
=== asac__ is now known as asac
BUGabundo"Amd Alexander Sacks? Go fuck yourself. You couldn't have made this situation worse if you tried, so much so that I have to question who the fuck is funding you to do this crap."00:10
BUGabundosome one needs to read CoC00:10
ftai think jcastro was supposed to do something about that00:11
BUGabundobut it express how ppl feel this stab in the back00:11
BUGabundoat least I do00:11
ftawell, i just disabled it00:14
ftalike i do for ubufox00:14
ftano big deal for me00:14
ftai would have complained if it was impossible to disable it00:14
BUGabundome too00:15
BUGabundobut we didn't like it self instaling like that00:15
BUGabundowith out no prior notice00:15
BUGabundothat's as simple as that00:15
BUGabundobut I'll shut up00:16
BUGabundothis has already been over discussed00:16
fta$ file chromium-browser00:30
ftachromium-browser: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, not stripped00:30
BUGabundotrue 6400:31
BUGabundow00t ? or too soon?00:33
ftai'm booting my laptop to test it00:35
ftawell, it needs an upgrade too00:35
BUGabundoupgrading now00:36
ftalol, no, it's not in the ppa, testing locally 1st00:37
ftait's another branch00:37
micahgnot funny00:42
BUGabundonot as sad as having still 80 unread emails from that bug00:45
BUGabundoand some is waking really old bugs00:45
BUGabundobzr commit -m '* good-bye "Multisearch"; we remove our karmic alpha3 experiment called00:49
micahgping asac00:53
ftagrrr, i can't play openarena, master server unreachable00:54
micahganyone know who this gabbyayala is?00:55
ftaany player of openarena here? just to try tp connect, in case it's my network..00:57
BUGabundobed time01:10
micahgfta:  is nspr a different code base from the gecko 1.9.1 codebase?01:12
ftamicahg, it's a standalone project, but each gecko has its own copy, we use our system lib whenever possible01:14
micahgright, I was just going to clean up this bug with NSPR and FIrefox upstream tasks where the patch landed on gecko 1.9.101:15
micahgso it's not NSPR01:15
mconnormicahg: depends.  what file(s) are you touching?01:18
ftadonno, whcih bug?01:18
micahgbug 24292601:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242926 in nspr "Incorrect date in firefox for 'America/Caracas' timezone" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24292601:18
micahgmozilla bug 41172601:19
ubottuMozilla bug 411726 in JavaScript Engine "Date's time zone is incorrect when machine time zone is set to Caracas (Venezuela) on OS X" [Major,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41172601:19
micahgsomeone came in and messed everything up01:19
micahgand I wanted to clean it up01:19
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~gabbyayala7  he just joined today, apparently only to touch this bug :P01:23
mconnornope, not NSPR01:24
mconnorthat's JS01:24
micahgok, thanks mconnor01:24
micahgmconnor: are you a FF developer?01:25
mconnorI play one on TV sometimes01:26
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mac_vasac: hi... http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18584/ ;)10:24
asacbrainstorm usually comes up with so generic ideas ;)10:25
mac_vasac: generic in the sense?10:28
mac_vrubbish ;p10:28
asaci was kidding. i ment that most ideas area just not new ;)10:29
asacthats a good one ;)10:31
asacThere are few linux-capable repair shops.10:31
asac"user desktops are often a mess   "10:32
mac_vasac: i'm making a list about the firefox icons , do you want just the icons which have valid similar icons in gnome? or ?10:44
asacmac_v: i think that would be a good start10:46
asacmac_v: if you somehow generate a list of icons it doesnt matter ... we need to poke the list and filter out important candidates10:46
asacJazzva: any problems with adding heikki-mantysaari to extension team?12:36
heikkiI applied a membership as I maintain the package mozvoikko12:38
heikkiI'm heikki-mantysaari :)12:38
asacheikki: hey. yes i know ;)12:42
asacheikki: i am fine with adding you. just wanted to get Jazzva ack this too ;)12:42
asacheikki: you also wanted to take care of other extensions?12:43
asacor mozvoikko for now?12:43
heikkijust mozvoikko for now but I'll see12:43
gnomefreakanyone know how to get my close/min/max buttons back on the right of the window boarders?13:21
asacgnomefreak: choosing a different theme?13:21
gnomefreakno tried that even trtied customizing the boarders13:22
asacmake a screen ;)13:25
asacmaybe you just lost decorations due to compiz or something ;)13:25
gnomefreakasac: it was due to the mac theme, Im 95% sure that is what caused this but after removing it it never went back to normal13:26
gnomefreakthink i found the reason nowi just need to find the script13:28
