
=== asac__ is now known as asac
Riddellyay, all 5 CDs working for me00:57
lex79can someone upload this? launchpad bug 412786, thanks01:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412786 in soprano-backend-sesame "New upstream release soprano-backend-sesame 2.3.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41278601:19
shtylmanRiddell: the ubiquity stuff get straightened out I take it?01:24
Riddellshtylman: yes01:27
Riddellalthough the fix is suspiciously small01:28
shtylmanthats a bad thing?01:28
* shtylman is looking at the fix....why does it look like such a hack?01:29
ScottKHow can soprano-sesame-backend be source multiverse, binary universe?01:30
Riddellshtylman: I'm just not sure how it needed lots of changes on the gtk side and  very little on kde side01:31
RiddellScottK: nope, it's non free and multiverse is where it goes01:31
shtylmanmaybe the way I was already supporting/handling the timezones?01:31
ScottKRiddell: Right, but then how can the binaries be free?01:31
shtylmandoes it work now?01:31
ScottKsoprano-backend-sesame | 2.2.1-0ubuntu1 | karmic/multiverse | source01:32
ScottKsoprano-backend-sesame | 2.2.1-0ubuntu1 | karmic/universe | amd64, i38601:32
Riddellhum, ythat's not right01:33
shtylmanRiddell: do we have a slideshow in this version?01:36
ScottKRiddell: It's also that way in Jaunty.01:38
ScottKNCommander: kdegames built on armel, so that's one fix verified.01:38
RiddellScottK: fixed01:39
Riddellshtylman: no, shuld we?01:40
Riddellmy internet seems busted tonight, makes typiing hard01:40
ScottKRiddell: What about Jaunty?01:41
Riddellfixed that too01:43
ScottKCool.  Didn't know we could do that01:44
* ScottK makes a note01:44
shtylmanRiddell: no idea...was just curious if we have made our own slides yet...01:46
shtylmanand you said the installer fix was too small...but does it actually work now?01:46
shtylmanin the correct ways?01:46
Riddellyes as far as I've tested01:47
Riddellwhich is English language in UK01:47
shtylmanok..thats good to know...what had to change on the gtk side that we didn't have to do?01:47
Riddellshtylman: dunno I didn't study7 the code much01:48
shtylmanwell...guess we will know if we get bug reports :)01:49
shtylmanso I think the reason the changes were a bit less for the kde side is because I was already doing the things they needed to add to the gtk side01:53
shtylmanlike changing the map based on city change combo...and also had split off my own storage of regional based city lookup01:53
shtylmanI think I did all that long time ago when transitioning to the new timezone map for jaunty01:54
* Daskreech waves02:44
Daskreechcan KDM not logging in automatically in a licve CD be a paperkut?02:45
Riddell?  that would be a bug02:47
DaskreechRiddell: I mean after logout02:47
Daskreechi.e. Boot up Live CD get a live environment with nopasswd sudo and a random passwd02:47
DaskreechLogout of Desktop -> GEt a Login screen with no possible way to login02:48
Daskreechand now they don't have the TTYs autologged in on bootup so the only thing that you can do is reboot the computer. Would be nice if you logout of the desktop after bootup it would pause on the login screen and then login atuomaticallu02:49
DaskreechKDM supports it so I think it would just be making that setting on bydefault. Timed Login I think it's set as02:50
Riddellit should just not offer logout I'd say02:53
DaskreechI think that you know that there are quite a few ways to get logged out aside from pressing the logout button02:54
Daskreechand Why the arbritary restriction on not logging out ?02:54
Riddellit's a live CD, why would you ever want to log out02:54
DaskreechYou made a new user?02:55
DaskreechYou installed drivers to get compositing ?02:55
DaskreechSomething froze and you killed X?02:56
Riddellnot the usual live CD use cases I'd have thought02:56
DaskreechSomeone was impressed with the smooth transistion between the splash and the desktop and you wanted to show it off again?02:56
Daskreech^^^ that one is :)02:57
Daskreechoh Riddell cool you are here I wanted to ask about the other desktop types. I read that there are three new desktop types?03:00
Riddellhow do you mean desktop types?03:02
Riddellthere's the netbook03:02
Daskreechone second03:02
DaskreechThey mention a cluttered Desktop and blackboard desktop types03:03
Riddellhmm, I don't seem to have them03:05
Riddellnot sure where they're hidden I'm afraid03:06
Daskreechlet me look in the svn to see where they are03:06
DaskreechRiddell: are we still interested in having a kubuntu-ultimate package ?03:07
RiddellDaskreech: what's that?03:07
DaskreechA one package that will install all the KDE stuff settings we would ship if we had a infinite size CD03:07
DaskreechSo the wallpapers the plasma addons the runners etc03:07
Riddellhmm, well there is already kde-full03:08
* Daskreech walks to look at it03:09
Riddellwe still want the meta pacakge of all plasma widgets done03:11
NCommanderScottK, w00t03:13
Riddellhi NCommander, are you to thank for qt compiling on all arches?03:13
NCommanderRiddell, thank infinity, he was the one who reinstalled the buildds to use jaunty.03:14
NCommanderRiddell, (I simply did some debugging on it, but he's the real hero)03:14
Riddellwhat difference does that make?03:15
Daskreechmoodin is KDE3 right?03:16
DaskreechNo replacement for KDE4 as yet?03:17
Riddellwell the new ksplash is much better03:18
Daskreechmoodin was a splash creator as I understand?03:19
DaskreechSo you can make things now for ksplash much easier?03:19
Riddellprobably not but the end result is better03:19
NCommanderRiddell, don't ask03:22
NCommanderRiddell, something about running a karmic chroot on a lenny base causes Bad Mojo(tm) to happen03:22
Riddellwe use lenny?03:22
NCommanderWe didn't have Ubuntu armel when the port was bootstrapped ;-)03:23
NCommanderSo the buildds have been running lenny until very recently03:23
RiddellI wonder if we should look into arm images for kubuntu netbook one day03:23
