
macohey folks, nburns in #ubuntu is going on about how its all a bunch of noobs and in HIS day youd just be told to RTFM00:03
macohe didnt say rtfm he said "youd be told to man whatever"00:03
macobecause "that's how you learn"00:03
Seeker`trinidad_: how can we hepl you?00:09
Seeker`for the record, I just PM'd trinidad_ asking if there is anything we can help with, and no response, even though he is active in #u00:12
mneptokIIRC, (s)he was banned for the router exploit. i saw a bot unban him/her earlier.00:13
mneptokmaco: the "later fellas" is a nice window into the sould of nburns00:18
mneptokhmmmm ... my sould doesn't start at runlevel 3. any know God's bugtracker address?00:19
trinidad_seeker I just pm'd you00:19
mneptoktrinidad_: we discourage idling in this channel00:19
trinidad_I thought that i closed this one out00:20
macoyou joined 13 minutes ago00:20
trinidad_unless when i logged back in to xchat it opened it up back again without me knowing00:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
macomneptok: meh there are no girls on the internet right?00:23
Seeker`whats a girl?00:23
macoSeeker`: your mom00:23
Seeker`oh, wow00:23
macohehe a legitimate use of "your mom"!00:24
Seeker`Finally! there had to be one somewhere00:25
mneptokmaco: no girls. only "chixx0rz" (women that idiots have not yet spoken to, and thus not yet offended) and "b!tches" (who idiots have actually encountered, and who have dismissed said idiots as troglodytes)00:28
mneptokyou laugh, but i know you're crying on the inside.00:30
macowell it DOES sound about right00:30
macogiven the trolls im used to in -women and #linuxchix00:30
mneptok /m maco A/S/L? r u HAWT?!?00:31
macothat cant get proper respones00:32
macoanyone ugly will say yes to feel nice and anyone hot will so no to avoid attention00:32
mneptokactually ....00:32
mneptok16:15 [Freenode] [msg(PriceChild)] A/S/L?00:32
mneptok16:15 [Freenode] [PriceChild(i=pricechi@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.pricechild)] "yes please"00:32
mneptok16:15 [Freenode] [msg(PriceChild)] "ageless/neuter/right behind you"00:32
Seeker`I hate to think of the sort of messages female geeks get00:38
Seeker`"OMG u r gurl? will u b my gf? I are am l337 haxx0r dood"00:38
macoive never gotten the PMs that i can recall00:41
macoi just get things like replies in comments and on slash dot and even *in person* asking me to marry them00:41
macoand of course #ubuntu-women gets plenty of "r there grrls heer?" "any1 want 2 cyber?"00:41
macothe guy that come to us ranting about how all women are manipulative b*tches based on his wife..that was interesting00:42
Seeker`aren't sterotypes great00:42
macoiirc he didnt want us to invade open source because we'd ruin it...00:43
mneptokmaco: "do you want to cyber" is best replied with this URL - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ-lJpL2oVg00:49
* nalioth converts mneptok to flv00:50
* Seeker` -> bed00:51
Seeker`work, journey in to london and hospital visit tomorrow00:51
Seeker`fun fun fun!00:51
mneptokSeeker`: click that link above00:55
mneptok(espcially if you are a Doctor Who fan)00:55
macoi thought itd be a rickroll, but if you say doctor who...00:56
Dave21/win 3900:59
ubottuziroday called the ops in #ubuntu (jondavis)03:34
mneptokgrrrr .... emma05:57
macough nobody explained to her that the report is private until lp does apport-retrace and then the stuff apport uploaded gets removed and replaced by a clean stack trace06:11
macoSquareHimself in #ubuntu06:16
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (SquareHimself)06:17
jussi01Good morning Myrtti! and Happy birthday! :D06:17
macoMyrtti: is your bday? is seele's too06:18
jussi01Myrtti: Im sorry, I had to advertise :D06:18
Myrttiyeah, last year of youth starts today06:18
jussi01but really, do have a happy birthday06:18
macoyou're 17?06:19
Myrttioh great, I'm lagging bad in the06:20
Myrttiis someone looking over #u06:20
macovalkyrie claims to own th bot06:21
macocut off the head?06:21
jussi01i did...06:21
jussi01Voltaire: how can we help today?06:23
jussi01Anyways, Im of to work. laters all.06:24
Voltaireopps sorry about that06:25
VoltaireI'm actually alright, I click a link and didn't notice06:25
