
CardinalFangthisfred, does this help with your branch?12:33
thisfredCardinalFang: o wow, no rest for the wicked huh? ;)12:33
thisfredthanks, I'll have a look!12:33
CardinalFangWell, I sync'd it out at the last minute yesterday and didn't tell you.12:33
thisfredhmm, syncdaemon crashes at startup, and then report a problem crashes....12:34
CardinalFangthisfred, Eh?12:35
thisfredCardinalFang: sorry, nothing to do with your branch12:36
thisfredCardinalFang: encouraging news: the branch only started couch once. Will now test with higher load on the machine...12:48
thisfredCardinalFang: ehm12:49
thisfredCardinalFang: it only *reports* starting it once12:49
thisfredCardinalFang: there do seem to be two running after trial, and there were none before12:49
CardinalFangI don't think there's a report-er outside the start-er.  Hrm.12:50
thisfredCardinalFang: maybe I'm just misreading ps12:51
thisfrederic      8321  0.0  0.0   1836   544 pts/0    S    07:47   0:00 /bin/sh -e /usr/bin/couchdb -c \"/etc/couchdb/default.ini\" -c \"/home/eric/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini\" -b -r 0 -p /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.pid -o /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stdout -e /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stderr -R12:51
thisfrederic      8348  0.0  0.0   1836   324 pts/0    S    07:47   0:00 /bin/sh -e /usr/bin/couchdb -c \"/etc/couchdb/default.ini\" -c \"/home/eric/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini\" -b -r 0 -p /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.pid -o /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stdout -e /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.stderr -R12:51
thisfrederic      8349  1.7  0.2  64964  9220 pts/0    Sl   07:47   0:00 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam.smp -Bd -K true -- -root /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /home/eric -noshell -noinput -smp auto -sasl errlog_type error -pa /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-0.9.0/ebin /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/mochiweb-r97/ebin /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/ibrowse-1.4.1/ebin -eval application:load(ibrowse) -eval application:load(crypto)12:51
thisfred -eval application:load(couch) -eval crypto:start() -eval ibrowse:start() -eval couch_server:start([ "/etc/couchdb/default.ini", "/home/eric/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini"]), receive done -> done end. -pidfile /home/eric/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.pid -heart12:51
thisfred(sry that was a pastebin candidate I guess :)12:51
CardinalFangEven pastebin can not contain it.12:52
thisfredFirst two lines seem to be two separate couches to me12:52
CardinalFangHow many listeners do you have?12:54
CardinalFangthisfred,  $ netstat -apn |grep beam12:54
thisfredCardinalFang: just one12:55
CardinalFangThen you have only one daemon.12:55
thisfredCardinalFang: and from looking at the code, it makes no sense: it printed "done." only once12:55
thisfredso it can't have started more than once12:56
CardinalFangthisfred, my new code, replacing "sleep(2)" with waiting until a process appears with the same characteristics as we use to decide we need to start something -- this should solve slow-box problems.12:57
thisfredCardinalFang: awesome. I'll just assume this works. I'll ask on #couchdb if two processes is worrying or normal, or something in between12:59
CardinalFangRgr.  Erlang is weird that way.13:00
CardinalFangthisfred, mention that only one is listening for TCP.13:00
thisfredCardinalFang: erlang is weird in almost every way, (reading erlang for kangaroos now) but I kinda like it. It borrows from Prolog heavily, which is still one of my favorite languages.13:01
CardinalFangI've never used either.  :(13:01
CardinalFangMy old habit of learning a new language every year stopped 5 years ago.  :(  :(  :(13:02
CardinalFangI did try Clojure for a while this year.13:02
