
anom01yI have an old computer (pIII 633 mhz or something, 396 mb SD ram)02:10
anom01yand 20 gb hard drive02:10
anom01ywould Xubuntu work well with this ? if I installed it, would I need the alternative install CD ?02:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
konsumerHello :)08:30
konsumerDoes anyone here know where applications are installed in Xubuntu?08:30
konsumerI want to dock some shortcuts in my desktop.08:31
sarts_konsumer: /usr/bin08:40
konsumerTy :)08:40
* sarts_ is going to bitch at brian08:40
ochosihey everyone, i'm on karmic and i just tried to change the default boot os in grub2 and failed. is there more to do than edit GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub ?12:24
psycho_oreosboot the livecd, mount partitions, chroot and go from there12:25
psycho_oreoserr lol misread12:25
psycho_oreosignore what I wrote12:25
ochosiah right... was already wondering :)12:26
Darth_Tuxls -a14:53
gaurdroI have an interesting problem.  audio works for every application except my music players (lastfm excluded).  I'm on xubuntu 9.04 amd6416:39
TheSheepgaurdro: maybe you don't have the codecs for mp3?17:19
TheSheep!mp3 | gaurdro17:19
ubottugaurdro: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:19
gaurdroit's possible I missed something but I'm pretty sure I have the codecs.  it doesn't error out, or anything like that.  all the music players appear to play the file in realtime, just no sound.  flash, last.fm, dvd through vlc media player all work with sound.17:23
TheSheepyou use pulseaudio?17:27
gaurdrohow does one check that?17:31
gaurdroI google'd and I'm going to go with no.17:33
orgthingyhmm hello, how can I use Compose Key in xubuntu?18:23
S0210Hi! How to bypass the trash and delete a file completely?20:10
S0210I got it... shift-del :-)20:16
Stumpiedoes xubuntu cocme with compiz-fusion?21:00
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
nikolamwhat do you use to edit and make pdfs?21:39
nikolamI am extracting some pages from ine large pdf to make a few pages one21:39
nikolamI am extracting with page per page in inscape21:40
nikolamand hope to later put those pages together21:40
nikolamYou were doing something smarter?21:40
TheSheepnikolam: there is a number of commandline pdf tools22:30
TheSheepnikolam: there is also pdfedit, but it seems very advanced22:30
nikolamhm :) what is command line hah :)22:30
nikolamok. 10x TheSheep22:30
TheSheepnikolam: commandline: pdftk, pdfcrack, pdfsam22:31
TheSheepxpdf-utils too22:32
TheSheepand ghostscript, of course22:32
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChlid
=== PriceChlid is now known as PriceChild
TheSheephmm... qpdf looks nice too22:34
nikolamhm, trying to build it on hardy..22:37
nikolamTheSheep, is there a way to lower default process priority , of processes that are doing instalaltion of packages, say through synaptic, etc.22:41
nikolamWhen installing large packages, all processes suffed becouse of that, Hardy22:42
TheSheepyou can start them with nice, or change their priority later with renice22:42
nikolamhm, that is nice solution :) No way to change default `niceness`22:44
TheSheepyou can always start synaptic with nice...22:44
TheSheepits children will have the same priority22:44
TheSheepapt may have something better in the config22:45
TheSheepbut I don't know it well22:45
nikolamTheSheep, you are great, Btw, you know :)22:48
TheSheepbut of course22:50

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