asacgnomefreak: the "global menu thing"?13:34
Jazzvaasac: I'm fine with that :)13:34
asacJazzva: great.13:34
asacJazzva: can you approve?13:35
gnomefreakasac: global menu? this theme is Mac4Lin theme13:35
Jazzvagnomefreak: do you use emerald for window decorations?13:38
asacgnomefreak: yes. thats part of it i think. dont install that crap13:38
asacmac4lin should be block listed13:38
gnomefreakJazzva: no normal gnome but i installed a mac theme and now shit is all messed up :(13:38
Jazzvagnomefreak: "global menu" thing is a part of Mac4Lin theme, that strips the menu from window to panel... tried it once, it doesn't work that good13:39
gnomefreaklittle late ;) there is an uninstall script that will put gnome back but i cant find it in the dir anywhere13:39
gnomefreakJazzva: how do i get to it13:39
Jazzvagnomefreak: cd to the dir where you found install script?13:39
Jazzvaor, if you deleted it, download it again, and run the uninstall script13:40
gnomefreaki just cded into the unpacked folder13:40
gnomefreakJazzva: thats one problem. i tried what i can think of it would be but its not it and there is no --help13:40
Jazzvagnomefreak: shouldn't it just work when you run it without parameters?13:41
gnomefreakJazzva: thats how i installed it. i ran ./Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0.sh  if i change the Install partt to Uninstall it still doesnt work13:42
gnomefreakthis ./Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0.sh --help  or even -H doesnt work either13:42
Jazzvagnomefreak: "ls" and then find the name of the uninstall script13:42
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/Mac4Lin_v1.0$ ls13:43
gnomefreakAWN  GRUB  Mozilla  Usplash  Wallpapers13:43
gnomefreaknot helpfull :)13:43
gnomefreakfind . uninstall is not helpful either just .xpi and tar.gz13:44
Jazzvagnomefreak: it seems like you deleted some files, if that's all output from ls13:45
gnomefreakok lets try redownloading it13:45
JazzvaI just downloaded mac4lin, and there's Mac4Lin_Uninstall_v1.0.sh13:46
gnomefreakcould the script have gotten rid of it? i didnt touch the dir but i did remove the themes from the apperance menu item in gnome13:48
gnomefreakok downlaoding again13:52
gnomefreakJazzva: thanks that worked14:03
JazzvaNo problem :)14:03
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gnomefreakasac: what version of nss/nspr should be in rules to fix the FTBFS problems? I really doubt its my problem since i updated rules to use nss >= 3.12.3 however i didnt touch nspr14:21
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gnomefreakasac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27243867/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.seamonkey-2.0_2.0~b1~hg20090528r2718%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1.9.10_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is the failure, i going to look at the mozilla bug to see if im missing something14:33
gnomefreakmozilla 48505214:33
ubottuMozilla bug 485052 in Security: PSM "Embed a list of default OCSP Responder URLs for certain CAs" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48505214:34
gnomefreakthats not it14:34
gnomefreakbug 48505214:34
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 485052 could not be found14:34
asacgnomefreak: thats a missing nspr update i think14:37
asachigher the nspr lower bound to what we have in archive14:38
gnomefreakasac: happen to have updated version?14:38
asachmm looks wierd we have latest nspr in karmic14:40
asacgnomefreak: try to bump to latest snapshot14:41
asacthat might help14:41
asacfor seamonkey i mean14:41
Jazzvaasac: do you mind if i merge bdrung's moz-version-manpage branch of mozilla-devscripts into mozillateam's?14:41
Jazzvaso that i can then branch of that new in mozillateam's and add my manpages :)14:42
gnomefreak4.8 is the version i have installed14:42
asacJazzva: first merge his other branch (lintian)14:42
asacthe one he suggested is based on that14:42
asacwe should make two commits out of it14:42
asaci think it should be fine14:42
asacas long as stuff stays UNRELEASED ;)14:43
asacgnomefreak: yes. bump seamonkey to latest. you are building an old snapshot from may14:43
asacmake that an august snapshot and i am sure it will work better14:43
Jazzvaasac: ok, i'll try it locally, and see if I bump into any problems :)14:43
gnomefreak4.7 is there now14:43
asacJazzva: thx14:43
* asac out for lunch14:44
Jazzvahave a nice lunch14:44
gnomefreakasac: since Lp isnt working where can i find latest snapshot and do i use the g2.... also?14:44
asacgnomefreak: huh? you get the latest upstream snapshot using get-orig-source and bump the changelog accordingly14:45
asaci think Jazzva can help you while i am eating ;)14:45
