
diogoChipaca Ubuntu One change some attribute of a file ? I'm using rsync to keep updated my folder and backups and without any alteration, rsync change some files.00:00
Chipacadiogo: it shouldn't; what changes are you seeing?00:01
diogoChipaca I'm using rsync -a00:02
diogomaybe is last updated time or some thing like that00:02
Chipacano, we don't handle file attributes at all00:02
diogoI will see if rsync can tell me what is wrong00:03
Chipacathe only thing we do is chmod things in readonly shares00:03
Chipacadiogo: what version is your client?00:03
Chipacathat's ok00:07
diogoChipaca, using rsync -aiv i received in front of file ">f..t......"00:07
Chipacawhat does that mean?00:08
diogoI even touched that file00:08
Chipacadiogo: or maybe better: what does diff -urN say?00:08
diogoChipaca I will see in log which are the last modified file00:09
diogoand then do that diff00:09
diogoChipaca Strange, aparently that only happends with binary files00:10
diogoChipaca I tried with some files and receive nothing. Some files that rsync resynched was swf00:13
Chipacastrange, indeed00:14
diogoChipaca Binary files a b differ00:14
diogoChipaca forget that, that a file doesn't exists00:17
diogoChipaca However swf files rsync continues resynching00:17
Chipacathat is very strange00:20
diogoChipaca Now I got one, 'diff -urN "Ubuntu One/My Files/Projetos/kerov/media/games/formula-racing-xgz.swf" "Projetos/kerov/media/games/formula-racing-xgz.swf"' returns nothing however rsync resynched that00:21
Chipacadiogo: tail -f ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log00:23
Chipacadiogo: tell me what you see00:23
diogoChipaca I did a tail with grep swf http://paste.ubuntu.com/252210/00:26
Chipacadiogo: nothing out of the ordinary there00:27
Chipacadiogo: which direction are you rsync'ing in?00:27
diogoFrom "Projetos/kerov/media/games/formula-racing-xgz.swf" to "Ubuntu One/My Files/Projetos/kerov/media/games/formula-racing-xgz.swf"00:28
diogoIt's just rsync -av $HOME/Projetos "$HOME/Ubuntu One/My Files"00:28
Chipacadiogo: what happens if you do rsync -avc instead of just -av?00:31
diogoChipaca: For now, nothing.00:32
diogoI will wait some time until more files are processed00:32
Chipacadiogo: ok00:33
Chipacadiogo: also, if after a whiles -avc shows no difference, stop syncdaemon ("quit" from the applet will do, as long as you're not using nautilus to browse the u1 folders), do the rsync -av; if that shows a difference, please file a bug00:33
Chipacawe shouldn't be touching files all the time, if that is what we're doing00:33
Chipacadiogo: (don't forget to apport-collect the logs onto the bug)00:36
diogoChipaca ok, thank you00:36
Chipacadiogo: no, thank you!00:37
lbsjackhi,who is familiar with ubuntuone?01:23
lbsjackIs the folder "Shared with Me"  which stores the files from others?01:24
dobeystuff people share with you :)01:26
lbsjackdobey:thank you.01:29
lbsjackdobey:I want to test the share function.but I only have one account.can you help me?01:30
lbsjackdobey:I share my file ,but it says some does not accepted the share.why?01:31
dobeylbsjack: the person you share to has to accept the share01:32
lbsjackIs the person should have ubuntuone account?01:33
dobeyyes, they need to have an account to access the share, but the e-mail will have a link that lets them sign up01:34
lbsjackdobey:can I share a file with you?01:35
lbsjackjust for test.01:35
dobeyif you want to i guess01:35
lbsjackor you share a file with me?01:35
lbsjackso could you give me your email?01:36
lbsjackMany thanks in advance.01:36
dobeyyou can just share to dobey and it should work01:37
lbsjackok,I share the file testfile.txt with you.can u see it ?01:38
dobeyyou can only share folders, not individual files01:41
dobeyso you probably shared all your files with me01:45
lbsjackI'll try it.01:46
dobeyany files you want to share, you should put in a sub-folder01:50
lbsjackdobey,I see.02:04
lbsjackdobey:are you online?02:33
lbsjackI can not share folders between two accounts,why?02:42
Chipacalbsjack: hi02:56
Chipacalbsjack: why can't you?02:56
lbsjackI created two ubuntuone account and test the folder share function,but it doest work.02:57
Chipacalbsjack: how did you test?02:57
lbsjackChipaca:I share one subfolder from one account,and it says someone doesnt accepted the share.02:58
Chipacalbsjack: did you get the email, and accept the share?02:58
lbsjackYes,I input the friend's email and share the folder.03:01
lbsjackand I check the shared folder,it tells me:*@*.com has not accepted the share you sent 32 min ago.03:02
lbsjackand the stop sharing button.03:02
Chipacalbsjack: ell, *@*.com needs to check its mail and click the "yes, I want to get the stuff"03:03
lbsjackI check the mailbox of mine,the email was returned and cannot sent out.03:05
