
kklimondawhy is desktop-bugs ML inactive?00:00
kklimondahmm.. it isn't00:00
kklimondaI wonder why don't I see new posts neither on gmane nor https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/desktop-bugs/00:01
seb128_the archive are not on for bugs list00:06
seb128_too many informations and nobody going to browse that online00:06
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kklimondaseb128_: I was planning to use news client to get info about new bugs (and read MLs) so I can declutter my mail box :)00:09
seb128_no luck for you then00:11
seb128_'night everything00:11
kklimondabut if new bugs are sent to desktop-bugs ML then they should be available from gmane..00:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jcastrobratsche, wait, you're the guy who fixed bgo:56070? Man, if I would have known that I would have bought you a steak dinner.02:57
bratschejcastro: Hey dude!  How's it going?02:59
jcastrogood, I just wandered across your page on the wiki02:59
bratschejcastro: Dude, I ordered an Intel X25-M now after I saw yours in action.02:59
jcastrothey just started reshipping the new ones right?03:00
bratscheI'm not sure.03:01
bratscheI can't wait, I'm so excited.03:02
jcastrocheck these out dude: http://www.fusionio.com/Products.aspx03:03
bratscheOh hot!03:05
bratschejcastro: Whoa.. I just noticed the price tag on that.  80gig for $895?  heh.03:24
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:26
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:26
chrisccoulsoni bet you're looking forward to your holiday now seb128:)08:36
seb128chrisccoulson, yes ;-)08:36
seb128the week has been ok but still I didn't take much days off this year08:37
seb128so it will be good to have a computer break08:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, you're always here ;)08:37
seb128I will try to be good at not working during those08:37
chrisccoulsonyes, you should have a proper rest ;)08:38
chrisccoulsonright, i have to disappear, i'm working away off site today08:39
seb128chrisccoulson, good luck08:39
seb128is that better than "have fun"? ;-)08:39
chrisccoulsonthanks. have a good day :)08:39
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huatsmorning everyone09:14
seb128lut huats09:15
huatshello seb12809:16
didrocksmorning everyone o/10:11
seb128lut didrocks10:11
seb128didrocks, ca va ?10:11
didrockshey seb128! Oui oui, ça va, toujours comme le temps qui est magnifique :)10:11
didrocksseb128: et toi ?10:11
seb128ca va bien10:11
seb128le temps est gris ici10:12
seb128ca me va pour bosser10:12
didrocksoui, quand il fait trop chaud, bosser devient difficile :)10:12
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128jcastro, hello10:22
seb128jcastro, could you add gnome-disk-utility to launchpad?10:22
seb128so we can add upstream tasks10:22
davmor2Outta curiosity is there a reason why a new instance of evolution is open when you click on a date in the panel calendar, this is when you have  evo open for email10:29
davmor2in fact I just check it does it if you click on 2 different dates in the calendar10:30
seb128it's not a new instance10:37
seb128it's a new view10:37
seb128and yes, clicking on a calendar doesn't mean you want to switch away from the email you were reading10:37
seb128it's a non disruptive behaviour10:37
asachey. yesterday i rebooted and had hoped for parts of the new boot experience. did anything of that already land?10:38
asacdo i need to do something? like upgrading to grub2?10:39
seb128asac, you should have get usplash running10:39
seb128xsplash I mean10:39
asacseb128: how would i see?10:39
seb128do you have a custom background?10:40
seb128autologin on?10:40
asacxsplash is not installed ;)10:40
seb128ok, so you don't ubuntu-desktop installed?10:40
asaclet me install ubuntu-desktop and see if that got removed again10:40
seb128what got removed?10:40
asacalso for about 2 years i am seeing the kubuntu splash screen ;)10:40
asacseb128: ubuntu-desktop10:40
asacok now i have xsplash 0.4 ;)10:41
seb128need to restart my session, e-d-s crashed or something10:41
seb128and that frozen my gnome-panel10:41
seb128can't start evo now10:41
seb128better now10:44
davmor2seb128: thanks for explaining :)10:47
seb128asac, it's not really fancy now10:47
seb128ie still flickering10:47
seb128and it's confusing if you use a different image10:47
asacseb128: how can i reset everything splash related?10:51
asacseb128: as i said i am seeing the "Kubuntu" start thing for about 2 years now ;)10:51
asaci guess there is an alternative or something ;)10:51
seb128asac, gconftool-2 --unset /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image10:52
seb128asac, gconftool-2 --unset /apps/gnome-session/op10:52
seb128asac, gconftool-2 --unset /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen10:53
asacseb128: i dont think the kubuntu thing i am seeing is gnome-session related.10:53
seb128we default at not showing splashes nowadays10:53
asacits what i get after grub10:53
asacanyway running those commands now. they cannot hurt ;)10:53
seb128asac, $ update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so10:54
asacthats it10:55
asac/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so - priority 5510:55
asac/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so - priority 1010:55
asac/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-xubuntu.so - priority 1010:55
asackubuntu is rude ;)10:55
asacprio 5510:56
asacgood bye kubuntu start screen ;)10:56
seb128asac, np10:59
seb128soren, your g-c-c bugs seems not really a bug11:37
seb128soren, ie don't set virtual setting if you think those are broken11:37
sorenseb128: Err... gnome-display-properties sets that for me.11:38
sorenAnd gives me no way to revert it.11:38
seb128well there is no way to know why it has been set11:39
seb128could be for a good reason11:39
seb128in which case you don't want an option to unset it there11:39
sorenSo what do you suggest?11:39
seb128I would suggest that the display capplet should never play with virtual11:40
seb128and xorg should do the right thing11:40
james_wthe thing that sets virtual could set it to max(needed virtual for configuration, maximum possible screen resolution)11:40
sorenFact of the matter is that users can paint themselves into a corner with no way to get back out (short of "sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf")11:40
james_wthen virtual would never restrict the screen resolution options11:40
seb128that's rather a screen-resolution-extra issue then11:40
james_wassuming that's what happened11:40
sorenjames_w: Well... You can't really do that, since you don't know if the user is going to plug in an external screen with an even higher resolution later on.11:41
james_wthat's a limitation of X though11:42
sorenjames_w: I guess a fix would be to let XRANDR report resolutions that it can't actually set, and then let gnome-control-center fiddle with virtual so that it'll fit.11:42
sorenSince that's basically what it does already (when no virtual size is set).11:42
james_wthat could work as well11:42
sorenAFAIUI, anyways.11:42
seb128having to tweak virtual sucks11:42
sorenIt does, yes.11:43
james_wtseliot is the person that knows most about this11:43
seb128xorg should just be working11:43
seb128assigning the bug to him since he wrote those changes11:43
sorenTo be brutally honest, I don't really care much about the bug. I just helped a dude get out of it, and wanted to make sure the bug was filed.11:43
tseliotseb128: what bug is that?11:45
sorenThe problem is valid. The suggested root cause or fix or whatever, perhaps not. :)11:45