CardinalFangAFK 30min.13:02
xcdfgkjhgcvWhat is the "Shared With Me" directory for?13:15
Chipacaxcdfgkjhgcv: for when people share things with you13:16
Chipacaxcdfgkjhgcv: somebody shares a folder with you, you accept it, it lands there13:16
xcdfgkjhgcvChipaca: Roger that.13:17
CardinalFangthisfred, any news?13:59
thisfredCardinalFang: jan____ thought it was strange, but not impossible. I'll ask Noah Slater when he gets online, or ask the mailing list. One thing to test would be to see if it goes away when stopping couch. Which points to another issue: we don't have a stop method in desktopcouch right? would not be used often, but nice to have for testing, debugging, etc.14:01
CardinalFangthisfred, Hrm, it should be easy.  How do you want to call it?14:10
thisfredCardinalFang: the tests could call it in the same way as start, and maybe it should be callable from the command line as well14:11
CardinalFangthisfred, tests don't call start.  Part of finding the port to talk to makes it spawn desktopcouch if it's not running.  So, it's trickier.14:19
thisfredCardinalFang: well ok, same way as the portfinder calls it then. My point is, maybe we should test start and stop in isolation, and also, maybe (one of) the tests should call stop before running, so we check the portfinder14:21
thisfredCardinalFang: discussed this briefly with statik yesterday, and it may be better to test against a dedicated testdb. Or do we already do that?14:22
CardinalFangthisfred, No idea.14:22
thisfredso running the tests won't mess with a developer's couchdb14:22
thisfredprobably not14:23
thisfredIt would mean some refactoring, I don't think it's as urgent14:23
statikit's not urgent14:23
thisfredI think a good first step would be to have a python only stop method14:24
thisfredand call that in the setup of one test that talks to the db14:24
CardinalFangAh, it should discover whether the tree is a dev tree, and if so, to use the ubunet tmp, iirc.14:24
* CardinalFang checks.14:24
mattgriffinjdo: regarding my issue with having an Active account but not being able to access /files (and being redirected to /plans)...14:25
jdomattgriffin, due to the problem in the subscription_nightly job which was fixed yesterday, your subscription didn't get renewed14:26
jdomattgriffin, I can renew it manually14:26
mattgriffinjdo: cool. thanks.14:26
jdomattgriffin, I have renewed it and you should work now14:27
mattgriffinjdo: excellent. thanks!14:27
* jblount looks around for someone to start the meeting15:01
urbanapeMEETING STARTS15:01
urbanapeif you're working on desktop+, say 'me'15:01
urbanapethen three lines: DONE, TODO, BLOCK15:02
urbanapetake one and pass it on15:02
=== rodrigo_1 is now known as rodrigo_
urbanapethat's it? Okay, rodrigo_, you're up.15:04
rodrigo_hmm, nobody else?15:04
teknicostatik, vds...?15:04
rodrigo_• DONE: Got tomboy 1st sync to work. couchdb-glib 0.4.3 package fixes. Published new tomboy with sync patch in beta PPA15:04
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Change tomboy syncing prefs interface to show many servers. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb15:04
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:04
rodrigo_teknico: go15:04
teknicoDONE: completed and landed the phone sync subscription check branch, reviews15:04
teknicoTODO: more reviews, branch to remove relative imports, start work on disabling free phone sync after 30 days15:04
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:04
tekniconext: jblount15:04
jblountDONE: Decided I need help with my js truncating stuff, talk with statik / warthogs / anyone listening about using u1, fix file names not showing up in gecko browsers.15:04
jblountTODO: FACE, talk with urbanape about truncating stuff, talk with contacts people about ui for that, FIX ALL BUGS ON WEBUI (right now that primarily means display quirks in css stuff)15:04
jblountBLOCKED: truncating stuff. It plagues me because I know there should be a smart way to do it.15:05
