 first then change it to default to value of 4?23:01
readyouso what you're telling me is that you're unable to point out one thing thats better23:01
mickster04/boot/grub/menu.lst is the same in all....23:01
PriceChildreadyou: Check out http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/904features/23:01
scott_inoBernini, this wasn't it but maybe worth a look? http://mtuxland.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-to-webcam-tv-tuner-at-same-time.html23:01
hou5tonreadyou:  no .... it's just not a profitable discussion23:01
mickster04readyou, theres no point if ur a windows fan whos just causin trouble23:02
Henrik__readyou: No. We're telling you to GTFO23:02
readyouyou're telling me you're foolish23:02
hbekeljust don't feed23:03
hafizmickster04: just u already seen my cmputer pix rite?23:03
scott_inoBernini, have you looked into editing your device aliases in /etc/modprobe.conf?? I remember having to do this for conflicting network devices23:03
hafizmickster04: in 10gb media and filesystem each have /boot/grub/menu.lst23:03
mickster04hafiz, so which one does it read, eitherway ALL menu.lst shoudl be set to 423:03
mickster04hafiz, how did u manage more than one!23:04
mickster04nm hey23:04
Berniniscott_ino not sure how to do that ill look into it23:04
scott_inoBernini, im not even really sure how newer kernels handle such things... but just something I remember from a while back23:05
kosmicHow do You get truecrypt decrypted23:05
scott_inoBernini, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/how-can-i-assign-a-webcam-to-a-specific-devvideo-669507/23:05
kosmicI have some volumes I need to transfer to another hard ndrive23:05
mickster04hafiz, then u need to reboot23:06
mickster04try again23:06
hafizmickster04: i already set boot menu.lst to default 423:06
kosmicaptitude search truecrypt does not have the package23:06
scott_inoBernini, looks promising23:06
kosmicand the truecrypt site does not have packages that WORK23:06
stercor1How do I get postgresql's point and earthdistance packages?23:06
th0rkosmic: you can just copy the truecrypt files....you don't  need to decrypt them to move them23:06
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kosmicth0r: I need to have a program that reads the encrypted containers to do that23:07
th0rkosmic: no...you can copy the containers to the other computer...you don't need truecrypt to move them23:07
kosmicI don't have any use for encrypted stuff I can't read23:08
kosmicdo any alternative programs read these containers?23:08
th0rkosmic: then moving the files to another computer has nothing to do with your problem23:08
samneedshelphi, how do I apt-get update/upgrade an installed ubuntu on HD from a livecd?23:08
zvacetsamneedshelp: you need alternate CD for that23:09
Henrik__Yåflfhsgodiådtosyødmbo hsfu kj23:09
samneedshelpwhat i need is to use the livecd internet connection to update/upgrade from HD23:09
jondavisr there any hackers in here23:09
Henrik__I'm pro23:10
kosmicth0r:  you realize there is something inside those truecrypt volumes, right?23:10
DasEisamneedshelp: chroot into the hd23:10
samneedshelpi cant use internet from my ubuntu HD, but i can from livecd, how can i chroot my ubuntu HD to use my internet?23:10
mickster04haf1z, anyluck?23:10
haf1zmickster04: stil the same23:10
Henrik__!hacking | jondavis23:10
ubottujondavis: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy23:10
samneedshelpDasEi i did chroot /media/disk disk=ubuntu and doesnt work23:10
mickster04haf1z, an u no longer have a menu.lst unchanged?23:10
jondavisany hackers in here23:11
mickster04are they the same ?23:11
mickster04haf1z,  are they the same ?23:11
Henrik__!cracker | jondavis23:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cracker23:11
DasEisamneedshelp: you will sudo chroot /dev/sd>>your hd-root-device<<23:11
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)23:11
ascheelRAWR!  Small victories...  finally got my wireless USB adapter working.  The kernel came with a crappy version of it.  Well, not crappy but it didn't identify my network adapter with it.23:11
haf1zmickster04: jus open the menu.lst still default set to 423:11
ian__Hello everyone, I am running 9.04 off of an eeepc with ext4.  I now have a new faster and bigger hard drive, does anyone know of a ext4 capable way of doing byte for byte transfers from one drive to another?23:11
mneptokjondavis: what do you actually want?23:11
Henrik__!crackers | jondavis23:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crackers23:11
