
greg-g+1 from me, I especially love the way your started with your contributions outside of normal work, keep up the rocking work!00:00
boredandblogging+1 awesome work!00:00
pleia2+1 from me too, excellent work!00:00
greg-gs/normal/canonical/ ;)00:00
cr3greg-g: heh :)00:00
beunoright, canonical work never qualifies as normal00:00
Prettotheir employees neither :D00:01
Technoviking+1 here00:02
pleia2congrats, welcome cr3!00:02
greg-gawesome, welcome aboard cr3 !00:02
cr3Technoviking: now that I have your vote, I can finally suck up to you: love the nick!00:02
Prettocr3, Congrats!!!! Welcome aboard!00:02
cr3thanks folks, my heart just jumped!00:02
Ursinhacongrats cr3 :)00:02
UrsinhaI'm shy to talk after cr3, he's done brilliant stuff00:03
cr3Ursinha: I'm crossing my fingers for you now00:03
Technovikingcr3: thanks:)00:03
pleia2Ursinha: you're up!00:03
Ursinhahi all00:03
Prettohi Ursinha :D00:03
Ursinhalet's go00:03
Ursinhaas some of you may know, my name is Ursula Junque, a.k.a. Ursinha00:03
UrsinhaI've been involved with Open Source since 2003 and working with that since 2006.00:03
Ursinhamy Ubuntu story started when I switched totally from Gentoo to Ubuntu Feisty, when started working with packaging and then advocating Ubuntu to everyone I could (my grandma and mother-in-law use Ubuntu :))00:04
UrsinhaI joined the Ubuntu Brazilian community in about April 2007, and since then, I've been around on irc, always trying to help the beginners - and not letting more experienced people to harass them00:04
Ursinhaafter some time on irc, I was given the operator status of the #ubuntu-br channel00:04
UrsinhaI decided to help translations team, then I started doing translations, but realized I could be more helpful doing other stuff00:04
Ursinhaso, talking with Andre Gondim, the leader of translations team in Brazil, I created a script that maintains the brazilian translations wiki, making it reliable for people that want to help translating packages00:04
UrsinhaI've been maintaining it for several months now, and am working now in KDE and GNOME wiki pages, so we can coordinate better how to deal with upstream translations00:04
UrsinhaI've been also helping the ubuntu-br council and official members, supporting them with community stuff and on events such as FISL (Forum Internacional Software Livre), in which I gave a talk about "using Launchpad to help Ubuntu", in the ubuntu-br community track00:05
Ursinhamy spare time has being almost entirely dedicated to Ubuntu00:05
Ursinhafor the future, I intent to keep helping translations team and also docs team, that needs love. I've been also asked by one of the maintainers of APTonCD app to help on its development, so this will be one of my next steps working on helping improve ubuntu00:05
Ursinhamy wiki page is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UrsulaJunque and my Launchpad page https://launchpad.net/~ursinha00:05
pleia2impressive work, lots of great testimonials too :)00:06
Ursinhapleia2, thanks :)00:06
Prettojust for the record, she lives on IRC!!!! and she is always up to help00:06
* jpds cheers for Ursinha.00:06
* maco cheers for Ursinha too00:06
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Ursinhahey maco!00:06
greg-gawesome cheering section, Ursinha00:06
greg-gUrsinha: you say your spare time is spent on Ubuntu, but you also work for Canonical, are you worried about burn out?00:08
beunogreg-g, Ursinha doesn't sleep, so that shouldn't be a problem00:08
beunoshe's on 24/700:08
Ursinhagreg-g, actually not, because my job isn't directly related to what I do on free time00:08
greg-gahh, ok, that is a good way to stay sane, separating the fields of work00:09
UrsinhaI work on launchpad00:09
bratscheI'm a fan of Launchpad. :)00:10
macooh so you just get annoyed at your dayjob when doing stuff in ubuntu for fun :P00:10
* Pretto is a fan of Ursinha :p00:10
maco"darn found a bug. will have to fix at work tomorrow"00:10
pleia2+1 from me, awesome work, and thank you for being so thorough! I couldn't think of any questions to ask :)00:10
JanCUrsinha: that translation wiki script might be useful for other teams too, I'm not sure how tied to the Brazil situation it is?  (but maybe we better talk about that outside the meeting)00:10
* leleobhz is a fan of Ursinha too00:10
UrsinhaJanC, I have a branch in launchpad, I'll give you the link after the meeting00:10
Legendarioi have been spectating Ursinha`s job on the translation team, just for record too!00:10
greg-g+1 from me too, awesome work Ursinha.00:11
boredandblogging+1, rockin'00:11
Ursinhait's only tied to the way we managed the translations wiki00:11
Technoviking+1 from me, a fantastic body of work, and maybe the largest cheering section I have seen for a candiate:)00:11
pleia2woohoo, congrats and welcome Ursinha!00:11
PrettoUrsinha, you rock!!! Congrats!!!00:11
greg-gwelcome aboard Ursinha00:11
UrsinhaI may cry now00:11
cr3Ursinha: you rock!00:11
leleobhzwellcome to team Ursinha !00:11
leleobhzu rockĀ²00:12
jpdsUrsinha: Congrats!00:12
Legendarioursinha, congrats!!!00:12
* maco hugs Ursinha00:12
