
imranheatmzzr, IDK and again sorry D: I00:00
kub1Do you know where/how I can find out what packages the "main" repository supplies? A url?  I couldn't find that info myself at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ nor http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  - Any suggestions??00:00
mickster04hafiz, its usually an option just under the main one00:00
jedi06trying to get my flash to work in firefox ubuntu 9.04 x64 just shows up blank.  I have flashplugin-nonfree installed.00:00
imranheatmzzr, IDK and again sorry D: I'll google it and see if i can find anything :D00:00
zigiDoes any body know how to set the password for x11vnc?00:00
mickster04jedi06, try systemdetails.com00:00
N3M35I5type x11vnc00:00
dylanmcdKB1JWQ: hrm, scp doesn't work but it gave me a verbose error, complains of not having access to /dev/null00:00
nburnsthis might be the biggest noob channel ive ever seen00:00
N3M35I5it should prompt you for a password00:00
mickster04jedi06, pastein the text summary at the bottom00:00
savanny1976uThank you "ZZ". I will try that..00:00
N3M35I5hey, can anyone help me mound a hard drive so it will share on samba?. Its already mounted to /media/newhdd but i wanna know how to share it in samba00:00
mzzdylanmcd: how'd you manage that? /dev/null normally has 666 permissions00:00
mickster04nburns, u have a problem?00:00
nburnsmickster04, just cracks me up00:01
imranheatmzzr, how bout : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9740400:01
arandjedi06: first, use flashplugin-installer instead (-nonfree is an old transition package), and secondly, on 64bit the alpha version of v.10 from adobe labs usually works much better.00:01
mickster04nburns, we all start somewhere00:01
dylanmcdKB1JWQ: this is an unmanaged vps (fresh install)00:01
dylanmcdKB1JWQ: changing permissions worked though, thanks for your help00:01
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jedi06arand i have the installer installed too00:02
nburnsmickster04, yeah i remember going into IRC and getting "man whatever" - that's how you learn00:02
mzzjedi06: I've had that alpha version crash on me (on navigating away from pages mainly) though.00:02
mzzjedi06: flash on 64 bit still isn't a very happy thing.00:02
imrannburns, maybe thats because we all want to learn something new and how can you learn something new without starting it and hence being a noob?00:02
dylanmcdKB1JWQ: kinda silly I had to try sshfs and sftp before I got an error that actually explained the problem ;)00:02
jedi06flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree is installed00:02
nburnsnburns, that's great but 99% of these problems can be solved with google00:02
N3M35I5hey, can anyone help me mound a hard drive so it will share on samba?. Its already mounted to /media/newhdd but i wanna know how to share it in samba. Samba is running but i cant get it to show the hard drive. thanks00:02
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jedi06arand should i uninstall non-free?00:03
imrannburns, Yeah - half solved. When something errors after doing your google, you ask for help00:03
imrannburns, sure, some ppl are lazy but sometimes google is only half the answer. Also...00:03
nburnsimran, you check the forums, google again, then ask00:03
imran!offtopic | nburns00:03
ubottunburns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:03
jedcs dylanmcd, what is the output of "ls -l /dev/ | grep null" in a terminal?00:03
useroneis is important for grub do know if a disk is IDE or SCSI? I was following this link for dual-boot vista: http://www.pronetworks.org/forums/how-to-dual-boot-windows-vista-and-linux-t78184.html and its the first time i have come across this.00:03
nburns!shutup | imran00:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup00:03
arandjedi06: do a search for "flash" in synaptic, and see if you have other stuff (gnash, swfdec...) installed. Those could override the "proper" flash00:03
imran!language | nburns00:04
ubottunburns: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:04
maconburns: be nice00:04
nburnschill out00:04
jedi06arand nope00:04
TheFunkbombhow can I remove a driver?00:04
N3M35I5hey, can anyone help me mound a hard drive so it will share on samba?. Its already mounted to /media/newhdd but i wanna know how to share it in samba. Samba is running but i cant get it to show the hard drive. thanks00:04
arandjedi06: you can uninstall -nonfree if you want, I'm uncertain if it will do anything though...00:04
imrannburns, same to you :) Im pretty chilled00:04
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maconburns: this channel is meant to be encouraging and supportive. you are not doing so. either do so or leave, please00:04
nburnsalright, later fells00:04
jedi06ok done00:04
maco..and gals00:04
imransheesh some people huh?00:04
N3M35I5hey, can anyone help me mound a hard drive so it will share on samba?. Its already mounted to /media/newhdd but i wanna know how to share it in samba. Samba is running but i cant get it to show the hard drive. thanks00:05
dylanmcdjedc: crw-rw-rw- 1 root   root    1,   3 2009-07-17 10:22 null00:05
xcdfgkjhgcvI can't get uber cool networking features such as Samba and DAAP to work properly. :(00:05
dylanmcdjedc: after I chmodded to 66600:05
ascheelN3M35I5: sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf00:05
jedi06in /usr/lib/firefox/plugin there is flashplugin-alternative.so00:05
jedcdylanmcd, thats right, does it work now?00:06
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mzzyay, the ubuntu cd I just burned is corrupted. Does someone happen to know of some ready-made installer image that runs off a usb stick and supports lvm?00:06
TheFunkbombI have an issue, I installed the rt73 enhanced drivers.  I don't like how they perform.  How do I get rid of them?00:06
epaphusIs there a html editor that i can easily install in ubuntu=00:06
MOUDHey again00:06
TheFunkbombepaphus, bluefish00:06
th0repaphus: kompozer00:06
dylanmcdjedc: Yup, I guess it just came with this install at a lower permissions for some reason (dunno if it's the VPS hosts thing or what, they didn't mention a modified install)00:06
jedc!html | epaphus00:07
ubottuepaphus: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/00:07
kosmicHow should I upgrade 8.10 to 9.0400:07
kermitany settings i change in system/preferences dont do anyhting, i think that stupid gconf registry thing is broken, how do i fix it?00:07
savanny1976u1 more Question"ZZ'. Can I do  "Copy partion" using GParted? I have 2 Identical 1.5TB Drives. Thank you.00:07
mzzsavanny1976u: sure, why not00:07
jedcdylanmcd, cool, yea its weird that they were changed00:07
mzzsavanny1976u: (assuming you mean me, you're consistently misspelling my nick for some reason)00:07
jedi06so arand should i uninstall the flashplugin-installer and dl it directly from adobe00:07
useroneor, does anyone the terminal command for finding out if a hard disk is an IDE or SCSI? when i installed 9.04 it said it was partitioning scsi1, but when it boots up it boots from (hd0,2). shouldn't that be (sd0, 2)?00:07
ascheelN3M35I5: no problem.00:07
savanny1976uThanks for the help.00:08
mzzuserone: no, grub uses the bios to access drives, which means it doesn't care how they're connected, just what order the bios sees them in.00:08
trinidad_does anyone know the reason why ubuntu is not release on a cd in the 64 bit version?00:08
arandjedi06: I currently have -installer uninstalled and only using the plugin file from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html00:08
mzzuserone: once ubuntu is actually booted you can look in dmesg to see what's what.00:08
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zigiNeed help setting password on X11vnc server!00:08
epaphushow would i go about installing Quanta??00:08
MOUDHow can I use sudo apt-get to download the files but not install it?00:08
mzztrinidad_: it is00:08
ascheelN3M35I5: let me show you a sample smb.conf that's VERY simple.  http://pastebin.com/d960682200:09
jedi06ok i uninstalled non-free and restarted firefox seemed to work00:09
trinidad_you cannot get it through the shipit channel00:09
trinidad_you have to download it and burn it yourself00:09
mzztrinidad_: I don't know about shipit.00:09
arandjedi06: ok, then thats solved?00:09
jedi06seems to be00:10
trinidad_do you know how we can find out00:10
kermitwhen i change something in preferences, the .gconf xml files get updated, but nothing changes00:10
jedctrinidad_, cant you dl and burn the 64 bit version?00:10
jedcepaphus, "sudo apt-get install quanta"00:10
zigiNeed help setting password on X11vnc server!00:10
trinidad_i can but i know people who cannot burn them on their machine00:10
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trinidad_and they are the ones asking me about the 64 bi version00:11
jedctrinidad_, i didnt know they dont send the 64 bit version, probably because most people burn their own and 64 bit is less prevailent00:12
imersowoohoo, ubuntu remix rocks under this netbook =)00:12
imersovery kewl00:12
arandMOUD: use -d option (see apt-get --help for this and other options)00:12
zigiCAN ANYBODY HELP? Need help setting password on X11vnc server!00:12
N3M35I5have you tried tyupeing00:13
sekaabGood Bye00:13
MOUDarand: I'm reading it, thanks :)00:13
macotrinidad_: there are no 64bit versions in shipit anymore00:13
useronemzz: dmesg says sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk, for sda1, sda2, sda3. do is the hard disk a scsi type?00:13
th0rzigi: should be able to set the password in the command line00:13
trinidad_just a thought have both on the same disk so that when you install you have the option of installing either version00:13
macotrinidad_: that would require DVDs00:13
zigith0r:wait 1 sec00:13
TartarosI have found out that a thingy called xinerama enables 2 monitors by creating one big virtual desktop for them. But what if I want 2 separate desktops (on each screen one) instead? I have an intel integrated cad in an EEE 901 laptop00:13
Vamphello. How can i reboot my system from putty? shutdown -r now will reboot my system?00:13
macotrinidad_: 698 of 700 are usually in use with only one architecture being ther00:14
arandjedc: the shipits are supposed to be for everyone, so you can hand them around to others as well, hence they only do 32bit, I think.00:14
macoVamp: yes00:14
macoVamp: or "sudo reboot"00:14
mneptoktrinidad_: please look at your /msg window or in #ubuntu-ops00:14
imersoyes, if you are root00:14
mzzuserone: you'll have to read a few lines around that one00:14
macoVamp: note that shutdown requires sudo00:14
Vampk, thx00:14
jedcvamp sudo reboot should do it00:14
milo_please hw do i dwnld videos from dailymotion? clive isn't doing it00:15
MOUDwhere will the downloaded files of apt-get  go?00:15
jeeves_Mosshas anyone here killed pulseaudio and installed ASLA on an intel card?00:15
macoMOUD: /var/cache/apt/archive/00:15
macojeeves_Moss: alsa is installed always :P00:16
useronemzz: it also says sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0. when ubuntu shuts down it always IDE devices not found. Is that a bug or does that mean it cant find an IDE hard disk to stop?00:16
MOUDmaco: thanks00:16
jeeves_Mossmaco, I'm concerned about the amount of resources Pulse uses, and since this is a netbook, I need ALL the help I can get!  LOL00:16
jedcarand, thanks for the info00:16
macojeeves_Moss: pulseaudio runs on top of alsa. if youd like instructions on how to use jaunty without pulseaudio i have them on my bloghttp://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/04/jaunty-faq.html00:16
mzzuserone: latter, I'm pretty sure.00:17
zigith0r: how00:17
zigith0r:you helped me before but i forgot00:17
zigith0r: i reformatted because of a problem00:17
macojeeves_Moss: however, be aware that without pulseaudio its possible youll only be able to have sound out of one app at a time--and pausing rythmbox to watch a video on youtube counts as 2 apps00:17
th0rzigi: x11vnc -display :0 -passwd <password>00:17
MOUDwhat's the command to install build-essential?00:17
macoMOUD: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:18
jeeves_Mossmaco, thanks.  as I said, I'm just trying to "lean out" this laptop to get as much as I can out of this 1.5Ghz CPU.  or is there any way to think out Pulse?00:18
tlfI'm having difficulties watching any sort of media on firefox.3.* on ubuntu 9.0400:18
MOUDmaco: thanks, I knew it but wasn't woking. maybe a terminal problem. :)00:18
macojeeves_Moss: personally, i dont think pulse is going to be nearly as resource intensive as firefox00:18
ascheeltlf, no flash?00:18
jedctlf, i think there is a problem with flash right now because after updates its not working for me anymore00:18
tlfI have flash installed00:18
ascheeltlf:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:18
zigith0r: did not work00:19
macojeeves_Moss: and my 2ghz-but-runs-at-600mhz-all-the-time does fine with pulse on00:19
gogetaanyone got any clues why my sd card reader is not working on my eeepc00:19
milo_please hw do i dwnld videos from dailymotion? clive isn't doing it00:19
macojeeves_Moss: im actually not sure why my cpu doesnt go above 600mhz ever, but *shrug*00:19
th0rzigi: all I have is the man page....should work00:19
jeeves_Mossmaco, hummmm.  I guess I'm trying to track down all of the resource hogs.  Something (that I can't seem to track down) is using TONS of RAM as well00:19
MOUDI'm using Chatzilla irc client, should I stay with it or get another one?00:19
macojeeves_Moss: have you looked in top?00:19
mneptokjeeves_Moss: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/00:20
useronemzz: The link i am following says: Next, we need to edit the file "/boot/grub/menu.lst" in the text editor of your choice. You will now want to add an entry for Windows Vista. To do so, you need to add three lines to the file at the end of the file. Example entries follow: [If] Vista is installed to the first partition of the first IDE hard drive [add] root         (hd0,0)  [if] Vista is installed to the first partition of the first SA00:20
zigith0r: that is not for setting the password is it?00:20
jeeves_Mossmaco, yes, and nothing really stands out as sucking back ~500Mb of RAM00:20
tlfjedc, have you found anything to make it work/fix it?00:20
mneptokjeeves_Moss: clicky el linky, please00:20
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macojeeves_Moss: shared libraries...00:20
=== cattellar is now known as merma
mzzuserone: if vista is installed on the same physical drive as ubuntu (just a different partition), use the same number the (working) ubuntu entry uses00:20
jeeves_Mossmneptok, thanks.  I love the graphic00:21
th0rzigi: x11vnc is often a one time operation, so that should set a password that will be used only for that invocation of x11vnc00:21
macojeeves_Moss: are you remembering to subtract the cache from in-use?00:21
mzzuserone: if it's on a different drive use a different number (unless you have many drives just using trial and error suffices)00:21
macojeeves_Moss: cache makes the system more responsive, so linux caches aggressively00:21
jeeves_Mossmaco, I've also seen latley that there is a TON of disk access.  I can't seem to track that down either.  it only effects the system after it's been on for a day+00:21
ascheel<---- hasn't found a reason to use vnc when he has ssh already.00:21
zigith0r:but did not work at all00:21
th0rzigi: if you want to set up a password that lasts you put it in a file and pass that to the program with -passwdfile <filename>00:21
mzzuserone: grub doesn't know or care about the kind of drive it is. What you're reading is making assumptions about the order the bios reports the drives in.00:21
arandMOUD: so does that apt-get command give any errors for build-essential?00:21
jedctlf, not yet but i havent really tried, i was figuring it would get fixed pretty soon00:22
macojeeves_Moss: iotop will tell you about disk access, but i can tell you that firefox 3 uses sqlite to store all its data and does a write for every page you open, close, move about...blah blah blah..thats a lot of writes00:22
almostautomatedHello, is there an alternative to ttysnoop to watch /dev/pts activity?   I'm using Eclipse CDT and the console is FUBAR and I see gdb init is using -tty to /dev/pts/200:22
mzzascheel: yay ssh. Although I've recently started using nx on top of it (not the whole thing, just nxproxy and nxagent)00:22
macojeeves_Moss: something lighter like epiphany might be a good idea00:22
zigith0r:i have a password file00:22
useronemzz: no, its all on the same partitioned hard disk. actually, i made a change to the menu.list file before and it corrupted grub. I have literally just finished a fresh install of 64bit 9.04 and i dont want to make the same mistake! (if it is a mistake!)00:22
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th0rzigi: then pass it to the program via the command line00:23
MOUDarand: no, I just closed the terminal and opened a new one. thanks for the help00:23
jeeves_Mossmaco, I was thinking chrome.00:23
zigith0r:how i tried passwdfiel00:23
mzzuserone: define "corrupted grub"00:23
macojeeves_Moss: chrome is not memory efficient00:23
KB1JWQzigi: I'm not sure how chrome works on Linux yet.00:23
mzzuserone: if changes to menu.lst make grub unhappy just boot off a livecd, mount the partition it is on, and edit it back00:23
jeeves_Mossmaco, is there a program that stress tests EVERY part of a system to find out what's going on and if it's going to fail, etc00:23
th0rx11vnc -passwdfile /home/me/mypassword.file -display :000:24
macojeeves_Moss: it has to allocate a bunch of stuff once per tab instead of once ever00:24
Dr_Willischrome was still using wine i thought for linux.. unless i missed the Linxu release party. :)00:24
ascheelchrome is awful on memory.00:24
macojeeves_Moss: not that i know...00:24
N3M35I5thank you ascheel for your help!!00:24
macojeeves_Moss: there's memtest in the boot stuff if you want to check your ram hasnt gone bad, but thats all i know of00:24
majinHi... Can someone help me about video playing trouble? :))00:24
jeeves_Mossmaco, yea, I tested the RAM, and ran a CLI CPU tester (I think it's CPUBurn).00:25
ascheelN3M35I5: you're very welcome, sir.  By the way, please don't PM people without their permission.  :)  The help you got from me for Samba might have been useful to another person already in the channel.00:25
jedcDr_Willis, chromium is the open source project based on chrome and it builds on linux00:25
aranduserone: a good idea would also be to keep a backup copy of menu.lst that you can replace when you boot a livecd.00:25
zigith0r: i did that and it did not even prompt for password when i try to login00:25
jeeves_Mossmaco, I'm now wondering if it's FF that's causing the problem.  Is there something that'll show what process is chewing so much RAM?  I've tried TOP, but everything there is under 5Mb/RAM each00:25
ctmjrmajin: depends what's the problem?00:26
th0rzigi: like I said, all I have to go on is the man page...those options should work00:26
mzzjeeves_Moss: top (or gnome-system-monitor) works, just sort by (resident) ram usage00:26
macojeeves_Moss: which column do you look in? i look in the middle column of mem stats00:26
jeeves_Mossmaco, that's where I'm looking.00:26
Mike_lifeguardIs there any way to view web traffic (coming and going) on my laptop?00:26
useronemzz: on boot grub wouldnt start, it just went to a command prompt grub>. then i used a live cd to amend the menu.list file back to original and then grub started but the disk was corrupted (manual fdisk check required, or something like that)00:26
mzzMike_lifeguard: you might like "iftop", depending on what you mean00:27
mneptokjeeves_Moss: did you actually read that webpage i gave you?00:27
mzzuserone: that's pretty bizarre00:27
jeeves_Mossmneptok, yes, thanks00:27
Mike_lifeguardmzz: something like a list of urls being requested would be nice00:27
mzzMike_lifeguard: iftop won't do that00:27
kaddimneptok thanks. :) I did read that link too and it answered some questions I had long be wondering about, but never investigated. Eg the difference in RAM usage, when you look at top and htop :D00:28
useronemzz: yes, a change to the start-up of vista (right or wrong) should not have affected the start-up of grub controlling ubunut, right?00:28
mneptokjeeves_Moss: so why are you still asking about RAM usage?00:29
mzzuserone: I don't see how anything you mentioned could've required repairs via fdisk00:29
mzzuserone: although actually it *is* possible you somehow caused vista to overwrite the part of grub that's in the mbr00:29
jeeves_Mossmneptok, I'm not.  I'm doing some poking around right now00:29
=== merma is now known as cattellar
zigiNo one know how to set the x11vnc password?00:30
mneptokjeeves_Moss: don't touch the power supply. that's why people now call me "Twitchy"00:30
MOUDIf I use sudo apt-get -d install build-essential  (this will only download, won't install it) , and then after it I use  sudo apt-get install build-essential (without the  -d) , will it install but keep the files on the archive folder?00:30
snarksteranyone know how to configure musictracker on pidgin?00:30
Dr_Williszigi:  check the man pages..   most vncservers use the vncpasswd command I think.,00:31
jeeves_Mossmneptok, lol, I'm a cert. electronics tech.  I know ALL about that00:31
macoMOUD: it keeps them in there anyway00:31
useronemzz: i installed vista first and didnt touch it again until after i installed 9.04. actually, i hardly ever use windows now but since i was getting a fully licensed version of 64bit vista with my new laptop i thought i would install it.00:31
macoMOUD: the archive directory isnt cleaned til you run "sudo apt-get clean"00:31
fetusbubblehas anyone ever heard of a problem where random keystrokes repeat themselves over and over? or more recently, the computer freezes up and suddenly opens up a bunch of gnome-search-tools00:31
mzzshrug, don't know what happened00:31
foundry87I installed apache2 and php5 so I can have a local server but when I try going to the php files I put in /var/www/ in Firefox it just asks me to download the file instead of executing it.00:31
zigiDr_Willis:not x11vnc00:31
fetusbubbleit seems to happen more during high loads00:31
mneptokjeeves_Moss: i learned the JDFHN[ 9ugwrqA HNSDVFUYYGV BJSDVu hard way00:31
useronemzz. so does it really make a difference if i use hd0 or sd0? i must have done something else with the live cd..00:31
mzzfetusbubble: I don't know what'd do that with keystrokes other than hardware issues. I have had ps/2 mice do something like that though (if your mouse is connected via ps/2 consider hooking it up through usb instead if it supports it)00:32
jeeves_Mossmaco, is there a way of tracking down how/why this box starts to do a LOT of disk access after running for ~a day?  it gets to the point where you have to pull the plug on it to get it to reboot00:32
MOUDnvm, they packages are still on the achive folder :)00:32
DaZsrsly noone here is using btrfs? >:00:32
foundry87Nevermind it's working now.00:32
macojeeves_Moss: is it swapping like mad?00:32
MOUD*the packages00:32
UshaibHi. Why would System Monitor show nearly 100% CPU use on the Resources tab, but merely 10% CPU use on the Processes tab? (I sorted by CPU usage, and the top processes add up to a mere 10%).00:32
mzzuserone: "sd0" is not a thing that exists. Grub *really* does not care about what kind of device something is, although it is possible bios settings changes cause it to report drives to grub in a different order (so you'd have to adjust menu.lst to match)00:32
macojeeves_Moss: you may have found a memory leak somewhere. er...somewhere other than firefox, which is known for them00:33
jeeves_Mossmaco, yes.  it grinds EVERYTHING to a halt, however, TOP reports that none of the swap is being used00:33
fetusbubblemzz: my mouse is USB.. sometimes i'd leave my computer on during the night and leave konsole open or something, and when i'd wake up i'd see it spamming a random letter/key into it..00:33
mzzfetusbubble: I blame hardware, but I can't be specific, sorry.00:33
macojeeves_Moss: did you try iotop then?00:33
fetusbubbleokay, thanks for the help00:33
macojeeves_Moss: itll tell you what's writing and reading00:33
jeeves_Mossmaco, no, I had to reboot (it woulden't even reboot when I pulled a "sudo halt"00:34
mzzUshaib: iirc system monitor defaults to showing just your processes in that tab00:34
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MOUDmaco: I see. thanks for the info00:35
mzzjeeves_Moss: and you're sure swap wasn't touched, not just that no processes were consuming significant amounts of ram?00:35
Ushaibmzz: thanks, that explains it. When I have it show "All Processes" I see that ntfs3g is eating most of the CPU.00:35
useronemzz: i do think you are right. i just wanted to be a little more cautious the second time around. anyway, i will have to try something so i will go with the hd0. you are right, it does not make sense for grub to care how the connection is made (which is what IDE and SCSI are) but instead where on the disk the partition starts00:35
jeeves_Mossmzz, not that I could see under TOP.  as I said, I'll have to wait another day of leaving this box on so I can recreate the issue00:35
macojeeves_Moss: "free -m" should give you mem, cache, and swap stats00:35
macojeeves_Moss: -m = in megabytes00:36
[James]is this the support channel?00:36
maco[James]: yes00:36
jeeves_Mossmaco, ahhhh, ok.  as I said, I rebooted, so it's not doing it yet.00:36
ravilguys, is there possible to force screen to reload config?00:36
[James]Ive been trying to install the NVIDIA 1.80 drivers for my 7600GS, but every time I do, I cant boot back into Ubuntu. It shows the loading bar, then goes to a black and never does anything. Ive reinstalled 4 times because of this. Anyone have an idea?00:37
jeeves_Mossmaco, it says I have 676Mb free  that's a little more respectable.  let me try to hammer this CPU for 20 mins and I'll see if I can get it to do it00:38
gartral[James]: does your gfx card have 2 outputs? (either 2 DVI, or 1 DVI/1 VGA)00:38
[James]yes 1DVI 1 VGA00:38
=== Cyberish_ is now known as Cyberish
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts00:39
jeeves_Mossmaco, also, when I try to run gl_tail (a ruby program), it just boggs down this CPU00:39
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etyrnalwhat's the syntax to use "find" to search my whole drive for ALL files owned by uid 1000 and change them ALL to being owned by uid 501 ?00:40
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IndyGunFreak[James]: how are you attempting to install the nvidia driver?00:40
[James]IndyGunFreak: yes00:40
tripzeroso how do I get the new notifyosd to work in 9.04?00:40
IndyGunFreak[James]: that wasn't a yes or no question, "HOW" are you trying to install it00:40
useronemzz: ok, i have just looked at several other posts on dual boot and no one else mentions anything about scsi and ide, so i will go with hd0. thanks for your help.00:40
tripzeroi still have the old, ugly notifications00:40
bucky[James]: did you use sudo nvidia-xconfig  to configure it?00:40
gartral[James]: after installing the drivers, you need too do a bootup useing the VGA port on the card... I had a heck of a time with this with my 620000:41
moskvatnoite pra todos00:41
[James]IndyGunFreak: Through the hardware drivers screen in settings00:41
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
[James]gartral: Im not using the DVI00:42
Dr_WillisDVI connections solve a lot of little issues  ive found.. :)00:42
ShoeAnyone know a REALLY FAST video converter (specifically .avi to mpg4)00:42
tripzeroShoe: handbrake?00:43
gartral[James]: then try the DVI port... i know the 6200s "perfer" the vga, this is probably different with the 780000:43
mipfiCan anyone upload the Skeleton File from /etc/init.d/ ?00:43
Shoehandbrake is really slow00:43
Dr_WillisShoe:  winff, or avidumux  are gui front ends to the ffmeg and mencoder programs - they can do it.00:43
ShoeI want something that can convert at at least 1:100:43
gartralShoe: what kind of cpu do you have?00:43
Dr_WillisShoe:  most are just front ends to those 2 commands.00:43
[James]gartral: Its a 7600, and the monitor Im using doesnt support DVI. If I use a DVI to VGA adapter, would that work?00:43
tripzeroShoe: try handbrake, or mencoder on the command line00:43
Dr_WillisShoe:  theres dozens of opions that can speed thigns up.. at the cost of worse video quality.00:43
Shoetripzero, are you blind00:44
skorasaurushi, i have a GPG key, I don't know my private key. I know my pass-phrase, and I know my public key.00:44
gartral[James]: yes. and im sorry about my confusion, im also on the phone >.>00:44
Dr_Willis!info handbrake00:44
ubottuPackage handbrake does not exist in jaunty00:44
ShoeI HAVE HANDBRAKE!!!!!00:44
tripzeroShoe, yes I am blind00:44
ctmjrShoe: it will be slow even with a fast system if you want good quality00:44
[James]gartral: No problem. Im just worried that it will mess up again. Ive already gone though and installed mythtv which took forever.00:44
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tripzeroShoe: man mencoder and stfu00:45
Dr_WillisHmm.. Looks like Handbrake is not just a front end to mencoder or ffmpeg.. from what im reading..00:45
gartral[James]: nvidia cards are a pain, and so are ATI..00:45
Dr_Willisso it may be slower then  mencoder, or ffmpeg00:46
jedcgartral, nvidia cards work great in ubuntu00:46
[James]gartral: lol, are there any other brands? : )00:46
tripzeroDr_Willis: handbrake tries to use multiple cores when it can00:46
gartral[James]: Intel....00:46
kaddiintel, but they are even worse right now ;)00:46
tripzerobut you can also tell mencoder/ffmpeg to do the same if you want...00:46
[James]haha were screwed00:46
MOUDI agree with kaddi00:47
Dr_Willistripzero:    I think i got mencoder set that way also. :)00:47
gartraljedc: yes, when you have a configuration (monitor side) that they like, there fine peices of equipment00:47
Dr_Willistripzero:  seems handbrake is using some parts from ffmpeg.00:47
tripzerointel works great with the latest drivers00:47
gartraltripzero: there are some intel cards that dont startup in ubuntu.. period00:47
=== sean is now known as Guest24285
Guest24285[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 132.19 failed with error code 11:00:49
Guest24285 BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:49
Guest24285X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:49
Guest24285  Major opcode of failed request:  132 (XVideo)00:49
Guest24285  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()00:49
Guest24285  Serial number of failed request:  8100:49
FloodBot3Guest24285: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
Some_PersonI'm servicing someone elses PC. It has Windows XP, which freezes during boot. Obviously, I need to reinstall Windows, but their recovery disc wipes the HD clean. I'm trying to boot the ubuntu live CD, but I'm stuck on a black screen with a mouse cursor00:49
[James]where can I find more on the sudo nvidia xconfig?00:49
gartraltripzero: i found that the pro serise cards work ok, and the intergrated ones are ok... but intel's gaming serise cards dont like to run under any linux (especially for gameing... which makes 0 sense000:49
Guest24285I get an error from vlc when trying to play video files [????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 132.19 failed with error code 11:00:49
Guest24285 BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:49
Guest24285X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:49
Guest24285  Major opcode of failed request:  132 (XVideo)00:49
Guest24285  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()00:49
FloodBot3Guest24285: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
Guest24285  Serial number of failed request:  8100:49
tripzerolol again00:49
MOUD[James]: I'm not sure if it'll help but after you install the nvidia driver  go to  System > Administration (not sure) > Nvidia   -> When you click in there and try to apply the settings you'll get a pop-up message telling to do a "certain command on terminal".  I didn't install my Nvidia driver yet so I don't remember exactly the command.  I hope it helps00:49
Some_PersonWhat can I do?00:49
mzzSome_Person: does it let you ctrl+alt+f1 out of that black screen?00:50
[James]MOUD: awesome thanks00:50
Some_Personmzz: no00:50
kermitWhen i change something in preferences, the .gconf xml files get updated, but nothing changes, what'd i break?  I was changing WMs around recently.00:50
gartralMOUD: how can he when his screen goes black at the login window?00:50
bpun_is there xinerama-like tty package for plain text?00:50
tripzerogartral: i had no idea on the gaming cards.  I agree, that does make 0 sense.  the integrated ones have worked very okay for me so far00:50
MOUD[James]: np00:50
tripzeroafter a driver update or 200:50
mzzSome_Person: oh, ugh. Does the mouse and caps lock key work?00:50
Guest24285I get an error message [????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 132.19 failed with error code 11:00:50
Guest24285 BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:50
Guest24285X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)00:50
Guest24285  Major opcode of failed request:  132 (XVideo)00:50
Guest24285  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()00:50
FloodBot3Guest24285: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:50
Guest24285  Serial number of failed request:  8100:50
Some_Personmzz: mouse works, but not caps lock00:50
mzzGuest24285: stop doing that00:50
tripzerosome people never learn00:50
gartral!pastebin | Guest2428500:51
ubottuGuest24285: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:51
mzzSome_Person: sounds like something's up with the keyboard then. What kind of keyboard is it? Try simple things like replugging it?00:51
mzzSome_Person: (does it work in the bios screen?)00:51
MOUDgartral: he said that he reinstalled 4 times right? So I suppose that he didn't install it yet this time so that's why he's trying to get help before he does a 5th reinstall00:51
Some_Personmzz: Keyboard works in the BIOS00:51
mzzSome_Person: usb keyboard?00:51
Some_Personmzz: It's a 16 year old Packard Bell PS/2 keyboard00:51
myselfis there a play station 2 emulator that i can get in a .deb package or from the repository?00:51
Some_PersonI keep it as a spare00:52
mzzSome_Person: huh, I can't think of any obvious reasons for that to fail. I don't have the option memorized, but can you get that livecd to boot you to a text-mode login?00:52
Some_PersonThe ubuntu boot menu does work. I can probably do that00:52
gartralSome_Person: ahh.. those PS/2 keybricks never die, do they? i have a 17 year old compaq one i use a "spare" when my wireless one's batts die00:52
mzzSome_Person: oh, is there more than one keyboard attached?00:52
MOUD[James]: I just remembered that after you type the command (using "  sudo  " first), restart X and then you reboot your system.00:53
mzzSome_Person: weird then, and there's obviously a chicken/egg issue here that you need the keyboard to work so you can look at Xorg.0.log to see why it can't find your keyboard00:53
gartralmzz: beautiful analogy there00:54
[James]MOUD: Okay Im confused now. I dont see a thing for administration00:54
MOUD[James]: you installed the nvidia driver?00:54
gartral[James]: System>Administration00:54
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
[James]I havnt installed the driver yet, Im on mythbuntu, so maybe they took it out : (00:55
* mzz continues to enjoy the keyboard layout detector on the alternate install cd00:55
MOUDoh ok00:55
Some_PersonWhere is the option to boot to text mode?00:55
gartral[James]: ohh... you 8should* install the ubuntu-desktop package00:55
MOUD[James]: use this:    sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18000:56
[James]gartral: do I do that through the disk?00:56
[James]MOUD: Will I need to run a command after that?00:56
gartral[James]: your... trying too install the nvidia drivers through the live CD??00:56
jungle could someone point me to a link for the recommended system requirements for kubuntu?00:57
MOUD[James]: yes, this command only download and install the necessary files of the Nvidia.  After that is done you do what I told you before.00:57
spO what is used to install .dsc files?00:57
[James]gartral: No, the ubuntu-desktop. Is that done through the disk? Or is it a download package?00:57
MOUD[James]: the Nvidia option on System > Administration  won't appear until you install the driver.00:57
gartral[James]: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but it's going to do strange things to your boot splash (mainly just change it to the Ubuntu standard one)00:58
UshaibIs there a way I can make Nautilus show the filenames of the files being copied/moved?00:58
[James]MOUD: Thats why Im worried. I dont even have System-> Administration yet. Its not in the system menu00:58
gartralMOUD: he's on mythbuntu, and that doesnt have gnome00:58
UshaibNot sure who thought it would be a good design idea NOT to have those00:58
[James]gartral: Ok, if its only changing the boot splash I dont mind. You can change that manually if you want too cant you?00:59
UshaibAlso, I'm really really annoyed by Nautilus. It's the worst file manager I've ever used. What alternatives are there that behave more like Windows Explorer?00:59
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as Commie_Cary
sam^windows on ya way lad00:59
gartral[James]: yes, though the various usplash packages00:59
derenrichUshaib: I use dolphin00:59
sam^i liked dolphin its nice :p01:00
skorasaurusHi, is there a way i can use my PGP if I only know my passphrase and my public key ?01:00
skorasaurusi forgot to make a backup of a private key.01:00
buckyspO dpkg-source -x *.dsc01:00
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
derenrichsam^: dolphin blows everything out of the water imo01:00
bpun_so i have two monitors.. i know xinerama works.. but i stopped gdm, and wish to know if anyone here has done separate bash session on two monitors..01:00
derenrichskorasaurus: not usefully01:00
bpun_or impossible?01:00
Ushaibderenrich, does dolphin minimize other windows when you click during a click-and-drag operation, making click-and-drag impossible?01:00
MOUD[James], gartral, hmm, that's another story.  [James], if you can wait until my nvidia download is complete I can pass you the exact command for you. But it'll take around 40min to finish my download (10KB/s download :S  )01:00
skorasaurusderenrich, so, i won't be able to sign anything or really use it ?01:01
derenrichUshaib: not sure I know what you mean, try it out? i'm on windows atm01:01
derenrichskorasaurus: umm, people can encrypt stuff to you? but you won't be able to decrypt it01:01
[James]MOUD: Thats cool. Im in no hurry. Im installing ubuntu desktop right now01:01
MOUD[James]: ok then.01:01
derenrichskorasaurus: other peopel will be able to verify things you already signed with it? not really useful man.01:02
Ushaibok thx01:02
helluesread rolling hash before rabin karp. on wikipedia...01:02
Some_PersonIt would probably help if I knew more about this machine. All I know is that it's a Gateway, it was manufactured in 2002, and it has a Pentium 4 processor01:02
skorasaurusderenrich, should I just not bother then with that key ?01:02
skorasaurusmake a new one ?01:02
derenrichskorasaurus: i'd nuke it and make a new one. Next time save the revokation ceritifcate and back it up01:02
Some_Personaha! got ubuntu to boot in "graphics safe mode"01:02
skorasaurusderenrich, k. thanks.01:03
kaddiSome_Person stupid question but have you tried debugging windows directly? IE safemode/recover console/last known good configuration=01:03
brianguertinis it possible to have a folder be a file template? So you can choose Create New -> "SomeProject" in Nautilus/Thunar?01:04
buckySome_Person: what does lspci |grep VGA   say?01:05
Some_Personkaddi: Yes. Safemode won't boot01:05
gartralMOUD: why are you on such a bottleneck?01:05
Dr_Willisbrianguertin:  try making a folder in the Template directory? I recall there being such a dir.01:05
rfreibergernewbie question, what is the difference between Emacs 22 (GTK) and (X11)?01:06
MOUDgartral: what do you mean by that?01:06
gartralMOUD: 10 kb/s connection? v90 modems are faster >.>01:06
buckyrfreiberger: one runs in the desktop the other runs in the console01:06
rfreiberger thanks!01:06
Dr_WillisErr that disent make sence.. gtk would use gtk widgits/themes x11 would be the more basic xlib version I thought01:07
Dr_WillisTHen theres proberly a console version01:07
XerranCan someone please explain this?: Create a symlink in /usr/bin [Y/n]01:07
mezquitaleanyone knows of a web authoring tool that support xhr(ajax)?01:07
MOUDgartral: well, a 128Kb/s (16KB/s max) costs $40,00  which is the cheapest non phone modem connection available.01:07
mezquitaleXerran, click on "Y"01:07
gartral!symlink | Xerran01:07
ubottuXerran: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:07
Dr_WillisXerran:   its asking to make a link from /usr/bin/WHATEVER to the actual binary...01:08
buckyrfreiberger: actually one has gnome widgets the other one doesn't01:08
rfreibergerI was looking from the add/remove but from apt-get I have a few Emacs01:08
jondavisany real hacker's in here01:08
Xerranmezquitale: i am installing an app and it came up01:08
buckyrfreiberger: emacs21-nox  runs in console01:08
brianguertinDr_Willis: I tried, but then it just uses the folder as a submenu in the "Create" menu01:08
jedcrfreiberger, emacs has a console version and a gui one, but x11 is the window manager,01:08
Dr_Willisrfreiberger:  forget about the 'add/remove' icon. it only shows a limited set of avail apps.01:08
=== mac9416 is now known as macOut
Xerranmezquitale: what does it mean?01:08
mezquitaleXerran, as Dr_Willis mentioned, its asking to make a link from /usr/binWHATEVER to the actual binary01:08
gartralMOUD: may i pm you?01:08
jondavisyo any hackers in here01:08
Dr_Willisbrianguertin:  i never use the feature - i even remove all templates.. i never use them. so  guess it cant then.01:08
Xerranmezquitale: thx01:09
MOUDgartral: sure,01:09
Dr_Willisjondavis:  thats a vague and pointless term. :)01:09
jedcjondavis, lol, still with that?01:09
useronei just reinstalled 9.04, but when i looked at fdisk -l the 'boot' asterisk is in /dev/sda2 which is the linux swap partition. is this going to cause any problems?01:09
cdecarloi <3 hacking01:09
mezquitaleXerran,  it means that it will place a link to "/usr/bin" so that the environment knows where the application is actually stored01:09
Some_Personi also know that this computer is highly out of date -- SP2 isn't installed on XP01:09
Xerranahh, ok01:09
jondavispm me if u r a real hacker01:09
Laicedoes 9.04 come with wine as standard or will i have to install?01:09
jondavislets talk01:09
mezquitaleanyone knows of a web authoring tool that supports xhr(ajax)?01:10
jondavisyou will haft to install wine01:10
jondavisyour self01:10
gartralLaice: install it01:10
jondavisdont install it01:10
jondavisit is not good01:10
Laicekk i've recently switched over from fedora on kde and i was fairly noobish at that so we'll see how much of a fire i can start then, cheers01:10
cdecarlomezquitale: what do you mean 'supports'?01:11
jedcjondavis, http://catb.org/jargon/html/H/hacker.html01:11
jondavisi siad dont install wine01:11
Guest17668Hey guys, I have a small problem. I just updated my kernel, but when I select the newest one (.14) I get a message saying the umber of cylinders exceeds the maximum amount allowed by the BIOS.01:11
jedclaice, "sudo apt-get install wine" will do it01:11
mzzcould someone with the usual number of kernels installed tell me what "du -sh /boot" gives on their system? I want a ballpark number for my new install's /boot partition01:11
Laicecheers mate, do explain to me why i shouldnt jon01:11
mzzuserone: grub doesn't really care about that.01:12
jondavisbecause i have use wine and it is not good tool01:12
mzzuserone: (assuming grub lives in the mbr)01:12
jondavisunlees you still like windeos01:12
Laicewell until there's a linux version of ventrilo i'm afraid i'm stuck with it :)01:12
cdecarloLaice: what is it that you would want to run, is there an alternative?01:12
jedcmzz, i dont know the usual number, but it gives "51M       /boot" for me01:12
nohupgood evening, all01:13
mzzjedc: strange, I could've sworn it was larger01:13
jondavis\if you need anything .get openoffice01:13
=== Guest17668 is now known as confused
jedcmzz looks like i have about 24 of em01:13
jedcmaybe just 401:13
mzzjedc: just 4 seems more likely. Looks like a pair of initrd+vmlinuz is about 10M here01:14
kaddiSome_Person When you hit F8 to boot into safe mode, hit it twice, you should see additional options. One will be "last known good configuration", which will try to boot into n older version of windows. But if you want help with windows, I suppose we better take this some place else. ;) Did you see bucky's question:what does lspci |grep VGA   say?01:14
jedcLaice, wine is good for games01:14
useronemzz: i altered menu.list to include hd0,0 but vista wouldn't boot. i changed the entry to hd0, 1, and still no fun. i have followed the howtos. any other ideas? when i do fdisk -l it says sda1 is ntfs (vista) so the boot order should be hd0,0 for that right?01:14
kaddi(in case you want to get ubuntu to run)01:14
mzzjedc: hmm, I guess 100M for /boot/ really should suffice then. Thanks!01:14
jondavisI like to talk to a real hacker01:14
nohupi remember awhile ago ubuntu 9.04 on the aspire one (acer) had quite a few problems with sluggish compiz..... i guess there have been updates since... so i was wondering: would it be 'safe' to upgrade to it now?01:14
mzz(annoying part of an lvm setup, you can conveniently resize everything except for /boot afterwards)01:15
cdecarlojondavis: what's your definition of hacker?01:15
mzzuserone: might want to mark that one as (the only) bootable partition01:15
Dr_Willisnohup:  i used the UNR release on my AAO. and foloowed a few tweaks in the UNR/AAO forum/thread  and its working great.01:15
mzzuserone: with grub in the mbr neither grub nor linux cares, but vista might.01:15
legend2440mezquitale: http://www.aptana.com/studio01:15
jondavishack the would01:15
Laiceodd installed ventrilo using the program loader and as far as i can tell the installtion only generated .wav's and images, no executables01:15
Laicenot appearing in the wine app's list either01:16
mzzuserone: if sda1 is vista (hd0,0) is almost certainly what you should chainload in grub01:16
kaddinohup if sluggish compiz was related to the fact that acer mostly uses intel cards I would advise against it.01:16
cdecarlohack the would, is that meme or something?01:16
Dr_Willisnohup:  there still might be an issue with it not seeing both SD slots unless  ya got a card  in each  slot at bootup. but i rarely use those.01:16
nohupDr_Willis: i hope this doesn't sound all to stupid, but i've never heard of UNR :)01:16
jondavisa hacker is a some-one who does all things hacking01:16
Dr_Willisnohup:  and I do recall upgrading the intel video.01:16
Dr_Willisnohup:  Ubuntu Netboot REmix -  a usb variant  with tweaks for the netbooks.01:16
nohupDr_Willis: i don't care about the sd cards.. never used them :)01:16
jedcLaice, wine installs things in your .wine/drive_c/Program Files directory01:16
useronemzz: so any ideas how i may be able to resolve this?01:16
Laiceaye just been browsing the folder and no jot01:17
cdecarlojondavis: that's like saying a tree is something that displays the characteristics of a tree01:17
mzznohup: if the sluggishness was intel video you might want to wait for 9.1001:17
Dr_Willisnohup:  Im not sure if i upgraded the intel video or not.. wasent too hard to do. - i had to do it on my other laptop  to get compiz working.01:17
nohupyeah, i read about that, Dr_Willis.. but i already have a fully installed system.. just checking if it would be advisable to  update to 9.0401:17
mzzuserone: how's it failing exactly?01:17
confusedDoes anyone know why when I try to boot to the newest kernel, I get an error message saying it can't boot because the maximum number of cylinders allowed by the BIOS has been reached01:17
nohupmzz: ahhh.. i might do that then..01:17
jondavisok what do you know about real hacking01:17
Dr_Willisnohup:  try it and see i guess..  Or just go get the UNR img file, and dd it to a flash drive and test drive it.01:17
jondavisit is not all about programing01:17
Dr_Willisnohup:  thats whats unique about UNR. its an 'img' file you just 'dd' to a flash drive.. and  boot it. :)01:18
mzzconfused: that's normally a grub message, not a kernel one. Make sure your hd is configured to use lba in the bios01:18
jedcjondavis, none of have any idea what you are talking about, we most likely have a different idea of the meaning of the word than you do01:18
Dr_Willisnohup:  i hate the special UNR 'interface' i alwyas enable the normal gnome desktop01:18
nohupi don't have a flash drive in it though :)01:18
confusedI'm kind of a noob, how would I do that01:18
useronemzz: i simply cant get vista to boot. it says missing mbr, but grub is the bootloader so why is vista asking for the mbr?01:18
googeekNeed help with weird wireless problem. Anyone?01:18
Dr_Willisnohup:  seen 2gb on sale for $5 over the weekend. :P01:18
nohupi have the aao with 160G hdd...01:18
mzzuserone: marking sda1 as bootable *might* help01:19
Dr_Willisnohup:  so do I :)01:19
nohup5 bucks... that's nothing..01:19
useronemzz: can i do that without reinstalling?01:19
mzzuserone: sure01:19
Dr_Willisnohup:  yep. I got a few altoids tins packed with spare flash drives. :)01:19
nohuphahah :)01:19
mzzuserone: I'd use fdisk but I'm masochistic. gparted can probably do it too.01:19
Dr_Willisnohup:  works good as a rescue tool also. got ones for several different disrtos/repair/recovery disrtos.01:19
nohupi've always used knoppix as recovery...01:20
useronemzz: i am not masochistic but i dont trust gparted! if you know the commands to use i am happy to follow along01:20
Dr_WillisIn the time it takes gparted to load up.. i can have most tasks done in fdisk. :)01:20
mzzDr_Willis: if you have a couple of systems with card readers they seem to end up replacing floppy drives, if you know what I mean01:20
nohupanyways, eventually i'd have to upgrade the system on hdd to the new distro...01:20
googeekNeed help, Wireless works until I reboot, and than stops working, anyone have any ideas?01:21
sjlkghi, in all files in a directory i want to add a 'print 'emitted %signal'' line with correct intendation after each line that has 'emit('%signal'' in it, where %signal is some string (words connected with dashes). anyone know how i could achieve that?01:21
useronemzz: or if you are busy a link to a howto will do01:21
Dr_Willissjlkg:  some fancy awk scripting, or sed.. or both.. would be one way.01:21
mzzuserone: it's the "a" command in fdisk. Should be fairly obvious if you can stand the cli interface.01:21
confusedHow would I configure my hd to use lba in the BIOS? Is it in the BIOS menu itself, or is there a setting in the OS to change01:21
scott1ok I just installed ubuntu so far I do like the speed and interface.. I installed the 64bit os when I go to install adobe flash it says error 1386? need help01:21
useronemzz: ok, let me look01:21
mzzconfused: you'd have to poke around a bit in the bios menu, it's not in the same place in all of them.01:22
Dr_Willisconfused:  i also recall a lba 'flag' the partioning tools can enable.01:22
scott1newbie here sorry01:22
TalkSouphello, i have a problem with wifi01:22
Dr_Willisscott1:  how are you trying to install flash?01:22
mzzDr_Willis: are you sure? the only flag like that I know of is that there are different partition types for fat32 partitions, but that doesn't apply to linux (0x83) partitions01:22
alexanderazimovello all.01:23
scott1how can I get flash installed on fire fox it wont work... is it because I have ubuntu 64 bit?01:23
Dr_Willismzz:  theres an lba flag somewhere i had to enable it on a flakey flash drive onece to ge tit to boot on a flakey pc.01:23
confusedAlright, so I'm gonna check my BIOS menu, then I'll be back if I can't figure it out.01:23
derenrichscott1: probably01:23
Dr_Willisscott1:  flash and 64bit works for me here. I normally install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package - that grabs flash and java and some other stuff.01:23
derenrichscott1: adobe only has a beta out for 64 bit linux01:23
googeekNeed help, Wireless works until I reboot, and than stops working, anyone have any ideas?01:23
scott1Dr_Willis I downloaded it and try to install it  using the default opener01:24
Dr_Willisscott1:  but that may be grabbing the 32bit flash and installing some compat. libs.01:24
Dr_Willisscott1:  dont install it that way.. try the ubuntu-restricted-extras package.01:24
useronemzz: sudo fdisk /dev/hda is saying Unable to open /dev/hda01:24
Dr_Willisscott1:  you are thinking  in 'windows terms' :)01:24
mzzuserone: sda, not hda01:24
nohupthanks for your help, Dr_Willis and mzz!01:24
useronemzz: oops..yes01:24
cdecarlogoogeek: that's a bit of a funny statement, is sounds like your wireless stops working when you turn your computer off ;)01:24
nohupi'llbe afk... gotto go shopping for food and beer :)01:25
NickUK`Hi, can anyone help me setting up an ADHoc network under Ubuntu.01:25
scott1Error: Wrong architecture 'i386' is what I get when trying to install01:25
mzzgoogeek: what are you doing to turn it back on? Powering down completely?01:25
scott1yes I am new to this thats why Im here01:25
googeekI've tried it all01:25
scott1Im sick of windows..01:25
googeekpower down, restart01:25
tomh-hey, what can i do when flash has no sound? :/01:25
Laicei'm seriously pissed off with windows today01:26
TalkSoupNickUK: dont, you can easily hose your system doing that01:26
alexanderazimovScott i feel your pain.01:26
Laicebuild a goddamn awesome machine01:26
mzzgoogeek: I don't follow. "wireless works until I reboot" means it worked exactly once since you installed?01:26
NickUK`TalkSoup - What do you mean01:26
Laice3 vista installs, crashes after being on the desktop for a minute without fail01:26
googeekcdcarlo: haha, yeah.01:26
CoJaBo-AztecLaice: Yeh, its Windows, thats normal :P01:26
Laiceso i nuked the vista install and installed feisty and i feel much better now :P01:26
scott1Im sure I will get this sooner than later I hope ...01:26
mzzLaice: why feisty?01:26
ggggwhat is orca ?01:27
NickUK`Can anyone help me setup an AdHoc on ubuntu, i have one running but isnt sending any Bytes, really do need help with this.01:27
oizoYsofeisty xD01:27
Laicesorry didnt mean feisty getting my wires crossed lol01:27
mzzgggg: a screen reader, iirc01:27
Laiceso many damn distributions01:27
googeekmzz: yeah, it worked right out of the box, detected my router, I connected and then ran ppporconf to connect to my pppoe, the internet works, than if I reboot, in anyway, my router stops working01:27
googeekmzz: but it always runs fine off cd, thats what I'm on now01:27
ggggmzz, what is screen reader ?01:27
Laiceyou know what i mean :'(01:27
NoMS_scott1:  I found a script that installed everything and I have no problems running flash....  I am not able to find it at the moment.  I'll see if I have it saved somewhere on my computer.  If so, I'll let ya know01:27
useronemzz: ok, managed to do that but it says the new table will be used at next reboot. so, i will no doubt be back if it still doesnt work. thanks again01:28
mzzgggg: reads text on the screen out to you over the speakers, useful for blind people or people with seriously impaired eyesight01:28
Laicejaunty thats the badger01:28
mzzgggg: that's assuming I recalled correctly, it might be something else instead.01:28
LioNsomeone can help me with jaunty issue on audio with games01:28
Laicenight all01:28
mzzgoogeek: weird. What part of it fails, the wireless connection to the router or the pppoe after that?01:29
NickUK`Can anyone help me setup an AdHoc on ubuntu, i have one running but isnt sending any Bytes, really do need help with this.01:29
ggggmzz, thank you , then it is a good tool for those who have problem with eye sight01:29
googeekmzz: well, both, haha. But, its the router thats the problem01:29
LioNsomeone can help me with jaunty issue with audio delay on some games01:30
googeekmzz: where it once said "wireless network" it says "device not managed"01:30
shadowh511hey all, im having some trouble with my atheros wifi card01:32
legend2440LioN: is the delay in game runnibg in Wine?01:32
LioNno man01:32
gartralshadowh511: did you install the restricted driver/01:32
LioNthe issue is with the native games01:33
ravilext4 supports resizing without data loss?01:33
mzzravil: yes, using resize2fs (or (g)parted)01:33
shadowh511gartral: no, im on karmic.  it says wireless is disabled, and there's no way to reenable it. I've tried everything I can think of including wiping my gconf01:33
MOUDhow do I restart X, it doesn't seem to work here01:34
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shadowh511MOUD: in a terminal, type in killall man01:34
mzzgoogeek: I'm not familiar with pppoeconf but are you sure running that was required?01:34
gartralshadowh511: ask in #ubuntu+101:34
ravilmzz: thank you01:34
NauTiluS1how to optimize ext401:34
NickUK`Can anyone help me setup an AdHoc on ubuntu, i have one running but isnt sending any Bytes, really do need help with this.01:34
MOUDshadowh511: There's a way using the Backspace if i'm not wrong01:35
googeekmzz: If you know of any other way to connect to a pppoe, I guess not. That's just what I found looking online...01:35
confusedAlright, so I couldn't find anything related to setting up my hd to use lba, but the exact error message I try to boot is Error 18: Selected cylinder exceed maximum supported by BIOS01:35
shadowh511MOUD: you are thinking of control-alt-backspace, but that was disabled (*sigh*) log out and back in01:35
MOUDoh, that's why it doesnt work. thanks01:36
MOUDbrb people01:36
looterHELP!  I have a dual boot configuration with Ubuntu and Vista and after updating ubuntu today I get a "Error 25: Disk Read Error" from grub when trying to access Vista.  I can still boot into Ubuntu and even mount the drive but I need to be able to get back into Vista.  Can someone please try to help me.01:37
bastidrazor!dontzap | shadowh511 MOUD01:37
ubottushadowh511 MOUD: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:37
kermitWhen i change something in preferences, the .gconf xml files get updated, but nothing changes, what'd i break?  I was changing WMs around recently, maybe gnome isnt running?  I'm running compiz.01:37
MOUDthanks bastidrazor01:37
xBeginner hi, could anyone give me an example of using the "grep" function to search a string in multiple files?01:37
xBeginnerI've tried 'grep "<html>" *' but it doesn't works01:37
grumblesCan someone help me, rythymbox wont open01:37
macondoWhat's up with ubuntu that I cannot press control-alt-backspace to restart X?01:37
LioNsomeone can help me with jaunty issue with audio delay on some games01:37
kermitxBeginner: grep string file1 file2 file301:37
bastidrazorMOUD, using alt sysrq k works the same.01:38
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kermitxBeginner: grep "<html>" *   works01:38
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grumblesCan someone help me, rythymbox wont open, and there are no errors in the console01:38
shadowh511gartral: how do I install the restricted driver?01:38
xBeginnerkermit: well i'm trying grep "<html>" * but nothing shows up01:38
kermitxBeginner: then it didnt find anything01:38
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useronemzz: back again. still nothing. the bootable flag is on sda1, and menu.lst has been changed to hd0,0. now vista says bootmgr is missing. again, i dont understand why vista is looking for a bootmgr if grub is handling the boot01:39
googeekmzz: Do you think the pppoeconf is causing it to loose data or something some how?01:39
mzzgoogeek: I really don't know, sorry.01:39
grumblesCan someone help me, rythymbox wont open, and there are no errors in the console01:39
xBeginnerkermit: impossible, I'm sure its there (maybe at a sub directory, but adding the -r arg doesn't helps)01:40
mzzgoogeek: I've triggered networkmanager not managing a device myself by configuring it in /etc/network/interfaces, iirc01:40
googeekmzz:'s cool, thanks for trying01:40
mzzgoogeek: can you check if there's anything fishy in there?01:40
kermitxBeginner: you're mistaken01:40
confusedmzz: I couldn't find anything to set my hd to use lda, but my error message on startup is Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS01:40
kermitxBeginner: that's the right syntax01:40
macondoHow do I restart X?01:40
xBeginnerkermit: yea, thx, i forgot the -r01:40
googeekmzz" how would I do that?01:40
mzzconfused: is this an oldish system?01:41
mzzgoogeek: pastebin the file?01:41
ravilbefere using resize2fs, I have to resize the partition?01:41
mzzravil: correct01:41
mzzravil: err, no wait01:41
mzzravil: are you growing or shrinking?01:41
confusedA Dell D600 laptop with a Centrino chipset, 1.4 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, 40 GB hdd01:41
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googeekmzz: I'm apparently way more of a noob than you realize, haha01:42
mzz!pastebin | googeek01:42
ubottugoogeek: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:42
ravilmzz: growing01:42
googeekubottu: thnx!01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnx!01:42
mzzravil: then grow the partition first, then use resize2fs to make the filesystem use the whole partition again. Although iirc gparted can do both.01:42
ravilI don't trust gparted, maybe I'm wrong?)01:42
mzzravil: I haven't used gparted much myself. I usually use lvm, and use its commandline utilities plus some commandline tool to resize whatever filesystem I'm using.01:43
ravilmzz: ok. thanks a lot01:43
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* mzz is a fan of lvm, wishes the regular ubuntu install cd supported it01:44
wwwhi my friends01:44
grumblesCan someone help me, rythymbox wont open, and there are no errors in the console01:44
wwwi want to insatall xchat on mandriva linux01:44
zetheroo1Great! I am getting kernel panics again!01:44
mzzwww: mischan01:44
ravilgrumbles: try to run it with strace01:44
tomh-anyone know how to get flash sound working?01:45
confusedmzz: It's a Dell D600 from 200401:45
zetheroo1is there any really straightforward way to find out what is causeing a kernel panic? -- please don't mention the logs as they are useless for this ..01:45
ablyssgrumbles, open terminal and type killall -9 rhythmbox01:45
grumblesthanks ablyss, it worked01:45
mzzconfused: ah, sorry, lost track for a minute. I can't really help with that message if you can't get the bios to cooperate, I'm afraid.01:46
ablyssgrumbles, you prolly have a zombie01:46
ablyssnasty lil buggers01:46
wwwis posible to install a bot on my ubuntu?01:46
useroneif i fix the bootmgr problem using vista, will it overwrite grub?01:46
mzzconfused: what I think is going on is this: grub uses bios calls to load itself, the kernel and the initrd, after which the kernel boots and accesses the drive directly from then on. You need a reasonable recent bios for grub to access the entire drive that way01:46
NickUK`Can anyone help me setup an AdHoc on ubuntu, i have one running but isnt sending any Bytes, really do need help with this.01:47
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ablysswww you already have a bot on ubuntu, its called crontab01:47
mzzconfused: what sometimes happens if you don't have a separate /boot is that initially the kernel, initrd and grub are near the start of your partition, but as the partition fills up newer kernels end up more to the "right", where grub can't get at them through the bios01:47
confusedmzz: Hmmm, it only started doing this after I updated today. I haven't been on this particular computer01:47
confusedfor a few days.01:47
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wwwablyss ahh, but that one is not so frenly to use rigth?01:47
mzzconfused: if you know about this problem (bios not supporting lba) in advance you can work around it by putting grub and your kernels on a separate /boot partition near the start of the drive01:47
mzzconfused: repartitioning to do that now may be pretty hard though01:48
ablysswww, man crontab... my bot ( crontab ) turns on and off lights when I tell it too01:48
googeekmzz: so...you want me to copy that file and send it to you?01:48
hypoonhey guys01:48
hypoonI'm in a panic situation01:48
confusedYeah, my hard drive is almost full, I dual boot Windows XP Professional and Ubuntu 9.0401:48
wwwablyss: ok01:48
mzzconfused: and on my own system I once had a bios that wouldn't cooperate until I reset its settings and reconfigured it from there (probably because I flashed it at some point and didn't reset afterwards)01:49
hypoonI accidently moved a lot of my home directory into another folder, but I don't know how to safely re-mix the two folders into my home director01:49
mzzgoogeek: just do what ubottu said (pastebinit) and give me the url01:49
ablysswww, if you want a some-what user friendly interface for crontab, check out kcron01:49
googeekmzz: k, I'll have to sign off...bbl01:49
mzzgoogeek: err, hang on01:50
wwwablyss aahh ok i take a loot thanks dude01:50
mzzgoogeek: do you mean you have to do that because you're currently on the livecd?01:50
mzzgoogeek: you can just mount your install and pastebin the file01:50
confusedmzz: Is there any way I can delete older kernels to make room for it to access the newest one01:50
ablysswww, but the syntax is pretty basic and using a plain text editor would work01:50
mzzconfused: that's not going to work reliably01:50
hypoonplease someone, tell me how I can put all my files back in my home directory safely...?01:50
mzzablyss: if you edit it through the "crontab" utility it'll syntax check it before installing the new file01:50
Monay93hello everyone01:50
googeekmzz: yeppers01:50
googeekmzz: k, how would I go about that?01:50
wwwablyss i will try it, thanks01:51
confusedSo I'm stuck until 9.10 comes out, I guess?01:51
mzzgoogeek: I'd expect the partition to show up in your "places" menu. If it does not you can just use "sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt" to mount it01:51
mzzgoogeek: err, hang on01:51
zuz_anyone know how to get opera (shared) for kubuntu?01:51
mzzgoogeek: I'm not familiar with the livecd environment. Check if /mnt/ is empty before you do that.01:51
hsa2hello everybody01:51
jexd1is there a way to make a zune run thru ubuntu? i'm so sick of vista but i have to dual boot it for my zune, then switch to it everytime i want to sync, and play my music in rhythmbox thru my mounted vista partition. so, has anyone hacked the zune to make it compatible, or can i run the zune software thru wine or something?01:51
Monay93do  anyone knop wat you do on this chat thingy01:52
hsa2i've just installed ubuntu and updated01:52
ablyssmzz, what crontab utility do you use?01:52
mzzconfused: 9.10 won't help, I'm pretty sure. I'd attempt to create a /boot near the start of the drive.01:52
Monay93hello everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:52
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hsa2my xf86audiolowervolume and xf86audioraisevolume don't control the true mixer01:52
hsa2how can i change it?01:52
BluDog_Anchoritehow do i update a package via dpkg ?  say i downloaded the deb, but now there is a newer deb.  so i download that.01:53
BluDog_Anchoritein redhat it was rpm -Uvh01:53
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mzzBluDog_Anchorite: I wouldn't be surprised if "dpkg -i" did the right thing, but I'm too new to ubuntu to be sure.01:54
buckyBluDog_Anchorite: use synaptic in the System=>Administration menus or use sudo apt-get install01:54
hsa2any idea about my issue?01:54
mzzbucky: apt-get install takes .debs that aren't in a repository?01:54
buckydpkg is not internet enabled01:54
BluDog_Anchoritebucky, this is a headless server w/o x01:55
BluDog_Anchoritebucky: also, i already have both deb's on the server.  i just want to upgrade to the new version01:55
buckyBluDog_Anchorite: dpkg -i *  will install a package in your working directory.. if their is an newer version in the repos then apt-get upgrade will try to install the newer version01:56
buckyBluDog_Anchorite: sudo dpkg -i <package_name>01:57
mistere357hey bucky, if you have the debs then i just do sudo dpkg -i ...01:57
mzzgoogeek: do you know how those two wlan0 lines ended up in there? If you don't try commenting them out and running "/etc/init.d/networking restart" (I *think*, might want to reboot instead)01:57
mistere357yea, what BluDog said01:57
BluDog_Anchoritebucky: that isn't going to leave me w/ ver.1.4.2 and 1.4.8 BOTH installed is it ?01:57
buckyyum local-install01:57
useronewhen i enter find /bash/grub/stage1 in a grub shell, it returns Error 15: File not found. anyone know what this error is?01:58
looterI'm having issues with a dual boot, getting error 25: disk read  error from grub.  Vista and Ubuntu  can someone please help?01:58
mzzrats, no X. And this install was going so well so far :( oh well, debug time01:58
mzzuserone: err, I'm pretty sure you meant /boot/grub/stage1, not /bash/grub/stage101:58
googeekmzz: comment out? and how do I run that, just open it or something?01:59
BluDog_Anchoritebucky: thanks for the help though01:59
googeekmzz: oh, and now, I have no idea how anything ended up anywhere, I didn't even know that file was there, lol01:59
mzzgoogeek: oh wait, you're still on the livecd. Did you mount your root partition through places or through my command from earlier?01:59
buckyBluDog_Anchorite: no.. the older version will be removed first  dpkg -i --no-act <package>ver1.4.8.deb  to see what it will do man dpkg01:59
mistere357I have a Hardy server with OpenSSH 4.7 and I need to set up chroot for the sftp (not ssh) users.  Can anybody point me to some good resources?01:59
googeekmzz: places02:00
mzzgoogeek: then just edit the file (I'd use "sudo nano /media/whatever/etc/network/interfaces", but running gedit through gksudo should work too)02:00
mzzgoogeek: put a "#" in front of those last two lines and try rebooting into your actual install02:00
mzzgoogeek: that should get networkmanager to manage your wireless interface again, although I have no idea if the pppoe bits will work02:01
zetheroo1how do I check the version of the madwifi driver running in my system?02:01
doug_is it possible to get internet explorer on Ubuntu?  My mom has to fill out an application onlien that requires IE02:01
file_filehow can i check what java platform is being used ?02:01
ravilpls advice - which filesystem is better to use for media storage? safety on the first place. I can't choose between ext4, reiserfs3 and XFS :(02:01
useronemzz: oops..yes...it says hd0,2. i already tried hd0,1 for vista but that didnt work02:01
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mzzravil: they're all fine, but I'd pick ext4 for no particularly objective reason02:02
googeekmzz: Cool! thanks! I'll try it and be right back.02:02
spOwhen did ubuntu 9.04 come out and replace ubuntu 9.03?02:02
mzzuserone: what was vista on again, sda1?02:02
file_filewhat's the difference between openjdk and sun-java-jdk ?02:02
CoJaBo-Aztecdoug_: Wine might work. But I had to install XP in a VM for just one site.02:02
mzzspO: there was a 9.03?02:02
looter9.04 fucked up my dual boot02:03
file_filespO: ubuntu 9.04 replaces ubuntu 8.1002:03
dopperI installed grub2, uninstalled it and reinstalled it and somehow the entry for chainloading from menu.lst went missing. Is there a way to make grub2 add it to menu.lst again?02:03
jcapincLOL! there is no 9.03!02:03
file_filewhat's the difference between openjdk and sun-java-jdk ?02:03
useronemzz: yes, sda1 and changed the bootable flag to sda1. that would make the command root hd0,0 but that doesnt work02:03
jcapincmzz ravil I am using ext4 on my laptop, it works just fine, no complaints02:03
vinceCan someone please explain to my whey my Internet connection is like dialup ever since I updated to Jaunty?02:03
CoJaBo-Aztecvince: Firefox?02:04
MadGirlFirefox is probably now finnish thank you02:04
mzzuserone: exactly, I wouldn't bother booting anything other than (hd0,0) through grub, assuming ubuntu is also on sda and (hd0,X) in grub boots that successfully02:04
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ablyssvince dns probably mucked up02:04
vinceCoJaBo-Aztec : Everything02:04
doug_how do i tell if im using hardy or jaunty02:04
googeekmzz: one last question02:04
mzzravil: I'm assuming "media files" means at least several MB per file on average, and they should all cope with that just fine02:04
mzzdoug_: try "lsb_release -a"02:05
googeekmzz: just one # or one infront of each line02:05
mzzgoogeek: one in front of each line02:05
vinceablyss : How to fix it?  I never had this problum with 8.1002:05
mzzgoogeek: ("#" comments out a line, not an entire entry)02:05
vinceablyss : Though i doubt its DNS, Its slow even going to my local router02:05
googeekmzz: k, thx!02:05
doug_mzz: thanks02:05
DexterFwhich kernel does the 9.04 lice cd have?02:05
jcapincthe lice kernal?02:06
ravilmzz: what about possible data loss in case of unexpected powerdown?02:06
useronemzz: so it seems i will have to use the vista install dvd to fix the bootmgr, which will delete grub from the mbr, and then a live cd to replace grub to hd0,2. using the live cd messed up my system the last time, perhaps i didnt mount/umount properly.02:07
jcapincravil, that is the only bug I heard about with ext4 (though its not really a bug) but I have never experianced that02:07
ablyssvince, dns issues might be anywhere between your isp and the many many nodes your packets travel.  you can change dns by simply adding another primary dns to your /etc/resolv.conf file.02:07
jdoggyhi, if anybody has encrypted their hard drive via the alternate installer I would really like to take a look at your menu.lst, I nuked mine on accident and I'm trying to restore grub.02:07
mzzravil: in my (admittedly quite limited) experience in that area both ext4 and reiserfs won't completely blow up. I have no experience with xfs.02:08
ravilmzz: thanks. I'll think. =)02:08
mzzjdoggy: everything I encrypted is my home dir. That's probably not what you're after.02:09
ablyssvince, since your router is the dhcp/dns router you would only change the dns in the router, not your on your computer02:09
alexanderazimovwow....bad name.02:09
ablysser, hope that made sense02:09
vinceablyss : Would it still be DNS if I get the same behavior using straight IP's?02:10
ablyssvince, no sir02:10
ablyssvince since using IP address is skipping dns lookups02:11
useronehow do i use sudo on the live cd? does it ask me to enter a password on startup?02:11
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vinceablyss : Then its not DNS sir.  Agian this has only been an issue since I switched to 9.04 from 8.10.02:11
vinceI think it has to do with the whole IPv6 thing02:11
ablyssvince hmm, did you change your hostname to something wacky?02:12
vinceBut Unlike 8.10 there dosen't seem to be an easy work around for 9.04 short of compiling a new kernel and i'm just not that good.02:12
ablyssvince a invalid hostname will do havoc to your internet and system02:12
gartralvince: IIRC theres a way to set your system to perfer IPv4 over IPv602:13
jdoggymzz: my homedir is apparently encrypted further with ecryptfs..which is why I need to get it to boot :/02:13
buckyvince: type hostname   what does it say?02:14
jdoggymzz: I didn't write the "recovery password" down for it, which is different than my user password, as I understand it, but was tied to it02:14
grendal_primeHey i dont get it im trying to copy my ssh-key up to another box with ssh-copy-id.  but it keeps saying "error: no identities found"?  I created ssh creds with ssh-keygen what gives?02:14
erosssudo apt-get remove wine, it did it. I sudo apt-get install wine and I keep getting wine version 1.1.22 instead of 1.1.27 as shows in repos02:15
erossI may have installed wine alternatively, I forgot how I did it maybe getdeb..02:15
buckyeross: did you apt-get update to update your repos database?02:15
erossyes several times02:15
dliI'm trying to boot livecd from usb-stick, but end up being in initramfs02:15
Dr_Williseross:   using the winehq repos? I got 1.1.27 here.02:16
shipitkthxhi, im using ubuntu server on a VPS I have connecting through SSH, i have several files which use foreign characters in the file names, what package could I install to have it use the actual characters instead of me seeing �?02:16
buckyeross: and apt-cache show wine says version 1.1.27  ?02:16
erosssame here, but it installs to /usr/bin/ instead of /usr/local/bin02:16
Frank83Bucky: He could do wine --version02:17
erosshow do I do that?  wine --version doesnt work because /usr/bin isn't in my path02:17
Dr_Williseross:  try /usr/bin/wine --version02:17
vincebucky: lappy02:17
erossversion = 1.1.2202:17
grendal_primei got a beter idea...get rid of wine...virtual box is the cure to this problem02:17
vincehostname of my system is lappy02:18
ray66Ubuntu Hardy when I activate splashscreen the image is in the lower right hand corner is there a way to center this image02:18
buckyvince: and this is wireless?02:18
erossvirtual box do D3D9c (bf2)?02:18
vincebucky : ATM yes however behavior is the same wired as well02:18
buckyvince: and it configured itself to be ppp ?02:18
ravilwhat is better for games - vmware or virtualbox?02:18
ablyssvince that is okay then02:19
grendal_primeravil: virtualbox02:19
grendal_primevmware is a dog i use them both each day.02:19
Frank83I might be wrong, but I think virtualbox doesn't do OpenGL02:19
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erossi had playonlinux installed and I uninstalled it02:20
mosabHow is Wubi work?02:20
Frank83I stick to Wine.02:20
grendal_primeFrank83: vmware does not graphic acceleration whatsoever.  Virtual box will accelerate opengl apps.02:20
Dr_Willismosab:  it works.. but some times not very well.. I reccomend trying Ubuntu In virtualbox - if yoiu cant do a 'normal' ubuntu install.02:20
KB1JWQmosab: It runs under Windows, and installs Ubuntu from there. :)02:20
ablysswine is ideal for gaming since it does not require a virtual OS to run02:20
KB1JWQmosab: But as others have said it's not preferred.02:20
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.02:21
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ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.02:21
grendal_primewine is a pain02:21
mosabWubi is not work like virtual , installed?02:21
mzzjdoggy: I don't recall having to enter a recovery password for my encrypted home (which iiuc is a /home/me/.Private file)02:22
Dr_Willismosab:  wubi installs to a file, then has a special boot menu item in windows to boot it. its not in a 'virtual' machine.02:22
Frank83Grendal_Prime, It's fun once you get a grip on it. It's a challenge.02:22
grendal_primeI dont play games but the games ive seen that run under wine, well they partially run, cedega helps alot, but most of the good ones have linux ports anyhow02:22
mosabthanks <Dr_Willis>02:22
ablysswine does not do well w/ composite xserver and games so you do have to switch compositing off for decent gaming experience02:23
roberto__how are you guys02:23
ray66!reposition splashscreen02:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:23
roberto__why dosn't my sound work02:24
roberto__no volume02:24
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Guest69582try right clicking on volume, preferences and changing default to lineout02:25
ray66How do I change the position of a splashscreen image02:25
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alexanderazimov...the bot is....sentient..02:25
ablysswine is not a pain, try getting mythtv to run through hdmi and using lirc to remotely control lights, volume, screensavers... that gets to be a pain02:26
zetheroowhat version of ath5k is used in Ubuntu Jaunty?02:26
roberto__i don't see a line out option02:26
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mathewsIs there a way to make Ubuntu not prompt for user password whenever I need to do some tasks? It shouldn't be a significant security risk, because Ubuntu will only be on this machine for a few days02:27
ravilmathews: use visudo to edit sudoers file02:28
brandonmathews, you can login as root maybe02:28
mathewsravil: where is the sudoers file located?02:28
Guest82583merde il ya un probleme je vois pas la liste des pseudo02:28
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Guest82583sous Xchat gnome02:29
ravilmathews: just run 'sudo visudo' command02:29
brandonmaybe.google for it02:29
roberto__no lineout option in prefrences02:29
roberto__and im on a laptop02:29
mathewsNevermind, I found it02:29
ravilmathews: and add line: user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/yourcommand1 /usr/sbin/yourcommand2 etc02:29
ravilmathews: where 'user' is the name of your user02:30
mathewsravil: thank you. going to reboot and give it a shot to see if ti worked02:31
namewhy would gnome mistake the up-arrow for prtsc?02:31
ravilname: check system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts02:32
nameravil: it says print there.02:32
ablysskeyboard toast?02:32
roberto__hello anyone else had a sound issue02:32
ablysstry spare keyboard if you have one02:32
nameravil: i'm having a costum xmodmap which worked on archlinux.02:32
KB1JWQFor $10 it's worth keeping a spare handy.02:32
nameablyss: my keyboard is okay.02:33
samalexi've finally come back to Linux on my primary system :)  Ordered a system76 laptop to replace my iBook and this thing is sweet! Anyone else using one o these?  Just curious.02:33
storrgieI just double clicked a samba share and it mounted, where is it acutally mounted though?02:33
newuserhello i am new to ubuntu02:33
roberto__does your sound work newuser?02:33
newuserand when i try to install updates of system manager it says not enough free space02:33
newuserwhat do i do02:33
Dr_Willisstorrgie:  for a user in their .gvfs/SOMTHING directory it seems.. and i no idea how it manages todo that and not show up in the 'mount' command output.02:34
newusernope roberto02:34
roberto__make your partition larger02:34
newuseri am also having problem installing flash02:34
storrgieDr_Willis: one moment let me check02:34
ravilnewuser: run sudo apt-get clean02:34
newusermy partition is already 20 gb for ubuntu02:34
roberto__64bit ubuntu newuser?02:34
samalexnewuser, I've used linux for well over a decade, but most of this is from a server standpoint.  I've had a Linux server going at home for years and used Linux on my desktop and laptop until about 5-6 years ago when i moved to OSX.  I just replaced the iBook with an Ubuntu system, and thus far I have zero regrets.02:34
newuserhow do i check02:34
storrgieDr_Willis: i love you.02:34
newuseri like linux and ubuntu philosophy02:35
roberto__well samalex can you help me get the sound going02:35
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newuserbut i feel very confused right now02:35
roberto__im with you newuser02:35
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roberto__i tried ubuntu a few years back and i liked it and the comunity but now im lost again02:36
buckynewuser: what's your mount point for the 20G partition? did you make that / ?02:36
googeekmzz: hey, you there?02:36
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
WinglessQuestion: what does it mean for a program to run in "as a daemon"?02:36
buckyWingless: it's a program that runs in the background... type top to see them all02:37
ablysswingless , daemon etymology is greek word meaning server02:37
newuserhi i have 20 gb partition for ubuntu that was set automaticaly when installing but when i am trying to install uddates it says not enough free space02:37
ablyssone who serves02:37
Winglessdoes a daemon program show up on pstree?02:37
newusercan someone help02:37
RPG_MasterI am trying to help my aunt setup her new DSL router, and I need help :(02:37
newuserits through update manager02:37
namefglrx fucked up.02:37
roberto__I need some sound can anyone help02:38
newuserbucky, i dont understand, i am really bad with computing02:38
roberto__pm me please02:38
Wizzupname: What card do you use?02:38
buckyWingless: yes the can be seen with pstree02:38
WinglessCool.  Thanks for the help!02:38
roberto__its a hp laptop02:38
roberto__has an intel hd all i know02:38
jmitedoes anybody know how to fix the black box that appears behind cairo-dock when I use it enabled with openGL? I have Ubuntu Jaunty and Intel graphics, if that makes a difference, i965 I think02:38
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buckynewuser are you installing?02:38
RPG_MasterIt came with some DSL "Filters" and I just told her to put it in between the cable and the jack....02:38
nameWizzup: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV770 [Radeon HD 4870]02:38
samalexroberto_, sorry, probably cant help much with sound, as I said most of my experience is on servers with no sound.02:38
googeekI need some help...My wireless works on fresh install, and on livecd, but after one reboot, the wireless network changes to "device not managed"02:38
samalexI ordered a system76 laptop where all the hardware works outta the box just so I wouldn't have to worry about driver issues.02:39
newuseris there any remote assistance way in ubuntu bucky , so like you could look whats wrong02:39
RPG_MasterSo is she using these filters correctly02:39
Wizzupname: Very new card. I've had it too. fglrx *should* work for it, at least 2d. radeon drivers should also work02:39
mazda01__hello everyone02:39
nameWizzup: it does work. but not well.02:39
buckynewuser: when you make a partition to install to you need to mount the root file system to the partition which is described as /   ...that is the top level file02:40
WizzupLucky you. I spent more than a week getting it to work - and failed ;)02:40
nameare usual US keyboards 104 or 105 keys?02:40
newusercan i pm you bucky02:40
buckynewuser: you have to be able to read02:40
googeekWireless works on live cd, and fresh install, than stops working after reboot, ANYONE, help?02:40
mdgRPG_Master: yes, that is correct02:40
roberto__ok well i give up02:40
mazda01__so has anyone tried out the latest build of chromium-rel-linux? it's a zip file and when I extract it there 2 files that are exectuable but they don't start google chrome browser. how do I start it or is there a deb somewhere to download?02:40
buckynewuser: no because you haven't answered any of my questions... what are you doing.. are you installing?02:41
jmiteanybody have any ideas for my cairo-dock problem?02:41
newuseri did not make partitions manually bucky , sorry if i seem retarded, i am very bad at computing02:41
mdgRPG_Master: does she have one for every telephone outlet with a phone plugged in?02:41
roberto__looks like you cant have linux and sound02:41
newuseri installed it already02:41
newuserthe update manager popped up, and when i click yes to install updates it says not enough space02:41
roberto__that would be to nice02:41
buckynewuser: and now it says you don't have enough space on your drive?02:41
newuseryes :(02:41
RPG_MasterShe only has one jack and she only uses a cellphone02:41
RPG_Masterso its gone unused until now02:42
nullIs anyone here from the UK?  Is it true that nobody has mesh screens in their windows to keep bugs out?02:42
mdgRPG_Master: then you are good to go :)02:42
newuserill tell you exactly what it says02:42
googeekPretty please with sugar on top, I really need some help...02:42
gartralnewuser: well... clean out your drive02:42
buckynewuser: type df -h    how much of "mounted on /" is used  ..what percentage?02:42
mazda01__anyone use google chrome? i download a zip file but i don't know how to run it?02:42
shammheya bucky02:42
roberto__i realy don't understand what the rave about linux is02:42
mzzgoogeek: sorry, was preoccupied. What's up?02:42
buckyi don't know any shamm02:42
roberto__it never just works02:42
mdggoogeek: what kind of wifi card?02:43
shamm<--- LinuxGold02:43
googeekmzz: np, np at all...02:43
=== shamm is now known as LinuxGold
newuserterminal is installing something atm02:43
newuserso i cant type that02:43
* mzz is currently trying to get the openchrome driver to behave on his new old laptop02:43
googeekmdg: I'm using a hwu8dd dish02:43
RPG_Mastermdg: But when she plugs it into her laptop (running 9.04) it says its connect but she can't go anywhere using firefox :(02:43
buckynewuser ok02:43
PhantalIs there something in ubuntu that controls whether or not sounds that would normally go through the pc speaker are emitted through the normal sound device?02:43
newuserNot enough free disk space02:43
newuserThe upgrade needs a total of 391M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 298M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.02:43
Alecccan wnyone know how to download a compatible drivers for kubuntu KDE 8.0402:43
ravilroberto__: post to pastebin.ca output of 'lspci' and 'dmesg' commands and give here the link02:44
newuserthis what it says bucky02:44
googeekmzz: I tried to use gedit, and it said I didn't have permission or some such02:44
imme-emosolErm , hope you guys can help me ...02:44
imme-emosolJust did an install , am still on the LiveCD .02:44
mzzgoogeek: that's as expected if you're running gedit as yourself. You need to run some editor as root (or save the file elsewhere and copy it back as root)02:44
imme-emosolI installed ext4 partitions in LVM groups ...02:44
mdgRPG_Master: are you there with her so you can check something?02:44
b0nnimme-emosol: take the install cd out of the drive, and reboot?02:44
imme-emosolAnd I want to use bind mounts ...02:44
googeekmzz: best way to run it as root?02:45
mzzimme-emosol: why?02:45
nikolajcan anyone help with networking issues?02:45
mzzgoogeek: well, I tend to avoid running X things as root if I don't have to, so I'd run something simple (like nano) through sudo02:45
nikolaji seemed to have done something very silly and don't know how to fix it02:45
RPG_Mastermdg:  ...No I am in Alabama and  she's in Mississippi. I've been walking through all this over the phone but I can ask her to02:45
googeekmzz: so, "sudo nano" then?02:46
jmitecan anybody help me with a cairo dock problem I have? it's got a weird black box behind it in gl mode02:46
roberto__anyone think they can fix my sound02:46
imme-emosolb0nn: Yes , I would , if not for this:02:46
imme-emosol# /var,/usr,/tmp,/opt,/mnt was on /dev/mapper/my_lvm-main during installation02:46
imme-emosolUUID=c4c97b2b-3ad3-490f-9598-10e887e418b0 /var,/usr,/tmp,/opt,/mnt ext4    relatime,bind        0       202:46
dopperIs this a bug for grub2 in ubuntu hardy? after uninstalling grub2 and reinstalling...I get a popup asking to chainload grub2 from grub legacy except that it doesn't add an entry to menu.lst02:46
roberto__i just installed ubuntu and there is no sound02:46
mzzgoogeek: "sudo nano /media/whateveryourdiskis/etc/network/interfaces", possibly02:46
imme-emosolThat doesn't seem very right , but I could be wrong ofcourse ...02:46
newuserbucky, can you help please?02:46
googeekmzz: k, brb02:46
sjlkgokay does anyone know how to add a 'print 'emitted %signal'' line with correct intendation after each line that has 'emit('%signal'' in it, where %signal is some string (words connected with dashes)..? with sed?02:46
imme-emosolmzz: because .   :)02:46
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mzzimme-emosol: that's very odd. How did you manage that? What *is* your lvm setup like?02:46
mdgRPG_Master: okay.  The icon for networking looks like two computers and is toward the right side of the panel (the panel may be at the top or bottom depending depending on preference).02:46
buckynewuser: type df -h    how much of "mounted on /" is used  ..what percentage?02:46
ravilroberto__: I told you what you can do if you really want help.02:47
imme-emosolmzz: I managed that by typing those comma's in the manual partitioner of the gui-installer .   :P02:47
RPG_MasterYeah I told her to check that... what about it?02:47
roberto__sorry i must have missed it ravil02:47
mdgRPG_Master: if she can left click that icon and tell us what she sees (we are looking for something like "Auto eth0"02:47
Alecci had also a problem with my kubuntu 8.04 there is no sound when i installed the OS02:47
newuserah, well when the dl finishes i will, may i pm you then?02:47
RPG_Mastermdg:  its there02:47
RPG_MasterBut still, firefox can't connect02:47
nikolajcheck new conversation tab02:47
mzzimme-emosol: so what *is* your lvm setup like? I don't know what "I want to use bind mounts" means.02:48
Strakeriascan you people explain me how to partition hhd on vista for a second os02:48
mdgRPG_Master: Is the little round circle filled or empty (chosen or unchosen)?02:48
imme-emosolMy lvm-groups: audio home installers main srv text video02:48
RPG_MasterShouldn't just _auto_ connect to it since its wired?02:48
imme-emosolThey are on sda302:48
newuseri am dling the unrestricted extras bucky  and my internet is not that fast so it could take a while02:48
imme-emosol /boot is on sda102:49
newuseris there any other way to check except terminal what you want me to do02:49
dopperdoes anyone have an example of menu.lst with grub2 chainloaded from it?02:49
mdgRPG_Master: it will auto connect if she has chosen "Enable Networking"02:49
mazda01__anyone know how to start google chrome browser after I downloaded the latest zip archive?02:49
imme-emosoland swap is on sda402:49
mdgRPG_Master: She can get that option by right clicking the network icon and clicking the "Enable Networking" box02:49
mistere357Is there an Ubuntu 'preferred' method of placing sftp users into a chroot environment.  Running 8.04 with OpenSSH 4.7P102:49
buckynewuser: are you making your own repository mirror?02:49
buckynewuser it's going to take more than 20G02:49
newuseronce again i have no idea what that means :/02:49
googeekmzz: How do I find out "whateveryourdiskis"?02:49
RPG_Mastermdg: That's not automatically set to that?02:49
mzzimme-emosol: hmm, no swap in lvm? Oh well. Still, what does that have to do with bind mounts?02:49
mzzgoogeek: try "ls /media", it should be fairly obvious.02:50
mdgRPG_Master: mine was automatically set, but its something to check02:50
imme-emosolmzz:  bind mounts is what I found out today , being possible to mount multiple folders in the same partition02:50
mzzgoogeek: or even better: type "sudo nano /media/" and hit <tab>02:50
newuseri also have windows installed here and my HDD is 40 gb since this is a old pc02:50
RPG_Mastermdg: OK I'll ask her to check02:50
Strakeriasnewuser : can you help me ?02:50
mzzimme-emosol: I know what they are, but I don't understand why you want to use them here.02:50
ctmjrmdg: reading his post ( RPG_Master )it sounds like she put a filter on the line to her modem02:51
newuseri am new to ubuntu Strakerias so i doubt02:51
googeekmzz: kk. now what?02:51
buckynewuser: you can ctl-alt F1   through F7 for more consoles02:51
mzzgoogeek: find the right file to edit? Or if you're not comfortable using the cli launch gedit as root instead.02:51
nikolajnew to linux here, sorry, how do i boot it from the cd, i have installed linux but want to do a completely new install because i need to redo the size of the partition this installation is using02:51
googeek<---very confused noob right now02:51
RPG_Masterctmjr:  OH! so its only for phones?02:51
Strakeriasnewuser: i just needed to create a partition. heard you guys talking about it...02:51
imme-emosolmzz: I want my data-stuff to be inside LVM , all other stuff outside .02:52
mdgctmjr: I was under the impression she had a router issue... please explain why you think she is using a modem?02:52
RPG_MasterI am sorry, we have cable at my house02:52
googeekmzz: I really appriciate your being so patient and helpful with me02:52
imme-emosolmzz: However , the data-stuff from the OS can be one partition .02:52
gartralnikolaj: you should just be able to reboot with the disk in the cdrom02:52