samneedshelpi really hate auto triggers...23:11
mickster04haf1z, what about the other one23:12
ascheelian__: gparted live cd23:12
samneedshelpi prefer real people help23:12
mneptok!dd > ian__23:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd23:12
haf1zits the same23:12
jondavisi want some on e to help me learn to hack23:12
haf1zboth set to default 423:12
ian__ascheel, I have an eeepc23:12
ian__mneptok, I have an eeepc23:12
DasEisamneedshelp: also, did you try safemode >> dpkg at init 1 ?23:12
samneedshelpjondavis, go to school23:12
mickster04haf1z, hmmm then i dont understand whats goin on....23:12
ascheelian__: then use a CD drive on a USB adapter.  It's what i did.23:12
samneedshelpDasEi i dont know dpkg init 123:12
samneedshelpill google it23:12
mneptokjondavis: do you mean "write code?" or do you mean "exploit software vulnerabilities?"23:12
zvacetsamneedshelp: what kind of problem do you have with connection from HD23:12
ascheelian__: I'm on a eee 1000HA and hooked a CD drive up to an IDE -> USB adapter and it worked very very well23:12
haf1zok ok23:13
samneedshelpzvacet i am using a USB 3G stick23:13
mickster04haf1z, cos u can load up both 8.04 and 9.04 manually?23:13
DasEisamneedshelp: as I get you, your network is broken, but netroot in safemode is another mec, so this often works, safemode from hd-boot23:13
haf1zmickster04: i can load both them manually23:13
samneedshelpmy liveUSB can use the 3g stick i need to update my ubuntu on HD to use 3g stick23:13
mickster04haf1z, then sumat is wrong elsewhere....23:13
haf1zmickster04: but i want 9.04 to be default boot so i wont have to select anymore23:13
ian__ascheel, how do I go from one drive to the other?  I start gparted, and then what? I can image my drive to an external drive?  Pop the new drive back in the eee, then load gparted again and restore off the external drive?23:13
mickster04haf1z, remove the 8.0423:13
mickster04haf1z, or swap them in the file?23:14
nerdy_kidhey please help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:14
DasEisamneedshelp:?? you update from internet, nor ?23:14
mickster04haf1z, try commenting them out with #23:14
samneedshelpthe thing is the ubuntuHD is karmic, liveusb is jaunty, so want to use my livecd to update karmic basically23:14
mickster04make sure u put default back to 023:14
Frank83Back in DOS you could use "dir *.ace" to show only "ace" files. How you do that on Linux?23:14
mickster04afief, make sure u put default back to 023:14
linxehis there a utility for configuring wifi from the command line (so it remembers it next boot) or should I just edit the configuration by hand ?23:14
mickster04haf1z, , make sure u put default back to 023:14
linxehFrank83: ls *.ace23:14
mickster04sorry afief23:14
haf1zo ok23:14
haf1zhow am i going to remove o423:15
DasEisamneedshelp:but want to use karmics internet repos ?23:15
samneedshelpthats why23:15
ian__ascheel, how do I go from one drive to the other?  I start gparted, and then what? I can image my drive to an external drive?  Pop the new drive back in the eee, then load gparted again and restore off the external drive?23:15
nerdy_kidplease help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:15
XunieIs this a question?23:15
ascheelian__: when I did that I did a 2-step process.  First I used G4L to back up the drive (it uses dd to back it up bit for bit) then I used G4L to restore it to the new drive.  THEN I used GPartEd to expand the partitions to encompass the entire drive.23:15
Frank83linxeh, just like normal lspci, or lsusb?. ls alone will work as a dir?23:15
DasEisamneedshelp:so did you try booting karmic in recovery/safemode ?23:15
samneedshelpDasEI ubuntu installation is karmic, my liveusb is jaunty i just want to update my karmic installation via liveusb using my 3g stick that works23:15
mneptokian__: as the bot told you, dd is the app you want.23:15
samneedshelpDasEi no i didnt23:15
ascheelian__: I went from the 160 GB that mine came with to a 500 GB and it worked flawlessly23:16
mickster04haf1z, put # infront of all other luines23:16
DasEisamneedshelp:know how ?23:16
ascheelmneptok: he can't load 2 drives at once in his laptop.23:16
nerdy_kidplease help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:16
linxehFrank83: no, lspci is a program to list pci devices. ls is a program to list directory contents / files (hence ls - short for list)23:16
Frank83linxeh, Wow, With colors and all! Thansk for the help dude! Take care23:16
haf1zmickster04: i dont get u23:16
linxehFrank83: also look at ls -al23:16