seb128tseliot, bug #41294811:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412948 in gnome-control-center "Screen stuck at suboptimal resolution due to virtual size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41294811:45
seb128soren, speaking about bugs do you still work on vm-builder etc?11:46
sorenseb128: In theory, yes.11:46
sorenseb128: I've been on holiday or at conferences for the past month and a half, so I've had little or no time to do anything VMBuilder related.11:46
seb128soren, there is some sponsoring bugs waiting for ages11:46
seb128soren, if you could have a look at some point I'm sure dholbach would hug you11:47
sorenseb128: I have every intention of going through all of that as soon as I have just a tiny bit of time. :)11:48
seb128soren, ok thanks ;-)11:48
tseliotseb128, soren: would it be ok if g-c-c set the virtual resolution to 2048x2048 (which shouldn't break direct rendering) unless something bigger is required?11:49
seb128I guess so11:49
tseliotonly some intel cards and ati cards can handle >204811:50
seb128it would limit the buggy cases probability11:50
* tseliot nods11:50
sorentseliot: IIRC, we don't do that for a reason.11:51
sorentseliot: The reason could be any of the following:11:51
sorentseliot: To avoid making X reserve a whole bunch of RAM that it'll never need anyway.11:52
sorentseliot: Or because compiz doesn't work when the virtual screen is so big.11:52
Amaranthcompiz will work with 2048x204811:52
sorentseliot: I seem to have heard both reasons, but I'm not sure which (if any) is valid.11:52
Amaranthof course shatter will fix all of this...11:52
Amaranthwhenever that comes11:52
sorenIs that like damage?11:53
tseliotsoren: things work differently with intel + UXA now. It can dynamically resize the frontbuffer11:53
Amaranthsoren: it's a rework of the framebuffer setup in xorg11:53
Amaranthsoren: ajax has been working on it off and on for years11:53
sorentseliot: Ah. right, my brain is probably outdated.11:53
tseliotsoren: and direct rendering (hence Compiz) is not broken with 2048x204811:53
loolkenvandine: I dont quite understand why you redid the xsplash packaging changes instead of just merging the branch, but it seems all is in so I closed the merge request11:54
tseliotlast time I tried this with my intel card I wasn't even asked to set the virtual resolution11:54
davmor2seb128: did easy codec get added to rhythmbox too I can't remember?12:02
seb128and that works on current iso I just tried12:02
davmor2seb128: Ah okay cool that's what I was going to do :)12:02
seb128the totem one is broken12:03
seb128known issue12:03
seb128lunch time bbl12:03
asacRiddell: you should add your canonical.com address to launchpad :)12:30
asacin that way you wouldnt show up as a random guy on code hosting ;)12:30
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Riddellmm, good idea12:37
seb128slomo, hey12:53
kklimondaseb128: wrt bug 412808 - is it worth to push it upstream if I can't reproduce it with --sync ?12:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412808 in totem "totem crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41280812:57
seb128they might have a better clue how to debug12:58
seb128or about what is going on12:58
seb128it's going to stay there for ever otherwise12:58
seb128slomo, is easy codec install working in totem debian?13:01
slomoseb128: i don't know, there's no reason why it shouldn't work ;) why?13:04
seb128slomo, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59167713:05
ubottuGnome bug 591677 in GStreamer backend "Easy codec installation is not working" [Normal,Needinfo]13:05
slomoseb128: ok, so definitely a totem problem... since when? 2.27.1 or .2?13:06
seb128slomo, I just noticed with current version13:06
seb128I'm not sure if 2.27.1 had the issue, I don't test every day13:06
seb128can you confirm on debian too?13:06
slomoseb128: hm, for me it just complains that a decoder is missing but not installed13:08
slomobut it doesn't launch the codec installer13:08
seb128slomo, ok, here I get the data flow error13:09
slomoseb128: yes, totem is broken... bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c:1565:bvw_check_missing_plugins_error: no missing-plugin messages13:13
slomoalthough there is13:13
seb128slomo, ok thanks, want to comment on the upstream bug?13:15
slomoalready done13:15
slomoi fear that i broke it while adding support for mounting gio locations because that works similar13:15
seb128slomo, I can test easily with 2.27.1 if you want13:17
slomoseb128: that'd be great :)13:17
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128slomo, was broken there too13:26
seb128slomo, works with 2.26.213:27
MDC2vuntz, is screen->priv->workpsace_type really necessary?13:27
slomoseb128: thanks, then i have no idea what could be the reason without looking at the code :)13:28
vuntzMDC2: you know you're asking something about a patch that is 1.5 years old ;-)13:32
MDC2vuntz, yeah i know.. sorry..13:32
vuntzMDC2: I think it was there only to have a cache; easier than recomputing things every time13:32
vuntzMDC2: but feel free to do things in a different way13:33
MDC2vuntz, but isnt it possible to have both workspaces and viewports in the same wm?13:33
MDC2vuntz, i'll hack something up.. at least it compiles now :)13:33
vuntzMDC2: yep, it's possible13:35
vuntzMDC2: but in that case, libwnck will just handle the real virtual desktops13:35
vuntzMDC2: at least, that's my opinion13:36
vuntzMDC2: anybody using viewport to implement workspaces inside virtual desktops is a weid user13:36
vuntzand I don't feel it's worth making things more complex for this 0.01% use case13:37
AmaranthNo one should ever use both at the same time13:38
Amaranthafaik compiz is the only WM in active usage that uses viewports and at least in ubuntu we completely disable using virtual desktops at the same time13:38
MDC2vuntz, well i guess they are, I'll see how I'll implement it (taking the easiest path). But if I'm right, you'd like to have virtual desktop as an umbrella for all sort of crazy workspace, viewports things out there, and the "high level" api will just use that, but you could also get "low level" stuff such as what real wm workspace am i sitting on.. right?13:39
MDC2Amaranth, kwin uses workspaces?13:39
AmaranthMDC2: Actually Workspace is the high level and virtual desktop/viewport is the low level but yeah13:39
AmaranthMDC2: last time I checked it seemed to13:39
Amaranthalthough, again, workspaces is the wrong term because it can apply to both :P13:40
MDC2Amaranth, oh.. did you mean vuntz 1.5 year old dusty patch?13:40
MDC2if so.. crap. ;-)13:41
vuntzMDC2: no13:42
vuntzMDC2: virtual desktop is the technical term for the "real" workspace13:42
vuntzMDC2: so the low level is virtual desktop or viewport13:42
vuntzMDC2: high-level is workspace13:42
MDC2vuntz, damnit ;-) haha.. ok thanks..13:42
seb128vuntz, do you still use the modified gnome-session dialog in opensuse?13:43
seb128vuntz, is the srpm or patch online somewhere?13:43
vuntzseb128: tmp.vuntz.net/opensuse-packages/browse.py13:44
vuntzyou should bookmark it :-)13:44
seb128vuntz, thanks13:45
seb128vuntz, you stopped using the custom dialog?13:53
vuntzseb128: no13:55
seb128oh, it's tile_ui13:56
seb128confusing title13:57
james_wseb128: why did you think bug 403192 was in gdu?13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403192 in gnome-disk-utility "update-notifier crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_pool_get_devices()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40319213:57
seb128james_w, because it crashes in gdu_something?13:57
james_wit's using a NULL pool though13:57
seb128james_w,  #0 0x00135b5e in gdu_pool_get_devices () from /usr/lib/libgdu.so.013:57
