
amitkogra: do you guys plan to roll Pegatron images too? considering the slight changes required to redboot...10:50
ograif i can get the redboot patches in plain form i will include redboot binaries for pegatron and it would be nice to have kernel support too, we wont build specific images though, but we would like to enable oters to do so10:51
loolI would like to split the images so that we ship a small device dependent image and load the squashfs from a separate image10:51
loolWe need to revisit the image format; SD images aren't particularly useful for real lange devices10:52
ograthough thats karmic+1, right ?10:52
loolThat's as soon as possible but not a karmic goal in itself  :)10:52
ograor do you plan it for this cycle ?10:52
* ogra would like to have images at all before thinking about a redesign :)10:53
loolWe do now10:54
loolJust with broken casper (Fix committed) and kernel10:55
ograonce i see it booting to gdm and can use mouse kbd and network i'm happy10:55
ogralool, in any case i dont want to have a cycle again where we dont start building images with A110:56
loolI wish, but I doubt it will be much faster to rebase on top of .33 or whatever is used in 10.0410:57
ograeven if that means to carry the kernel of the last release for a while10:57
loolPerhaps for dove10:57
ograwell, with the sperate kernel sourcepackages it should be a bit easier10:57
amitkso you worked around the squashfs problem or was it fixed?10:57
ograits broken atm10:58
amitkhow can I reproduce it? Since I don't typically install the entire system to test kernels...10:58
ograhmm, well, you would need to pul the live image10:59
ograthen change the cmdline and add LIVEMEDIA=/dev/mmcblk0p210:59
amitkstraight dd to SD?11:00
* ogra curses git12:10
ograso my day is messed already having to use that crap12:11
ograso no matter what i do to get the mvl-dove branch it simply trashes what i have already12:14
amitkwhat are you trying to do?12:14
ogralool wanted me to do a testbuild and i simply clone the ubuntu-karmic branch, then try to checkout the mvl-dove head (which apparently isnt included)12:15
amitkogra: what does 'git branch -r' say12:16
ograso i started lookinf for docs that confuse even more, isnt there a simple clone command i can use to get directly what i want ?12:16
ograah, it has origin/mvl-dove12:16
ograbut note i messed it up already editing .git/config12:16
ograand running git pull afterwards12:17
amitkso just do 'git checkout origin/mvl-dove -b mvl-dove'12:17
ograwhich results in a broken merge12:17
amitkNEVER EVER use git pull. Don't you bzr heads ever learn :-p12:17
ograwell, if git would be usable in any small amount we wouldnt need bzr :P12:18
amitkHere are the commands to fix your setup:12:18
* ogra starts over with a clean clone12:18
ograoh, ok12:18
* ogra listens12:18
amitkgit checkout master12:18
amitkgit reset --hard origin/master12:18
* amitk waits12:18
ograSwitched to a new branch 'mvl-dove'12:19
ograha !12:19
amitkgit fetch12:19
amitkwhat does 'git branch' say?12:20
ograogra@osiris:/var/build/kernel/git/ubuntu-karmic$ git branch12:20
ogra  master12:20
ogra* mvl-dove12:20
amitkgit reset --hard origin/mvl-dove12:21
amitkjust to be sure you are on tip of mvl-dove12:21
ograHEAD is now at 32e3175 UBUNTU: [Config] Bypass udeb generation issues.12:21
ogralooks good12:21
amitknow you can carry on building12:21
ograyep i guessed so12:22
ograamitk, thanks a lot, git is like speaking latin to me12:25
amitkactually it _is_ due to the archival nature of internet. Everything published on internet should have a expiry date. All the bad docs would disappear then.12:26
amitkhmm... why does the karmic fsl image switch the console after initramf12:47
ogracan you elaborate ?12:47
amitkhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252445/ after this I get nothing on my serial console12:48
amitkeverything is redirected to the DVI output12:48