gnomefreaki cant use get-orig-source since m-d hasnt been fixed for that yet14:45
gnomefreakim building a May build anyway14:46
Jazzvagnomefreak: i'll read the backlog to get the context14:46
gnomefreak2.1 i have alot of work to do on it still, at least try to figure out the profile patch failiung14:46
gnomefreakJazzva: ok you might want to look at: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27243867/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.seamonkey-2.0_2.0~b1~hg20090528r2718%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1.9.10_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:47
gnomefreakMay 28th build14:47
asacmay build is old. i am sure this is fixed in latest upstream (thats what i am saying) its easier to bump than to check out that failure14:48
gnomefreakonce m-d gets updated maybe i can build a newer version but atm im stuck14:48
asacoor did that fail back in may?14:48
asacif so you can just try again14:49
gnomefreakasac: failure was may build14:49
asacgnomefreak: was the build done in may or today?14:49
gnomefreakasac: may14:49
asacjust retry in launchpad14:49
asacit will work now14:49
gnomefreakok ill try again14:49
gnomefreakasac: thanks trying now14:50
ftadebian 52332915:17
ubottuDebian bug 523329 in tar "tar: causes dpkg-source extract failures" [Important,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/52332915:17
asacprobably will get synched soon15:31
asacJazzva: good practice when commiting merges is to use debcommit -e and add the (merge lp:....) on top of the whole changelog changes15:40
asacin that way the commit log doesnt get hidden in the nested commits ;)15:40
Jazzvaasac: ah.. thanks :)15:43
Jazzvawill do that next time... didn't know about the -e option15:43
asacJazzva: merged you changes15:44
asacthanks for the manpages15:44
asaci think the med-xpi-unpack and med-xpi-pack scripts have a few bugs though15:44
Jazzvaasac: saw them. I'll look into it15:45
ftaasac, no, the fix went to dpkg, which is not the right place, it should be in tar15:46
asacwhy was it filed against dpkg then?15:47
ftabecause we all experienced this there15:49
ftabug 39993815:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399938 in bzr-builddeb "unpacking the upstream tarball not working" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39993815:49
ftastill happening to me http://paste.ubuntu.com/252558/15:50
asactell that james_w15:52
asaci asked him now15:53
asacin -desktop15:53
ftai told him several times already15:54
fta5 or 6 weeks ago15:55
ftai even provided the tarball: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/songbird_1.3.0~a~svn20090703r14148.orig.tar.gz15:55
asacfta: he is waiting for an answwer on the bug15:56
fta"Update V8 to version 1.3.4"16:04
gnomefreakbzr-builddeb was held back due to bzr upgrade16:16
gnomefreakcould that be the issue?16:16
gnomefreakfta: asac is there a way to change the amount of chars per line in thunderbird3 compose window. its no longer in the preferences where it was in 2.016:16
ftano idea16:17
ftai use evolution16:17
ftaasac, fedora is tracking trunk for v816:19
ftaasac, and they ship libv8.so.1.3.316:19
asacyeah ... they are on crack ;)16:20
asacthey probably even use it for the chomrium build16:21
asacand dont mind the timezone problem16:21
asacgnomefreak: i dont know ;)16:21
asaci would think so. at least a hidden pref16:21
asacif you ask me a in a few days i will loook it up16:21
gnomefreakasac: anything i should look for in hidden pref. there is a long list of crap and not sure what to search for16:22
gnomefreakasac: ok thanks16:22
gnomefreakasac: thanks it looks lik SM2 build on the retry.16:45
micahgasac: I was thinking of tagging bugs in LP once Mozilla approves them for a release with the release version like fixed-3.5.316:50
micahgthen when you upload, you can just add all the LP numbers that have that tag16:51
gnomefreakis the ./mozilla/*.default firefox-3.0 or what i have set as default browser?16:53
gnomefreakok the path is .mozilla/default16:53
asacmicahg: would that be a bot doing it?16:57
asacor manually tagging?16:57
asacif its manually you could also commit changelog entries while doing it ;)16:58
asacbut not so sure yet16:58
gnomefreakasac: the hidden pref for word wrap is mailnews.wraplength set to 60 and all is well17:02
micahgmanually :)17:08
micahgwhat changelog entries17:09
gnomefreakmicahg: are you running stable 3.5.2 from repos?17:09
gnomefreakmicahg: in Help do you see something like report a broken website? dont recall the name17:11
micahgno, but I think it's in ff3.017:11
gnomefreakasac: anyreason we removed that in ubufox?17:11
micahgyeah, that's missing as well as get help online and report a bug17:12
gnomefreakmicahg: yep17:12