seb128which is libgdu13:58
seb128which is g-d-u13:58
seb128james_w, you think the bug is somewhere else?13:58
seb128james_w, why?13:58
james_w(and the same bug in gdu-notifier13:58
tseliotseb128, soren: screen-resolution-extra should work better now. A debdiff is available so that we can upload it after the freeze13:58
james_wbecause it's not checking the return from gdu_pool_new()13:58
seb128james_w, note that there is dups from other apps13:59
seb128oh ok13:59
seb128good ;-)13:59
seb128I didn't try to investigate, just cleaned g-d-u bugs13:59
james_wjust wondered if I missed something14:00
seb128no, I just did triaging14:00
seb128not debugging14:00
seb128thanks for looking into the issue!14:00
james_wif it can't connect to system dbus for example then it will return NULL14:00
james_wnot sure what update-notifier should do in that situation14:00
james_walso "Couldn't get daemon properties" and "Couldn't enumerate devices:"14:01
seb128hum, not sure either14:02
seb128I guess you are screwed if you can't connect to dbus anyway14:02
seb128just exit with an error?14:02
chrisccoulsonhello everyone14:03
james_whey chrisccoulson14:04
chrisccoulsonhey james_w. how are you?14:04
james_wgood thanks14:04
james_whow are you?14:04
seb128hey chrisccoulson14:04
james_whttp://paste.ubuntu.com/252490/ would be my proposed patch for the same issue in the gdu notification14:04
chrisccoulsonhey seb128:)14:05
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i'm good thanks. i just arrived back at work and realised i've ran out of coffee though14:05
chrisccoulsonso that's not so good ;)14:05
seb128vuntz, ok, you have the same bug that we have there (ie you didn't fix it)14:06
seb128vuntz,  _h used for both hibernated and help there14:06
vuntzhere, I have _Hiberner and _Aide ;-)14:07
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chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm really confused about bug 40962114:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409621 in gnome-settings-daemon "The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error. During on a FreeNX server suring a session." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40962114:17
seb128chrisccoulson, why?14:17
chrisccoulsonthe reporter says that disabling the keyboard plugin stops the crash14:17
chrisccoulsonbut the trace with the --sync option suggests an issue with the xrandr plugin doesn't it?14:17
chrisccoulsonunless i'm misunderstanding something14:18
seb128the issue is a xrandr not available one14:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems possible14:18
seb128I guess that libxklavier set the handler which catch the crash14:18
seb128all the g-s-d crashes tend to be confusing ones in xkl14:19
seb128I think that's because libxklavier has some code to catch exceptions14:19
chrisccoulsonpossibly. when it involves anything to do with Xorg, then I get confused;)14:19
seb128libgnomedesktop uses         gdk_error_trap_push ();14:20
chrisccoulsonseb128 - should that not stop the application from exiting?14:22
seb128it should14:23
seb128I'm wondering if the libxklavier handling doesn't break things14:23
chrisccoulsoni saw a gsd crash when i logged in yesterday too, but i couldn't recreate it again14:23
chrisccoulsonand that was an untrapped X error too14:23
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering if i should start always running g-s-d with --sync for a while just in case it happens again14:24
seb128chrisccoulson, do you want to upstream the bug?14:26
seb128it has enough details for that now14:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do. do you mind if i do it when i finish work though?14:26
seb128chrisccoulson, sure no hurry14:27
seb128I don't really understand it either14:27
chrisccoulsonit's difficult to do things without my employer noticing ;)14:27
seb128"if (gdk_error_trap_pop ()) {14:27
seb128    g_set_error (error, GNOME_RR_ERROR, GNOME_RR_ERROR_UNKNOWN,14:27
seb128 _("unhandled X error while getting the range of screen sizes"));14:27
seb128    return FALSE;"14:27
seb128that should catch the error14:27
seb128oh in fact that's the error he gets14:28
chrisccoulsonit should. i don't understand what happens inside XRRGetScreenSizeRange though14:28
chrisccoulsondoes that block?14:28
chrisccoulsonit must do i suppose14:29
seb128no, I guess the nxserver doesn't handle that call14:29
seb128but that should not make gsd crash since it's trapping xorg errors14:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems strange. and the interaction with the keyboard plugin is wierd too14:30
seb128well as said g-s-d crashes to be confusing14:31
seb128libxklavier does something which makes it catch crashes evening if they come from other codepart there14:31
seb128chrisccoulson, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=583709 seems similar14:36
ubottuGnome bug 583709 in plugins "Crashes on startup logging in from remote." [Critical,Unconfirmed]14:36
seb128comment #1614:37
rodrigo_seb128: any news on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/evolution-couchdb? I submitted a new package with the latest fixes and jonathan riddel was going to take it from my ppa, but had no news till now14:52
seb128rodrigo_, weird pitti said he did upload14:52
seb128did you get it rejected for some reason?14:53
seb128it's not in the queue14:53
rodrigo_no, no news since Dublin14:53
seb128Riddell, ^ did you upload that one?14:53
rodrigo_ah, didn't see Riddell around14:53
Riddellno, I spoke to rodrigo_ on the last day of dublin as he was leaving and he said it hadn't appeared on revu14:53
rodrigo_Riddell: I submitted the package to my ppa, as we discussed14:54
Riddellbut didn't hear anything since14:54
Laneyrodrigo_: please specify a license for the packaging14:54
RiddellI still need a ping :)14:54
rodrigo_Riddell: sent you a mail also :-)14:54
seb128Laney, do we care?14:54
LaneyI care, ftpmasters care14:54
LaneyAAs may not14:54
seb128rodrigo_, seems Laney might want to play sponsor for you ;-)14:54
Riddelloh e-mail, I'm rubbish with e-mail currently14:54
rodrigo_Riddell: :)14:54
rodrigo_Laney: so, what do I need to do?14:55
seb128Laney, I don't get the point but ok14:55
rodrigo_Laney: and can it wait for the next submission?14:55
Laneydepends if it will get accepted without it14:55
rodrigo_Laney: I will submit a new release soon, with lots of fixes, so I can do it later14:55
rodrigo_Laney: ah14:55
Laneyimo it's important to have a clear license situation for all files14:55
Laneyincluding debian/14:55
rodrigo_Riddell: see last comment in http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/evolution-couchdb14:56
Laneyyou can just put "The Debian packaging is (c) blah blah 2009 and is released under XYZ license, see above14:56
seb128see any other package for example14:57
Riddellrodrigo_: shall I add the line Laney suggests and upload then?14:57
seb128rodrigo_, btw do you think you could roll a g-c-c tarball at some stage?14:57
rodrigo_Riddell: yes, please14:57
seb128rodrigo_, no hurry but there was non for 2.27.9014:57
rodrigo_seb128: I asked vuntz yesterday to do it, not sure if he did, seems not14:57
rodrigo_seb128: I will later if he hasn't done it14:58
seb128ok thanks14:58
rodrigo_Riddell: once you upload it, how long does it take to be able to apt-get source it?15:00
Riddellrodrigo_: it needs an archive admin to accept it, then it'll take an hour or two to compile, then it needs an archive admin to accept the binaries, then it'll appear within an hour or so15:00
Laneyfrom a few hours to a few days ;)15:01
seb128apt-get source is quicker15:02
seb128it's just source newing15:02