Voltaireanywho night/morning/afternoon/evening06:26
maco<-- man06:45
bazhangmaco, you need any help?07:13
macojussi01 says im allowed in here though07:14
macobecause im an op in 2 channels07:14
bazhangnice :)07:16
bazhangweird that you are not voiced though07:16
macothis channel uses voice?07:17
macooh hey it does07:17
macoi thought in voiced channels, not-voiced people couldnt talk and be seen by voiced people though07:17
bazhangthat's +m channels07:17
jussi01maco: only when +m is set07:17
macoi suppose m=mute?07:17
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml07:18
bazhangonly +v can talk in that case07:18
bazhangor +o07:18
macoyay! im in the top list in quassel now :)07:28
* Mez has had his fun07:34
jussi01Mez: not funny.07:34
Mezjussi01: it was.. slightly.07:34
bazhangthat's what I said07:36
* Mez yawns and disappears to had to work07:36
tsimpson"The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived from the Ubuntu distribution, and add packages related to security testing and remove unneeded packages." - kinda specialist07:58
bazhangsound like all the backtrack 4 users asking for help in #ubunt07:58
macowait so theres nubuntu AND bt4?07:59
bazhangmany more besides !derivatives08:00
bazhanghe was trolling elsewhere as well08:01
bazhang* [Immo_Phaggit] (n=Bilok@pool-71-116-96-171.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net): TheAbester08:01
macook but those two serve same purpose08:01
ubottuoldude67 called the ops in #ubuntu (trolly  no english off topic)09:05
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
tomawwhy urgggh?09:59
Myrttispent 90 minutes in a useless meeting I had to travel two hours in and have to travel 2 hours back, in a tummy ache, on my birthday. I've had better days.09:59
Myrttimaco: 2909:59
tomawwell, happy birthday at least :)10:00
tomawis 29 an indication of the number of candles?10:01
* ikonia nods a bithday nod to Myrtti 10:03
GaryMyrtti: happy birfday10:03
* Gary gives Myrtti a birthday hug!10:03
MyrttiI was bribed to come to the meeting with two boxes of candy10:03
* tomaw feels young among the old folk10:03
Garytomaw: you ain't no spring chicken either10:04
* Gary hides10:04
* ikonia throws another model to Gary 10:05
ikoniaapprantly that keeps him quiet/busy10:05
Myrttiok, -offtopic has the troll central again10:14
tomawGary: pfft :p10:15
tomawGary: you still would and you know it10:15
Garytomaw: only if you got me drunk first10:15
* tomaw sobs10:15
Myrttiis someone looking at -offtopic besides me?10:16
MyrttiI'm in a train and get laggy occasionally10:16
MyrttiGary: thanks10:16
GaryI'm trying to guide them into behaving10:21
* jussi01 sighs at immo_phagg10:28
Garyme too10:29
GaryI seem to fail at catalysing10:29
jussi01Gary: you just fail :P10:37
bazhanghappy b-day Myrtti12:06
MamarokMyrtti: Happy Birthday! *Hugs* and *Kisses* :)12:08
topylioh! happy birthday Myrtti pien12:23
bazhangso focused on one troll another slipped by12:31
Seeker`irssi on iphone \o/13:54
Seeker`can only see 3 lines of text though13:55
* nalioth switches Seeker`'s font size to .005mm so he can see more lines of irssi13:56
Seeker`the problem is that my chabbel list is toi long13:57
PiciI also see a typing issue13:57
Seeker`that is because i am on q bad connection and trying to work at the same time13:58
jussi01Seeker`: grab colloquy, much better and easier...13:58
bazhangwb seeker^14:15
jussi01seeker^: any chance you can log onto and listen to t61 for a bit?14:17
seeker^Not sure if it is possible on an iPhone14:17
seeker^Ssh, it's secret14:18
seeker^Have given up on being at work for the day14:18
seeker^I'll bbl14:20
ikoniahello charlie__ how can we help15:17
charlie__what do you think would be better. i am having a laptop with windows 7 but i dont know if i should get ubuntu instead15:19
ikoniacharlie__: I let me stop you there for a second15:19
ikoniacharlie__: you've been banned from #ubuntu support channel, and forwarded to the #ubuntu-ops channel which is here to help you resolve the issues that got you banned15:20
charlie__can i beome unbanned then15:20
