
fernandox64No questions...01:51
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MTec007im trying to find a package that contains most of the following, apache php mysql04:26
th0rMTec007: check into a LAMP server04:28
MTec007i could get the packages individually but i just need a dev server so i can (try) to help with drupal 7 dev04:28
MTec007nothing fancy needed lol04:29
MTec007but, ty, th0r04:29
MTec007lamp isnt in the apt rep?04:29
th0rMTec007: I believe there is a LAMP package,or live cd. LAMP stands for linux, apache, mysql, php (or perl)04:29
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:30
th0rthere you go04:30
MTec007thank you04:30
xubuntuNoob1Hello all.04:36
ballRight, that's it.  I'm getting the Xubuntu box out.05:49
* ball bravely attempts a Jaunty upgrade06:01
ballhello tdn06:18
ochosianyone here who runs karmic?06:47
ballhello ochosi06:49
ochosihey there, ball06:49
ochosiwell, i have an issue with grub206:49
ochosii simply wanted to change the default os from my karmic installation to jaunty06:49
ochosiafaik i need to edit /etc/default/grub for that06:50
ochosibut it doesn't make any difference06:50
yesitisjustmei got a usb to ide adapter but dvdrom only gets detected when a OS is present. Is it possible for usb to ide dvdrom to be detected without a OS like a regular dvdrom?09:49
ablomenyesitisjustme, you want to boot from it? if so you have to check your bios settings, change the boot order so "removable devices [or if its a newer pc, it might detect the cdrom drive itself]" is first09:51
yesitisjustmeya i want to boot from iit09:54
yesitisjustmeit has 4 boot options i see09:54
yesitisjustmeharddrive, cd/dvd-rom, floppy drive, network boot09:55
yesitisjustmedon't see removable devices09:56
ablomenhmm, i think your pc doesnt support usb booting (but you can try settings cd/dvd-rom as first boot priority)09:56
ablomeni guess you would have to make a boot floppy then, that loads drivers to recognise the cd, otherwise just connect the drive to an actual ide port09:57
yesitisjustmecd/dvd rom setting didn't work10:02
yesitisjustmeso like a 98se bootdisk10:02
ablomenwell depends on what you want to boot10:04
ablomenif you want to boot a windows cd, sure, but i guess your in the wrong channel then ;) otherwise i guess you'd need a linux boot disk10:05
micr0xDoes xubuntu fix the intel sound chips problem?13:54
Darth_Tuxmicr0x, what problem, i have intel13:55
micr0xI haven't actually tried xubuntu before, but tried ubuntu, kubuntu and several other linux distroes, and I can't get my intel audio chip working.13:56
Darth_Tuxmicr0x, i would think if it didnt work in ubuntu it would not work in Xubuntu either13:57
Darth_Tuxhave you googled to see what the problem might be?13:57
micr0xyep, I dd alot of googling, didn't have much luck13:59
Darth_Tuxthat happens14:00
Darth_Tuxwhat chipset is it?14:00
micr0xI'm downloading it now, i'll see how far it can go..14:00
micr0xIt's an HP dv6 1105ee labtop14:00
micr0xI wouldn't advice anybody to get that series. I had enough trouble from it already with both linux and windows.14:01
Darth_Tuxi have a dv600014:01
micr0xwith an ATI?14:03
Darth_Tuxsorry, it is early here14:04
micr0xvideo card14:04
Darth_Tuxearly for me anyhow14:04
Darth_Tuxi dont believe so14:04
micr0xnp :)14:04
micr0xI see14:04
Darth_Tuxi am also not running xubuntu atm, shhhh dont tell14:05
Darth_TuxI am using Debian, seems to work ok14:11
zhxk`hello, how to specify ip gate dns respectivly and keep settings permanently?14:45
SilentWarriorhow do i update the clock ? the hour isnt correct15:32
micr0xTried clicking on it SilentWarrior15:35
SilentWarrioryup, nothing happens15:35
SilentWarrioron right click i have several options...to change display etc, but not to actually change the time15:36
SilentWarriorits funny tho xd15:36
micr0xcheck your settings then15:36
th0rSilentWarrior: Settings - Time and Date15:37
SilentWarriorth0r, its updated, its 15 GMT, but the little clock at top didnt change15:37
th0rSilentWarrior: you mean the clock applet in the panel?15:39
SilentWarriormaybe it will update when i start session again15:39
SilentWarriorlike restart session?15:39
th0rI would expect it to change within 60 seconds when the time is updated. You using the analog clock or the date/time applet?15:40
SilentWarriorjust says Clock, its the standard one, that ships with xubuntu15:40
SilentWarrioranyways, i came here to ask something else, and in the meantime i forgot xD so here it is:15:41
th0rSilentWarrior: yeah....the analog clock. Make sure the timezone is set properly in Time and Date15:41
SilentWarriori have a bunch of files that were shared using dropbox, and now i cant access them because they arent owned by me, can only access with sudo, is there a way to make them accessible to everyone so that i dont have to change permitions each time i wanna use them?15:42
ball...though that's to be used with care15:42
ballhello web_knows15:43
SilentWarriorball, too late xD15:44
ballSilentWarrior: :-)15:44
SilentWarriorball, i did a chmod 777 mydir/ -R15:44
SilentWarrioris that bad ? xD15:44
SilentWarriorit is !15:44