dobeyseb128: hey. can you get ubuntuone-client 0.92.0 uploaded? was hoping to get it in alpha4...15:02
seb128dobey, no, alpha4 images were rolled yesterday and it's still frozen15:02
dobeydoh :-/15:02
Riddellrodrigo_: uploaded, seb128  should be able to review15:09
rodrigo_Riddell: ok, thanks!15:09
seb128Riddell, could you binary new gnome-shell for me?15:11
seb128I did upload so I try to not new it ;-)15:11
slomoseb128: do you get the internal flow error only with the bbc plugin or also with mp3s?15:12
seb128slomo, I tried with a mp3 file on disk15:12
seb128slomo, but I didn't sync the new -good from yesterday15:13
seb128since we are frozen for alpha15:13
seb128in case that makes a difference15:13
slomoshouldn't make a difference15:13
seb128want extra details?15:13
slomowell, test my patch ;) it makes codec installation work again for me15:13
seb128slomo, ok thanks15:13
slomobut i don't get the internal dataflow error but something else15:14
seb128slomo, weird that is was working with old totem15:14
Riddellseb128: let me look15:14
seb128if that's a gst bug15:14
slomoseb128: between 2.26.2 and 2.27.1 totem switched to playbin215:15
seb128ah right15:15
slomoseb128: and playbin2 handled missing plugins incorrectly while playbin did it right15:15
seb128Riddell, thanks15:16
chrisccoulsoniseb128 - yeah, that  bug report could be similar (sorry, I had to disappear again earlier)15:17
chrisccoulsoni'll try and do some debugging on it later15:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - xklavier calls XSetErrorHandler(xkl_process_error)15:19
chrisccoulsonthere we go ;)15:19
seb128chrisccoulson, right, it sets an error handler, what I said15:19
Riddellseb128: E: gnome-shell: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/bin/gnome-shell15:19
Riddellthat seems important15:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah. so, should i report the bug upstream against xklavier?15:20
seb128Riddell, thanks for noticing, I expect everybody to have python but will fix in next upload15:20
seb128chrisccoulson, well how is that a bug?15:20
seb128chrisccoulson, what I don't get is why trapping doesn't work15:20
seb128chrisccoulson, lot of software do set crash handlers, ie gnome-session15:21
chrisccoulsoni don't know if that is expected behaviour after registering the handler15:21
seb128chrisccoulson, btw did you look at changing gnome-session to let apport work?15:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the gnome-session change is already in15:21
Riddellseb128: accepted.  bug 41309615:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413096 in gnome-shell "missing python depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41309615:22
seb128Riddell, thanks!15:22
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry, you do such good work that I reviewed your changes only quickly15:22
chrisccoulsonheh, no worries ;)15:22
Riddellrodrigo_: fail  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-couchdb/0.1.4-0ubuntu2/+build/1161454/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.evolution-couchdb_0.1.4-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - is gdk_x_error called on a trapped error after the application called gdk_error_trap_push ?15:37
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i ask is because the debug output from g-s-d in that bug report suggests that the xrandr error was actually trapped correctly15:38
rodrigo_Riddell: it needs the new couchdb-glib, which is already submitted15:38
rodrigo_Riddell: I guess it's not fully uploaded yet?15:38
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure but yes that's what is confusing me15:38
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if the backtrace there breaks on the wrong gdk_x_error15:38
seb128rodrigo_, you need a versioned build-depends in this case15:38
chrisccoulsonmaybe it breaks there on the error that was actually trapped correctly?15:38
chrisccoulsoni should probably ask the reporter to continue in GDB after the first error and see if it traps a second one15:39
rodrigo_seb128: right15:39
seb128slomo, no, doesn't fix the data flow error15:39
seb128chrisccoulson, right15:39
slomoseb128: that's sad... then i can't reproduce your problem, sorry :/ could you reopen the bug with a GST_DEBUG=5 debug log?15:41
rodrigo_Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/couchdb-glib/+bug/40937815:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409378 in couchdb-glib "Upgrade to 0.4.3 upstream version" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:44
rodrigo_Riddell: can you please make it build-depend on 0.4.3 and upload again?15:44
rodrigo_Riddell: thanks15:45
rodrigo_btw, has anyone looked at the opensuse build service? it makes package submission much easier than what we use in Ubuntu15:48
seb128how so?15:49
rodrigo_well, all packages are in repositories, just like vcs'15:49
rodrigo_and when you want to submit a change, you just branch, then submit15:49
rodrigo_and changes are available for anyone at any time, no need to wait15:50
rodrigo_I'm not talking about rpm and deb, deb seems better to me, just the way it works for package submission15:51
seb128slomo, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/log.gz useful?15:52
asacjames_w: something like bug 399938 is still happening for us15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399938 in bzr-builddeb "unpacking the upstream tarball not working" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39993815:53
seb128rodrigo_, well if you have your packaging in bzr that should be similar15:53
james_wasac: could you answer my question in the bug?15:53
seb128rodrigo_, that's what we do for desktop updates for example15:54
CarlFKwhere (list prolly) I can post questions about customizing the live CD? (like adding shortcuts on desktop/task bar, autorun, what can I remove to make room...)15:54
rodrigo_seb128: I guess so, haven't touched any package so far with the sources in bzr15:54
slomoseb128: probably, i'll try to get it fixed :)15:54
seb128CarlFK, ubuntu-devel-discuss15:54
seb128slomo, should I add that to the bug?15:54
seb128slomo, do you see anything wrong in the log?15:54
rodrigo_seb128: but the packages in bzr, do they have the tar.gz, or the whole source untarred?15:54
seb128rodrigo_, you can have whole source or debian dir only15:55
CarlFKseb128: thanks15:55
rodrigo_seb128: ah15:55
seb128rodrigo_, if you have the debian dir only it download from the web for you15:55
seb128it you tell it where to find the tarballs15:55
rodrigo_ah, cool15:55
slomoseb128: please add it to the bug and reopen it... i'm still looking at the log. the only thing that is missing for you is the mp3 decoder, right?15:55
seb128and it find one matching the changelog version15:55
seb128slomo, well I only tried with mp315:55
seb128slomo, it's a karmic alpha cd15:55
rodrigo_sounds cooler than the dput / bug with debdiff thing15:55
seb128slomo, ie only -good installed15:55
seb128rodrigo_, so review for us is basically bzr checkout, review, push, upload15:56
seb128or comment, wait for changes, pull, redo, etc15:56
rodrigo_seb128: ok, understood, seems that should be better indeed15:56
rodrigo_seb128: and are all packages being moved to bzr?15:57
seb128yes, import is ongoing15:57
slomoseb128: haha, i found the reason :)15:57
slomoseb128: it's a bug in bluez, their a2dpsink should not have a rank>=marginal15:57
seb128slomo, oh15:57
slomoseb128: because it requires manual configuration and can't be autoplugged15:57
seb128slomo, should I still reopen the bug?15:58
slomoseb128: so better file a new bug on bluez and link to the totem/gstreamer bug15:58
seb128slomo, I did dpkg -r bluez-gstreamer15:58
