
Mamarokkub1: look at the main server then: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/00:00
kaddiis monodevelop the default package to use mono on ubuntu?00:00
aaronis putting the pcm.!defualt line in the asound.conf file the same as moving the sound card pulse up to the top of the list in the system settings under multimedia in kde?00:01
Mamarokkaddi: no idea, KDE doesn't use mono00:01
aaronwhat about clt.!default?00:02
Mamarokaaron: the default in KDE is to not use pulseaudio :)00:02
aaronim trying to setup pulseaudio and im lost on that00:02
kaddiMamarok I know, but I want to run a .NET application which I think can only be done using mono, no?00:02
Mamarokaaron: use the phonon-xine-backend and avoid pulseaudio, KDE doesn't need it00:02
aaronmy problem is i have a usb headset with mic00:03
aaronand i cant make it work with wine vent00:03
Mamarokit tends to cause more problems than anything else, and alsa is very well able to handle sound00:03
aaroni can either get sound from the main speakers, or sound from the headphones but not both00:03
Mamarokaaron: that depends on your sound card, I don't think pulse will solve anything there00:04
aaroni was told to use pulse, and recompile wine with pulse backend00:04
aaronthen you can move the audo to a certain source manually?00:04
Mamarokaaron: that would be in kmix then00:04
aaroni installed pulse and it does have the feature to link sound cards and such and its what im looking for00:04
Mamarokaaron: make sure you have all the necessary channels activated there00:05
Dragnslcrkaddi- monodevelop is an IDE. You don't need it to run .Net programs through Mono00:05
Mamarokaaron: well, I can't help you with pulse and believe me, you are better off without00:05
aaroni guess if i dont figure it out i can remove it, you just recoment phonon?00:05
kaddiDragnslcr so what do I need to install to have normal basic mono? I did a seach with apt, but didn't really see a package that would install it00:05
aaronthe problem is, in wine vent, you only can choose direct sound, and it never picks the headphones00:06
Mamarokkaddi: well, just install the application, that's it, if it is in the repositories it will get the dependencies right anyway00:06
aaroni figured pulse would help00:06
Mamarokaaron: I can even help less with wine, I don't use it at all00:07
aaronthe only way i semi made it work was make the usb sound 0 in the devices and reboot00:07
aaroni guess if i cant figure it out, ill uninstall and try something else :)00:07
Mamarokaaron: maybe you get more help in wine?00:07
Mamarok#wine IIRC00:07
aaronill check it out00:08
kaddiMamarok yes but when I search for mono I get monodevelop, monodoc and ilContrast nothing else, so I am looking for the package which will install mono00:08
aaronthanks for your help00:08
kaddiit's #winehq iirc00:08
Mamarokkaddi: why do you need to install mono in the first place?00:08
kaddiMamarok I know, but I want to run a .NET application which I think can only be done using mono, no?00:08
Mamaroka binary is a binary, it should be compiled with the necessary dependencies by default00:08
kaddiit's a windows binary00:09
Dragnslcr!info mono-2.0-runtime | kaddi00:09
ubottukaddi: mono-2.0-runtime (source: mono): Mono runtime (2.0). In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-4 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 64 kB00:09
DragnslcrYour search-fu is weak00:09
* Mamarok needs sleep00:10
Mamarokgood night everyone00:10
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
kaddiI found it with google, thanks anyway00:11
seanjHello. Tried to load my music from /host into amarok but nothing happened. Then amarok asked me to install plugins, but I still can't get my music to load. I tried the help section but it says index.html could not be found.00:19
milo_please hw do i dwnld videos from dailymotion? clive isn't doing it00:19
seanjHm, some support channel/.00:23
big---benhey guys. i want to add another user to my kubuntu, who *DOESN'T* have anny access to /media/backup (hard drive partition). chmod ben:ben /media/backup and chmod 700 /media/backup?00:24
milo_please hw do i dwnld videos from dailymotion? clive isn't doing it00:25
seanjGet better support from Microsoft, which is sad. Bye.00:25
jhutchinsIs there a color printer that will print CD's (directly) that works well with linux?00:28
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reya276Hoe can I play .SWF files01:20
avihaybreya276: you mean without a browser?01:20
avihaybthere are two opensource projects with high compatability, or the macromedia/adobe original01:21
reya276ok so what can I use to play the file01:21
reya276usually Totem on Gnome would allow you to or is it .FLV files01:22
avihaybI prefer the macromedia original, because I had display driver problems that slowed my rendering, and the original was the only one to sinc them properly01:22
reya276no I think is .FLV files01:22
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/01:22
reya276yes but how do you install the original01:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swfdec01:23
avihaybwell it's on adobe's site, but its called flash player projector offline debugger, I'll find you a link01:24
reya276ok thanks01:24
avihayblook for Linux Debugger and Standalone Players for Flash Developers01:25
reya276avihayb: ok thanks01:29
zuz_how can i uninstall opera in kubuntu?01:33
zuz_flash isnt working, im going to try a different version01:33
avihaybzuz_ can't you uninstall opera with the package manager?01:33
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zuz_no i cant uninstall it from KPackageKit or Adept01:39
zuz_actually i just did nm01:41
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zuz_now i need to find a way to get moonlight, i thought i had, is there a way to see if i have it?01:45
zuz_see, im trying to play netflix movies here01:45
zuz_anyone know how to get opera (shared) for kubuntu?01:52
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:53
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zuz_tsimpson: will that work in Kubuntu without having QT installed?01:59
zuz_I wanted to see if i could get a shared version to see if i flash works02:00
tsimpsonif you have Kubuntu or KDE, you have Qt02:00
tsimpsonKDE is built-upon Qt02:00
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zuz_i cant find a way to get opera02:07
zuz_i must be doing something wrong02:07
zuz_i got it from their site and had it installed02:08
zuz_but then i saw that the static version wouldnt play flash02:08
tsimpsondo you want the stable, beta or snapshot version?02:08
zuz_stable that plays flash  :)02:08
tsimpsonadd "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ lenny non-free" to your /etc/apt/sources.list02:09
tsimpsonor add it via the GUI02:09
zuz_im using kubuntu 9.04 btw02:11
zuz_the lenny non-free works there?02:11
tsimpsonyes, it's what I use here02:11
zuz_the lenny non-free works there??02:12
zuz_ooops type it wrong02:12
zuz_once i add that up, then what should i type?02:13
tsimpsonyou can just install the "opera" package like any other02:13
zuz_its not showing in adept02:13
zuz_let me check kpackagekit02:13
tsimpsonmake sure to update the package list02:14
el_What tool would I use to benchmark my RAM-performance?02:15
zuz_of course.... its case sensitive even in the search box02:15
zuz_duh me02:15
tsimpsonel_: best way is to boot into memtest86+ from grub02:16
tsimpsonzuz_: no problem02:17
zuz_yeah flash still wont work02:24
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annunakhihello ?02:45
Daskreech!hi | annunakhi02:45
ubottuannunakhi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:45
Alecchow to download drivers for kubuntu 8.0402:49
annunakhiOk - My name is Vladimir, 22 yo. Corporal in US Army - right now in Iraq - I do C++ ad .NET - this is new to me but I am pretty quick to catch-up. COuld yo pls explain me what is the purpose of this function ?02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers02:50
Daskreechannunakhi: Function of what?02:50
DaskreechThis room?02:51
zuz_Alecc are there any drivers to be installed in your System/hardware drivers?02:51
DaskreechAlecc: Drivers for what?02:51
zuz_!hi Daskreech02:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi Daskreech02:51
zuz_!hi | Daskreech02:51
ubottuDaskreech: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:51
Daskreech!hi | zuz_02:51
ubottuzuz_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:51
Aleccsound drivers02:51
DaskreechAlecc: I'm guessing for a Sound blaster ?02:51
annunakhiQuassel IRC - is this some sort o lets share experiences chat ?02:52
Alecchow about for AcerPower 4100 sound Driver?02:52
Daskreechannunakhi: IRC in general is for discussion of some sort This room is for support of Kubuntu02:52
Daskreechannunakhi: type /join #kubuntu-offtopic02:53
DaskreechAlecc: can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C audio ?02:53
annunakhiI see... So... All my questions and problems could be basically solved with peer-to-pee if I have to... Genious.. Not bad for opensource02:53
Daskreechannunakhi: Or the community :)02:54
Alecchow can i do that? where will i go?02:54
Daskreech!sound | Alecc Also you can read this02:55
ubottuAlecc Also you can read this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:55
Daskreech!paste | Alecc For the pastebin02:55
ubottuAlecc For the pastebin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:55
DaskreechAlecc: Ah sorry you need somemore help? :) New to LInux?02:55
annunakhiI could imagine... It took me 2 weeks to actually figure out most of what I needed in Linux, my major problem is softare  atm. I need a good picture editor like photoshop - and i need to figure out what is happening to my software updates because I keep installing them but they dpo not appear in my programs sections... Im puzzled... Also would be great to know ytf  my spash screens are not working - and why is the Moodle plugin nowhere to be found in li02:57
annunakhi soft02:57
Daskreechannunakhi: Not all your questions. How to get the perfect cheesecake using margarine instead of butter might have some problems being solved02:58
DaskreechThough I'm sure I could find a room that would do it02:58
Daskreech!info krecipe02:58
ubottuPackage krecipe does not exist in jaunty02:58
Daskreechannunakhi: try Gimp02:58
annunakhiHAHA ))) Well  - I will restrain from those then... Em.. WHat rounds does a m4 rifle take again ? .. Wait.. thats a wrong question too aint it )))02:59
annunakhiGimp - is soft ?  Mkay ... Gona try... ANy idea why soft I insrall aint showing up - is this an extention issue or something ?02:59
DaskreechWhat software did you install?03:00
zuz_Daskreech: do you have any games to recommend?  something to pass the time...03:02
Daskreechzuz_: 0_003:03
annunakhi1 sec  primary im concearned bout 1) imagemagick / 2) Karbon / thats 2 to start with - rest of stuff - needs a plugin called Moode - cait find it anywhere03:03
Daskreechannunakhi: You want krita not karbon.03:03
annunakhiZUZ_ - A good game to play here is WARZONE 2100 - Get to lvl 3 - then its gettign Real fun )03:03
DaskreechKarbon is a vector graphics app not a photo/bitmap manipulator like Photoshop03:04
Daskreechannunakhi: But Krita is in a state of flux now. Gimp is a good choice03:04
annunakhiLrita. Ok. Right., ok. THis is helping. Im stuck iin a midle f desert with slow internet and noone who knows a damn about linux. im glad I got u here to help ) lol. So well. SUp wit  Krita ?03:05
Daskreechannunakhi: It's still in transistion between KDE3 and KDE4 so It's interesting but not quite ... nice03:05
zuz_gimp is near photoshop03:05
zuz_pretty good picture editing program03:06
DaskreechIf you really want to get some work done then Gimp is where you want to be right now03:06
Daskreech!info gimp03:06
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4297 kB, installed size 12472 kB03:06
Daskreechzuz_: What games do you like? Will solitare suffice?03:06
annunakhiGimpok.my software applicaton - doesnt see anything about Gimp..... IS that a full name - its easier for me to install shit with a prompt... Kinda used to it already - prompt dotnt really fuck up and do mistakes. Lol03:06
zuz_Daskreech, solitaire is too basic, wanted some kind of action, preferably online, Ive been trying to install planeshift but i dont even think this laptop supports it due to a low grade graphics card03:08
Daskreechzuz_: Battlezone is good03:08
DaskreechFPS are there03:08
zuz_yeah i play Counter strike very often03:08