NCommanderRiddell, the lack of graphics acceleration ATM is going to hurt03:23
Riddellwould probably need someone to have hardware to test it on too I suppose, details details03:23
* NCommander won't run KDE on any machine that can't do accelerated graphics03:24
Riddellworks fine on my machine with crappy S3 video card03:24
NCommanderYou still have 2D accelaration on that thing03:25
NCommanderWhen /dev/fb0 is all you got, you are hurting03:26
NCommander(granted, the situation may be better w/ 4.3 vs. 4.2)03:26
Daskreechok plasma has me mighty confused via the source :)03:36
DaskreechI'm looking for where to go from there03:39
nixternalanyone here use eric for doing python work?03:55
Daskreechnixternal: Want to help me with a little hunt :)03:57
nixternalwhat's up?03:57
DaskreechI'm trying to find the folderview contatinment in the svn03:59
nixternalDaskreech: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/apps/plasma/applets/folderview/04:02
Daskreechnixternal: That's an applet I want the containment04:15
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ScottKNCommander and Riddell: Seems to me that plasma-netbook runs a lot faster than regular plasma-desktop.  It might actually work on armel.   Certainly better than desktop.  Once plasma-netbook gets a little more complete it'd probably make sense to swap the Kubuntu Desktop armel ISO for a netbook one.  We had armel testers in Jaunty, so we can probably get them again.04:45
DaskreeCHnixternal: home :)05:17
ScottKryanakca and Riddell: snapfish.com flash based bulk photo uploader works in Firefox and not in Konqueror/Arora.05:27
DaskreeCHI think that we may not want the kde-full == kubuntu-full05:51
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
ScottKtxwikinger_work: Looks like ichtux-desktop needs some updating.07:40
ScottKtxwikinger_work: gtk-qt-engine and gtk-qt-engine-kde4 are nbs and not removed due to it.07:41
DaskreeCHcan we install Goolg gadgets support in Kubuntu ?07:56
ScottKNeed Firefox for that.07:58
DaskreeCHScottK: Serious?08:13
macoa user in #ubuntu today demonstrated https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/99740 with dolphin08:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99740 in firefox-3.1 "[MASTER] Firefox problems with desktop-effects" [Undecided,Fix released]08:21
macoas in, dolphin was fullscreen and no way to leave full screen except to switch from compiz to metacity08:21
macoonly commonality i know between dolphin and ff is: c++08:22
macothat seems silly08:22
DaskreeCHThey were using compiz ith Dolphin ?08:23
ScottKDaskreeCH: That's what I've been told.08:24
DaskreeCHScottK: Ugh.08:24
macognome user who likes dolphin08:24
DaskreeCHmaco: Sounds like abugin Compiz08:26
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davmor2Whats the actual name of the ublog plasmoid please11:38
davmor2should the the ublog app show what the people you're following are saying?11:40
Riddelldavmor2: twitter12:04
Riddellit shows a feed of friends but I've never quite worked out which12:04
davmor2Riddell: Yes twitter I can't even see that12:05
Riddelldavmor2: is knetworkmanager working for  you in the kubuntu installs?12:57
davmor2Riddell: It worked on the 2 wubi installs I just did as I connected to the web and ublog and amarok to magnatunes12:59
davmor2Riddell: I can try a cd install after12:59
Riddellthat's fine, it's taken to not doing any action for me, which is a problem other people were showing me last week before the 0.8 change13:00
davmor2not wubi sorry netboot13:00
Riddellinstall method is unlikely to make a difference13:01
Riddelldavmor2: have your tried OEM recently?13:01
davmor2Riddell: it failed chronically yesterday I can't see it being greatly improved today.  However I am running an oem test currently on ubuntu alt13:04
ryanakcaIs there somewheres on the daily CDs that shows the CD's date? At times I'm not sure which CD is which...13:05
Riddelloh well, thanks for trying13:05
davmor2ryanakca: how are you downloading them?13:07
ryanakcadavmor2: rsync.13:08
Riddellryanakca: you can check the md5sum13:14
davmor2ryanakca: why do you have more than one iso then?13:14
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 409966 ...possibly backport all new 2.0.3?13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409966 in jaunty-backports "please backport kontrolpack 2.0.2-0ubuntu1 from karmic to jaunty" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40996613:19
Riddellapachelogger: oh aye.  I keep forgetting the magic new backport commands is the trouble13:20
apacheloggerI see :)13:20
ryanakcadavmor2: burned CDs?13:21
jussi01hrm, is this qualifying for a paperkut? in dolphin, when I use a sftp:// address, it asks if I want to save the password (i do). if I use a smb:// address it does not ask, and I still do...13:48
Mamarokgah, I am off from #kubuntu a while, that Guest80840 chap is going on my nerves13:50
Riddellhow's this?  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha4/Kubuntu13:51
RiddellMamarok: seems that problem solved itself :)13:51
Mamarokjussi01: could you have a look there? now somebody tells people to use OS X...13:51
jussi01Mamarok: Im only vaguely here...13:52
ScottKjussi01: If it has an easy solution, then I think it could be a paperkut.13:52
jussi01ScottK: yeah, I just dont know if its an easy solution, hence Im asking here ;)13:53
ScottKTonio knows the most about the smb stuff here, I think.13:55
Mamarokgah, now he is spreading lies in #kde13:58
MamarokRiddell: could yu have a look there? >I am not Nepomuk/Strigi proof enough13:58
Mamarokyou* even13:59
apacheloggernepmuk is a lie :P14:01
asaci assume that no news is good news wrt knetworkmanager + kubuntu alpha4?14:02
asacRiddell: ?14:03
Mamarokwell, that guy pretends he can't stop it, and that is a blatant lie14:04
Riddellasac: it's working for our hard working tester davmor2, I'm seeing another bug where it doesn't start the connection at all, but I also had people report that when using NM 0.7 so it's an older issue14:04