* micahg isn't running ubufox for 3.517:12
gnomefreakubufox regression IMHO17:12
gnomefreakoh either was i17:12
asacgnomefreak: the report a broken website is only available in nighlies afaik17:13
asacwe definitly dont remove it intentionally in ubufox17:13
asacif it reappears when disabling ubufox let me know17:13
micahgasac: it is on ff3.017:13
micahgso asac, the tagging of fixed versions is ok?17:14
gnomefreakasac: i dont have it in my nightly i only have report a forgery  well for website choices anyway17:14
gnomefreakasac: only 3/4 coices without ubufox with ubufox there are 6 or so (without counting) but im looking for broken website but only web forgery is there on that topic17:15
gnomefreakasac: when you say "nightlies" you mean FF nightlies or ubufox ones?17:17
micahgI have the same menu in 3.6nightly as I do 3.5release17:17
gnomefreakme too and i dont have nightlies for ubufox or have i heard of them. we should really have report a broken site in stable versions so i can tell people to use it rather than upgrade to nightly and than use it17:19
asacmicahg: i have no better idea for now17:25
asacmicahg: but i probably will not remember until i get this into my brain17:25
asacsoo keep on complaining if i forget to close them until i get it ;)17:25
asacif you see commits on the .head branches ping me if you remember ;)17:25
asaci usually only touch 3.0.head for new updates going out17:26
micahghow can I watch the .head brand?17:26
asacmicahg: got to it and subscribe17:26
gnomefreaksubscribe to it from mozillateams branches17:26
micahgyeah, at least this way, someone can close it17:26
asacmicahg: subscribe to xulrunner-1.9.head xulrunner-1.9.1.head and firefox-3.0.head and firefox-3.1.head (which we will rename at som point)17:26
micahgI'll do that a little later17:27
micahggtg to work17:27
asacmicahg: i will be off tomorrow taking a swap day17:27
asacfor the night shifts and dublin sprint17:27
asacbut will be eventually here on weekend .. but not much as a friend from far away visits here17:27
* gnomefreak likely to only be here a couple of hours if at all until tuesday, monday maybe an hour. and i have to go like now im way late for a meeting that cant start until i get there :)17:29
micahgok, I guess I'm on my own :)17:37
micahgbut thanks for the update17:37
micahgI'll let people know if they're looking for you17:38
* gnomefreak taking care of a few things than i am gone like the wind17:39
ftaasac, prism needs some love...17:52
JazzvaI'm packaging mozilla ubiquity. I have a dilemma. Should we include 0.5 or 0.1.9? 0.5 introduces new features, which break some 3rd party commands that work with 0.1.x. But it's gonna be primary release in the  future, 0.1.9 is going just to receive bug fixes. Any suggestions?17:59
JazzvaHere's ablog post, that explains the current situation http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/ubiquity-05-conondrum/18:00
Jazzva*a blog18:00
ftaasac, daily18:05
asacfta: patch diverged?18:06
asacJazzva: wanna check prism patch not applying in prism.head ?18:06
ftai didn't check, but the version is bad too18:07
Jazzvaasac: ok... and any suggestion for ubiquity ;)?18:07
asacJazzva: oh also we can package weave now .... 0.5 rocks18:07
asacJazzva: i would think we should take the latest even if it means that not everything works. but let me check the blog18:07
Jazzvaasac: that was other on my list... i'm using it atm (after I deleted my profile)18:07
Jazzvaasac: Ok. I'll branch prism.head now18:08
asacJazzva: yeah. probably need to create "new snapshot commit" bumping changelog to current failed snapshot and adjust patch18:08
asacfta: you mean that he didnt release 1.0 yet?18:08
ftano 1.0b1 vs 1.0~b118:09
Jazzvais this the right branch - lp:~mozillateam/prism/prism ?18:09
Jazzvaah, I guess it isn't :)18:09
Jazzvaok, found the right one18:10
ftaJazzva, the bot uses lp:~mozillateam/prism/prism18:10
ftajust bump changelog in a single commit, then fix on top18:11
Jazzvafta: not the one in ubuntu-mozilla-daily? ok18:11
ftano, this is for the bot only18:11
ftaasac, ok, found a way to drop the system lib sources in chromium without breaking the build: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252639/18:15
asacdidnt know that that was a problem at all18:16
asacjust that the sandboxing breaks with system libs ;)18:16
asacfta: btw. we are supposed to take over the debian ITP and get this through debian once we got rid of a few more in-source things18:16
ftano, sandbox is fine with system libs, there was jsut a problem with v818:18
asacyes because it tries to read a file outside of sandbox18:18
ftanow, it needs a newer v818:18
asacthe tzdat thing18:18
asaci can update it. but you said it doesnt make sense because of the sandboxing18:18