ikoniacharlie__: looking at the logs it would appear you where persistantly offtopic in #ubuntu, which is for ubuntu support discussion only (so not the question you just asked) and you persistantly messed around with the bot after being told multiple times to stop15:20
ikoniaif you could explain your behaviour and why you continued to be a problem in #ubuntu before you where banned, I'm sure we can move it forward15:21
ikoniamneptok: ping ping15:21
charlie__i am new to ubuntu and irc so when i was testring the bot i didnt know people where sending me privite messages15:22
ikoniacharlie__: yes, but you where asked and then told to stop doing it, yet you kept going, why ?15:22
charlie__they told me thro privitre messages which i didnt know]15:23
ikoniathat's not the question I asked15:23
ikoniacharlie__: you where asked, and then told to stop playing with the bot, yet you continued, why ?15:23
charlie__i didnt know they where asking me to stop15:23
ikoniacharlie__: you did as you said "why" and "Do I have to"15:24
ikoniaso you responded to them asking you to stop15:24
charlie__when i found out that they were asking me15:24
charlie__thats when i stoped15:24
ikoniayes, so you knew and kept going15:24
charlie__i stopped when i found out but by then i was banned15:25
ikoniaok - I suggest I leave this to the operator who banned you which is mneptok as he knows the situation better than I as I can only go by the logs15:25
ikoniacharlie__: that's wrong, you where banned after you responded with "do I have to" when told to stop15:25
ikoniaso you knew - long before you where banned15:25
charlie__stop being crazy15:26
ikoniaI'm not being crazy, I'm explaining the facts to you and asking you to explain your behaviour in an honest fashion15:26
charlie__thats what i consider crazy15:27
ikoniaok then if you class explaining your behaviour in an honest fashion crazy I'm afraid we can't progress this any further15:27
ikoniacharlie__: if there is nothing else we can do for you at this time we ask that you not idle in the channel and come back at a time when mneptok is available and you can discuss your ban please.15:32
bazhang!idle | charlie__15:35
ubottucharlie__: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.15:35
naliothcan we start doing !tell $nick about idle?15:37
ikoniaany reason you don't want to see it on screen, I only use | incase the guy doesn't know how to use pm/irc well15:40
nalioth1) you're repeating yourself in this case15:43
niko<?HackersDavid> moi utilize spoonwap 2 cracker un voisin --> i use spoonwap to crack neighbour16:17
ikoniahe's gone16:18
bazhangah he quit16:18
bazhangon nubuntu no less16:31
=== JanC__ is now known as JanC
gnomefreakwhy not !idle > $nick16:56
naliothgnomefreak: the point is that those mechanisms exist to keep the spam levels down17:01
naliothit does't make a flip which one is used17:01
gnomefreaknalioth: oh ok i wasnt sure if "about" used PM or not17:01
naliothubottu: tell gnomefreak about guidelines17:04
ubottugnomefreak, please see my private message17:04
gnomefreakthanks it works :)17:05
Picignomefreak: re: mailing list, o4o was modified within the past few months to make it more tolerant for some issues.17:21
PiciBasically its now "you can talk about these things, but if someone asks you to stop, you should"17:22
gnomefreakPici: ah makes sense sort of. why would be want topics that can/will cause heated debates?17:24
gnomefreakpeople didnt have so many complaints on it before change IIRC unles in past few months17:25
macowell it says you cant discuss gender for example...17:29
macoso would that mean everyone has to go to #ubuntu-women when they want to discuss one of mdz's posts on sexism?17:29
macomakes sense to me that as long as things are civil that could be ok in -ot17:30
gnomefreakdefine discuss gender. i hope you mean like somewhat bad/bad/very bad comments torwards gender17:30
gnomefreaksexism is against CoC as i recall17:30
macono i mean o4o said you cant discuss gender, period17:30
jussi01maco: where does it say that?17:31
macoi think it did17:31
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct17:31
gnomefreakto say "i didnt know women were invloved with Ubuntu" or something along those lines should be ok. but the problems some of the women had with comments from some guys was out of line and against all kinds of rules/CoC17:31