lbsjackis there a problem with my mailbox?03:05
lbsjackmy mailbox is : mail.qq.com03:06
Chipacalbsjack: I don't know03:06
Chipacalbsjack: try sharing from the webpage?03:06
lbsjackI did it ,but the same as in ubuntuone-client.03:06
Chipacalbsjack: what does the email return say?03:07
lbsjackSorry,I delete it.03:07
lbsjackChipaca:but I can try it again.03:08
Chipacalbsjack: ok03:08
lbsjackChipaca:If I share the folder ok.what can we see in friends interface?03:08
Chipacalbsjack: what name did you give the share?03:09
lbsjacksub dir's name03:09
Chipacalet's say you called it "subdir"03:09
lbsjacksuch as mydir,and the share name is mydir.03:09
Chipacaso you friend would see03:09
Chipaca~/Ubuntu One/Shared With Me/subdir from Your Name03:10
lbsjackin shared with me folder?03:10
Chipaca^ that folder03:10
Chipacasuddenly appear03:10
Chipacaand gradually sync03:10
lbsjackYes,I hope to see it,but it doesnt appear.03:11
Chipacathey first have to accept the share03:11
lbsjackChipaca:Would mind sharing a folder with me?03:11
Chipacanot at all03:11
ChipacaI'll probably unshare it afterwards03:12
lbsjackmy name is linuxshop@qq.com03:12
lbsjackI just test it.03:12
Chipacagive me a while03:15
Chipacaive got to upload something first03:15
lbsjackChipaca:Are u a developer of ubuntuone?03:16
Chipacalbsjack: yes03:16
lbsjackChipaca:It's my honor to meet you.03:16
Chipacawe all hang out in here03:17
lbsjackI have an advice03:17
lbsjackif the folder has been shared ,How can I know it?03:17
lbsjackI suggest the folder icon can display the change.03:18
Chipacalbsjack: in nautilus, it should get a distinctive icon03:18
lbsjackChipaca:can the ubuntu-client-gnome and the web run in the same time.03:19
Chipacalbsjack: or you can do u1sdtool --list-shared03:20
Chipacalbsjack: but that's not as user-friendly03:20
Chipacalbsjack: yes, you can use both the gnome client and the web client at the same time03:20
lbsjackthank you,but Now,in my web interface I can see the shared folder.03:20
Chipacalbsjack: right now notifications aren't hooked up, so you won't "see" changes until it refreshes03:21
lbsjackso How can I see the changs in local folder.03:21
Chipacalbsjack: sorry, I wasn't able to follow03:22
lbsjackor disconnt and reconnect?03:22
Chipacaah, how can you see the shared folder locally?03:22
Chipacadisconnect/reconnect works. I think the client that's out _right_ now has a bug wrt share notifications, too03:22
lbsjackChipaca:I use another account to share a folder to me.03:23
Chipacaso it'll only pick them up on startup03:23
lbsjackOk,I see.03:23
Chipacalbsjack: otherwise you would've gotten the share automagically03:24
Chipacalbsjack: and failing that, u1sdtool --refresh-shares03:24
lbsjackChipaca:I disconnt and reconect,and it work.03:24
lbsjackNow,the shared folder in my local dir.03:24
Chipacalbsjack: you should have an email with my share offer, too03:25
lbsjackChipaca:I have received your email.03:27
lbsjackbut I have tested it successfully,so I will not to test your share.thank u very much.03:28
lbsjackChipaca:In my local folder in nautilus.the shared folder's icon is not changed.03:28
Chipacathe icon should remain the same, but it should have a "shared" emblem03:29
Chipacaorange, IIRC03:30
lbsjackChipaca:I'll check it.03:31
Chipacalbsjack: *maybe* you need to restart the syncdaemon there too03:32
Chipacain which case, let me know03:32
lbsjackChipaca:I quit the ubuntuone applet and then run it again.03:32
Chipacalbsjack: on the computer from which you shared the folder?03:33
lbsjackChipaca:no,I have two clients,client1 and client2,I shared the client2's folder to client1.03:36
lbsjackNow I in client2's web interface.03:37
lbsjackthe icon of client2's shared folder is the same with the folder that didnot share.03:38
Chipacarats :(03:39
lbsjackChipaca:I changed the user account,but the ubuntuone-client-gnome is still use the original user acount.03:39
lbsjackHow can I change the user account in ubuntuone-client-gnome.03:40
lbsjackChipaca:If I did not express myself I'll say sorry to you.Maybe I send you some screenshots.03:42
lbsjackI have a MSN account.03:42
ChipacaI'm not following at all. This is probably due to me being very sleepy. My apologies.03:43
lbsjackChipaca:You are very kind.03:44
lbsjackI'll try it myself.thank you again.03:45
midknihtanyone getting a error after the newest apt update?05:48
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sladenbeen thinking all these "spinning and not doing anything" threads10:08
sladenhow about changing the tooltip from "Working." to  "$last action that caused that state"10:08
sladeneg.   "Working: just started copying 'my/foobar.txt'"10:09
sladenthis would give some backtrace about how the applet was instructed to be in that state10:09