jblounturbanape: YTMND15:05
urbanapeDONE: Pushed a new branch of bindwood with a whole lotta debugging (turned off by default, but enabled with a slight edit). Approved a few branches - new files UI is go15:05
urbanapeTODO: Start fixing the new files UI, making it pretty, reliable, and robust. Help out jblount on some of that.15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: Nope15:05
urbanapevds, you're up.15:05
vdsDONE: pair programming with teknico, some discussion about FX  deployment, some review15:05
vdsTODO: still deployment stuff15:05
vdsBLOCKED: no15:05
vdsI guess that's it15:05
urbanapeThanks, all.15:05
urbanapeMEETING ENDS15:05
urbanape(stragglers, feel free to paste in channel)15:05
* jblount pats urbanape on the back15:05
CardinalFangYou broke my keyword watcher with "MEET-NG STARTS" instead of "MEET-NG BEGINS".  :(15:07
urbanapeI'll try to be more consistent in the future15:08
CardinalFangI've spammed the channels with thisfr-d, so you know what I'm working on.  :\15:09
dobey☭ DONE: 0.92.0 release, Fixed #412150, #40947415:09
dobey☭ TODO: Finish #38644315:09
dobey☭ BLCK: 1.0a on server side (pending oauth.py upstream 1.0a patch approval)15:09
CardinalFangDONE: much desktopcouch polish15:10
CardinalFangTODO: 30 more minutes of polish. then back to Gwibber.15:10
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:10
statiksorry i missed the meeting, i've been on the phone15:15
statikdobey: who needs to approve the oauth.py patch?15:15
dobeystatik: upstream... Leah Culver15:17
dobeystatik: but i am like " this close to forking it15:17
statikdobey: is it a backwards compatible kind of thing?15:18
dobeystatik: 1.0a requires API changes for the server side stuff15:18
statikso is it a change we can safely apply to the packaged version in karmic, or would we need to ship two versions of the library for people to be able to upgrade on their own schedule?15:19
statikdobey: this is the patch, yes? http://code.google.com/p/oauth/issues/detail?id=11015:20
dobeywell, we can change our private copy for ubuntuone, and not touch the python-oauth package for now. she said she has collected several patches for the issue, so i don't know what these "other patches" are like, and if she will land one of them instead of mine, with different api changes than mine has15:20
dobeystatik: yes15:20
dobeystatik: and http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/browse_thread/thread/8f54d2779e71db13 is the discussion thread15:20
dobeyi pinged her yesterday in irc, and she still hasn't gotten 'round to replying to my questions, or landing anything it seems :(15:21
statikdobey: i'll send a note on that thread, to see if it wakes anyone up15:22
dobeygood luck :)15:22
thisfredpython (in javascript) in the browser: http://www.skulpt.org/15:30
CardinalFangthisfred, Okay, new changes.  I found one way that start-couchdb can make two to run, but I don't think that's what caused your two-count earlier today.15:31
thisfredCardinalFang: awesome, same branch?15:31
CardinalFangSame branch.15:31
* CardinalFang hopes aquarius doesn't freak out at the changes.15:32
CardinalFangThough, I hope to be away next week, so he has a chance to change things back.15:32
thisfredIt's the risk of taking a holiday, people will touch your stuff15:34
urbanapeis this known? I've seen it recently: https://pastebin.canonical.com/21052/15:36
thisfredCardinalFang: that definitely did something,: two couches (two processes each) are started, and the port can't be found:15:36
thisfredCardinalFang: http://pastebin.com/d5348bc0b15:36
CardinalFangYay!  Oh, wait.15:36
thisfredurbanape: I thought that was fixed, are your apt and sourcedeps up to date?15:40
urbanapeah, probably not, duh.15:40
urbanapehow do I manage to keep forgetting that?15:41
urbanapeTime for the Lenny tattoos on my forehead.15:41
CardinalFangthisfred, in  desktopcouch/start_local_couchdb.py  bump "100" up to "1000", please.15:43
thisfredCardinalFang: hmm, there is only 100015:48
thisfredshould I bump to 10000?15:48
