
Q-FUNKit usually works, but some packages whose e.g. config files format or location, changed need some manual fixing afterwards00:00
Q-FUNKand it takes more time to fix those that to reinstall from scratch and then populate /home from backup copies.00:01
Q-FUNKhence why a good external USB 2.0 hard-disk is probably the best investment anyone whose life depends upon a computer can ever make! :)00:03
Q-FUNKit's fairly straightforward to use e.g. bacula or a home-brewn rsync recipe to regularly update the backup copy of /home on the external disk and be able to quickly re-install from scratch if necessary.00:05
DanaGUSB 2.0 sucks.00:06
DanaGEven Firewire 400 is better.00:06
DanaGAnd eSATA owns both.00:06
BUGabundoe-sata is broken :(00:07
Q-FUNKbtw, does anyone feel like doing some bug hunting?  I found a nice apt-get recipe that makes a whole nice bunch of dependency recursions appear :)00:07
Q-FUNKso far, it already made it apparent that reinstalling libc and bash, then ifupdown and netbase, is impossible, because of recursions in either Depends/Recommends or in init scripts.00:08
Q-FUNKand those are already failry basic packages00:08
DanaGeSATA works for me, aside from demanding authentication to mount it.00:09
Q-FUNKsudo apt-get --reinstall --ignore-missing install $(dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1)00:10
Q-FUNKthat single line is probably one of the most efficient bug hunting tool I've found in a long, long time.00:10
* DanaG would do it with aptitude reinstall, but same end result.00:11
Q-FUNKDanaG: aptitude is unable to ignore missing packages00:11
DanaGoh, you mean like missing deb files... or packages that no longer exist?00:12
Q-FUNKpackages that no longer exist, were manually installed from 3rd-party sources, etc.00:12
Q-FUNKanything that it cannot fond from repositories currently defined in /etc/apt/sources.list00:13
Q-FUNKöö.. find00:13
Q-FUNKbtw, if you have 'insserv' installed, beware:  the above line reveals even more packaging bugs than normal.00:15
DanaGwhat's insserv?00:15
DanaG!info insserv00:16
ubottuinsserv (source: insserv): boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script dependencies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12.0-5 (karmic), package size 68 kB, installed size 292 kB00:16
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
BUGabundowill this even work??00:42
kklimondaBUGabundo: it could be troublesome if enough people were to do it..00:49
BUGabundobzr commit -m '* good-bye "Multisearch"; we remove our karmic alpha3 experiment called00:49
kklimondaespecially for us, volunteer triagers who has nothing to say00:50
BUGabundokklimonda: I (still) love Ubuntu very much to do that00:50
BUGabundoI've been hit in the back several times by the design team00:50
BUGabundobut love this project too much to leave it right now00:50
kklimondaBUGabundo: my/our perspective may be wrong as we use irc and have a pretty good contact with core developers00:50
bjsnidermuch ado about nothing00:50
bjsniderwho bloody cares what the default shiretoko home page is00:51
BUGabundokklimonda: can you imagine?00:51
BUGabundoif we would *really* did a strike?00:51
BUGabundofor 1 month00:51
kklimondaBUGabundo: we as in all volunteers or all bug reporters? ;)00:52
scizzo-strange never thought about those things00:52
kklimondaneither did I00:52
kklimondabut it's offtopic00:52
* scizzo- feels monitored00:52
BUGabundo*we* volunteers here in the #00:52
BUGabundowe are the best part of the devel cycel00:52
kklimondaso let's go to the -offtopic if you want to follow this topic (It's kinda interesting)00:52
BUGabundoits thanks to us that Ubuntu shappes up for release00:52
BUGabundoto noisy there00:52
BUGabundoand I'm sleeper00:53
kklimondanot really00:53
* BUGabundo tries OT00:53
* BUGabundo joins #ubuntu-offtopic00:53
spOwhat is used to install .dsc files?00:56
bjsniderdpkg-source -x00:58
bjsniderdpkg-source -x file.dsc01:05
Q-FUNKspO: *.dsc files don't get installed. they are source code components.01:06
Q-FUNKdoing the command that bjsnider described above just unpacks the source code for a debianized package.01:07
BUGabundobed time01:10
shadowh511I have trouble under karmic with my atheros wifi card01:34
DanaGweird. the grub gfxmenu thing is dog-slow.01:41
DanaGIt continually repaints the screen.... and each time it repaints, it takes 1.5 seconds or so to do so.01:41
kklimondagnome shell got uploaded to universe01:45
kklimondaworks pretty well compared to the last time i've checked it out01:45
spOupgrading to karmic broke my system01:47
spOi hope you guys are happy now01:48
kklimondawe live to serve ;)01:48
djdarkmanhello, I upgraded to karmic and my xorg.conf looks incompatible, how do I recreate it to a karmic compatible version?02:02
djdarkmanGDM flickers02:03
kklimondaheh, I just saw evolution taking 9999% of cpu in top..02:03
kklimondadjdarkman: it may be some bug in gdm or xsplash or few other things and not necessarily a problem with your xorg.conf02:04
djdarkmanwell probably gdm kklimonda, because when I logged in it still flickered, but I went into the Display, and pushed apply, and the flicker was gone, but if I restart GDM still flickers until I log in02:07
djdarkman* GDM login02:07
djdarkmanhmmm netbook launcher crashes an awfull lot of times02:11
hggdher. How does one change the sounds for Gnome (for example, the sound for <shudder> window closing)? Sounds Preferences only allows me to enable/disable windows sounds, and select a theme, but not to change specific entries02:32
J-_Is there anyway to get the regular sound preferences applet back?02:33
hggdhgood question, methinks02:33
J-_Heh. Pretty well the same question. :P02:33
kklimondaheh, gnome-shell is roasting my cpu and gpu :/02:40
hggdhJ-_, that's why :-)02:41
J-_hggdh, hrm?02:41
hggdhkklimonda, in my case it was gnome-do. Roasting *all* CPUs02:41
hggdhyour question vs mine02:42
kklimondahuh, any idea how to bring back any WM when I kill the last one?02:45
kklimondain the past I could just switch to tty and do DISPLAY=:0 metacity02:46
kklimondabut now it doesn't work02:46
J-_I guess I'm going to try Fedora02:50
J-_I don't like this, same old stuff. Different release.02:51
hggdheven metacity --replace & ?03:00
hggdh(which is I need to do right now. Well, not metacity, but compiz)03:00
kklimondahggdh: from tty I was geting "Unknown protocol" or something like that03:09
kklimondahggdh: and when WM isn't running you can't use keyboard at all03:09
kklimondain X session03:09
kklimondaeven "No protocol specified"03:10
kklimondaheh, totem has crashed and new apport dialog is displayed03:11
kklimonda"How would you describe the issue?"03:11
kklimonda"interface is not working correctly"03:11
kklimonda"no sound is being played"03:11
kklimonda"some audio/video files are not being played correctly"03:12
kklimondahow am I supposed to choose from those options? :)03:12
kklimondai guess it's the first one..03:12
hggdhisn't there a "lost windows"?03:13
kklimondaheh, no wonder I'm so sensitive about those _XError() crashes - I get one every day :/03:15
kklimondaI've never got them before so something is definitely odd but seb128 said that the number of those reports isn't high enough to panic..03:17
billybigriggerhow is everyone03:25
billybigriggeranyone here have any suggestions for the best possible way to backup an entire harddisk?03:28
billybigriggermy ma needs to send hers in for a new backlight, so i thought i'd back it up for her first, and to be honest have never done a backup in *nix03:29
billybigriggeri was thinking dd but dont know what to output it to, as in dd if=/dev/hdd of=?????03:29
kklimondabillybigrigger: if all you need is backup data and you don't care about all metadata (permissions etc.) then use tar03:30
DanaGOh yeah, instead of dd, I use gddrescue -- it figures out optimal block size on its own.03:30
DanaGYou can just 'dd' it to a file.03:32
DanaG... on a drive that has the room for it, of course.03:32
DanaGIt's not the most elegant or efficient, but it's the easiest to recover from.03:33
DanaGhmm, my eSATA drive gives me this: powered on: unknown.  temperature: unknown.03:39
kklimondaDanaG: drive itself or some userspace program?03:42
DanaGAnyway, I do know that the drive enclosure has a SATA-to-SATA bridge.03:42
DanaGso, palimpsest (HORRIBLE name, by the way!) and smartmontools can't read SMART info from it.03:43
DanaGThe only thing that CAN read it, is "hdd sentinel".03:43
kklimondapalimprest is an awesome name ;}03:43
kklimondaj/k - seriously, why couldn't they just call it gnome-disk-utility or -tools..03:44
DanaGI installed the package, and then tried to run gnome-disk-utility...03:44
DanaGdoesn't exist -- wtf?03:44
DanaGI had to dpkg --listfiles to find it.03:44
kklimondaexactly how I've found it..03:46
DanaGsata-to-sata bridge... stupid.  =þ03:46
kklimondasounds.. pointless03:46
mpontillothe way I understand it, you'd want a sata-to-sata bridge only if the enclosure allowed other interconnect types - for example, usb... ex: http://www.initio.com/Html/Doc/INIC-1610%20Product%20Brief.pdf03:50
mpontillo(the block diagram is useful to understand the use case I think)03:50
kklimondagreat, mutter is leaking memory like a sleve.. 135mb and counting..03:54
DanaGyeah, it does have USB and FW400.03:56
DanaGoh, and a different thing: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=514069903:56
J-_Is there anyway to make the volume for audio not so sensative?04:03
kklimondanot really, I hear almost nothing in my laptop speakers when volume is down to 40%04:05
kklimondaeven 50 according to the alsamixer04:05