Daskreechzuz_: In fact let me blow your head open a little http://happypenguin.org03:08
DaskreechNexuiz tremulos warzone as annunakhi points out03:09
zuz_cool lots of choices03:10
annunakhiAlrightyt - Ubbot - Dask - TY. Gimp loading.03:11
indystormok! So I have just installed kubuntu! now what? :)03:12
Daskreechannunakhi: :-D03:12
Daskreechindystorm: Parttttyyyyy!!!!03:12
annunakhiNow... ANy ideas about dag on Moode thing ? THats something to do with splashes acting stupid and not really loading.... U kow lots opf stuff do that... I take it... Its because my dumb ass decided to get  THIS distribution and in THOIS particular time of transition )) HA )03:12
Daskreechthen start getting other stuff installed03:12
BlueFaceMonsterCan anyone remind me what the default KDE package manager is in 4.2? I've 'accidently' removed it, reinstalledc 'kpackage' and it turns out that's not what I was after!03:13
annunakhiIm sticking to it tho. I a programer I can figure this out03:13
Daskreechannunakhi: What's moode?03:13
annunakhiSupposed to be an Engine for a kind of Splashes for load-up03:13
DaskreechHmm I don't know it then03:14
annunakhiMy bad03:14
Daskreech!info moodin03:14
ubottuPackage moodin does not exist in jaunty03:14
Daskreechannunakhi: Ah Umm Well looks like that doesn't work with KDE4 anymore03:15
DaskreechGimmie a moment let me try and find out03:15
zuz_Indystorm: play around kubuntu, find your way around the programs, im sure you will want to install firefox and the extra addons, java, flash etc03:15
annunakhiI take it it is same problem with the rest of stuff I am installing..... Hm.............03:16
annunakhiIts odd  cuz its same problem im getting with KDE-feel or.. KDE-look .... whichever . org... And it IS supposed to be KDE...\03:17
Daskreechannunakhi: Ok yes it's KDE3 which was rewritten :)03:18
annunakhiWell. kk. Dusk. Im loading you in my "good list"... lol GOt to tyake a nap - i have to go on guard here in 3.wel.. be there... in 3...well no.. now in 2 hours and 40 mins... Ha. But I justcouldnt stand a thought of not trying out what this function oes.. Cuz it has been bugging me for a while now...03:18
annunakhiGreat )) Now how do I get that junk to WORK ))) Lol )) IS there a pluging ))03:19
annunakhiIts a joke03:19
annunakhiIm making fun of opensource )03:19
annunakhiI love it tho i aint gona lie )03:19
Daskreechthere is acutally03:19
Daskreechso laugh all you want :)03:19
annunakhioh wow03:19
DaskreechHope to see you around03:20
annunakhiTHis is BEYOND humor now03:20
annunakhiOh you will - I need someone who can help me get this thing together :-P ... ) hagn03:20
annunakhi.. lets see... hm...03:21
annunakhi quit ?03:21
DaskreechGood move :)03:22
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Guest63486hows everyone doing tonight04:03
zuz_getting full of frosted flakes04:03
Guest63486who could argue with that04:03
zuz_with MILK!   @ #kubuntu-offtopic04:04
Guest63486hey, hey... even better!04:04
Guest63486anyone else enjoying the new kubuntu? i think it looks alot better then the outgoing one04:06
zuz_KDE 4.3?04:07
zuz_i think i feel a little performance improvement, but again, it can just be my head since i read it before i installed it04:08
zuz_i like it04:08
zuz_I wanted to know if there is a noticeable performance difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu04:09
hackerxfeels like it04:09
zuz_what feels like it?04:09
zuz_which one has better performance?04:10
Guest63486i think kubuntu04:10
hackerxseems kubuntu is a bit faster04:10
zuz_have you tried both?04:10
Guest63486ubuntu seems to be more of memory hog04:10
zuz_i hate that04:10
zuz_I wanted to test BackTrack but im not linux ready for it yet  :)04:11
Jontyis there an alternative to the network-manager plasma applet that doesn't freeze plasma every time I lose a connection?04:11
zuz_but I saved a partition for it once i get to know linux better04:12
zuz_only thing i envy about ubuntu is their channel  :)04:14
zuz_its non-stop04:14
Guest63486this could be04:14
Guest63486we just need to get some talkative people in here04:14
zuz_Daskreech is one of the few that regularly helps people here04:15
DaskreechAnd I'm going home :)04:15
Guest63486im new here myself04:15
DaskreechWelcome to Kubuntu04:15
Guest63486been a windows perso for years made the switch few weeks back04:15
zuz_what do you mean going home?04:15
Guest63486not missing xp04:16
DaskreechI mean I'm going home04:16
Guest63486you at work?04:16
zuz_where are you at now?04:16
Daskreechsson see you all04:16
zuz_later bud04:16
Guest63486audios daskreech04:16
Guest63486anyone watch cris parillo?04:17
Guest63486or however you spell his last name04:17
zuz_but i also got into kubuntu about 5 weeks ago04:18
ravimaddulacan any one help me how to configure my blooth as a wireless acesspoint  for mobile users04:18
Guest63486nice.. what did you switch from?04:18
=== Guest63486 is now known as jason
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zuz_actually i gtg to the woman, hope to see you again here04:19
Guest18743see you later zuz04:19
zuz_I got 4 computers in this room, this laptop was given to me cuz of a bad HD, which never failed again lol04:20
zuz_and i was playing with kubuntu live cd04:20
zuz_but i got a beautiful woman calling me hehe later all04:20
ravimaddulahi plse respond me04:20
ravimaddulahow to configure my bluetooth as an acessspoint for mobile cell phones04:22
ravimaddulaany body04:22
ravimaddulato share internet connection04:22
zuz_ravimaddula: if you dont have a response here, try #ubuntu  sometimes people here are idle but they are very active, just remember to let them know you got Kubuntu04:25
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DaskreeCHzuz_: hi05:14
jslusherI'm new to kde on ubuntu. I just created a user and I'm trying to Click on System > Administration > Network. It starts and then dies. I'm guessing it's a permissions thing, but I don't know how to fix it.05:35
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VoltaireHey guys I got a dolphin question05:59
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Voltaireoh wait maybe I don't06:00
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Voltaireok I do06:04
Jason1986hows it going in this room tonight?06:04
Voltaireseems dead06:04
Jason1986dead huh.. thats pretty sad06:04
Jason1986could be worse06:05
Voltairecould be dead dead completely daed06:05
Jason1986i rest my case06:05
Voltairepossibly another person maybe?06:06
Jason1986anything is possible06:06
Voltaireahh yes but doubtful06:07
Jason1986ill have to side with you on that06:07
Voltaireah well06:08
Jason1986so voltaire what are you up to?06:08
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Voltaireohhh, not to much, trying to doliphin to mount a sftp shared folder06:10
Jason1986now that sounds promiseing06:10
VoltaireThere is probably a really easy way to do it but I can't seem to figure it out06:11
Jason1986your guess is as good as mine, ive only been in kubuntu for a week or so06:11
Voltairehaha, yeah honestly I'm just using ubuntu, but doliphin is kde soo06:12
Jason1986well that works too06:13
Voltairebut long story short using a vnc connection from my mactop to share screen on my white box fileserver to transfer files from a imac thats been gutted, had serval firewire drives changed together and hooked up the the tv. and06:14
Voltaireso what are you to jason06:15
Jason1986watching king of the hill06:15
Voltaireahh got it, and I feel stupid06:18
Voltaireall right, well I'm going to try transfer a bunch of movies. Night Jason06:20
Jason1986night bud06:20
kanglecd /home06:40
StupidWeasel_Hello kangle .06:40
kanglehi, i am login first.06:41
kangleand what is this?06:42
leaf-sheepkangle: Explain more than *just* that.06:44
kangle- -!06:46
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Guest68806anyone know why any of my messengers wont connect to yahoo?07:30
jadodoes someone know a linux software to play piano (with the computer keyboard)?07:47
EagleScreena virtual piano?07:48
jadoEagleScreen: yes07:48
DaskreeCHI would guess there is some look for synth stuff07:52
jadoI'm trying to install the source from there: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/#Download but when i write 'cmake' i get the help of cmake i am asked a path or something08:01
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DaskreeCHjado: What's vmpk ?08:13
DaskreeCH!info vmpk08:13
ubottuPackage vmpk does not exist in jaunty08:13
jadoDaskreeCH: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/ look at the top of this page08:14
usnetПо русски кто нить грит?08:14
macousnet: #ubuntu-ru08:15
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:15
DaskreeCHusnet: привет :-)08:15
macoO_O THAT is how they latin-ify "please"?08:15
usnetDaskreeCH дарова08:15
macothat doesnt look like how i pronounce it...i expected more like pozhausta08:16
DaskreeCHjado: If you are in the  directorytry cmake .08:16
jadoDaskreeCH: yes thanks :)08:16
* DaskreeCH waves at maco08:17
macoDaskreeCH: bi pycckNN?08:18
macooh god i need to fgure out how to type in cyrillic in kde08:18
macoi was able to do it in gnome....08:18
DaskreeCHWell I'm off to bed08:18
DaskreeCHnight all08:18
dignanHi, how do I change the theme in Gnome on ubuntu gutsy gibbon?08:30
DaskreeCHdignan: I would guess from the Appearance dialog but #ubuntu would know more08:31
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.08:31
dignan#ubuntu told me to ask here08:31
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions08:32
dignanyea i just upgraded from dapper08:33
dignanhello any1 here/08:33
DaskreeCHdignan: You cannot upgrade from dapper to gutsy08:34
dignanI don't know why you'd think that08:34
dignani just did it08:34
DaskreeCHAnd Ubuntu would have no reason to ask you to come here for a Gnome question08:34
dignanthis is the channel for the gnome version, duh08:34
DaskreeCHdignan: Oh wait no sorry I thought you said hardy :-) Whoops08:34
dignanthat's why i came here08:34
dignanoh heh08:34
DaskreeCHdignan: It is not read the topic08:34
dignanso I should ask in #kubuntu-offtopic08:35
dignani get it i'm not on topic, sorry08:35
DaskreeCHNO You should ask in #ubuntu08:35
dignanthey told me to ask here08:35
dignanthis is the channel for the gnome version08:35
jadoi'm currently trying vmpk (virtual midi piano keyboard) and it seems that i have a midi problem since i have no sound08:36
DaskreeCHdignan: again whoever told you that is wrong and reading the topic in both channels should clear that up08:36
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:37
dignanso whats the k stand for08:37
dignanin kubuntu08:37
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:37
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:37
dignani'm not using gnome08:37
dignani got kde08:37
dignanmy mistake, sorry08:38
DaskreeCHThen stop asking for Gnome specific help :)08:38
dignani thought it was gnome08:38
DaskreeCHNope KDE08:38
dignanso that means i can run any windows app, right?08:38
DaskreeCHdignan: alt+F2 -> systemsettings08:38
DaskreeCHdignan: No it doesn't it means you have KDE08:38
dignanI thought kde could run windows app08:39
dignanthat's why its so popular08:39
DaskreeCHThat would be wine08:40
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:40
DaskreeCHand it doesn't care if you have Gnome or KDE or anything other than X08:41
dignansorry, i'm not native english08:41
dignanthank you for your help08:42
jadoDaskreeCH: on your page i'm trying for fluidsynth but there is no linux-lowlatency package08:42
DaskreeCHdignan: That's fine. Would you like a channel for your native language?08:42
dignanjust one more question: how can I get rid of the spyware?08:42
dignando you have a channel for hindi?08:43
DaskreeCHdignan: I'm not sure what spyware you mean08:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hindi08:43
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India08:43
FloodBotK2DaskreeCH: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
dignanthis computer is full of spyware08:43
dignanever sinec I install kubuntu08:43
DaskreeCHdignan: In Linux?08:43
DaskreeCHwhat kind of spyware?08:43
dignanlike want a hot date, etc etc08:43
dignanwhenever i use the internet browser08:44
DaskreeCHThose are ads I think08:44
dignanalso, when i click search08:44
dignanon my computer08:44
DaskreeCHok what comes up?08:44
dignani try to find a file and it searches the net and a page with links to sites comes up08:44
dignanall useless08:44
DaskreeCHWow I've not heard of that before08:45