CardinalFangthisfred,  "100"15:48
thisfredCardinalFang: nm15:48
thisfredCardinalFang: looking at the wrong file15:48
thisfredCardinalFang: ok, now only 2 errors: http://pastebin.com/d7f6829bd but still 2 full couches with 4 /usr/bin/couchdb processes started15:53
CardinalFangthisfred, have you considered, perhaps, that your computer is haunted by goblins?15:57
thisfredmany a time15:57
CardinalFangThere should be an exception for that.15:57
thisfredexcept GoblinInOpticalDrive15:58
thisfredwill be in python 3.0 I believe, but that doesn't help us now15:58
CardinalFangIt's 3.1, and you still have to import from __future__  :(15:59
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Hey.  Did my subprocess EINTR patch ever make it anywhere?16:04
CardinalFangfacundobatista, I was trying to avoid the problem by using os.spawnv, but that has the same problem.  :(16:05
thisfredCardinalFang: that first error I get, and noone else, it seems, may be a clue that points to where the goblin lives16:05
dobeyCardinalFang: what problem?16:05
dobeyCardinalFang: os.spawn* is deprecated by subprocess16:05
facundobatistaCardinalFang, what are you talking about?16:06
facundobatistaCardinalFang, the issue in Python's subprocess? about closing the fd if error?16:06
CardinalFangfacundobatista, no, about read being interrupted.16:08
* CardinalFang digs for email.16:08
CardinalFangfacundobatista, when trying to figure out what to do with os.spawn, I found your fingerprints.  http://bugs.python.org/issue68666716:09
dobeyCardinalFang: is it when you try to read from STDERR?16:09
CardinalFangdobey, Not me.16:09
dobeyCardinalFang: well, can you explain the exact issue and point me at the code? i'll tell you what's wrong :)16:09
urbanapejblount, statik: http://emberapp.com/urbanape/images/truncated-long-filenames16:16
jblounturbanape: holy geez, thats awesome16:20
urbanapethat's a pretty simple, straightforward approach. Where we generate the per-row info object, I just truncate the filename if it's longer than (say) 35 characters.16:24
CardinalFangfacundobatista, I can't find the email..  :(  Okay, see if this sounds familiar.  All system calls in Unix may be interrupted.  In subprocess and os.spawn*, we use system calls but do not catch the OSError (e.errno=errno.EINTR) that may happen.16:25
urbanapeseem reasonable? I can propose it as is.16:25
CardinalFangdobey, you too, if you care.16:25
CardinalFangI've reproduced a few in just a few minutes.16:26
jblounturbanape: +1 (I'm on the phone with statik, and he likes it too)16:26
CardinalFangfacundobatista, os.spawnv:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/21057/16:26
CardinalFangfacundobatista, subprocess #1: https://pastebin.canonical.com/21058/16:26
CardinalFangfacundobatista, subprocess #2: https://pastebin.canonical.com/21059/16:26
dobeyCardinalFang: is this code in trunk?16:28
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Back on June 12, I have you a patch for subprocess that caught these OSErrors and retried.16:28
CardinalFangdobey, What?  Python trunk?16:28
dobeyCardinalFang: no, desktopcouch16:29
dobeyie, where you're seeing the SIGINT16:29
dobeyhuh, that's odd16:29
CardinalFangdobey, not SIGINT.16:29
CardinalFangdobey, You can reproduce it with trunk, I'm sure.16:30
CardinalFangIt may take a few minutes of hard running.16:31
CardinalFangfacundobatista, I originally complained that subprocess.Popen was leaking file descriptors.16:31
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Okay, I tracked it down.  These are separate problems.16:39
CardinalFangThe first still persists in my 2.6-karmic, though.16:39
CardinalFangToday's is a new/separate problem16:39
* CardinalFang thinks he scared facundobatista off. :(16:40
* CardinalFang would flee too.16:40
* jblount tries to sort out lunch16:57
thisfredCardinalFang: after changing tries to 1000, things get weirder still: again everything errors on finding the port, and then a couch is started after the tests are finished running17:20