kklimondaunleass that's not what you've asked about..04:06
J-_sigh. I'm at like 3% volume, and it's at normal listening for me, if I use the volume button on my laptop, or the slider just move it a tick, it's just overbearing.04:06
|ns|nR8there is 2 volume controls to adjust..PCM and master04:06
|ns|nR8turn PCM down and master wont go so loud04:07
billybigriggerkklimonda, DanaG sorry i stepped out for a minute there04:07
kklimonda|ns|nR8: they are now connected04:07
billybigriggerwhat is the best backup options i have?04:07
J-_There's no way to download PCM04:07
billybigriggerits a windows laptop drive04:07
billybigriggeri just want a backup of the files, mostly the new nephew's pictures and resumes and such04:07
J-_Unless there's another applet somewhere04:08
kklimondabillybigrigger: how much data are we talking about?04:08
billybigriggerkklimonda, the whole drive, 100gb04:08
billybigriggeri have plenty of space to backup the whole drive04:08
|ns|nR8right click on volume control, select open volume control04:08
|ns|nR8J-_, that was for you04:08
billybigriggeracer shouldn't even touch the drive, its the just the backlight being replaced, but just in case04:08
J-_|ns|nR8, Yeah, the last response I said was for you, too. :)04:09
kklimonda|ns|nR8: new mixer doesn't really let you to choose between Master and PCM04:09
J-_I wish it did.04:09
billybigriggerand its a sata disk so backing it up should be fairly painless04:09
kklimondabillybigrigger: do you want to make a 1:1 copy so you can restore it later?04:09
kklimondabillybigrigger: or do you just want to copy files so they are safe?04:10
billybigriggerkklimonda, well that would be my only option wouldn't it?04:10
billybigriggerkklimonda, i don't want to pick through and backup single files, because technically acer shouldn't even touch the drive04:10
kklimondabillybigrigger: then go with gddrescue04:10
billybigriggeri don't mind letting it sit there and backup 100gb all night, because i'll probably end up deleting it when the laptop is returned04:10
kklimondabillybigrigger: it will create a 1:1 copy of disk so you can later do anything you like with it04:11
billybigriggerright on04:11
J-_what's that terminal volume applet called?04:11
DanaGdd it to some file.04:11
billybigriggerkklimonda, gddresuce = gtk frontend for dd?04:12
DanaGnope, it'04:12
DanaGit's a revision on ddrescue.04:12
DanaGddrescue stops at bad areas, and tries to recover them...04:12
kklimondaJ-_: try searching for volume in add applet window04:12
DanaGgddrescue realizes that's stupid on a failing drive... it skips them, and comes back.04:12
kklimondabut it may be gone already04:12
kklimondahmm.. I kinda like gnome-shell already04:13
billybigrigger  Installed: 1.2-1.304:13
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:~/debian$ gddrescue04:13
billybigriggerNo command 'gddrescue' found, did you mean:04:13
J-_kklimonda, Yeah, it's deprecated, and when added, it doesn't function.04:13
kklimondabillybigrigger: dpkg -L gddrescue04:13
billybigriggeroh, the command is ddrescue04:14
J-_it looks like they're trying to get rid of PCM. If that's the case, I'm going to be pissed because I've always had problems with volume since Gutsy or around here. PCM let me adjust accordingly, and it worked out perfect with MASTER.04:14
bjsniderJ-_, what kind of sound hardware is this?04:15
billybigriggerbrb need to install this desk04:15
J-_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller04:17
bjsnideri'm not sure what dtchen would say about that, but i can guess04:18
bjsniderie., junk, shite, garbage04:19
bjsnidertake your pick04:19
kklimondabjsnider: whatever, it's installed in most laptops ;O04:20
J-_I'd also think that, having both Output Volume, and <program> volume in the application tab would have separate levels, but they move at the same level when one is moved.04:22
kklimondaJ-_: it's called flat volume04:22
* billybigrigger didn't think this through04:26
billybigriggermy 1TB raid setup uses 2 sata disks04:26
billybigriggernotebook hdd is sata04:27
billybigriggerwas going to backup the disk to the raid array, doh!04:27
kklimondabillybigrigger: yo could always do it over the network04:28
billybigriggerkklimonda, could, but i have the disk installed on this system already04:28
billybigriggeri cleared enough space in my /home04:28
billybigriggerim good now :P04:28
billybigriggerwill ddrescue back up an entire devblock ? or just partitions?04:29
billybigriggerkklimonda, any special options i need to set?04:30
billybigriggeror just let er rip?04:30
billybigriggerddrescue /dev/sda1 ~/windows104:30
billybigriggerddrescue /dev/sda2 ~/windows204:31
kklimondaI'd backup whole sda04:31
billybigriggerso i can backup an entire devblock?04:31
billybigriggeroutput file is a directory04:33
billybigriggerso .... haha ~/windows/windows?04:33
bjsniderkklimonda, yes itis installed in most laptops, but dtchen uses an m-audio usb stick that can replace the onboard chip in any computer04:33
billybigriggeror does the output need an extension04:33
J-_hrm I'm interested in playing a game of sorts to see how my laptop handles graphics since glxgears is working out at like 3000 FPS, but yeah. "Not a proper benchmark" :P Although in Hardy and below I'd only get like 500-600FPS.04:34
billybigriggerJ-_, phoronix test suite my friend04:34
billybigriggerif you want graphics benchmarks04:34
kklimondabjsnider: I don't like things sticking out of my laptop :)04:34
billybigriggerJ-_, what kind of gfx card?04:34
* J-_ waves04:35
kklimondasorry, i couldn't stop myself ;)04:35
bjsniderwow, intel double-whammy04:36
billybigrigger28276 frames in 5.0 seconds for my 9800GTX+04:36
billybigriggernot a benchmark i know04:36
bjsniderthat's an ok card04:36
bjsniderkibnd of overpriced04:36
J-_4046 frames in 5.0 seconds -+04:36
billybigriggeryou could get away with playing some games i guess04:36
bjsnideri'd go down to a 9800 gt or up to a gtx 26004:36
billybigriggerto be honest i don't even use it04:37
kklimondaI get 8600 and info about it syncing to my vertical refresh (which is bogus obviously)04:37
kklimondabut I can't really play anything with it..04:37
DanaGone thing to try: rss-glx screensavers.04:37
kklimondastupid heroes of newerth are slowing down when there is a big fight :/04:37
J-_command not found.04:38
billybigriggerDanaG, apt says its the newest version, but rss-glx command not found04:39
billybigriggerDanaG, nice screensavers?04:39
DanaGthough they'd be wasteful to have run on "idle".04:42
billybigriggercan't seem to get them installed :(04:44
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
DanaGrss-glx is the package name.04:48
xim_any major changes in the last two weeks?04:52
billybigriggerrss-glx is already the newest version04:53
billybigriggerDanaG, rss-glx screensavers is not found04:53
billybigriggerrss-glx command not found04:53
DanaGoh, the commands are actually in /usr/lib/xscreensaver04:54
DanaGthere's flux and skyrocket and euphoria and solarwinds and such.04:54
billybigriggerwhich ones are from the rss-glx package?04:54
DanaGdpkg --listfiles rss-glx04:59
billybigriggerwill ddrescue copy the entire 160gb ntfs device?05:03
billybigriggeror just the data?05:03
J-_Or you could just go into System > Preferences > Screensavers. :P05:03
J-_I had a bug with one, it's already reported05:04
J-_I think it was with flux05:04
DanaGthe "runs at insane-o speed"?05:04
xim_theres some screensavers that arent in /usr/lib/xscreensaver but still show up in the list05:04
xim_i always go in and delete the crappy ones05:05
xim_but theres a few left over05:05
roxanwhat is the page from where I can see all the alpha, beta and rc release of karmic05:05
J-_Does the current setup of Karmic use Pulseaudio?05:06
J-_I'm just wondering if I should try to delete the pulseaudio config in my mpd.conf to see if the volume works any better05:07
J-_The volume on Sonata doesn't even work.05:07
J-_So I'm guessing it isn't using Pulse atm05:07
J-_!info mpd05:08
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.2-3ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 162 kB, installed size 496 kB05:08
J-_I guess I'll try KDE4.305:21
=== djdarkman is now known as Undertaker
=== Undertaker is now known as PalinkaRulz
spOi tried to do a fresh install of alpha 3, but it just stayed at 5% while formating/installing the os05:57
=== PalinkaRulz is now known as djdarkman
=== zehrique is now known as zehrique-Sleepin
J-_Is there anyway to get rid of gnome and have pure kde? Does !purekde work in karmic?08:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:31
Twigaathyooo, nice.... mdadm 3.1 is going to have raid1 -> 5 and 5 -> 6 migration, with support for continuing if there's a failure in the middle of it all09:25
Twigaathys'pretty cool... =)09:25
niekieTwigaathy: nice.09:35
TwigaathyI don't think it'll be out for ubuntu+1, maybe for +1+1 though :D09:38
Twigaathyunless someone packages the pre-release version of mdadm :)09:38
tgpraveen1does karmic koala have any app installed by default to open epub books09:51
tgpraveen1or any apps in repos to open the files of that format09:52
tgpraveen1coz epub was supposed to be a open format for ebooks or soemthing09:52
virtualdi was playing a tune in spotify, and pidgin made a someone's online sound, and wine immediately went quiet10:25
virtualdand has to be restarted to play anything10:26
virtualdi think i'm going oss4 soon10:27
Q-FUNKhowdy!  I'm wondering what is the correct syntax for declaring the framebuffer size on grub cmdline, these days?  vga=794 no longer works, it seems.  have we reverted to Hex values again or am I missing a kernel module?10:39