DaskreeCHdignan: type /join #ubuntu-in08:45
DaskreeCHThat should get you to the indian help channel08:45
dignanjoin #ubuntu-in08:45
DaskreeCHthe / is important08:45
DaskreeCHdignan: Or click on the word #ubuntu-in08:47
dignanविवाद ई-कैसे कर सकते मॅँ दूर करने के पर spyware लिनिक्स?08:47
dignani have no mouse how to click08:47
dignanbrb need to use the bathroom08:48
DaskreeCHdignan: Ok type /join #ubuntu-in08:49
DaskreeCHthe /join must have the /08:49
[-Haza-]Hey folks. I need to setup some kind of SVN / CVS server on my Kubuntu. Any recommendations to a good one to use including (if possible) a GUI client to setup the CVS?08:52
DaskreeCH[-Haza-]: CVS? Really?08:56
[-Haza-]DaskreeCH: Im pretty sure. Just need to get started with it. Learn a little. Probably make my life a little easier. Im open to advice and suggestions :)08:57
DaskreeCHTo make your life easier you don't use CVS :)08:58
DaskreeCHSVN at a bare minimum08:58
DaskreeCHGIt if you are working with a team08:58
DaskreeCH Hg if you aren't08:58
[-Haza-]DaskreeCH: Okay, Ive done sudo apt-get install subversion08:59
* tsimpson points to bzr08:59
[-Haza-]Can i doenload a GUI tool to help me configure subversion?08:59
Zxcvbwhat is the kde app to use for dialup bbs access?08:59
DaskreeCH!info kppp08:59
ubottukppp (source: kdenetwork): modem dialer for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 673 kB, installed size 3664 kB08:59
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/09:00
tsimpson[-Haza-]: there probably isn't a GUI, as it's an "advanced" thing to do, and so there isn't much demand for one09:00
Zxcvbubottu: I thought that was for internet (ppp) not a bbs09:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:00
DaskreeCH!info kdesvn09:01
ubottukdesvn (source: kdesvn): Subversion client with tight KDE integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2044 kB, installed size 4564 kB09:01
[-Haza-]tsimpson: I see. Okay. I'll do a little more research. Thanks for the help! :D09:01
DaskreeCHThat's a client though09:01
Zxcvbdoes it support telnet over dialup (for old doors style BBSes)?09:01
DaskreeCH[-Haza-]: Setting up a SVN server is pretty well documented09:01
[-Haza-]DaskreeCH: Yeah i have that installed too09:01
tsimpson[-Haza-]: ta-da: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/version-control-system.html09:02
[-Haza-]tsimpson, DaskreeCH: Thanks guys :)09:03
=== z is now known as Guest5706
annunakhiHello my peoples09:19
Zxcvbany idea what you would use for a dialup bbs (kppp is for dialup internet, I am looking for something like minicom)09:20
annunakhiI need help with something - who can tell me what I need to downloadinstead of Moodin - cuz it is no longer a part of KDE4....09:20
llutzZxcvb:  why not minicom?09:21
Zxcvbllutz: it works, but I was hoping for something better09:22
annunakhiDoes anyone know the answear for that one ?09:22
annunakhiMoodin was used to run the splashes...09:22
annunakhiMost splashes on KDE-look . org are using "Moodin"... - it is no longer available in KDE4 ... There is an extention to replace it - i do not know what it is - can anyone help ?09:25
=== william is now known as Guest28568
Guest28568can I ask for support with kde 4.3 here?09:28
annunakhiYou are supposed to be able to do that....09:28
annunakhiI think everyone is alseep...09:28
Guest28568I just upgraded to 4.3... I backup up and removed my .kde directory so I started fresh.09:28
Guest28568everything is installed and appears to be working albeit VERY slowly09:29
Guest28568it takes like 1minute to launch dolphin09:29
Guest28568however I don't get any errors09:29
Zxcvbdo you have a toshiba system?09:29
annunakhirun CPU usage monitor09:29
Guest28568it's a desktop envionrment09:29
Zxcvband is it slow to boot up or restore from hibernation?09:29
Guest28568dual monitor09:29
Guest28568ok, lemme check the cpu09:29
Guest28568ok, idle spu looks normal09:30
ZxcvbI had a similar problem, and fixed it by adding nohz=off, running grub-update, and rebooting09:30
Guest28568is that a kernel parameter?09:30
annunakhiALso check if your Appearance is running crazy features, Try enabling moist of it see if it helps09:30
ZxcvbGuest28568: yes09:31
Guest28568ah, when starting dolphin from command line it does complain about nepomuk09:32
ZxcvbGuest28568: what happened was it would take 10 minutes to restore the hibernation image, but would go much faster if I held down a key09:32
annunakhizxcvb - you don't know anything about the Moodin extention and what it is replaced with do you ?09:32
Guest28568wow, konqueror started in 52 seconds09:32
Zxcvbannunakhi: nope09:32
jleeblanch_question....  Anyone know where i would locate the file (or driver) on my laptop that Kubuntu uses to run my wireless card?09:32
Zxcvbannunakhi: just that toshibas (like this NB205 netbook) are a pain09:33
jleeblanch_I'm trying to do a little minor research...09:33
llutzjleeblanch_:  /lib/modules/$(uname -r)09:33
jleeblanch_but i dunno exactly what i'm looking for09:33
Guest28568I'm not on a laptop so the problem Zxcvb had does not apply to me09:33
Zxcvbthe problem would be slow disk access all around09:34
annunakhiZxcvb - do you run splashes just fine in your KDE4 ?09:34
Zxcvbnot sure what you mean09:34
jleeblanch_thank you!!09:34
llutzjleeblanch_:  "lspci -vv" tells you which one is used if it it a built-in adapter09:35
jleeblanch_no, it's not a built in adapter. It's a Belkin G+ MIMO Notebook Card09:36
llutzjleeblanch_:  very likely that it will be listed too, try it09:37
Guest28568OK. non-kde apps launch very fast. My problem is only with kde applications. Disabling desktop effects does not help.09:37
annunakhiin your Appearance - SPLASHES09:37
jleeblanch_I use it in 3 different laptops that run 3 different versions of Linux09:37
annunakhithe ones you get elsewhere - require ( most of them ) Extention - MOODIN. - and they ARE a part of KDE-look.org - HOWEVER - in new KDE-4 - that EXT is replaced with something. I need to know what with09:38
J-_Is there a microblogging program that is QT that works good?09:38
kresnaravii love kubuntu:)09:39
Guest28568what is the kded4 process09:41
annunakhizxcvb - Inside your appearance - splashes  -the ones you get elsewhere - require ( most of them ) Extention - MOODIN. - and they ARE a part of KDE-look.org - HOWEVER - in new KDE-4 - that EXT is replaced with something. I need to know what with09:41
Guest28568it's seems to be running away!09:41
Guest2856860%cpu usage09:41
Zxcvbannunakhi: not using any of that stuff, I think09:41
jleeblanch_did what you said but idk, maybe i'm not doing it right i guess. Still somewhat new at this...learning a lot fast09:42
annunakhiANYONE ???09:42
Guest28568is akonadi different to nepomuk?09:43
J-_I guess not. :(09:43
Zxcvbany idea if 12fps is normal for extreme tux racer on an i945 card?09:47
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest88851
annunakhi^peter^: [-Haza-]09:49
theadminWha? Don't flood the room09:49
whobodyhas the problem with the network manager or whatever been resolved?09:50
whobodyon mobile broadband09:51
Guest28568what is the difference between the staging and backports repositories?09:52
Guest28568which one should I use?09:52
theadminbackports are if you have an old version. Normally you don't need them09:53
Guest28568I am installing kde4.309:54
Guest28568it says I need backports09:54
shadeslayerGuest28568: staging repos are not the final builds09:54
Guest28568but I found another install method that mentions staging09:54
theadminCurrently running: Steam, Pidgin, Firefox, Dolphin, Amarok. Everything - slow. Why?09:54
Guest28568theadmin same... all my kde apps are slow09:55
Guest28568did you use staging?09:55
shadeslayerGuest28568: see the topic and the staging repos are not needed09:55
Guest28568will using staging and backports have an adverse affect on my installation? could this be why it's all SLOW!?09:56
theadminwhobody, if someone knows, then forums...09:57
Guest28568whobody, what kind of mobile broadband?09:57
Guest28568do you mean wifi or a datacard?09:57
whobodyThree Ireland, Huawei E22009:57
whobodydadacard i think09:57
Guest28568that's a datacard and you should use a normal dialup software for it09:57
usnetWhether hello there is on ubuntu a program as Navicat? It is necessary connecting to a database... And there is nothing.09:58
whobodyit worked in GNOME...09:58
Guest28568it's just an old fashioned dialup modem interface09:58
Guest28568use kppp09:58
whobodyit woked in GNOME network manager09:58
Guest28568whobody, that's probably because you used to right software under gnone09:58
Guest28568gnone has dialup software in it09:58
whobodyno, it worked out5 of the box09:58
Guest28568if you install kppp it will also work09:58
whobodywhat GPPP?09:58
Guest28568launch kppp09:58
Guest28568... blah blah blah09:58
whobodyi'll try it, thx09:59
FloodBotK1Guest28568: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
darcycan anyone help me with my dragon player?09:59
Guest28568ok, is there some clever way of doing a kde re-install?10:02
Guest28568kde 4.310:02
whobodywhere can i find a deb of KPPP?10:04
llutzwhobody:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kppp10:05
whobodyi don't have an internat connection10:05
whobodyon kubuntu10:05
whobodythat's why i'm getting it???10:05
kaddiwhobody do you still have the gnome desktop installed on your system? If so, and if you could connect to the internet with the networkmanager, try starting "nm-applet" that is the networkmanager you use on default in gnome10:05
whobodyyes, i'm switching from fedora11 to kubuntu10:06
kaddiah, so you did a complete reinstall and it might be a ubuntu and not a kde problem?10:06
whobodyi'm wanting kppp10:06
whobodyno, i haven't installed it yet10:07
kaddiwhat are you running right now if you have not installed kubuntu?10:07
whobodyfedora 1110:08
kaddiwith kde and gnome installed?10:08
whobodyi just need a deb package of kppp10:08
whobodyno, just gnome10:08
kaddiand you have no internet on that machine?10:08
whobodyone sec10:09
whobodyi'm trying to install kubuntu on the system i' currwently working on10:09
whobodyand, i need a deb of kppp10:09
whobodythat's all10:09
OxDeadC0dewhobody try: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kppp10:09
whobodythx, will try10:09
shadeslayerwhobody: youre asking for help with a fedora system?10:10
whobodyI'm going to install kubuntu over fedora10:10
OxDeadC0deyw ;)10:10
yesitisjustmei got a usb to ide adapter but dvdrom only gets detected when a OS is present.10:30
yesitisjustmeIs it possible for usb to ide dvdrom to be detected without a OS like a regular dvdrom?10:30
rockershat hat10:55
=== william is now known as Guest45497
frost_Hello. Could someone please assist me in getting java to work in konqueror ? tried some guides, but im still no closer getting java to work.11:19
=== rooot is now known as siekaczx
jimmykarily_frost I think you should install sun-jre package11:24
=== william is now known as Guest44759
Guest44759Well, I tried a fresh install of kubuntu and then added the kde 4.3 repository and upgraded but I still have the exact same problem. Kde applications take FOREVER to launch when running under kde4.311:29
Guest44759however I can run kde applications under a failsafe xwindow environment and they launch fairly quickly11:29
Guest44759Is anyone else experiencing this problem?11:30
Guest44759non kde4.3/qt applications run fine11:31
Guest44759are there some kind of background processes running?11:31
Guest44759kded4 seems to have high cpu usage occasionally11:31
Guest44759hmm, running dolphin from terminal as regular use is damn slow11:46
Guest44759but running dolphin from terminal as root is super fast11:46
Guest44759could there be some privilege problem11:47
sachaeldoes anyone know a good kde app for managing wireless connection?12:08
* haggisbasheruk always uses wicd as network manager sux sachael ;)12:09
Mamaroksachael: +1, use wicd instead, should work fine12:10
Guest44759right. I have identified my kde 4.3 problem. Hurray!... but I don't know how to fix it12:10
Guest44759it's to do with my sounds12:10
Guest44759the sound server is causing huge delays in program launch and whenever a sound should occur the system freezes for about 15 seconds12:11
Guest44759I can only select the gstreamer backend although I have alsa configured on my system12:11
Guest44759any ideas?12:11
Guest44759or alternatives?12:11
haggisbasherukwho borked the Kubuntu Netbook Edition ,Plasma Desktop crashes  on startup , kernel sux , i have no touchscreen on my tablet12:12