thisfredCardinalFang: and now I have something like 5 running, with 2 processes each17:21
thisfredCardinalFang: 7 to be exact17:21
thisfredCardinalFang: I think this is the original problematic behavior aquarius tried to fix with one of his recent branches17:24
* thisfred <- going to the super market in 5 mins17:25
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
thisfredCardinalFang: I've switched over some tests to testtools.TestCase instead of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase, since we don't need it, and it's breaking in interesting ways on goblin haunted old computers.17:30
thisfredCardinalFang: all the tests in records, to be exact.17:32
fader_Is there a known issue atm with logging into the U1 website?  I'm getting redirected back to the OpenID page every time I try on three different machines.18:05
dobeyfader_: hrmm, it's working ok for me18:09
dobeyfader_: but i have seen a few bug reports come in about that, this morning.18:09
fader_dobey: Weird.  I wonder if it's something with my account :/18:09
fader_I'm getting this on karmic, jaunty, and an OSX machine in Safari.18:09
dobeyfader_: does the same thing happen trying to log in to launchpad.net?18:10
fader_dobey: Nope, I'm able to log into launchpad on all three systems just fine.18:10
fader_When I click 'sign in' I get redirected to ubuntuone.com/files and then immediately back to login.launchpad.net18:11
jblountfader`: We've had a bunch of bugs reported about this same thing recently, so I don't think you are alone.18:13
jblountjamesh: Yo! Have there been any recentish changes to the SSO system?18:14
fader`jblount: I'm happy to try anything that will help you here, provide logs, etc. :)18:14
dobeyfader`: i think if you delete your cookies, and empty the cache, it might work around the problem for you :)18:14
jameshjblount: I can't think of anything that would cause that problem.18:15
jblountjamesh: That's what I figured. Thanks though.18:15
fader`dobey: No effect, I'm afraid :(18:18
fader`Plus I had never logged into U1 from the OSX machine until I tried a few moments ago and I see the same behavior there18:18
jblountfader`: I was just able to reproduce, although I'm not sure exactly what is going on yet.18:21
fader`Whew, I was starting to think U1 didn't like me personally :)18:22
jblountfader`: I have it on good authority that U1 wants to be your friend.18:22
dobeyobama said that, now he's turning the country socialist!18:26
jblountstatik: ping?18:29
* jblount realizes now that ping should probably not have a question mark. 18:29
Chipacadobey: you mean the "I was just able to reproduce" bit?18:31
* Chipaca codes while watching over the coals for an asado 18:33
jblountdobey: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/412360/comments/718:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412360 in ubuntuone-client "impossible to sign in in web interface" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:34
dobeyChipaca: huh?18:35
jblountfader`: Are you a recent subscriber?18:35
fader`jblount: No... I have been on it since slightly before the karmic UDS18:35
Chipacadobey: jblount said "I was just able to reproduce, [...]"18:35
Chipacadobey: and you said "obama said that, now he's turning the country socialist!"18:35
dobeyChipaca: you missed an intermittent line from jblount18:36
Chipacadobey: it's more fun this way18:36
dobeyChipaca: the one where he said "i have it on good authority that u1 wants to be your friend"18:36
jblountfader`: Hmm. Thanks for the info, although it pokes a hole in my first theory.18:37
jblountfader`: I'll update the bug I linked to a moment ago with info, I'm guessing that jdo will be able to help us figure it out.18:38
fader`jblount: Last night I purged and reinstalled the client on my karmic machine if you think that's relevant, though I was able to log into the web after doing so18:38
dobeyfader`: the desktop client is irrelevant to logging in on the web :)18:38