nulli'll fix her router issue, if you know what i mena02:52
RPG_Masterso I wouldn't know02:52
newuserwhen i did that it turned off my monitor bucky02:52
mzzimme-emosol: that's a bit odd imho, but ok, I guess that makes some sense. Iirc "man fstab" mentions how to specify bindmounts in fstab.02:52
nikolajit won't do that02:52
mdgRPG_Master: you are not sure if she is using a dial-up modem or a router, correct?02:52
gogetai put a sd card in my eeepc and it does not mount or even get seen on dev02:53
* imme-emosol smacks self in face02:53
RPG_MasterShe's using a router thats pluged into her phone jack so that's DSL right?02:53
mzzimme-emosol: hmm, it actually only hints at it, but it's something like "/sourcepath /destpath none bind 0 0"02:53
mdgRPG_Master: yes02:53
Strakeriasmzz: can you help me ?02:53
RPG_Masterok, so what about the filter. is it for phones only?02:54
ravilroberto__: try to google "ICH9 82801I ubuntu"02:54
mzzStrakerias: I don't understand your original question02:54
mdgRPG_Master: we use filters on our phones - we have DSL02:54
ravilroberto__: on all my boxes w/ this chip sound works correct02:54
mzzalso, I *was* kinda trying to get my own ubuntu install working :)02:54
fynnWhen I start my Ubuntu, there's a counter that delays the actual boot for a few seconds. Given that this is a pure Ubuntu machine, and 99.9% of the time I just want to boot Ubuntu, how can I disable that?02:55
stlsaintsup sup...so whats the topic for the min02:55
fynnThis is Jaunty btw.02:55
mdgRPG_Master: Can you have her right click the networking icon and look under "connection information" at the entry "IP Address" - if it shows all zeros 0000.000.000.000 - then not accessing internet, but if it shows something like, then she has an IP address02:55
mzzfynn: the grub one? Just edit menu.lst02:55
mzzfynn: /boot/grub/menu.lst that is, there's a timeout mentioned near the top of the file02:55
googeekmzz: how do I get into gedit under root?02:56
mrmcgibbyI'm trying to get wireless working on a broadcom b43 chipset.  Ubuntu says the driver is activated and in use, but I don't get any wireless connections coming up, just the wired card in the box.02:56
mzzgoogeek: iirc it's something like "gksudo gedit", but I don't do this often02:56
Kapacemrmcgibby, you need ucodes02:56
stlsaintyes googeek: gksudo gedit02:56
Las1what program should I look into if I want to upload jpegs from a camera to the internet?02:56
Kapacelet me link you if someone else isn't faster02:56
mrmcgibbyKapace, where do I get that?02:56
=== Las1 is now known as Lasivian
mdgmrmcgibby: you need  b43-fwcutter02:56
Lasivianautomatically that is, ie. upload a jpeg every 5 seconds02:57
mrmcgibbymdg: have that02:57
imme-emosolmzz: Yeah , man mount was more useful ... :)   ( hoping I've found the fix ... :S )02:57
ctmjrRPG_Master: remove the filter from the line going into the router, modem or whatever you want to call it you do not need it there it is for the phone only02:57
nullslacker_deanAnyone know about the hardware side of aircrack-ng?02:57
nullslacker_deanwhat cards work...etc...02:57
Kapacemrmcgibby, i have a shortcut, if i find it02:57
stlsaintanyone know of a program for ubuntu jaunty that will read daa and gbi files??02:58
Gneastlsaint: what kind of files are those?02:58
ideamonk_Hi guys, need some help here02:58
ideamonk_I got one external hdd, copied some movies from a friend onto it (ntfs partition) through his windows vista...02:58
ideamonk_and now all I got is folders... which have the jpeg posters of the movies and .srt files... and things like that, but I wonder where have all the avi files gone !02:58
ideamonk_I checked the size of the folder, its 6XX mb, but when I get in the folder, I can't see any files02:58
ideamonk_any ideas what went wrong? on a windows I can still access those movies02:58
FloodBot3ideamonk_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
mrmcgibbyKapace: Thanks02:58
stlsaintnullslacker_dean: check the website for aircrack...theres a whole list of cards that work...site has all you need02:58
googeekmzz: That worked. so I'm gonna restart again, and hopefully be in business02:58
mdgRPG_Master: you can have your aunt try without the filter, but we don't get good connection without them.02:58
fynnmzz: awesome, just what I wanted. thanks.02:58
nullslacker_deanalrighty, ill check it out02:58
nullslacker_deanthanks saint02:58
Gneaideamonk_: use the find command on the directory02:59
stlsaintso anyone have anything that will read daa and gbi files??02:59
Gneastlsaint: again, what kind of files are those?02:59
RPG_Mastermdg: turns out she had unplugged it already without telling me...02:59
ideamonk_Gnea, trying out02:59
ideamonk_my problem - /02:59
stlsaintyou know like...iso...daa is the same thing except different format...so is gbi02:59
ideamonk_my problem - http://paste.pocoo.org/show/134015/03:00
mdgRPG_Master: LOL03:00
fynnOK, one more question:03:00
fynnHow do I make Automatic Update install only security updates automatically, and *nothing* else?03:00
Kapacemrmcgibby, sorry its taking long..03:00
poseidongnome-look is cluttered with tons of crappy themes.  It makes it hard to find a good one.  Does anyone know of a site that maintains a list of good themes?03:00
Frank83stlsaint:  Try AcetoneISO03:00
Gneastlsaint: aaah, they won't mount to a loop device?03:00
stlsaintgo to source package and chance settings03:00
fynnposeidon: gnome-look.org03:00
fynnstlsaint: I did, it doesn't seem to have the desired effect.03:00
ideamonk_Gnea, nothing with find tooo !03:00
stlsaintFrank83: yea i have acetone installed and still nothing03:00
RPG_Mastermdg:  next I am going to tell her to right click the network icon03:00
saturnfossil$(CURDIR)/Makefile Makefile: ;                 ##????? I don,t know the meaning03:01
mazda01__fynn: it should be synaptic s03:01
Frank83Gnea: I think look only handles ISO and nrg03:01
mdgRPG_Master: yes03:01
Frank83Gnea: Meant +loop03:01
mrmcgibbyKapace: NP, just glad I found someone to help03:01
mdgRPG_Master: Have her look at "Connection Information"03:01
ideamonk_Gnea, so I have /media/disk1/movies/Amellie/ which has Amelie.avi as seen on windows, but I'm unable to see it on ubuntu!03:01
dsdeizhow to determine swap space used?03:02
mazda01__fynn: synaptic preferences03:02
Gneastlsaint, Frank83: seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116621403:02
ideamonk_and the folder size is 650 mb !03:02
mzzdsdeiz: "free -m" in a terminal, among many other ways03:02
stlsaintgnea: i cant read them at all?!?!03:02
mdgRPG_Master: also make sure "enable networking"03:02
mdgis checked03:02
Frank83Gnea: I have no prob handling those devices, only trying you help out stlsaint03:02
Gneastlsaint: it's a website, just load it into your web browser03:02
stlsaintwhen i used them in windows xp...before i found the light on ubuntu...i had to use a seperate program for gbi files but daa could be read by poweriso03:02
saturnfossilI am poor in english03:03
Gneastlsaint: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116621403:03
Kapacemrmcgibby, found it03:03
Kapacemrmcgibby,  http://www.omattos.com/sites/default/files/b43-all-fw.zip03:03
mistere357how can I determine the version of libc6 on Hardy and Intrepid?03:04
mdgKapace: can you post this at ubuntuforums?03:04
Kapacemrmcgibby, extract to /lib/firmware, wait a bit, or restart and should work03:04
Kapacemdg, i have a feeling i shouldn't03:04
Gneamistere357: apt-cache show libc6 | grep Version03:04
Kapacefor some licensing reasons03:04
mdgKapace: why?03:04
mdgKapace: oh03:04
Kapacebroadcom doesn't want you to distribute it's firmware03:04
Kapacethats why you have to use b43-fwcutter, but its a pain in the neck03:05
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mdgKapace: I've heard a few people say its a pain...03:05
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jedchow can i map the command key on macbook pro to mod4 on macbook pro anyone?03:05
Kapaceit is, i couldn't get it to work :P03:05
Kapaceespecially when you don't have internet connection03:05
mdgKapace: LOL yeah that would be pretty amazing if you did   without internet connection!03:06
saturnfossilsomeone here is good at makefile , I have a question? I am poor in English03:06
meoblast001where is the default crontab file.. i checked /etc/crontab but my stuff is not in there... and i know it's running because i hear my server beep every morning03:06
saturnfossil$(CURDIR)/Makefile Makefile: ;                 ##?????03:06
Gneasaturnfossil: just ask the question03:06
roberto__how do i get in sudo mode03:06
fynnOK, in Update Manager, I disabled "recommended updates", and I now get notified automatically only for security updates, which is great.03:06
fynnBut let's say I now want to see a list of all updates for the packages installed on my system. How do I get that?03:06
newuseri messed up my bottom pannel on ubuntu03:06
fynnroberto__: su03:07
newuserhow do i restore to default03:07
mistere357Gnea: thanks!03:07
fynnnewuser: there's no way.03:07
roberto__it says athorazation failed03:07
fynnjust delete and recreate it.03:07
mzzmeoblast001: check "crontab -l", both as yourself and as root03:07
roberto__i put password in03:07
ravilroberto__: sudo su - ?03:07
fynnroberto__: sudo su passwd03:07
mdgRPG_Master: how you coming along?03:07
mrmcgibbyKapace: thanks.  Trying it03:07
newuserwell, i removed the "window list" thing and double screen part03:07
nullslacker_deananyone got a site for good deb files i can download? other than get-deb03:07
fynnnewuser: right click, Add to Panel03:07
mdgmrmcgibby & Kapace:  What kind of laptops you have?03:07
meoblast001mzz: ok... so if i do this on my server as user bzrserver, and do an @reboot, will it occur everytime the server starts or every time i log in as bzrserver?03:08
fynnnewuser: now you should see a list of widgets.03:08
mzzmeoblast001: I don't understand what your follow-up question has to do with my answer03:08
fynnpick the ones to add from the menu.03:08
mzzmeoblast001: "crontab -l" lists what's in your crontab03:08
fynnnewuser: don't worry too much about the "default", it's just the default.03:08
meoblast001now that i know where that is, i plan to create a new user, and make a crontab for it03:09
newuserthanks a lot fynn03:09
stlsaintthanks gnea will check out03:09
mzzmeoblast001: I don't see any obvious connection between crontab and logging in, but I may be missing something.03:09
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mazda01__mazda01: iu want to see if irssi is highlighting my name when someone types it03:09
mrmcgibbymdg: desktop with a wireless card03:09
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mazda01__nope, how do I setup irssi to highlight my name when someone types it?03:10
mdgmrmcgibby: oh.  Was expecting "netbook"03:10
roberto__terminal isnt recognizing my password03:10
ravilmazda01__: /hilight myname03:10
roberto__im typing it correctly03:10
fynnnewuser: welcome03:10
Kapacemdg, compac presarios r300003:10
newusermay i pm you03:11
meoblast001how do i delete a user via the console?03:11
Picimazda01__: This isn't a test channel, if you need irssi help ask in #irssi03:11
newuserjust one little problem left03:11
fynnnewuser: what's wrong with asking here?03:11
fynnmore people might answer.03:11
newusertoo much chats going on03:11
_Hicham_how can I stop X from autostarting in Jaunty ?03:11
mazda01__ravil: nope, it still isn't highlighting. i typed in /hilight mazda01 as well as /hilight myname03:11
fynnnewuser: just prefix my nick like "fynn: ..." to every message. I'll get it.03:12
newuseri am sure you will be able to help :p if you dont mind03:12
newuseri am really bad at computing03:12
ravilmazda01__: my irssi hilight all what I say)03:12
fynn_Hicham_: change the runlevel03:12
newuserso i dont want to make a fool out of myself03:12
fynnnewuser: everyone was a newb once.03:12
_Hicham_fynn : there is no /etc/inittab03:12
fynnexcept me, of course.03:12
mazda01__ravil: well, is there some config file I need to edit? because nothing i am writing it highlighted?03:12
Frank83Newuser: Don't worry dude, we are all here to help, not to make fun of anyone.03:12
Gneanewuser: humility is part of life. don't let it get you down and you'll do fine here.03:13
_Hicham_fynn : can u explain to me how to change the run level in Jaunty ?03:13
newuserWell, ok system sounds are not working, and i used the "install side by side" installation option for ubuntu along with windows, i only have a 40gb hard dick and it showed that 18 gb will get used by ubuntu with new partition, now the update manager popped up and whn i click on install updates it says not enough free space03:14
fynn_Hicham_: hm, you probably want to look at /etc/init.d03:14
ravilmazda01__: ~/.irssi/config03:14
stlsaintnewuser: if you dont make a fool of yourself at least once when you first come to ubuntu than you arent trying to learn hard enough!!03:14
fynn_Hicham_: specifically, x11-common03:14
prince_jammys_Hicham_: remove ?dm from startup using update-rc,d03:14
Pici_Hicham_: if you want to stop X from running then look at man update-rc.d03:14
RPG_MasterShe got to google.com!03:15
mazda01__ravil: what should I put in there, can you pastebin yours please?03:15
Lostinspace_46stlsaint: LOL03:15
stlsaintnewuser: ive had to re-install my systems plenty of times and now i have it down to an art!!03:15
RPG_Masterand then click on something03:15
Picimazda01__: You should not need to modify ~/.irssi/config by hand ever.03:15
RPG_Masterback to firefox's error screen...03:15
mazda01__newuser: said "dick". i know it's just a typo but that's funny03:15
mdgRPG_Master: yay  \O/03:15
newuseri meant dick03:15
Gneanewuser: well, you should check your hard DISK, by opening a terminal and typing:  df -Th03:15
newuserok sec Gnea03:16
stlsaintnewuser: way to go dickuse...i mean newuser03:16
mdgRPG_Master: was her ISP account setup before she started using ubuntu?03:16
ablyssthat was almost funny stlsaint03:16
RPG_Mastermdg:  I am starting to think its the router/phone jack thats causing this trouble03:16
fynnOK, guys,03:16
fynnI disabled "recommended updates" from Update Manager, so now it prompts me only for security updates. Now what's the best way to see all upgradable packages on a one-time basis?03:16
Lostinspace_46newuser: well now that you have your embarrassment out of the way....03:16
stlsaintablyss: i had to try....:(03:16
Frank83you're being kind ablyss, you know it was not funny at all. :-P03:16
mdgRPG_Master: she could try without the filter, if it is on, or vice versa -03:16
newuserGnea, should i paste it all here03:16
newuseror pm it to you03:17
meoblast001how do i add a user the right way? so that the user has a home directory and a group03:17
Gneanewuser: no, use pastebin03:17
Gnea!pastebin | newuser03:17
ubottunewuser: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:17
stlsaintFrank83: alright rub it in03:17
fynnBasically, I'm looking for a GUI or CLI tool that would show me the list of all packages that have upgardes.03:17
mdgRPG_Master: will just need to double click the network icon to refresh connection03:17
LioNsomeone can help me with issues on audio delay on ubuntu jaunty03:17
Frank83StlSaint: Not my intention. :-) It's just that you over did the joke. :-P03:17
RPG_Mastermdg: nope, as soon as she got it I put ubuntu on it. And she ordered the DSL plan through AT&T like three days ago03:18
Gneafynn: i usually do this:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  (it will prompt to ask if you want to install them or not, listing the packages that are going to be upgraded)03:18
RPG_MasterAnd got the router today03:18
Gneafynn: the upgrade-manager (which is a gui) does the same03:18
ravilmazda01__: I don't know. If you saved/autosaved options after adding /hilight, then it saved to config file, and nothing more.03:18
newuserGnea, ,  here you go http://pastebin.com/m2ec44d9b03:18
RPG_MasterI am think I am just going to tell her to call AT&T03:18
stlsaintFrank83: alright well since i have your attention let me ask a question...03:18
BenHaganhello community!03:18
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:18
stlsaintFrank83: whats the "make" cmd to compile a exe03:19
Frank83Stlsaint: I feel I'll be publicly ashamed in no time.03:19
XerranLioN: Do you have an x-fi card?03:19
mazda01__ravil: i just looked at the config file and did a search for hilight and i see this line. hilights = ( { text = "nick"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; } );  but my name is not being highlighted when you type it03:19
BenHagancan anyone help me with not having sound in flash with Jaunty?03:19
mdgRPG_Master: AT&T might not be much help if she says she is using ubuntu03:19
Gneanewuser: it says there that your ubuntu disk is only 2.3gb. I'm guessing the other 18gb is on another partition that's unused03:19
meoblast001ok, i don't care if it has a group, just a command line03:19
googeekmzz: IT WORKED you're officially my hero!03:19
mdgRPG_Master: try the filter on/filter off thing first03:19
mzzgoogeek: yay03:19
ravilmazda01__: try /hilight mazda01__ and /save after that03:19
newuserso how do i make ubuntu disc bigger now or did i mess up big time03:19
Frank83Stlsaint: Hm. I mostly do "wine /path/file.exe"03:20
mzzgoogeek: now if only I'll get the openchrome driver to work on my old new laptop03:20
stlsaintdoes anyone know whats the "make" cmd to compile a exe03:20
mzzerr, new old03:20
Gneanewuser: so you probably need to reinstall - I suggest booting the livecd up and using gparted to set the partitions03:20
mzzstlsaint: I don't understand the question03:20
Gnea!gparted | newuser03:20
ubottunewuser: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:20
stlsaintFrank83: well for this particular situation i must first compile the exe03:20
=== alexanderazimov is now known as ChrisHencen
Frank83Stlsaint: Is that a joke on the making?03:20
mzzstlsaint: "make" itself doesn't really know about exes. What are you trying to build?03:20
googeekmzz: I'll send you good ju-ju03:20
mazda01__ravil: weird, it still isn't working03:20
newuser/dev/sda5  fuseblk     19G  6.2G   13G  34% /media/disk-103:20
newuserwhat does that mean then Gnea03:20
newuseri really dont want to reinstall03:21
mzzgoogeek: I found a promising-looking patch, I just need to figure out how to apply it and build a new .deb03:21
Gneanewuser: that's another partition on your system03:21
BenHagancan anyone help me with not having sound in flash with Jaunty?03:21
stlsaintmzz:i have just downloaded daa2iso and the instructions say to use the make cmd to compile the exe03:21
mzzstlsaint: try just typing "make" (in the right directory)03:21
Gneanewuser: ubuntu found it and mounted it for you. it's not a system partition. since it's using fuseblk, it's NTFS, which means it's windows.03:21
fynnBenHagan: what Flash player are you using?03:21
mzzstlsaint: also, don't run the install as root03:21
fynnGnea: the problem is that after disabling "Recommended Updates" in Update Manager, "apt-get dist-upgrade" doesn't list them too.03:22
ravilmazda01__: maybe your theme reconfigured colors?03:22
Gneanewuser: well, 2.3gb is not going to get you anywhere03:22
BenHaganfynn: hang on...03:22
Gneafynn: then re-enable them03:22
stlsaintmzz: ok so make and just the file name or the folder i have the file in?03:22
fynnGnea: right, I don't want to do it every time :P03:22
ablyssstlsaint, the general steps to building an exe is ./configure, make, the sudo make install, though read the readme as make could be case sensitive03:22
mzzstlsaint: just "make", from inside the directory you got after unpacking the tarball03:22
Frank83stlsait: If you're talking about that "make" you just browse to the directory where you unpacked and type "make"03:23
mazda01__ravil: what you just typed didn't highlight my name, it's just plain white03:23
mzzstlsaint: and again, I wouldn't run "make install" as root. Just run the executable from the build dir (without installing it) or install into some prefix below your homedir as yourself.03:23
newuserwhen i click on a youtube vid Gnea  it closes my firefox03:23
Frank83stlsaint: Might be wrong, but make / make install does require some "packages"03:23
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:23
mzzmazda01__: irssi? you may be looking for "/set hilight"03:23
mzzmazda01__: err, no, sec03:23
mzzmazda01__: /help hilight03:23
RPG_Mastermdg: we have... :(03:23
Gneanewuser: right, because you have no space left for firefox to cache the information03:24
mazda01__ravil: i have no idea. i installed it and followed a guide for setting up highlighting and whatnot. i maybe did it wrong03:24
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:24
stlsaintok i will try all03:24
=== ChrisHencen is now known as AlexanderAzimov
mdgRPG_Master: we have ... what?03:24
newuserso basicaly now i am fucked03:24
RPG_Mastermdg:  And they shouldn't give her trouble for using Ubuntu03:24
Frank83stlsaint: Do NOT use "sudo make"03:24
newuseris there now ay to fix this without reinstall03:24
RPG_Mastermdg: taking on and off the filter03:24
BenHaganfynn: adobe-flashplugin
BenHaganfynn: im running 32 bit03:24
newuseri might aswell just delte ubuntu completely because i have no idea how to manualy set partitions03:25
ravilmazda01__: try to use some other theme, not default. I'm using 'murf' from offsite03:25
dopperdoes anyone here use grub2?03:25
mdgRPG_Master: you said the filters was plugged in the phone jack and then the router was plugged into that, right?03:25
mazda01__ravil: i don't know how to do that?03:25
RPG_Mastermdg: yes03:25
BenHaganfynn: the flash stream isn't showing in padevchooser either03:25
mazda01__ravil: im used to chat, very easy to configure but my current server is very low on resources so I am trying irssi03:25
BenHaganfynn: i think that may be the root of the issue03:25
fynnBenHagan: OK, this should play the sound on most systems...03:25
gbrethenneed help with sound on ubuntu 8.10 64 bit/Toshiba A50503:25
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:25
ablyssFrank83, what is wrong w/ sudo make install?03:25
mzzablyss: can write to who-knows-where, so it cannot sanely be undo03:26
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googeekHow do I register my screenname?03:26
mdgRPG_Master: I just looked at ours again - we dont' have a filter between our phone jack and the modem03:26
Frank83ablyss: Not "sudo make install" but "sudo make"03:26
jondavisr there any femals in here03:26
mdgRPG_Master: did you determine if "networking" was enabled?03:26
ablyss^ rhetorical question03:26
mzzand yeah, obviously don't do the non-install bit of make as root no matter what03:26
googeek<--- is female03:26
MOUDwhat's the command to run compiz?03:26
roffeI was thinking about buying a laptop with an AMD graphics card, but I wonder if the open source driver is good enough?03:26
jeeves_Mossis there a way to optimize Ruby?  i'm trying to run gl_tail, and it's chewing up my CPU03:26
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:27
BenHaganfynn: sound works for move player03:27
mazda01__ravil: i also thought i had this screen name registered with freenode but  Isee i don't as it went from mazda01 to mazda01__03:27
ablyssFrank83, thanks03:27
newuserGnea,  how to delte ubuntu completely03:27
Gneanewuser: why?03:27
fynnBenHagan: yeah, that's very weird.03:27
newuserwell i am so confused03:27
mzzroffe: support for various newer chipsets is improving, but I'd check on their wiki page if they support the intended chipset at all yet03:27
BenHaganfynn: movie*03:27
newusersounds wont work03:27
fynnGnea: I suspect trolling.03:27
newuserand i dont know how to set partitions03:27
Frank83ablyss: Sorry, failed to catch the rhetorical part.03:27
RPG_Mastermdg: yep. like I said she got to google.com and thats why I suspect that its something other then her laptop thats causing the problem03:27
stlsaintFrank83: mzz: got permission denied03:27
BenHaganfynn: yeah thats what i thought03:27
newuserand i have no space03:27
mzzstlsaint: doing what?03:27
stlsaintFrank83: yea frank has an issue at catching stuff....:D03:28
ravilmazda01__: maybe you have to auth w/ the nickserv?03:28
jeeves_Mossis there a way to optimize Ruby?  i'm trying to run gl_tail, and it's chewing up my CPU03:28
stlsaintmake install03:28
roffemzz, thanks.. would you happen to know the address to their wiki?03:28
mazda01__ravil: unless I left myself logged in on my other computer?03:28
mzzRPG_Master: what's failing, the dns lookup or the actual connection?03:28
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:28
Gneanewuser: the only way to learn is to just do it. we can help you, but you need to be willing to help yourself first.03:28
fynnBenHagan: try the forums. in general, I wouldn't expect sound to work while Flash does't. try right-clicking on a movie and seeing if there are any relevant options.03:28
mazda01__ravil: how do I change the theme?03:28
mdgRPG_Master: the other thing to try is to switch the router off for a good five minutes, it forces it to reset itself.03:28
BenHaganfynn: it's pretty frustrating im also using an audacity but i've never had problems with it before03:28
gbrethen_need some help with sound onToshiba A505 running 8.10 64 bit03:28
mzzroffe: try http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon03:28
stlsaintmazda01: theme of what?03:28
fynnjeeves_Moss: study for 10 years until you can write a better implementation :)03:28
RPG_MasterI think the DNS lookup03:28
ablyssFrank83, im sorry u failed to catch it.. I maybe a troutslap will help ? :P03:29
Frank83Stlsaint: My brain is so screwed up right now that it's not even able to complete the cognitive procedures needed to understand what you just implied.03:29
jeeves_Mossfynn, geeee, thanks.03:29
mazda01__stlsaint: theme of irssi.03:29
newuserBut to do something i need to know atleast the basics03:29
jondavisare there any femals that dont have a bf03:29
RPG_Mastermdg:  I think the DNS lookup03:29
googeekmzz:(01:27:14 AM) NickServ: (notice) Insufficient parameters for REGISTER.03:29
googeek(01:27:14 AM) NickServ: (notice) Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email>,03:29
roffemzz, thanks, I'll look into it asap03:29
stlsaintFrank83: its alright...may the buntu be with you!!03:29
googeekmzz: what am i doing wrong?03:29
fynnBenHagan: yeah, flash is the suck. again, try the forums. other than that, maybe try Gnash.03:29
Gneanewuser: well, do you know how to burn a cd?03:29
mzzRPG_Master: if the dns lookup fails I'd have her manually switch to opendns temporarily (you can find the ips for their nameserver online, just stuff those in /etc/resolv.conf by hand temporarily)03:29
Frank83ablyss: What's a troutslap?03:29
BenHaganfynn: k thanks03:29
mzzRPG_Master: but only do that after checking it's the dns lookup that fails (the firefox error message should tell you, or use "host" on the commandline to check)03:30
ablyssFrank83, wet fish in the face :O03:30
mazda01__googeek: wat are you telling me. that's the message for the nick mazda01?03:30
mdgRPG_Master: you want mzz - he was aking about DNS lookup03:30
jondavisany hot girls03:30
jondavisany hot girls03:30
redvamp128LioN:  not sure if this will fix the issue -- but in the past (and yes I know it is old) Intrepid -- I fixed a delay of sound(which now I run a Hardy/Jaunty dual boot) but when I was testing it by specifying which card to use in the sound instead of using the autodetect. also -- there was a command to kill pulse-audio (that is if you use alsa)  which seemed to help03:30
Frank83ablyss: Does not sound very pleasant. I'll pass.03:30
googeekmazda01: what?!03:30
mzzgoogeek: apparently you didn't give it enough parameters :) it wants a password and an email address for some reason.03:30
jondavisany hot girls03:30
zirodayjondavis: stop that.03:31
ravilmazda01__: /set theme themename03:31
mzz!offtopic ! jondavis03:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
mazda01__googeek: nevermind03:31
googeekmzz: ok, but where?03:31
MadGirli heard but where was the configuration file generated by the genkernel?03:31
ablyssFrank83, realistically you could possibly sue, but virtually ah the sky is the limit03:31
* mzz frowns03:31
mzz!offtopic | jondavis03:31
ubottujondavis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:31
marhuxo][][][-OLA TODOS-][][][03:31
ravilmazda01__: don't forget to download the theme03:31
mazda01__ravil: do i have to download a theme first?03:31
Frank83Ablyss: Sue you for menacing me with a wetsfish slap to the face?03:31
mazda01__ravil: where do I put it?03:31
mzzgoogeek: on the same line as "register" ("register secret googeek@somewhere")03:32
mazda01__ravil: what theme are you using again?03:32
googeekmzz: does that mean my name is already registered?03:32
jondavislooking  for a girl who know linux03:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:32
Cope57Grim76, why you here? ;)03:32
ablyssFrank83, hypothetically speaking03:32
stlsainthey is poweriso compatible(safely) with jaunty03:32
grim76Yeah sup?03:32
Revrus_stlsaint, to burn or to be used in wine?03:32
mzzgoogeek: "/msg nickserv info googeek" told me it's free03:32
Cope57Not to much, just noticed the lug chat a bit quiet03:33
jondavisany girls03:33
stlsaintRevrus_: i mean to be used/installed under wine03:33
mzzjondavis: you're in the wrong place (definitely the wrong channel, probably the wrong network)03:33
stlsaintjondavis: theres something called ubuntu women forums for that03:33
Revrus_stlsaint, wine doesnt emulate drivers, so if your using it for a virtual cd drive, i would say no03:33
DrMrHorseno girls on the internet03:33
Frank83ablyss: Well, Hm. Making you and I waste precious time and money, making 2 lawyers wealthier just because of a non life threating menace..... I'll pass. Anyhow, I'm out of your jurisdiction.03:34
* ablyss gives Frank83 a virtual trout to make the game fair03:34
googeekmzz: hmmm......I'm totally new to this whole irc world...03:34
jondavisi am looking for a hot linux lady03:34
mazda01__ravil: i also thought I told irssi to hide people joining but it's still showing me people join.. also, i wonder how mzz got his name yellow? man, irssi is tough compared to xchat. i am not used to configuring without a gui03:34
ziroday!ops | jondavis03:34
ubottujondavis: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:34
stlsaintrecrus: no i would want to use it to convert everything into iso...ie gbi...daa...etc03:34
ravilmazda01__: put theme to ~/.irssi directory03:34
ravilmazda01__: I'm using 'murf'03:34
ravilmazda01__: try to read this: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi03:34
Lostinspace_46How much are tickets to the trout fight?03:34
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:35
Revrus_stlsaint, then i would say go ahead and try, but i think you would be better off finding a program compiled for linux to do that03:35
ravilmazda01__: look at the manual on the webpage; all settings described there03:35
mzzmazda01__: I didn't do anything special. irssi hilights lines that start with your own nick that way by default.03:35
ablyssFrank, I been to France once.. i'm a off to assume you're over there?03:35
Gneanewuser: so start, please, by visiting http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:35
stlsaintrevrus: any ideas than?03:35
Frank83Ablyss: You're assuming I am French?03:35
mazda01__mzz: not mine apparently03:35
Gneanewuser: it's very easy, just go with the flow03:35
newuserI just dont want to reinstall, cant i resize partition without it03:36
mazda01__mzz: all the lines that start with my nick, are white and yours and ravil's are yellow. i wonder how that happened03:36
Gneanewuser: possibly. gparted can do that.03:36
stlsaintGnea: there are groups that help ppl like you who pry on little kids......03:36
Smithersanyone in the mood to answer a newbie question?03:36
jondaviswhat chatroom can i talk to a hot linux lady03:36
Gneastlsaint: excuse me?03:36
newuseri really cant understand how to use it03:36
newuseror install it03:36
stlsaintGnea: lol...its easy...just go with the flow!!!03:36
newuserfrom that webpage03:36
Revrus_stlsaint, i dont have a recomendation, but looks like bchunk will do .bin and .cue images03:37
DrMrHorsenewuser: to repartion safely you should do so without any disks mounted, ie via live cd03:37
DrMrHorseyou can also use the ubuntu live cd for gparted03:37
stlsaintGnea: newuser | little kids03:37
Gneastlsaint: would you prefer to speak with the channel operators for making a false accusation?03:37
stlsaintits a joke03:37
ctmjrstlsaint: that was uncalled for03:37
newuserinsults start coming03:37
Gneastlsaint: a piss-poor joke03:37
SmithersI noticed while sniffing that my dhclient has a UDP port open and gives my hostname to services that request it03:37
stlsaintGnea: sorry for confusion03:37
newuserjust tell me how to delelte ubuntu completely03:38
Gneastlsaint: please don't ever do that again.03:38
newuseri may be young but i am only bad at computing03:38
zirodaySmithers: that sounds like avahi03:38
Smitherswould it harm anything for me to disable dhclient after I've established my net connection?03:38
Gneanewuser: we don't do that here.03:38
newuserits very easy to tell someone "they suck"03:38
mazda01__and i keep seeing these darn people join. nothing against anyone, i just wish I had irssi setup better03:38
googeekmzz: oh, hahahaha, I figured it out03:38
Smithershm, avahi03:38
T3CHKOMMIEhi everyone03:38
stlsaintGnea: will remember03:38
zirodaySmithers: disabling dhclient would have you lose your internet connection if I remember correctly03:38
gartralstupid Q: when installing games from ource, i should compile and install them too /usr/bin/games yea?03:38
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
googeekmzz: thanks for all your help03:38
Lostinspace_46newuser: Don't let any of this get you down03:38
RPG_Masterso how do I use the host command>03:38
Revrus_stlsaint, "sudo apt-get install bchunk ccd2iso mdf2iso nrg2iso" using each one when appropriate03:38
Frank83Newuser: Relax. Ubuntu is not easy, try to take it with calm.03:39
Lostinspace_46newuser: We were all noobs at one time03:39
Gneanewuser: forget the banter, we can help you get your partition resized.03:39
newuserok :/03:39
Smithersziroday: is there anything I can do about this?03:39
MOUDgonna get some sleep, good night everyone and thanks for everything :)03:39
T3CHKOMMIEi have a virtualbox problem can anyone help?03:39
mdgmzz: could you guide RPG_Master on host command stuff?03:39
stlsaintnewuser: remember what i said earlier...gotta mess up to learn!!!03:39
newuserwhat do i do now to start03:39
KapaceT3CHKOMMIE, whats wrong?03:39
Frank83Newuser: No one here will say or imply something about you. Everyone you see here is because they come for help, most of us are noobs even after using ubuntu for years.03:39
=== Shinobi is now known as Guest84176
mazda01__?help ignore03:40
T3CHKOMMIEi keep failing whe VB vcompiles03:40
zirodaySmithers: hmm you can disable avahi, what's the issue with keeping it on though?03:40
Lostinspace_46newuser: The more you break, the faster you learn03:40
imme-emosolAfter you get in chroot , how do you get out again ?03:40
Gneanewuser: visit http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php and download the iso (you may need to reboot to windows to do it)03:40
stlsaintnewuser: google "ubuntu pocket reference guide" its a great tool and good place to start03:40
Lostinspace_46newuser: I'm learning  REAL fast..lol03:40
imme-emosoljust exit ?03:40
T3CHKOMMIEi think its a kernel header problem but i have spend like 8 hrs in forums and google searching and havnt gotten anywhere.03:40
Gneastlsaint: remember, he has no drive space left03:40
newuseri dont have any blank disc atm Gnea03:40
KapaceT3CHKOMMIE, oh your compiling it :| not a clue03:40
imme-emosolah yes , nevermind ...   :P03:40
T3CHKOMMIEits the DEB thats compiling it... i just run the deb...03:41
imme-emosolIn a chroot there's nothing in /opt , right ?03:41
stlsaintnewuser: do you have any extra drives around...anything?03:41
Frank83Gnea: You're gonna guide him through a resize of space inside an Ubuntu Install?03:41
newuseryeah but i am not allowed to use that03:41
T3CHKOMMIEkapace, maybe you can help me with my kernel issue?03:41
KapaceT3CHKOMMIE, why not use the binaries, if there are any?03:42
DrMrHorsenewuser: you say you have no space, even on another partition that you can change?03:42
Lostinspace_46Where would a good place to get some help with "xmodmap" be?03:42
stlsaintGnea: i didnt know you could resize on installed drive...you trying to do it thru the livecd?03:42
GneaFrank83: please follow the conversation to know that that isn't what I have suggested.03:42
osirisi asked earlier, but cant seem to find confirmation on this issue.  if i use dpkg to install something, how do i update it ?  dpkg -i new.version.of.app.deb ?03:42
T3CHKOMMIEi think i was using the binaries... its got some other problem with the vboxdrv or the dmkb03:42
stlsaintLostinspace_46: im not even sure what that is03:42
kindofabuzzLostinspace_46, man xmodmap03:42
T3CHKOMMIEsomething or other03:42
newuserDrMrHorse, i used the first option the default one to install it and it said it will have 18gb for ubuntu but apparently it says its only 2 gb03:42
newuseri dont understand how03:42
KapaceT3CHKOMMIE, im not sure about that03:43
Frank83Gnea: My apologies, I got lost in the lines.03:43
stlsaintoops maybe i should take that advice03:43
zirodayosiris: that will install a newer version of a package03:43
stlsaintGnea: same here03:43
mzzRPG_Master: sorry, multitasking. Try "host www.google.com"03:43
DrMrHorsehow big is the hard drive and what else is on it?03:43
T3CHKOMMIEkapace, do you think you could help me sort out my headers?03:43
osirisziroday, but will it update, or will i have 2 versions installed then ?03:43
Lostinspace_46kindofabuzz: Done that..I can copy and paste right from the man and still get an error03:43
zirodayosiris: it will update03:43
Gneanewuser: do you have a pen or pencil and some paper to write on?03:43
newuser40 gb only, and windows03:43
stlsainti think newuser is getting advice from all angles so i will let the more experienced guys handle it03:43
mazda01__osiris: sure, the new deb will overwrite the old deb but sometimes it's better to uninstall the previous package. it's always best to use your package manager apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic first though03:43
newuseryes Gnea03:43
Gneanewuser: better yet, do you have irc in windows?03:43
KapaceT3CHKOMMIE, im really not sure about kernel header, i just installed them once to fail at compiling some drivers...03:44
osirismazda01, this is a headless server.03:44
RPG_Mastermzz: ok03:44
Gneanewuser: okay. reboot into windows, and come back here. we'll go from there.03:44
=== unforgiven512922 is now known as unforgiven512
newuserbe right back03:44
jedccan someone help me to map my apple macbook pro command keys to something, or figure out what they are mapped to if they already are, im trying to set up xmonad and i want them to be the mod key03:44
jedcin jaunty03:44
T3CHKOMMIEoh, ok... well ill put it out there. if you can thats great if not... i totally understand...03:44
T3CHKOMMIEi have 9.04 nbr03:45
mazda01__osiris: so what does that mean? you can't use aptitude or apt-get?03:45
ravilcrossing my fingers... gparted resizing ext4 partition...03:45
T3CHKOMMIErunning kernel image 2.6.29-1-netbook.03:45
T3CHKOMMIEthe deb installed the package great.03:45
osirismazda01, the package is not in the repos, so apt-get is out.  if there is a better way via apptitude, let me know03:45
Lostinspace_46jedc I am having somewhat the same issues, just not on Mac03:45
T3CHKOMMIEbut the headers .deb for the same kernal image... says its missing dependancies....03:45
Kapacedo you know which?03:46
MadGirlwhich is probably why i ask03:46
Lostinspace_46jedc "xmodmap is hard to find help with03:46
jedcLostinspace_46, yes its very frustrating, i remember it was easy in 8.1003:46
T3CHKOMMIEno, i dont know where it says that...03:46
mazda01__osiris: i was only saying that first it's best to use the apt-get ot aptitude package manager, if you can't then install the deb using dpkg. you're doing it correctly03:46
gogetai think this sd card is dead03:46
jedcLostinspace_46, im not even sure that works anymore from reading some forum posts03:46
jeeves_Mosswhat does "/usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -" do?  it's chewing up a LOT of CPU and RAM03:46
osirisok.  just wanted to make sure it would update, as i come from the rpm world, where there is the I and U options03:47
Lostinspace_46jedc Some of the problem is file names have changed03:47
Smitherssorry, got disconnected03:47
Smithersziroday: can you repost anything you said to me?03:47
Lostinspace_46jedc mesg me03:47
mazda01__ravil: i typed in /IGNORE JOINS but it's still showing me people when they join?03:47
innomenwould anyone have any idea why hitting autocorrect during spellcheck would just do nothing?03:47
newuserGnea i am here03:48
innomenthis is in open office03:48
osirismazda01, what client ?03:48
Gneanewuser: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php  visit this site, download and burn to cd03:48
mazda01__osiris: irssi03:48
innomenopen office writer03:48
kindofabuzz100M enough for a /boot partition?03:48
osiriskindofabuzz, should be plenty03:48
zirodaySmithers: err I just said you can disable avahi with sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop should cancel it. But its not really a security issue03:48
mazda01__kindofabuzz: yeap. i have mine on 50M03:48
newuserI just said i dont have a cd Gnea thats the problem :/03:48
DrMrHorseosiris: the package will update only if you have added a repository that contains the file to your /etc/apt/menu.lst file03:48
newuserblank one03:48
kindofabuzzosiris, k03:49
innomenis there a size limit on the auto correct database for open office now? i know there used ot be but i thought it was corrected03:49
kindofabuzzmazda01, oh ok03:49
Condoulook, how would I install the new version of OpenOffice (3.1)03:49
Gneanewuser: oh sorry, missed that. can you get some?03:49
gogetaanyone use a eeepc and its internel sd reader mine will not see the card03:49
newusernot at this time03:49
Frank83Kindfabuzz: More than 500Mb for /boot is considered a "waste"03:49
gogetathe card may be dead03:49
Smithersziroday: thanks for the tip. It's not so much that I'm afraid of a security hole so much as revealing information about my host03:49
SmithersI think my username is give by it as well, maybe other things03:50
mazda01__ravil: i have done /IGNORE JOINS and /IGNORE NOTICES but i still see messages about people leaving and coming03:50
newusercan gparted not be used as a executable program that could resize the partitonj maybe03:50
Stumpieare WACOM tablets the only ones supported in ubuntu 9.04? TIA :D03:50
Gneanewuser: then your choices are limited. I know that reinstalling isn't what you'd like to do, but I can tell, when I first installed linux, I reinstalled it many times03:50
zirodaySmithers: its fine, it only advertises your hostname, possibly mac address, and what avahi services are available03:50
Gneanewuser: most people in here, in fact, have reinstalled many times03:50
jeeves_Mossanyone?  why does this keep using a lot of CPU time?  /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -03:50
DrMrHorsein reinstalled last week03:51
gogetaGnea: i completly runed the system many times on my noob days03:51
ravilmazda01__: read /help ignore03:51
cfeddeis there an easy way to make postgres 8.4 be the default postgres on ubuntu?03:51
newuserhow do i know i wont make same mistake Gnea, or mess up my windows too in the process maybe :S03:51
ablyssi think i'm going on 3 years w/ initial install03:51
newuserand i'm sure you were much more knowledgeable even back then03:51
gogetanewuser: you lerned not to do that again03:51
Gneanewuser: not really :)03:51
ablysser, probably 5 years03:51
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:51
T3CHKOMMIE<=== is drawing a blank...03:51
newuserIll do as you say Gnea03:51
newuserso how do i reinstall03:51
osirisgogeta, i got a eee and the sd card reader works fine03:51
DrMrHorsei knew nothing of linux when i installed ubuntu03:51
mdganyone know a console command other than cron to schedule apps to run?03:51
Frank83Newuser: Don't worry. The 1st incursion into the Linux world is a rocky one.03:51
newuserand make sure i dont make same mistake03:51
Stumpieanyone here running a non- WACOM graphic tablet?03:52
ravilmazda01__: irssi has a general option for ignoring that kind of events; read the manual -_-03:52
gogetaosiris: cards probly dead03:52
mulambo187sup guys03:52
gogetaosiris: some cheap 5$ pos03:52
osirismight be gogeta.  my 20$ wal-mart special did me fine03:52
Gneanewuser: there are different ways, in the ubuntu installer, to go about doing the partitions (like advanced)03:52
mazda01__ravil: will do, although it'd be real nice to just have someone tell me.03:52
gogetaosiris: its never workes i think it was bought dead03:52
mulambo187i just installed debian standard installation now im screwed03:53
=== Hyperion2010 is now known as Hyperion|out
osirisat 5 dollars i can believe it03:53
mulambo187im stuck at terminal03:53
mazda01__i can't even figure how to get my name highlighted let alone turning off seeing people join and leave03:53
zirodaymulambo187: wrong place03:53
mulambo187oh yeah03:53
mdganyone know a console command other than cron to schedule apps to run?03:53
file_filewhat's the command to install firefox 3.5.1 (not the shiretoko )?03:53
zirodaymdg: at03:53
newuserGnea ?03:53
StumpieI see some great Genius graphics tablets for around $24-$40 dollars, does ubuntu support Genius graphics tablets?03:53
osirismazda01, http://www.irssi.org/documentation/tips03:53
zirodayfile_file: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.503:53
gogetaosiris: i tryed my camra whont format it and wii says i cant use it and pc whont see it03:54
mdgziroday: that might be it - I thought it started with an "f"03:54
ravilmazda01__: I have just a magic spell "All works in my case", sorry)03:54
LioNsomeone can help me with audio delay with some games03:54
file_fileziroday: is this command to install shiretoko ?03:54
osirismazda01, and check the irssi web site for how to set up the plugins / config file03:54
zirodaymdg: at and cron is the only one I know off03:54
osirisits pretty simple03:54
zirodayfile_file: shiretoko is firefox 3.503:54
mdgziroday: okay.  Thanks will try at03:54
jroachcan't get the ubuntu boot cd to boot03:54
jroachcan someone help?03:54
StumpieLioN, try disableing onboard sound if you have a sound card. that helped me out03:54
DrMrHorsefile_file: it only says shiritoko due to branding issues, but it is a final version03:54
file_fileziroday: i know but i don't want shiretoko03:54
osirisgogeta, well, depending on wii firmware it wont see a card bigger than 4 gig period03:54
mazda01__ravil: yeah, you're a lucky wizard with great magically spells03:55
gogetaosiris: its only 128mb03:55
lstarnesfile_file: shiretoko is firefox03:55
osirisyeah.  prolly shot03:55
mazda01__osiris: i can't even copy and paste that link?03:55
file_fileis it possible to install firefox 3.5.1 in ubuntu 9.04 (not the shiretoko) ?03:55
Frank83JRoach:What's the problem?03:55
gogetaosiris: acully new wii firmware sees sdhc now03:55
jroachits a pii03:55
shawn_Hi, I am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?03:55
ravilmazda01__: no, I sold my soul to some of daemons...)03:55
lstarnesfile_file: there isn't a package for the regularly-branded firefox 3.503:55
zirodayfile_file: see http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/161-FAQ-Why-is-my-firefox-3.5-still-called-Shiretoko.html03:55
jroachwhen I boot it says it doesn't recognize a disc03:55
LioNStumpie, man I don't have a sound card...03:55
jroachbut windows xp will boot03:55
Stumpieoh, sorry03:55
kindofabuzzdoes /boot partiton need to be ext4 if the others are?03:56
Frank83Jroach: Did you check the integrity of the disc?03:56
osirisgogeta,  i know, as stated by my previous comment03:56
gogetaosiris: im gonna wright this off as a dead card that 3 devices it failed on03:56
lstarnesfile_file: firefox 3.5 with the mozilla firefox branding will most likely be the default in ubuntu 9.1003:56
shawn_HI am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update to 8.10 because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?03:56
Gneanewuser: I just had a thought... when your system boots up, does it do a quick countdown before booting?03:56
jroachit opens on my mac after inserting03:56
mazda01__ravil: can at least tell me how to copy and paste in irssi? i tried middle mouse click but that only pasted it into irssi and when I went to my web browser, it pasted something earlier03:56
mazda01__ravil: that I had copied03:56
=== meanburrito920_ is now known as jgun
kindofabuzzfile_file, google Ubuntuzilla, a script to install the vanilla Mozilla 3.5.203:56
gogetaosiris: i have another little issue my eeepc bios seems to keep turning off my wifi card03:57
=== shawn_ is now known as ShawnC
file_fileis firefox 3.6 available ?03:57
=== jgun is now known as jgund
jroachnot recognized as a bootup disc on the mac but not sure if it is supposed to03:57
ShawnCHI am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update to 8.10 because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?03:57
kbpis any one using irssi to chat in irc? I forgot the command to ignore leave/quit?03:57
=== jgund is now known as jgunder
gogetaosiris: i have to go in the bios and turn it back on and yes i save changes03:57
kindofabuzzfile_file, yes from the Mozilla ftps, but only pre alpha nightlys03:57
lstarnesfile_file: the ubuntu mozilla team's daily build PPA does have daily builds of firefox 3.5 and 3.603:57
osirisgogeta, that could be a key mapping problem, where a key on the keyboard turns off the wifi03:57
mazda01__ravil: i think i figured it out, it is highlighting, that's why your name and osiris name is yellow. HA HA HA, now I just need to read that link about hiding unneeded messages03:57
lstarneskindofabuzz: /ignore *!*@ JOINS QUITS PARTS NICKS03:57
=== jgunder is now known as sporkus
lstarneskindofabuzz: oops, wrong nick03:57
Frank83Jroach I am not experienced on Macs. So I don't know how to help you in there.03:57
ShawnCHI am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update to 8.10 because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?03:58
lstarneskbp: /ignore *!*@ JOINS QUITS PARTS NICKS03:58
Stumpiekbp i think it is /quit or /exit03:58
lstarnesStumpie: what can't it calculate?03:58
lstarnesargh, sorry03:58
kbpthank you lstarnes03:58
gogetaosiris: i mean the bios will have it listied as  disbaled03:58
lstarnesStumpie: /quit leaves the client03:58
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gogetaosiris: not a keymap03:58
kbpStumpie: nice trick03:58
file_filewill it "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6" install firefox 3.6 ?03:58
lstarnesStumpie: he was asking how to ignore those03:58
jroachFrank83: do you think it would burn differently in windows?03:58
ShawnCWere you trying to talk to me?03:58
Stumpieoh, ok03:58
lstarnesShawnC: sorry, the message about calculating was for you03:58
osirisgogeta, mine has a f-key that turns wifi on and off.  guess i never checked to see if it disables it at that time in the bios03:58
gogetaosiris: seem to only happon when i shut it down it just started doing this after yesterdays updates03:59
ShawnClstarnes: http://pastebin.ca/152743803:59
file_fileif i follow it http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html , will it install shiretoko , or the mozilla firefox ?03:59
lstarnesfile_file: you do know that shiretoko IS firefox, right?03:59
Frank83Jroach. I wouldn't know. I guess It would be the same since it's just writing an image to a disc.03:59
shyam_kwhat would be the easiest way to make a vcd? converting files to mpg with ffmpeg and trying to build vcd with mkvcdfs isn't working:( it says  " ... Record in MPEG file too long for VCD... terminating with this file!!!Not enough MPEG data"03:59
gogetaosiris: i knoe abought the fn key03:59
file_filelstarnes: yes03:59
osirisgogeta, what version of ubuntu you got on it03:59
jroachdoes it matter that the iso is 731 mb and the disc is 700?03:59
lstarnesfile_file: that one is firefox 3.5 with the unofficial branding (shiretoko)04:00
osirismines ubuntu eee , ver 8.0404:00
lstarnesfile_file: the official branding can only be used for releases directly from mozilla and for the official firefox package in ubuntu04:00
Frank83Jroach: Where you got the image?04:00
Gneanewuser: how many installations of windows do you get to choose from at the menu?04:00
ShawnClstarnes: http://pastebin.ca/152743804:00
jroachfrom the ubuntu site04:00
ShawnCHI am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update to 8.10 because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?  (http://pastebin.ca/1527438)04:00
lstarnesShawnC: I saw.  Please give me a few minutes to read it04:00
file_filelstarnes: i don't want shiretoko icon , i want mozilla firefox 3.504:00
ravilmazda01_: just select something w/ your mouse, paste it in browser using mouse middle button04:00
file_filelstarnes: though they are aliases04:01
Frank83Jroach: You made sure it's compatible with your PC architecture?04:01
lstarnesfile_file: can't you just deal with the shiretoko branding?04:01
gogetaosiris: the bios keep disabling it after a shutdown not a restart thowand i mean fully disabled wifi light off04:01
jroachwell, its i386 32 bit and pentium ii are that I think04:01
jroachmeet the minimum memory and hd requirements04:01
gogetaosiris: but other settings stay saved04:01
lstarnesfile_file: I use the official mozilla firefox icon for the launcher, but the browser itself uses shiretoko branding04:01
mazda01_ravil: yeah. i tried that, but it pasted not the link but something thta i had copied earlier. weird04:01
osirisgogeta, have you tried shutting it down via the command line ?04:01
Stumpieanyone know how I can get ubuntu to boot with Nvidia 8800gt SLI? It just stays text mode when it is supposed to load GDM, with one graphics card it works, but with both in it will only boot to text mode, and freeze... TIA04:01
lstarnesShawnC: can you paste that and everything that came before it?04:01
ShawnClemme try it again04:02
osirisgogeta, and have you tried logging out before shutdown / reboot ?04:02
ShawnCand then ill paste04:02
gogetaosiris: if i go in the bios and turn it back on it works04:02
ShawnCso i can get the error again04:02
gogetaosiris: untill i do a full shutdown04:02
file_filelstarnes: is that blue icon ?04:02
Frank83Jroach, Image you've got in there would be "Ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso?04:02
Stumpieubuntu 8.04 it worked fine, just ubuntu 8.11 and 9.04 wont boot with 8800gt with both graphics cards installed04:02
gogetaosiris: i just reflashed them to the latest ver hopefullly this fixes it04:03
lstarnesfile_file: no, the actual real firefox icon04:03
lstarnesfile_file: the browser itself uses the shiretoko branding though.  Only the launchers in the menus have the firefox icon04:03
Frank83Jroach It should be 698.x Mbs, not over 700Mb04:03
mzzwoo, X! Note to self: try the x-updates ppa before manually patching drivers04:03
ShawnClstarnes: http://pastebin.ca/152744404:04
lstarnesShawnC: I need everything that came before the "This can be caused by:"04:04
file_filelstarnes: which command did you use "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" ??04:04
Frank83Jroach. There is a way to check if the CD you downloaded is "Okay".04:04
lstarnesfile_file: exactly04:04
lstarnesfile_file: but I manually edited the launchers04:04
lstarnesShawnC: that's the same paste04:04
file_filelstarnes: how did you edit the launcer04:05
Frank83Jroach: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM Try that. Your download could be "Corrupted"04:05
lstarnesfile_file: do you know how to edit the menus?04:05
ShawnClstarnes: It's not the same paste....04:05
jroachI think sometimes the mac and pc filesystems read the size of discs differently04:05
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages04:05
lstarnesShawnC: oops.  I just now caught that04:05
file_filelstarnes: yes04:05
lstarnesShawnC: what version of ubuntu did you upgrade to?04:05
file_filelstarnes: System>Preferences>Menu is it ??04:05
ShawnCi'm trying 8.1004:06
ShawnCas the update.04:06
lstarnesfile_file: something like that04:06
ShawnCsystem > admin > update04:06
lstarnesfile_file: you can use the menu editor to change the icons in the lauchers04:06
lstarnesShawnC: from 8.04?04:06
ShawnCThen after i get to 8.10 i'm going to update to 9.1004:06
Frank83JRoach. I wouldn't know about that, but sounds unlikely.04:06
lstarnesShawnC: did you install any packages that were not from the official ubuntu repos?04:06
T3CHKOMMIEanyone know how progress is for 9.04 NBR support on the 1005HA eeepc?04:06
gbrethen_sound not working on Toshiba Satellite A50504:07
lstarnesShawnC: then that would explain the error04:07
file_filelstarnes: how ?04:07
gbrethen_using ubuntu 8.1004:07
gbrethen_64 bit04:07
ShawnCSo I have to remove all packages04:07
ShawnCthat are not from the ubuntu repo's?04:07
lstarnesShawnC: just the ones that aren't from main/restricted/universe/multiverse04:08
jroachchecksum seems okay04:08
gbrethen_any ideas?04:08
ShawnCi have uninstall VMware etc?04:08
Frank83Jroach: I really do not understand how the image you've got is over 700mb.04:08
lstarnesShawnC: it might be causing the upgrade to fail04:08
file_filewhat's the command to remove firefox 3.0.11 completely ?04:08
ShawnCfuck upgrading then.04:09
jroachone weird thing is that when I burn the disc it says that I'll need a disc with 1.3 gb of space04:09
lstarnesfile_file: if you remove firefox 3.0, that will include the original firefox icon04:09
kbpfile_file: how did u install it?04:09
jroachwhich I don't understand because the disc image is 700mb04:09
gbrethen_I need help getting my sound working04:09
Revrus_jroach, cds and disk images contain compressed files04:09
jedccan someone help me bind keys 133 to something which i can put in xmonads config as mod key?04:09
file_filelstarnes: how would i remove old firefox ?04:09
lstarnesfile_file: search for shiretoko under applications > internet in the menu editor04:09
Revrus_jroach, when they are installed, they are uncompressed and put on the drive04:09
lstarnesfile_file: remove the package04:09
lstarnesfile_file: but I would strongly recommend keeping it04:10
file_filelstarnes: i did not install shiretoko , i will install shiretoko after removing old firefox 3.0.1104:10
Frank83Revrus_ His problem is that his MacPC is not recognizing the Ubuntu live CD as a Boot CD, so he can not install.04:10
file_filelstarnes: why do you recommend that ?04:10
lstarnesfile_file: if you upgrade to 9.10 following its release, that package will most likely updage automatically to firefox 3.5 with official branding04:10
jroachwell its a pc that I'm trying to install it on04:11
Stumpieif you guys had all the money in the world, what Nvidia graphics card would you buy? I want to run ubuntu 9.04... I can go up to 3 graphics cards with this motherboard :D04:11
dhonghello, does anyone knowns if ubuntu support pci-e sound card?04:11
jroachi burned it on the mac04:11
lstarnesfile_file: plus that package contains the original firefox icon04:11
kindofabuzz!hardware | jroach04:11
ubottujroach: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:11
Frank83Revrus_, Still, the CD will be recognized if he puts it in his CD drive. He made a MD5SUM check, so the image is not wrong.04:11
Revrus_Frank83, its not wrong at all, everything will be fine, lol04:11
dhonganyone knowns?04:12
Frank83Jroach. Any chance you could burn it on Windows and check?04:12
Erikais it possible to use a pipe as input to the split command?04:12
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xubuntuNoobAnyone know how to "enable" wireless on a dell lapotop. the drivers seem to be there.04:12
jroachhe might be right04:12
Revrus_Frank83, oh, sorry, i stopped paying attention and didnt see what you said first, lol04:12
jroachthe pc is a dell optiplex gxa04:12
Frank83dhong, Which is your PCI-E sound card?04:12
jroachits not on the supported list04:12
vinceHow do I disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 9.04?04:12
madfootI have a problem. I'm having trouble getting my sound to work on Ubuntu 9.04 using an iMac8,1. I looked at the stickies on ubuntuforums.org, as well as the iMac page on the official Ubuntu wiki, but they seem to be saying different things and it's really confusing. :( could somebody possibly point me to the right place or give me a hint?04:12
dhongAsus Xonar DX04:13
Frank83Revrus_, No prob.04:13
Frank83Dhong, Did you try to Google "Asus Xonar DX Ubuntu" ? That might help04:13
Erikamadfoot: what is an imac8,1? i really think i could help you. i just fixed the sound on my imac today04:13
pcfreak30what is the best screen capture software for linux04:14
madfootit's one of the aluminum ones, about a year old. 8,1 is just the model number.04:14
madfootand thanks :)04:14
vinceCommon I know theres some wiz in here who knows.04:14
scott_ino2pcfreak30, gtk-recordmydesktop, wink04:14
Revrus_pcfreak30, best is an opinion, go for whatever works best on your system, and what you like the best04:14
Frank83Jroach. I'm not sure why It won't recognize the live CD.04:14
* Forza4Life sells imacs ugh04:14
pcfreak30yea, but many windows ones have profecional things that zoom and stuff. any ideas on that04:15
jroachI tried mint and I'm going to try xubuntu and maybe another distrubution04:16
Frank83Jroach, Sorry I was unable to really help.04:16
Erikamadfoot: yeah i have about a year old aluminum one. btw i really use gentoo but i just came in here to check it out. i actually read an ubuntu bug today that helped me with this problem. ill find it real quick04:16
Frank83Jroach, Last question.04:16
Frank83Jroach, you want to install Ubuntu on a Desktop, right?04:16
dhongFrnak83, I want to use this card on kernel 2.6.16. I can't get the answer from google04:17
Frank83Dhong. Let me check if I can find the answer.04:17
dhongFrank83, thanks04:18
ShawnCHI am using ubuntu 8.04, I can't update to 8.10 because it can't calculate. Can anyone help?  (http://pastebin.ca/1527438)04:18
Erika_madfoot: you there?04:19
Erika_madfoot: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-786050.html?sid=3135bd9c2400d574fbd10a44687d4dd504:20
starwindhehhehheh, so I kinda messed up both my wireless  hardwired connections, someone want to take pity on me?  :(04:21
Erika_madfoot: if you have any questions ask me. i think the alsa configuration file is called alsa-base or something in ubuntu by the way04:21
gogetastarwind: lo how so04:21
Lasivianis there a GUI webcam program for ubuntu? motion is way over my head, thanks04:21
vinceGuys this is rediculous.  Everytime I stream anything and it tries to buffer it tries to use IPv6 first before giving up and going back to IPv4 but not before screwing the entire connection over and making it time out.  I could disable IPv4 in 8.10 so why is there not an easy way to do it in 9.04?04:21
Frank83dhong: Can't find any info about your Sound Card or any list of PCI-E Sound cards supported by Ubuntu.04:21
gogetaLasivian: cheese04:21
starwindwell it seems the hardwired is working right now, since im here, but under the network manager both wired and wireless options are greyed out04:22
Lasiviangogeta: yeah, that won;t put stuff on the web tho04:22
gogetaLasivian: f-spot04:22
starwindand my laptops not connecting automatically to my network on login04:22
scott_ino2Lasivian, what exactly are you trying to do04:22
gartralcould someone paste a stock /etc/netwok/interfaces file for me please?04:22
Lasivianscott_ino2: put pictures or video directly on the web04:22
madfootErika: yeah, I read about the alsa-base file earlier, but last time I changed it I think I messed something up >_>. Anyway, that looks helpful, thanks for the help! :D04:22
dhongFrank83, :(, thanks fro your help04:22
gogetaLasivian: myspace built in one work in linux if thats what your up to04:22
Frank83dhong, I'll keep on searching.04:22
Lasiviangogeta: as a last resort, but I have my own site04:23
gartralperferably one that came off a system with wifi04:23
scott_ino2Lasivian, live video? or just be able to upload video??04:23
Lasivianlive jpeg or video stream04:23
Lasivianeither will work, it's a security camera04:23
n1lqjjust upgraded to 9.04 from 8.10.  everything working to include wifi.  downloaded some desktop icons, decided to reboot.  "Network Manager can not find some resources and can not continue"  iwconfig shows wifi card and ifconfig shows ath0 for wifi card, any ideas would be helpful :(04:23
scott_ino2Lasivian, there's an entire project for that04:23
fadwhy i could not install qq.deb04:24
corigoHow to stop the task bar from grouping open documents of the same application?04:24
th0rvince: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252282/04:24
scott_ino2oh wait... you said you tried motion04:24
JSmithhi again04:24
scott_ino2Lasivian, have you tried zoneminder?04:24
JSmithzirosmith: still here? :)04:24
JSmither, ziro something04:24
scott_ino2Lasivian, http://www.zoneminder.com/??04:24
scott_ino2Lasivian, in theory you could stream via something like justin.tv to a private channel you setup so only you can check it?04:25
zirodayJSmith: yes?04:25
Lasivianscott_ino2: I want to archive it since I can;t monitor it04:25
JSmithziroday: sorry I was disconnected04:26
scott_ino2Lasivian, did you see zone minder though??04:26
Frank83Dhong, Still there?04:26
zirodayJSmith: sorry, I can't remember what your issue is04:26
gogetaLasivian: vlc can also do streaming04:26
JSmithdid you ever say why one would want avahi?04:26
Erika_madfoot: i'm almost positive i know exactly how to fix your problem. basically, what you want is the "options snd-hda-intel model=mbp3" in your alsa-base and then the alsamixer settings have to be right, which i explained in the forum post (thats me, skrapasor). unfortunately the sound isnt as great as it is in mac os x, but hopefully they were fix that eventually.04:26
Lasivianscott_ino2: yeah, checking into that now04:26
ravimaddulahi how to configure my bluetooth device as a n acess pt for mobile phone s to acess internet04:26
zirodayJSmith: yes, avahi is used to seamlessly discover services on your LAN.04:26
Jordan_Un1lqj: Does anything happen if you run "sudo apt-get -f install" ? ( if so please pastebin the output before saying yes to any prompts )04:27
scott_ino2Lasivian, gogeta  is right, vlc can do it, not sure about the archiving though, I think jtv can archive for you though.04:27
xubuntuNoob1Hey guys what is the easiest way to install drivers?04:27
jnmbkhi, is there a kernel parameter to prevent a module from loading at boot?04:27
file_filei first remove firefox from synaptic , then if i type "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" why do i get result like that? firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-branding firefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding ubufox xulrunner-1.9.1  , why is firefox 3.0 there ?04:27
Frank83Dhong: I found this. Could help you out.04:27
gogetascott_ino2: it can04:27
JSmithwhat services are on my lan? I would guess all I care about is dhcp and http04:27
starwindanyone know how I can fix my network manager?04:27
zirodayJSmith: sure04:28
Jordan_Un1lqj: Does anything happen if you run "sudo apt-get -f install" ? ( if so please pastebin the output before saying yes to any prompts )04:28
dhongfrank83: what04:28
Erika_madfoot: by the way, did you find it difficult to install ubuntu on your imac? i found it a huge pain to install gentoo on my imac. it took me forever to find out it doesnt support booting from an external hd, so i had to create an internal partition as the boot partition, and use this syncing tool to sync the partition tables04:28
vinceth0r: Thank you, The modprob won't work in Jaunty, And the disable.ip v6 dosen't work in any of the repository kernels I can find but I never saw the 3rd option in any of my haunts.  I'll give it a try.04:28
Frank83Dhong: I found this. Could help you out. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1167232 (Sorry, Did not paste the link 1st time)04:28
file_filei first removed firefox from synaptic , then if i type "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" why do i get result like that? firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-branding firefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding ubufox xulrunner-1.9.1  , why am i prompted to install firefox 3.0 there ?04:28
gogetastarwind: dunno switch to wicd maybe04:28
Jeruvystarwind: more details pls.04:28
ravimaddulaany body there to respond me04:28
th0rvince: the ubuntu jaunty notes are near the bottom of the file04:29
Jordan_Ufile_file: ubufox depends on ff 3.004:29
Frank83Dhong: I found this one, too. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78017004:29
JSmithziroday: another question for you, if you're not annoyed yet. How does the IRC channel know my ubuntu username? (seen in whois)04:30
dhongFrank83:yes, it's very helpful to me. thank you ,Frank8304:30
zirodayJSmith: you would of described it in a setting somewhere on your IRC client. Its still set to the default04:30
Frank83Dhong. No prob. Glad I could be of service.04:30
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starwindI wireless kept disconnecting, after I hardwired for a few minutes so I (stupidy) deleted the autoeth connection in network manager properties and then rebooted, once I logged back in it wouldn't automatically connected to my wireless, under network manager now it shows Wired Networks and Wireless Networks grayed out and Auto eth 0 in bold, which im using now, hardwired to my router04:31
Jordan_UJSmith: Your irc client grabs info from your user automatically, you can change what is shown04:31
mzzhah! the wireless chipset in this laptop works *better* in ubuntu than it does in the preinstall winxp home!04:32
JSmithah, I see Jordan/ziroday--I thought somehow it was being sent by a service like avahi or something04:32
file_filewhy am i getting this after "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" http://paste.ubuntu.com/252283/04:32
vinceth0r : when I attempt to use the echo command even under sudo it comes back with permission denied.  Is there some trick to that?04:32
th0rvince: sudo should work04:32
mzzvince: which echo command?04:32
brian_i got a question  in system monitor wmhat do one do you want to be looking at as far as eating up system ra04:33
file_fileafter 75% , why am i getting this after "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" http://paste.ubuntu.com/252283/04:33
brian_cpu  or momory04:33
mzzvince: are you echoing to some file in /proc/ or /sys/? sudo doesn't help you with that, unless you run the whole shell command under sudo.04:33
* scott_ino2 wants to know when fullscreen flash will work under a normal amount of resources *sigh04:34
th0rmzz: that's what he is trying to do...http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252282/04:34
th0rmzz: some notes I had on disabling ipv604:34
mzzvince: try "sudo -i 'echo blah > /proc/sys/...'"04:34
mzzvince: assuming I remember the quoting correctly, I'm tired. sudo -i is the key.04:34
the9a3eediHi. I installed ubuntu through wubi. I understand that hibernation works by dumping the RAM contents into swap. But with wubi, ubuntu uses a swapfile I think, which is 256MB in size. I have 4GB RAM. Will hibernation work by itself or do I need to tweak some settings?04:35
n1lqjnetwork manager crashing.  upgraded to 9.04, reboot, everything worked.  after 10 minutes network manager crashed, won't come up again on reboot, missing resources.  Very confused here.04:35
Jordan_Uscott_ino2: As a work around you can browse youtube and BBC with totem, and also play flash videos by finding the temporary .flv file in /tmp04:35
vincemzz: THat might be it so I need a root terminal to begin with.  Ok04:35
prefrontalwhat is the executable name of System Monitor?04:35
file_fileafter 75% , why am i getting this after "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" http://paste.ubuntu.com/252283/04:35
scott_ino2Jordan_U, yeah... i know ty.... i just deal with it04:35
mzzvince: you don't need a full root shell *session*, but you need to run the shell as root for ">" to work04:35
agent_smith666anyone know about changing the "loading screen" for jaunty?04:35
mzzprefrontal: gnome-system-monitor04:35
Jordan_Uscott_ino2: If you have an intel card it might also help to downgrade the intel driver04:35
smithTestit seems to have worked04:36
prefrontalksysguard nm04:36
zirodayagent_smith666: pick a new usplash theme04:36
scott_ino2Jordan_U, ATI here...04:36
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scott_ino2and honestly... can't wait for 3D to be supported by non fglrx drivers.. which should be soon for my card04:36
mzzfile_file: bad mirror, most likely. Or bad http proxy between you and the mirror.04:36
n1lqjagent_smith666 in previous versions it was an apt-get package to install it, might be a hint there, don't know answer04:36
agent_smith666ziroday- is that in prefs?04:36
vincemzz : i tried sudo -i echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv604:36
vinceSame thing04:36
file_filemzz: what to do now ?04:36
xubuntuNoob1anyone had experience with "enabling" the wireless on a dell 120L?04:37
zirodayagent_smith666: no, install startup-manager (SUM) and then download a new usplash theme to install it04:37
scott_ino2the open source drivers perform much better and don't wreck suspend.. you know.. minus that whole 3D acceleration thing04:37
mzzfile_file: try a different mirror (I don't know how to force that, other than by changing it in /etc/apt/sources.list). There's also a switch to get it to be more verbose about http, but I forgot what it is.04:37
Stumpiewhere can I chech and see if a GeForce® GTX 275 OCX™ 896 MB GDDR3  is compatible with ubuntu 9.04? thanks :)04:37
* mzz should be asleep...04:37
agent_smith666ziroday- thanks.  for some reason the ubuntu studio load screen went away and now its the default one so hopefullly the startup-manager will fix this04:37
mzzvince: yes, the quotes I used mattered. At the very least you need to escape the ">" from your current shell.04:37
Jordan_Uvince: sudo -i starts an interactive shell, you want "echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ip46/conf/all/disable_ipv6"04:38
smithTestziroday/Jordan: how does it get the hostname now?04:38
Jordan_Uvince: But you might want to see if the real problem with your ipv6 is your DNS server. Have you tried opendns?04:38
mzzvince: what Jordan_U said is a nice trick.04:39
mzz(both things he said are, actually)04:39
Guest54130I had a quick question about limits.conf04:39
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smithTestI see that ziroday put a webpage instead of a hostname in his whois04:39
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ben_How can I set the default limits04:40
ben_for a user when they log in?04:40
ctmjrStumpie: my son has 2 gtx 280's in a debian box he had one in a ubuntu box never heard him complain04:40
ben_I was pretty sure I did it with limits.conf04:40
StumpieCool, thanks :)04:40
vinceOk guys trying that now then04:41
smithTestziroday: did you supply your hostname via an option in your client, or can it be requested from your host somehow?04:41
vinceOk guys that worked04:41
vinceNow to see if IPv6 is disabled04:42
ToStItOsjtaji: Question for you04:42
ubuntulane79i need some help with effects04:42
xc88I'm on jaunty, my max resolution is 800x600 but it should be 1600x1200. I used to be able to modify xorg.conf, but now the file is much shorter and the entire section with resolutions and refresh rates is gone! How do I get the right resolution?04:42
vinceDo I need to restart for a change like that to take effect?04:42
ubuntulane79i am running a virtual machine and i have 3d acceleration but the effects wont turn on04:43
Jordan_Uxc88: You can add the resolution sections the same way you could before, but if you aren't getting full resolution it's probably because of driver problems, so those sections wouldn't help anyway04:44
Jordan_Uxc88: What GFX card are you using?04:44
ubuntulane79a nvidia geforce 705004:44
jtajiToStItOs: what's up?04:44
xc88Jordan_U: ATI X1550. That's another issue, when I go into the restricted drivers window, nothing shows up. I used to be able to install the ATI drivers easily04:45
madfootkind of a nooby question, but How do I get to alsamixer?04:45
ToStItOsjtaji: I ordered a external modem but how do I set it up through gnome ppp04:45
Jordan_Uxc88: I think ATI dropped support for your card in the latest version of their proprietary driver04:45
jtajiToStItOs: oh... I haven't actually used a dial-up modem in like 10 years ;)04:45
ctmjrmadfoot: in a terminal type  alsamixer04:46
xc88crap...now what04:46
madfootctmjr: thanks :)04:46
ToStItOsjtaji: all I need to know is when I connect my modem to the RS232 do I have to do a detect on the modem04:46
ubuntulane79can anyone help me?04:47
ToStItOswith gnome ppp04:47
ctmjrmadfoot: your welcome there is a gui for it but do not remember the name04:47
Jordan_Uxc88: Let's see if we can get the open source drivers working properly. Can you pastebin the your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?04:47
jim__using wget gets me the first page of a site, but how do I get the entire site ?04:47
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
erika1984today i tried kde desktop on ubuntu04:48
erika1984it is not a very friendly desktop04:48
kbpxc88: how about forcing it using the config file? i.e. just leave 1 mode in the modes: "1600x1200" and remove all other modes04:48
ToStItOsjtaji: I have a winmodem now so I do I get gnome ppp to recognize the external modem?04:49
xc88kbp: the thing is I have no modes at all04:49
jim__what is the command using wget to download all the pages of a site ?04:49
ubuntulane79is it possible to force to enable the effects04:49
kbpxc88: want me to pastebin the section screen?04:49
erika1984finally got kde uninstalled04:49
ubuntulane79is it possible to force enable the effects04:49
vincemzz or Jordan_U sorry didn't type your names.  After that command do I need to restart the PC?04:50
vinceGod this is so ()#$* frustrating04:50
jtajiToStItOs: change the device to the serial port device, which are /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, etc...04:50
xc88kbp: check it out, this is my xorg.conf file: http://pastebin.ca/152750104:51
J-_Is there anyway to remove installed dependencies? I've tried purging with apt-get and not all the things installed are going to get removed.04:51
jtajiToStItOs: these correspond to windows COM1, COM2....04:51
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ToStItOsjtaji: I am changing the device through gnome ppp?04:52
jtajiToStItOs: yeah I'm looking at a screen shot and there is a Device entry which shows /dev/modem in the screenshot04:52
ToStItOsjtaji: which is what I have04:52
ctmjr!es | SUPREMO04:53
mzzvince: other way around: if you restart the pc it'll have forgotten. You probably want /etc/sysctl.conf04:53
ubottuSUPREMO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:53
xim_where does ubuntu store panels and panel icons?  i just tried to add 'topshelf' and it fried all my icons and menus.  i have all my .settings backed up recently but i dont know which has my panel icons init04:53
mzzxim_: somewhere in gconf04:54
kbpxc88: wait for a sec I will copy & paste the config for you04:54
ToStItOsjtaji: once that is changed there is no other confirguration I have to do?04:54
vincemzz: Well then it didn't work anyway.  The flag is set to 1 but ip a | grep inet6 still outputs IPv6 crap.04:54
superGearyall might want to ban soulslord04:55
vinceAnd the connection is still laggy as hell.04:55
jtajiToStItOs: not sure04:55
ToStItOsjtaji: looks like something I need to play with04:55
xim_mzz: is gconf a folder?  i was hoping to be able to just replace a settings directory04:55
ToStItOsjtaji: thanks for the info anyway04:56
vinceI hate to say it but i'm either going to have to downgrade back to 8.10 or just load windows back in (which I DON'T want to do) but darnet i'm not paying to use 10% of my pipe and wait for stuff04:56
vinceFrankly I can't belive they did this with Jaunty.  Such a boneheaded move.04:57
ToStItOsvince what do you mean04:57
kbpxc88: http://pastebin.ca/1527510 remember to change the modes (especially depth 16)04:57
mzzxim_: yes. I don't think replacing that entire tree is sane. Also, I should be asleep, so I'm not going to dig in and figure out which subtree(s) you want.04:58
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xim_mzz k i thought gconf was a program for editing config files04:59
the9a3eediHi. I installed ubuntu through wubi. I understand that hibernation works by dumping the RAM contents into swap. But with wubi, ubuntu uses a swapfile I think, which is 256MB in size. I have 4GB RAM. Will hibernation work by itself or do I need to tweak some settings?04:59
xc88thanks kbp, ill see if this works04:59
fartboogerstuck at a recovery prompt. I have 3 diffrent HDs by 3 diffrent manufacturers is there a way I can go from /dev/sda -> name of the manufacturer?04:59
jtajithe9a3eedi: it's not going to work at all, you need a real install or at least a real swap partition >= 4GB05:00
vinceToStIt0s : IPv6.  You can't disable it in jaunty without recompiling the kernel.  In every other version of Ubuntu you could just shut it off.  Because we use IPv4 here it makes the connection dog slow.  Its ok sometimes but if the internet gets congested or i'm trying to stream something it is flat out unusable!05:00
mzzxim_: gconf-editor is an app for editing gconf (a vaguely register-ish thing) settings. Poke around in that and/or look in ~/.gconf (but notice editing ~/.gconf by hand while logged in is unhealthy)05:00
=== fartbooger is now known as zloog
xim_mzz, alrighty, thanks05:01
the9a3eedijtaji: I see. that sucks. I only used wubi because I have limited space and I wanted ubuntu to be easily "transferrable" to another hard disk when I needed more space. oh well05:01
ToStItOsvince wow thats a disappointment05:01
tehdotI just set up ubuntu on an hp dv7 laptop with nvidia 9600m GT. Can't get through HDMI. Ideas?05:01
xim_vince: isnt ipv6 backward compatible?  are you sure the problem isnt something else?05:02
the9a3eedijtaji: anyways thanks for the tip.05:02
kbpxc88: you are welcome. I couldnt copy and paste all the full config because it was a server. I'm not sure if other parts are differnt to desktop verion but pretty sure that section is the same for both desktop/server05:02
vincexim_ Every other version of ubuntu you disable IPv6 and its fast agian.  I don't think so.  If you do a google search you'll see its a well known issue.05:03
xim_but i never used jaunty, i skipped from hardy to karmic alpha05:03
xim_vince, oh ok05:03
roxanwhat is the page that list all the alpha and beta release of karmic05:03
ctmjrtehdot: did you install any drivers yet? or no gui at all?05:03
xim_roxan, its all alpha right now, just google for daily build, also it has a channel #ubuntu+105:04
tehdotctmjr, I installed the nvidia proprietary drivers05:04
ToStItOsvince: You might need to email the develpment team about that issue05:04
Jordan_Uvince: Have you tried using opendns?05:04
roxanxim_: I know about that. But there generally is a page with every release thatl ists important date of all alpha and beta release05:04
vinceI'm just pissed, I've invested a lot in Jaunty and this is such a boneheaded thing to have screw it over.  I'm not a programmer however and I have no idea how to add headers or compile a kernel.  For something thats supposed to be about choice I don't see why they had to take the "choice" to disable IPv6 away from us.05:04
ToStItOsvince: I see your point05:05
xim_roxan, oh i dont konw05:05
mzzroxan: karmic schedule page on the wiki, should be googleable05:05
vinceToStIt0s : theres already a bug report open.  And several people have complained about it.  The development team dosen't seem all that interested in fixing it or allowing the fixes to be put in the mainstream repositories.05:06
kindofabuzzvince, what? you can disable ipv605:06
roxanmzeal: yes it is. thanks.05:06
ctmjrtehdot: and the hdmi does not work but vga does?05:06
lancerockehi all. whats the best way to backup my firefox directory? cp ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak?05:06
Jashman2any prolog programmers in here?05:06
vincekindofabuzz: In jaunty?  Sir if you tell me how and it works you will be my hero05:06
tehdotctmjr, video works through hdmi, but no sound05:06
jtajilancerocke: cp -a05:06
kindofabuzzvince, is it not the same as other releases?05:07
vinceIve spend days in here and in the forums and not gotten anyware05:07
lancerockejtaji, thanks cp  -a ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak?05:07
jtajilancerocke: yes05:07
StumpieI have the choice of a XFX or a ZOTAC GTX 295, 1792MB grahphics cards... who would you guys choose for Ubuntu 9.04 XFX or ZOTAC? it is exactly the same price.05:07
ToStItOsvince: but why I wonder that really doesn't make a whole lotta sense05:07
vincekindofabuzz: No... In 8.10 and lower you can just shut off the module, In 9.04 its built into the kernel by default05:07
lancerockejtaji, thanks05:07
ctmjrtehdot: oh now i got ya i do not know if they fixed that yet hold on a sec are you using an hdmi cable or dvi to hdmi?05:08
Jashman2general question... how's ubuntu for gaming these days?05:08
kindofabuzzvince, oh didn't know that. using firefox? just shut it off in about:config05:08
tehdotctmjr, hdmi05:09
Bob_Doleanything in the way of improvements for Chrome 9 3D accel recently? (it sucked last I checked)05:09
jtajiJashman2: linux games run just fine of course ;)05:09
kindofabuzzJashman2, linux games run fine, windows games you'd have to check the Wine AppDB05:09
StumpieI got cedega, so I get lots of great games in linux 8)05:09
Jashman2do you guys know if starcraft 2 will have a linux release?05:10
Jashman2upon intial release  :o05:10
CorpXi reported him05:10
CorpXhe's a pm spammer05:10
StumpieJashman2, if it does not, I bet  it will be supported by WINE, they really did a great, and fast job with WOW and other blizzard titles05:11
Jashman2what's WINE? some sort of interface between windows and linux games?05:11
ctmjrtehdot: try this if it does not work let me know http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96702305:11
fluurpwine is not an emulator ;)05:11
Bob_DoleJashman2, WINE is a compatibility layer allowing various windows apps to run on linux05:11
lstarnesJashman2: it's a compatiblity layer05:12
StumpieJashman2,  WINE lets you run some windows applications... it is somewhat like an emulator. it is a compatibility layer05:12
fluurpi prefer IN-compatible :(05:12
kindofabuzzvince, http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html but read the comments, don't know if it really works or not05:12
Jashman2helpful responses, thanks05:12
Jashman2thinking about switching over to ubuntu... need to make an informed decision :p05:13
kindofabuzzJashman2, switch to linux, you'll love the power and ability to do anything, you won't have time for gaming. =)05:13
Bob_DoleJashman2, I mostly use it to run the windows versions of flash and firefox, because windows flash is faster for whatever reason. It's a known common issue that adobe hasn't fixed yet D:05:13
StumpieJashman2, try a WUBI install, and see if you can get all of your favorite applications working in wine before you make a decesion05:13
WaffylesYayor dualboot and run both....just as easy05:13
ben_I was wondering if anyone was familiar with setting open file limits with limits.conf05:14
Jashman2yeah I'll probably dual boot... any major issues with that?05:14
kindofabuzzI've noticed this about Flash, having DDR ram helps alot. on my main box flash is crappy, old ram. on my laptop, flash is flawless, ddr ram. /shrug05:14
ctmjrwubi = headaches05:14
vincekinsofabuzz : I need it off systemwide.05:15
Bob_Dolekindofabuzz, I have DDR2 PC6400 RAM. it's very slow on any flash heavy sites, while the windows binaries run it fine under WINE.05:15
WaffylesYay@Jashman2. Ubuntu comes with a dual boot tool that autoconfigures, i forget the name of it. Really easy to do. I boot to Windows 7 or Ubuntu05:15
tehdotctmjr, doesn't work. Doesn't throw any errors, but when I test it I get no sound.05:15
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kindofabuzzBob_Dole, works great on my laptop and only have 512, 1G on my main rig. can't even full screen on main rig05:16
fluurpWaffylesYay u mean grub? is it grub?05:16
WaffylesYayyea thats it05:16
* kindofabuzz rolls eyes05:17
Jashman2thanks waffyles... I'll be installing ubuntu when I finally get around to ordering a new laptop05:17
Bob_Dolekindofabuzz, odd. I have 4GB, I'll probably be using this as my main rig for 2-3 years though. But by flash heavy, I mean up to 15 of moderately "intensive" flash apps up at once on the same page.05:17
malekHi - I'm having trouble with a USB-connected hard drive.  It frequently drops off and has to be remounted by the system.  This happens automatically, but any applications open cannot write to it until they're restarted, or the file reopened.  Any ideas?  Kernel log points to a "Buffer I/O error".05:17
kindofabuzzBob_Dole, if i see flash heavy sites I move on, web designers should just stay away from flash05:18
vincekindofabuzz : Yep did that already.05:18
WaffylesYayJashman2 you can TRY Ubuntu WITHOUT installing it! There is an option that enables you to run it off the install CD. This is called a linux "Live CD" Try before u install05:18
kbpkindofabuzz: except one case: flash games05:18
Bob_Dolekindofabuzz, I do agree, but this site wasn't flash heavy in '06, and I've been on it since '04 :(05:18
kindofabuzzvince, just turn ipv6 off in Firefox05:18
mneptokBob_Dole: Flash advertisements?05:18
ctmjrtehdot: ok run aplay -l in a terminal see if it found your card and are you on 9.04 or something else? i had 9.04 and could not get it to work along with other problems went back to 8.1005:18
Jashman2oh damn, nice waffyles thanks, will try that05:19
Bob_Dolemneptok, no, site features.05:19
mneptokBob_Dole: Flash is a "feature" like herpes is a feature05:19
kindofabuzzwhat are advertisements?05:19
Jashman2anyone web dev's out there familiarizing themselves with HTML5? looks like it has immense potential - could make flash obsolete as an RIA platform05:19
tehdotctmjr, shows both analog and digital for it. I'm running 9.0405:19
vincekindofabuzz : Need it off systemwide05:19
Bob_Dolemneptok, This site was at it's peak in '06..before all the flash, before skittles apparently bought a large part of their company, etc.05:20
kindofabuzzvince, compiling your own kernel is not that hard really. good tutorials are out there.05:20
masiddiquiis there a book on ubuntu 9.0405:20
mneptokBob_Dole: sudo apt-get install flashblock05:20
Jordan_Uvince: Looks like the fix to allow disabling ipv6 will be in the next kernel update, you can also install the latest stable kernel ( 2.6.30 ) from a .deb package, or the first method from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 should still work, though it will not persist between boots ( unless you set the command to run at boot ). I would still try using opendns first if you havn't yet05:21
vinceJordan_U DNS isn't the issue so much as the translation is.  THe issue is my ISP dosen't support IPv6. Swiching DNS's does not help05:22
ctmjrtehdot: ok lets see if it works do you have mplayer installed?05:22
kindofabuzzmasiddiqui, there are several. here's one: http://www.amazon.com/Official-Ubuntu-Book-Benjamin-Mako/dp/0137021208/ref=pd_sim_b_105:22
tehdotctmjr, yes05:23
Schmittytwat did you say05:23
kindofabuzzmasiddiqui, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html05:23
vinceJordan_U where would I get the .deb for the kernel and would that also autoconfigure grub to use it?05:23
kindofabuzzwhat do you want to block ipv6 anyways? i guess there is a reason, just curious05:24
Jordan_Uvince: I'll get the link for you, and yes it would05:24
mneptokSchmitty: i said "you shouldn't repeat words you hear older kids using on the school bus"05:25
kindofabuzzJordan_U, vince  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/05:25
sn_1hey do u guys kno the apt-get command to install the broadcom b43 wireless driver?05:25
ScottGWhat do these messages about stack depth mean? "X used greatest stack depth: 4824 bytes left"05:25
sn_1when i manually do it in hardware it doesn't work05:25
Jordan_Usn_1: "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter"05:25
mneptoksn_1: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:25
vinceThanks kindofabuzz.... I'll give this a try and let you guys know05:25
PrankyHello All, Command to run iso file from terminal to install 9.04.05:26
Jordan_Usn_1: Though technically it's just installing the firmware, the driver comes with ubuntu05:26
Jordan_UPranky: What do you mean by "run iso file" ?05:26
sn_1thx jordan05:26
Jordan_UPranky: Do you want to burn an iso file to a CD/DVD?05:27
ctmjrtehdot: open mplayer go to preferences and audio tab choose alsa then configure driver change device to hw=1.3 or what aply -l shows for your card then try to play a file05:27
Jordan_Usn_1: np05:27
PrankyJordan_U, Without burning to CD/DVD could I install it or not?05:27
kbpJordan_U: he means is there any program make a "virtual DVD rom" and insert the iso file and install directly?05:27
sn_1mneptok: the problem is that when i did that at first, i canceld the driver from downloading/inSTAlling and ever since it wont install05:28
vincekinkofabuzz : Ok of all these files which one do I want?  I know I want a generic i386 but one is 598k and the other is 24megs and they appear to be the same versions05:28
vinceor do I need the headers and the image?05:28
Jordan_UPranky: There is no straightforeward way to install without burning and booting from the CD but it is possible ( probably not worth the hassle though )05:29
cbcbillinghello all05:29
PrankyJordan_U, please provide me the url how05:29
tehdotctmjr, in aplay, it shows them both as card 0, subdevice 005:30
Jordan_Usn_1: Then what you probably want ( if apt-get install didn't work ) is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure b43-fwcutter"05:30
cbcbillingis there anyoone who can help me with the incident of firefox brokn package05:30
cbcbillinghow to fix it05:30
darkangeldoes anyone know a good program or way to compress a .iso file05:30
Jordan_UPranky: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/05:31
mneptokdarkangel: bzip205:31
cbcbillingplease help me05:31
seanius_is there a netboot-able live image for the netbook remix?05:31
WaffylesYay@darkangel try WinRAR05:31
badboy_boa noite05:31
seanius_i just got my hands on an hp mini but i don't have the reinstall media05:31
mneptokWaffylesYay: seeing that this is #ubuntu, a Windows app is not a great suggestion05:31
Berzerkeryou can use a USB flash drive05:31
darkangelmneptok: they are .iso dvd videos and im trying to compress them as well as be able to watch them05:32
Berzerkerto install the netbook remix (running it on a HP Mini 110) right now05:32
darkangelim not looking to just compress and store them05:32
WaffylesYayAh good point....i fail05:32
Berzerkerright now)*05:32
jason____I have a large file that I want to move between directories on the same partition.  Can I just make a hardlink to it in the new directory and rm the one in the old directory?05:32
Jordan_Udarkangel: Do you want to fit more onto a CD, or do you want to have your .iso file take up less space on your hard drive?05:32
mneptokdarkangel: so you want to compress video.05:32
seanius_Berzerker: that's what i got actually (110-1036)05:32
mneptokdarkangel: ffmpeg is one05:32
rwwjason____: that's essentially the same thing as doing mv oldlocation newlocation =/05:32
cbcbillinghelp with broken packages how to fix05:32
Jordan_Ujason____: Why not use mv?05:32