seb128and still get the issue15:59
slomoseb128: gst-inspect a2dpsink returns something ?15:59
seb128slomo, not now16:00
slomoseb128: ok, then please give me a new debug log without a2dpsink installed and try to find the next problem ;)16:00
seb128slomo, same location16:02
MacSlowseb128, do you know what all moved (or is meant to be moved) to devkit-power (apart from keyboard-brightness handling)?16:03
seb128MacSlow, what all?16:04
seb128what else you mean?16:04
MacSlowseb128, I'm nearly done with the screen-brightness patch16:04
seb128MacSlow, gnome-session16:04
seb128nothing that should impact your bubbles16:04
MacSlowseb128, oh.. ehm... hehe... gnome-power-manager I mean16:04
seb128MacSlow, I don't understand the question16:05
MacSlowseb128, ok...16:05
slomoseb128: this is with my patch, right?16:05
seb128slomo, yes16:05
seb128slomo, your patch and no bluez-gstreamer16:05
MacSlowseb128, the patch for gnome-power-manager to make it integrate with notify-osd (for changing screen- and keyboard-brightness) does not apply /work at all with gnome-power-manager 2.27.516:06
slomoseb128: ok, interesting :)16:06
MacSlowseb128, I've fixed most of that16:06
seb128MacSlow, cool!16:07
MacSlowseb128, while doing that I was informed (and saw) that the handling of the keys for keyboard-brightness has been moved out of gnome-power-manager ... and apparently been put into devicekit-power (or whatever the packages is called)16:07
slomoseb128: if it makes you happy, i can reproduce it when remove gst-ffmpeg and gst-plugins-ugly :)16:08
MacSlowseb128, so my question is... do you know of anything else (battery-level handling) being moved around... or still planned to be moved around by upstreams?16:08
seb128slomo, good ;-)16:08
seb128MacSlow, oh ok, I understand the question now, not sure now but I would expect not this cycle16:09
slomoseb128: please reopen and say that my patch only fixes half of this bug (it doesn't fix the case where things could already be plugged together, it only fixes the case where the first element after the source is missing)16:09
MacSlowseb128, phew thank god :)16:09
seb128slomo, done16:09
aweseb128: if have a deep dbus questions, who's the goto person?  trying to figure out why i can't sniff dbus method calls with dbus-monitor...16:19
seb128awe, Keybuk probably16:20
seb128awe, do you know about d-feet?16:21
seb128useful tool16:21
aweok.  that was my first guess.  no, i don't.16:21
Keybukawe: what method calls are you trying to see?16:21
Keybukthe most common mistake is probing the wrong bus16:22
awenm-applet ActivateConnection calls to network-manager16:22
asache wants to see the method calls from nm (user) to nm daemon (system)16:22
Keybukdbus-monitor --system then16:22
aweyea, that's what i was using, but could only see PropertyChange signals16:23
Keybukwhat signal are you looking for?16:24
asacnot signal ... but method call16:24
Keybukyou can't do that16:24
aweI'm not, I wanted to see a method call ( ActivateConnection )16:24
Keybuksorry, I confused myself between method calls and messages there16:24
awethe man page says you can, and it looks like there's code in dbus-monitor16:24
Keybukmethod calls have a destination, so are private between them16:24
Keybukawe: the man page does not contain the word "method"16:24
asacmaybe if running as root it works?16:24
KeybukI don't think so16:25
asacseems not to work16:25
Keybukthe bus daemon just doesn't work that way16:25
aweKeybuk, correct, it doesn't have 'method', but it does have watch expressions which support 'type=method_call'16:26
Keybukyes, but watch expressions only apply if there's no explicit destination in mind16:26
awedo private messages get routed thru the daemon?  or are they point-to-point?16:26
Keybukmethod calls always have explicit destinations16:27
Keybukthey're routed through the daemon16:27
asacyou mean "not routed" ?16:27
Keybukbasically the security settings get in your way16:28
aweso basically the limitation ( sounds like a policy limitation ) is that dbus-monitor can only sniff broadcast messages ( eg. signals )16:28
Keybukawe: on the system bus, that's correct16:28
awebut not on the session bus?16:29
aweso it's a security limitation then...16:29
Keybukthere's no security policy on the system bus that lets your dbus-monitor client receive the method call messages or their replies16:29
Keybukwhereas on the session bus there's no security policy at all ;)16:29
aweKeybuk, ok, then for debugging purposes, it should be possible to craft a debug policy to allow such snoops?16:29
awe...on the system bus?16:30
Keybuk  <policy user="root">16:32
Keybuk    <allow send_type="method_return"/>16:32
Keybuk    <allow send_type="method_call"/>16:32
Keybuk    <allow send_type="error"/>16:32
Keybuk    <allow send_type="signal"/>16:32
Keybuk  </policy>16:32
Keybuksomething like that maybe ?16:33
Keybukyou'll probably have to fiddle around16:33
awecool!  Thanks much for the help!16:34
james_wfta: I don't understand "I see this with bzr-builddeb, with bzr-builddeb and even with python"16:34
ftajames_w, or, or16:35
ftajames_w, i mean, with each of those16:35
james_wwhy bzr-builddeb is repeated twice?16:35
ftadpkg-source is the 2nd16:35
james_wyour paste in the bug doesn't involve bzr-builddeb16:36
james_wif you provide a trace showing the issue with bzr-builddeb then I can fix any remaining instances of the bug there, but I can't magically make this issue disappear in all cases for you16:37
ftajames_w, i thought the bug was going to tar, not to bzr-builddeb16:38
ftait's the common factor to all symptoms16:38
=== JanC__ is now known as JanC
Laneywhen in the cycle is apport usually disabled? rc?16:46
slomoseb128: now it's completely fixed, patch is attached16:49
slomoseb128: if necessary remind me to upload a new -base before the next ubuntu release so you can sync16:50
seb128Laney, yes16:50
seb128slomo, ok thanks16:50
seb128slomo, you don't plan to do that soon?16:50
seb128slomo, in within a month would be nice16:50
slomoseb128: it's not that important for debian yet... but i'll do it after 0.10.24-1 moved to testing16:51
seb128slomo, ok thanks16:51
seb128slomo, ok that works now, thanks!16:57
seb128asac, awe: is any of you looking at bluez in ubuntu?16:58
mac_vpedro_: for Bug #409828 , i believe change needs to be done in notify-osd , since the notification uses it own custom icon set , all the icon changes are done in notify-osd16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409828 in empathy "Empathy shows wrong icon for notifications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40982816:58
asacseb128: file bugs16:58
asaci will check them later16:58
seb128asac, ok16:58
asacnext week i want to take a more serious stab at bluez stuff16:58
asachave to get used to how to debug etc first.16:59
seb128slomo, how would you describe the bluez issue?16:59
seb128asac, in this case that's a bluez-gstreamer issue16:59
pedro_MacSlow, what do you think about that bug? bug 40982816:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409828 in empathy "Empathy shows wrong icon for notifications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40982816:59
asacseb128: yeah i can check that too and see if i find someone more appropriate if i have no idea17:00
asacseb128: is the bluez-gstream buglist still comprehensive ?17:00
asachavent looked at it yet ;)17:00
MacSlowpedro_, certainly an application issue and not notify-osd related at all17:01
superm1seb128, the sink was intentionally registered as marginal: http://git.kernel.org/?p=bluetooth/bluez.git;a=commit;h=013f56322de6ff5a974fed56c8aec56d3b69ef0917:01
mac_vpedro_: oh... ok17:01