sladenthe second thing would be to have a watchdog add '(no responses for X seconds/minutes)'10:24
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jblountHello everyone!13:11
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: rmcbride | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 134, Protocol Revno is 60 | Release 0.91
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statikthisfred, couchdb and mozjs, whats the story there? Is the new snapshot built against mozjs or against xulrunner-1.9.1 ?14:13
thisfredstatik: I am not sure, and james is off to breakfast, but the wrong one in any case14:13
thisfredstatik: 0.9.0-2ubuntu-5 works on current karmic, so that must do it right14:14
statikyay, thats the one i touched last14:14
statikbut asac is the one who fixed it14:14
statikthisfred, i'm grabbing the sourcepackage out of our ppa now14:15
thisfredjames said something about asac (understandably) not wanting to ship two libmozjses14:15
thisfredstatik: ^ but if 0.9 can be made to work, so can the snapshot I'm sure14:15
statikthisfred, it's built against mozjs instead of xulrunner-1.9.1 so I think thats the problem14:15
statikthis is basically the only diff we have left between debians version14:16
thisfredok, I don't know my mozjs from my elbow...14:16
statiki'll see if i can fix it now14:16
statikand have you review it14:16
thisfredthat would be great, seeing as how james is busy sprinting14:17
thisfredstatik: should I reassign the bug to you?14:18
statikthisfred, hit me14:18
thisfreddone! you rock!14:18
statikhola rodrigo_, hows tomboy going?14:28
statikhey dobey14:35
statikthere are 4 approved branches in the ubuntuone-client queue, feel like running some tarmac-lander?14:35
statikbefore rmcbride does the builds in a bit14:36
dobeysure, i was just about to look at the queue14:44
rodrigo_statik: syncing now, although still a few details missing, which I'm working on right now14:48
rodrigo_statik: but the 1st sync works great14:48
statikrodrigo_, that is great! is the version in ubuntu syncing, or a local build with your patch?14:48
statikrodrigo_, did pitti upload evolution-couchdb for you yet? I saw a comment in REVU that he was going to14:49
rodrigo_statik: the server part is now in trunk, and I uploaded a tomboy package with the patch we used in dublin to our beta ppa14:49
statikbut it was an old comment14:49
rodrigo_statik: no, still waiting for my last evo-couchdb submission to be accepted14:49
statikrodrigo_, can you call pitti or seb and ask them about it? i hate to lose a few days lost in the shuffle - we really need that package in main, it's a key part of the contacts syncing story14:50
statikthisfred, jamesh: so i've rebuilt the couchdb snapshot against xulrunner-1.9.1 and still get the same error. i'm looking through the debug log now14:56
thisfredweird that 0.9 works though. Does trunk require something newer than 0.9 does?14:57
thisfredmaybe I should ask that question in #couchdb :)14:58
statikI wonder if there is a way we can run the couchjs command directly to see the error14:58
rodrigo_statik: ok, riddell is uploading the package now14:59
statikrodrigo_, that was amazingly fast14:59
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
statiki should email riddell a beer15:00
jblountHello Desktop+ people, say "me" to get in line for our daily standup. Format is DONE / TODO / BLOCKED15:00
teknicojblount, you first ;-)15:00
rodrigo_statik: I should have poked them before, I guess :)15:00
jblounturbanape, vds ?15:01
jblountstatik: Go time :)15:02
statikDONE: telephone, some bugfixes TODO: karmic blocker bugs, for always and ever. today is couchdb day BLOCKED: nope15:03
statikrodrigo_, your turn15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: Discussed with arusha about web notes UI. Packaged new json-glib 0.7.6 in beta PPA. Tomboy syncing fixes. Evo-couchdb fixes. Had evo-couchdb finally uploaded15:03
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Change tomboy syncing prefs interface to show many servers. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. File bugs for missing evo-couchdb fields and summary of the fields it uses15:03
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:03
rodrigo_jblount: go15:03
jblountDONE: FACE DUTY, too many calls in the morning15:03
jblountTODO: Finish up interface tweaks for colors and sizes on files ui (never to be named "new" again), start working on popup overlay modal dialog things.15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Having some trouble with couchdb loop ('make start' produces: Desktop CouchDB is not running; starting it. Apache CouchDB has started, time to relax. Desktop CouchDB is not running; starting it. Apache CouchDB has started, time to relax....)15:03
jblountteknico: rocknroll15:03