darkangelyes i want to compress video, i want the .iso to take up less space05:32
Berzerkerseanius_: 1035* you mean?05:32
Berzerkerseanius_: I have the 1030. works flawlessly on mine. never going back to windows. :P05:33
seanius_Berzerker: 110-1036NR05:33
Berzerkerseanius_: strange. what's different about it than the 1035?05:33
seanius_Berzerker: great to hear.  no problems with soundcard or wired nic?05:33
jason____rww, Jordan_U, it's my experience that mv for some reason takes a long time to execute for large files - maybe this is just me being insane.05:33
mneptokdarkangel: you compress the video stored inside the image file. at that point the .iso is pointless. you'll end up with an .mpg or .avi video file.05:33
Berzerkerseanius_: haven't tried wired NIC, sound works after an alsa update to 1.0.2005:33
Jordan_Ujason____: That should work ( check the number of hard links in ls -l before you unlink the "old file" ).05:33
seanius_Berzerker: it might just be the color :)05:33
ctmjrtehdot: if you do not show a hdmi card it is not getting loaded can you pastebin the output of aplay -l please?05:33
rwwjason____: that's not my experience, and wouldn't really make sense. Are you thinking of cp?05:33
Jordan_Ujason____: It only takes time between file systems05:33
Berzerkerseanius_: I use wireless, so yeah.05:33
Berzerkerquestion: is there a way to make the "lock" function work like windows, where it brings you back to the login screen? kinda like fast user switching05:34
seanius_Berzerker: so are you running jaunty or the bleeding edge or some mix?05:34
darkangelmneptok: and how would i go about doing that???05:34
Jordan_Ujason____: It's instant within a file system05:34
jason____rww, Jordan_U, er, so it does.  OK, mv worked fine, although it's nice to know that I now understand something I didn't.  Thanks.05:34
Berzerkerseanius_: jaunty dl from ubuntu.com05:34
mneptokdarkangel: ffmpeg is one method. VLC is another.05:34
darkangelmneptok: just shrinking the video file, alright i have vlc but it wont compress or change any .iso that are already on my computer05:35
seanius_Berzerker: standard install or netbook remix?  (sorry for pummeling you with questions btw :)05:35
Berzerkerseanius_: this is my only means of internet right now, I was trying to run moblin, that OS looks sweet, but it just wouldn't boot, so I settled for this, but it's working fantastic for me05:35
Berzerkerseanius_: netbook remix05:35
PrankyJordan_U, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD05:35
Jordan_UBerzerker: You can get to the login screen by clicking "switch user" from the lock screen05:35
PrankyJordan_U, Is this link is helpful fo me05:35
seanius_excellent, sounds like i got the right model then :)05:35
tehdotctmjr, http://pastebin.com/d8157d7805:35
Jordan_UPranky: Are you trying to upgrade or install from scratch?05:35
BerzerkerJordan_U: any way to do that more quickly? like with a keyboard shortcut in one go?05:36
PrankyJordan_U, Already install 9.04, but few dependencies are corrupt. So I need to install again.05:36
Berzerkerseanius_: well you have the 1036, w/e the difference between that and the 1035 is lol but I think the only difference between yours and mine (1030) is the network card. you have a BCom 4315, I have a 1305:36
Schmittyhow do I browse a cd in shell?05:37
Berzerkerseanius_: I mean, I see the wired networking option available to be checked/unchecked in the settings, so it looks like it works05:37
BerzerkerSchmitty: /media05:37
Jordan_UPranky: What do you mean "a few dependencies are corrupt"? There may be a way to solve your problem without re-installing05:37
BerzerkerSchmitty: cdrom005:37
emmaATTENTION all Ubuntu users. If you are using Ubuntu while browing the internet and it crashes. DO NOT SEND the apport bug report. It will send your private information (gmail passwords etc) to the Ubuntu devs.05:37
PrankyJordan_U, ok, I ll send you the pastebin, have a look.05:37
Schmittythanks Berzerker05:37
emmaI am sure that someone will try to silence me soon. I am telling you the truth. Look into it.05:38
BerzerkerSchmitty: np05:38
seanius_Berzerker: thanks for all the info.  i'll let you know how it goes05:38
* Berzerker tries to silence emma.05:38
* Lafitte- sliences emma 05:38
emmaUBUNTU USERS --- If you are using Ubuntu and browing the web. If firefox crashes on you DO NOT SEND THE APORT BUG REPORT. It will send your pivate data to the Ubuntu devs. You do not want them having your gmail passwords, etc.05:38
lstarnesemma: do you have definitive evidence of that?05:38
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mzzemma: got any information to back that up?05:39
Jordan_Uemma: Nobody is going to try to silence you unless you start trolling. Have you filed a bug report against apport?05:39
Stumpie!ubuntu 9.04 compatiblity guide05:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:39
Berzerkerseanius_: I probably won't be here, just here to ask a question, but gl anyway. if you need help you can email me if you want it05:39
* Lafitte- kicks emma from #Ubuntu05:39
Brachaanyone know what it means when you've downloaded the codecs to play WMV movies but they still don't, every time i try and play one the window opens and just closes, this is on mplayer and vlc05:39
emmaI think this is urgent that people know this. I urge everyone to be cautious and to spread this informaiton and for all who can adress it to fix this because it is egregious and unacceptable.05:39
rb789can someone help me make my sprint mobile work on my new dell mini? I am stuck at last step05:39
PrankyJordan_U, http://ww.pastebin.com/m744ea145. Have a look05:40
mzzemma: can you link to a bug report or whatever about this problem, or one it occurred in?05:40
lstarnesemma: we need proof of this before we can reasonably accept that05:40
ctmjrtehdot: ok you do not have the hdmi card loaded you  have to install the nvidia drivers from their website the new drivers have the hdmi audio05:40
kbpemma: I will check once I get home today05:40
mzzemma: you'll stand a better chance of something actually being done about this with those05:40
BerzerkerJordan_U: btw there is no option to go to the login screen in the lock screen05:40
emmamzz No because apport is kept 'private' for just this reason. But why would the ubuntu devs think that we would be okay with them seeing our private data?05:40
tehdotctmjr, ah, ok05:40
zirodayemma: all apport bugs are marked as private by default, only members of bug control can view them. Secondly apport requests you review the information you are about to pass onto the developers before it actually does it.05:40
BerzerkerJordan_U: unless I'm misinterpretting what you're saying05:40
mzzemma: (just complaining about it in some irc channel with zero backup of your claims is not a good way to get something fixed)05:40
Schmittyhey Berzerker, when I go to /media , there is nothing there05:41
mzzemma: I'm new to ubuntu, haven't hit apport yet, let me poke it05:41
emmaziroday -- I know some people on the bug team. Some of them sure as hell are people I would not want knowing my gmail password.05:41
* mzz kill -9s a test firefox05:41
emmamzz -- be cautious.05:41
lstarnesemma: does it send the full binary crash dump of firefox when it crashes?05:41
zirodaymzz: you need to have apport debugging enabled05:41
FloodBot3Guest9087133: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
emmamzz -- this is not some random channel this is #ubuntu and this will get things rolling.05:41
mzzemma: still, you should file a bug about this, and/or provide evidence (steps to trigger an apport report with information in it that shouldn't be there)05:41
BerzerkerSchmitty: hmm....it's where mine is when I look for it. I'm not particularly experienced with ubuntu, so I'm not the best person to ask.05:41
kbpemma: how did you find out? wireshark?05:41
Schmittythanx Berzerker05:42
emmakbp -- I prefer not to say how I discovered this. I have sources.05:42
SmithXhey team05:42
emmaI do not want to impune them.05:42
SmithXnewbie question incoming05:42
tehdotctmjr, thanks for the help05:42
Jordan_U_emma: This is not the place to "get things rolling". The way to get this "rolling" is to file a bug report against apport05:42
BerzerkerSmithX: Duck!05:42
lstarnesemma: your claims cannot be verified without valid, undeniable proof05:42
SmithXI'm using a distribution where only the root user can hear sound in firefox05:43
emmaI want the people in here who are capable of seeing this for themselves to do something abou tit. And I want all Ubuntu users (many of them who are so trusting they don't even realize they are not on ubuntu servers right now but freenode) to not send any aport bug reports with firefox.05:43
SmithXanyone know how I can fix that so regular users can hear sound too?05:43
vinceemma: No one here is going to try and silence you.  If theres a bug we defiantly want to know about it.    Furthermore if the information is being sent in a format easily seen this could easily be the fault of the crashing application not obscuring the data well enough rather than an issue with the bug reporting software.  If there isn't a bug filed on it already we would highly encourage you to do so.  This way it can be fixed :-)05:43
fluurplol youtube is not a "source"05:43
rb789Can anyone help me with setting up sprint mobile connection? I got the connection set up but internet won't work05:43
* Lafitte- has joined #Ubuntu05:43
malekHi - I'm having trouble with a USB-connected hard drive.  It frequently drops off and has to be remounted by the system.  This happens automatically, but any applications open cannot write to it until they're restarted, or the file reopened.  Any ideas?  Kernel log points to a "Buffer I/O error".05:43
kbpvince: if this is true, it's not a bug, someone did it for purpose05:43
Berzerkerfluurp: it is too! wikipedia said so05:43
Schmittyhow do i browse a cd or dvd in shell05:44
emmaNo let's be clear --- they mark the aport stuff private because THEY KNOW it contains private data like gmail passwords etc. But why on earth would they think that we want or trust ubuntu devs to see that information??05:44
ctmjrtehdot: your welcome good luck the install direction from nvidia are very good the driver comes with an installer05:44
Jordan_U_SmithX: Is your user a member of the "audio" group ?05:44
PrankyJordan_U, Did you find any good news?05:44
lstarnesSchmitty: you have to mount it first05:44
SmithXnever heard of an "audio" group--let me check05:44
kbpemma: how did you get the source code? :)05:44
emmaIn otherwords it is not like they don't know this. They know this full well. They just assume that we should trust them to know it.05:44
lstarnesemma: I'm not sure if those devs are legally bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement05:44
Schmittylstarnes: how do i mount it?05:44
floadjust did apt-get install firefox-3.5 installed fine but icons still start up old version...05:44
Stumpieis there a list of supported Nvidia graphics cards with ubuntu 9.04?05:45
fluurpoh, it rly does ^^05:45
floaddid i do it wrong?05:45
lstarnesSchmitty: sudo mount /media/cdrom /dev/cdrom05:45
zirodayemma: discussing the technical merits and issues of apport is better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic05:45
emmalstarnes -- I dont want anyone on the bug squad or any ubuntu dev or any one at all to know my online passwords.05:45
lstarnesSchmitty: er, sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom05:45
jslusherI'm new to kde on ubuntu. I just created a user and I'm trying to Click on System > Administration > Network. It starts and then dies. I'm guessing it's a permissions thing, but I don't know how to fix it.05:45
kbpfload: type which firefox in terminal and see if it's the new one05:45
hollyw00dsmells like troll in here05:45
lstarnesemma: how do you know that they know?05:45
SmithXJordan_U_: no, but neither is root05:45
gogetamalek: if you got it connected to a hub it can make the hdd act crazy05:45
Schmittylstarnes: does it matter that thr drive itself is actually a dvdrom but it has a cdrom inside of it05:45
emmalstarnes -- My sources tell me so. Think of me as an investigative reporter. I encourage you to look into this to prove me wrong if you doubt me. I want people like you to do something about this.05:46
lstarnesSchmitty: it shouldn't matter05:46
SmithXbut then, root is a member of the "root" group, so maybe that's a supergroup?05:46
kbpfload: so where did you install your new firefox to?05:46
lstarnesemma: I can't look into it without knowing a reliable source05:46
malekgogeta: no, it's connected directly to the machine05:46
Jordan_UPranky: The link you gave me seems broken05:46
floadi dunno just did apt-get install firefox-3.505:46
emmalstarnes -- I am sure you can find peple who have access to the private aport reports when firefox crashes.05:46
floadlol stumpie05:46
PrankyJordan_U, http://ww.pastebin.com/m744ea14505:46
malekgogeta: driving me nuts though - nautilus keeps opening up everytime it remounts05:46
kbpfload: type whereis firefox05:46
Schmittylstarnes: it says i must specify a file system type05:47
Stumpiesorry I could not resist fload :)05:47
gogetamalek: bad usb cable maybe05:47
malekhadn't considered that.05:47
lstarnesSchmitty: sudo mount -t cd9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom05:47
Jordan_Uemma: You can artificially cause firefox to send a bug report05:47
fload/usr/bin/firefox /usr/share/firefox05:47
maxagazis it possible to disable window decoration for epiphany in gconf, or do I have to use devilspie ?05:47
malekgogeta: I have another drive attached in a similar way - could that be causing problems?  Would they interfere?05:47
SmithXwhat's the easiest way to add my user to the audio group?05:48
Schmittylstarnes: it says mount pint doesn't exist05:48
emmaJordan_U: then do it.05:48
lstarnesSchmitty: sudo mkdir /media/cdrom05:48
emmaJordan_U: be logged in to gmail when you do.05:48
gogetamalek: they should not i would switch out cables and see if the probles moves to he other drive05:48
lstarnesSchmitty: or replace /media/cdrom with an existing directory05:48
Berzerkermy sound icon disappeared from my tray, how do I get it back?05:48
emmaJordan_U: I don't know about you but I don't want any ubuntu devs or volunteers seeing my gmail password or any other personal online data.05:48
gogetamalek: the cable might just be bad05:49
zirodayemma: you can see firefox's apport hooks here. Feel free to open a bug report and recommend a fix for your highlighted issue, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/firefox-3.5/karmic/annotate/head%3A/debian/apport/firefox-3.5.py05:49
Schmittylstarnes: unknown filesystem cd966005:49
mzzemma: so! this seems to be off by default for stable, it *does* warn that there may be sensitive data in there too. What's the actual problem here, that the core dump part isn't actually viewable in "Content of the report"?05:49
floadif i run firefox-3.5 in term it opens the correct firefox version but my menu icons load old version05:49
lstarnesSchmitty: try replacing cd9660 with iso966005:49
mzzemma: also, stop being horribly vague05:49
XerranHow come ubuntu can not do 32-bit colour?05:49
floadhow can i set the command "firefox" to the new version?05:50
mzzXerran: it can05:50
mzzXerran: it does by default, usually05:50
BerzerkerXerran: drivers installed?05:50
Schmittylstarnes: no media found05:50
ValkyrieWhy hello ubuntu'ers!!05:50
Jordan_UXerran: 24 bit color is 32 bit color.05:50
jifliHello Valkyrie05:50
epsalonfload,  how did you install the new firefox?05:50
mzzugh, I should not be in here trying to answer questions, in my current slightly sleep-deprived state I'll be too rude05:50
Xerranoh ok05:50
ValkyrieFancy meeting you here jifli05:50
floadapt-get install firefox-3.505:50
zirodayemma: you may also wish to read the Apport wikipage which explains how they try to mitigate the risk of sharing personal information. Currently you are just scaremongering05:50
lstarnesSchmitty: replace /dev/cdrom with the /dev device node for it05:50
ValkyrieIsnt it !!05:50
jifliValkyrie: I enjoyed the last round of beers.05:51
Schmittylstarnes: how do i find out the device node for it05:51
* Valkyrie waits05:51
Valkyrienot cool05:51
lstarnesSchmitty: it's probably something like /dev/cdrom0 or /dev/cdrom105:51
emmaziroday -- No I am raising awareness. No one knows this is happening when they think they are just sending an aport when firefox crashes in order to be helpful.05:51
lstarnesSchmitty: which, for me, are aliases to /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd105:51
Stumpie!nvidia list05:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia list05:52
kindofabuzzls /dev05:52
epsalonfload, is this from an official ubuntu source?05:52
zirodayemma: have you read the apport wikipage?05:52
kbpfload: type which firefox-3.5 to know the directory05:52
lstarnesemma: it dpes contain a warning about sensitve info, iirc05:52
Schmittylstarnes: it mounted  a dvd when i put that in just now05:52
mzzemma: have you read both the apport wiki page and the actual apport ui presented to you when submitting an apport report?05:52
emmaziroday: No one would send any apports if they were told that when they do that they may be revealing their gmail passwords and other online data.05:52
vinceemma -- If there is information on the bug report you don't want the devs to see then review the data being sent and don't send its an issue.  If your going to be an "investigative reporter" rather than spreading fud and raising panic bells why not contact the devs in an open forum "like the Ubuntu Forums" or a non open forum such as an email, present them with the evidence and ask why?  Coming in here screaming your head off isn't the wa05:52
vincey to handle it.05:52
mneptokemma: please do not scream "FIRE" in a crowded theater05:52
zirodayemma: apport is not enabled on stable releases for that very reason, for development releases users are expected to know.05:52
Schmittylstarnes: i guess i have to unmount the media before ejecting it, because the button on the drive doesn't work05:52
floadi know where its at and i can run it but do i really have to edit the menu shortcuts to firefox-3.5 instead of firefox?05:52
emmamzz -- You are being an apologist.05:52
epsalonfload, in general what you're looking for could be managed with update-alternatives, but I'm not sure firefox is installed that wy05:53
mzzemma: I don't know what the opposite of an apologist is, but that's you :P05:53
emmaYou re all being apologists. If Microsoft did this you would not say "oh well people just need to read wikis and the fine print, it's really their fault.'05:53
emmano it's not.05:53
zirodayemma: and there is a large warning on the apport page explaining that you me be sending confidential information.05:53
emmaziro -- That's absurd. That's not acceptable and how many ordinary users in here know about that?05:53
zirodayemma: and microsoft does do this, with the "problem reporting" application.05:53
lstarnesemma: do you have absolute, definitive proof that one of the devs actually knows your gmail password?05:53
Stumpieanyone have a nvidia 295 working with ubuntu 9.04?05:53
mneptokemma: the Ubuntu support channel is not the proper place for this topic.05:53
emmaziroday: yes and it's wrong!05:53
zirodayemma: ordinary users don't run the development releases.05:53
FirefisheHow do I get `updatedb' do include my windows partition in /media included in the command `sudo updatedb'05:53
fluurpzeroday: not only there05:54
mzzemma: how many ordinary users have apport enabled? Have you actually triggered the apport ui, or are you just duplicating info you've heard elsewhere?05:54
epsalonfload, try sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s firefox-3.5 /usr/bin/firefox05:54
emmaSomeone do something about this. You will be hearing more from me. But not here. Goodbye.05:54
thiebaudemzz, i have it disabled05:54
FirefisheHow do I get `updatedb' TO include my windows partition in /media included in the command `sudo updatedb'05:54
kbpfluid: cd /usr/bin and then type ln -s /firefox directory/firefx3.5 firefox05:54
mzzit's not like it's trivial to turn this thing on, I had to go to a wiki page to figure out how to do it05:54
CalebFirefishe: updatedb --help?05:54
Johnny4Whoa.  What's the deal here?  D:05:54
Firefishesplg..sowwy ;)05:54
emmaUnless you really think it is okay that Ubuntu volunteers are seeing your gmail passwords, and fields you have filled in on websites with private data. Unless you really think all Ubuntu users really know they are doing that. Please look into this and fix it.05:55
Berzerkercan someone test a highlight on me please?05:55
kbpkbp: yea do the epsalon way05:55
lstarnesBerzerker: does this work?05:55
kbpemma: give me the source code05:55
malekgogeta: thanks - I'll give that a shot.05:55
DigitalKiwiemma is a good troll05:55
Berzerkeryes thanks everyone.05:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:55
FirefisheCaleb:  Already did that, Caleb.  It seems to have more ways to omit a directory search than specifying a way to do the command where it not only reads only one directory instance, but also adds it to the database.,05:55
Calebindeed DigitalKiwi05:55
lstarnesemma: please provide definitive proof with your claims, or refraim from making them05:55
Berzerkernow for my question :P : my sound icon disappeared from my tray, any way to get it back?05:55
Calebrestart gnome?05:56
mzzlstarnes: a core dump seems to be part of the "complete report". It seems plausible that that'll occasionally contain at the very least saved forms data, unless firefox goes out of its way to zero out memory that previously held this data05:56
Johnny4I install XChat, start it up, and first thing I read is something about security problems and privacy.  D:05:56
zirodayBerzerker: readd the volume applet?05:56
floadawesome thanks that did the trick05:56
tepidpondOh, it's a genuine concern, I wouldn't call emma a troll for that.05:56
AlexanderAzimovAny one know the name of the RSS program that runs in the terminal?05:56
SquareHimselfAlexanderAzimov: Snownews05:56
epsalonyou're welcome fload05:56
kbpI just wonder about the way firefox store our info (such as passwd), is it plain text? isnt't it encoded? if it's encoded even though they are sent to aport it's useless05:56
AlexanderAzimovthank you!05:56
VoltaireHey guys I got a question05:56
ar10Berzerker, it may not actually be part of your system tray, more likely an applet for your panel. Right-click on your panel > Add, and search for Volume Applet.05:56
floadepsalon u the best05:56
lstarnesmzz: that would potentially contain anything in firefox's memory05:56
PrankyAnyone! How to install ubuntu from iso image not from CD/DVD.05:57
vinceemma : and your being a scaremonger.  You've had your say and we've explained to you our side and given you some avenues to go through to actualy resolve your issue.  Your refusing.  Thank god i'm not at my job because here I can tell you if your just in here to cause issues and your not willing to listen to us then bugger off.05:57
Voltaireanyone know how to mount a network folder (sftp) in dolphin05:57
=== john is now known as Guest9830
mynameistuxpranky: try creating a live usb05:57
ar10Pranky, do you already have another OS installed?05:57
Stumpiedo you guys have SLI working in linux? does it enhance compiz?05:57
mzzkbp: apport isn't stupid enough to send scary parts of your profile from disk. The "problem" here is that it'll send a (partial at least) dump of the memory owned by firefox at the time it crashed, which you might be able to gather data from.05:57
ar10Stumpie, what cards do you have?05:57
gartralhow can i add myself too a group?05:57
Prankyar10, I have already 9.04, but it is nor working properly.05:57
Goioo9.04 has lots of issues05:57
mynameistuxPranky: all you have to do is use the live usb creator, it is in applications/accecories05:57
mzzvince: thanks, "scaremonger" was the word I was looking for :)05:57
GoiooI'm go to 8.10 for awhile and wait until they work them out05:58
mynameistuxPranky: you can also use unetbootin05:58
DigitalKiwitepidpond: oi it's not the concern but the format of the content that makes me say emma is a troll05:58
Prankymynameistux, I am on Remote machine, I have only terminal prompt05:58
mzzkbp: it *is* encrypted on disk, but unless you use a master password in firefox the data to decrypt it is also on disk05:58
VoltaireActually I'll ask the kubuntu channel05:58
StumpieI want to buy a set of Geforce GTX 295 , 1792 megabyte cards ar1005:58
mynameistuxPranky: idk, maybe unetbootin has a terminal mode?05:58
mneptokvince: so why would you perpetuate the topic by continuing to discuss it? please stop.05:58
mzzkbp: but that's unrelated, because those files aren't sent with the report (that'd be pointless)05:58
mynameistuxPranky: not 100% sure on this, but it should05:58
lstarnesmzz: would the decryption key also be im memory?05:59
StumpieI have a 3x SLI motherboard05:59
ar10Pranky, click system > administration > usb disk creator. You can create a live USB boot disk (much like a DVD) that way.05:59
mneptokmzz: you, too. please stop.05:59
Prankymynameistux, Let me try it.05:59
ctmjrgartral: sudo adduser "user" "group name"05:59
kbpmzz: oh I see05:59
vincemzz happy to oblige "resumes fighting with his new kernel"05:59
ar10Stumpie, how many monitors and at what resolutions are you planning on running them at?05:59
Berzerkerok so I added an applet in here (user switch applet), but it's really really thin and I can't right click it to remove it...05:59
mzzlstarnes: I'd have to dig into the source code, but it's possible it's fairly careful with saved passwords (zeroing out memory after it's used)05:59
Prankyar10, I am on remote machine access via putty05:59
ar10gartral, system>administration>users and groups.05:59
mzzmneptok: yeah, sorry.05:59
Calebany of you guys have an android phone05:59
gartral!caps | mynameistux05:59
ubottumynameistux: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:59
ar10Pranky, are you able to physically access the machine?05:59
mneptokCaleb: i do.05:59
SmithXDoes anyone know of a description of all the ubuntu groups and what they're for?05:59
Calebmneptok: ahh nice which phone?06:00
Stumpiear10 right now only 1 1920x1080 HDTV but soon I want to have 4, I am an animator and artist06:00
Prankyar10, no06:00
mneptokCaleb: HTC G106:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:00
roguenodegartral: can also "sudo gpasswd -a user group"06:00
kbp!lol gartral06:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lol gartral06:00
Calebmneptok: same here06:00
SmithXI'm used to RedHat, and there's none of this crazy excessive group management stuff06:00
StumpieI use blender06:00
mynameistux!unetbootin | Pranky06:00
ubottuPranky: please see above06:00
Calebjust flashed the new cyanogen rom to it06:00
Prankyubottu, ok06:00
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:00
=== greyz|nap is now known as greyz`
Calebmneptok: is your phone rooted06:00
SmithXgartral: or you can do "usermod -a -G <group> <user>"06:00
* Stumpie thinks ubottu is sexy06:01
mneptokCaleb: off-topic for #ubuntu. and no.06:01
mynameistuxubottu is like the best bot ever!06:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:01
Berzerkerit looks like I added some icons outside of the notification panel, how do I remove them if I Can't right click them06:01
mynameistuxit's ok ubottu, you ARE intelligent, I know the REAL you06:01
Stumpiewell, I guess i am going to buy the GTX 295... wish me luck guys :)06:01
mynameistuxOMG, I want one06:01
SchighSchaghhow do I set/changet he default paths to search for include header files?06:02
* Stumpie gives ubottu a cookie06:02
Berzerkerbuy 2 GTX 260s, cheaper and it performs just as well06:02
ar10Stumpie, my wimpy 9800GTX can run Compiz with 16AA on 2 1920x1080 monitors without any lag or anything. two GTK 295s are almost certainly overkill (for Compiz). Compiz is very resource-efficient, even on my older 8800, it ran fine.06:02
gartral!ot | mynameistux Stumpie06:02
ubottumynameistux Stumpie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:02
kbpUbuntu is too good with HD4850, why need higher cards?06:02
mneptokCaleb: Android discussion belongs in #android (or somesuch) or #ubuntu-offtopic. this is a support channel for Ubuntu.06:02
Calebyeah i got ya dude06:02
mynameistuxWIMPY 98800?!?!?! try having a 7300 go (laptop version) and THEN you can complain06:02
Calebas you see i stopped talking about it06:02
Caleband im already in android06:03
mneptokCaleb: ah, i saw the "?"06:03
Berzerkerhah! I'm running ubuntu on a GMA950. I can't even use compix06:03
SchighSchaghhow can I change the default *system* paths to search of header files?06:03
ar10mynameistux, compared to his 295 GTXs :-P. I've run Compiz on machines with no hardware graphics acceleration at all, xD06:03
Berzerkerso ha.06:03
StumpieI have wimpy 8800gt in SLI, but ubuntu 9.04 will not install... the main reason I am upgrading to a single card, then later to SLI after they get the SLI bug worked out06:03
Berzerkerfoo on you all nvidia and ati users. intel for life!06:03
Calebmneptok: heh sorry06:04
=== maxie is now known as dmaxx
mynameistuxhow awesome would life be if nVidia opened up their drivers?06:04
DigitalKiwiabout as awesome as if ati did06:04
Berzerkerso my problem still stands, how would I clear the top bar of icons?06:04
mneptok!ot > mynameistux06:04
ubottumynameistux, please see my private message06:04
Stumpiethat would be cool06:04
mneptokmynameistux: last warning06:04
DigitalKiwioh wait, that happened, they still suck06:04
kbpSLI is left far over by Crossfire, no way to improve SLI in the future (except developing a new thing called SLI2)06:04
Berzerkeror....scalable link interface....er!06:05
Berzerkerit's more interfacey.06:05
Stumpiecan I do crossfire with a SLi motherboard?06:05
* fluurp brews coffee06:05
leaf-sheepFor those who use Hardy, what is 8.04.3?  Nothing more than updated packages, I take it?06:06
gartralStumpie: SLI in Nvidia specific, Crossfire is ATI specific06:06
StumpieOk  .... wish I could, i heat ATI drivers are getting verry nice06:07
ar10Don't buy from ATI, enemy of your freedom.06:08
SmithXI can't see video in firefox unless I'm the root user--anyone know what's going on?06:09
alleyratif i have a folder that contains say 250 folders of files, and i would to take the files from each of the 250 folders in a recursive manner and move them all into one BIG directory with no 250 structure is there some easy way to do that with cp?06:09
SmithXadding myself to group "video" doesn't do a thing06:09
DigitalKiwialleyrat: yes06:09
DigitalKiwiwell with find06:09
Schmittywhy is ATI an enemy of my freedom? ar1006:09
Berzerkerbecause nvidia > ati06:10
Berzerkerthat is all.06:10
alleyratany link you know off the top of your head?06:10
tepidpondNvidia and ATI both suck...binary drivers are anti-linux.06:10
ar10Schmitty, proprietary drivers.06:10
SchmittyOBAMA is an enemy of our freedom06:10
Berzerkermillion dollar question: how do I get my bar to stop autohiding?06:10
tribenduhello is there any way I can install gtalk in ubuntu?06:11
ctmjrBerzerker: right click it uncheck autohide06:11
mjheagle8tribendu: pidgin does it06:11
tohshis it normal for me to get a ton of errors when I run utorrent? I've never had any wine errors before on it and I can not close the xterm window now without closing utorrent. Anyone know why? Running latest version of uTorrent06:11
Bob_DoleI want to get an Nvidia card, so I can run folding@home (the GPU client)on linux....Nvidia works, ATI doesn't. ;-;06:11
SmithXscratch that--I can see video06:12
mjheagle8tohsh: utorrent sucks. try a better torrent client.06:12
SmithXstill no sound though, even though I'm part of the audio group06:12
tohshI like the WebUI. It's not a local server.06:12
fluurptohsh why not using the clinet that comes with ubuntu?06:12
tohshTorrentflux was so buggy.06:12
Berzerkerctmjr, yeah, just couldn't find a plcae to right click it and it find the option06:12
tohshI need something with a webUI06:12
Bob_DoleTransmission has a webUI I think :o06:13
tohshas the server is not a local one06:13
ar10tohsh, Deluge, Transmission06:13
mjheagle8tohsh: doesnt it ship with transmission?06:13
Berzerkertohsh, try transmission06:13
mjheagle8tohsh: did u try ktorrent?06:13
tohshthanks thanks and thanks06:13
tohshill try transmission06:13
fluurp"that one what came with ubuntu"06:13
Berzerkertransmission is wonderful. lightweight, etc.06:13
ar10tohsh, deluge is more similar to utorrent IMO, it has more options and customisability.06:13
tohsha couple trackers dont approve of it though? for some reason.06:14
mjheagle8rtorrent is teh bomb.06:14
tohshill try transmission and see how it goes as I use transmission on my macbook06:14
SchighSchaghhow can I change the default *system* paths to search of header files?06:14
tohshthanks guys06:14
Berzerkeris there a way to lock in the position of certain applets?06:14
Calebrtorrent is indeed nice06:14
Berzerkeryeah transmission for OS X is nice also06:14
mjheagle8tohsh: boo macs!06:14
SmithXgot another noobie question06:14
mjheagle8SmithX: that's what ubuntu's for!06:14
Berzerkerhey if I had a mini 9, it would have OS X on it lol06:14
ar10SmithX, our favourite kind :-P06:14
orificeWhen is vino-server supposed to be started ?06:14
tohshit is a mini 9 lol06:14
SmithXanyone know how to use apt-get to tell you from what package a file is from?06:15
orificeOn jaunty, after install, it doesn't seem to be started after I log in.06:15
tohshyeah lol06:15
Moulan-Hey, I want to buy a notebook from Hp, called mini 1000,  which comes with linux MI, and its 100 dollars cheaper than the one with windows xp, after i get it here, is there any chance to make a dual boot with ubuntu jaunty , and maybe with windows xp? considering there is no CD ROOM in this notebooks, would it still be possible and how ; ? Thanks a lot!06:15
Berzerkerthrow OS X on that lol06:15
tohshthats what i meant06:15
tohshmy macbook is a mini 906:15
Berzerkeroh lol06:15
BerzerkerMoulan-, why yes.06:15
mjheagle8os x is as proprietary as it gets.06:15
SmithXlike, with rpm you'd do rpm -qf <file> or something06:15
Lafitte-Berzerker: i wish it all worked on my mini 10  but doesnt06:15
tohshit does.06:15
mjheagle8and its slow, overpriced, misleading adds, etc.06:15
zirodayMoulan-: you can install ubuntu with a usb stick. See !install06:15
lstarnesSmithX: apt-file search filename06:15
tohshUNLESS you have teh Z520 chipset06:15
tohshthen you are fail06:15
zirodaySmithX: use apt-file06:16
BerzerkerMoulan-, if you can access a windows computer, you can use win32imagewriter to write a ubuntu netbook remix image to a flash drive and install it from there. I'm using the ubuntu netbook remix on a Mini 1000 right now.06:16
Berzerkerthat's how I installed it.06:16
Lafitte-i have lenovo 1006:16
Moulan-thanks I was also thinking of using an extarnal usb cd room, would the bios recognize it and let me boot from the ubuntu cd from an extarnal usb cd room?06:16
SquareHimself!vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vom06:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:16
BerzerkerI used that option once as well.06:16
zirodayMoulan-: it should do06:16
* jifli facepalm06:16
BerzerkerUSB flash drive would be cheaper though. :P06:17
SmithXbut, when I do, say, "apt-file find /usr/bin/renice" for example, it gives me dozens of results06:17
maco!ops | SquareHimself06:17
ubottuSquareHimself: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:17
mjheagle8SquareHimself: looks like its not working, lol06:17
Berzerkeryou only need a 1GB max.06:17
Moulan-hehe nice06:17
Moulan-so it is possible :D06:17
SmithXit should only have been installed from a single package06:17
Berzerkerindeed. That's how I've done it the past 3 installs I've done.06:17
pcfreak30im trying recordmydesktop but what frame rate shouls i put it as. its gets all messed up like when windows doesnt respond and you drag the windows all over the place06:17
macoMyrtti: thanks06:17
fluurplol, that was...fast06:17
mjheagle8pcfreak30: 30 should be plenty06:17
Berzerkeralthough, I'm on the windows version. but you have the advantage of having a SSD drive. and opt for the 16GB if you can06:17
tribenduhow can I install microsoft office 2007 in ubuntu?06:17
macofluurp: i was in -ops and said it there before i called ops06:18
pcfreak30ive tried 3006:18
Berzerkertribendu, you use open office.06:18
zirodaypcfreak30: 25-30 is a good number. It depends on how strong your machine is06:18
fluurpallright ;)06:18
vinceGotta restart to try this folks BRB06:18
pcfreak30it doesnt turn out well, might upload a sample06:18
Berzerkertribendu, it supports docx/pptx/xlsx IIRC06:18
tribendubut I like MS Office 200706:18
SmithXso, apt-file search is actually not what I want, since it apparently finds where your file is in *all possible packages*06:18
tribenduI have open office06:18
Berzerkeropenoffice is extremely similar06:18
mjheagle8Berzerker: so does oo06:18
Moulan-thanks a lot, i will order it now and i will come here if i need help doing the ubuntu install, cya thanks!06:18
SmithXwhereas what I want is to know what package it was actually installed from06:18
arooni_____i have a bunch of music i'd like to get OFF my ipod and into ubuntu jaunty.  is there a way to do this?06:18
Berzerkermjheagle8, yes that's what I said. oo supports those formats.06:18
zirodaytribendu: you can virtualize windows, and then run MS Office 2007. Otherwise you have to use a native linux office suite.06:19
macoarooni_____: should be able to copy it into your library within rhythmbox06:19
mjheagle8SmithX: what file is it06:19
SmithXmjheagle8: /usr/bin/renice06:19
mjheagle8Berzerker: sry, i wasnt paying too much attention06:19
* valkyrie smirks06:19
Berzerkermjheagle8, heh. np :P06:19
mjheagle8SmithX: i can tell you what it does.06:19
crdlbSmithX: apt-file find /usr/bin/renice gives two results her, one for /usr/bin/renice and one for /usr/bin/reniced06:19
MyrttiSquareHimself: take your bot elsewhere06:19
SmithXmjheagle8: I already know what it does06:19
SquareHimself!vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
Fireko!echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:19
notbruenig!vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
Fireko!echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
notbruenig!vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:19
Fireko!echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
FloodBot3Fireko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
notbruenig!vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo !vomit !echo EPIC06:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:19
FloodBot3notbruenig: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
notbruenigTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)06:19
* valkyrie rofls06:19
crdlbSmithX: two results here, that is06:19
Berzerkerwell I fail06:20
mjheagle8SmithX: may i ask why you neet to know what its from?06:20
BerzerkerI hit fn+F1 by accident06:20
SmithXcrdlb: but it's still searching all packages that it knows of--what I want is for it to tell me which package it was actually installed from06:20
valkyrieUbuntu got pwnd?06:20
crdlbSmithX: dpkg -S will do that06:20
SmithXmjheagle8: in general, I'd like to know where file XYZ is installed from06:20
macovalkyrie: its just a chatbot06:20
valkyrieIts mine06:20
DigitalKiwivalkyrie: nah, just retards being retarded06:20
macovalkyrie: people like to troll ubuntu channels06:20
mjheagle8SmithX: ah, okay.06:20
FloodBot3valkyrie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:20
macovalkyrie: that's your bot? stop being a jerk06:21
crdlbSmithX: relatedly, dpkg -L will list the files in an installed package06:21
Bob_DoleMy network crashed momentarily :/06:21
SmithXcrdlb: yes! thanks! dpkg -S seems to work perfectly!06:21
SmithXcrdlb: this is more like the rpm command that I'm familiar with06:21
BerzerkerBob_Dole, heh, so did mine. but that was my fault. I hit the sleep button by accident. lol06:22
SmithXcrdlb: dpkg -L is another think I wanted to know about--thanks again06:22
fluurpi removed all 3 of them from my keyboard , lol06:22
VoltaireI love ssh06:22
vinceHURRAY!!!! New kernal with disable.ipv6 flag and my internet is fast agian!!! *HAPPY DANCE*06:22
SmithXcrdlb: why does ubuntu have 2 package managers?06:22
Berzerkerfluurp, sleep buttons?06:22
Bob_DoleBerzerker, I have no idea what happened.. it may have been this 8 port switch. I bypassed it and everything started working again06:22
pcfreak30it gets al jacked up06:22
code_blockscan't find the output of a cpp file in code blocks06:22
Valk{Windows}So. Why do people troll ubuntu so much =P06:22
lstarnesvince: are you absolutely sure that ipv6 was the cause?06:22
tohshI'm getting a whole lot of Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display :1:006:22
crdlbSmithX: do you mean apt-get and dpkg, or what?06:22
fluurpyeah, sleep, wake up and power off06:22
SmithXcrdlb: yeah06:22
BerzerkerBob_Dole, 8 port switch? using it for what. you have 8 computers? lol just get wireless lol06:23
macoValk{Windows}: they like to make themselves feel superior to deal with their inferiority complexes06:23
lstarnesvince: if it was, it was probably due to an interface having an ipv6 address on it06:23
crdlbSmithX: apt-get:yum::dpkg:rpm06:23
Berzerkerfluurp, heh. on the HP minis, the power off is kind of hard to accidently hit. so I don't worry about it06:23
MyrttiValk{Windows}: move to #ubuntu-ops, now.06:23
code_blockscan't find the output of a cpp file in code blocks, where is the console output window ?06:23
pcfreak30SmithX, what two. ubuntu only uses 1. apt-get, others are only gui frontends06:23
SmithXI'm not familiar with yum, actually--but I can read about it06:23
duckwarsI'm sorry, but how do I see all drives (mounted or unmounted) connected to my computer. I'm more concerned about seeing the unmounted drives as "mount" shows me all the mounted ones06:23
lstarnespcfreak30: there is also aptitude, which is a replacement for apt-get06:23
vincelstarnes : It was slow befor I disabled, It is fast when its not.  I ran with Ubuntu 8.10 with IPv6 disabled before and never had an issue.  Do you have any better idea's?06:24
SmithXpcfreak30: I think you have it backwards. apt-get is a wrapper around dpkg06:24
macolstarnes: its fairly common for crappy networking hardware to cause lags when ipv6 is enabled. the proper fix would be to get a not-crappy router / switch / etc :P06:24
qhoxiedoes anyone know of a centralized file sharing implementation that stores the files on the server?  like (s)ftp but with search, etc06:24
crdlbSmithX: I mean dpkg is the actual package manager; apt-get just handles fetching dependencies and repositories06:24
Bob_DoleBerzerker, I have 15 computers. But I'm current connected to the 24port switch instead..with a 30ft cable. and Not all of these will use wireless(I noticed ubuntu locks up after a few days if I have the wireless card installed and enabled)06:24
Gneaqhoxie: p2p06:24
code_blockscan't find the output of a cpp file in code blocks, where is the console output window ?06:24
SmithXcrdlb: thanks for the info06:24
qhoxieGnea: ?06:24
Gnea!p2p | qhoxie06:24
ubottuqhoxie: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information06:24
vincemaco : The issue is my crappy ISP unfortunatly I don't have much say in the matter06:24
Voltairemaco: or when your not on a unvirsity network or accessing university material06:24
pcfreak30SmithX, uh, from what i know, dkpg only installs. aptitude uses apt-get and apt-get uses dkpg06:25
lstarnespcfreak30: I thought aptitude was separate from apt-get06:25
pcfreak30you can have apt-get and not aptitude but not other way around06:25
tohshAnyone know what Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0". mean?06:25
SmithXpcfreak30: yep06:25
BerzerkerBob_Dole, strange. :P06:25
mjheagle8lstarnes: they're pretty much the same thing06:25
macovince: if you actually HAVE ipv6 access though...i think the issue goes away. the trouble, iirc, is the lag waiting for ipv6 requests to time out. i use miredo to get ipv6 access06:25
WisemanI can't get brasero to work right, can anyone help?06:25
qhoxieGnea: yeah none of those meet the criteria of storing central06:25
code_blockscan't find the output of a cpp file in code blocks, where is the console output window ?06:25
duckwarsplease, how do I see unmounted drives connected to my computer so i can use the mount command to mount them?06:26
Goioojust found some matched RAM I bought from a street vendor in Japan wasn't good06:26
pcfreak30aptitude needs apt-get/dkpg but apt-get doesnt need aptitude06:26
vincemaco What exactly is miredo?06:26
GoiooPosted about 1300 errors in memtest86+06:26
Wisemanvince:  Shit06:26
SmithXaptitude is just a high-level interface to dpkg06:26
macovince: the unix implementation of the teredo protocol. it routes ipv6 over ipv406:26
vinceWiseman : oooooooooohh kay06:26
pcfreak30remember that aptitude is also a cmd interactive tool,06:26
lstarnesvince: it uses the teredo protocol for creating an ipv6 tunnel over ipv406:26
WisemanOh wait, that's Mierda06:26
macovince: my isp has no ipv6 access, but i can use ipv6.google.com and ipv6.chat.freenode.net06:26
=== arooni_____ is now known as arooni
mjheagle8maco: why use ipv6 at all?06:27
=== N is now known as Guest75706
Berzerkerhow do I remove/move the power meter for the battery?06:27
vincemaco : is there any particular benifit to this other than not having to beat ubuntu into submission over IPv6 each update?06:27
mjheagle8Berzerker: should be in the options06:27
mjheagle8Berzerker: right click...?06:27
Berzerkerno right click option to move or remove from panel06:27
pcfreak30but what is with my video recording. its at 30 fps, and 40% quality audio disabled. im using a hdtv lcd for monitor tho. http://rapidshare.com/files/266808388/out.ogg.html. its recordmydesktop06:27
macomjheagle8: for me the reason is to make web admins notice when they get hits from ipv6.google.com and so hopefully they start deploying ipv6 sites, seeing the demand. they need to do it sooner or later (where later is within 3 years), and sooner is better06:27
afedguten tag fraulines06:28
mjheagle8maco: ah, okay.06:28
Berzerkerah it's in the options06:28
macovince: see what i just said to mjheagle806:28
Berzerkerbut I can' move it to a different notification area06:28
macoafed: deutsche --> #ubuntu-de06:28
afedmaco: gotcha, i'm actually an english speaker06:28
mjheagle8Berzerker: there only is one notification area06:28
macoafed: ohok06:28
fluurpafed frauleins spelled wrong ;)06:28
BerzerkerI added another. :P06:29
Jeruvyafed: gutentag you have a q?06:29
afedJeruvy: yes06:29
mjheagle8Berzerker: how? and why?06:29
afedconcerning installing ubuntu on software raid and/or LVM06:29
mjheagle8Berzerker: seems pointless06:29
afedi don't see the options in the installer?06:29
Berzerkeradd to panel > notification area. and because I want to separate system ones from program ones06:29
vinceAhh ok06:29
vinceMaco: ahh ok06:30
orificeI have an issue with my Xclient script that prevents me from loggig in via gdm.  I can log in via failsafe gnome session scripts though.  Whats the location of these scripts ?  I'd like to diff them06:30
vinceIm so happy I can stream in high def now.  Wheeee thank you thank you thank you.  I forget who pointed me at that so long ago06:30
afedso what am i doing wrong?06:31
macovince, mjheagle8: also, one of my friends is an ipv6 hacker ;) the technology is actually pretty darned COOL06:31
Bob_DoleBe back in a bit, off to fix Dinner06:31
afedat least give me an rtfm06:31
SmithXand yet another noobie question incoming!06:31
macoorifice: ~/.xsession i believe06:31
VoltaireI hate doliphin..06:31
Voltaireanyone know how to get doliphin out of full screen06:32
SmithXanyone know of a something I can install to be able to change my monitor resolution from the desktop?06:32
Berzerkerso new problem: I added a user switcher applet and it's extremely thin and I can't right click it to remove it.06:32
Jeruvyafed: my recommendation would be to use parted to setup the raid prior to install.  Im a big advocate of building your HDD prior to installing 'anything' :P06:32
macoVoltaire: i <3 split pane in dolphin. i think you can just click the middle button on the right06:32
Jeruvyafed: or gparted06:32
macoVoltaire: you know minimize, maximize/restore, close...?06:32
VoltaireMaco: yeah I love that about it,06:32
macoVoltaire: i dont use a normal window manager so i cant really try though06:32
afedJeruvy: well am i going to be able to work with LVM then from the installer just by making physical volumes in advance?06:32
Voltairemaco: but atlast there are no minimize, maximize, close buttons06:33
afedJeruvy: or do i have to make the volume groups and logical volumes in advance too?06:33
afedJeruvy: IIRC the ubuntu installer used to do that?06:33
SmithXI'm using fluxbox desktop--how to change the screen resolution?06:33
orificemaco: that file doesn't exist for me.  Is there a system default in /etc ?06:33
Jeruvyafed: assuming the raid works.. yup.  I personally don't have much faith in any disk partitioner :P06:33
Voltairemaco: its full screen with no titlebar, started the menus06:34
macoVoltaire: oh...i dont see a fullscreen option in any of the menus. is your window manager crashed?06:34
afedJeruvy: sure but did that stuff get removed from the installer or am i just a retard?06:34
macoSmithX: "xrandr" will list available resolutions06:34
pizzledizzlehow do you send email to an account that's on the same machine?06:35
afedJeruvy: please tell me "yes ubuntu removed raid and lvm from the installer for reason foo" if that is the case06:35
macoSmithX: and umm...."xrandr -s 1024x768" is the deprecated way to change resolution...manpage may list a new way06:35
Voltairemaco: doubtfull, I can tab about of it and see other apps and they work fine, even rebooted06:35
SmithXmaco: thanks for the info06:35
Jeruvyafed: I won't answer that for many reasons...but check and see.  I don't know if your situation is 'supported' or not, unfortunately.06:35
macoafed: raid and lvm were NEVER in the gui installer. the text installer still has them06:35
StumpieI get to install xubuntu at work tomarow morning. I might go in early so i can do it in the nude.06:36
afedmaco: ah06:36
pcfreak30anyone have any clue about why i cant get decent screen capture... http://rapidshare.com/files/266808388/out.ogg.html06:36
macoVoltaire: :-/ this reminds me of a bug i saw filed where firefox would do the same thing06:36
Stumpiepcfreak30, try gimp for screencapture06:37
macoVoltaire: but i think the firefox thing only happened when firefox and compiz intersected and only for a handful of people06:37
macoVoltaire: i assume youre using kwin?06:37
macoStumpie: er...that says .ogg i think they want a screencast not screenshot06:37
Crash2108Does anyone konw if the Beatles were atheists?06:38
macoCrash2108: offtopic06:38
bazhang!ot | Crash210806:38
SmithXmaco: now my resolution is much more readable. but, it would be nice if I could do it from fluxbox somehow06:38
ubottuCrash2108: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:38
Stumpieoh, sorry pcfreak30 ... thanks maco06:38
pcfreak30Stumpie, uh, no. i mean sceen ecording, not print screen06:38
bazhang!screencast > pcfreak3006:38
ubottupcfreak30, please see my private message06:38
macoSmithX: there's a gui for gnome you can install, i guess... but no, fluxbox doesnt have much config utils other than the ones for configuring fluxbox itself06:38
error404notfoundi have to backup some directories, and only root has access to them, i have chosen duplicity as a tool for backup, however ssh for root is disabled, so i need another uid 0 account just for the backup's purposes. or should i create a new user with group as root?06:39
Voltairemaco: good question, pretty sure, I'm running doliphin in a gnome environment, but I don't think that would matter any06:39
macoVoltaire: are you using kubuntu or are you using dolphin in ubuntu?06:39
StumpieVLC might have a way to record the screen via VNC06:39
macoVoltaire: ok then its either metacity or compiz. is it composited?06:39
macoVoltaire: this sounds like youve found another piece of that annoying compiz bug06:39
SmithXmaco: there's a gnome package or something I can get for changing the res that'll work in fluxbox??06:39
Voltairemaco: haha oh joy06:40
macoSmithX: sure. all it does is call xrandr like you just did :P06:40
SmithXmaco: what's the name of it?06:40
macoSmithX: oh wow there are a ton of them. run "apt-cache search xrandr" in a terminal and pick your fave06:40
tohshAnyone know where the default configuration file location is for transmission? cant seem to find it06:40
Voltairemaco: thanks for the tibit, I think I know how to fix it06:40
SmithXmaco: thanks06:40
macoSmithX: ubuntu default is gnome-randr-applet06:41
macoVoltaire: nkwith ff, youd hit f11 twice, i thi06:41
pcfreak30bazhang, uh. tried most. hear good hings bout rmd, never knew ffmpeg could. but still want to know whats with my recoding.06:41
SmithXspeaking of which, is it possible for apt-get or something to give me a description of a package before I decide to install it?06:41
macoVoltaire: with ff youd hit f11 twice i think*06:41
macoSmithX: apt-cache show <package>06:41
SmithXmaco: thanks again! you're the man!06:42
Voltairemaco: or that would work, beats what I was thinking about doing, now to get my vnc to like me enough to let me do that06:42
macopcfreak30: with specific settings istanbul can work without crashing. i forget the only known workng combination06:42
macoSmithX: woman, actually ;)06:42
pcfreak30maco, uh, it never crashes, it just outputs bad video. please look for yoyr self.06:43
Berzerkerhow do I reset all of my panels?06:43
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:43
Berzerkerwell thanks lol06:43
SmithXmaco: man as in human is neutered!06:43
pcfreak30at 40% quality, 30 fps06:44
macopcfreak30: oh maybe it was gtkrecordmydesktop that crashes then.  one of them crashes during video save, the other creates un-play-able videos. i just know istanbul "works" with certain settings06:44
=== charitwo is now known as cherry
qhoxiedoes anyone know of a centralized file sharing implementation that stores the files on the server?  like (s)ftp but with search, etc06:44
Berzerkerbazhang, most excellent. thank you kindly.06:44
macopcfreak30: i believe turning off istanbul's audio settings is one of the things that makes it work better06:44
bazhangBerzerker, you're welcome06:44
Wisemanso I'm installing XP in virtualbox....hoping for the best06:45
Berzerkernow is there any way to move the battery indicator all the way to the right? to keep the system icons separate from the program icons?06:45
cfeddeWiseman: works well enough for me.06:45
pcfreak30macro, i might try it, i installed it, but i like rmd, its just somethings up with the encoding/capture. its horrible.06:45
Berzerkerand the network icon06:45
Wisemanused to dual-boot, don't want to do that anymore06:45
macoBerzerker: program icons? programs shouldnt be in the notification area...06:45
Berzerkerlike pidgin and xchat06:45
vincemaco : IPv6 is great.  The fact my ISP sucks is the problem06:45
Berzerkerthe tray icons06:46
macoBerzerker: also, i think the battery is its own applet, not part of the notification area06:46
SmithXmaco: know why xrandr isn't showing 16:9 widescreen resolutions for my widescreen monitor?06:46
duckwarshow can i use sudo permissions in the gui finder?06:46
Berzerkerit's in the notification area, it moves with the area06:46
macoSmithX: likely your monitor isnt informing X that it can do them06:46
bazhangduckwars, why do you need to06:46
SmithXmaco: so a driver problem? I know I can do it in windows xp06:46
macoSmithX: xrandr manpage has a way to add a mode06:46
Voltairemaco: Thanks got it, the f11 trick didn't work, i just switched to metacity.06:46
orificehmm it looks like X is crashing when starting in non-failsafe mode.  I've diffed the X logs in failsafe and in normal modes and I only get the stacktrace as the diff.06:47
bazhang!gksudo > duckwars06:47
ubottuduckwars, please see my private message06:47
orificeSomething else must be cause X to crash.06:47
macoSmithX: not the driver, but what the monitor lists as possible. windows is more inclined to list modes the monitor doesnt explicitly say it supports (which is why it reverts after 10 seconds automatically...in case it really doesnt support it)06:47
bazhangduckwars, be very careful using that06:47
duckwarsbazhang: I'm trying to copy from one USB hard drive to another and I don't have the permissions to write to the spot I want to write to.  I need gui so I can see progress06:47
macoVoltaire: ok well glad something worked for you06:47
pcfreak30maco,  dam istanbul works better. its could use tweaking boyt is good. dont know ehat rmd prob is.06:47
SmithXmaco: you're an incredible source of wisdom--thanks06:48
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] Last night I used my laptop in a local computer club. Today: '~$  ip addr; 2: inet' /etc/resolv.conf includes an entry 'nameserver'. Still Firefox can't find the server at e. g. projects.gnome.org. How to continue bug-squatting?06:48
duckwarswait, this gksudo won't work. I want to use the gui finder and drag and drop from one folder to another06:48
macoBerzerker: ohhh....ok see gnome calls that the notification area and any app that just lives in there instead of staying in the window list is in violation of the GNOME HIG ...ie "doin it wrong"...theyre only ever *supposed* to show up to tell you something and then go away when theyre done telling you that thing (such as "hey! you got a PM!" then disappear when you look at the PM)06:49
BerzerkerI'm using the ubuntu netbook remix, btw, so I don't have a "window list" :P06:50
Berzerkerwell I kinda do06:50
Schmittyhas anyone here used lxde?06:50
macoBerzerker: that long area at the top that lists what apps youre using :P06:50
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
gartralmaco: you mean libnotify, yes? the notification area is wheree iconified apps live (Pidgin, the Ubuntu One Client) or am i wrong?06:50
Berzerkerwouldn't that be at the bottom in gnome?06:50
Berzerkertop in kde06:50
macogartral: wrong. apps are NOT supposed to iconify in gnome. period.06:51
macoBerzerker: in UNR its all at the top, i thought06:51
Berzerkerbut it's not long. :P so that's why I got confused06:51
macoBerzerker: kde puts everything at the bottom. normal gnome puts notification at top and window list at bottom06:51
c4ptwhere can i get a pvops ubuntu kernel from in a .deb package?06:51
Schmittywho here likes lxde?06:51
error404notfoundSchmitty, i do :D06:51
c4ptlike this kernel or higher for pvops? 2.6.30-rc3-tip06:52
Schmittyim going to install it then06:52
gartralmaco: then what are we supposed to do with pidgin, UOC, and wine apps? let them perma clutter our lower panels?06:52
macogartral: http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/desktop-notification-area.html.en06:52
macogartral: yes06:52
c4ptwhere can i get a pvops ubuntu kernel from in a .deb package?06:52
error404notfoundSchmitty, its light like XFCE and good looking, PCMAN is a great file manager06:52
macogartral: or use workspaces as a third level divider for your windows. thats why they were invented06:52
=== moe is now known as Guest78328
gartralmaco: even though when there in the lower panel they take up MORE ram than being iconified? what are those of us with 512 mb systems too ddo/06:53
macogartral: the idea of putting a bunch of little icons so tiny theyre hard to differentiate and hit properly in one place is one of those bad things carried over from windows06:53
macogartral: huh? how does the memory use change? are you suggesting # of pixels required to be colored in makes a difference?06:54
* gartral runs a panel display at 1280x1024 and has no problem telling green pidgin icon from orange UOC06:54
macogartral: what is UOC?06:54
gartralmaco: no, but i notice a deffinate drop in memory usage when a program is iconified, versus when its minimized06:54
macogartral: "The utility of the notification area decreases rapidly when more than about four icons are always present. For this reason, icons that appear only temporarily in response to events are preferable."06:55
Zuzenakdoes anyone know how to make a usb wireless mouse work with 8.10?06:55
erossi have AWN and screenlets running, I accidentally added a panel but the delete panel option is grayed out. How do i get rid of it? This looks like the original panel when I first installed jaunty, with the applications, folders, etc.06:55
gartralmaco: Ubuntu One Client, i acronymized it like 5 lines back >.>06:55
macogartral: i didnt know what you were acronymizing though :P06:55
BerzerkerI like having a clean running app area. :P06:55
macoBerzerker: does UNR have workspaces?06:55
Berzerkernow if only I could get thunderbird to iconify06:55
Berzerkerno idea.06:55
macoi never minimize OR iconify *shrug*06:56
c4ptwhere can i get a pvops ubuntu kernel from in a .deb package?06:56
macoi just have 9 workspaces06:56
tbryantMy "NowPlaying" Screenlet doesn't work with Rhythmbox (or many other music players), can anyone help?06:56
Berzerkeryeah I used spaces when I used OS X. it's handy.06:56
gartralmaco: considering that the UOC has no resident window, and the only way you know its running is the iconified proccess.. that self-defeats your statement06:56
macoBerzerker: we had 'em first :P06:56
Berzerkerit's kinda awkward using it in linux though, no idea why. :P.....oh I know lol06:56
Zuzenakis pici around?06:56
Berzerkerdoes anyone use alltray?06:56
macogartral: that was a quote from the GNOME HIG.  the UOC was apparently developed without regard for GNOME...just like cross-platform apps like Pidgin & XChat.  Pidgin, however, is set to default to only showing an icon when you can get IM06:57
Berzerkertried to install that but it says I need gtk2.0 or something06:57
erossthat's what I'm trying to do, i want to add more workspaces, how do I do that?06:57
fluurpon kubuntu i used it06:57
macoZuzenak: i think /whois would tell you that06:57
turutosiyahow do i install ubuntu one into jaunty?06:57
gartralmaco: ive never experienced that behavior06:57
macogartral: is it a profile carried forward from before jaunty?06:57
macogartral: new users in jaunty have that setting06:58
Zuzenak because this is JimmyDee on zeus' account and I am trying to fix his problem06:58
macoeross: you need that panel to add more workspaces i think.06:58
erosssudo kill to get rid of gnome-panel worked06:58
macoeross: is the workspace switcher on the panel right now?06:58
gartralmaco: nope, fresh install, and ive allaways seen the little green icon an it's allways turned too a yellow smiley face on message recived, and i used both the Ubuntu repos and the pidgin PPA06:58
Berzerkerso what does ubuntu one do exactly?06:58
macoeross: er...ok then06:58
erossi can get it back06:58
erosswhere is it at maco?06:59
macoBerzerker: you put stuff in ~/Ubuntu\ One/ and then it gets uploaded to your storage space and then if you have another machine setup for it, you can pull it down there. its like large file transfer for people who dont have anywhere to ftp their stuff06:59
* gartral thinks there is no problem with iconified proccesses06:59
macoBerzerker: IMO, it's NFS with a GUI06:59
Berzerkerso...it's like iDisk06:59
macoeross: right click -> add to panel07:00
macoeross: add the workspace switcher07:00
Zuzenakok how to upgrade ibex to jaunty?07:00
macoeross: then right click the workspace switcher and go to its properties. change the # of workspaces in there07:00
gartralmaco: except that permissions arent stored with NFS and are with Ubuntu One07:00
macoeross: er...wait a second.... are you using compiz or metacity?07:00
prince_jammys!upgrade > Zuzenak07:00
ubottuZuzenak, please see my private message07:00
Berzerkermaco, what's the default key to switch workspaces07:00
macoeross: oh. then you can set it in compiz instead. do you have the really ugly compiz configuration thing?07:01
macoeross: the one that's confusing, not the simple one?07:01
macoBerzerker: ctrl alt + left/right07:01
gartralBerzerker: ctrl+alt+left/right/up/down07:01
Berzerkermaco, this concludes our test of the emergency broadcast system. yes UNR does in fact have workspaces. :D07:01
erossno it just gives me 3 options, basic, nice, or extreme.. something like that07:02
Zuzenakcould someone tell me how to dist upgrade?07:02
gartralgives Berzerker a tracker cookie07:02
prince_jammys!upgrade > Zuzenak07:02
macoeross: ok install compizconfig-settings-manager07:02
* gartral watches Berzerker through the cookie07:02
BerzerkerZuzenak, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:02
* Berzerker eats it.07:02
* fluurp is yellous07:03
* gartral watches Berzerker guts... "Mmmm... Gutsy"07:03
macoeross: and umm *thinking* itll go into system -> preferences -> advanced effects?07:03
* Berzerker downgrades to 7.1007:03
redbrainhey what kind of permissions would make a user unable to cd out of there home dir and just give them access denied07:03
prince_jammyscd to where?07:04
macoeross: then in there there's a general section...um go to the first section of settings at the top....then in one of the tabs it gives you, there'll be a question about "horizontal virtual size" ... set that to the # of workspaces you want07:04
prince_jammysredbrain: missing the executable bit on a dir07:04
macoredbrain: if you want to restrict them to their own home, look at setting their default shell to rbash (restricted bourne again shell)07:04
macoredbrain: i believe thats one of its features07:05
Zuzenakthank you priest07:05
redbrainyeah i have put any extra users into a jail kit chroot07:05
redbrainbut just wondering does it make sense to use rbash in there07:05
prince_jammysah, i thought the inability to cd was a problem, but it's what he wants07:05
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] Last night I used my laptop in a local computer club. Today: '~$  ip addr; 2: inet' /etc/resolv.conf includes an entry 'nameserver'. Still Firefox can't find the server at e. g. projects.gnome.org. How to continue bug-squatting?07:06
Berzerkerif you're a user on a multiple user computer, then yes, that is what someone would want.07:06
oguncakhello my friends. what can i do to add a right-click menu entry "open as root" for a folder? for example, when i want to enter the /bin and make changes, it does not let me. i want to right click and select "open as root" and do my work.!!07:06
Berzerkeroguncak, use terminal07:06
kindofabuzzoguncak, open up synaptic and search for nautilus, you will see several scripts you can install, open as root is one of them07:07
kindofabuzzoguncak, or sudo nautilus07:07
Berzerkeris there a fix for the "open containing folder" option in the firefox downloads window?07:07
Berzerkerasks me what program to open it with and lists non.07:07
oguncakok thanks, i'll check out.07:07
tuxwulfIs there an applet which shows harddisk activity in the panel, or some such desktop place?07:08
erossthat's it, thanks07:08
collimicok so here is a question I cannot seam to find an answer to. When I log into ubuntu server 8.10 it gives me a short bit of system information. what is the command to make that redisplay if I ever need to look at it.07:09
prince_jammyscat /etc/motd07:10
poghello, I have a problem with a printer, after changing the ink, the printer-functions (like copy) work, but a print from a ubuntu always say "ink low". where the status of the ink is stored? How can I reset it?.07:10
kust0mhere's a related motd question.. what rebuilds the motd to show the available package updates, etc?07:10
collimicthe information it give si system load, Swap usage, users logged in, usage of /, Temperature, Memory usage and processes.07:10
bazhangkindofabuzz, gksudo for graphical apps, and warn of the dangers of using with nautilus07:11
shah16collimic: dmesg ??07:11
bazhangtuxwulf, conky?07:11
prince_jammyscollimic: ah, that must be a new thing07:11
prince_jammysnew-ish, since my release is old07:11
kust0mcollimic: if you just want to see what was shown at login "cat /etc/motd" seems to work for me on a 9.04 system07:11
collimicif I look in the motd file it is there. how can i recreate it?07:11
AlexanderAzimovGood night all!07:11
tuxwulfbazhang: .. thanks, I'll look!07:11
pietrohey guys07:11
bazhangtuxwulf, great thread on the forums on how to set up from scratch07:12
collimiccat .etc.motd is the information that is showed. is there a way to get updated info?07:12
pietroi don`t know where i am07:12
shah16collimic : try dmesg07:12
kust0mshah16: right, but what actually causes the file to be rebuild/regenerated?07:12
prince_jammysheh, he'll be bombarded with info07:12
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 tuxwulf07:12
bazhangpietro, ubuntu support channel07:13
joejcis it possible to make a icon for a folder like desktop?07:13
pietrook thank you bazhang07:13
pietrois like a live forum07:13
Berzerkerwho uses xchat here?07:13
joejci might07:14
shah16kust0m: collimic asked in his question " what is the command to make that redisplay if I ever need to look at it"07:14
bazhangpietro, yes support forum for Ubuntu OS, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:14
orificeso I've narrowed the problem down to gnome-settings-daemon07:14
oguncakwhen i click to open an mp3 file, it uses directly totem player. how can i assign rhythmbox as the default player for music files?07:14
joejcversion me if u want, im on a freinds comp and everything is odd07:14
eepberriesWhy would my non-administrative user account not be able to find my connected scanner? It works fine with my main acount, but when I use a non-admin account, SANE can't find my scanner07:14
pietrook perfect07:14
pietrothank you again07:14
joejcit has a gui07:15
bazhangoguncak, right click properties?07:15
kindofabuzzoguncak, right click it and choose properties and you will see07:15
kust0mcollimic: try running "update-motd"07:15
joejcwhen did irssi get a gui?07:15
pietromaybe i come back if i ll need it07:15
Berzerkerno idea?07:15
Berzerkersays you're on irssi07:15
kust0mirssi has a gui?07:15
bazhangno of course not07:15
lstarnesI think there were plans for irssi to have a gui07:15
collimicJust an FYI do not make a typo in the fstab it is not easy too fix after you reboot. lol07:16
joejcis it possible to make a icon for a folder like desktop?07:16
kust0mcollimic: i tend to check that with "mount -a" after i make changes. might be a better way, not sure.07:16
collimicIt is. I just forgot to run it . lol07:16
oguncakthanks, it worked. and another help; for the music folders, how can i assign a right-click entry as "open with rhythmbox"? (however, that mentioned a little bit windows, sorry.. but it is useful!!)07:18
SmithXmaco: I added a new modeline and got the resolution I wanted07:19
bazhangoguncak, check preferred applications, and assign there if you wish07:19
SmithXhowever, I have one minor problem--my desktop image didn't scale accordingly (or rather it scaled too much and now it's too big for my resolution)07:19
nmanHi does anyone know if there's a way to make my server act as a usb slave drive?  e.g. if I have a media player that can connect a usb drive, can I make it connect and play files off my server?07:19
Jeruvyoguncak: http://www.foogazi.com/2007/11/05/adding-shortcuts-to-the-right-click-menu-in-ubuntu/07:20
kust0mnman: i'm betting that would take some hardcore hardware hacking (say that 3 times fast..)07:20
bazhangnman, a media server? such as mediatomb?07:20
bazhang!info mediatomb07:20
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 96 kB07:20
=== devil_blitz is now known as justanothercoder
leaf-sheepnman: Maybe you want !sshfs07:21
kust0m96k? wow.07:21
macoSmithX: i have no idea about that one. sorry07:21
SmithXmaco: that's alright--you gave me a ton of help tonight07:21
leaf-sheep!sshfs | nman07:21
ubottunman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS07:21
SmithXis it possible to read historical messages from this channel? such as during the time I was disconnected?07:25
bazhang!1984 > SmithX07:25
ubottuSmithX, please see my private message07:25
nmanI'd like to know too, I got disconnected07:25
bazhangnman, /msg ubottu logs07:25
greyz`Yes, you can do that, but first you must obtain the orb of Kackalash.  Good luck with THAT.07:26
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:26
qhoxiedoes anyone know of a file sharing system that stores the files on a central server? like samba or ftp with search, etc07:27
=== Np is now known as SuiKa
losherqhoxie: do you mean nfs ? That's a common way to server files on linux...07:29
qhoxielosher: no i mean something like directconnect or waste but storing on a central server07:29
SmithXhow does one update their apt cache?07:30
SmithXI don't see firefox3.5 in it07:30
pogdoes anybody know how to find someting in a "weechat" ?07:30
bazhangSmithX, what version of ubuntu07:30
lstarnesSmithX: it should be firefox-3.507:30
SmithXbazhang: nubuntu 8.12 Beta candidate07:31
bazhangSmithX, Ubuntu?07:31
SmithXbazhang: no, nubuntu07:31
apoleo12Where can I have my pointer size bigger?07:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu07:31
bazhangSmithX, that's not Ubuntu07:31
iceblockyou feel my soul, you always wth me when im on my own, you give me life, darkness gives me light and life07:31
bazhangiceblock, please take chat elsewhere07:32
SmithXbazhang: it's a different distribution of ubuntu, like kubuntu or xubuntu07:32
bazhangSmithX, downloaded from www.ubuntu.com ?07:32
lstarnesSmithX: I don't think it's an official variant07:32
iceblockbaz: jelly since im in the nightclub relaying my fun07:32
SmithXbazhang: it can't find firefox-3.5, either--I know there must be a way to update the cache07:32
bazhang!ot > iceblock07:33
losherSmithX: their web page talks about #zdsec07:33
ubottuiceblock, please see my private message07:33
bazhangiceblock, no need for that language here07:33
Jeruvy!ot | iceblock07:33
ubottuiceblock: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:33
SmithXlosher: updating the cache should be general to ubuntu07:33
bazhangSmithX, ask in nubuntu support channel07:33
iceblockim parting enjoy the kiwi love07:33
SmithXbazhang: there's no one there, unfortunatley07:33
losherSmithX: I don't make the rules about what's on or off topic...07:34
bazhangSmithX, all the more reason to get Ubuntu07:34
SmithXbazhang: nubuntu should have all the same packages as ubuntu07:35
SmithXit's the same thing as ubuntu--it's just a certain set of installed packages07:36
bazhangSmithX, #nubuntu NOT here07:36
eutbanshee, amarok, or gtkpod? any opinions?07:36
bazhangeut, for what07:36
apoleo12Where can I have my pointer size bigger anybody?07:36
SmithXok, different question: how does one update the ubuntu cache? (I just downloaded ubuntu and installed it)07:36
bazhangapoleo12, cursor?07:36
eutbazhang, for personal preference, these seem to be the popular 3 options and i wanted to get some advice on what works best for you07:37
bazhangeut, for syncing iPod? banshee07:37
tohshHow would I tell the transmission-daemon to autostart on reboot?07:37
apoleo12bazhang: yes07:37
eutbazhang, yeah, i just want to get some music on it. its a nano 16g07:37
gartralbazhang: whats the difference between asking a support question about nubuntu and xubuntu here if the core packages and kernal are the same?07:37
bazhangeut, banshee should do, best to try it out07:38
SmithXwait, did I say nubuntu? I'm sorry, I made a type--I have plain ubuntu07:38
eutbazhang, ok, thanks.07:38
losherSmithX: well, why didn't you say so in the first place.... :-)07:38
p-fwhat are the odds of my setup bursting into flames if I upgrade from 6.06.2 straight to 9.04?07:38
bazhang!derivatives > gartral07:38
ubottugartral, please see my private message07:38
apoleo12buz: i keep gettin smaller pointer after i had it resized a notch or two then revbooted and returned to aorginal size07:38
SmithXlosher: sorry, I'm just a noob07:38
apoleo12ive forgotten where tho?07:38
bazhangp-f, dont do it. will break. /msg ubottu upgrade07:38
iceblock1yaay back07:39
bazhangiceblock1, stay on topic07:39
iceblock1ok brain eggs07:39
apoleo12bua: i keep gettin smaller pointer after i had it resized a notch or two then revbooted and returned to aorginal size07:39
iceblock1why dosent my 4870X2 work07:39
apoleo12bazhang: i keep gettin smaller pointer after i had it resized a notch or two then revbooted and returned to aorginal size07:39
apoleo12oops sorry07:39
iceblock1give me the answer07:39
bazhangiceblock1, that makes no sense07:40
iceblock1why dosent my 4870x2 work in ubuntu07:40
iceblock1come on07:40
iceblock1i want a answer07:40
kindofabuzzwhat is a 4870x2?07:40
iceblock1of course not07:40
FloodBot3iceblock1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:40
iceblock1you dont even have one07:40
rfreibergerhow do I execute a shell script?07:40
bazhangapoleo12, themes customize pointer (right click change background07:40
gartraliceblock1: we cant provide an answer unless you tell us what the ambiguated modle number refers to device wise07:41
rwwI believe a 4870x2 means two ATI Radeon HD 4870s working in CrossFire mode.07:41
iceblock1how do i makre my sapphire 4870X2 work in ubuntu 9.0407:41
iceblock1you ediot07:41
kindofabuzzban this fool07:41
gartral!atittude | iceblock107:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atittude07:41
bazhangiceblock1, no need for the language07:41
gartral!attitude | iceblock107:41
ubottuiceblock1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:41
shah16rfreiberger: ./<filename> , make sure to chmod +x before executing07:41
kindofabuzzno one even knows what a 4870X2 is07:41
apoleo12bazhang: OMG! i missed that!07:42
iceblock1now idiots a lang, fools, thats why lixs, is a lowered version of all OS in the worls07:42
redbrainhey what permissions shoudl you give webapps so apache can write to them instead of just doing chmod 777 which cant be the right way07:42
apoleo12i got that now thanks baz07:42
fluurp 4870X2 is a fan07:42
rwwOr, rather, two RV770 GPUs (the GPUs from the 4870) on one card. Or something else silly like that.07:42
kindofabuzziceblock1, speak english07:42
Zxcvbwhat would cause slow (over 10 minutes) restoration from hibernating?07:42
kindofabuzzslow ram?07:43
gartralwow.. we need an anti-flamer sheild07:43
p-fbazhang, thanks, it's exactly what I needed :)07:43
rwwgartral: We do, they're called ops, they do their job pretty well :p07:43
redbrainhey what permissions shoudl you give webapps so apache can write to them instead of just doing chmod 777 which cant be the right way07:43
gartralZxcvb: either very slow (or bad) ram, or more commonly, an Nvidia gfx card with nvidia drivers version 18007:43
rwwredbrain: chown then to user and group www-data, then chmod 770.07:44
losherSmithX: just google ubuntu firefox 3.5 ok?07:44
adroelhelp !!!! i am a newbie, i don't know how to compile a tar.gz format07:45
gartral!source | adroel07:45
Zxcvbgartral: oddly enough, the image restores much faster (percentage goes up faster) if I just hold enter07:45
losheradroel: what's it a tar.gz of?07:46
gartrali think we broke ubottu with that one07:46
adroelfire fox-3.507:46
bazhangadroel, what version of ubuntu07:46
redbrainrww: so is it adduser <user> www-data then chown the files user:www-data then chmod 770?07:46
gartralsomone reboot the bot!07:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »07:47
ubottuadroel: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html07:47
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY07:47
bazhangfirefox-3.5 is in the repos adroel07:47
losheradroel: are you really planning to compile from source? THere are easier ways to get ff3.507:47
jadodoes someone know a linux software to play piano (with the computer keyboard)?07:47
ONR|file serving07:47
rwwredbrain: that'd work, yeah.07:47
bazhangONR|, what files07:47
gartralubottu: is flooding07:47
SmithXlosher: ah, what I'm reading says that firefox-3.5 hasn't been packaged yet07:47
ONR|muse new album07:47
SmithXthought I read about someone installing it with apt-get here earlier07:48
Zxcvbgartral: any idea why holding down a key such as enter would speed restoring from hibernation?07:48
adroelok thank's, i'll try it07:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is flooding07:48
redbrainrww: thanks man :) problem was i didnt do the chown of the files i just adduser to www-data and hoped it would work doh! :P07:48
losherSmithX: see ubottu's msg above...07:48
macoSmithX: firefox-3.5 exists on jaunty and is default on karmic07:48
adroelBTW i luv ubuntu very much07:48
gartralSmithX: its not...as ff3.5... its shiretoko.. mozilla's prerelease name07:48
bazhangONR|, wrong channel07:48
ONR|where ..07:48
rww!piracy | ONR|07:48
ubottuONR|: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:48
tohshI accidently locked my firewall and can't ssh into the server. Anyway around this without getting remote support?07:48
gartralZxcvb: not without knowing the models numbers and charecteristics of all your hardware07:48
lstarnesONR|: this network does not have file sharing07:48
* fluurp lol'd07:49
ONR|no no freenode .... have to file serving bot07:49
loshertohsh: can't think of one, unless you have another way in....07:49
bazhangONR|, stop please07:49
hellhoundcan someone help me with a script that checks if a process is running and if it is not then perform a command?  so far I have t='bin/pid of wine' while [ -n "$t" ] do t='/bin/pidof wine' done   if [ -z "$t" ] then ...blah blah.... fi   exit 0        but it does not seem to be working07:49
SmithXlosher, maco, gartral: thanks for the info07:50
gartralhellhound: pastebin the script, it looks like your omitting quite alot with "... Blah blah..."07:50
Zxcvbgartral: going to try setting nohz=off, do you know if there is a way to do that without rebooting?07:50
SmithXI didn't know the package repositories were different for different releases07:50
adroelASK!!! how could i restore my ubuntu when some thing wrong happen, please email me at adidesigner@hotmail.com07:51
losherSmithX: good job it wasn't for nubuntu, eh?07:51
SmithXI would have thought all releases/distros would all draw from the same set of repros07:51
gartralZxcvb: not without knowing what nohz is  :\07:51
bazhangadroel, sbackup?07:51
Zxcvbgartral: disables the tickless kernel07:51
kust0mSmithX: different libs and whatnot07:51
EagleScreenadroel: try partimage07:51
macoSmithX: things'd break if they tried to all share the same libs07:51
gartralZxcvb: no.. i dont belive you can swap kernels without haveing a xen hypermonitor07:52
Zxcvbgaratral: it's a kernel option, much like acpi=off07:52
Schmittyhow do I stop x07:52
gartralZxcvb: thats still considered a kernal swap07:52
Zxcvboh well07:52
SmithXmaco, kust0m: I guess, but still I'd think the package manager would resolve all dependencies and versions and libraries that you need07:52
maxagazis it possible to disable window decoration for epiphany in gconf, or do I have to use devilspie ?07:52
bazhang!sbackup > adroel07:52
ubottuadroel, please see my private message07:52
gartralSchmitty: /etc/init.d gdm stop07:52
oguncakhi friends. i wanted to listen to a radio on the internet, and it put two options "play with windows media player / winamp". when i tried wmp to play it, firefox made a search for a suitable plugin and couldn't find one. how can i solve this problem? can i play that stream using totem or sth else?07:53
ortsvorsteherSchmitty: open a terminal, type in there " sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" instead that you using gdm07:53
=== vic is now known as Guest83193
macoSmithX: there are certain versions in each release. if you grab a binary built for one release and try to use it on a different release, it may be VERY unhappy07:53
kust0moguncak: if you use the winamp version it will use mp3 streams07:53
kust0moguncak: most likely, at least07:53
gartraloguncak: try VLC... or perhaps Mplayer07:53
SmithXmaco: that's true--it's all precompiled I guess07:53
macoSmithX: exactly. is not gentoo :P07:54
losherSmithX: and that just between-release compatibility. Between-distro compatibilty would be an order of magnitude more work....07:54
hellhoundgartral, here you go http://pastebin.com/m32e7674007:54
crx686Hi I have ubuntu server running with ebox. I have my website up but I'm having a problem trying to copy my webpages to the server it says i have no permission to copy my pages over. Does anyone know how to copy webpages over?07:54
SmithXI guess I'll just need to compile from source07:54
Stargazerhow can i look at my comp's temps?07:54
oguncakwhen i chose the winamp option, it says: [playlist] NumberOfEntries=1 File1=http://strm-2.uk.medianova.tv:4000 .... and stuck..07:55
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete07:55
losherSmithX: hope you have lots of cpu. ff is massive...07:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.07:55
ortsvorsteher!amsn | kartagis07:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn07:55
ortsvorsteher!info amsn07:56
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 266 kB, installed size 880 kB07:56
Schmittyortsvorsteher: i am using twm07:56
loshergartral: which latest edition is that?07:56
Kartagisthere is a problem with msn's notification server on pidgin07:56
Zxcvboddly enough, nohz=off fixed the slow boot problem07:56
ortsvorsteherSchmitty: so stop x with the script under /etc/init.d ( may its twm ) . Do you install new drivers for your graphic card?07:57
SmithXthanks for the help, everyone!07:57
SmithXnew question:07:57
Zxcvbnow if only I could figure out why after hibernating, my battery goes from 100% to 50%07:57
losher!ask | SmithX07:57
ubottuSmithX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:57
=== Immo_Phagg is now known as Immo_Phaggit
SmithXis there a way to forge my OS identity? e.g. instead of saying I have ubuntu, webpages and such think I have windows XP07:57
gartralhellhound: umm.. are you forgetting to point to the executable somewhere in there? also, i believe, cedega, like wine, requires the definition of it's ENV path too work07:57
Schmittyortsvorsteher: so i just installed fluxbox and I can't run it until i kill the current twm session07:58
lstarnesSchmitty: you could try changing your browser's useragent string07:58
SmithXyessier ubottu--just a habit from lesser frequented channels07:58
gartralbazhang: did kick that man simply for his username?07:58
adroelASK !!! what is recomended tool for download manager as fast as IDM on windows?07:59
fluurpcan i "replace" totem and rythmbox with vlc media player? i mean : JUST HAVE vlc for mp3's and movies?07:59
ortsvorsteherSchmitty: may you press ctrl + alt + backspace?07:59
losherSmithX: I believe that's commonly done by various browsers to fool various sites. See lstarnes msg above07:59
gartraladroel: flashgot or downthemall07:59
SmithXlstarnes: useragent string just affects browser, right? or does it contain os version as well?07:59
lstarnesSmithX: at the protocol level, it contains OS info07:59
lstarnesSmithX: you might need to install an extension for useragent switching08:00
lstarnesSmithX: otherwise, look for useragent in about:config08:00
gartralSmithX: it ussualy contains OS version, and some other info, but IE (8 especially) is known for only sending the version of the web browser08:00
jadohi, i'm trying to install the source from there: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/#Download but when i write 'cmake' i get the help of cmake i am asked a path or something08:00
adroel<gartal> is it resumable?08:01
lstarnesjado: cmake .08:01
lstarnesjado: remember the . in there08:01
gartraladroel: only if the stream your downloading from's host allows you to resume08:01
PrankyVmware or Vmplayer for ubuntu 9.0408:01
jadolstarnes: i get this: http://pastebin.com/f5b57105708:01
SmithXI'm not just saying this, but I'm really impressed by the level of knowledge in this room08:02
SmithXsure enough--checking about:config, I see that my user agent string has "ubuntu" in it08:02
lstarnesjado: read the errors that come before it08:02
fluurpthats why im repeating this08:02
fluurpcan i "replace" totem and rythmbox with vlc media player? i mean : JUST HAVE vlc for mp3's and movies?08:02
SmithXIE just confuses the issue by hiding part of it08:02
hellhoundgartral, hummmm the game runs fine and the xset r off works as well... but when I am done with the game it will not run the command xset on which is why i think the while loop is not working correctly08:02
bazhangPranky, vmware-server -workstation or -player? for what?08:02
rfreibergerhas anyone worked with Wine in Ubuntu 9? I am having issues running any Win game08:03
jadolstarnes: i'm sorry i messed the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252340/08:03
bazhangPranky, dont see an actual question there08:03
shahzadhi i need help for hibernate problem with my ubuntu jaunty08:03
Schmittyhow do I set what window manager will start? I need to make this change in shell08:03
Prankybazhang, I want VMplayer to run other os in ubuntu 9.0408:03
bazhangrfreiberger, check the appdb and help in #winehq08:03
bazhang!appdb | rfreiberger08:03
lstarnesjado: you might not have the right Qt development packages08:03
hellhoundgartral, i do not know if the loop is the problem or the way it is identifying if wine is running... i have my system monitor up and i see when a wine process is running and when it stops08:04
jadolstarnes: qmake --version says that Qt is at 4.5.208:04
lstarnesjado: that doesn't mean that you have all the development files08:04
ubotturfreiberger: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:05
jadolstarnes: but i think i have them since i've compiled kdevelop4 (i needed a lot of dev files for this one)08:05
bazhangPranky, with or without usb support08:05
Stargazerhow can i look at my comp's temps?08:05
lstarnesjado: what about libqt4-dev ?08:05
jadolstarnes: yes i have it08:05
Prankybazhang, with usb support08:05
shafi_I have some broken packages , and now I can not install any package on my laptop, I have also tried apt-get install -f but I am getting this error : "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."08:05
bazhangPranky, there is also virtualbox to consider then.08:06
lstarnesjado: I'm not sure how to fix the error that you got then08:06
lstarnesjado: you may need to run ccmake . first08:06
Prankybazhang, can you send me url or name where I can download08:06
bazhangPranky, virtualbox-ose (no usb support) in repos, with usb ---> http://www.virtualbox.org/08:07
jadolstarnes: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7420/ccmake.png08:07
lstarnesjado: press c, then prss g08:08
Prankyok, Thanks08:08
adroelWANTED !!! I am a newbie, but i think i just fallin in love wit ubuntu, and i need someone to be my guide, please send me an email adress who can i ask in case of i got a trouble with my ubuntu08:08
hellhoundgardar, any ideas?08:09
bazhangadroel, better to read a guide book, let me get you a link08:09
lstarnesadroel: asking in this channel or the forums usually works08:09
shafi_how to recover broken packages08:09
jadolstarnes: presing c shows me a window with the same error than just before; and then pressing g gives nothing08:09
* apoleo12 pats bazhang's back08:09
SmithXhmmm--I just downloaded the tar.bz2 from firefox.com, untarred, and it runs without a problem08:10
SmithXi wonder how in the world that worked08:10
loshershafi_: try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-320934.html08:11
jadolstarnes: what about this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/637079/cmake-compilation-error-unknown-cmake-command-qt4wrapui08:11
SmithXaccording to my user agent string, I'm using ubuntu intrepid08:11
lstarnesjado: I'm not sure how to use that08:11
SmithXwhat's everybody's favorite firefox addon?08:11
SmithXMine's got to be vimperator08:11
losherSmithX: they make a fairly generic compilation for ff that runs on most linuxes, so I'm not entirely surprised.08:12
jadolstarnes: hm i deleted the CMakeCache and now it began to work08:12
fluurpmine is spellcheck, lol08:12
prodigelhi all. I want monitor the data transfered from my computer during some http requests, to make sure it's done through ssl. do you know such tools i can install?08:12
jadolstarnes: --   package 'alsa>=1.0' not found08:12
lstarnesprodigel: you could try wireshark08:12
P_Kablehi , I want to install kubuntu clean and keep my /home from ubuntu, will I still have eveything in place after installing kubuntu ?08:12
gartralprodigel: wireshark08:12
SmithXfluurp: spellcheck isn't an addon, it's part of firefox08:12
jadolstarnes: but alsa is already the newest version08:13
SmithXprodigel: you can use wireshark, tcpdump, ettercap, ...08:13
* fluurp failed08:13
lstarnesjado: it's probably looking for the development files for it08:13
gartralSmithX: its aspell... packaged with ff08:13
=== Hyperion2010 is now known as Hyperion|Sleep
prodigelSmithX, which is easier to use?08:13
SmithXprodigel: wireshark definitely08:14
prodigelSmithX, for my purpose at least08:14
prodigelSmithX, thanks.08:14
prodigelgartral, thank you08:14
jadolstarnes: alsa-source?08:14
oDeskhello all08:14
prodigellstarnes, thank you too ;)08:14
lstarnesjado: I don't know what the package is08:14
shafi_losher: I have tried but I am getting this error: "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.E: Unable to correct dependencies"08:14
lstarnesprodigel: you might need to run it as root, but I'm not entirely sure08:14
prodigellstarnes, that's no issue08:15
jadolstarnes: maybe this: libasound2-dev - shared library for ALSA applications. Development files08:15
lstarnesjado: that might be it08:15
loshershafi_: I've never seen your particular error before, so I think it's comparatively rare. Keep googling is your best bet...08:15
oDeskusing wget http://someurl.com/123.pdf  would save the file as 123.pdf, sometimes the filename dynamicaly generated and it's also saved as 123.pdf ... iwant to keep the dynamically generated file name .. how to ?08:16
SmithXwhy does firefox not look as clean as it does on windows? is it the window manager/themes i'm using?08:16
jadolstarnes: thanks that's working :)08:16
jigsHow to make memory usage in MB and not in % on CONKY system monitor?08:16
hellhoundgardar, any suggestions after looking at the script.  The game (cedega) runs fine but when I close the game it does not seem that the scripts goes through the while loop or the way the loop is checking if a program is running is not working not sure which08:17
losherhellhound: add some echo statements so you can debug the thing...08:18
=== oussama_ is now known as HowTo
SmithXand yet another question: why does fullscreen mode revert to normal mode whenever I switch desktops?08:20
apoleo12because it comes out of it08:20
SmithXI love running ff vimperator in fullscreen mode, but it's a pain to have to keep putting it back into it every time I switch desktops08:20
apoleo12press F11 at one keystroke if you can blindfold it08:21
oDeski mean to download the file and save it using the server-suggested filename? using wget ?howto?08:22
SmithXI always have to look at the keboard to find F11, plus that's painful08:22
SmithXthere must be a way to keep it fullscreen08:22
shafi_is it possible to edit the list of broken packages manually?08:22
shafi_via a text file or somthing similar?08:23
apoleo12look at every time?08:23
apoleo12SmithX: but you know, mine's seem to stay at fullscreen whenever I go08:24
loshershafi_: you can edit /var/lib/dpkg/status *carefully*. Make a backup of it before you start...08:24
hellhoundlosher, gardar, ok I added comments (http://pastebin.com/m75a2b4ca) in the terminal i see the comment "Starting Game" and "Start of Loop" but then I get a  hanging cursor and no other comments or action08:24
SmithXapoleo12: maybe it's a fluxbox thing or something then08:25
apoleo12what is that anyway? music software?08:25
lstarnesapoleo12: fluxbox is a window manager08:25
shambathi all, I am looking at a tcpdump on my DHCP machine, and I see these messages: http://pastebin.com/m426233e1 are the DHCP messages not coming through from my end?08:25
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox apoleo1208:25