superm1godog submitted that patch about a month ago17:01
pedro_MacSlow, thanks17:02
MacSlowpedro_, the typical symbolic icon-name to use would be "notification-message-im"17:02
seb128superm1, well slomo says that's buggy17:03
seb128superm1, and I can confirm it breaks easy codec install17:03
pedro_MacSlow, yeah that was what i thought17:03
MacSlowpedro_, just commented with a suggestion to it17:04
superm1slomo, can you raise that discussion on the linux-bluetooth ML then upstream if it's buggy?17:04
mac_vpedro_: i got it confused with how notify-osd handles wifi17:04
MacSlowpedro_, I need to take a break... I'll be available later this evening again17:04
pedro_MacSlow, great, thanks17:05
pedro_MacSlow, enjoy , see you later :-)17:05
superm1seb128, how does the type of sink that is registered break codec install?17:05
seb128superm1, scroll log for what slomo said before?17:06
superm1just looked up.  not sure i agree with that though17:06
seb128superm1, "because it requires manual configuration and can't be autoplugged"17:06
seb128superm1, well not sure "how" it breaks it but it breaks it17:07
seb128superm1, totem returns a data flow error when bluez-gstreamer is installed17:07
superm1seb128, hmm. well still best to see how upstream feels.  godog implemented this in debian a long time ago, so should have affected debian sooner17:09
seb128superm1, it probably does but bluez-gstreamer might not be installed by default there17:09
superm1seb128, it's a recommends for the bluetooth meta that we both share (we're on the same basic packaging)17:10
seb128ok dunno then17:10
superm1yeah, could just be a new bug with how the codec installer is handling things too17:10
seb128it's a playbin2 issue17:10
seb128which is used only since 2.27 in totem17:10
seb128vuntz, any opinion about changing the value for the number of places items before showing a submenu to 8 by default?17:14
vuntzseb128: 8 seems like a lot. The menu could be very long17:31
seb128vuntz, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-user-dirs/+bug/204567/comments/3517:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in xdg-user-dirs "downloads should go to $HOME/Downloads : XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR should be set to "$HOME/Downloads"" [Low,Triaged]17:34
seb128vuntz, but right17:35
seb128vuntz, there is a patch to add a gconf key to it, might be better ;-)17:39
djsiegelvuntz seb128, I heard someone say they were allowing 22 items?!17:40
djsiegelor that was just the max17:40
djsiegelanyway, gtg for a bit17:40
seb128djsiegel, that was an estimation of how much can fit on screen17:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just had a look at the GDK code, and gdk_x_error is still the error handler after calling gdk_error_trap_push18:01
chrisccoulsonso that trace in the g-s-d report is of the wrong error ;)18:01
chrisccoulsonthat one is not the one which causes g-s-d to exit18:01
seb128so it's probably a keyboard error18:01
seb128ie the warning about xinput not being supported18:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yes, probably. at least it all makes perfect sense now:)18:01
chrisccoulsoni suppose we'll just have to wait for a more meaningful backtrace now18:02
chrisccoulsonno alpha 4 yet?18:13
slomosuperm1: do you agree that a2dpsink requires manual configuration and doesn't work without setting the device property? or is there a misunderstanding on my side?18:30
superm1slomo, i was under the impression the sink just did nothing when it was unconfigured18:30
superm1but i may be mistaken, so that's why i was recommending bringing it up with upstream to confirm18:31
slomosuperm1: well, the question is if it is useful to be automatically used... if it does nothing then it definitely isn't ;) could you file a bug for this or something? i'm busy with other stuff atm18:35
superm1unfortunately upstream doesn't have a bug tracker18:35
chrisccoulsongaaargh, just had another g-s-d crash on login :-/20:23
* chrisccoulson adds --sync to desktop file20:23
MDC1now that no buttons should have icons - a lot of them still has some icon left (update-manager, alacarte, firefoxs restore dialog, ekiga, etc). What it looks like is that "hand made" buttons where you've added a hbox and then image + label is the one that has this problem compared to using the gtk_button_set_image (). (Seems glade adds a GtkAlignment [GtkHBox [ GtkImage, GtkLabel ] ]). What can be done about this? L20:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've nearly done the brasero update now (just need to test it)20:32
chrisccoulsoni notice it ships some documentation now for the library. do you think i should build this in to a -doc package?20:33
dobeyMDC1: upstream should stop trying to fix UI problems with silly theme hacks, really20:33
MDC1dobey, theme hacks?20:34
dobeyMDC1: yes. changing the theme to specify no images in buttons. it's a GtkSetting20:35
dobeyMDC1: changing the theme isn't going to fix the UI20:35
MDC1dobey, well, the change is made and now i'll think we have to do the best about the situation and make ubuntu good looking without icons..20:36
MDC1dobey, or just make ubuntu use icons by default (changing the gconf setting). But it seems like that aint gonna happen...20:37
dobeywell, like i said. adding a preference isn't a fix...20:38
MDC1dobey, no, so we should patch all the applications out there or just make gtk "smart"...?20:39
dobeypatch them to do what?20:39
MDC1remove the icons from the buttons20:39
MDC1.. when the setting is right..20:40
dobeyi'm sure there are lots of cases where icons in buttons makes sense20:40
dobeyso just blindly removing all icons from buttons is not a fix20:40
seb128chrisccoulson, no need to bother no20:40
MDC1of course, so patching each application out there is the solution?20:40
dobeylike i said, having a setting is the wrong fix, no matter how you deal with the setting20:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - cool:)20:40
seb128chrisccoulson, the documentation is going to go in language pack soon when pitti is back from vac20:40
chrisccoulsonok, no problem20:40
seb128chrisccoulson, the code is ready, it's collection things but not cleaning for now20:41
chrisccoulsonbtw, this g-s-d crash i'm seeing seems to be triggered with the introduction of xsplash20:41
chrisccoulsonit seems to go away without. i got a backtrace with the --sync option now20:41
dobeyMDC1: the proper solution is to do proper evaluation of each application on the basis of usability, and then fix the applications based on that data20:42
seb128open a bug and get bratsche to look at it20:42
bratschewtf, how would xsplash cause gsd to crash?20:43
chrisccoulsonbratsche - not sure20:43
chrisccoulsonXGetWindowProperty is throwing an unhandled error in xklavier somewhere now, which causes g-s-d to crash20:44
chrisccoulsonits obviously a bug in g-s-d or xklavier, but its just exposed now somehow ;)20:44
MDC1dobey, maybe we should start with glade and also add a setting to gtk to force always show the icon in the button?20:44
dobeyMDC1: i don't know why, but you're obviously not understanding me :(20:45
chrisccoulsonbratsche - several people are reporting g-s-d crashes caused by unhandled X errors now, but the stacktraces are not useful without the --sync option20:45
chrisccoulsonso its been difficult working out whats going on20:45
chrisccoulsonbratsche - bug 413245 is mine - with the --sync option20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413245 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in gdk_x_error()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41324520:45