teknicoDONE: more reviews, completed the branch to remove relative imports, dist-upgraded to karmic15:03
teknicoTODO: landing the branch to remove relative imports, more work on disabling free phone sync after 30 days15:03
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:03
tekniconext: dobey15:03
dobey☭ DONE: Finished #386443, Fixed #362469, #396719, Fixed small issue in new package15:03
dobey☭ TODO: Upload/Download status handling, OAuth 1.0a15:03
dobeyurbanape: your roll15:03
urbanapeDONE: Landed filename truncation, done in Javascript rather than CSS.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Fix more bugs, make files UI (don't have to say 'new' anymore) better.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: Nada15:03
urbanapeCardinalFang: sink your teeth into it.15:03
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:03
CardinalFangDONE: desktopcouch starting/testing tests and patches.  Python patch submitted.15:04
CardinalFangTODO: Gwibber accounts and icon caching.  Ya rly, today.  Daydream about vacation.  More d-c test with thisfred.15:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:04
CardinalFangvds, hey, go!15:04
vdsDONE: helped with various branches, fixed and landed branch to change the name of config files, closed bug related to db in production15:04
vdsTODO: tomorrow I'm out15:04
vdsBLOCKED: no15:04
vdsanyone else?15:04
vdsI guess not15:05
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
statikyou guys rock15:06
statikrodrigo_, so if i install the version from our ppa, tomboy can sync?15:06
rodrigo_statik: with trunk, yes, I posted a video to the 'desktop from vds' share at u1.com15:06
statikrodrigo_, I see the version in karmic is 0.15.5-0ubuntu1, but in the ppa is 0.15.4-0ubuntu2. do you know when the next tomboy upload into karmic will happen?15:07
rodrigo_no, I was planning to submit the patch soon15:08
rodrigo_or should I submit it now?15:08
rodrigo_hmm, in fact, 0.15.5 has been submitted very recently, since yesterday I did the 0.15.4 package from the version in karmic15:09
jblountrodrigo_: That video is fantastic! Way to go :)15:10
rodrigo_statik: I guess I'll just go ahead and submit the patch, to avoid people losing it when upgrading newest versions from karmic, ok?15:11
rodrigo_jblount: glad you like it :)15:11
rodrigo_jblount: there is a 500 error from the server, but don't look at the terminal and everything is fine :D15:11
statikrodrigo_, sounds great! jdobrien mentioned that the redirect problem during oauth exchange is something we are doing on the server side that was a bit weird for the file sharing system - i hope we can remove that for the tomboy oauth15:12
jblountrodrigo_: Working is a form of onde :)15:12
rodrigo_statik: ah, ok15:12
statikrodrigo_, and you are doing an ubuntu patch for defaulting to ubuntuone.com, yes?15:12
rodrigo_statik: I'm just moving the couchdb->tomboy notes code to its own function and calling that from the GET and PUT responses15:12
rodrigo_statik: yes, although that is going a bit slower, but yeah, should have something by begining of next week15:13
CardinalFangthisfred, my same branch, is this any better?15:15
jblountstatik: Reguarding 'public links' it's too bad that the public links link to a version that will cost bandwidth, when the user has the file locally at ~/Ubuntu One/Shared With Me/*15:16
thisfredCardinalFang: will try after contacts skype up15:17
statikjblount, we need to figure out more about bittorrent and cloudfront to help with that15:17
dobeyjblount: how do you know the user has it there?15:19
dobeyjblount: those aren't public links then :)15:19
thisfredstatik: couchdb works in karmic for vds15:20
jblountdobey: Yeah, public links in the way we are implementing in the short term, but you are totally right.15:20
thisfredvds: he symlinked xulrunner manually15:20
dobeyjblount, statik: we could create a custom uri that checked if the user had it locally, and hit the web if not15:20
jblountdobey: Yeah, cause apt links have worked sooo well for us :)15:20
statiklalala i can't hear anyone talking about custom uris15:21
dobeyjblount: this wouldn't be from within firefox though15:22
dobeyie, the user would probably click the link in pidgin/xchat/something15:22
thisfredstatik: vds: this is my xulrunner situation: http://pastebin.com/d36c15bb315:25
thisfredvds: can you paste your output?15:26
statikthisfred, so when i run couchjs inside the pbuilder chroot after building it, ["reset"] prints true, as expected. when I run the same thing on my locally installed version, it doesn't print anything. the basic tests in futon still fail the same way even in the version i'm running in the chroot though15:27
vdsthisfred: statik http://pastebin.com/m7d83fdfc15:29