=== skylaB is now known as skyla
losherhellhound: echo $t each time you set it also to see what values it's getting...08:26
apoleo12ok checking it now...08:26
loshershambat: looks to me like A is sending dhcp requests and B is replying saying that it has been configured not to reply. firewall? dhcp server not running?08:27
hellhoundlosher, ok the terminal just keeps spitting out "/bin/pidof wine"08:28
apoleo12is it me or tonight is slow than ever?08:29
losherhellhound: ah, an important clue. You need backticks not single quotes t = `/bin/pidof wine`08:29
hellhoundlosher, what re backticks?  these "  ?08:30
lstarneshellhound: or t = $(/bin/pidof wine)08:30
lstarneshellhound: a `08:30
losherhellhound: on my keyboard, it's the key *under* the ESC key.08:31
apoleo12technically under the tilde08:31
apoleo12but yeah...08:31
losherhellhound: yeah, what apoleo12 said...08:32
hellhoundlosher, lstarnes, gardar,  awesome that worked!!!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!08:32
=== cherry is now known as charitwo
* losher says: "ah, the small victories..."08:33
shambatlosher: so I need to setup my iptables to accept those DHCP requests then I guess08:34
sluurpomg my ubuntu just ferezed >_<08:34
loshershambat: yes, or they'll never reach your dhcp server. Note the "admin prohibited" in the icmp msg...08:35
loshersluurp: froze08:36
jadoi'm currently trying vmpk (virtual midi piano keyboard) and it seems that i have a midi problem since i have no sound08:36
sluurpyeye, im sorry08:37
apoleo12or frozed ;)08:37
losherapoleo12: please try not to confuse the non-native speakers. Or the Americans...08:37
apoleo12I thought it was unified?08:38
KarmicHey guys I recive a nasty error when I try to install PacketTracer in Karmic(Alpha3) dpkg: error processing PacketTracer-5.2-u.i386.deb (--install):08:38
Karmic short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/local/PacketTracer5/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.4.3') what is the problem ?08:38
sluurphes not confusing me he is correcting me08:38
losherapoleo12: see what you're done now?08:39
kust0mKarmic: what app are you using to install?08:39
losherapoleo12: you're -> you've08:39
apoleo12what? he was praising now!08:39
apoleo12Slurpee: so it has "frozed" but you're still here...?08:40
Karmickust0m: the PacketTracer it's a .bin package and install it using ./<package name>, at the beginning of installation it tells me that tar and gzip -> invalid compressed data08:41
sluurpafter a manuell reset, yes08:41
losherKarmic: a corrupted download?08:42
apoleo12slurP : my appologies...08:42
apoleo12Slurpee: my appologies...08:42
Slurpeeno prob08:42
kiaas_So, my ISP is sending my a new DSL modem, because my old one can't handle 3mbit/s speeds... speedtest just told me my connection was going 3.03mbit/s without the new modem.08:43
losherKarmic: well did you download it manually, e.g. using ascii mode instead of binary mode? Or incomplete? Otherwise, I would have to guess it's been mis-packaged08:43
shambatlosher: I get this from /var/log/messages: dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:11:22:33:44:55 via A: unknown network segment (sorry, using A and B for generality)08:43
loshershambat: unknown network segment? Sounds like you dhcp server doesn't know what do with the packet. Is dhcpd misconfigured?08:45
Karmiclosher : I'll try to redownload and see if there are any changes08:45
mr_louCan someone help me? I need to burn a DVD ISO image - but at the slowest possible speed to increase the chance of stupid DVD players being able to read it. I've tried Brasero and Gnomebaker, but even though I set the speed at e.g. 2.4, it still burns at much higher speeds. Preferable I'd burn it at 1x speed if possible. Can I set speed using the dd command? Anyone?08:46
losherKarmic: let me know...08:46
Berzerkerdamn liferea is awesome08:46
Crash2108I remember what I was going to ask!08:46
pretenderrunning ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix on a EPC1000HA and after updates last night wireless stopped working.  wireless networks don't even appear now08:46
Berzerkerget a better netbook. :P08:46
Crash2108How do I get an IP of a machine on a network so I can SSH into it?  Do I have to port forward?08:47
loshermr_lou: I usually burn DVD-R at 4x using growisofs. I get really good results with that...08:47
Berzerkercheck your router settings08:47
apoleo12Actually wehn I do an update ona  partiular software some things aren't working untill i found it rto get itback in working order08:47
BerzerkerDHCP client table08:47
Berzerkerapoleo12, ok, what?08:47
mr_loulosher, I have a stupid player that won't read much, and one that reads a bit more. But I'd really like to be able to burn at 1x speed.08:48
llmli'm working on a bash script, some of the commands should be done as super user. but the others should NOT. how can i let it run automatically? not stopped by the sudo password requirement08:48
mr_loulosher, Do you know what 1x speed means? How many bytes pr second? Maybe I could set obs attribut of dd to that....08:49
mr_loudd obs=102408:49
apoleo12Berzerker: Im just pointing out the obvious as an advice thats all...08:49
apoleo12just doin a bit of conribution...?08:49
mr_louor sumthin'08:49
Berzerkerapoleo12, I just didn't understand what you said08:49
loshermr_lou: it may not help. Too slow can also cause errors. And some brands of dvd work better than others. Any reason you aren't using growisofs which is designed for burning dvds?08:49
sluurpuh huh08:50
llmlAnyone: I'm working on a bash script, some of the commands should be done as super user. but the others should NOT. how can i let it run automatically? not stopped by the sudo password requirement08:50
loshermr_lou: growisofs  -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom=file.iso08:50
mr_loulosher, Don't know growisofs. I just searched App Manager for "burn" and found Brasero and Gnomebaker, which is also designed for burning dvds. Will look for growisofs now then.08:50
Gneallml: just add a function to check the id to see if it's root or not08:51
mr_loulosher, growisofs doesn't appear to be in App Manager.08:51
apoleo12Berzerker: dont know what part you dont get or or wasn'T for you :P08:52
loshermr_lou: it's in a package called dvd+rw-tools08:52
Berzerkerapoleo12, don't worry about it08:52
llmlGnea: then automatically run? not interrupted by sudo password requirement?08:52
oDeskwant to download the file and save it using the server-suggested filename? using wget ?howto?08:52
losheroDesk: can't you just do wget <url> ?08:53
mikejonesaight this is an easy question how do i can ubuntu 8.10 login background wallpaper?????08:53
Gneallml: it doesn't even do sudo or go anywhere near there, just see if the account running it is a root account or not. how you run it from there is up to you.08:53
mikejonesi mean change08:53
jefimenkoi tried switch users in gnome and now it seems that i'm stuck at a terminal. does anyone know how i can get back to my X session?08:53
oDesklosher: for ex. http://some.ur/i.php?id=12   -> file name will be i.php?id=12 while for ex. it should be  "title.jpg"08:54
anathematichow do I check what my current shell is?08:54
Gneallml: if [ `id -u` == "0" ]; then blahblahblah; else if [ `id -u` != "0" ]; then yadayadayada; fi    something like that08:54
Berzerkeranathematic, what it is?08:54
llmlGnea: yeah, gotcha, maybe we are not focusing on the same problem.08:54
anathematicBerzerker: yes08:54
Berzerkeranathematic, like...bash or..?08:54
anathematicI spotted something on a blog for $PATH or sometihng to tel me but I since lost it08:54
llmlGnea: i mean. say, in the script: touch xxx; sudo touch xx08:55
mikejonesanybody knows how to change ubuntu 8.10 login wallpaper?08:55
shambatlosher: could be ... new to dhcp, so I can't really tell for sure :)08:55
=== sluurp is now known as fluurp
Gneallml: what i'm saying is, in the script, if it's a root account, it can touch the script, otherwise it can't.08:55
Berzerkeranathematic, ubuntu uses bash by default, if you don't change it08:55
loshershambat: and I'm working from ancient memory....08:55
oDesklosher: someone asking the same question here http://www.mail-archive.com/gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org/msg01369.html but the answer never  works for me08:56
Gneallml: what i'm saying, is that the script itself should be run by sudo08:56
jadodo you have a white page on: http://www.tvsubtitles.net/?08:56
anathematicBerzerker: I'm just looking at crontab at the moment and it says SHELL=/bin/sh is that bash?08:56
anathematic(this is probably a stupid question huh?)08:56
Gneallml: otherwise you create more subroutines than is necessary08:56
Berzerkerthat is sh08:56
lstarnesanathematic: /bin/sh is either the bourne shell (sh) or dash08:56
FloodBot3Berzerker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
lstarnesanathematic: bash is usually /bin/bash08:56
anathematicahh well that would make sense08:56
llmlGnea: i see, then all commands in the scripts will be run as sudoers, right?08:56
Berzerkerlstarnes, support stealer. :(08:56
GneaBerzerker: actually, /bin/sh is, by default, linked to /bin/dash these days08:57
anathematiccan I change into sh and change back to test a command?08:57
lstarnesanathematic: yes08:57
llmlGnea: but i need some of them run as normal user08:57
BerzerkerGnea, well yeah. the point was it's not bash. :P08:57
Gneallml: if you allow them to, yes08:57
Karmiclosher: The problem was a corrupted archive, thanks for your time.08:57
anathematiclstarnes: wouldn't be able to tell me how, would you? :)08:57
lstarnesanathematic: sh08:57
losheroDesk: so it's actually a bug in curl & wget. Try lynx? or links?08:57
lstarnesanathematic: type the commands you want to test08:57
lstarnesanathematic: exit08:57
Gneallml: well if it's in sudo already, then it'll "just work" as another user08:57
losherKarmic: good to know...08:57
anathematicty lstarnes08:57
llmlGnea: if a file is touched by a sudo command, then its owner will root. i don't want it08:58
Gneallml: this is what chown is for08:58
lstarnesllml: you could put sudo before the individual commands or include chown/chmod08:58
llmlGnea: thats just an example, the actual command is not touch, and produces a batch of files08:59
Gnealstarnes: he wants to put sudo commands in the script. i told him he should just run the script via sudo from the commandline, and have a function that checks to see if it's being run via sudo or not within the script to tell it to run or not run certain things in certain ways depending on the result08:59
llmllstarnes: yeah, but when i run i, i have to provide password at every sudo commands09:00
nitjasllml: are the sudo and non-sudo commands mutually exclusively run?09:00
anathematicthanks guys :)09:00
Gneallml: I understand. but if you're running the script as sudo already, then it's already privelaged, and thus you can just use simple commands within the script to achieve the goal you wish to accomplish09:00
llmlnitjas: yeah09:00
lstarnesllml: echo "password" | sudo -S command09:00
Gneallml: that's why you just run the script itself via sudo, that way you only do the password once09:00
lstarnesllml: that is very insecure though, but it might work09:01
llmllstarnes: looking into that09:01
nitjasllml: then why dont you with Gnea's suggestion if user is root then (sudo command) if user is not root then (non sudo command)09:01
Trollyalter schwede!09:01
nitjasllml: before every command09:01
Gneallml: the only way to really do it the way you're thinking is with expect, and that is extremely insecure, since you'd have to store the password within the script itself09:01
lstarnesllml: use extreme caution with that09:01
TrollyJetzt erzählt ihr mal nicht so einen Blödsinn, ja?09:02
llmlnitjas: i want it run not interrupted by the providing password requirement09:02
lstarnesllml: anyone able to view that script would then be able to view the stored password09:02
Gnea!english | Trolly09:02
ubottuTrolly: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:02
llmllstarnes: gotcha!09:02
fluurphe just insulted us09:02
jefimenkoi tried switch users in gnome and now it seems that i'm stuck at a terminal. does anyone know how i can get back to my X session?09:02
BerzerkerI didn't understand that09:02
kiaas_jefimenko,  try startx09:03
Trollyhä? wat is los?09:03
lstarnesllml: normally, you only need to enter the password the first time if the commands run within a short time09:03
nitjasllml: if user is su then he has to provide the password once, if user is non-su then he is not asked for it. You want to eliminate that single challenge too?09:03
kust0mjefimenko: /etc/init.d/gdm start09:03
lstarnesllml: if you can, find a more secure methond09:03
Gneallml: well, you can either beat your knees with a baseball bat or you can swim with beautiful women, figuratively speaking09:03
jefimenkokiaas_, kust0m: my X session had lots of stuff open... it's really important for me to recover my work09:03
FloodBot3Trolly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:03
shambatlosher: this is my iptables rules: http://pastebin.com/m21003a28 can this mean that iptables is blocking the DHCP reqs?09:04
llmlTrolly: ?09:04
kiaas_jefimenko, if x died, all of it is closed09:04
jefimenkokiaas_: i don't think X died09:04
kust0mjefimenko: erf..uhm..so basically x is running but the decorations are gone? or?09:04
Gnea!offtopic | Trolly09:04
ubottuTrolly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:04
kust0mjefimenko: like the gnome panel and whatnot09:04
Trollyi was born in grevenbroich!09:04
jefimenkokust0m: no, i don't see X at all, rather I see the startup service messages09:04
BerzerkerGnea, I really don't think that's having any effect.09:04
Trollywas erzählt ihr denn da alle?09:04
GneaTrolly: we don't care. do you have a question?09:04
llmllstarnes, Gnea: thank you all!09:05
jefimenkokust0m: i.e. "* Reloading Common Unix Printing System: cupsd", etc.09:05
Paavi2_0!de | Trolly09:05
ubottuTrolly: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:05
jefimenkokust0m: it's a bare terminal like before gdm/X starts09:05
Trollyhä? ob ich was zum qustionen hab? aber sicher!09:05
BerzerkerPaavi2_0, win.09:05
oldude67!op | trolly  no english off topic09:05
ubottutrolly  no english off topic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:05
kust0mjefimenko: i think theres a way to drop to a term and leave x running, but i don't recall what it is..did you hit alt and a function key maybe?09:05
GneaTrolly: please /join #ubuntu-de09:05
* fluurp facepalm09:05
Trollyach, ihr seid mir auch amaranths!09:06
Trollywer ist ChanServ?09:06
kust0mTrolly: buh bye.09:06
jefimenkokust0m: no, it happened when trying to switch users09:06
SIM22EVDIs it possible to have some help with Installing Firefpx09:06
=== gaurav is now known as gauravkittz
GneaSIM22EVD: only if you ask the question09:06
Berzerkerctrl+alt+F1 should leave X running, but drop to a terminal09:06
nitjasllml: why dont you create two separate scripts. one for su and the other non-su commands?09:07
Berzerkerdid for me anyway09:07
jefimenkokiaas_: "ps ax | grep X" returns a row like this: 8236 tty7     Ss+  631:22 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt709:07
jefimenkokiaas_: so i think it's still running09:07
llmlnitjas: they are interlaced09:07
SIM22EVDHow can I install Firefox 3.5.2 after downloading the files and extracting them09:07
gauravkittzneone have aspire one with them09:07
BerzerkerSIM22EVD, sudo apt-get install firefox09:07
llmlGnea, lstarnes: one more question, sudo without -S provided is not reading its password from stdin, is it?09:08
GneaSIM22EVD: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.509:08
kust0mjefimenko: i have no clue..i'm not entirely sure what happens when you switch users on ubuntu09:08
gauravkittzaspire one09:08
llmlthen where the hell does it read from?09:08
SIM22EVDwhere do I get sudo apt09:08
lstarnesllml: no.  It is reading directly from the terminal device09:08
Berzerkergauravkittz, no, but if you're asking about how well it works, the guide reports it works well. I'm on an HP Mini09:08
Gneallml: sudo by itself reads from stdin09:08
lstarnesSIM22EVD: in a terminal09:08
GneaSIM22EVD: in a terminal09:08
BerzerkerSIM22EVD, it's already on your computer. just type that in a terminal.09:08
lstarnesSIM22EVD: there should be an executable for firefox in the extracted directory that you can run directly09:08
gauravkittz@Berzerker i'm satisfied with ubuntu... just wanted to know about sidux09:09
gauravkittzwhat is it??09:09
MadGirlsomebody said it was showing all errors or that emerge -uDNvt @system @world does bring up (brought) up packages... but it seems maybe not all of them .... or it is a recent problem or a problem because we usually assume you are working from a root terminal, unless we tell you to logout of the root terminal09:09
Berzerkergauravkittz, looks like another deb based linux09:09
GneaMadGirl: wrong channel?09:09
llmllstarnes: yeah, man page says so, i can't tell the difference between stdin and a terminal device when stdin is the terminal input device09:10
Berzerkergauravkittz, with KDE09:10
gauravkittzya it is... i'v heard it runs well on netbooks09:10
gauravkittzis it true09:10
MadGirlGnea: i don't know09:10
Berzerkergauravkittz, you won't get much better than UNR with a netbook.09:10
GneaMadGirl: this is #ubuntu, not #gentoo09:10
MadGirlGnea: but this is day two of non sequitors09:10
gauravkittzya thats true09:10
lstarnesllml: what usually happens on the terminal is it captures characters from the keyboard input then feeds them into STDIN09:10
gauravkittzso u'r using ubuntu on hp09:10
Berzerkergauravkittz, yes.09:11
lstarnesllml: sometimes, programs will request to capture directly from the terminal and bypass STDIN09:11
gauravkittzawsm distro i may say09:11
GneaMadGirl: plus, what you said had nothing to do with any current discussion.09:11
llmllstarnes: so terminal device comes first?09:11
lstarnesllml: yes09:11
llmllstarnes: very clear!09:11
llmllstarnes: thanks a looot!09:11
SIM22EVDIstarnes: I cannot find an executable file.  Can you help me or guide me through it?09:11
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: UNR works 100% out of the box on the ZG5 model of the aspire one09:11
maldai got a problem getting my wireless card to work09:12
lstarnesSIM22EVD: it's named firefox09:12
gauravkittzwhat;;s the boot time09:12
BerzerkerSIM22EVD, just open a terminal, and type sudo apt-get install firefox-3.509:12
lstarnesSIM22EVD: executable files in linux rarely ever end with .exe09:12
Berzerkergauravkittz, not too bad. maybe 20-30 seconds, I'm not on a SSD though09:12
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: erm, < 30 seconds09:13
SIM22EVDIstarnes: I tried to run it earlier but nothing happened.09:13
gauravkittzi'm on hdd and gives me around 20 sec max with crunchbang09:13
fluurpgauravkittz : on my machine its xactly 37 seconds09:13
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: the SG5 has a platter based HDD too09:13
gauravkittzonly problem is its openbox09:13
mr_lougrowisofs doesn't help. It's also used by Gnomebaker. Despite giving it a -speed=1, it keeps burning at 5.6 or 6.109:13
gauravkittzit sux09:13
mr_louI simply can't limit the write speed.09:13
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: if boot time is what gets you off, try xpud09:13
Berzerkeryeah my mom's EeePC has a 16GB SSD. it's faaaast.09:14
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: boots in 3 seconds on my am2 3000 1Gb ram PATA hdd09:14
gauravkittz3secs awsm09:14
Berzerkernot quite09:14
gauravkittzits debian based is it09:14
Berzerkerit boots windows 7 in about 10 seconds.09:14
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: its very limited, but hey it boots fast09:14
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:14
Berzerkeryay netsplit09:14
ActionParsnipgauravkittz: no its not debian based09:14
mohan_my system is freeqing... using ubuntu 9.04 64bit09:14
eyalwI just pressed Ctrl+x to cut something, and when i pressed ctrl+v in other folder it banished, HELP??? where are my files!09:15
SIM22EVDIstarnes:  All sorted! Thanks for your help.  :)09:15
mohan_pls anybody help..09:15
maldai got a problem getting my wireless card to work09:15
ActionParsnipeyalw: does f5 bring them back09:15
ActionParsnipmalda: what have you tried?09:15
gauravkittzmohan how can i help09:16
maldai am not that good with unix09:16
maldaprity new09:16
eyalwActionParsnip: no : (09:16
ActionParsnipmalda: ok is it internal or usb?09:16
maldai tried to enable it in the gui09:16
mohan_gauravkittz : my system is freezing after working couple of minutes.. :(09:16
maldabut the option seens dissabled09:16
LLStarkswhy does gnome-screensaver lack advanced settings for individual screensavers?09:16
eyalwActionParsnip: wait, it did, in the destination folder, so what happened?09:16
ActionParsnipmalda: ok can you provide the output of lspci09:16
ActionParsnipmalda: use pastebin09:16
gauravkittzwhat system you r using09:16
ActionParsnipeyalw: file browser got confused09:17
mohan_gauravkittz : opteron 64 quadcore09:17
leaf-sheepLLStarks: K.I.S.S and I don't stare at screensavers. :P09:17
tehdothow do I kill X in jaunty. Not restart X, but kill it09:17
eyalwActionParsnip: with copy paste :) ?  what do u mean09:17
ThreetimesLLStarks: because gnome-screensaver is made for people who are scared of advanced options. Use x-screensaver.09:17
ActionParsniptehdot: log out, log on to command line login, you can then kill the process09:17
ActionParsnipeyalw: you gave an input to an app and it confused itself09:18
ActionParsnipeyalw: if it happens again, log a bug09:18
maldaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/mde5de809:18
eyalwActionParsnip: it happened 2 time before09:18
ActionParsnipmalda: ok so its an Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG09:18
Berzerkeris there an app to find the md5 of a file?09:18
DvyjonesAny idea which package g2c.h is in? (Jaunty)09:19
Berzerkerexcellent and handy.09:19
=== kermit1 is now known as kermit
maldaActionParsnip: yep09:19
ThreetimesHi, I want my scrolllock led to blink on every apache request. I use ledd (ledcontrol), but I don't know how to configure it.09:20
ActionParsnipmalda: try: sudo rmmod -f ipw2200; sudo modprobe ipw2200 bt_coexist=109:20
tehdotActionParsnip, it just restarted x when I tried that09:20
ActionParsniptehdot: you need to disable the autologin thing you have enabled09:20
lstarnesDvyjones: maybe libg2c0-dev09:21
kkaji` Please help me -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380009:21
tehdotActionParsnip, I don't have autologin enabled, I type user/pass to login09:21
maldaActionParsnip: not it says in my gui, device not managed09:21
ActionParsniptehdot: then reboot and log in to command line rather than the usual gnome session (or whatever yuo use)09:22
ActionParsnipmalda: if you run: sudo iwlist scan    do you see SSIDs?09:22
maldaActionParsnip, no scan results09:23
mr_louCan someone tell me by growisofs ignores my -speed=1 parameter?09:23
Dvyjoneslstarnes: Nope, that package doesn't exist.09:23
maldaActionParsnip, when i enter those 2 commands it says it is enabled, but in like 5 seconds it goes back to disabled (also disabeling my gui option to enable)09:24
lstarnesDvyjones: maybe tex4ht-common09:24
apoleo12say I was wondering, when I put in alias ls= ls -pl is there a way to have it permament? rather than to put it in every time?09:26
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: add it in ~/.bashrc09:26
apoleo12Berzerker: should it be front? lol09:26
apoleo12ActionParsnip1: ok09:26
Berzerkerapoleo12, either one09:26
syntaxwhat is cmake in ubuntu?09:27
apoleo12what does bashrc do? I know its stupid and lazy and you can say it if you dont like lol09:27
lstarnesapoleo12: it runs when bash starts09:28
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: its a script that configures your bash environment09:28
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: you can add all manner of goodness in there to customise your settings09:29
Berzerkeralias ls='ls -pl'09:29
Berzerkerdoesn't work...09:29
Dvyjoneslstarnes: Nope.09:29
Berzerkercan you not overalias another command with itself?09:29
ActionParsnip1Berzerker: example/09:30
ActionParsnip1syntax: its a compiling tool09:30
syntaxo ok09:30
Berzerkeralias ls='ls -pl'09:30
ActionParsnip1yeah you can do that09:30
Berzerkerdoesn't work for me09:31
Berzerkerunless I'm mising a step09:31
error404notfoundanybody who could tell me whats wrong with the usage of duplicity command at http://pastebin.com/m7aafbbe2 ?09:31
ActionParsnip1http://cay.la/fauver/.bashrc.html example bashrc file09:32
ActionParsnip1they use "s apparently09:32
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
BerzerkerActionParsnip1, still doesn't work, am I missing a step? un #'ed the line, changed it to ls="ls -pl" saved it. anything else?09:34
ActionParsnip1Berzerker: source ~/.bashrc09:34
apoleo12Berzerker: maybe its ' not "?09:34
ActionParsnip1Berzerker: you need to reload the file09:35
ActionParsnip1Berzerker: that command will do it, or you can close the terminal and reopen it09:35
ThreetimesHi, I want my scrolllock led to blink on every apache request. I already use ledd (ledcontrol) for other tasks, but I don't know how to configure it for apache.09:35
BerzerkerActionParsnip1, win.09:35
* apoleo12 looses09:36
WeazelONDoes anyone know how, for the sake of all that is good,  can one use SSL Network Exteneder in Ubuntu ?09:36
lstarnesWeazelON: what is SSL Network Extender?09:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.09:36
WeazelONSSL Network Extender aka SNX aka Check point VPN through https09:36
krishna_I want to create A VPN for itshidden.com.. any one help me ?09:36
ActionParsnip1!vpn | krishna_09:37
ubottukrishna_: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD09:37
apoleo12so now I have added some lines in bashrc but need I wait for the next boot?09:38
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: no, just run: source ~/.bashrc09:38
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: or close the terminal and reopen it09:38
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: linux is designed for maximum uptime so you rarely need to reboot09:38
apoleo12it says command not found09:38
krishna_ActionParsnip1, its not gaming09:39
apoleo12yeah ill close 'em09:39
ActionParsnip1krishna_: its still a vpn though09:39
apoleo12thats true09:39
apoleo12except drivers which is my next on agenda09:39
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: the only time you really need to reboot is if you install a new kernel09:39
krishna_ActionParsnip1, sorry. i sent you pm without persmission09:39
apoleo12not videodriversa?09:39
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: not even for drivers, just load the drivers in09:39
krishna_ActionParsnip1, sudo apt-get install pptpd ipx ipxripd this command says packagne not found09:40
* apoleo12 half-smiles09:40
ActionParsnip1krishna_: which isnt found?09:40
krishna_ActionParsnip1, ipxripd09:40
krishna_ActionParsnip1, i use jaunty09:40
ActionParsnip1!info ipxripd09:41
ubottuPackage ipxripd does not exist in jaunty09:41
krishna_ActionParsnip1, then that page is outdated ??09:41
apoleo12that source command is nothing found anywhere... man, info etc09:41
ActionParsnip1krishna_: you will find the guide is outdated instead09:41
Ttarekhey ubuntos you already know appnr.com ,i want to download the packages to my computer and install it later do i have to download all the files list in the download section of appnr.com ???09:41
Ttarekthen what i need to do after downloading  ?09:41
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: weird09:41
apoleo12i know wonder why???09:42
BerzerkerI'm an ubunto!09:42
apoleo12by that sound of it i'm not weird09:42
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krishna_ActionParsnip1, i got this link from the itshidden site ... : http://ubuntu-chronicles.blogspot.com/2009/07/jaunty-vpn-itshiddencom.html /// but the first command asks me to install xubuntu cd and press enter.. i wonder why ?09:42
ActionParsnip1Ttarek: most of that stuff is in the standard repos09:42
apoleo12ActionParsnip1: thanks again09:42
ActionParsnip1apoleo12: np man09:43
apoleo12so much to learn ;)09:43
krishna_ActionParsnip1, where is the network manager of ubuntu ?09:43
TtarekAction: I didnot get it09:44
ActionParsnip1krishna_: on one of the bars, or you can press alt+f2 and type network  see what is suggested09:44
Ttarekif it is in the standard repos09:44
ActionParsnip1Ttarek: you dont need that site at all, all the apps you see there are available via synaptic09:44
krishna_ActionParsnip1, but the vpn tab is greyed out09:44
ActionParsnip1Ttarek: or apt-get09:44
TtarekI Know but I need to download only not instaal09:45
TtarekI Know but I need to download only not install09:45
ThreetimesHi, I want my scrolllock led to blink on every apache request. I already use ledd (ledcontrol) for other tasks, but I don't know how to configure it for apache.09:45
krishna_ActionParsnip1, all other tabs have "add" active... But in vpn tab its dead... :(09:46
tuxwulfHow to get my networkmanager applet back on my anel if I accidentally removed it?09:46
Ttarekis this possible throgh synaptic09:46
jefimenkodoes anyone know if it's possible to ssh into a box and start a vnc session, attaching it to an existing X session on the remote box?09:46
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jefimenkoi can't access my X session on my desktop. i know it's still running and I can ssh into it remotely09:46
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krishna_I need some help for active the "add" in tab of vpn under netweok manager09:47
TtarekI need to download the program packages & install later because i didnot have an internet connection09:48
Ttarekany help09:49
tuxwulfjefimenko: Isn't it your vnc session that is 'hanging' on that remote box?09:49
jefimenkotuxwulf: no, i never started a vnc session on that box09:50
ActionParsnip1Ttarek: i gotcha, then it should be ok09:50
kushal_kumaran_Ttarek: see File -> Generate package download script09:50
jefimenkotuxwulf: i tried to switch users in gnome, but now it's stuck at the terminal (as if i did ctrl+alt+f1)09:50
ActionParsnip1Ttarek: there is an option for apt-get to download only, you will need to satisfy any dependdancies too09:50
ActionParsnip1krishna_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-vpnc/+bug/27815309:51
jefimenkotuxwulf: i had lots of important work open in the X session and I need to access to at least save/recover some stuff09:51
Ttarekthanks action09:51
tuxwulfjefimenko: And your VNC ports are configured correctly? Then you can just vnc into that box09:51
jefimenkotuxwulf: i had never started the VNC server before09:51
jefimenkotuxwulf: so i was wondering if i could start the vnc server and attach it to that running X session09:52
jefimenkodoing it remotely through ssh09:52
tuxwulfjefimenko > Well if you can ssh into it then you can start the vnc server from command line09:52
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tuxwulfjefimenko: And then use vnc to get into your session. Not sure if you get into the same session you left open though09:52
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tuxwulfI thought so, based on userid, though09:53
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: could use x forwarding if ssh is active ;)09:54
pozicHow can I reset the password of my keyring?09:54
pozicI was not even aware that I was using a keyring in the first place.09:54
pozic(The gnome keyring)09:54
jefimenkotuxwulf: that's the important part... i need to get into the same session09:55
tuxwulfActionParsnip1: I have heard of that but never needed it... how does that work? With the DISPLAY thing?09:55
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: when you ssh use: ssh -X user@server09:55
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: if the client is linux it will have the libs, if its windows, install and run xming09:56
tuxwulfWell that looks very simple indeed..09:56
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: you can then launch gui apps and they will appear on the client but be running on the ssh server09:56
psiborgit won't get you into the same session though09:56
tuxwulfjefimenko: Did you see that...?09:56
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: x forwarding is default enabled in openssh-server09:56
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: you wont get the same session as psiborg says, you will run the app as yourself. you only get the app too instead of the entire desktop (which is pretty redundant)09:57
jefimenkotuxwulf: i saw the part about vnc, yes. but you mentioned that i might not be able to get into the same session this way.09:58
tuxwulfActionParsnip1: Ah... but that then means jefimenko is out of luck....09:58
oguncakhi friends. how can i find out which version of gnome i am using? which term should i check on synaptic?09:58
ActionParsnip1tuxwulf: why is the whole desktop required, jefimenko?09:59
fluurpoguncak wich version?09:59
oguncak2.24 or 2.26?09:59
jefimenkoActionParsnip1: because i had lots of important applications open in the session09:59
obhk__is there a way to automatically open a fullscreen terminal when ubuntu starts up?09:59
ActionParsnip1jefimenko: i see09:59
fluurpoguncak system info about gnome?09:59
jefimenkofor some reason i can't just press alt+f7 to get Xwindows back09:59
jefimenkoin fact, the keyboard isn't responding at all at this terminal10:00
ActionParsnip1obhk__: sure, add an entry to your startup stuff10:00
oguncakyes. i need a sys info about gnome that i am using10:00
jefimenkoif the screen goes to powersave mode and i press a key, then it comes back from powersave mode, but that's all i can do10:00
fluurpsystem - info about gnome10:00
ActionParsnip1oguncak: run any gnome app, then click help -> about gnome10:00
oguncakok. thanks10:00
sleepy_catcan u suggest me some site where i can upload a pic without registering .. like username password etc10:00
obhk__ActionParsnip1: but I would like it to be full screen, like when F11 is pressed10:00
Iowahchello there, how do I upgrade libssl to 0.9.8k?10:01
ActionParsnip1obhk__: i'm sure you ccan add extra options to the execution to change its behavior10:01
Iowahci downloaded the source and compiled it10:01
Iowahcran make install10:01
lstarnesIowahc: it is strongly recommended that you use the version packaged with ubuntu10:01
IowahcI know, but a program needs it10:01
tuxwulfjefimenko: Well I am a bit blaning out on this one....10:02
lstarnesIowahc: it should be instakked under /usr/local/10:02
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tuxwulfblaning --> blanking10:02
oguncakwhen will the upper version for gnome be published? (later than 2.26)??10:02
Iowahclstarnes: yeah, but when I run my program it just finds the actual libssl provided by ubuntu10:03
jefimenkotuxwulf: ok thanks for trying10:03
jefimenkotuxwulf: hopefully someone can help10:03
lstarnesIowahc: I'm not sure what to do in order to fix that10:03
Ranakahhi. i have ati radeon 1950 pro and linux mint 7 (ubuntu jaunty) with xserver 1.6 and opensource drivers. my question is how can i use dual head with this card?  tnx for answers10:03
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ActionParsnip1Iowahc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googleearth-package/+bug/36947110:04
ActionParsnip1!mint | Ranakah10:05
ubottuRanakah: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)10:05
JDahlwhat is the easiest way to permanently mount another partition with full user rights under Ubuntu 9.4 Gnome?10:05
dio_whats up10:05
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ActionParsnip1JDahl: fstab10:05
ActionParsnip1!fstab | JDahl10:06
ubottuJDahl: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:06
Iowahcanyone else has a glue?10:06
RanakahActionParsnip1 i know but is same as ubuntu jaunty10:06
ActionParsnip1Iowahc: you need a symlink10:06
mr_louAny alternative to growisofs for burning DVD's?10:06
ActionParsnip1Ranakah: maybe but its not an official canonical release so its not officially supported in the official channel10:06
chrisfsHi, I'm a newbie,. I just started Ubuntu last week coming from Windows. I'm trying to install Adobe Flash plugin. I went to Applications and clicked on Add and it seems the Flash plugin installer is already installed, but I can't seem to find an icon for it, so that I can run the installer. I figure it's something basic I don't know about  Can someone help tell me what that is ?10:06
dio_brasero dvd burning is good10:07
IowahcHow can I check which is the right libssl?10:07
Iowahcther is none in /usr/local/lib10:07
sipiorIowahc: try /usr/lib10:07
oguncakhi friends. although i set the update manager to receive updates automatically, i can not see the update status icon on the panel. how can i fix that?10:07
mr_loudio_, Brasero uses growisofs to burn, as does Gnomebaker and k3b.10:08
ActionParsnip1mr_lou: wodim if you like command line10:08
Iowahcin /usr/lib/ there is a libssl3.so and a libssl.so.0.9.8 is it the new compiled one?10:08
ActionParsnip1Iowahc: its in that guide10:08
lstarnesIowahc: look in /usr/local/lib10:08
mr_louActionParsnip1, I thought wodim only supported CD's and not DVD's? I don't particular line commandline, but I'm fine with it when it's the only option.10:08
dio_ok thanks for info lou10:08
sipiorIowahc: how did you build libssl? did you provide a prefix to configure?10:09
IowahcActionParsnip1: Which Guide?10:09
ActionParsnip1Iowahc: the link i pasted10:09
Iowahcsipior: no, just made configure, make, make install10:09
ActionParsnip1mr_lou: not sure on that front. i dont burn many disks10:09
IowahcActionParsnip1: sorry, missed the link, where?10:09
oguncakhi friends. although i set the update manager to receive updates automatically, i can not see the update status icon on the panel. how can i fix that?10:09
sipiorIowahc: then /usr/local/lib is the most probable default. if it's not there, check the output of make.10:10
mr_louActionParsnip1, Me neither. But thanks. I'll check it out.10:10
Iowahcsipior: in /usr/local/lib is none. I check the output,. one moment10:10
indusoguncak: are you using 9.04?10:11
indusoguncak: ok then it wont appear in panel.,they removed that10:11
oguncakwell, it was really useful!!!10:11
oguncakthanks Indus10:11
indusoguncak: i know, but the devs have gone nuts with that bug report10:12
indusoguncak: there is a long bug report on launchpad about this with a lot of comments,there is a way to get that notification back but it doesnt really work,atleast not for me10:12
oguncakwell, will they put it back later?10:12
c0l2ewhen I install firefox-3.5 its called shiretoko.. is this corrent?10:12
indusc0l2e: yes10:13
ActionParsnip1Iowahc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googleearth-package/+bug/369471  should help10:13
c0l2ewhen I use that the search tool is blank..10:13
c0l2ethe bar on the rightside is blank..I mean no default search engines.. how can I set it back to default?10:13
ManDayGood morning guys. I'm looking for a well-supported (from repos) and LIGHTWEIGHT standalone client for Microsoft's MSN. Please highlight me.10:14
indusManDay: pidgin will contact with msn,but no video or voice10:14
barfoosManDay: you can use pidgin for this, or if you really love lightweight things you might want to have a look at bitlbee too.10:15
ManDayThat's just fine with me. I'll take a look at bitlbee first, then.10:15
ManDayThank you very much.10:15
indusManDay: amsn from repos will give you webcam but no sound10:15
barfoosManDay: there's been another one i can't recall the name of that also supports cam and stuff.10:15
WeazelONor just wait til Digsby comes to linux10:15
ManDayNo, no need for camera. Just the chat10:15
barfoosManDay: have a look at pidgin and see if it fits your needs since it's probably the easiest to use client10:16
indusManDay: then applications>internet>pidgin will connect with all protocols10:16
ManDaybarfoos, my priority is really lightweightness. I care less about assessibility10:16
leaf-sheepWeazelON: http://forum.digsby.com/viewtopic.php?id=38110:17
chrisfsHi, I'm a newbie,. I just started Ubuntu last week coming from Windows. I'm trying to install Adobe Flash plugin. I went to Applications and clicked on Add and it seems the Flash plugin installer is already installed, but I can't seem to find an icon for it, so that I can run the installer. I figure it's something basic I don't know about  Can someone help tell me what that is ?10:17
ManDayAfter all, it would be great to have a client which is at the same time lightweight and supports the full set of features such as cam and sound. But I reckon such thing doesn't exist?10:17
induschrisfs: hi when you try to watch a video on youtube what happens10:18
ActionParsnip1!find flashplugin10:18
ubottuFound: flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree10:18
ActionParsnip1chrisfs: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree10:18
WeazelONleaf-sheep:  yea but wine is crap, digsby said that they are going to release a version for linux very soon.10:18
chrisfsIndus: It's slower than it was on this same pc under windows. It stops midway. Sometimes the audio starts before the video.10:18
ManDaybarfoos, I've just taken a quick look at bitlbee and it appears to be some sort of gaetway to forward messeges from and to IRC. Is that really wwhat I wantß10:18
ActionParsnip1WeazelON: are you using the one on the wine repo?10:19
leaf-sheepchrisfs: I'm teaching you how to install a package. Open the terminal.  "aptitude search flash" to get a list of packages relating to "flash" then "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" :>10:19
chrisfsInuds :stops and then loads some more and starts again, but is jumpy10:19
induschrisfs: well,that looks like a flash issue, what version of the plugin are u using10:19
psiborgubuntu ships with one of the opensource flash versions?10:19
chrisfsright now swfdeck .082? sound right ?10:19
leaf-sheepWeazelON: I see. I'm using Pidgin. Works great for me. :)10:19
krishna_If i  try to install somethign from synaptic.. it asks for a cd rom of xubuntu 8.10.. why is that so ?10:19
induschrisfs: what is your internet speed10:19
ActionParsnip1leaf-sheep: pidgin here also10:20
barfoosManDay: it is not, but since it may run on any server you have access to, accessible with any irc client you don't even need X for, it maybe is something that can get your appetite since it is so lightweight that you only would have to run an ssh session to the machine your "irc" client runs on which connects to that bitlbee thing.10:20
ManDaybarfoos, I'd be great if you could remember the name of the client which supports Camera and Sound, too - jus tfor knowing10:20
leaf-sheepkrishna_: You might have removable source enabled in Software Sources.10:20
induschrisfs: thats not adobe flash, you are using swdef10:20
crzedmonkanyone in here know why flash sucks so bad with ubuntu?10:20
chrisfsOne of the slower DSL packages,10:20
ManDaybarfoos, I hear you. Good point. I'll think about it.10:20
WeazelONyea well for now pidgin is the option.10:20
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: its proprietary10:20
induschrisfs: try this in terminal  sudo update-alternatives --config -flash10:20
barfoosManDay: i think it was "amsn", but not sure.10:20
syntaxleaf i learned something new as well10:20
leaf-sheepkrishna_: Check Software Sources and untoggle anything under "Installable from CD-ROM/DVD"10:20
chrisfsYes, I know I was trying to install adobe to see if it works better and can;'t figure out how10:20
crzedmonkany way to fix it10:20
crzedmonkI heart youtube10:21
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: bother adobe10:21
chrisfsok thanks10:21
ManDaybarfoos, you just asserted that amsn doesnt support sound?10:21
dev_I want to check the history of operations that I have performed through gui. how?10:21
barfoosManDay: i didn't say that.10:21
indusActionParsnip1: its a problem with mozilla too,dont blame flash alone10:21
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: it cant be improved by the community so adobe have to make it better10:21
crzedmonkit there another flash player that is availible10:21
indusActionParsnip1: mozilla dont know it themselves10:21
crzedmonkor am I to be flash less10:21
ManDaybarfoos, I'm sorry, indus said that amsn doesnt support sound.10:21
chrisfscrzedmonk: I am having flash probs, scroll back and look at indus advice to me10:22
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: what is the output of: uname -a10:22
barfoosManDay: that's not correct - it supports cam and sound and such.10:22
jefimenkokiaas_, kust0m, tuxwulf, ActionParsnip1: thanks for trying to help. the real solution was to ssh to the box and run "chvt 7" as root10:22
ManDayThat's great news. I'll try them both. bitlbee and amsn10:22
ManDayThank you guys.10:22
crzedmonkLinux Lintron 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux10:22
ActionParsnip1jefimenko: nice10:22
induschrisfs: can u open synaptic package manager and search for a package named swdef10:22
jefimenkoone of the guys in #xorg told me10:22
chrisfsIndus: I got "No alternatives for -flash."  when I typed what you gave me10:23
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: ok then its 32bit.10:23
jefimenkojust thought i'd let you know10:23
jefimenkomight come in handy if it ever happens to you ;)10:23
crzedmonkyes sir10:23
ActionParsnip1crzedmonk: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer10:23
crzedmonkE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-installer10:24
dev_Does anybody know how to check history of gui operations?10:24
induscrzedmonk: try adobe-flashplugin10:24
induschrisfs: have u searched ?10:25
leaf-sheepActionParsnip1: Last time I helped somebody with flashplugin-installer -- it doesn't work at all.  Use flashplugin-nonfree instead and it worked for the said person.10:25
crzedmonkE: Couldn't find package adobe-flashplugin-installer10:25
chrisfsIndus: when I use synaptic, I can't find swdef, but when I search for swf I get swfdec-mozilla and swfdec-gnome10:25
induscrzedmonk: package nameis  adobe-flashplugin10:25
ActionParsnip1leaf-sheep: i always download the .so manually, so much easier10:25
leaf-sheepActionParsnip1: Me too. :P10:26
induschrisfs: remove swfdec-mozilla10:26
ManDaybarfoos, perfect! Just installed it without any problems (one of the few times installing and running something works without problems). Great job!10:26
chrisfsremoving swfdec-mozilla10:26
induschrisfs: wait 1 sec10:26
krishna_I have nothing enabled inside "installable from cd/dvd" in software sources.... but whrn i do apt-get ,. it says insert xubuntu cd and press enter... help me plz10:27
crzedmonkReinstallation of adobe-flashplugin is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.10:27
crzedmonkThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support10:27
induschrisfs: remove swfdec-mozilla and swf-gnome both10:27
induscrzedmonk: ok cool10:27
induscrzedmonk: open synaptic package manager10:28
Bozhi all10:28
chrisfsIndus: both are removed now10:28
induscrzedmonk: search for package flashplugin-nonfree10:28
krishna_Boz, /Hi10:28
ActionParsnip1chrisfs: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz; tar zxvf ./install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz; rm ./install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz10:28
induschrisfs: now search for adobe-flashplugin and install it10:28
ActionParsnip1chrisfs: copy all that to a terminal and run it, you will then have flash10:28
krishna_I have nothing enabled inside "installable from cd/dvd" in software sources.... but whrn i do apt-get ,. it says insert xubuntu cd and press enter... help me plz10:28
crzedmonkshould I reinstall it there?10:29
induscrzedmonk: yes10:29
BozI'm attempting to make a directory for some codecs and can't10:29
BozI get the following msg10:29
Bozkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/lib/codecs/': Permission denied10:29
leaf-sheepBoz: Use sudo.10:29
indusBoz you need to use sudo mkdir10:29
comp3j malang10:29
ActionParsnip1Boz: ok if you cn detail exactly the steps you are taking we may be able to advise10:30
DJonescomp3 its "/join #malang" without the "'s10:30
Bozlooks like that worked thanks10:31
anr78is there a trigger for checking the version of a package in jaunty?10:31
chrisfsIndus adobe-flashplugin doesn't appear  flashplugin-installer appears and is already installed , flashplugin-nonfree is not10:31
ar10anr78, apt-cache policy 'packagename'10:32
induschrisfs: ok install flashplugin-nonfree10:32
crzedmonkhttp request sent, awaiting response.......404 not found.10:32
chrisfsActionparship1: copied the commands, trying applicaiton first but will try that if this doesn't pan out10:32
crzedmonkdl failed10:32
crzedmonkplugin not installed10:32
crzedmonkis the details of the thing10:32
crzedmonkmeanwhile the box says changes applied10:32
ManDayI got an EEE Pc on which I installed the vanilla ubuntu (not the netbook-edition). Since then I'vent tried out my webcam since there are no programs for it pre-installed. I now want to try it out and at the same time get myself a good program for the webcam. Can you recomment anything. It should offer quite some features but should not be too demanding for the hardware. Maybe a record function and setting values such as brightness etc. so they10:32
ManDay get stored and I dont have to reset them everythime. any recommendations?10:32
crzedmonkflash still does not work10:32
chrisfsInuds: ok it's installed10:33
anr78ar10: thanks10:33
ActionParsnipManDay: sudo apt-get install cheese10:33
induschrisfs: now close firefox reopen,clear cache then play a video10:33
ManDayActionParsnip, I'll check it out, thank you!10:33
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: are you running 32bit Ubuntu?10:33
CppIsWeirdhas anyone here use an IBM LCM?10:34
indusActionParsnip: yes he gave u uname -a i think10:34
ActionParsnipindus: its been a long day :(10:34
crzedmonkhow do I tell10:34
indusActionParsnip: hey get some rest, ill take over a little:)10:34
crzedmonkI thought I dled 3210:34
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: did you run that big script i hacked out earlier?10:34
crzedmonkUbuntu 8.0410:35
ManDayActionParsnip, does "Cheese" feature setting permanent adjustments for the webcam?10:35
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: anddid a file download?10:35
ActionParsnipManDay: not sure i dont use webcams, too creepy10:35
crzedmonk                no10:35
induscrzedmonk: when you type uname -a in terminal does it anywher mention x86_64 in the output10:35
ActionParsnipManDay: i know it can test if its working10:35
ManDayActionParsnip, creepy, why that?10:35
crzedmonkcrzedmonk@Lintron:~$ uname -a10:35
crzedmonkLinux Lintron 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux10:35
induscrzedmonk: ook 32 bit10:36
chrisfsIndus: works much much better. Played the same video I was having trouble with earlier today and it runs quite smoothly now. Many Many Thanks !10:36
indusall right then :))!10:36
crzedmonki686 = 32 right10:36
induscrzedmonk: so lets solve your problem now10:36
ar10ManDay, I remember one of the webcam programs supported various visual adjustments, it could be cheese or camorama.10:36
ActionParsnipManDay: just prefer text, i'm old school. plus you get the whole cybersex nonesense and whatnot10:36
crzedmonkI hate problems10:36
chrisfsThank You Ubuntu gurus, I'm going to bed now10:36
ar10Or both :-P10:36
induscrzedmonk: what exactly is your issue10:37
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: download this file to ~/.mozilla/plugins     http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz10:37
induschrisfs: good night10:37
ThreetimesHi, how do I execute a command when the size of a file changes?10:37
ActionParsnipThreetimes: you could install tripwire10:37
* Moose waves to lstarnes 10:38
ThreetimesActionParsnip: will this monitor the file size live or on intervals?10:38
crzedmonkhow do you show hidden files in terminal?10:38
ActionParsnipThreetimes: i think its live, it watches for changes, i think you can tell it to watch only for filesize changes10:39
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: ls -a10:39
TwinkletoesWhere can I learn how to write an init script?10:39
induscrzedmonk: ls -al10:39
crzedmonkthank you10:39
crzedmonkmozilla has extensions and firefox not plug in10:40
crzedmonkfirefox has a plug in reg but no file directory10:40
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: firefox uses the .mozilal folder for settings10:40
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: the plugins directory needs creating in ~/.mozilla10:40
indusActionParsnip: thats not the recommended procedure,shouldnt it be /usr/lib/ozilla/plugins10:41
WeazelONChromium Rox on ubuntu10:41
indusActionParsnip: system wide i mean10:41
indus!info chromium10:41
ubottuchromium (source: chromium): fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 107 kB, installed size 420 kB10:41
WeazelONthats not true10:41
ActionParsnipindus: you can install it on a per user basis in ~ if you like, you'll find most home users only have 1 user so it works fine, but for system wide you are right10:42
crzedmonknow what?10:42
WeazelONchromium is Google-Chrome in Ubuntu10:42
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: tar zxvf the file you moved10:42
WeazelONfrickin fast, though its still in dev mode10:42
ManDayI've installed amsn but apparently there is no sound being transmitted when I "Send webcam", anyone knows why?10:42
indusActionParsnip: is crzedmonk's problem solved now? what was his problem exactly?10:42
WeazelONaMsn doesnt have video last i checked10:42
indusManDay: i told you, amsn dosnt support sound10:43
ActionParsnipWeazelON: firepup is fast too, as is Kazehakase10:43
ManDayindus, barfoos however claimed that amsn does support sound10:43
WeazelONbut not as beautiful/awesome as the chrome :D10:43
ActionParsnipindus: flash10:43
indusManDay: its incorrect,sound for msn not implemented yet10:43
ThreetimesWeazelON: Opera is fast10:43
ManDayindus, ok thanks, can you think of a client which DOES support sound then?10:43
ActionParsnipWeazelON: not bothered for beautiful, i always use liquifox theme10:43
WeazelONthey just implemented the themes feature in chromium10:43
indusManDay: skype does, and it does very well10:44
indusManDay: and suports video too10:44
ManDayindus, I thought of an MSN client10:44
sipiorThreetimes: this might be useful to you, regarding your earlier question: http://inotify-tools.sourceforge.net/10:44
ManDayYes, I know skype :P10:44
indusManDay: no none i know of10:44
ManDayOk, thanks then10:44
ActionParsnipWeazelON: max screen space :) plus small menu plus rearrange bars for lotsa space10:44
ManDayIs skyke supported by the repos?10:44
Slart!skype | ManDay10:44
ubottuManDay: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:44
WeazelONActionParsnip: there is no browser i've seen that has a full screen like chromium, its just the page in fullscreen10:45
indusManDay: empathy is a recent client which promises video and voice for linux10:45
SlartManDay: not sure if it's in medibuntu or in the regular repos though..10:45
indusManDay: yes its there in the partner repos10:45
ManDayWhat kind of protocols is empathy for?10:45
Slartindus: isn't empathy going to be the default client in karmic? I think I read something about that somewhere10:45
indusSlart: yeah already using karmic so hehe yes10:45
SlartManDay: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathy_(software)10:45
ActionParsnipWeazelON: IE is ok in F11 fullscreen. I use opera personally10:46
SlartManDay: sounds like it will handle lots of stuff10:46
indusSlart: but voice video support not yet there, i heard it works with google talk but i couldnt get it to work10:46
WeazelONActionParsnip: dude, if fullscreen is your bag, you should really check the fullscreen there10:46
WeazelONActionParsnip: in Chromium that is of course10:46
Slartindus: ah.. think I'll have to give karmic a try.. just to see what they are up to.. thanks10:46
ActionParsnipWeazelON: i dont use alpha software10:46
indusManDay: it supports all protocols for chat10:46
ActionParsnipWeazelON: never have, never will10:46
lianimatorHi, This is the 2nd time in three days my system has restarted X by itself. It's as if I hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.. but I did not! [ubuntu 8.10]10:46
indusSlart: its alpha mind it, lots of things missing10:47
Slartindus: yup.. thanks for the warning10:47
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indusSlart: but its running 'ok' for me ,might have gdm issues, sound crackle etc10:48
WeazelONActionParsnip: welp,  when it'll be finally released, you will have the privilege to witness real speed.10:48
indusSlart: alpha 4 is out 2 days then maybe u try>?10:48
ActionParsnipWeazelON: i'll try it out, its free to try ;)10:48
indusActionParsnip: which one?10:48
MadGirlwell, which one is it blaise?10:48
Slartindus: I'll wait for that then..10:48
ActionParsnipWeazelON: if you want speed, try LXDE :D10:49
indusActionParsnip: i want the fastest browser. which one u recommend10:49
indusActionParsnip: scrollling should be butter smooth10:49
WeazelONActionParsnip: maybe i will, but currently i'm too excited to switch browsers :D10:49
ActionParsnipindus: firepup, kazehakase, swiftfox10:49
ActionParsnipWeazelON: its a DE, not a browser10:50
mr_louActionParsnip, Well, dunno if you're interested or not, but it seems that the burning issue is a Linux issue. Both wodim and growisofs ignores the speed parameter for some reason, and since most burning apps use one of those, you simply can't force a certain speed. My girlfriends computer is identical to mine, except she's running WinXP, and there are no problems there.10:50
indusActionParsnip: are these webkit based?10:50
ActionParsnipindus: all gecko based10:50
mr_louActionParsnip, There are many posts on various forums about it.10:50
crzedmonkok I tar the file do I need to do anything with the libflashplayer.so?10:50
WeazelONDoes anyone know how, for the sake of all that is good,  can one use SSL Network Exteneder in Ubuntu ?10:50
crzedmonkmy stuff is still not working10:50
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: make sure it is in ~/.mozilla/plugins10:51
induscrzedmonk: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins10:51
ActionParsnipmr_lou: thats because XP has billions of dollars plowed into it, Linux doesnt have that10:51
crzedmonkcrzedmonk@Lintron:~/.mozilla/plugins$ ls10:51
crzedmonkinstall_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz  libflashplayer.so10:51
ActionParsnipmr_lou: also linux is a different OS to windows so will have different quirks10:51
mikejoneslol has anybody found a way to play netflix movies under ubuntu ?????10:51
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: rm ./install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz10:52
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: then close all firefoxes and then open: http://www.rathergood.com/blode210:52
ManDayConcerning ekiga, are there any other casual programs (esp. on Windows, freeware) which support the same protocols as Ekiga?10:53
ActionParsnipManDay: http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Windows_Users10:53
crzedmonkIT works10:53
crzedmonkthank you10:53
sluurpkphone mabye10:53
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: np man, i never use the repo way10:54
crzedmonkI owe you a geek binary blood debt10:54
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: i think it flat out sucks and have a script of my own to do what you just did10:54
mikejoneswhy cant i play online netflix movies on ubuntu?10:54
crzedmonkI am trying to get better at terminal10:54
ManDayActionParsnip, thanks.10:54
crzedmonkI am new to linux10:54
crzedmonkvista was my final straw10:54
crzedmonkso I came to linux10:54
crzedmonkbut I know littler terminal10:54
crzedmonkso I try to learn by doing10:54
mocashi there10:55
megloCan you just use any SIP client with an Ekiga.net account?10:55
mocasdoes ubuntu 9.0.4 support LVM?10:55
Slart!lvm | mocas10:55
ubottumocas: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:55
Slartmocas: but in short.. yes10:55
ManDayActionParsnip, any idea why it depends on a package called "libgdata-google"?10:55
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: as you use it you will learn10:55
bullgard[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] What might be the reason that '~$ route' does not show a "Destination=link-local" entry?10:56
ActionParsnipManDay: not sure, if you add the meibuntu repo it should be ok but i have no clue10:56
ar10mikejones, this may be of interest to you : http://www.petitiononline.com/Linflix/petition.html10:56
crzedmonkI hope so10:56
crzedmonkseems way better than dos10:56
crzedmonkmakes more sense10:56
crzedmonklike ls10:56
crzedmonkand rm10:56
FloodBot2crzedmonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:56
ManDayActionParsnip, i just dislike it if a package depends on other weird packages of which I dont have a clue what they are good for. And especially "google" makes me suspicious.10:57
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: its far more powerful than dos10:57
mikejonesyo thanks ar1o10:57
crzedmonkseems like it10:57
crzedmonkis ubuntu the best distro in your opinion10:58
WeazelON9.04 imo10:58
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: not in my opinion, no10:58
lstarnescrzedmonk: asking in this channel will give you an answer biased towards ubuntu10:58
Kartagishello. even though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?10:58
lstarnescrzedmonk: ##linux is a more general channel for all linux distributions.  Try asking there10:58
WeazelONcrzedmonk: i guess u can call ubuntu the most user friendly one i think10:58
crzedmonkI would think so that is why I chose it10:59
mocasSlart, it's because I wan't to fsck a filesystem inside lvm but I just found sda on /dev :(10:59
crzedmonkwhat are some need to have apps for ubuntu?10:59
indusi think the users are more friendly than the OS itself10:59
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: its a tool for a job, each distro has an aim so i choose the distro that suits the job of the system10:59
pirintoHow do you set permissions for which users to get to use a scanner in Jaunty since they removed the 'scanner' group?10:59
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: so imho there is no best distro10:59
Slartmocas: hmm.. not really sure where the lvm file systems end up.. there's nothing in the docs about that?11:00
ActionParsnippirinto: tried creating the scanner group yourself?11:00
Slartmocas: nothing in /dev/LV/ ?11:00
mocasdon't exist /dev/LV11:01
Slartmocas: or run "sudo lvdisplay".. that might tell you where the volumes are located11:01
PrankyHow to find username and password in ubuntu11:02
ActionParsnipPranky: can you expand please11:02
SlartPranky: username by running "whoami".. passwords can be reset.. hopefully not recovered11:02
crzedmonkwell I guess I will just have to figure it out as I go11:02
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: indeed, just as you did with Windows11:02
crzedmonkI am using irssi is that good for irc?11:02
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: seems to be working ok11:02
Slartcrzedmonk: I like it11:03
PrankySlart, all these command from safe mode11:03
crzedmonkI used to use bitchx11:03
chrisellisany of yall have uverse?11:03
crzedmonkthis seems to work good11:03
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: if you like it, then use it11:03
crzedmonkYAAY FreedOM!11:03
ActionParsnip!irc | crzedmonk11:03
ubottucrzedmonk: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:03
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: there are tonnes of irc clients available11:04
PrankyActionParsnip, I am install ubuntu 9.04 from Vmplayer.11:04
PrankyActionParsnip, but I am not able to get username and password11:04
SlartPranky: hmm.. try this then "11:04
Slartcat /etc/passwd | grep 100011:04
SlartPranky: sorry for the extra line.. copy/paste isn't agreeing with me this morning11:04
pirintoActionParsnip: I don't think it's necessary to create the group, one user is able to scan besides root, others cannot so it's not grouprelated anymore11:04
leaf-sheep!info zsnes11:05
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 874 kB, installed size 4068 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)11:05
leaf-sheepI don't see znes in my Jaunty amd64 repo. :311:05
PrankySlart, How to reset password11:05
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: you can install ia32-libs and run 32bit packages11:05
SlartPranky: passwd with some switch11:05
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: you will need some 32bit deps for it11:05
mocaslvdisplay, display the file sistem11:05
mocasbut when I try to fsck11:06
mocasit says that device not exist11:06
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: or you can try find a ppa with a 64bit version on, compile it yourself or find an alternative11:06
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: So it did not show up on the repo because I don't have the ia32-libs? It said it's available for amd64 too.11:06
SlartPranky: passwd <USERNAME>    should work, I think11:06
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: its not available on the standard repo for 64bit11:06
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: afaik11:07
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: you can download the .deb for the 32bit one and install it, it will run provided you have ia32-libs installed11:07
Slartmocas: near the top it should say where the lvm volume device is located.. something like /dev/blablabla/blabla11:07
Slartmocas: make sure you spell it correctly.. use TAB to autocomplete11:07
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: Trying it now.11:07
mocasit's what I am saying... lvdisplay shows the folder, but inside /dev don't exist anything11:08
mocasmaybe my ubuntu don't support logical volumes :S11:08
PvpeterHello! is there any way I can make a complete backup to my linux partition to my windows partition? I need to reformat it to change the inode size...11:08
Slartmocas: hmm.. and lvm is running alright?11:09
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] What might be the reason that '~$ route' does not show a "Destination=link-local" entry?11:09
ActionParsnip!backup > Pvpeter11:09
ubottuPvpeter, please see my private message11:09
Slartmocas: can you pastebin the output from "sudo lvdisplay" ?11:09
ActionParsnipPvpeter: could also use partimage11:09
PvpeterActionparsnip: Thanks11:09
Slart!pastebin | mocas11:10
ubottumocas: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:10
mocasSlart, http://pastebin.com/m2f15d7f311:11
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: Do I need to do --force-arch for ia32-libs?11:11
Slartmocas: and /dev/VolGroup00 doesn't exist? make sure you use capital letters where needed11:12
cantomaguys, I have an eps graph figure that i need to edit (add text, arrows ...) what is the best program for doing this?11:12
eidosdoes anyone know if the kworld 120 tvcard is going to be supported soon11:12
Slartcantoma: inkscape?11:12
mocasI'm sure that don't exist11:12
Slart!info inkscape | cantoma11:12
ubottucantoma: inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46-5ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 13869 kB, installed size 59904 kB11:12
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: no, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs11:12
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: you will need to force-arch for the 32bit deb for zsnes though11:12
cantomaSlart, so you recommend that one?!11:12
Slartmocas: hmm.. then I don't really know what to do.. sorry11:12
Slartcantoma: it's what I use to touch up eps graphs.. that and a text editor11:13
cantomaSlart, i just need to make some boxes and some arrows with text to explain my idea11:14
garymcHi im installed Ubuntu Alternate for LTSP, i need to place desktop launchers so all new users log in and have them on their desktops. Im having some difficulty doing this. Any one able to talk me through this?11:14
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: personally i'd compile it so it matches your 64bit OS11:14
dcorkingit defies logic (or rather it defies my mental model): where aptitude failed and tried to download non-existent builds from the mirror, synaptic has found the latest jaunty builds on the security repo.  I live and learn.11:14
eidosdoes anyone know my my tvcard works only in digital HD on mythtv but does not work on any other program i am trying to get the composite input to work11:14
Slartcantoma: create from scratch? or you have an eps file you want to edit?11:14
cantomaSlart, i generate it from octave11:14
ActionParsnipdcorking: i've had people saying synaptic cant find some packages but apt-get can11:14
cantomaSlart, or matlab (the same)11:14
Slartcantoma: well.. you can use octave to make boxes and arrows..11:15
dcorkingActionParsnip: I blame cosmic rays11:15
cantomaSlart, i also need to put one graph inside the other .. is for a poster11:15
ActionParsnipdcorking: i just stik to apt-get :)11:15
cantomaSlart, is like in the corner of one graph it will be another which is what i want to achieve11:16
cantomaSlart, i am shore i cannot do this with octave11:16
Slartcantoma: it can be done using matlab at least..11:16
Slartcantoma: another thing.. I just fired up inkscape just now.. seems I just get an error message when I try to open an eps file.. not really sure if I've updated someting since I used it11:17
dcorkingaptitude has always worked for me, until today - I used it ever since apt-get was deprecated by Debian11:17
GnuSebhello there, I'm thinking of installing ubuntu on my new laptop compaq presario cq40 laptop, i ran out of discs to burn but i have a flash drive, can i use the netbook remix one?11:17
richardcavelldcorking: apt-get has been deprecated?11:17
Kartagishello. even though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?11:17
ActionParsniprichardcavell: no11:18
cantomaSlart, must programs have that problem .. they don't open eps11:18
ActionParsniprichardcavell: its used in ubuntu11:18
richardcavellActionParsnip: I know it is11:18
richardcavellActionParsnip: What's wrong with it?11:19
richardcavellActionParsnip: [rhetorical question]11:19
kapilGnuSeb: the netbook remix installs a different GUI from the usual ubuntu default.11:19
cantomaSlart, so what would you use for eps editing?11:19
GnuSebkapil: what does that mean?11:20
leaf-sheeprichardcavell: Nothing. I'd say.  It's... different package manager. :311:20
GnuSebI can't?11:20
ActionParsniprichardcavell: its awesome [ironic answer]11:20
kapilyou can but it will look different from "classic" ubuntu11:20
ActionParsnipkapil: it also has a few different settings for apps suitable for netbook screens11:20
Slartcantoma: hang on.. I'm trying to find out what I have been using11:20
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kapili use ubuntu netbook remix on my acer aspire one and it works fine but ymmv.11:21
E_L_K_hello. i have a problem with running 9.04 ubuntu on compaq evo n800c notebook with ati mobility radeon 7500 video card. Xorg just hangs after start and no keyboard/mouse works. have tried radeon,ati and vesa drivers, which don't changes anything. can anyone give me tips to solving this issue or at least direction to dig into?11:21
dcorkingway beack (debian 3.1 iirc) Debian decided that end users should use aptitude as the front end to apt-get11:22
oguncakhi friends. i deleted my upper panel on gnome, i created a new one. but now i cant find the start menu with my name. how can i find that back?11:22
dcorkingway back!11:22
kiminaiseahhi, wheres the right room for mysql-clustering11:22
Slartcantoma: you're just doing regular graphs from octave? you could do them in gnuplot if you want.. it seems to have a bit more features compared to octave11:22
GnuSebkapil: are there any screen shots? will it be all messed from the screen dimensions ro something?11:22
nomikeCould it be, that JFS does not support ACL's or, that the option is disabled in the Ubuntu-Default kernel?11:22
cantomaSlart, i could but the thing is .. can then you add one graph (inside the other)?11:23
Spike1506goodday, i have a trust wireless usb mouse but it seems to lag.. my touchpad seems to work fine, i already switched batteries. any solution to it?11:23
Slartcantoma: yes.. gnuplot can do that11:23
Spike1506it doesnt lag all the time, just random11:23
grawityJFS seems to have ACLs... and Ubuntu has ACL support with at least ext3.11:23
cantomaSlart, but its just command line right?11:23
francisfelidaehi! how can I activate vim plugins?11:24
cantomaSlart, i would like to have something more drag and drop11:24
ZxcvbI only get 11-14fps in etracer on a i945gme card, is that normal?11:24
Slartcantoma: here are samples of gnuplot diagrams.. with source code11:24
rskiZxcvb: yea11:24
Slartcantoma: well.. I don't really know of anything that does that..11:25
oguncakhow can i find the start menu that includes my name?11:25
Zxcvbrski: ok, just checking11:25
redbrainany postfix gurus here its pissing me off11:25
Zxcvbrski: seems kind of low11:25
kapilGnuSeb: have a look at http://www.imsc.res.in/~kapil/UNR.png11:26
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: Care to help me compiling zsnes?11:26
rskiZxcvb: and the 945 is kid of bad. :)11:26
mickster04oguncak, wont it be one of the menu addables?11:26
GnuSebkapil: not found on this server11:26
Zxcvbrski: could have sworn the i915 was faster11:26
GnuSebkapil: but technically speaking it has all the same features right?11:26
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: read the readme in the source tarball, it will tell you all11:27
kapilGnuSeb: sorry. sent the message before uploading!11:27
mickster04oguncak, try the shutdown and log out items too, it might be one of them11:27
aadityawhat could make the "Suspend" option disappear from all my gnome menus?11:27
Zxcvbrski: do you think it would be best to use opengl or software rendering for ps1 games on that card?11:28
rskino idea never used intel11:28
kapilGnuSeb: see what ActionParsnip said. it is optimised for netbook usage. this means (a) small screen (b) high portability.11:28
ActionParsnipkapil: GnuSeb: also low(ish) system power11:29
GnuSebwill it work on a normal 14 inch screen though?11:29
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: sure11:29
GnuSebActionParsnip, right now I have a compaq presario cq40 laptop with 2 ghz memory11:29
GnuSebit came with vista basic on it11:30
mickster042 ghz mem?11:30
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: thats plenty, it will flyyyyy11:30
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richardcavellGnuSeb: You mean 2 Gigabytes11:30
GnuSebcan i install ubuntu unr and still leave windows on a different partition11:30
GnuSebyes i meant11:30
GnuSebtwo 2gb11:30
mickster04oh ok :D11:30
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: its more than an eeepc so its fine11:30
aadityagconf was the answer11:31
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: those tiny netbooks from Asus?11:31
GnuSebActionParsnip, will i be able to leave the factory preinstalled vista, make a partition, install ubuntu unr, mount partition and transfer files?11:31
Mikihello !!!11:31
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: sure, you will need ntfs-3g to get write access to ntfs11:32
dabukalamGnuSeb: Really cheap small underpowered notebooks, referred to as "netbooks"11:32
Mikido you know if there are errors on ubuntu  dvd 9.04 ?11:32
richardcavellMiki: no11:32
Mikii tested twice  with md511:32
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:32
richardcavellMiki: Are you trying to install from a 9.04 DVD?11:32
ActionParsnipMiki: if the md5 hashes match then your download is ok11:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:32
richardcavellMiki: So your md5 hash matches?11:32
ActionParsnipMiki: the second test will be the same as the first11:32
Mikiyes correct11:32
Mikiyes on the iso and files11:33
ActionParsnipMiki: then its a full and correct iso11:33
richardcavellMiki: So are you able to burn it to a DVD?11:33
GnuSebActionParsnip, one thing tha concerns me is that of battery power and overheating, my windows laptop tends to run out battery power quickly after a couple of hours and it gets really hot too11:33
Mikibut when i burn with nero  there are 3 errors11:33
GnuSebif i install unr will that improve11:33
ActionParsnipMiki: burn it as slow as you are able and boot to it, then check the CD once booted to the first menu11:33
richardcavellMiki: he means check the DVD11:34
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: i'm unsure of that, you can set power setting sin both OSes. Try setting a power saving mode when it is on battery11:34
Mikiagain with md5 ?11:34
richardcavellMiki: Mate, last time I installed Ubuntu I went through 5 CDs before I got a good burn.  Sometimes it's just bad luck.11:34
Miki i burn 3 times ... always  little erros11:34
GnuSebi thought ubuntu had better battery/energy consumption11:34
AlvinwareHow to change WiFi Channel, and Modulation in Ubuntu?11:34
mickster04Miki, what errors11:34
Mikii just use 3 so i need 2 more !!!!!11:35
ThreetimesGnuSeb: depends on how you use it.11:35
mickster04Miki, try redownloading the img?11:35
richardcavellmickster04: no, his md5 matches11:35
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: it can with settings. Te OS doesnt really dictate the power usage, its the users settings11:35
Mikiyes .. i can redownoad ... but the md5 is correct11:35
Mikiso i think is something else ......11:35
richardcavellMiki: if your md5 is correct then you don't need to download again11:35
leaf-sheepGnuSeb: Turn off your MONITOR!!  (Only when you're done with it. :3)11:35
mickster04richardcavell, oh ok11:35
richardcavellMiki: Mate, you just need to keep burning until you get a good one11:35
ThreetimesGnuSeb: If you run compiz, it will use a lot of battery power (i guess) so i wouldn't use it on a laptop.11:35
dcorkingadvantage of aptitude (and synaptic) is that it can uninstall unused dependencies - APT can't do that on its own11:35
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: so you could set really poor battery saving settings in ubuntu and really good ones n windows and assume windows is "better" at battery saving11:36
ubuntunewbiedoes anyone know how to set up virtualbox ? is this the correct guide ? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-virtualbox-202-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html11:36
richardcavellMiki: burn it as slow as possible, and close down all non essential software  while you burn11:36
Mikiok try to burn very very slow last time at 8 x11:36
ilililhi, how can i find and list the full paths of all files which filenames contain 'hans'11:36
dcorkingleaf-sheep: aptitude isn't a different package manager - it is merely a more feature-full front end for APT11:36
richardcavellMiki: 8 x isn't slow for a DVD11:36
dcorkingjoin #gnome11:36
Threetimesililil: find / | grep hand11:36
Threetimesililil: find / | grep hans11:36
Mikii used the speed test of nero  ... before burn11:36
sluurpubuntunewbie yes it is11:36
mickster04Miki, try 2x11:36
richardcavellililil: or locate hans11:36
GnuSebActionParsnip, shouldi go ahead and start downloading the ubuntu unr? can i also download the xubuntu and kubuntu packages from its repos?11:36
AlvinwareHow to change WiFi Channel, and Modulation in Ubuntu?11:37
leaf-sheepdcorking: Which then uses dpkg. :)11:37
Mikii think it's not supported 2x11:37
richardcavellMiki: Go as slow as you can11:37
Mikii understand11:37
ilililthanks, Threetimes11:37
GnuSebi have a m2 2 gb storage card with an adaptor for usb, can i format that and use it to install ubuntu?11:37
Mikithanks ...11:37
richardcavellMiki: also, I got more success with different recordable media11:37
dome412Hello to everybody......I need a help....can anybody help me with PAE question?11:37
erUSULActionParsnip: sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel <number> sudo iwconfig wlan0 modu <whatever>11:37
ubuntunewbiesluurp: I had a very limited knowledge on virtualbox .Actually how virtualbox works ?11:37
erUSULAlvinware: sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel <number> sudo iwconfig wlan0 modu <whatever>11:37
richardcavellMiki: sometimes you just need to fiddle with it until the thing just works11:37
Mikii have also a usbkey  of 4giga ....11:37
erUSULAlvinware: see man iwconfig11:37
erUSULActionParsnip: sorry tab comp error ;P11:38
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: you can download xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop once installed and switch at logon if you wish11:38
ubuntunewbiesluurp: installing it with deb vb 3.011:38
ActionParsniperUSUL: been there too ;)11:38
Threetimesililil: locate hans is faster11:38
Mikirichardcavell,  maybe i can keep out some files..11:38
richardcavellMiki: no, no.11:38
GnuSebActionParsnip,  so getting the UNR shouldn't make anythign less practical thanotherwise right?11:38
richardcavellMiki: burn the DVD as is.  You just need to fiddle with things.11:38
richardcavellMiki: burn as slow as you can, try a different brand of recordable DVD11:39
Mikirichardcavell,  for the moment i used only tdk11:39
richardcavellMiki: close down non-essential software while burning11:39
Mikirichardcavell,  also antivirus ?11:39
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: no its fine, if you want to test you can run a virtual system to try it out11:39
richardcavellMiki: that doesn't really matter11:40
richardcavellMiki: but don't surf the web or do anything else11:40
GnuSebOK, i am downloading the image, now i have to go and format the sandisk m2 card before i think11:40
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: remember to md511:40
dome412Hello to everybody......11:40
Mikirichardcavell,  no  surfing11:41
dome412I need a help....11:41
uhokhi dome41211:41
GnuSebActionParsnip, md5?11:41
Mikirichardcavell,  thanks for you assistance , maybe i can do it11:41
dome412can anybody help me with PAE question?11:41
richardcavellMiki: yeah, it prevents buffer underrun11:41
Mikirichardcavell,  see soon11:41
richardcavellMiki: just keep trying11:41
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: md5 check the file you download to make sure it is correct11:41
ActionParsnip!md5 | GnuSeb11:41
ubottuGnuSeb: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:41
uhokIf I mount two partitions to the same folder in /media (and I make a file in that folder), will it write it to both of the partitions?11:41
dome412....i just want to use all my 4 Giga of RAM installed in my PC11:42
ActionParsnipuhok: not possible, you can only mount one device to on foilder11:42
ActionParsnipuhok: you will need to use rsync to replicate the changes across11:43
uhokThanks ActionParsnip, will do.11:43
richardcavelluhok: how would you mount two partitions to the one mount point?11:43
erryis there a package i can install to see hebrew characters fine when i open a file with them in gedit?11:43
dome412uhok.....could i speak to you?11:43
mikejoneslol even watch-movies-links.net dont even play movies using ubuntu i give up11:44
GnuSebActionParsnip, can I run gnome normally eventhough I'm getting the UNR?11:44
uhokdome412, yes11:44
GnuSeblike the normal GUI11:44
uhokrichardcavell, fstab11:44
MadGirli heard hello was this right syntax? routes_eth0=("-net netmask default via") ?11:44
dome412first of all....I'm very sorry for my english.......11:44
richardcavelluhok: What exactly are you trying to do?11:44
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: sure, you can even install kde based apps, you will be able to run all apps on any DE11:45
ThreetimesHi, how can I see the number of unread mails. I use Maildir.11:45
uhokSynchronize certain select folders (like a backup)11:45
mickster04mikejones, whats up?11:45
richardcavelluhok: okay11:45
dome412now, have you seen my question I wrote before?11:45
richardcavelluhok: I really don't think you should try to do it like that11:45
uhokrichardcavell, why11:45
thesystemnetworkis it possible to build only one single Kernelmodule?11:45
GnuSebActionParsnip, but can i switch betweenthe simple gui that's unr specific and hte normal ubuntu gnome one?  i'm mostly going to install the unr because i have a flashdrive11:45
richardcavelluhok: I think you should mount one partition and use it normally, then use rsync or clonezilla to create a backup of it periodically11:46
uhokrichardcavell, I deal with over 4tb of data.11:46
dome412it's about enable 4 giga of RAM in my 32bit pc11:46
ThreetimesGnuSeb: you might try to install ubuntu-desktop after you installed UNR11:46
mikejonesmickster04 im chillin trying to find a site to watch a movie on using ubuntu without having to switch to windows11:46
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DaZdome412: pae?;f11:46
dabukalammikejones: you mean a player?11:47
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: sure, you can switch between DEs by logging off, switching, the logging on but as I said you can run any app installed on your system in any DE11:47
Total_Oblivionwhat does compiz actually do?11:47
leaf-sheepGnuSeb: Check out http://www.lesswatts.org/  --> I found out interesting stuffs there... including xset which can toggle on/off/limit on voices, keyclick, screen, mouse, etc.11:47
ThreetimesHi, how can I see the number of unread mails. I use Maildir.11:47
dome412daz......about enable 4 giga of RAM in my 32bit pc11:47
sluurpfreezing ubuntu, @ my machine11:47
SlartTotal_Oblivion: it provides the composite extension11:47
DaZTotal_Oblivion:makes linuxx superior to vista !!1onenene11:47
mickster04mikejones, is it a problem with ff and flash?11:47
ActionParsnipTotal_Oblivion: it renders each window as a graphic, it can then display them in various ways like making cube desktops and annoying animations11:47
ActionParsnipDaZ: i think its horrific11:48
dabukalammikejones:, if it's a DVD you're trying to watch, get vlc11:48
mickster04mikejones, i;ve had problems with flash (as have most ppl)11:48
dabukalam!vlc > mikejones11:48
ubottumikejones, please see my private message11:48
GnuSebActionParsnip, so it won't necessarily have to looklike this http://www.lesswatts.org/11:48
SlartTotal_Oblivion: ie each window doesn't get drawn to the screen but to a buffer.. then compiz decides where to put the buffer.. that can be on the sides of a cube.. or it can make reflections of that buffer.. or split it.. burn it etc11:48
mikejonesdabuk naw i mean like netflix and sites like it i used when i used windows dosent work using ubuntu11:48
GnuSeber * http://www.imsc.res.in/~kapil/UNR.png11:48
dabukalammikejones: okay you need to get flash11:48
SlartTotal_Oblivion: all these things happens transparently to the application.. it doesn't have to know that it's window is being drawn upside down etc..11:48
Total_Oblivionok.. as Daz said makes linuxxx much much better than vista11:49
erryoh fuck it.11:49
dome412can anybody tell me how to eanable 4Giga of RAM in my ubuntu desktop 32-bit, please?11:49
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: not necessarily as that is the default UNR desktop11:49
Total_Oblivionfrom i understood at least:P11:49
leaf-sheepFor those who're curious, run "xset q" in the terminal will reveal some interesting stuffs about your machine.11:49
Slart!pae | dome41211:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pae11:49
ubuntuhi to the room11:49
lstarnesdome412: you might need to use the 64-bit version11:49
Slartdome412: hmm.. why not use the server kernel.. I think it has PAE enabled by default11:49
mikejonesi got flash it plays youtube videos11:49
dome412and i don't want to use 64 bit version11:49
dabukalammikejones: type this in terminal "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"11:49
ActionParsnipdome412: you can use PAE11:49
ThreetimesHow can I see the number of unread mails? I use Maildir.11:50
dabukalammikejones: oh11:50
dabukalammikejones: what doesn't it play?11:50
lstarnesdome412: you might have to use it.   I haven't had any major issues with it11:50
SlartTotal_Oblivion: I think vista uses some kind of compositing window manager too.. not really that different afaik11:50
sluurpvista looks like kde11:50
lwizardlI'm configuring a Ubuntu Server and was wondering if someone could help me with something. I'm currently on the /etc/hosts file configure.11:50
dabukalammikejones: you have java?11:51
dome412ActionParship: how can i use PAE?11:51
barfoossluurp: kde looks like vista.11:51
lwizardlwhen I set the settings for the server what should i place in the section ? the real IP for the server ?11:51
m3m0r3xXx``barfoos: +111:51
mikejonesdosent play netflix movies11:51
dabukalammikejones: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin11:51
grawitylwizardl: No, just leave the 127.0.0.x lines as they are.11:51
sluurpwhat was first? kde or vista?11:51
grawitylwizardl: Just change the hostname though11:51
sluurpUH HUH11:52
Pharsalusso Vista looks like KDE11:52
grawitysluurp: Do you mean KDE 4, or KDE in general?11:52
barfoossluurp: also it's a very bad attempt in interface design, it's far from being unique.11:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:52
mikejonesdabuk what will that do?11:52
ThreetimesHow can I see the number of unread mails? I use Maildir.11:52
thesystemnetworkhey, i am encountering a problem with usb, to be more concrete with the ehci high speed mode when i connect a 16gb usb-stick it's only recognized as a fullspeed device. external usb-hdd works fine as highspeed. i figured out that it's maybe a problem with the 250mil sec timeout set in ehci-hcd.c ... someone encountered this problem too?11:52
dome412i'm new about ubuntu....I would like to create four-five virtual machine to simulate a LAN and try some experiments....11:52
sluurpi mean in general11:52
m3m0r3xXx``the old version of kde doesent look like KDE11:52
m3m0r3xXx``like vista*11:52
Slartthesystemnetwork: nope.. not that I know of..11:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qumo11:53
lwizardlgrawity: ok I made it look like localhost.localdomain localhost & servername.domain.tld servername11:53
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo11:53
Slartdome412: try virtualbox.. it's fairly easy to setup a system like you described11:53
lwizardlgrawity: is that correct?11:53
EagleScreenKDE can look like Vista, like Gnome or like you want11:53
mikejonesdabuk what will sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin do?11:53
m3m0r3xXx``will install java6 )11:53
AlvinwareerUSUL, It didn't successfully changed, when i follow the command, and i retype iwconfig to see, and modu didn't work.11:53
dabukalammikejones: it will download and install java611:53
lwizardlmikejones: install the sun version of java611:54
Slartdome412: if you're low on memoty you might want to try a leaner distro .. or xubuntu11:54
grawitylwizardl: Yes. (The line could contain only 'localhost', but it's not that important)11:54
dome412yse...it's exactly what i do, but I want to see all my 4 giga and not only 3 giga of RAM...this is my question11:54
GnuSebActionParsnip, what is the image writer?11:54
dabukalammikejones: you follow through an installer, accept terma na dconditions etc. if you don't have it, get it.11:54
dabukalamwow epic spelling fail11:54
erUSULAlvinware: then i dunno... i allways use default settings.. (what my accespoint provides)11:54
Slartdome412: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/11:54
ThreetimesHow can I see the number of unread mails? I use Maildir.11:55
ActionParsnipGnuSeb: not sure11:55
grawityThreetimes: From command line, or from GUI?11:55
=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
maxagazarp -d in root doesn't fluch this address, why ?11:55
mickster04mikejones, tell us if it solves the problem?11:56
Threetimesgrawity: command line11:56
Darkcraftis it possible to run ubuntu from a cd if you don't have a hard drive in your computer?11:56
grawityDarkcraft: Yes.11:56
dome412slart: thank you, but i've already done it.............I just want to use my desktop version, not server version....I think it's different....isn't it?11:57
grawityThreetimes: I think there was a command, but I don't remember it... how about just doing ls Maildir/new | wc -l11:57
Slartdome412: of course it is.. it has PAE enabled =)11:57
mickster04Darkcraft, but u cant save the session etc...11:57
dome412just for this?11:57
ActionParsnipDarkcraft: absolutely11:57
Slartdome412: apart from that I don't think you'll notice a big difference..11:57
sluurpThreetimes: http://blog.no-panic.at/2006/10/04/show-number-of-unread-messages-at-login-on-shell/?no_back=111:57
Darkcraft:O I'm surprised by that, thank you very much :D11:57
grawityDarkcraft: LiveCDs are actually designed to never require or use the HD.11:57
mikejonesmickster aight installing now11:58
ActionParsnipDarkcraft: if you want persistant settings you can mount your home dir on a removable mediia11:58
grawityDarkcraft: And Ubuntu CDs are just LiveCDs with installer included.11:58
dome412slart: actually, i don't know....I think desktop version is more efficent for user application than the server version11:58
Threetimesgrawity: Maildir/new stays empty when I have unread mail11:58
shambatmy dhcp server is getting a lot of DHCPDISCOVER and sending DHCPOFFER messages, but almost no REQUESTs and ACKs ... what could be the reason for this? I have tried a tcpdump and I can see this line: IP > ICMP host unreachable - admin prohibited filter, length 36, is this the request being blocked?11:58
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] What might be the reason that '~$ route' does not show a "Destination=link-local" entry?11:59
grawityThreetimes: Hmm... is Maildir/cur empty too?11:59
Threetimessluurp: I don't want to see it at login11:59
Threetimesgrawity: maildir/cur contains all my mail, including the unread one.11:59
Slartdome412: mm.. I still think the difference is negligable.12:00
barfooswhats the best way to access a network manager control applet (could be terminal based, ncurses or command line too), when running a window manager without system tray area?12:00
x-trahi guys12:00
barfooss/network\ manager/NetworkManager/12:00
=== denis__ is now known as leut
grawitybarfoos: nm-applet? nm-connection-editor?12:00
x-trais x-chat a nice irc client, or am i missing something ?12:00
grawitybarfoos: Type 'nm-', and press Tab.12:00
grawityx-tra: It is one of the nicest. (I personally prefer irssi though.)12:01
x-traoh, thx, will check it out12:01
ThreetimesJust checked, it's in Maildir/cur/12:01
mickster04!tab | mikejones,12:01
ubottumikejones,: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:01
barfoosgrawity: how would i start it upon windowmanger startup without a systray?12:01
xenoterracidewhat kernel is 9.04 running?12:01
ActionParsnipbarfoos: you could use alltray ;)12:01
mohan_same problem..12:02
mikejoneshow do i remove sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin cause youtube videos want play12:02
mohan_system freezing..12:02
Threetimesxenoterracide: 9.04 desktop or 9.04 server?12:02
mohan_using ubuntu 9.04 64bit..12:02
barfoosActionParsnip: isn't there a way without a system tray?12:02
mohan_pls anybody help :(12:02
grawityThreetimes: Hrm. [The joys of Maildir...] I guess checking the mailbox with, say, mutt won't work? *continues googling*12:02
mickster04mikejones, sudo apt-get remove <bla bla>12:02
xenoterracideThreetimes: server, there's a difference in base system?12:03
ActionParsnipbarfoos: not sure, if you want the app in the tray and it wont stay there then alltray will run it there, you can use all try for any app (except terminal, weird)12:03
Threetimesgrawity: i just need a number as output, and it must be really fast (will execute every second)12:03