haggisbasherukthis is from yesterdays iso image12:12
Guest44759I didn't know it was officially released/stable yet12:13
haggisbasherukNew installer is nice but sloooowwww as hell12:13
haggisbasherukGuest44759, its alpha412:14
Guest44759if it's alpha then why are you complaining about it not working?12:15
haggisbasheruki am not complaining , i am explaining what is happening , i understand i can launch programs from alt+F212:16
Guest44759ok, I think I have some kind of version problems12:18
Guest44759is the package phonon from the old kde?12:18
Guest44759if I try to install phonon it wants to remove pretty much all of kde12:18
haggisbasherukback later12:20
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:22
mnihi all12:27
mnihow can i install my application on kubuntu using console?12:28
mniany assistance12:28
mnii just need the sudo-------12:28
Picimni: What application?12:28
mnipici:i have update my kubuntu but yet i have not observed any difference with b4 the update12:30
mniany help?12:33
Picimni: I'm still not sure what you're asking.12:33
mniok, what is the code  e.g " sudo apt-get install" for installation in kubuntu?12:35
llutzmni:  installation of what?12:35
mniinstallation of Qt12:35
mniand any media player that play ogv format12:36
llutzmni:  use apt-cache search   to search for apps, apt-get to install. read man-pages12:37
Marsu1Hello, my KDE doesn´t start anymore. I can log in but the start screen stops at the globe and after a while the following message is displayed:  The following installation problem wasa detected while trying to start KDE: No write access to /home/denis/.ICEauthority. KDE is unable to start12:37
llutzMarsu1:  log in at console, "sudo rm ~denis/.ICEauthority"12:38
SevisGreets, does anyone have any experience running World of Warcraft under wine in Kubuntu 9.04?12:39
PiciSevis: You'd probably find better support if you asked in #winehq12:43
SevisPici: Same server?12:43
PiciSevis: Yessir12:43
SevisPici: Thanks!12:44
=== william is now known as Guest80840
mnipici:pls which video player does play videos with OGV format?12:56
mnii have dragon player and xine all cant open the format12:56
Picimni: I prefer VLC personally.12:57
BSG75hi, is there a way I can turn off the touchpad on my laptop like I can in gnome?12:57
mniPici:pls help me with the sudo code on how to download it12:58
BSG75one of the few things stopping me from using kde on a regular basis :)12:58
Picimni: sudo apt-get install vlc12:59
mnipici:it gives me this message:13:01
mnivlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed13:01
mniE: Broken packages13:01
mniok i have fix the prblm13:04
=== william is now known as Guest54259
=== tommy is now known as Guest31627
=== Guest31627 is now known as tommy_the-dragon
williwackerIst dies der richtige Ort um mal zu fragen warum man seit Kubuntu 9.04 keine WLAN Verbindung mehr herstellen kann mit Knetwork?13:26
Mamarok!de | williwacker13:26
ubottuwilliwacker: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:26
theadminwilliwacker, WLAN ist noch da.13:27
Mamaroktheadmin: English, please!13:27
theadminMamarok, i'm trying to help this dude :D allright, i'll just go join #ubuntu-de too13:28
Mamaroktheadmin: then go to #kubuntu-de13:28
Mamaroktheadmin: that's where the German support should go :)13:28
Mamarokand I already answered there13:28
comboheelp! can someone tell me how to fix it: "error: 'make' command failed with status code 2" ;/;/13:35
=== bigjools is now known as bigjools-lunch
Guest80840why does trying to remove soprano result it the system wanting to remove my entire kde installation?13:37
Guest80840it's insance13:37
Guest80840and the kubuntu developers are insane including soprano with the sesame backend in kde 4.313:37
Guest80840it makes the desktop ridiculously slow13:37
Guest80840I've just been discussing it with the kde guys13:38
Guest80840your kubuntu team really messed up13:38
Guest80840anyone with a considerable number of files will have an unusable desktop for a couple of days whilst sesame indexes their files13:39
Guest80840and after that it will be really slow13:39
MamarokGuest80840: disable it then, and stay polite, please13:39
Guest80840kind like Vista of ubuntu13:39
MamarokGuest80840: see the topic and the IRC guidelines for *Ubuntu channels, please13:39
frost_Anyone with any experience with Java and konqueror please?13:40
Mamarokfrost_: just ask your question13:40
* Smurphy always disables the indexing ... As it slows down everything. On Linux, Mac and Windows too :)13:41
frost_Mamarok: I have a really hard time specifying my question. I have used 6 different guides, and im still no closer. So to be honest. I need someone to ask me questions.13:41
Mamarokfrost_: well, start by stating your KDE version, maybe?13:41
Mamarokok, and what doesn't work?13:41
Guest80840trouble is that you can't stop it under kubuntu's new kde 4.313:41
Guest80840it isn't strigi doing the indexing13:41
frost_I can't get java to run in konqueror13:42
SmurphyGuest80840: I did - I made sure it's not installed. Works nice.13:42
MamarokGuest80840: yes you can, system settings -> advanced tab13:42
Guest80840it is another application called soprana13:42
Guest80840with the sesame backend13:42
SmurphyGuest80840: uninstall sesame - and remove soprana ... :}13:42
Guest80840Mamarok... you can't because once it's running kded4 process is totaly unresponsive so you can stop the service running13:42
MamarokGuest80840: the default here *is* Sesame, you just need to install the java symlink correctly13:42
SmurphyGuest80840: Heard from: kill ?13:42
Guest80840and the kubuntu devs made soprano a dependancy of the entire kde 4.3 installation13:43
Mamarokfrost_: what java do you have installed?13:43
Guest80840so how do I solve this one?13:43
frost_Mamarok: I have tried both suns and open13:43
MamarokGuest80840: please stop that rambling, it is simply *not* true!13:43
frost_Mamarok: I have made link acording to the guide13:43
Mamarokfrost_: use the sun one, it is open in case you didn't know :)13:43
Guest80840Mamarok, how do I disable it then?13:44
frost_Mamarok: I know. just shortened the names heh13:44
Mamarokfrost_: your system might just not use the correct java I think13:44
frost_Mamarok: the thought occured to me to, but when i checked default, it looked right13:44
frost_was using the 1.6 sun13:44
gastlydoes anyone know how I can integrate firefox better with kde? I'm on Kde 4.3 and when I select 'Open Containing Folder' in the firefox downloads it just gives me a dialog to choose an application...13:44
MamarokGuest80840: as I said: system settings -Advanced tab -> Desktop search13:44
Guest80840Mamarok... and?13:45
Mamarokfrost_: if you have more than one java isntalled, the system might use the wrong one13:45
Mamarokinstalled* even13:45
Smurphyfrost_: What do you ant to do with java, and how do you use it ?13:45
frost_So i need to uninstall them all and install from scratch ?13:45
MamarokGuest80840: stop strigi, remove soprano and install sesame13:45
Mamarokas easy as that,13:45
frost_Smurphy: I want to use it on my netbank, and watch some streams from a page i use.13:45
Smurphyfrost_: Remove them all - and use synaptic to install the correct version. There is one for KUbuntu13:45
Mamarokremove as in apt-get remove13:45
Guest80840Mamarok,... ok you don't understand... sesame IS the problem13:46
frost_any quick way to uninstall all jave and extras?13:46
Guest80840and Strigi IS disabled and not running13:46
Mamarokfrost_: not necessary to remove all of them, just remove everything not sun-jre13:46
Smurphyfrost_: Dunno. How did you install java ?13:46
Guest80840and Sesame is a backend to Soprano13:46
Mamarok!java | frost_13:46
ubottufrost_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper13:46
MamarokGuest80840: didn't ou want to stop it?13:47
Mamarokwell, it is stopped now, isn't it?13:47
frost_Smurphy: Mamarok I have installed it from source, from pack manager, and aptitude13:47
Guest80840I want to stop sesame/soprano13:47
Guest80840there is no way to stop it13:47
Smurphyfrost: to install - try out a: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin13:48
MamarokGuest80840: and if you want a newer version you will either have to isntall it yourself or wait for karmic13:48
Guest80840and I can't un-install it without un-installing entire kde13:48
Mamarokthe current sesame was not available when Jaunty was released13:48
Smurphyfrost_: Hmm. Not good. Seems you got a mess on you system now :D13:48
Guest80840Mamarok, you really don't understand the problem13:48
Guest80840or don't want to understand the problem13:48
Guest80840sesame is notoriously SLOW13:48
Guest80840and it can't be removed from jaunty's kde 4.313:49
SmurphyGuest80840: This - we understood so far...13:49
frost_Smurphy: thats what you get for trying to learn on your own13:49
Guest80840forget strigi13:49
Guest80840and everything else13:49
Smurphyfrost_: I know. I had that phase back in '93 :)13:49
MamarokGuest80840: yes, I understand it quite well, there are enough instructions around, just google for it13:49
SmurphyGuest80840: All indexing engines are slow... Just be happy that you don't have an antivirus on top of it :D13:49
Mamarokbecause to help you further we would all have toi google too, anyway13:49
frost_Smurphy: I went over to linux in january. Not had windows since that. SO i am rather happy about my progress, though i still have tons to learn13:50
* Mamarok is off for food13:50
SmurphyMamarok: ;)13:50
Smurphyfrost_: Depends on what you want to do with it. If you just want a simple system to work with - use Mac OS-X (My mother and Wife use it - as I was fed up to always keeo their systems secure).13:50
Guest80840Well thanks. If the only option to running kde 4.3 on kubuntu is having sesame shoved down my throat then I will go elsewhere.... GOD DAY!!!!!13:51
frost_Smurphy: Im not retarded. Im just slow13:51
MamarokSmurphy: that is *not* the kind of support answer to give, suggestion OS X is a no go13:51
frost_Ill never switch back from linux13:51
frost_I love this os13:51
Smurphyfrost_: Never said that.13:51
frost_Smurphy: I said that :)13:52
frost_Smurphy: and btw. java naow works ;)13:52
frost_<-- rockstar13:52
SmurphyMamarok: I help the way it is required. However I also propose alternatives - and sometimes, people use alternatives. This is a general support chat aimed at Kubuntu, I know.13:52
Smurphyfrost_: Cool :)13:52
frost_Smurphy: thanks for your help, and maybe this was a indicator on how easy it is sometimes to help someone who have tried allot, but failed because of wrong aproach ;)13:53
* Smurphy had it's Conversion Wars back in 95 - when everyone was still smiling at Linux ...13:53
Smurphyfrost_: It usually is. As a general hint - always try to find a package for your distro first, and only if you don' t find anything else, go for the source = e.g. external install method.13:53
frost_Smurphy: Do you know why i might get an error running ./configure ?13:54
Smurphyfrost_: The reason is simple. The distro-packages also setup the software inside the the OS, while the source/external install don't ...13:54
frost_Smurphy: Like i dont have that tool. thats the feeling i got13:54
Smurphyfrost_: what error you get ?13:54
frost_2 sec13:54
frost_sudo update-alternatives --config java13:55
frost_lol sry13:55
frost_bash: ./configure: No such file or directory13:55
frost_let me check if thats the right error13:55
Smurphybut the file exists ?13:55
Smurphyconfigure ?13:55
Smurphymake a: ls -l configure13:55
frost_was trying to build wine from source. and it didnt wanna run ./configure13:56
Smurphyand show the output please... I have an idea ;)13:56
Smurphyfrost_: Again - install wine through the package-repository ..13:56
frost_I did13:56
frost_Smurphy: But i need to build it from source13:56
frost_with some patches13:56
Smurphy*lol* Ok - "you" _need"  to build it :)13:56
Smurphycould you issue a: ls -l configure13:57
frost_2 sec. ill find my error13:57
frost_Smurphy: Thats my problem13:58
Smurphyhe's looking for server/atom.c ... Let me guess = you have a atom-based system13:59
frost_Smurphy: whats that ?14:00
Smurphycpu-type. He is trying to find that file - and it doesn't exist. IMHO - you don't have the entire source.14:00
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frost_Smurphy: So it might be a download gone bad ?14:01
Smurphydon't know. Or the patching that added some stuff, and forgot some other ?14:01
frost_Smurphy: The first command to run is configure. So i havent done anything else14:02