J-_Will !purekde work with KDE4.3 in karmic?10:39
RAOFQ-FUNK: It certainly has changed; I'm not sure what supplications our new KMS overlords require.10:59
rleedsIs the icon that popped up in my notification tray today to tell me my disk has bad sectors new?11:02
rleedsOr are the bad sectors just new?11:02
nperryWeird, sound plays through firefox but not using moc :s11:04
s0u][ightalpha 4 not released yet?11:05
richardcavellrleeds: did you just update your karmic?11:05
rleedsrichardcavell, yes11:05
richardcavells0u][ight: no11:05
richardcavellrleeds: I don't know anything about it.  I wouldn't believe the report, though11:06
richardcavellKarmic has enough bugs that I wouldn't trust any status report11:06
Q-FUNKRAOF: KMS hasn't been ported to every graphic hardware out there, though.11:08
RAOFQ-FUNK: Right.  But I think the framebuffer code _is_.11:10
Q-FUNKfor instance, the Geode hardware isn't supported by KMS.11:11
mac_v!grub2 | Q-FUNK11:11
ubottuQ-FUNK: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:11
Q-FUNKmac_v: and exactly how is grub2 supposed to magically make KMS supported on Geode?11:11
mac_vQ-FUNK: AFAIK , if it aint in the wiki , it aint supported11:12
Q-FUNKyou're not answering the question. what was the point of this grub2 link?11:12
mac_vQ-FUNK: "I'm wondering what is the correct syntax for declaring the framebuffer size on grub cmdline, these days?  vga=794 no longer works," for that11:13
Q-FUNKmac_v: that says nothing about what bootloader I use.11:13
mac_vQ-FUNK: oh , are you using grub? and not grub211:14
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:15
* richardcavell is frustrated that Karmic is not giving sound on MacBook11:15
Q-FUNKI know grub syntax, thanks.  the exact format of the vga= string has changed a lot between kernel releases, though.11:16
Q-FUNKah, it appears that the solution is to comment vesafb out in blacklist-frambuffer.conf11:16
mac_vQ-FUNK: "vga=" is not necessary11:16
mac_vyeah that too^11:16
Q-FUNKgrmbl.  this used to be compiled into the kernel11:16
Q-FUNKmac_v: and exactly how are you supposed to request a specific framebuffer size+depth without that vga=795 fragment?11:17
mac_vQ-FUNK: it is supposed to detect on its onw, you dont need to specify... are you having problems if not specified?11:20
dupondjeany plans when burning apps will be fixed on Karmic ? Its still unpossible to burn anything :(11:25
richardcavelldupondje: English isn't your first language, is it?11:26
dupondjeindeed :P11:26
richardcavelldupondje: that's okay.  My French sucks11:26
mac_vrichardcavell: my australian sucks ;)11:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397776 in brasero "Unable to find any device" [Low,Confirmed]11:29
dupondjethis is like important no ?11:29
richardcavellmac_v: You know, when I update Karmic (or Jaunty), it tries to download Australian English translations, and it doesn't have any11:29
dupondjecan't burn a thing with Ubuntu :s11:29
mac_vdupondje: those are know issues with brasero , i'm not sure of the exact bug#11:32
mac_vcheck lp11:32
Q-FUNKmac_v: it will not detect on its own on a platform to which KMS has not been ported.11:41
mac_vQ-FUNK: oh... didnt know ... sorry11:42
Q-FUNKnp :)11:43
Q-FUNKmost AGP cards on the market and a few older ones have been ported to KMS.  non-AGP and older cards have not been ported.11:43
EagleScreenis possible to use xorg.conf in karmic?11:45
Q-FUNKEagleScreen: AFAIK it's still possible, though usually not needed.11:45
diverse_izzuemy karmic doesn't activate the screen saver, even though it is configured to do so. does yours?12:13
dholbachPackaging Training Session "On-Call Review" with cjwatson, seb128, james_w and me in 12m in #ubuntu-classroom12:49
pavkamlcIve problem with gdm. No possible to unglock radiobuttons in gdmsetup. Any solution?12:50
oldman_portmap / rpcinfo / nfs seem to have broken on my last karmic updates12:55
oldman_`rpcinfo -p` just hangs there :(12:55
oldman_and similarly nfs-common's rpc.statd cannot start up as it times out registerinfg12:55
|ns|nR8maybe you shouldnt be such a hacker then oldman_12:55
|ns|nR8joking buddy12:56
|ns|nR8yeah looks like it will be a mess till beta12:56
oldman_oh ok, hadn't spotted any bugs filed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/portmap12:57
maxbA quick request for anyone with a running karmic system with an uptime of at least 24 hours - please could you run "ps -efH" and see if you have a run-parts process with a defunct logrotate child hanging around? Thanks13:37
kklimondamaxb: yes13:39
maxbstep 2 - does the logrotate go away and your cron.daily run continue if you "invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload" ?13:40
maxbriiiiight. bit of a comedy bug there. /me reports13:42
pcbuilder97anybody know if the floppy drive issues were fixed yet?13:47
maxbkklimonda: LP 413023 ftr13:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413023 in rsyslog "rsyslogd holds open stderr fd from environment that ran its init script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41302313:52
MementoMoriI'm testing the alpha3 live cd14:02
MementoMoriemphaty is missing the irc support so I can't ask for help from karmic live14:03
MementoMoriand the audio is broken14:03
MementoMorican you help me fixing the audio problem?14:04
MementoMorithe audio chipset is: ATI IXP SB400 AC'97 (rev 02)14:05
gnomefreak!sound > MementoMori14:06
ubottuMementoMori, please see my private message14:06
MementoMorignomefreak: I cant change the audio driver from the sound preferences14:09
gnomefreakMementoMori: thats not all it says IIRC. i would file a bug and use the script that is mentioned on one of those links14:10
mac_v!sound > mac_v14:11
ubottumac_v, please see my private message14:11
MementoMorignomefreak: but how can I check if I'm using alsa or pulseaudio?14:12
gnomefreakas i recall PA uses alsa but the sound dialog should sow you but first start with typing alsamixer in terminal and make sure everything is set right14:13
suitSo.. I got a specifically Kubuntu Karmic related question. Shall I relay it to #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu? :D14:13
MementoMorignomefreak: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107589314:14
mac_vMementoMori: for empathy irc , you have to install telepathy-idle14:15
suitAlright. As opposed to any other version of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, alpha beta or LTS, Kubuntu Karmic doesn't auto-connect to my router w/ eth0 (wired). However. As soon as I am logged in and type 'sudo dhclient eth0' it works, but running the dhclient command takes about a minute which is mighty annoying. Anyone got input on that?14:15
suitI realize i can just write a script that runs the command as login but I'd rather solve the problem than to work around it :)14:16
gnomefreaksuit: expect annoying its alpha still, things dont work atm14:16
gnomefreaksuit: you would need a kde perosn for this and one should be around here now but if not someone will pop in sometime14:17
suitgnomefreak: thanks14:18
gnomefreakMementoMori: looking at the iwki you gave me did you try the work around?14:18
MementoMorignomefreak: if you look at post 10 you'll read the problem is supposed to be fixed in karmic. So I don't know which workaround you are referring to.14:20
MementoMorignomefreak: anyway the sound is working using the last ubuntu LTS14:21
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MementoMoribut from 8.10 to now I hit this problem14:22
Michalxohello all! can anyone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123736114:22
gnomefreakMementoMori: sure it works in Jaunty too :)14:22
MementoMorignomefreak: I tried jaunty but I got this sound problem14:23
rleedsMichalxo, I would not worry.14:27
rleedsI updated my karmic yesterday and got the same errors.14:27
Michalxoso I am right when I am blaming some update to showing the error where is no error :)   (where is the problem?)14:28
rleedsI don't know where the problem is.14:28
rleedsOr I would report it as a bug.14:28
rleedsBut I don't believe either of our HDD has bad sectors. I think we are safe.14:28
Michalxowell.. i did not want to.. but now, when I am not alone :)14:28
Michalxois it possible to move thread from answers.launchpad  to bugs.launchapd?14:29
rleedsYou can file a bug and put a link?14:29
Michalxoah, fine then14:29
gnomefreakPA has been on and off problematic its nothing new some people see problems with certain cards (not sure if they are now unsupported or not) i am thankfully not a sound guy :)14:30
Michalxothanks for reliefment rleeds :)14:30
rleedsthank you, too!14:30
gnomefreakfile the bug but use the script on the wiki problems page that the bot gave you14:30
rleedsI was scared also.14:30
Michalxognomefreak, me?14:30
MementoMoriis the livecd more broken than the full installation?14:31
rleedsMichalxo, I think he's talking to MementoMori14:31
gnomefreakMichalxo: sorry no that was for MementoMori14:31
Michalxook :)14:31
gnomefreakautocompletion error14:31
MementoMorignomefreak: ok14:32
MementoMorignomefreak: do you mean this script I suppose...  http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh14:34
gnomefreakMementoMori: yes that looks right14:34
MementoMoriwpa seems to be broken too...14:35
MementoMoriI cant connect to my router!14:35
Michalxorleeds, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/413064 subscribe if you want to14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413064 in ubuntu "[Karmic] HDD problems gdu-notification-daemon" [Undecided,New]14:35