mickster04mikejones, it shouldnt cause it tho...12:03
Threetimesxenoterracide: yes, different kernels are used for different tasks. Don't ask me why12:03
ActionParsnipmohan_: if you install openssh-server. wait for a crash then ssh in from another pc and run: dmesg | tail12:03
ActionParsnipbarfoos: is that what you meant12:03
xenoterracideThreetimes: well they need to be built differently but I'm surprised they'd be a different major version...12:04
mickster04i have an update that is greyed out, what does this mean?12:04
Threetimes9.04 desktop has 2.6.28-14-generic, 8.04 server has 2.6.24-24-server12:04
barfoosActionParsnip: hmm, thanks anyways, i just wonder if NetworkManager in particular requires the user to run a windowmanager or desktop environment with a systray to access its controls.12:04
xenoterracidek thanks12:04
mohan_ActionParsnip: wow man.. this is a new thing for me..12:04
ThreetimesBut the server is 8.04 (LTS), not 9.0412:04
mohan_ActionParsnip: can u pls eloborate :)12:04
ActionParsnipbarfoos: if you use static ip you can use /etc/network/interfaces to define your network settings12:04
ActionParsnipmohan_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:05
Total_Oblivionand i presume compizcfig is nessecary to install cause it automatically makes all windows effects possible?12:05
mohan_ActionParsnip: ok sir .. doing it now..12:05
grawityThreetimes: http://burningsoda.com/software/newmail/ seems to be something like...12:05
ActionParsnipmohan_: you can then connect from another pc using ssh user@servername (in linux) or putty user@servername (for windows)12:05
PvpeterI can't backup my partition, since I'm using it.... And unmounting it makes partimage unaccesible12:05
Total_Oblivion*compizconfig i meant12:05
grawityPvpeter: LiveCD?12:06
MadGirlit has been said that LiveCD is just a demo, so you can try out Gentoo. You need to install it to use it for real.12:06
Pvpetergrawity: Have no empty CDs12:06
barfoosActionParsnip: again that's not what i want, as just said i don't want to get rid of NM nor do i want to use static ip configuration since i use dhcp providing static ip's with local dns names.12:06
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:06
xenoterracideThreetimes: according to the site there's a 9.04 server http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server12:06
grawityTotal_Oblivion: CompizConfig is not required for effects to work, but it allows you to enable and disable individual effects.12:06
mohan_ActionParsnip: how to know my username and servername? my other system is also ubuntu..12:06
Total_Oblivionis there any torrent client for ubuntu?12:07
grawityTotal_Oblivion: Lots. Transmission, Deluge...12:07
mohan_Total_Oblivion: yeah..12:07
grawity!torrent | Total_Oblivion12:07
ubottuTotal_Oblivion: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:07
grawityTotal_Oblivion: Ubuntu actually comes with Transmission preinstalled.12:07
Threetimesxenoterracide: i know there is, but I don't want to update my server every few months. I'm lazy12:08
Total_Obliviondo i have to port forward in order to achieve maximum dl speed?12:08
sachaeldoes anyone know a good kde app for managing wireless connection?12:08
grawityTotal_Oblivion: Yes, you usually need to forward at least one port.12:08
xenoterracideThreetimes: yeah prolly. I'm working on setting up a new server. I'm debating what OS I want on it12:08
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning12:09
mohan_ActionParsnip: how to know my username and servername? pls .. :)12:09
grawitymohan_: 'whoami', and 'hostname --fqdn'12:09
mickster04mikejones, any luck?12:09
mohan_grawity: thank u :)12:09
grawitymohan_: actually, if it's your own PC, the username will be the same one you use12:10
* mickster04 thinks this channel proves there is hope for humanity:D12:10
grawitymickster04: Sometimes, I highly doubt that...12:10
mickster04grawity, there are always excpetions :P12:11
Total_Oblivionhow do i port forward deluge?12:11
mickster04so anyone not being helped?12:11
mohan_grawity: my user name is mohan and hostname is mohan-desktop..12:11
mohan_grawity: now i did ssh from other system..12:12
jetdebian I want to integrate MIT Kerberos along with LDAP ,I have googled for more than a month and I found no good reference ,would you suggest me some good reference where I can go please12:12
mohan_grawity: its showing ssh: could not resolve hostname..12:12
grawitymohan_: You probably need to use the IP address.12:12
BrazzGood morning, what's sudo and root?12:12
grawityjetdebian: What are you trying to do currently?12:12
BrazzI am reading about it but it just mentions those two and not what they actually mean12:13
humboltAnybody any experience with KVM?12:13
ActionParsnipmohan_: its the username you login with, the servername can be learned by running: cat /etc/hostname12:13
grawityBrazz: In Unix and Linux, root is the first user account ever created. It has absolute power over the system -- usually you would use it to install software, change system config, etc.12:13
grawityBrazz: 'sudo' is a program created to allow you use root privileges without needing to know root's password.12:14
jetdebianI am trying to have a server for highschool in which i want to enable kerberos along with ldap I am using Debian and ubuntu as a client12:14
Brazzok, so sudo is not a secondary user, its a command-line to access the root ?12:14
Brazzgrawity: ok, so sudo is not a secondary user, its a command-line to access the root ?12:15
grawityBrazz: Correct12:15
Brazzgrawity: Thank you =)12:15
grawityBrazz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_user is an article about the root user.12:15
ThreetimesI cant compile newmail. http://burningsoda.com/software/newmail/ http://pastebin.com/fd9c6ebd12:15
Brazzgrawity: I'm reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 atm, reading it at the deepest12:15
jetdebiangrawity I think I have explained what I am looking for12:16
ActionParsnipBrazz: provided your username is in the 'admin' group, it is allowed to use sudo and gksudo to launch apps and commands that need administrive access like installing programs or changing files that are not oned by the user12:18
Brazzgrawity: they say that You should never use normal sudo to start graphical applications as root. You should use gksudo to run such programs. Because it would prevent the home directories of being owned by root. What does that actually mean?12:18
Dr_Willisthe 'sudo' system has a lot more 'features' then just 'the command you use to do root things' :)12:18
BrazzActionParsnip: Thank you pal12:19
leaf-sheepWhat's the command to RUDELY kill off the process? killall didn't do it.12:19
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: kep it simple for now ;)12:19
code_blockshow to install lamp ? what's the command ?12:19
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: kill -912:19
leaf-sheep!lamp | code_blocks12:19
ubottucode_blocks: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:19
Dr_WillisBrazz:  using sudo, can goof up permissions. :)  and may not always work right. (it can work, but can goof up)12:19
zealiodim using a mac and i'm trying to create a custom distro - I have all the files together, hidden ones included and have created an ISO... but when i burn that iso to disk - the machine doesnt see it as a bootable drive? ANy ideas what im missing?12:19
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] What might be the reason that '~$ route' does not show any longer a "Destination=link-local" entry?12:19
code_blocksleaf-sheep: yes LAMP , how to insall , what's the command ? "sudo apt-get install ??"12:20
grawityBrazz: For graphical applications, there is a "graphical sudo" - gksudo. It is needed because graphical apps work a little different than command line ones.12:20
jetdebianI am asking again so that new comers may have a look or so "  I am trying to have a server for highschool in which i want to enable kerberos along with ldap I am using Debian and ubuntu as a client and  I want to integrate MIT Kerberos along with LDAP ,I have googled for more than a month and I found no good reference ,would you suggest me some good reference where I can go please"12:20
Dr_Williszealiod:  you have to some how put a bootloader on the iso. such as 'sysiso'    (i think thats the right name, i havent messsed with making a custo bootable iso in ages.12:20
BrazzDr_Willis: but in the article I'm reading they recommend (for my own security) to use a secodary account and not the root, that way it will be harder for people to be successfull in case of a possible invasion.12:20
grawityDr_Willis: isolinux?12:21
Dr_Willisgrawity:  part of the syslinux tools.12:21
Dr_Willisit may be called sysiso.. i forget. :)12:21
Brazzgrawity: I understand that part, but the part I dont understand is that it might own my home directory will be owned by root if I do so.12:21
Brazzgrawity: what does that actually mean? as a secondary account is it already owned by root?12:22
code_blockshow to install lamp ? what's the command ?12:22
grawity!lamp | code_blocks12:22
ubottucode_blocks: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:22
Dr_WillisThe Syslinux Project covers lightweight bootloaders for MS-DOS FAT filesystems (SYSLINUX), network booting (PXELINUX), bootable "El Torito" CD-ROMs (ISOLINUX), and Linux ext2/ext3 filesystems (EXTLINUX).12:22
jre2could anyone direct me to an update to date repository for packages like w32codecs?12:22
code_blockshow to install lamp ? what's the command ?is there any command to install LAMP with apt-get12:22
leaf-sheepcode_blocks: sudo apt-get read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:22
Dr_Willisjre2:  You have tried the medibuntu repos?12:22
grawitycode_blocks: See ubottu's message.12:23
grawityleaf-sheep: +112:23
danbhfivecode_blocks: use tasksel12:23
bazhangcode_blocks, read the link12:23
jre2Dr_Willis: nope. are they current?12:23
Dr_Willisjre2:  they are what most everyone uses.. no idea how 'current' figures into the equation. :) i can play most every video file ive found.12:23
grawityBrazz: Some applications need to create files in your home directory. If such a program is run by root, all files created by it will -even in your homedir- be owned by root. (Just like it always is - programs running as you create files owned by you.)12:23
Threetimescode_blocks: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server (that's just a default setup, if you need moren install more :D)12:24
code_blocksis there any command to check whether a service is running or is it stopped ?  how can i check if the httpd service is running ?12:24
mohan_ActionParsnip: i have ssh from another system.. now what to do..12:24
jre2Dr_Willis: thanks12:24
mohan_ActionParsnip: should i wait for a crash?12:24
Dr_Willis!medibuntu | jre212:24
ubottujre2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:24
code_blocksThreetimes: i have install mysql-server12:24
lrone-m /j #mikrokopter12:24
ActionParsnipmohan_: yes wait for the crash12:24
Brazzgrawity: thank you again pal.12:24
danbhfivecode_blocks: probably just a pgrep.  Check if the program is running?12:24
grawityBrazz: So it might happen that your homedir contains files owned by root, not you, and this often confuses new users (as the files are hard to delete).12:24
mohan_ActionParsnip: does my another system show the crash report?12:24
ActionParsnipmohan_: then grab the other system, connect over and run: dmesg | tail12:25
Threetimescode_blocks: if you already have the packages, you already have lamp and you don't have to install it again.12:25
ActionParsnipmohan_: dmesg shows kernel messages since bootup, so there will be some messages you can research in there12:25
jetdebianMay be I haven't asked a good question sorry about that12:25
Brazzgrawity: ahhh ok, so that file that the root would own would be very hard to modify in the other user12:26
ThreetimesI cant compile newmail. http://burningsoda.com/software/newmail/ http://pastebin.com/fd9c6ebd12:26
grawityBrazz: Yes. I don't know _exactly_ what difference does gksudo make, but it claims to help.12:26
danbhfiveBrazz: it also causes programs to crash if you try to run them non-root later12:26
mohan_ActionParsnip: oh.. ok..12:26
bazhangThreetimes, its in the repos, why compile12:26
Brazzdanbhfive, grawity: yeah, thank you very much12:27
Brazzgrawity: you could not have explained it better, thank you indeed.12:27
youneshowto add ubuntu  for boot.ini12:27
grawityBrazz: By the way, since you just recently found out about root, you need to know this: Only in Ubuntu root is locked by default. In other distros (even Ubuntu's father Debian), root password is set during install, and an admin uses 'su' to switch to the root account. (sudo is gaining popularity though)12:27
=== mohanohi is now known as mohan__
Threetimesbazhang: that's a really old version. 0.4, while 1.0 is the latest12:28
ActionParsnipyounes: http://bkpavan.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/how-to-boot-linux-using-windows-bootloader-xp/12:28
ActionParsnipyounes: its much better to use grub12:28
ulaelablepenis penis penis penis penis penis12:28
ActionParsnipyounes: as grub can easily boot both OSs12:28
ulaelablei am a troll12:28
code_blocksThreetimes: i have installed php5,mysql,apache2 , do i have to install more to have LAMP ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/252437/12:28
Brazzgrawity: I beleive I'm using root atm12:28
bazhangulaelable, wrong channel then12:28
Brazzgrawity: but I wish to create another account so I will be more secure.12:29
ActionParsnipbang and the troll is gone12:29
Threetimescode_blocks: you currently have lamp. Congratulations.12:29
younesActionParsnip, iam install ubuntu from windows (wubi)12:29
grawityBrazz: In Ubuntu, there should already be at least one account.12:29
Brazzgrawity: even tho I wish to do that I first have to understand it, before just jumping blindly into it.12:29
ActionParsnipyounes: i see, then the boot management will be managed as part of the wubi install12:29
Brazzgrawity: so what you're saying is that the account I'm using is not the root?12:29
Brazzgrawity: in the installation only this user was created.12:30
Dr_WillisBrazz:  its an account that has some 'root' rights   when using sudo. :)12:30
grawityBrazz: No.12:30
grawityBrazz: Ubuntu installer created this account for you - the user.12:30
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.3, nm-applet 0.6.6] What might be the reason that '~$ route' does not show any longer a "Destination=link-local" entry?12:31
arandIs there anything particular to think of when using sudo in pipes? does e.g. "sudo cmd1 | sudo cmd2 >/etc/test" work?12:31
grawityBrazz: But before that, the installer has silently created all the system accounts (including root). The /etc/passwd file has all of them, if you're interested.12:31
grawityarand: The pipes are parsed by your shell, not by sudo.12:32
ThreetimesBrazz: there is the root account, used mailly by the system itself, and there is the brazz (or whatver it's name is) account, used by you and most programs you use.12:32
BrazzDr_Willis, grawity: ok, so this is the only user I created and it was created during the installation and the root is locked, this that I am using is not the root, but if I wish to access the root I can sudo -i it12:32
Dr_WillisBrazz:   basically12:32
grawityBrazz: Correct.12:32
ddnhi all12:32
BrazzDr_Willis, grawity, Threetimes: Thank you indeed.12:32
ActionParsnipBrazz: thats why its called a community ;)12:32
ddnmy system clock is wrong whenever I have no internet connection. how can I solve this?12:32
bullgard4arand: Why should this pipenot work? I cannot think of any reason. But your way is more dangerous.12:33
Piciarand: You'd need to do something like: echo "Hello world" | sudo tee /etc/test     sudo does not cross IO redirection operators.12:33
younesActionParsnip, now  boot windows only12:33
ziYang This is anything  ?12:33
bazhangziYang, this is ubuntu support12:33
ActionParsnipyounes: the install procedure of wubi adds a bootloader type thing which will make it look like a dual boot. i dont use wubi personally and think it is a horrible thing12:34
Threetimesddn, you mean the clock is right right now, but if you disconnect from the internet, it gets wrong. Immediately or after a reboot?12:34
ddnThreetimes, hi, not sure, after reboot I think12:34
ziYang Narration  Ubuntu?12:34
mazza558is there a way to show the name of my soundcard other than lspci?12:34
ActionParsnipmazza558: sudo lshw -C sound12:34
bazhangziYang, no, support channel, not chat for Ubuntu OS12:35
ddnThreetimes, i already turned internet clock configuration off12:35
mazza558ActionParsnip: thanks12:35
Brazzgrawity, Dr_Willis, Threetimes, ActionParsnip: I'm reading about Ubuntu Security and "Practical Unix & Internet Security" at the moment. More and more I start to understand Linux/Ubuntu. But it is indeed great that I can come here and wash away all the questions I have. Thank you for your help, I must say you have been the most kind.12:35
grawityddn: Does the clock become correct when you connect to the internet?12:35
arandPici: so I'd only need sudo for the parts of the pipe that needs the permissions then? (in my specific case it's the endpoint with dd output-file)12:35
Threetimesddn: Inside your computer, on your motherboard there's a battery which keeps some basic settings for your computer, including time. It might be empty, and your clock gets reset every time you reboot.12:35
ddngrawity, yes12:35
ddnThreetimes, yes, didn't think about this, maybe is dying12:36
Piciarand: yes.12:36
syntaxwhats audit do?12:36
ActionParsnipBrazz: as you use the system you will learn more than any book12:36
Threetimesddn: if there's internet, your system sees the time is wrong and syncronisez it for you, so you don't notice it was wrong.12:36
grawityarand: This may be a bad suggestion, but still it would be much simpler to open a root shell with 'sudo -s', use what you want, then exit the root shell.12:37
Threetimesddn: you might bi in luck, and find a battery for like $5 or less, but usually they last for years (i have one working after 9 years)12:37
Dr_Willisfor who was wanting wubi info  see --->   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide --->  How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?12:38
code_blockshow to install cakephp in ubuntu 9.04 ?12:38
ddnThreetimes, ok, is a netbook not good news, jeje, will try and see12:38
Dr_Willis!info cakephp12:39
arandgrawity: yes that's what I'm doing currently, I just figured it would be neter with just one command with a sudo in the right place. (but then again... "sudo -i && ... && exit")12:39
ubottucakephp (source: cakephp): MVC rapid application development framework for PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 663 kB, installed size 6340 kB12:39
ddnThreetimes, thank you12:39
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  its in the package manager.. just install it like anything else it seems.12:39
Chessguyi got ubuntu on laptop now, how do i transfer my installed applications over to it?12:39
grawityarand: You could try sudo bash -c 'foo | bar > somefile'12:39
ActionParsnipChessguy: what applications do you mean?12:39
Dr_WillisChessguy:  what 'installed applications' from where exactly?12:39
Chessguysry i have a desktop now with ubuntu12:39
Chessguyand i wanted to get all the same apps on this on my lappy12:39
Dr_Willis!clond | Chessguy12:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clond12:39
Dr_Willis!clone | Chessguy12:40
ubottuChessguy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:40
Dr_WillisChessguy:  be sure you dont acidently install the nvidia drivers when you need ati, and so forth.12:40
mohan__ActionParsnip: the system has freezed now..12:40
code_blocksDr_Willis: i downloaded cakephp from it's website extracted it how can i install now ? the version of repository is backdated12:40
Dr_WillisChessguy:  and your apt/sources.list may need changeing..12:40
mohan__ActionParsnip: i am unable to type any command in ssh...12:40
grawitymohan__: Can you still ssh?12:40
arandgrawity: ah, that looks good.12:40
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  compile it from source I guess...  check their install docs. I dont use it.12:41
mohan__grawity: no.. :(12:41
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  or check the PPA repos peraps for a newer packageed version12:41
ActionParsnipmohan__: ok then it looks like its a big system wide thing and not just the gui12:41
grawityarand: If it's an often used command, you might put it in a shell script, and then use sudo to execute _that_.12:41
mohan__ActionParsnip: oh..12:41
mohan__ActionParsnip: i was working with blender...12:42
mohan__ActionParsnip: 3d app12:42
Threetimesddn: some laptops (i guess natbooks too) have a little cover on the bottom, and maybe you can replace the battery through there. I'm not really sure, the last time I saw that was like 10 years ago (I don't use laptops)12:42
ActionParsnipmohan__: ok if you do not use blender, does it hang?12:42
code_blocksDr_Willis: can you give the link for PPA repository12:42
Dr_Willis!ppa | code_blocks12:42
ThreetimesI cant compile newmail. http://burningsoda.com/software/newmail/ http://pastebin.com/fd9c6ebd12:42
ubottucode_blocks: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.12:42
mohan__ActionParsnip: yes,.. while browsing with flash content in it..12:42
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  its not 'a' repository its a personal repo. system :)12:42
code_blocksDr_Willis: ok, what's the repo  to add in /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:43
arandgrawity: not that common no (it's http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252442/ btw, *Dangerous command*)12:43
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  as i just said.. its not ONE single repo.. its several hundered each  setup by different people.12:43
ActionParsnipmohan__: you need to look at what you are using around the crash12:43
aeioucould anyone tell me why i cant ls in this: http://codepad.org/qqQa6Zq412:44
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  search the PPA system/repos/package lists and see if anyone has a PPA repo set up for what you want12:44
grawityarand: In that type of pipeline, when it ends with a command (not file), you can simply use 'sudo dd if=......'12:44
ActionParsnipmohan__: see if there is a pattern, you could also check your ram is healthy from your grub menu, ond fsck your partitions from livecd to make sure they are healthy12:44
grawityarand: Basically, gunzip -c ./5ubuntu_8gb_usb_backup.dd.gz.* | sudo of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 conv=notrunc12:44
mohan__ActionParsnip: ok.. will do it..12:45
code_blocksis there anything like httpd service in ubuntu 9.04 ?12:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about httpd12:45
ActionParsnipcode_blocks: you can run apache12:45
code_blockshow can i check if the apache service is stopped or running ?12:45
Dr_WillisTheres web servers for Ubuntu code_blocks  if thats what you are asking.12:45
grawitycode_blocks: Yes - Apache2 is the most common.12:45
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  check the 'service' command..12:45
arandgrawity: ok, I guessed it might be but was not sure, cheers.12:46
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  service --status-all12:46
ActionParsnipcode_blocks: ps -ef | grep apach12:46
ActionParsnipcode_blocks: if its running then it will display12:46
grawityActionParsnip: The proccess is httpd, not apache.12:46
ActionParsnipgrawity: that too, code_blocks, what s/he said12:46
aeioucould anyone tell me why i cant ls in this: http://codepad.org/qqQa6Zq4 ? no idea why i cant ive set the dir to +rx for defacto12:48
ThreetimesDr_Willis: I don't have a service command on 8.04 server12:48
Dr_WillisThreetimes:  and thats my problem? :P12:48
ThreetimesDr_Willis: no, it's just a question12:48
dholbachPackaging Training Session "On-Call Review" with cjwatson, seb128, james_w and me in 12m in #ubuntu-classroom12:49
grawityaeiou: What are the permissions on the _parent_ directory? (/home, that is)12:49
* sluurp will skate a bit12:49
grawityaeiou: on the second thought, it probably won't matter...12:50
BrazzDr_Willis, grawity: How do I know that it is a graphical app so I dont use sudo instead of gksudo?12:50
grawityBrazz: If you don't know, just use sudo. It shouldn't hurt anything.12:51
Dr_WillisBrazz:  experience.. you canuse gksudo for a cli app if ya wanted..12:51
=== jubei is now known as Guest89357
E_L_K_i'm sorry for repeating question, but i had connection issues right atfer i asked it first time: i have a problem with running 9.04 ubuntu on compaq evo n800c notebook with ati mobility radeon 7500 video card. Xorg just hangs after start and no keyboard/mouse works. have tried radeon,ati and vesa drivers, which don't changes anything. can anyone give me tips to solving this issue or at least direction to dig into?12:52
BrazzDr_Willis: I suspected so12:52
Brazzgrawity: Thank you12:52
ActionParsnipsudo should be a symlink to gksu imho12:52
BrazzDr_Willis: thank you12:52
grawityActionParsnip: Yeah, and what happens if you don't have X? :)12:52
ActionParsnipgrawity: panic ;)12:53
grawityActionParsnip: Besides, gksudo actually calls sudo to do the execution.12:53
code_blocksActionParsnip: is apache running ?http://paste.ubuntu.com/252450/12:53
ActionParsnipgrawity: just trying to stop the sure of sudo for gui12:53
Dr_Willisso you get an error messge...  if ya guess wrong.. big deal. :)12:53
grawityActionParsnip: What _is_ the problem with sudo, anyway?12:53
ActionParsnipgrawity: using it with gui apps and trouncing ownerships in ~12:54
Dr_Willisgrawity:  it can also give an error and just not run the app in some cases..12:54
Dr_Willisgrawity:  which can confuse you if you are expecting it to work.12:54
grawityActionParsnip: Which is easily fixable with chown if the user knows what he's doing. (I'm assuming Brazz does.)12:54
Dr_Willis'easily' is the debateable term here. :)12:55
humboltis help.ubuntu.com down?12:55
ActionParsnipgrawity: true but if it can be avoided initially then thats better, prevention is better than cure12:55
bazhanghumbolt, not here12:55
ThreetimesHow do I check Maildir for new messages? Maildir/new/ is empty.12:55
ActionParsniphumbolt: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com12:56
ActionParsniphumbolt: dead useful site12:56
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  but what if that is the site thats down? :)12:56
grawityActionParsnip: Except when it's down.12:56
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: http://www.isdownforeveryoneorjustmedownorisitjustme.com12:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:57
ihrIs there a page that shows how to build an install image from scratch similar to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch12:57
grawityActionParsnip: Unfortunately, that one is down too.12:57
humboltActionParsnip: seems like it is just down for me. But why. Everything else is working and DNS does resolve correctly.12:57
aeiouok fixed it, needed to run setfacl -m group::r-x defacto12:57
aeiouthanks all12:57
bazhang!remaster > ihr12:57
ubottuihr, please see my private message12:57
ActionParsniphumbolt: maybe your provider isplaying with their wires12:57
Dr_Willishumbolt:  try http://the.ip.address   :)12:57
coensya des francais12:58
bazhangcoens, #ubuntu-fr12:58
alkisgHow can I backup my /home to an external usb disk, while keeping *all* symlinks, attributes, owner etc? I'd guess rsync, but could someone give me the command line? I'd hate to backup 200 Gb and find out that I lost symlinks or something...12:58
humboltActionParsnip: help.ubuntu.com.494INA91.189.90.1912:59
grawityalkisg: tar cvjf /media/externaldisk/myhome.tgz $HOME, maybe.12:59
grawityalkisg: That will create a compressed archive, preserving all permissions.12:59
alkisggrawity: I'd like to be able to directly use the data from the external hd, so i'd prefer rsync to tar12:59
danbhfivealkisg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving12:59
ActionParsniphaha ubuntu.com use apache, just got the It Works page with
alkisgOr cp -a or something...12:59
rekhi i need to tranfser data with an ethernet cable what program can i use?12:59
ActionParsniprek: cp13:00
rekpc to pc13:00
ActionParsnip!backup | rek13:00
ubotturek: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:00
rekhi i remember u13:00
alkisgdanbhfive: Thanks for "sudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/." :)13:00
ActionParsniprek: cp = copy command in *nix13:00
grawityalkisg: Random probably ineffective suggestion: cd /media/externaldisk; tar cvf - $HOME | tar xf -13:00
danbhfivealkisg: np  : )13:00
rekbut from a pc in my studio13:00
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe13:00
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:00
rekonly music...13:00
rekwith my ethernet13:01
rekwhat can i use13:01
code_blockshow to unrar a file ? what's the command to unrar ?13:01
ActionParsniprek: you can simply copy the files over to a shared folder on the destination PC13:01
grawitycode_blocks: unrar.13:01
bazhangrek, dont use the enter key as punctuation13:01
ActionParsnipcode_blocks: rar x <rarfile>13:01
rekis that simplw?13:01
Dr_Willis!info unp13:02
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (jaunty), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB13:02
code_blocksgrawity: i tried unrar <filename> in the /var/www directory , permission denied13:02
Dr_WillisIm so lazy now that i discovered the 'unp' command. :)13:02
[AWE]Hey there13:02
ActionParsniprek: yes, just open the share in nautilus, copy the data and click paste in the destination and a copy will fly over for you13:02
code_blocksgrawity: i tried  sudo unrar <filename > failed13:02
grawitycode_blocks: Usually only root can write to /var/www13:02
[AWE]anyone here know their way round postfix?13:02
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  thats a system directroy you need root permissions to do things in there. and its sudo unrar e (or x) i think13:02
rekActionParsnip: i connect the cable and i'm set?13:03
grawity[AWE]: Just ask the question. (If nobody knows - ask ##linux.)13:03
rekwill i see my pc?will i browse it?13:03
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  'unrar e whatever.rar'13:03
grawityDr_Willis: I think unrar e doesn't preserve relative paths?13:03
Dr_Willisgrawity:  no idea. never noticed..13:03
ActionParsniprek: if its pc to pc then you will need to set IP addresses13:03
Dr_Willisgrawity:  then use x (from the unrar --help docs) :)13:04
ActionParsniprek: if you use a router then you will need a cable between each pc and the router13:04
mhatchI am a new user of Ubuntu Server (switching over from openSUSE), and I'm running into an issue that kinda bothers me...  In openSUSE, the AHCI driver along with several other storage drivers were compiled as modules that I could change around the order in which they load, but the Ubuntu Server kernel has them compiled directly into the kernel eliminating that capability.13:04
code_blocksDr_Willis: thank you ,works , sudo unrar e <filename.rar>13:04
mhall119|workActionParsnip: I think Ubuntu auto-configures an internal IP if it can't find a DHCP server13:04
mhatchThe reason that's a problem is because my boot drive is IDE and my storage drives are SATA, and I'm used to my IDE drive being sda13:04
mhatchnow it's sde because the SATA drives get loaded first.13:04
mhatchSo, my question is:  Is there a way to change the order in which storage controllers get initialized in the ubuntu server kernel?13:05
ActionParsnipmhall119|work: possibly but if i say it does and it doesnt i look like a fool ;)13:05
grawitymhall119|work: Yes, it's called "zeroconf" and is done by avahi-autoipd. It's kinda unreliable though. (But it's compatible with the Windows implementation.)13:05
jaunty09Hello everyone13:05
mhall119|workgrawity: thanks for the clarification13:05
jaunty09I'm having problem with the time and date on Jaunty Jackalope13:06
kippyGuys, how can I make ubuntu forget the applications that it has remembered? ( I checked and now unchecked the Remember running applications when logging out, but even now the applications open up)13:06
jaunty09the time and date wouldn't change13:06
code_blockswhat's the problem here http://paste.ubuntu.com/252455/ , i did this /etc/init.d/apache2 restart13:06
jaunty09I've tried what this website ask you to do: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime13:06
danbhfivekippy: thats a bug, I know the command to clobber/fix, one sec13:06
kippyjaunty09, click on set system time and then unlock using your password, you should be able to do it13:06
grawitymhall119|work: But don't forget that zeroconf addresses are explicitly forbidden to be routed (unlike the usual private addresses, and such). So internet connection sharing, for example, is impossible with zeroconf.13:06
jaunty09activating the NTP and tried to make the system read the local time13:07
danbhfivekippy: I think you can just: rm -R ~/.config/gnome-session13:07
jaunty09kippy: tried that on the very 1st time13:08
nettezzaumanawould someone provide me please output from: dpkg -S `which udevinfo`13:08
nettezzaumanaon 9.04 ^^13:08
jaunty09but, when I restart the system, the time and date just go back to error13:08
kippyalrighty danbhfive, will ctry that13:08
jaunty09now it's showing Aug 8, 8:05 AM13:08
grawityjaunty09: Maybe your system's clock battery is dead? (All PCs have a small battery inside)13:08
kippyjaunty09, how old is your computer? could it be the cmos battery is dying ?13:08
jaunty09I check on the BIOS motherboard, it was fine13:09
ActionParsnipjaunty09: how old is the system?13:09
jaunty09the date on the mobo showing the exact time and date13:09
kippyjaunty09, how old is the computer?13:09
jaunty09intel celeron P413:09
FloodBot2HACKER10011: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:09
jaunty09not too old13:09
kippyjaunty09, i mean when did you purchase it?13:09
nettezzaumanawould someone provide me please output from: dpkg -S `which udevinfo`13:10
Dr_Willisif the time is not changeing.. it could be some timezone setting..  or motheboard set to UTC and system set to localtime or some issue like that.13:10
jaunty09celeron P4 should be somewhere 2003 or 200413:10
kippyif it is around 5 year mark then it could be the battery13:10
Dr_WillisIt very well could be the battery.13:10
jaunty09yes, it what the website say and I've tried all the website tell you to do to fix the problem13:10
jaunty09but, still error. I'm confused13:10
jaunty09I've set the NTP and update it and restart. Still error13:11
Dr_Willison the pc's i have with dead MB batteries - the time actually resets to somthing 2000, if i let them set unplugged from the wall for an hr or so.13:11
alkisgUhmmm... can I *correctly* backup my whole $HOME while logged on in gnome, or should I logout and run e.g. rsync from the console as the user root?13:11
jaunty09I've set the system to read the 'local' time and still error13:11
grawityjaunty09: Do you even read our message? Replace the battery.13:11
kippyjaunty09, that is why your time says in sync while OS is booted, but when the OS is down the battery has to mantain the time which it is not able to do and you see a wrong time next time you boot up. So I would bet about 90% you should replace the battery13:11
jaunty09if the battery is dead, the mobo time and date should be error right?13:12
jaunty09but, it's not.. so, I think the battery isn't dead13:12
meisterlumpijaunty09: no they reset13:12
Dr_Willisjaunty09:  mine resets to  like jan 1 200013:12
doktoreashello folks..my remote server stop working and I had to hard reset it. Which log file should I check to see the problem?13:12
jaunty09yes, that's when the battery is out13:12
Dr_Willisjaunty09:  then the network services NTP corrects it.13:12
jaunty09so, mine is still working13:12
mhatchJust checking if anyone saw my question above regarding how to change the order in which the storage controllers get initialized...  Anyone?13:12
jaunty09everytime I check the mobo, the time and date showing the right time and date13:13
Bleupommehello, I have installed ubuntu jaunty netbook remix on an asus 1005ha. I have problems configuring the microphone. Could someone help?13:13
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:13
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist13:13
meisterlumpijaunty09: since a new battery is like a quater dollar i would try it, don't you think?13:13
jaunty09meisterlumpi: right, I think that's the last thing I haven't try :)13:14
inneedofhelphey i am rather new to ubuntu and linux in general and i am a visually impaired user. i keep encountering problems though mainly with freezes. i think they are due to orca acting up13:14
jaunty09I'll see to it and if it's fix the problem I'll inform you back13:14
jaunty09thank you all for the help13:14
inneedofhelpgotta go13:15
MOUDWhen will new version of ubuntu be released? Around October?13:15
mhatchActionParsnip:  Thanks, but this problem isn't module related as both storage drivers have been compiled directly into the kernel by the Ubuntu folks13:15
grawityMOUD: It's version 9.10, so it will be released at 2009-10.13:16
kippyyes MOUD it will be around OCt 2913:16
code_blockscan't restart apache2 ,what's the problem here http://paste.ubuntu.com/252455/13:16
code_blockshow to remove files except one file ? what's the command ?13:17
Picicode_blocks: Those are both warnings, so the apache server should be starting anyway.13:18
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  depends on teh file and what youa re trying to do exactly13:18
code_blocksDr_Willis: how can i delete all files from a directory except one file ? what's the command ?13:19
latWhen will ubuntu include version 23.1 of GNU Emacs?13:19
code_blocksDr_Willis: rm -f * ??13:19
kippycode_blocks that will remove all13:19
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  wben using 'wildcards' always check with the 'echo PATTERN' to see what it will remove exactly13:19
alkisgcode_blocks: man bash => search for GLOBIGNORE13:20
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  or use the 'mv' command to move the files, not delete.. just in case.13:20
code_blocksDr_Willis: what's the command ?13:20
MadGirli think the command is called "installer" damn it13:20
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  depends on the file...... abnd the pattern.13:20
kippyif your file doesn't has some special attribute and you don't want to write a complicated one liner, i suggest you move the required file to some other place and then remove all and then move the file back13:20
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  ive never noticed a 'remove all but this file' command.13:20
code_blocksDr_Willis: say the file name is myfile13:20
MOUDHow do I install firefox from bz2? I've already extracted it13:20
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  this is what 'reguler' expressions are all about.13:20
bazhangMOUD, no need its in the repos13:21
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  or move thefile to keep  somewhere.. delete the rest.. and move it back.13:21
code_blocksDr_Willis: you are talking about echo PATTERN , what's is it ?13:21
MOUDbazhang: the problem is that in the repositories it installs FF 3.5.1 but the newest version is 3.5.2 so I downloaded the bz2 file13:21
code_blocksDr_Willis: how to do this with pattern /13:21
bazhang!ff35 > MOUD13:21
ubottuMOUD, please see my private message13:21
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  try 'echo *.txt'   or 'echo *.*' and so on to explore the bash use of 'wildcards/regular expressions'13:22
bazhangMOUD, no its 3.5.2 in repos13:22
lat When will Synoptic include version 23.1 of GNU Emacs?13:22
MOUDbazhang: I see. Thanks13:22
Dr_Williscode_blocks:  its easier to just move the file to keep somewhere.. then delete the rest. and move it back.13:22
bazhanglat, not for a long while, next release still has 2213:23
jedcHi, i have a problem, when i remap my mod key in xmonad.hs i have no mod key, it seems like there is no correlation with what i map it to and my xmodmap :(13:24
jedcusing xmonad on jaunty13:24
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Dr_Williscode_blocks:  if you really want to see how to do a single rm command to remove everything except a specific file/pattern ---->  http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/bash-extended-globbing13:25
Kartagishello. even though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?13:25
Dr_WillisKartagis:  the windowmanager/desktop/compiz may have some other  higher process thats using the key instead.13:26
mohan_i want to install new driver of nvidia from their website..13:26
jedc!hi | mohan_13:26
ubottumohan_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:26
jedcmohan_, have you tried installing through System->Applications->Hardware Drivers?13:27
mohan_jedc: yeah i have 180 version of it..13:27
MOUDI g2g now, see you ppl later13:27
mohan_jedc: in nvidia website they have released 185 version..13:27
code_blocksDr_Willis: thank you13:27
mohan_jedc: 180 version is giving problems :)13:28
mohan_jedc:  :(13:28
jedcthats what im using13:28
erUSUL!newest | lat13:28
ubottulat: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.13:28
mohan_jedc: freezing my system.. i am using ubuntu 9.04 64bit..13:28
mohan_jedc: whats the good workflow for installing newer nvidia drivers..13:29
mhall119|workmohan_: using Hardware Drivers is the recommended way13:29
mohan_mhall119|work: but its old..13:29
mhall119|workyes, but also tested13:30
mohan_mhall119|work: not working for me.. not a good driver for my card..13:30
mohan_mhall119|work: some graphics issues :(13:30
mhall119|workdoes the new driver exist in backports?13:30
jedcmohan_, its not recommended, but the envynd-gtk package might work for you, it downloads and installs the newest drivers in theory13:30
useronecan i change the position of grub from (hd0,2) to (hd0,0) by using grub shell and the commands, sudo grub>root (hd0,0)>setup (hd0,0)>exit?13:30
jedcmohan_, envyng-gtk my bad13:30
mohan_jedc: not tryed..13:31
mohan_jedc: it installs the same old one..13:31
rekActionParsnip1: i'm goin' to link them13:31
Dr_Willisuserone:   position? Normally grub is installed to the MBR of the hard disk anyway.   i though the command would be setup (hd0)13:31
jedcmohan_, i found this thread, it might be helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097813:32
Dr_Willisuserone:  you may want to read up on the grub docs at the grub homepage.  Grub is the kind of tool - that its worth reading/learning well.13:32
rekwhat will i see in nautilus?13:32
mohan_jedc: ok.. thanx.. :)13:32
grzesieki got little question, how to turn off beep sound from pc [not from speakers] after install ?13:34
meglocut the cord13:34
useroneDr_Willis: my ubuntu boots up fine but when i try to boot vista it says 'missing bootmgr'. vista should not need a bootmgr if grub is handling the boot, so i think the problem is that grub is on (hd0,2), wheras vista is on (hd0,0). If i can move grub to (hd0,0) it should fix the vista boot problem?13:34
Dr_Willisgrzesiek:  theres some forum thereads on that. thats the 'pc speaker' (on the mb sort of thing) normal way is to blacklist the pcspkr module (i think)13:35
grzesiekk will check after update, thanks13:35
mhall119|workgrzesiek: there is a kernel module that runs the system speaker, you'll need to remove it and blacklist it13:35
grzesiekk ty13:35
Dr_Willisuserone:  no idea on that one. the normal installer puts grub ont he MBR of the hard drive.. dont confuse  (hd0,0) with (hd0)  one is the drive.. other is a partition on the drive.13:35
mhall119|workgrzesiek: pcspkr is the module (on my 9.04 install at least)13:36
mhall119|worksudo rmmod pcspkr13:36
grzesiekye i got too 9.0413:36
grzesiekk will try, sec13:36
grzesiekmhall119|work it works, ty much13:37
mhall119|workgrzesiek: it'll be re-installed when you reboot, so you'll have to add it to the blacklist file13:37
CrocoJetwhat is the meaning "Backports PPA" ?13:37
neglesaksPPA =  Personal Packake Archive13:38
CrocoJetneglesaks, thanks13:38
HalitechCrocoJet, Backports are newer programs that have been setup to work in older version of Ubuntu13:38
indusCrocoJet: its software which has been backported to a previous version of ubuntu13:38
bazhang!backports > CrocoJet13:38
ubottuCrocoJet, please see my private message13:38
grzesiekwhere is blacklist file placed ?13:39
neglesaksPPA's are software repositories on launchpad.net (and other places)13:39
mhall119|workgrzesiek: add "blacklist pcspkr" (without quotes) to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf13:39
useroneDr_Willis: I installed vista first, so that would have put the mbr on the first partition of the first drive (hd0,0). I then installed ubuntu, which should have written grub to the mbr (hd0,0), but instead grub is on (hd0,2) which is the third partition of the first drive. the second partition is linux swap.13:39
indusCrocoJet: for example,firefox3.5 when available for hardy 8.04 will bea backport13:39
indusgrzesiek: /etc/modprobe.d/blackkist.conf13:39
CrocoJetwell .. thanks a lot for all ... interesting !13:39
Dr_Willisuserone:  the installer should of put grub in the mbr of (hd0)   hd0,0 is NOT NOT NOT the 'mbr'13:40
indusCrocoJet: remember,a PPA is a personal package and not supported by ubuntu,use them at your own risk13:40
CrocoJetindus, ok13:40
indusDr_Willis: grub can be installed on any partition i believe13:40
Dr_Willisindus:  yes.. but thats not what hes saying....13:40
combohello, does anyone of You uses HP All-in-one product? I have serious problem with my brand new HP DeskJet F4210.. can't install it correctly.. Can someone help, please?13:40
Dr_Willisuserone:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:41
pcbuilder97is ubuntu 9.10 karmic  in beta yet  or is it still in alpha??13:41
indusDr_Willis: wokay13:41
induspcbuilder97: its in aplha 313:41
pcbuilder97oh ok13:41
induspcbuilder97: willl be alpha 4 in a few days13:42
pcbuilder97ok kool13:42
=== moe is now known as Guest10535
Bloehow are you13:43
pcbuilder97how many alpha stages are thare going to be?13:43
indusBloe: good ,do u have an ubuntu question13:43
induspcbuilder97: 513:43
rek_i need to connect them13:43
induspcbuilder97: 6 actually13:43
rek_how can i connect the 2 pc13:43
KartagisDr_Willis, it stopped working all of a sudden.13:43
bazhangpcbuilder97, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion13:43
Bloewell a had one13:43
induspcbuilder97: but i think 6 is beta probably13:43
rek_bazhang:  i use an ethernet cable13:43
ajishhey i am setting up vpn in my ubuntu after gooling still couldn't find usefull info13:43
useroneDr_Willis: yes, that is the default given by ubuntu installation (hd0), but somehow grub is on the root partition. the link you gave me clearly explains that 'The method shown above puts GRUB back on the MBR (master boot record) of the hard drive instead of in the root partition'.13:44
Bloefor a backup cd13:44
rek_then whT  can i do?13:44
pcbuilder97yeh i just had lots of hardware bugs with alpha two  i wanted to wait till beta before i tried it agin13:44
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD13:44
indus!vpn | ajish13:44
ubottuajish: please see above13:44
bazhangindus, pcbuilder97 please take this to #ubuntu+113:44
grzesiekbrb reboot13:44
indusbazhang: i dropped it already13:45
ajishhow to find weather it is ipx or not?13:45
Bloea CD of my system and then on another computer with my settings13:45
datacrusherhi everyone! iv burned a dvd with vista file explorer, just dragging and so, and i cant open it on ubuntu, is there a workarround?13:45
ajishI mean my office network is IPX or not?13:45
bazhangBloe, what kind of cd? system restore? local repository?13:45
Dr_Willisdatacrusher:  dragged' what exactly to the dvd?  somefilename.iso ? or some other files?13:45
useroneDr_Willis: I just wanted to know how to 'move' grub because i didn't know how grub was put on the root partition during a default install?13:45
rek_i need to browse the other pc with the ethernet cable13:46
indusBloe: can u ask again in 1 line13:46
rek_how cN I DO THAT?13:46
=== Guest10535 is now known as mckinnon81
indususerone: well hmm open a terminal and enter sudo grub13:46
Bloei need a backup cd of my system to instal it on an another computer13:46
indususerone: setup (hdx,y) will move it13:46
bazhangBloe, a clone then?13:46
helperhey need help /usr/bin/find /home/kad -name '*.bz2' -ctime +24 => this allow to check *.bz2 if it's modified after 24 hours? or am i wrong ?13:47
ajishany vpn experts here?13:47
useroneDr_Willis: thanks anyway for your help, and the link too13:47
useroneindus: i see....thanks13:47
leaf-sheepDoes anybody want to ls -al their home directory? I currently have permission 700 on all my file/folders in my home directory.13:47
bazhangBloe,  a single cd wont backup your whole system13:47
Dr_Willisuserone:  you dont really move it. You install it where you want it to be. Default install on desktop is to go to hd0. not hd0,0   Still not sure if any of this will help your windows issue.13:47
indususerone: also run update-grub just to make sure13:47
VanionHaving trouble with Transmission torrent client , don't know how to allow the program to download to a certain folder...13:48
HalitechBloe, remastersys13:48
Bloejust .home13:48
* Dr_Willis waits for the fun that will come from the update to the next generation of grub. :)13:48
indusDr_Willis: whats the problem userone having13:48
Bloeits take a log time13:48
krishna_http://paste.ubuntu.com/252480/ I get this whenever i try to apt-get something... i havent added a xubuntu package cd to software sources.....  how to eradicate this and make it to use internet to get packages ??13:48
Bloefor the backup13:48
Dr_Willisindus:  i forget. :)  was so long ago.. windows not booting i think.13:48
indusDr_Willis: thats a windows issue, he will need to repair windows with rescue cd13:48
Dr_Willisindus:  thats what i was thinking.. but it wasent a ntldr missing error.. was some other message.13:49
useroneindus: my ubuntu boots up fine but when i try to boot vista it says 'missing bootmgr'. vista should not need a bootmgr if grub is handling the boot, so i think the problem is that grub is on (hd0,2), wheras vista is on (hd0,0). If i can move grub to (hd0,0) it should fix the vista boot problem?13:49
datacrusherDr_Willis, many files13:49
Halitechkrishna_, gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of the cd13:49
indusDr_Willis: then that will destroy the mbr ubuntu, then he will come baclk here then we will help again :)13:49
indususerone: there are a few stages in the boot process13:49
Bloecan sombody Dutch13:49
Pici!nl | Bloe13:49
ubottuBloe: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:49
Halitech!de | Bloe13:49
ubottuBloe: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:49
useroneindus: i have already modified menu.lst file to include vista at root (hd0,0)13:50
Halitechsorry, thats german :(13:50
Bloekoffie ook13:50
indususerone: the motherboard bios first passes control to boot loader then passes it on to individual os'13:50
krishna_Halitech, that command gave no action.. what is mousepad ?13:50
indususerone: its not grub which boots ubuntu ,its the initrd13:51
Halitechkrishna_, its the text editor in xubuntu13:51
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krishna_Halitech, i use ubuntu 9.04 jaunty13:51
useroneindus: i dont want to use a windows rescue this, as this will certainly mess up more things that it will fix!!13:51
indususerone: do u have a vista rescue disk? iam assuming u see the grub menu first13:51
krishna_Halitech,  i replaced it with gedit. now a what to edit ??13:51
Halitechkrishna_, ok, then why is it asking for a xubuntu cd? ok, try gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:51
indususerone: dont worry,after things get messed up, use a live cd to boot , then come here,ill help u with grub13:52
krishna_Halitech, "why is it"  thats what i dont know13:52
krishna_Halitech, yes.. gedit is on.. what to modify ?13:52
Halitechkrishna_, you should see a line about the xubuntu cd, put a # in front of it13:52
indususerone: or best,write down these steps to rescue urself13:52
krishna_Halitech, ok13:52
Halitechkrishna_, did you originally install using the xubuntu cd?13:52
indususerone: ok can u tell me what is the output of find /boot/grub/stage113:52
useroneindus: i am chatting from a second laptop, so i can still follow your commands..13:53
indusk good13:53
indususerone: repair it then vista13:53
krishna_Halitech, NO. i have ubuntu 9.04 jaunty.... my sister inserted the xubuntu cd 8.10 yesterday... when synaptic asked.. she added it... but even after its ejected.. it kept on saying "enter xubu cd and press enter"13:53
krishna_Halitech, yea! thanks.. apt0get is using internet... thanks13:53
indususerone: ok wait13:53
indususerone: first of all, state your problem again13:53
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Bloehow works virtual box ???13:54
Halitechkrishna_, ok, her putting the cd in and her saying yes is probably what happened, glad to hear its working now13:54
rskiBloe: read on virtualbox.org13:54
useroneindus: however, if i follow this link given by Dr_Willis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows it should put grub in the mbr, and with menu.lst modified to boot vista, all should be fixed?13:54
nnullBloe, or youtube it, and watch someone use/install it..13:54
Bloei have some troubles13:54
indususerone: hello? i dont have much time13:55
krishna_Halitech, but .. why it didnt auto-remove the line from sources when its ejected ?13:55
helperhow i can connect via xhost?13:55
dAnondoes someone know how to get flashplayer to perform good under Opera?13:55
indususerone: yes its correct link13:55
Halitechkrishna_, because it doesn't have the ability to remove, only add13:55
indususerone: no need to modify menu.lst13:55
Bloei can run youtube for this videos i need totem13:55
latubottu, thanks for the feedback.13:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:55
Bloeon youtube its a black screen13:55
useroneindus: wait  1 minute..i type slowly13:55
indususerone: why did u modify?13:56
Bloeit start when i instal quick time13:56
useroneindus: ok..let me explain...wait 1 minute :-)13:56
krishna_Halitech, then creators must think of auto-remove the line :P :D13:56
yesitisjustmei got a usb to ide adapter but dvdrom only gets detected when a OS is present.13:56
underguizok, so I have an ubuntu 8.10 installation here and i want to tell a script to come up on boot after mysql13:57
=== Cripps is now known as eurythmia
underguizhow can I do it?13:57
kphi, which is the best audio software for ubuntu13:57
yesitisjustmeIs it possible for usb to ide dvdrom to be detected without a OS like a regular dvdrom?13:57
induskp what do u mean best13:57
dAnondoes someone know how to get flashplayer to perform good under Opera?13:57
Dr_Willisyesitisjustme:  you mean like a regular 'usb external optical drive' ?13:57
induskp for audio player u have rhythmbox13:58
induskp also banshee is fine13:58
krishna_can this be used to restore grub after  i format C:\ ?? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub#Restoring%20GRUB  i.e not the first method in ppage.. nbut this one ?13:58
induskp but you will need to install it13:58
nnulldAnon, may have more luck posting a thread on ubuntu forums with that one.13:58
iceroot!grub | krishna_13:58
ubottukrishna_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:58
Dr_Williskrishna_:  'formating c:' wont remove the MBR  (the grub menu)13:58
mhall119|workdAnon: have you asked Opera?13:58
krishna_iceroot, i got that link only from !grub... my question was different//13:59
krishna_Dr_Willis, i meant "reinstallng windows xp"13:59
induskrishna_: yes Dr_Willis is right, mbr is on the Hard disk, it just wont boot windows thats all13:59
induslisten to the doctor13:59
kpindus, best in terms of all available plugins13:59
icerootkrishna_: there is a info about restoring grub13:59
bazhangkp, try some out, there is no best13:59
indusjanisoza1r: hi14:00
krishna_indus, when i reinstall windows xp into C:\ .. wont it fire the Grub and use its own bootloader ?14:00
icerootroot: dont do irc as root :)14:00
=== root is now known as Guest49378
induskrishna_: yes when you install windows , yes it will14:00
krishna_indus, yes..14:00
induskp: try a few then decide14:00
heatmzzrHow do you start ubuntu without gui. but have the option to start it with startx or something????????14:00
induskrishna_: restoring grub is simple14:00
induskrishna_: live cd should be nearby so u can boot14:00
yesitisjustmeno like a regular internal dvd rom14:01
Guest49378iceroot, relax my friend :)14:01
CarlFKheatmzzr: grub menu,  (recovery)14:01
krishna_indus, then my question is whether to use the first method stated in that page ////  or using "preserving windows bootloader" topic14:01
kpindus, thats sounds cool14:01
=== Guest49378 is now known as Sevdalin
bazhangheatmzzr, permanently?14:01
krishna_indus, why cant the ubuntu live cd contain something like "restore grub" option in "system" ?14:01
kpthanks will try as you suggest14:01
heatmzzrbazhang: yeah14:01
induskp yeah try deffault music player, try banshee , try amarok too14:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about music14:01
useroneindus: i used vista to partition the hdd into 3 partitions. i installed vista on p1. i then installed ubuntu  (swap on p2, linux on p3). the boot menu let me boot into ubuntu just fine, but there was no entry for vista. so i followed the threads to modofy menu.lst to include an entry for vista at root (hd0,0). this didnt work so i used a live cd to remodify menu.lst but this 'crashed' everything (nothing would boot) and so i reinstalled ubun14:01
RorZaHello I am scp ing a file from my local to my Slicehost server14:02
bazhangheatmzzr, this is an existing install or a proposed one14:02
RorZabut I cannot locate the file14:02
gartralkrishna_: it does, it's called run "sudo grub hd0,0"14:02
indususerone: aah ok ,there is a software called os-prober in synaptic install it14:02
RorZaHow ccan I search for aa file in Ubuntu from command line14:02
heatmzzrbazhang: existing... probably not worth it...14:02
yesitisjustmei want it to act like a regular internal dvdrom so it will detect dvdrom without OS14:02
gartralRorZa: locate14:02
indususerone: i think its there14:03
indususerone: search14:03
Sevdalinthanks for sharing;]14:03
CarlFKRorZa: find / -name "afile"14:03
RorZagartral:  whats the full syntax14:03
krishna_gartral, my doubt is that whether to use the "overwriting windows bootloader"  or to use "preserve windows bootloader" in that help page14:03
gartralyesitisjustme: if your BIOS supports USB media, you shouldn't have a prob14:03
useroneindus: ok, i only have an internet connection on this second laptop, so if you give me your commands i will switch the usb modem to the other laptop and follow them later14:03
Linkgood morning :)14:03
gartralRorZa: locate <filename>14:04
CarlFKgartral: "locate can never report files created  after  the  most  recent        update of the relevant database."14:04
indususerone: did u correctly put the entries in menu.lst14:04
kpindus, will do that14:04
RorZaI get this with locate14:04
RorZa-bash: locate: command not found14:04
gartralCarlFK: might I ask where you get that info? on ETX4 the database is never out of date14:05
CarlFKRorZa: use fine, loate won't work for that14:05
CarlFKgartral: man locate14:05
useroneindus: yes..there is a sample given within menu.lst which i copied and pasted to the bottom of menu.lst and uncommented14:05
rek_i need to connect two pc with an ethernet cable14:05
RorZafine ?14:05
mhall119|workrek_: you'll need a crossover cable14:05
CarlFKRorZa: er, use find14:05
krishna_gartral, can you understand my ?  because i want to reinstall xp :( tomorrow14:05
useroneindus: so ubuntu boots automatically (which is what i want) and the option for vista is last14:06
RorZathis     find / -name comming.jpg14:06
CarlFKgartral: the ext4 driver updates the locate db?14:06
indususerone: did u specify where vista is?14:06
indususerone: root hd0,0 etc14:06
dar_i have a very strange problem on Jaunty, with no reason in KDE sometimes when i click on a window the moving cursor appears but i can't write or scroll in the window i can only move it! and if i can write in it like in a KOnsole the keys i pressed are not working correctly if i want that bullshit to change i have to press Ctrl+Alt and it start working normally for perhaps 5 minutes and the problem comes again14:06
RorZaI get a bonch of out put like this14:06
RorZafind: `/etc/ssl/private': Permission denied14:06
RorZafind: `/lost+found': Permission denied14:06
RorZafind: `/var/log/mysql': Permission denied14:06
FloodBot2RorZa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:06
useroneindus: yes14:06
RorZalol sorry14:06
gartralCarlFK: i can create 10 files on my desktop, and locate finds them instantly.. so somehow, the locate DB is allways up to date14:06
user_how can i set ip for etho14:06
indususerone: thats just a sample,it doesnt have correct locations14:06
Bloe ... bey ...14:07
bazhanguser_, ifconfig? connecting via console?14:07
mhall119|workRorZa: run it as sudo14:07
bazhanguser_, sudo dhclient eth014:07
indususerone: right now the message from vista is 'missing bootldr"?14:08
useroneindus: when i did fdisk -l it gives hpfs/ntfs as /dev/sda114:08
RorZabazhang: it returns nothing14:08
krishna_indus, any help ?14:08
useroneindus: yes..missing bootmgr14:08
CarlFKgartral: locate foobar && locate foobar - nothing.  mount.. /dev/sdc3 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime)14:08
bazhangRorZa, which returns nothing14:08
RorZais that mean the scp didt work ?14:08
CarlFKgartral: er... touch foobar...14:08
RorZafind with sudo14:08
useroneindus: i moved the bootable flag to sda114:08
CarlFKbazhang: what is your scp command?14:09
gartralCarlFK: strange, then again, i have a franken-puter... soooo14:09
jsif I'm going to do a fresh install, does it make sense to install 9.10 alpha3 and update to 9.10 once it's out or does it make more sense to install 9.04 and update to 9.10 later? I don't have any probem with running alpha software. just curious about the update process.14:09
CarlFKgartral: does touch foobar && locate foobar find it?14:10
RorZahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/252493/    of course the ip is where I am sending it to14:10
bazhangscp filename user@host:filename CarlFK ?14:10
CarlFKRorZa: you forgot the :14:10
Dr_Willisjs:  dont have a 'problem' unless the software has a killer problem. :)14:10
gartralCarlFK: no, but ive yet too create a foobar on my machine14:10
user_ifconfig resulted nos of connections but how set ip14:10
Pomposjust out of curiosity: is there a log of this channel?14:11
CarlFKbazhang: you have a file on your local box called tseghuy@ip_add14:11
Dr_Willis!log | Pompos14:11
ubottuPompos: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:11
jsDr_Willis: then I can still fetch the newest tarball and compile it myself ;)14:11
CarlFKgartral: touch created the file14:11
RorZaCarlFK: do I need that ?14:11
jsit's just if an update process from 9.10 alpha3 to 9.10 final is planned what I want to know14:11
Dr_Willisjs:  i just do clean installs with every new release. seems tobe less problems that way14:11
zhxk`hello, how to sepcify dns address ?14:11
CarlFKRorZa:  scp Desktop/comming.jpg tseghuy@ip_add:14:11
bazhangjs #ubuntu+1 for karmic14:11
jsDr_Willis: you tell that a guy who used the same install for 7 years ;)14:12
jswith manually compiling all the stuff to update it ;)14:12
CrocoJethow can I list files via aptitude command of specific server (in my case, jaunty-backports) ?14:12
Dr_Willisjs:  yes you have always been able to upgrade from the alphass to beta to final. BUT theres always the potential for issues with upgrading14:12
jsDr_Willis: ok, thanks14:12
jsgoing with 9.10 alpha3 then :)14:12
user_where is that file located14:12
RorZaCarlFK: I get connectioni refused with that14:12
gartralCarlFK: after i changed the path of touch too ./Desktop/foobar, yes, locate found it emediately14:12
DavidPanyone here know how to set up a page file? i got a brand new pc that i want to set up Win7 and Ubuntu on14:12
jsoh, how well does ubuntu 64 work these days?14:12
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jsfinally want to make the switch when I have to reinstall anyway14:12
=== Guest94785 is now known as DavidP87
Linkzhxk`: you can right click on the ethernet icon (top right) and select edit connections. change settings to manual to insert ip / dns info14:13
user_how to set a ip can u tell me the path14:13
DavidP87anyone here know how to set up a page file partition? i got a brand new pc/hard drive that i want to set up Win7 and Ubuntu on14:13
revygttamWhen i ping my server by its hostname it is not returning, it is mapping to the wrong IP.  When i ping by the IP it works fine, how can i fix that?14:13
CarlFKRorZa: paste the real command and the error14:13
zhxk`Link:im on cli14:13
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  you mean a 'swap' partition for linux? :) theres guides on doing that/adding more.14:13
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:13
Linkzhxk`: Sorry mate, can't help you there :( i'm still learning.14:14
Halitechzhxk`, the config file is at /etc/network/interfaces14:14
CarlFKgartral: touch /home/carl/Desktop/foobar && locate foobar - still nothing.  are you sure you didn't touch a file you already had?14:14
DavidP87Dr_Willis, if i set up linux first and use "swap" partition, then i install win7, will i need a page file for win7 or the swap partition (which will be at the end of all my partition) be good enough???14:14
RorZaCarlFK:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/252495/14:14
sipiorrevygttam: correct the domain name service record for the machine of interest.14:14
user_am very tired with ubuntu i can not even set static ip14:14
chessnutmushroomhow do i install java for firefox3 ?14:14
jsDavidP87: install windows first14:14
jsit will kill your mbr otherwise14:14
Halitechzhxk`, to edit it you can use vim, vi, emacs, or nano ....  sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces14:14
chessnutmushroomthe plugins are not working in the addon section.14:14
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  widnows does not in any way shape or form. know what to do with a Linux swap 'parttiion' :)14:14
Linkwould someone be able to assist me in installing my graphic card drivers?  Matrox G450 PCI? I'm a little lost.14:15
DavidP87Dr_Willis do u recommend installing win7 RC first?14:15
revygttamsipior: im afriad im not too sure how to go about that, is it a specific file that I need to edit?14:15
jsDavidP87: you could also use a swap file, btw14:15
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  so yes.. windows will need its own swap file.. (and tons more of it - then linux ever needs)14:15
user_what is the easy way to set static ip14:15
CarlFKRorZa: Ip_add needs to be the IP of your slice14:15
jsuser_: ifconfig eth0 inet
zhxk`Halitech:yes i can, but dunno what to put to14:15
ubuntu_tomHi everybody, I have difficulties installing ubuntu. I'm currently running the live cd. But the partition editor does not show any partition on my hard drive. But under places in the menu they are all there.14:15
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  given my experience with Window7 i reccomend taking the Win7 cd and making a coster out of it for your sodapop.14:15
sipiorrevygttam: well, how did you get it to map to the (incorrect) ip address? is this a machine on a home network?14:15
Halitechuser_, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces14:15
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  always install windows first.. then linux. :) thats a given14:15
RorZaCarlFK: yes I have provided that14:15
DavidP87so if im gonna install windows first, should i use vista or just use win7 RC???14:16
CarlFKRorZa: provided how?14:16
indususerone: then you need to repair it14:16
indususerone: ok but thats just a flag, i dont think it really works14:16
indususerone: not sure14:16
indususerone: can u search for os-prober?14:16
Halitechzhxk`, you need to change dhcp to auto and then add all the settings on seperate lines for what you want14:16
FloodBot2indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:16
indus!info os-prober14:16
RorZaCarlFK: can set the option to use different port ?14:16
ubottuos-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.29ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 168 kB14:16
indus!info os-prober14:16
ubottuos-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.29ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 168 kB14:16
LinkDavidf88, i've seen some posts via google with users having success with win 7 and ubuntu as well14:16
revygttamsipior: this is a home network, i had to switch routers and at one point it assigned this mapped IP to this computer which looks like the one it is trying to hit.14:16
indusoh my network mess14:16
DavidP87Dr_Willis and js im not sure if it is a good idea to install Win7 RC is its gonna force me to buy it in a few months, when i have vista cd now..14:17
CarlFKRorZa: you need to use the port ssh is on.  can you ssh to the slice?14:17
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  i did have windows7 and ubuntu both dualbooting here fine.  normal grub menu settings for other windows worked fine for win714:17
zhxk`Halitech:no dhcp, i know gateway adress, and dns adress as well14:17
RorZaits on port  300014:17
revygttamsipior: is it possible to flush the dns like on windows sytems?14:17
useroneindus: what does os-prober do?14:17
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  i dont plan on using win7 - i reinstalled vista on my 'game box'14:17
sipiorrevygttam: is it your intention to access this machine by its domain name from outside your home network?14:18
grawityrevygttam: If you run nscd -- sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart14:18
DavidP87so vista > win 7 you reckon Dr_Willis??14:18
grawityrevygttam: If you don't, there's probably no cache.14:18
CarlFKRorZa: man scp scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]          [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port14:18
Halitechzhxk`, you would need to add ip address, default gateway, network mask, dns addresses for sure, can't think of anything else at the moment14:18
grawityDavidP87: I would suggest waiting for Win 7 to be out.14:18
gartralCarlFK: rather sure14:18
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  vista is paid for... :) win7 is not.. and im too cheap to pay MS any more blood money14:18
useroneindus: if you explain, i will then transfer the usb modem to the other laptop and try14:18
user_ifconfig eth0 inet says permission denied14:18
zhxk`Halitech:yes i know all of them14:18
DavidP87grawity i cant... ive got a new pc sitting here, need OS installed, i cant just wait for Win7 to be out and leave it blank14:19
revygttamsipior: not necessarily, but i do call it by hostname sometimes within the network thats why i want to fix it.14:19
gartralDr_Willis: you relise that yur win7 install is going to lock itself and ask you for money after they pull the beta, right?14:19
Halitechzhxk`, ok, and then change dhcp to static ... then either reboot or restart the network and it *should* work14:19
HalitechDavidP87, so grab the Win7 rc, its free and will work until June 201014:19
gartralDavidP87: can't you put Ubuntu onto it?14:19
Dr_Willisgartral:  its not going to.. since i no longer have a Win7 install..  :)   it got shut down when they closed the earlier testing.. so i decided to put vista back on.14:19
sipiorrevygttam: in that case, easier to add it to the file "/etc/hosts" file on all the machines you care about. then you can use the domain name freely on your network.14:20
Halitechwell, work as well as any windows OS works14:20
Dr_Willisgartral:  so i have no win7 on any machines now.14:20
zhxk`Halitech:i want save them permanent14:20
DavidP87gartral i can put ubuntu, what im saying is, if im bual booting, and i want to use windows + ubuntu, the given is that u install win before linux14:20
gartralDr_Willis: i have yet to own a machine that ran Vista, and plan on keeping it that way till MS goes down the drain14:20
revygttamsipior: Okay, now will that work as well if down the road i need to reach it by domain name?14:20
Halitechzhxk`, if you make the changes and save the file it will be permanent14:21
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  you can dual boot win7 and ubuntu just fine.14:21
RorZaCarlFK: surly there's something wrong ...is there aother way of exporting the file ?14:21
user_ifconfig says permission denied14:21
gartralDavidP87: you can restore grub after a win install..14:21
mckinnon81user_, you need to be root to run ifconfig, run it as 'sudo ifconfig'14:21
sipiorrevygttam: well, you'd be using the domain name now...did you mean from outside your network? do you own the domain that you are using?14:21
gartralDavidP87: also, you dont *have* too install an OS, you can run Ubunt as a live cd..14:22
zhxk`Halitech:where to to save, which file to modify for ip?14:22
CynopeIs there a "Beta" repository for Ubuntu? Or do I need to compile PHP manually in order to have a version higher than 5.2.6?14:22
CarlFKRorZa: best to figure out why you can't scp.  paste the command; message here (no need for the pastebin if it is only one line)14:22
revygttamsipior: i believe that i misunderstood your previous comment so you can disreguard that question.  thanks for your help.14:22
Halitechzhxk`, the /etc/network/interfaces file14:22
gartralCynope: your best bet is too find an apropiate PPA14:22
sipiorrevygttam: no trouble14:22
Dr_WillisCynope:  theres the 'ppa' user repositories to check out...14:22
Dr_Willis!ppa | Cynope14:22
ubottuCynope: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.14:22
CynopeThanks alot gartral ad Dr_Willis :)14:22
zhxk`Halitech:there are no interfaces file there, but interfaces~14:23
gartralCynope: if you really really REALLY want to compile yourself, juyst make sure you satisfy your dependencies first14:23
faisal-alsubaieفية احد عربي هنا ؟14:23
CarlFKI am adding some stuff to the live cd using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization - if all I do is apt-get upgrade, the .iso is 150meg bigger.  I can remove a few things like openoffice, 150meg seems large14:23
bazhang!sa | faisal-alsubaie14:23
ubottufaisal-alsubaie: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:23
=== Pasbar_Team is now known as PasbarTeam
Cynopegartral: I compiled it once 2~3 months ago, then reverted back to repos [ Since I wasn't familiar with "checkinstall" ], So I guess Compiling it would be no problem, I just was looking for a faster way :)14:24
gartralCynope: yea, i hear that14:25
=== Piet_ is now known as Piet
DavidP87alright so final choice guys, Win7 + Ubuntu partion with the page file/swap file partition go with both and then a main partition for data .. OR Vista + Ubuntu with page file/swap file and data, which is it, i want to know the con's of win7 btw, i know the pro is awesomely fast14:25
DavidP87i sorta wanna start using my new pc i just made lol14:25
Halitechzhxk`, there should be14:25
CarlFKand thats 150mb of compressed squash fs - wondering if there some cleanup I can do to get rid of stuff that was replaced14:26
zhxk` Halitech:honestly no14:26
PiciDavidP87: ##windows would be the more appropriate place to ask about Windows, we can't really help with that part of your question.14:26
DavidP87Pici thanks14:26
HalitechDavidP87, windows pagefile and linux swap can't be used the same way, linux swap is a partition, windows pagefile is a file14:26
grawityHalitech: Linux _can_ use swap files.14:26
Halitechzhxk`, so if you do cat /etc/network/interfaces you get nothing?14:27
DavidP87im so confused, never done anything like this before LOL14:27
RorZaCarlFK: ssh: connect to host Slice_ip  port 22: Connection refused14:27
gbrethencan anyone help me with sound problem?14:27
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  linux does swap the better way. :)14:27
grawityHalitech: Technically, you can use Windows pagefile in Linux if you don't forget to mkswap it every time.14:27
grawityDr_Willis: Neither way is better.14:27
DavidP87i dont even know what swap or page file is, all i know is you need to do it, argh so annoying14:27
CarlFKRorZa: what was the scp command, and where does Slice_ip come from?14:27
zhxk`Halitech:i'll answer you later, just rebooting it14:27
gartralgrawity: yes, but A) its slower than that of a solaris partition, and B) winblows _can't_ use a solaris partition14:27
Dr_Willisgrawity:  yes it is..   less hassle. more efficient.14:27
gartral!swap | DavidP8714:28
ubottuDavidP87: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:28
RorZaCarlFK: scp Desktop/comming.jpg ty@Slice_ip:14:28
Halitechgrawity, yes but its not that common and you would have to do some real configging to get it set up right and it wouldn't be as efficient going to an ntfs partition14:28
grawityHalitech: Why not? It isn't fragmented or anything14:28
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  there used to be guides./hacks to let the 2 os;s share the same swap area of a drive.. but with drive sizes/cost these days..its not worth the hassle.14:28
CarlFKRorZa: are you trying to hide the IP from us?14:29
Halitechgrawity, seems anytime I did something on ntfs it was slower then doing it to an ext partition14:29
DavidP87ok this is how it would go, page file(partition?), windows ntfs, linux ext3 or ext4 better? this is 64bit ubuntu, data(ntfs), swap (should i move this before data or keep it here)14:29
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  i always just put swap partition at the end of the hard drive. just makes it easier.14:29
DavidP87ok thanks, so that part is sorted14:29
RorZaCarlFK: no I am not ..just do think is necessary14:29
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  (windows) (linux) (linux /home) (swap)14:30
dsnydersHi all. My desktop is just showing the background.  No icons, no menu bar, no nothing.14:30
DavidP87Dr_Willis linux /home = ntfs for data yeah? and where do i put page file?14:30
gartralDavidP87: your pagefile is contained within the windows partition, i would put an EXT4 part infront of the NTFS part for win, and a sole EXT3 part for data... your done (aside from adding the EXT3 drivers too windows14:30
axionI have a cardbus analog tvcard, and I am having problems playing back it's sound thru the system speakers.14:30
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  NO.. you do  NOT use /home on a ntfs filesystem.14:30
DavidP87sorry total noob here but im pretty shit at this stuff14:30
CarlFKRorZa: huh?  um.. let me ask another way: is that really the command you are typing, or are you changing what you post here?14:31
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  let windows handle its own page file...14:31
gartral!language | DavidP8714:31
ubottuDavidP87: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:31
kindofabuzzdsnyders, i've had that happen before. a logoff/login fixed it14:31
axionthe only way to get any sound from is by using the following sox line:14:31
kapmsdhi guys!!I am a newbie to C programming.14:31
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  windoes will put it on whatever drive its isntalled to.   :)14:31
DavidP87ok thanks Dr_Willis14:31
RorZaCarlFK: the Ip address is my sliceaccount14:31
LinkCan someone help me install Matrox Graphics drivers ?14:31
axionsox -q -c 2 -s -r 32000 -t alsa hw:1 -t alsa -r 32000 hw:014:31
CarlFKRorZa: what is the IP address of your sliceaccount?14:32
kapmsdIn every C pgm,we make use of stdio.h as default.14:32
kapmsdstdio.h has the declaration of printf().14:32
kapmsdstdio.obj has the implementation or defintion of printf().14:32
kapmsdSo we are able successfully compile our pgm .14:32
kapmsdBut stdio.obj will be produced by the compilation of stdio.c.14:32
FloodBot2kapmsd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
kapmsdI have not seen stdio.c anywhere,why?14:32
DavidP87Dr_Willis sorry but you confused me with the ext4 and ext3 part14:32
sipiorkapmsd: you mean stdio.h, surely?14:32
zhxk`Halitech:i cant save setting to resolve.conf14:33
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  ext3 or 4 are linux filesystems.. Nothing to do with windows. :)14:33
DavidP87from what i gather it should have gone like this , win, linux( ext3), data, swap file, where does ext4 fit in there? and why does ext4 have to be infront of win ntfs14:33
kapmsdonly after compiling and .c we ll get .obj,right?14:33
gartralDavidP87: EXT4 for Ubuntu's OS part, NTFS for windows part, EXT3 dor shared data14:33
sipiorkapmsd: have you installed the package "libc6-dev"?14:33
kapmsdthen where is stdio.c14:33
zhxk`Halitech:it is earsed out after reoot14:33
kindofabuzzkapmsd, why don't you ask in #c?14:33
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  linux can read/write ntfs now a days - thers no need for a 'data' parittion to share with windows.14:33
DavidP87gartral so use ext3 as shared, is that guaranteed i can access that from windows and is that better than ntfs?? last question hopefully14:33
kapmsdI thought this is a very basic question answerable by anyone.Ok then.14:34
radioman-lthow you can access ext3 from windows? ;/14:34
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  the linux partitions can be of differnt filesystems.  You dont  need to worry about  any 'shared' stuff and linux uses a swap PARTITION, not a swap file.14:34
sipiorkapmsd: have you installed the package i asked about?14:34
erUSULkapmsd: make sure you have build-essential installed14:34
user_yes its working but eth 1 also getting ip automatically14:34
user_do anyone know it14:34
Dr_Willisradioman-lt:  its doable with some tools. (but can be risky)14:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext214:34
RorZaCarlFK: you got it ?14:34
dsnyderskindofabuzz: I've tried ctrl-alt-backspace and logging in again: no effect14:34
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org14:34
nsahoohi, my keyboard is acting funny. sometimes keys appear to get stuck. especially keys after holding ctrl, like ctrl-z e.g. sometimes arrow keys do that too. Sometimes keystrokes are not registered. Now, I am using a wireless keyboard, so, I thought may be the battery is weak or something, replaced battery but I have the same issue. Before this I had a wired keyboard and had the same issue14:34
kapmsdwats that pkg libc6-dev?14:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext414:35
nsahoois this keyboard problem related to some X issue or gnome issu?14:35
user_when i configure ip for eth 0 wireless disconnected14:35
nsahooI never had this problem in my previous OS14:35
zhxk`hello, how to save setting to /etc/resolve.conf permanently,even reboot?14:35
sipiorkapmsd: just install "build-essential", as erUSUL suggested. it should pull in libc6-dev, among others.14:35
beningWhat is initrams?14:35
Halitechzhxk`, what about the network file? did that stay?14:36
erUSULbening: is compressed file system grub loads so the kernel has the early userspace programs it needs to boot14:36
DavidP87(windows - ntfs ) (linux- ext4) (linux /home - ext3, used for data) (swap - is this just swap or is it ext3/ext4?) this look right to you Dr_Willis14:36
Megra_zhxk`, i don't think you can, but you can tweak the /etc/network/interfaces file to force the use of your custom DNS14:36
kapmsdI ll try it out.14:36
erUSULbening: until it is able to mount the root fs /14:36
Dr_WillisDavidP87:  swap partition uses the swap filesystem :)14:37
CarlFKRorZa: there are 1000's (maybe millions) of bots probing IPs looking for vulnerabilities.    posting your IP in #ubuntu isn't going to make that any worse14:37
ircfinehow can i change chmod 777 to a folder and it's all contents inside ?14:37
Megra_DavidP87, swap is ... swap :)14:37
DavidP87thanks LOL14:37
Megra_ircfine, chmod -R 777 directory14:37
Halitechircfine, you would need to use -R14:37
CarlFKircfine: -R14:37
CarlFKyeah, that.14:37
erUSULircfine: usually (almos allways may i say) chmod -R 777 is the wrong unswer to a problem14:37
CarlFKRorZa: if sshd is on port 3000, you need -p 300014:38
dsnyderskindofabuzz: reboot does nothing.  I just have a background screen and a mouse pointer, but no desktop.14:38
zhxk`Megra_:ill see if there exist one14:39
ircfineerUSUL: what's the usual solution for this ?14:39
erUSULircfine: for what ? i missed your exact problem14:39
doktoreasis it possible that an out of memory could freeze the whole system and force a hard reset?14:39
erUSULbening: if he types "exit" hit enter  does the machine continue booting ?14:40
ircfineerUSUL: i want to change mod chmod to 777 to all the contents of a folder14:40
Halitechircfine, what folder?14:40
erUSULircfine: what folder and why ?14:40
CarlFKdoktoreas: yes.  more likely it isn't frozen, but load is way high and it seems frozen.  give it an hour or so and it may come back14:40
RorZaCarlFK: where about should I specify the port ?14:41
sachaelwhat docs do people in ubuntu use?14:41
ircfineerUSUL: a folder of a web based project , i copied it to /var/www14:41
erUSULircfine: if the folder is yours there is no problem... but many people mess up his system chmoding system files14:41
Halitechsachael, I use the family doc up the road14:41
CarlFKRorZa: scp -p 3000 Desktop/comming.jpg ty@Slice_ip:14:41
zhxk`root@ubuntu:/etc/network# ls14:41
zhxk`if-down.d  if-post-down.d  if-pre-up.d  if-up.d  interfaces~14:41
erUSULircfine: why not make yourself a member of www-data group ?14:41
kindofabuzzdsnyders, sorry, i don't know a fix.14:41
doktoreasHi CarlFK..got a sec to check the log before crashing?14:41
zhxk`Halitech:check it about14:41
randy_can anyone help me with setting up two ethernet cards on ubuntu server?14:42
zhxk`Megra_:pease check above14:42
CarlFKdoktoreas: pastebin it - someone will check it14:42
erUSUL!boot | bening also sometimes one of the boot options can help14:42
ubottubening also sometimes one of the boot options can help: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:42
Total_Oblivionhow can i see if i have activated animations @ compizconfig settings manager?14:42
zhxk`Halitech: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/2806214:42
zhxk`Megra_: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/2806214:42
sachaelI've heard only of awn, cairo and docky. any more of these?14:43
erUSULbening: other causes of that are some bios settings related to the sata controller... linux works best with ahci mode14:43
Halitechzhxk`, strange ... ok, do sudo touch /etc/network/interfaces then use this as a basis to build yours http://paste.ubuntu.com/252516/14:43
RorZaCarlFK: doesnt work ...14:43
dsnyders                    Where's my desktop?14:43
RorZaI get the exact same error14:43
Halitechdsnyders, where did you leave it?14:44
=== lrone-m is now known as verpeiler
erUSULbening: i never used wubi so maybe is something else related to it... ask in a specific wubi forum14:44
bjkSachael:  Simdock also comes up when searching the default repositories...I've never tried it though, docky works well for me14:44
beningerUSUL: ahci mode? i'll tell my friend about it, thanks14:44
zhxk`Halitech:im on xubuntu, do they different?14:44
dsnydersHalitech: It was there before I rebooted.  Now all I have is a spash screen and a mouse pointer.  No icons, no menus14:44
Total_Oblivioni mean i have checked the option but at it's sub menu i have some probs14:44
Halitechzhxk`, shouldn't be, I'm on xfce with debian and it looks the same as the ubuntu system I have14:45
Halitechdsnyders, did you do any updates? install any video card drivers?14:45
frogzooiceroot: 2 choices - either just use software raid in ubuntu, or if you've got the intel matrix raid, you can run the matrix raid driver14:45
dsnydersHalitech, I presume the machine was requesting a reboot because of an update.14:45
zhxk`Halitech:hope so14:45
erUSULbening: ok; good luck14:46
CarlFKRorZa: paste the command/error (put it all on one line)14:46
erUSUL!wubi > bening14:46
ubottubening, please see my private message14:46
Halitechdsnyders, sounds like an update borked it, what video card and what version of ubuntu?14:46
blizzkidlo all. I missed the last regional boards meetings, and won't be able to make it to the next one, is the only possibility to become a member attend one of the meetings?14:46
zhxk`Halitech:what you pated is on interfaces~14:46
doktoreasHi CarlFK here it is: http://pastebin.ca/152804614:46
bazhangblizzkid, #ubuntu-meeting would be a better place to ask14:47
Halitechzhxk`, you need it to be in the interfaces file, the ~ means you opened it so it made a backup14:47
blizzkidbazhang: k, thx14:47
dsnydersHalitech, it is an nvidia GeForce 2 and I am running 8.1014:47
RorZaCarlFK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252521/14:48
Halitechdsnyders, reboot into recovery mode and run xfix and see it that lets you back in ... press esc to see grub14:48
zhxk` bazhang:are you chinese?14:48
CarlFKRorZa: sorry, -P 300014:48
bazhangzhxk`, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat14:49
zhxk`Halitech:so, rename it back?14:49
Halitechzhxk`, you can try renaming it or just create a fresh one and copy the info over14:49
RorZaCarlFK: I get this now Desktop/comming.jpg: No such file or directory14:49
zhxk`bazhang:ok, come there14:49
zhxk`ok, let me cp it14:49
VegarnSCGHi, I've been googling around how to set up my computer as a bluetooth headset. I found some posts on how to connect a bt headset to the computer, but not make the computer act as a bt headset14:49
VegarnSCGis this possible with e.g blueman?14:50
doktoreashttp://pastebin.ca/1528046 this is the last log and after that I had to hard reset the system14:50
zhxk`Halitech:whats next14:50
dsnydersHalitech: Additional info.  The screen saver (rocks) works, and when I press ctrl-alt-del, I get the switch user dialog box.14:50
zhxk`Halitech:i want ip,gate,dns be saved permanetly even reboot14:51
CarlFKRorZa: heh.  cd back to your home dir.14:51
RorZaCarlFK:  get this now Desktop/comming.jpg: Input/output error14:51
CarlFKRorZa: also, use tab completion - it saves typing and avoids errors: scp -p 3000 De<tab>/com<tab>14:52
Halitechzhxk`, reboot or restart the network, if its in that file it should be saved on reboot14:52
Halitechdsnyders, can you log into another user?14:52
CarlFKRorZa:  Input/output error?!  huh?14:52
RorZathats right CarlFK14:53
zhxk`Halitech:give me exactly the config, i'm using eth114:53
=== sevdalin_ is now known as lame-baby
Halitechzhxk`, I don't know, I don't use static ips but anything you enter into that file will be saved14:54
Total_Oblivioncan anyone help me with some animation prob i have?14:54
lame-babybestbg@ubuntu:~/ircd/bin$ ./ircd14:54
lame-baby*** buffer overflow detected ***: ./ircd terminated14:54
lame-baby======= Backtrace: =========14:54
FloodBot2lame-baby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
CarlFKdoktoreas: yeah, you are out of memory,  oom-killer manager thing started killing stuff to make room, looks like postgres/java kept coming back to life...14:55
moncky!ask | Total_Oblivion14:55
ubottuTotal_Oblivion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:55
lame-babywtf ;)14:55
moncky!paste | lame-baby14:55
ubottulame-baby: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:55
zhxk`Halitech:ok, i may enable dhcp service for the network14:55
doktoreasCarlFK, so can be a postgresql problem?14:55
lame-babymoncky, thanks14:55
Halitechzhxk`, try this, changing the numbers to what you need http://paste.ubuntu.com/252524/14:56
RorZaCarlFK: any ides ?14:56
dsnydersHalitech, just me and root on that machine, and I don't know the root password.14:56
CarlFKdoktoreas: hard to say exacly where the problem is.  could be you don't have enough ram for what you are doing, could be a memory leak14:57
zhxk`Halitech:is there a way reboot the kernel, instead of entirely reboot?14:57
Halitechdsnyders, root doesn't exist so you can't login using root14:57
ircfineis it possible to have drag and drop option like netbeans for java project , i downlaoded eclipse java galieo from the official site14:57
Halitechzhxk`, you mean the network?14:57
zhxk`Halitech:i want to see it settings save14:57
ircfineis it possible to have drag and drop option in eclipse like netbeans for java project , i downlaoded eclipse java galieo from the official site14:57
CarlFKRorZa: add -v to the command, paste the results14:58
Halitechzhxk`, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:58
zhxk`Halitech:yes, restarted it14:58
dsnydersHalitech: I have to leave.  looks like you're busy anyways.  Ill try back after work.14:58
Total_Oblivioni go to compizconfig settings manager>effects>animations> check burn but no burn effect whatsoever. Why is that?14:58
lame-babyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/252525/ please help ;)14:58
doktoreasCarlFK, is there a way to check this from the logs?14:58
atealthaanyone here had luck using linux-rt and have it stable when transmission was running?14:58
bazhangTotal_Oblivion, best ask that in #compiz14:58
Halitechdsnyders, ok, hopefully someone will be here with an idea other then trying xfix14:59
doktoreasCarlFK, I have got 4 Gb of rams and 3 Gb of SWAP14:59
doktoreasand running just apache14:59
RorZaCarlFK:  I am wasint oo much time ... I need to do it in a different way.14:59
gartralDavidf88: there does exsist an EXT3 driver for windows, and it (IMO) is faster than NTFS15:00
dsnydersHalitech: I don't think I have xfix.  I tried launching it from ctrl-alt-F1 window, but got an unknown command, even with sudo15:00
CarlFKRorZa: if you can't scp, you ... um... good luck finding better15:00
Halitechdsnyders, I think it only works when you boot into recovery mode15:01
RorZaI did it before and its now is not ..15:01
lame-babyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/252525/ please help ;)15:01
dsnydersHalitech: I'll jot it down and try it later.  Thanks for the help.15:01
CarlFKdoktoreas: "something" is eating memory.  could be a monster query that needs more than you have, could be too many concurrent jobs... could be a bug (memory not being released...) try #postgress...15:02
doktoreasCarlFK, thx mate15:02
snogglebyIs there any way to disable the transition that happens when you change wall papers? This effect makes my computer unusable for the 10 seconds it takes to do it.15:05
phalki've installed bind9 on my ubuntu 8.10, added two local domains with reverse. i also set up a local irc server for testing purposes, and for fun, but whenever i connect to it using my local domain, the reverse doesn't seem to work. i've posted my domain files and reverse here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252529/15:05
THe_BeaTalguien me puede ayudar a instalar un raton en ubuntu?15:05
snogglebyI don't have problems with any of the other transitions or effects, just the wallpaper transition15:05
Halitechsnoggleby, disable compiz15:05
erUSUL!es | THe_BeaT15:05
ubottuTHe_BeaT: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:05
snogglebyI never enabled compiz to begin with15:06
THe_BeaTok thanks15:06
Halitechsnoggleby, its enabled by default if your card can handle it15:06
neoTheCathas anyone got the ATI binary drivers working with 9.04?  i tried it on my laptop, and x become a mishmash of unusability15:06
lame-babya que se refiere ?15:06
daresnoggleby, it's in admin->appearance -> visual effects ( i think)15:06
snogglebyoh. how do i disable compiz then15:06
HalitechneoTheCat, what card?15:06
nnullneoTheCat, yeah i did, i think i got the driver from ati webby .deb they have *i think*15:07
neoTheCatHalitech: i guess that would have been helpful :) VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]15:07