Smurphyit could however also be that you didn't install the kernel header files...14:02
Smurphyfrost_: If you want to patch something, before you run configure, you patch the files...14:02
frost_what header is needed and how do I ever know what kernel header is needed by what software? headers is one of the things i still dont understand about linux14:02
Smurphywhere did you download your wine from ? -> Linkplse/14:02
frost_from winehq14:03
Smurphyfrost_: It just tells the software that you want to compile, what API exists to access kernel calls etc.14:03
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Smurphyyou have the URL please ?14:03
frost_Smurphy: Dang. I was hoping to look rather good here. Your 2 lines of text there does not help me understand anything.14:04
frost_Smurphy: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wine/files/Source Packages/1.1.27/wine-1.1.27.tar.bz2/download14:05
Smurphyfrost_: :) OK - Imagine you get into a Pub - and the people in there speak French only. On the Door of the Pub you'll have a Note saying: French language Only  :)14:05
SmurphyKind of same ;)14:05
frost_Smurphy: Or you want to stream a movie from your homepage, and the Os states. Linux14:06
frost_My java didnt work. only bypasses the java test. didnt get into my netbank14:06
frost_so now i got 2 probs again hah14:06
Smurphyyep. It's just a descrription file for wine b.e., on how to directly address the Harddisks.14:06
Smurphy*lol* I have other issues :)14:07
frost_Smurphy: whats your problem ?14:07
SmurphyI have only a 64Bit system to test :D and wine is ot compatible to that.14:08
Smurphyfrost_: BTW - have you seen this link yet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildingWineFromSource14:09
SmurphyThis builds your version of wine, creates a deb-package of it, so you can easily uninstall it :)14:10
frost_Smurphy: I have compiled wine No my PC at home with patches. its a amd 6414:10
Smurphyit's for old versions though - but it should be possible to do it in a simliar way.14:10
SmurphyGuess you only miss some header files, or even the kernel-source.s14:11
frost_I wish i knew wich14:11
Smurphyfrost: ok - first issue a: sudo apt-get build-dep wine14:12
SmurphyThe you should be able to build the wine stuff ...14:12
Smurphyhttp://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/06/3-ways-to-install-latest-wine-in-ubuntu.html :)14:12
frost_Smurphy: Sweet. 420mb to install. that means i missed something haha14:14
Smurphyyeah :)14:15
frost_but java still aint working :\14:15
frost_im one step closer though14:15
frost_Id like to know how to remove all java. So i am sure there is no conflicts14:16
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:16
Smurphyfrost_: issue a: sudo updatedb14:16
Smurphyfrost_: It will index all files on you filesystem. After that, issue a: locate java| grep bin, and you know which directories it's in.14:17
Smurphyfrost_: after that, remove all version you find in synaptic/aptitude. That should clean your system. Then install java as I showed before, log out of the system and log back in after, so you browsers etc. read the environment variables before they start.14:17
Smurphythat should ease it.14:18
frost_ok. ill go offlin to reboot first. ill be back. thanks14:18
Smurphywhy reboot ?14:18
Smurphylog out and log in -> from X/KDE :)P14:18
suitis anyone here by any chance running kubuntu karmic w/ a wired eth0 connection or did at any point?14:19
Smurphysuit: Nope.14:20
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skyhunterHey, I got some wierd problems with my Kubuntu... 1. Every startup I get the error message: HDA INTEL isnt working anymore. now using pulseaudio. But the only thing that changes is that the Master Sound is muted and I can just unmute it... And when I check PulseAudio in MultiMedia it don't work. 2. After 5-10 mins my microphone just dont work anymore and sometimes the sound aswell. 3. After that happend I cannot start any programms which u14:43
skyhunter... Amarok dont start... even games dont start. I cannot close skype anymore and everything gets wierd o.o... But after a restart it works fine for 5-10mins. AND this all just happen when I'm speaking with somebody over skype. When I dont use it nothing happens....!!!14:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:44
Mamarokskyhunter: don't use pulseaudio14:44
skyhuntertell me how to use something different xD14:45
Mamarokskyhunter: you need to remove pulseaudio and make sure you are using the phonon-xine-backend14:45
skyhunterhow can i fully remove pulseaudio?14:45
Mamarokskyhunter: and of course install the codes for xine which would be libxine1-ffmpeg14:45
Mamarokskyhunter: you can't remove it totally, there will stil be one library around, but at least it will not bother you anymore14:46
Mamaroksudo apt-get remove pulseaudio14:46
skyhunterand how can i install phonon?14:46
skyhuntersame way?14:46
afiefis it possible to upgrade to kde 4.3 on kubuntu 9.04?14:46
Mamarokskyhunter: phonon is already installed, the backend package name I just gave you above14:46
afiefskyhunter: usually phonon comes with kde14:46
shadeslayerafief: see topic14:46
Mamaroksudo apt-get install phonon-xine-backend libxine1-ffmpeg14:47
afiefshadeslayer: oops, sorry14:47
afiefshadeslayer: thanks14:47
shadeslayerafief: no probs14:47
skyhunterit says coudnt find the package14:47
afiefshadeslayer: what will happen when I upgrade from jaunty to karmic if I install these packages?14:48
skyhunterand i have kubuntu 9.0414:48
skyhunterso i should have kde14:48
reya276Does anyone have any idea why KDE 4.3 takes for ever to load the desktop?14:48
shadeslayerafief: theyll get upgraded again14:48
afiefshadeslayer: so they won't get my system into a state where I need to fix stuff by hand?14:49
skyhunterMamarok: I cant use your command because it says coudnt find the package14:49
afiefskyhunter: which package?14:49
skyhunterafief: phonon-xine-backend14:50
shadeslayerafief: dont think so,also i would prefer a clean install in karmic with the new KMS package in place14:50
Mamarokskyhunter: then it is phonon-xine-backend, sorry14:50
reya276the desktop just freezes and can't do anything cut Ctrl+Alt+backspace14:50
Mamarokreya276: try moving your ~/.kde/ to ~/.kde_backup/ and start KDE again14:51
llutzit's phonon-backend-xine14:51
skyhunterMamarok: i typed sudo apt-get install phonon-xine-backend and it still says coudnt find the package phonon-xine-backend14:51
afiefshadeslayer: I'd prefer doing a clean install too, but I'll be busy with university stuff by then, so doing a clean install and configuring everything isn't really an option14:51
reya276is there anything I can do from CLI or Gnome side to fix it?14:51
Mamarokllutz: thank you, just typed it wrong twice14:52
reya276Mamarok: can I just delete it?14:52
Mamarokskyhunter: see llutz comment14:52
Mamarokreya276: no, move it first, as there are your mails etc, if you use kdepim (kontact)14:52
reya276Mamarok: no this is a fresh install of KDE 4.3 desktop14:53
skyhunterMamarok: ok both things are installed14:53
skyhunterllutz: is there a command to say my sound card to use phonon-backend-xine? or it just autostart now?14:54
shadeslayerafief: it should upgrade,but cant say14:54
shadeslayer+for sure14:55
skyhunterMamarok: should i restart now?14:55
Mamarokskyhunter: try erasing that file: ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc, then restart KDE14:55
skyhunterMamarok: ok14:55
skyhunterMamarok: how can i restart kde?14:56
skyhunterMamarok: just restart the whole computer?14:56
Mamarokno, log out of KDE and start it again14:57
Mamarokreboot is only needed for a new kernel14:57
skyhunterMamarok: How can I check whether it worked?14:59
skyhunterMamarok: coudnt type anything, coudnt move windows, coudnt restart after restarting kde15:05
skyhunterMamarok: just pressed the "Reset" buttonm15:05
skyhunterMamarok: but i got now HDA Intel error :D15:05
skyhunterMamarok: Any way to check if it uses phonon now?15:06
skyhunterMamarok: PulseAudio is still listed in Multimedia o.o15:06
Mamarokskyhunter: if you are using KDE 4.x it uses phonon by default, you can't use something else without big changings15:07
Mamarokyou need to make sure it doesn't use pulseaudio and it should use the xine backend15:07
skyhunterhow can i go sure with that?15:07
Mamarokgo to system settings -> Multimedia -> ther it will show you what is used, and there is an backend tab where you can see if it uses xine15:07
Mamarokif you still have gstreamer, remove it, it has too many bugs with phonon15:08
skyhunterok i used autoremove now15:08
skyhunterseems to remove many pulseaudio things15:08
skyhunterok i hope everything works fine now :)15:09
skyhunterthanks alot15:09
indystormhey so I just downloaded java for firefox- how do I install it? it's a .bin file.....15:15
geniiindystorm: Why not just install kubuntu-restricted-extras  package instead?15:17
skyhunterMamarok: Ok when I open Skype and then Amarok I get the message: The Audio device HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog) is not working. Now using "".15:17
indystormhow do I do that?15:17
indystormI am new to this.15:17
geniiindystorm: From Kmenu...System...KPackagekit15:18
indystormoh hey look at that--- lol.....15:19
Mamarokskyhunter: in the phonon settings, is there still pulseaudio somewhere on the top?15:21
skyhunterMamarok: where are the phonon settings?15:23
Mamarokskyhunter: system settings -> Multimedia, didn't I tell you that earlier?15:24
skyhunterMamarok: and then Backend?15:24
skyhunterMamarok: sound crashed agai...15:26
skyhunterMamarok: cant close skype cant open amarok15:26
skyhunterMamarok: cant open any game15:27
indystormhey geni I installed that and now java still won't work15:27
skyhunterMamarok: what can i do now?15:28
skyhunterMamarok: is there something like a crashlog?15:28
skyhunterMamarok: and whats speech-dispatcher???15:28
skyhunterMamarok: dont know what to do :(15:30
Mamarokskyhunter: in the system settings -Y Multimedi, there is a tab that says backend, waht do you have there?15:32
skyhunterMamarok: xine15:32
Mamarokand what does it say on the first tab, is there pulseaudio somewhere on top?15:32
skyhunternot on top15:32
skyhunterunder HDA Intel (ALC888 analog)15:33
skyhunterMamarok: hmm and i cant end the skype / amarok process15:33
skyhunterMamarok: is there no system log or something? where i can see what happend?15:34
donnybrascoHi, I installed some updates last night and now I can't boot up - had to use live session - can anyone help me?  I'm running Jaunty with kdm15:35
avihaybdonnybrasco: any more information you can provide?15:36
donnybrascoavihayb: sorry, I'm new - not sure what the problem is exactly - just that the system seems to boot fine until my splash screen, then it goes blank (but I still have mouse)15:39
skyhunterI really need help with that problem... I cant do anything xD15:39
avihaybby splash screen, you mean the kde loading screen? are you given a chance to enter your username/password?15:40
avihaybskyhunter: kill has a few different signals15:40
indystormhey so I installed the java extras pack and still can't get it to work- any ideas?15:40
avihaybthe deafult, term, I think , sort of asks politely15:41
donnybrascono chance - the screen before login shows up briefly, then it goes black15:41
skyhunterand how to use the undefault? xD15:41
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donnybrascothere must be a log file somewhere that I can pastebin ... do you know where I'd find it?15:42
avihaybskyhunter:  kill -7 <processid>, though I recommend useing the program top15:42
avihaybgo to the terminal, run top, when you see the process you want to kill press k15:42
avihaybI think that the 7 signal is the "unpolite" way to kill a process15:43
skyhunterok did that15:43
skyhunternow its a zombie process xD15:43
avihaybdonnybrasco: try dmesg15:44
donnybrascosorry ... how do you use that :) just enter in a terminal?15:45
Mamarokskyhunter: in a konsole, killall skype and killall amarok15:46
avihaybdonnybrasco: yes, there are also files, but I forgot where they are stored15:47
skyhunterMamarok: skype is now a zombie and amarok dont care xD15:47
Mamarokskyhunter: you can't do killall amarok?15:47
Mamarokhow did you end up with that mess?15:48
skyhunternothing changes in the proces window15:48
Mamarokskyhunter: please type that on a konsole15:48
skyhunteri did it in console15:48
Mamaroknot in top or htop or ksysguard, just in the konsole15:48
Mamarokskyhunter: what does killall amarok say?15:48
skyhunterMamarok: nothing15:48