jblountfader`: What dobey said, outside of a Oauth authentication process, the desktop client and the authentication bit on the website don't interact.18:39
fader`jblount: Please feel free to /msg me if you need me to do anything to help out even if I'm not in this channel.  I'm generally on 0800-1700 EDT (which I think is 0400-1300 GMT)18:39
jblountfader`: Will do, thanks again!18:39
fader`jblount: Thank you!18:39
* Chipaca dances18:43
* jblount dances because Chipaca is dancing, but doesn't really understand18:45
Chipacajblount: facundobatista found a weird bug where syncdaemon thought it had nothing to do, with 1k things queued in its content queue18:45
Chipaca^ that transition is responsible18:45
Chipacait dropped the _WITH_CONTQ18:46
Chipacait should be18:46
Chipacasome day I'm going to build up (a) my courage, (b) time, (c) lucio's courage, and I'm going to refactor that dumb fsm into something smarter18:48
Chipaca(d) tests for each darn transition, before the refactor18:49
jblountChipaca: This sounds like a very good plan, you should go swim with sharks or similar to build up your courage.18:51
jblountAlthough I hear parenting is sometimes just as dangerous.18:51
* Chipaca suscribes to the school of extreme parenting18:52
jblounturbanape: Any luck landing your branch, or are the tests still running locally?18:53
urbanapeI updated my system and had to rebootie18:53
jblounturbanape: Can I suggest just re-trying pqm-submit? I had to do the same on an earlier branch, and I'm guessing you won't be able to recreate the test failure locally.18:54
jblountNice, thanks.18:54
urbanapespelled correctly, even18:55
jblountspelling, smelling.18:56
jblountfader`: Yo, can you try going to https://ubuntuone.com/files/old ?18:57
fader`jblount: That seems to load just fine.18:57
jblountfader`: I thought so, we'll have the rest of the site fixed shortly. Just forgot to remove a decorator when switching over to the new files interface.18:58
jblountfader`: Thanks again for helping troubleshoot.18:59
fader`jblount: Thank you!  Off to share files. :)18:59
CardinalFangfacundobatista, I made a patch for Python trunk, and two problem descriptions.19:20
CardinalFangfacundobatista, http://sandbox.chad.org/python-subprocess/19:20
inkvizitor68slmmm.... i know that it is offtopic... but maybe any1 know how i can set port of IRC server, when connecting to it from jabber client?19:21
CardinalFangfacundobatista, You did indeed get my June patch in for the pipe leaking fix.19:21
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Thank you.19:22
facundobatistaCardinalFang, this is another stuff?19:22
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Yes.  Two different, but related problems.19:23
facundobatistaCardinalFang, you should open bugs in bugs.python.org about this19:23
CardinalFangRgr.  Never done that.  I will try.19:23
jblountinkvizitor68sl: I have no idea about that, what client are you using?19:24
inkvizitor68sljblount, gajim... for example i connecting to #ubuntu-ru%zsh.su@irc.zsh.su19:25
inkvizitor68slbut irc server at zsh.su on 6668 port19:25
inkvizitor68sljust i have local ZNC and want use it from Jabber >_>19:27
jblountI think generally you do something like zsh.su:6668, but am completely unfamiliar with the client.19:28
inkvizitor68sljblount, i tired already) "wrong symbols in conference name"19:32
CardinalFangfacundobatista, Attached to existing bug.  http://bugs.python.org/issue106826819:32
urbanapejblount: success19:44
urbanapeshow-me-filenames merged cleanly this time19:44
jblounturbanape: huzzah, one step closer.19:45
urbanapewill desktopcouch work with 9.04?19:57
urbanapehaven't tried it19:57
jblountCardinalFang: ^^ ?20:03
statikwow i totally broke the web UI last night20:07
CardinalFangjblount, Eh?  9.04?  It should, urbanape.20:08
dobeystatik: yes you did! :P20:09
urbanapewould he need to add karmic universal?20:09
dobeyurbanape: shouldn't20:09
urbanapestatik: how so? (beyond flipping on the new UI)?20:09
dobeyurbanape: i don't know if we build jaunty desktopcouch packages currently, though20:09