snogglebyYou mean under the Visual Effects section selecting off? That doesn't disable the wallpaper transition, and I thought Compiz was something extra besides that15:07
HalitechneoTheCat, same card as me, no it won't work15:08
newdevhi, i have a k8m800 graphics driver15:08
nnullmy card is newer, atihd435015:08
snogglebyAlso I don't want to remove ALL effects since the desktop transition is the only one I have a problem with.15:08
newdevand a samsung 732n plus monitor15:08
daresnoggleby: that is compiz15:08
newdevmy resolution is currently @ 800x60015:08
newdevplease could someone help me increase my resolution?15:09
RorZaCarlFK: I managed to do it15:09
newdev(thanks in advance) :)15:09
zhxk`Halitech:my interface name is eth115:09
zhxk`ifconfig shows15:09
Halitechnnull, the newer drivers should work for  you15:09
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
mhall119|worknewdev: what video card and driver do you have?15:09
RorZaCarlFK;  I have put the file inside my home direcory ... started a new shell session and passed the -p option15:10
Halitechzhxk`, so change /etc/network/interfaces to eth115:10
Halitechzhxk`, edit the file with gedit15:10
zhxk`Halitech:i can manage this15:11
zhxk`but what to edit15:11
Halitechzhxk`, where it says eth0, change it to eth115:11
newdevmhall119|work: i have a k8m800 graphic card15:11
newdevi installed the chrome drivers15:11
zhxk`Halitec:it seems no effect15:11
fosser_joshwhile i creating deb package for ubuntu i got this error. Could not find package_1.0.orig.tar.gz Either specify an alternate file to use with -f, or add --createorig to create one. can anybody help me15:11
Halitechzhxk`, what do you mean? no effect?15:12
Halitechzhxk`, you need to restart the network to make it take effect15:12
zhxk`Halitech:it dont effect the system, it is what it was15:12
zhxk`the output of ifconfig still the same15:13
zhxk`and cant ping to other host15:13
erUSULzhxk`: what error you get from ping ?15:14
Halitechzhxk`, post ifconfig from this machine and another one that works using pastebin15:14
fosser_joshcan anybody help in developing deb package. i am getting problem while creating15:15
newdevmhall119|work: my graphic card is --> VIA Technologies Inc. K9M800/K8N800/K8N800A [S3 Unichrome Pro] (rev 01)15:15
mhall119|workOh, VIA15:15
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.15:15
zhxk` erUSUL:network is unreach able15:16
fosser_joshubottu: i am deeloping deb package. Could not find package_1.0.orig.tar.gz Either specify an alternate file to use with -f, or add --createorig to create one.15:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:16
bazhang!packaging > fosser_josh15:16
ubottufosser_josh, please see my private message15:16
newdevmhall119|work: i looked for the monitor drivers on the samsung site15:16
fosser_joshbazhang: yah15:16
newdevmhall119|work: samsung only has the monitor drivers available for download for windows users!!15:17
mhall119|worknewdev: monitor drivers?15:17
Disconnecthaving issues with tomcat 6.0.18 on jaunty. for some reason it stopped finding log4j in /usr/share/java. is there an obvious fix? ("stopped" as in when I left on tues, it worked. when I came in this morning, the email from the testers was "it doesn't start" and I'm getting nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level)15:17
newdevmhall119|work: my monitor is --> Samsung 732N Plus15:17
fosser_joshubottu: i followed the steps but when go for dh_make -c gpl -s -b . i am getting error15:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
mhall119|workDisconnect: have you tried #ubuntu-java?15:17
fosser_joshbazhang: i followed the steps but when go for dh_make -c gpl -s -b . i am getting error15:18
zhxk`Halitech:i think i need to remove interfaces to keep the orignal state, late now, see you later15:18
Disconnectmhall119|work: good thought, thanks :)15:18
Regelhey, when I log in to gnome my keyboard stops working. I cant write anywhere, but some shortkeys work, like AltGr+SysRq+k (not Ctrl+Alt+F1 though)15:18
mhall119|worknewdev: I have no experience with VIA, sorry15:18
Halitechzhxk`, ok, have a good one15:18
newdevmhall119|work: if you google "732N Plus" you'll see that samsung provides monitor drivers15:18
newdevmhall119|work:  so what should i do?15:19
mhall119|worknewdev: I've never had to install a driver for a monitor in Linux15:19
Halitechnewdev, you typically don't need to install monitor drivers15:19
mzznewdev: hy do you need drivers? What's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log (pastebin it)?15:19
Halitechnewdev, have you checked Synaptic to make sure the openchrome drivers are installed?15:19
mzznewdev: (I recently acquired a laptop that should be using the same driver you use, although my chipset is a bit older)15:20
newdevi come over to this channel yesterday, and i did install the openchrome drivers15:20
newdevmzz: what is your resolution like? (How could i increase my resolution??)15:21
mzznewdev: 1024x768, which is the panel's native resolution.15:21
mzznewdev: I had to install an updated driver before it worked at all, but please don't do that just yet. Pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it usually has clues.15:21
fosser_joshi want help in deb packaging can anybody there who already developed deb packages15:21
erUSULfosser_josh: ask in #ubuntu-motu15:22
Halitechnewdev, S3/via drivers suck (at least from my experience) you'd be better of to get a decent nvidia card and use it instead of the onboard video15:22
gartral!packaging | fosser_josh15:22
ubottufosser_josh: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:22
mzzHalitech: hard if it's a laptop15:22
mzzoh wait, his isn't?15:22
Halitechmzz, true but not sure if he said15:22
mzzHalitech: and yeah, I'm glad I'm using an open driver and not via's own, which iiuc isn't very good15:23
newdevmine is not a laptop!15:23
mzznewdev: then yeah, upgrading the card is an option. But I'm not convinced you'll have to just to get the right resolution.15:23
newdevbut i really can't afford to buy anything right now15:23
fosser_josherUSUL: yah15:23
Halitechmzz, I'm using the onboard ati x1200 on my system right now but only cause when I upgraded I didn't have the extra for a new pci-e card15:23
fosser_joshgartral: yah15:23
fosser_joshgartral: can u help me15:24
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:24
ZalimJinfosser_josh@ help on what ?15:24
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:24
newdevi can't do any of my development work with such a low resolution!!!15:24
gartralfosser_josh: beyond the ubottu trigger, no, .deb packages are notoriously impossible to comprehend15:24
jMylesWhen I add "DefaultDepth 16" to my xorg.conf, I get dramatically improved performance.  However, my gnome-terminal and lib-notify become invisible.  What gives?15:24
newdevso its kinda really important for me15:24
* mzz is still waiting for Xorg.0.log15:25
newdevi read every forum post i could find15:25
snogglebyHow can I disable the wallpaper fade effect when selecting a new wallpaper? I tried disabling compiz but it still happens. I need to find a way to disable this effect.15:25
newdevgoogled it15:25
THe_BeaThi. i'm trying to install a mouse in ubuntu but i've got this error: usb 1-1: device not accepting address 19, error -11015:25
mzzsnoggleby: iirc there's something in gconf for that15:25
newdevasked my friends, but really couldn't figure out what to do15:25
fosser_joshZambezi: on deb packaging15:25
mzzsnoggleby: (are you hitting the bug where it's horribly slow?)15:25
THe_BeaTsomebody can help me please?15:25
newdevso the irc was my only hope!15:25
jeeves_Mosshow can I make a default folder for my favicon.ico that'll be sitewide?15:25
snogglebymzz: yes15:25
mr_mustardhow do I disable anti aliasing for only one truetype font?15:26
gartralnewdev do me a vavor and pastebin your xorg.conf15:26
snogglebyIt's horrificly slow. I can't really do anything for the 10 seconds it takes to change wallpapers15:26
felipe__como faço pra entrar nu canal brazileiro15:26
natrixnatrix89Guys.. could you suggest me, where can i ask html related questions?15:26
bazhangfelipe__, /join #ubuntu-br15:26
ZalimJinask here15:27
newdevgartral: sorry, but i don't know what "pastebin" means. (i am not to well versed with xubuntu yet!)15:27
gartral!pastebin | newdev15:27
ubottunewdev: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:27
natrixnatrix89if i have a picture that has a link.. like <a><img></a> After the link is followed the image has the stupid violet border around.. like the link is visited.. How do i get rid of the border (what do i add in the css a:visited, to get rid of this)?15:27
gartralnatrixnatrix89: the color code of the pages background15:28
natrixnatrix89i tried background15:28
natrixnatrix89didnt work15:28
natrixnatrix89because i have a background picture15:28
mzzsnoggleby: hmm, not finding it in gconf actually. Sorry.15:28
gartralnatrixnatrix89: the _color_ _code_ of the backfround15:28
jMylesWhen I add "DefaultDepth 16" to my xorg.conf, I get dramatically improved performance.  However, my gnome-terminal and lib-notify become invisible.  Also, the title bars (normally drawn by compiz window decoration) disappear.15:29
mzzsnoggleby: (didn't search *that* hard though)15:29
natrixnatrix89but isnt there a way that it doesnt make that stupid border?15:29
mzzjMyles: tried switching to a non-compiz wm (desktop effects off)?15:29
natrixnatrix89because it consumpts space too15:29
gartraljMyles: Compiz doesn't support 16 bit color depth, must be 24 or 3215:29
newdevgartral: how do i access my xorg.conf file?15:29
snogglebyI don't get why the option wouldn't be under the compiz settings. It's really irritating when worthless things get thrown into something and aren't even thrown in right15:29
gartralnewdev /etc/xorg.conf15:30
mikejonessudo apt-get remove sun-java6-bin sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-bin15:30
mzznatrixnatrix89: padding, margin etc zeroed. Firebug is your friend.15:30
mzzsnoggleby: pretty sure compiz isn't drawing the background or doing that fade.15:30
mzzsnoggleby: I'd expect it somewhere under nautilus.15:30
jMylesgartral: Ahh, I see.  I wonder why I have such incredible performance with 16 bit.  Expo runs completely smooth, but I can't see a terminal.   Can I get any compromise?15:30
erUSULjMyles: how much memory does your graphic card have ?15:31
gartraljMyles: metacity has a composit mode, it's nothing spectacular though.. also might try xcompmgr15:31
mzzjMyles: what's the gpu chipset, for that matter?15:31
newdevgartral: "no such file"!!!15:31
jMyleserUSUL: It's a laptop - Radeon Mobility M7500.  Shared memory.15:32
mzzjMyles: might want to hunt around for some driver bug affecting performance in regular 24bit mode15:32
newdevgartral: i can't find /etc/xorg.conf15:32
gartralnewdev: oooooops.. my fault its /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:32
jMylesmzz, gartral: erUSUL: Right now I'm enjoying performance like I've never had.  I don't want to go back.  :-)15:32
mzznewdev: not having an /etc/X11/xorg.conf is normal. Did you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log yet?15:32
crocd_workhi guys i need some advice on mounting a drive on a lappy i am reparing/ I cannot mount the /dev/sda1 drive. its not seeing it15:32
mzzcrocd_work: is /dev/sda itself there? Anything interesting in dmesg?15:33
gartralmzz newdev ignore that, mzz, i had him looking in the wrong place15:33
erUSULcrocd_work: define «its not seeing it» does the dev node appear or not? mount faqils? if so how?15:33
erUSUL!details | crocd_work15:33
ubottucrocd_work: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:33
jMylesmzz, gartral: erUSUL: I'm noticing other things that are invisible - gnome-do is one of them.  Maybe I just can't see anything that's drawn with compositing?15:33
mzzjMyles: I wouldn't be surprised at all if anything that's partially transparent failed15:34
gartraljMyles: that's exactly the problem, because compiz doesn't support 16-bit depth15:34
mzzyeah, exactly15:34
crocd_workmzz: it is there when I use fdisk -lu it shows as being ther but mounting it using ntfs-3g throws up error not valid ntfs15:34
=== root is now known as Guest57068
newdevi just "pastebinned" my xorg.conf15:34
Guest57068i had previously installed jaunty with ext4 as filesystem..15:34
mzzjMyles: if you turn compiz off they should become visible, just no longer translucent.15:34
SilentWarriorhow do i update the timezone?15:34
Guest57068now i am back with intreped..15:34
Guest57068how to access the content in ext4 in intreped?15:34
mzzjMyles: you can probably get metacity to run with compositing to get the translucency back, although it's not as fancy as compiz15:35
gartralnewdev: now past the URL too it here :P15:35
crocd_worki am running the latest ubuntu version of a flash drive. need to mount /dev/sda1 to copy across a file15:35
newdevthere you go!15:35
mzzcrocd_work: ah. So are you sure the partition itself is still healthy? Iirc there's a limited fsck in ntfsutils15:35
mzzcrocd_work: sorry, ntfsprogs15:35
snogglebycan i install an old version of gnome along side a newer one? apparently the wallpaper fade thing is a gnome issue15:35
mzzsnoggleby: not conveniently15:35
=== Guest57068 is now known as mohan_
mzzsnoggleby: (I suspect you'd be better off installing a whole older ubuntu)15:36
mohan_anybody have idea?15:36
jMylesmzz, gartral:  Well what I'm enjoying is desktop wall with expo.  Previously it was CHUNKY - so much so that it created a disincentive to use it for organization of tasks.  Now it's running nice, so I'd like to find a way to keep this performance without turning compiz off but still being able to see the things that are currently invisible.15:36
mzzsnoggleby: I'm pretty sure libbackground has an abi change, specifically. So you'd need things like nautilus using it to be rebuilt, or you'd have to downgrade those too. That'll quickly turn into a huge mess.15:36
snogglebywell i can uninstall gnome then install an older release of it right?15:36
mohan_i how to access ext4 partition content in intreped?15:36
snogglebyguess it's time to try out kde15:36
mzzjMyles: you won't get expo in 16 bit mode. Not without hacking on compiz to make it work in that mode.15:37
jMylesmzz: Well I have expo right now so I must not be in 16-bit mode.  How can I tell?15:37
gartralnewdev: ewww gods.. you have a completly unconfed xorg.conf... I think I can think of a few things too add if toy give me a moment15:37
mzzsnoggleby: your chances of finding either a way to turn the effect off or a version of libbackground where it is fast are much higher than your chance of successfully downgrading15:37
rek__net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied15:37
rek__You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.15:37
mzzjMyles: ok, s/work/work properly/ (for compiz in 16 bit mode)15:38
maveasHow do I chmod on files in a parent folder and files in the child foldes to the parten?15:38
erUSULmaveas: -R15:38
maveasso chmod -R 644 *.php ?15:38
mzzjMyles: assuming we're correct about it not being supposed to work in that mode15:38
monckymaveas: yup15:38
newdevgartral: what should i do ??15:38
rek__You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.15:38
maveasANd how do I affect the folders only with chmod 755?15:39
newdevgartral: what does the following mean --> "if toy give me a moment"??15:39
gartralnewdev: wait a minute, let me see what i can do with this, k?15:39
joakimkI've just installed XP on my laptop, formatting the entire HD as NTFS. Now I want to use the Ubuntu 9 installer to set up a dual boot :) I'm following this guide, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm Will the Ubuntu installer create all necessary "sub-partitions" for me, like / and /home? I just want to say, "ubuntu, take half the disk." But what about swap, do I need that, and how do I do that?15:40
newdevgartral: thanks a lot :)15:40
gartralnewdev: if you give me a moment, it was a typo15:40
aethelrickfind -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;15:40
newdevgartral: sure! :) thanks again15:40
mzzmaveas: you may like chmod +X15:40
crocd_workmzz: i dont think it is the ntfs partition it his having problems with I dont think ubuntu is actually seeing the drive/ I can get the cd rom to work fine but the internal hard drive is not showing up. dmesg shows the drive is ther15:40
mzzmaveas: (check the manpage, +X sets the x bit only if it's a directory)15:40
newdevgartral: shall i come back after a couple of minutes?15:40
alongenemylinesjoakimk: the installer will handle all necessary partitions for you15:41
mzzcrocd_work: I don't follow. If you see the correct partition layout in dmesg the drive is there. Anythinc scary in dmesg?15:41
mzzcrocd_work: have you run smartctl -a over the drive yet?15:41
mzzcrocd_work: err, the correct partition layout in *fdisk*, of course15:41
joakimkalongenemylines: Nice! But should I make a swap area? Or can Ubuntu and XP read each other's partitions now?15:41
mohan_how to access an ext4 partition in ubuntu 8.10?15:41
joakimkalongenemylines: ...if you see what I mean ;)15:41
crocd_workmzzmzz not yet let me have a look15:42
mzzjoakimk: they can't use each other's swap conveniently. The "guided" partitioner should do something reasonable though.15:42
erUSULmohan_: you need a kernel (and mount programetc) that understand ext415:42
gartralnewdev: PM me with your card model, please15:42
erUSULmohan_: use a newer distro15:42
newdevgraphic card?15:42
crocd_workmzz will correcting the partition in fdisk not corrupt it15:42
mohan_erUSUL: isn't there any other method?15:42
snogglebyjoakimk: xp cannot read ext3 partitions. xp can only read ntfs and fat16/32 partitions. linux however can deal with ntfs partitions pretty well15:42
joakimkmzz: OK, because the last time I did this, I made an explicit 15GB slice with FAT32 formatting, so both could use it15:42
mzzcrocd_work: what? Don't write anything in fdisk! I didn't mean for you to do that!15:42
erUSULmohan_: installing a newer kernel in ntrepid ?15:43
alongenemylinesjoakimk: swap is just basically writing excess ram to hard disk.  you'll need no extra setup, ubuntu can read and write to windows partitions, windows however, needs ext3 tools installed to even be able to see or read from linux partitions15:43
mzzcrocd_work: I just meant that if "fdisk -l /dev/sda" lists the right partition layout that means your drive is there, and if the partition still won't mount I'd blame the filesystem first (so fsck it and all that)15:43
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mzzjoakimk: with ntfs-3g linux is pretty good at both reading and writing ntfs now, so I'd prefer that filesystem type for a shared partition these days15:43
joakimkalongenemylines: so, it might be convenient to have a common, small partition, in FAT32. Not sure if I'm right to call it "swap"15:44
snogglebylol you're using fdisk? you'd better start looking for guides on restoring grub15:44
mzzjoakimk: (which means you probably won't need a dedicated shared partition, you can just read/write your main windows partition from ubuntu)15:44
mohan_erUSUL: should i compile linux from source? or can i get from package manager?15:44
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:44
mzzsnoggleby: what? "fdisk -l" is a pretty decent way to look at a partition table. We're not writing to it...15:44
erUSULmohan_: you can try to install a deb from a newer ubuntu release15:44
joakimkmzz: But the other way, then? Xp can't read the Ubuntu part?15:44
alongenemylinesjoakimk: you can make a "shared drive" if you want, but ubuntu can also directly read and write to your windows partition, making the shared drive not necessary15:44
joakimkubottu: OK, so I won't call it "swap" :D15:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:44
mohan_erUSUL: ok.. thank you :) will try..15:45
mzzjoakimk: not conveniently, no.15:45
erUSULmohan_: there is no waraties for it to work though15:45
mzzjoakimk: (it *is* possible, although I'm not sure if it'll handle ext4 yet)15:45
mohan_erUSUL: ok.. maybe i should transfer the data in it using ubuntu 9.04 live cd ..15:45
snogglebymzz: i guess it depends on how you're running fdisk. i tried running the xp recovery disc once to use fdisc to check out partitions and it was kind enough to completely hose my boot sector15:45
joakimkalongenemylines: OK, so the Ubuntu installer will allow me to make an extra small part for FAT32, then, right?15:45
erUSULmohan_: that's another option a livecd15:46
mohan_erUSUL: right?15:46
mzzsnoggleby: I'm talking linux fdisk, not windows fdisk15:46
crocd_workmzz fsdk -l /dev/sda1 error out with does not contain valid partition table15:46
snogglebyah nevermind15:46
mohan_erUSUL: ok......................15:46
mzzsnoggleby: "fdisk -l" is quite read-only and therefore safe15:46
mohan_erUSUL: bye..15:46
mzzcrocd_work: yes. Try it on sda, not sda1.15:46
erUSULmohan_: bb15:46
mohan_erUSUL: thanx :)15:46
erUSULmohan_: no problem15:46
jacekowskibtw. fdisk is safe program15:46
mzzjoakimk: yes, but you'd have to partition manually. Why do you need this though?15:46
paul1can anybody tell me how to simulate JUNOS on my Ubuntu linux 8.10?I intend to simulate the command lines for juniper routers15:46
jacekowskiif you know how to use it15:46
alongenemylinesjoakimk: the ubuntu installed just runs gparted for disk partitioning.  you can make as many partitions as you could want15:46
joakimkmzz: To move stuff back&forth between XP and Ubuntu15:46
mzzjoakimk: again: ubuntu will happily both read from and write to your main windows xp partition ("c:" in windows)15:47
mzzjoakimk: why do you want a separate partition?15:47
alongenemylinesjoakimk: but ubuntu can read and write DIRECTLY to your windows partition.  you do not need a non-os partition just for moving files15:47
joakimkmzz: hehe, yes, but will XP be able to read the ubuntu partition, is my question :)15:47
crocd_workmzz it shows the partitions, there are 2 on i is flagged as bootable and it sees it as ntfs/hpfs15:47
mzzjoakimk: no, but I don't see why that means you'd need a separate partition to share data. Just use a directory in your main windows partition.15:48
alongenemylinesjoakimk: by default, no, xp cannot see linux partitions15:48
mzzcrocd_work: does that match the layout you expect?15:48
snogglebyyou can just save stuff you want to your xp partition. as long as you put the stuff you want to access there, you don't need another partition15:48
joakimkmzz: ahh! I see15:48
nyaajoakimk you'll need the right stuff to see ntfs from linux, but just look up ntfs in synaptic, its pretty well named15:49
crocd_workmzz yes15:49
ichatjoakim -    -  provided, that you want - to share data between  linux and windows -  EITHER you format it as NTFS  - or  as  EXT3  -  in the later - you'l also need to install   an  FS driver in windows15:49
mzznyaa: ntfs-3g is installed by default (at least it was here)15:49
MadGirlsomebody said hello was this right syntax? routes_eth0=("-net netmask default via") ?15:49
jMylesOK, I'm back.  I switched to "DefaultDepth 24" and everything is back to normal, dreadful performance and all15:49
mzzcrocd_work: then I still suspect the filesystem, not the drive (assuming you're mounting the right partition out of the two)15:49
msteele__how do I change my name?15:50
mzzMadGirl: err, that's a gentooism if I'm not very much mistaken. What file are you seeing or putting that in?15:50
MadGirlmzz: no idea15:50
crocd_workmzz the first on is the larger partition the second one is the restore partition for lenovo15:50
joakimkmzz: OK, just to be sure: Will the U installer ask me what format I want for the partition? And what should I use? I'm thinking ext315:50
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:50
zaggynlshipitkthx: dude, less caps and more googling15:50
erUSUL!software | abhishek_15:50
ubottuabhishek_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:50
sash_joakimk:  right15:50
mzzjoakimk: if you use the guided partition it'll do something reasonable (iirc it'll ask you how much to shrink the windows partition, then set up an ext3 root and some swap, but it's been ages since I used that thing)15:51
nyaaabhishek_ try  "   sudo apt-get install vlc   "15:51
crocd_workabhishek_: dont shout, use the synaptic package manager to do that15:51
raidensalut all15:51
mzzjoakimk: you can also do the partitioning by hand if you prefer, it's fairly self-explainatory (sp?)15:51
kusanagi_anybody knows how to bring focus to a windows that i only have the pid? its hiden and i lost the icon in the systry :S15:51
kusanagi_i use gnome15:51
mutafuterhey yall15:51
abhishek_sorry guys...15:51
erUSULpaul1: http://juniper.cluepon.net/index.php/Olive15:51
=== raiden is now known as Guest26675
msteele__how do I change my name here?15:51
erUSULmsteele__: /nick newnick15:52
mzzMadGirl: what are you trying to accomplish?15:52
MadGirli wish i knew, mzz15:52
msteele__ah, there15:52
Pharsaluskusanagi_: what happens when you stop then restart the process? Does the window reappear minimized?15:52
paul1erUSUL:thanks. already on it15:52
mzzkusanagi_: there's no general way to do that15:52
erUSULpaul1: no problem15:52
msteele__\nick msteele15:53
msteele__not working...15:53
grawitymsteele__: It's /nick msteele15:53
msteele__i did15:53
msteele__i just tried backslash to see if it would work15:53
grawityNo, you used \nick15:53
erUSULmsteele__: if someone else is using the nick you want you will not be able to use it15:53
crocd_workabhishek_: or you can use sudo apt-get install vlc15:53
msteele__i kinda doubt it...15:53
=== msteele__ is now known as p1oi2jefafda
kusanagi_Pharsalus, i dont want to restart the process :S15:53
p1oi2jefafdaoh, there we go15:54
p1oi2jefafdait just took a while I guess15:54
ifail[laptop]hi guys, i'm using 9.04, and i have added an unprivileged account. Compiz doesn't seem to work there, and i sem to get graphical artefacts. Any ideas how to enable/allow 3d accel?15:54
kusanagi_mzz, any particual way to do it in gnome?15:54
p1oi2jefafda. (sry, testing name)15:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:54
=== p1oi2jefafda is now known as mlsteele
ifail[laptop]hi guys, i'm using 9.04, and i have added an unprivileged account. Compiz doesn't seem to work there, and i sem to get graphical artefacts. Any ideas how to enable/allow 3d accel?15:55
mzzkusanagi_: no, I meant there's no general mechanism used by processes to tell them "recreate your main window"15:55
Picimlsteele: Please don't test here, the channel is already busy enough without that.15:55
mzzkusanagi_: what process are we talking about?15:55
Adam_eMhi there15:55
kusanagi_mzz, amsn15:55
innomenPici, hew dosent know how to change his nick what makes you think he knows how to leave the channel etc?15:55
mzzkusanagi_: no clue then, sorry.15:55
kusanagi_mzz,  it just hide... i lost the icon in the systry... but it works perfectly well... i can chat and all15:56
ifail[laptop]hi guys, i'm using 9.04, and i have added an unprivileged account. Compiz doesn't seem to work there, and i sem to get graphical artefacts. Any ideas how to enable/allow 3d accel?15:56
kusanagi_mzz i can not show it again :S15:56
innomenso just for the rcord there is absolutly no way to kill a process that is "uninteruptable"15:56
Adam_eMmy 3d performance is very low. It seems i need a proprietary ati drivers to improve the situation, I only dont know how to install them15:57
ifail[laptop]it works on my account, but not on the other one15:57
kusanagi_system administrator/ harware drivers Adam_eM15:57
ifail[laptop]fuck this15:57
oussamado you have intel graphic card15:57
vavari installed xterm but it's white and it seems different from the usual xterm. who can explain what's the difference?15:59
Jack-can anybody tell me how can I fix this ?!16:00
Jack-/bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: cannot create cache for search path: Cannot allocate memory16:00
=== msteele__ is now known as mlsteele
PharsalusJack-:  Double the size of the swap partition? just a guess..16:01
Adam_eMkusanagi_: but I only have a statement there that my system doesn't use any restricted drivers16:01
=== philip_ is now known as foolip_
erUSUL!ati | Adam_eM16:01
ubottuAdam_eM: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:01
Jack-Pharsalus, for this I need to re-install ubuntu ?16:01
thiebaudeJack-, how much swap do you have?16:02
kusanagi_Adam_eM, if it recognize ur card, it shoudl give u the option to avtivate the propietary drivers there16:02
jMylesReally?  I have to install a package to re-anble ctrl-alt-backspace to restart x?  Is there another reasonably easy way to restart x?16:02
Jack-thiebaude, 1 GB16:02
thiebaudeJack-, how much ram?16:02
PharsalusShould be ample swap space..16:02
erUSULjMyles: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart16:02
Jack-thiebaude, 2 GB16:02
erUSUL!dontzap > jMyles16:03
ubottujMyles, please see my private message16:03
thiebaudeJack-, i agree with Pharsalus16:03
=== msteele__ is now known as mlsteele
nyaaJack: its most likely some sort of permissions issue, bash doesn't take much memory at all16:04
Jack-thiebaude, can I make swap partition bigger thru console, or I need to reinstall Ubuntu ?16:04
nyaaJack are you opening the terminal through a user that you usually don't log in as?16:04
thiebaudeJack-, not sure about that, i set swap when i first install ubuntu16:05
Jack-nyaa, I usual login as user.. not root .16:05
Pharsalusthiebaude: You can use a graphical partition app, don't need to reinstall Ubuntu16:05
jMylesSo, I'm still facing the issue of MUCH better performance in 16 bit mode, but no window decorations and an invisible terminal.  Not sure what to do.16:05
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:05
oussamahi jack may you just jo copie the bash from the live cd16:06
thiebaudePharsalus, i forgot,lol16:06
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:07
vavarok -fg -bg set xterm colors..16:08
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)16:08
Adam_eMhuh?? It says I have the intel graphic card. How came that I had ati packages installed by default?16:08
=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
PharsalusJack-: Double the size of the swap partition and see what happens. Any graphical partition program can do it for you16:08
Jack-ok, I'll try .16:09
Jack-Thanks :)16:09
FloodBot2rabit510i: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
PharsalusIt's a weird problem though, 1GB of swap should be ample space for swap.16:10
thiebaudeRabit510i, do you have a question?16:10
PharsalusIsn't the rule of thumb that swap should be 50% as big as your RAM? Or is it 200%? I can't remember...16:10
thiebaudephalk, 1.5 times size of ram16:11
thiebaudemy bad16:11
mzzyeah, but that's an old guideline16:11
Megra_Pharsalus, but not over 2Go (more is useless)16:11
Pharsalusmzz: What is it now? :p16:11
mzzimnsho the same size as your ram suffices with current ram sizes (of over 1GB)16:11
richardcavell_Megra_: if you want suspend to disk it has to be at least as large16:11
mzzPharsalus: try to do something that actually uses all that swap. Is your system still usable? :)16:12
crocd_workmzz: i think i know why i cannot get access to the drive, it has truecrypt on it and it is preventing me from accessing the drive16:12
Winkieso, i notice that Pessulus ships completely and utterly broken in the latest ubuntu16:12
mzzI'd make swap smaller than ram, but that's annoying when you hibernate.16:12
mzzcrocd_work: that makes perfect sense16:12
dalekleaderi hope someone can help me.  I had tried to setup a BIND9 dns on a server.  I later aborted it and removed the package.  now I cannot seem to get this server to connect to the web.  when I try to host google.com it appends my old domain name to the end and ofcourse fails.16:12
Guest26675hello HackersDavid16:12
Guest26675you hacker ?16:12
mzzdalekleader: anything fishy in /etc/resolv.conf?16:12
macodalekleader: dont you mean "exterminated" it? *giggle*16:13
gartralwhere can i ask specified questions about th xorg.conf file?16:13
Guest26675go to pv16:13
jMylesHow do I change the command by which compiz is run?16:13
macodalekleader: maybe you need to purge it so the config files go away too?16:13
HackersDavidheckers chapeau blanc16:13
dalekleadermzz: no, it only shows my isp info16:13
crocd_workmzz thankos for your help16:13
mlsteeledoes anyone know where the pseudo-C Drive is after a crossover games installation? (Analogous to the ~/.wine/drive_c/ directory from a normal wine install)16:14
PharsalusjMyles: Menu > system > preferences > startup Applications then find compiz in the list and edit it.16:14
HackersDavidoui install wine16:14
dalekleadermaco: i will try that16:14
jMylesPharsalus:  Thanks.  Seems so obvious now. :-)16:14
mlsteelewhat hackers?16:14
PharsalusjMyles: Np. :)16:14
mzzdalekleader: then I don't know what's up, sorry. Might want to doublecheck /etc/nsswitch.conf too, but I don't know what'd be in there that'd break it like this.16:15
useroneis indus still here?16:15
TrijntjeHi all, how can I get gnome to auto-mount a luks encrypted usb drive?16:15
gubuntu.cmd run -s ~/scripts/csrvLaunch.sh pass HDHKA3JU22JSU822KS16:15
gubuntuoops wrong channel sry16:15
useronei ran sudo os-prober. where does the output go>16:15
mlsteeleis there any way I can turn off the annoying messages in irc, like that someone quit or joined?16:15
Slartuserone: not from what I can see.. he'll probably be back later16:16
mlsteeleis there any way I can turn off the annoying messages in irc, like that someone quit or joined?16:16
gubuntumlsteele: what irc client are you using?16:16
mlsteelexchat gnome16:16
mlsteelegubuntu: xchat gnome16:17
jMylesSo I'm still kinda stuck here.  I get really very decent performance with a depth of 16.  I get absolutely awful performance with a depth of 24.  I mean it's night-and-day.  However, at 16, some features of compiz don't work - there is no window decoration and I can't see anything in gnome-terminal.  So, I need to either 1) Get this stuff working in 16-bit or 2) get my 24-bit performance to mirror my 16-bit performance.16:17
v0lksmanI'm trying to get a logitech quickcam working on my jaunty system.  It works in cheese but not in the app I want.  When I try luvcview I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/252576/  any suggestions?16:17
useronecan anyone else here help me with a grub problem? i cant get grub to boot vista. i have edited the menu.lst with the command root (hd0,0) but still nothing.16:17
HackersDavidmoi utilize spoonwap 2 cracker un voisin16:17
gubuntumsteele: Rightclick the channeltab -> Check 'Hide Join/Part Messages'16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fr!fr16:18
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:18
ryanakcaUsernames cannot have spaces in them, correct?16:18
Trijntjeuserone: can you past your vista line?16:18
gryphus71Hello ! how can explain to me, the difference bitween /home and /usr please ?16:18
grawityryanakca: Correct.16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin16:18
ryanakcagrawity: Great, thanks16:18
ubottuuserone: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:18
mzzHuh. Anyone know any reasons for "apt-mark markauto" to not add a package to /var/lib/apt/extended_states?16:18
grawitygryphus71: /home contains user homedirs. /usr contains files used by programs (/usr/share/fonts, for example)16:18
ectropy_Hi, all - I've posted my issue at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123752516:19
mlsteelecan someone help me w/ crossover please?16:19
ectropy_thx in advance for all your help.16:19
bazhangmlsteele, crossover forums?16:19
useroneTrijntje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252577/16:20
gryphus71grawity: ok because i installing a freebsd on a old server, i want do a SSH server and FTP server16:20
RRHey Anybody there tht could hel me with firewall-config- for a server?16:20
mlsteelewell, i don't really know how to phrase my question16:20
gryphus71grawity: *ok thx16:20
* mzz skims the code and suspects apt-mark is just broken16:20
grawity...that's one big typo16:20
mlsteeleI mean how to search for it, no phrase it, sry16:20
erUSULRR: ufw; shorewall or firehol16:20
erUSUL!ufw | RR16:20
ubottuRR: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:20
bazhangmlsteele, crossover is not supported here; try their forums16:20
mlsteelewhy is your name yellow when you send messages?16:21
SocahHello. Could somebody give me a hint how to untar all tarballs in folder?16:21
PharsalusReal men use iptables. ;)16:21
grawitymlsteele: Because they start with your nick.16:21
mzzgaah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/32857416:21
oDeski want to list all files on one folder that is not *.pdf howto?16:21
gryphus71grawity: /usr contains personnals config !? if i understand16:21
mlsteelegrawity, oh, neat, so this works for you?16:21
grawitymlsteele: Yes. (I don't use xchat though)16:21
sammytrying to move my / partition; I cp -a 'd everything to a new partition, updated /boot/grub/menu.1st with the new UUID and updated /etc/fstab with the new UUID. I ran update-grub and copied the new menu.1st to the newroot/grub/boot. what am I missing?16:21
TrijntjeoDesk: ls |grep -v *.pdf i think16:21
moustafaAnyone knows an easy to use graphical bandwidth monitor to use to monitor my USB modem bandwidth usage?16:22
grawitygryphus71: No16:22
gryphus71graw !?16:22
gryphus71grawity:  !?16:22
Pharsalussammy: Shouldn't you use cp -r for 'recursive'?16:22
SocahHello. Could somebody give me a hint how to untar all tarballs in folder?16:22
guntbertgryphus71: /ust stands for Unix System Resources - nothing personal in it!!16:22
bazhangHackersDavid, hi16:22
HackersDavidis cracké l wifi16:22
mlsteelemoustafa: what about system>administration>system monitor?16:22
erUSULSocah: find . -type f -name '*tar*' -exec tar xf {} \;16:22
erUSULSocah: or something like that16:22
bazhangHackersDavid, not here16:22
Trijntjeuserone: hmm, that looks alright, are you sure vista is on your first partition?16:22
SocaherUSUL: thank you16:22
RRerUSL: I need special help with the config.16:22
evilbugwhat folder are apps installed in?16:22
craigbass1976Wireless on my laptop doesn't come on until I log in now that I'm at intrepid.  Is Jaunty the same way?16:23
sammyPharsalus: I actually used cp -ax because I have other partitions with /usr and /home and other such directories. I only wanted to copy everything on the / partition. I also think -a includes r. I think its dpr or dPr or some such.16:23
garymcHi guys, my launcher files are now opening with a text editor instead of firefox16:23
moustafamlsteele, I want something which saves my usage for whole month not just the session16:23
garymcwhy would that be?16:23
gryphus71guntbert: FreeBSD 8.0 Bétâ 2 propose to me /usr by default ...16:23
mlsteelemoustafa: Oh, I don't know then. Good luck16:23
bazhangHackersDavid, cracking wifi is not supported on this channel. please dont discuss it or ask for help16:23
grawityevilbug: Usually the binaries go to /usr/bin if you install from repositories, or /usr/local/bin if you compile them yourself.16:23
moustafamlsteele, thank anyway :)16:23
HackersDavidsi nubunutu16:23
grawitygryphus71: Are you sure it's /usr and not /user?16:23
bazhangHackersDavid, nubuntu?16:24
gryphus71grawity: yes16:24
grawitygryphus71: And what _exactly_ is "proposing /usr to you?16:24
useroneTrijntje: fdisk says sda1 (ntfs) http://paste.ubuntu.com/252580/16:24
guntbertgryphus71: this is ubuntu support, my knowledge about FreeBSD is *very* restricted :-)16:24
v0lksmanbazhang: no...nubunutu16:24
evilbuggrawity: i'm trying to install songbird and i got the tar from their site, do i move the content over to /usr/bin?16:24
rskievilbug: No.16:25
grawityevilbug: What does the tar contain?16:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about getdeb16:25
jMylesI have VERY improved performance in 16-bit depth over 24-bit mode.   How can I understand why this is the case?16:25
monckyevilbug: you need to untarr it and compile the program16:25
JdNhi there16:25
rskijMyles: it's easier to render 16bit.16:25
gryphus71grawity: i don't know ^^ if select automatic partitions > i have : /   SWAP   /tmp   /usr   and   /var but no /home like ubuntu16:25
JdNanyone has worked with wxWidgets16:25
grawitygryphus71: That means it will just put /home in /16:26
jMylesrski, everyone:  Well, here's the thing:  It's really like night-and-day.  I want to stay in 16-bit, however some things are now invisible, such as gnome-terminal and window decorations.16:26
grawitygryphus71: It does not need to be a separate partition.16:26
gryphus71grawity: on server or PC ?16:26
useronei was told to runa program called os-prober. i did this but where does the output go so i can see where my vista and ubuntu are situated on the hdd?16:27
gryphus71grawity: ?16:27
Trijntjeuserone: i'm no expert on this, but I have my vista partition as bootable, not my linux partition16:27
HackersDavidsi spoonwpa wpa16:28
bazhangHackersDavid, please stop16:28
gryphus71grawity: on my PC have a separate /home, but on server it just contains updates or temp-software-to-install !?16:28
useroneTrijntje: i can change that easily using fdisk, but that doesnt seem to change anything16:29
ascheelAnybody here ever use WICD?  I'm wondering what (if any) advantages it has over network-manager16:29
Trijntjeuserone: you already tried that and reboot?16:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd16:29
gryphus71grawity: and, always on server, the home directory (when they log in SSH session) is on /home too or in /usr !?16:29
gryphus71grawity: /usr is for datas like FTP ... !?16:30
Adam_eMok got that. I have 945GM Intel Graphics Card and the performance seems to be much more below expectations. Can I improve it somehow?16:30
erUSUL!intel | Adam_eM16:30
ubottuAdam_eM: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.16:30
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
useroneTrijntje: i have changed the bootable flag, i will now reboot and see again..http://paste.ubuntu.com/252581/16:31
gryphus71grawity: are you afk ?16:32
evilbuggrawity: sorry, net issues. the songbird tar contains a few folders and the app launcher.16:32
=== kingmano1 is now known as kingmanor
guntbertgryphus71: you should better ask the FreeBSD people about design decisions they made. the channel is ##freebsd16:32
v0lksmananyone know how to force v4l2 or uvc driver for webcam?16:32
evilbuggrawity: do i copy just the app launcher into /usr/bin?16:33
TrijntjeHi all, how can I get gnome to auto-mount a luks encrypted usb drive? It prompts me for the password but then only creates /dev/mapper/luksxxx-xxxx16:33
gryphus71guntbert: partitions are partitions ... ubuntu like freebsd16:33
humboltShall I use Xen or KVM for virtualization?16:33
bazhanggryphus71, you are using ubuntu? or freebsd16:34
guntbertgryphus71: but the decision to adhere to a special scheme where to store things are not the same everywhere16:34
gryphus71bazhang: i'm using ubuntu and i'm doing a server ubuntu or freebsd16:35
bazhanggryphus71, or? not really understanding you16:35
mzzhumbolt: or virtualbox, although I suspect one of the other two you mentioned makes more sense for linux on linux16:35
gryphus71bazhang: i try the both for the moment, i read manuals and FAQ ...16:36
sash_humbolt:  afaik, xen isnt really integrated in actual ubuntu-kernels.16:36
BrazzHello everyone, I am using an old ATI video card and I have heard about the improvements to people like me with the 9.10 Karmic and I was thinking, is it worth to download and use the Karmic right now even tho its still in beta or should I wait until the offical release?16:36
Curtis_Banyone know of a bash command to append one text file to another?16:36
erUSULCurtis_B: cat16:36
bazhanggryphus71, ##freebsd for freebsd here or #ubuntu-server for ubuntu server16:36
mzzBrazz: shrug, we can't answer that for you16:36
gryphus71guntbert: ok, i don't know partitionnement were different in ubuntu and freebsd16:36
erUSULCurtis_B: cat file1 file2 ... fileN16:36
Brazzmzz: why?16:36
mzzBrazz: if you have the space you can install karmic and jaunty side by side, although karmic preferring grub2 makes that slightly awkward16:37
humboltmzz sash_: Is Xen really fading out?16:37
erUSULBrazz: it is not even in beta... is alpha afaics16:37
HalitechBrazz, if you have an old ati card then chances are it will work but you won't be able to use compiz or get 3d o work16:37
randy_how do i setup a network with 2 ethernet cards, one for lan and one for wan?16:37
mzzBrazz: other than that we can't tell you if whatever new features in karmic are worth suffering through its current unstable state16:37
mzzhumbolt: I have no idea16:37
oDeskTrijntje: this "ls | grep -v *.pdf" lists the pdf files content into shell .. any way ?16:37
guntbertgryphus71: its not about ubuntu vs. freeBSD but about linux vs freeBSD16:37
=== Guest26675 is now known as [ThOr]
bazhangBrazz, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion16:38
sash_humbolt:  at work i only got a debian-xen-server with 2.6.26, but in ubuntu its just in the 8.04-kernel, i think16:38
mzzHalitech: err, what? Define "old". I have a 9600xt, it runs compiz (at least it did in jaunty, haven't tried karmic but I don't know of a reason for this to have changed)16:38
gryphus71guntbert: no problem ;)16:38
BrazzerUSUL, mzz, Halitech: well the thing is... I can't play anything right now.16:38
Brazzbazhang: thank you16:38
monckyHalitech: mzz sash_ not reall It has been left off the next two fedora releases but will be in Red Hat 616:38
* gartral hopes he did newdev right16:38
mzzBrazz: what chipset?16:38
Halitechmzz, well my x1200 has been delegated to not supported so anything older then that16:38
BrazzMobility Radeon 900016:39
mzzHalitech: I think you have the open and closed drivers mixed up16:39
humboltsash_: I got a debian lenny xen running in production use also. Now I move to a new server and am thinking about whether I shall move to KVM or not.16:39
gartralHalitech: i think ATI revoking support for my 9600 sucks16:39
mzzHalitech: the open drivers work just fine with many old-ish cards and are gaining support for *newer* cards16:39
Brazzmzz: I can garantee no games work fine with my driver. I have taken all possible steps16:39
useroneTrijntje: i just reboot with the new partition table, and then tried to boot into vista. now vista says 'missing bootmgr'16:39
arooniok i was able to put my iphone in DFU mode.... but virtualbox (vm for windows xp on ubuntu jaunty) wont let me activate the USB device Apple Computer Inc DFU Device.  ideas?16:39
HalitechBrazz, do you have all the codecs in stalled and have you tried disabling compiz?16:39
Brazzmzz: its just about my driver and the ati support for my driver in jaunty16:39
Halitechgartral, I agree16:39
grawityarooni: I think you have to set up USB filters _before_ plugging in the actual device...16:39
mzzBrazz: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?16:39
useronecan i have grub and windows bootmgr on different partitions? if so, which will boot first?16:40
ircfinehow to install anjuta from anjuta- ?16:40
mzzircfine: consider grabbing it from apt instead16:40
aroonigrawity, i have enabled usb for the vm already16:40
Halitechmzz, even with the open drivers my x1200 doesn't work16:40
garymcanyone know why when i click on a intranet webpage link it opens it in text editor?16:40
sash_humbolt:  i like xen. imho easy to use, not oversized, stable. good scripts (udev, network-bridges). i dont want to try anything else16:40
garymci want it to open in firefox16:40
guntbertarooni: there is the channel #vbox ...16:40
mzzHalitech: yes, but an x1200 is *tons* newer than what I consider an "old" card16:40
Brazzmzz, Halitech: http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_ubuntu_and_ati_blues16:40
davenproanyone with bluetooth/bnep clue... I have the bnep kernel module loaded, but no bnep0 interface16:40
GuyFromHellAnyone know what black magic pidgin is using to not get an ugly notification with notify-osd? I can't find the patch anywhere16:40
alongenemylinesarooni: i had a similar problem before.  don't worry about filters, you can pass any usb devide through to vbox.  i remember my problem had something to do with group permissions16:40
ircfinehow to install anjuta from anjuta- ? i downloaded and run ./configure  but make and make install failed16:41
humboltsash_: udev?16:41
Halitechmzz, I know its newer but if its not supported by the closed driver then anything older won't be either16:41
GuyFromHellhmm, i'll ask in dev16:41
Brazzmzz, Halitech: after trying everything, and I mean everything. many people here in the channel helped me until I found that article which made me realise its nothing I can do about it.16:41
sash_humbolt:  without the udev-script, i was not able to connect over ssh16:41
fryguyhow do I change the theme for libnotify popups? notification-properties correctly updates the corresponding gconf entries, but it's rendering with a theme that looks like growl on osx.  If I change for the root user and run notify-send as root the theme changes, but not for my user.  What do I need to change16:41
gartralthe only problem with xen is it requires dom0 kernals16:41
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:41
mzzBrazz: yes, but you don't *want* fglrx for your card, you want the open drivers. I'm not sure how well they work for that specific card though. Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?16:41
humboltsash_: has to do with virtual consoles, as far as I know.16:41
guntbertircfine: why don't you use the one from the repos?16:41
guntbert!info anjuta | ircfine16:42
ubottuircfine: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (jaunty), package size 2009 kB, installed size 5196 kB16:42
mzzHalitech: the closed driver is being phased out by ati: newer versions of fglrx only support cards not supported by the open driver.16:42
Brazzmzz: when I finally got a driver running, the performance went way down. so there's just nothing I can do about it.16:42
grawityfryguy: That's because notification-properties updates the settings for notification-daemon16:42
humboltsash_: but Fedora/RedHat moved to KVM. What about Ubuntu/Debian?16:42
alongenemylinesarooni: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-VirtualBox-USB-Support-111715.shtml16:42
grawityfryguy: And Ubuntu Jaunty comes with the newer notify-osd.16:42
mzzHalitech: the closed driver not working isn't interesting if the open one does, although it's entirely possible the open one doesn't provide adequate performance *yet*16:42
sash_humbolt:  i also think, that i wasnt able to connect via xm-console... but i dont really remember16:42
Brazzmzz: and many people in this channel have been helping me.16:42
humboltsash_: yes, that is the same issue16:42
fryguygrawity: so how do I update the look of notifications sent via notify-osd?16:43
mzzBrazz: if they're pointing you at an article about the closed driver they're confused. You'll have to get the open driver working, the closed one is a dead end.16:43
Halitechmzz, sounds about right but until it does, I'm stuck 1 step behind the 8-ball so to speak16:43
humboltyou need to tell the system in inittab, which tty dev to use16:43
grawityfryguy: That is something I haven't figured out... I think notify-osd doesn't even have theme support.   If you prefer the older style popups, you can kill notify-osd and then start /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon16:43
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:43
humboltand on the xen boot line16:43
sash_humbolt:  afaik more developers like kvm.  and it is supported in every kernel of any distri, i think16:43
monckysash_: humbolt Red Hat 6 will support xen, they have only removed from Fedora 11 and possibly 1216:43
Brazzmzz: https://launchpad.net/~tormodvolden that was my last attempt.16:43
mzzHalitech: yes, but that doesn't mean "you won't be able to use compiz or get 3d o work" on "anything older then" "my x1200"16:43
sash_humbolt:  query, if you want to continue talking. must go afk for about 20 minutes16:44
humboltmoncky: xen is finally moving into the kernel, isn't it?16:44
fryguygrawity: thanks16:44
mzzHalitech: compiz *will* work on significantly older cards. It's the cards in between the pretty old ones (say r300) and the very new ones still supported by fglrx that are problematic right now.16:44
guntbert!ot | humbolt moncky16:44
ubottuhumbolt moncky: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:44
humboltsash_: see you around later then16:44
grawityfryguy: And if you want, notify-osd can be removed through apt16:44
* jMyles cannot believe how much faster every element of his laptop is with DefaultDepth set to 16. Too bad window decoration doesn't work.16:45
ircfineguntbert: because i am not getting the code complete option16:45
monckyguntbert: read back was pertenant to the question16:45
ircfinei am not getting the code complete option in anjuta ,what's the problem ?16:45
mzzBrazz: again, the closed driver is a dead end. The open one should work, will *probably* (but no guarantees) support compiz, but I don't know how well it'll perform in current games (as much because it's simply an oldish chip than because of the state that driver's in)16:45
ircfine i am not getting the code complete option in anjuta ,what's the problem ? how cant i get code complete option ?16:46
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JdNanyone could tell me how to know if i have wxPython libs installed in my ubuntu16:46
humboltguntbert: virtualization is ubuntu specific and even which systems you can run on an ubuntu host or on which systems you can run an ubuntu guest is not offtopic16:46
Brazzmzz: in windows I can run any game on this computer. bad graphics or good graphics apart, I can run any game16:46
mzzJdN: "apt-cache search wx" points out the existence of python-wxgtk2.x packages (for x 4, 6 and 8)16:46
crdlbjMyles: you'll probably just need to not use a compositing manager :/ 16-bit color used to work for compiz with the radeon and intel drivers, but it broke a while ago (it has never worked with nvidia)16:46
guntbertmoncky: how is "Red Hat 6 will support xen" pertinent to  ubuntu *support*?16:47
Halitechmzz, work and work to the point where it doesn't annoy you by using it are different though16:47
mzzJdN: check if those are installed (dpkg -L or something)16:47
mzzBrazz: what won't work very well currently is running compiz and 3d games simultaneously, but I'm not sure if the fix for that one (dri2) will be in karmic (last time I checked it wasn't ready at all yet, so wouldn't be in karmic either)16:47
jMylescrdlb:  Yeah, the real shame is that I can't use docky or other things that need a compositing manager.  I had no idea my laptop could be this smooth and fast.  Even running compiz, it's recklessly fast, but now I have it disable because I can't deal with being unable to see gnome-terminal (and everything else that uses compositing)16:48
useronehow can i find where the mbr is?16:48
fluurpmaster boot range is in the first 512b i think16:48
useronei know where it is supposed to be (hd0) but how can be sure16:48
crdlbjMyles: the reason it's so much faster is that it makes the textures use less memory per pixel of your videoram, and you probably only have around 32MB16:48
fluurpwiki says so16:48
Brazzmzz: alright, help me then. =)16:49
SilentWarrioris there a ubuntu app to clone a webpage for offline viewing? i tryed one yesterday but the css files werent applying for some reason16:49
mzzjMyles: if this thing uses shared ram I'd try playing around with the amount of ram reserved for the card16:49
Brazzmzz: help me get a driver working fine for my ati card16:49
jMylescrdlb: I mean, I'm seriously amazed.  Every program loads faster, web pages load faster, my computer is running much cooler, etc.16:49
useronefluurp: ok, so grub says it is in hd0,2. so if i replace windows bootmgr, that should only overwrite the 512kb in sda1, and not sda3 right?16:49
mzzBrazz: I'm no driver dev, the amount of help I can give you is limited. Also, your problem with "games" is horribly vague :P16:49
jMylesmzz:  Yeah, it does use shared memory.  I think I can modify that through xorg.conf, right?  Or need I seek it out in my bios?16:49
ircfinecode completion problem in anjuta16:49
mzzjMyles: I'd expect it to need bios poking16:50
fluurpuserone: i dont know ;)16:50
mzzBrazz: does compiz run acceptably?16:50
ircfinecant find code completion option in anjuta16:50
Brazzmzz: couldn't run better16:50
crdlbjMyles: it looks like the bug has been fixed upstream: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20479 so presumably karmic will work16:50
ugliefroggreen text?16:50
mzzBrazz: does 3d stuff run acceptably with compiz temporarily disabled?16:50
ircfinecant find code completion option in anjuta ,does anyone know the solution?16:50
rabidweezlemzz, if you have an ATI though, make sure to shut off compiz for gaming16:50
mzzrabidweezle: exactly, see above :)16:50
gartraldo nvidia 6200s support DRI?16:51
rabidweezleI just got in16:51
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crdlbgartral: they support 3d acceleration with the proprietary nvidia driver, if that's what you're asking16:51
mzzrabidweezle: my radeon (r300 era) works quite acceptably, although admittedly I don't use it in 3d frequently. It's Brazz who has problems.16:51
Brazzmzz: I agree, its a vague issue, but what I dont like is to have any malfunction on my computer for example a driver that is not installed... sooner or later the problem will reflect something else more important for me than gaming and then I tell you that I will almost instantly go back to window and I dont want that.16:52
rabidweezleahh mzz16:52
Brazzmzz: its not only me who has problems.16:52
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rabidweezleATI linux drivers atm are pitiful16:52
jMylescrdlb:  Yes, that bug precisely describes my situation.16:52
mzzBrazz: yes, but I need to know what the actual problem *is* before I have even a chance of helping you fix it :P16:52
HackersDavidhackers son bien16:52
Brazzmzz: youtube works well with compiz.16:52
mzzBrazz: youtube is 2d, not 3d.16:52
rabidweezleonly thing I suggest to run in linux is nvidia :/ they got some rock solid drivers16:53
mzzBrazz: (also flash, which has its own set of issues independent of graphics card/driver used)16:53
gartralrabidweezle: Kyro cards are good if you dont need 3d16:53
kannan02when i use vi editor backspace key is not working likewise  up and down arrows are not working correctly... my keyboard layout is USA...16:53
mzzrabidweezle: the radeon ones are improving, although there's a range of recent-ish cards that fall into a gap between fglrx (dropping support) and the open drivers (not supporting them all that well *yet*)16:53
Brazzmzz: well what do you want me to tell? I haven't been able to run any game how will I find out if my 3d is running well or not?16:53
vk_123are you in insert or command mode16:54
mzzBrazz: define "haven't been able to run any game"16:54
kannan02insert mode16:54
monckykannan02: are you in command mode or edit mode when you try and move around the doc?16:54
monckykannan02: esc esc16:54
rabidweezleAMD just needs to crack the whip on ATI to work harder on their linux support XD16:54
gartralBrazz: can you run The Battle For Wesnoth16:54
mzzgartral: wasn't that 2d?16:54
monckykannan02: in vi you need to move arround in command mode and then go to insert mode then back into command mode if you need to move around16:54
gartralrabidweezle: AND needs to get off their lazy arses and work on better Linux support for all their products16:55
Brazzmzz: never heard of it... the games I've been trying to run was world of warcraft and Tibia and none of them made it that I could play16:55
monckykannan02: vim will allow you to use the cursor keys whilst in insert mode :D16:55
Brazzmzz: no even tibia that is a game which requires nothing of the graphics16:55
gartralmzz: the 1.7.6 beta has some 3d work in it... although its very buggy16:55
mzzBrazz: I'm not familiar with tibia, were you running that under wine too? Can you try some open game (tuxracer works)?16:55
kannan02how to exactly switch mode i kno only esc+i16:55
cezarI've tried searching, but I can't find how to remove the status bar from the new gnu screen profiles?16:55
rabidweezlegartral, like what? my amd athlon x2 64 runs awesome in linux?16:55
grawitycezar: How about disabling the profiles completely?16:56
monckykannan02: i to get into insert mode and escape to get out of insert mode16:56
Brazzmzz: tibia has a native linux option too16:56
gartralrabidweezle: does it shut down one core when not used like it's supposed too?16:56
linuxmenplease, can anyone tell me where i can find a wiki that shows some help on editing the ubuntu wiki pages????16:56
gartralok, they DID improve.. why wasn't I memoed!?!16:56
mzzBrazz: can we pick something I can run locally too please? tuxracer works for that16:56
rabidweezleI can make it also downclock half16:56
gartralrabidweezle: see? no 1/8th scale clocking16:57
ircfinecant find code completion option in anjuta ,does anyone know the solution?16:57
OthorIn Ubuntu 9.04 none of the nautilus scripts I have are working, anyway to rectify this?16:57
rabidweezleno 1/8th no16:57
rabidweezlejust half16:57
v0lksmanI'm trying to get a logitech quickcam working on my jaunty system.  It works in cheese but not in the app I want.  When I try luvcview I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/252576/  any suggestions?16:57
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kannan02moncky:ya arrows are working!! but backspace is not working in both modes16:58
mzzv0lksman: is it using the right device? What does dmesg have to say about the camera?16:58
rabidweezlethat sounds like something an intel laptop could do16:58
biagidpI'm running ubuntu 9.04 on a xeon 2.8 processor and Xorg is constantly using over 50% of my CPU cycles.  Is that normal, and if not how do I fix it?16:58
vk_123i have a problem involving dual monitors and firefox. I'm using nvidia driver 180 and each monitor is a separate x window. when I have any number of instances of firefox up on one monitor, I then cannot open firefox on the other monitor.16:58
cezargrawity: Yea, that's a possibility. I can just spin up my own .screenrc16:58
v0lksmanmzz: no errors in dmesg...says it loads up fine...16:58
mzzbiagidp: no, can't really tell (try closing apps, usually this is some app getting Xorg to draw on its behalf, if you know what I mean)16:58
useroneif i write grub to my mbr, will that fix the problem of vista 'missing bootmgr'?16:58
monckykannan02: try using the del key, iirc vi doesnt like backspace, its a throw back to the 70's16:59
mzzv0lksman: does /dev/video0 actually exist? What about /dev/video<some number other than 0>?16:59
biagidpmzz: it seems to stay unreasonably high, no matter the combination of applications open or closed16:59
newdevgartral: are you there16:59
v0lksmanmzz:  yep, exists and no others exist...16:59
monckykannan02: have a look at vim (vi improved) (sudo apt-get install vim)16:59
NoMSuserone: yes16:59
mzzvk_123: you'll have to use separate profiles if they're different displays, I'm pretty sure.16:59
ennoHelp. I have a Dell PowerEdge where i tried to install ubuntu (desktop). It has a hardware raid. I cant install grub and endup with "the file -boot-grub-stage1 not read correctly". i tired reinstalling grub in a chroot or update-grub, etc. nothing works for me17:00
rabidweezlevk_123, I've been having troubles with dual monitors altogether on the latest driver, it's quite temperamental17:00
mzzbiagidp: even in a failsafe session with just an xterm?17:00
nassoim looking for something for ubuntu that can automatically fetch dvd-covers for all movie in a directory17:00
mzzbiagidp: anything fishy in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?17:00
nassoi know xbmc can do it. does anyone know of any other applications?17:00
useroneNoMS: will that actually 'move' grub, or make 1 copy in the mbr and leave one on (hd0,2) where boot stage says it is now?17:00
mzzv0lksman: don't know what's up then, unless you have two drivers mixed up.17:00
NoMSnasso:  griffith is a dvd manager/organizer.  It will fetch covers and movie info17:01
v0lksmanmzz:  yeah pretty weird eh?  ok...so I'm not crazy... ;)17:01
kannan02moncy:i'm downloading it now17:01
vk_123mzz: i had a feeling it had something to do with profiles. i actually just learned what they were recently in this book i'm reading. i'm new to linux still though.17:01
mzzv0lksman: well, it's not like I have a webcam like that, so I don't know if luvcview is supposed to work with it.17:01
nassoNoMS, thanks. will look it up17:01
vk_123can anyone point me to some docs17:01
guntbertircfine: I just checked it myself, no completion either, have you talked to the anjuta people?17:01
NoMSuserone: If you install it, it will put grub on the mbr17:01
Pharnick pharsalus17:01
mzzvk_123: they're very much a firefox thing, not a linux one (firefox has profiles on windows too, for example). Try "firefox -P -no-remote" with DISPLAY pointing at the second display17:01
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moustafazahow can I know how much ram am I using specifically from the /proc directory under the console?17:02
mzzvk_123: that's assuming the error you're getting is that the profile's already in use17:02
biagidpmzz: the log file ends with 20+ lines of "miPointerUpdateSprite: Invalid input device pointer"17:02
nassoNoMS, can it automatically get all the movietitles from disk?17:02
mmahermoustafaza: cat /proc/meminfo17:02
mzzbiagidp: that's not too excessive, although I guess it's possible you're actually hitting some weird input bug, not an output one17:02
randy_Can anyone help me setup my interfaces file for 2 ethernet cards? My network is setup with a cox modem, then a network switch, and then a netgear router. I have one of the ethernet cards connected to the network switch and the other one connected to the netgear router. The one connected to the router is getting an ip address automatically assigned with dhcp and the other one needs to be configured manually with static ips.17:02
* rabidweezle wonders if getdeb has a apt repo...17:02
moustafazammaher, thanks :)17:02
nassoNoMS, i have backed up all my dvds to iso-files on my harddrive and want a "gallery" of dvd-covers17:03
vk_123mzz the error i get is "Firefox is already running, but not responding. to open a new window, you must first close the existing firefox process, or restart your system17:03
rabidweezlekillall -9 firefox or firefox-bin17:03
mzzvk_123: yeah, use a second profile (add -P to the command that gives you that error message to get the profile manager)17:03
Sylphid|workhey all, Ive been looking at getting a 10' netbook for a while an i have my short list... anyone have any input on any of these 3 models ... Asus 1005HA, Samsun N120, Toshiba NB20517:03
Halitechrabidweezle, yes they do (from what I remember seeing)17:03
mzzvk_123: no, don't kill it!17:03
rabidweezleHalitech, thanks17:03
mzzrabidweezle: that's not his issue. His issue is that he wants to run it on two separate displays17:03
NoMSnasso:  gets titles, cast, rating etc and cover if available.  saves it in the .griffith folder in your home directory. There's a sub directory, but can't remember the name.  probably images or something17:03
vk_123mzz: ok let me try this...17:04
moustafazammaher, is their a way to find that out? I mean if I didn't know the file is called meminfo and I want to search for the what could include information about the memory in the /proc is their a way to search for it?17:04
newdevto restore xorg.conf from a backup, is the following code correct:17:04
newdevsudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.org /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:04
nassoNoMS, okay. will try it out. thanks17:04
useroneNoMS: my ubuntu works just fine, and find /boot/grub/stage1 says it is at hd0,2. i have edited my menu.lst file for vista to root (hd0,0) but it still doesnt boot vista (missing bootmgr). so i think if i move grub to the mbr, it should still boot ubuntu and fix / boot vista. i dont need to install grub, its already there and working on hd0,2. will this work?17:04
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[GPL]how can i make my microsoft webcam, to work in #ubuntu17:05
mmahermoustafaza: mhh think not17:05
newdevhow can i restore the xorg.conf file from a backup??17:05
mzznewdev: sure, if that's the name of your backup17:05
NoMSuserone:  grub will load the vista boot manager, so if grub is already running and vista won't boot, you are missing the windows boot manager.  I misunderstood.  i apologise17:05
newdevmzz: i guess it is! :)17:05
newdevmzz: any idea if gartral is around?17:06
mzznewdev: well, he was about 10 minutes ago.17:06
NoMSnasso: sure17:06
vk_123mzz, do i use the "modelname" in the xorg.conf as the display  in the firefox -P -no-remote          command17:06
gartralnewdev: right here17:06
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newdevi just pm-ed you\17:06
mzzvk_123: just do whatever you're doing that's currently triggering that error message17:07
mzzvk_123: (I'm not sure how you're managing stuff on two displays)17:07
useroneNoMS: ok, so if i install the missing bootmgr from the vista recovery disk, will this overwrite my grub, or just put the bootmgr in mbr, which should be on the first 512k of the disk?17:07
thandaWhat is the best method to wipe out the hard drive?17:07
vk_123mzz: you said to add the display name to that command right?17:07
jacquesdupontdhey hoy yo17:07
nassoNoMS, it looks like i have to manually add all my movies to the database :/17:07
mzzvk_123: I'd expect it to be DISPLAY=:0 vs DISPLAY=:1 or something similar, but it's been ages since I messed with something like this.17:07
thandaI personally went with dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdx17:07
mzzvk_123: you should not have to do this explicitly, unless you're already doing it explicitly when triggering the error message.17:08
NoMSnasso: yes, it won't read the iso files and pull it.  I'm not sure of an automatic program.  maybe someone could write you a script17:08
vk_123mzz: so the command would be 'firefox -P -no-remote Display=:117:08
NoMSuserone:  if you reinstall the bootmgr from vista, it will put it on the mbr and erase grub.  Not real sure how to fix your problem my friend...17:08
nassoNoMS, it sounds fairly advanced :P ill look to see if i find any solutions for griffith17:08
ascheelCan someone tell me what UXA and XAA are when talking about video performance?17:09
linuxmenplease, can anyone tell me where i can find a wiki that shows some help on editing the ubuntu wiki pages????17:09
mzzvk_123: no, DISPLAY=... in front17:09
mzzvk_123: (again, if at all! I don't know how you're getting things to launch on the other display normally...)17:09
myroonhi need help  with toshiba A300 , i'm trying to install my camera (built in) , how can i make it work?17:10
thandawhat you people will recommend for wiping the hard drives17:10
mmaherthanda: shred17:10
mzzascheel: different internal acceleration apis used by the driver. Which is faster varies between driver versions. Consider sticking with the default unless you have a good reason not to.17:10
mmaherthanda: 30 times :D17:10
ascheelthanks, mzz.  :)17:10
vk_123mzz can you elaborate more on where to stick the DISPLAY=:1 argument in the command. sorry i'm pretty noob17:10
ascheelmzz, where can you see (and possibly change) between them?17:11
trakcyiaI would like audacious to handle .m3u files. How do I set that?17:11
mzzvk_123: you shouldn't need to specify that explicitly, unless you already were. I do not *know* how you're currently launching things on the second display. I know you need to pass -P to firefox, but I don't know how you're telling it to appear on the other display.17:11
mzzascheel: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:11
Sylphid|workhey all, Ive been looking at getting a 10" netbook for a while an i have my short list... anyone have any input on any of these 3 models ... Asus 1005HA, Samsun N120, Toshiba NB20517:12
mzzascheel: notice uxa is only supported by recentish versions of the intel driver, not other drivers, I'm pretty sure17:12
thandammaher: I used dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdx once, on 500 GB drive and it took 25 hours...17:12
ascheelmzz, thanks again!17:12
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mzzvk_123: (consider telling me how you're currently trying to launch it on the second display...)17:13
thandammaher: Do you think that is enough? Should I write zeros once more...17:13
mzzvk_123: alternatively, try launching a term on the second display, then just running "firefox -P" in there17:13
vk_123mzz: when i launch firefox on either display i do it from either typing firefox in a terminal window or from a panel icon17:13
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mzzvk_123: try "echo $DISPLAY" in a terminal on both displays. I'd expect the value to differ.17:13
vk_123i got it to work!17:14
vk_123firefox -P opened a gui tool to create a new profile. i just quickly typed in a new one and bingo firefox on both x's17:14
Lasivianif I wanted to get a "dead tree" paper book for Ubuntu, which one do you guys recommend?17:15
SlimGWould a partial media failture potentially ruin a RAID6 array just as it would with a RAID5 array?17:15
kannan02moncky: vim editor is working great thank you so much....17:15
LasivianSlimG: "Partial" media failure?17:15
SlimGLasivian: yes17:15
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vk_123mzz: i got it to work! firefox -P started a gui which let me create a new profile. after making it i can now open fire fox on each separate x display17:16
LasivianSlimG: Raid6 can survive even if 2 drives fail, Raid5 can survive one drive failure, i'm not sure what kind of failure you are talking about17:16
mzzvk_123: "firefox -P nameofprofile" works too17:17
mzz(so you can bypass that profile manager window)17:17
SlimGLasivian: Partial media failure: when drives start to return garbage (http://miracleas.com/BAARF/RAID5_versus_RAID10.txt)17:17
vk_123mzz: i was actually just wondering how i would do that lol. thanks a lot man17:17
LasivianSlimG: it would depend on the raid controller and it's ability to fix sector issues17:18
dubbahi - i tried installing ubuntu 9.04, but the X server failed to start with code -11; any clues?17:18
LasivianSlimG: I suggest 3Ware, but they are very expensive, if this is for home use just mirror instead17:18
SlimGLasivian: software raid (mdadm)17:18
linuxmenplease, can anyone tell me where i can find a wiki that shows some help on editing the ubuntu wiki pages????17:19
kamilhi guys17:19
linuxmencan anyone gimme some light, or some hint where i can find the answer17:19
Lasivianyes, but partial media failure is a hardware issue, not a software one17:19
LasivianSlimG: If your controller is not reporting bad sectors the software is not going to stop using them17:20
llmlnot know well about qt. when i am trying to build OProfile 0.9.5 with GUI support, i was asked to provide --with-qt-{dir,includes,libraries}, how can i make sure where does these lib/header/dir exist? if not exist, which package should i install in advance?17:20
SlimGthanks for the info Lasivian17:21
kamilI would like to modify my GRUB I have a lot of kernels in the boot table and I want to delete some of them but I'm not sure how17:21
kamilsudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst17:21
mzzkamil: consider uninstalling those kernels (menu.lst will automatically be updated)17:21
kamilmzz: one problem though17:22
llmlCould anyone please help me about the problem about Qt mentioned above?17:22
kamilmzz: the newest kernel I have is not working17:22
mzzkamil: ok, consider uninstalling that one then, or uninstalling all but the most recent two kernels17:22
bruce927Hi, when I boot up 9.04, it always asks me for my password for the keychain for the wifi password. How can I make it remember it?17:23
kamilmzz: how can I do that17:23
mzzllml: are you sure you need to build your own oprofile?17:23
kamilmzz : ?17:23
mzzkamil: I haven't figured out the best way to do that yet, although someone recommended "startup-manager" the other day. You can just manually uninstall them through your favorite apt frontend (synaptics, apt-get, aptitude, whatever)17:23
kamilmzz: OK17:24
kamilmzz: thanks17:24
llmlmzz: yes, OProfile 0.9.3 included in the ubuntu repos has a bug, which i've suffered from17:24
kamilmzz: just remove them with apt and reboot and thats it ?17:24
bruce927any idea how I make it remember the password?17:25
jeeves_Mossis there idle support for evoulition?17:25
user_corrupti recently installed ubuntu, and when I boot it, grub wont let me boot from disk instead (my cd is fine, and boot order is correct) and furthermore, ubuntu doesnt boot right, and tells me that I have to run fsck manually....all I really wanna do is delete grub so that I can install something else....any tips?17:25
llmlmzz: it's confired by the OProfile mentainer, and fixed in 0.9.4 release17:25
kpuhekI have a compaq v2000 laptop, and since installing ubuntu 9.04 I can't turn the wireless on.  My wired connection works, which is how I'm typing in this room.  I've tried several fixes from the forums, to no avail.  It seems that the drivers are installed, but when I press the wireless button, it won't light up.  I did a clean install of ubuntu, so windows isn't causing the issue.  The card did work in windows, before I installed ubuntu.17:26
mzzllml: try finding a ppa with a newer oprofile package. If you really do need to build your own you probably need the libqt4-dev package.17:27
bruce927What software do I need to install to successfully compile software from source?17:27
jeeves_Mossis there idle support for evoulition?17:27
fluurpmy screensaver wont run :(17:27
grawityjeeves_Moss: You mean IMAP IDLE?17:27
jeeves_Mossbruce927, what are you trying to compile?17:27
llmlmzz: libqt4-dev already installed17:27
jeeves_Mossgrawity, yes.  I have a few clients, and they're hammering the IMAP server17:28
bruce927the one in the repositories is buggy as heck17:28
mzzllml: then either you need qt3 instead of qt4 or you need to find the right path to point oprofile at. Sorry, no time to dig right now.17:28
jeeves_Mossbruce927, try "apt-get install make gcc g++"17:28
yosefwell I'll be17:28
mzzjeeves_Moss: you might want build-essentials instead of listing those by hand17:28
llmlmzz: okey, thanks anyway17:28
jeeves_Mossbruce927, have you tried installing it from the repo?17:28
grawityjeeves_Moss: It does support IDLE, but I'm not sure if it automatically enables that.17:28
Ockonaljoin #gentoo17:28
jeeves_Mossmzz, thanks.  I was drawing a blank.  I'm on 26 hours of no sleep17:29
jeeves_Mossgrawity, any idea where it'd be in Evoulition?  I know the server supports it and it's turned on17:29
guntbert!compile | bruce92717:29
ubottubruce927: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:29
kpuhekI have a compaq v2000 laptop, and since installing ubuntu 9.04 I can't turn the wireless on.  My wired connection works, which is how I'm typing in this room.  I've tried several fixes from the forums, to no avail.  It seems that the drivers are installed, but when I press the wireless button, it won't light up.  I did a clean install of ubuntu, so windows isn't causing the issue.  The card did work in windows, before I installed ubuntu.17:30
bruce927I tried the repo amsn, it was too buggy17:30
bruce927and yes, it is now obvious that I needed make. Feel rather stupid now :P17:30
jeeves_Mossbruce927, we've all been there @ one point in our lives17:31
CrocoJethi for all ! Exist some risk to install firefox 3.5 from backport server ? Also, Other version 3.0.13 will be un-installed ?17:32
mayajowohelp me install macromedia17:32
bruce927Also, is there a way to make the menu bar act more like the os x one? So the menus of programs go up there?17:32
Linkaye bruce927, i just spent 3 hrs trying to fix the video card only to realize the readme explicitely says it dont work with ubuntu 9.04 -.-17:32
evilbugcan anyone tell me what the type-in format is for exaile's global hotkey plugin?17:32
kpuhekany help on the wireless?  I'm sure I'm just missing something simple, but I've tried everything I can think of.  I'm new to ubuntu, so that doesn't help.17:32
mzzkpuhek: depending on how new that laptop is it's entirely possible for it to be a kernel-level bug, as I've recently discovered.17:33
kpuhekit's pretty old17:33
mzzkpuhek: so I recommend you search for others with the same laptop having the same problem. You might need a different kernel to make it work.17:33
mzzkpuhek: *might* though, don't go trying different kernels for no good reason17:33
CrocoJetkpuhek, hi ! did you put gateway ip (router) and correct dns primary and secundary ?17:33
grawityjeeves_Moss: Nope, apparently Evolution does not support IDLE. (Which is rather strange.)17:34
grawityjeeves_Moss: I assume switching to another client wouldn't work?17:34
jeeves_Mossgrawity, yea,  I just found that.  I'm not impressed17:34
bruce927my sound's just started crackling :S17:35
kpuhekHi crocojet...I can't access the network to configure it.  The wireless card won't even turn on.17:35
afinkHello everyone,  I have a really general question.  I just switched to Ubuntu yesterday (love it!)  I noticed when I ping my apache server it returns all of my vhosts in order.  Is this the expected behavior?17:35
jeeves_Mossgrawity, I put Ubuntu on the netbooks for these sales guys so they can't kill them as easily.  after the 15 of them wrote off $1,200 IBM laptops, I said enough.17:35
afinkor not my vhosts but rather all the corresponding dns entries for this server17:35
jeeves_Mossgrawity, $400, and they signed a waiver that if they kill it in under the year, they replace it out of their own pocket17:36
user_corrupti have a secondary drive mounted in Ubuntu, and I would like to format it....how do I do that?17:36
mr_louTo anyone having problems with DVD burning apps ignoring the write-speed you set: I've been struggling with it all day till I finally found out, that the cause is the discs. I bought some other discs, and they work fine. My write-speed setting is not ignored with those. There are many posts on various forums about this issue, but none that reveals that it's a disc issue, so if you're an expert-helper here you might want to take a note of t17:36
mr_louhis. I think the problem is the non-integer write-speed of 2.4x speed of those discs.17:36
gwildorafink, its what i normally see, not shure if its normally. but its what i get17:36
bruce927Any idea what might be causing that? It's rather random17:36
guntbert!wireless | kpuhek, you have seen17:36
ubottukpuhek, you have seen: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:36
CrocoJetkpuhek, what is your notebook or laptop ?17:36
phalki've installed bind9 on my ubuntu 8.10, added two local domains with reverse. i also set up a local irc server for testing purposes, and for fun, but whenever i connect to it using my local domain, the reverse doesn't seem to work. i've posted my domain files and reverse here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252529/17:37
kpuhekYa, I've been through all that, and 3 different fixes on the forums for the broadcom chipset.  no luck so far.  I have a compaq v200017:37
newdevthanks for all the help guys!17:37
newdevhave a nice day!17:37
newdevbye! :D17:37
kpuheknear as I can tell, the system is recognizing the card, but it won't switch on from the external button.17:38
Halitechuser_corrupt, unmount it and use partition editor17:38
Sylphid|workhey all, Ive been looking at getting a 10" netbook for a while an i have my short list... anyone have any input on any of these 3 models ... Asus 1005HA, Samsun N120, Toshiba NB20517:38
pharsalusbruce927, Did you ever find out how to make ubuntu remember the keychain password?17:38
guntbertkpuhek: we don't know what you have been through already, so there must be duplicates - what shows in syslog when you press the wifi button?17:39
bruce927No I didn't. I'd really like it to, save me entering the password when I log in17:39
kpuhekI'm not sure.  how do I check that?17:39
mzz!best | Sylphid|work17:39
ubottuSylphid|work: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:39
mzz(applies to hardware too :P)17:40
kpuhekI'm sorry, im' new to ubuntu, so I don't really know what I'm doing yet.17:40
LoneWlfafter my upgrade on Aug 6, 2009, in Ubuntu 8.10, my monitoring machine stacks its cron processes and eventually becomes unresponsive due (I believe) to too many open files17:40
pharsalusI've got the same 'issue', it's annoying. Gonna do some research, I'll get back to you if I find anything.17:40
mzzSylphid|work: generally I recommend you google the models and/or individual components to see if there are reports of people not getting it to work with linux17:40
bruce927cheers pharsalus17:40
guntbertkpuhek: open a terminal, type tail -f /var/log/syslog and  look while you are pressing the wifi button (you end that with ctrl+c), btw if you are talking to a particular person put the nick in front, so they get highlighted17:41
LoneWlfI've been trying to capture more data for a week, a list of the packages upgrade can be had from http://paste.ubuntu.com/252619/17:42
CrocoJetwhy new firefox 3.5 is called "shiretoko" ?17:42
kpuhekguntber: ok, thanks.  I'll try that.17:42
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:42
bruce927http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192281&highlight=networkmanager pharsalus, this should help17:42
The_Warlockis there a wat to create a live USB stick for ubuntu?17:42
grawityCrocoJet: See the link above. "Shiretoko" was the codename of 3.5, and in http://is.gd/1reB3 there is an explanation why it isn't called "Firefox".17:43
guntbert!tab | kpuhek, to make typing the nicks easier17:43
ubottukpuhek, to make typing the nicks easier: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:43
mickster04The_Warlock, yeah system>admin>usb...17:43
grawityThe_Warlock: usb-creator17:43
The_Warlockmickster04: i am on  a mac now. so can i do it from a mac  i.e create a live usb?17:43
LoneWlfpharsalus : I'm sorry, did you say you were having my same issue?17:44
mickster04The_Warlock, there may e instructions on the website? i dont know sorry17:44
einononoI am on a live-cd at the moment, there is one hard disk drive on my computer that I want to format properly, so that any of the data cannot be recovered. How can I do that?17:44
kpuhekguntbert: ok, did what you said and when I push the button, it doesn't do anything.17:45
mickster04einonono, in installation u can format stuff beforehand?17:45
HalitechThe_Warlock, you can run the live cd and use the usb creator I believe17:45
mickster04Halitech, ha of course:D why didnt i think of that17:45
einononomickster04 but data can be recovered after that right_17:45
Halitecheinonono, use the partition editor to format it17:45
einononohalitech will it be secure? there is some high-security files in the drive and Im selling it17:46
mickster04einonono, well u will have to get a special security program then surely? if u wanna remove any andall traces?17:46
guntbertkpuhek: that looks as if the system didn't recognize the switch...  strange, let me think17:46
einononomickster04 yes, what would be such program?17:46
mickster04einonono, no idea17:46
NickUK`I am having a problem with our AdHoc network not sending any packets, can anybody help please17:46
Halitecheinonono, there is shred, ultimate boot cd has darins nuke that is a secure wipe program (I think its on the UBCD)17:47
einononoill try shred17:47
kpuhekguntbert: from what I've seen in the forums and such , it seems that the issues with Broadcom wireless stuff started with the upgrade to 9.04.  Would I be better off downloading and installing 8 instead?17:47
stz184i am giving away invites for fonera+ rooter17:47
guntbertkpuhek: just to make certain: you saw about 10 lines of that log file displayed though?17:47
grawityeinonono: shred -uzn 1 yourfile17:47
Halitecheinonono, nope, sorry you can get it here http://www.dban.org/17:47
kpuhekguntbert: yes17:47
phalkkpuhek: reboot your computer, go in BIOS and switch on "enable lan on boot" or something like that, and if you have a connected wired cable, remove it. save setting, boot up and voilà17:47
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einononohalitech I tried booting and formatting with dban, but it didnt work for some reason17:48
rskibitdepth 16 in xorg.conf causes gdm to stop functioning17:48
kpuhekphalk: ok, I'll give it a try.  thanks!17:48
rskiis it still possible to run X in 16bit?17:48
rskii really need it.17:48
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SargunHow do I set PPP options (like DNS) via wvdial?17:49
NickUK`I am having a problem with our AdHoc network not sending any packets, can anybody help please17:49
Halitecheinonono, did it give you an error?17:49
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phalkkpuhek: friend of mine had exact same problem, worked for him. alltho he didnt remove the wired cable first so bootup froze17:49
einononohalitech it said that there was non-fatal errors that are usually caused by bad sectors17:49
wild_oscarhey! I was just installing tomcat6's Ubuntu jaunty packages - does anyone know why it only logs to syslog, not catalina.out, and how to revert it?17:49
guntbertkpuhek: about installing 8.10: if the hardware switch isn't recognized I doubt if that could be a version problem, but try phalk's idea17:49
fccfSargun: config file /etc/wvdial.conf17:50
Halitecheinonono, sounds like the drive is almost toast then, take it out and drive a spike through it17:50
Sargunfccf, What directive in there would I set for "nodefaultroute"17:50
einononoHalitech: I am using the drive in windows17:50
einononodont know what you are talking about17:50
mickster04einonono, he means he thinks ur hdd is dying17:50
einononobut if you dont know what you yourself are talking about, please dont "advice" other people17:51
einononomickster04: dying? works fine with windows17:51
Brendenhi all.  Any vim users out there?  what does it mean when vim displays a bunch of ^@ characters? I thought I added newlines to the buffer...17:51
Halitecheinonono, if the drive has bad sectors its only a matter of time before it dies, if you are selling it anyway, take the drive out of the machine, hit it with a hammer, no way of getting data off it then17:51
mickster04einonono, well the error message suggest not all is well17:51
einononoHalitech: fuck you are stupid :D17:51
mickster04Halitech, he wants to sell it as workin ;)17:51
guntbert!ohmy | einonono17:52
ubottueinonono: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.17:52
mickster04einonono, it would be irrisponsible to sell a dyoiing drive as working17:52
Halitecheinonono, whatever, I'm not the one ignoring an error message17:52
Halitechmickster04, sounds like a shady sales person to me ;)17:52
einononowhy would it be dying if it has bad sectors?17:52
mickster04Halitech, da...the type that give ebay a bad name17:53
jussi01this is well offtopic for ubuntu17:53
fccfSargun: have you looked @ man wvdial.conf and man wvdial ... other than that google is your friend17:53
einononoit works like new in windows17:53
Halitechmickster04, yup17:53
Sargunfccf, Heh, I'm not a 'tard :-P17:53
jussi01Please move this discussion elsewhere.17:53
einononohalitech you are just lying, i know it17:53
jussi01einonono: you have been asked17:53
mickster04einonono, research it urself17:53
mickster04jussi01, i know17:54
Halitecheinonono, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_sector17:54
Halitechok, I'm done talking about it, sorry17:54
gwildoreinonono, maybe the bad soctors are NOT in the windows partition17:54
jussi01Ok, back on topic please!17:54
einononogwildor there is only a windows partition17:55
einononohow does fsck work?17:55
mickster04leave it now, discussion has been ended :P there is a problem with the hdd end of17:55
Brendenfsck works pretty well, I think.17:55
einononoobviously there isnt but what ever17:55
mickster04anyone unsolved?17:57
phalkmy question has been ignored 3 times :p or ppl dont have a clue hehe17:58
Halitecheinonono, you know, if you don't like what we are saying, go talk to someone in #windows and have them tell you the drive is fine, we've given our suggestions on your drive17:58
grawityphalk: A rule of IRC: If nobody answers - nobody knows.17:58
einononohalitech you just suggested that I run a spike through my hdd17:59
jussi01Halitech: we asked it to end! Leave it now please.17:59
einononobesides you were told to end the discussion17:59
grawityphalk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu help channel; maybe ##linux will be better.17:59
* mickster04 knows he cant help phalk17:59
phalkgrawity: well bind9 is still a part of ubuntu? :p17:59
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jussi01phalk: there may be people in ##linux who are not here, and know the answer18:00
phalkjussi01: allright i'll try to ask there18:00
grawityphalk: bind9 is part of a lot of distros. People in ##linux are usually more experienced with that kind of things.18:00
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guntbertphalk: what does " whenever i connect to it using my local domain, the reverse doesn't seem to work." mean? how do you connect?18:01
phalkguntbert: i connect via irssi.. "irssi -h example.com"18:01
mickster04anyone use spotify in wine?18:02
mickster04i tried #winehq an they were forthcoming...18:02
guntbertphalk: I see, but you certainly don't use example.com, do you?18:02
phalkguntbert: no ofc not, i made two local domains phox.lan and remi.lan18:03
jMylesSo I recently switched to 16-bit depth as it drastically improves performance.  Since compiz didn't work properly in 16-bit, I decided to try switching to xfce, which is pretty fun.  However, now, with either gnome or xfce, video doesn't play properly.  It is just green.18:03
guntbertphalk: try dig phox.lan18:03
phalkguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252633/18:04
unpersonI just got a new computer, and I want to test stability under load.  Any suggestions for programs I can quickly apt-get install that will provide a good test (use up a lot of CPU and RAM)?18:04
WinkiejMyles: sounds like it's using an overlay method, try changing your renderer from xv to x11 or similar18:04
jondavis_i would like to know if there is a program that i can use to talk to outhere people and when thay did not say what thay said so i can play it back to them18:04
jondavis_plese read what i said18:05
Kelderunperson: only one i know is hardinfo (sudo apt-get install hardinfo) i believe it has some tests in there18:05
Winkieunperson: i don't know any off by heart but just forkbomb your machine and watch it explode18:05
kidkget or multiget, which one is better? or if u know any download manager which is better18:05
guntbertphalk: and now dig -x please18:05
Winkieguntbert: nice pick of ip there, that's our gateway :D18:05
Halitechunperson, you could convert a movie, its pretty intensive18:05
grawityjondavis_: Generally, such things are only possible if there is a third person who has a copy of the logfiles.18:05
phalkguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252636/18:05
Kelderunperson: (hwinfo is the cli version, hardinfo the gui one)18:05
grawityWinkie: Now don't tell me you use too ;)18:06
Winkiegrawity: omg we are like brothers18:06
jondavis_i nned it to have it for a home phone18:06
Winkiejondavis_: use asterisk18:06
jMylesWinkie: xv is just a solid color, no video.  x11 displays the video, but with a strange blue hue18:06
guntbertphalk: I see, let me think18:06
grawityjondavis_: It's for a voice phone? Then I think any sound recorder could work.18:06
WinkiejMyles: then i'm afraid that is beyond my expertise sorry18:06
jondavis_what is it and is it for free18:06
Winkiejondavis_: asterisk is an open source telephony platform18:06
jMylesWInkie: No problem.  I haven't really done the proper googling.  :-)18:07
jondavis_where can i get it18:07
addisonjquick question, has been a while since i have looked is compiz supported under VMware?18:07