donnybrascoit printed out a couple pages of info - will you be able to make sense of it if I pastebin?15:49
Mamarokthen do it again, you might have a fe things open15:49
Mamarokskyhunter: else, restart KDE, that should close it15:49
avihaybdonnybrasco: the file is  /var/log/dmesg15:49
skyhunterMamarok: but amarok is not the problem the problem is that it crashed again15:49
skyhunterMamarok: my sound crashed just like befor so phonon didnt help15:49
Mamarokskyhunter: it would be?15:50
avihayband I'm not sure I can help, but I'll try,15:50
Mamarokskyhunter: I think there are some missunderstandings here: phonon *is* the sound manager of KDE 415:50
Mamarokskyhunter: forget skype for a second, let's see if you can run Amarok correctly15:50
skyhunterMamarok: i can run it when i restart and it works very good :P just when i start to a conference in skype it crashes15:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:52
skyhunterMamarok: and can u say me what speech-dispatcher does?15:54
skyhunterMamarok: i installed it becasue i got an error msg everytime i shutdown...15:55
donnybrascoavihayb: this is mostly chinese to me ... there are a few errors at the bottom, do you think you can make some sense of this for me?  http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/252562/15:55
Mamarokskyhunter: no idea, never used that, do you have speech somthing installed?15:57
skyhunterMamarok: yes because of this error: not starting speech-dispatcher, as /etc/default/speech-dispatcher does not have run_speechd=yes15:57
skyhunterMamarok: this error stopped my computer from shutdown15:57
Mamarokskyhunter: well, just try not to run both Amarok and Skype at the same time, Skype is a pain with sound in Linux15:58
skyhunterMamarok: than i installed it and changed the run_speechd to yes15:58
Mamarokskyhunter: might be some Skype stuff, I really don't know15:58
avihaybdonnybrasco: the error codes near the bottom are related to your wireless card15:58
Mamarokand as it is closed source, nobody but the Skype people will be able to tell you15:58
avihaybwhat kind of GFX card do you have?15:58
skyhunterMamarok: ok thx :)15:58
skyhunterMamarok: restarting now and hope that skype dont suck xD15:59
donnybrascohow do I install the drivers if I'm running off a live cd?15:59
avihaybyou don't bother with it untill you are runing from the hdd installation16:00
avihayboh, and I forgot you are useing a liveCD16:00
avihaybthe dmesage you pasted was from the wrong linux. can you open the real linux installation from the liveCD?16:01
donnybrascoI only have one instance of linux installed on my computer16:01
avihayb( you can install the drivers on the live CD but you'r going to restart sometime, and you'll lose the settings...16:01
donnybrascoyou want the dmesage from the live cd?16:01
avihaybI think you gave me the dmesg from the liveCD16:02
donnybrascooh! ... hang on a sec :)16:02
avihaybwhen you open dolphin, it has a sidepanle called places16:04
avihaybamong the places listed there, should be the drive where linux is installed16:04
avihaybyou should recognise it because it has the tipical root folders: /bin /usr /etc /var ...16:05
donnybrascothis looks more like it ... http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/252571/16:06
avihaybis this the dmesg file from your hdd? /media/sda?/var/log/dmesg   ?16:08
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donnybrascothis is from Volume (ext3)>var>log16:12
avihaybwell, it doesn't show any error, as far as I see16:12
avihaybwithout knowing too much about your system, I'd check or rename the xorg.config file in /etc/X11/xorg.config16:14
donnybrascoI know, I couldn't find one either - there's also a dmesg.0, dmesg.1.gz, dmesg.2.gz, dmesg.3.gz, and dmesg.4.gz16:14
avihaybthease are the previous dmesages16:14
donnybrascoright - I think if I remember correctly one of the updates had to do with xorg16:15
avihaybif you rename xorg.config to xorg.config.13_8_09.backup, a new xorg.config will be created for you16:16
avihaybwhen you boot your system16:16
donnybrascohow do I do that from command?16:17
avihaybcd /media16:18
avihaybyou should see the name of the folder where your real hdd is mounted16:18
avihaybcd sda1 or hda1 or disk or however it's calld16:19
msichalhi, how to easly update kde4 to 4,3?16:20
donnybrascowhat's the command for rename?16:20
avihaybmv (short for move)16:20
msichalumm? no ideas?16:21
avihaybyou follow the instructions on the kubuntu site to the letter16:22
donnybrascoI have a lot of other xorg backups in there - shoudl I try to rename one of them to xorg.conf?16:22
avihaybit might work. I'd suggest trying that after you try letting it create a deafult one16:23
donnybrascook - going to reboot now and if you don't see me everythings alright :) thanks very much for your help!16:24
avihayb:-> good luck16:24
msichalis kde 4,3 in jaunty repos?16:25
Orfeoushi everyone!16:26
Orfeousgot a problem with kubuntu livecd installation and/or ubuntu livecd with manual kde installation from apt source16:26
Orfeousmy problem is that when kde is installed i cant read any text on my screen (projector) the text is really small16:27
Orfeouson buttons, menues.. console..blabla..16:27
Orfeousbut not on gnome16:27
Orfeousi have a screenshot for example what i mean.16:28
avihaybhappes to me with some screens16:29
avihaybcan easyly be corrected16:29
Orfeousit happens also in kubuntu installation on the graphical interface16:30
avihaybopen the system settings panle16:30
Orfeouscant read what im doing :D16:30
avihaybunder appearence, you have a font category16:31
Orfeousi can navigate via icons :) because i see them16:31
avihaybok, press alt-f1 to open the kmenu16:31
Orfeousis this doable manually in a configuration file?16:31
avihaybopen the system-settings panle ( wrench and screwdriver icon16:31
Orfeousyes, i think i have seen that one16:32
avihaybmaybe, I wouldn't bother looking for it since you have someone that can guid you thourg it16:32
Orfeouswhy isnt this fixed on installation cd?16:32
avihaybIt's just an issue of bad identification16:33
Orfeousi have tried kubuntu (jaunty) and (karmic)16:33
avihaybanyway, the top-left icon is the apperence settings. double click it16:33
Orfeoushow do i do then after going into system... fonts?16:33
avihaybthen on the left you get a list of icons. the one with the T is the one you want16:34
donnybrascoI'm back :( haha - here's the error message that I get (didn't see it 'cause my other monitor was off) "cound not start kdeinit4. check your installation"16:35
avihaybthe lowest drop-down combo box in this page is called Force font's DPI. the deafult option is Disabled16:35
Orfeousah, ok i should try that later then :) thank you for the help!16:35
avihaybtry the others. changes only apply to newly opend applications16:35
Orfeousis KDM also affected?16:36
avihaybso you need a reboot or logout restart xserver login, since it's a livecd16:36
Orfeousno, i have installed on harddrive allready16:36
avihaybthe setting is saved somewhere16:37
donnybrascoavihayb: I'm back :( haha - here's the error message that I get (didn't see it 'cause my other monitor was off) "cound not start kdeinit4. check your installation"16:39
msichalhey... give me sobe simpl solution to update KDE to 4,316:39
Orfeousmsichal: either: either upgrade to ubuntu karmic or find kde's repo with kde 4.316:40
msichalubuntu karmic is 9.10 ?16:41
Orfeousnot stable yet16:41
Orfeoushere is for jaunty16:43
Orfeousdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main16:43
panther__ls $KDEDIR/share/apps/konversation/scripts16:43
panther__how can I hide the messages from entering or leaving the room with Konversation?16:45
TSKGreetings, folks.  I was wondering.  Mandriva Linux (my previous distro) had a special channel for those folks testing/debugging the development version (Cooker).  Does Ubuntu/Kubuntu have a similar thing?  A seperate channel for users of the devel version (karmic koala) of Ubuntu?16:45
geniiTSK: #ubuntu+116:46
TSKgenii: Thank you very much.  :)16:46
geniiTSK: Welcome16:47
TSKThis latest version of Ubuntu (and the next version coming) are really light years ahead of the last time I had a look at Ubuntu a couple years back.16:48
msichalKubuntu packages are available for 9.04. More details can be found in the  announcement on Kubuntu.org.16:51
Orfeoussee you!16:52
msichalit says Users of our stable 9.04 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA.16:53
msichaldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main16:53
msichali need to add it to my repo list right?16:54
geniimsichal: Yes. You'll also need to do the adding of the gpg keys, etc16:55
msichali added it16:55
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geniimks You are trying to change irc servers?16:57
avihaybdonnybrasco:  btw, I don't know how to fix that error. you should ask around here. maybe someone will help16:58
msichalhow to install it? what's the package name?16:59
donnybrascoavihayb: thanks for your help anyway - I was just scoping the net for solutions, to no avail16:59
msichalive added it  and updated apt-get16:59
geniimsichal: There isn't one. Just do an upgrade or dist-upgrade17:00
msichalso tell me basc kde packages so it will install everything with it17:00
donnybrascoCan anyone help me with this error on startup: "Could not start kdeinit4. Check your installation."?17:01
geniimsichal: The packagename for Kubuntu is kubuntu-desktop. But since you have it installed already, just a lower version, all you require is upgrade or dist-upgrade17:08
msichalbut upgrade what? i dont want to make dist-upgrade17:09
msichalupgrade kubuntu-desktop?17:09
geniimsichal: just: sudo apt-get upgrade                    should do it17:10
donnybrascoCan anyone help me with this error on startup: "Could not start kdeinit4. Check your installation."?17:10
msichalit wants to download 65MB of packets17:11
msichalso i think its ok17:11
msichaltheres kde-workspace etc17:12
Parfwhy would my broadcom wireless 'see' hotspots and not 'connect' to them, reporting a 'null' driver to the manager, even after i collected all the drivers?....17:15
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noquinhokonversation has another servers ?17:30
noquinhoi am looking for yamaha virago channel17:31
faydrissles paul r.i.p...  *sorry off topic17:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:36
panther__Hi How can I lock my screen?17:37
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donnybrascois there any way to undo updates that have damaged my system?  I updated last night and now I'm getting this error on startup: "Could not start kdeinit4. Check your installation."?17:45
donnybrascoI'm currently running off of a live cd - can I reinstall xorg to my hd from here?17:50
Nampatcheck this post: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=309934117:51
panther__how can I hide the server messages the room with Konversation?17:56
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fabio123hi there18:01
Dragnslcrpanther__- Settings -> Configure -> Behavior -> Chat Window18:01
fabio123i got a question about kde 4.318:01
fabio123a couple of question...18:01
fabio123did you notice that gwenview is broken?18:02
fabio123and what am i supposed to do with *nepomuk* ?18:02
fabio123random answer is welcome18:02
avihaybpanther__: in kde4.2 you can open the k-menu,  select leave, and one of the options is lock. it blanks the screen and requests a password to let you work18:10
msichalinstalled kde 4,3 and started it18:10
msichaland plasma crashes18:11
msichalhow to remove all plasmoids by conf. file?18:11
msichalis anyone there?18:13
fabio1234 is still not ready18:14
fabio123i'm not a developer18:14
fabio123did u notice that gwenview is broken?18:14
msichalworks for me18:15
msichalhow to remove applets? w.out starting kde4?18:15
avihaybmsichal: there is a way. it's somewhere in .kde or .kde418:15
fabio123of course is there18:16
fabio123you can remove that folder and start with a clean slate18:16
indystormhey I cant get java installed on firefox... :(18:17
msichali just want to remove plasmoids18:17
SilverCodemsichal: try looking in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc18:18
SilverCodemsichal: it is the only place I can see a reference to my desktop plasmoids18:18
msichalis there a way to start plasma in kde3?18:19
msichalor it will just crash?18:19
msichalok... trying18:20