davmor2asac: I is just about to do another kubuntu run so I can confirm shortly14:04
asacRiddell: ok as long as basic stuff works its good and better than before14:04
asacso 0.7.1 worked wrt to the fix we landed14:05
asacbut the last uploads we had in the archive should already have been broken simiarly14:05
rgreeningRiddell: is this uploaded to a PPA somewhere?14:05
asacRiddell: you sure those have workspace properly upgraded too?14:05
asacdavmor2: what should work is probably wired + wifi open,wep and wpa-psk14:05
Riddellrgreening: is what?14:05
asacalso would be interesting to test wpa-EAP14:05
asacbut i guess you dont have such an AP at hand?14:06
Riddellasac: I don't no14:06
apacheloggerI think mine does that14:06
asacok ... unless we know that i would think its a mismatch still14:06
asacapachelogger: not for now. but we should definitly try the various enterprise options14:07
davmor2asac: no I have 2 wireless one of which is a fon so has wep and open and my personal one which is wpa -psk I think14:07
asacwhich was always pretty broken for knetworkmanager ... and which i wanted to see improved this cycle finally14:07
rgreeningRiddell: knetwork managler :)14:07
Riddellrgreening: it's in the main karmic archive14:07
Riddellbirthday hug for seele!14:07
* apachelogger birthdayhugs seele14:08
asacapachelogger: i think you need to setup some radius server or something to make use of that.14:08
rgreeningoh... the updates you and asac are discussing has been uploaded to main?14:08
seeleyay hugs!14:08
smarterKonversation seems to create a "$HOME" directory in my home and puts the log in .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs there14:08
asacapachelogger: in case you do that it would be great to get a brain dump on a wiki somewhere14:08
* rgreening bear hugs seele *squish*14:08
smarterdoes it do that for anyone else?14:08
smarterhappy birthday seele :)14:08
asacrgreening: i am not sure. but i thought Riddell uploaded everything yesterday14:08
apacheloggersmarter: there is a BR about that, jonny is on it AFAIK, the issue is in kds14:08
asaccongrats seele!14:09
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Riddellasac: I did, and it's on the alpha 4 CDs14:09
rgreeninghmm... my wireless never worked last night...14:09
Riddellsmarter: yes that's the default settings14:09
asacrgreening: which version of   kdebase-workspace* ?14:09
* seele thanks everyone14:09
rgreeningasac: checking...14:09
* smarter just commited a crash fix to Konversation14:09
smarterI'll let someone else handle this bug :p14:09
apacheloggerI suppose jonny already committed a fix14:10
apacheloggera quickfix one might say14:10
smarterI'm on latest svn14:10
apacheloggerI mean to kds14:10
apacheloggeryus LogfilePath=.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs14:11
smarteroh, yes14:11
ScottKI thought the konversation thing got fixed already14:11
rgreeningasac 4:4.3.0b-0ubuntu1~ppa114:11
apacheloggerScottK: UNRELEASED it sez14:12
rgreeningoh man.... that 'b' rev came from a PPA and the one in main doesn't have the 'b'... Riddell/asac....14:12
ScottKrgreening: Need get get the package from the archive.14:12
asacrgreening: not sure if the ppa thing already has the fix14:12
asacrgreening: at best downgraded to archive version for now14:13
Riddellget rid of PPA versions14:13
asacwhich got prepatched14:13
ScottKasac and Riddell: no network detected here using the current archive packages.14:13
apacheloggerif someone sees tonio, please poke him into not exceeding 80 characters per line in debian/changelog14:13
smarterabout Arora: icefox has been working on wallet support for the last few days and should get it into master soon, I'll try to plug kwallet dbus api in that soon14:13
apacheloggeroh, actually14:13
asacScottK: driver?14:13
ScottKasac: bcmwl14:13
apacheloggerkwwii: don't exceed 80 characters per line in debian/changelog :P14:13
ScottKWorks fine with ifup/ifdown14:13
asacScottK: i guess you dont have nm-applet installed so you can cross check if its an applet issue at all?14:13
asacfeels like its a driver thing ... killall wpa_supplicant and reload the driver might help you get up to speed ;)14:14
ScottKasac: I don't, but I can switch back to /network/interfaces and get it.14:14
ScottKDoing a live cd test at the moment.  I'll report back in a bit.14:14
asacScottK: yeah. you can manually connect to stuff even if scanning is broken ;)... thats how drivers are. but i dont want to rule out a applet bug14:14
asacbut if someone says bcmwl my answer defaults to "driver" ;)14:16
asacespecially after suspend/resume its prone to go to bad state14:16
ScottKWhat's the package name for the gnome thing?14:17
asackillall knetworkmanager; nm-applet14:17
ScottKasac: nm-applet connects fine14:22
rgreeningZaReason will have Ubuntu/Kubuntu netbook options :)14:23
ScottKrgreening: Link?14:23
Riddellrgreening: ZaReason ?14:23
rgreeningI may buy one of those... after Karmic is fully baked14:24
asacScottK: symptoms for knetworkmanager are that you dont see any network at all?14:24
ScottKasac: Yes14:24
ScottKThis is also on Kubuntu Netbook, so I suppose if it works for other people, it's vaguely possible some plasma-netbook thing is breaking it.14:25
ScottKrgreening: Do you see wireless APs with the Knm thing?14:26
asacso when you dont see any ap in there, do you see the APs in nm-tool?14:27
rgreeningScottK: I have to restart, since I had to install the archive packages (stupid PPA and archive were mismatched)14:27
ScottKOK.  Please let me know.14:27
rgreeningwill do shortly...14:27
* asac wonders if there is a certain AP that somehow causes knetworkmanager to choke14:27
ScottKasac: I do see them (and connect) with the nm-applet14:27
asacok and switching back to knetworkmanager triggers the same symptoms?14:28
* ScottK tries14:28
apacheloggerlex79: when you commit to bzr, please just invoke debcommit, makes up way more useful messages :P14:30
apacheloggerlex79: and if you feel like it, you can use uploaders to use debcommit -R -r, which will also createa useful message + add a tag :D14:31