statikurbanape: i forgot to remove the decorator that only allowed people in ~ubuntuone-hackers to access it20:10
urbanapeI was thinking, "Works for me!"20:10
dobeyhaha, no woder i could log in20:10
statikyeah, i stayed up late last night to test it after the rollout, and tested it twice today trying to figure out the bug reports that were coming in20:11
statikit was working great for me20:11
urbanapeoh, man.20:11
CardinalFangMaybe that decorator should emit something about the restriction.20:11
jblountCardinalFang: +120:12
dobeyCardinalFang: i presumed it would just 40420:12
statikyeah, it was a weird combination. most places we use it we return 404 instead of 40120:13
dobeyCardinalFang: but i didn't realize it was there for /files/ :P20:13
statikbut the other redirection stuff that we have in place to send anyone who logs in to /files/ interacted badly with that20:13
dobeywell at least i was right in suspecting a probable issue with the new files ui :)20:13
statikurbanape: you need python-desktopcouch packages for jaunty?20:14
urbanapeI got pinged on twitter from a firefox dev who knows extensions and places and wanted to try it out20:14
* jblount sighs as he sees jdo's branch fail pqm the first time (just as urbanape and my branches did before it)20:14
urbanapebut he installed jaunty20:15
jblountstatik: Why does pqm hate new code? Is it my fault? I can change!20:15
CardinalFangstatik, do any of us own python-couchdb ?  I filed a bug last night, and I think I can fix it pretty easily.20:18
CardinalFangEr, maybe not.20:19
statikCardinalFang: nope. for a bugfix that needs to go in quickly, the process is to patch the package, and also forward the patch to the upstream project (either the bugtracker or the mailing list). Filing a bug on the python-couchdb package in ubuntu, attaching a debdiff, and getting a sponsor to upload it is the fastest way to get a fix pushed out20:20
jdostatik, speaking of debdiff :) do you know if testresources ever got updated for karmic?20:27
statikas happy as i am to have a working video card in my laptop now, i sort of wish i had one day to enjoy it before karmic updates broke my video20:27
statikjdo: this page says no: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/python-testresources20:28
statikif anyone on the U1 team had earned MOTU rights by now, we could upload it ourselves ;)20:29
dobeystatik: you should poke james_w or someone to look at your bug real quick :)20:29
jdostatik, if none of the U1 team has MOTU rights, I would be the last one to get it20:30
jblountfader`: Yo! We just got that fix rolled out, the web interface should be fully functional for you now :)21:15
fader`jblount: Awesome, thanks!  You guys rock! :)21:16
jblountfader`: Thank you, we wouldn't have been able to track down the problem without your help.21:17
fader`No problem, complaining is what I do best.21:18
statikfacundobatista, CardinalFang: thank you both for fixing python bugs upstream, that makes life better for everyone21:23
=== fader` is now known as fader|away
CardinalFangstatik, I got a big monitor, too.  It's almost oppressive.  "MORE CODE", it demands.21:51
dobeyCardinalFang: but what dpi is it?21:53
jblountCardinalFang: What sort did you get, I remember that it is a 30" behemoth21:57
dobeyit must be one of those giant low resolution things :P22:08
statikurbanape: the version of desktopcouch that was in karmic has now been uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta for your firefox dev to play with22:10
* thisfred is developing a serious rootbeer habit22:18
thisfredhey, it said beer, and by the time I discovered it had no alcohol at all, I was well and properly hooked...22:18
statikjoshuahoover: dunno if you saw earlier, but your GPG key is all set in pqm now so you can resubmit at will22:18
dobeythisfred: there is good rootbeer, and then there's a lot of crappy rootbeer22:24
thisfreddobey: I probably haven't even gotten to the really good stuff yet22:25