samneedshelpDasEi booting into it yes23:16
mneptokascheel: so use dd to an image file, and then dd back from it.23:16
ian__ascheel, I dont fully understand the need for gparted... Can you expand please?  Isnt a bit for bit backup the exact same thing as the original?23:16
Frank83linxeh, Will do the ls -help and check them all out23:16
nerdy_kidplease help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:16
samneedshelpDasEi when I boot into it what do I need to do?23:17
linxehFrank83: also man ls23:17
ascheelian__: I apologize.  I thought you were moving to a larger hard drive23:17
mickster04haf1z, a # makes grub ignore the lines23:17
ian__ascheel, I am23:17
DasEisamneedshelp:so first choose netroot, check connectiopn like ping google.com, then exit, then check broken packages23:17
mickster04haf1z, so put them onfront of the paragraph23:17
ian__ascheel, from a 160 to a 32023:17
haf1zall of them?23:17
mickster04so only the few lines underneath 9.04 are left23:17
ascheelian__: use dd to move the image (I used g4l which also uses dd) then gparted will change the partition to encompass the entire drive.23:17
nerdy_kidcan give lots of specs please pm me23:17
haf1zonly infront of 8.04?23:17
ian__ascheel, thanks for your hekp23:17
Frank83linxeh, That "man" thing is more awesome than --help! It works with everything?23:17
samneedshelpDasEi then?23:17
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ascheelian__: you're very welcome.  Good luck!23:18
mickster04haf1z, correct then show me the update23:18
DasEisamneedshelp:if that worked, karmic will update23:18
nerdy_kidplease help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:18
samneedshelpdont forget im not on wifi, on 3g usb stick23:18
MarkGHi, got a question about swapspace on my plug. I have a couple of dmesg errors: "page allocation failure" I quick google tells me it's when applications request memory, and none is left23:19
linxehFrank83: many things yea - and some things it doesnt work with you can use "info" instead23:19
mickster04!tab | haf1z23:19
ubottuhaf1z: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:19
Frank83linxeh, How I quit from the "man"?23:19
ascheelMarkG: how big is your swap partition?23:19
DasEisamneedshelp:from there you need to find your hd, like /dev/sda3  (sudo fdsik -l)23:19
MarkGthe embedded hardware I use  (Sheevaplug) only has what it has, I created a swap file on my USB disk. Will this mean the USB disk will never spin down? Is there any other tricks to increasing memory?23:19
nerdy_kidplease help: am running 9.04 with ATI radeon xpress 200 and having big issues with compiz23:19
DasEi!repeat | nerdy_kid23:20
ubottunerdy_kid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:20
linxehFrank83: press q23:20
ascheelMarkG: gotcha.  sheevaplugs are unexplored territory for me, but /jealous at you23:20
samneedshelpDasei im with you so far23:20
MarkGis there a way to control how the swap is used?  like last ditch memory allocation, and give it back as soon as you can...23:20
Frank83linxeh, Wow. Many thanks for your help dude. These commands will help me a lot. (Still a learner) Have a good one!23:20
MarkGascheel:  It's a very cool bit of hardware for $99, a NAS without the limitations of NAS23:21
DasEi nerdy_kid: without tested your model, the xorg since hardy has issues with propitary ati-drivers, check google while you wait or see :23:21
linxehFrank83: enjoy your time with ubuntu :)23:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:21
samneedshelpDasEi ok i think i got it23:21
SargunHow do I get my system to load interfaces in a specific order23:21
MarkGUbuntu seems to work very nicely on it too with pretty decent ARM package support23:21
samneedshelpim gonna try working on it from there23:21
DasEisamneedshelp:so which one is it ?23:21
samneedshelpthank you a lot23:21
samneedshelpim at a hotel and have a presentation tomorrow and really must fix this23:22
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samneedshelpmine is /dev/sda523:22
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raiXercan dns2tcp be used with a dyndns domain?23:22
DasEisamneedshelp:so   sudo chroot /dev/sda523:22
nerdy_kidDasEi am checking, its really wierd issue, some accounts can use 3d even though the driver isnt installed and some cant even though the permissions are ok23:22
DasEisamneedshelp:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:22
samneedshelpworse case scenario ill just use ubuntu from liveusb till im done with my presentation then fix this later on23:22