ScottKasac: It sees it now, but I still can't connect.  I click on the network to connect and nothing happens.14:31
asacthats the symptom we had before14:32
ScottKI'm going to reboot to make sure it couldn't see it due to something being cached14:32
asaci will verify the packages in archive after lunch14:32
rgreeningScottK: those were the symptoms I was having all along14:32
asacScottK: you could do a killall NetworkManager and run NetworkManager --no-daemon14:32
asacthen wait till the output has stopped and start knetworkmanager14:32
rgreeningasac: check to see if the patches applied (missing quilt is a possibility)14:32
ScottKasac: I'll remember that.  I hit reboot already.14:33
RiddellScottK: that's the bug I have14:33
asacScottK: yeah. some messages go to console ... especially those about bad config elements sent to NM14:33
asacso you will only see that in --no-daemon mode14:33
ScottKfortunately rebooting is much faster now14:33
asacnot for me ;)14:33
asacit hangs for ages probing for a non existing fd0 ;)14:34
asaci should file a bug as this seems to not go away ;)14:34
ScottKIt saw it after reboot.14:35
ScottKIt must have been some weirdness due to me switching from /etc/networking/interfaces14:35
asacRiddell: your patch is really not applied ;)14:35
asacsearch for tu_92_networkmanager_branch.diff14:36
asacits only in the changelog ;)14:36
ScottKThat'll do it.14:36
asaci am sure. its the same symptom we (supposely) fixed14:36
ScottKYep, not in the series file14:37
davmor2asac, Riddell: Bugger I need to install first I forgot about my crappy broadcom wifi in my laptop, to used the atheros in my netbook14:37
ScottKNot there at all actually.14:37
Riddellasac: !14:38
asacso i guess thats the reason14:38
asacok off for lunch14:38
asactomorrow i will take a swap day so talk to you on weekend or monday14:39
davmor2asac: I'll leave you a note on what worked14:39
asacdavmor2: yeah. but wait for the patch to actually land ;)14:39
asacwithout that it doesnt make much sense14:39
asacwired will work14:39
asacbut wifi not14:39
asac(i guess)14:39
ScottKI'm gonna toss it into my ppa and see14:41
yuriyso what's all this work going on with knetworkmanager? because it seems entirely nonfunctional to me14:41
ScottKThe patch was in bzr14:41
ScottKyuriy: missing patch in kdebase-workspace.  Just figured it out14:41
Riddellsorry all, my afault14:41
Riddellfix committed, will upload after testing14:42
asacA fault ... like a class A failure ?;)14:42
asacok just kidding14:42
* asac out14:42
ScottKRiddell: Was there more fixing needed than what was in bzr already?14:44
Riddellleaves the mystery of how it worked for davmor214:44
RiddellScottK: no just that patch added to debian/patches/series14:44
davmor2Riddell: wired14:44
yuriydoesn't really work for me on wired. sure i have a connection, but the applet doesn't actually do anything14:45
ScottKIf you got a connection, it did do something14:45
yuriyit lists all my network devices in the menu, some twice, with no useful information, clicking them doesn't do anything, and there is nothing listed in the manual configuration screen14:47
apacheloggerScottK: bug 358659 ... opinions about 1.?14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358659 in kubuntu-default-settings "Default tab layout in Konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35865914:47
apacheloggerScottK: I tend to think that a maximum of content should be targeted everytime, and hiding the tabbar unless there are tabs seems like a sensible way to archive this14:47
yuriyand no close buttons on tabs14:48
ScottKI like close buttons on tabs14:49
ScottKapachelogger: I think that both of those requests are enough opinion that will vary that we should not deviate from upstream.14:49
ScottKAny answer other than "we get it from upstream this way" is just one set of prefs over another.14:50
ScottKSo the bug needs upstreaming and should be answered there14:50
ScottKagateau: The quassel devs are interested in indicator integration.  You might give Sput a ping when you have a moment.14:51
davmor2Riddell: the desktop is very clicky you get a click before any sound plays and then a click shortly after it has played14:51
agateauScottK: great!14:51
Riddelldavmor2: blame sound people :)14:51
agateauScottK: but this will probably have to wait a bit: I can't work on Quassel this week, and I am off next week14:52
agateaubut it's in my plans to add support for indicators to Quassel14:52
ScottKagateau: Yes, but if upstream didn't want it, then I'd have been grumpy about us having a diff to maintain, so this is good.14:53
agateauScottK: true, we don't want you to be grumpy :)14:54
ScottKSomeone should talk to ZaReason and let them know we'll have a special netbook edition.14:58
apacheloggersmarter: ping ping ping15:06
smarter(and hi)15:06
apacheloggerdidn't you write some khtml-adblock-enhancement-patch or something?15:07
smarterat some point I tried to prevent it from going wild when presented with some lines15:08
smarterbut it didn't work :p15:08
smarterwhat are you looking at?15:09
apacheloggerbug 37237915:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372379 in kubuntu-default-settings "Konqueror ships ancient EasyList blocklist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37237915:09
apacheloggerbut now I found fancy shit15:09
smarterfancy indeed15:09
smarterwe probably can safely apply that(and poke upstream to apply it)15:11
apacheloggerhm, the fact that the khtml code is using so many indents makes me question it's speed15:12
apacheloggerwe need to ambush dfaure15:12
apacheloggersmarter: you lure him in here, then ScottK and moi can throw patches at him15:13
smarterheh :p15:13
smarterwhat patches?15:13
apacheloggerthen hopefully he applies em all before short term memory loss from the thrown patches appears15:13
davmor2Riddell: there's an issue here for pitti when he gets back :)15:14
apacheloggerthe ultimate crime15:14
apacheloggersmarter: the ones for that filter crap15:14