ftai think this has been fixed recently18:18
ftai said what upstream said18:18
asacso they copy the tzdata into the sandbox? or preread it and keep in shmem?18:18
ftathe suid sandbox is going away18:19
ftain favor of another sandbox method18:19
asachowever, imo all this is really not giving much benefit as long as you render directly to X18:20
ftai'm already building it, it's just not enabled yet18:20
asacthen X is the weak spot and probably easy to exploit anyway18:20
ftafile a bug ;)18:20
ftaand explain that18:20
asacnah ... they are aware of that18:21
asacits just that they dont want to stop doing sandboxing. maybe they even dont render directly anymore18:21
asacbut to a framebuffer18:21
asacwhich is then passed to the users process18:21
asacdo you know if that do that?18:21
asacthey are smart :) ... so they will solve it ;) (if they didnt already)18:26
asacin worst case they copy all of X :-P18:26
Jazzvafta: pushed new commits18:30
Jazzvaasac: any advice on ubiquity 0.5?18:31
asacJazzva: is it broken?18:33
asacotherwise go for the latest18:33
asacits still at labs state so we shouldnt consider tools sourrounding an old version a blocker for now18:33
Jazzvaasac: it works for me. but as I said, they mention that 0.5 will break some of 3rd party commands that work in 0.1.x, because of the new features.18:34
Jazzvanow, I suppose that most of those commands will be fixed when we release karmic18:34
JazzvaI'll go for 0.5 then...18:34
asacyes. thats what i am saying. for mature software considering third party depends makes sense18:35
asacbut not for things that are on labs.mozilla.com18:35
asacthats expected18:35
asacand those third parties will probably follow soon (or exit)18:35
ftaJazzva, by bump changelog, i didn't mean to create a new entry, the previous one is still UNRELEASED, just use it18:40
ftaJazzva, and please use the same syntax for commit logs18:41
ftaok, dinner time, cu18:42
Jazzvafta: sorry18:42
asacJazzva: you can uncommit for that18:43
Jazzvaasac: that includes overwrite on server too?18:43
asacJazzva: what do you mean?18:46
asacdoesnt matter much. you can also fix that on top18:47
Jazzvaasac: when I uncommit two commits that I made, and push then new commits to LP, they will also be uncommited on server?18:47
JazzvaI mean, is that OK to do? :)18:47
asacJazzva: yes you need to explicitly push --overwrite18:49
asacdouble check if its all ok before you do that18:49
asacotherwise its ok because not many track that branch18:49
micahgasac: are the ff3.0 and ff3.5 head branches in mozilla-team or firefox in LP?18:59
asacmicahg: both19:23
asacits always ~TEAM/PROJECT/BRANCHNAME19:23
micahgare they the same or do I need to subscribe to both?19:23
asacso they are ~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.1.head and 3.0.head19:24
asacmicahg: they are the same19:24
asacyou can just browser branches by PROJECT or TEAM19:24
asacwhich might cause confusion19:24
micahgok, I subscribed to lp:firefox-3.0 and lp:firefox-3.5 as well as the xulrunner heads19:26
micahgmaybe one day I can push code to those branches too :)19:27
asacwhy not ;)19:28
asacjust do it (TM)19:28
* micahg still needs to learn more about packaging19:28
micahgand bzr19:29
asacok... next time we have a daily breakage i will ask you ;)19:29
asac(an easy daily brekage)19:29
micahgok, if you want to train me, that would be great :)19:30
asacyou are around long enough that I dont think you will go away soonish. so yeah. sounds good19:31
micahgoh, speaking of not going away, need to get my bug control membership extended...19:32
asacmicahg: you need to? cant you renew yourself?19:32
asacbdmurray: ^^ please fix that ;) ... maybe even for a a bit extended period :)19:32
asacbdmurray: whats the current time? 6 month?19:33
asacfor me it feels like 2 month ;)19:35
asacbut time is running too fast for me anyway19:35
micahgI had a 3 month trial19:35
asacah good19:35
asacso next is longer?19:35
micahgI'd like to upgrade to a full subscription now ;)19:35
asaccool yeah.19:35
asacso i actually had quite an accurate time feeling ;)19:36
* micahg just made top 20 for bug management in ubuntu19:36
asacwell done19:36
asacwell deserved ;)19:36
micahgthanks :)19:36
micahgI had a lot of help getting up to speed19:37
asaci think you should consider applying for ubuntu membership sooner or later ;)19:37
micahgyeah, I'm gonna look into that at the end of the month19:38
micahgthat would be very cool19:39
micahgI finally was able to figure out how to dup crash reports last night19:40
micahgwith seb's help19:40
* micahg just had a mental block on it before19:40
asacyou have to undupe wrong dupes first ;)19:42