samneedshelpthanks a lot DasEi really appreciate it23:23
Sargunhttp://pastebin.ca/1527190 <- in my dmesg?23:23
TwinkletoesFrom reading a bit, I get the impression that sysklod will rotate any logs it finds in /var/log/  or will it only rotate files specified in syslog.conf?23:23
samneedshelpi will reboot and try that23:23
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snergeHello everyone, I use zoiper as voip iax softphone with an usb headset, when I set my ringer device as my soundcard, I get no sound from other applications like mplayer ... vlc. Do any of you have an idea why I cannot use both at the same time and how to fix this ?23:25
hanger9Hello guys, I am having problems with sound on my laptop when I boot there is continuious beeping sound that doesn't stop for awhile, after which I lose all sound23:25
DasEisamneedshelp: did it work ?23:26
ascheelAnybody know how to bring up special characters (accented e, etc) without requiring the use of the Character Map?23:26
mickster04alt+0233 with numerical keypad23:26
readyouuse the secret keys23:26
mickster04for eg23:26
ascheelmickster04: thanks23:26
mickster04alt numers are usable everywhere23:26
ascheelmickster04: so if it says 'U+00E9' how would that be typed in?23:27
hanger9Hello guys, I am having problems with sound on my laptop when I boot there is continuious beeping sound that doesn't stop for awhile, after which I lose all sound23:27
DasEiasheel: for an overview google asciii-table23:27
ascheelDasEi thanks.  :)  mickster, nvm23:27
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afiefWhere does firefox save the pdf when printing to a file?23:28
ascheelafief: you can try this:  locate filename.pdf23:28
hanger9Hello guys, I am having problems with sound on my laptop when I boot there is continuious beeping sound that doesn't stop for awhile, after which I lose all sound, anybody?23:28
afiefascheel: but it didn't even ask me for the filename23:28
mickster04!patience | hanger23:28
ubottuhanger: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:28
ascheelafief gotcha.  I don't know then.  :(  do this:  find ~ -name "*.pdf" -print23:29
afiefascheel: I'll try that23:30
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sheitany update on flash 64bit?23:31
th0rafief: check ~/PDF23:31
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava23:31
DasEisheit  few days ago there was one23:31
eleci want to use fakeraid (dmraid + raid 1) as a secondary media drive on my system is that a practical and stable thing to do on ubuntu? (im also using the drive in windows which i plan to jump back and forth in between)23:32
nburnsHi all - long time linux user here but just moved to ubuntu from gentoo.  I was wondering if anyone has had success getting their Windows Mobile based cell phone successfully working with gnome-phone-manager.  I did search on the forums but to no avail - can anyone point me in the right direction?23:32
sheitDasEi, I have it installed on firefox but never works .. where should i go to upgrade it23:32
ascheelelec: however you set it up, just use samba so Windows can access it over the network.  Don't need to get too fancy, it will work just fine23:32
ascheelelec: unless of course windows *IS* that PC (alternate boot)23:33
elecascheel, nail on the head.. dual booting23:33
razdoes anyone here have adobe air installed and could send me a copy of their /etc/opt/Adobe directory? i'm on gentoo where the installer doesnt work and im lacking that directory :\23:33
DasEisheit : mine worked fine with the flashplugin-nonfree as with the deb from adobe, but then do a full update/grade23:33
ascheelelec: gotcha.23:33
sheitDasEi, thanks23:33
thiebaudewiiguy, did it work?23:34
Andreas_I can't get my 8.04 hardy to connect to the internet. I get a local connection, I am able to ping my router but anything outside my local network does not work23:34
sheitDasEi, what about opera?23:34
Adremelech|LaptoAndreas_, dns?23:34
jeevesis there a way to remove a package group by a wild card?  (ie. apt-get --purge remove mythtv-*)23:35
mzzAndreas_: dns failure or route (default gateway) failure likely23:35
DasEisheit : you can either just get a deb from their hp or add the opera-repo23:35
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser23:35
DasEisheit : or did that concern flash ?23:35
Andreas_mzz: So how do I fix it, to be frank...23:35
sheitDasEi, was asking about flash for opera 64bit23:35
jeevesDasEi, any ideas on a mass removal using APT with a wildcard?23:36
DasEisheit : same , once installed, re-open browser, will also do23:36