MDC1dobey, yes i understand. But i think before we patch all the applications out there, there should be tools to make it possible20:46
MDC1dobey, at the moment glade seems to create buttons with hboxes inside instead of using _set_image ()20:46
dobey_set_image() is broken api anyway20:47
dobeyit really should have the same api as other things where you can set custom icons20:47
dobeyby passing a pixbuf, or stock id, or icon name, or such20:48
dobey_set_from_icon_name() _set_from_gicon() etc...20:48
MDC1dobey, so maybe thats the first step we should do?20:48
dobeyand glade/gtkbuilder should use the icon name/stock id methods probably20:48
dobeybut that still doesn't fix the problem20:48
dobeywhich is that there is a setting for having icons in buttons20:49
dobeylike i said several times already, having a setting for it isn't a solution20:49
MDC1so we should remove the setting completly?20:49
dobeyideally, yes20:49
MDC1will that ever happen?20:49
dobeyi don't know20:49
dobeyit's a completely oxymoronic setting20:50
MDC1dobey, ok, so - back to square one, what can i do to help this mess? lets say I'd like to fix alacarte - what should I do?20:52
dobeyas i'm sure it doesn't disable icons in other button widgets that aren't specifically GtkButton20:52
MDC1dobey, no it dont. the priv->image and priv->label inside GtkButton has to be set and only then it will hide the icon IF the global setting has been made20:54
dobeyyes. so like i said. it's broken, and not a fix. it's a hack. instead of fixing the ones that are the problematic usages, it breaks everything.20:55
MDC1dobey, are the gtk developers working on a proper solution?20:58
dobeyi doubt it20:59
dobeybecause the problem isn't with gtk+20:59
dobeythe problem is with different apps20:59
MDC1so if it's already is a hack - what harm would a little bit more of hack do? ;-)21:00
dobeymore hack !+ better21:01
dobeyit's worse21:01
MDC1yeah, i know... but if the situation is like it is - what can we do?21:02
dobey"i have pig flu, it'll be ok if i give it to 50 other people too" <- see, not good :)21:02
seb128ok, I uploaded my pending changes after freeze21:02
seb128sponsoring now21:02
dobeywell, you could work towards fixing the situation properly21:02
dobeywhich is to say, start getting proper usability reviews of applications done, to evaluate where the problematic icons in buttons are21:03
mclasenthe good thing is that there are no problematic icons anymore...21:03
=== Cuddles is now known as YDdraigGoch
MDC1mclasen, thing is that it still is - se alacarte for example21:04
dobeyno, there's a problematic lack of icons instead21:04
MDC1dobey, i get the feeling you didn't like the descision to remove the icons....21:04
bratscheHi mclasen, how's it going?21:06
mclasengood, about to go home, though21:06
dobeyMDC1: i generally dislike the need for pointless extra work21:06
MDC1dobey, i sure hope they did have good point for all of this...21:07
dobeynot especially, no21:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think i've sort-of figured out my issue with g-s-d crashing here21:07
MDC1not even to remove the clutter argument?21:08
seb128chrisccoulson, oh?21:08
chrisccoulsonxklavier sets an error handler to ignore BadWindow errors, because it expects them occasionally21:08
chrisccoulsonbut when an application calls gdk_error_trap_{push,pop}, the error handler is reset to gdk_x_error21:08
dobeyMDC1: what remove the clutter argument?21:08
chrisccoulsonso when xklavier triggers a BadWindow error later, it is not caught21:08
chrisccoulsonthat seems to be whats happening in my case anyway21:09
seb128chrisccoulson, ohhhhh21:09
chrisccoulsonnot sure how best to fix that one though :-/21:09
MDC1dobey, the reason why they did remove the icons (as i understand) was to remove the clutter and make the ui "cleaner"...21:09
bratscheIs there an easy way to run/test gdm changes without installing gdm? :)21:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that could be responsible for a lot of g-s-d crashers21:10
dobeyMDC1: well i suppose that might be a valid argument were it actually true21:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 41324521:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413245 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in gdk_x_error()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41324521:10
bratschechrisccoulson: Is it related to xsplash somehow, or is it something else?21:10
dobeyMDC1: but since the desktop now looks half broken, it's worse21:10
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i think its just "exposed" by xsplash21:10
seb128chrisccoulson, yes, what I said before21:10
bratschechrisccoulson: I just did an update and can't reproduce yet.21:10
chrisccoulsonbratsche - it could just be coincidental on my setup21:11
MDC1dobey, well that's my point and i'm trying to do something about it - just not sure how :)21:11
bratschechrisccoulson: I'm hacking on gdm a bit.. do you know how to easily test it without installing it?21:11
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i'm not too sure about that actually, other than testing it in a VM21:12
seb128chrisccoulson, would make sense with all those bugs where things were confusing with xklavier21:12
seb128bratsche, what do you want to test?21:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, possibly. i'll see if i can figure out a way to work around it here, just to prove it. i don't want to get too excited just yet;)21:12
seb128dobey, we are unfrozen I uploaded your update21:13
seb128chrisccoulson, easy way "comment the libklavier code you suspect"21:13
dobeyMDC1: i would probably change alacarte to not be a dialog, and not use buttons.21:13
dobeyseb128: great, thanks!21:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - possibly. i might try that in a bit:)21:14
bratscheseb128: I'm making changes to the panel in gdm and want to test it.21:14
bratscheI can setup a VM though if I need to.21:17
dobeyMDC1: the menu editor ui is a bit complicated for being a dialog, i think21:18
MDC1dobey, well, alacarte has just a (good) example because its a small application with lots of icons on the buttons21:19
dobeywell it has a vertical array with a lot of buttons21:20
dobeywhich is generally bad21:20
dobeymost applications where icons in buttons are a problem, are just not very well designed applications in the first place, and removing the icons from buttons doesn't change that21:21
MDC1dobey, i'm not looking into rewriting a complete app, just fixing what can be done to make it not look like shit...21:21
dobeyMDC1: gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons true21:22
MDC1dobey, well, i know how to fix that, i'm thinking about the "users" of ubuntu21:22
dobeyyes, and the best thing to do is default that setting to true in ubuntu21:24
dobeyevery app probably isn't going to be neutered to behave properly with that by freeze21:25
seb128bratsche, there is test binaries in the source21:27
seb128bratsche, you might want to try those21:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think i'm wrong :-/ xklavier actually saves the original error handler, and invokes it if the error is not one which it is expecting21:29
chrisccoulsonso from my backtrace, you see _XError -> xkl_process_error -> gdk_x_error21:29
seb128why does my keybinding keep breaking!21:30
MDC1dobey, probably not, but if we start by now then maybe we could be ready in +1 or +2...21:31
seb128does anybody else has anything to get sponsored?21:33
dobeyMDC1: all the more reason to enable icons by default, and start looking into proper fixes for the problems21:33
seb128or want to do an update?21:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i can push brasero in a minute21:35