mickster04whats wrong with skype?18:07
Kelderdirectx under vm is still dodgy18:07
Winkiemickster04: it's non free18:07
Halitechmickster04, its not open source ;)18:07
jondavis_where can i get this program18:07
mickster04Winkie, non free? define18:07
Winkiejondavis_: click my link18:07
Keldermickster04: also, its a p2p system which a lot of people do not realize18:08
Winkiemickster04: it is not released under a license ratified as either adhering to DFSG or other similar free license checks18:08
jondavis_give me the link18:08
libtechit works, doesnt it?18:08
Winkiemickster04: that is, you are not granted freedoms to take, modify and distribute18:08
jondavis_i need it for ubuntu linux 9.0418:08
mickster04Winkie, oooh ok18:08
Winkiemickster04: asterisk is completely open, and works with open and free codecs, through open and free standards :)18:08
Winkiemickster04: if you don't want to put your telephony in the hands of a company you can't trust, you use asterisk18:09
mickster04Winkie, yeah ok18:09
grawityI wouldn't say closed-source is bad by itself. But Skype has a history of...well, google for "skype china" -- _that_ is what's wrong with Skype.18:09
jondavis_i nned the link plese18:09
[ThOr]I want a graphist, motived for participe a frensh project ( websites )18:09
RanyAlbegI did a mistake and executed the following rm -R /usr/shar/pixmaps/ ...is there a way to restore it /18:09
Winkiejondavis_: i pasted it to you, try using google18:09
[ThOr]I want a graphist, motived for participe a frensh project ( websites )18:09
WinkieRanyAlbeg: short story: no18:09
[ThOr]I want a graphist, motived for participe a frensh project ( websites )18:09
WinkieRanyAlbeg: long story: please use backups18:09
[ThOr]oups im sorry18:09
jondavis_you did not give me the link18:10
WinkieRanyAlbeg: you can PROBABLY find using something like apt-file, every package which has a pixmap in that location, and then reinstall them18:10
phalkguntbert: do you need to see the config files?18:10
guntbertphalk: I saw them, thank you18:10
Winkiejondavis_: 18:14.01 < Winkie> http://tinyurl.com/58n5wu18:10
phalkguntbert: ok18:10
guntbertphalk: but I'm at a loss here, maybe ask in #dns18:10
unpersonKelder, Halitech, Winkie:  Thanks for the suggestions.  What about distributed computing tasks (protein folding, etc.)?  I guess maybe they're not apt-getable.18:11
Winkieguntbert: can you explain this problem?18:11
phalkguntbert: allright, thanks anyway18:11
Winkieunperson: i would imagine they are, although i have yet to run one, my electricity bills are severe enough already :)18:11
guntbertWinkie: I beg your pardon?18:11
Winkieor phalk18:11
Winkieguntbert: trying to help out with phalk's problem :)18:11
jedcWinkie: lol, i clicked the random link :p18:11
Winkiejedc: not a random link, an informative link :)18:11
jedcWinkie: random from my perspective, coming in on the middle of the convo18:12
Halitechunperson, don't think so18:12
brandonc503hey all what would be a good channel to ask about what kind of laptop i want to buy?18:12
Winkiejedc: haha i guess so18:12
jondavis_ok if i downlound this program will it work with my telephone home phone so i can at home18:12
Winkiebrandonc503: perhaps a technology review site, such as arstechnica or bittech etc?18:12
Winkiejondavis_: please talk to people in #asterisk18:12
phalkWinkie: i've setup bind9 server, made two local domains (phox.lan, remi.lan) and i made reverse files for them also, but i can't make the reverse work (connecting to my local ircd server with irssi -h phox.lan)18:13
unpersonWinkie, Well this is for my research group at the university, so I don't pay the bill.  :-D18:13
jondavis_you nned to tell me18:13
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jondavis_you are the one who is givening it to me18:13
Kelderunperson: if there are more comprehensive benchmarking utilities in the repositories I have not used them, so Google will be of more use to you than I, but good luck18:13
Winkiejondavis_: there are many people who have time to explain this to you, and this channel is for ubuntu only, not for asterisk18:13
Winkiephalk: right, can you show me your zone files / give me appropriate information?18:13
phalkWinkie: yes, just a second18:14
Winkiephalk: i'll need the segments out of your named.conf specifying the zones, the zonefiles, and what specifically you cannot look up locally18:14
mickster04jondavis_, you will get more comprehensive help in #asterisk18:14
unpersonKelder, Well I don't need to benchmark so much as I want to stress test.  I actually thought maybe I should just start compiling the kernel or something.  Anyway, I appreciate your input.18:14
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mickster04is it just me or has it gone quiet?18:15
jedceveryones problems must be solved!18:15
jMylesWInkie: How can I change totem from x11 to xv?18:16
nztaljMyles, i think its gstreamer-properties18:17
HackersDavidcomman install steam18:17
WinkiejMyles: i really don't know i'm afraid18:17
The_Warlockhow can i get an IMG for karmic koala alpha 3?18:18
nztaljMyles, did you try gstreamer-properties in a terminal18:18
sash_The_Warlock:  google karmic download and download it.18:18
guntbert!karmic | The_Warlock18:18
ubottuThe_Warlock: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:18
einononoor maybe you just give shit answers fags :D18:18
mickster04HackersDavid, what was that?18:19
mickster04einonono, less of that18:19
guntbert!attitude | einonono18:19
ubottueinonono: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:19
HackersDavidhackersdavid login18:19
phalkWinkie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252643/18:19
jMylesnztal:  Yep, that was it.  :-)18:19
The_Warlocksash_: i dont see a IMG for usb..i only see iso's18:19
jondavis_i am not sure what this program is.and i need a program that will let me let outher people who are talking to and when thay did not say what thay said to me i can play it back to then18:20
mickster04HackersDavid, steam games are available through wine?18:20
Winkiephalk: your problem is the specification of the prefix in the PTR file18:20
guntbertThe_Warlock: ask in #ubuntu+1 please18:20
jedcThe_Warlock: you can use System->Administration->USB startup disk creator to set up a usb with an iso18:20
phalkWinkie: what should it be?18:20
mickster04jondavis_, you need a microphone and a audio tape....18:20
mickster04an audio*18:20
jondavis_i want a program18:20
The_Warlockjedc: tnx18:21
Winkiephalk: it should be the only missing octet, give me a second to give you a real world example18:21
mickster04jondavis_, well sound recorder work with a microfone on ur system too:P18:21
jedcjondavis_: with a little work you could probably set something up with audacity or something, i doubt there is a program specifically for your purposes18:22
mickster04jondavis_, sound and multimedia>sound recorder18:22
jondavis_do yall know what i need18:22
jedcjondavis_: no18:22
Halitechjondavis_, you want to record your conversations over the phone (illegal in some countries without permission)18:23
jondavis_i dont care that is what i need to do18:24
mickster04jondavis_, explain the situation clearly and try to spell clearly18:24
guntbertphalk, Winkie: but in http://paste.ubuntu.com/252529/ that was correct, wasn't it?18:24
mickster04jondavis_, we probably wont help u perform illigal activities18:24
Halitechjondavis_, go pick up a mini tape recorder from walmart18:24
winstonwhi I can't seem to get my sansa clip to reliably mount using mtp18:24
mickster04jondavis_, u dont need a program18:24
benovicarch arch arch arch18:24
jondavis_i dont need that18:24
Winkieguntbert: that looks good at first glance18:24
benovicnow i got it18:24
Winkieguntbert: should use @ instead of the fqn for SOAs etc18:25
jondavis_i need it for my home phone18:25
gwildormickster04, in most states of the usa, only 1 party has to be aware for it to be legal18:25
mickster04jondavis_, why dont you need a tape recorder18:25
guntbertWinkie: thats why I didn't see the problem :-)18:25
guntbertWinkie: you've got a quick eye! congrats :-)18:26
mickster04gwildor, i dont really know about the legalities of stuff like that18:26
gwildormickster04, was just trying to help you, help him18:26
jedcguntbert: i wonder about interstate communication with a state where it is illegal?18:27
mickster04gwildor, well its ok, just if it is illegal we probably souldnt promote it (cough piracy cough)18:27
Halitechphone recordering laws http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_recording_laws18:27
guntbertjedc: you meant gwildor probably :-)18:27
jedcer, gwildor i guess18:27
jedcguntbert: :p18:27
Zxcvbwhat fps is good for extreme tux racer on a 945gme graphics card?18:28
gwildorjedc, that im not certain.... probaably illegal in that case... and a federal felony...18:28
RisalatNeed some help on OS18:28
MadGirlanyone is probably using xorg-server with USE=minimal?18:28
gwildorRisalat, just ask your question18:28
Risalatyeah thanks18:28
mickster04define OS?18:29
RisalatI just installed ubuntu18:29
Risalatnow i can't find windows xp18:29
Risalatwhat to do18:29
guntbertphalk: when did you change your reverse file? you posted two different versions18:29
mickster04Risalat, u didnt format over it did u?18:29
Risalatno no18:29
Risalati did not18:29
Halitechjondavis_, 2 options I see, use a mic connected to your computer and use sound recorder (or audacity) to record it, or get a mini tape recorder. if the mic doesn't work on your computer, go with the tape recorder18:29
Risalati did not touch that partition18:29
mickster04Risalat, ok well i dont have a dual boot atm so cant show u my menu.lst but u need to add the item in there18:30
* Decadent greeds everyone18:30
HalitechRisalat, use pastebin to post the output of sudo fdisk -l18:30
jedcRisalat: was ubuntu the only option show in the bootloader?18:30
mickster04!grub | Risalat18:30
ubottuRisalat: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:30
Halitech!paste | Risalat18:31
ubottuRisalat: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:31
Risalatwait wait18:31
=== enzo_5 is now known as enzo
flandersEven though I'm running Linux Mint 7, since it's based off Ubuntu, I thought someone in here might help with this small issue I am having.18:31
guntbert!derivatives | flanders18:31
ubottuflanders: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)18:31
flandersBasically, I have a laptop with a built-in wireless adapter: BCM4311. When I installed the proprietary driver for it, it shows up TWICE in my network settings.18:32
flandersLiterally, I displays each wireless router two times, under two instances of BCM4311.18:32
guntbert!mintsupport | flanders18:32
ubottuflanders: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org18:32
flandersWouldn't the BCM4311 wireless adapter be handled the same on both distros?18:33
joakimkI need a package (for C++) called libpqxx. sudo apt-get install libpqxx used to work, but doesn't now. How can I install this? I've found this page, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libpqxx-dev18:33
Mariohey everyone.. is there anyone here who can help me with my ubuntu install prob??18:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:33
jedcflanders: that is probably not a problem with the adapter but with the network manager program you are using18:33
flandersOkay, then replace my question with Ubuntu 9.04 instead. :P Same issue remains.18:33
rskiHello i have 2 problems. If i change xorg.conf to have 16bit depth, gdm stops working. and if i start X manually and make it 16bit via the commandline, the audio stops to work. how to hunt from here?18:34
rskiI'm quite stuck.18:34
flandersIt's the default Network Manager for GNOME, jedc. I used the same one in openSUSE 11.1, and it did not give me this duplicate adapter bug.18:34
mickster04flanders, have u tried removing one?18:34
flandersIf I remove the driver, it removes both.18:35
flandersIf I add the driver, it duplicates the device into 2 of the same thing.18:35
Marioim tryin to dual boot ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition with vista. but when i boot from the disk it goes to the command promt and i dont know that to do frm there to install it? :(18:35
scuniziI've setup a bookmark in nautilus for a shared folder access on a server (win something). It works but I'm now interested in viewing its properties.. a simple right click only logs me into the share.. how do I view the properties of the bookmark?18:35
flandersLiterally, it says I have BCM4311 and BCM4311.18:35
pharsalusMario have you installed Ubuntu yet, or is this pre-installation?18:36
jedcMario: are you using the normal ubuntu install disk? because it has a graphical installer18:36
mickster04Mario, did u check the disk was ok?18:36
guntbert!info libpqxx-dev | joakimk18:37
Mariopre installation.. i freed up space from one of the partitions and then tried bootin from the disk. have no idea if the disks okay18:37
ubottujoakimk: libpqxx-dev (source: libpqxx): C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.9-8 (jaunty), package size 144 kB, installed size 556 kB18:37
Marioit just goes into the command prompt after selecting the language18:37
mickster04Mario, that sounds broken....18:38
pharsalusIs it the latest version of Ubuntu, Jaunty?18:38
pharsalusWell yeah, sounds broken anyway.18:38
jedcMario: that sounds like a problem with the disk18:38
joakimkguntbert: Thanks! That worked :)18:38
Mariooh okie.. isnt there a way to install it from the command line itself guys?18:38
mickster04Mario, if the disk is dodgy theres little/no point18:39
mickster04it wont complete successfully problyy18:39
guntbertMario: you said pre-installation - you are running from the install disk and then it drops you to a command line - correct?18:39
jedcMario: if apt isnt configured yet than you probably cant do much18:39
Deamoswow..quiet today18:40
Marioi boot from the disk on start up > it loads onto memory > i select the language > then goes into the command prompt18:40
RisalatHow do I find windows from boot?18:40
Risalatits not on the list18:40
mickster04Risalat, u have to add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst18:41
pharsalusMario, sounds like broken installation media, burn another CD>18:41
Mariohmm okie.. il get the latest one from my friend then :D18:41
guntbertjoakimk: glad to help :-)18:41
Marioi thought it maybe somethin to do with my hardware.. in some forums i read that due to the ati graphics card the graphical installation may nto work18:42
joakimkI just installed emacs (apt-get install emacs). I can't see that any .emacs file was created -- should I simply create one myself, at ~/18:42
rskiHello i have 2 problems. If i change xorg.conf to have 16bit depth, gdm stops working. and if i start X manually and make it 16bit via the commandline, the audio stops to work. how to hunt from here?18:42
mickster04Risalat, which partition is it in?18:42
guntbert!md5sum | Mario *check*18:42
ubottuMario *check*: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more18:42
Berzerkerjoakimk, have you ran it yet? it might create it on run18:42
=== _ is now known as Guest66382
jedcjoakimk: i think it will generate one when you use it18:42
jazmacHello all18:43
guntbertMario: those problems often come not from a bad burn but from a corrupted image18:43
jedchi | jazmac18:43
jedc!hi | jazmac18:43
ubottujazmac: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:43
joakimkBerzerker: yes, I did, and no file appeared. Suprised at that! I've got an .emacs-d directory....18:43
Mariooh okie.. will get another copy then..18:43
jazmacHello jedc ubottu18:43
joakimkBerzerker: .emacs.d18:43
Mariothanks guys! :P18:43
Berzerkerjoakimk, well then I guess you can make one18:43
pharsalusWait, check it with MD5sum!18:43
hakerpawelHi everyone!18:44
jazmacI am trying to isolate a video issue with my browser18:44
Marioi dint download it.. i got da disc from a friend.. he ordered da disk i guess..18:44
jedcjoakimk: im looking at mine and the only thing in it is to inhibit the help message on startup, so i bet it will generate one if you click dont show me this again hehe18:44
jondavis_yes i need a program that will program from my pc thro my home phone line but i have dsl internet18:44
jazmacmy webpages sometimes turn black in sections.18:45
Halitech Risalat, use pastebin to post the output of sudo fdisk -l18:45
jazmacLike it has lost color on it until I refresh18:45
mickster04Risalat, "sudo fdisk -l" in terminal18:45
jondavis_did yall read what i said18:46
Mariookie i think i shall do the cd integrity check first n tell u guys da results18:46
jedcjoakimk: http://pastebin.com/m41e85d5d if you want to use as a template18:46
=== SchmittyDoesIt is now known as Schmitty
jedcjazmac: windows turn black if they are running slowly or not responding18:48
jazmacNot the not responding thing.  I know what that is.  It happens on a section at a time18:48
jondavis_I would like to know if there is a program that will recored outhere people talking on a home phone.i need it to be putton my desck top thro my home phon18:48
Frank83Greetings guys, I'm a little embarrassed to make this question: Ubuntu "Appearance" is managed by GDM Thermes, GTK Themes or Metacity Themes?18:49
Berzerkerjondavis_, spying on people, eh?18:49
jazmacIt'll happen on the boarders of the page.  Or the bottom half of the page.18:49
BerzerkerFrank83, GDM themes.18:49
BerzerkerFrank83, you can install GTK aspects and make a custom theme (like window border, controls, etc)18:49
jedcjazmac: huh, that does sound weird18:49
jazmacI did not see then with FF 3.0218:49
mickster04jondavis_, without a microphone it cant be done18:49
jondavis_outhere people have lie to me and said that thay did not say what thay said to me18:49
jedc!hi | pep18:50
ubottupep: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:50
jazmacBut I see it with 3.518:50
grawityjazmac: How did you install 3.5?18:50
mickster04grawity, search for shiretoko18:50
jazmacI'm still a Ubuntu toddler so I'm still unsure about some of this18:50
BerzerkerFrank83, just search around google for Ubuntu desktop themes, you'll get a website with a nice list18:50
jondavis_i need to know what progran i can use18:50
grawitymickster04: I know how to install it myself. I'm asking how _he_ did it - there are like four ways to get 3.5 in Jaunty.18:50
jedcjazmac: 3.5 seems to have a few issues, i tried it today and the google bar didnt work for searches, and some other things were behaving oddly18:51
jazmacI installed it from a deb package I think.18:51
mickster04jondavis_, sound recorder18:51
danbhfivejondavis_: can you lug it in to your computer?18:51
Frank83Berzerker: So they do not exclude each other? That I already did: Gnome-look.org.18:51
mickster04grawity, oooh18:51
danbhfivejondavis_: *plug18:51
panaggiomy flash is not ok18:51
jondavis_how will help me18:51
BerzerkerFrank83, yes, GDM Themes is what you want18:51
jazmacYeah, I think in Linux, 3.5 has issues18:51
Halitechjondavis_, asterix if you want to run your own phone system, if not sound recorder, if you don't have a working nic, a tape recorder18:51
MinnaHOW DO YOU DO18:51
panaggioI have to machines with ubuntu jaunty installed, both with the same configured alternatives18:51
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:51
panaggioI have *two machines with ubuntu jaunty installed, both with the same configured alternatives18:51
Frank83Berzerker: Thanks a lot. :-) Have a nice day!18:51
oldude67!hi | Minna18:51
ubottuMinna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:51
grawityMinna: Good, thanks. Please stop shouting.18:51
BerzerkerFrank83, wait.18:51
jondavis_plese pm me and tell me how it works18:52
panaggioand in one of them I get this problem, and in the other, everything is ok18:52
Frank83Berzerker: Standing by.18:52
oldude67!caps | Minna18:52
ubottuMinna: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:52
panaggioand in a near past, both worked18:52
jedcMinna: because it is considered rude.18:52
jazmacI got this Shietoko thing when I did this install.18:52
BerzerkerFrank83, yay I'm wrong. do you use compiz? if not, use GTK 2.x, if you do, use compiz18:52
GroinshotIm running a dual boot system with vista and ubuntu, vista on one hard drive and ubuntu on the other one, and I want rid of ubuntu to go back to vista only, but I cant because of GRUB, how can I sort this out?18:52
LoneWlfafter my upgrade on Aug 6, 2009, in Ubuntu 8.10, my monitoring machine stacks its cron processes and eventually becomes unresponsive due (I believe) to too many open files18:52
LoneWlfI've been trying to capture more data for a week, a list of the packages upgrade can be had from http://paste.ubuntu.com/252619/18:52
BerzerkerFrank83, GDM is login screens18:52
BerzerkerFrank83, lulz18:52
HalitechGroinshot, boot from the vista disk, go into recovery mode and repair the mbr18:53
jondavis_i will keep asking untell a person helps meout18:53
Schmittymaster boot record18:53
BerzerkerGroinshot, do you have a vista recovery disk?18:53
HalitechGroinshot, master boot record18:53
mickster04jondavis_, we have given you plenty of options18:53
oldude67jondavis_, please dont be rude, wait awhile before asking!18:53
Groinshothave the vista recovery disk yeah18:53
BerzerkerGroinshot, if so, boot into it, click repair computer, click on Command prompt and type in "bootrec /fixMBR"18:53
Frank83Berzerker: I have Compiz-Fusion Disabled since some Wine apps don't get along with it. So I'll stick to GTK 2.x themes, right?18:53
jedcjondavis_: we are not omniscient, we have tried to help you18:53
BerzerkerFrank83, yessir.18:54
Halitechjondavis_, you haven't given us any further information on which of the options you want to try to do18:54
Groinshotthen format the second drive?18:54
jondavis_i need it to be putt on my desktop thro my home phone18:54
BerzerkerGroinshot, sure, but you can do that in vista.18:54
mickster04jondavis_, its not possible if u cant use the methods we have given u18:54
GroinshotCant, cos the drive is in a different format, and isnt recognised, but thats grand18:54
BerzerkerGroinshot, don't like ubuntu?18:54
Groinshotthanks so much18:54
jondavis_i need to recored outher people talking to me18:54
BerzerkerGroinshot, if you get a program, like partition magic, it can recognize it18:54
LoneWlfcan anyone help me or direct me to where help can be had?18:54
Schmittysomeone has loaded a sinister LKM in my system. What do I do?18:54
LoneWlfhas anyone heard of an issue like this?18:55
mickster04jondavis_, well have u tried any of our ideas18:55
GroinshotNot that I dont like ubuntu, I just have too many compatability problems with my hardware18:55
Frank83Berzerker: Thanks for your help! I'm off to download a bunch of themes.18:55
BerzerkerGroinshot, but if you go into control panel, administrative tools, then computer management, it will recognize it in an unknown format18:55
BerzerkerFrank83, np, have fun. :P18:55
BerzerkerGroinshot, from there you can delete it and reformat it to something else18:55
HalitechGroinshot, use the recovery option to repair the mbr, then boot a live cd and use the partition editor to remove ubuntu, then go back to windows and format the drive18:55
BerzerkerThat works as well18:56
HalitechBerzerker, that won't get rid of grub though18:56
SchmittyGroinshot: throw the hardrive in the bathtub18:56
BerzerkerHalitech, I already told him how to get rid of it18:56
Groinshotand software too, I found steam wouldnt run properly through wine, and i just dont like change18:56
mickster04Groinshot, have u had a look at play on linux18:56
HalitechBerzerker, sorry, missed that post18:56
BerzerkerHalitech, np18:56
combohow can i order two or more commands i one line in terminal? "command_1 && command_2" doesn't work to me(?) I wanto to launch two aplications at once18:57
Halitechjondavis_, ok, we get your point that you want to record your phone calls but do you want to run a phone system or do you have a mic that works in ubuntu?18:57
mikejoneswhat does java6 do?cause when i install it it crashes everything18:58
jazmacI want to revert back to the earlier 3.0 FF.  3.5 has issues.18:58
resno1i am trying to use analog but the dns is not resolving.18:58
Berzerkerjazmac, what kind of issues?18:58
GroinshotI still use it in work and on my work laptop, I jsut want to keep using vista on my desktop cos I use it for gaming18:59
jazmacHey Berzerker.18:59
Berzerkerjazmac, could be an addon, FF3.5 works flawlessly for me18:59
pepI just plugged an external monitor into my thinkpad, but jaunty seems to recognize it as the main screen... I'd like the gnome panel and the main execution screen to be the laptop one, anyone know how to configure this? Surprisingly, the display preferences do not allow me to choose, and the xorg.conf seems to have changed over the years... :/18:59
syntaxhow do you unzip a .zip in terminal18:59
Berzerkersyntax, unzip <filename>18:59
jazmacParts of the page blank out until I refresh18:59
combohow to close viewing "man name_of_aplication" in terminal ? CTRL+C does not quit man :/18:59
winstonwcombo, it uses less so press q to quit19:00
Berzerkertype q19:00
Berzerkerthen enter19:00
winstonwman less19:00
pepcombo: q19:00
winstonwlol so many Q's19:00
jazmacI could look at the addons.  Let me see something19:00
prince_jammysyou're quitting less19:00
jazmacone sec19:00
jedcmikejones: it doesnt do anything on its own, but you some form of java to run java programs19:00
jedcjazmac: if you installed it through apt, then sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.519:00
jedcjazmac: or dpkg -r firefox-3.5 will remove it also19:00
Berzerkerjazmac, I have 5 major addons installed, if you and I have the same then whatever you have that I don't may be causing the problem.19:00
combopep, winstonw HOLLY CRAP! that was so easy ;) thx You guys :)19:00
combobtw. maybe also does know how to launch to aplications at once in teminal? "comand1 && comand2" doesn't work to me? :(19:01
jazmacI can't remember when this started but I do remember installing personas then I dropped a theme on.19:01
prince_jammyscombo: command1 & command219:02
resno1i need help getting analog to resolve dns19:02
jazmacThat might be the conflict causing it since they both want to control color19:02
winstonwcombo, && is just like ; but the second command doesn't execute if the first command fails19:02
GroinshotLol @ Schmitty19:02
GroinshotI only saw your response now19:02
fusenI just married some women who won't stop going on about an old flame that kept talking about ubuntu19:02
Groinshotif I do that though, I cant boot into vista Lol19:02
combowinstonw: yeap U're right :)19:02
prince_jammyscombo: '&' runs a prog in the background19:02
guntbert!ot | fusen19:02
ubottufusen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:02
Groinshotanyway, ill try this, Ill let you know how I get on19:03
Groinshotthanks so much :)19:03
rskiHello i have 2 problems. If i change xorg.conf to have 16bit depth, gdm stops working. and if i start X manually and make it 16bit via the commandline, the audio stops to work. how to hunt from here?19:03
comboprince_jammys: checking out that19:03
rskiI'm quite stuck.19:03
macocombo: and || makes the second command only execute if the first fails19:03
winstonwcombo, :) there are some great shell tutorials around the internets, check them out :)19:03
comboprince_jammys: WORKS! :D it was just "&" totally enough for that ;)19:03
comboprince_jammys: THX :)19:03
useronei finally used a vista dvd to fix a 'missing bootmgr' problem but that wiped out grub. so i booted up with a live cd, used sudo grub>root (hd0,2)>setup (hd0,2)>exit. I rebooted (without the live cd) but it booted straight into windows. how do i get grub back?19:04
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:04
wildc4rdevening all19:04
anr78I'm installing a dual boot with Ubuntu and OS X and a shared media partition. What file system could/should I use on the media partition?19:04
Berzerkerhow convenient.19:04
Berzerkeranr78, HFS+19:04
guntbert!bash | combo (if you want to read a bit)19:04
ubottucombo (if you want to read a bit): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:04
Berzerkeranr78, Ubuntu can read/write be default now.19:04
Berzerkeranr78, if you want, you can use FAT32, but HFS+ can be read/write now by ubuntu19:04
richardcavellanr78: Berzerker are you sure HFS+ is read/write by Ubuntu?19:05
Berzerkerrichardcavell, pretty sure since Hardy.19:05
BerzerkerSomeone can jump in if I'm wrong.19:05
comboguntbert: hm.. works in terminal but does NOT work as a shortcut icon comand ;/19:05
jedcjazmac: then sudo apt-get install firefox-3.019:05
jedcpep: i have an nvidia card, and i can configure multiple displays in System->Administration->NVIDIA X server settings, im not sure if there is the same sort of thing for other video cards19:05
jazmacI think you helped me figure this out Berzerker.19:05
jazmacI may be ok now.19:05
comboprince_jammys: hm, and you know perhaps how to make it (doouble command) in short-cut ?19:05
Berzerkerjazmac, :) what was it?19:05
richardcavellBerzerker: I just tested it.  Yeah, you're right19:06
anr78Berzerker: HFS+ sounds good then19:06
panaggioI have two machines with ubuntu jaunty installed, both with the same configured alternatives for flash, and in one of them, flash is not fully working19:06
guntbertcombo: never tried - what are you trying to accomplish?19:06
Berzerkerkk all19:06
richardcavellanr78: I just tested on my Mac - it works just fine19:06
jazmacBerzerker: I screwed up.  I installed personas and that is usually what I always have on.19:06
richardcavellanr78: I can read/write my OS X partition from Ubuntu19:06
jedccombo: try, <command1> & <command2>19:07
useroneyes..yes..bot..i hav followed the howtos but nothing, thats why i am asking here19:07
comboguntbert: I want to put "hp-systray" and "hp-toolbox" in one shortcut so if I click it, then those to apps will run19:07
jazmacBut I thought I could install a theme from the add on section of FF19:07
jazmacI did install it.19:07
pepjedc: I have an intel integrated graphics card I think... I'm not even sure which driver i'm using, xorg.conf is so empty, it's weird..;19:07
combojedc: yeap, have tried that already, doesn't work ;(19:07
anr78richardcavell: great. you don't have a separate partition for data/media then?19:07
Berzerkerjazmac, I just use themes of Ubuntu themes.19:07
jazmacBut since they both want to control the look,19:07
richardcavellanr78: no19:07
Berzerkerjazmac, don't both with them since things like that can happen. :P19:07
combojedc: it runs only one (first) command :(19:07
jedccombo: i just tried it in a terminal and it worked, with 1 & not 219:07
prince_jammyscombo: no, i don't know how shortcuts are implemented in gnome19:08
richardcavellanr78: But you can use your /Users/name folder from OS X from within Ubuntu19:08
Berzerkeranr78, you don't even need a media partition, you can just read everything from your OS X partition19:08
fireunI'm getting timeouts from keyserver.ubuntu.com, anyone know whats up?19:08
fireun"keyserver error"19:08
jazmacthere was conflict in the way the color on my pages displayed19:08
comboprince_jammys: I have KDE but using OpenBox19:08
jedcpep: is there anything in System->Administration that looks promising for configuring displays?19:08
comboactually i want to impement that in OBmenu :)19:08
anr78richardcavell, Berzerker: I know, but it just feels wrong to let Ubuntu mess inside my user folder :)19:08
jazmacDisabling Personas seem to have cleared up that problem19:08
Berzerkerfireun, 0 drops for me.19:08
pepnah... but I think I have to use xrandr19:08
comboone click = run those two commands at once19:08
fireunBerzerker: hmm19:08
richardcavellIs it just me or when people speak about their 'media' partition, I think of 'pr0n' partition?19:08
combocan't atached that19:09
Berzerkerrichardcavell, it's just you lol19:09
fireunBerzerker: I can ping it, but I cant get a key from it19:09
richardcavellanr78: You could mount the partition as read-only19:09
joakimkAnyone recommend a good DVI viewer?19:09
jedcrichardcavell: thats /media/misc19:09
Berzerkerfire might be on a different server that's down.19:09
Berzerkerjoakimk, DVI viewer?19:09
Berzerkerlike, a monitor?19:09
BerzerkerAcers are good.19:10
combohm, ok. thanks for help anyway guys. You were as always usefull.. What would I suppose to do without You ;) regards, see-ya all ;)19:10
anr78richardcavell: I'll call it data-partition from now on :)19:10
richardcavellanr78: yes, I have an external hard disk with my .... "data".... as well19:10
Berzerkerrichardcavell, you know that mentioning it makes you suspicious now. o_O19:11
caveman27is it possible to use a windows screensaver in ubuntu?19:11
richardcavellBerzerker: lol19:11
Berzerkercaveman27, denied.19:11
jazmacWell, I think I'm good.  I'll drive 3.5 around awhile and see if the problem returns.  I'll start by logging out and back on.19:11
Berzerkerjazmac, themes will do that to you, you should be fine.19:11
jazmacProbably was a bad idea to begin with installing the theme on top of Personas.  No worries though.19:12
jazmacThanks all19:12
Berzerkerjazmac, gl19:12
anr78anyway. I want to be able to read and write from both Ubuntu and OS X, but since we are only talking about "media" I should be able to not mess stuff up for os x.19:12
useronewhen i install ubuntu i have only a swap partition and / partition. should i have a /boot and if so why (what advantages) and how big should this be?19:13
Berzerkeranr78, don't go into your /System folder and you'll be fine19:13
jedcanr78: i believe you need to turn off journaling on the os x partition19:13
Berzerkeruser01, /boot is in your normal partition19:13
jedcanr78: to be able to write to it19:13
anr78richardcavell: have you changed your os x uid to match your ubuntu uid?19:13
Halitechuserone, not normally neccessary to have seperate /boot anymore19:13
Berzerkeruserone, /boot is in your normal partition19:13
richardcavelljedc: I thought that was the case, too.  But I am able to read and write to my OS X partition right now19:13
richardcavellanr78: yep19:13
richardcavellanr78: I've put specific instructions on how to do this at ubuntuforums.org.  It's stickied at the top of the Apple Users forum19:14
jedcuserone: you might want to have a seperate partition for /home, it makes upgrading or anything a breeze19:14
commander_what is the best anitvirus19:14
Halitechuserone, depending on your system you may need it (if you can boot you don't) but on my old P4 with a 160gig drive I had to or it wouldn't boot19:14
anr78richardcavell: great!19:14
richardcavellanr78: I just tested it, and it works fine *shrug*19:14
jedccommander_: anti-virus software is not really necesary in ubuntu19:15
mickster04jedc if at all?19:15
HalitechHFS+  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFS_Plus .. can read and write to HFS+ now19:15
anr78richardcavell: what works fine? not turning off journaling?19:15
Berzerkeruserone, unless you specifically make a /boot partition, it's included in your / partition19:15
richardcavellHalitech: is that just newer kernels or what?19:15
jedcmickster04: yep19:15
Berzerkerrichardcavell, since Hardy19:15
pharsalusAlthough if you're really paranoid, AVG Free has a Linux version. (Closed source though.)19:15
fireunBerzerker: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8A626B4219:15
* nonix4 ponders whether Xorg w/ proprietary nvidia 180.44 driver using 4.7 gigabytes of RSS is a memory leak or just "normal"...19:16
fireunBerzerker: does not work19:16
richardcavellBerzerker: what version of Ubuntu/kernel do you have?19:16
fireunBerzerker: william grant's ppa19:16
Halitechrichardcavell, doesn't say ... As with NTFS on Linux, there has been some success in porting HFS+ to Linux, at least in non-journaled read/write and journal read-only mode19:16
Berzerkerrichardcavell, I'm running UNR Jaunty19:16
richardcavellanr78: I'm on Karmic with 2.6.31-5 kernel, and I can read/write HFS+ without modifying the HFS+ partition19:16
useronei have tried all the howtos / forums to get grub back but nothing. so now i will go through the ubuntu install process but NOT fomat the drives until it gives option to reinstall grub again. this should fix grub without changing anything else. the live cd command prompt just doesnt cut it.19:16
* fluurp will be back later19:16
anr78richardcavell: oh.. your post on the forums is a loooooong read :)19:16
Berzerkerrichardcavell, 2.6.28-1419:16
poseidonAnyone know of a good comparison of awn and cairo-dock?19:16
richardcavellanr78: skip down to part 2, about the 3rd item19:17
richardcavellBerzerker: Yeah, my understanding is it writes without using the journal and reads using the journal19:17
jedcposeidon: i liked awn better, cairo had more themes but i though awn looked nicer19:17
Berzerkerrichardcavell, yes.19:17
bbeckDoes anyone know where I can find the source code for ncal?19:17
richardcavellBerzerker: So you lose some theoretical benefits of journalling19:17
Untouchab1ehi all19:18
Untouchab1eI really need some help19:18
richardcavellBerzerker: but it's no biggie, surely19:18
Berzerkerrichardcavell, still, you can read/write. I'm sure that's all people really want.19:18
Untouchab1einstalled Ubuntu 9.04 on my Dell Studio XPS 13, and Wifi is not working properly19:18
Untouchab1eit cant seem to obtain an IP and I think there's and issue with DHCP19:18
Berzerkerdoes it recognize networks?19:18
Untouchab1eits a Dell 1515 WLAN card (its an Atheros card, uses the ath9k driver)19:18
HalitechUntouchab1e, does it show the wireless card in iwconfig?19:18
KNYhey guys, what do I have to do to enable tab-completion on apt-get packages? Some of my ubuntu computers have it and some don't.19:18
Untouchab1eHalitech: yes it does, and it can detect available networks and try to connect19:19
Untouchab1ebut times out when it tries to obtain an IP19:19
rgnrany1 has fmodex64 4.24.16 ?19:19
HalitechUntouchab1e, any security on the router?19:19
tdstrongis keyserver.ubuntu.com down?  I can ping it, but can't request gpg keys.19:19
ryan_i want to set up an old desktop as a file and print server, how can i do this?19:19
Untouchab1eHalitech: yeah, WPA219:20
rgnrany1 has fmodex64 4.24.16 ?19:20
HalitechUntouchab1e, try turning it off19:20
Untouchab1ethat might be the problem I guess, I can try switching off the encryption19:20
Untouchab1egive me a sec19:20
Oli```How can I monitor live lirc events?19:20
Halitechryan_, use the alt install cd, do a minimal install and add the apps/services you want/need19:20
Guest89784anyone, I just installed ubuntu 8.04 on my notebook but i seem to be having problems with my touchpad. Its hypersensitive and responds poorly .. any solutions for this??19:21
Untouchab1eI spent the full last day trying to figure this one out in openSUSE though.. eventually gave up and tried Ubuntu instead19:21
HalitechUntouchab1e, do you have wpasupplicant installed?19:21
Untouchab1econnecting to unencrypted network now..19:22
* richardcavell is off to bed now19:22
jazmacBerzerker, doesn't seem like it was Personas19:22
jazmacIt was a badly written theme19:22
HalitechUntouchab1e, that worked?19:23
LoneWlfafter my upgrade on Aug 6, 2009, in Ubuntu 8.10, my monitoring machine stacks its cron processes and eventually becomes unresponsive due (I believe) to too many open files19:23
LoneWlfI've been trying to capture more data for a week, a list of the packages upgrade can be had from http://paste.ubuntu.com/252619/19:23
LoneWlfhas anyone heard of an issue like this?19:23
LoneWlfcan anyone help me or direct me to where help can be had?19:23
jazmacI had Vista-Aero theme installed and it had to be removed to fix this problem.19:23
precisoajudaalqguem fala portugues ou español?19:24
Halitech!es | precisoajuda19:24
ubottuprecisoajuda: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:24
mneptokLoneWlf: have you stopped and restarted cron/anacron?19:24
puremichaelhmmm nautilus takes 175MiB of ram?19:24
mneptokpuremichael: are you a new Linux user?19:25
puremichaelnot really new, rather using it but scratching on top of the surface19:25
mneptokpuremichael: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/19:25
precisoajudaok.. somebody help me please... i cant install my webcam...19:25
mneptokpuremichael: read that carefully19:25
puremichaelyes, i already know about disk caching and so on19:26
jgoo___ffsrequesting real version of this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240219:26
vieirahi for all19:26
mneptokpuremichael: it's likely that Nautilus is using cached memory19:26
=== Guest89784 is now known as madley
jgoo___ffsone that isn't outdated, and / or docs on tightvnc that actually are for the current version and give information on session resuming19:26
puremichaelbut didn't notice that nautilus takes ram, i thought kernel would do caching19:26
xiongwhere is komodo?19:27
Kelderpuremichael: ram usage is not the end-all of efficiency measures, otherwise vista would suck since it uses superfetch..19:27
[1]Untouchab1eWhen trying to connect to unencrypted network I did eventaully manage to connect19:27
[1]Untouchab1ebut I still cant ping or access anything19:27
[1]Untouchab1eso there is definetly still something wrong19:27
Halitech[1]Untouchab1e, can you ping the gateway ip adress?19:27
puremichaelyay; i've got 6gib, i'm not worried, but i didn't thought that applications take ram for diskcache instead of something more low level19:28
madley I have just installed ubuntu8.04 on my notebook .. I am having a problem with my touchpad.. its hyper sensitive .. Any knows how to solve this19:28
LoneWlfmneptok : nope, not as yet19:28
Halitechmadley, I believe there is a program call gsynaptic that controls the touchpad, have you tried that?19:28
LoneWlfmneptok : I think I'm starting to stack now, so I will go try that, see if I can get it in before it becomes unresponsive19:29
gwildormadley, system > preferenes > mouse19:29
madleyHalitech: No, I will try that19:29
useronethe ubuntu installation has asked me for the boot loader device. should i accept the default (hd0) or use /dev/sda1 (vista) or /dev/sda3/ ubuntu 9.04. i want to be able to dual-boot vista / ubuntu using grub19:29
madleyGwildor: am using a notebook19:29
gwildormadley, so am i...19:30
pharsalusThe utility works for mousepads too19:30
madleyGwildor, I ll try that out n let u know19:30
useroneor device /dev/sda which is the generic hdd19:30
gwildormadley, sorry, that may have been rude, i should have repsonded as pharsalus  did19:30
jgoo___ffshave they fixed the bugs in nautilus yet?19:31
madleygwildor, no problem dude19:31
jgoo___ffsI bought a mac purely because nautilus just doesn't work19:31
jedcuserone: the default will install grub on the MBR, and is suitable for dual booting19:31
=== JEEB__ is now known as JEEB
Halitechjgoo___ffs, what problem are  you referring to?19:31
pharsalusjgoo___ffs, there are other file managers out there than Nautilus, Macs are fairly expensive, did you consider the alternatives!?19:32
xiongum, noob question: what search string might produce a tutorial on how to find and add repositories to synaptic?19:32
jiohdiwhen you get a new version of firefox... how do you make it replace the current version rather than just exist along side it?19:32
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:32
mickster04it says it all there19:32
jiohdithanks mick :)19:33
jgoo___ffspharsalus, I did consider driving around and killing hookers to vent off frustration every time a drag and drop failed or I got annoyed at nautilus, but in the end buying a mac meant I had more storage in my freezer for pizza19:33
Kelderxiong: there are great sites on which open software is a nice alternative to the software you know.. other than that you could use the ass/remove software options to get a more user-friendly version of synaptic19:33
emil111hello, I am a new ubuntu user and I have somehow made it impossible to boot xp after the grub bootloader crashed. can someone explain to me how to remove it, please?19:33
=== Guest1047 is now known as Krstnsn
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:34
jgoo___ffspharsalus, there is a HUGE bug, that isn't even documented19:34
Kelderxiong: add/remove not ass/remove ;) sorry19:34
jgoo___ffspharsalus, based on which node has focus when dragging and dropping trees in extanded mode... this really burned me once... and... I just can't... brb, off to drive downtown for some sport19:34
=== fireun is now known as fIreuN
pharsalusjgoo___ffs, Did you submit a bug report?19:35
xiongKelder, i'm okay with synaptic but i don't understand how to use it to install software that doesn't come up in the synaptic search19:35
xiongKelder, i think i need to add more repositories?19:35
Halitechalways founf CTRL C and CTRL V to work great for me19:35
jgoo___ffspharsalus, no, I am using it as a metric for the development of nautilus. When someone *else* finds it, and fixes it, I will consider it mature enough for me to use it again19:36
jgoo___ffsit is no big deal pharsalus, actually I am late to work on some stuff, just wanted to vent about vnc issues and annoyances19:36
=== jason is now known as Guest84357
xionghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Other%20Repositories -- this all makes sense and it's pretty obvious/basic -- the question is, where are the URLs of these other repositories found?19:36
jiohdimickster04, how about an explanation for ff in english, what you gave me was in japanese stereo instruction hackereese19:36
Kelderxiong: if you have set your Software Sources to include all sources, then that is probably not your problem, to me it sounds like you have trouble finding out what software youd like for your personal purposes (which is a valid concern when you use synaptic) basically you have to know which software you want before you enter synaptic19:37
afedkill all19:37
fauxreignerhey ubuntu channel - does ubuntu still have a hard time dealing with ATI graphics cards?19:37
xiongKelder, i want the big, fat coding-oriented text editor, preferably with perl-specific features -- i'm a big fan of bbedit19:38
mickster04jiohdi, u can just remove the old firefox19:38
libtechfauxreigner: im using jaunty on an old dell with an ati x300, compiz works pretty well19:38
Halitechfauxreigner, depends on what card and what version19:38
* batchy http://time-war.com/recruit.php?uniqid=gp1248982542 dr who based game. its new- all the chances to be top player is yours. also, two RANDOM players will win psps in time19:38
mneptokxiong: do you work on platforms other than Linux?19:38
jiohdimickster... I am afraid :)19:38
mickster04jiohdi, of what?19:38
xiongmneptok, bbedit on mac os 919:39
Kelderxiong: they are found with the software accompaning them.. like when you use the Deluge torrent client, you might want to add its repository so you can receive the latest versions of that software.. but there arent any 'goldmine' repositories you can add to get a bunch more options.. cept maybe medibuntu19:39
jiohdimickster, that when I remove the old one that the new one will lose parts19:39
mneptokxiong: Mac OS .... *WHAT*?!19:39
mickster04jiohdi, they are seperate entities19:39
xiongmneptok, yah, i was the last of the mohicans19:39
NickUK`I am having a problem with our AdHoc network not sending any packets, can anybody help please19:39
mickster04!tab | jiohdi19:39
ubottujiohdi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:39
mneptokxiong: PM?19:39
fauxreignerokay, well - I'm planning on buying a new laptop soon, and one brand that I'm considering only offers ATI Mobility cards...19:39
Kelderxiong: eclipse or netbeans are feature rich editors (IDE's) you could also look into Komodo if thats not enough19:39
* batchy http://time-war.com/recruit.php?uniqid=gp1248982542 dr who based game. its new- all the chances to be top player is yours. also, two RANDOM players will win psps in time19:39
wonderer`does  anybody uses BT419:39
jiohdimickster, the new one seems to have inherited all the changes I made to the old one... so how is it doing that unless it is depending on some shared parts?19:40
pharsalusNetbeans is good19:40
wonderer`i have some questions19:40
[2]Untouchab1eok, for some reason, it just magically started working ^^19:40
jiohdithanks ubottu19:40
[2]Untouchab1ebut now I have another question...19:40
mickster04jiohdi,  i dont know..it should have been explained in the documents u read19:40
Halitechfauxreigner, you may want to look at nvidia instead, ati just dropped a bunch of cards from support so unless the open source drivers work, might be disappointed19:40
jiohdimickster04: except I could not read them19:41
NickUK`I am having a problem with our AdHoc network not sending any packets, can anybody help please19:41
=== [2]Untouchab1e is now known as Untouchab1e
mickster04jiohdi, what is there that would be lost?19:41
jiohdiskins, add ons, xmarks, etc19:42
Untouchab1emy laptop uses a hybrid-sli setup..19:42
mickster04!grub > Risalat19:42
ubottuRisalat, please see my private message19:42
Untouchab1ewith a geforce 9500m + 9200m19:42
fauxreignerHalitech, thanks - I don't want to end up with an unsupported system right out of the box19:42
Untouchab1ebut the nvidia linux drivers doesnt support hotswapping between using both or just the integrated GPU... how can I someone specify that I dont want to use both (since I dont game in Linux, I never need them both)19:42
Halitechfauxreigner, you can compare against here if you want before purchasing http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx19:43
Bow2`Shinoopen office writer wont run. i get this message19:43
Bow2`Shinoeric@Raiju-desktop:~$ oowriter19:43
Bow2`Shino** (soffice:4307): WARNING **: unable to get gail version number19:43
Bow2`Shinoterminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'19:43
FloodBot2Bow2`Shino: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
beerkidAnyone experienced with Yahoo Pipes? An easy $20 if you can figure out one thing.19:44
mzzit is amusing how some of the hardware in this laptop has better ubuntu drivers than preinstalled windows drivers. Specifically the wireless works and the touchpad does two-finger scrolling.19:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:45
beerkidI see. Thanks19:45
mzz(must admit the X driver didn't, but I'm pretty sure that's fixed in karmic)19:45
fauxreignerHalitech, I don't see that card available there.  That's bad news.19:46
captni used apt-get apache2 to install apache but i don't know where to find httpd.conf does it exist19:46
Halitechfauxreigner, what card?19:46
grawitycaptn: /etc/apache2 -- also it is called apache2.conf, I think.19:46
jedcBow2`Shino: i get that warning too and it runs for me, so its just the runtime exception hehe, not helpful but narrows it down19:46
mizerydeariaI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and installed Ubuntuzilla 4.7.4-0ubuntu1 (amd64) which installed Mozilla Firefox 3.5.2.  The pc has Internet access since Konqueror can view google.com, however, Mozilla Firefox is not able to resolve domain names, but can access sites by ip.  How come dns resolution doesn't work?19:46
wonderer`what is the best usb wireless adapdor with good support on backtrack 419:46
fauxreignerHalitech, I'm looking at Lenovo laptops.  The only graphics cards they have available are onboard or Radeon Mobility 3470's.19:47
wonderer`plz help me19:47
Bow2`Shino<jedc> it runs then this recovery thing pops up and closes after i hit next19:47
mzzmizerydearia: wild guess: there's an ipv6 disable option in about:config. Try toggling that.19:47
Untouchab1eUbuntu is only picking up 2,2GB of my 4GB of RAM.. I am running the 32bit version though so I reckon thats the reason, but would it be possible to at least detect 3GB?19:47
firecrotchwonderer`: This is #ubuntu, not #backtrack19:47
wonderer`i thing thew have too much common theese days19:47
rd1381how can i configure my whole system(not just firefox) to use a proxy server for connecting to internet19:48
mizerydeariamzz: aha!  network.dns.disableIPv6 was false.  Setting it to true fix it.  Thanks!19:48
jMylesIs there a way to enable compositing in gnome without compiz?19:48
Halitechfauxreigner, there is the HD3xxx series, not sure if it would be the same driver or not19:48
Qvintvsis there a way to get a list of files that came with a package?19:48
useroneok..what just happened. i 'reinstalled' ubuntu but didnt format the /dev/sda3 exiting 9.04 partition. it fixed grub and now vista / ubuntu are on the boot menu and boot up BUT now nothing else in my ubuntu works..the mouse is dead...the touchpad is dead...the keyboard is dead...what happened!!!?19:48
grawityQvintvs: dpkg -L package19:48
rd1381how can i configure my whole system(not just firefox) to use a proxy server for connecting to internet19:49
mzzmizerydearia: that *probably* means there's something odd about your networking configuration or the network you're on, but I don't know the specifics. Sorry.19:49
HalitechUntouchab1e, 32bit should see 4 gig but might only show 3.8gig or so, what does free -m show?19:50
=== Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke
Kelderrd1381: if your proxy server supports openvpn for example, you can just start an openvpn session and route your entire internet traffic through that server\19:50
jedcrd1381: you probably can set up an ssh tunnel to the proxy on port 80, which i think is the default port for internet. this is speculation ive never done it, anyone more knowledgabe know?19:50
jedcrd1381: probably should listen to kelder :p19:50
ubuntistashello is there any way i can use a software for my toefl cd because it's not working on ubuntu?19:51
rd1381Kelder: no its a simple running java app (your-freedom.com client) which just gives a port for firefox to access19:51
Kelderrd1381: i only have experience with paid proxies19:51
rd1381it has a openvpn mode but i cant seenm to configure openvpn to use it19:51
GuyFromHellAnyone haveing issues downloading packages atm?19:51
Halitechubuntistas, did you try WINE?19:52
sparris there any way to get firefox (or linux) to redirect all traffic aimed at foo.com:88 to foo.com:80 ?19:52
linuxdudeyes wine will work19:52
ivanovhi all19:52
linuxdudehi icanov19:52
ivanovi can't mount mmc card19:52
jedcGuyFromHell: you could try using a different mirror for the software if you are having issues related to the server, otherwise it isprobably your connection or apt19:52
ubuntistashalitech it's working but not so good19:52
linuxdudeivanov:do ls /mount19:53
Halitechubuntistas, only other way would be a VM19:53
fauxreignerHalitech, I'm just going to shop around more, I think.  Thanks for the help.19:53
ivanovI can only get the mmc to boot after booting the board once and then reboot19:53
GuyFromHelloh it just started working again19:53
linuxdudeivanov: do ls /media i mean19:53
useroneok..the keyboard suddenly works now...how do i shutdown using the keyboard only?19:53
GuyFromHelljedc, if it stops i'll try changing to us.19:53
ctmjrjMyles: you can install xcompmgr and remove compiz19:53
Halitechfauxreigner, ok, are you in North America?19:53
ubuntistashow can i install windows xp again halitech?19:53
linuxdudegot ta goooo19:53
rd1381anyone here that knows how to use openvpn with a http proxy?19:53
jedcGuyFromHell: usually the ones that are physically closer to you are faster19:53
bruce927Hey, does anyone know how to get keymanager to stop asking for my password everytime I boot up?19:53
ivanovlinuxdude: i only can mount mmc after reboot19:53
fauxreignerHalitech, yes19:53
ortsvorsteher!ot | ubuntistas19:53
ubottuubuntistas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:53
gwildorBruce, turn of the keyring...19:53
Halitechubuntistas, last time I did it was install windows first then linux19:54
bruce927gwildor: How?19:54
grawitybruce927: Do you use autologin or are you logging in manually? Also, GNOME or KDE?19:54
GuyFromHelljedc, you mean network-ly closer :P19:54
ejvsparr: iptables19:54
Halitechfauxreigner, look at system76.com they have some good systems19:54
bruce927autologin, grawity, gnome19:54
grawitybruce927: Change the keyring password to an empty one.19:54
gwildorbruce927, startup sessions... i think19:54
ejvsparr, you need to edit the linux firewall configuration19:54
Kelderrd1381: im afraid im not familiar with your-freedom.com  just remember that any proxy is basically paying for your bandwidth, so its like using a secondary ISP - you get what you pay for.19:55
ubuntistasso any clue halitech?19:55
jedcubuntistas: you just put a windows disc in and reboot, make sure the boot order is looking for the cd rom (randomly press all the f buttons on startup to get to settings)19:55
LoneWlfafter my upgrade on Aug 6, 2009, in Ubuntu 8.10, my monitoring machine stacks its cron processes and eventually becomes unresponsive due (I believe) to too many open files19:55
Halitechubuntistas, do you want to dual boot or use it in a vm?19:55
LoneWlfI've been trying to capture more data for a week, a list of the packages upgrade can be had from http://paste.ubuntu.com/252619/19:55
ejvsparr: something like: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 88 -j ACCEPT19:55
ubuntistasdual boot halitech19:55
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
ejvsparr: then: iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 88 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8019:55
ejvsparr: play with it, that should push you in the right direction though ;)19:56
mooxhi there. I have a question about MTA metrocard and PATH, can someone help me?19:56
ejviptables is powerful as hell19:56
ejvman iptables19:56
Untouchab1ecould someone help me specify what I need to do in order specify that Ubuntu only uses my integrated GPU? (Got a Dell Studio XPS 13 with a hybrid-SLI: GF 9200m + 9400m)?19:56
Halitechubuntistas, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm19:56
Untouchab1eI guess I could add the 9400m to a blacklist of some sort?19:57
Untouchab1ejust not sure how to do it19:57
rd1381Kelder: so how can i make my whole system use a proxy19:57
bruce927Can I use startup disk maker to make a bootable copy of windows xp installer on a usb drive?19:57
=== Pyro_ is now known as Pyrophelia
__theIdiotBoxbruce927: i guess no19:57
fauxreignerHalitech, thanks for the heads up on system76.  Looks like good stuff.  Will any of these systems have a hard time dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu?19:58
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi
enthdegreeI'm dual booting crunchbang + win7 effortlessly.19:58
billhello, i installed unbuntu 9.04 on a gateway 7330 ... and i dont have sound ... did all updates... and i see the sounds works ... but cant find the switch to turn the sound on thru the speakers .... any ideas ?19:58
ejvbill: you check ubuntuforums.org ?19:59
billejv, have a link ?19:59
ejvbill: lspci | grep Audio19:59
Halitechfauxreigner, I don't see why they would, check out http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm19:59
ejvbill: telling us that you have a gateway 7330 is pretty useless to us, we need to know what hardware/chipsets are in use ;)20:00
gbrentHas anyone here ever setup Squid to use multiple IP's?20:00
billejv, intel chipset and audio20:01
jedcrd1381: ssh -D 80 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server might work, might need to use sudo20:01
bruce927How can I make a bootable windows usb disk from in ubuntu?20:01
Halitechbruce927, I don;t think you can20:01
jedcrd1381: i havent tried it though20:01
bruce927Damn :S20:01
ejvbill: pastebin please :)20:01
rd1381jedc: its not ssh server just a web proxy20:01
ubuntistashalitech do i need a cd for this one20:02
jedcrd1381: oh, i have no idea then20:02
Halitechbruce927, I could be wrong though20:02
ubuntistashow much does it cost to a windows cp cd?20:02
rd1381thanks anyway20:02
ubuntistashow much does it cost to a windows xp cd?20:02
bruce927I need it for my s20:02
Halitechubuntistas, don't think so, other then the windows cd20:02
bruce927acer aspire one, ubuntistas20:03
PyropheliaI need to build a large raid (10-15TB) and I was hoping to use cheap sata drives instead of scsi.  Can anybody recomend a site that lists supported sata raid cards?20:03
libtechbruce927: you could probably write an image of windows xp to your usb drive using an app called ImageWriter20:03
ejvPyrophelia: use mdadm20:03
libtechbruce927: the package is called usb-imagewriter. also the image has to be a .img file20:04
laeeqashahidhello.. im new to linux, have installed ubuntu on hp mini 2133.. facing few problems.. majorly the mic is not working.. plz plz plz help me to sort dis out.. as its must for my netbook.. regards20:04
ubuntistasbruce li explain20:04
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:04
Pyropheliaejv, software raid is terrible.20:04
Halitechbruce927, then again ... http://kurtsh.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!DA410C7F7E038D!1665.entry20:05
gbrentAnyone here ever setup Squid Proxy to use multiple IP's?20:05
enthdegreemoin moin moin. gnarrr20:05
ejvPyrophelia: no, it's not. explain why you think that please.20:05
ortsvorsteher!anyone | gbrent20:05
ubottugbrent: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:05
Picigbrent: Have you asked in #squid ?20:05
gbrentyeah, no one responds for 30 min20:05
laeeqashahidhello.. im new to linux, have installed ubuntu on hp mini 2133.. facing few problems.. majorly the mic is not working.. plz plz plz help me to sort dis out.. as its must for my netbook.. regards20:06
Halitech!patience laeeqashahid20:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
Pyropheliaejv, because the cpu manages the raid.  that may be fine for 1 or 2 drives, but when your array is 20+ disks the cpu gets bogged down quick20:06
jgoo___ffshttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-540839.html someone read that, it is pissing me off20:06
Pyropheliaejv, I'd rather have a dedicated raid card.20:06
Halitech!patience | laeeqashahid20:06
ubottulaeeqashahid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:06
ejvPyrophelia: I have a 10T server, raid 6, one hot swap, using mdadm with absolutely no problems, hdparm at over 2gbit.20:06
jedcubuntistas: if you are a student, you can join the acm for $20 and dl it for free, otherwise probably > $8020:07
Pyrophelian/m this is no help.  i'm not using software raid20:08
guntbert!ohmy | jgoo___ffs20:08
ubottujgoo___ffs: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:08
ejvPyrophelia: you said cheap lol, your comments are backed up though with data, might I suggeset a low-end Adaptec card then20:08
critical_threadin ubuntu 904, where is x11 config file stored? /etc ?20:08
ejvPyrophelia: s/are/aren't20:08
sparrthanks ejv20:08
bruce927What if I tried dd to copy the disk image to my drive, then use a tool to make it bootable?20:09
mzzcritical_thread: by default you don't have one. /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell which it uses, if any.20:09
Some_Personhow do i reset ifconfig?20:09
Halitechcritical_thread, /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:09
ejvyou're welcome sparr20:09
libtechbruce927: that should work too20:09
ortsvorsteher!details | Some_Person20:09
ubottuSome_Person: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:09
bruce927What app can I use to make it bootable?20:09
Some_PersonI set an IP address and want it back to DHCP20:09
padi999hey guys!20:10
ortsvorsteherSome_Person: try system -> system settings -> network and enable there dhcp20:10
ejvPyrophelia: http://dpaste.com/80197/20:10
HalitechSome_Person, how did you change it to static?20:10
jedcSome_Person: if you are connected, try sudo dhclient20:10
ejvPyrophelia: the fact of the matter is that years ago, chips sucked, and mdadm was subject to latencies sure, but my performance suggests that mdadm is a viable alternative, and by the way i've got a low-end dual core AMD cpu. and those stats are a server with heavy load, 25+ users atm.20:11
jgoo___ffsguntbert, you want to read how much fail tehre is there? eh, can't be bothered to arrow back and fix my typo20:11
padi999Question: I want to setup a truecrypt encrypted server(partition) and wanted to ask, how I should go with the inbound connections from clients that access that server. FTP? VPN? SSH? Truecrypt mount via network? How to go for multiple users and passwords?20:12
ejvpadi999: LUKS20:12
jgoo___ffsfix it already, it was 2 months ago I had this problem with vnc20:12
marwanhallo, i need help with git, who can help me?20:12
jgoo___ffswhat the hell is up with tightvnc? I just redownloaded it, and it is still the same unsable bug with the keybaord mappings20:12
jgoo___ffswhat the hell is wrong with it20:12
ejvjgoo___ffs: don't use vnc, use freenx20:12
Pici!attitude | jgoo___ffs20:13
ubottujgoo___ffs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:13
jgoo___ffsand who is so anal that they have the floodbots remove ops from themselves? stop spamming the output with op status messages, just leave them at ops20:13
apoleo12Ok, when I have a friend over, using my machine and I have hiom on his own account.. and did fast-switching.... but evidently it frozed. and had to reboot... why is that? anyone had that problem?20:13
Pyropheliaejv, what about physical limitations?  mdadm is limited by the sata that is physically on the mainboard?  I'm planing on starting with around 10 sata disks and with that number wouldn't if just be cheaper to get a dedicated raid/sata card?20:13
jgoo___ffsejv, I am not using nx, because nx sucks if you have more than 10 windows open20:13
__theIdiotBox!attitude| jgoo___ffs20:13
ubottujgoo___ffs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:13
enthdegreeHello! I'm running 9.04 crunchbang. Whenever I run a fullscreen app like Wesnoth, all of my system tray apps mysteriously terminate.20:14
enthdegreeHelp would be appreciated.20:14
Halitechjgoo___ffs, use x over ssh20:14
jgoo___ffs__theIdiotBox, !stopSpammingYourAnalAttitudeAndQuitThePowerTripYouAreOnThereIsNothingWrongWithMyAttitudeChangeTheWayYouRead20:14
Pyropheliaejv, I thought* mdadm is limited to the sata on the mainboard rather20:14
enthdegreeThis channel reads like it's drugged.20:15
jgoo___ffsPici, __theIdiotBox, both of you stop being confrontational20:16
jgoo___ffsHalitech, I don't think that would work for me, thanks though20:16
__theIdiotBox!ohmy | jgoo___ffs20:16
ubottujgoo___ffs: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:16
rd1381is there anybody here that shares their firefox profile between windows and unubut?20:16
Halitechjgoo___ffs, just a suggestion20:16
mzzrd1381: no, but consider using weave to sync data between the two20:16
stefgPyrophelia: you can still use a 'fake raid' controller card to get more sata ports. The problem with hardware raid controllers is that they are a single point of failure. you can get your raid-set working on any machine with any controller if you use mdadm... try this in 5 years when your controller breaks and no compatible replacemant is available20:16
ejvPyrophelia: you can purchase additional sata pci boards, for dirt cheap20:17
ejvstefg is correct20:17
Kelderrd1381: only through the xmarks firefox plugin20:17
__theIdiotBoxKelder: i guess he is expecting something else20:17
PyropheliaI don't like this i'm starting to change my mind20:17
enthdegreerd1381: I used to do that (put it on a seperate partition) but there were too many contradictions between filesystems20:18
ejvPyrophelia: don't buy anything. research research research. :)20:18
NoMS_stefg:  how do you set up a "fake raid" controller card? or at least do you have a site you can reference me to?20:18
mzzrd1381: if everything isn't careful to not use absolute paths it'll fail weirdly.20:18
Mr_hidehey, has anyone else been able to get surround sound working on ubuntu jaunty?20:18
mzzrd1381: from what I've heard firefox itself is pretty ok at that, but extensions may not be.20:18
rd1381Kelder: i used a guide to do it and it works fine , just one problem .every time i switch between systems firefox ,firefox thinks its a new version of firefox installed and checks for updates , how can i disable that?20:18
ejvNoMS_: what he most likely means is an additional pci/pci-E sata card with 4/6/8 ports, so you can mount additional block devices, and manage them with MDADM20:19
enthdegreeeg I had set my cache to be in /dev/shm, which is the ram in ubuntu ( I think?) but of course, it means nothing in a regular windows install20:19
ubuntistasany toefl software for linux?20:19
NoMS_oh ok...  never heard of fake raid :)20:19
enthdegreeWhenever I run a fullscreen app like Wesnoth, all of my system tray apps mysteriously terminate. I'm running Crunchbang 9.04. Any help would be greatly appreciated.20:19
stefgNoMS_: fake raid is a term coined towards these Promise or onboard controllers, which still let the CPU do the math. These are geared towards windows, which does not have something like mdadm, so they fake it with a piece of hardware and a driver20:20
jcapincI have a question about ssh, is there a proper channel anyone can direct those questions to?20:20
variablejcapinc, #openssh maybe ?20:20
ortsvorsteherjust ask jcapinc20:20
ejvPyrophelia: is this a home server you're planning, small office, enterprise?20:21
__theIdiotBoxubuntistas: google it....if you cant let me know20:21
variable+J ?20:21
Pyropheliasmall office20:21
stefgNoMS_: read abot dmraid20:21
NoMS_stefg:  I'll have to look into that.. thnx20:21
apoleo12Ok, when I have a friend over, using my machine and I have hiom on his own account.. and did fast-switching.... but evidently it frozed. and had to reboot... why is that? does anyone had that problem?20:21
Picivariable: join throttling, more mode information here: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml20:21
jgoo___ffsHalitech, first, I think that there would be a problem with the setup - i.e., it wouldn't work20:21
jcapincI want to know how to run a very big process from ssh on a machine such that when the ssh connection is terminated, the process is still running on the machine20:21
Pyropheliawe need a raid server to store video's we've edited20:21
ubuntistasi can't20:21
firecrotchjcapinc: screen20:21
ejvPyrophelia: oh i forgot to mention, that hdparm output, is with heavy layer of disk encryption20:21
Pyropheliawe have everything on 1TB firewires right now so if one fails we're out a lot of video20:22
variablePici, I'm used to +j for that ... maybe its been too long since I admined :|20:22
ejvPyrophelia: and it still performs like a champ :)20:22
__theIdiotBoxubuntistas: wait a min...20:22
variable* not on freenode20:22
ortsvorsteherjcapinc: did you try to nohup? read the man page, may it is your solution20:22
=== tomsku_ is now known as tomsku
ejvPyrophelia: what I would do is purchase a 1U rack, for the host, then a 3 or 4U Norco rack for all the drives20:22
variableI'm attempting to install a ubuntu on a laptop - but the mouse is not moving20:22
ejvPyrophelia: connect the 3U/4U rack as a SAN to the host, so if you ever make a change to the host, the drives are untouched20:23
variableThis is my first time using ubuntu (I'm used to freeBSD) so I'm not sure what to try now20:23
ejvPyrophelia: this also allows room for expandability20:23
Halitechjgoo___ffs, ok, if you say so, I just offered it as a suggestion20:23
Pyropheliabut you don't have anything else running on the server do you?20:23
PyropheliaI remember running a software raid with 2 500GB disks. via northbridge, amd 3500+20:23
Pyropheliait was fine until I did ANYTHING on the server then HD throughput went to shit20:23
ejvPyrophelia: I have some NX sessions going, some sftp, some ssl/tls vsftpd, and a lot of user processes, not cpu intensive jobs atm, no :)20:24
__theIdiotBoxubuntistas: http://lmgtfy.org/?q=toefl+linux20:24
ejvPyrophelia: it's a fileserver so most of the time it's swapping data, that's it's purpose :)20:24
enthdegreeWhenever I run a fullscreen app like Battle for Wesnoth, all of my system tray apps (and perhaps others?) mysteriously terminate. I'm running Crunchbang 9.04. Any help would be greatly appreciated.20:24
heatmzzrwhat is the command to mount a hdd in console?20:25
__theIdiotBox!patience | enthdegree20:25
ubottuenthdegree: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:25
ejvPyrophelia: I'll bigfile from /dev/zero and record the performance for ya, brb20:25
Kelderheatmzzr /mount20:25
jgoo___ffsHow can I fix the asdf abfh vnc ubuntu / gnome issue?20:25
enthdegreeOk, thanks. I just assumed nobody saw it. :P20:25
__theIdiotBoxubuntistas: did you look at that? need more help....20:26
Mr_hidehey, has anyone else been able to get surround sound working on ubuntu jaunty?20:26
jgoo___ffsReproduce: 1) install ubuntu 2) install tightvncserver Expected results: works Problem: doesn't work, asdf is abfh - Since: Apr 200720:26
isiahI am learning how to install software on linux without using programs like synaptic. Just stuff like tar and reading the install instructions. The test program I am working with is Xaos. I want to know what is the typical policy about what directory to install programs like this into.20:26
heatmzzrheatmzzr@heatmzzr-laptop:/media$ mount extra20:27
heatmzzrmount: can't find extra in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab20:27
ubuntistas not yet20:27
__theIdiotBoxisiah: you can define your separate directory to install programs...i use /opt for this purpose20:27
xF|uxI have my ./network/interfaces set to static for eth0, however at random intervals it decides it wants to set the IP to something else.  I have already moved /etc/dhcp3 to a backup folder, but it's still resetting the eth0 device20:27
theatroheatmzzr, what is extra ?20:27
__theIdiotBoxcaonima: plz use english20:27
heatmzzrthe name of the other drive20:27
caonimamy english is poor20:27
heatmzzrim just wanting to mount it from a tty screen20:28
danilacaonima, imagine our chinese :)20:28
nikocaonima: using /msg alis list *ubuntu-* should help you to find appropriate channel20:28
__theIdiotBoxisiah: as you are learning all these stuffs i would recommend using some new directory in your home...to play safe20:28
fluurpwhats the adress from the network " abjects " ??20:28
theatroheatmzzr, mount /dev/sda1   <-- put your device node here, try that20:28
anr78I'm trying to set my uid and gid to what they are in os x, but run into problems as os x has given me gid 20, which ubuntu says "is not unique".20:29
stefg !cn20:29
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:29
theatro!ch | caonima20:29
ubottucaonima: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.20:29
=== AskHL__ is now known as AskHL_
Pyropheliacaonima: !cn20:29
ubuntistasnot workin help20:29
theatroops ch ..20:29
__theIdiotBoxcaonima: use this #ubuntu-cn20:30
isiah__theIdiotBox: Ok thank you. Do you think it will have problems with permission? Could the program if stored there access files in user accounts?20:30
=== cryptide_ is now known as cryptide
caonimaI LOVE UBUNTU20:30
heatmzzrheatmzzr@heatmzzr-laptop:/media$ mount /dev/sdb20:30
heatmzzrmount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab20:30
__theIdiotBoxisiah: permisison might be an issue...so better make a directory and then give it full permission using sudo...that should fix the permission problem20:31
ejvPyrophelia: here's a smaller server, 6 disk array via mdadm: http://dpaste.com/80208/ - writing from /dev/zero pool to a file, byte size 1 megabyte20:31
shortcircuitQuick question: Where do I find the pointer size settings in 9.04?  A google search for Ubuntu pointer size says it would be under "Customize Theme"->Pointer, but there's no slider there.20:31
Halitechjgoo___ffs, have you looked at these instructions? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191564&highlight=vnc4server20:31
theatroheatmzzr, /dev/sdbX  where X is a number20:31
alongenemylinesheatmzzr: you need to give it a dir to mount to20:31
jedcisiah, any program you have could access your user data if you are the one running it20:31
__theIdiotBoxcaonima: we all love ubuntu thats y we're here...20:31
caonimahow to fix tar.gz file?20:31
theatroheatmzzr, fdisk -l /dev/sdb  to find what X you want20:31
jribanr78: in debian/ubuntu uid/gid < 1000 are for system uses.  It's probably easier to change your uid/gid in os x to match your ubuntu one20:32
__theIdiotBoxtar zxvf <tar.gz filena.e> : caonima20:32
prefrontalwhere is the user file that associates a user name with the account name?20:32
isiahjedc: Would it be a good idea to create a separate user account to test it?20:32
jribprefrontal: /etc/passwd ... why?20:32
prefrontalso i can change it20:32
stefgprefrontal: /etc/passwd ... don't you dare touching it ! :-)20:32
bruce927http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ could someone see if the instructions in this page work for them? They keyserver keeps timing out on me20:32
=== [1]Untouchab1e is now known as Untouchab1e
prefrontalhmm, this account isn't listed there but others are. is there another place?20:33
__theIdiotBoxisiah: you can do that....but i think that is being way too much panicky...but yes it would be better option if you want to quite a lot of messy things...20:33
ejvPyrophelia: as you can see, the number of write requests merged per second, that are queued to the device (wrqm/s) is VERY stable across the array20:33
heatmzzrheatmzzr@heatmzzr-laptop:/media$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb20:33
heatmzzrDisk /dev/sdb: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes20:33
heatmzzr255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders20:33
heatmzzrUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes20:33
heatmzzrDisk identifier: 0x5d37980520:33
FloodBot2heatmzzr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:33
heatmzzr   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System20:33
jribprefrontal: use chfn.20:33
pik}bruce927: yes, worked for me yesterday20:33
prefrontaljrib thanks20:33
jribprefrontal: is the account special in some way?  It should be in /etc/passwd ...20:34
ejvPyrophelia: even with heavy cryptographic overhead ;)20:34
isiah_theIdiotBox: Well my goal is to learn how to do it like a sysadmin would. So I want to make sure it could be usable for multiple users20:34
Halitechbruce927, why not sudo ap-get install pidgin from the repo?20:34
prefrontaljrib, i think it is a kerberos name?20:34
jribprefrontal: oh, yeah if it's some sort of network setup then I'm not sure20:35
stefgPyrophelia: how are you going to serve that space to the clients, BTW? nfs?20:35
ejvstefg: I'd imagine most small office setups use windows in some way, so I'd be thinking cifs mounts :)20:35
heatmzzrwhen i click on places it shows the other hdd, when i click on it it asks for a password... what im asking is how to mount that drive without doing that... from terminal or tty screen20:36
anr78jrib: true20:36
stefgejv: yup.... in that case he'll anyway won't have the problem of mdadm degrading the performance ... network will be the bottleneck20:36
CppIsWeirdwhen downloading ubuntu server i see options for 64bit and 32bit versions, but when i click on bittorrent i only see amd64 and i386, does this mean there is only a 64bit version for amd-64?20:37
jedcisiah, i dont know what the preffered directories are for that sort of thing, but i usually but the directory in /usr/local/lib and an executable script in /usr/local/bin20:37
jribCppIsWeird: amd64 is just what the architecture it is called.  You can use it on intel20:37
ejvstefg: yea my statistics are basically to prove the point that even with a cheap cpu, software managed raid, and slow 100mbit network, mdadm is viable.20:37
__theIdiotBoxhi: Bad_Girl20:37
ejvstefg: (and stable) lol20:37
dr3mrodid any one here tried ubuntu 9.04 on lenovo ideapad s1020:37
CppIsWeirdjrib, orly, then how come when i try to install the amd64 version on my xeon server it says i have the wrong architecture.20:38
Alfred_Nonymoushello guys20:38
stefgdr3mro: i have 3 s10e's running as mobile thin clients at my work20:38
__theIdiotBoxhello: Alfred_Nonymous20:38
Alfred_NonymousI have a (I think quite simple) question20:38
bruce927thanks halitech, but the keyserver finally responded20:38
ejvdr3mro: they are typical intel based machines, should work fine using ubuntu 9.0420:38
__theIdiotBoxdon't ask to ask, just ask: Alfred_Nonymous20:39
daryl__CppIsWeird, are you sure you have the 64bit versions?20:39
Alfred_NonymousI have a linux server (ubuntu server edition)20:39
Alfred_Nonymousand I just can't mount my sandisk cruzer micro20:40
isiah_theIdiotBox: Ok reading the Install files it says that make command will place all binary files in home, so I am changing this to /opt20:40
Alfred_NonymousI tried all SDA, SDB, SDC and SDD's20:40
Alfred_Nonymousbut none of them get recognized as FAT20:40
jribCppIsWeird: what processor exactly?20:40
ortsvorsteher!enter | Alfred_Nonymous20:40
ubottuAlfred_Nonymous: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:40
stefgAlfred_Nonymous: read dmesg20:40
__theIdiotBoxdo you have that drive right now: Alfred_Nonymous20:40
Alfred_Nonymous_theIdiotBox: yes20:41
ejvCppIsWeird: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"20:41
ivalladthow do I know if my CPU can run Ubuntu x64?20:41
kkaji` If you have some time, please just click on this link -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139723800  Thanks ;)20:41
HalitechAlfred_Nonymous, did you install hal and udev?20:41
__theIdiotBoxAlfred_Nonymous: plug that and run this command : dmesg|tail  and then put the output @pastebin.ubuntu.com20:41
jribCppIsWeird: here's the blurb from the amd64 version: Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2).20:41
Alfred_NonymousBRB, plugging in my server, I moved it, a few times20:42
Alfred_Nonymousbtw, other usb sticks do work20:42
Alfred_Nonymousalso, why the hell do I keep getting #ubuntu :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel20:42
ejvAlfred_Nonymous: because you're not registered/haven't identified20:43
Alfred_NonymousI am registered and identified20:43
stefg!register | Alfred_Nonymous20:43
ubottuAlfred_Nonymous: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:43
__theIdiotBoxyou have register your nick : Alfred_Nonymous20:43
Alfred_NonymousI did trough nickserv20:43
ejvyou're not20:43
ejvdo it again dude20:43
lstarnesejv: that is not necessary20:44
__theIdiotBoxyeh: Alfred_Nonymous20:44
Alfred_NonymousYou are already logged in as Alfred_Nonymous.20:44
lstarnesAlfred_Nonymous: if you know that you are registered and identified, just ignore the message20:44
kkaji` If you have some time, please just click on this link -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139723800  Thanks ;)20:44
lstarnesAlfred_Nonymous: wait, you aren't fully registered20:44
Alfred_Nonymousfreenode Nickname Registration20:44
Alfred_NonymousReply to all20:44
ejvwhen i whois myself i see: "is identified to services"20:44
FloodBot2Alfred_Nonymous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
lstarnesAlfred_Nonymous: please check your email for the verification code20:44
ejvi don't see "is identified to services" with his username20:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:44
GPLwhich firewall does ubuntu uses, and how can i get access to it ?20:44
lstarnesejv: his nick hasn't been verified20:45
lstarnesGPL: iptables or ufw20:45
ejvlstarnes: well there ya go20:45
lstarnesGPL: both may be accessed through the terminal20:45
GPLlstarnes: thanks20:45
Alfred_NonymousThank you for registering your nickname on the freenode IRC network!20:45
Alfred_NonymousThank you for your interest in the freenode IRC network.20:45
Alfred_NonymousThis email was sent due to a command from Alfred_Nonymous[n=damasta@ip5653e475.direct-adsl.nl]20:45
ejvany way to ignore FloodBot(N)20:45
Alfred_Nonymousat Thu, 13 Aug 2009 19:39:02 +0000.20:45
PiciAlfred_Nonymous: stop20:45
Alfred_NonymousIf this message is spam, please contact support@freenode.net20:45
lstarnesAlfred_Nonymous: do not paste the email!20:45
Alfred_Nonymouswith a full copy.20:45
lstarnesAlfred_Nonymous: just do the "/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Alfred_Nonymous random-string" part20:46
PiciAlfred_Nonymous: This is not a regitration support channel, please ask in #freenode if you are having issues registering20:46
satya2881988 how can i automatically mount all the drives in my computer on system startup20:46
__theIdiotBoxwhy so much banning/unbanning going on?20:47
__theIdiotBoxsatya2881988: use fstab20:47
variableI'm attempting to install a ubuntu on a laptop - but the mouse is not moving. This is my first time using ubuntu (I'm used to freeBSD) so I'm not sure what to try now;20:47
ejvbetter yet, any way to ignore FloodBot(N) or ignore channel mode/ban adjustments via irssi? :)20:47
variablegoogle fails to provide useful information20:47
dwncan I mount my usb drive for ubuntu live rootfs to free more ram? if yes how20:47
__theIdiotBoxyes: dwn20:47
variableejv, I don't rememember the command right now but I know its possible to ignore channel info - man irssi20:47
SealedWithAKissWhen I attempt to manually restart Tor via the terminal using the command /etc/init.d/tor restart I am asked for my SU password. I enter what I believe to be my SU password, although I can't be 100% sure, and it's saying that it's incorrect. When I run sudo things are fine. How come?20:48
lstarnesvariable: not entirely20:48
lstarnesejv: see /help ignore20:48
joaopintovariable, can you use the keys is just really the mouse which does not move  ?20:48
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: sudo and su are not the same20:48
dwn__theIdiotBox: I'm guessing it's an option when you boot the session from cd?20:48
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: use sudo -i instead of su20:48
variablejoaopinto, I can't test the keys as the pointer isn't on anything clickable20:48
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: or sudo -i -u user instead of su user20:48
__theIdiotBoxi guess so: dwn20:48
unopSealedWithAKiss, su prompts for root's password, sudo for yours20:48
joaopintovariable, try: CTRL-ALT-F1 to swithc to a text console20:48
dwn__theIdiotBox: I've tried googling but could find it, any idea how it's done? any link would help20:48
variablehang on20:48
SealedWithAKisslstarnes, they give you them same rights on the machine though right? Root privs?20:48
joaopintovariable, ALT-F2 should also show a run window20:49
ejvlstarnes: well i think if i can figure out channel mode ignore, i have no reason to ignore flood bot, even with floodbot ignored, it'll still show me mode/ban changes lol20:49
Alfred_Nonymoususing DMESG I only get wlan020:49
__theIdiotBoxokey...wait a min: dwn20:49
satya2881988# /etc/fstab: static file system information.20:49
satya2881988# Use 'vol_id --uuid' to print the universally unique identifier for a20:49
satya2881988# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices20:49
satya2881988# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).20:49
joaopintovariable, CTRL-ALT-F6 to get back to the graphical window20:49
satya2881988# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>20:49
satya2881988proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       020:49
satya2881988# / was on /dev/sda8 during installation20:49
satya2881988UUID=7239d6bb-806b-4ae2-9a8d-a3fff5f76bf1 /               ext4    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       120:49
SealedWithAKisslstarnes, why does Tor need the root password to restart?20:49
satya2881988# swap was on /dev/sda4 during installation20:49
satya2881988UUID=a0308092-a4dd-4e9a-b56d-88392f830951 none            swap    sw              0       020:49
satya2881988# swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation20:49
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: I think so20:49
__theIdiotBoxsatya2881988: plz use pastebin instead of spamming here20:49
dwnsatya2881988: use pastebin20:49
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: tor requires root access for certain operations20:49
Alfred_Nonymousoh, whoops20:49
ejvwhat is with the pasting here today, holy crap20:49
variablejoaopinto, ttyv1 --> "Please wait.. Loading"; ttyv2 --> terminal20:49
Alfred_NonymousI just found the problem20:49
variableshould I restart moused ?20:49
ejv!irc-etiquette | EVERYONE20:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irc-etiquette20:50
__theIdiotBoxejv: seems a lot of new guys unaware of pastebin are hanging around, :-)20:50
SealedWithAKisslstarnes, it can get that by taking the password for my account. Gives the same rights. I don't know...I'll try su -i20:50
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: sudo -i, not su -i20:50
__theIdiotBoxwhat is the problem: Alfred_Nonymous20:50
ejvgood think im not in charge, i'd gline everyone, no mercy20:50
variablejoaopinto, what debug info do you need ?20:50
Alfred_Nonymousthe problem is the stick emulates a cd drive20:51
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: sudo and su are two entirely different systems. The only similarity is that they run things as other users20:51
Alfred_Nonymousdisabling that from windows solves that problem20:51
stefgvariable: there is no moused... what hardware are we dealing with here? are you using X or console?20:51
dwn__theIdiotBox: any keywords that I could google? I tired things like "mounting root fs" or "usb as root fs ubuntu live" but haven't found anything20:51
satya2881988how can i change fstab so that my comp drives autometically mount on startup20:51
__theIdiotBoxcool: Alfred_Nonymous20:51
Alfred_Nonymousand now I can just mount it using sdb120:51
joaopintovariable, is it a usb mouse ?20:51
dwn__theIdiotBox: any info would help, I'm guessing you done it before ;p20:51
variablejoaopinto, stefg, attemping to install ubuntu on a laptop20:51
variablethe installer uses X20:52
__theIdiotBoxdid it long way back: dwn20:52
joaopintovariable, you can use the alternate cd and install using text20:52
SealedWithAKisslstarnes, I can't use sudo -i it's saying /etc/init.d/tor not found now. When I just run '/etc/init.d/tor restart' the terminal skips and newline and reads: Password:20:52
dwn__theIdiotBox: ok well at least I know it's possible20:52
variablejoaopinto, anything I could do to fix the mouse ?20:52
lstarnesSealedWithAKiss: remove the -i20:52
joaopintovariable, you could try to figure why is it not detected20:52
Alfred_NonymousI have one other problem on my laptop, but I think that's a hardware problem20:52
variablejoaopinto, I'd like to go that route - but I'm not sure where to start on ubuntu20:53
stefgvariable: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig could help20:53
joaopintovariable, is it an usb mouse ?20:53
variablejoaopinto, its a touchpad20:53
joaopintooh, no idea what it's expected to be identified :\20:53
Cpudan80OK guys20:54
Cpudan80I oops20:54
Cpudan80wrong channel20:54
__theIdiotBoxyes even i'm googling and trying to recollect : dwn20:54
joaopintovariable, you did some research on google for your laptop mobile and linux right ?20:54
variablejoaopinto, yep20:54
joaopintosince your problem is hw specific :\20:54
__theIdiotBoxokey: Cpudan8020:54
joaopintovariable, what is your laptop model ?20:54
Freeman_hi guys20:54
__theIdiotBoxhello: Freeman_20:54
genesimmonsanyone know how to setup snmp client on ubuntu 9.04 for monitoring with cacti20:55
variablejoaopinto, lenovo G53020:55
MindSparkhi, I did a very stupid mistake which is removing the python2.6 file from /usr/bin/.Now most apps won't work. Can anyone help me on how to get it back ?20:55
satya2881988how can i change fstab so that my comp drives autometically mount on startup20:55
ejvMindSpark: try reinstalling?20:55
Freeman_I have a problem I want to run a Steam update over ssh with my laptop but everytime when I quit with putty the job on steam also stops20:55
MOUDHey all20:55
ceil420man fstab20:55
Freeman_what I could do against that problem20:56
ceil420man mount20:56
MindSparkejv, how do I do that from commandline ?20:56
ceil420man pages in general are a great help20:56
ejvMindSpark: try reinstalling python*20:56
stefgvariable: for a function test you can run sudo cat /dev/input/mice , move the finger over the touchpad an see, if you get some console output20:56
variablelet me do that now - hang on20:56
ejvMindSpark: sudo aptitude remove python && aptitude install python20:56
ortsvorsteherFreeman_: did you try start your process with nohup in front? man nohup20:56
__theIdiotBoxFreeman_: make it run in the background...just append a & and nohup...thats it20:57
variablestefg, no output on mice move or mouse-click20:57
Freeman_no thats the problem it does not work20:57
Freeman_steam stops :-(20:57
__theIdiotBoxLuisito: #ubuntu-en20:57
__theIdiotBoxuse nohup < command to run steam> & : Freeman_20:58
Freeman_I have tried it when I go on logout or exit in putty the steam program on my linux server stops20:58
Freeman_nohup ./steam &20:58
Freeman_like this?20:58
__theIdiotBoxusing nohup assures it;ll keep running even if you logout from the sys: Freeman_20:58
Freeman_ok I try again20:58
__theIdiotBoxyes that is enough: Freeman_20:58
stefgvariable: alright... so touchpad isn't sending data. are hardware issues ruled out (usually micer and touchpads just work, at least partially)20:59
MOUDhow can I make compiz to show on my Applications list?20:59
jgoo___ffsis a vnc connection resumable? i..e if I shutdown my laptop now, can I reconnect to this display (and stop using overloaded words, ffs)20:59
variablestefg, this is a new computer; the mice worked on the initial windows boot20:59
stefgvariable: what computer is that?20:59
__theIdiotBoxinstall compiz-config-manager: MOUD20:59
variableSteffy, lenovo G53021:00
MOUD__theIdiotBox: thanks21:00
Freeman_no it does not work :-(21:00
__theIdiotBoxMOUD: u're welcome21:00
Freeman_that is weird21:00
__theIdiotBoxit shud: Freeman_21:00
Freeman_shit damn do not understand that21:00
VCoolioMOUD: compizconfig-settings-manager that is21:01
__theIdiotBoxwhat is the message you're getting: Freeman_21:01
ortsvorsteher!language | freeman_21:01
ubottufreeman_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:01
__theIdiotBoxVCoolio: yeh thats right...thatst eh one i was talking about21:01
xlqIs there *somewhere* I can get libasound_module_pcm_jack.so? The Ubuntu package maintainers kindly neglected it.21:01
stefgvariable: that should just work... but i'm reading that there's a sensor switch to turn the touchpad off on that machine21:01
__theIdiotBoxxlq: check/google in ubuntu package listing21:02
stefgvariable: it'S probybly just switched off (or some acpi/firmaware setting disabled it)21:02
dbuggerHello guys! Im thinking of starting a new app project and I was wondering, what is the slickest (free) GUI toolkit out there? I wish I could use WPF... :(21:02
xlq__theIdiotBox: there's nothing in the main Ubuntu packages :(21:02
variablestefg, I see it: the icon looks like a broadcast icon. I thought that was for the built-in wireless card :|21:02
variabledbugger, allegro and FLTK are really easy to use21:03
variablebut it depends on what kind of project21:03
scootlesCan someone here help me? I'm trying to crack a WEP encryption and I have a question21:03
dbuggervariable, thanks, but im not going for "easy" rather than good looking21:03
=== Cuddles is now known as YDdraigGoch
dbuggerI want to make an IRC client21:03
__theIdiotBoxxlq: googling dint help either?21:03
treadnewbie question: is there a way for me a see a list of all devices connected to my computer,  not just mounted ones?21:03
spOisw there any other keyserver besides keyserver.ubuntu.com?21:03
variablescootles, don't ask to ask; just ask21:04
variabledbugger, FLTK; QT; GTK21:04
xlq__theIdiotBox: indeed21:04
variablethere might be others21:04
__theIdiotBoxrun lshw: tread21:04
FloodBot1variable: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
dbuggervariable, which would you say looks better?21:04
__theIdiotBoxokey, let me google it : xlq21:04
variabledbugger, they are all themeable - although I'd say don't use FLTK if you want supreme customizability21:04
scootlesvariable, I'm new to cracking wep encryption, and I'm finding that some WiFi cards just can't do it and I'm trying to find out if mine(Realtek RTL8192E) can do it.21:05
spOis there another keyserver besides keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:05