ScottKapachelogger: Just catch Riddell when he's tired and get him to apply them.15:14
davmor2Riddell: Jockey on live cd see's my broadcom wifi and nvidia gfx.  But the installed system doesn't15:14
apacheloggerdisclaimer: Riddell is mostly tired and thus mostly happily applies patches and sponsors uploads, not always though15:15
Riddelland I still can't work out how to do a backport :(15:16
apacheloggerScottK: applying it is not the problem, I just don't want the konqueror dudes coming down on us like a ton of bricks15:16
apacheloggerRiddell: tried --help?15:16
* apachelogger doesn't like new stuff that is not documented15:16
RiddellI think it's broken15:16
* ScottK thought apachelogger specialized in new stuff that is not documented15:16
apacheloggerRiddell: so undocumented and broken?15:17
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe we should just do a manual backport?15:17
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, so it can become old and documented ... ohloh sez my sources are among the best documented ones :D15:17
ScottKRiddell: Are you planning on respinning for the kdebase-workspace fix?15:18
RiddellScottK: no too late15:18
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I was just suprised you uploaded it.15:19
Riddellwell it's there for people once they've installed (and found a way to get on the network)15:19
ScottKWe need more netbook testers please.15:21
ryanakcaScottK: I can test in virtualbox, but I don't own a netbook15:21
ScottKryanakca: Sounds good.15:22
ScottKdavmor2: Can you do any Kubuntu Netbook?15:22
ryanakcaScottK: Just put up a list of things you want tested and I'll get to it15:23
* apachelogger falls off his chair because of lunchpad's incredible speed15:24
ScottKryanakca: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/2875 <- Anything with None is needed.15:24
apacheloggerI am wondering, why would we need install tests?15:25
apacheloggerI mean, for the netbook in specific15:25
ScottKapachelogger: Making sure all the screens fit for one.15:26
apacheloggerbut do we need each install type for that?15:26
ScottKYes.  Different screens15:27
ryanakcaScottK: first things first. Where's the Ubiquity icon to install it?15:27
ScottKMaybe not all of them each milestone15:27
ScottKCrap.  I thought we fixed that.15:27
apacheloggerI did too15:27
ScottKRight, it wouldn't be there on plasma-netbook.15:27
Riddellryanakca: known bug, click binocular icon and search for install15:27
apacheloggerall the fixing for nothing15:27
ScottKWe really need someone with Windows to try Wubi with netbook.  It didn't work at all in Alpha 3 and has allegedly been fixed.15:29
ryanakcaAlso, another thing. How do I switch between windows? The two cascaded windows icon in the top left corner leads me to believe that it should do something, let me pick an application, but clicking on it leads nowheres.15:30
ScottKryanakca: alt-tab works15:30
ryanakcaI'll move to -netbook15:31
macook. i haz kde svn access now15:34
Riddellyay for maco!15:34
* apachelogger thinks that maco could push the ad block patches :P15:35
Nightroseyay maco - congrats!15:43
apacheloggerNightrose: did we get a course of action on bug 9172415:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 91724 in kubuntu-default-settings "amarok no windows+c shortcut to pause anymore" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9172415:50
* Nightrose looks15:50
Nightroseapachelogger: hmm why is win+c not working?15:52
* Nightrose doesn't understand from the messy bugreport15:53
* apachelogger doesn't either15:53
apacheloggermight not be set upstream at all?15:53
* Nightrose can't find out as she's not at home and doesn't have a current amarok there either15:54
ScottKPPA version of the workspace changes is installing here now.15:54
Nightrosecan you ask in dev?15:54
macois there a way i could set it up so that my keyboards "Pause/Break" button acts as pause in Amarok, even when Amarok's not focused?15:54
Nightrosemaco: yes set them in shortcuts dialog as global shortcuts15:55
freeflyingScottK: I'm downloading kubuntu-netbook, will give you feedback later15:56
macoNightrose: ok. and thats in keyboard, not input actions..15:58
Nightroseyou can access it from within amarok15:58
Nightroseit's in one of the last menus15:58
* Nightrose goes back to QTreeView fighting15:59
ScottKfreeflying: Great.  It's still a bit rough, but one can begin to get the idea.15:59
ScottKStill no knetworkmanager love here.15:59
freeflyingScottK: its been ported to kde4?16:01
macofreeflying: yeah and then nm 0.8 broke it and then asac fixed it16:02
asacScottK: so you say workspace didnt fix it?16:04
ScottKasac: No.16:06
ScottKasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252572/16:07
ScottKfreeflying: Yes, it's KDE4, but not working so well at the moment.16:07
ScottKAt least not with bcmwl16:07
ScottKasac: That's the spew from NetworkManager --no-daemon16:08
asacScottK: so maybe the knetworkmanager patch wasnt applied either?16:08
* ScottK looks16:08
asacthose messages are exactly the symptom i fixed ;)16:08
asace.g. uuid bustage16:08
ScottKLP is slow to give me the build log.16:10
ScottKasac: Build log says the patch was applied16:13
davmor2ScottKI can now I'm back but it wont be for a minute or two16:13
* ScottK installed and then rebooted to be sure he was using the new package.16:14
asacScottK: so _with_ the workspace update you need the latest trunk for knetworkmanager as well16:16
ScottKbtw, for those of you having bluetooth troubles with kdebluetooth, blueman is a Gnome applet and drags a huge amount of stuff in, but actually works.16:16
ScottKasac: Where's that?16:17
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ I suppose you ought to go ahead and upload that for the same reason you did -workspace.16:17
ScottKasac: Not packaged yet?16:17
asacScottK: i dont know. i thought riddells upload would bump both to latest16:18
asacbut apparently not ;)16:18
* ScottK waits for Riddell to solve it then.16:18