Prettocongrats never ending00:12
Ursinhathanks all of you!!!00:12
* Ursinha hugs everyone in the room :D00:12
* pleia2 hugs :)00:12
JanCcongrats Ursinha :-)00:12
UrsinhaJanC, thanks!00:13
* greg-g hugs Ursinha 00:13
leleobhzcongratulations! im very happy now, because she is a brave girl inside ubuntu brazilian community, help everybody anytime00:13
PrettoUrsinha, you forgot to talk about #ubuntu-women-br :p00:13
beunois that a wrap?00:13
greg-gI think that's a wrap00:13
Ursinhawhat's a wrap?00:13
pleia2thanks for coming everyone00:13
Technovikinganyone show up late?00:13
* leleobhz want to congrat publically too Coringao 00:14
greg-gthanks to everyone for coming, and one last round of applause for the new members!00:14
* pleia2 cheers00:14
* cr3 applauds00:14
* beuno waves00:14
Coringaoleleobhz, thanks my friend00:14
Prettohey new members, now you have a great responsibility on you00:14
leleobhzUbuntugames have a *GREAT* impact into brazilian computer users. i know a lot of people that experimented ubuntu and linux for first time because ubuntugames00:14
Ursinhabeuno, I guess I'm the first female ubuntu member in Brazil00:15
LegendarioUrsinha, I think so...00:16
* leleobhz applaudsĀ²00:16
Prettotime to go now :D00:16
Prettohome is waiting00:16
beunoUrsinha, doesn't suprise me that you break new ground00:16
leleobhzPretto: good night serenade00:16
Legendariois the meeting over?00:18
PrettoLegendario, yes :D00:18
Legendarioso, I am leaving the channel guys00:19
Legendariocongratulations for all the new members, specially the brazilian ones... ;-)00:19
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UrsinhaI think I'll hang here for a while, just to get used to the idea :)00:24
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lbtAfternoon all - lbt from Mer here :)14:00
lbtI think lool mentioned a meeting re MID or similar around now-ish?14:01
lbtpersia` GrueMaster lool ....14:07
loollbt: hey14:14
loollbt: Didn't know we planned a meeting14:14
loolBut I'm available if needs be14:14
lbtlet me see if I can dig up who said it...14:16
geirhaSomeone should make a bot that sets the next meeting in the topic14:17
nhandlergeirha: There was one. It just never got updated when the Fridge moved to Google Calendar14:17
lbt[Friday 07 Aug 2009] [17:44:25] <ian_brasil> i will try to make the ubuntu mobile meeting next week and try to find out what is happening with MID14:18
lbt[Friday 07 Aug 2009] [17:45:59] <ian_brasil> thursday in #ubuntu-meeting @ 13:00 UTC.14:18
lbtdoes that help?14:18
Stskeepsfridge claims it's at 21 i think14:19
lbtOK be back later then :)14:20
lbtlool:  thanks - appreciate the offer14:20
lbtyou around later?14:20
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loollbt: The IRC meetings of the team are usually on Tuesday14:23
loolNot thursday14:23
loolIf there was a special MID meeting I didn't get the worfd14:23
lbtthere is something on http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar14:23
lbtfor 21:00 GMT14:23
loolThat's too late for me   :-/14:24
loolI'm on holidays starting tonight and am packing; it's 11pm my time and I had to stay up til 1am yesterday14:24
lbtnp - I'll catch you again14:24
lbthave a good holiday!14:25
blizzkidlo all. I missed the last regional boards meetings, and won't be able to make it to the next one. Is my only option to become a member to attend one of the meetings?14:48
Ursinhablizzkid, I think so14:49
blizzkidthat's a pitty14:50
zirodayblizzkid: you can attend one in another timezone14:51
blizzkidziroday: yeah, I've seen that, but unfortunately only one has a date set for the next meeting that isn't in the past, and that one I won't be able to attend :)14:51
blizzkidthe others' next meeting is in the past :)14:52
zirodayblizzkid: one sec14:52
zirodaywell if I remember correctly Oceania holds a meeting every other tuesday14:53
zirodayso next meeting being the 25th14:53
zirodayas for EMEA your best bet is to read the logs from the last meeting, or poke someone on the membership council(?)14:54
blizzkidyeah, I'll see if I can find it in the logs, or if I can poke someone, thx!14:55
zirodayblizzkid: good luck14:55
greg-gblizzkid: the America's board has meetings on the second wednesday of the month at 22:00 UTC, just fyi. We'll also do meetings more frequently if it is needed.15:17
blizzkidgreg-g: ok, so that'd be the second wednesday of September, I'll keep it in mind15:18
greg-gblizzkid: yeah, we just had one last night :)15:19
blizzkidgreg-g: yeah, I saw it, I was too late :) Oth, I don't think (reading the logs) my wiki page will be considered sufficient15:20
greg-gblizzkid: gotcha. If you have any questions about areas to improve, let me know.15:21
blizzkidgreg-g: ok if I send you the page url in pm?15:21
greg-gblizzkid: go ahead15:21
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blizzkidgreg-g: you still here?18:20
greg-gI am18:29
blizzkidgreg-g: had time yet to look at the wiki page?18:30
blizzkidI've been away for a while18:30
greg-gblizzkid: not yet18:32
blizzkidk, np :)18:32
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