Andreas_reinstalling ubuntu is the last option I am looking for. I have a LAMP server setup and a lot of SAMBA harddrives, and reconfiguring it would be a pain in the arse.23:36
DasEijeeves : oo23:36
Tartarosheya room :) I have found out that a thingy called xinerama enables 2 monitors by creating one big virtual desktop for them. But what if I want 2 separate desktops (on each screen one) instead?23:36
mzzAndreas_: it's a bit odd, since if you're using networkmanager it tends to get this right automatically. Does "ip route" list a sane default gateway (your router)?23:36
sheitDasEi, thanks man works in firefox23:36
Andreas_mzz: it sure does23:37
DasEijeeves : try with option --run-dry  to see destruction first23:37
sheitDasEi, and opera, awesome man thanks23:37
DasEisheit : good looks23:37
mzzAndreas_: then how *does* accessing things outside fail? Can you ping something external by ip, for example?23:37
sheitDasEi, you know anything about boxee 64bit or?23:37
jeevesDasEi, what will that do?  I installed MythTV and it's dragged this little laptop down to the ground23:37
neboh1 all23:37
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legend2440Tartaros: what video card?23:38
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Andreas_I mzz: I can't ping google nor other easily accessible domain names. I'll try with an IP23:38
nburnscan anyone assist me in getting my windows mobile based phone to show up as a usb device my /dev directory?23:38
mzzAndreas_: fails how?23:38
Andreas_mzz: I just keep sending packets and getting nothing back23:38
jeevesnburns, what model of WMP do you have?23:39
DasEijeeves : I see, if you sudo apt-get remove --purge mythbuntu* --dry-run    , it won't delete anything, but show you what would23:39
nburnsjeeves, it's windows mobile 6.5, a samsung omnia phone23:39
mickster04haf seems to have disappeared, ooops23:39
DasEijeeves : If that's right,  just cut --dry-run23:39
jeevesDasEi, GREAT!!!  I need to purge this mess23:39
mzzAndreas_: ok, not dns then, so pinging by ip shouldn't help. Doesn't necessarily mean anything's actually broken though, there are cases where ping fails though other stuff works (picky firewalls)23:39
TheFunkbombI'm having issues with removing some drivers.  when I go into ifconfig -a, I have some stuff that shouldn't be there23:39
DasEijeeves : It'll then proceed23:40
sheitany update on boxee for 64bit ubuntu?23:40
zigiNeed help setting x11vnc password.23:40
kub1The "Canonical Supported Open Source SW (main)" repository is 'unchecked' - ie, not enabled - in the KPackageKit > Setings > Software Sources > KUbuntu sw, in my recently installed KU 904 system.  That must be improper, true?? Perhaps I accidentally & unknowingly unchecked it.  It is proper that that should be "checked"/(ie set to install), right?  Absolutely no doubt about that, correct?23:40
mzzAndreas_: anything interesting set up on that box iptables-wise? Do other systems behind the same router work?23:40
jeevesnburns, I have an iPAQ hw6915, and NOTHING I've tried has worked.  no matter what I do.  I can get it to show up in DMESG, but that's about it23:40
DasEisheit : what's boxee ?23:41
DasEisheit : eeepc ?23:41
sheitDasEi, it is based of xbmc media server23:41
jeeveswho is it that has the DNS issues here again?23:41
Andreas_mzz: no ip-tables, everythings through the DHCP on the router. Except for the linux box and a mac with LAN reservations. And the other computers accesses the internet fine23:41
nburnsjeeves, this is such a shame, i hate when linux disappoints me23:42
zigiCan somebody help me? I need help setting the password for x11vnc to vnc into ubuntu!23:42
Tartaroslegend2440: Intel 945 in an EEE 901 laptop23:42
DasEisheit: mind off knowledge, sorry23:42
sheitDasEi, no problem.. sorry its media center not server as well.23:42
legend2440Tartaros: oh ok. i have some instructions for ati. not familiar with intel. sorry23:43
jeevesnburns, there is software called synce, but I've bever been able to get it to run.  if it would run, and I could get it to back up to my e-mail servers, then Bill would be tossed in a heartbeat.  You can't knock what exchange does.23:43
brian_can i use the vga form my mainboard and graphics card at same time for dual monitor mode?? would that work nyone??23:43
zigican somebody help me?23:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:43
Tartaroslegend2440: are the instructions really vendor specific?23:43
zigiNeed help setting x11vnc password.23:43