thisfredin the Netherlands I had to go to a specialty asian import supermarket to get any22:25
dobeyrmcbride: the Iced Earth cover of Number of the Beast is really good too22:28
dobeythisfred: surprisingly, the organic/cane-sugar root beer that i can get at the grocer near me is pretty damn good22:30
thisfreddobey: well, any kind without H-F corn syrup is an improvement. I think they have some at our supermarket too. This time I just fell for the 12 can box set :)22:31
dobeythisfred: i just love the corn syrup advocacy commercials they have now. "It's ok, in moderation."22:32
dobeyof course, almost everything that uses it, has it as the first or second item in the ingredients list on the label... which is sorted by quantity22:33
thisfredIt's even in some of the chips I discovered to my dismay22:33
thisfredand the bread22:33
dobeyi'm just like "wtf do you need that in Doritos for... the fact that they're corn chips isn't enough?"22:34
dobeyf'n lobbyists22:34
thisfredshame they couldn't really get the cars to run on it efficiently, that may have been a better way to get rid of oversubsidized unneeded corn. Other than getting it to starving people of course, but that's crazy talk.22:35
thisfredAlso loving Chipotle-anything. Not a flavor we had in NL. Nor *any* real mexican food really.22:36
dobeycars do run on it efficiently22:36
thisfredwell not efficiently enough to make up for the cost of extraction/production22:37
thisfredI thought22:37
dobeythey can, yes22:37
dobeybut not efficiently to warrant the gov't pushing for real change22:37
dobeybecause why push for changes when you're a shareholder in the oil industry?22:38
rmcbrideYea avoiding HF corn syrup is something I've gotten quite adept at22:38
CardinalFangdobey, only 100DPI.22:40
dobeythisfred: the other major issue is that pure ethanol is 100 proof liquor, which sort of introduces some odd legal things22:40
dobey200 proof i mean22:40
dobeyso there's a bit of required dilution22:40
dobeybut i'm tempted to set up a still in the garden :P22:41
CardinalFangjblount, Dell 3007WFP-HC22:42
CardinalFangG'night, all.22:44
thisfredlater CardinalFang22:45
dobeywoah, there's a funky aquamarine hue to the storm clouds22:48
rmcbridedobey: that means hail22:48
rmcbridelight refracting through airborne ice22:48
dobeythough it's not precipitating yet22:49
dobeyclouds are just sort of hovering22:49
rmcbridethat means they're full of eels22:50
dobeyand now more rain22:51
dobeyguess i probably won't get to see the perseids tonight22:51
dobeyalright, i am outta here for now22:58
diogoHello people, Ubuntu One uses something like delta to send only changes to the server ?23:39
Chipaca_diogo: nope23:47
=== Chipaca_ is now known as Chipaca
Chipacadiogo: not yet; for now, it sends whole files23:48
diogoChipaca That send hole file to the server ? If Yes, do you will some day use changesets or something like that ?23:48
Chipacadiogo: in fact, the client as it stands now doesn't even resume uploads if they are interrupted23:48
Chipacanor downloads23:48
diogoChipaca I was using dropbox, however I'm so excited with Ubuntu One and I contracted the service23:48
Chipacadiogo: the idea is to at some point use deltas, yes23:49
Chipacadiogo: the plan was (a) make it work, (b) make it fast23:49
Chipacawe're still in (a)23:49
Chipacaand deltas is definitely in (b) :)23:49
diogoChipaca I'm believing in the project and I will keep using it23:49
Chipacadiogo: the client is still buggy; usable, but don't use it for critical things23:50
Chipacadiogo: we *mean* the "beta" part23:50
Chipacadiogo: I love that you believe in the project :) so do I :-D23:50
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diogoI'm using the last ppa and for now I will keep dropbox and ubuntu one until a stable release23:51
Chipacadiogo: mind you, we're not just another dropbox wannabe :)23:52
Chipacadiogo: file sharing is only one vector23:52
diogoChipaca hehehe, that is good23:53

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