xlqspO: there are loads21:05
dbuggerI guess in the end with linux it all comes down to Qt or GTK21:05
isiahit worked! Haha victory is mine!21:05
xlqdbugger: and wx, tk and various others...21:06
__theIdiotBoxwhat worked? isiah21:06
tread__theIdiotBox, well that will show me that I have a USB port, but i'm trying to figure out why my USB drive isn't being recognized (I plug it in, nothing happens.. not sure if or how it's formatted, but i don't want to lose data without knowing what's on it)21:06
xlqdbugger: and fltk21:06
variabledbugger, well allegro is cross-platform - but its for game programming21:06
dbuggerxlq, but what im asking is (and I know this goes for opinions) which one looks better21:06
variabledbugger, and there are others - I only mention the ones I used21:06
xlqdbugger: both Qt and GTK+ are completely themeable21:06
variabledbugger, google them; look at screen shots; choose for yourself21:07
__theIdiotBoxtread: put to pastebin > dmesg|tail21:07
isiah_theIdiotBox: the program. I am a little confused about why it installed some stuff in my /usr/local/bin21:07
xlqdbugger: are you writing GUI apps?21:07
dbuggerxlq, yeahp21:07
xlqdbugger: looks really isn't a concern.21:07
dbuggerI've been programming recently with windows forms and I hate it so much now21:07
spOdo any of you know any other keyserver besides keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:07
scootlesI'm new to cracking wep encryption, and I'm finding that some WiFi cards just can't do it and I'm trying to find out if mine(Realtek RTL8192E) can do it.21:07
xlqdbugger: GTK+ is written in C, Qt is C++. They have quite different paradigms. GTK+ has C++ bindings (called gtkmm) which are more C++-ish than Qt is.21:08
__theIdiotBoxxlq: googling says that file was missingin hardy as well...let me google a bit more21:08
scootlesI'm new to cracking wep encryption, and I'm finding that some WiFi cards just can't do it and I'm trying to find out if mine(Realtek RTL8192E) can do it. Can anyone help me?21:08
kekekeis there any way to get the default list of repositories for ubuntu 9.04 jaunty?21:08
xlqdbugger: it's much more important to like the API than to worry about how they might look.21:08
Some_PersonI have 2 ubuntu machines and an ethernet cable. How can I get files from one to the other?21:08
dbuggerI have to disagree. I think the main problem of linux is that it's too ugly. That's why we dont get more users.21:08
__theIdiotBoxSome_Person: cross connecting through cross-cabling21:08
dbuggerAnyway, I was planing of writing it either in Mono or Phyton21:08
xlqSome_Person: You need a special ethernet cable called a crossover cable, unless one of your computers' ethernet ports has auto-crossover.21:08
Some_Personxlq: Well I don't have that21:09
tread__theIdiotBox, http://pastebin.com/d26373eb521:09
stefgSome_Person: so you have smart NIC's that dont need a crossover cable i suppose?21:09
Some_Personstefg: Nope21:09
__theIdiotBoxtread: okey let me see that..wait a min21:09
xlqSome_Person: you might, they're getting more and more common21:09
Some_PersonI have a cheap laptop form last year and an old desktop from 200221:09
TalhaI'm a little confused that "/set irc_hide_version on" doesn't work on "xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu".21:09
ortsvorsteher!hello | lexo_great21:09
ubottulexo_great: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:09
TalhaAny thoughts?21:10
VCooliokekeke: open /etc/apt/sources.list and skip what you added yourself (that will be the lower part)21:10
stefgSome_Person: so first of all you'll have to check if the leds go on on the nic if you plu gin the cable.... if not you have no physical connection21:10
variablestefg, turning it on and rebooting fails to fix it21:10
Some_Personstefg: The laptop has no lights21:10
kekekeVCoolio i didn't add anything, when i got this machine it had a custom repos list :(21:10
stefgvariable: checked bios?21:10
dbuggerxlq, what does Google Chromium use?21:10
__theIdiotBoxtread: did you ran the command right after plugging the usb stick?21:10
__theIdiotBoxlexo_great: hi21:11
firecrotchSome_Person: just plug the cable into both computers, and do tail /var/log/dmesg21:11
xlqdbugger: no clue21:11
tread__theIdiotBox, yes, I even unplugged it and plugged it back in just to get a fresh tail to paste for you.21:11
stefgSome_Person: do the boxes have some IP set already ?21:11
variablestefg, no option to disable21:11
spOwhat alternative keyserver do you guys use instead of keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:11
Some_Personstefg: The laptop is connected to the internet via wifi.21:11
Some_Personstefg: Desktop has no connection21:12
__theIdiotBoxokey, but i dont see anything that mentions the stick: tread21:12
Some_Personstefg: I have not set up anything in regards to ethernet21:12
satya2881988anyone there?21:12
ortsvorsteher!anyone | satya288198821:12
ubottusatya2881988: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:12
xlq__theIdiotBox: I'll try compiling from source21:12
stefgSome_Person: so run ifconfig on both machines and see what (if any) IP they got21:12
tread__theIdiotBox, it's a Logitech.. the last lilne of the tail I gave you says "Logitech USB Receiver"21:12
__theIdiotBoxxlq: may be you need to pull it off from some rpm?21:12
* variable tries with an external mouse21:13
xlqstefg: surely that won't work, unless one of them is magically running a dhcp server..21:13
__theIdiotBoxtread: okey ....lemme c that21:13
Some_Personstefg: neither has an IP on ethernet21:13
xlq__theIdiotBox: an rpm? In Ubuntu?!21:13
stefgxlq: i know... :-)21:13
__theIdiotBoxxlq: use alien to convert that to .deb and then use it directly or pull off whatever file you want21:13
xlq__theIdiotBox: err, no way21:14
satya2881988 how can i change fstab so that my comp drives autometically mount on startup21:14
xlq__theIdiotBox: this is an ALSA module we're talking about, not some script.21:14
variablethanks all21:14
Guest68457ahola busco amigos21:14
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as HighCharity
__theIdiotBoxsome .so is missing , right?: xlq21:14
xlq__theIdiotBox: yeah21:14
xlqI'm going to try compiling from source.21:14
tread__theIdiotBox, there's nothing but what I already showed you.  but it does say "Logitech USB Receiver" on the pastebin I already showed you.21:14
xlq__theIdiotBox: well, thanks for helping so far anyway21:15
kekekeis there any way to get the default list of repositories for ubuntu 9.04 jaunty?21:15
VCooliokekeke: by default only two repos are enabled: jaunty main and jaunty-updates main; the universe, multiverse, backports need to be enabled by the user but are already in sources.list but commented out; there are also repos with 'security' in it, about them I don't know21:15
FloodBot1kekeke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
__theIdiotBoxu're welcome: xlq21:15
xlq__theIdiotBox: well, I'll be honest here, I actually tried nicking Debian's version :D21:15
xlq__theIdiotBox: it half worked, but then got stuck.21:15
satya2881988 how can i change fstab so that my disk drives automatically mount on start up21:15
stefgSome_Person: sou you have to assign an IP on the same subnet to both machines ... try for one, and for the other21:16
__theIdiotBoxohh no : xlq21:16
kekekeok VCoolio thanks21:16
satya2881988plz help me how can i change fstab so that my disk drives automatically mount on start up21:16
__theIdiotBoxthen better put it on launchpad: xlq21:16
Some_Personstefg: How do I do that? The laptop is running Jaunty, and the desktop is running the one with the duck as the default wallpaper21:16
xlqSome_Person: with the Ethernet cable between the two computers, does "ifconfig" show "NO CARRIER"?21:17
VCooliosatya2881988: "/dev/something /media/mountpoint <type, eg ntfs-3g> defaults,user 0 0"21:17
__theIdiotBoxwww.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html : satya288198821:17
Some_Personxlq: No21:17
willhow do i install Dust-extras-0.3.tar.gz and Dust-0.3.tar.gz21:17
kingmanoris there a command line battery meter for laptops?21:17
xlqSome_Person: that's good21:17
__theIdiotBoxwhat do you need that? kingmanor21:17
xlqSome_Person: now, you can assign IP addresses to the interfaces, and then set up some routes21:17
Some_Personxlq: How?21:17
xlqSome_Person: yeah, that's the problem though :P21:17
kingmanori have ubuntu server running on an old laptop21:17
__theIdiotBoxokey guys...m moving out....c ya21:18
Some_Personxlq: The laptop is running Jaunty, and the desktop is running the one with the duck as the default wallpaper21:18
VCooliowill: those are themes? drag and drop in the appearance window21:18
xlqSome_Person: it's a heron, and it's Hardy.21:18
steviemanIs there a easy to follow guide on how to format a drive using xfs? Google isn't returning anything useful21:18
teimucan anyone recommend a terminal irc client? i'd like it to be like bitchx if at all possible (which doesn't seem to work anymore).21:18
stefgSome_Person: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager0.7#Adding%20Wired%20connections21:18
kingmanornvm i found it21:18
xlqteimu: irssi seems popular these days21:18
DungeI started two compilation at once (one in gterm, another in anjuta). Gnome and all inputs completly froze, I can't select a window, the time clock froze, I can't press ctrl+alt+x to change tty... but HD is flashing fast and seems working... any way I can pause something so I get some response?21:18
steviemanI've tried mkfs -t vfs /dev/sdb but I get some message about using -f option, which doesn't seem to do anything21:19
teimuxlq, thanks for the tip. ill check that out21:19
Some_Personxlq: No it's not hardy21:19
xlqSome_Person: oh, well, whatever. It doesn't matter.21:19
steviemanwhoops that should be xfs not vfs21:19
geirhastevieman: mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb21:20
xlqSome_Person: are either of these computers connected to the Internet?21:20
stefgSome_Person: after you gave your ubuntu box a fixed IP you can then try to ping it from the other box... if that fails, your cable does't work21:20
willVCoolio, i get the message can not move direvtory over directory when i do that21:20
Some_Personxlq: The laptop is, via wifi21:20
xlqSome_Person: I see.21:20
CountDownI'm looking for a free font that supports real small caps on Ubuntu.  Any suggestions?21:20
VCooliowill: then there is already a folder Dust, which makes sense, Dust is default, check /usr/share/themes21:20
_Adam__Hello, any tips for running ubuntu from a USB pen drive?21:20
xlqSome_Person: I'd probably do something like: "ip addr add dev eth0" on the laptop, and "ip addr add dev eth0" on the desktop.21:20
VCooliowill: extract the tars you have and copy the contents to there21:21
xlqSome_Person: then I'd set up a route, I think that's something like "route add dev eth0" on the laptop21:21
CountDownAlso, anyone know how Ubuntu works on the new Dell Adamo?21:21
Some_Personxlq: Will this conflict with my existing network connection on the laptop?21:21
xlqand "route add dev eth0" on the desktop21:21
steviemangeirha: well look at that, apparently I somehow got it to work cause mkfs.xfs is telling me the drive is already formatted with xfs, huh, weird21:21
VCooliowill: if necessary that is21:21
xlqSome_Person: if I've got it right, it won't, but I could have got it wrong ;)21:21
KittyBootsI am running ubuntu 9.04, when I make flash video full screen it hesitates, how to I fix this?21:21
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:21
xlqSome_Person: if the worst comes to the worst, you can reboot.21:21
steviemangeirha: Thanks anyways ;)21:21
Some_Personxlq: ok, i'll try it21:21
xlqKittyBoots: you can't21:22
Some_Personi should run these with sudo, right?21:22
xlqKittyBoots: alternatively you can use youtube-dl or flashgot to download the video and play it with a proper media player, for example mplayer21:22
xlqSome_Person: yes21:22
_Adam__Hello, any tips for running ubuntu from a USB pen drive, but /home is on HDD21:22
VCoolioKittyBoots: "it hesitates" <-- what do you mean? it plays badly or not at all?21:23
KittyBootsVCoolio: it plays but very terrible21:23
willwhen i extract dust am d drag and drop i get the same error message21:24
buchxlq: sad but true. but id dont get it - Mac OS can handle it but why cant linux with firefox?21:24
xlqbuch: is it the same version of libflashplayer? I don't know. Adobe's fault.21:24
buchWell i do know the adobe is slacking with their updates21:24
Some_Personxlq: on the last command, desktop says "add: Unknown host"21:24
xlqSome_Person: sorry, what command was that?21:24
anr78Berzerker: do you have a line in your /etc/fstab for mounting your osx partition?21:24
Some_Personoh nvm typed it wrong21:24
VCoolioKittyBoots: ok then I quit, I'm no flash guru and besides I hate it; installing the adobe flash plugin from their site may help according to several in this room21:25
Some_Personxlq: Ok, now what?21:25
hmm1233hi. how can I make a partition mountpoint /boot?21:25
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, type "ping"21:25
stefgKittyBoots: what does lspci | grep VGA tell you ?21:25
Some_Personxlq: It's working21:25
trainerHi I am getting no sound on my Dell Vostro A90 with Ubuntu NBR 9.04, I followed the fix detailed here with no success: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36862921:25
detrate-anyone in there running an nvidia card that supports opengl 3?21:25
xlqSome_Person: yay!21:26
stefg!intelhda | trainer21:26
ubottutrainer: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:26
willi just now fixed my flash problem all i had to do was install restricted extras package21:26
insanitybinHello, I have a problem where the sound only comes out of my speakers and never out of my headset. In gnome-volume-control, I have my headset selected. In alsamixer, it also has my headset selected. I don't know how to fix this.21:26
ninjaslimi have a pc running Ubuntu and a MacBook Pro, i have both connected to each other via ethernet cable as i want Ubuntu to use the Mac's internet connection, i have it setup on the Mac side, but can't get configuration right on the Ubuntu side, it connects and then disconnects intermittently21:26
netsurf3hi can anyone help me, on resume from suspend the shutdown dialog strobes until i kill hal-input21:26
Some_Personxlq: Now how do I use that to send files from the desktop to the laptop?21:26
bdelin881i would like to save the ls information of a directory a file (print to file), what is the command for that again?21:26
bdelin881^[SIMPLE Question]21:26
xlqSome_Person: now, you have a network connection between the two computers. So, you can transfer files however you would normally.21:26
xlqSome_Person: the simplest way I find is to run a small HTTP server (like thttpd)21:26
KittyBootsstefg: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:26
VCooliobdelin881: >21:26
_Adam__Hello, any tips for running ubuntu from a USB pen drive, but /home is on HDD? nope?21:26
xlqSome_Person: or alternatively you could use samba.21:27
xlqSome_Person: or, for one file at a time, you could use netcat!21:27
mylogicanyone else notice that empathy's spellcheck is horrible?21:27
VCooliobdelin881: ls /blah > /path/file21:27
bdelin881VCoolio: i don't think it all came through what you were typing21:27
stefgKittyBoots: i see, you're suffering from bad intel video performance in jaunty ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058221:27
xlqSome_Person: it's also not too difficult to now connect the desktop to the Internet through the laptop.21:27
Some_Personxlq: Which is easiest/fastest?21:27
bdelin881VCoolio: oh there it is, thanks man21:27
dutchiehttp://pastebin.com/f538abf1 is this likely to be a hardware failure? (dmesg | tail)21:28
xlqSome_Person: can you describe in more detail what you want to do? Then I can recommend a way.21:28
ninjaslimi have a pc running Ubuntu and a MacBook Pro, i have both connected to each other via ethernet cable as i want Ubuntu to use the Mac's internet connection, i have it setup on the Mac side, but can't get configuration right on the Ubuntu side, it connects and then disconnects intermittently21:28
Some_Personxlq: I need to send files from somebody elses computer that I'm about to format to my laptop so I can restore the files after reinstalling Windows21:28
netsurf3_Adam__, sounds crazy but the ubuntu netbook remix will probably increase the length of the usb disk. just set it to use normal desktop mode. you may want lxde though since usb drives tend to be dog slow! it should be as simple as editing the /etc/fstab and saying where the home partition is though21:28
xlqninjaslim: LOL21:28
xlqninjaslim: I'm helping Some_Person with quite a similar thing :)21:28
VCooliobdelin881: > creates new content in file; >> add at the end of the contents so doesn't overwrite21:28
spOi am using x64 bit ubuntu, but my system reports only 3.6-3.7 gb of ram , but i have 4gb of ram installed!21:29
yaaardoes the ubuntu samba package have ldap support?21:29
spOhow come i lost ram?21:29
Some_Personxlq: Normally I would use a flash drive, but the USB connector broke off of mine today21:29
netsurf3sp0 do you have an intergrated graphics card?21:29
yaaarspO; is it ECC ram?21:29
_Adam__cheers netsurf3, and that has all the repos? I would like to run apache and webmin21:29
ninjaslimxlq: oh21:29
ejvonboard vga slurping up RAM?21:29
xlqSome_Person: will you need to preserve the permissions and users of the files?21:29
Some_Personxlq: No.21:29
ihrThank you to whoever suggested UCK21:30
xlqSome_Person: I'd just use rsync21:30
insanitybinHello, I have a problem where the sound only comes out of my speakers and never out of my headset. In gnome-volume-control, I have my headset selected. In alsamixer, it also has my headset selected. I don't know how to fix this.21:30
xlqor scp21:30
Some_Personxlq: They're just files from the owner's My Documents folder21:30
netsurf3_Adam__, it is compatible with them all so you could always add them if they are missing. just bare in mind that that usb drive may not last long with those sorts of things running!21:30
stefg!sound | insanitybin21:30
ubottuinsanitybin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:30
Some_Personxlq: Can you tell me exactly what to do?21:30
xlqSome_Person: have you got ssh installed on the laptop?21:30
Some_Personxlq: Not to my knowledge21:30
ninjaslimxlq: in my cases the machines are able to communicate, but i can never get on the internet from the ubuntu machine as i should be able to21:30
insanitybinok ty ubottu21:30
ihrI don't understand why making custom install CDs it this easy but great job21:31
netsurf3sp0 did you get my message21:31
_Adam__netsurf3, i mounted /tmp as tmpfs, would disabling the logging help?21:31
Some_Personxlq: By the way, I just figured out that the one with the duck as the wallpaper is Intrepid21:31
xlqSome_Person: install openssh-server on the laptop21:31
Some_Personxlq: ok21:32
netsurf3_Adam__, how much ram have you got to use on this?21:32
KittyBootsstefg: Ill check this out21:32
mik3ywow, i'm super confused... I've been using talk for months now. All of a sudden I am getting this message. "Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused." Can somebody please help? I'm very frustrated.21:32
netsurf3and is it headless or does it need a gui21:32
ejv_Adam__: mounting tmp in tmpfs, simply means logging to temp is going into system memory21:32
Some_Personxlq: done21:32
ejv_Adam__: it does NOT mean that logging stops21:32
DoomHack2009steam cracké compte21:32
VCoolioSome_Person: that might be an ibex, considering it's "intrepid ibex"...21:32
_Adam__ejv, or i could mount /var/logs as tmpfs21:33
Some_PersonVCoolio: Well, it looks like a duck to me, sort of like a rubber duck toy21:33
ejv_Adam__: you very well could, yes21:33
xlqDoes Ubuntu come with rsync?21:33
xlqNo, I mean, by default21:34
LoneWlfxlq: it comes with 'sudo apt-get install rsync' isn't that the same?21:34
ejvyup, pretty sure21:34
netsurf3_Adam__, the best solution for you it sounds like is to make your usb pendrive then setup the usb stick to become a unionfs where changes made are written to ram instead of the usb disk. it'd be essentially a live disk but there would be your /home to save changes and there must be some way to modify the usb stick for admin reasons21:34
xlqLoneWlf: not without an Internet connection21:34
firecrotchrsync is not installed by default21:34
xlqSome_Person: do you know how to use cp to copy files?21:34
Some_Personxlq: Yes21:34
ejvi don't recall having to install rsync21:34
ejvbut I work pretty fast so...21:34
_Adam__netsurf3, sort of, /var/www would still need to be on the stick and changes saved21:34
Some_Personxlq: I've been an ubuntu user since breezy. i know the basics pretty well21:35
LoneWlfxql: I'm pretty sure that it does come on the CD21:35
LoneWlfxlq: blah21:35
xlqSome_Person: ok. Well, on the desktop, you can copy a file to the laptop like this21:35
_Adam__I'm going for the silent home server box21:35
netsurf3_Adam__, that doesnt make alot of sense you said you had a internal for storing /home21:36
netsurf3its still going to make noise21:36
xlqSome_Person: scp myfile laptopusername@
xlqlaptopusername is the username you use on your laptop.21:36
_Adam__netsurf3, /home is really only for storing music, i hope to spin the drive down21:36
ajwak95Restart X. BRB21:37
Some_Personxlq: Do I run with sudo?21:37
xlqSome_Person: no21:37
mrwesSome_Person, or scp -r if you want a directory21:37
Some_Personxlq: "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused"21:37
_Adam__i hope i dont sound too crazy :D21:38
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop, try this: ssh localhost21:38
netsurf3_Adam__, its just seems like alot of work thats all21:38
enthdegreeare there any significant security advantages by removing yourself from sudoers?21:38
_Adam__I have tried this twice now, and reinstalling 32bit instead of 6421:38
Some_Personxlq: No errors or anything21:39
netsurf3i'd just bang a livecd onto usb and have the usb partitioned so that you can save the /var/www21:39
_Adam__netsurf3, i'm a windows administrator..... i'm used to a lot of messing around21:39
netsurf3_Adam__, i havent had that joy yet get to find it out from the service desk side of things from the 14th of sept :(21:39
_Adam__oh yes, there is no working CD drive... and i cant be bothered to buy one21:39
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, type: route21:40
xlqand show me the result (not in the main channel, obviously)21:40
netsurf3_Adam__, customize a version of slax?21:40
Some_Personxlq: hang on, i'll have to type it out since desktop has no internet21:40
_Adam__netsurf3, i have spent the week trying to get shot of conficker!21:40
netsurf3_Adam__, ahh oh shi-21:40
netsurf3_Adam__, pm?21:41
xlqSome_Person: well, you could set up the Internet on the desktop.21:41
Some_Personxlq: How do I do that?21:41
xlqIt's a bit fiddly.21:41
Paul2in grub4dos (wubi), kernel /ubuntu/disks/boot/vmlinuz-2-whateer root=<what goes here> (usually it would be /dev/hdax, but not here...)21:41
Paul2in grub4dos (wubi), kernel /ubuntu/disks/boot/vmlinuz-2-whateer root=<what goes here> (usually it would be /dev/hdax, but not here...)21:42
Paul2I tried /ubunutu/disks/root.disk, but I get an error when it loads and get dumped to an initfs prompt21:42
michaeljfritzHello all21:42
ubuntujanneHi room21:42
ubuntujannewas up?21:42
urthmoverho la21:42
ubuntujanneim a newbie here21:43
ubuntujannea first timer to use Linux Ubuntu21:43
michaeljfritzalso a newbie here21:43
gwildorheyo ubuntujanne21:43
michaeljfritzI am looking for help getting my wireless working21:43
mrweswelcome ubuntujanne21:43
gwildorand michaeljfritz21:43
gwildori know a jeremy fritz21:43
michaeljfritzno relation sorry :(21:43
xlqSome_Person: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/nat.html21:43
michaeljfritzlong time windows expert finally throwing it all away21:44
Some_Personxlq: Oh god, not iptables. I failed miserably trying to do this about a year ago21:44
xlqSome_Person: heh :\21:44
xlqyeah, I said it was fiddly21:44
ubuntujannewell i cant say im no expert in microsoft windows21:44
michaeljfritzhave a clean install of ubunto21:44
ubuntujannei just get by21:44
michaeljfritzhowever looking to get the wireless working21:44
michaeljfritzI'm on a dell x30021:44
Some_Personxlq: Forget it. I'll type it out21:44
ubuntujannepretty much same goes for my rather scarse skills in Ubuntu21:44
urthmovermichaeljfritz: get to know the commandline and use MAN21:44
urthmovermichaeljfritz: learn vi21:45
ejvwindows and expert should never be used in the same sentence, that's an oxymoron21:45
ubuntujannei got an old Dell XPS M171021:45
michaeljfritzejv lol21:45
urthmovermichaeljfritz: learn irssi21:45
ubuntujannebut i get by21:45
michaeljfritzok would love to learn all these things you are suggesting21:45
Some_Personxlq: Destination: "" Gateway: "*" Genmask: "" Flags: "UH" Metric: "0" Ref: "0" Iface: "eth0"21:45
ubuntujanneim just starhow to use the"Terminal"ting to learn21:45
michaeljfritzbut would first like to get the darn wireless working so I can learn w/out being wired21:45
ubuntujanneand sudo commands21:45
humboltowhat is the correct way to define 2 IP addresses for one NIC?21:46
ejvwindows is closed source, how can you even call yourself an expert having no knowledge of software or operating system internals... lol21:46
ejvthink about it! :p21:46
michaeljfritzok enough windows bashing - we are all converts here21:46
urthmovermichaeljfritz: what make model21:46
michaeljfritzDell X30021:46
michaeljfritzso it should havea broadcom wireless chipset21:47
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
xlqSome_Person: wrong address21:47
ubuntujannepretty much all worked"Out of the Box"21:47
xlqSome_Person: route del
ubuntujannewhen i installed Ubuntǘ21:47
xlqSome_Person: route add dev eth021:47
mrwesmichaeljfritz, have you enable the multi and universe software sources?21:47
Some_Personxlq :On the desktop?21:47
gwildorubuntujanne, yeah, some of us get lucky21:47
xlqSome_Person: yeah21:47
xlqUgh, I hate multitasking21:48
ubuntujannefirst time ad i get gready and installed all i could get my hands onroun21:48
kaddiubuntujanne that's good to hear :)21:48
ubuntujannehands on21:48
michaeljfritzI figured with a 5 year old machine all the drivers would be built into the install21:48
ubuntujannebut that failed21:48
ubuntujannerather misserably21:48
michaeljfritzI see the wireless options21:48
Some_Personxlq: Should I post the output of route again?21:49
michaeljfritzso wondering if the drivers are installed21:49
mrwesmichaeljfritz, System  |  Administration | Software Sources and put a tick mark in multi and restricted sources21:49
meLonHey guys, I just changed my /etc/network/interfaces file, and now whenever I start up it hangs at "Configuring network interfaces".  I've tried starting in safe/debug mode or whatever, but it's still happening.  Is there any way I can get Ubuntu to start without networking so that I can modify the file?21:49
xlqSome_Person: no, try that scp command on the desktop again21:49
ubuntujannei did find a dell Ubuntu reinstall.. not long ago21:49
ejvmichaeljfritz: lspci > pastebin21:49
Some_Personxlq: same error21:49
xlqSome_Person: :(21:49
ubuntujannenot sure what pc it was made for21:49
urthmovermichaeljfritz: run lscpi from the commandline and the output will tell you what wifi adaptor your system identifies I believe21:49
ubuntujannei put it all on a dvd21:49
Some_Personxlq: I'll post the output of route21:49
xlqmeLon: I don't know, but if all else fails, use a livecd.21:49
ejvmeLon: remove neth.ethN from your default run level21:50
ejvmeLon: and then stop your devices21:50
meLonxlq thanks.  Seems if you wait 5 minutes it realizes it's hanging and fixes itself21:50
Some_Personxlq: Destination: "ubuntu.local" Gateway: "*" Genmask: "" Flags: "UH" Metric: "0" Ref:"0"21:50
meLonejv: I wasnt able to get it to boot, but now it's booting21:50
ejvmeLon: ok21:50
Some_Personxlq: Use: "0" Iface: "eth0"21:50
=== Shinobi is now known as Guest77610
xlqwhoops, I forgot the netmask :\21:50
xlqSome_Person: sorry about this :\21:51
michaeljfritzmrwes - ok they were already ticked21:51
Some_Personxlq: It's ok21:51
nickjohnsonWhen I load the 'hardware drivers' panel, it's empty - what do I need to do to populate it so I can install the NVidia binary drivers?21:51
Some_Personxlq: So what now?21:51
michaeljfritzI am running an update since the virgin install21:51
nickjohnsonI'm using Ubuntu 9,0421:51
michaeljfritzperhaps that will fix this?21:51
ubuntujannebut how to install firefox 3.5?21:51
mrwesmichaeljfritz, Ok.. now check System | Admin | Hardware Drivers to see if there are any drivers listed21:51
Berzerkerubuntujanne, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.521:52
mrwesmichaeljfritz, ahh..you're updating now?21:52
ejvpeople are so lazy lol21:52
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, do: ip addr del
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, do: ip addr add
xlqmake that21:52
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, do: ip addr add dev eth021:52
Some_Person"Not enough information: "dev" argument is required21:52
xlqyeah :P21:52
BerzerkerSome_Person, look at his second line21:53
Some_Personthat was for the del command21:53
Some_Personnot the add command21:53
ubuntujannestarted to download through terminal21:54
xlqSome_Person: oh21:54
XerranSay for example I wanted to do this: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras", can I also do it this way: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras"?21:54
gwildorXerran, yes, but i recommend picking apt-get or aptitude, and using only 121:54
xlqAnd now I'm confusing myself21:54
macoXerran: yes21:55
ejvI recommend aptitude, the options are smarter21:55
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop: ip addr del dev eth021:55
Xerrangwildor: i heard aptitude was the better way to do it for everything21:55
macoXerran: aptitude will automatically remove things that were installed as dependencies and no longer needed. apt-get (nowadays) will tell you about them but not remove them21:55
Xerranejv: thx21:55
macoXerran: but aptitude can only do that if you install everything with aptitude21:55
Some_Personhang on, i ran out of RAM space trying to make a zip file of the My Documents folder21:55
gwildorXerran, i prefer apt-get.... its preference... just pick one, or there may be problems later21:55
Guest77610im getting no audio on my headset, it was playing sounds from the live cd21:56
savidIs there a command that can print the pixel-size of an image?21:56
Some_Personits freezing up21:56
urthmovergood lick michaeljfritz21:56
xlqmaco, Xerran: indeed, but you can also mark packages as 'auto' with the M key, so that they are automatically removed when nothing that depends on it remains.21:56
ejvget in the habit of using aptitude21:56
macoxlq: yeah im just talking about whats automatic. the aptitude tui is a little too confusing for me to bother with21:56
Xerranmaco: a learning experience for me but on my next install of the OS i will do everything via aptitude21:56
xlqmaco: really? I find it pretty simple.21:56
Some_Personxlq: Long error21:57
xlqmaco: ahh well, if you don't use aptitude, you might find 'deborphan' useful - it tells you about orphaned packages21:57
macoxlq: well i never really used it til i went to the "select packages to install" thing when installing from a pxe boot21:57
xlqSome_Person: is that an error, or just a warning?21:57
macoxlq: yeah i know. tell  Xerran :P21:57
Some_Personxlq: warning, but it says at the end "Cannot assign requested address"21:57
mjheagle8does anyone know what happens if you mix two speeds of ram?21:57
macoxlq, Xerran though i believe apt-get prompts you about whats unneeded now, so deborphan is no longer needed. if apt-get prompts you, you can then say "apt-get autoremove" and itll do it21:58
xlqmjheagle8: iirc on modern machines it uses the slower speed21:58
Xerranxlq: so basically if you use aptitude you will not have to worry about orphaned apps?21:58
ejvwith apt-get there are tons of additional tools that need memorizing, like apt-listbugs, apt-listchanges, apt-rdepends, etc etc etc., with aptitude, it's much more thought out: aptitude <command>, eg: aptitude install, aptitude remove, aptitude search, aptitude clean; less room for error Xerran21:58
macoXerran: right21:58
xlqXerran: generally, yeah. What annoyed me, though, was that my base Ubuntu install didn't come with any aptitude state, so I had to trawl through all the packages manually, stripping out stuff I didn't need.21:58
macoejv: aptitude cannot do all that apt-* can though. for example, you listed apt-rdepends. aptitude cant do that. nor can it do apt-file, that i am aware21:58
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop: ip addr del dev eth021:59
Xerranxlq: what version of ubuntu?21:59
BerzerkerYay! I received an invitation to test jolicloud!21:59
xlqXerran: jaunty21:59
macoxlq:  think thats because it uses dpkg on them during install21:59
Some_Personxlq: Same warning, but no error at the end21:59
AlvaaHi! I'm new on Ubuntu and I need some help. I have downloaded "Flash player 10 64 Bit for Linux" and this is a *.so file - how can to install *.so files?21:59
xlqmaco: indeed21:59
xlqSome_Person: right.21:59
ejvapt-get has a big probelm with addressing the removal of packages, it does a great job at identifying what dependencies are required , but fails miserably when removing said package, leading inevitably to orphans on the system. the solution is aptitude.21:59
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop, do: ip addr del dev eth022:00
slimnation7im new to using ubuntu and im about to install it on my second computer, do i just pop the disk in and boot like i was installing windows?22:00
Xerranmaco: but for basic installs, upgrades, removals and purges aptitude works good?22:00
macoejv: ...not anymore so much22:00
kingmanorejv: thats why i use aptitude22:00
xlqslimnation7: yep22:00
macoXerran: yes. and it even alphabetizes on search unlike apt-cache, which is nice22:00
Some_Personxlq: Same warning, no error22:00
slimnation7sweet thanks :)22:00
xlqslimnation7: even better, you can actually *use* Ubuntu before you install it!22:00
ejvim just pleading my case for aptitude > apt-get22:00
computer_what do i use to create PDF files?22:00
macoejv: it USED TO be the case that apt-get didnt know about orphaned packages. it does now.22:00
ubuntujannesometimes when i look for new apps...i find alot/plenty on Linux..but seldom on Ubuntu deb22:00
mikebotEvince is giving me problems when trying to print a pdf document, so is there another pdf viewer I can use to print from? Thanks.22:00
xlqcomputer_: completely depends what you want to create them from.22:00
xlqcomputer_: pdflatex, openoffice.org, ps2pdf, etc. etc.22:00
macoejv: it doesnt automatically remove htem in case you want them, but it does know theyre orphaned and inform you of that fact22:01
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: ip addr add dev eth022:01
computer_openoffice can create pdf file? cool22:01
ejvi still see a lot of quirky behavior with apt-get22:01
macomikebot: okular?22:01
xlqcomputer_: yep22:01
ubuntujanneis there any app that can transform other kind of linux into Ubuntu deb?22:01
MOUDAlvaa: you should have downloaded from the repositories instead of downloading the .so file22:01
ejvpurely on the basis of easier memorization, I recommend aptitude22:01
mikebotmaco: Thanks, I'll try that22:01
Some_Personxlq: ok22:01
computer_can openoffice edit pdf files?22:01
xlqubuntujanne: alien, but don't expect it to work flawlessly22:01
VCoolioAlvaa: you don't install .so files as far as I know, you put them in the right spot22:01
xlqcomputer_: nope22:01
macocomputer_: yes22:01
FloodBot1xlq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
bryan_Can someone tell me how to change my name, I have a registered name but I'm using a cli client, irssi22:01
macocomputer_: there is a plugin to edit pdfs in OOo22:01
gwildorubuntujanne, like, use a .rpm on a .deb system?22:01
ejvfinally portage owns dpkg22:01
ejvso suck it!22:02
XerranSo any instructions I see to install a certain package I can do it the aptitude way?22:02
mikebotmaco: Will that work in gnome?22:02
gwildorbryan_,   /nick newnick22:02
xlqcomputer_: PDF files aren't really for editing. There are, however, a few tools to convert PDFs into text, etc. But it's a bit hit-and-miss, because PDFs don't contain enough structural data.22:02
computer_maco, whats it called?22:02
bryan_gwildor: Thank you22:02
xlqFloodBot1: I'm just talking quickly!22:02
Xerranlike .deb etc?22:02
AlvaaVCoolio: Bur i don't know the right spot :(22:02
ubuntujanneXerran yep..deb22:02
gwildorXerran, just run apt-get orphan after you apt-get remove something...22:02
macocomputer_: install openoffice.org-pdfimport i think22:02
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konsumerHowdy folks. Quick Question, Does VMWare WorkStation do the same thing as VirtualBox OSE ?22:02
felix_i want to remove some entryes from access.log of apache2 with cut22:02
macomikebot: yeah you can use kde apps in gnome and vice versa just fine22:02
Xerrangwildor: thx22:02
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: route add dev eth022:03
konsumerI want to install Xp in Ubuntu22:03
xlqoops NONO22:03
mikebotmaco: Wonderful, thank you.22:03
xlqSome_Person: sorry, on the laptop: ip addr add dev eth022:03
macoXerran: if it's a .deb that youre downloading, for that youd use "sudo dpkg -i" on it22:03
ejvmore reasons to try aptitude: better curses apps. better stdout formatting. so on. :)22:03
ubuntujanneinstall xp on ubuntu?22:03
felix_i want to remove some entryes from access.log of apache2 with cut can anyone tell me the command? cut -c access.log does not work22:03
computer_konsumer, google vmware player vs virtualbox22:03
konsumerCant decide whether to install VMWare WS or VirtualBox22:03
meisterlumpikonsumer: vmware prob. does more..22:03
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konsumerOh good22:03
ejvkonsumer: KVM22:03
konsumerkvm eh22:03
Xerrankonsumer: i prefer virtualbox over vmware22:03
konsumernever herd of that one22:03
ejvCanonical is very much behind Ubuntu and KVM, google it bro22:04
ejvtrust me22:04
Xerrankonsumer: vmware is bloated imho22:04
xlqXerran: you can also use gdebi to install .deb files22:04
ubuntujanneor you can get some kits that makes your ubuntu look more like window xp22:04
macoubuntujanne: alien can convert some rpms to debs and vice versa but it is not guaranteed to work22:04
Some_Personxlq: ok22:04
konsumerI dont want the look of xp, i need it for running Maya 200922:04
ubuntujannemaco thanx22:04
computer_i like virtualbox better :)22:04
VCoolioAlvaa:you could try ~/.mozilla/firefox/blah.default/extensions, then restart and see if it shows up in the tools > add-ons > plugins tab22:05
macokonsumer: go with virtualbox. kvm is not human-friendly.22:05
Xerranxlq: thx but i think I will stick with aptitude, I need a challenge :P22:05
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: route add dev eth022:05
konsumerIve tried VirtualBox OSE before, it feels limited22:05
ejvKVM is not the KVM switch ur thinking of, it's kernel based virtualization, using a QEMU hypervisor22:05
VCoolioAlvaa: restart firefox I mean22:05
xlqXerran: no, I meant individual .deb files22:05
ubuntujannemaco where can i get hold of  "alien"?22:05
konsumerbut the only problem is that VMWare WS is not free :/22:05
Xerranxlq: ok22:05
macoubuntujanne: sudo aptitude install alien22:05
Some_Personxlq: "route: netmask 000000ff doesn't make sense with host route22:05
konsumerI'll have to buy it.22:05
xlqSome_Person: oh22:05
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: route add dev eth022:05
macokonsumer: there's a non-OSE version of vbox22:05
konsumerIf it open source ?22:05
konsumerif it*22:06
meLonOkay guys.  I have this wifi radar tool and I opened it up and dc'd from my router.  I'm unable to get my wlan0 iface to come up.  here is some information:  http://pastebin.com/m6e4974822:06
AlvaaVCoolio: okay, i gonna try :)22:06
konsumeris it**22:06
Some_Personxlq: ok22:06
MOUDis there an alternative for openoffice?22:06
macokonsumer: OSE = open source edition22:06
Xerrankonsumer: VirtualBox has far more frequent updates than vmware22:06
konsumerAh i see22:06
xlqMOUD: KOffice, and also some individual light-weight programs like Abiword22:06
macokonsumer: the non-OSE vbox is free for home use22:06
xlqalthough I don't recommend Abiword, it's crashtastic.22:06
konsumerOk, looks like i need to find this VB non ose22:06
Some_Personxlq: Why so many route commands on the laptop?22:06
ubuntujannemaco..ok.im back22:06
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop: route add dev eth022:06
ubuntujannealien..and then?..ive just opened up terminal22:06
macokonsumer: virtualbox.org i think it's "PUE" .. Prsonal Use Edition22:06
meisterlumpiXerran: why do frequent updates make a programm better?22:06
nickjohnsonNo matter what I do, I can't get any drivers to show up in the 'hardware drivers' panel. What am I doing wrong?22:07
konsumermaco, Thanks for the info22:07
xlqSome_Person: I only gave one route command for the laptop22:07
Some_Personxlq: ok22:07
MOUDxlq: but which is better, openoffice or KOffice?22:07
konsumerand thanks to everyone else :)22:07
Some_Personxlq: No22:07
xlqMOUD: opinion22:07
macoubuntujanne: just "alien foo.rpm" in whatever directory the rpm is and with the right name for it22:07
H8sMikeMoorei like openoffice22:07
FreshCureany ideas why kget keeps crashing out ?22:07
gwildorMOUD, open office, it doesnt require qt or klibs22:07
konsumerI'm actually running Xubuntu, but i figure its the same22:07
H8sMikeMoorekget isnt that great yet use synaptic22:07
Xerranmeisterlumpi: when new OS's and technologies come out I guess..not to mention bug fixes22:07
mrwesnickjohnson, do you have the restricted software sources enabled ?22:07
konsumerbut the Xubuntu channel takes some time to reply22:07
konsumerthis channel is quick ;)22:08
macoH8sMikeMoore: what do kget and synaptic have in common?22:08
SkryptI screwed up my /boot/grub/menu.lst. When I selected Ubuntu (instead of XP) at the grub selection, it'd just begin to load and then redirect me to the menu. I then installed the ext2 fs-driver on XP but couldn't even see the partition for Ubuntu. When I go to install Ubuntu now (inside XP) it says it's still installed. How do I recover that partition?22:08
FreshCurethansk H8sMikeMoore22:08
nickjohnsonmrwes: As far as I know, yes. I can see the nvidia-glx-* packages in the package management tool22:08
kaddihello foufou22:08
xlqSome_Person: oh, right, there has been a mistake22:08
VCoolioAlvaa: or try to create a plugins folder and put it in there; or launch firefox like this: LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/plugin.so firefox22:08
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: ip addr add dev eth022:08
macoFreshCure: er H8sMikeMoore doesnt make sense. synaptic isnt a replacement for kget22:08
mrwesnickjohnson, check to be sure -- sys | admin | software sources22:08
Xerranmeisterlumpi: I have a purchased version of vmware and I have VB and I can tell you that VB gets updates quicker22:08
macoH8sMikeMoore: getting confused with kpackagekit?22:09
gwildorkget == wget22:09
H8sMikeMooremaco - yeah22:09
FreshCureYeah I know maco22:09
MOUDthen I'll install openoffice, why should I install qt or Klibs on my ubuntu if I might not use them. :)22:09
nickjohnson"Proprietary devices for drivers (Restricted)" is checked22:09
xlqgwildor: ?!?!22:09
BerzerkerI'm having trouble formatting a flash drive on gparted.22:09
FreshCurehe means seach synaptic for another bt client22:09
FreshCureI asume he does22:09
BerzerkerI get an error when trying to make it FAT3222:09
gwildorMOUD, yes, id only use koffice, if i had kde (kubuntu)22:09
Some_Personxlq: "RTNETLINK answers: File exists"22:09
H8sMikeMooreno i got it confused with another program22:09
mrwesnickjohnson, backports too?22:09
xlqSome_Person: hmm, oh right.22:09
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop: ping
felix_i need to remove all lines matching from access.log. can anyone tell me the piped command? im noob22:10
meisterlumpiXerran: I find vmware to be more stable than vb, many updates could also mean the the programm was very buggy to begin with22:10
nickjohnsonmrwes: I don't see an option labelled backports - where is it?22:10
xlqfelix_: sed -i '/' myfile22:10
Some_Personxlq: no responses22:10
xlqfelix_: that alters myfile22:10
macoFreshCure: ubuntu includes a bt client22:10
macoFreshCure: its called Transmission22:10
felix_sed removes entire lines xlq ??22:10
FreshCureYeah I just noticed :D22:10
xlqfelix_: it can, ys22:10
meisterlumpiXerran: i run vmware server on my debian couple of years, can't complain22:10
macoFreshCure: or if youre on kubuntu, ktorrent22:10
nickjohnsonOh, under 'updates'?22:11
Xerranmeisterlumpi: when it comes to stability you may have a point :P22:11
felix_xlq with that pattern?22:11
firecrotchSome_Person: whats the problem that you're having? if I recall correct, you're trying to transfer files between two computers directly connected with an ethernet cable?22:11
MOUDwhat's a good alternative for Windows Live Messenger for linux that has as many features as possible? (like audio only and webcam)22:11
xlqfelix_: oh wait, uh, . matches any char sorry22:11
Some_Personfirecrotch: That's what I want to do22:11
xlqMOUD: aMSN22:11
gwildorSome_Person, do you have a crossover cable?22:11
emil1111hello, I have two laptops both connected with ethernet, how can I make a file transfer between them?22:11
Some_Persongwildor: no22:11
nickjohnsonI've enabled backports too, still nothing in the hardware drivers list22:11
Xerranmeisterlumpi: beware, I am talking only about the desktop version of said virtualization apps.22:12
meisterlumpiXerran: :-) well the thing is vb is free, vm ware for windows not..22:12
mrwesnickjohnson, under the updates tab22:12
xlqfelix_: sed '/127\.0\.0\.1/d' deletes all lines with in them22:12
SkryptI screwed up my /boot/grub/menu.lst. When I selected Ubuntu (instead of XP) at the grub selection, it'd just begin to load and then redirect me to the menu. I then installed the ext2 fs-driver on XP but couldn't even see the partition for Ubuntu. When I go to install Ubuntu now (inside XP) it says it's still installed. How do I recover that partition?22:12
gwildorMOUD, afaik, the only msn messenger on linux that has webcam is amsn22:12
Some_Personxlq: if it helps, from the laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252767/22:12
MOUDI see22:12
gwildorSome_Person, well you will need one, there are directions online how to make one.... thats why it wont work for you22:12
Xerranmeisterlumpi: I have not experience with DC solutions of them22:12
nickjohnsonmrwes: Right - I ticked backports there, still nothing showing up22:12
firecrotchSome_Person: Both machines have IP addresses on the same subnet?22:13
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AlvaaVCoolio: there is already a plugins folder including an other .so file. i copied my new .so file in there and restarted firefox but nothing happens22:13
Some_Personfirecrotch: I don't know22:13
gwildorSome_Person, no amount  of configuration will stop you from needing a crossover cable....unless they are  both macintosh22:13
felix_xlq, cool works, and how would be the patter for all lines matching localhost?22:13
gwildorfirecrotch, he doesnt have a crossover... the configs are irrelivant atm22:13
MOUDis 0.97.2 the latest version? It's a year old22:13
xlqfirecrotch: I've given to the desktop's eth0 and to the laptop's eth022:13
gwildorMOUD, probably22:13
xlqfelix_: ehh...  sed '/localhost/d' will delete all lines matching localhost, is that what you want?22:13
notbenhhello all, weird issue NetworkManager seems to not remember conection configs22:13
firecrotchgwildor: some NICs have auto-crossover22:13
MOUDok, I'll give a try22:13
gwildorxlq, i appreas you have done that stuff right...just need the crossover.22:14
VCoolioAlvaa: it didn't show up in about:plugins? what version of firefox?22:14
Xerranmeisterlumpi: the thing that annoyed me working in a DC was going to reboot a server and looking fruitlessly only to find out it was a vm :P22:14
xlqgwildor: heh, we already got a ping22:14
gwildorfirecrotch, afaik, not one single onboard does..22:14
felix_xlq, yes, i want to delete the entire line, not just the word22:14
xlqfelix_: yes, indeed22:14
MOUDthanks xlq and gwildor22:14
notbenhcurrently it has nothing under the wired tab in the GUI though there are files under system-connections22:14
xlqfelix_: sed won't actually modify the file without the -i switch though22:14
notbenhtried /etc/inet.d/NetworkManager restart and still nothing22:14
AlvaaVCoolio: Namoroka, Firefox 3.6a122:15
Some_Personxlq: So what now?22:15
xlqSome_Person: can you please paste the output of this, on the laptop?  ip addr show eth0 | grep inet22:15
notbenhifconfig eth0 up and down appear to work but I still can not ping22:15
firecrotchSome_Person: back to basics, I suppose.  Make sure that one of your cards can do auto-crossover22:15
notbenhresolve.conf looks fine22:15
xlqfirecrotch: IT CAN22:15
Some_Personfirecrotch: I have no idea22:15
notbenhcan any one think of anything that Ive missed?22:15
xlqnotbenh: what're you trying to ping?22:15
gwildoror just spend the 5 minutes, and make a crossover22:16
xlqgwildor: the crossover is NOT the problem22:16
VCoolioAlvaa: ok, you did put the .so in the plugins folder from firefox-3.6 then?22:16
meisterlumpiXerran: sry, tele22:16
Some_Personxlq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252769/22:16
xlqahh damn, it's got two addresses :\22:16
Xerranmeisterlumpi: np22:16
AlvaaVCoolio: i want to try 64 bit flash player, for this i need 64 bit browser, that's the one i found22:16
notbenhxlq: google.com and http://google.com22:16
meLonI used a program that lets me scan for routers (I think it was called WiFi Radar) and now my wlan0 will not come up.  I get this error:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up >> SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device.  I am very confused22:16
VCoolioAlvaa: I don't have 64 bit, so can't really help there22:17
notbenhxlq:  both return the unknown host error22:17
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop: ip addr del dev eth022:17
nickjohnsonmrwes: any further ideas?22:17
Some_Personxlq: ok22:17
xlqnotbenh: can you ping
xlqSome_Person: try the ping on the desktop again22:17
Some_Personxlq: Still nothing22:17
notbenhxlq: yes22:17
mrwesnickjohnson, no I don't sorry22:17
firecrotchSome_Person: from the laptop: traceroute ip_of_desktop22:18
xlqAlvaa: you can get the 64-bit flash player from Adobe's website. They say it's very unstable but it's been OK for me.22:18
xlqnotbenh: then it's probably your resolv.conf22:18
firecrotchSome_Person:  you may not have traceroute installed, if you don't, sudo apt-get install traceroute22:18
Some_Personinstalling now22:19
notbenhxlq: I22:19
ubuntujanneok im off..thanx for all the help GUys22:19
Alvaai already dl it form adobe site, but i don't get it work22:19
notbenhxlq: I'll poke at it again22:19
notbenhxlq:  thanks22:19
kaddibye ubuntujanne :)22:19
xlqnotbenh: are you configuring manually or using dhcp?22:19
meisterlumpiXerran: gotta go, pick up my brother, nice talking to you22:19
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Some_Personfirecrotch: E: Couldn't find package traceroot22:19
VCoolioAlvaa: did you put the plugin in .mozilla/firefox/blah or in the folder for firefox-3.6? You should do the latter22:19
ubuntujanneim gonna use Ubuntu 64 on my next pc project22:19
xlqSome_Person: traceroute22:19
notbenhxlq: manual22:19
Some_Personthat was stupid22:19
ubuntujannecyaĺl L8er22:19
xlqnotbenh: what does your resolv.conf contain now?22:20
AlvaaVCoolio: okay, but you helped me a lot :) now i knoe that i can't install .so files =)22:20
Alvaaxlq: i already dl it form adobe site, but i don't get it work22:20
xlqAlvaa: what's wrong with it?22:20
dptrying to start some c++ development... where do I find stream.h and other "standard" headers?22:20
xlqAlvaa: does firefox load the plugin? (about:plugins)22:20
kekekeif i want users to stop entering directories outside of their home, do i have to jail them? or if there is a specific folder i dont want them to access, is this possible?22:20
Alvaaxlq: the DL was a .so file and i don't know how to work with this22:21
Alvaaxlq: no, it doesn't22:21
Some_Personfirecrotch, xlq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252771/22:21
mrwesAlvaa, you need to copy the .so file to the mozilla/plugin directory22:21
xlqAlvaa: I put it in ~/.mozilla/plugin/22:21
xlqAlvaa: I put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins/22:21
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unopkekeke, a chroot/jail would be the easiest way22:21
kekekeunop i've heard they are hard to set up, especially for inexperiences users such as myself, do you have any easy to follow resources to do this?22:22
firecrotchSome_Person: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig /all from both machines?22:22
Some_Personfirecrotch: The desktop has no internet22:22
xlqSome_Person: this is really frustrating, if I were standing there I'd do it in a couple of minutes :\22:22
Alvaaxlq: the so file is in the plugins folder22:23
notbenhxlq: #Generated by NetworkManager and the 3 ip's for the nameservers22:23
xlqAlvaa: ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so exists?22:23
Some_Personxlq: Well, what's the problem?22:23
unopkekeke, this should start you off https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:23
Alvaaxlq: but the firefox folder is on my desktop, is this a problem?22:23
kekekethanks unop22:23
xlqAlvaa: no, put libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins/22:23
konsumerThanks or the help. Peace.22:24
xlqAlvaa: also, are you sure you downloaded the 64-bit version?22:24
unopkekeke, i would suggest that you understand the concept first - which might require some extra background reading - before you go ahead and set it up22:24
Laicegot a font question22:24
Some_Personfirecrotch: /all: error fetching interface information: Device not found22:24
Alvaaxlq: ~/.mozilla/ doesn't exist22:24
xlqAlvaa: you can create it22:24
xlqAlvaa: are you using a terminal for this?22:24
Alvaaxlq: i try .....22:25
fudgecakeHi - I'm having a problem and it's rather weird. When I open terminal to do whatever, it keeps printing lots of ~ at random stages, even causing me to abort downloads. Is there anything that would make this occur? Doesn't seem to happen in anything other than terminal :P22:25
notbenhxlq: ya that was it, dont know what it was but I moved resolv and then did it by hand and things are back up again22:25
xlqAlvaa: well, if you're using a file manager22:25
Alvaaxlq: i'm a newbie on linux / ubuntu22:25
notbenhxlq: thanks22:25
nhnIs the arl1e driver broken in karmic?22:25
xlqAlvaa: ok, erm, where is libflashplayer.so?22:25
firecrotchSome_Person: is that from the desktop?22:26
Some_Personfirecrotch: both22:26
xlq<firecrotch> Some_Person: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig /all from both machines?22:26
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xlqfirecrotch: that's a rather botched half-Windows command you've got there22:26
firecrotchSorry, I'm stuck in Windows mode lol22:26
Alvaaxlq/ i downloaded a 64 bit firefox called namoroka and unzipped it on my desk22:26
nhnI just upgraded a laptop from jaunty, and it fails to load a driver for the ethernet card (atheros ar8113) which worked fine under jaunty22:26
afedwlan card22:26
Alvaaxlq: i downloaded a 64 bit firefox called namoroka and unzipped it on my desk22:27
firecrotchSome_Person: ifconfig will suffice :)22:27
Some_Personi can't pastebin from the desktop22:27
xlqAlvaa: but I'm trying to help you install flash player, not the entire web browser!22:27
Alvaaxlq: from there i can start it. and there is also a folder called "plugins" in this folder i copied the so file22:27
xlqAlvaa: what, ~/Desktop/plugins/libflashplayer.so?22:28
Some_Personfirecrotch: from the laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252774/22:28
Alvaaxlq: yes, the browser works, but it isn't in /.mozilla/22:28
nickjohnsonOkay, stupid question: I ran nvidia-xconfig, and now it's using the nvidia drivers... which are acting terribly. How do I set it back to non-nvidia until I can get things working22:28
Alvaaxlq: yes22:28
xlqSome_Person: that looks correct22:28
Alvaaxlq: ~/Desktop/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so?22:28
firecrotchSome_Person: is it the same except for the IP address on the desktop?22:28
xlqAlvaa: yes22:28
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xlqAlvaa: open a terminal, and type this: mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp ~/Desktop/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/ && echo OK22:29
xlqAlvaa: and then press enter22:29
Some_Personfirecrotch: The desktop has no IP22:30
mrwesxlq, you're the best :) run'em all together heh22:30
xlqSome_Person: on the desktop, run: ip addr add dev eth022:30
Alvaaxlq: done22:31
Some_Personxlq: now it has an ip22:31
xlqAlvaa: did it say "OK"?22:31
xlqSome_Person: try pinging again22:31
Alvaaxlq: yes22:31
xlqAlvaa: is firefox running?22:31
Some_Personxlq: Ping works22:31
xlqSome_Person: what about the scp command?22:31
Alvaaxlq: not at the moment22:31
xlqAlvaa: ok. Start firefox22:31
GreyWandereruuurk. 1383 nicks...22:31
Alvaaxlq: from desk?22:32
xlqAlvaa: yeah22:32
Alvaaxlq: runs22:32
Some_Personxlq: It doesn't look like it's doing anything22:32
dAnonfor some reason I can't install any flashplayerr22:33
dAnoncan someone upload the most recent flashplugin-nonfree.so for me?22:33
xlqAlvaa: type "about: plugins" into the address bar22:33
dAnonI can't install it in the system at all :P22:33
Laiceanyone know the best free tahoma font that works well with ubuntu under wine in jaunty?22:33
Alvaaxlq: it's not shown .. :/22:33
freshmeatI'm having issues getting Quake 3 Arena demo up and running. So far, I have done 'sh linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh', but I get errors in a black console that pops up. The script seems to be attempting to load files that aren't there.22:34
xlqAlvaa: have you still got that terminal?22:34
Laicethe ones i've tried from the net seem to brake up in the alerts from the system tray, otherwise it works well inside steam itself22:34
Alvaaxlq: yes22:34
xlqAlvaa: type this into it: file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so22:34
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
xlqSome_Person: can you traceroute?22:35
Some_Personxlq: command?22:35
pitzihi lads22:35
xlqSome_Person: oh, the desktop hasn't got traceroute :\22:35
pitzican anyone give me a hand22:35
xlqSome_Person: on the laptop, can you "traceroute" ?22:35
pitzii cant seem to get the 1280x1024 resolution22:35
Whitor!ask pitzi22:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask pitzi22:35
Alvaaxlq: done, it says "/home/janek/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped"22:36
pitzihere's my xorg.conf file22:36
pitziSection "Device"22:36
pitziIdentifier"Configured Video Device"22:36
pitziSection "Monitor"22:36
pitziIdentifier"Configured Monitor"22:36
FloodBot1pitzi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
xlqlol at pitzi22:36
xlqAlvaa: well that looks OK :\22:36
xlqFloodBot1: you're a very good bot22:36
pharsalusThat's why he's number 122:36
pitziyeh but cant get 1280x102422:36
mrwesxlq, she doesn't have the free flash player installed does she?22:37
mrwesor he22:37
Some_Personxlq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252778/22:37
xlqmrwes: what free flash player?22:38
xlqSome_Person: ahh crap22:38
xlqit's going the wrong way22:38
Daraelxlq: gnash or swfdec?22:38
xlqDarael: do those actually work?22:38
Lasivianare there any cellphones out there that will tether out of the box with Ubuntu?22:39
Some_Personxlq: can you tell it to go the right way?22:39
pitziso can anyone help?22:39
Daraelxlq: variably, but they aren't bad.22:39
mrwesxlq: I was thinking of gnash22:39
xlqmrwes: I thought that was still really really alpha22:39
Alvaaxlq: google says i need " nspluginwrapper" to install the 64 bit flash player22:39
Some_Personxlq: i can't ping it any more22:39
xlqSome_Person: which way are you trying to ping?22:40
pitziok found out how to paste. so heres my xorg.conf can anyone tell me how to get 1280x1024?22:40
xlqSome_Person: strange thing is, the laptop should be routing through eth0, since that's the longest-prefix route22:40
Some_PersonThe odd part is that I don't have a on my network22:40
xlqSome_Person: yes, that is odd :|22:41
Some_Personnevermind all this22:42
Some_Personi managed to get my flash drive to work22:42
xlqSome_Person: I'm really sorry I've used up so much of your time, though22:42
pitziwell what can i say22:42
pitzithansk for nothing22:42
Some_Personits ok22:42
xlqpitzi: have you tried the GNOME display settings?22:42
pitzibut that rez isnt listed22:43
xlqpitzi: What device have you got? What driver are you using? etc. etc.22:43
gwildorwhat card do you have?22:43
pitziati x1900xt22:43
xlqSome_Person: as you may know, networking can ... get a bit complicated :\22:43
pitzihyunday l90d+22:43
Some_Personnow how do i format a hard drive?22:43
pitzibut going through a belkin switch2 kvm22:43
xlqSome_Person: what do you want to format it for?22:43
xlqSome_Person: I thought you were going to reinstall Windows22:44
Some_Personwait i found the problem22:44
Some_Personthe ethernet cable fell out22:44
Some_Personi am going to reinstall windows22:44
Some_Personbut i need to format first22:44
xlqSome_Person: the Windows installer formats, doesn't it?22:45
gwildorit does22:45
Some_Personit's having trouble reading the drive22:45
Some_Personso i'm going to format it22:45
xlqSome_Person: consider it might be a hardware fault22:45
xlqSome_Person: what sort of trouble?22:45
pitzilads? dont leave me...22:45
tsrki installed a graphics driver that messed up my machine, how can I remove it from the command line?22:45
Some_Personit doesn't give an error; it just hangs22:45
Some_Personthe drive is readable in ubuntu22:45
Some_Personi'm going to try formatting and then reinstalling22:46
gwildor*where* does it hang?22:46
gwildorerr, when22:46
VCooliopitzi: isn't there some ati settings app in system > administration where you can set the res?22:46
mrwesthe cable fell out????????????? damn!22:46
xlqpitzi: what architecture? x86 or x86_64?22:46
kekekeVCoolio is there any way i can prevent a user from entering just 1 directory?22:46
pitzino restricted drivers in 9.0422:46
macoSome_Person: windows install disk can format the drive....22:46
Daraeltsrk: have you tried booting in recovery mode and using the xfix thingy?22:46
Some_Personmaco: IT ISN"T WORKING22:46
macoSome_Person: oh22:47
Daraelsome_ignore tht!22:47
tsrkDarael, what's xfix do? I just need to know what the package is called22:47
xlqpitzi: install fglrx22:47
pitzihow do u do that22:47
VCooliokekeke: is there a reason to ask me? try sudo chmod 700 on the directory if root owns it22:47
macopitzi: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fglrx22:47
GreyWandereroh, and don't forget to add the right repo22:47
Daraeltsrk: it would sort out graphical problems (in theory).22:47
GreyWanderer(if it's not already added)22:47
=== soeren is now known as Guest80552
pitzisudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fglrx22:47
pitziE: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-fglrx22:48
kekekeVCoolio sorry for some reason i thought i was talking to you earlier22:48
kekekety anyways22:48
tsrkDarael, alright, i'll try it, thanks22:48
GreyWandererI personally found that driver kept screwing with my computer, so I removed it. Back to the working opensource driver... sigh22:48
VCooliokekeke: use chmod -R to make recursive22:48
kekekekk thanks22:48
Some_Personso does anyone know how to format a hard drive in ubuntu?22:48
xlqkekeke: read about UNIX file and directory permissions and how they work22:48
xlqSome_Person: mkfs22:48
mrwesSome_Person, use gparted22:48
Some_Personit doesn't have gparted installed22:48
xlqmrwes has a better idea, yes22:48
GreyWandererSome_Person: do you really mean "format" (remake the sectors), or do you mean make a filesystem on a drive?22:49
mrwesSome_Person, so install it22:49
Some_Personand it has no internet connection22:49
Some_PersonGreyWanderer: format22:49
icarusi am haveing some trobule makeing portal work with wine22:49
GreyWandererSome_Person: in what sense? the old-school sense of rewriting all of the sector bounding data?22:49
xlqicarus: the wine channels might be a better place22:49
GreyWandererI know of at least two senses that "format" is used in.22:50
xlqI think I'm going, before I get some sort of psychological disorder.22:50
Some_PersonI just want to blow all the data to nothing and start completely clean, to the point where windows installer has the best chance of reading it22:50
xlqSome_Person: well you could dd all over it22:50
Viking_i just lost 1.5 terabyte using dd22:51
GreyWandererdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your-drive bs=1M22:51
mrwesSome_Person, sudo apt-get install gparted and then use it to format the drive, just make sure it's not mounted, otherwise it'll be locked22:51
Some_Personmrwes: IT HAS NO INTERNET22:51
GreyWandererViking_: ouch. messy.22:51
DaraelViking_: ouch.22:51
Viking_sudo dd if=/dev/sdc [1,2]  of=/dev/sda122:51
Viking_this is what i did22:51
xlqI think removing gparted from the Ubuntu livecd was a really stupid idea :(22:51
urthmoverI'll just say one thing to spice things up22:51
Viking_and i need to get all my data back on the sa122:51
GreyWandererViking_: like, huh? That's not even a legal dd.22:51
xlqViking_: what's this [1,2] syntax?22:51
mrwesSome_Person, what files system do you want to format it to?22:51
gwildoror just use cfdisk to wipe it22:51
urthmoverSisterhood of the Traveling Pants22:51
Daraelxlq: what?  it's on my live cd.22:51
* urthmover drops the knowlege22:52
xlqDarael: what version22:52
Some_Personmrwes: ntfs22:52
Daraelxlq: jaunty.22:52
xlqDarael: really?22:52
xlqOh right.22:52
Some_Personmrwes: I want to wipe the whole drive, not just its only partition22:52
coordinadori have a problem with openoffice22:52
Viking_sudo dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda122:52
xlqThen this Kubuntu CD must have some KDE equivalent which I didn't know the name of.22:52
mrwesSome_Person, what /dev/ is it?22:52
GreyWandererit's not ALL kde tools, you know22:53
Viking_can anyone tell me way to restore files on sda122:53
kaddixlq i think it's called partitionmanager in kubuntu22:53
Some_Personmrwes: /dev/sda22:53
xlqSome_Person: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/thedrive bs=1M22:53
GreyWandererViking_: I don't know if you can, to be frank.22:53
xlqSome_Person: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M22:53
mrwessudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sda22:53
DaraelViking_: You could try testdisk, but it's not very hopeful.22:53
GreyWandererSome_Person: what drive is it? The first drive in the system?22:53
xlqSome_Person: be careful though, playing around with dd as root :)22:53
xlqmrwes: you probably don't want to do that22:53
Some_Personi'm just wiping a hard drive22:53
Viking_i lost all my picturers everything music important docs22:54
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
GreyWandereryeah, WHICH hard drive? i.e. what does Ubuntu think it's called? sda? sdb? sdc?22:54
xlqGreyWanderer: he said sda22:54
D3RGPS31is there a way to use grep to change case-sensitive file names/extensions in a web document22:54
GreyWandererhe did?22:54
coordinadorwhen i print, i cannot set the top margin as in the document (the printed document has very little top margin, the original document in openoffice has different margin)22:54
xlqViking_: well at least you learnt: 1. to keep backups, and 2. to be careful with powertools!22:54
derenrichD3RGPS31: more specific?22:54
Viking_well that was my backup drive22:55
D3RGPS31derenrich: i don't think i can be more simple than that22:55
DaraelViking_: well, as I say, testdisk _might_ help, but the thing is that you overwrote at leastsome of it.22:55
xlqD3RGPS31: grep doesn't change, it only searches. Use sed. Or, if sed isn't powerful enough, awk.22:55
Some_Personxlq: will this take a long time? 40GB drive22:55
D3RGPS31xlq: thank you :o22:55
SkryptI screwed up my /boot/grub/menu.lst. When I selected Ubuntu (instead of XP) at the grub selection, it'd just begin to load and then redirect me to the menu. I then installed the ext2 fs-driver on XP but couldn't even see the partition for Ubuntu. When I go to install Ubuntu now (inside XP) it says it's still installed. How do I recover that partition?22:55
derenrichD3RGPS31: exactly what names do you want to change?22:55
Viking_thanks darael22:55
derenrichD3RGPS31: also the answer is no grep won't do that22:55
Viking_i just dont wanna loose more so22:55
tsrkdoes anyone know how i can find the package name of the proprietary driver i just installed?22:55
D3RGPS31derenrich: i know, i read22:55
xlqI'm off now22:55
bruce927Does anyone else experience sound corruption from within pidgin?22:55
Viking_i wanna do this right22:55
derenrichD3RGPS31: ...?22:56
jedcunop, couldnt he do that just using permissions?22:56
Viking_wish i nevr messed with that dd22:56
icarusthe best way to delete everything on a hard drive is by sticing it in the oven at 320<X this will get you to something nknown as the curre point which all magents lose their magnetism22:56
bruce927If it helps, I'm using an ALC26822:56
DaraelViking_: if you've got the originals, you could make a new filesystem on the backup drive and just recreate the backup.  Possibly slower, but certain to work.22:57
SkryptI'm trying to install GRUB2 via LiveCD to recover a partition which I somehow hid entirely... How can I get fdisk to show the Ubuntu partition?  I know it's still there because gparted shows the memory is still in use and when I attempt to install Ubuntu in XP, it says I have to uninstall first?22:57
mrwesxlq, I guess this then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda22:57
Viking_yes i am giving testdisk a go22:58
Viking_hope to recover all years of files22:58
mizerydeariaDoes Ubuntu store a log/history of applications installed?  I want to determine how early mdadm was installed so as to determine if it is a necessary package or if it is okay to remove it.22:58
Viking_thanks alot darael22:59
mrwesmizerydearia, in the synaptic manager, yes22:59
firecrotchicarus, that wouldn't work. if they can recover all the data off the hard drives from the last space shuttle that blew up, I doubt putting it in your over would work22:59
Viking_Darael thank you22:59
D3RGPS31derenrich: eg, i have afew web documents that points to file_a.HTML and file_B.html, etc..., the files are named FILE_A.HTML and FILE_B.HTML, etc...22:59
DaraelViking_: Don't thank me until you get your stuff back.22:59
Viking_well just try to be polite here23:00
Some_PersonHow long will that dd command take?23:00
Viking_i was fixing daughter notebook23:00
DaraelViking_: I know.  But I don't deserve thanks unless you get it back... ne?23:00
BerzerkerWow jolicloud is awesome.23:00
darefirecrotch: i'm sure those were a lot more durable23:00
derenrichSome_Person: you can get progress info, see the man page for details how23:00
mizerydeariamrwes, Where in the synaptic manager?23:00
Berzerkeranyone who has a netbook should check it out23:00
kiaas_On vbox(the closed source version) with USB support..how do I make it attach a USB dvd burner? I don't want ubuntu using it, just Vbox.23:00
Viking_ill buy u beer if i get it23:00
darefirecrotch: probably incased in many inches of titanium >:)23:01
mrwesmizerydearia, file | history23:01
Viking_i am right now not to happy23:01
Viking_when i realized i messed up23:01
mrwesmizerydearia, or click the status button, then installed23:01
Viking_well we live we learn23:01
Some_Personderenrich: while its running?23:01
Berzerkerkiaas_, should be a setting to bypass USB devices somewhere in the settings menu23:02
derenrichSome_Person: yeah23:02
derenrichSome_Person: you can get the info on any running dd process23:02
Berzerkerkiaas_, never used Vbox, but all VM programs I've used have a setting like that23:02
GreyWandereryeah, SIGCONT, isn't it?23:02
GreyWanderer(for dd's progress)23:02
firecrotchdare: standard hard drives :)23:02
unpersonWhat's the proper way to change the hostname on my Jaunty system?  Will the hostname command change everything that needs to be changed?  I gather there used to be a way to do it via the GUI, but I think it's gone.23:03
kiaas_Berzerker, I have the setting set, it gets ignored by ubuntu preventing vbox from taking control of it as far as I can tell23:03
firecrotchdare: parts of them were melted23:03
* derenrich doesn't remember and checks the man page everytime23:03
darefirecrotch: ic23:03
Berzerkerkiaas_, no idea then23:03
prince_jammys!hostname > unperson23:03
ubottuunperson, please see my private message23:03
kiaas_Berzerker, I guess I can transfer it to my file server, then burn it from my iMac.23:03
Some_Personderenrich: how?23:04
poisonkillerdoes anybody know, how to make VPN autoconnect on resuming from suspend?23:04
derenrichSome_Person: kill -USR1 $pid where $pid is the pid of the dd process23:04
derenrichSome_Person: which you can get from ps23:05
Some_Personkill? won't that kill it?23:05
derenrichSome_Person: I swear it's in the man page23:05
GreyWandererno, not quite.23:05
derenrichSome_Person: no kill is used to send signals23:05
derenrichSome_Person: if it sends SIG_KILL then it'll kill23:05
GreyWandererAnyhow, I'm out of here. Bye all.23:05
Some_Personwow, what smart person thought of that name23:05
derenrichSome_Person: well it defaults to SIG_KILL23:06
prince_jammysno, it doesn't23:06
dcaMy Hibernate is not working.. On hibernation it is locking the system and showing the loginn screen..23:06
derenrichprince_jammys: what does it default do?23:06
* derenrich always uses killall -923:06
prince_jammys-9 is extreme23:06
unpersonprince_jammys, At least half of ubottu's info is out of date.  On jaunty there is no System -> Administration -> Networking23:06
Some_Personhow do i get the process id from ps?23:06
derenrichSome_Person: you might need ps -e depending where you are doing this from23:07
savidIn network:/// is it possible to connect to a server using a password?  We have a windows share that requires a specific password (but no username)23:07
derenrichSome_Person: it's the number next to the word dd23:07
prince_jammysTERM QUIT HUP, all these can also kill a process.23:07
Some_Persongot it23:07
Some_Personthe -e was what i needed23:07
dca  My Hibernate is not working.. On hibernation it is locking the system and showing the loginn screen..Please help23:07
jedcunperson, there is a network tools23:07
kansani accidentally shut down mysql down with a kill -9.  as a reward i now cant start mysql and i see:  /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' fai error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'23:07
prince_jammysunperson: sorry.23:07
prince_jammysunperson: i don't have jaunty either to verify. but the files mentioned should be there, as well as the hostname command.23:08
unpersonjedc, Yeah, but that's not what you want.  The thing they're referring to is gone.23:08
Some_Personit didn't do anything23:08
Some_Personi ran "sudo kill -USR1 6178" and nothing happened23:08
unpersonprince_jammys, Yeah, I guess there's a bit of a trick to not locking yourself out of sudo, and it's not 100% clear to me how to accomplish that.23:08
derenrichSome_Person: it printed output on the window u ran dd in23:08
Some_Personno it didn't23:08
derenrichSome_Person: should have23:08
Some_Personhang on theres another dd in the ps output23:09
Some_Personok that worked23:09
derenrichSome_Person: ok23:09
derenrichSome_Person: it tells u how much it has outputed so far? i can't remember23:09
Some_Person34GB at this point23:09
Some_Personand it gives the speed23:10
derenrichSome_Person: fast. /dev/random is way slower (which is what i wipe drives with)23:10
Some_PersonIt says it's going at 37.4 MB/s23:10
Some_PersonIs there any advantage to /dev/random?23:11
derenrichnot really23:11
derenrichafaik nobody has recovered data that has been wiped with /dev/zero23:11
dca My Hibernate is not working.. On hibernation it is locking the system and showing the loginn screen..23:11
Some_Personi already saved this person's data23:11
derenrichSome_Person: nobody will recover it from the drive23:12
Some_Persontheres no need to23:12
DaraelSome_Person: if you had had sensitive stuff on there, several passes of /dev/random would make it basically impossible to recover, but you don't need it really.23:12
derenrichSome_Person: right but i assume you're wiping it because there's sensitive material on the drive23:12
derenrichSome_Person: why are you wiping it?23:12
Some_Personi'm wiping it because i suspect its corrupted23:13
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
Some_Personno space left on device23:13
Some_Personthat means its done right?23:13
SealedWithAKissI'm having trouble running something from the terminal. I have downloaded a tar.gz file and extracted it to my desktop. There is a single extracted file which has no extension, although it has been assigned a WINE icon. I can't run it from the terminal, or even open it with a text editor, yet I know this script works because I have seen other people using it. Any suggestions?23:13
Daraelderenrich: using /dev/random will eat away at your entropy pool, so it might be better to use /dev/urandom. Though is that a little less secure?23:14
SealedWithAKissI believe it's some kind of binary file.23:14
DaraelSealedWithAKiss: you may have to give it executable permissions first.23:14
derenrichDarael: true. I did use urandom. /dev/random is way slower since it will block when you run out of entropy (I think)23:15
Some_Personi assume that wiping it this way will remove any corruption23:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:15
Berzerkerwhy doesn't firefox 3.0 update to 3.5?23:15
derenrichSome_Person: not sure about that23:15
VCoolioBerzerker: it's a different package23:15
mrweso/ Dr_Willis23:15
derenrichBerzerker: because ubuntu is silly23:15
SealedWithAKissDarael, I can r-w-x the file. I checked permissions.23:15
Some_Personi even put a new ribbon cable on it for good measure23:15
macoBerzerker: because it a major version release23:15
DaraelSealedWithAKiss: hmm.  no idea then.23:15
Berzerkerso....wouldn't people want it to update it23:15
macoBerzerker: only security updates are automatic. 3.5 is packaged for jaunty though23:15
derenrichBerzerker: the ff3.5 package exists you just need to update manually23:16
macoBerzerker: new versions can introduce new security issues and bugs, so they are not automatic23:16
Some_Personyay! windows installer now working23:16
Berzerkerhow do I update it?23:16
macoBerzerker: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.523:16
Berzerkerbesides uninsatlling firefox 3 and installing 3.523:16
derenrichi'm not sure if you should uninstall first, i'm unclear on that point23:16
macoBerzerker: itll be in your menu as "Shiretoko" so you dont have Firefox listed twice then stare at them like "er...which one...?"23:16
* derenrich runs minefield atm23:16
kaddiyou don't need to uninstall it first. I have both running side by side23:16
derenrichkaddi: using the same profile?23:17
SealedWithAKissI'm having trouble running something from the terminal. I have downloaded a tar.gz file and extracted it to my desktop. There is a single extracted file which has no extension, although it has been assigned a WINE icon. I can't run it from the terminal, or even open it with a text editor, yet I know this script works because I have seen other people using it. Any suggestions?23:17
kaddiderenrich well originally yes, cause my old profile got copied over, however since then they went their own ways23:17
derenrichSealedWithAKiss: have you tried running it in wine?23:18
gwildorSealedWithAKiss, sh thescript23:18
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, you tried ./scriptname from the terminal?23:18
stonithHey I have an off topic question.  I have a car that hasn't been running for 8+ months.  Obviously the car battery is dead.  Is it possible to jump from another car? Or do I need to charge the battery?23:19
kaddiderenrich the only "problem" I noticed so far is that the updates will point /usr/bin/firefox to the version they updated, so if you updated 3.0 last firefox will start FF 3.0 and if you updated 3.5 lat, firefox will start FF 3.5 which can be kind of annoying23:19
SealedWithAKissmrwes, genius. Absolute genius. Why didn't I think of that?23:19
kiaas_o.o! I can transfer to my thumbdrive at 4MB/s..fastest I've ever gotten anything to go over USB.(and faster than my 100Mb/s connection..going to another PC with SATA drives....what?)23:19
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, unless it's not executable, then chmod u+x scriptname23:19
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, are you being a smart a s s ?23:19
SealedWithAKissmrwes, nahh lol I'm being series. It worked!23:20
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, good.23:20
SealedWithAKissmrwes, serious*23:20
derenrichkaddi: I think they really dropped the ball with ff, support is lacking here23:20
Berzerkermaco, ok so how do I make it say "Firefox Web Browser" with the icon instead of shiretoko?23:20
SealedWithAKissmrwes, thanks! Although now I can see how it may have sounded as though I was being funny.23:20
Berzerkermaco, and uninstall firefox 3.023:20
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, :)23:20
midohi i need a program to force certain users on my computer to use only certain programs is there something like that?23:21
soulwarpmido: a pointy stick23:21
macoBerzerker: umm you can modify the .desktop file and play with user agent switcher...i guess23:21
SealedWithAKissmrwes, why did I need the ./ in front of the name of the executable? Or that just how Linux does things?23:21
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, linux thingy23:21
Berzerkermaco, desktop file?23:21
kaddiderenrich what makes you say that? I'm actually pretty happy with FF right now. 3.5 improved a lot of things and ubuntu-mozilla resolved  my problems with FF keeping running after closing. (which in the end wasn't a FF bug at all :p )23:21
derenrichkaddi: by they I mean canoncial not mozilla23:22
midosoulwarp can you explain more please23:22
DaraelSealedWithAKiss: you have to supply a path rather than just a filename.  Can't remember why right now.23:22
prince_jammysSealedWithAKiss: since the command is not in your PATH where commands are normally searched for, the ./ means "in the current directory".23:22
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, basic terminal command stuff23:22
heoAnyone using IRSSI? How can close the DCC SERVER?23:22
icarusIt should play straight away after Installation but if you get a white screen only on start up check out these simple steps for the fix23:22
icarus1.Make a shortcut on your desktop of the hl2.exe file in portal directory23:22
icarus2.Right click on the new shortcut and select properties and change the target to23:22
icarus"C:\Program Files\Portal\hl2.exe" -game portal -window -dxlevel 81 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 But how do i do the Target bit in ubuntu ?23:22
FloodBot1icarus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
derenrichDarael: I believe it's a security reason, but I can't remember how23:23
macoBerzerker: /usr/share/applications/ has a .desktop file for firefox23:23
soulwarpmido:  you can right click the application drop menu and remove programs you don't want others to use23:23
Viking_anyone having problems with icons and folder disappearing on desktop ubuntu 9.0423:23
macoBerzerker: or edit the menu and manually rename it Firefox and replace the icon23:23
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, see, I have a /home/bill/tmp that I have in my path statement, therefore I run all install scripts from there and then I don't need to do that23:23
Berzerkerhow would I do this on UNR?23:23
mrwesSealedWithAKiss, it's not a big deal :)23:24
kaddihas anyone used these instructions to debug intel freezes: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test or is knowledgable enough to help me run the debug mode all the time and get rid of the whole ssh step :p23:24
rambo298anyone tried quicken with VMware on 9.04?23:24
bnovchow do i get the screen-256color TERM in ubuntu?23:26
mvsnhello.. im wondering is there any way to broadcast the music played from ubuntu over the network so other workstations (linux/windows) can synchronize in and play through other speakers?23:26
soulwarprambo298: i've read quicken works with wine also23:26
SealedWithAKissmrwes, oh okay. Thanks!23:26
rambo298soulwarp: that's the crux of my q; i need to run quicken on linux ... so wine is ok given google has invested in it?23:26
pharsalusI'm after a scrolling ticker that lists the FTSE 100 as a full-width bar across the top/bottom of the screen. Any sugestions? GDesklets, and Google Gadgets didn't have anything.23:26
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soulwarprambo298: here is some information that might help you http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1542123:28
alokitowhy isn't firefox 3.5 default in ubuntu yet?23:28
_Lucretia_is there an up to date bluetooth config howto anywhere? I found an old one.23:28
soulwarpalokito: It should be when 9.10 comes out23:28
heroidalokito, cuz firefox 3.0 is better23:28
jedcalokito, i tried it today and it still had a few issues for me, google search bar didnt work for instance23:29
ownerhello. I need help. I have a HP Mini 110 1033cl and I can't get the intel sound to work23:29
ownerI've tried everything23:29
ownerDo I need to install alsa conf23:29
ownerif so where do I get the packages from23:30
pharsalusI'm after a scrolling ticker that lists the FTSE 100 as a full-width bar across the top/bottom of the screen. Any sugestions? GDesklets, and Google Gadgets didn't have anything.23:30
jedcowner, its probably already installed23:30
owneralsa conf?23:30
ownerin 9.0423:30
ownerthen how come if I type alsaconf or alsa-conf in terminal it says it has no idea what that command is23:31
mrwesowner, did you mean to type alsamixer?23:31
jedcowner, actually, i dont see it in the repos, maybe asoundconf-gtk?23:32
Berzerkermaco, found a way to update it23:32
Berzerkermaco, like actually update 3.0 itself to 3.5.2, by downloading it from getfirefox.com23:32
ownerlet me try that23:32
Berzerkermaco, worked like a charm, thanks.23:32
jedcowner, but you can get all the packages from the software repositories either using the command line with apt-get or aptitude, or using the synaptic package manager23:33
savanny1976uHi everyone, I just install "Nvidia  GeForce Gts 250". I can't get it to work with "Ubuntu 9.04". Does anyone have any Idea how to configure this?? I'm thinking to download the Device from a live Nvidia cd using "Wine", but I'm not sure. Thank you..23:33
macoBerzerker: please note that you will NOT receive security updates that way.  well i mean...firefox might tell you tehre are updates, but youll need to either install them manually or run firefox as root (BAD IDEA) for its updater to do the update23:33
ownerI did that and it asked for the default card23:33
owneri picked intel23:33
pharsalusAnyone know of a financial tickertape widget/gadget/etc?23:33
Berzerkermaco, why wouldn't I receive security updates that way?23:33
macoBerzerker: unless you have it sititng in home instead of installing it somewhere, that is23:33
_Lucretia_can someone tell me where an up to date bluetooth config howto can be found? I found an old one that's well out of date.23:33
ownerdo I need to restart my sound system?23:33
Hiryuis anyone aware of the issues with the xorg no-backfill patch? Does it strictly cause issues with the intel drivers or are other drivers affected as well?23:33
Berzerkermaco, I have it installed in /opt23:34
macoBerzerker: and firefox cannot write to /opt23:34
Berzerkerit's linked in another folder23:34
macoBerzerker: so it cant install security updates unless it is run as root, which would be a bad ida23:34
jedcBerzerker, firefox-3.5 is in the repos, better way to install it23:34
Berzerkerto /usr/something23:34
unopjedc, i just got your questions about permissions and not allowing users to enter directories outside their homedirs - well, no, it's almost impossible given traditional unix permissions  - you could perhaps do it with POSIX ACLs, but the point is you need to be able to enter a directory to execute a program/script/etc within it23:34
macoBerzerker: *idea23:34
Berzerkerjedc, I like to keep things clean23:34
macojedc: he doesnt want it to say Shiretoko23:34
Keldersavanny1976u: basically when you install jaunty 9.04 you have the option to search for 'hardwire drivers' and if you do that that should take care of your graphics card23:34
macoBerzerker: er...and having it not able to install security updates is cleaner?23:35
Berzerkermaco, yes23:35
openbackI have a widescreen laptop (Dell Inspiron 710m with Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME) that was automatically set at 1280x800 forever, and just recently, I'm stuck in 4:3 fro some reason. My gdm is in properly resolution and not my desktop23:35
jedcmaco, i see23:35
macoBerzerker: security updates are a good thing dude23:35
openbackoops, I have a widescreen laptop (Dell Inspiron 710m with Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME) that was automatically set at  1280x800 forever, and just recently, I'm stuck in 4:3 fro some reason. My gdm is in properly resolution and  not my desktop23:35
openbackargh, sorry :'P23:36
kaddiBerzerker if you don't apply security updates for 3.5 it would be wiser to stay with 3.0 all together23:36
Berzerkerso I'll run it as root and install a security update for a second23:36
Berzerkerno big deal23:36
savanny1976uThanks Kelder. I tried that but the Hardware ubuntu hardware search wouldn't  Activate the software23:36
Berzerkerunless you want to tell me how to rename it to firefox and change the icon23:36
openbackI have a widescreen laptop (Dell Inspiron 710m with Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME) that was automatically  set at  1280x800 forever, and just recently, I'm stuck in 4:3 fro some reason. My gdm is in properly  resolution and  not my desktop. If I attempt to change my res, the display is squashed. Any idea how to fix this?23:36
openbackwow, I typed that like I was on drugs, lol23:37
savanny1976uI think the hardware search didn't find the Device23:37
jedcunop, ah, thanks, food for thought23:37
jedcunop, hehe, reading back a way huh23:37
spOopenback, what kind of drugs?23:38
Vighis there any way I can install dapper packages on jaunty? (the package I'm trying to install is obsolete, but I need this specific version of it)23:38
spOopenback, what drivers are you using?23:38
jedcunop, it looks like you can make directories unreadable though, so they can go into them, but not see anything there right?23:38
savanny1976uIt did recognize the hardware but couldn't retrieve the software23:38
rambo298openback: you should verify your xorg.conf in /etc/X1123:38
kaddiBerzerker you could set up firefox-3.5 as your default browser, then every thing will be started by FF 3.5, if you want to start FF 3.5 from console by using the command firefox you can set an alias firefox= firefox-3.5 in bashrc. I have never bothered with the icon though23:39
ctmjrsavanny1976u: go here look for your card and see what driver nvidia recommends http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us23:39
savanny1976uThanks ctmjr, I will check that..23:39
kaddiBerzerker if it only affects your startmenu you can edit the startmenu entry23:39
TimReichhartcould anybody please tell me where I can place faxgetty on startup on 8.04.3 TLS23:39
openbackspO: The standard intel drivers? I never installed anything seperate23:40
openbackrambo298: I've checked that, It's the simplest config you can get and hasn't changed in the longest. The weird part is my gdm is in the proper resolution still, just not my desktop once I log in23:40
Some_Personhow do ribbon cables go bad?23:41
rambo298openback: what version of U ?23:41
_Lucretia_hcitool scan gives me "Device is not available: No such device" I'm on jaunty, I have a broadcom dongle, how do i get it working?23:41
openbackrambo298: 9.0423:41
soreauSome_Person: They can just like any other wire can have a short in it23:42
Moulan-hello,  anyone here has any experience with the notebook hp mini 1000, running ubuntu jaunty on it? /q me23:42
elioenaiDoes anyone here know why sound may work when you first start your computer up, but then stops working after a few minutes in uuntu?23:45
jMylesLet's say I have an output from a command line and I want to grab the nth element from each row.... How?23:47
kaddijMyles try awk23:47
rambo298openback: go read #5 here; it may be your issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxinerama/+bug/6172723:48
jMyleskaddi: awk $4 or something like that?  I've done it before, I just can't recall.23:48
starwindhey, what command would I need to use to install guest additions in karmic guest23:48
rambo298openback: then again ... maybe not23:48
kaddijMyles I haven't used it in a while either.. but from memory: awk -F"seperator you're using" '{print $4}' should work23:49
Sp0tterWhat is a good open source multiplatform backup solution that can take images of the hard disk and restore from a network drive using a bootable rescue cd?   needs to run on windows and linux23:49
jedcstarcraftman, what are guest additions?23:49
ctmjrstarwind: you can ask in #ubuntu+123:49
starwindoops, sorry  :(23:49
nanotubekaddi: yea, that should be it23:50
Vighis there any way I can install dapper packages (from the ubuntu repos) on jaunty? (the package I'm trying to install is obsolete, but I need this specific version of it)23:50
jedcVigh, i would suggest downloading it manually and installing with "dpkg -i <packagename>" instead of trying to set it up with apt23:51
midocan anybody help me with preventing certain users from accessing certain applications?23:53
Kamus_H_Zwischhey guys23:54
Kamus_H_Zwischo /23:54
nanotube!hi | Kamus_H_Zwisch23:55
ubottuKamus_H_Zwisch: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:55
coordinadormido, you can make a special group23:55
coordinadorand give to the executable the permissions of execute to its own group23:55
Berzerkerkaddi, how do I uninstall it from my manual install?23:55
coordinadorsorry for my english, my main language is spanish and im in a hurry23:55
midothx coordinador23:56
nanotubeBerzerker: for installing mozilla build of firefox, i'd recommend ubuntuzilla (http://ubuntuzilla.sourceforge.net)23:56
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jedcmido, that way only members of the group (and root) could execute the program23:57
kaddiBerzerker once you installed something, your package manager should be able to find it23:58
cr0mulentcan I move my current ubuntu installation off my hard drive and onto a usb drive?23:58
amitmalii m new to linux and ubuntu23:58
amitmalii need some help23:58
midoi want to prevent one user only from acessing certain applications?23:58
Berzerkerkaddi, I found out how to change the icon/text. it's in the Main Menu application under preferences.23:59
Berzerkerfor future references23:59
amitmalii have an installation problem23:59
edbian!ask | amitmali23:59
ubottuamitmali: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
edbianamitmali: What is your question"23:59
Kelderyes, but if you want it to be bootable you might want to write a special usb23:59
kaddiBerzerker :)23:59

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