nburnsjeeves, im not even concerned about syncing as much as i miss being able to send SMS messages on my phone from my PC23:43
legend2440Tartaros: yes23:43
TheFunkbombwhere are wireless modules stored?23:43
jeeveszigi, in here, just forget about being poilite when asking a question23:44
mzzAndreas_: sorry, can't conveniently debug that (I'd have to drag waaaay more information about your networking setup out of you, and even then this isn't my strong point). Re-ask the channel please.23:44
Tartaroslegend2440: ok and do they contain a way to disable xinerama? :)23:44
jeevesnburns, ahhh, sorry man, I never needed to do that.  for me, it was the need to sync my phone for everything23:44
Andreas_mzz: By the way, everytime I log in with GNOME, I get an error saying that it failed to launch the GNOME Settings Daemon. How do I restart that.23:44
lilrayrayhey all, Id like an opinion:  I have a fair amount of experience with linux and have been using archlinux after switching from ubunutu.  Lately, however, I have felt a desire for a distribution that is more refined and "detailed," and thus I have been looking back at ubunutu.  My question is: once I customize/tweak/etc ubunutu to my liking, will it really have been worth the switch away from...23:44
lilrayray...something like arch?23:44
zigijeeves: k, i just dont want to post my question twice, also can you help me?23:44
jeeveszigi, what was the question?  it got lost in the chatter23:44
mzzAndreas_: it's /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon, but you should really check why that won't start (look in ~/.xsession-errors, or try restarting it from a terminal if that doesn't help)23:45
mickster04zigi, what have u tried so far23:45
zigijeeves: i need help setting the password for x11vnc to i can vnc into ubuntu23:45
jeeveszigi, are you running the GUI or CLI?23:45
legend2440Tartaros: no not that i can see  http://jen3ral.wordpress.com/2009/04/23/ati-big-desktop-in-jaunty-jackalope/23:45
zigijeeves: GUI23:45
jedclilrayray, maybe? its all personal preference in the end right?23:45
=== UdontKnow is now known as KnightWhoSaysNI
brian_anyone know could i use the vga form my mainboard and graphics card at same time for dual monitor mode?? would that work?23:46
DasEililrayray: question for #ubuntu-offtopic, also :23:46
kub1mickster04: [saw your !ask - do you have an answer for this? thx :)] The "Canonical Supported Open Source SW (main)" repository is 'unchecked' - ie, not enabled - in the KPackageKit > Setings > Software Sources > KUbuntu sw, in my recently installed KU 904 system.  That must be improper, true?? Perhaps I accidentally & unknowingly unchecked it.  It is proper that that should be "checked"/(ie set to install), right?  Absolutely no do23:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:46
zigimickster04: ive tried -passwd, -storepasswd23:46
jeeveszigi, the account you're trying to remote in with, is it part of the remote access group as well?23:47
lilrayrayjedc: yeah I suppose... Im just hesitant since, up until this point my linux machines have been more for hobby than for serious use... this has now changed23:47
Tartaroslegend2440: ok, thanks anyway ;)23:47
lilrayrayDasEi, oh sorry23:47
legend2440Tartaros: ok23:47
DasEililrayray: nvm, ubuntu-support here, or #linux23:47
jedclilrayray, i love apt so i try to stick with debian/ubuntu for instance23:47
Tartaroswould anyone else by chance know a way to disable xinerama (and have 2 separate desktops on 2 separate monitors)?23:47
zigijeeves: what do you mean? i am trying to connect from a different computer into Ubuntu.23:47
fuzzybunnyHey everyone does anyone know how to get two finger scrolling working in Ubuntu? There is an option in my mouse properties but when I enable to it doesn't do anything23:48
mickster04kub1, no idea....23:48
jeeveszigi, try system > pref > remote desktop.  I think it's the fourth one down to set the password23:48
jedckub1, you probably want it enabled, but its up to you23:48
mickster04fuzzybunny, its mouse button two i think23:48
zigijeeves: but i am using x11vnc not vino23:48
lilrayrayjedc: ah yeah, haha, pacman is what sort of pulled me into arch... which is one thing Id miss with ubunutu, but I guess Ill have to the good 'ol "try it out for yourself"23:48
mzzerr, what?23:48
fuzzybunnymickster04, what do you mean?23:49
ascheellilrayray: sorry to butt in, but what's pacman?  I'm assuming it's not the game?23:49
mzzoh, sorry, misread.23:49
jedcfuzzybunny, what type of touchpad do you have?23:49