amitkwhere I see initramfs errors12:49
ograoh, right, because its a live image12:50
ograedit the cmdline12:50
ogradrop console=tty012:50
ograthough given that upstart has no default setup for serial ttyS i doubt you will get a lot more (beyond the errors)12:51
ogralool, the mvl-dove kernel doesnt boot12:51
ogralool, whoops, i take that back, wrong mkimage parameters12:53
amitklool: you comment on the squashfs bug: babbage image doesn't find its livefs by default (due to a driver renaming its /sys data between 2.6.28 and .31)13:14
amitkthat should be the squashfs driver?13:15
ograno, thats the casper bug he was referring to earlier13:15
amitkso now it does find its livefs by default?13:15
ograwe currently look for platform-mmc devices but that device was renamed13:16
ograthe casper fix adds the new name to it i belive (i didnt check it)13:16
ograyou can override the broken casper detection by setting LIVEMEDIA=/dev/mmcblk0p2 on the cmdline13:16
ograthe detection isnt realted to the squashfs oops13:17
ograits two separate issues13:17
amitkits almost impossible for me to debug this bug w/o a separate DVI display. Can't keep switching between the board and my devbox. Do you have any other trick?13:17
ograsadly no13:18
ogradropping console=tty0 didnt help ?13:19
amitkit helps. But I don't have enought knowledge of initramfs13:23
amitkwhere does the stdin: error 0 come from?13:23
amitkaah, nevermind. passing LIVEMEDIA makes it go away13:26
loolamitk: There is a casper fix which isn't uploaded which is why you need the LIVEMEDIA arg13:38
loolMain console is on DVI by default but you can easily change that on the kernel cmdline13:38
ogralool, dove looks very good so far13:38
loologra: What did you test?13:39
ograits nearly finished doing a kernel compile13:39
ogranever got that far before, should be done within the next 15min13:39
amitkogra: it better be. They delivered a 2.6.31 patchset...13:39
ograwell, we had weird segfaults and ICEs with all former versions13:40
ogranothing like that anymore it seems13:40
ograand since i built a .deb from our git tree i'll try initramfs booting next13:40
ograit still doesnt see the 512M though13:41
ograogra@dove:~$ sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda113:44
ogra Timing buffered disk reads:  170 MB in  3.15 seconds =  53.99 MB/sec13:44
* ogra really loves that13:44
amitkogra: did you say there was a dove board to be delivered to me too?13:47
ograwe had a spare one but you guys were all gone already13:47
ogranot sure where that went now13:47
ogralool, do you remember ? ^^^13:48
ogramage arch/arm/boot/uImage is ready13:52
ograHA !13:52
ogralool, i'd consider the stability issues solved13:53
loologra: Do you have CONFIG_HIGHMEM on your kernel?14:23
loologra: How much memory do you see in free?14:23
loolor /proc/meminfo rather14:23
ograogra@dove:~/temp$ cat /proc/meminfo14:24
ograMemTotal:         286664 kB14:24
ogra# CONFIG_HIGHMEM is not set14:24
* ogra tells rtg14:24
ogralets get it set for one testbuild14:25
loolI don't understand where these 256 MB are14:25
ogrado you need anything more ? else i'll try a reboot with initramfs14:26
loolNo I don't thanks14:27
ograWrong Ramdisk Image Format14:47
ograi wonder why14:47
ograi can load it just fine but it panics14:47
ogracat /ogra@dove:~$ cat /proc/meminfo14:50
ograMemTotal:         514248 kB14:50
ograhmm, works if i set mem=512M14:50
* ogra tries to complie something to see if it stays stable14:50
loologra: Are you using the latest U-Boot?15:06
loolYou want the latest one15:07
ograah, no15:07
ogrado we know how to safely flash it ?15:07
ograi dont want to trash my board now that it actually runs stable15:07
loolNot sure15:09
* ogra tries another kernel build with mem=512M15:09
ogralets see if it keeps stability15:10
tleeAnyone know a good ubuntu-arm-vfp rootfs when I can download.16:11
loolvfp nope16:27
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