Jazzvaasac: how to go with for loops in debian/rules? It's not really working for me. For example: "for something in `find . -name something` ; do rm -f $(something); done" is failing to remove files.19:45
Jazzvaand the file is still there...19:45
asacJazzva: syntax looks wrong19:45
ftano need for a loop19:46
Jazzvafta: find . -exec rm...?19:47
ftafind . \( -name foo1 -o -name foo2 -o -name foo3 \) ...19:47
ftaeither -exec rm {} \; or -delete19:47
Jazzvathanks :)19:48
ftadepending on what you want to drop, you may need -depth &  -maxdepth with -delete19:48
asachehe... fta gigantes arrived ... also thinking further than the actual question ;)19:48
asacQ: "how do i do a loop" ... A: "you dont need a loop"19:49
Jazzvasome unneeded .DS_Store files. It finds them correctly.19:49
asacsomehow i remember that19:49
asacwhere are you working on?19:49
asacwhat i mean ;)19:49
Jazzvaubiquity developers are working on Macs ;)19:49
asacoh ... thats where it comes from19:50
asacwe need to criminalize macs ;)19:50
* asac in radical mode19:50
JazzvaI installed Ubuntu on a friend's laptop, and he has an iPhone. I think that's a really bad phone, considering how locked it is...19:51
asaclike at the distro sprint quite a lot had a mac ... and then come and complain about wifi, because they are on the hook of those cheap broadcom chipset ... even though they paid quite a lot for the hardware19:51
asacmac == expensive for cheap hardware19:52
Jazzvathat's what I say... IMO you mostly pay for the name and design.19:52
asaci made a survey and most folks think they have good hardware ;)19:52
asacthen next you hear: "my keyboard does not work anymore ... damn. have to cool this thing down"19:53
asacor .. "my wifi doesnt work ..." ;)19:53
Jazzvaheh :)...19:53
asacor "my keyboard didnt work either and i had to buy a new macbook because you cannot replace keyboards"19:53
asacthats BRANDING ;)19:53
Jazzvafor real?19:53
Jazzvathe last one?19:53
asacmaking folks believe all is fine even though they complain all the time ;)19:53
asacJazzva: yes.19:53
asacat least some models19:53
asacits built into the main chassie19:54
Jazzvadinner time19:54
asacor amybe thats not true, and the guy at the mac store didnt know any better or just wanted to sell a new macbook ;)19:54
asaci was at a funny talk from some journalist at some point19:55
asache had pictures of folks coming out of the store with loads of people lined up and cheering19:55
asac(the first that got the new iphone"19:55
asachis comment was: if you get out of a store and people cheer at you it probably means that you have just been ripped off ;)19:56
fta# DEB_ARCH_PACKAGES=chromium-browser chromium-browser-dbg chromium-testsuite chromium-testsuite-dbg19:59
fta# DEB_INDEP_PACKAGES=chromium-browser-l10n19:59
ftaso it doesn't help.. dman19:59
fta  /usr/bin/fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch20:00
ftaoh, maybe this will.20:00
asacstill problems with the indep/arch order?20:00
asacdo you touch a file to remember it now?20:00
ftanot really a problem, i have a workaround20:00
asacor did you dismiss my idea ;)20:00
ftabut i wanted something clean20:00
ftawhat was your ide?20:01
asactouch a file in some build-indep:: rule and if the file exists you know you are indep otherwise you are arch20:01
asacor configure-indep even20:01
ftasee the only difference is binary vs binary-arch, should be good enough20:02
asachi sveinung20:06
sveinungI have worked a bit on getting all-in-one-sidebar in a state where it can be uploaded to Debian20:06
sveinungThe WIP can be found at https://code.launchpad.net/~kvilhaugsvik/debian/sid/all-in-one-sidebar/all-in-one-sidebar.dev20:06
sveinung(I wasn't sure where to put the branch. Since firefox-extensions says it's for Ubuntu I put it at debian/sid/all-in-one-sidebar to avoid stepping on any toes. I can move it to a more appropriate location)20:06
sveinungI have some questions20:07
sveinung* What is the license status of the packaging? According to the changelog I, asac, sebner and Emanuele Gentili have code in it. Since it's in universe I guess the license is DFSG-free, but I couldn't find out wich one and i know Debian care a lot about that sort of things.20:07
asacsveinung: we want to jointly maintain it i guess. so firefox-extensions should be ok. even if we upload to debian and then sync it to ubuntu from there20:07
asacsveinung: is there nothing in changelog saying what license it has?20:07
sebnerMPL, GPL, LGPL20:08
sebnerhi sveinung asac ;)20:08
sebnersveinung: argh, I forgot to send the mail. I'm sorry20:08
asacsveinung: yes its tri-licensed as we dont say that packaging has a different license20:09
asacits usually a good idea to use the same license for packaging as the upstream license ... which is what we do here20:09