thisfredok, statik vds has a 100% working couch15:31
statiki wish there was a way to see more than 'exit code 2' from the failed subprocess15:31
statikvds, if you look in /usr/bin/couchdb, what is LD_LIBRARY_PATH being set to?15:31
thisfredstatik: nm, he's on 0.915:32
thisfredan earlier pinning15:32
jameshstatik: looking in /proc/$pid/environ might help15:32
statikjamesh, ooh, good idea. so start couchdb, then try to find it's couchjs subprocess, and check out what environ it has15:33
statiki'll try that15:33
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statikthisfred, jamesh: btw this is the environment i have for testing couchdb packages, that noah helped me set up: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/252547/  I then grab the source package, and build it with pbuilder-karmic build <blah>.dsc, and then in the shell I get run 'make dev;./utils/run' to get that version of couch running15:35
thisfredstatik: thanks, I'll set it up too15:36
statikthisfred, pbuilder-dist comes from ubuntu-dev-scripts package, and you have to do a 'pbuilder-karmic create' once to set up the env15:38
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thisfredstatik: another weird thing: the system couchdb on 5984 gives different errors. It won't let me access it through the browser at all15:41
statikthisfred, odd - i don't have that problem15:43
thisfredstatik: mark also has it15:43
statikthisfred, i found something interesting15:46
statikthe couchjs process that is being spawned is /usr/lib/couchdb/bin/couchjs15:46
statikwhich is the raw binary15:46
statikand not the wrapper script at /usr/bin/couchjs, which sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH15:46
statikat least thats what i see from ps aux. it looks like [query_servers] in default.ini is correctly pointing to /usr/bin/couchjs though15:49
thisfredstatik: ah, maybe our .ini creation scripts mess things up?15:51
statikthisfred, i'm seeing failures in a totally isolated environment away from our code though15:54
dobeyChipaca: what's the bug # for the "need to time out START_WORKING_etc... stuff"?15:54
Chipacadobey: it's linked from the branch... give me a sec15:55
Chipacadobey: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/38631415:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386314 in ubuntuone-client "START_CONNECTING_WITH_CONTQ doesn't time out" [Undecided,Triaged]15:55
Chipacaubottu: dude, you must live *inside* launchpad15:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
* jblount is really glad his phone can stream last.fm for days when pulse is cranky16:14
statikthisfred, so my brain is slowly catching up with this couchdb problem16:19
statikif you run "couchjs /usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js", and then enter ["reset"], what do you get?16:19
statiki get nothing back, which I think is what is causing couchdb to time out waiting for a response16:19
thisfredstatik: me either16:19
statikit's like the loop that reads a line of input isn't returning16:22
statikthisfred, the version i rebuilt locally against xulrunner-1.9.1 is working now that I've installed16:26
thisfredinstalled.... *looooong drum roll*16:27
statikinstalled the locally built version from my pbuilder16:27
statikthe only change I made was to change it to xulrunner-1.9.116:27
statiki'm wondering whether I should try to confirm for sure that was the problem16:28
thisfredcan I help in confirming that?16:28
statikthisfred, it's confirmed! super weird. I edit /usr/bin/couchjs to call xulrunner-1.9.1 instead of xulrunner-1.9 to get the path16:30
statikand then it works properly, printing back "true"16:30
statiki'll upload to the PPA16:30
thisfredstatik: so I think it's because of all the weird symlinks going back and forth:16:35
thisfrederic@thelog:~$ xulrunner -v16:35
thisfredMozilla XULRunner - 200908031116:35
thisfrederic@thelog:~$ xulrunner-1.9 -v16:35
thisfredMozilla XULRunner - 200908031116:35
thisfrederic@thelog:~$ xulrunner-1.9.1 -v16:35
thisfredMozilla XULRunner - 2009081013352816:35
statiki wonder whether the old couchdb in karmic right now is broken too16:36
thisfredstatik: the 0.9.0-2ubuntu5 works just fine in karmic16:36
thisfreddouble confirmed16:36
statikthisfred, trunk did have that patch to compile with the new xulrunner16:37
statikso maybe thats at the core16:37
thisfredmight well be16:37
statikok, couchdb_0.10.0~svn802936-0jh4 is uploaded to -hackers. note the trailing jh4 instead of jh316:37
jblountthisfred: For reference, I edited the utilities/start-desktopcouch file so that I could get some work done. I'm operating under the hope that someone else will run into the problem that I had.16:37
statiknow I must search for foo16:37
thisfredjblount: chad is working furiously on desktopcouch16:38