jussi01maco: its been altered recently17:31
jussi01This is not a blanket ban on any and all mention of these topics, however common sense is compulsory. Please be respectful and take the discussion elsewhere if someone takes exception. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy when you join any channels.)17:31
macoright im saying *before* the edit17:32
gnomefreakjussi01: some people miss the whole common sense idea17:32
jussi01ahh, yeah.17:32
macoso the edit makes sense because now you can talk about it in there when mdz or elky goes all feminist on their blogs17:32
gnomefreakmdz == male no?17:32
macohe's quite the feminist though17:33
macoit also means im not breaking the rules when i say "she!" after being called "he" ;)17:34
gnomefreaknothing wrong with that. and we dont cover blogs on IRC that is really up to them depending on blog. CoC may stop it on planet but that has mind of been well not sure its been so long since i read a very nasty post17:34
macoim tlaking about people in #ubuntu-offtopic discussing whats going on on planet ubuntu17:34
macobefore edit it technically wouldve been not allowed because youre discussing gender17:35
gnomefreakmaco: correcting using something like that is not wrong at all however gender shouldnt matter in Ubuntu other than he/she/miss/mrs/ms/mr17:35
macowith edit, as long as youre not saying "yeah well all the girls should just go away because theyre ruining ubuntu" or some such, its ok to talk about it17:35
macoyou see?17:35
gnomefreak"shes hot" or shes is a *" can get you banned very very fast17:36
* gnomefreak thinks my text is hot but it looks like everyone elses :)17:36
macoand i dont think #ubuntu-women wants everybody from #ubuntu-offtopic joining to talk about women-in-open-source because well... iirc, -ot is a rather roudy bunch17:37
gnomefreakPici: jussi01 giving them that much freedom can get out of hand. at least thats why we enforced the rule to begin with17:37
gnomefreakwe have had a handful of problems in -women but not that many but they will not hesitate in the least the kick/ban/mute someone17:38
gnomefreakmaybe not set it back to the way it was but maybe word it differently in the sense that it is ok/not ok to do it certain ways (cant think today so dont mind me if i confuse you17:40
* gnomefreak getting to meeting, have fun17:41
* genii sips and contemplates compulsory common sense18:00
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)20:34
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)20:45
nikojussi01: u-ops-monitor is where bot forward quieted user message ?20:51
jussi01its where the floodbots reside, and do all their status messages etc20:52
nikoah, on #ubuntu-fr, bot forward quieted user to #ubuntu-fr-ops-log20:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)20:52
nikoand when some keywords found in messages20:53
ikoniacould someone please explain why !o4o automatically directs people to the !appeals process ?21:10
mneptokbecause whining about stuff is the Internet's national pasttime?21:13
ikoniaI just don't see why it has to go through the appeals process21:19
ikoniaso much is going through the appeals process to quick and easy for my view21:19
Flannel"disputes" covers a lot of ground at that.22:20
Flannel(When I just read it, it reads as "disputes between people")22:22
ikoniaFlannel: hence why I don't think people should be directed to the appeals process straight away22:25
FlannelI agree.22:25
PiciEr... whats wrong with the appeals process?:23:31
Seeker`I dont think they are saying anything is wrong with the appeals process23:41
Seeker`its the fact that people are directed to it in o4o23:42
Seeker`aiui, the appeals process is for when some action has been taken against someone23:43
Seeker`not someone calling a factoid23:43
PiciI don't see whats wrong with saying that disuputes go to appeals...23:51
naliothPici: there's nothing wrong with it, but the issue is that some don't think it needs to be attached to the o4o factoid23:52
Seeker`Pici: by the same reasoning, we should have it in every factoid23:54

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