MementoMorignomefreak: are you sure the live cd is a good test environment?14:35
rleedsMichalxo, will do, thanks!14:36
gnomefreakMementoMori: define good test enviorment14:36
gnomefreakonly spelled right14:36
Michalxorleeds, is it you Tilgovi ?14:36
Michalxook :D14:37
rleedsOh...on the forum.14:37
MementoMoriit's difficult to define... let me remake the question: will you suggest anyone to test the hw using the alpha3 live?14:38
MichalxoMementoMori, I am on alpha 314:38
Michalxoit's safe14:38
MementoMoriMichalxo: live or installed and updated?14:39
Michalxohas some sound issues and little bugs, but it worked ok for me.. liveCD too14:39
Michalxoinstalled now..14:39
MementoMoriok. I'll fill the bug report for the audio and the wireless problem too.14:40
MichalxoMementoMori, downlaod it, try it, update /upgarde it and you should see ;) you can still reboot :)14:40
MementoMorithank you very much14:40
gnomefreaksafe isnt the word i would use at all since it only pertains to that person14:40
Michalxorleeds, you ahve that koala too, right?14:44
rleedsMichalxo, yes. Running smoothly on my thinkpad T61.14:45
rleedsFull updates.14:45
MichalxoI am experiencing another issue... 1) I am unable to burn dvd/cd14:45
Michalxosometimtes I can't physically "umount" dvd/cd14:45
rleedsI cannot test now, but I did burn many cds a week ago.14:45
rleedsI did have that problem.14:45
Michalxoonly eject works.. sometimes eject not too14:45
rleedsYes. Same here. But only happened once. I have not tested again.14:46
Michalxokernel problem? :-/14:46
maxbHas anyone noticed their trackpad becoming annoyingly less responsive with the last few days of karmic updates>14:53
Picimaxb: You mean not responding to tap-to-click?14:54
maxbNot this time - this time it's more like the sensitivity being turned down14:54
PiciNo, my sensitivity is fine.14:54
rleedsmaxb: is the sensitivity turned down?14:55
rleedsThe only annoying problem I'm having with karmic these days is that my headphones always start muted.14:58
maxbIt seems less sensitive than it was even with the sensitivity slider at maximum :-/15:01
maxboh well15:01
* maxb boots jaunty for comparison15:01
rleedsShouldn't alsa-utils restore my sound settings on restart?15:03
rleedsI'm trying to figure out *why* my headphones are always muted.15:03
JMFTheVCIsince the last batch of updates, my boot progress screen now looks like a TV test card rather than the usual ubuntu boot progress. Why? How can I fix it? The shutdown progress is standard ubuntu.15:36
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:37
JMFTheVCItd123: you talkin' to me?15:38
td123JMFTheVCI: yeah15:43
td123JMFTheVCI: check out launchpad15:44
td123JMFTheVCI: and provide more informatikon15:44
td123For instance, what packages did you upgrade.15:44
JMFTheVCISeriously, I am on topic. This has changed for me in the latest fixes (wednesday) since alpha 3. Can you point me to the launchpad item in question?15:44
JMFTheVCItd123: 9.10 Aplha 3, Gnome. All fixes including proposed.15:45
td123JMFTheVCI: yes, but what packages15:46
td123or did you just hit upgrade blindly :)15:46
JMFTheVCII upgrade every package to the latest. What package does the boot load progress screen come in and I will tell you the level.15:47
td123JMFTheVCI: that doesn't help me15:47
hggdhtd123, per your description, it sounds like usplash15:47
JMFTheVCIusplash 0.5.3315:48
td123JMFTheVCI: launchpad.net15:48
hggdhyou can test by rebooting, editing the boot command line, and taking out usplash15:48
hggdhmay be either usplash (I do not use it) or a recent driver update to video15:49
JMFTheVCII am seeing a bootsplash screen and a progress bar. It is just not the usual Ubuntu title. I have Intel video15:49
iddois there simple way to install gnome3 ?15:50
JMFTheVCIIntel GM965/GL96015:50
robin0800JMFTheVCI, There was a new program called xsplash issued yesterday15:50
hggdhiddo, AFAIK, not fully. But you can install gnome-shell (which should call in all basic needed dependencies)15:51
JMFTheVCIrobin0800: does that replace usplash/15:51
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
hggdhbug 41030715:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410307 in xsplash "xsplash should be packaged" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41030715:52
robin0800JMFTheVCI, Don't know but if I do sudo xsplash it locks my system15:52
JMFTheVCII don't have xplash installed.15:53
iddohggdh: gnome-shell will work in gnome2.8 ?15:53
robin0800JMFTheVCI, it was an update yesterday15:53
iddo2.28 i mean15:54
JMFTheVCIsorry, yes I do. I mistyped the dpkg command.15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405413 in network-manager "Network connections disappear from list after making available to all users" [Undecided,New]15:55
DanaGargh, I have this same behavior... should I mark the bug confirmed?15:55
richardcavell_what does xsplash actually do?15:56
richardcavell_I'm not updating my karmic box for a while owing to all the issues I've had from updates15:56
* diverse_izzue has been wondering the same...15:56
JMFTheVCIrobin0800: that looks like the culprit. Can I remove xsplash and go back to usplash or can I easily switch them. Are there better screens for xsplash and how do I configure them?15:56
hggdhiddo, yes (with some limitations, if I remember correctly). Actually, I am going ahead and installing it (previously I was using GIT trunk)15:58
hggdhDanaG, if you have the same situation, yes, go ahead and mark it confirmed. Please also update, as needed, with the current versions (if any achanged)15:59
iddohggdh: how do u install it?15:59
richardcavell_DanaG: yes, if you can confirm identical facts16:00
hggdhiddo, either on synaptic, or (command line) sudo apt-get install gnome-shell16:00
iddohggdh: i dont have gnome-shell there... it it special repository?16:01
hggdhiddo please keep in mind that gnome3 (and gnome-shell, etc) is work-in-progress16:02
hggdhiddo this is weird. g-s is in the Karmic main repository... Are you sure you are running karmic ;-)?16:02
iddohggdh: yes sure, and i did apt-get update16:03
JMFTheVCIrichardcavell: xsplash is going to replace usplash. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo16:03
hggdhah well. anyway, it is uninstallable right now, we are missing a required prereq (libgireporitory1)16:04
iddoi was more interested in other stuff like mutter wm, not really gnome-shell16:05
hggdhtry to install it alone. mutter is a prereq to g-s16:06
iddohmm i do have mutter package, interesting... but not g-s16:07
iddobut how could i tell it to replace metacity ? env var ?16:07
hggdhheh. Now, it is time to RTFM, and search upstream :-)16:08
hggdh(or try 'mutter --replace', and be ready for the skies to fall over your head)16:09
iddowhy dont you try it first...? :-)16:10
iddoim doing apt-get upgrade now... might try it afterwards16:11
iddoits always installing lots of printer cups updates, if i dont use a printer is it good idea to uninstall cups? not sure how..16:11
hggdhoh hell. First, and just in case, sync...16:12
hggdhnow, for the --replace16:12
iddocool, you're trying mutter ?16:12
hggdhyes, and still alive16:12
hggdhmuch slower, though16:12
iddodoes it use GL compositing stuff, without compiz ?16:13
JMFTheVCIxsplash cannot be removed as it has a dependency on ubuntu-desktop. how do I go back to the usual ubuntu usplash display during boot?16:14
JMFTheVCIOr where can I download some of the new xsplash images?16:15
hggdhiddo, it seems to. But I am out of it, I cannot afford to test it now.16:17
iddowas it slow with good graphics chip ? or old computer?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401539 in network-manager "NetworkManager uses wrong icon for network disabled/unavailable" [Undecided,New]16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363341 in network-manager "Network manager shows wireless icon on wired device" [Undecided,New]16:18
iddohggdh: this seems nice, http://www.gnome.org/~mccann/shell/mockups/20090630-demo/  hmm that's not what you saw when u tried mutter?:)16:22
dupondjeThis morning Palimpsest started warning my my hdd has bad sectors :s16:22
dupondjebut devkit-disks says me:  reallocated-sector-count    200/200/140   good    0 sectors   Prefail  Online16:23
dupondjebut also:       bad sectors:         Yes16:23
DanaG!info indicator-sus16:23
ubottuindicator-sus (source: indicator-sus): Applet for the GNOME panel providing various indicators for. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 70 kB, installed size 440 kB16:23
DanaGfor what?16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412024 in indicator-sus "Package descriptions need improvement" [Undecided,New]16:23
hggdhiddo, mutter worked, but very slow: typing would be reflected on the window at about .5 seconds per character16:32
hggdhand it did look like compositing was on16:32
dupondjehttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/30274824/Schermafdruk.png <- any idea why it cries about bad sectors ?16:32
iddohggdh: was it slow with good graphics chip ? or old computer?16:35
mac_vdupondje: current pending sector count?16:35
dupondjebut thats not a really bad sector right ?16:36
mac_vdupondje: just a wild guess , the rest are almost similar to mine , that was the only difference16:37
rleedsdupondje, are you talking about bug 41306416:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413064 in ubuntu "[Karmic] HDD problems gdu-notification-daemon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41306416:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Triaged]16:38