sebnerasac: I see so many blog posts saying that they have issues with their wlan and with wicd it's working instead of nm. Why is wicd evidently that better?20:11
sveinungasac: ok. So I can safely say that the packageing also is MPL/GPL/LGPL in debian/copyright?20:12
sveinungor is it somehow implied?20:12
asacsebner: its similar to saying that a bazouka is better for getting into houses because you will also be able to enter houses if you dont have the key ;)20:12
asacsveinung: if copyright doesnt differentiate than it means the license applies everywhere (packaging + orig)20:13
asacsebner: understood?20:13
sveinungok, so no need to modify it?20:13
asacsveinung: no. unless you disagree and want your packaging changes to be only GPL ;)20:14
sebnerasac: not really. both are a piece of software. Bad example :P20:14
sveinungasac: AGPL of course. You never know if anyone tries to put tihis on a server... :p20:15
asacsebner: another analogy would be to say that bakteriums are better than humans because they will probably survive a nuclear winter ;)20:15
asacsveinung: you cannot make AGPL out of GPL20:15
asacthats putting restrictions on top20:15
asacat least i think you cannot do that20:15
sveinungyou can if it's GPL+ or GPL320:15
asacok ... if you are sure. but i would have to check that20:16
sveinungbut I was joking (just in case the joke didn't translate that well to English)20:16
asaci understood that ;)20:16
asacjust took it jokingly serious :)20:16
sebnerasac: in software words it would be: wicd is more powerful and nm has more features? :P20:16
asacsebner: no. wicd is more robust for the use cases it fulfills because it only uses a tiny subset of kernel feature, but NM is more sophisticated, has more features, but needs  higher driver sophistication for that20:18
sveinungNext question: I also get a lintian waring since the current build puts the license file for the extension in it's folder. A possible solution to that could be to add functionality to specify files to exclude to med-xpi-pack in mozilla-devscripts. For example that any argument after the first two would be files to exclude. I could give a try to implement it later.20:19
asacsveinung: what is the lintian warning?20:20
sebnerasac: nm should be also that robust then :P20:21
Jazzvasveinung: that wouldn't be too hard, if it's needed.20:21
asaci dont think its needed20:21
sveinungdon't remember it word by word but it's triggerd by license.txt ending up in files from the extension20:21
Jazzvaasac: lintian complains about license file in root20:21
asacmost likely the packaging does something wrong or the warning is misinterpreted20:21
asachaving a license file in the orig shouldnt be a bug20:21
asacJazzva: i need to see the exact warning to tell whats going on ;)20:21
Jazzvaasac: here's one ;)20:22
JazzvaW: mozilla-ubiquity: extra-license-file usr/share/mozilla-ubiquity/scripts/codemirror/LICENSE20:22
asacis the license different from the top level license?20:22
sveinungthe extension is built using "med-xpi-pack . all-in-one-sidebar.xpi" so it includes the license20:22
sveinungfor explaination20:23
Jazzvaasac: it's not a particular known license, but it sounds free enough. so it differs20:24
asacupstream should put it into top level dir20:24
asacwe shouldnt fix it on our side20:24
asacbut we should document it explicitly in copyright20:24
Jazzvaasac: anyway, the point is that upstream usually puts it in the top level dir. And that's why lintian complains :)20:25
asacJazzva: we can have a variable: DOCUMENT_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE scripts/codemirror/LICENSE etc.20:26
asacso users can add license files they properly documented in copyright20:26
asacbut yeah. so having an --exclude= feature is probably ok20:27
Jazzvaasac: and what to do with that variable? to skip zipping those files in med-xpi-pack?20:27
asacJazzva: i think we should add it to unpack though20:27
asacthats the script used by all packages to get the stuff unpacked to the final install locations20:28
asacnot all packages use -pack to pack the .xpi up20:28
asacwe can add it everywhere ... but we should use the default DOCUMENT_LICENSE_FILES thing just for the final unpack i think20:28
Jazzvaasac: med-xpi-unpack is manually called when developer is preparing a package20:28
Jazzvaso that would mean that the source would also miss those files, and then it would differ from clean source.20:29
asacoh you are right20:29
asacso we dont need it20:29
asacwe just need to add it to the unzip we are doing20:29
Jazzvaasac: don't we lose those license files in the source too?20:29
asacno we dont want to20:29
Jazzvaoh... so you mean to unzipping done in xpi.mk?20:30