og__Hi i had a hd failure, and decided to install a fresh ubuntu - except this time i went with the kde packages (kde).  everything has installed fine. but im a little lost, the add and remove software package manager seems broken, It dosnt prompt me for my password and refuses to install packages because of a lack of privlages18:26
anoneemousehello... how do i automount ntfs drives at startup? I have file shares on these drives and I have to mount them for other people to access18:28
og__my user is part of the group admin, and was the first user installed as part of the automated kubuntu installer.  why does it not have access to add pacakges via Add and Remove Software18:29
og__anoneemouse: fstab?18:30
og__vim /etc/fstab18:30
anoneemouseog__: i cant say ive tried that in kubuntu, but in pcbsd hald had a fun time messing things up when i screwed around in fstab18:31
avihaybog__:  try to install once via the terminal: sudo apt-get install <package_name>18:31
anoneemouselets see18:31
anoneemouseyup... afaik hald modifies your fstab...18:32
anoneemousethe drives arent even in there18:32
msichalso it starts18:32
msichalbut everytking is f**ed up...18:33
og__avihayb: yeah apt-get from terminal work when sudoed18:33
msichalthe KDE menu opens in laft top corner...18:33
avihaybog__: then what package manager are ya useing?18:33
msichali think KDM deoesn't start18:33
og__avihayb: dunno this is my first tiem using kde - the built in 'Add and Remove Software' gui18:33
og__avihayb: part of System Settings18:34
* og__ lied - first time in years18:34
msichalbcause theres no windows decos and u cant make other windows active18:34
msichaldo i need to delete .kde?18:34
avihaybog__: first thing that happens when I try to run it, it prompts me for a password18:35
og__I dont get that18:35
SilverCodemsichal: I would suggest moving .kde to kde.backup or something18:35
avihaybyou can try runing kpackagekit, adept, or do the sane thing and install synaptic18:35
msichalone more try18:36
og__avihayb: running kpackagekit doesnt present me with password request18:37
og__avihayb: I could install synaptic, but i would rather find out why on a completelky fresh install it is borked18:37
avihaybtry runing kdesudo18:38
og__avihayb:  app launches, but require parameters18:39
avihaybkdesudo ls18:39
avihaybor better yet: kdesudo xclock18:39
og__requests password - then executes18:39
* og__ did ls18:40
avihaybthe password request was graphical, right?18:40
og__kdesudo xclock didnt request password18:40
og__xlock just launches18:40
avihaybthats because it won't request the password for another 5 min or so18:41
og__avihayb: kpackagekit still isnt working...18:41
avihaybok, go to the kde-menu icon, right-click it, and select edit menue18:41
og__right would not using kdm do anything?18:42
LaeborgIs MSI Wind U120 good supported ?18:42
og__avihayb: i just realised that when i booted x wouldnt start, so i made a change to xconf to get it started - then started x with startx rather than kdm18:43
avihaybdon't know, kdm is only supposed to be responsible for runing x with the kde logon screen18:43
og__avihayb: that s what I thought, but its the only unusual thing with this computer atm18:43
og__perhaps I'll reboot - see if things start working18:43
avihaybwell, there is probebly a reason why you should use kdm insted of startx but I don't know it. I think it's unrelated to this problem18:44
og__avihayb: well if it is unrelated then i see no point in rebooting - but maybe it'll do some good..18:44
og__avihayb: brb18:45
avihaybjust before,18:45
og__avihayb: it works18:48
og__avihayb: reboot fixed it - no idea why. thanks for the effort18:48
indystormhey how do I get java working on firefox??18:48
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avihaybohh, great. I wonder why it helped tough.. og__, well, anyway, have fun18:49
indystormhey how do I get java working on firefox??18:51
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msichalstill  nothing18:56
msichalcant do anything, just start software18:56
msichalkayboard isn't working18:56
indystormhey how do I get java working on firefox??19:05
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tdstrongis keyserver.ubuntu.com down?19:17
tdstrongI can ping it, but can't request gpg keys19:17
avihaybindystorm: install the sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre packages19:21
n3i15has anyone experienced problem with keyboard input not working temporarily in certain applications sometimes?19:21
avihaybyes, I do, It seems to only happen in QT applications, right?19:22
n3i15avihayb: it happens in gnome-terminal, firefox, and eclipse, too19:22
n3i15avihayb: oh, and emacs19:23
SilverCoden3i15: I have that in pdadmin3 all the time19:23
n3i15sometimes it happens frequently, it's really annoying19:23
SilverCodebut that is the only one19:23
shadeslayern3i15: yes,sometimes19:23
avihaybhumm, never happend to me in eclipse, very rarly in firefox, and don't use the rest19:24
n3i15is there any workaround better than waiting for arbitrarily long time?19:24
avihaybhappens to me in kate, dolphin, konqurer, rarely in konsoule, and maybe here and there19:25
avihaybn3i15: I close and reopen the application19:25
indystormhey an error has occured installing java19:25
indystormplease tell developer about this it says19:25
n3i15avihayb: I guess I'll just do the same everytime for now19:26
n3i15avihayb: is there a bug report about this? I tried searching for it, but none seemed like this one19:27
avihaybwell, I don't know. I havn't realy gotten into the reporting bugs mindset, so I never posted19:28
shadeslayern3i15: happens in konsole for me19:29
n3i15shadeslayer: yea, it happens in konsole quite frequently for me19:29
avihayboh, alt-tabing out and into the app works 60% of the time...19:29
n3i15avihayb: alright, I'll keep on search and file a report if there's none19:30
avihaybbtw, do you happen to use two keyboards?19:30
n3i15no, just one19:30
n3i15the built-in keyboard in my laptop19:30
avihaybhappens to me on a laptop too. I've just installed a desktop and it doesn't happen ther yet, but I didn't testdrive it much19:31
n3i15all the inputs during the malfunction period seem  to be buffered and they'll appear all at once when it fixes itself19:31
avihaybI also usualy hook up an external USB keyboard, but it doesn't matter what keyboard I use, or if the usb keboard is attached or not19:31
avihaybn3i15: didn't happen to me19:32
gtyoh kewl people are alive19:32
n3i15so all the inputs during the black-out are always lost?19:32
avihaybseems so to me. also, I didn't notice it ever recovering19:33
avihaybthere are rare cases where I think an app stopped responding, and then it starts working19:33
n3i15hmm, mine always fixes itself, but takes arbitrarily long time, sometimes less than a min, sometimes longer than 10 mins19:33
avihayboh, btw how long does it take before it starts to happen?19:34
n3i15the app is rendering here, it responses to the mouse but not the keyboard19:34
n3i15it just happened like 3 times in an hour19:34
avihaybnot what I ment. I have dolphin always runing. it usualy works for more then 8 hours, and then, it starts behaveing19:35
gtyon linux user group id's start at 1000?19:35
avihaybor rather stops19:35
gtycannot they not be set to say 500?19:36
avihaybgty: for humans, I think it's just a convention, and not importent, except maybe root is bound to 1 or something like that19:36
n3i15avihayb: oh, it varies, I think it starts occurring after a couple of minutes19:38
avihaybmaybe not the same bug... sigh19:38
gtywell gdm is complaining 501 does not exist19:39
gtyis there some other place i have to set the group and user id besides /etc/psswd?19:39
gtyand on the home dir?19:39
n3i15oh, and rarely I get random letters popping out when I press a key on the keyboard19:41
alex___i've one question19:42
n3i15e.g. key 'i' prints kj19:42
alex___i've just install on dual boot Kubuntu (with plasma desktop) , i want to read my windows partition , how to do that ?19:43
gtyis that a bug or you have the wrong keyboard layout?19:43
n3i15I didn't have this issue when I was using 8.10, it started happening after the upgrade19:44
alex___anyone can help me?19:44
n3i15and I double checked my keyboard layout settings, looks good19:45
alex___i need some help, anyone for me ? :D19:47
alex___join #linux19:52
J-_I'll ask in here since I'm not getting any answers in #ubuntu+1, and I've asked darn near 5 times in the last 2 days. Will !purekde work in Karmic?19:55
geniiJ-_: No reason why not. Package names haven't changed much19:56
indystormhey how can I get the kopete client to stick to the side of the desktop and have all the other windows maxmize to the side of it?20:04
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sourcemakerkann mir jemand einen Download Manager mit Server Komponenten nennen?20:10
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:10
sourcemakeris there a download manager with an integrated server available?20:10
sourcemakerso that I can connect to server via telnet or something else and can add a new download URL to the queue?20:11
marwanhallo, i need help with git, who can help me?20:11
donnybrascohello, I need help restoring my system after updating.  I am getting this error on startup "could not start kdeinit4. check your installation."20:12
donnybrascodoes anyone know if I can make changes to my hdd installation from the live cd?20:13
donnybrascocan I remove updates or try them again?20:14
msichalhave no idea20:15
marwanwho can help me with git?20:19
Picimarwan: #git would probably be the best place to ask about using git, if you're having trouble installing it, you should ask here though.20:20
donnybrascoso ... basically, reinstalling my system will be easier than trying to fix it20:21
donnybrascowhat a hassel20:22
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bigjoolshi folks, can anyone please help me find out why trying to logout/reboot just stalls and the session stays alive?20:26
bigjoolsit only started happening after I went to kde 4.320:27
indystormhey how do I install BitchX in kubuntu? It's not working....20:36
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indystormhey how do I install BitchX in kubuntu? It's not working....20:40
Heerooo2009can it be that kubuntui is a bit slow?20:41
J-_indystorm: bitchx is deprecated, check out irssi. There are irssi guides at irssi.org in the documentation tab.20:44
alex___hello guys21:01
alex___can you help me , i need some help21:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:01
alex___i've got no sound on flash player (in browser) and in amarock21:02
alex___please how to reinstall correct parameters to my sound problems21:03
Nampatopen up the mixer on check if PCM is up21:06
ngirardHi all. I'm experiencing weird 100% cpu usage with Xorg using Kubuntu jaunty on a laptop & an nvidia graphics card21:07
ngirardCurrently, simply starting kate makes it happen21:07
ngirardfor instance21:07
ngirardI haven't the simplest idea what could be the cause for this21:07
ngirardany thoughts ?21:07
Nampatdo you have desktop effects enabled?21:08
ngirardHi Nampat. Yes I think I do (it's my girlfriend's laptop actually)21:09
indystor1hey is this working?21:09
Nampatmaybe you should try to disable desktop effects and see, wether the problem is still there or not21:10
ngirardNampat: seems fine. Could you please tell me how to temporarily disable desktop effect ?21:11
donnybrascohello, I just re-installed kubuntu and was just wondering which wireless driver to install Broadcom B43 or Broadcom STA - can anyone help with this?21:11
ngirarddonnybrasco: which kubuntu version ?21:12
donnybrascongirard: jaunty21:13
indystormhey how do I go back a window in irssi?21:13
ngirarddonnybrasco: then according to (1) everything should already be installed21:13
ngirard(1) http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/wifi_broadcom_bcm43xx21:13
donnybrascongirard: I don't speak french, unfortunately.  Both drivers show up in the proprietary drivers, but I'm wondering which to activate21:15
Walzmynany bash wizards around?21:15
shadeslayerindystorm: hold alt and press one of the no.s21:16
shadeslayerWalzmyn: what do you need?21:16
comawhiteanyone know how to get KDevelop-beta4?21:16
comawhiteI only get beta121:16
shadeslayercomawhite: uh,co the svn and compile it?21:17
Walzmynshadeslayer: i'm trying to get a for loop to look at both .JPG and .jpg - not having any luck21:17
shadeslayerWalzmyn: um,C++ ?21:17
Walzmynshadeslayer: just a bash script21:18
indystormwhats a no.s?21:18
donnybrascoaccording to this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-948475.html it seems that the STA driver is the one to try21:18