rleedsoh, those might be duplicates?16:38
DanaGOne good basis of comparison would be HDD Sentinel for Windows.16:39
rleedsoh wait...the problems are subtly different16:39
DanaGThat utility says my internal drive is at 40% health, and my external is "perfect".16:39
DanaGthe horribly-named "erased parchment" tells me that my internal drive has "passed", and my external drive... it doesn't have a damn clue.16:40
dupondjecheck last comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/41215216:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Triaged]16:40
mac_vrleeds: dupondje's problem is different , his returns failed but the gdu bug is for passed16:40
iddohggdh: i'm trying mutter now:)16:40
DanaGGranted, that external drive is an eSATA drive with a sata-to-sata bridge.16:41
DanaGSomehow, that one Windows utility, alone among all others, manages to read the status info anyway.16:41
iddofor some reason gconfd-2 take 25% cpu16:41
mac_vdupondje: yours is a differnt bug , other on the bug are completed OK , yours is a Failed , bot a bug , ask a question on lp gdu16:42
mac_vnot a bug*16:42
dupondjemac_v: yea it tels failed, but thats after I run a self-test, if I just boot, its like the others (without the failed)16:42
mac_vdupondje: others the bug return OK even after the self test16:43
hggdhiddo, borderline (an ATI x1200), but still the point is it got *much* slower16:43
hggdhiddo, and on a dualcore AMD64 2GHz, 4G main memory16:44
Brazzhello there everyone... I'm having serious problems getting my ati card driver to work on jaunty and since I heard of the improvements in karmic I would like to know if me, as a person who enjoy some gaming, should consider installing karmic even tho its still under developement.16:45
iddohggdh: when i do mutter --replace i see gconfd-2 in top taking 20%-30% cpu, when i then do metacity --replace it's gone and cpu back to 0%, is it same for you?16:46
mac_vBrazz: ATI X1400 , works better than Jaunty , havent tried gaming though16:46
Brazzmac_v: I use Radeon Mobility 900016:47
mac_vBrazz: as far as i can tell , Karmic is better for ATI , but for an alpha you will have other problems16:48
Brazzmac_v: so you dont recommend me as a new ubuntu user to upgrade to karmic then?16:48
rleedsOh course, you could always try the LiveCD and make your own decision.16:49
rleedsBut generally, if you want things to be smooth, don't.16:49
TSKHowdy, folks.  Is this the "karmic koala" Ubuntu development channel?  :)16:49
rleedsI like breaking things :)16:49
mac_vBrazz: wait for beta ,atleast , or try liveCD , but still expect some other probs16:49
mac_vif you are trying alpha16:49
mac_v!hi | TSK16:50
ubottuTSK: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!16:50
* TSK is trying Ubuntu for the first time in over 2 years and is thus far enjoying Ubuntu a LOT more than last time. :)16:50
TSKUbuntu really has improved quite a lot over the past couple of years.16:51
bjsniderhas it16:51
TSKI think it has.  :)16:51
mac_vbjsnider: lol16:51
=== funkyHat is now known as hunkyFat
TSKI'm finding a LOT of nifty little things it didn't used to have.  :)16:51
bjsnideri know of people who'd say hardy was better than anything recetnly16:51
mac_vbjsnider: now way , i find Karmic much better , even if it is alpha16:52
* TSK was quite happy to find CakePHP framework (and other web development frameworks) in the package repos.16:52
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
bjsnidermac_v, there are still a lot of people that use hardy16:52
TSKThere's a lot of little details that are really nice in this latest version.16:52
rleedsmy experience with hardy was smoother than jaunty, I'll say that. But I'm pretty happy on karmic right now.16:53
bjsnideri think intel graphics users would say there have been regressions, but that's not necessarily ubuntu's fault16:53
TSKMy nVidia hardware is running better so far on Ubuntu than it has on any other distro I've tried recently.16:53
rleedsbjsnider, yes. I get screen corruption on resume now sometimes. Others I get a frozen screen until I blindly restart compiz.16:53
rleedsbut I'm dealing :)16:53
rleedsThe KMS is nice.16:53
hggdhiddo, it might be, but I cannot test it now16:54
iddobjsnider: karmic fixed intel gfx regressions, they were terrible in jaunty16:54
bjsniderall of them?16:54
bjsnideri think not16:54
gnomefreakno not all of them IIRC16:55
rleedsoh..I just remembered I'm on xorg-edgers16:55
rleedsso I cannot judge16:55
iddobjsnider: well i get 2100+ in glxgears instead of less than 30016:55
bjsniderthat's good16:55
TSKPersonally, I didn't stick with Jaunty long enough to know.  I heard too many good things about Karmic and just had to see what all the fuss was about.  :)16:56
bjsniderTSK, what nvidia card?16:56
TSKGeForce 6100 onboard.16:56
TSKYa, I know...  ;)16:57
gnomefreakrlthe edge repos if regressions is somewhat bad assuming it works in reg repos16:57
TSKIt's actually running great tho on Karmic and the latest kernel/drivers.16:57
TSKSurprisingly...  :)16:57
iddohggdh: i failed to start mutter on login :( wanted to see if it'd improve cpu usage for some reason16:57
bjsnidergnomefreak, ubuntu couldn't have kept using the pre-gem architecture for intel gfx in jaunty, could it?16:58
gnomefreakbjsnider: not sure but i dont see why not if it was already there.16:58
bjsnideryeah but if they're moving ahead with the newest x-server release for everybody else...16:59
TSKJust out of curiosity, does anyone know of a QT4 or KDE equivalent to Synaptic?  So far I can't find anything in the KDE world that is as good as Synaptic.17:00
bjsniderif the old arch could have been used in jaunty, then it is the fault of whoever made the choice to use the new arch even though it was full of regressions17:00
bjsniderTSK, adept17:00
TSKI had a look at adept.  Honestly wasn't all that impressed with it.  :(17:01
bjsniderwhy do so many new linux converts try kde first17:01
TSKNo biggie.  I'll just stick with Synaptic.  :)17:01
crdlbam I odd in that I have never opened synaptic on this install?17:02
TSKbjsnider: Hehehe...  I'm not exactly new to Linux.  Just new to Ubuntu.  ;)  I did TRY to like Gnome.  Really I did.  Ended up going back to KDE4.3 tho.17:02
gnomefreakbjsnider: more than likely (90% sure we will not be backporting new X to any stable release17:03
TSKThere were some things I did like better about Gnome tho.  The 3 part menu bar was really nice.17:03
gnomefreakbjsnider: KDE is closest to WIN looking DE we have17:03
TSKLOL!  Bah.  KDE is FAR better than Windoze will ever be.  Gnome is, too.  :)17:04
avihaybwell, kde is missing some features17:05
TSKKDE is indeed missing some features, but it's improving on an almost daily basis.17:05
TSKKDE 4.3 rolled around a LOT faster than I thought it would.17:06
avihaybthe policy for what to do when a window is being clicked doesn't allow for a policy for what happens when a window is being click-draged17:06
DanaGI like gnome, but I don't like where gnome-shell is heading.17:06
TSK4.0 was a total joke tho.  Sad the way that whole thing went.17:06
avihaybin windows, I can click-drag a file from a window on the buttom to the window at the top without raising it17:07
TSKavihayb: Actually, that IS configurable.17:07
avihaybhow, I'd like to fix it17:07
TSKYou can set windows to stay in the background unless you specifically click the title bar.17:07
avihaybrrrrrrrright, I choose the lesser of two evils17:08
iddohggdh: i did killall metacity and ran mutter, it it seems ot behave ok now, cpu at %017:08
TSKavihayb: It's in System Settings > Window Behavior17:09
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iddohggdh: but glxgears is 400 instead of 2100 with metacity, hmm:(17:09
avihaybI know, but I want a window to raise whenever I click it, unless I clickdrag it17:10
TSKavihayb: I think what you want is on the Window Actions tab in that settings page.17:10
crdlbiddo: glxgears is not a benchmark17:10
DanaGoh yeah, the thing I didn't like when I tried just mutter: the animations are bad.17:10
DanaGA minimize action should NOT look and feel the same as a close action.17:10
iddocrdlb: please elaborate?:)17:10
crdlbDanaG: when I tried it, I just wanted a way to turn them all off17:11
TSKavihayb: Hmmm...  Sounds kinda specific.  You might want to submit that as a suggestion to the KDE team as a feature addition for a future version.17:11
TSKavihayb: Most likely that could be fairly easily added as an option in that same settings panel.17:11
DanaGOh, and if gnome-shell won't make it so compiz can work with it... then I say no to gnome-shell.17:11
avihaybyhe, well, where do I suggest a thing like that? I have a list, and it's just growing17:12
crdlbiddo: 400 fps is still quite a lot ... you should try running a real-world app to see the effect17:12
DanaGHere's what I use in compiz: normal window open: dream.  normal window close: sidekick.  min/max: lamp.  menu open/close: vacuum.17:12
crdlbDanaG: here's what I use in compiz:17:12
DanaGOh, and xsplash calls itself a menu... which feels wrong to me.17:12
=== hunkyFat is now known as funkyHat
TSKavihayb: My experience has been that the KDE guys are fairly open to suggestions.  I'd say you might want to open an "Enhancement" ticket on their Bugzilla for something like that.17:12
natewiebe13DanaG: fixed the printer problem17:12
DanaGnice.  Anything specific you had to do?17:13
natewiebe13i got a edited version of cpdftocps17:13
natewiebe13any idea what cpdftocps does?17:14
DanaGI know what pdftops is... but not what cpdftocps is.17:14
DanaGseems they've just stuck two extra letters in there,17:14