asacthats why we shouldnt touch the unpack/pack things ... just the unzip that xpi.mk calls when installing stuff to the package tree20:30
Jazzvaand then declare D_L_F in debian/rules20:30
asaci would like to keep it explicit ... instead of adding a default set of common license file names20:30
asacat lesat the packager gets reminded to check that he has the file in copyright then20:31
asacbut we can also use a good set of default licesne file name if feedback suggests that thats what we want20:31
Jazzvaif that's ok, I can add that functionality tonight to mozilla-devscripts branch. (after I prepare ubiquity and weave)20:32
asacsure ... go ahead20:32
Jazzvaand to XPI.TEMPLATE20:32
asacuse MOZ_XPI_LICENSE_FILES ... or something20:32
asacJazzva: we probably also want to adjust it a bit ... like the DIRS are not used anymore20:33
asacat least shoudlnt be used for new things20:33
asacas we find the right targetapp install folder automatically now20:33
Jazzvaasac: that's nice :)20:33
asaci am not sure if bdrung already added the feature to use the first binary package name by default for MOZ_XPI_PACKAGE_AME20:33
asacif not that should go into 0.15 as well20:33
asacnot a blocker of course ;)20:34
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
BUGabundohey kids21:32
ftahm, chromium x64 crashes a lot, but fixes are coming in fast21:35
BUGabundostill staring here21:35
ftai wonder if i should push debs somewhere21:35
ftaor just wait21:35
BUGabundolet me do updates21:36
ftaBUGabundo, the ppa is still doing ia3221:39
ftai don't want to break who knows how many people21:40
BUGabundomake it named chromiumx6421:40
Jazzvahow to do licenses to debian/copyright when there are a lot of files, licensed under trilicense, and the only difference is copyright for initial developer, and contributor(s)?21:40
Jazzva*how to add21:40
ftano, enough packages already, transitions are hell21:40
BUGabundoasac another guy with the same MM bug as me https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/41257021:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412570 in modemmanager "modemmanger does not connect to 3G network, icon keeps spinning. " [High,New]21:44
eagles0513875hey guys21:48
BUGabundofta: would that naming work??21:54
ftaBUGabundo, my last sentence was for you21:57
* BUGabundo scrolls21:57
BUGabundofta: make it named chromiumx6421:57
fta<fta> no, enough packages already, transitions are hell21:58
ftathat's my answer21:58
ftahttp://popcon2.ecchi.ca/package/chromium-browser.html#graph-2  seems like people are loosing interest22:01
dupondjeBUGabundo: u have 64 / 32bit ?22:01
BUGabundomissed that fta22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412418 in firefox-3.0 "Broken website" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:02
dupondjeu can reproduce ?22:02
* dupondje slaps BUGabundo 22:19
dupondje<dupondje> u can reproduce ?22:19
BUGabundono nick there22:19
BUGabundoI aint here all the time22:20
BUGabundomy screen is filed with blinking tabs22:20
BUGabundoI don't use FF 3.022:20
BUGabundono its on karmic now22:20
dupondjeits 3.5 also22:20
* BUGabundo reluntly checks22:21
BUGabundodamn it22:22
BUGabundoit is freezing my FF 3.6 :(22:23
BUGabundoactually it killed it22:23
BUGabundoyou are a bad person dupondje22:23
dupondje3.6 ?22:23
BUGabundowon't do more tests for you22:23
BUGabundoof course22:23
BUGabundodo you think I run stable stuff?22:23
dupondjemozilla-daily ?22:23
BUGabundoof course22:24
dupondjecould you add your experience in the bug ? ;)22:24
BUGabundocan't restore my sesssio22:24
BUGabundoyou suck22:24
dupondjeno no :) you found another bug :)22:24
BUGabundofta: daily ppa IS TOTALLY BROKEN no new pages will load after upgrade22:25
BUGabundoFIX IT NOW if you please22:25
* BUGabundo goes to chromium22:25
ftaeh, not my fault22:26
BUGabundobut I need to yell at some one22:27
BUGabundopages are slllooooowwwwwlllllyyyy loading22:27
BUGabundoChromium is faster22:27
ftathen use it22:28
BUGabundoI am22:28
BUGabundocan't use FF on gmail22:28
BUGabundoboth here and on debian22:28
BUGabundocpu sky rocks22:28
fta!info nvidia-cg-toolkit sid22:31
ubottu'sid' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner22:31
fta!info nvidia-cg-toolkit debian22:31
ubottu'debian' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner22:31
asac__hmm why am i here 3 times ;)23:56
asac__oh ... laptop still on as it seems ;)23:57
ftaclones invasion23:57
ftai wonder if i should do my own cdbs23:58
asac__lets put that into mozilla-devscripts ;)23:58
asac__bdrung probably likes to do that too :)23:59
=== asac__ is now known as asac
* asac finally demutated23:59
asac00:59 -!- Keepnick: Nickstealer left [freenode], got asac back23:59

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