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jeeveszigi, oh, sorry.  any luck on editing the config files?23:49
lilrayrayascheel: haha, no, it is arch's package manager23:49
mickster04fuzzybunny, well two finger scrolling as in touchpad?23:49
fuzzybunnyjedc, I think it is an alps but how do I check? lsusb?23:49
ascheeljust making sure23:49
zigijeeves: of x11vnc? not really.23:50
ascheelwas hoping it was the game, lilrayray.  Thanks for crushing my hopes and dreams!23:50
fuzzybunnymickster04, yeah that is what i am trying to activate23:50
=== Guest13354 is now known as OmegaWarrior
jedcfuzzybunny, im not sure, but i thought mac touchpads were the only ones that could do that23:50
mickster04fuzzybunny, what laptop?23:50
jeeveszigi, ok, sorry.  I'm kinda in the middle of removing something here.  once I get done and my system stops being a "special education kid", I'll give you a hand23:50
ascheellilrayray: I'll have you know...  sudo apt-get install pacman JUST GAVE ME THE PACMAN GAME!  You rock, dude.23:50
mickster04jedc, this asus eee does it too23:50
fuzzybunnyjedc, hmmm well there is an option in the mouse properties it just doesn't work if I turn it on23:50
zigijeeves: ok take your time23:51
mzzfuzzybunny: it doesn't work on all touchpads23:51
mzzit does work on more than just mac touchpads though23:51
fuzzybunnymickster04, it is a Sony VGN-CR520d23:51
jeeveszigi, I think my computer has ADD23:51
lilrayrayascheel: haha, no prob23:51
OmegaWarriorI have a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 that works with Skype and Cheese, but camorama cannot find the device.  Can someone help me?23:51
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zigijeeves: get it some Ritalin23:51
fuzzybunnymzz, oh damn that might be what it is then I just thought since it gives me the option that it must work somehow23:51
jeeveszigi, forget that.  a fresh format and I'll keep the pills for myself23:52
ascheelOmegaWarrior: I'm sorry but that seems to be a problem with 'camorama' which unfortunately is a bit offtopic for #ubuntu23:52
romeus1if I have a list of filepaths being outputted by one shell program and I'd like to view these files in a nautilus window, any idea how I can do this?23:52
hafizmickster04: hey, its woks23:52
zigijeeves: good choice :)23:52
hafizmickster04: change the default value to 323:52
zigijeeves: so can you help me yet or are you still busy?23:52
mickster04hafiz, ok fine:D23:52
mzzfuzzybunny: there's a utility (I forgot what package it is in) that you run from the commandline and reports touchpad events. If that doesn't see the number of fingers you have on the touchpad two-finger scrolling can't work.23:52
savanny1976uHi, does anyone know a software that clone a Linux partition?? Thank you.23:52
ascheelromeus1: just curious, but why view them in a nautilus window?  (I don't think you can list a bunch of files in DIFFERENT paths in a single window)23:52
OmegaWarriorascheel, where should I go for support, then?23:52
mzzsavanny1976u: cp? :)23:52
jeeveszigi, last time I did those, I set up a VMware cluster of 30 towers in my livingroom and ran a CS-Source server on it23:53
mzzsavanny1976u: or dd for that matter23:53
jedcfuzzybunny, i have a mac and to get two finger scroll working i had to make a configuration file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/23:53
ascheelOmegaWarrior: skype and whatnot works with the camera here in Ubuntu, right?23:53
hafizmickster04: think im going to reorder the boot order. gona remove 8.04 from the bootlist23:53
imranOmegaWarrior, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic but they may tell you to ask here D:23:53
brian_please anyone?? can i connect one monitor to the vga socket on my mainboard and my 2nd monitor to the vga socket on my graphics card to achieve dual monitor mode or do i have to get a graphics card with 2 vga out sockets??23:53
romeus1romeus1: they all have different paths23:53
jedcthe edge scroll option in mouse conflicted a little bit23:53
zigijeeves: did what?23:53
mickster04hafiz, ok gd luck:D23:53
romeus1<ascheel>  they all have different paths23:53
OmegaWarriorascheel, correct23:53
ascheelbrian_: either option will work just fine23:53
hafizmickster04: thx anyway. how am i going to remove the 8.0423:53
ascheelOmegaWarrior: Then you can try #ubuntu-offtopic or see if there's a chatroom for camorama23:54
mickster04hafiz, ermmm i dont really no23:54
mzzbrian_: I'm not sure if current versions of Xorg support xrandr or xinerama on top of two separate drivers.23:54
OmegaWarriorokay, thanks23:54