TSKavihayb: You could also maybe hang out in one of the KDE IRC channels and just drop hints about good ideas you have.  Never know what might end up getting implemented that way.  ;)17:15
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
DanaGhmm, that's weird... when connected to eSATA, my external hard drive reports status unknown... when on Firewire, it just plain doesn't report ANYTHING.17:17
DanaGThat is, the whole group where disk-status thing goes... is not there.17:17
iddoanyone else feels like trying mutter? (gnome3 default window manager, has GL compositing effects like basic compiz)17:19
DanaGIt also doesn't let me eject the drive!17:19
DanaGI wonder why that is.17:20
TSKiddo: Is there any way to test it in a KDE based system without installing Gnome?17:21
iddoTSK: u can try to replace kwin wm with mutter17:22
iddojust mutter --replace17:22
TSKiddo: Installing it now.17:22
iddocompiz works ok with kde ?17:23
natewiebe13mutter replacing nautilus?17:23
iddonatewiebe13: no it doesnt, maybe gnome-shell does that?17:23
natewiebe13than what is mutter replacing?17:23
iddonatewiebe13: metacity or compiz17:24
natewiebe13gnome-shell is a plugin off of mutter17:24
iddonatewiebe13: yes i guess, its all still in development17:25
TSKiddo: Ooooo...  It's looking pretty nice.  Really snappy and responsive on my machine.17:25
natewiebe13iddo: okay.. are you running mutter?17:25
iddoTSK: try glxgears ?17:25
iddonatewiebe13: yes running it now after i did apt-get install mutter17:25
natewiebe13whats it like compared to metacity? (differences)17:26
iddonatewiebe13: it has compositing effects when u minimize windows etc., like basic compiz17:26
TSKiddo: Okay.  What am I looking for re: glxgears?  (Running fine so far.)17:26
natewiebe13how does it compare speed/performance wise?17:27
iddoTSK: i was hoping you could tell me if fps changed for you when running glxgears under mutter, i see big drop here, even though mutter takes 0% cpu and everything seems smooth17:27
TSKiddo: It's just a tiny bit slower here under mutter than it is under KDE4, but like you say, it's running quite smooth and it does appear to use quite a bit less CPU.17:28
iddonatewiebe13: i see some small spikes in cpu usages when it actually does effect for minimize window etc., but i guess its faster than compiz17:29
iddoTSK: less cpu compared to kwin or compiz ?17:29
iddoi wonder if there's mutter prefs for choosing effects? maybe it's all done with gconf-editor at his stage?17:30
TSKcompiz so far has given me the best performance of all the compositing desktops I've tried comparing CPU usage vs. performance, but it looks like mutter runs a close second.  KWin is by far the worst (or maybe it's just KDE in general) for using too much CPU.17:30
iddoTSK: what is your fps in glxgears with mutter?17:30
iddointeresting that kwin is slow? kwin does compositing effects too?17:31
TSKiddo: Not really that kwin is slow, but rather that it uses more CPU than other compositing window managers I've tried.17:32
natewiebe13wobbly windows are gone (N)17:32
natewiebe13(thumbs down)17:32
natewiebe13switching workspaces is much slower17:33
natewiebe13MUCH slower17:33
iddonatewiebe13: can u try glxgears please?17:33
TSKSounds like maybe mutter gives some rather different results on differing hardware.17:34
natewiebe13average is 3260 fps with mutter17:34
natewiebe13with metacity let me try17:34
natewiebe13*sorry not fps frames every 5 seconds17:34
natewiebe13and goes as low as 3000 per 5 sec17:34
* TSK wonders where one might go to configure this mutter thing...17:35
iddothis demo that uses mutter seems nice: http://www.gnome.org/~mccann/shell/mockups/20090630-demo/17:35
TSKI'm kinda thinking I might have to keep mutter installed just for kicks.  :)17:37
natewiebe13im with compiz17:38
natewiebe13time for glxgears17:38
natewiebe13lowest is 6000 frames every 5 seconds17:39
iddomy glxgears dropped in mutter to 400, in metacity it was 210017:39
natewiebe13so compiz is twice as fast17:39
TSKWow...  That's a pretty drastic change.17:39
iddoi guess mutter still needs work... though it kinda feels smoother than compiz here, i think17:40
TSKI'm sure it'll improve.  I'm certainly going to keep an eye on it.  It's looking quite nice so far.17:40
iddoi'm using eee pc with intel gfx, not fast pc17:40
natewiebe13ive got an average pc here.17:40
TSKThe thing that impressed me is the low CPU usage.  On my machine it hardly spiked the CPU meter at all.17:41
natewiebe13nvidia geforce 6200 (not as fast as my 285 at home :P) and 3.2 ghz dual core17:41
TSKKwin on the other hand spikes my CPU every time I move windows around and such.17:41
natewiebe13compiz doesnt spike for me at all17:41
natewiebe13TSK: sounds like i never want to use kde :P17:42
TSKnatewiebe13: Ya, so far compiz has been the best of the compositing window managers on my systems.17:42
iddokwin does opengl effects?17:42
TSKiddo: Indeed it does17:42
natewiebe13how are they compared to compiz effects?17:42
iddook im not up to date... last time i saw kde it didnt17:42
natewiebe13compiz is very nice17:42
TSKnatewiebe13: Actually, KDE 4.3 has really improved quite a lot.  And it CAN be forced to use compiz for it's effects if you want.  I'm just sticking with the defaults so I can report bugs and help it improve.17:43
natewiebe13how are kwin effects compared to compiz (how good they look)17:43
TSKnatewiebe13: Honestly, if you ever DO try KDE 4, just be sure it's 4.3 or later.  4.0 and 4.1 were nearly un-usable.  4.2 is when it started to get usable, and 4.3 is when I was able to replace my KDE 3.5 with it.17:44
natewiebe13the only complaint i have with gnome, is that we need GOOD screensavers, besides electricsheep17:44
TSKnatewiebe13: The kwin effects are actually pretty nice.  I think compiz is still ahead of them a bit tho.  But then again, they DID get something of a head start, too..  :)17:44
TSKWhat I'd like to see is some kind of a compositing effects standard, so that different compositing window managers could have drop-in libraries of effects that they could share between them.17:46
TSKProbably never happen tho.  :(17:46
TSKnatewiebe13: BTW, as for screensavers under Gnome, doesn't it just use XScreensaver just like KDE?  I'd think that any screensaver which works under KDE or any other X desktop should work fine under Gnome, too.17:47
natewiebe13i'll check17:49
natewiebe13but the screensavers look like windows 9517:49
TSKnatewiebe13: Ya, I've noticed that XScreensaver has a LOT of screensavers ranging from totally crappy to totally impressive and everywhere inbetween.17:50
natewiebe13xscreensaver is not installed but xscreenaver-data is, also gnome-screensaver is installed.. looks to me that gnome-screensaver is just the config tool, and uses xscreensaver-data for the actual screensavers17:50
natewiebe13the only one i like is electricsheep which you have to install manually from the repos17:51
TSKnatewiebe13: You probably want to install the xscreensaver-gl and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages.  That adds a mess of new screensavers, some of which are quite impressive.17:51
natewiebe13i did17:55
natewiebe13dont like them17:55
natewiebe13TSK: have you tried electric sheep?17:56
TSKnatewiebe13: There's also xscreensaver-data-extra which contains more 2D screensavers as well17:56
natewiebe13i have all of them installed already17:57
TSKnatewiebe13: Indeed I have.  It's really one of the better screensavers I've seen.17:57
TSKnatewiebe13: Very slick how it contributes CPU time to the collective screensaver pool, too.17:58
natewiebe13its my fav. screensaver17:59
natewiebe13by far17:59
J-_will !purekde work in karmic with KDE4.3?18:00
TSKnatewiebe13: It's also quite nice that it's available for Mac, Win, AND Linux.18:02
TSKFor those among you using KDE4, here's a page detailing how to use Electric Sheep screensaver under KDE4 -> http://n0t3s.wordpress.com/2009/05/06/electricsheep-and-kde/18:04
The_Warlockhow do i create a live usb for ubuntu 9.10 from my mac?18:21
The_Warlockand how do i get an IMG for karmic?18:23
DanaGwtf is indicator-sus?18:23
DanaG!info indicator-sus18:23
ubottuindicator-sus (source: indicator-sus): Applet for the GNOME panel providing various indicators for. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 70 kB, installed size 440 kB18:23
loonyphoenixwhat is the best alternative to the conventional gnome menus? :) I personally like Linux Mint's solution, but I haven't found a package for Ubuntu, so I'm using classic gnome menu (the single version).18:28
DanaG"providing various indicators for."18:28
DanaGfor.  for what?18:28
hggdhhum. Needs to be edited.18:30
DanaGaptitude show indicator-sus18:32
DanaGit seems the short description is too long, so it tramples on the long description.18:32
DanaGit's even better in the aptitude ncurses UI... the short description is in the blue bar, and the long description becomes just "display to users."18:33
bjsniderloonyphoenix, ubuntu-system-panel18:36
bjsniderdon't know how that project is doing these days though18:36
loonyphoenixabjsnider: apt-cache search ubuntu system panel returns zero results :(18:37
loonyphoenixsorry for the prepended name)18:38
bjsniderdunno if USP ever made it into the repos. last i saw it was a google code project18:39
itswhatevregression - jack sensing18:44
DanaGrandom single off-topic line:  http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=15969   -- yeah, this country (I live here) does suck.18:51
DanaG"U.S. Court Rules Consumers Never Have the Right to Copy DVD Movies"18:51