thisfredjblount: and I should be helping him debug, but for that I have to downgrade again16:38
thisfredstatik: thanks! bon appetit!16:39
thisfredjblount: so, s/downgrade/upgrade/ ! :)16:39
=== fader|afk is now known as fader_
jblount"Static IV: The search for food"16:40
thisfredI  like "the search for foo" as well :)16:40
thisfredvery zen16:40
thisfredI find putting "very zen" after everything you say makes you seem more intelligent. And very zen.16:43
thisfredhmm, now I wonder if I have -hackers, because I'm not seeing the upgrade16:45
jameshmaybe it is possible that rebuilding karmic's couchdb would cause it to stop working16:48
thisfredCardinalFang: improvement! http://pastebin.com/d602e52af -- couch seems to be started 3 times, but only one (with two processes) is left running at the end16:58
thisfredCardinalFang: still a weird twisted error. Replacing twisted testcases with testtools testcases solved that for me16:59
CardinalFangthisfred, pushed changes to test cases.  I'll propose this for merging now.17:07
thisfredCardinalFang: cool, I bet I can do a pretty quick review ;)17:08
thisfredCardinalFang: did you really push those changes, or are you going to? I saw no change after repullinh17:09
CardinalFangthisfred, yes, revno 4417:11
CardinalFangThis is hopefully the last desktopcouch patch for a while.17:12
CardinalFangOnce oauth is worked out with couchdb, then I'm back on it.17:12
thisfredCardinalFang: maybe launchpad lag, got it now, tests pass, preapproved!17:13
jblountpfibiger: "Archers of Loaf" is one of the bands I should like, yeah?17:20
urbanapeI prefer Pinchers of Loaf17:21
urbanapea cover band17:21
CardinalFangWhen my commit summary is 6 condensed lines long, perhaps I am putting too much in one branch.17:21
CardinalFangUncondensed, seven paragraphs.17:22
CardinalFangReviews, anyone?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/getport-at-call-time/+merge/1010517:23
pfibigerjblount: probably yeah. it's pretty angular, fractured stuff17:24
jblountpfibiger: last.fm keeps playing them today, but I couldn't remember if they were on my list.17:26
jblountReasonably enjoyable, will listen more when I have working sound on my laptop.17:26
thisfredjblount: I'm curious whether CardinalFang's branch fixes your perpetual motion couchdb poblems17:27
CardinalFang(if it doesn't, don't tell me about it!)17:28
jblountthisfred: I will certainly test it, let me push this branch first.17:29
thisfredI like arch support loafers17:29
dobeyoi, lots of rain17:31
* thisfred finds 25 Archers of Loaf songs in his library, and has them analyzed so they will join the autoqueue17:32
thisfredWeb in Front is in the pitchfork 500, so you know it's approved17:33
urbanapejblount: that truncating bug is very grrrr-ful. Also, text-overflow only truncates at the end.17:33
pfibigerack. i think they probably just show up if you have chosen pavement, yo la tengo, that sort of stuff.17:33
urbanapeWe might be able to do some sort of black magic hackery to make that work dynamically.17:33
jblounturbanape: I'm all over it, just had to tighten up to 18 character truncating, with less on either side.17:33
jblountThe real problem is character counting vs actual width displayed. Making it weirdly short is more than ok for right now.17:34
dobeymust be monsoon season17:35
jblounturbanape: Have you pointed your massive brain at the "I click the expander arrow and it opens the folder also" bug?17:35
urbanapeI have not, but will.17:35
* jblount loves working with people that are much smarter than he is17:36
urbanapeoh, stop. If my head gets any bigger, I won't be able to leave my office.17:39
thisfredjblount: pfibiger: I have become quite fond of Immaculate Machine and El Olio Wolof, of late. Both have excellent Sessions up at daytrotter.com (still one of my top sources of new music)17:42
CardinalFangjblount, that's some advice of a book statik recommended.  I'll loan it to you one day.17:43
CardinalFang"Be the dumb guy."17:43
CardinalFang( == "seek out environments where people are smarter.")17:43
urbanapewe tried to have a rule like that at Socialtext. "Only hire people smarter than you."17:45
statikCardinalFang, i'm reviewing your call-time branch now18:02
* CardinalFang double-takes at "self.append(...)" in gwibber source code.18:03
statikCardinalFang, so we don't need a TwistedTestCase at all? how interesting18:06
CardinalFangstatik, Yeah.  I don't really understand it.  The tests fail because the twisted.internet.Reactor is "unclean", which (AFAICT) means there are Deferreds still being tracked when we tell the reactor it's okay to go away.18:08
CardinalFang(I just realized that in the last few days.  It was a mystery for too long.)18:09
statikCardinalFang, these all look like great improvements. do we need to do anything special to get the new file picked up in the source tarball when we do a release?18:10