lindenle1My client cannot see itself the ldap server, can someone help me fix this?23:54
jeeveszigi, I had a bunch of P4 consumer towers in my apartment, so I got nice and high and installed VMware's cloud computing OS on them23:54
hafizanyway mickster04. thx for ur help23:54
mzzbrian_: you might want to doublecheck that (in #xorg?). There were problems in that area before.23:54
mickster04otherwise just remove the text from menu23:54
zigijeeves: cool, so can you help me?23:54
fuzzybunnyjedc, oh yeah i saw an article on the internet about that the edge scrolling works on mine23:54
brian_mzz  but have people got dual mode b4 that way?23:54
hafizbut it wil consume to my disk space izit23:54
mickster04hafiz, yeah23:55
mzzbrian_: yes, but I don't know if it works in xrandr or xinerama mode (gives you a desktop that properly expands across both heads)23:55
mzzbrian_: old-fashioned dualhead should work.23:55
heatmzzrhow do you start ubuntu in a console state? No GUI, but the option to start it with startx or something like that?23:55
mickster04does ANYONE know how to uninstall an old setup, i.e 8.04?23:55
jedcfuzzybunny it worked for me too, but with two finger scrolling if you are scrolling with 2 fingers near the edge it scrolls more, so fore switching workspaces for example it would switch and switch back23:55
jeeveszigi, witht he VMware?  not right now23:56
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dylanmcdI can ssh or sftp into my 9.04 server with root, but only ssh with a newly created user (sftp says Connection reset by peer). Does anyone know how to allow a user to sftp as well as ssh?23:56
hafizmickster04: it makes me worry if i uninstall the 8.04 will it effect my boot?23:56
zigijeeves: it is x11vnc, a VNC server23:56
savanny1976uzz, thank you, but I couldn't understand what you mean with "cp"? is that the name of the software or "cp" as Copy using cp command? I apologize for the my misunderstanding..Thank you.23:56
jeevesnot yet23:56
KB1JWQdylanmcd: Should work out of the box; you sure you have write access to your homedir?23:57
KB1JWQdylanmcd: Does scp work?23:57
dylanmcdKB1JWQ: I definitely have access to the home dir. I'll check scp23:57
alexanderazimovEllo all23:57
heatmzzrhow do you start ubuntu in a console state? No GUI, but the option to start it with startx or something like that?23:57
mickster04hafiz, nope23:57
jedc!hi | alexanderazimov23:57
ubottualexanderazimov: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:57
mickster04hafiz, frub does bootin, the image does the loading of stuffafter that23:58
hafizotherwise, if it effect my boot. what i need to do is just to recover my grub rite?23:58
zigiCan anybody help me set a password for x11vnc?23:58
seanhey i have been having problems playing video files with totem and vlcPlayer23:58
imranheatmzzr, i cant help you at all and im sorry if i sound mean or something but i am an ubuntu noob and learned if someone doesnt respond the 1st or second time, google it! :D GL23:58
seanany suggestions23:58
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mzzsavanny1976u: as long as both the source and target partition are unmounted and of the same size you can just use dd to transfer the partition from one to the other. Although you probably actually want something slightly fancier, if only to change the uuid on the partition.23:58
nerdy_kidhelp can only enable compiz on one account23:59
nerdy_kidPLEASE HELP23:59
mzz!caps | nerdy_kid23:59
ubottunerdy_kid: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:59
kaddiis monodevelop the default package to use mono on ubuntu?23:59
mickster04nerdy_kid, chillax23:59
hafizmickster04: in case of my boot got affected. i just need to recover my grub right ?23:59
N3M35I5hey, can anyone help me mound a hard drive so it will share on samba?. Its already mounted to /media/newhdd but i wanna know how to share it in samba23:59
jedcsean, you may be missing proprietary codecs, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will install them as well as flash and some other stuff you probably want23:59
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imrannerdy_kid, calm down some of us cant use compiz at all23:59
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heatmzzrimran: thats why I'm here. A lot of fairly smart folks seem to be on here so why google?23:59
Guest63368I have done the restricted extras.  I can try flash.23:59
mickster04hafiz, u have roken uuntu with an update try the recovery version of the kernel23:59

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