bjsniderif we don't ownt he flicks then i guess we should never buy them at all18:51
DanaGDamn straight.18:52
itswhatevi never have time for movies anyway, they can go to hel18:55
richardcavellwe have about 9 weeks left to debug this thing.  How are we going?18:56
richardcavellAt the rate it's going I'm not sure18:56
bjsnidernot sure about what?18:56
TwigaathyPersonally, the system as it is works fine for me :)18:56
richardcavelldupondje: hey, did you see what's happening with our bug report?18:56
oldude67has anyone else gotten the network manager to work right since it got broken?18:56
richardcavellbjsnider: whether they'll fix all of the bugs to the point where it's ready for prime time18:56
richardcavelloldude67: yes18:56
TwigaathyBut I don't have a very standard install. YMMV :D18:56
oldude67ugh figures mines still fubarred..ugh18:57
richardcavellWell, I'm getting pretty low mileage, Twig18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405413 in network-manager "Network connections disappear from list after making available to all users" [Undecided,New]18:57
Twigaathyhm, I don't use NM.18:57
richardcavellCurrently I have sound problems, random crashes in firefox, nautilus and other progs, battery icon doesn't correctly report battery level, random screen blanking, package dependency issues...18:58
gbs-wesnice... so, gnome-do updates this morning -- i was having to use it in "docky" style as a replacement to awn which was ridiculously broken when i first upgraded. the update kills gnome-do. doesn't work at all anymore on my system. suddenly, however, my preferred dock (awn) works perfectly again. i r confus.18:58
gbs-wesheadphones still don't work at all for me :(18:58
TwigaathyMy sound works fine, firefox is stable, I don;t use nautilus, I'm on a desktop, I don't have the random screen blanking problem (Probably because I don't have gnome-power-manager) and my apt is healthy >_<18:59
richardcavellkeyboard shortcut issues, flickering in wine games, inexplicable network loss playing Counter-Strike...18:59
Twigaathyactually, that is one thing that is broken for me - wine + audio don't play nicely together18:59
richardcavellgkrellm only works half the time, occasionally my computer hangs completely, webcam doesn't get recognized,...19:00
Twigaathyick, sounds like you've hit every bug ever!19:00
richardcavelland a girl I used to like recently got married19:00
gbs-wesdid you log a bug19:00
richardcavelllol XD19:00
oldude67richardcavell, dont know if that is a bug or a blessing..lmao19:00
DanaGWine sucks with audio.  ALways has for me.19:01
richardcavellI have been piling on the launchpad bug reports19:01
Twigaathyyarr, I just reboot for games these days. Got a bit fed up of trying to hack about a lot19:01
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MichalxoAm I only one who has problem with flash videos and sounds?19:06
richardcavellMichalxo: I get audio dropout on youtube19:07
MichalxoI can hear sound from flash videos BUT only when it's started as first sound application...19:07
Michalxoafter starting rhytmbox I can't hear anything from flash videos19:07
DanaGyou on 64-bit?19:08
Michalxoit's starting to be kind disappointing to heave that sound issues.. (I am aware of fact that I am using alpha software, but I thought this was solved few days ago/week..)19:09
DanaGhmm, it might be the missing lib32asound_pcm_pulse19:09
DanaGside note (unrelated):  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/40541319:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405413 in network-manager "Network connections disappear from list after making available to all users" [Undecided,New]19:09
MichalxoDanaG, I don't have that package at all...19:10
DanaGIt's a file.19:10
Michalxoonly this lib32asound2 in prepos19:10
DanaG!find libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so19:11
ubottuFile libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so found in libasound2-plugins19:11
DanaGah, it's missing from lib32!19:11
DanaGls /usr/lib/alsa-lib19:11
DanaGls /usr/lib32/alsa-lib19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408615 in alsa-plugins "libasound_module_conf_pulse.so is missing from lib32asound-plugins" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:12
MichalxoDanaG, I have that file19:13
DanaGIs it in both places?19:13
DanaGOr just lib (which is lib64)?19:13
MichalxoI don;t have that module_conf_pulse in lib32/19:14
Michalxobut in lib/ it's there19:14
DanaGthat's what I mean: the bug is that they're missing from lib32.19:15
Michalxocan I copy them / link them19:15
Michalxoor it's absolutely different ones?19:16
DanaGYeah, different binaries.19:16
Michalxois there any fix/package?19:17
DanaGthough get conf_pulse and ctl_pulse, too.19:18
virtualdand pcm_pulse probably19:23
virtualdit was there before, it's in my locate database19:24
DanaGwhere the heck did all my gnome-do plugins go?19:24
gbs-westhey updated this morning19:25
gbs-wesyou're lucky, gnome-do doesn't work at all for me anymore19:25
virtualdwhat is gnome-do anyway?19:25
gbs-wesits like apple-key+space on a mac19:27
gbs-wesbut it can also be used as a docky19:27
gbs-wesquicksilver type app, really useful19:27
virtualdi don't know about any apple key combos that doesn't suck, so that tells me nothing19:28
gbs-weshow about the last sentence, moron?19:28
Michalxoeuuh, is it possible not to have libasound in alsa-utils package?19:28
virtualdi don't know about quicksilver either19:29
DanaGIt's a quick-launch thingy that has plugins, for stuff like firefox bookmarks and VirtualBox machines and such.19:30
virtualdah, thank you19:30
bjsnidergnome-shell is in universe?19:31
DanaGbash: gnome-shell: command not found19:31
DanaGit didn't tell me "available in package..."19:31
DanaGPackage `gnome-shell' does not contain any files (!)19:32
bjsnidersomebody said yesterday that it was19:32
DanaGhmm, anyone know where to get a simple LED-class device, where the device itself is just an LED?19:34
bjsnideroh, it is in there19:34
bjsnideri just switched servers from US to main and gnome-shell appeared19:35
avihaybDanaG: if I needed a computer controlled led, I'd usualy turn to the printer port...19:38
cumulus007Hi, I'm running kubuntu karmic with nvidia 185.x and fullscreen Flash is very slow, it lags all the time19:38
cumulus007it doesn't matter whether KWin's effects are disabled or not19:38
gbs-weskarmic SUCKKKKSSSSssss19:38
cumulus007gbs-wes: that's not really contributing to the conversation19:39
DanaGlaptop... no printer prot.19:39
DanaGand I want it to be the type that appears in /sys/class/leds19:39
gbs-wesyeah it is. thats like 23 characters.19:40
MichalxoDanaG, there is no such file in alsa-lib and alsa-utils :-/19:40
derenrichlaudable llama <-- me calls it19:42
bjsniderleaping lizard19:42
bjsniderlugubrious locust19:43
derenrichgotta be llama19:44
derenrichgotta be laudable19:44
J-_Will !purekde work in Karmic?19:51
MichalxoDanaG, that files are in libasound2-plugins package, not in alsa-utils.. that guy made a mistake19:52
DanaGoh yeah.19:52
* J-_ yearns19:54
MichalxoDanaG, not working...19:56
Michalxodo I have to reboot or so?19:56
DanaGodd.  I downloaded libasound2-plugins and opened it in archive-manager.  there's the data.tar.gz inside it.19:57
DanaGyou copy the three pulse .so files to /usr/lib32/alsa-lib ?19:57
Michalxo/Desktop/alsa-lib$ sudo cp libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so libasound_module_conf_pulse.so libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/19:57
Michalxohttp://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libasound2-plugins form here i386 package19:58
DanaGyeah. hmm, what does it give now?  and I now don't remember what the original issue was.19:58
MichalxoDanaG, well... when flash sound works, my rhytmbox can't play20:00
DanaGhmm, check in pavucontrol whether flash is showing up there.20:01
Michalxothere\s 3times alsa plugin [metacity]20:02
Michalxoand rhytmbox "playing"20:02
DanaGodd.. why would metacity be there?20:02
DanaGthat is weird.20:02
DanaGhmm, is anything Flash currently open?20:02
Michalxonow not20:03
Michalxoonly finished video20:03
bjsnideralsa plugin with metacity playing audio?20:09
Michalxoyeah, probably metacity fancy sounds...20:15
Michalxomy skype says this20:15
Michalxoaha, it's same as bug... here20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408615 in alsa-plugins "libasound_module_conf_pulse.so is missing from lib32asound-plugins" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:16
DanaGskype is evil... the developers haven't even updated it in frickin' ages.20:16
Michalxowell.. forget about skype, I just installed it cause of that error message20:17
Michalxoright after flash video finished, sound got back from rhytmbo20:18
Michalxobut now, when RBox is playing, flash video hangs right on place when 1st sound is supposed to be20:19
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DanaGhmm, sounds like Flash is doing something incorrectly.  Odd.20:30
DanaGTry starting firefox in console, perhaps?20:30
loonyphoenixwhen's pulseaudio going to be fixed? :(20:51
DanaGwhat do you mean, "fixed"?  It works fine for me.20:55
Michalxonot for me :(20:58
loonyphoenixDanaG: really? it works fine for somebody?20:58
DanaGhmm, what's the specific issue you're having?20:59
DanaGIt's easier to help with things if you tell us what the issue is, of course.20:59
loonyphoenixrandom crashes, strange volume changing behaviour20:59
loonyphoenixchanging volume in one app causes change in all apps20:59
DanaGoh yeah, I disabled flat volumes.20:59