ScottKBack to $WORK.16:18
asaci will check in a few minutes16:19
asacjust need to get the laptop16:19
RiddellI added the uuid patch to plasma-widget-networkmanagement16:21
davmor2ScottK: gnome-bluetooth is better still but probably pulls even more in16:22
asacRiddell: the patch alone wasnt enough if you bumped the workspace. anyway. i will check that after taking a quick break16:28
ryanakcaIs the installer KDE3 or 4?16:35
Riddellit's kDE 416:36
ryanakcaRiddell: ok, *files a bug*, it appears as KDE3 in krunner16:38
Riddellryanakca: huh?  how?16:39
ryanakcaRiddell: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/kne-kde3.png16:41
* apachelogger updates his ubiquity branch16:43
Riddellhum, where does that come from?16:43
apachelogger50 bucks that the desktop file is in applications/kde3/16:44
apacheloggerubiquity-frontend-kde: /usr/share/applications/kde/ubiquity-kdeui.desktop16:44
apacheloggerapparently krunner is much more inteligent than one would imagine16:45
apacheloggerryanakca: did you already file a bug?16:46
apacheloggerI got a fix ready for bzr ci, just need to know if it should fix a BR :S16:50
bmungeri filed a bug  8 days ago and it hasnt been looked at yet16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Translator forums/means of communication" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/816:50
ryanakcaapachelogger: no, not filed yet16:50
* apachelogger commits16:50
ryanakcaapachelogger: ok, I'll pass on the bug16:50
apacheloggerbmunger: sure it has, otherwise it wasnt invalid16:51
bmungerbut it hasnt been touched16:51
yuriylol @ ubottu16:52
bmungerBug #40949216:54
apacheloggerpfff, ubottu gets all the credit, even though only by me it became fun :S16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409492 in kdepim "Akregator cannot fetch any feeds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40949216:54
apacheloggergood thing I am not in ubuntu-installer16:58
ScottKbmunger: It works here16:58
apacheloggereventually I should just upload post-freeze and screw up their bzr log16:58
ghostcubehello peoples17:01
bmungerScottK, yes other people say it works too, but why does it not work on two different machines fully updated?17:01
ryanakcaShould by bugs be 'affects ubuntu/ubiquity' or 'affects ubuntu/ubiquity-frontend-kde' when testing ISOs?17:01
bmungerScottK, i use it all the tiem on my kubuntu 9.04 system17:02
lex79apachelogger: I have to use debcommit -R -r instead bzr commit -m "bla bla bla" ?17:06
apacheloggerlex79: no debcommit17:06
apacheloggerthe uploader has to issue debcommit -R -r17:06
ryanakcaRiddell: Is the fixing of bug 148715 a regression?17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 148715 in ubiquity "ubiquity-kde does not close installer's main window when it is installing the OS" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14871517:07
apacheloggerlex79: -R -r will use "releasing 0.2.3-0ubuntu1" as commit message and create a tag for that version,  in case you want to remember that until you are motu ;-)17:07
ScottKbmunger: No idea.17:07
ryanakcaSurprising how long testing a single iso image can take...17:08
ScottKbmunger: If I were you I'd suggest running akrogator from a konsole window and see if it spits any interesting error messages17:09
apacheloggermy guess would be on wrong network status information which makes akregator not even try17:10
asacScottK: did you put the workspace patch-applied package somewhere?17:12
lex79apachelogger: ah ok I'll remember :)17:12
ScottKasac: In my PPA.17:13
lex79ScottK: did you upload soprano-backend-sesame ?17:15
ScottKlex79: I did not.17:15
ScottKI got stopped by the archive mess up that Riddell has since fixed.17:15
Riddellryanakca: it should get sorted out with the slideshow stuff17:17
lex79yes, I read now...source in multiverse and binary in universe :)17:17
ryanakcaRiddell: So I can pass on the bug report?17:17
Riddellryanakca: add a comment saying it's pending the slideshow I guess17:17
Mamarokseele: Happy Birthday! *hugs* and *kisses*17:20
seeleMamarok: yaay! thanks!17:20
bmungerScottK, it doesn't.  i have tried that as well17:21
Mamarokseele: you share a birthday with a friend of mine from ubuntu-ops, Myrtti17:21
apacheloggerI don't get bug 35187417:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351874 in kubuntu-default-settings "[Kubuntu] GTK apps launched as superuser are unthemed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35187417:22
apacheloggerisn't the gtkrc set via an env var?17:22
apacheloggerif so, shouldn't this be preserved by kdesudo?17:22
bmungerit happens to me too17:23
Riddellit may well clean out the environment variables17:23
apacheloggerthen IMHO kdesudo should probably preserve that one :D17:23
asacok confirmed that knetworkmanager archive + workspace from kitterman doesnt work ... but thats expected17:23
asaclet me build a fresh trunk without any hacks inside for nm17:24
asac(my hacked tree worked with kitterman workspace)17:24
bmungerScottK, this is the messages it outputs but it doesnt seem like an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/252605/17:25
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose either kdesudo preservs that particular env var, or we patch kapplication to set it, which obsoletes the startkde stuff all together17:26
ScottKJFTR, the -worspace in my PPA should be what Riddell uploaded, but with a less pretty changelog17:27
ScottKbmunger: Yes.  All normal17:27
asacScottK: ok so just add the trunk diff to the knetworkmanger package from the revision currently used to latest trunk commit17:28
asaci would suggest to do a new orig.tar.gz with the snapshot info inside though17:28
asacbut if kubuntu usually adds patches thats your way ;)17:28
ScottKFor an svn snapshot, that's what we'd to17:29
ScottKFor the released -workspace a patch is more usual.17:29
asacScottK: you mean add patch or use a 4.3.0+svnXXXX orig?17:29
ScottKWill do in a bit.  Doing $WORK right now.17:30