comawhiteshadeslayer: was trying to do it without compiling ;)21:18
shadeslayerindystorm: numbers21:18
shadeslayercomawhite: no idea21:19
Walzmynshadeslayer: " for pic in *.jpg " but I have a mix of files named .jpg and .JPG21:19
indystormok cool that worked! thanks... now how do I close out of a window? lol21:19
shadeslayerindystorm: /part or /q21:20
ngirarddonnybrasco: i'd say try both :)21:20
shadeslayer /q is for query21:20
shadeslayerWalzmyn: no idea on that one21:20
Walzmynshadeslayer: ok21:21
indystor1hey so I am using irssi now, and I'm logged onto freenode here--- how do I logon to dalnet at the same time? I typed in /connect irc.dal.net and it says connection refused21:24
shadeslayerindystorm: thats a n/w problem,not a irssi problem21:25
indystor1no it's not because it won't let me conenct to any other server either.21:26
shadeslayerindystor1: works here21:27
indystor1and you typed /connect irc.dal.net ? nothing else?21:27
shadeslayerindystor1: yep21:28
shadeslayerheck i copied the command from you21:29
indystor1damn something it wrong here21:30
carpii_how do I tell KDE 3.5 to treat all .tpl files as html?   KDevelop opens around 90% of tpl files as html, but others it treats as text. Im told its KDE which dictates this, not KDevelop21:31
Ky|e./server irc.dal.net21:31
shadeslayerbye all21:33
kaddihello :)21:36
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kaddii can change brightness on jaunty with the 6.28 kernel, but not with the 6.30 kernel. Is there anything I can try to fix this, or should I just file a bugreport? (and against what package would I file it?)21:40
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Nampatngirard: do you know how to disable desktop effects or not? :) ....I was away for a while21:59
avihaybNampat: kwin's effects?22:01
DaskreeCHNampat: temp disable is alt+Shift+F1222:04
Nampattnx ;)22:04
* kaddi really needs to get rid of the "temp"-highlight :/22:05
avihaybDaskreeCH: alt-shift-f12 seems to only work when reanableing effects22:06
DaskreeCHavihayb: No it disables it as well22:06
avihaybdoesn't work on bouth my systems22:07
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avihaybI'd like to know a solution too22:10
DaskreeCHWhat does it do for you?22:11
blocktreehi guys, should I expect some problems when upgrading jaunty to KDE 4.3 from a backports?22:11
avihaybnothing, nothing at all22:12
DaskreeCHSo Ctrl+F9 works?22:12
DaskreeCHblocktree: I think that X dies part way22:12
avihaybctrl-f9 does present.22:12
DaskreeCHblocktree: I normally Kill X and update fully from the CLI anyway22:12
DaskreeCHavihayb: Then Alt+Shift+F12 -> Ctrl+F9 still works ?22:13
avihaybI'm useing a fresh install 8.10, and imidiate upgrade to 9.0422:13
DaskreeCHavihayb: Then insta upgrade to 9.1022:13
DaskreeCHThen 10.04 supa-pre alpha!22:13
DaskreeCHIt's madness!22:13
blocktreeDaskreeCH: sounds good to me. Did you have any other problems? Is it worth to doing it rather that wait ?22:14
avihaybwell, I guess I can upgrade it to cutting edge, but I'm not useing it enough to be a usefull source of information22:14
DaskreeCHblocktree: You mean wait for 9.10 ?22:14
blocktreeDaskreeCH: yes22:15
DaskreeCHblocktree: Well how bad do you want KDE 4.3 ?22:15
avihaybblocktree: and how stable do you need your OS?22:15
baconomasalguien que hable en español22:16
kaddi!es ...| baconomas22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es ...22:16
kaddi!es | baconomas22:16
ubottubaconomas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:16
blocktreeDaskreeCH: that is what I'm trying to find out. I'm more into bug fixes rather then new functionalities22:16
DaskreeCHblocktree: Then hang around on 4.222:17
DaskreeCHHuge number of new features in 4.3 which always means new bugs introduced. Those will get addressed at the end of each month with bug fixes but if you don't care about any of the new features then wait it out22:18
DaskreeCHBy the time Kubuntu Koala ships then there will be maybe two bug fixe releases out22:18
blocktreeDaskreeCH: OK. I think that is what I'll do... thank you22:19
DaskreeCHblocktree: Kinda fun to meet someone who doesn't care about the new features :)22:23
blocktreeDaskreeCH: I'm still doing most of my stuff from a command line and still find it faster :-)22:25
DaskreeCHYeah I'm a CLI junkie but I still have KDE4.X+1 Envy :-) New features are always way interesting22:27
blocktreeDaskreeCH: I used to use a debian and that was enough for me. The only pain I have with kubuntu/ubuntu that it does not support my mic. I have reported this as a bug and now it sits there for long time already :-)22:28
blocktreeDaskreeCH: so many features and no time to explore them :-)22:28
DaskreeCHblocktree: Where doesn't it support it? Drivers or sound layer?22:29
DaskreeCHblocktree: I know! that's why I beta test KDE and Kubuntu ;-) So I can selfishly have more time with the sweet features :)22:29
blocktreeDaskreeCH: I'm not sure... let me find the bug report..22:30
blocktreeDaskreeCH: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/37401722:31
DaskreeCHblocktree: Hit up #alsa and see if they can give a helpful hand22:32
blocktreeDaskreeCH: this might be good idea.. :-))22:33
kaddii can change brightness on jaunty with the 6.28 kernel, but not with the 6.30 kernel. Is there anything I can try to fix this, or should I just file a bugreport? (and against what package would I file it?)22:36
DaskreeCHkaddi: probably powermanager22:36
DaskreeCHUNless it's the driver for your monitor22:37
DaskreeCHI don't know if that's kernel or X22:37
DaskreeCHbut I would suspect powermanager22:37
kaddime neither.. but to my knowledge I only have one version of x installed on my system, so I guess it's either x-kernel communication or the kernel itself that is to blame22:38
cinexi tryed connecting to my wifes pc, the fingerprint doesnt match22:39
cinexany advise/info ?22:39
cinexhow do i tell if its her machine or not ?22:39
cinexits a new ip22:40
drvoodoocinex: ssh?22:43
blocktreeDaskreeCH:#alsa is in the deep sleep now :-))22:45
DaskreeCHcinex: The IP is probably the problem22:45
drvoodoothere is a file ~/.ssh/known_hosts you must delete the corresponding line in this file22:45
DaskreeCHblocktree:  OK :-)22:46
kaddiif you want to check if the new key is the same that the PC you are trying to connect to has, you can try ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub on the pc you try to connect to22:47
drvoodooin the error you get, ssh told you which line it is. attention, the counting starts by 0 in this file22:47
cinex the pc is in a diff country22:47
kaddiah, sry I read that it was in the next room22:47
cinexi wish it was22:47
DaskreeCHcinex: can they confirm it's a new IP ?22:48
cinexyep, it changed22:48
cinexmatches the one in gmail too22:48
cinex(gmail account usage)22:48
kaddistill if you accept the key now and check the fingerprint afterwards you can at least be sure, that the connection wasn't intercepted, though you still don't know if it is the right pc22:48
cinexthe files are right, its an obscure port etc etc22:49
kaddicinex well if you aren't worried that the connection might be unsafe it should be fine just to replace the line in known_hosts22:51
ner0xHow can I tell where my hardware was installed to. Which /dev I mean. Fax modem.22:52
DaskreeCHcinex: nonstandard port is a smart move :)22:53
DaskreeCHner0x: look at /dev Though if it's a port it's probably mapped to a raw lpn22:53
DaskreeCHlike /dev/lp3 or some such22:54
drvoodoook, kaddi is right in the security matter. i work with ssh only in my homenetwork, so i'm not so sensitized on that22:54
drvoodooso, i go to bed, work tomorrow, neight22:55
jinzougenHey, I'm trying to rip a dvd and I've downloaded pretty much every software I can: k9copy, handbrake, ogmrip, thoggen... And all of them fail to read the drive. I don't believe it's an issue with either one of them but rather something with kubuntu not giving the programs permission or something....22:55
ner0xDaskreeCH: There are no tell tale signs of any of the tty's being it.22:56
jinzougenI have libdvdcss2 installed, and media players like kaffeine can play the dvd just fine.22:56
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DaskreeCHjinzougen: Run them with sudo then?22:56
jinzougenOh, I take that back kaffeine can't read it22:56
jinzougenHas an encryption error22:57
jinzougenSo it has something to do with libdvdcss, maybe the ripping programs aren't using the library?22:57
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cinexDaskreeCH: I got fed up of seeing warnings about bots trying stupid logind all the while lol22:58
DaskreeCHcinex: So it's also restful :)22:58
cinexyep :)22:58
jinzougenSo I ran the shell program that kaffeine told me to run to install libdvdcss, and now kaffeine can play the dvd... AND it seems that ogmrip can read it too now...22:59
jinzougenI installed libdvdcss via aptitude alreday though23:00
jinzougenwhy would there be a difference?23:00
kaddican I query the version of a kernel that is not running at the moment? kind of like uname -a just for a kernel that isn't runnign?23:03
DaskreeCHkaddi: Why would you bother the name of the kernel file is the name of the kernel23:04
kaddiyeah, I just noticed when I did a apt-cache policy :)23:05
SevisAnyone have any idea what the "memmory test" utility tests for?23:21
kaddithe one you see in your boot menu?23:22
Sevis(on live boot disks, that is)23:22
kaddiIt tests your RAM23:23
avihaybit tryes to read and write to your memory, every byte of it23:23
SevisAha... And the fact it shows as all red is pretty bad, no?23:23
avihaybumm... no, not at all!23:24
SevisOh, and that once in a while, instead of the chart, it should lots of random signs.23:24
* avihayb whistels nonchelantly23:24
kaddired is an alarm color it rarely means anything good.. but I havent used memtest in a while...23:25
SevisWell, thing is, this RAM is just out of the box.23:25
douglaskAdding Canadian cities to the LCD weather widget doesn't seem to work. ... anyone with an idea on how to get it going?  I'm running Kubuntu Jaunty.23:25
SevisTwo plates of it... Both messed up? Just my luck.23:25
avihaybif you belive it to be a memory problem, and you have spare memory sticks... or if you have two, you can try useing only one23:26
douglasksevis ... could it be an iffy connection to the mobo?23:26
SevisOuch. Now, it's coming alll over the screen, those random signs.23:26
SevisWell, this is fun to watch...23:26
avihaybwell, you can also watch movies in VLC useing the text render system, it's rather nice.23:27
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SevisI have the urge to blame the mobo.23:28
SevisAsus M4A7823:28
kaddiSevis http://memtest86.com/ that is the homepage of the memtest, maybe you can find your errors there.. As said, I'm not really familiar with it :/23:29
douglaskSevis: if you can take your ram to another mobo and test it there it would be good.23:30
SevisI'll see if I can simply hand it in somewhere, I've got the feeling that having to take the thing apart another few times will make me hate it forever.23:31
SevisAnd I generally dislike using computers I have a love/hate relationship with.23:31
SevisI get the feeling it's staring at me and thinking "Haha, I made you waste two days of your life getting me to work!"23:31
kaddiwhat made you run the test? Have you run the PC with the new RAM?23:32
kaddibecause if it is running fine ... "never change a running system" ;)23:32
SevisMy old system mysteriously died, starting to give I/O errors on all media.23:32
SevisSo I got myself a shiny new motherboard, processor, RAM and cooler (and now also got a new power supply, because as soon as I set it up, it started failing again).23:33
kaddihmm :/ cant help you with that.. not a hardware expert at all23:34
SevisNeither am I :( If I'd have to spend a day installing the system, I'd be much happier.23:35
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SevisBy the way, the memtest looks pretty much like one of those "three and a half hours to nuclear mushroom" timers, are you sure it can't go rogue and eat my cookies?23:36
kaddino, it only eats cake :p23:36
SevisDoes this server have a #hardware channel?23:36
* kaddi clickas23:37
kaddilooks like there is :p23:37
Sevis(I suppose #roguememorytests is too much to ask for)23:37
SevisOoh, let's see..23:37
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ner0xAnyone familiar with fax modems?23:54
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