chrisccoulsoni need to test it first though ;)21:36
dobeyseb128: i want a sentient script that automatically fixes bugs :)21:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've pushed the brasero update now21:51
seb128chrisccoulson, ok21:59
chrisccoulsonseb128 - my g-s-d backtrace is still meaningless. even with the --sync option, it is actually running asynchronously22:41
chrisccoulsonthe media keys plugin turns off sync22:42
seb128not easy to debuyg g-s-d22:42
chrisccoulsonit's not :-.22:42
chrisccoulsoni just ran it through GDB to break on XSynchronize, and sync is turned off before the keyboard plugin loads, and is never turned back on again22:43
chrisccoulsonthat'll explain why XGetWindowProperty apparently returns an error in my trace which should not be possible22:43
chrisccoulsonlate night ahead ;)22:44
seb128how does it turn sync?22:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - gdk calls XSynchronize with TRUE if we want sync on (ie, run it with "--sync")22:45
chrisccoulsonbut some call in libpulse turns it back off again later on22:45
chrisccoulsonand never turns it on again22:46
seb128rodrigo_, there?22:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - FYI, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252782/ shows my output in GDB, breaking on XSynchronize when starting g-s-d, and getting a backtrace each time22:49
seb128hum ok22:49
seb128do you get pulse used if you don't active the media key?22:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no, i'm going to disable media-keys for now22:50
chrisccoulsonbut i think i should report a bug against pulseaudio, because that issue will make any X application impossible to debug22:50
seb128there might be a pulseaudio channel22:52
seb128otherwise lennart is on the gnome irc22:53
seb128if you want to ping him about that22:53
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks23:02
TheMusochrisccoulson: Yes #pulseaudio exists.23:16
chrisccoulsonhey TheMuso - thanks23:16
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure my issue is a PA one now though. it only calls XOpenDisplay, which seems to then call XSynchronize. not sure of any way around that really :-/23:17
chrisccoulsoni will work out whats going on eventually!23:19
bratscheDoes desktop background fading/transition seem quite slow/choppy for anyone but me?23:31
bratscheMaybe it's just video hardware.  It's fine on my nvidia desktop.  Just really slow and choppy on my Intel laptop.23:31
chrisccoulsonbratsche - it's very slow and choppy for me23:33
bratscheIt's very smooth on my nvidia though, so I guess we're trying to do something fancy here and it's sucking on Intel.23:34
chrisccoulsoni havent tried with my nvidia hardware yet23:35
chrisccoulsoni'm sure it will look much nicer on my nvidia card23:35
bratscheThat's too bad.23:36
bratscheAre you on Intel right now?  What do you have now?23:36
chrisccoulsoni'm running it in VMWare at the moment - so that probably sucks more than intel ;)23:36
bratscheOh yeah, I'm sure. :)23:37
bratscheHave you run xsplash in vmware btw?  Is it remotely smooth?23:37
chrisccoulsonvmware is where it is really choppy at the moment23:37
bratscheOh well.23:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, there's probably not much you can do about that23:38
chrisccoulsonit serves me right for not having hardware acceleration in there ;)23:38
chrisccoulsoni will get around to installing it on some real hardware next week23:39
bratscheMy Intel SSD arrived in the mail today.  I shouldn't install it tonight, but I probably will anyway. :)23:39
chrisccoulsonand then i will tell you what it's like on my 8800GTX ;)23:39
chrisccoulsonhow big is the SSD?23:39
bratsche8800gtx seems like such overkill for a desktop. :)23:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is. my desktop is like one big heater23:40
chrisccoulsonit runs about 100W idle, and that is without the monitor on23:40
bratscheheh.. those can be nice if you live in a cold place. :)23:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, its quite useful in the winter23:40
bratscheAt my first job the office was really cold in the winter.. we had some distcc-like plugin for Visual Studio called "IncrediBuild", and any time someone in the office was doing a build then my little laptop would fire up and start pumping out warm air.23:42
bratscheAnd I'd warm my hands in the sweet exhaust of C++ code being compiled.23:42
chrisccoulsonlol, that's quite funny!23:42
chrisccoulsoni sit right under and air conditioner at work, and i'm always really cold!23:43
bratscheNow I live in Dallas and I can't get cool enough.23:43
chrisccoulsonwe have 2 heater/air conditioner units in our office, and they aren't linked in any way. we quite often find that one of them ends up pumping out hot air to warm the office up while the other one pumps out cold air to cool the office down!23:44
chrisccoulsonthats really energy efficient;)23:44
bratscheWow.. that's terrible.23:44
chrisccoulsoni always get the cold air!23:44
bratscheThat's the better air to get, at least.23:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, probably. i get quite uncomfortable in the heat23:45
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't mind working in a building with some windows though ;)23:45
bratscheWindows are nice.23:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, i worked in a building with windows once. but i only worked for that company for 11 months23:46
bratscheI've been working from home for too long. :/23:46
chrisccoulsoni could work from home. that would be useful, especially when my daughter arrives!23:47
bratscheYeah, I'd like it more then.  But I just live alone and it gets boring pretty quickly. :)23:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can imagine that. some of my colleagues have worked from home before, and they got bored for that reason too23:48
chrisccoulsonbut i think i could probably get used to it for a bit23:48
chrisccoulsonthat should be a pre-requisite of my next job23:49
bratscheI just need to clean up my little office room and I'll feel better again.  I've got stacks of music and books and boxes still from when I moved back to Dallas. :)23:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i tend to leave stacks of books and magazines around too. and when i moved to my current house, i left a lot of stuff in boxes for ages23:50
chrisccoulsonbut my girlfriend just cleans it all away now23:50
chrisccoulsonand then i can't find stuff ;)23:51
chrisccoulsoni'm quite messy. i have the untidiest desk in our office :D23:51
chrisccoulsonmy boss keeps hinting to me that i should clean it23:51
bratscheMy desk is fine, it's just too small and I have two 21" screens and a laptop on it.23:51
chrisccoulsoni just said that i'd rather move desk and leave all my junk behind at my old desk ;)23:52
chrisccoulsontwo 21" screens - nice:)23:52
bratscheWell, one of them I'm not using that much now.  At my last job I did a lot of Win32 work, so I have a Win32 machine setup here with a screen on it that I'm not doing much with now.23:53
chrisccoulsoni havent used Win32 at home for a long time now23:53
chrisccoulsoni still have to use it at work though23:53
bratscheI kind of miss hacking on gtk+ on Win32.  I want to get back into it.23:54
chrisccoulsonhow come? you could hack on gtk+ on linux instead ;)23:54
bratscheI want to do both :)23:54
chrisccoulsoni've never done anything with win32 before23:55
chrisccoulsonsaying that, i didn't really know any software at all until this last year23:55
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