apacheloggerwhat do we think about bug 26292417:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262924 in kubuntu-default-settings "[kubuntu] shared folder" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26292417:33
ScottKRiddell: I don't know if you caught it in the backscroll, but I did hit a 'works in firefox, but not arora' site last night.  It was the bulk picture uploader (flash based) at snapfish.com.17:43
Riddelllogging into revu is similarly broken for me17:45
lex79apachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-runner-amarok17:58
apacheloggerlex79: did I revu that already?18:00
apacheloggerwhat did I complain about?18:00
* apachelogger should add comments :D18:00
apacheloggerbug #34916518:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349165 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] plasma-runner-amarok" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34916518:01
lex79well, the problem was .hg directory, it disappears in this version (0.6)18:02
apacheloggeranything else?18:02
apacheloggerlooks good now18:02
lex79I added amarok to depends18:02
apacheloggersomeone please find out why the send comment button of revu looks like crap in konqueror18:02
apacheloggerpretty pretty please18:03
lex79btw, I uploaded to LP a new version of rekonq :)18:04
lex79launchpad bug 41316918:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413169 in rekonq "New upstream release rekonq 0.1.98" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41316918:04
* apachelogger doesn't wanna revu updates outside of revu18:09
apacheloggertoo much of a PITA18:09
apacheloggerRiddell: suggestions on how to get rid of the battery applet on PCs?18:33
* apachelogger finds it rather stupid having it sit in the panel and waste space until poor user removes it manually18:34
apacheloggerI am just wondering when kopete will support emotes from icon theme18:40
* apachelogger thinks he has a package somewhere which makes the emotes from oxygen go with the scheme kopete uses18:40
apacheloggeror maybe not anymore18:42
apacheloggergotta go18:42
tester_ScottK: Hello just testing quassel19:06
ScottKHello tester_19:06
tester_my god the text is monsterous19:06
ScottKNeeds a new setting19:06
ScottKDue to the just landed styling changes.19:07
ScottKYou can fix that in the setting menu19:07
davmor2ScottK: the text around quassel is fine it's just in the main text window it's bloody huge.  The name and input text feels right for the size of display19:08
ScottKYep.  That's the exact one I noticed too19:08
ScottKSput: ^^^ Is that something you'll fix?19:09
SputScottK: I think the default stylesheet shouldn't set the point size of the font, and maybe even not specify a font at all (in which case the default app font would be used)19:10
Sputdoes that sound like it makes sense?19:10
Sputwe're currently setting the font to Monospace and the size to I believe 10pt19:10
Sputbut yeah, I think that should go.19:11
davmor2Sput, ScottK: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/quassel.png I think19:13
Sputjust curious, what is your standard font size?19:14
Sputjust because 10pt shouldn't be *that* large on a normal setup :)19:14
ScottKSput: It even says 7 point when you open the preference window (and setting it to 7 again makes it smaller)19:15
SputScottK: yeah, the settings dialog starts with your default font, not with the one that was set in the stylesheet (yet another reason to get rid of that setting)19:16
ScottKSput: So why is that section the only part sized differently?19:18
davmor2ScottK: take a look at krandr taskbar open it up and note the tiniest rectangle in the world to display :)19:19
SputScottK: because the default stylesheet said ChatLine { font: 10pt Monospace } :)19:19
SputI fixed it now19:19
ScottKSput: Cool.19:19
Sputjust removing this should make Quassel use your default system font19:20
ScottKdavmor2: So that one's fix committed upstream.19:20
ScottKdavmor2: krandrtray seems normal here19:21
ScottKRiddell: I put https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma to be linked from the Alpha 4 release notes.19:22
davmor2ScottK: it works fine it just had a tiny display.  Once I made it full screen and split the display 50 50 it looks okay now19:22
davmor2I'm on about the lvds1 green box in the right hand portion of the window by the way which is now clearer after enlarging it19:24
ScottKOh.  I see that19:26
davmor2ScottK: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/krandr.png19:29
davmor2if you then open it full screen and split the bottom window 50-50 it's then usable19:29
ScottKdavmor2: Tried it again and got the same.  Please file a bug.19:29
ScottKWith the screenshot19:29
davmor2ScottK: np's19:30
txwikinger_workScottK: I will look at the ichthux stuff on the weekend if that is ok19:30
ScottKtxwikinger_work: Great19:31
* txwikinger_work is busy building 250 IBM blades19:31
txwikinger_worknice pieces of equipment... 96GB of RAM19:31
ScottKI need to get back to $WORK, but https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha4/Kubuntu still has a bunch of Alpha 3 references.  Someone perhaps could go over it.19:36
=== milian_ is now known as milian
ScottKRiddell: It'd probably be handy to add something in there about agateau's notification unification work.19:41
davmor2ScottK: most other things seem to be okay-ish.  I've made out a bug for krandr and added the 2 screenshots before and after for comparison19:47
ScottKdavmor2: Great.19:47
ScottKUpstream has already said they plan to use our bugs as a work list for plasma-netbook19:48
davmor2ScottK: Oh well in that case I'll have a proper look over the weekend for you :)19:49
ScottKdavmor2: Reading some of the link in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma would probably help make sure you understand where it's headed and what needs bugs filed.19:50
davmor2ScottK: on the newspaper screen what is the big black rectangle it doesn't seem to do anything19:50
ScottKdavmor2: rss reader19:51
davmor2ScottK: I'll have a read through that then.19:51