SilentWarriorfiles are mostly .rb (ruby) so, dont think its much of a problem15:45
micr0xSilentWarrior: 700 is always good unless you have a reason to share them.15:45
ballIf you want people to be able to run them without the need for people to edit them, try chmod 755 cabbage.rub15:46
ballmicr0x: agreed15:46
SilentWarrior777 means executable to everyone right? cant remember15:47
ball(for executables)15:47
ball777 means that anyone can execute, edit or erase them15:47
cody-somerville777 is read write executable for everyone15:47
ballIs that really what you want?15:47
SilentWarriorball, yeh, i mean, i am a single user for this machines15:48
cody-somervilleDoesn't matter15:48
ballSilentWarrior: 755 is still safer15:48
SilentWarriorand its a dev environment, not production15:48
ball777 invites disaster15:48
cody-somervilleNot to mention 777 will make everything bright green in the terminal15:48
SilentWarrior755 is for what exactly?15:48
ballSilentWarrior: it means the owner can edit them, but everyone can read and execute them15:49
ball(do you know octal?)15:49
SilentWarriornop xD i only know that 777 is to make them accessible ... i am a windows nub15:50
SilentWarriori learn it at school, but cant rly remember, its for user-group-root15:50
ballIn decimal we can count up to 9 before we have to carry to the tens column.  In octal we can count up to 7, but then we have to carry.  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and so on.15:50
ballThe reason it comes into play here is that permissions are done in groups of three bit15:51
ballYou'll sometimes see rwx written down, where r=1 means you can read the file, w=1 means you can write to it and x=1 means you can execute it15:52
SilentWarriorin 745 it means full rights to user... 4 rights to group and 5 rights to admin?15:52
ball(in the case of a directory, x=1 means you can get inside)15:52
ballSilentWarrior: no15:52
ballSo for each file, there are three sets of those three bits15:52
ballthe first three apply to the file's owner15:53
ball...so a 7 there means 111 in binary, which means you can do all three files.15:53
ballthe next three apply to people in the file's group15:53
ball...so a 5 in there means that if you belong to the file's group, you can read it and execute it but not write to it15:54
ball(5 is 101 in binary)15:54
ballthe third set of bits applies to everyone else15:54
ballSo you might see a file that's 750, meaning the owner can do anything to it, people in the right group can read and execute it, everyone else can't read, write to or execute it.15:55
SilentWarrioroh, i am starting to remember, the math for it, i had that at school, but just really quick, like 5 minutes or so, in several years of school15:55
ballSo for document files that are just for you, mode 600 is appropriate15:55
ballthat means you can read and write them, but nobody else can15:55
SilentWarriorin windows we pretty much dont have that, so ... i end up forgetting15:56
ballYou can't execute them but they're document files, so that doesn't matter.15:56
ball6 is 110 in binary15:56
ballIf you've got a document that you want to edit, but you want others to be able to read, 644 is appropriate.15:56
ball6 = 110 = read & write, but not execute15:57
ball4 = 100 = read, but not execute15:57
ball...or write15:57
ballDoes that make sense?15:57
ballI've used a 622 file before, though that's unusual15:58
ball6 = 110 = I can read, write and execute15:59
ball2 = 010 = Other's can't read, but they can write to it. Can't execute15:59
SilentWarriorlike append to it?15:59
ballI used it with a Web form, that wrote to the file, but people couldn't pull data out of the database.15:59
SilentWarriorappend is read+write isnt it?15:59
ballYes, exactly15:59
ballSilentWarrior: append shouldn't depend on the ability to read a file, but perhaps that depends on the software tools you're using.16:00
ballThe OS certainly doesn't object to appending to a write-only file16:00
SilentWarriorball, yeah, because then it wouldnt make much sence16:02
* ball nods16:03
ballhello evilbug16:04
SilentWarriorball, i like how stuff works on linux ... i wish i wasnt tied to windows for most stuff16:07
ballSilentWarrior: give it time.16:07
ballThe file permissions stem from the fact that unix and Linux are multiuser operating systems16:07
ball...so it's helpful to keep people out of each others files, while providing them a way to share files where appropriate.16:08
SilentWarrioryeh, but its not only that... i like how i can use the same system on my 10yr old laptop, and on my cutting edge desktop while keeping all functionality i need, by simply changing the front end manager16:12
SilentWarriorlike xubuntu... to gnome buntu to kde buntu xD16:13
ballThere's probably nothing stopping you from running Xubuntu on modern, fast PCs16:14
SilentWarrioror even... the console, in windows i dont have a "real" console16:14
SilentWarriori am actually running xubuntu on my desktop right now as i speak to u16:14
SilentWarriorbecause i found a very nice theme, darkish that is good on my eyes16:14
SilentWarriorball, apt-get is a god send, even on the "next" + "next" +"next" windows world16:15