DanaGYeah, that's a "feature".  A really stupid one.20:59
loonyphoenixwhat's that and how do you do it?21:00
loonyphoenixdisable it i mean21:00
DanaGsudo nano /etc/pulse/daemon.conf21:00
DanaGuncomment "flat volumes = yes" and change it to say 'no' instead.21:00
DanaGIs there a bug report on that behavior?21:00
loonyphoenixI don't know, must be21:00
loonyphoenixthx for the tip21:01
loonyphoenixdo you know why they did that?21:01
loonyphoenixI hope it doesn't hold until final release...21:01
DanaGIt's supposedly a feature... but I find it sucks.21:03
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loonyphoenixwho is the great mind who thought this would be a good feature?21:04
loonyphoenixyou know what other "feature" I hate?21:05
loonyphoenixit's that totem fast-forwards four times faster than rewinds21:05
DanaGugh, yeah.21:05
loonyphoenixthat's really a BAD decision21:05
DanaGI try to skip back and forth... and get lost every time.21:05
loonyphoenixis there a way to disable THAT21:05
DanaGSo that's what it is... 4 times as fast?21:05
loonyphoenixyeah, I counted21:06
DanaGI had never found it that specific... to me, it was just "wrong".21:06
loonyphoenixyou press right one time, then left four times and you're where you started21:06
DanaGugh, that IS stupid.21:08
loonyphoenixbtw, are they getting rid of hal in karmic?21:11
nhasianloonyphoenix, yes i believe so21:11
komputesDoes anyone have skype working in karmic?21:11
loonyphoenixnhasian: that's great, provided it doesn't cause too many regressions...21:11
nhasianwell those are the things we're trying to fix before the final release in october :)21:12
DanaGnote that it'd be /usr/lib32, not /opt/lib3221:13
nhasianis Karmic Alpha 4 still coming out today?21:18
DanaGyeah, skype is a broken closed-source software.21:20
DanaGI mean, they even friggin' hardcode /usr/lib... so the 32-bit skype tries to load 64-bit libraries!21:20
loonyphoenixbtw, the pulseaudio bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/41104221:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411042 in pulseaudio "application-specific volume control affects master volume" [Undecided,New]21:21
DanaGConsider trying ekiga, or wengophone, or "gizmo".21:21
* DanaG goes off for füd.21:23
nhasianpulseaudio has always been troublesome... but its getting better21:29
loonyphoenixpulseaudio is great, imo21:30
loonyphoenixexcept for this one "feature"...21:30
BUGabundohey kids21:31
DanaGyeah, flat volumes are horrible, in terms of user experience.21:32
DanaGI managed to blast myself the other day, by turning up Totem's volume (because it was too quiet) ... and oops, now it turned up the sound card, too!21:33
DanaGWindows doesn't do that.  OS X doesn't do that.21:33
BUGabundoDanaG: disable it21:33
BUGabundoI did and  now everything is A O K21:33
DanaGI did... but it needs to be exposed in the user interface.21:33
DanaGAnd disabled by default.21:33
loonyphoenixgo say that in the bug, as i did)21:33
BUGabundoby defailt?21:34
BUGabundoits like 10% of the code21:34
BUGabundoits they baby girl21:34
loonyphoenixno, it like two characters in the config file21:34
DanaG-3 +221:34
loonyphoenixwhat are the major features planned for karmic? besides lightning boot, i mean21:35
loonyphoenixCreate a usb-creator Equivalent for Non-Linux Systems -- that's a good one21:36
Michalxowhat about today's alpha 4? :-)21:37
virtualdwhen firefox crashes and the dialog (from apport probably) that pops up says there's not enough memory to analyse the problem, is that a bad memory leak?21:37
loonyphoenixis it today?21:37
BUGabundoloonyphoenix: that's on the works21:37
loonyphoenixthat's why these past few days were a bit slow21:37
loonyphoenixi'd wondered21:37
Michalxoloonyphoenix, it should be... by schedule :-/21:37
Michalxoit really is out!21:38
Michalxothey had to put it just few hours ago21:38
loonyphoenixit's already out?21:38
loonyphoenixthat's good :) (am going to download it right away)21:38
loonyphoenixI think I encountered a memory leak myself the recently21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411042 in pulseaudio "application-specific volume control affects master volume" [Undecided,New]21:41
loonyphoenixAnd I still can't figure out how to backtrace it21:41
nhasianyay alpha4 is out now21:41
* loonyphoenix is downloading it21:42
loonyphoenixdon't know why, I got a fully updated system:)21:42
loonyphoenixmaybe I just want to delete the old alpha3 image...21:43
nhasianwell i need the new iso to install karmic on another laptop21:43
maxbAnyone having troubles with synaptics touchpads?21:44
nhasiani'm only getting 1.4 MB/s though21:44
nhasianmaxb, like what?21:44
loonyphoenixI can't click with the touchpad itself, not the buttons21:44
loonyphoenixbut I hardly ever use it21:44
maxbMine has started behaving very oddly .. it's almost as if the system is losing some touchpad events21:44
loonyphoenixand I don't know if it's recent21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405943 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "[regression] rapid pointer movements with touchpad ignored" [High,In progress]21:45
nhasianmaxb, well i know that they recently added the option to temporarily disable the touchpad when you start typing21:45
loonyphoenixGod, I'm drowning in tabs...21:46
nhasiani thought that was a good thing because i hate when the cursor jumps when my palm accidentally brushes the touchpad21:46
DanaGFor me it's bad, because it's overly restrictive.21:47
DanaGIf I move just a bit too fast, it says "screw you" and ignores the motion.21:47
DanaGThe threshold is way too low.21:47
Michalxoguys, have you experienced this one?21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413064 in ubuntu "[Karmic] HDD problems gdu-notification-daemon" [Undecided,New]21:49
maxbDanaG: thankyou very much, you've saved me much time and frustration! :-)21:49
Michalxoa guy who was there has same error as me..21:49
maxbMichalxo: I'll dup that one against LP 41215221:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41215221:51
DanaGyeah, I'd call it "alarmist".21:52
loonyphoenixcan somebody help me backtrace a memory leak? gdb won't work :( LP 41204021:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412040 in nautilus "nautilus hangs consuming lots of memory and cpu when opening large video files" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41204021:59
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mac_vhehe...  alarmist DanaG22:26
bjsniderloonyphoenix, is that a thumbnailing issue?22:34
loonyphoenixbjsnider: I'll test it out right now.22:34
bjsniderbecause the thumbnailer crashes nautilus if you try to use it with video files and the icon size is set to >100%22:35
bjsniderand it has for years22:35
loonyphoenixbjsnider: Yes, I think so. With thumbnailer disabled everything is fine.22:36
bjsniderthis is a longstanding problem with nautilus, and it isn't specifically ubuntu's fault22:36
loonyphoenixbjsnider: and it doesn't just crash for me; it eats away at memory first (for several minutes) and only then hangs without crashing22:36
bjsnideralso, the "don't thumbnail files greater than 10MB" is not working22:36
loonyphoenixoverall, i think nautilus is a very buggy piece of dung22:37
bjsniderlooneyright, first it grabs all of your RAM, then x crashes22:37
loonyphoenixit's not just these issues22:37
bjsniderit's been like this for years22:37
loonyphoenixbjsnider: no, X doesn't crash because I kill it when it hangs)22:38
bjsniderand i think there are open gnome bugs about it, but nobody's fixed it.22:38
loonyphoenixI never tried to see what happens if I leave it to its own devices for half an hour)22:38
loonyphoenixthe only thing that is good about nautilus is its integration with gvfs which allows any program to open files on samba shares22:39
loonyphoenixI just wish they'd throw nautilus away and write something new from scratch or say borrow thunar and add a few features22:40
bjsniderthunar is probably better22:40
bjsnideri like how you can make the stuff in the sidebar bigger22:41
loonyphoenixthunar would be almost perfect if they integrated gvfs with it22:41
loonyphoenixa lot of my stuff is on samba shares and there's no easy way to browse it in thunar22:41
loonyphoenixmounting in fstab doesn't work because wireless network is loaded after fstab does its work22:43
loonyphoenixpyneighborhood is buggy22:43
loonyphoenixbjsnider: do you know where the gnome thumbnailing bug is? I can't find it :(22:49
bjsnideri looked it up a year  or two ago22:49
bjsniderit's not on launchpad22:50
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
diverse_izzuehey. can somebody with a minute of time please try to confirm bug 411083 for me? am i the only one for which this happens23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411083 in gnome-control-center "Mouse capplet forgets scroll settings" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41108323:29
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb
starwindhey, whay command would I need to use to install guest additions in karmic?23:51
AnswerGuyWhat's a "guest addition?"23:52
diverse_izzuestarwind, try sudo aptitude install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 virtualbox-ose-guest-utils23:53
starwindoh sorry.. maybe vbox additions for would the correct term?23:53
starwindI ran both of those, but it seems I still can't adjust the screen resolution of my guest OS23:59
starwindam I missing something or did I do something wrong?23:59
diverse_izzuedi you install them in the guest?23:59
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