ScottKdavmor2: It'd be handy to know if wubi installation at least works now.19:51
davmor2doesn't on anything else we think it might be grub2 that is the cause.  It installs the windows part but when you reboot you can't get past grub without the system rebooting19:53
ScottKRight, but before on KNE we couldn't even do the windows part.19:53
ScottKUp to no more broken than anything else would be progress19:54
davmor2I'll let you know.  I had a linux netbook and to install windows on it takes a while :( so I won't be doing it today19:55
a|wenScottK: the alpha 4 page has been cleaned up a bit19:58
ScottKa|wen: Excellent19:58
ScottKdavmor2: I think a wubi install of the netbook iso on any windows is an adequate test.  Doesn't have to be on an actual netbook19:59
davmor2ScottK: that I can do in no time :)20:03
davmor210 minutes to get xp on my test box + install time get back to you in about 20 minutes give or take20:05
nixternalshtylman: wow dude, ubiquity looks hot20:17
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
a|wenuhh... updating my KNE removes kde3 libs21:01
Quintasanhmm, what does akonadi microblog resource does?21:19
yuriypresumably stores data for microblogging?21:20
=== word__ is now known as word
a|wentwo greatly missing features in KNE; seeing which applications is open... and shutting down / logging out?!21:58
apacheloggersounds about right22:01
* a|wen thought he was going crazy and is greatly relieved22:04
DaskreeCHYou had already left crazy?22:05
micmorda|wen: i filed two bug reports in plasma-netbook about missing features22:09
a|wenDaskreeCH: well luckily ctrl+alt+f1 worked to issue "sudo poweroff" ;)22:11
a|wenmicmord: great ... hopefully very high on the list already22:11
ScottKa|wen: Touching the power button brings up the logout/shutdown dialogue.  Still needs more work though22:25
a|wenScottK: ahh, i'll remember that ... looks pretty slick though; we are definitely going in the right direction22:27
ScottKa|wen: If you have some coding time, upstream is very interested in contributions.22:28
* a|wen waves his totally non-existing C++ skills :/22:28
DaskreeCHOy! There are laws against doing that in public!22:30
a|wenScottK: another thing ... we should look into default font settings for gtk-apps like openoffice (do we know if that is possible?)22:30
ScottKDunno.  Good idea.22:31
a|wenDaskreeCH: oh no, not laws; has been a bad day for that :/ ...  his governmen is kicking hunted people home to almost certain death (cause so is the law, they say), and people demonstrating against it is being run-over by the police :(22:34
DaskreeCHGovernemnt andlaw sometimes have very little to do with each other22:36
a|wenvery true22:37
ScottKapachelogger: Different *rc files for plasma-netbook than plasma-desktop so it's probably a KNDS issue to provide the battery widget hint.22:40
a|wenapachelogger: regarding the battery-widget on desktops ... possible to run a kconf-update (or the like) on first start of KDE using the output from laptop-detect22:46
apacheloggera|wen: that sounds sensible I suppose, fancy implementing it? :)22:52
apacheloggerScottK: yes, but, now, but yes, for plasma-netbook the rc would be much more complex, also generally the shell itself should load the battery widget22:53
apacheloggerthat is what plasma-desktop does by default22:53
a|wenapachelogger: sure, i can look at it ... any fancy kconf scripts to use as inspiration?22:53
apacheloggera|wen: I think we have one in python for the kwin settings removal22:58
apacheloggera|wen: otherwise you could use anything in the konf_update folder as inspiration22:58
apacheloggerI suppose you just need to pass the file through the script and add an appropriate section if device is laptop22:58
a|wenor if we have it in the default file ... remove it if it is not a laptop23:00
a|wenbut thx ... i'll give it a go23:00
DaskreeCHDoes it make sense to package http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/containments/ ?23:03
Riddellrevu wanted http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/zanshin23:30
apacheloggerRiddell: ./src/kdateedit.cpp: LGPL (v2 or later)23:32
apachelogger./src/kdatepickerpopup.cpp: LGPL (v2 or later)23:32
apacheloggerotherwise good23:32
Riddelldrat and blast23:33
apacheloggerMario Bensi <nef@ipsquad.net> also claims copyright on quite some files ... besides the two from above having more copyright holders than ervin23:34
Riddelldo we care about the new new machine readable copyright format?23:37
apacheloggerRiddell: not really, though I find it easier to read23:38
apacheloggeralso by humans23:39
apacheloggerdefault copyright got a quite crappy formatting23:39
nelleryRiddell: I see a missing copyright for 2008-2009 Mario Bensi <nef@ipsquad.net>23:43
Riddellhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/zanshin updated23:50
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/karmic-alpha-4 published23:50
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are Kubuntu | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/karmic-alpha-4 | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
apacheloggerRiddell: complete copy of the lgpl missing + it should be License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 + underneath you need a licnese text23:53
apacheloggersee http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat#StandaloneLicenseSection23:53
apacheloggerlicense text can be23:54
apachelogger On Debian systems the full text of the GNU General Public License can be found23:54
apachelogger in the `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' file.23:54
Riddellapachelogger: "NOTE: THIS PAGE IS NOT CURRENT"23:56
RiddellNOTE: THIS PAGE IS NOT CURRENT uses "or" not "|"23:57
nelleryRiddell: zanshin-0.1+svn1006410/src/actionduedatedelegate.*:   Copyright 2008 Thomas Thrainer <tom_t@gmx.at>23:57
nellerymissing too23:57
Riddellnellery: you don't need to list every copyright holder23:57
=== asac__ is now known as asac

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