* CardinalFang boggles and looks.18:11
CardinalFangstatik, no, nothing new in that branch.18:15
CardinalFangstatik, Assuming there's no hard-coded debian/rules file somewhere, then it should work the same way.18:15
statikCardinalFang, great! setup.py sdist builds the tarball for release, then we package that18:20
statikCardinalFang, thisfred: are there other critical bugfixes pending for desktopcouch? I'm wondering if this last branch fixes enough issues that maybe we should go ahead and do a new release18:21
thisfredstatik:  nothing pending that I know of18:22
CardinalFangstatik, release it!18:22
dobeystatik: aquarius had a branch that i needs-fixinged and you then rejected18:25
dobeyand he's off in amsterdam or whatever18:25
statikthisfred, you were going to pick up that branch and work on it I think, did anything come out of it?18:26
statikthere were some good docs in it I think18:26
statiki didn't even read the code because i'm a manager18:26
dobeyi think you rejected because tests failed or something18:27
dobeybut i remember it needed to add contrib/mocker.py to MANIFEST.in, since it introduced the need18:28
statikyeah, i didn't want it in the review list because it was going to be superseded18:28
thisfredstatik: the mocker was broken, and I didn't unbreak it yet18:28
statikah right18:28
thisfredI did get to know a little bit about mocker.py18:28
thisfredbut did not yet spend enough time to fix it18:29
statiki was willing to do a branch to fix MANIFEST.in, but mocker.py scared me off, and i gave up and handed it to thisfred18:29
thisfredstatik: also some of stuart's work there may have been superseded by CardinalFang's fixes to the startup18:29
thisfredstuart was fixing the get_port-> start_couch -> timeout -> get_port -> repeat issue, not sure if that was in that branch18:30
statiki found another tarmac bug18:30
jblountstatik: I'm having a hard time finding the bug were you were complaining about the folder list items being too tall. Didn't you say "it scares me" or something similar?18:31
thisfredtalllistitemophobia can be crippling18:31
statikjblount, yes it scares me because it seems so trivial and is so visually disturbing but i have no idea how to fix it18:32
statikand it looks fine in some browsers18:32
rmcbrideI think we should select a very very MENACING looking font for that situation18:39
* thisfred just replicated oauthenticatedly between two couches in karmic!18:48
thisfredstatik and jamesh: thanks for all the work, it's paying off! :)18:48
statikdobey, is there a magic way to see what the output from the test command that tarmac is running is? I'm tailing ~/.config/tarmac/desktopcouch, and it's only got a log message saying the merge worked ok18:49
dobeystatik: hrmm, i don't think there is18:52
dobeystatik: but i think we could easily add something for that18:52
dobeystatik: i also wich lp had a way to do attachments for merge proposal comments... so we could just attach the logs as files, instead of dumping it all in the comment18:53
statikme too18:55
dobeystatik: i bet we could hack up something to just upload files, and then stick the launchpad librarian links in the comment instead...19:25
dobeyalthough, it would also help if my branch to fix the messages would land...19:26
=== jason is now known as Guest84357
Guest84357I added a text file to my ubuntu one folder on one computer yesterday, and I can see it in the web view, but on a different computer today, the file doesn't show up19:37
Guest84357is there a way to force it to sync?19:37
dobeydisconnect and reconnect should cause it to resync19:39
Guest84357thanks - that did the trick19:41
urbanapejblount: I'm glad to see that the disclosure triangle bug is at least bug-for-bug compatible with the previous version.19:43
jblounturbanape: :)19:43
urbanapeI'll check with out rhinos about it. I think this behavior is handled deeper than our code goes, into YUI.19:43
Guest84357actually I take that back - the file shows up now, but it's empty (when I download it from the web it's not)19:43
dobeyGuest84357: it probably just created it, but hasn't downloaded it yet19:44
dobeypatience young padawan :)19:44
Guest84357:/ it's a 2.2kb text file19:44
dobeyyeah, there are some performance issues we're working on19:45
netloreBTW, is this gonna be shipping in karmic?...19:45
dobeyit already is, yes19:45
netloreIs it still gonna be in the "Ubuntu One" folder or anywhere?... I've not tried for a while to figure out why it says my update is "held back"... so it's probably not working on mine now.19:47
dobeyalthough apparently 0.92.0 of the client /just/ missed the alpha4 upload deadline due to a tiny packaging issue :(19:47