ballI have to go16:17
MTec007i need to modify the freedos ISO, i need to add a dos exe, so i can run a BIOS flash program at boot time. what folder would i need to put the exe file in in order for me to be able to access it?16:55
MTec007i already wasted one cd by putting it in the root of the cd16:55
MTec007any one have any ideas17:14
micr0xMTec007: /topic!!17:15
micr0xWhat OS are you using?17:17
MTec007im using xubuntu17:18
micr0xSo why do you wanna flash the bios?17:18
MTec007because i need a new one. why does my reasoning matter?17:18
MTec007if you cant/wont help thats fine.17:20
micr0xI don't understand what you're trying to do here. What does freedos has to do with your bois?17:21
micr0xYou can reset the bios easily though.17:23
MTec007i need dos at boot time, in order to run a program to flash my bios with a new version ofmy bios.17:25
MTec007but i need to put the program on the freedos cd so i can access the program with freedos at boot time17:25
MTec007resetting my bios will not upgrade it17:26
micr0xOk, there are several guides for that. Try googling. Also you can use miniPE liveCD and access your flushing.exe app from rlinux that comes on the cd.17:31
AraneidaeAnybody here understand how xfce stores its state?  I am unable to stop it restoring some randomly chosen desktop configuration when I log on!17:47
Demon|Kinghello is anyone alive that can help me out plz?18:28
Ragamufini am alive, help? we'll see18:30
Demon|Kingo kool18:33
Demon|Kingu still there?18:33
Demon|Kingok i am tring to put the xubuntu on my old imac g3 and i get the black screen which i fixed with the ctrl+alt+f1 but i could only do that with the live desktop cd18:35
Demon|Kinghow can i do that with the install cd?18:36
Demon|Kingbtw is there a way i can config the xorh.conf before i burn to a cd?18:36
Ragamufinis there a mac version of xubuntu?18:37
Demon|Kingya the powerpc version18:37
Ragamufini am in no way an expert on ppp18:38
Ragamufinppc i meant18:38
Demon|Kingdo u know isf there is away to edit a file before i burn to a cd?18:38
Ragamufini don not, i am not much help, huh18:39
Demon|Kingits ok18:40
Demon|Kingi got it to work with the live cd so i know it works and that makes me feel alittle beter lol18:40
Ragamufinis there an install from the live cd?18:41
Demon|Kingi didnt see it18:42
Demon|Kingit just loaded18:42
Demon|Kingthere should be i think18:42
Demon|Kinglol i see it18:43
Demon|Kingits right in front of my face lmao18:43
Ragamufincool, i am great at this18:46
ballIs there some way to make Xubuntu remember my choice of screen mode?  I have to reset it every time I boot.18:55
rgnrany1 has fmodex64 4.24.1619:14
cmwalkerok, lets see. i have 2 xubuntus, one with internet, and one without. the one without needs a system update badly. how can i update it without connecting to the internet?19:45
ballThe one that doesn't have Internet, is it connected to a local area network at all?19:50
cmwalkernope, legally it cannot connect to the internet while ubuntu is installed.19:52
ballThe Internet is not a LAN19:53
cmwalkerball: but its not connected to a LAN either19:54
ballI hear that it's possible to set up a local repository, with local copies of packages and perhaps updates.19:55
ballIf you have a separate machine that you can connect to the Internet, synch its repository, then disconnect from the Internet and connect to your island box, then perhaps you could update from the local repository.19:55
cmwalker_ball: i did not understand a word you just said19:58
ballcmwalker_: Never mind then.19:58
cmwalker_ball: so can you help?19:59
crazygiri have an application that goes fullscreen and covers the taskbar, but grabs the keyboard's focus so switching desktops isn't possible.. any suggestions/workarounds?20:40
forcesctrl + alt + -->20:42
forcesswitch desktop20:42
forcesor alt + click, to move the window20:42
crazygirforces: xfce doesn't have focus on the keyboard20:46
crazygirthe app is rdp20:46
crazygirforces: and this isn't a window.. it's fullscreened20:47
pteagueis there a way to get the non-xfce apps to have the same font size as xfce?  i.e. fonts in kde apps & openoffice are almost twice the size as fonts in xfce terminal, xfce panels, orage, xchat, & firefox & yet they both have a "font size" of 920:58
ballIs Xubuntu Jaunty known to have problems with USB mass storage / iPods?21:00
pteague_workheh, friend of mine sent me a link to http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32393717/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_gadgets/ - You must obey: Unwritten laws of technology - & people wonder why i use linux...21:16
yelloowfireDamn, my Xubuntu don't want to use monitor sesolution 1024x768, someone know how to solve this little thing?21:46
forcesdoesn't*, resolution*21:47
forceswhich video card do you have?21:48
benchikare there screenlets that work under xfce?22:44
Pupuser402hello all... just looking for some support. Is this the right place?22:56
forcesxubuntu support23:01
Pupuser402mmm... anyone could help?23:15

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