dobeyit is currently still only the Ubuntu One folder19:47
dobeyi'm not personally working on any of the code that would determine arbitrary folder usage19:47
netloreAny ideas on a roadmap there?... I'm certainly looking forward to 9.10, it has to shine though, it's gonna be 100% head to head with Win7...19:48
dobeythere are bugs that you are more than welcome to subscribe to and follow discussion on :)19:49
netloreShame MS got their act together really, we could have had Gnome 3.0 on the table to compete... I'll review the bugs, but I think I need to completely remove it and start again as apt/synaptic won't update the package now.19:49
dobeyno, don't!19:52
dobeycan you pastebin the output of "apt-get install ubuntuone-client" please?19:52
dobey(assuming you didn't already remove it first)19:52
jblountrmcbride: Would you mind sharing some random U1 folder with me? joshua@canonical.com20:24
rmcbridejblount: un momente20:24
rmcbridejblount: share on its way20:25
jblountrmcbride: thnx20:25
rmcbrideOMG, TEH PASSWORD TAB IS BACK!!!!1111!20:34
rmcbride^^ a couple of professional software developers up there.20:35
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: rmcbride | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 146, Protocol Revno is 61 | Release 0.92
urbanapehey, statik, you about?20:47
urbanapedietrich (the ff ext dev) is encountering errors trying to get the desktop couch PPA installed.20:48
statikthats terrible20:49
urbanapeI think it's just a misunderstanding of adding the proper sources20:51
urbanapeCan you gimme the link to the PPA again? I don't see it under lp:desktopcouch20:51
urbanape"it seems like it downloads a bunch of files, stops around 53, with the error: "some index files failed to download""20:52
statiki see now that the build failed though20:55
thisfredohai: http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/intelligenttravel/2009/08/ground-squirrel-photo-crasher.html20:55
statikbecause of a dependency on python-distutils-extra >= 2.820:56
dobeystatik: you can remove that dep (or should be able to)21:00
statikurbanape, i hope this guy gives us something useful in return :)21:00
dobeyoh yay, thank you dpkg for being braindamaged21:01
urbanapestatik: heh. Here's hoping. He offered to help with the places syncing stuff.21:02
statiki'll see if i can get this noise built in a pbuilder before uploading to the ppa again so it'll be more likely to work21:03
* statik taps his fingers waiting for pbuilder21:04
CardinalFangI pushed a branch for gwibber.  I'd like some testers of people who use it and have accounts and know how it should work.21:19
CardinalFangIn email, please.  I must go now.21:20
CardinalFangGrr, not there...21:20
jblountCardinalFang: Will do.21:23
jblountHmm. Now to figure out how to run the new version of gwibber.21:24
joshuahooverCardinalFang: i'm going to try21:24
joshuahooverjblount: that was my next question :)21:24
jblountjoshuahoover: The old one (bzr branch lp:gwibber) you could just throw somewhere and do a ./bin/gwibber21:25
* jblount heads to #gwibber to find out21:25
thisfrednetflix delivered season one of the wire (previously gave up after 1 episode) DVD player in laptop region switched, so tonight we'll be trying to spot places we've seen. (apparently a lot of it was filmed really close to here)21:26
jblountthisfred: If you can make it to episode 4, it will be your favorite television show of all time.21:27
jblountAlthough CardinalFang stopped after one episode as well. Hmm.21:27
thisfredjblount: well now that I live here, I have extra incentive :)21:29
=== inkvizitor68sl is now known as ink_away
BUGabundohey kids21:31
BUGabundojblount: gwibber is on arestecnica21:31
BUGabundonot on freenode21:31
statikurbanape, i'm still working on getting a successful build locally21:32
statikof desktopcouch on jaunty21:32
urbanapenp. in the meanwhile, I'm suggesting that he grab bindwood and use the regular 5984 couch21:32
urbanape(it should fall back on that)21:32
jblountBUGabundo: Right you are.21:33
BUGabundoI'm always right :)21:33
BUGabundothe sooner  you get that  the better :=))21:33
statikurbanape, i thought we got rid of the falling back to system couchdb?21:34
statikoh, bindwood, right21:34
urbanapeI think the dbus.sh script still falls back to reporting a port of 598421:34
urbanapeWe probably want to remove that in the near future, though.21:34
urbanapeand just make it gracefully do nothing.21:34
dobeywe don't want to store user data in system couch21:36
urbanapewell, *I'd* like to let the user determine where to store it. Locally, remotely, desktopcouch, or whatever. But that's farther in the future.21:37
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 146, Protocol Revno is 61 | Release 0.92

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